t - ... . . . --v v" k-i- i; f-rtv. hi.' r 1 rfvZLMm&TOir, jt.-c. -.SuBTDT MOBNIirG, JuiTB 21, .1885 tMORNING EDITION, SXHE LATEST NEWS. FROM ALL PARTSOF THB WOKLDP FOREIGN. r Aiiotiier Colllerr BxpIolonErtfc- S 4aaka ! Swlerl-GlItoii to -: amU the New BrltUb Ministry. - '.-V' ." z - (Br Cable to the Moraine Star.l T"lohdon Jane , 80th. By an explosion' 1 i V to day in Barley Colliery Pit, at Opedale, v ' . North . Staffordshire, ten persons were -v killed. . . ' '; . Sereral shocks of earthquakes were ex ; y; . "perienced this morning at Berne and Gene-' Cc'var Switzerland. " - -.. Londok, June 20th. Political matters are moving briskly to-day and people are ? taking an active interest in the issue. This '' : morning, Sir H. P. Ponsonby, private sec-f-xvf reUrytotheQueen delivered to the Mar M quia of Salisbury a message from her Majesty. Salisbury immediately tdegraph fVi ed Sir Michael Hicks Beach, Arthur Bur t ;for4 William Henry Smith and Sir Rich- j, ard Asnton uross, ana m a 'eentleman named "were in conference. I - -London, Evening, June 20. The belief ??-&'hhst the Conservatives will accept office is becoming quite general.- It- seems that the inessage wmcu r uuouuuj uwuw rVnnioftf Saliahnrv this morninjr con- tt- iveyedto the Marquis ipformation that Mr. 'ir''Gladatone and members of his Cabinet p5i ?ere willing to give to their successors in r ?i.tt 'office all the aid possible in the conduct of . . ; . the Government. WASHINGTON. :- "- a : FATBlelan's Suicide Klehard T - " - MerHek Snppoeito e Dylns. :- ' . ', By Telecraph to the ICqrnln Star.l - - Washinqtok, June 20. The body of - Dr. Thomas O. Hill, Jr., of this city, was found lying in the grounds south of the jr"5 Executive Mansion early this morning. In v" one of the pockets of the dead man was a. J Ynotefcddressed to his father saying he was : 'v tired of life, being unable to longer stand '' the agony of the illness (Bright's disease) ; with which he suffered. He had conse- r vquentTy taken morphine. . , XVlCiiarU J.. JULdllVIk Ch ncu nuunu jj-. v: jeri-is very ill with congestion of the brain irri and is supposed to be dying. His wife Is also very ui. . NEW yoke:. tbe Stock Rxcnangi Im- norted coniraet Iabor. f t,' ,: Nkw Yokk, June 20. The stock market nas Deen acuve ana strong nearly ail aay. Prices at the opening were in many cases a - hade better than the closing quotations : last evening," and in early dealings there ; was very decided advance made by Van J derbilu, Lackawana -and St. Paul, accom panied by heavy , transactions. After the first hour the market was less active, but a '; - nnnsiderable amount of business continued to be done throughout the day and prices advanced until nearly 1 o dock, when there was a halt and somewhat lower prices for the more active stocks. Lackawana, North Western and Pacific Mail were exceptions by selling lowerthan at opening, and they did not fully recover losses before close, but m Mast hour general list rose to about highest ; -prices of the day, with exceptions indica ted; end Lake Shore, which was heavy f most of forenoon. Brokers report inquiry V from outsiders, who have taken little in- , terest in the market for some time past. viieading brokers say that the programme " seems to be to advance dividend paying stocks first and the lower priced securities later. The bulls say Texas will this year produce the largest crops in the history of the state. The Greatest pains amon? the :f active stocks were made by the New York uentrai ana new jersey Uentral sales 01 207.UU0 shares. Tho ifstmuiilt rt flirt TO T 7a on1 fla l.'r ;R. R. for Mav. 1885. shows'erross earninea . ot $270,334; operating expenses, fU,96. i - .This is a decrease in the gross earning scorn - pared with the same month last year of -r $19,126. and an increase in the operating expenses oi,.$Di,zyu; masing a decrease in net earnings ox f94,42S. - : Wine young girls and a lad arrived at Castle Garden to day under a contract made la lieliast, Ireland, to work for Dunbar, ;McMo8tey & Co.;in the Guilford flax mills, : fciiuaxea at ureenwicn, Washington coun ty, this State,' on a weekly salary of two shillings and eight pence. District Attor- neyjioot will investigate the case, think ing it may be one of importing contract labor, which is a violation of the law passed on February 26th last. BASE BALL. ; Game Played at Various Places. IBt Telesraph to ;the Hornlns Star. f . . t iiAOiuattiyxi, iiuuc xu. aims luiiowiug t ' - is the score of games played to day: . Washington ratipnal 5, Virginia 7. 7- Columbus, G.r-Nashville 5, Columbus 2. v, .Baltimore Baltimore 4, Louisville 5. - Macon, Qa. MacdnO, Chattanooga 4. Birmingham, Ala. Birmingham?, Mem phisl. " '-; ;. Raleigh Raleigh 12, Oxford 5. - c Philadelphia Athletic 10, Pittsburg 4. - Chicago Chicago 5, Buff alo 0. .. : - .Newark, N. J. Lancaster 7, Newark 6. ; : Jersey City Trenton 5, Jersey City 2. . Atlantic city, x. J. ua account of Door : support in Wilmington, Del., the Eastern f: League Base Ball Club, of that city, has ! t 'VH been transferred to Atlantic City, and will r-i; 'it be known as the Atlantic City Club. The -i-'Wilmington club's championship sched V-. -A 'ote will be adopted by the Atlantic City f-Te firrt game was played to-day, and re--T-v : s8Qited as follows : Atlantic City 8 Nor- ioiKi5.,- . -; - . "pr" tATJTJ8TA, - Qa. Augusta " won - second :V gsme from - Atlanta before a large crowd - to day, by a score of 5 to 4. After two months playing the : Southern League now stands,-Atlanta, . first; - Augusta, second: Nasqville, third; Macon, fourth; Colum bus nith; Chattanooga, sixth; Memphis, aeveain; .mrmingnam, eighth. CANADA. wM or laborers in the Balldlns " Trade at Toronto. T By Telegraph to the Morning Star.l ' ' " .Toronto, June 20; In accordance with iS-i0 orderf he.Union, atameetine last .s, -A mgnt, live hundred builders' laborers Atmrfc to day.r The pick and-shovel men went out widi the laborers, and individually, stone masons and bricfc-layerg absolutely refused 4' . 10 accept material from the few non-TJhion laoorers securea by the masters. This ac- vtion was a s'urbrise to the lattpr ftiht nf . ' v.r-wnomve already given notiee of their rS -'acceptance of the increased rate demanded. lone ofthem, however; is a member of the ;- 'iiWwW-ioude' Associatioii. Thatorgan '',z!Io wm fight to the bitter end. The tr- fcuonoi a:ma3or of the SalvaUon Army, ..an offering to provide two hundred laborers. '' " . D BMkF. of Macon; Miss who aabeeaoonnec of ears -vi11 New York mercantUe: houses, bas - v Often ftnnruntcul T, t j .- v - j - r r iau ai ue unevenne v : ' iL 1L Ji;-m v uw most lucrative nosfji S'M$ Indlau lervice. r Department, Signal Bernee j. , s Army. " riiviaf An nf Telfifirrams and Reporta for the Benefit of Commerce and Agriculture. COTTON-BELT BCtUBTIN. r ; - - i -June 20, 15 6 P.M. AVERAGE Districts. : Max. . Min. r Rain . Temp. Temp. . " Fall.. . 88v 58 .00 88 - 60 .00 " 89 " 62 .00 - 89 66 .03 88 - 64 . -.00 . 94 - 66 : .00 ; 94 " 62 .00 94 70 .00 95 73 .00 . 96 70 .00 94 70 .00 93 69 ,00 Wilmington . . Charleston..... Augusta....... Savannah . . . . . Atlanta ........ Montgomery . . Mobile New Orleans . . Galveston. Vicksburg.... Little Bock. . . . Memphis...... Weatber Intfleatlon. The following re tbe indication fo 'c day: ." For theBouth Atlantic States fair weath er, followed during Sunday by local rains, stationary temperature, falling barometer, southerly preceded by easterly winds on the coast. TENNESSEE. AMlsnment of a car Building Com- pany at Chattanoosa. DBy TeleeraDh to the Mornin Star.l ' Chattanooga, June 20. The Wasson Car and Foundry Works assigned to day to H. Clay Evans. Liabilities $70,000 fifty thousand of which is due stockholders on notes. The assets are, nominally $100,000. The works are to be conducted for nine months and then closed out, dollar for dol lar. The failure is lanrjely due to misman agement. BOAT JSACE. Harvard the Winner in the Univer sity contest. By Telegraph to the Xonung Star.l New London, Conn., Jane 20. The Harvard-Columbia University race to-day was won bv Harvard. Official time Har vard, 24 minutes 27 seconds; Columbia, 20 minutes 26 seconds. ELECTRIC SPARKS. The village of Portville, five miles from Olean. N. Y., was nearly destroyed by fire Friday nieht. Loss $75.000 : insurance $25,000. Henry Heiss. a well known journalist of Nashville. Tenn.. died yesterday. He was the only son of the late John P. Heiss who founded the via Washington union ana published the Washington States just pre ceding the civil war. The weekly statement of the Asso ciated Banks shows the following changes: Lioans increase f2,U40,ouu; specie increase $531,900; legal tenders increase $2,031,400; deposits increase $4,155,700; circulation de crease $158,800; reserve increase $460,575 The banks now hold $62,440,500 in excess V Ark A JA S-VA f of the 25 per cent. rule. COTTON R1AHK.KTA. IBy Telegraph to the XornlnB Star J June 20. Galveston, dull at lOic net receipts 151 bales; Norfolk, steady at 10ic net receipts 158 bales; Savannah, dull and nominal at 10 3-1 6c net receipts bales; New Orleans, unchanged at 10c net re ceipts 95 bales; Mobile, easy at 10c net receipts 43 bales; Memphis, dull and steady at 1 Die net receipts 25 bales; Augusta. dull at 10icnet receipts 0 bales; Charles ton, dull and unchanged at 10Jc net re ceipts 4 bales. Quarteriyimestinca. Third Round for the VTilmineton Dis trict of the Methodist . Church, South Carver's Creek Circuit,at Carver's Creek, June 20-21. Cokesbury Circuit, at Salem, June 27-28. Elizabeth Circuit, at Singletary's, June 80, July 1. Wilmington, at Fifth Street, July 4-5. Whiteville Circuit, at Cerro Gordo, July 9-10. Waccamaw Mission, at Lebanon, July 11-12. Clinton Circuit, at Johnson's Chapel, July 16-17. Magnolia Circuit, at Salem, July 18-19. SmithviHe Station (District Conference), July 23-26. Brunswick Circuit, at Zion, July 31, August 1. Wilmington, at Front Street, August 2. Onslow Circuit, at Monnt Lebanon, Au gust 6-7. Duplin Circuit, at Rlchlands, August Topsail Circuit, at Herring's Chapel, Au gust 12-13. Paul J. Cabbawav, Presiding Elder. THE RAILS. The mails close and arrive at the City Post Office as follows: CLOSE. Northern through malls, fast 7:45 P. IT. Northern through and waymau,s.... 8:30 A. M. Raleigh 6:15 P. M. c 8:30 A. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes summed therefrom lncludme A. A. N. C. Railroad, at. . .7:45 P. M. A 8 JO A. It. Southern mails for all points south. daily: ... soi.m. Western mails (C C Railway) daily (except Sunday) 0:15 P.M. Allpoints between Hamlet and Raleigh 6:15 P. M. Mail for Cheraw and Darlington Rail road.... 8.-00 P.M. Malls for points between Florence and Charleston 8:00 P. M. Tavettevule. and offices on Cape Pear River. Tuesdays and Fridays 1:00 P. M. rayettevme, via u. u. a. n., daily, ex cept esuaaays 6:15 F. H. nslow C. H. and intermediate offices. Tuesdays and Fridays s-no a. V. snutnvuie mans, oy steamboat, dauy (except Sundays).. 8:30A.M. nans iornasy um, Town crees, snai- lotte and Little Siver, Tuesdays and Fridays. 2:00 P. M. .WrightsvUle dally at 8oA.M. OrSa FOB DELdVERY. Northern through and way mails...... 7:80 A.M. Southern malls 9.30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad.. . 8:45 A. M, Stamp Office open from 7.30 A. M. to 8 P. M. Money uruer and register Department open 8.-00 A. JL to 5:00 P. H. continuous. Mails collected from street boxes from bust ness portion of city at 5 A.M., 11:30 A.M. and 530 P.M.; from other parts of the city at 5 P.M. and 5 A. M. Carriers delivery open on 8unday from 8:30 to :30 A.M. General delivery open from 7 A.M. to 6.00 P.M and on Sundays from 850 to 9:80 A. M. Railroad time, 75th meridian. C1TX ITEMS. A DOWN TOWN MERCHANT, haying passed several sleepless niehts. disturbed bv tbe furrme and cries of a suffering child, and becoming con vinced that Mrs. WinsloWs Soothing Svrup was Just the article needed, procured a supply for thef cnua. ya reaenmg nome and acquainting bis wife with what he had done, she refused to have it administered to the child, as she was stromrlv In favor of Homoeopathy. That night the child passed in suffering,and the parents without sleep. Return- ing home the day following, the father found the Lome we aay iouowing, tne xatner found the ' still suffering r and while contemplating an- oaoy Kiu sunermg r ana wnue contemplating ax ouusr Bieeyieaa .niguh. uia motner stepped irom the room to attend ta some domestic duties and left the father with the child. During her ab sence he administered a portion of the Soothing Syrup to the baby, and said nothing. That night all hands Blect welL and the little fellow awoke in the morning bright and happy The mother was delighted with the wonderful change, and al though at first offended at the dAcention nraw tlced upon her, has continued to use the Syrup, have disappeared. A single, trial of the SyrupJ zr Ar" lttlr"i. 40 reiwve wo Daoyr ana over - prejudices of themothar.. Sold by all uwo. oDHk dohw. .r .. v yv " 7 Our Chureh-Calenaax St. John's Church, comer of Third and Bed' Cross streets. Rev. J. Carmlchael. D. D., Kector.., Third Sunday after Trinity. Holy Communion, at 30 a. m. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock. Bun day iSchool at 0.00 p. m. Brenlog Prayer at 6 o'clock. - - . - - ' - Bt. Paul's SDlscoml Church, corner r jrounu and Oranreatreets. Eev. T. M. Ambler. Eector. Mornlnff Praver at 11 o'clock: Evening .Prayer at o'olook. Seats free. " . ' ' - ' i'"m Front Street M. B. Churoh, ; soutn, eorner 01 Front and Walnut streets. Rev. Dr. B, A. Yates, pastor. Serrlces at 11 a.m. and 8 p. m. Sabbath school at 8 p. m., W. M. Parker, superintendent. Prayer meeting and lecture Wednesday evening at 8 o'elock.. Christian Association Tuesday evening after first and third Sabbaths at 8 o'clock. Seats free and strangers and visitors cordially Invited. - . jnrtn street u. s. unurcn, oetween nno sou Church, Rev. H. D. Tuttle, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Class meeting at 3 p. jn Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8 o oik. Second Presbyterian Church, corner Fourth and Camobell streets.- Rev. J. W. Primrose, vas ter. Services at lit a. m. and 8,15 p.m. Sabbath school and Pastor's Bible Class at i p m. Prayer meetlne Wednesdav at 8.15 p. m xoung en a meeting Thursday 8.15 p. m. ' xirst uapusi cnurcn, corner oi rum ket streets. Bev. T. H. Pritchard. D.D., pastor. Sunday school at 9 a m. Services at 11 a. m. and 8.15 p.m. Prayer and Praise meeting Thurs day night at Sf4 o'olk. St. Paul's Bvangelieal Lutheran Church, corner Sixth and Market streets. Rev. F.W. B. Pesohau, pastor. Bnglish services at 11 a. m.; German prvlces at 8 p. m. Sunday school at 9.90 a. m . Wi H. 8tuas, sup't. ' - at. Mant's jcpiscopai unurcn, comer o i diuu sTirl MnlhArrv atreta. Services as follows: Sun days, Moramg Prayer at 11 o'clock; Evening Prayer at 6 o'clock. Sunday school at St. Bar- naoas scnooi-noase at p.m. wiuiniuuuu u at Churoh at 4J p.m. Seats free. . - St. Thomas Pro-Cathedral, on Dock street, between Seoond and Third. First Mass at 7.00 a. m.; High Mass and sermon at 10.80 a. m.; Vespers and Benediction at 4 p. m.; Daily Mass at 7 a m. Services at the Seaman's Bethel tnia mora ir e at 11 o'clock, conducted by the Rev. D. C Kelly, Seats free. The public are cordially invited to attend. Christ Church (Coneregatlonalist), Nun street, between Sixth and Seventh. Rev. D. D. Dodge, minister. Preaching services at 11 o'clock a. m. and 8 o'clock p. m. Pastor's Bible Class at UH p. m. Prayer and Praise meeting, Wednesday, " o'clock p.m. Sunday school, 8 o'clock p. m, in Memorial Hall, comer 7th and Nun streets. Brooklyn HaU Sunday : school at s.ao p. m. Preaohingby the Rev. Mr. Eellevat 7.80 o'clock P. M. The publio are oordlally invited to attend. Trinity M: B. Church, on BrunswicK streevDe- tween 6th and 7th. Rev. K. C. Campbell. P. C. Divine service at 11 a, m., at 3 p. m.. and 7MP.m. sunaay sonooi at a. m. nayer meeung wea- nesday evenings. Glass meeting Tuesday eve nings. . ..' .. The All-Souls Christian union nom religious services at Tileston Upper Room, every Sunday afternoon at S o'clock. The publio are Invited. Free Will Baptist Church, on eorner or Bladen and Ninth Streets. Rev. Willis Wooten, pastor. Services at 11 a. m.. 8 d. m. and 7 p.m. 8eoond Advent Baptist Church, corner Church and Sixth streets. Preaohlng at 11 o'clock a. m. and 8 o'clock p. m. Sabbath school at p.m. uev. v. Jung, pastor. Mt. Olive A. M. B. Churoh. corner of Second ana Dawson sts. Rev, J. B. Barham. pastor. Divine services as follows: At 11 o'clock, a. m.: S p m.. and 7tt D. m.: class meeting at 12 o'clock n.. Sabbath school at9, a. m. First .BaDtist Church, corner Fifth and Camp bell streets, Key. A. M. Conway, pastor. Preach ing at n a. m., sp.m. ana 7.su p. m. ;5aDDam School at 8 p. m. wooten 8 una pel. corner oi jNintn ana rsiaaen streets. Rev. Willis Wooten, pastor. Services at 11 a. m., 3 and 8 p. m. Sunday school at 9 a. m. Fust Bapust Church, corner seventn ana Kea- Cross streets. Elder a Sploer, pastor. Services at 11 o'clock a. m., and at S and 8 o'clock p. m. Sabbath school at 4 p. m. St. Luke's A.M. B. Church, corner of Seventh and Church streets, Rev. S.B.easkell, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m., 3 p. m. and 7.30 p. m. Sun day school at 13.80 p. m. MsaaaanaaaaaaaaMHaawMsaMMMBMaeHMasHiM Bock Lime, ttiok BUILDINQ PURPOSES. F FRESHLY BURNED PRICE REDUCED TO 81.16 PBR CASK. LrafTRAT. DISCOUNT FOR LARGS LOTS ANL TO THB TRADB. Address FRENCH BROS., Rocky Point, N. C or O. GARSLET, Jr., ap litf su tu fr Wilmington. N. C. Water Coolers. VTATER COOLERS AND OTHER NEW goods just received and for sale low, at GILES & MURCHISOS'S, Opposite New Market. je 21 tf Examine Your Trunks, BAGS AND SATCHELS pairing or covering 4 TP THEY NEED RE- or covering call onus and have it done by the only Trunk Maker in Wilmington. In stock, a foil line of Trunks, Saddlery Goods, Carriages, Buggies and all Kinds or Vemclea And all at lowest prices. McDOUGALL A BOWDEN. je 2! tf 114 North Front St. Wanted, 250 CORNfiR SQROCERYM1. TO GIVE AWAY ICE to their customers. Call end see us. Je 17 tf W. B. DAVIS PON. Notice. JR. BRANCH T. MORGAN, (OR HIS HEIRS), who formerly lived In North Carolina, and was in Texas in 1836, may be profited by addressing 4. xl. Cv.LLBT r, jel7 2w at Austin, Texas. Bird Garden and Flower Seed. ALSO, LEECHES. Hamburgh Tea, Hamburgh Drops. Hamburgh Planter, to., Ac Prescriptions filled at all hours at F. C. MILLER'S, mh 14 tf Corner of Fourth and Nun Streets Notice. T HAVE THIS DAY QUALIFIED AS AD MINIS trator of the estate of C B. Tennell. deceased Debtors are requested to make immediate pay ment. Creditors will present their claims on or oeiore juty vtn, icso. O. FENNXLL, Jr., Adm'r. May 9th, 1885. bu my 10 Bw Ice ! Ice ! Ice ! THE SCHOONER ISAAC ORB ETON HAS AR X rived with a careo of the best MAINE FLINT IOE, whloh I offer to seU at ONE-HALF CENT PER LB. at my Ice House on Dock street, or at any of my Ice Depots, or will deliver at the above price. Lower prices for large quantities. Coun try patronage respectfully solicited. Special at tention given to the Wholesale Trade. A good jluub iorsaie. a. a. . auukjns. mv 21 tf Proprietor New Ice House. Stationery ALL KINDS. SUITABLE FOR MER J chants, others. We make a specialty of Blank Books bO A. OOLUrJiB. UKWTEri. ifllirilHLHra H 1111 ana stationery tor tne use or counties and County Officials. . Orders for Engraving Checks, Drafts, Notes, School' Trogrammes. Invitations. visiting Cards, &c, will meet with prompt at- wauun hi . . Jel4tf YATES' BOOKSTORE. 1 Out of Every 7 ACCIDENT raSURANCE POLICIES ISSUED pays a claim for indemnity or a. tntal lnna on account oi aeau. Persons insure their dwelltasw turalnat flrn when the probability of the dwelling's burning is immensely less than the probability of an ao- cmeut nappenmg 10 tnemseives. , Policies are Issued for anv amount from 500 u io,wu, at a cost ox irom vz.ftu a im to S50. These Policies hat a. weeklv lndamtiitv in ease of accident, and pay the whole amount of roucy u a earn ensues witbin tnree months. no meaicai examination is necessary. , - Apply to M. B. WILLARD, Agent, Je 10 tf 214 N. Water St. Beeswax,. smaii commissions by i JOHN R MARSHALL, General Commission Merchant, No. 24 North Water Street, Wllmlnirton. N. C. - Retail dealers- will do well to give him a call. Consignments from farmers and village mer- BU.ni.il iwqwcwiuij QlKHteo. my K4 ixm, Wtf Geo. W, Price, Jr.; Auctioneer and Cwnmissiqn Merchant I YmCB AND SALES ROOMS, 215'KABKBT given the sale of Goods. Wares, Merchandise, "i o.. on consignment, ana a uenerai commission Buslneaa. 8TR1CT- attention to bnslneas, and tLMCtt. returns oi sates. t -v s-;? my is tf HONEY,WHORTLEBERRIES,EARLY FRTJITS, Eggs, Chickens, Smoked Meats, Dried Fruits and Countrv- Prodnce ranerailv. nm mlii nn W ! KM IN 6TON ' MARKET STAR OFFICE. June 20. 6 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE 'The market was quoted firm at Zi cents per gallon. with sales reported of 25(Xcaska at that price. COTTON , AND NATAL STORES- WEEKLY STATEMENT. " - ;" ; RECEIPTS v ' " - For the week ending June 30, 1885. Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude. 38 1.829 5,094 637 1.161 RECEIPTS From June 14 to Juno 21, 1884 " . Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Uruto 14 2.483 6,714 ' 214 1.072 EXPORTS For the week ending June 20, 1885. Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. 422 000 Tar. Crude. Domestic 198 645 1,530 1.407 000 000 Foreign. . 000 000 Total . . 198 845 423 1.530 1.407 EXPORTS From June 14 to June 21. 1884. Cotton. Svirits. Rosin Tar. Crude. Domestic 37 405 2,540 466 l,o65 Foreign. . 000 2,750 2,408 000 150 Total.. 37 1.105' 4.948 466 1,515 STOCKS Ashore and Afloat, June 20, 1885. Ashore. Afloat. Totals. Cotton 402 Spirits. 1,741 7 409 1,357. 3,098 5,905 103,806 000 2,496 000 784 Kosin 97,901 Tar.. 2,496 Crude 784 STOCKS Ashore and Afloat, June 21, 1884. Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude. 859 3,204 75,609 2,039 1,952 QUOTATIONS. June 21, 1884. Z June 20, 1885. Cotton . Spirits. Ill 10 34 i 90 95c 1 10 110 1 90 27 95 1 25 Kosin . 00 Tar. . . . Crude.. Grain, Provisions and Cotton. The following is a summary of the Chi cago Grain and Provision market and New York Cotton market, , as telegraphed yes terday, by direct wire, to the office of Mr. John R. Turrentine, in this city, at 3 P. M. : Chicago. June 20, 1885. John R. Turrentine, Wtlmtirgton. N. C: Wheat has been quiet, but on the whole cables were better and the local crowd were disposed to buy on a very little break. Au gust opened at 92tc and closed at 93c. Our estimate is that the visible amount show, a decrease of 200,000 bushels, and as the amount on passage decreased 1,500,000 last week there is a fair prospect of some out side demand for large stocks of spring wheat The strength in tbe New York stock market helped wheat, we think a good many longs have unloaded. The crowd have the wheat and the big fish would like to shake them out and get in again at lower figures. Cora closed about where it opened, the fluctuations being very narrow though there was a good deal of trading at times. We think tbe visible amount will show over 1.000,000 bushels decrease, and that the to tal amount in sight and in transit will not exceed 3,000,000 bushels. Large receipts are anticipated for the next few days. If we get a break next week would buy for a turn. Provisions dull. The large receipts of hogs nave a depressing, effect. Tbe stock of lard i$ light and prices are low. The hog product, particularly meats and lard; ought to be a purchase, barring yellow lever. NEW YORK COTTON MARKET. The market opened steady at some 3 to 4 points better than Friday's close, continued quiet and steady during the day, and closed at about the opening prices, with sales of 88,100 bales. IMM KMX IC IKAIIH ic-r . I By Telegraph to the Morning Star.l Financial. ' Wkw York. June 19, Evening. Sterling exchange 495i. Money 1 per cent. Gov ernments strong; four per cents 123$: three per cents 103f. State bonds strong. Commercial. Cotton steady, with sales of 1,242 bales; uplands 10 7-16 cents; Orleans 10 9-16 cts: consolidated net receipts 1,832 bales; exports to Ureal isritain oaa oales.to the continent bales, to France 5,379 bales. Southern flour steady. Wheat spot ilc lower; No. red nominal; June $1 00J1 01J; July si ui(mi uz. uorn spot lOAHc lower. closing firm; ungraded 5255fc; ungraded white 52c; No. 2 June nominal at 54Jc; July 53i54fc. Oats cash ilic lower; jno. z, 37f37c. Uoffee fair Kio on soot steady at $8 87 ; No. 7 Rio on spot $6 80; J uly $6 75. Sugar firm and moderately acuve; ceniruugai oc: rair to eood re finiBg 55ic; refined firm. Molasses steady. Kice firm. Cotton seed oil crude 3285c; refined S839c. Rosin dull. 8pirits turpentine weak at 87ic. Pork dull and nominally unchanged ; mess on spot $11 50; middles dull. Lard a shade lower-and dull ; western steam on spot $6 82; July $6 83 6 84. Freights to Liverpool steady cot- ion id; wheat aid. -Cotton net receipts bales; gross re ceipts bales. Futures closed quiet and steady; sales of 38,100 bales at the following quotations: June 10.2810.80c; July 10.29 10.30c: August 10.8810.89c; September 10. 17 10. 18c; October 9.97c; November 9.87c; December 9.889.90c; January 9.96 9.97c; February 10.0610.08c; March 10.1810.19c; April 10.2910.30c. r Chicago. June 20. Flour unchanged. Wheat opened Jc higher and closed a shade better than yesterday; June 8889c; July 89i90ic; August 91,92fc; No. 2 red 94fc. Corn quiet and generally a shade easier, but closed about the same as yesterday; cash 47c, June 47ic; July 46 46 Jo; August 46C.Oats dull and closed i fcunder yesterday; cash 82Jc; July 821 82fc; August 28c. Pork mess dull and closed 15c under yesterday; cash $10 20 10 25; July $10 17i10 25. Lard steady and closing a shade easier; cash $6 60 6 62,; Jul $6 62i6 65; August $6 70 6 75. Boxed meats steady; dry salted shoulders $3 753 80; short rib $5 30 5 82i; clear $5 805 85; Whiskey firm at $115. Sugars unchanged. St. Louis, June 20. Flour lower and weaker. Wheat active, very unsettled and closed lljc below yesterday; No. 2 red cash S9ic; July $1 001 02, Corn dull and lower; No. 2 mixed cash 43i44c; July 44fc. Oats irregular ; cash 33S3ic ; June 33c; all the year 24f24Jc. Whis key'steady at $1 13. Provisions quiet and unchanged. . Bavaknah, Ga., June 20. Spirits tur pentine firm at 84c; sales 100 bbls. Rosin steady at $1 M 15; no sales. , . Chablebtoh, 8. Gf. June 20. Spirits turpentine nominal and 85c asked. Rosin steadystrained 95c; good strained $1 02,. . . : ; POBBIQlf ilAUKETfl. . ' ' ' ib y pable to the Mernhur StarJ ' " JONOOK, June - 20, 5 P. M. Spirits turpentine flat; spot 27s d; July and Au gust delivery- 27s 6d; September and De cember delivery 27s 84. .-. - -r MARINE. port Almanme June 21. Sun Rises;.;-; .;.-.'. '. 'V;i '. . , 5.12a.m. Sun Bets ..... . ..... , . . . : 7.31 P. M,' Hieh"Water at BmllLville, : . . 3 35 Morn: High. Water at Wilmington. . : G.S&Mara pay Liengtn..thr. . . . , , . , . - 11 .4 vm. ARRIVED.. Stmr Passport, Harper, Smithville, mas ter. v. Stmr Louise, .Woodsides, Smithville, master. Stmr D Murchison, Bmitb, Fayetteville, G W Williams & Co. . Br brie Swif tsure, 199 tons, Stuart, Bos ton, Mass, .Geo Harms & Co. Schr Thoff Sinnickson, 260 tons, Hearn, Philadelphia, Geo Harriss & Co, with coal to J F Divine, supt Schr C H Macumber, 420 tons, ltumili, New York, E G Barker & Co . Schr Robert Ruff, 219 tons, Mackeprang, Boston, E G Barker & Co. CLEARED. Stmr Passport, Harper, Smithv.Ule, mas ter. Stmr Louise, Woodsides, Smithville master. Stmr D Murchison, Smith, Fayetteville. G W Williams & Co. Stmr D J Black, Paddison, Point Cas well, master Schr 8 H Levin, Pardee, Fernandina. Fla, Geo Harriss & Co. Schr Jas Baymore, Burdge, Philadelphia, Geo Harriss & Co. EXPORTS. COASTWISE. New York Steamship Benefactor 51 bales cotton, 533 bbls spirits turpentine, 206 do rosin, 1,150 do tar, 111 do pitch, 161 do crude turpentine, 44 do potatoes, 44. bags chaff, 37 cases tar, 30 pkgs H H goods.2,000 juniper headings, .15,174 feet lumber. Philadelphia Schr Joseph Baymoie 202.264 feet lumber, 31,175 shingles. MARINE DIRECTORY. List of Vessel n the Port of Wilming ton, N. C, Jane 21, 1885. (This list dues not embrace vesselB under Co tons. I BARQUES. Verein (Ger.), 453 tons, Jahnkc, E Pes ehau & Westermann, C L Weyer(Ger.), 418 tons, Frenk, Liver pool, E Peschau & Westermann. Insula Capri (Nor.), 410 tons, Danielsen, C P Mebane. Frey (Nor.), 281 tons, Halvorscn, Heide & Co. Maggie Brown (Br.), 564 tons, Davis, Pat erson, Downing & Co. BRIGS. James Miller, 302 tons, Crccker, E G Bar ker & Co, loading for New York. SCHOONERS. C H Foster, 385 tons, Coombs, E G Bar ker & Co, load in e for Granada, W I. Natividad (Span.), 170 tons, Gonzales, A E Doebele, agent for owners, repairing. Walter W Pharo, 260 tons, Randolph, Geo Harriss & Co, loading. Jeseph Baymore, 296 tons, Burdge, Geo Harriss & Co, loading for Phila. Jennie Middleton, 340 tons, Hatch, Geo Harriss & Co, discharging. Anna E Valentine, 300 tons, Chambers, Geo Harriss & Co, loading for Phila. Jennie N Huddell, 265 tons, Henderson, Geo Harriss & Co, discharging. S H Levin, 369 tons, Pardee, Geo llarriss & Co, discharging. R S Graham, 342 tons, Avis, Geo Harriss & Co, discharging. List of Vessels Up, Cleared or for tola Port. sailed The following vessels are mentioned In the New York Maritime Register as be In up and cleared for this port : BARQUES. FJellstdet (Nor.), 477 tons, Andersen, from Liver pool May 12. - - Frtodrick WUhelm IV. (Ger.), 309 tons, at Ply mouth April 10. Texas (Ger.), C91 toes. Loof, sld from Hamburg Mav is. Tbeodor (Nor.), 233 tons, Andersen, sailed from London If ay 4. BRIGS. Der Wanderer (Ger.), L230 tons, Strubing, from Hamburg, April 11th. U N1TED STATES OP AMERICA. District Court of the United States. Fcr the District of Cape Fear. In the Eastern District of North Carolina. Whereas a libel has been filed In the District Court of the United States, for the Cape Fear District. In the Eastern District of North Caroli na, on the 19th day of June, 1885. by The Insur ance vomsany or. norm America, UDeuants, against tbe Schooner Isaac L. Clark, her tackle, apparel and furniture, alleging, in substance. that the said Ubellants had an undivided one eighth part of said vessel insured against the pe rns or we sea, ana otner penis in tneir policies of insurance mentioned, in the sum of Two Thou sand Dollars ; and alleging, further, that the said Schooner was thereafter, to wit, about the 1st day of December, 1884, while on the high seas, on a voyajre from Fernandina to Philadelphia. stranded on Stump Sound Beach, on the coast of unsiow uounty, in tne state oi nortn Carolina; that the said vessel was thereupon abandoned by the matter and crew, and this libellant aocept- ea suon aoanaonmenc Ana alleging, inrther, that after such abandonment the Ubellants ex pended, on account of the said, vessel, for labor, dockage, railway and other charges, the ram of $1274.57; that no part of the said sum has been repaid the Libellants, either by the owners of any of the other shares In. said vessel, or by an; other person claiming any interest therein; am ne: av proving process against the said vessel, and that saia vessel, ner tacue, apparel and furniture mav be condemned and sold to pay the said sum of $1274.67, with costs, charges and expenses ; and the residue thereof to be paid to the owners of said vessel, according to their respective-interests, or to whomsoever may be entitled to re ceive the same. Now, therefore, in pursuance of the monition under the seal of the said Court, to rae directed and delivered, I do hereby give publio notice to all persons claiming the said vessel, her tackle, apparel and furniture, or in any manner interest ed therein, that they be and appear before the next Dlstrlot Couit, to be held In the City of Wil mington, in the Cape Fear District, in the East ern District of North Carolina, on the 1st Mon day after the 4th Monday in October, 1885, then and there to interpose their claims, and to make their allegations in that behalf. Dated 19th day of June, 1885. J. B. HILL, U. S. Marshal. -per S. H. MANNING, ' U. a Deputy Marshal. Mabsdkh Bmxax r, Proctor for Libellant. Je20tJy4 Groceries Never Cheaper. JF IT EVER WAS THE CASE, EVERT BODY can now live within their, means, by buying their Groceries where they can get them cheap est. I am in position at all times to offer advan tages of some kind. Elegant Canvassed and Naked Hams at 12f$o per pound. But don't forget that the "Spring fields1' are the finest flavored. Fresh Peaches Just received, and for sale In any measure. Grown and Spring Chickens for my customers. Also Eggs, at wholesale and retail. ' Sugars have been up one cent per pound, but are now down again, and my prices have re mained at the lowest notch. Stevenson's Family Flour for $5 75 per barrel, Is the best value In the city. Java, Lagoayra and Rio Coffees roasted daily J 20 tf J. C. STEVENSON. The Lincoln Press. PUBLI8HID EVERY FRIDAY, AT LINCOLN TON. N. a. py J OHN CV TIPTON, Ed'r and Prop'r. JPKKSS Is acknowledged, by those who have tried it, to be one of the best Advertising Mediums in Western North Carolina. It has a large and steadily increasing patronage in Lin coin, Gaston, Catawba, leaveland, Burke and Mecklenburg counties. Advertising rates libe ral. Subscription $1.60 per aamwnr: ntfiir ST said vessel, her tackle, onvsi nmnm l Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel ot purity, stremrth and wholesomeness. Mora enrainmlnni than ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold inooml petition with the maltltude of low test, short weignc, aium or pnospnate powders, sola only in cans. Wholesale, by ADRIAN & TOLLERS. nov241v nrm tooorfrm 4p nov24 THE QUESTION AEISES ) WHERE TO GET The Best G-roceries ! FOR THE LEAST MONEY? WE WOULD AD VISE YOU TO TRY P. L. Bridgers & Co., for, besides selling on SMALLER PROFITS, the goods are delivered promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. Nenfchatel Cheese (Tuesday's steamer), Phillips' Digestible Cocoa, Candies Fresh from Eoyster's. CIGARS! CIGARS! The finest line in the city of ,5 AND 10 CENTS CIGAR3. If yon want a good smoke step into BRIDGERS' STORE and get it. P. L. Bridgers & Co., 110 North Front St. je 7 DAW tf Groceries, ProTisions, Tobacco, &c. 150 0 BbL PL0UR srade8' 9Q Bags COFFEE, Rio, Laguyra, Java, ij Boxes D S. SIDES and BELLIES, 25 " Smk'd SIDES and SHOULDERS 2 Firkins BUTTER, Tcs, Tubs and Cases LARD, ; 5Q Bbls RICE, whole and broken,! Boxes CRSAM CHEESE, 25Q Bbls SUGAR, all grades, 9 A A Bbls and Boxes CRACEEBS JUU and CAKES, 200 xe gra J5 Q Bbls POTATOES, 5Q Bbls TURNIPS, Hhds Cuba and P. R. MOLASSES, 50 Bbls N- - MOLASSES, 250 Bbls and Half Bbls MACKEREL, 250 Klts MACKEREL, 20X68 SOAP, Candles, Lye, Potash. Starch, &c For sale at low figure), mh 22 it ADRIAN & VOLLERS. "Fire-Proof Oil" TS BETTER THAN "KEROSENE OIL, OR JL any other Burning Oil. Can be used In any lamp For sale by HOLMES & WAITERS, 7 North Front St. -HENRY HAAR, 701 Chesnut St. WM. OTERSSN, corner 6th and Market. GIESCHEN& BRO., corner Chesnut and McRae. P. H. SMITH, corner 4th and CampbelL ' J. C. STEVENSON A CO., 617 North Fourth St. B. H. J. AHRENS, corner 7th and Market Sts. J. C. STEVENSON, 131 Market St. H. SGHULKEN, corner 4th and Walnut Sts. J. H. BOESCH, No. 801 North Fourth St. GEO. M. CRAPON, No. 22 8outh Front St. GEO A. PECK. No. S9 South Front St. Watch this list and see it grow. mh 29 tf DOOBS, . -blihstids. TIIE VERY. BEST MATERIAL USED, AND none but the most skilled workmen employed not an apprentice boy in our shops Our WHITE ASH INSIDE BLINDS and DOORS, and Hard Oil Finish, will equal any In the world. Je 15 tf PARSLEY & WIGGINS. CARLTON HOUSE, Warsaw, Dnplin County, i.e. QN LINE OF WILMINGTON AND WELDON Railroad, 55 miles from Wilmington. Table always well supplied with the best the country affords. Rates of Board very reasona We, H. J. CARLTON, dec 31 DA Wtf ' Proprietor. By Express This Day, JNDIA MULL, LINEN DE IRELAND, BATISTE CLAIRE, PARIS MULL, VICTORIA STRIPES, and FRENCH PIQUE, with MULL TRIMMINGS to match. Js 13 tf JNO. J. HEDRICK. Ottawa Beer, QINGERALE, SODA, MINERAL WATERS, ICE COLD, at - IBBIGGS' PHARMACY. JelStf Manhatta and Chariot CAN'T BE BEAT (OUT OF THE OUItSTION), In this or any other (market. It la the best Five Cent Cigar made. Sold only at , C if. HARRIS' Popular News and Cigar Store. Reading Rooms in rear. Only Fifty Cents per month. jelitf Ice Cream. LL WE ASK IS A TRIAL jJl? , : ' OF OUR ICE CREAM, and you will continue to buy of ' -. . - MRS. B. WARREN, 1 jeMtf Parlors, 113 ft 115 North Second St. JERSEY waists JERSEY WAI.T IS so PPLTr AK It has become an indispensable ei?la- d,'s wardrobe Comfortable, perfect Sam convenient, nothiuir also , - " resits tlW . everythlngelscover-prodacuouha., prices, and we are 9-liinn. 'hem n at haif price. AN IMMENSE VARlBTi op Hani-Kiit StoiuM pana,,, ior counirv and seaside Wear prices, together with an Immfnsp MILLINERY, Bats, Flowers, Ftailinr ( Laces, Gloves, Ribbons, Underwear, ic' A call wiU convince you of the abve at TAYLOR'S BAZA4J 1I Market Street, ' jelGtf WilmINGT0N,n.c The Cape Fear & tale's rvtrw om -rT7.T u days as heretofore, and every effort wV " to give satisfaction to shtopen M?t?JlbeaW "nut ton, y ( THE GOVERNMENT ENDORSES The American Agriculturist mOM THB TENTH fntWHTra o The American Agriculturist Is especially of mention, because of the remarkah Wo that has attend tha (Z , iaIka.b 6 success uao Bbbouucu tuo U 111 Q lift anri nntiwl- Of its proprietors to mcreaS ami S culation. Its contents are duDlioal scir Swfd"06"11811 editin' aSn vetaS? 13 a P,ea8iUR indd6nt ta the mar. , tv,HALF A CENTURY JoSloff JSSr" Ar, What it is To-Day, Six months ago ithe American Agriculturist m tereduponaNEW CAREER OP PfiOSPSR w and to-day It is far superior to antaUaffi pdical ever produced in this or any other com try. Kicher in editorial strength; richer Vings; printedon liner paper, and present; every Issue 100 colu.-nns of original readin'msi ter from the ablest writers, and nearly luoihos trations. Dr. George Thurber, for nearly ous ter of a century the editor-in-chief of the 'tour icon Agriculturist, Joseph Harris, Eyron D Hal Bted, C'oL M. C. Weld, and Andrew S. Fuller the other long time Editors, together with the other writers who have made the American AqncuUu rist what it is to-day, ARE STILL AT thkih POSTSj WHAT, FREE ? ? ? Every subscriber, whose subscription is IMM E DIATELY forwarded us with the price, $i.M , tr year, and 15 cents extra for postage on Cycloi -dla making $1.65 in all will receive the Ameri can Agriculturist English or German for all of 1885, and bp presented with the AMERICAN AG RICULTURIST' FAMILY 1CYCLOP.&DIA (inn out), 700 PAGES AND OVER 1000ENGEAV INGS. Strongly bound In cloth, black and gold. This entirely new volume Is a remarkable store house and book of reference for every depart ment of. human knowledge, including an Agri cultural Supplement by Dr. Thurber. SEND THREE 2-CENT STAMPS FOR MAILING YOU SPECIMEN COPY AMERICAN AGRICUI TURIST, AN ELEGANT FORTY-FAGE FKEMI UM 1IST, WITH 800 ILLUSTRATIONS, AND SPECIMEN PAGES OF OUR FAMILY CYCLO PAEDIA. Cantassebs wanted Evekywuekk. Address PUBLISHERS AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST, Davto W. Jcdd, Pres't Sam'l Bcbnhah, Ser. 751 BROADWAY, NEW YOItK. an7tf The Biblical Recorder PUBLISHED BY Edwards, Brou!iioii A RALEIGH, N. C. REV. C. T. BAILEY, Editor. REV. C. S. FARRISS, 1 l-AssoofaM-s. CHAS. L. SMITH, ) Organ of NortH Carolina Bapiisu In Its 44tli Icar. EVERY BAPl'ISX SHOULD TAKE IT As an Advertising Medium Unsurpass-! Only $2.00 Per Year. Address deol28tf BIBLICAL RECORDER KsieUrtb n r RALEIGH REGI8TEE. By P. M.HALE. Printer :U lis Subscribe to your Home Paper and par fur" and then remit $ 2 to pay for your State Democratic Paper the Ralksh EieisTiB. Each new subscriber remitting $3 direct, is entitled to the KWJ for one year, an! to Webster's Practical Diclio"' which, until August 1, 1385, Is offered as a !" mlum. Sample copies of the Resisteb mailed onsr plication. Address RALEIGH BOSTON POST. The clean Family Newspaper ojji, paper Containing the most complete news w ' In New England. fPr The Boston Daily Post ta Features Its reliable Commercialand FtoaneUi SUBSCRIPTION RATi-j,M; to &d Dah,t One Year, $9; Six Months, Vance. vear In advan0' Wnxir-Fridays $1.00 per Yearu- Six Copies for $5.00.: CLUB RATES. A Five or more to one address wul n? In dubs of Five or mere, one copy to the organizer of the Club. sen 8 DAW tf , The Person County News, Published at ROXUORO, . G WHITAKER & IBB5 Editors and'Propri,,,,, 0f The NEWS has.Ue largest cafine totacca paper published of circulated in ui section of Nortn uaroun SttDscr.. Advertising rates very Itwrm. The Manning 1&eS, PUBLISHED BY n i. niRR Jr.. aUAHWM'. 1 . .1. m in advance fiU t uniy v j vertiaiaK medium. V -'-1- .J 'V . '