LEBE ORDML Be Kept in Eyery HonselioM. ; THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY ,J tie bowels. It is one of the most pleasant and ffrficioiis remedies for all summer complaints. At Son when violent attacks of the bowels areso frMfut ome speedy relief should be at hand. The iWried mother, losing sleep In nursing the little one 1 thin" should use this medicine 60 cts. a bottle. Sei.d stamp to Walter A. Taylor, Atlanta, Ok, for Kiddle Book. ravlor'a Cherokee Remedy of Sweet rnni and Mullein will cure Coughs, Croup iption. Price 25c and $1 a bottle. my 1-r-ly toe tirra FOR Man and Beast Mustang Liniment is older than most men, and used more and more every year. feb i pw su tn th nrm cb m HAGAN'S Magnolia Balm is a secret aid to beauty. Many a lady owes her fresh ness to it, who would rather riot tell, and jjwj cant tell. feb 1 D4W sntath nnn ob m N! ?i!l purify fhe BLOOD, rogu t.. trie LIVER a.i.i XSONYS. KKSTOliJi 1HF. HEALTH nA VIGOR of TC OUIH. Dy-(u-psiik, Wantoi". ..petite. In- nil Tired Keetiiv absolutely cured, ilwitcs uiuscicsanu uerves rcfvivj novrrorce. Jinlivoas th-i mind and S Er 52 Srilluriiit! lix.it! complaints ; 1 - Sai W nefiiltar to i!:oir sex will hi-i ait. b AHTEit' S IKON TONIC a eafa ana ?fn !). !...-. ;.ivesaclear, iieaill.y complexion. ir,it.-i,i .Ma-mpts ux coniit. ru It'niK only adil !u!h(...i-..!j;:i'. ..i Uio orit-'iiitil. !. notexpert ilrSI "f : ..- i t'ii;l. At. A2il tKS i . iSeti.! ;..nr .l.rtisitThi lr. M.-irtrf Med.Oh.1 G si i,u . o . our D Kit A K. HOOK.' full. I ( . s ul tudful lotorumt ion, free. j an 16 Hot Springs at Tour Door. Hir frprinKs Physicians nse la their own Cases and Prescribe for Others- ' t - Buffalo Lithia Water IN jUT, rillEHMA.Tl.SM, AND DISEASES GENE KAL1.Y OF URIC ACID DIATHESIS.; DR. JAMES L. CABELL, Pii(ssor f rysloiogy and Surgery In the Med-ic-h nepaninuiit (if ihe University of Virginia .ml Pre hlent of t e National Board of Health, and former Icesident Physician, Hot Springs, Virgiiita. The water of Spring No. 2 contains In nota ble i untitles two of the Alkalies, which are ac r f.wely valuable in the treatment t n ! ,;!th,!JsU' and Liver Affections. I refer to th ( arbonain of math ami Lithia. It is now wdii known that both of these alkaline carhon- a r;iV?Titn,ascertaine,lvale in cases of Uric t ?"u connected with Gravel, and in cases DR. ALGERNON S.GARNETT, tgg- S' Navy.ResidentPbysician w'2rfiCo.enfe the use of Buffalo Lithia m ttim ,nn ei? treatment of Gout, Khea SflrJ?1?1? 'Kheamatio th pl ?. 1),,w,h,c.h 19 in contradistinction td we hhfumatwi Arthritis of Garrod thtreftmJf)?,'fbo,4h ,n my on person and in s."riluit me'iJof Patients for whoml have pre concert a tfurse ,tn? remedial agent is its "Henef tlikalies a"d their solvent properties. In Nmhri "raProPhylactic as well as aeme Z 11. 1Ue,Co and forming Oalculi. when "rt 1,1 a redundancy of Lithic Acid." DR. W. B TOWLE3, 'sxsis mrRa Resident out hhn0nency whatever in saying that In CBbauSmantrl.W tone iS thesis I knoroV a11 dl9easea of Uric Acid Dia Kutfalo i E 1, renjedy at all comparable to a o?ulVi 0Wne sPrin No-2- m a single nes4vefv l6 of the Kidneys I wit aVSL1?? keS tenefiolal results from its should havf!afctlonin tWs Particular case, I ea.',,1 naTO great confidence -in it in this dis- . DR. T. B. BUCHANAN, Res.dent Physician, Hot Springs, Ark. i 8Prine No""? es Buffalo Lithia Water, Qout in mvown oLe mad5 1186 of thls Water for tieMMlraikZ ,Cse' aiJd. Prescribed itforpa JwSS result1 Trl? lhe mo8t decided SeSeiPOZen haIf "le. MS'falJd to any address. lnpBtotmay be"fo"nd 6 the 8Prln" Atkinson & Manning's 'nnranceRoomi? 113 NORTH WATBR STRKBT, Wilmington, N. c. f Marine aM Life Comies. Capital Represented Over $100,000,000. Star Ralnrvn T. HERBERT, Prop ,., market Street. P&fT Wines, LTQTORS AND CIGARS. DEVlLEfj?, POOL TABLE. SHRIMPS and le 5 tf C1UBS always on hand mTeason SllflDli - S5v a. Z I : ' cause or their affinity for Urus ire ron ,'iiT Kfr.e,it BoI."bilityf the salts which are tonued liy their union with that acid." rrvi - Mornin Star ine GliADSTONE. For Peace, and all that follows in her path Nor slighting honor and her country's fame, . He stood unmoved, and dared to face the blame Of party spirit and its turbid wrath. He saw in vision the dread aftermath, Should war once kindle its world-circling flame ' Through Asian tribes that bear the British name. Time few such crises for a people hath, And few such leaders. Calmly he pur sued - A course at which the feebler spirits sneered, The bolder fumed with clamor loud and rude; And while the world still doubted, hoped and feared. - This chief a bloodless victory hath won Dnf.Mnt.la U I 1 1 . jjiiiauuuta w iocs i., uegi nnu uravest sou. New York Independent. SOUTHERN ITEMS. You can't reform a State unless you send good men to the Legislature. Some men come to every Legislature that meets in Georgia that ain't fit to iro to the chain fiang. Rev. Sam Jones. If Mahone is the radical nomi nee for Governor, then cive us Fitz Lee If John Wise, give us Sam Newberry. If Frank Blair, give us Jim Walker, says a man who is a judge of men. Lyneliburg Advance. Most Virginia crops are looking fairly well. All are late, but the favorable weather since the first of June has put everything to growing. The yield of fruit win be much shorter than was expected. Petersburg Index-Appeal. - The New York World coolly speaks of lhe Rev. Sam Jones as the great colored revivalist, The World people ap pear to have jubilated too much at the Isere reception the other day, and hence they are temporarily color blind. Savan nah News. Charleston, S. C, June 24. At a meeting of the vestry of Cathedral Parish to-night it was decided to rebuild the Roman Catholic cathedral which was burned in the great fire of 1861, and then considered the hnest ecclesiastical building in the South. POLITICAL POINTS. .Even a casual glance is suffi cient to prove that the tail of the old Re publican ticket is now much larger than its head. Phil. Times, Ind. Sep. Some critics ridicule the Ohio Republicans for adopting a crazy bloody- shirt platform. They forget that there is in Ohio, and especially in the north of the State, a population which wants its politi cal pork from the bottom of the barrel, and salt as brine can make it. Phil. Record, Ind. A Star reporter was told that when Buffalo Bill made formal application for leave to take Sitting Bull the Secretary not only gave it, but intimated that he would ,be pleased if the showman would also take Red Cloud and Dr. Bland, and it was said that he was inclined to add Agent McGillicuddy, but he feared the latter and Dr. Bland would not agree in the same company. Wash. Star, Ind. Dem. The Democrats of New Jersey have shut of all chance of getting anything from the administration by the violent out break of their factional quarrel. The Pre sident can afford to wait until the difficulty is settled. That won t be during the life time of the contestants, of course, but the rest of the country will gladly furnish the resident witn peaceful Democrats enougn to fill all the offices and let New Jersey go. Phil. Times, Ind. Hep. DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL. Madame Riston is now in Flo rence. Minnie Palmer arrived in Lon don yesterday and was welcomed by many admirers. - Lillian Spencer, the actress, is said to have in press a novel entitled "Who Did It. " Miss Mary Anderson is doing her duly by America. She will come home, it is said, with $150,000 British money. PhiL News. Miss Annie Lippincott, the daughter of "Grace Greenwood," of Phila delphia, is known on the operatic stage abroad by the pretty professional name oi Anita Armour. It is regarded as practically set tled that Rose Coghlan will star next sea son and that she will have another play to alternate with "Our Joan." Simon Nahm will act as her manager. ' Miss Coghlan went to Yonkers, New York, last week, to rest for the summer. Miss Mary Anderson has com missioned Mr. W. G. Willis, the English dramatist, to rewrite the play of "Ingo mar." The drama, abounding in piquant and strong situations, is, in the opinion of the London Qneen, "spoiled by the stilted language. Miss Anaerson is at present visitiDg the lake district. PERSONAL. Frederick Charles, the Red Prince, beat the Austrians at Sadowa, and the French at Metz, and his wife at home. So contemporary records declare. Rich mond State. F. S. Cornwallis, a- youthful descendant of the British General of Revo-r lutionary fame, has recently; through the death of an aunt, come into an estate of $150,000 a year. James Russell Lowell has ar rived in this country, and if anybody has a" bust or monument that he wants unveiled by an experienced hand now is the time to negotiate. Uliicago News. In personal appearance Mrs. Gladstone is said to be simplicity itself ; but her shrewdness is said to be something re markable. In the complicated politico social relations forced upon her by her hus band's position she never committed a blunder. Gen. Logan's ancestors came from Ireland and his name is an Irish one, but it is believed by some of his friends that his extraordinary complexion can only be accounted for on the supposition that he had Zingary or Gypsy blood in him, de rived from the tribes which came out of India and settled in Scotland and Ireland in the fifteenth century. lTow Women Differ from men. ' At least three men on the average jury arc bound to disagree with the rest, just to show that they've got minds of their own; but there is no 'disagreement among the women as to the merits of Dr. Pierce's 'Favorite Prescription:' They are all unanimous-in pronouncing it the best remedy in the world for all those chronic, diseases, weaknesses and complaints peculiar to their sex. It transforms the pale, haggard, dis pirited woman, into one of sparkling health, and the ringing laugh again "reigns su preme" in the happy household. f THE SUPERIOR COURTS UN DEB THE NEW ARRANGE MENT. , . w v ; . Fall Terms,' 1085 - ' ' Raleigh New-Observer . FIRST DISTRICT JUDGE SHEPHERD. Currituck September 7 one week. '' Camden September 14, one week. Pasquotank September 21, one week. Perquimans September 28, one week. Chowan October 5one week. Gates October 12 one week. ' Hertford Oct. 19,:bne week; Dec 21, one week. ' Washington Oct 2G, one week; Dec. 14, one week. v ; .. ? Tyrrell November 2, one week. Darer-November 9, one week. ! Hyde-rNovember 16one week, rty Pamlicb-Noyember 23, one jrweekj . Beanfori-Novendbei'SO, I wo weeka." - :! 7 ?---.! rtf,.-B,-SECOND DlSTraCTrUDGK PSBLLITS. Warren September 21, 4w o weeks. Northampton-Qctober wAeeks.. , EdgecomberOctobei li twoj weeks. J Bertie November J, two weeks.! Halifax Novembef 16, twojrVeeks." Crayen November.30; two weeks. THIRD DISTRICS JUDGE Franklin Aug. 17, one week ;. Nov. 16, one week. Martin Sept. 7, two weeks; Dec. 7,. two weeks, for civil causes and jail cases only. Pitt Sept. 21, two weeks. Greene-Oct. 5, two weeks. Vance Oct. 19, two weeks. Wilson Nov. 2, two weeks. ( Nash Nov. 23, two weeks. FOURTH DISTRICT JUDGE . Wake July 13, two weeks, . criminal causes only; Aug. 31, two weeks, civil causes only; Sept. 28, two weeks, crim inal; Oct. 26, three weeks, civil causes only. Wayne July 27, two weeks, civil and criminal; Sept. 14, two weeks, civil causes only; Oct. 19, one week, civil causes only. Harnett Aug. 10, one week, civil and criminal. Johnston Aug. 17, two weeks, civil and criminal. FIFTH. DISTRICT JUDGE GILMER. Orange Aug. 10, one week; NovJ 9, one week. Caswell Aug. 17, one week; Nov. 16, one week. Person Aug. 24, one week; -Nov. 23, one week. Guilford Aug. 31, two' weeks; Dec. 14, two weeks. Granville Sept. 14, two weeks; Nov. 30, two weeks. Alamance September 28, one week. Chatham October 5, two weeks. Durham October 19, two weeks. SIXTH DISTRICT JUDGE MCKOY. Jones Aug.. 17, one week: Nov. 2, one week. Lenoir Aug. 24, two weeka; Nov. 16, two weeks. Duplin Sept. 7, one week; Nov. 30, two weeks. Pender September 14, one week. New Hanover Sept. 28, two weeks, for ci vil causes. Carteret October 26, one week. Onslow November 9, one week. Sampson October 12, two weeks; Decem ber 14, one week. SEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE MC RAE. Cumberland July 27, one week; Nov. 9, one week, for criminal causes only; Nov. , 16, two weeks, for civil causes Columbus August 3, one week. Moore A"g. 17, two weeks; Dec. 7, two weeks. Robeson Aug. 31, two weeks; Oct. 12, two weeks. Anson Sept. 14, one week, for criminal causes; Nov. 30, one week, civil causes. BrunswickScptembcr 21, one week. Richmond Sept. 28, two weeks; Dec. 21, one week. Bladen October 26, two weeks. EIGHTH DISTRICT JUDGE . Iredell Aug. 10, two weeks; Nov. 9, two weeks. Rowan Aug. 24, two weeks; Nov. 23, two weeks. Davidson Sept 7, two weeks; Dec. 7. one week. Randolph September 21, two weeks. , Montgomery October 5, two weeks- Stanly Nov. 19, two weeks. Cabarrus Nov. 2, one week, for criminal cases and non-jury civil cases. NINTH DISTRICT JUDGE GRAVES. Rockingham July 27, two weeks; Nov. 9, one week. Stokes Aug. 10, two weeks; Nov. 16, one week. Surry Aug. 24. two weeks; Nov. 23, one - week Alleghany September 7, one week. Wilkes September 14, two weeks. Yadkin September 28, two weeks. Davirj October 12, two weeks. Forsyth October 26, two weeks. TENTO DISTRICT JUDGE AVERY. Henderson July 20, three weeks. Burke August 10, two weeks. Ashe August 24. one week . Watauga August 31, one week. Caldwell September 7, one week. Mitchell September 14, two weeks. Yancey September 28, two weeks. McDowell October 12, two weeks. ELEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE SHIPP. Alexander July 27, one week. Catawba August 3, one week. Cleveland August 10, two weeks; Octo ber 26, one week. Mecklenburg August 31, three weeks; civil causes only. Union September 21, two weeks. Lincoln October 5, one week. Gaston October 12, two weeks. Rutherford November 2, two weeks. Polk November 16, one week, TWELFTH DISTRICT JUDGE GUDGER. Madison August 3, two weeks; November; 23, two weeks; civil causes. Buncombe August IT, three weeks; De- cember 7, two weeks. Transylvania September 7, one week. Haywood September 14, two weeks. Jackson September 28, one week. Maccn October 5, one week. -Clay October 12, one week. Cherokee October 19, two weeks. . Graham November 2, one week. : Swain November 9, two weeks. Preserve Your Health. Now is the time for cholera morbus, dys pepsia, bowel complaints of various kinds, dysentery and bilious fever. Persons sub ject to eitheT or all complaints need not fear their attacks if they will' but use a few bottles cf Baker's Celebrated Pre mium Bitters, the best tonic and alterative that the skill and science of man has ever yet invented. These bitters are purely vegetable in their composition, and entirely free from all those poisonous and nauseous substances that create a languor and nause ousnessof the stomach when taken; hut, having an opposite effect they exhilarate the system, sharpen the appetite, expel im proper secretions, create a healthful circu lation of the blood, and produce such a flow of spirits as of itself tends greatly to relieve from indigestion and bilious affec tion. They may be taken by both sexes,in every condition of life, and will be found an invaluable medicine for infants and adults. . Sold by druggists and country mer chants everywhere. E. Baker, Proprietor. f Richmond, Va. The Pbrni rig St a r PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY smiscrintioit Rates In Airance. DAILY STAR, One Year, postage paid $7 00 44 Six Months, 4 00 Three Months 44 44 2 00 Two Months, 44 14 i5o One Month - 44 75 WEEKLY STAR, One Year, postage paid. . .$1 60 SIxMonths, ....100 44 Three Months 44 .... 50 NOTICES OFTHE PRESS: The Stab Is decidedly one of the best papers ln the State, as bright and newsy as ever. Long life to it. Salem Press. The Wllnlngton Stab has entered on its twelfth year as good a paper as any people should want Charlotte Democrat. The Wilmington Stab has entered on ts twelfth year. As a daily Journal of news It stands "up head." Concord Beaister The Wilmington Stab has entered its ' twenty fifth volume. There Is no better paper published ln he State. Lenoir Topic. The Wilmington Stab has entered upon Its thir teenth year. It Is one of the best papers ln the &baXe. Warrertfon Gazette. The Wilmington Stab has entered Its thirteenth year. It has become, one of the leading papersjof the South. Oxford TorehUahL The Wilmington Stab Is not only one of the beat edited papers in the State, bnt for freshness of news and -typograplcal appearance cannot be beaten. Jackson Bevorter. The Wilmington Stab Is one of the very best pa pers in the South, In every department from typo graphy up to editorial ability and Independence. FeUrsbwa (Va.) Index-Appeal. . The Wilmington (N. C.) Moshtno Stab Is a mod el newspaper. Indeed, we think we do not exag gerate its merits when we say it is the newsiest (secular) paper published In the South- Richmond ( Va.) JielioioiLf Herald. The Wilmington Stab has now entered anon Its thirteenth year and twenty-fifth volume. One of the beat conducted and edited papers in the South and, as a North Carolinian, we are proud of it. Tarboro Southerner. We like the Stab because It Is thoroughly re liable, candid, fearless, and so well and ably edited , newsy, spicy, and in fact a perfect news- aper. Long may we stab twinK.ie.-JZJ. Airy tsuor. Although at the head of the press ln this State ln all that makes a paper valuable to the reader, still it continues to improve. It is a Stab of the first magaitude. May Its lustre never wane. The Free WUlBavtut. The Stab la so well and favorably known hi this section of the State, that we can say nothing of which its thousands of readers do not already know. It Is In every respect one of the best dai lies In the South. Bobesonian. The Wilmington Stab has entered on Its twelfth Cr. It is a most excellent newspaper, well ed , a compendium of all the news of the day, and an honor to its city, to North Carolina and tc North Carolina lournallsm. Charlotte Observer. That magnificent beaming Stab has completed Its twenty-second volume. It is one of the most brilliant, erudite and sparkling dailies south of the Potomac. The -system ln the get up of the pa per surpasses them alL Tarboro Southerner. The Wilmington Stab la now taking the regular midnight Associated Press reports, and has he sides increased the amount of its reading matter. The Stab is an excellent paper. Its prosperity Is not surprising since It Is so deserving. CharlotU Observer. The Times cannot say a word too good for the Wilmington Stab. It has just reached one of Its many birthdays. As a newspaper it is a favorite with the State press and Is sought after by the people. Long and prosperous life to lUFeids viae Times The Wilmington Stab, we are pleased to notice, still continues on the high road to success. We esteem the Star very highly, regarding it as one of the very best of our exchanges, ana consider H the peer of any Journal published in the South. Ox ford Free Lance. Why Is It that all the papers with tbe name of Star are such bright little journals 1 The Wilming ton (N. C.) Star,- the Washington Star, the Fred ericksburg Star, New York Star, for example. There must be something in a name after all. Richmond (Fa.) State. The Wilmington Stab has entered upon its 12th volume, and we are pleased to notice still contin ues on the road to success. We esteem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of the very best newspapers that comes to this office. Its news columns are always a little fuller than those of any other of our exchanges, and its editorial de aortment is conducted with much ability. iter aanton Blade. Humble in its beginnings, as was inseparable from an enterprise begun amid the wreck of for tune that attended the collapse of tne Southern Confederacy, the Stab has steadily "waxed" un til It now beams resplendent in the full glow of a constantly brightening prosperity. As a newspa per it has few equals, and no superior, for appro priate selection and judicious arrangement, and' we are proud to rank it among our mostacoeptaC ble exchanges. HUisboro Recorder. The Wilmington Mosvnre Scab has entered up on the thirteenth year of its existence, and we take this opportunity to congratulate it upon its prosperity and deserved popularity. The remark able success of the Stab Is due to its strict atten tion to business. The boast of the Stab (rightful ly too) is that it always has the news, and this is the first thing in journalism. Otherwise the pa per Is all that the term of "good newspaper" Im plies, and I ts corps of editors and reporters are thoroughly educated newspaper men. May the healthy, moral Influence of the Stab never be re tarded, and may its genial enterprising proprie tor enjoy many more happy years of usefulness. OtHdsboro Messenger. The Art Interchange. DURING 1885 SUBSCRIBERS TO THE ABT INTERCHANGE will receive THIBTRN (13) ULJ-PAUB COLO KID BUPPL'SMINTS, some double size. TwHTt-six (26) extra pattern supplements, containing over one hundred full-size outline artistic designs, ready for tracing, applicable to all the varied branches of art work. HUITDHBDS OI1 ILLU8TRA.TIOH9 of Other art OD- jects, which are suggestive examples most use ful to amateurs and art workers; These cannot be procured ln any other way. A MUMBCa OT LABM ABT STTFFLXXKHTS, Which. are reproductions of the most attractive master pieces. These are printed In the best manner, on fine heavy paper, and are suitable for framing or the portfolio. In all, an actual return of ex clusive designs and art material worth two hun dred dollars ($20)) or more. In addition to this, Thx Abt Ihtkbcsaksx con tains as regular features a department of Noras, Qitxbies amd Ahbwebs, open to all enquirers, without charge, where all difficulties are clearly explained and removed as they arise. The- an swers are prompt, authoritative, practical, full and impaniah Over three thousand snch ques tions have already been satisfactorily answered. Thebe answers, written by experts, cover a wide range of topics, and have proved most useful and Interesting to all readers of the paper. The Dxpabthkrt of Ihbtbuctioh contains trust worthy information at length as to tbe best me thods of working In Art Needlework, Painting on Textiles, China, Wood and Glass. Wood Carv ing, Modeling, Mural Decoration. Art Furnish ing. Etching, Drawn Work, Tapestry Painting, Sketching on Linen, Lustra and Tapestry Paint ing, Brags Hammering, etc. The Depabthbst or Abt Nbwb and' Book Rx vikws will maintain its present high standard. The Editorial Notes will continue steadily to denounce all shams ln art, whether by false me thods or ln the nse of inferior materials, to uphold- the necessity of censciestious, truthful work, to advocate the self-dependence of wo men, and will maintain the refining Influence of all good art, wherever found. In short, Tbb Art Ibtebceahsi aims always to be the leading art publication In character and in the possession of novel and progressive fea tures, a reputation it has earned and which it should have as the oldest established popular art journal in the United States. Price IS cents a number; three months, $1.00; a year, (3.00. Sample copy, with colored plate and catalogue of other art work hand books sent for 15 cents. Address, WM. WHJTLOCK, Publisher, my 22 tf 140 Nassau Street, New York. The Blue Ridge Baptist. ORGAN OP THE BAPTISTS OF WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. Joseph E. Carter, Editor & Proprietor. The best Advertising Medium for our Mountain section, because it knows no county lines, and is the only Religious Journal In the State west of the Blue Ridge. Sound ln faith, earnest In work, consecrated in "published every Tuesday at HENDERSON VILLB, N. C. Subscription price for one year, $1.00. Send for sample copy. JeOtf The Lincoln Press, PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY, AT LINCOLN . TON, N. C, By JOHN C. TIPTON, Kd'r and Proper. The PRESS Is acknowledged, by those who have tried it, to be one of the best Advertising Medlnms ln Western- North Carolina, it has a large and steadily increasing patronage In Lin coln. Gaston, Catawba,' Cleaveland, Burke and. Meoklenburg counties. Advertising rates lib- raL Subscription $1.50 per annnm. mh 11 tf WHOLESALE PRICES. tVOnr quotations, it should be understood, represent the wholesale prices generally. In making np small orders higher prices have to be charged. ABTICUS. PRICES. BAGGING Gunny 10 Standard 00 12 biwb-North Carolina Hams, aj ft Shoulders, V ft Sides, choice, B.. WxsTXBii Smobxd Hams, ft ft . . Sides, Shoulders, V ft... Dbt Saltib Sides, V ft. Shoulders, ft ..j 11 8 & 9 7. 5 a 10 10 8 BARRELS Spirits Turpentine. Second Hand, each 1 60 New New York, each 00 New City, each . . 00 BEESWAX ft 21 BRICKS Wilmington, V M.... 8 00 Northern. 0 00 BUTTER -North Carolina, V ft. 15 Northern, W ft 22 CANDLES V ft Sperm. 18 Tallow 1)4 Adamantine... 00 CHEESE Wft-Northn FacTy 12 Dairy, Cream 14$ State - 10 COFFEE ft Java 18 Laguyra UK Rio 9V4 CORN MaAL V bush., 1b sacks, 75 Virginia Meal COTTON TIES bundle...... 1 40 DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, Vyd 8K Yarns. M hnnnh . - 00 0k 1 65 1 80 1 80 27 ' 9 00 14 00 18 25 25 12 12 13- 15 12 23 12H 11 77J 80 1 45 7 85 10 20 00 10 00 9 00 7 00 5 Ob 6 00 12 00 4 00 10 6 25 6 25 7 50 4 10 "5 50 IS jss dozen.. FISH Mackerel, No. 1, V bbl... Mackerel,' No. 1, V half bbl.. Mackerel, No. 2, bbl Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl. Mackerel, No. 3, V bbl. Mullets, bbl Mullets. Fork hbls 15 & 16 00 4 50 8 60 6 00 -4 25 5 00 11 00 3 0C 5 4 75 6 75 7 00 4 00 4 50 10 N. C. Roe Herring, keg. . . Dry Cod. ft. FLOUR bbl SaP- ' 'family : City Mills Super Family GLUE ft : GRAIN busheL Corn,8tore,bags,prime, white Corn, cargo, In bnlk, 44 Corn, cargo, in bags, 44 Corn, cargo, mixed, in bags Oats, frpm store Cow Peas.. hides ft Green Dry HAY 100 fts Eastern Western North River HOOP IRON ft LARD ft Northern.: North Carolina... LIME barrel LUMBER City Sawed M ft. 72). 87 u. 71 66 55 80 25 20 15 F 10 40 70 C5 52 75 0 00 20 15 10 3 8 00 00 snip stun, resawea. 18 00 15 00 20 00 16 00 Rough Edge Plank. West India Cargoes, accord ing to quality Dressed Flooring, seasoned. Scantling and Boards, com'n 13 00 18 00 18 00 22 00 12 00 15.00 molasses gallon New Crop Cuba, lnhbda.... fi lnbbls.... Porto Rloo, In hhds " tn bbls Sugar House, In hhds p " lnbbls Syrup, lnbbls NAILS keg Cut. lOd basis.. OILS- f gallon Kerosene .... Linseed.. Rosin Tar Deck and Spar POULTRY Chlokens,llve,grown Spring.. Turkeys PEANUTS bushel 22 lbs ... . POTATOES bushel Sweet.. Irish, ner barrel, new 28 30 00 00 9 PORK barrel City Mess. jnme i Rump RICE Carolina, ft Rough, bushel (Upland).. Do, do (Lowland) RAGS ft Country City ROPE ft . SALT salt Alum Liverpool Lisbon Amerioan SUGAR Granulated Standard A White Ex C Ex C, Golden C Yellow SOAP ft Northern SHINGLES M Contract.... Common Cypress Saps Cypress Hearts STAVES M W O Barrel. . . . RO Hogshead I TALLOW ft TIMBER M feet-Ext Heart (1st class yellow iplne) Prime shlp'g, lstclass heart. Extra Mill, good heart...... Mill Prime Common Mill Inferior to Ordinary WOOL ft Washed Unwashed Burrv WHISKEY gallon Northern North Carolina WILMINGTON BIONKY MARKET. Exchange (sight) on New York X discount Baltimore .. .. Boston Philadelphia... Western Cities jsxenange, so days, l y cenL. Bank of New Hanover Stock 108 First National Bank Stock 00 Navassa Guano Company Stock 140 North Carolina Bonds Old Ex-Coupons.... 23 funding, 1866 10 Funding, 1868 10 New 4s 82 Special Tax 4 W Jt WRR Bonds, 7 o (Gold Interest). ... 118 Carolina Central BR Bonds, 6o 106 Wilmington, Col. A Augusta R R Konds. . . 105 Wilmington City Bonds (new) 6 o 100 P c 100 New Hanover County Bonds, 6 o 100 Wilmington A Weldon RE Stock 110 North Carolina R R Stock 82 Wllmlnjrton Gas Liht Company Stock 50 Wilmington Cotton Mills Stock 120 Bank of Hew Hanover. Authorized Capital, -ash Capital paid in, Surplus Fund, - $1,000,000 S300,000 - $50,000 DIRECTORS : W. L GORE, G. W. WILLIAMS, DONALD MAORA& H. VOLLERS, R. R. BRTDGERS, C. M. S TED MAN, - ISAAC BATES, JAS. A. LEAK, F. RUBINSTEIN, E. B. BORDEN, 3. W. ATKINSON. ISAAC BATES, President, G. W. WILLIAMS, Vice President; an a tf B. D. WALLACE. Cashier. MERCHANTS, BANKERS MANUFACTURERS SHOULD READ BRADSTREET'S, A WEEKLY JOURNAL OF TRADE, FINANCE, AND PUBLIC ECONOMY. Sixteen Pages every Saturday. Oftentimes Twen ty Pages. Sometimes Twenty-four Pages. '.FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR. J The foremost purpose of Bbabstbxxt's is to be of practical service to business men. Its special trade and Industrial reports; Its weekly epitome of bankruptcies throughout the United States and Canada, and the summaries of assets and li abilities, are alone worth the subscription price; Its synopses of recent legal decisions are exceed ingly valuable. As commercial transactions, in the wider sense, are coming to be more and more conducted on a statistical basis, the Information contained ln Bradstbxbt'b is of the first Impor tance both to producers and middlemen. , The Trade and Agricultural Situation through out the United States and Canada is reported by Telegraph to Bbapstbxxt's np to the hour of publication. SINGLE COPIES, TEN CENTS. THE BUADSTREET CO., 279, SSI, 283 Broadway, dec 24 tf NEW YORK CITY. The Bobesonian. Published every Wednesday ln Lumberton, N. C By W. W. McPIARMIP, f j HAS THE LARGESTC3RCTTLATION AND TEE largest advertising patronage of any paper tn the State. It now has over eight hundred sub scribers in Robeson county atone, besides a gen eral circulation In the counties of Moore, Cum norland, Bladen, Columbus, Richmond, and in the adjoining counties, Marlon, Marlboro and Darlington. In South Carolina. jan24tl Wmgto ' 1 BMroadSCcK f S'ajj 3 Condensed Scbednlc. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated May 3, 1885. Ino. 48, Daily No.40,j)ally Leave Weldon Arrive Rocky Mount. . . 2.10 P.M. 3 .33 P. M. 5.38 P. M. Arilve Tarboro ... Leave Tarboro . . . 1.1 50 P. M. Leave Wilson Arrive Goldsboro.. Leave Warsaw Leave Burgaw Arrive Wilmington 4.05 P. M. 4.54 P. M. 5.54 P. M. 7.(0 P. M. 7.5 P. M. ,6.56 P. M. 7 . 36 P. M. 9.55 P. M. TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 47, Daily No. 43, Daily Leave Wilmington Leave Burgaw Leave Warsaw Arrive Goldsboro Leave Wilson Arrive Rocky Mount. . , 9.27 A.M. 10.1G A. M. 11.23 A.M. 12.23 P. M. 1.18 P. M. 1.47 P.M. 8.40 P. M. 9.51 P. M. 11.07 P.M. 12.06 A. M. 12.53 A.M. 1.33 A.M. Arrive Tarboro 4.55 P. M. Leave Tarboro. 11.50 A.M. Arrive Weldon. . j 3.05 P. M. 2.50 A.M. Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.00 P. M. Return ing, leaves Scotland Neek at 8 80 A. M. daily. Train No. 43 North will stop at all stations. Train No. 40 South will stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 47 makes olose connection at Weldon for all Doints North dailv. All rail via Richmnnri. and dally except Sunday via Bay Line. Trains make close connection lor all points North via Richmond and Washington. All trains run -solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. , JOHN F. DIVINE, General Sup't. T. M. EMERSON, Uen'l Passenger Agent, my 7 tf WILMINGTON, COL'MBIA & AUGUSTA Railroad Co. Condensed Schedule. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated June 22, 1885. No. 43, Dally No. 40, Daily Leave Wilmington 8.15 P. M. 1 10.10 P.M. Leave L.Waccamaw.. 9.42P.M. 11.17P.M. Leave Marlon 11. 37.P. M. 12 . 38 A. M. Arrive Florence 12.25 P. M. 1.15 A. M- Arrive Sumter 4.34 A. M. 4 34 A. M. Arrive Columbia 6.40;A.M. 6,40 A.M. TRAINS GOING NORTH, No. 43, Daily No. 47, Daily Leave Columbia 9.55 P. M. Arrive Sumter 11.55 P. M. Leave Florence 4.15 P. M. 5.07 A. M. Leave Marion 5.01 P. M. 5.53 A. M. Leave L. Waccamaw . . 6.55 P. M. 7.44 A. M, Arrive Wilmington. . . 8 20 P. M. 9.07 A. M. Train N7 43 asna a oil Qt.4lAna vllle, Lake Waccamaw, Fair Bluff, Nichols, Ma- iiuu, icD.iico, jeiureiiutj, jummonsvilJe, lyncn burg, Mayesville, Sumter, Wedgefield, Camden Junction and Eastover. Passengers for Columbia and all points xax C. & G. R.R., O..C. & A. R.R. Stations, Aiken Junction, and all points beyond, should take No. 40 Night Express. Pullman Sleepers on this traiD. Pullman Sleepers for Savannah on Train 48. All trains run nnllrl ruatnraon nhovlortnn Wilmington. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Sup't. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. je25tf CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD CO. Oma OT StrFKRINTZKDSHT, Wilmington, N, C, June : Change of Schedule. ON AND -AFTER JUNE 7, 1885, THE FOL lowing Schedule will be operated on this Railroad; PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN: DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS. 1 Leave WilmlngtoH at 7.45 P. M. No. 1. V Leave Raleigh at 7.35 P. M. I Arrive at Charlotte at 0.50 A. M. ) Leave Charlotte at 9.C0 P. M. No. 2. J-Arrive at Raleigh at 9.00 A. M. I Arrive at Wilmington at 8.00 A. M. Passenger Trains stop at regular stations only, and Points designated in the Company's Time Table. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL, EX PRESS AND FREIGHT. Dally except Sundays. No. 3 (Leave Charlotte 6.15 P. M. J Arrive at Shelby 9.35 P. M. (Leave Shelby 9.30a.m. I Arrive at Charlotte. 12.50 P. M. No. 4 Trains No. 1 and 2 make close connection at Hamlet with R. & A. Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No. 1 forStatesville, Stations West ern N. C. R. R., Ashville and points West. Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens, At lanta and all points Sonthwest. L. C. JONES, Superintendent. F. W. CLARK, General Eassenger Agent, je 7 tf Cape Fear & Tafltin Valley R. E. Co. CONDENSED TIME TABLE NO. i TO TAKE effect at 8 A. M., Monday, June 22, 1885. TRAIN NORTH. Arrive. Leave. Bennetts ville .-. 8.00 a. m . Shoe Heel 9.30 a.m. 9.50 Fayetteville 12.15 p.m. 1.00 p.m. Sanford., 3.00 3.10 Ore Hill 4.S5 4.30 Liberty 5.25 5.30 Greensboro 6.45 Dinner at Fayetteville. TRAIN SOUTH. Arrive. Leave. Greensboro 9 50 a.m. Liberty 11.00 a.m. 11.05 Ore Hill .A. 11.55 . 12.00 Sanford 1 20 p. A. 1 .40 p. m. Fayetteville 3.50 4 CO Shoe Heel 6.25 6 40 Bennettsville 8.15 Dinner at Sanford. W. M. S. DUNN, Oen'l Supt. JNO. M. ROSE, Gen'l Pass. Agent. je 23 tf ; IMPORTANT ! A HI AND3YALUABLE DEVICE ! A PATENT .. Water Closet Seat f FOR THE CURE OF HEMORRHOIDS, (Commonly oalled "PILES.") Internal or -External, and ' PROLAPSUS ANI, for Chil dren or Adults. NO MEDICINE OR SURGICAL OPERATION NECESSARY. f I have invented a SIMPLE WATER CLOSET SEAT, for the cure of tbe above troublesome and painful malady, which I confidently place before tbe public as a SURE RELIEF AND CURE ! It has been endorsed by the leading resident Physicians ln North Carolina. Is now being test ed in the Hospitais- of New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, and we awr satisfied the result will be satisfactory, as it has never failed else where. Yon can write to any of the Physicians or prominent citizens ln Edgecombe Co., N. C. These Seats will be furnished at the following prices WALNUT, Polished, $6.00 ) Discount to Physl CHERRY, - . 5.00 . cicians and to the POPLAR, - - - 5 00 ) Trade. Directions for using wilt accompany each Seat. -We trouble yon with no certificates. We leave the Seat to be its own advertiser. Address LEWIS CHAMBERLAIN Patentee, Tarboro, Edgecombe Co., N. C. 1yl7 DAWt 7, 1865 new: ApvTspiENm ; II r will fit, npARESTYLISH.- , r U " WILL PLEASE YOU, MEN'S FINE SHOES HAND-! GOODYEAR WELTS,. MACHINE , SEWED, j -'. KADI BY HATHAWAY, SOULE & HARRINGTON. ALWAYS RELIABLE. These goods are made in aU the Leading Styles and Sold Everywhere by first-class dealers. We nse'nrgt-class stock and employ none but skilled workmen. As we have had more and longer-experience In Goodyear Welts than any other manufae turersof MEN '8 FINE SHOES, It is acknowledged by all that we take the lead- . Ask your dealer for the HATHAWAY, SOtTLE & HARRINGTON SHOE, tf yon are loojclajr for a good article ivt a medium prico. WANTED. Ladles and Gentlemen to take BloOi. lifi-ht nlAaaant nrftrlr nf . thstv, nam homes. Work sent by mail any distance aU the year round. 12 to $5 a dav can be quietly made No canvassing. Address Sellable fliff e i-nua.,r-a,Box 1593. ..jelDWhn; Bellevne High School; jscuiora sjo Virginia. Prenarea bova and vonnir men for BuainAflB.rn). lege, or University. Fall corps of Jaatrue- tors. Thoroughly and handsomely equipped. Beautiful and healthy location. For catalogue address - w.u. ABBOT.rrln. " Bellevne P. O., Va. ., je 262m I ENCOURAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS. Security Against Fire. . North Carolina Home Insraca Co, RALEIGH, N. C. "PHIS COMPANY CONTINUES TO WRITE PO X Holes at fair rates on all clae sea of insurable property. All losses are promptly adjusted and paid. Tot ,4Home"is rapidly gaming m uubllo favor, and appeals with confidence to insurers of property ln North Carolina. Agents In all parts OT tie State. JOHN GATLING, President. W. 8. PRIMROSE, Secretary. PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor. ATKINSON A MANNBseAjrentay seo 26 tf Wilmington. N. O THE CELEBRATED ARRIHGTOB GAME FOILS FOR 8ALP. Y GAME FOWLS HAVE A NATIONAL EE nutation. They havelought and won a series of the greatest mains ever fought on this or any ether continent, and Fifteen Pairs, on exhibition at Philadelphia In 76,were honored by the Uni ted States Centennial Commissioner with the Di ploma and MedaL I have a variety of Colors and most annroveu Breeds In the United States. I will shin solendic COCKS, of fine size and handsome plumage, pei express, u. u. u., at rrom a4.uu to cuu eacn HENS. 52.50 and 13.00 each: or 17.00 per Pali 110.00 per Trio. I expect to raise Two Hundred Pairs -this Summer, the Finest Games In th World and will ship Young Fowls of March and AprU.hatch luring the monthB of August, Sep temoer'ajjA October, at Five Dollars per Pair, or seven Dollars per Trio. - Whoever disputes the superiority of my Birds. Will please back the assertion with their stamps. Write for what you want. Address, J. G. AKRINGTON, ap 6 tf ' HllUardston. Nash Co. N. ' Prospectus. ON THB28TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1885, THE undersigned will begin the publication, at Asheville, North Carolina, of a twenty-eight col umn Weekly Newspaper, to be called The Western Tribune. ' The TRIBUNE will discuss with entire freedom all questions of public interest. In politics It will teach Democratic doctrine, pure and simple. It will strive to advance the educational inter ests of our people. :it will labor zealously for tbe upbuilding of our whole State, and especially for the develop ment of the varied resources of Western North Carolina. It will be the friend of all Railroads so long as they are the friends of the people. It will aspire to deserve the esteem of Its read ers by dealing with all subjects in a fair and dig nified manner, and by carefully excluding from Its columns everything of a vicious tendency. The TRIBUNE outfit has been paid lor in full, and includes a Power Press. The price of the paper will.be Per Year $1.50, Six Months 75c, Three Months 50c invariably in advance. All communications should be addressed to THE WESTERN TRIBUNE, Asheville, N. C. . FRANCIS CARTER, BUG. D. CARTER, NATHAN D. MAY, Editors and Publishers. FRANCIS CARTER, Proprietor. jan 17 D&Wtf ADVERTISE IN Merchant and Farmer PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT " MARION tSOUTH CAROLINA It has a large and Increasing circulation in the heart of the Pee Dee country, the best Cottov section of the two States. It is a desirable medium of communieattoii With both the Merchants and Farmers of this It 1 .1 1 1 I.l. J.1 - . and Marlboro Counties. It is therefore the paper for the Business Men of Wilmington. J. D. MoLUCAS, aecStf ' Proprietor JORTfl CAROLINA RESUDRCES. "One of the most useful series of descriptive books ever published about any State." Bos ton Post. Hale's Industrial Series. . Two Volumes Now Ready. I. Tbe Wood and Timber of North Carolina. Curtis's, Emmons', and Kerr's Botanical Reports; supplemented by accurate County Reports of Standing Forests, and illus trated by an excellent Map of the Htate. I Volume 12mo. Cloth, 273 pp., $1.25. II. In tne Coal and Iron Counties of North Carolina. Emmons4, Kerr's, Laid ley's, wakes', and the Census Reports; supple mented by full and accurate sketches of the Fifty-six Counties, and Map of the State. - 1 Volume 12mo Cloth, 425 pp.. $.50. Sold by aU Booksellers, or mailed postpaid on receipts of ihe price, by E. J. HALE & SON. PUBLISHTEKS, BOOKSXUABS AND 8TATI0BXB NEW YORK; OB P. M. HALE Publisher. Raleigh. N. C The Home Journal, PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. At Warrenton, N. C. JOITN W. HICKS, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. It has a splendid circulation m the counties of Warren, Vance, Halifax, N. C, and Mecklenburg Va. As an advertising medium it is unsurpassed. Terms $1.50 a year In advanch. Address - THE HOME JOURNAL, &T) k tf Warrenton. N. C BOSTON POST. THE OLD, INVINCIBLE AND THOROUGHLY TRtJE BLUE DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER. The clean Family Newspaper of Massachusetts. Containing the most complete newa of any paper In New England. The Boston Dally Poet is especially noted fot Its reliable Commercial and Financial Feature . SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Daily One Year, $9; Six Months, $450; In ad vance. ,SU- - Wbslt-Fbidats $L00 per Year to advance; Six Copies for $5.00. "CLUB RATES. Five or more to one address will be fnrniabed as follows : , . DAILY POST at $3.00 per year per copy; Ten copies for $7.50 each, to advance. WEEKLY POST at $1.00 per year per copy In Clubs of Five or more, one copy will be give to the organizer of the Club. sep 8 DAW If THE v t a ms -