v.-: - T ' The Morning Star, A cW,Sd to collect to? more at Sd Matter. ,,,1?NING RPITION. TheM were 1.145 new Cases and 442 ,eath9 from cholera m - y.h t A t l Dr. Walsh, the newljr.apppod nn of DaMia, has; been; gum- lo Kome to be consecrate, -r Rl iieCf rask won the race for 1.000 .aove at Newcastle. Eng. Tfi ns of legatioo were appointed yealedv, HTseveral appoinlmcnU made'loCH -Va-io the Deparlmeat if JuaUce. ,- Tn' euKagement between 'hostile Indians liid LT.S troops took place last Thursday fu Ariz nA; fifteen Indians were killed; 'tbe loss of the troops is not known. r i tobacco factory burned it JiyjicMtorg, v, loss :i5,000. Benj.- Fr Jonas Ua3 appointetl collector of .customs at Nu Orleans. The street-car driyera' str k. i" Chicago resulted in'a riot; care l-ni oui iy company were aUacked by. tti- strikers, overturned and writ eked; lit. pH-madtvinany afTests. EUie llu l kilted himself on his firsj wife's graTe il I'ntsfoni, Mass. ; be was divorced from llia f,roml wife, Two children and a ((.ling lady perished in the ' flames of a uruin? house at Cleveland. O. - A a ...r. iKiy, tea years old, shot and killed a ii.' "to girl of thc-same age, near Macon.Qa. 1 Dr. James Carter was dangerously ..,ii.dul and a negro man killed in a fight Mt au-phiDson, Ky., between temperance ,ir. Hii.l "fno whiskey" meoi(, jf, Y- ik niarsets: Moncyl2 rrcnl.; Imou Winn al 10i10ic; wheat, . un-, cRiilnl'wd 9ikfl 604; soulhern flour .i-.l) at i i 755 50; corn, ungraded 51 r,;;r(.; .. ,in steady at$1201 22; spirits ir .n! nit- ttiady at SCC. , - Collector Robinson, of the port of ; Wilmington. Mexico is poverty itself. It is hopelessly bankrupt. .. : Maine has shipped 1,490,400 tons of ice (luring the season. Afld McMaster Thomas Jefferson. does not like Poor McMaster! Ttere is to be some clean sweep 'w i the New York Custom House.' A St. Petersburg paper, 'the -No eoe Yrriyat seesdapger for Russia " in the new British Premier. L Shooting and murdering still con tinue in Kentucky. iLike "old Vir ginia," in another way, "it never tin In IST9 the assessed valuation of property at Birmingham, Ala., was 504,386. In 1884 it had risen to 13,700,000. . -" ; V. E. Cowan, ex-member of the Ipgislatnrp, is referred; to as "Hon.'' Ih Iih only iwenty-two indictments rat;nlit tiilil. .According to a decision ofAtior- ny General Garland -an Indian is ma ;axal)le of being a postmaster nmler the law of the United States. In Earnwell county,' S. C, it is es timated that 2,C48 acres were planf ' ed in wa.t.trrrf4nna and thai. nni mil lion will lie the yield, estimated to l'heindicatiorig are that Governor II 11 I.... . ,. - I n u.iiy will be the Democratic can diJiiH for Governor in Ohio against i oraKer. it lloadly is defeated he .rcraitu ior oj me rrestueni. The Soudan will be evacuated by j the English, Turkish troops -are toj ohl Egypt for England,' and Ger-. many and Austria are depended on: FPun, .cagiana againnt i rance-r- 4UBuury woiu stroite. It is rJlin AnnnnW 1. lll'V T'1-'' Logan was the choice of the ltep'nbli-: can in tlio TH:: r . i -1' -- .uc iiimms Aegisiaiure. , -1 ne; Chicago News says it was unqaes-'j tlonal,,y the most imbecile Legisia-J ture ever listed upon the people and .y roll of that State. ........ j Grant isThero On ih.2lrth'nl.i ; Wrote a note as folio wato his. familv. - t . . i ,.-.t i J i i avseif r7K ,ilaE " V&y. ' I give Uhe et6 lTi CdncerD" lt I kew 'there ulT la the lime; "As long " bo progress there is hope." , Ther To I " ' ' I in -."' rmern papers, Bomeof tham n.- ....r f j-'uiucrauc, nave, Routed and abused Mr; Keileyj brains charer, . courage . and! hn : TB: J 8 far he has not weaned..- , ,rU. i 111" . - - - I Ported fT f Afghanistan is re4 -000,000 T. 'uuwm oi Wfa b e,r hereare not manySouthi H0TS could stand m,nJ as that without giving up v . HP VOL. XXXVI.--NO. 87. the, best Havanas and shortening the season, at the Greenbrier White Sul phur. After such a loss as that a trip to the Sound would be quite equal to our wants. ' ff Rev. Sam Jones has been r preach ing for two weeks at Waco, Texas: His success has been great, and his labors very abundant. The Atlanta Constitution x2& -a long account of it." We clip here and there a few. instructive passages. It says: ' ' "Without takinff ' time for repose he hurried off to Texas and conducted the re markable meetings which have been lust closed in the monster tabernacle at Waco. f 4 It seems that .something of an infidel and liberal spirit has been manifested in Waco. A maaTned"Bhaw, a gifted speaker who was not very long ago an honored numstexi. placed, himself at the head of the followers of Ingersoll and went to work with gloves off to make it hot for the Georgian. ; In tha face of this hostile preparation,!!?. Jones started in with three services a day. ' Congregations of five and six thousand - people - were the rule. It is altogether unnecesi&ry to tell people who know anything of Bam Jones and his methods that he got the best of Shaw and his infidel followers! That is putting it altogether too .mildly. He literally skinned then and- eut them up. There will be no more talk of oreanized in fidelity in Waco during the present genera tion.' Mr. Jones during these meetings was at his best." . . Mr, Gladstone will stand for re election. He has written a letter to his Midlothian constituents in which he sayB he will support the Tory Government i in whatever it does right, f , That is surely magnanimous. He; was ' warmly; indorsed by, the Liberal Association. Mr. Gladstone said that: he did not think that he should again ask to be returned to Parliamenty.; but: events' had trans pired which , rendered i it necessary that he should not imperil the unity or efficiency j of his party. :This is tantamount to a declaration that he will remain the leader of the liberals. TJie New Tfbrk idrrespondent of the Philadelphia Ledger Rep.,writes on, the 29th ult. as follows of the next election in New York: : a "Notwithstanding all that has been said to the contrary, there is good reason, for be neving that both the President and Mr. Manning are exceedingly, anxious that the Democracy : should carry the State, and, what is more, that the candidate for Gov ernor should be a man with whom they are in ; sympathy Mayor Grace, for example. The Tammany managers are aware of this solicitude, but have repeatedly given notice that: unless that -organization has a fair share of the Federal patronage it will be impossible to prevent the State from going Republican by from 20,000 to 40,000 ma jority." . . Spirits Turpentme. Raleigh beat GoldsboroRa- leigh 14, GoldsbOro 10. . : - ; Gov. Scales pardoned a fellow who had escaped from the penitentiary. lie afterwards revoked the pardon. : - Lexington .Dispatch: Rev. J. N. s Stallings lias succeeded to the entire control of Tnomasville Female College. . l3i Greensboro Workman! The North Carolina Fruit Grower's Association will hold .their annual Fair here August 12th and 13 th. at which time the Druggists' Association will be in session here also. . Goldsboro Argus: Quite a num ber of our citizens went up to Raleigh yes terday in company with Jibe Nationals to witness . the, games between that club and the R3Aeigh profc8niokalg yesterday and to day. We suggest that all the clubs in the State League " 'fess up to the corn," that they are playing all ' the professionals they can possibly sneak in. J w t ' Charlotte , Observer .' In Clear Creek township, late Saturday afternoon, Charles Moore, a colored man., was struck with a hoe in the hands of .his wife and in-1 stantly JdUecLjf- in StatesyiUe yesterday i an election was neia on me question oi is su ing bonds to pay off a town debt, . and the result was a victory for the ''bond- proposi tion:'7 The amount of Donas to oe issued will be $12,000, to run twenty years at 8 per cent, inteoest." ' Newton VMiterprise: A very fatal form of dysentery is prevailing in the whole Pitdrntnrt secttonf North Carolina, being wveres'irFRWan; Iredell Davie, Gaston, Mecklenburg and Lincoln coun ties, it is more general among children, bat often grown people are prostrated with the disease. In this county there is an un usually large number of cases of the same j disease, but.itia of a milder, type. , So far- mere nave neen very jew iauu cases. Srtelhv Aurora We trecret to learn that our friend John C Tipton.editor of the Lincoln ZVm,. has been very sick for two weeks and fears are entertained about his recovery. Shelby continues to increase in population and the demand for new - houses increases. Many attractive nouses ue uow ociug ureuicu auu uiuro in contemplation; i-. The oat crop is not good and the wheat Is about half as much ia yleia j a anucipnteor. Kev, Ps V. Gold, the able editor ot Zion's Landtriark. published at Wilson, N. C. .called to see us. He, like a dutiful son, makes an annual: ugnmage ais. agea parenia in v;ieve jod. lie says Cleveland county's progress far aurnaases that of anv other countv in i xiotM .whuuw. c Mj.lti ,. ! ...... - The Teachers Assembly has "ad journed, and the members have gone on an' excursion to -Kantahaia. "The oincers elec ted for another year were: ' President, Dr. Iw H. Lewis, Klnstoni Secretary, Eugene G. Harrell. Raleigh-Treasurer, R. B. Ar- rowood: Concorde Vic Presidents: C. D. Mclver, WinstoT3oha W.;8tarnea, Ashe-1 vuie; 3k r. Moses.; Haleigh ; EL A- Alder man. Goldsboro; H. jL, Smith. Selraa ; N. C Enelish. Trinity Collie W. K Poteat. Wake Forest: Bobertittneham. Bineham's: leigh.? Executive Committee S. a Bmith,' Hugh Morgan, Geo.: T. Winston, H. L. King, D. h.' Ellis, and Misses , Everett,. Goodloe, Pescud, Caldwell, Fanning and Mrs. Sallie R. Dixon. ;.., -. ' ffl.affiltTiae'lill.- i.i Mi, i -n . . . :-New Berne, Journal In the case cf T. Mallison and' others against the A.-& N. C. Raflroad 'Company and others , before . Judge Phillips, asking that the, company I be restrained from leasing their road, the Judge being of the : Opinion, that the company has the. right and power to lease . its .road refuses to grant the Ye-, filrainine Order or an order to show cause ' -, At the Webster Scieptiftc and. Literary institute at JN orroife, Va., we are gratified to see that Master James "O." Latham" re ceived a diploma of graduation inf arithine tic, a certificate of , distinction in" various, studies, testimonial with a prize f or ' gene--ral proficiency and good conduct,' and special credit in Surveying. He is a son 'of our former townsman, T. J., Latham; Esq.; and first saw the light m inis city. ;v s ., Lumberton ytk6ftKnia.' There is considerable sickness among ebildrea in this county. The prospects seem fine for another bountiful corn crop.: at is too early yet to say what.wiU be the, resuUVol I the eoUoa cron. .. l Aeam has rther ereat I the -cotton crop. Again has rfher great Reaper been, busy in ? our - midst and has claimed as a victim one of our oddest jciti zens, Mr. Wm. Linkhaw- He was born in Germany, but at an learly age came to this country. He married in Brunswick coun ty, and for a, time liyedMthe.crty.oJ WiK. mineton. but haa been a .utizen . of this town for about ,tlurtyf years ,H? was n many respects a remarkable man.' "-rf-Red Springs dots ; Crops V e injured very much by the rain in this section. The Dots was criticised' last week closely we don't profess to be a good gramarlst-or a good rifhmeticer. but we do the best we cam . Raleigh. New8'Qbserver: The condition of Mrs.. S A. Ashe, who bas been . extremely ill, is very critical. . Rev. Edward It. Rich, who since 1873 has so faithfully served the Church pf the Good Shepherd, has tendered his . resignation. The matter is now under consideratipn by the vestry., Mr. Rich says he has over-' worked mmself and that he is greauy m need of rest. There were sold Jn New York last week $30,000 North Carolina Car. 1919. at 1I0, and $5,000 do. consol. 4s at 8888t - -Mayor Rose, Of Wadesboro; has offered a reward of ! $100 for1 the cap- ture of John Boggan, the negro"who so brutally assaulted Mrs.' Braner. a' white lady, near Wadesboro, week before last. Gov. Scales has offered an dditional re ward of $100 for Boggan's capture. . Bog gan is about 5 feet 8 inches high, has high cheek bones, is of a ginger-bread color, and has a "downcasts expression of eyes, The board to examine into- the merits of the applicants for the new professorships at the University met here yesterday. ' There are no less thaD-881 applicants for the vari ous positions to be fillerL These are di vided as follows: Mathematics 108, modern languages 94. English Jliterature 69, science of teaching. , pr !pedagogy,l jtl, vphyBics 21, natural science 31, cherjoistry SSl, The applications come from all parts or the United States, from Canada, and from; half a dozen foreign countries. Yesterday a re porter interviewed CoL WalteT L Steele; who was engaged In making his report. He said there are seven places to be filled. There are four full professorships, of sci ence of teaching, English literature, modern languages and agncuujttral&emistxy and mining. There are three assistant ' profes ships, of natural science, engineering and pure mathematics. The committee will this morning submit a brief report of then work yesterday in going through the38l applications, with the correspondence, and testimonials.. In this report no preference will be expressed on their part for any one of the- applicants. The committee will suggest that all the full professorships be filled; that the assistant professorship of . pure mathematics be filled; that the assist ant professorships of natural science und engineering be not filled "how, but left va cant until the January annual meeting of the trustees, as there-Is no absolute necessi- tf foi their being filled at present, THE'OITT, Wru, West Board. - ; Mtjhson Will cut prices.7 ; W. A H. D. Situation wanted.,, f ;','. Bask Ball Friday and Saturday. Resolutions Preachers meeting?' ; The Grocebs Will doge Saturday. , - Heinsbkrgek Ocean Breeze Waltz....; : Stearns. Frrda: & Co.4-P6rtable kilnj. Mtmt sou. . J,J .' ft Ibere will be a,. practice gamei of ball between the Seasides and Excelsiors this afternoon at half past 4 o'clock. Wa un?8tan4 - (hat f a Sound party caught a sea turtle on the beach at Wrightsville a few nights ago that weighed 250 pounds..' : r " ; ifr. Ft, M.' James reports 10 iri tcrmentsin Oak Grove Cemetery for' the month of June,if which. number 13 were Mldreh and 3 acHilts. Arcoored, This ..;tiiniYerjary of the shooting of Preauient Garfield px GpVteau, ; which took place coi the 24 of July, 1881, 5 his death occurxiog September J9th ensuing. ';- Tbf British-' brig' JfylfltWi, Capt' Stewsjri,was cleared from1 thfe rt for' Barbaoesl yesterdiVf b;lfe8sra!'TE. Kidder Sohfwith Mowf feet 'oftumDer, -Bothof theicoibred!elubs.atait played i on the Seaside gufidsTuesdaV Were from wnmington; '", Tnif Mtttaals -have been iff aetfeeMftr some tinie. Both played wewrflnderstajitf."' fun blown cotton biOTm i pW0Kedci6a-tne SHith utt. from Jus field near UbUncU's Sta tion, ' Celumbus couatyCi J3 3 expectsi io have plenty Of blosBoBs the 4t3k- f 1 of the graduates. of .Misseg, Burr .Jarnefi' school, Juistead , of Miss MPhersnas .ijf- correctly reported, ia.om last. - Miss Mary, who is 'a' dogKteribf btu- late 'esteemed townsman, Mr; C M:' yanOrsdelli' will enH ter upqu lueuuueH oi a u?uef, xa wiiion vocation she has two sisterSnow engageu. Heoblns tbarJu'(' :',uk i.uni.i We learn that visitorfr at Smithville arej having Jots.1, of spofi' j AlMertjol and another gentleman .fronv'Wilson,who are fond of flshtng, mewlth remarablej luck right at vthe wharl ! of.litheJsteamei Louie They caught a shark on Monday? that measured about eight feet in length, and on Tuesday hooked another that mca-j I sured about six feet ... Ii 11 1 JJti- ! ;;N.:0,.i;'TOESDAY,' uTHJRBHOOTlSQ AFFAIR. tftelAen Held ta A watt tuwimpmtntm rranis AKVlnat mm, &e. 'iames fflv Shelden, . Che . man who was if arrested by.Officer J. ,D, .OTre.ll,, on Tuesday night lasVwd who subsequently , drew, a pistol on the officer; bat shot Mr. John Fowler in" the neck insbsad. (aa account of which appeared ia the Stab of yesterday), had sf preliminary hearing before Justice H. D.-Hall, yesterday morning; on the charge of larceny" and with committing an assault and baftery-wlth'a deadly weapon, aad was committed td the Sheriff and lockedUp in jMl'td'awaft the result of Mr. Fowler's In Juries. . , , .(i helden says he belongs in AUafita; He W tomfi months ago. selling prctures, .r7 - Tji. j v - - - . . . ; but went to .Goldaborp, where he was era pl6yih"Mr,ugeneReedy in seHing books,' jetel It is alleged by Mr, Reedy that he collected; a. Jot. of money for , which; he failed tat nakVretnrtiB, and came down here a day .of Iwd ago tort have a "good time." Mr. Reedy arrived here and had a Warrant Itsueifor bis arrest, and Officer Orrell &ok him in custody at the intersection ef Faont and Chesnut streets. - ' ' : f It hit transpired. since that Sheldeu as Nourishing a pistol about ' the streets quite promiscuously Tuesday evening. AtCapt. McGowan's saloon he talked of either kOI- Ioghimielf 'at Somebody else,' and even, started to draw his pistol on the proprte torwe are informed, , but the threatening appearance of an uplifted chair had the ef fect to change his Intentions. Yesterday a warrant was sworn out and served on Shelden, charging him with com mitting an aasaultlth a deadly weapon upon Mil Thomas' Wallace, at the Gerr Salooa, oU ; Front street, Taeaday even ing; also one charging him with carrying; a concealed weapeo. These charges will ! be heard before Justiee MiUis this morning atlOo'cloelrvf;- v' -j-:1 : " 1 At he close of . the ' investlgatios before Justice Hall, helden was given an oppor tunity o make a statement or testify ai a iritness tn his own behalf, but he refused . to say anything. He iv appeared very inditV jferent, and Uts be was about to be taken from the ty Hall o tiieherifTa office he lit cigarette and went off smoking it as composedly as if he had been on his way to witness a base ' ball match. He told the jailor oa his, way to the lock-up that whis key was what . was the matter Tle Bacllab Army. t - "K We see by a London paper of June 12th that Col. L O'Connor, V. C, 2nd R. W. Fusiliers, anda-brother of Mr. Daniel O'Connor, of this- city, having, completed five years in command, had a farewell pa rade on the day previous, 1 preparatory to his retirement from the service, i The arti cle before us gives a somewhat kngtby de scription of the parade and drill, together with the sham fight which formed a fea ture, of the exercises, after which allusion is made to the kind words addressed by the Colonel to bis men, whom he told that this Would be his last parade as .their command- ing officer, and that no one regretted it more than himself. He concluded with a few words , pf advice, to try and maintain. the credit and discipline of the smart corps to which they, belonged. "J Cold O'Connor next addressed himself to .the npneom mi&sioncd . officers, and also gave; them a few pring words of advice, especially as to the , method of dealing with soldiers. Col. 0!Connor was very popular with his men. Base Ball Netes- , i The Seasides will play the Mechan ics, of XJoiumbia, & C on July 3rd and 4th. . A letter received by o the manager-states that the chili is in excellent trim and a fine game can be expected. 1 The Mechanics knowing the strength- ef the Seasides, have added several fine players to their club, so the boys will come with the strongest club ever formed in - South Carolina, and our boys must do their best, or. the Mechanics will add due mote victory to Iheif long list of irTumphs'' ;?. "The Seasides will meet the Raleigh boys In'Charlotte on July 9th and 10th. where gxui union 0101. Will uo pjajreu. 1UU they go toMt. Holly and play one game on iv JirmV 1 Jilt. - I''' L ui -iiuif returMing , uuumj ou . ounuajr morning. lU f . f, . ;l A Ilat'Dor fnaeter's Uevort. ,Capt. Price, .Harbor Master,, reports the of June: 1 i,:-" ff.I Steamers . t , , . Brigs.UU.;.. fa ,4 IMM V-J-M I 1 f, . . . JT,,.' 5V- 4,223 tonnage. . . . . . AT Uli . i g6hO3neYs.'. . f-iJ. 4,351 Tptal JMnericap.S, , 9,14? r, 'A iBarques.r. . t. . . w . ;,t . m 7 1 3,298 tonnage. 1 ' Totalr1-2 veBselsi' 12,641 tons;. - Cotton- r ' ; 1 The receiptajtL. cotton-for the month of June.iiut tlflMdtfeoJtediUp86 bales, as against !56 baleaf pr.the corresponding week Jasti.yeait lo !.-. V.. ,;. ,;r'j--' .')Tt83 receipts of 'the crop year from Sep-' tombe 1st to' date foot up 13,9ll bales, as against 1 9S.5131 bales 1 for- the same period' last !J year; jI -snowing 'an" Increase of 2,398.: ;baleor,ltr-iJ l ;;-7 . :: ! ,C JHi.il Ii' I'.'n li WrayeCarti JO l l-.The only case before the Mayor's Court i yesterday morning was that of7 Julia Mur-f ray, coloredcharged with aeting very dis-j orderly in the 41 Hollow' v on Tuesday night : She was required to . pay a fine of $10 or go below for. thirty days, and ac4 ceptedthe latter alternative. - - '.'iVt JULY 2,-885;' M rfteavBtawmeiaC.,u : w -i , Mr.'F, lit James is manufacturing a very cheap hut nice and: durable monument, a specimen of whickwe , saw at .Mr. J, W. Woolyin'Sj undertaking establishment ves- terday. fta made from Portland" cement, is as solid "as granitei;and' hardens' as: it grows dIder.!"The lettering can be done by stencil: or otherwise, to suit the inclination of the trurchaser.ToV.peius .of small means ths monument, which is quite neat, possesses decided advantages, and we shall be prepared1 to hear'that' MrjJapSs is ch ing a thWving busihe'ss id supplying ' this very fair substitute for 4he more costly granite and marble; r- v w '' - .; 't ' 1 ' m m m , , Base Ball Deetalon. ' ' ' The following answer' has been received from Messrs. A. J. Reach &Co,i of - Phila delphia, who are authorities on base ball, in'reply to an eaquiry-eoncerning the de cision of . the umpire in. the game t be tween the Oxfords and Seasides on Friday 'i . . tjl i -;f "In case of a ball striking the , umpire, the base runner -is not entitled to the base unless he can make it before the catcher gets the ball and throws it to a baseman.". 1 This clearly suBtains the position taken by the umpire on ' the occasion referred to. Tbe Stale Guard. . , General Order No. .3. from the Adjutant General's office in reference to the pro posed encampment of the State Guard at Asheville from the 22nd to the 30th of this month, makes it necessary for companies to attend with foil ranks of enlisted mea and one commissioned ; officer,' and the Commander-in-Chief earnestly reque8tgtem- ployers of members of the State Guard to give such employes the necessary leave of absence. ; ; ' 1 ' Vorels'M Export' for Ue Plsal ITme. Below we give a statement of the foreign exports from the port of Wilmington 'for the twelve months ended June 30th, 1885, Which will doubtless be of interest- Cotton..... ..1. 65,882 hales. Spirits turpentine. -w47, 540 casks. Rosins.. .....i 290.165 bbls. Tar. 26,056 ' Crude TurpenUne. . ; t A . . 768 "If. Pitch..... .w .. ' 327 ; Lumber. . . : '. . 14.994,015 ' feet: Shingles.. j. .......... . . 4,326,494 ;t 1: ; 1 . T. !-.-,' aaanerivlmteaniiK. Third Round for the Wilmington Dis-1 tnct of the Methodist E. Church, South - Wilmington, at Fifth Street. July 4-5. Whiteville Circuit, atCerro Gordo, July 9-10- . . t , ' Waccainaw Mission, at Lebanon, J July il-12. I.rto.' ' .-!tf - ;- . 1i Clinton Circuit, at Johnson's , Chapel, July 16-17. ' - ; Magnolia Circuit, .at Salem, July 18-19. t SmithviUe Station (District Conference), July 23-26. . ..-is $ ;r - Brunswick Circuit, at Zion, July 31, Auirast l. - 1 : Wilmington, at Front Street, August 2. Onslow Circuit, at Monnt Lebanon, Au gust 6-7. Duplin Circuit, at1 Richlands,-f August; A v. . vr PaTJI. J. CABBAWAV, . Presiding Elder, . : citt iTEBis. ';. ; .1. ' WHO IS 1IKS. WINSLOW tins question. is rreqaenuy aaxeo, we will simply say that &ne is a lady who for upwards of thirty years has unti ringly deroted her time aad talents as a female Physician and nurse, principally among children. She has especially studied the constitution and wants of this numerous elasB, and, as a result of) uus enon, ana practical Knowledge, ootained in a lifetime scent as a aurae and ahTsieiaa. she has compounded a Soothing Syrupfer children teeth- ing. it operates use magic givm rest and health, and ia, moreorer. sore to regolate the; Doweia. in consequence oi una aruoie jars, wins low Is becoming world-renowned as a benefactor of her race: children certainly do bisk up and bless her; especially Is this the ease in this city.' Vast quantities of the Soothing Syrnp are daily sold and used beiemWe tmnk Mrai Winslew has Immortalized her name by this invaluable arti cle, and we sincerely believe thousands of chil- dren have been sa fiom an early grave by its timer, t ase. and that millions rt ase, and that millions yet unborn, will share Its benefits, and unite meaning her blessed. mtem fed her. mion. ui Ko Mothxb has disohanred her dutvto hersoffer- Ing little one in our opinion, until she has given it the benefit of Mrs. WinsloWS Soothing 8yntp Try it, mothers tbx it now. L&iicf? Fintor.New York City, s '-!! droggtets. - 25 ots. a bottle NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, . Situttip antedi ; gY A YQTJHa JIAN, IN jJNY diFAUTJ. Can give the best of ref renoes.' Address ! - ' - W. A. D , LI jv2 li 1 4' ;tar Office! 1 1 ' 1 1 i a u. Fourth of Jttly M,, .l TYOU!(WAlT?P Tp .HATp AiQOOPir cheap' day 6l reoreaticwv go aowxeysyK4CHrR FA8SPORT." Boat leares'at 4 6blcK5k,rebrtWlt! JJ3 and. snakes a lanir ran out In the ocean. . - Li Pasouoci's Band will famish maslc:' Jy I ?t ' iil)i i(lmn .mti ;:; ;oli4.Sp9rtl' AT SEASIDE X)IAJR GUOVNDA liecaanics vo, Seasides. t fit t-ur,?i ..t.' '"'..' i,i'.Qtii uvAti Qam be faieda4. o'clock i q ao i ''TfusUj-byCHeiteniet CoCtttMni ' 'Admission ftfeerits. ' , -V t V. ' "A. O"!"1!1 f,L bi h Mac You know theMeebanips. ,Eapnffh.. (- .f. . - K i f 1 t i : , T JL'.IJ I I'.I'jI I U U'J'JU SK.il I'Jj.lLllli il'.; i;iiJ J I pAfor6' "l D M' bi .in; .iiJ iTitYA tiifimf ltJivi we wm ' CUT -erleea Jon rSmTTJSQa aiid PAItrJ STTJt'FS.''' Troni fflrsrefc"! V-u'T .rl;i;o j -.n.I . 3V2 f , ...... i . Boardi ; Eoarfi - Eoardi ' A 7TXS juXY AST I WIIilPPriRirfStt FAlh xx. lies witii Meals by the day; -week or month.) Whatever this market affords wQl be obtained la addition U Westera Beef and' Mottos.' ' Heali sent ou. w ttftoat extra tH&Xftfr r f Jy S tl M A n ii JTorth Vroovfitreeti ryES, TIM IS ARK HARD. AND INORDBlt Td . a. praetice eoonomy yon must buy goodoodsi such as we profess to keep, -and an Inspeotioii will prove la, Cookin-r Stoves the best, Farmeq Girl for instance. Eefrigerators, Freezers, Fly Fans, and aaother lot of beautiful Library Lamps JUSt m. i f f ,. W. ft. JUdtJUSMAK s . 4e81tf ' V' "-5 Market Street 1 WHOLE NO; '5862 : NEW 1 ADVERTISEMENTS. FIRINGh CHINA PATENT PORTABLE K1LNS. Stjeaens, fit en &:co , FORMERLY of al- bany. N.Y., are now located at Springfield.Ohlo, manufacturinirlfour sizes Kilns, Nos. 15, 20 ,J ' : 'j v . . ... -, j 25 and 45. Amateurs can now fire th"r nvn China vita, great-sicoese, with iglaze. equal or better than, can be done in large Kilns, and at a t saving in expense or mpress charges and is, send ior circular. . .! ) iy BTJEASNS. FfTGH & CO.. u Jy 2 Sw . , Springfield, Ohio. Satiirday tot Holiday. IN VIKW OF TTIS FOUKTH OF JULY COMIKO on Saturday, we, the heads, of the fonowlog -r.; '. i- ,. , . ' ' Grocery Stores, do agree to close up our respect . . 1 '. .'.- f, . . . : , iye places of business next Saturday. In order h til. ;Tt-' Ot':'f -vr-.-... ,T . .. that customers may have ample time to supply themselves, we will keep open until 12 O'CLOCK FRIDAY NIGHT. , i ! ; , JOHN L. BOATWKIGHT, P. L. BRIDGKRS & CO., WJBST ACO., . , HOLMES & WAITERS. A- ' is. I,;: GEO. M. CBAPOSr, ' jyait JAMJ U. BTJIViCNHOP. Preachers' Meeting. TIHE FOLLOWING RlSOLtTTIONS WEBB OF i femd by. Kev, J W. Telfair, and adopted, at the meeting ef the Pastors of the Wilmington District ' of . the African Methodist Episcopal Church; held at St. Stephen's ChurchTJuly 1st; Resolved, That we, the Pastors of the Wilming ton District of-the A. M. B.. Church, take thin method of returning our thanks to CoL L. C. Grafflln, for his kiudness in furnishing us lumber (for seats), and other material to aid us fa mak ing our Camp Meeting a complete success, tem poral and spiritual. . f i Resolved, That our thanks are due to Mr. F. M. Moore, Mr. Bobbins, 1 and Mr. Solomon B ill, for their kindness in loaning us .sail to cover our en campments - T-i '1 We also state to the public that the meeting was carried on with order and decorum, result ing, in tne conversion .of many, souls, auq. paying all -its expenses, for which we have mamy wit nesses. . r r , Signed by order of the members of the Preach ers Meeting of the A, M. B.Church, ' :" " J.GIFRY.'F.B. j. & iiAmiA-u, fseo y.f , . , ." Ocean Breeze Waltz, :- Flr Piano; I. H. GEEENEWALD. , .(- j.PRICB .PpsTArDj is f ; ,.The above pieca of Music i$ moderately diflv entt, and Is pronounced fine by our leading ma gicians. . .. ,. ; . . . .. ' - Forsaieat HTmasniTRmrnHi - jya'tf Live Book and Music Stores; Worth Consideration. OW BVTERT $10,003 ttF 'INiJUBANCE IN A ' "sixty days clause" Co. you lose in case of total loss at least fiflo. -' Why not save this amt. by insuring in the r Umwi 5& ionilfli & e ' Im. Co. which pays all .'losseei WITHOUT DISCOUNTf Jno;W;Gdrdoin & Smith ' f , AGENTS. ; ' fC6,()( paid1 for fosses fn North Carolina for r. - . r .-. .-. , JetMtf Tk Cape Fear & People's Stcailioat Co TIJSTBA1CEB.A. J. HTJHT, CAPT . W. A. Robeson, will continue to run on the same 4ayas heretofore, and every effert will be made to give satisfaction to shiDpers and passengers, ' ...fr- v . ' WOODY ACURRIE, . - - Agents, and Commission Merchants, aytt'tt ; Wilmington, N. Gj vr. Notice; jrB. BRANCH T. M6ROAN; (OR HIS HEIRS), who fortnerly lived m North Carolina and was In Texas in 183C, may be profited by addressing ' i - : J; H. COLLBTr, , 3el7 2w - at Austin, Texas. YachtCooklngiitove. T UST THE THING FOR VESSEL AND STEAM-' J boat use; durable and cheap. Always in; cook ; me ..Farmer ana uoiaen ' Harvest oook Stoves. Thev are the nrtde nfthn irlt.hon Wrwl and Willow Ware, Pumps; Bath Tubs, Ac, at ; j Je28tf t vui t S3 South FrontStC j Peach Ice Cream ; This Week, tn-ii .-.' At -iilJ t'-r ' Je28 tf -rm tt WARREN'S PARLORS. If: fTNEWj. SCBSOTOHjHOUSilS NOWj runrin First Class style in svery -tesBect, and is- Witfioat & doubt the place 'to get 7THE BEST MEAL that can he, furnished inline city for the) xuwircj. VitU uVJ a uanouu uo VUUVlUWUi 4ei18tf !,ij-ti,vt; ,W EBLACK. Manager, Hi 1 mnktVirimni- lv,f -,Y,f'...r(" vV;.JS .-r; A CCipENt INSURANCE POLICIES ISSUEDi tJtki pays aef aim for iademnityj or a total loss on.' account of death. , , ' .k nsliJTi I u, u.TTyit hltf b-st.Nn ui nvnS .Persons , insure their dwellings against fire, wheta the nrobab<vtof rtae dweBiae-e bJiminm I-is immensely less than the probability of anac-J OMienc oappeumg vo xnemaeives, - i ''K: I 1 6 Pollclaa are issued for anv' amount from t5oK to S10.000.-at a cost of from S2.50 a-lTear ta I fiy. ' These Policies paya Weekly indemnity In! caseoi acciaent, ana pay tne whole amount, oE XUWJF U ' IKMU BIUUM H1UUU JJUt UlfMltns..' : .. No medical examination -is necessary. , . . . i ,M.S. W4LLARD, Agent, Jeatrtf'l aUffit -oug NTwater St. V :1ji6H nYm- iino ..ifj Ti si"k nVkia. -T3aA irriTTT f A A. Tf kbh WATTA . .. U4 , . , . F.J r AND A FEW OTHERS. si MKiSTOfW?., . ,dJi: Wholesale Grocers and Com, Merchants, . ft .... '--'Nci flA. Water Street. it ap.tStff 1. ?. :u Wilmington, Ni a i j w lJJ ivVi-j- -f 4l'r .f.-ji N ?!-'i - ' ! t ! i Waterj CoDlers. , j .TATJBjKfXJOtEJS:, ASJD.; OTHER Roods jm reeelyed anl I pf saia Iqw, at . f ; : ' (jiiiattUtlO (GILES A MURCHISOK'S, j jestf . . , V Opposite j-ewAtarsew j banted; s. l give! 250 CORNER GROCERYMEN, ; TO AWAY ICE to their . customers, ' . 1 ' Call and seo us. ... Je 17 tf W. E. DAVIS & SONc bates of AmKMENTS. : ' One Square One Day,:::.:. ... Pour DayB,......,...;,..... One Weekyjv...M... ....... see s to 4 0 s S 60 8 0 10 00 13 00 84 00 40 00 so oo-: iff . " w weexs, i iiree weexs. One Month... a j Two Moatha..... Three Months,. .... . BLxmpauts,..; 0m uu xear. Contract Advertlaeinents takes at propor tlonately low rates. , . ' ; . - Tea lines solid Konparell type make one' square - ' NKW:- ADTKRTISKMKNTS. Still Unloading. NOTHER WEEK HAS PASSED, "AND STILL ? our stock Is not, exhausted. Our trade was . - really very good last week. Many suits were . - i ...f-- sold, and every one was disposed of at prices that pleased the customer. : x v.- - - V - - - -" - - . . - . - All CASSIMERE SUITS must go. "Please bear in mind that we mean-, by this that we win sell lfJa cuBtomer has tile least intenUon of baying.'-'"' i Yesterday was' a fine day for SEERSUCKERS and we were equal to the emergency. $ A large lot, airpretty. and the prices reasonable. Tbere Was a tremendous onslaught In this department,- bat sizes are not broken, and to-morrow we will have a new lot by express, completing the selec tion and enabling every -caller to get just what he wants. -.,.".,, ... 'We show a large lot ef BICYCLE SHIRTS and a great' many SUMMER NOVELTIES. We Kke to be kept busy, and will try to interest alt call ers next week. ... . V,:. , A. DAVID, Merchant Tailor and Clothier. Je 23 tf Eoyal Glue. and a full assortment of other PatAnt VkAwakm for sale by.. .. ( . - .- j . a. nju&itm, r , .. , ,. Druggist and Seedsmaa, Je 88 tf New Market. Wilmington. W. C Base Ball Slioesi ; 1 . . a. ! ' ' NOTHEB SUPPLY. OFEBASB BALL SHOES . Just received, which we offer at LOW PRICES. : Also a large lot of GENTS'- LOW SHOES, at Bot- 7 torn Figures. Don't forget that you eaa sow se cure Dargaias la 8TKAW JdATBat - . - . ., A. KH HI UK'S. , ie28tf 108 Market Street ' Bed Talne for lie Money, y QN OTTRB IRGAIN TABLES WE PLACE THIS -week Ladles and Misses' Slippers, Ladies Bat. Oxfords, Boys" Low Ties, Misses' Serge Bals. These are broken lots we are closing out. and we sell them for $1.00, 75c. and 50c. a pair less than cost. Now is your time. Come early before thev are picked off. AVr , - . ,.- Geo. S. French & S on s MS NORTH FRONT STREET. jesstf: j i - ' ' : - :-t - THE. t Has to-day received a sapply of t ' CONRAD'S BUDWFIS BEER, ' ERLANGER BEER. ... , FAUST BEER. ' The public are familiar only with one of the above brands, ut all are of a quality which none excel. CLAHST ;'CLAKB.!'i'CLAaBt V"- FRIED, STEWED, BAKED. : ' . Meals at all hours, and everything furnished the market affords. Am having a run on my long filler MODESTA CIGAR, which Is superior to any 5o. Cigar sold in this city. j; . . . WILLWEST., Je861w No. 26 i. Front St. Hanhatta and Chariot GANT BE BEAT (OUT OF THE QUE8TIONX in this or any other market. It is the best Five Cent Cigar made. Sold only at C. M. HARRIS" Popular News and Cigar Store. Reading Rooms m rear. Only fifty Cents per month. -..! Jess tf For Monday's Trade.1 JUFTY PIECES : 1 ' HANDSOME COLORED LAWNS,' ' - ........ . . . . f. t f 15c quality at lOc per' yard Je'is tf ' JNO. J. HEDRlck. Livery Stahles. - R' C. ORRELL, CORNER FOURTH AND MUL t berry streets, is now prepared to more ramuies to ana rrom tne Sound at low rataa: Also, to receive a few more boarders at reasona ble fignres. Carriages and - wagonettes -furnished to all who desire them at alow price. jeasiw- -. - :--. Straw Hats! . Low Prices! 1 - J i-r BARRI-ON & ALLKK Battecs.' Je28 U Soda Water! Soda Water !" "TyiTH PURE FRUTT JUICES. ' ' '. ' Tatei Epsom, Vfchy, Deep Rock, and r ,i i f . . - . ....... ... . - . .. . Congress Spring Waters. "' ' - ' 1 . , i , . WILLIAM H. GREEN, .; fe!28tf' 117 Market Street.' DOOES, .177 ImIJJ P, fjpHE .yERY BE8T. JATBRIAL- USED, "AND none but the most skilled workmen etuployed; not en apprentice boy In oar shops. -''Si i ! Our WHITE ASH INSIDE BLINDS' and DOORS, and Hard Oil Finish, will equal any In the world. Je IS tf ; J PARSLEY A WffiGIH-.i HOTEL BETJIISWICK, Smith vtUc -W. J. . : for rjrjrna hotei wiLL, he open for sSS . oeption Of GnesW on (hs 18TH OF MAY, 188; ; : i: The Manager wip: endeavor to maintain the I -hick repatationf ;joJT Us -Hotel, . and respectf ally soliolU the patronage of the public, : 7i j Rates 1 10 pemoBth. f 10 per week; $550 per day. Special rates made for the Jfpnth or Sea son, by addressing V,7. . - - 7. HOTEL BRUNSWICK, ' my 2m " - ' smithville, N. Carolina. CONFIDENCE .ESTABLISHED' UPON FACTS and' living evideaoes, is sore to produce a erowth In business, as has been clearly proven ty ...JOHN R. MARSHALL, , General Commission Merchant j l ; ' f No. 4 North Water Street '- ..;.'" .j ' Wilmington. N. C, Who has won the oonfldence of many of tha Far-. -men nnd Village Merchants by his diligence to business and correctness to retains.- He is. re ceiving Consignments daily of Country Products, - wnion ae sens . xair prices. . Consignments solid sited. Je 25DAWtf Ice ! Icot Ice ! BCHOONER ISAAC ORTtmVkN IT A rived with a cargo of the best MAINE FLINT ICE, which I Offer to sell at ONE-HALF OKST PER LB. - at my Ice House on Dock Street or at anv Of mv lee Deoots. or will d silver at th khsvrA price. ' Lower prices for large quantities. Conn---try patronage respectfully solicited. SDecialat- tention given to t MULE for sate.:-.. : my2ttf te Wholesale Trade. A good B. H. a. AHRENS, Proprietor Newloe Honae. 1 3 - -it' j." ;4 J .4. . i - .- i: ' 1 6,' 4" nv: i ! if K 1'- 4i - rt- if" . i s ;.