TheMorning Star. tfiLMiireTOir, s. o. Thoesdat MoBimre. Jult g, 1385. UORNINGr EDITION; tTie LATEST NEWS. rr1TnT?Tm WOMJ)1 stones which shiyered window frames and ALL FARTS OJf XHJS w uaw i . to the cars. Several of : f r I uw -p - - ' -- - - , , the drivers and conductors were sirucs oy ILLINOIS. The Street Cr ;? Driver Strike In Chicago-Blotons lroeeedIiiKS Sere ' rml Arrest IHae. ... - IBy Telegraph to the Morning StarJ ; " I Chicago, July l.The West Side vision Street Car Company sent out three cars on its Madison street line early this morning, but the drivers were compelled to return to the barns.: Fully one thousand strikers and citizens were assembled near the car barns, and when the cars came out they were met witn a vouey 01 ancu u 11.1. .1! u4 Axtnm fnmM inn war Department, signal seme ' S. Army. Division of Telegrams and Reports for the Benefit Of Commerce and Agriculture,. .! ' COTTON-BEI.T BUtliKTIN; ' r. ' July 1. 1885 6 P.M. T , Districts. AVERAGE WASHINGTON. Made Tea- jjwiniiai Anvolntmeiita terday-A complaint Made to the Civil Service Commission - Vacant poetefficea. .- -; , , iBy Telegraph to the Morning Star. WASHINGTON, J?y l-"Sr was to-day formally appointed First As sistant Secretary of the Inior, (anew office created by Congress.) MdG. A. Jenks, of Penn.. wasu appointed Second Assistant Secretary of the Interior. Jenks had an interview with Secretary I,amar to dav and was introduced to the chiefs of divisions. He will begin the discharge of his official duties as soon as a room can be fitted up for his occupancy. . . . . Mr. J. Wilson, of Jackson, Miss., editor and proprietor of the New Mtmmppian, was to-day appointed receiver of public moneys at Evanston, Wyoming. - , , The President this afternoon t appointed Wm. Dorsheimer to be U. S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Martin T. McMahon to be TJ. S. Marshal for the same district; James B. Hayes, of Wisconsin, to be Chief Justice of the Su- ' preme Court of Idaho; Wm. Lw Cabell, of Texas, 'U. S.' Marshal for the Northern District of Texas; James M-Liddell, of Mississippi, U. S. Marshal for the Northern District of Mississippi; Charles B. rearre, of Texas, U. S. Attorney for the Northern District of Texas; Benjamin F. Jonas, of Louisiana, to be Collector of Customs for the District of New Orleans. . . - Complaint has been lodged with the Civil Service Commission by Owen Kellar, of Caldwell, Ohio, to the effect that, having been certified by commission for appoint ment to a twelve hundred dollar position ia the Treasury Department and having been notified by mail that the position awaited his arrival, he came to Washing ton and pon reporting in person the ap pointment was refused him. Kellar says the reason of the refusal was none other than that he is a Republican. Judge Therman, Democratic member of the Com - mission, is absent, but the remaining mem bers have taken the complaint under con sideration, and it improbable that a letter will be addressed to the Secretary of the 7 Treasury asking for his : statement of the facts in the case. This is the usual course iu such cases. ' Gen. Cbenowith, First 'Auditor of the Treasury, to whom Kellar was assigned to duty, said to day that he had refused ' to " accept Kellar' on the ground that he was personally . offen sive to Democrats in the district . where he lived. In fact, he had received a letter from Representative Warner pro testing against Kellar's appointment. - He (Warner) described Kellar as a man who had been active in support of Taylor, who ran against Warner for Congress. He also said that Kellar had taken every op portunity to insult Democrats of the dis- trict. Chenowith. said he did not want such a man in his office and told him so. He also informed Kellar that if he had to appoint him on the certificate of the Civil . Service Commission he would discharge him next day, but that if Kellar preferred it he would return, his papers to the Com mission and let them take the usual course. Kellar agreed to the latter alternative and the papers were returned. . . There are at present eleven Presidential - -fi)estg wjjere the commission of the postmasters havSpired and where no ap--" pointmenta have yet-beenmade. These offi- ces are Milford, N. HTHfiesirLX Manitowoc Wis. ; Gflroy, Gala. ; Augusta, - Me.; Belief onte, . Pa.; JMilsbell, Ind.; Evarts, MicIL; South Haven, Mich. ; Pres ton; Minn,; and Corinth, Miss. The va : cancies in fourth class postoffices number not .Teas .than 25,000, and some estimates .make the number much greater. Nearly all the vacancies have been caused by re signations or removals because of miscon " duct on the part of postmasters. ' In many cases postmasters have written U the De partment asking why nr attention had been . p iid to their requests to be relieved from the duties of the office, made in March list. The explanation is to be found in the great number of cases that are not con st aaily pressed upon the attention of the First Assistant Postmaster General, where ; an itn med iate change is desirable in order to .secure good service. SOUTH CAROLINA. Trouble in Ibe Episcopal Diocese Caused by Colored Clergymen Pay ments of Interest and Dividends by Cbar)ton Casks. .j . liJy Telegraph to the Morning Star. - CharjLEStoh', July I. At the late session of the Episcopal Diocesan Convention there' was a lively contest . over the presence of two colored clergymen who, : under the ruling of ' Bishop Howe,- retained seats as ex-officio delegates. The opponents ' to the admission of colored clergy .; men . protested - and some .now . take 'Hhe ground that ' the - Convention & was' illegally organized and its, entire action in valid. . ..Consequently, at a meeting to day I of the .new standing committee of ? the ; Dioceseelecied by the. Convention, resolu- - lions were adopted ; declaring there were! doubts of the legality of the committee, but tbat eight of -the ten members of the com-4 mittee being . old members were" en- Hilled to seats as- holding over, -if - not entitled under the election by the Con-j vention, and that the committee ' could,- -. therefore, organize and fill the two vacant cies. Rev. "Dr. Porter, a member of the' committee, filed a protestagainst such -action and declined tOTOte.Tis by doing so he would .admit doubt - of the legality of the Convention., There is deep feeling on. " the subject; among t Episcopalians, and. every phase of the contest is being jealously . scrutinized. " ' . . . . vj - ;' '. .The various banks .and corporations of . the city began today paying semi-annual interest and dividends on., a capital of - $12,000,000 invested in State and other se4 cutities. The amount to be disbursed is about $300,000. ; , -, J ; fl5 miBanfls-AdeDutv sheriff was on the platform of each car, and in the excite ment one of the officers drew revolver and threatened to fire, but desisted. It ia now stated that the Company will endeavor to run their cars under the protection of the mty police, and trouble is feared. .-' At 11.80 o'clock a car with policemen and a reporter as the sole passengers, atarted from the barn on Western avenue down town on the Madison street track. The car got through without any difficulty, except occasional hootings. Trouble was expected at Halstead street, but there was none. This car was followed by two others, also with'police and deputy sheriffs. No pas aengers were taken. The cars went over the route without molestation. On the re turn trip, however, the cars were met by a mob of four or five thousand at Jefferson street. They followed the cars with hoots mr,A iia in TTnion street From there on to Halstead street the scene was of the most riotous description, me crowa nuneu beer barrels, bricks; stones and all sorts of missiles at the cars, smashing windows and nearly wrecking them. Several arrests were made, but the police were almost powerless to handle the mob. At Union Street all sorts of obstructions were thrown on the track and several ringleaders were arrested, and a shot was fired at one of the supposed leaders. Missiles were even thrown from buildings-on the street at the cars. The cars are moving along slowly with a great crowd following and uttering threats. Proceeding further west an enormous crowd of threatening men had assembled near Ann street, and the ais was filled with stones as the cars tried to make their way through. Policemen were hit and injured and the, cars were badly wrecked, resulting in their finally being thrown off the track and overturned near the sidewalk line. The authorities massed the entire reserve police force along Madi son street and made a number of arrests. The police have been patient, and with the exception of one shot fired near the corner of Union street, revolvers bavs not been used. Wilmington , . Charleston.... Augusta. . ... . Savannah Atlanta . Montgomery-. . Mobile.. New Orleans Galveston...... Vicksburg.... Little Rock. . . . Memphis...... Max. Min." ( Rain ' Temp Temp. FalL " 64 v .oo - 83 i 59 .00' 86 - t 60 00- 91' f 67 .04 -82 - 57 ' .00- ' 85 59 .00' 87 67 - .00 ; 90 68 .00 ,90 ,,70 .04. 87 58 .00 84 60 " .00 80 59 ..00. COMMERCIAL. 5 - .1 ' " . COTTON AND NAYAI STOHS-:. ; 1 .ftlONTHXY STAT9tENT. i V ' ; RECEIPTS " I For the month of June,1885. . .. - VottotuKSpirtUjV jbtitfS Crude. 86 S 7,516 7,239 " 3,695 4,807 ; i RECEIPTS, . . , For the month of June, 1884. Cotton. : Spirits. ' Rosin. : Tar. "l Oruds. CO 8,793 23,795 1,720 4.431 I I EXPORTS : v I -For the month of June, 1 885. , l Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar.Orude, 0 COTTON ItXABRE'r ' - : y' - - A - i'x J . ' " ? iBy'Telegraph tothe Sornhift star.l Ci ' v July 1. Galveston, steady at lOtc-net receipts 16 bales; Norfolk, firm at 10ic net receipts 2 bales;' Savannah, dull and nominal at 10 l-16c net receipts 2 bales; New Orleans, quiet at 9 1516c net re ceipts J28 bales; Mobile, easy at 10c net re ceipts bales ; Memphis, steady at 10o net receipts 14 bales; Augusta, dull at lOfc net receipts -12' bales r' Charleston; dull and unchanged at 10c net receipts bales. " ' -u: ' ; . - v BRO WNE RODDICK, 1 9 North Front St. WILL OFFER ON '3 T i ; ". 'V i"f MONDAY. THE 22ND, THE CHEAPISr LINE OF -i MA RINK. Domestic - Foreign. 470 000 884 8,650 1.841 15,015 8,911 4,882 V 2 248 Port Almanac JTnly 2.. tVcatlier Indication. I The followin xr the indications for I For i Total.. 470 4,534 16,856 3,913 4,580 . EXPORTS . . For the month of June, 1884. Cotton. Spirits. Rosin , Tar. Crude.. 835 1,631 i 5,001 l.UO 000 5,074 24,828 , 000 v; 150 Domestic Foreign. Bun Rises... Sun Sets High Water at Smithville. . . . High Water at Wilmington . . Day's Length.. . . . .. 5.1S A.M. 7.82 P. M. 10.52 Morn, 1.52 Even. 14h. 16m. :r: NEW YORK. Unknown Man Found Dying in f an Oplnm Joint. J IBy Telegraph to the Horning Star.1 New York, July 1. An unknown man was found unconscious this morning in a house in Crosby street. He was removed to a hospital, where it was found that he was suffering from opium poison.; He died about an hour after his admission without regaining consciousness. In his clothes were found letters signed "Sam Davenport." The room where the man was found bore evidences that it was or had been run as an opium joint. He was partially undressed and lay on a bench. Some cards and letters, the latter signed "Sam Davenport," were found on him. but nothine bv which he could be identified. The room had been occupied by three Chi namen and was full of people last night, and opium smoking - was said by tenants of the house to be in full blast. .This morn ing the people went away, and the Chinese proprietors fled when they found that the stranger was dying- It is supposed they robbed him before they left. Police are endeavoring unravel the mysteryut we oniy ciue mey juts u ueMissrsan is a handkerchief f oundron him, marked A. B. the South Atlantic States," slightly warmer, generally fair weather, northeaster ly winds. ..";.-;..... i ?-. i -rstpi BI.ECTK1C SPAR KM. I The city of Iiewes, Del., has estab'ished quarantine against the Marine "Hospital stotion at Delaware Breakwater, where a case of yellow fever is Under treatment. -; Ellie Buel, aged 60 years, committed suh cide on his first wife's grave in .the cemete- - o T!f f ofrtrrl Xfoca PfiforHllV. TTis first wife committed suicide by hanging and he ( ( had been divorced from his second. fl ; . A day or two since a negro boy ten years old, living at the line of Houston and Craw ford counties, Ga., seventeen miles from Macon, shot a negro girl of the same age, killing her instantly. The boy has not been arrested. - The Louisville & Nashyille . Railroad statement for the month of May shows gross earnings of $1,102,414; operating ex penses $71 1,227. mere was aiao cnargea to the construction account $19,537; leaving a net balance of $371,614. . THE MAILS. ; The malls close and arrive at the City Tatt OfQoe as follows: CLOSE. ' Northern through malls, fast. 7:45 P. Northern through and way mail,s .... 8:30 A. Raleigh......... e:iar.ja. aoia. Halls tor tne n. u. rtauroaa, ana roates supplied therefrom Including -A. -A N. a Railroad, at...T: P. M. A 8:30 A. M. Southern mails for all points bonth, dally Western mails (C C. Railway) dally (except Sunday).? ' Allpointa between Hamlet and Baleigb Mall f or Cheraw and Darlington Rail road 8:00 P. M lCalls for points between Florence and Charleston..........'. 80 P. Fayetteville, and offices on Cape Fear Biver, Tuesdays and Fridays .... 1:00 P. f . F&Xettevllle, ria C. C. B. B., daily, ex cept Sundays 6:15 P. M. Onslow C H. and Intermediate offices, Tuesdays and Fridays. . 60 A. M. Smithville mails, by steamboat, daily (exoept Sundays) 8:30 A. M. Kails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, 8hal- lotte and Litue River, Taesoays ana Fridays... 20 P.M. Wrlghtsvllledafiyat 8oA.M. OPEN FOB DELIVERY. Northern through and way malls...... 7:30 A. M. Southern malls ....... 9.80 A.M. Carolina Central Railroad 8:45 AM, Stamp Office open from 7.30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Money Order4 and Register Department open 8:00 A.M. to 50 P. M. continuous. Mails collected from street boxes from. bust ness portion of city at 5 A.M.. 11:30 AJL and SOO PJL; from other parts of the city at 5 P.M. and 6A.M. ' ' . Carriers delivery open on Sunday from 83? to dOAJC ' " .' . I Total . . 335 6,705. 29,929 ; 1,957 4,917 I -: STOCKS . : : . ; Ashore and Afloat, July 1, 1885. ' r : . ,-,.i Ashore. Afloat. Totals. Cotton .... ....... 810 Spirits. 2,807 Rosin. :...;.:;.103,760 Tar...r. 2,142 Crude.;.......... 708 j "STOCKS Ashore and Afloat, July 1 1884. Cotton. Spirits Rosin. -' Tarf : - Crudes ; 1 820 1,944 4,751 8,200 106,960 000 2,142 '.. 000 708 872" July Cotton.. Spirits. . Rosin .. Tar..... Crude... 8,794- 7T.Smm 1,752 1,607 QUOTATIONS. -1.-1884. , Julyl, 1885. ill . . lUi 27 Mi 97il 02 85 90 95c - 1 10 10 1 90 ARRIVED. Stmr D Murchison, Smith, Favetteville, Vt TY YY llllrtlUH OS AJ. ' . , i Stmr Passport, Harper, Smithville, mas ', ter. " w " . ' Stmr Louise, Woodsides, Smithville,' master. i Nor barque F J Ellstedt. 478 tons, An dersen, Liverpool, Heide & Co. ' Schr Lizzie Major, 147 tons, Colo, Bos ton, E G Barker & Co. I LJ-v CLEARED. , : '"Vj---1 ' Stmr D Murchison, Smith, Fayetteville. G W Williams & Co. i Stmr D J Black, Paddison, Point Cas well, master ' - ;i i Stmr Passport Harper, Smithville, mas ter. - - ; - Stmr Louise, Woodsides, Smithville, master. ! Br brig Swiftsure, Stewart, Barbadces, Geo Harriss & Co, cargo by E Kidder & Son. I S EXPORTS. Hamburg Edgings, Flounces and Insertions, i; ...... V ... you have ever seen.- .Don't put off ; 'come at once i for a BARGAIN. . Prices range from i 5 cents to 85 cents.- I Figured Dress Satins. We will put a line of SATIN BROCADES on our counters on Monday morning, at 4Cc, worth 75c. The colors are Black, Brown, Mode, Navy, I .... . ' Light Blue and dream. Spare time enough to come atd look at shorn. It will pay. CUTJM rJr IS THIS WKKK. . m Fine White straw Hat8 i InBvervtfiftrtin CI v cuape, For Mies,' -Misses an Mru IUU, AT Price Togethrwltha Lanre St " Jersets, Sim-Shade broideries. of lacc B! Ac. White Goods. j We are Just making things hum In our WHITE GOODS, INDIA LAWKS. AKD MULLS', LINEN DE IRELAND, VlCTOEIA LAWNS, PERSIAN LAWNS, "c, Ac. Variety large; prices low. Come and wo the Pine Line of Black and Cni nicejiit,g Away Down in Prico. ' A call WUI convince you of the ab: v. TAYLOE'S BA2AAE ; ll Market Street ' je 23 tf Street WILMINGTON, n. ITorth Carolina Eoe Her Tins FOR Trig Summer Quilts. - : Ladies will find no better time to lay in a stock of SUMMER QUILTS. They cannot be lower than our present prices. i M. M. M 8.-00 P.L 6:15 P. 6:15 P. M. General delirsrjr open from 7 A-M. to COO P.M and on Sundays from 8:90 to O-O A. M. R&liroad time. 75th meridian. . DEBT STATEMENT. Treasurer's Report for the Month of June. IBv Telegraph to the Morning Btar.l :WA8HrssT03r, July 1. The debt state ment, issued to-day, shows the decrease of the public debt during the month of June to be $8,993.993 75; decrease of . debt since June 30th, 1884, $63. 494,708 64; cash in the treasury, $488, 612.429.23; gold certificates, outstanding. $140,323,140; silver certificates, outstand-. ing, $139,901,640.00; certificates of de posit outstanding, $29,785,000.00; refund ing certificates outstanding, $240,600; legal 'tenders outstanding, $346,681,016; frac tional currency outstanding, not including the amount estimated as lost or destroyed, $6,964,175 88. ' This is the final settlement according to the old form. Hereafter .the new form debt statement will be the only one issued by the Treasury Department. The decrease of the public debt during the month of June, - according to the new method of stating the accounts, is $9,568. 611 63. The items are identical in both accounts. 'jw- OHIO.' IlMtrons Fire In Cleveland Tbree :. .r ,. . LlTeeliOsU By Telegraph to the Morning Star. ,. -" Clkvklahd," July 1. A disastrous fire .. occurred at Nos. 347 and 351 Broadway this morning, at 3 o'clock, occupied by , ; two families. Mr. Cohen with Ids wife "and four children occupied the front rooms. Cohen' jumped from, the burning building , nd his wife dropped the children on bed- - ding she had thrown out, and in doing so - was slightly .burnedV': Mrs. T Rosenberg; with her three girls and Miss Rosa Meisel , occupied the rear part up-stairs. ' She es caped with her 14 year old daughter, while me iwo younger cbUdren, aged 11 and 9 years, and , Miss ; Meisel,i perished in the flames. Mr. Tiowfa traveling man who boarded with Mm Rosenberg, jumped : Trom his window and had his arm broken nd hu iace badly, cut. He and Miss Sfv10 bave married next ?h yV Thocurrent belief of citizens and - deD"men' w that the lire was in- riHjf- 'waU the more piau- aible from the fact that the stair warn wm .eryedC.0n8Umedwhen tho S f MARYLAND. ITXall Embargo on the Chesapeake Bay and Patnxent River Ronte. , By Telegraph to the Morning Star.1 , Baltikore, July 1. The contract for delivering mail for points on Chesapeake i Bay and Patnxent river was awarded to a man named Horace E. Wise, of Virginia,! and today he was to have taken the first mail from the Baltimore . poatoffice. 'Tho! agent of the Weems steamers, which have, carried the - mail for years, refused to re--' ceive it on the boat and the maiV was re-j turned tome postomce. The matter was reiened to the rostofflce Department, and until arrangements are made people of that! section will have . to do without mails.: There is no other prompt means of con 4 vey in g the mail and the steamboat : com pany will not -buy -tho contract nor carry the matter for Wise. . -? r KENTUCKY. I A Fleht OTer the Local Option Law One nu ' Killed and Another - Wounded, By Telegraph to the Morning Star.1 ; "' Lotjistille, July 1. A : special ' from; Mount Sterling, says: In. a fight at Ste- phenson, a small station on the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway, seven miles from this place, last evening, Dr. ? James Carter was shot : and dangerously wounded, and a negro (name unknown) was killed. .The affair grew out of the trial of a druggist for selling liquor without . a physician's pre- scription, which resulted in his - being fined $5.25. Stephenson is a local option place, and the friends of "free whiskey'' and the temperance - people are arrayed against each other. ' n .; ; j Absolutely Pure. ; - - - , i - This powder never varies. A marvel ot purity,, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold ia eomC petition with the maJtitode of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. ;Bold only in WhokMle, br ADRIAN & TOLLEBS. BovSd It ,r nrm - too orfrm 4p nov24 . . j A Froclamation. KNOW YE ALL THAT AT THIS SEASON O? . the year a cool head la desired by every bod y Be it, therefore, proclaimed that U C. FKKM PEKT8, No. 7 BouthPront Street, is the place tp ret an No. 1 Haircut, Shave and Shampoo AIL in need of these commodities are respectfully reanested to call at old No. 7. where there are a few mora left, and the proprietor and .rat-claa9. and polite young men are always ready and will ing to serve them, bespectf ally, , . my 81 tf . H. Q. PB EM PERT. . LBOOMS WAEE- BASE BALL. ' Games Played at Tarlona Places. I "By .Telegraph to theMornmg Star.l ; ! Washington;" July 1. The following is the score of games played to-day: ;',-, WashingtonNational 16, Trenton (seven innings). ;r uC:;v ,. lialumore Baltimore 8, Brooklyn 4. v s Chicago Chicago 24, Boston 10. - ' i Louisville Louisville 4, St. Louis 1." . .. Pitteburg Pittsburg 11, Cincinnati 9. . Philadelphia Metropolitans 12, Athletic Columbus, Oa.-rColumbus 1, Atlanta 5j - Macon, Qa.-Memphis 3, Macon 0. . Birmingham, Ala Chattanooga f, Birm , ingham 1. s - Buffalo Buffalo 0, Providence . ' 1. j SMITH'S JTUKNITLIKB can. be found a large assortment of VALUABLE GIFTS, suitable for everybody, The public, and especially -the 180168,' are re4 spectrally invited to call and examine prices, Ao ' , " - - - D-A. SMITH, : deoSStf . Furniture Warerooms I Favetteville Observer.1 ON THUBSDAT, FEBBTJABY STH, 1883, TmA undersirned will revive the nnblinAtfnn nf the PATBTTBVILLB OBSSKVSB. ' . The Obsxbvxb will be a large S8-o6lumn weekly newspaper, and will be mailed to subscribers, postage paid, at $2 per annum,1 always in ad vance, ft will give Uie news of the day in as ample form as its space will permit, and both re gular ana occasional correspondent win contri bute letters . from ihe Capital on State politic and affairs..-, ,, , ' - .... .:..,..t; , Democratic in nolltiea. the (hmim vl in. bor, first of all, to assure the prosperity of the Town of Fayetteville, to develop the vast agrlr uiufcurai resources oi its own anq ine neignoory mc oounties. and to nromote all that vwwinm the welfare at the people of North Carolina. ( ; vpposea y sucn xnnpvano&s on xne nomeiy waysof onr fathers as, to the guise of progress, harm society, the Obsxbvxb wiu be found in fuu sympathy with the new thing feorn of the changed condition -of the South which sound Judgment or enlightened experience find to be also good. . .. , ... . - . As to the rest : ft Will strive to. deserve the re putation of the name it Inherits. - . i ,febtt t . . .. B.J. HALE. Jb- f The, Ilarion, Star. ? rpHE OLDEST NKWBPAPXB PTJBLlSHEJ IN , A the Pee Sea section, one ef the wealthiest ana most prosperous in tne state, offers to Com mission and Waolesale Merohanto and- Manufac turers, and to those who have-adonted tb niaa. of soiling by sample, an exoellent medium of com munication with a largo and iannential class of merchants, mechanics, planters and naval store men, whose patronage is worth solicitation. . Ad vertisements and Business Cards Inserted on libe ral terms. j ,t. . - -AdjSri - ' THE STABr r ootltf t- ... . , . MarlonTc Grain, Provisions and Cotton j The following is a summary of the Chi cago Grain and Provision market and New iYork Cotton market, as telegraphed yes terday, by direct wire, to the office of Mr. John R. Turrentine, in this city, at 3 P. M. : CracAOO, July 1, 1885. John R. Turrentine, Wilmington, N C: Extreme dullness has been the feature of. the market to-day. Deliveries of wheat are large but were 'well taken care of and did not come on the market in sufficient quan tities to cause much of a break. St Louis reports indicate a fairly liberal movement in wheat from first hands next week if the weather holds good, but the advance of yesterday rendered the shorts timid and they did not put out their wheat again in sufficiently large quantities to break the market, which closed very dull at 90? bid for Augudt. Receipts 110 cars and 89 esti mated for to morrow. Corn is dull but Urm. Receipts equiva lent to 370 cars, and about the same num ber expected for to-morrow. Fluctuations are confined to a very limited range, clos ing at the opening price. Deliveries are very light, with a good demand from ship- pera. Provisions are dull and firm, , closing; at about the opening prices. The report of stocks to morrow is expected to show con siderable increase in the stock of cut meats. Receipts of hogs continue quite liberal, but all are taken at full prices. V . ' KXW J1TQRX COTTON MABXET. ' The only feature in. the market to day ivas its extreme - dullness.- Futures were comparatively steady. . Bales 24.000, bales. iBy Telegraph to the Morning Slar.l FvnaneiaL" New York. July 1, Evening. Sterling exchange 484.: Money 13 percent Gov ernments steady; four per cents, ex int. 122? : three per cents, ex int., 103 J. Btate bomls quiet, -.j . , . DonmeraaL . Cotton firm, with sales today of 1,270 hales i . uplands: 10Jc; Orleans lOfc; con solidated net receipts 104 bales; exports to Great Britain 919 bales, to the continent 244 Iwles.f Southern flour steady; com mon to fair extra $3 ?54 60; good to choice do. $4 655 50. Wheat-HBpot ic btttcr on spring; winter barely (.tcady; ungraded red 9094c; No. 2 red $1 00T elevator; July 99c$l 00i- Corn spot advanced llc; ungraded 5154c; No. 2. 5354c elevator; July 53l53ic OaU . 4ic higher; No. 2, 3737Jc Coff e f air Rio on spot firm - at $3 62; Na 7 Rio on spot $6 95; July $6 95 7 00? Sugar dull and unchanged; fair to good refining 5f5ic; refined" firm and in better demand. Molasses unchanged. Rice firm. ' Cotton seed oil crude 82c; refined ajsac. steady. on spot $11, 0011 15; middles dull. Lard a trine better and quiet: western steam on spot $3. 80; July $6 786 80. Freighta to Liverool .firm cotton id; wheat 21d. Cotton-net receipts 88 bales; gross re ' ceipta 89 bales.' Futures closed barely steady, with sales to day of 24,400 bales at the following quotations: July 10.33 10.34c: August 10.4110.42c; September 10.1910.20c; October 9.939.94ciNoTem ber 9 849.85c; December 9.85c: January 9. 939.94c; February 10.0410.05c; March I0.1410.16c; April 10.2510.27c The Post says: Future deliveries remain neglected, v After an advance of 2 points for July and September and 4 points for August, prices settled down again as quoted yesterday at closing. The principal deal-f ings are in August, r In view of our small unsold stock of spot cotton, reduced to about 200,000 bales and mainly held by two parties, short sales of August must cer-! tainly appear risky. x The sales for export recorded yesterday- were for shipment ; tq the Baltic on an order from Savannah.' Neither at the - second nor third call were FOREIGN. ? Barbadoes -p-Br brig Swiftsure-173,000 feet lumber. . ; MARINE DIRECTORY. 1,1st of Vessel In tbePort of Wllmlue ton, If. CM Joly 1, 1885. (This list does not embrace vessels under no tons. I BARQUES. -Commerzienrath Rodbertus (GerX 567 tons, Shultz, E Peschau & Westermann. .Verein (Ger.), 453 tons, Jahnke, EPes l ehau & Westermann,. C L Weyer(GeT.), 418 tons, Frenk, Liver- pool, E Peschau & Westermann. Insula Capri (Nor.), 410 tons, Daniel sen, C ; P Mebane. ! BRIGS. Swiftsure (Br.), 199 tons, Stuart, Geo Har : riss & Co, loading West Indies. Wm Mason, 284 tons. Hardy, E G Barker & Co, loading for Baltimore. SCHOONERS. Natividad (Span.), 170 tons, Gonzales, A E Doebele, agent for owners, repairing. ; Walter W Pharo, 260 tons. Randolph, Geo Harriss & Co. loading Phikv Jennie Middleton, 840 tons, Hatch, Geo Harriss & Co, loading for Phil a. Jennie N Huddell, 265 tons, Henderson, Geo Harriss & Co, loading for Phila. R 8 Graham, 342 tons. Avis, Geo Harriss & Co, loading for Phils. Thomas Sinnickson, 260 tons, Hearon, Geo Harriss & Co, loading for Phila. Robert Ruff, 219 tons, Mackeprang, E G Barker 4s Co, loading Jamaica. John J Ward, 298 tons , Nickcrsonr Geo Harriss & Co, discharging. ARE PAH AHEAD O? ANY FIS1I BREAK PA ST TABLE. 30 Cents per Dozen We receive a nice lot of Children's Stripe - Hose. We have stul a few left of that lot of CHIL DREN'S FINE REGULAR HOSE. Former price 53c; closing price 2"c. Now Is your time. TRAVELLING BAGS AND GRIP SATCHELS. This 13 just the season to buy such goods. Don't put it off- to the last minute. We will self you such goods at half prices you have paid hereto fore. BROWN & RODDICK, NORTH FRONT STREET. Sole Agents for Butterick's Cnt Pajer Patterns. Je 21 tf New York and Wilmington Steamship, 06. FKOM June 27 List or VeaaeU Up Cleared or Sailed for tbls Port. Tne following vessels are mentioned in the New York Maritims Register as being up and cleared for this port : 1 ; BARQUES. FJettatdet (Nor.), 477 tons, Andersen, from Liver pool May 12. iTtedriok WUhebn 17. (Ger.). S8S tons, at Py ' mouth April 10. ' Texas (Ger.), 591 toos. Loof, sld from Hamburg Mavia. Theodor (Nor.), 293 tons, Andersen, sailed from London May 4. BRIGS. Der Wanderer (Ger.), 230 tons, Strobing, from Hamburg. April 11th. UNITED STATES Of AMERICA. District Court of the United States! For the District of Cape Fear. ' In the Eastern District of North Carolina. whereas a libel has been filed in the District Court of the United States, for the Cape Fear District, hi the Eastern District of North Caroli na, on the 19th dav of June, 1885, by The Insur ance Comsanv of North America. Libellanta. against the Schooner Isaao L. Clark, her t&ckJe, PlKFt 84. EAST RIVER, NEW YORK. At 3 o'clock P. X. BENEFACTOR ........ Saturday, REGULATOR " BENEFACTOR. ......... " REGULATOR... ' " FROM WTLMJNGTON. July inly July REGULATOR... BENEFACTOR. REGULATOR... BENEFACTOR . ..Saturday, ...Friday, June 27 July Julyj July apparel and that furniture, alleging. In substance, the said Libellanta had an undivided one- eighth part of said vessel Insured against the pe rils of the sea, and other perils in their policies of insurance mentioned, in the Bum of Two Thou sand Dollars ; and alleging, further, that the said Schooner was thereafter, to wit, about the 1st day of December, 1884, while on the high seas, on a voyage from Fernandina to Philadelphia, stranded on Stump Sound Beach, on the coast of Onslow County, in the State of North Carolina; ' that the said -vernal was therennon &hnrtnnvl . Rosin steady; SDirita tureen tine I by the master and crew, and this libel ant aooept- Pork firm and fairly active: mess I J?. "KS. nmn.t- leging. further. . . - . . - uim&ULBr sunn amimnninHnL uw um ,nr,. pended, on aooount of the said vessel, for labor, dockage, railway and other charges, the ram of $1274.57; that no part of the said sum has been repaid the Ubellants, either by the owners of any oi we outer snares in. sua vessel, or Dy an: other person olalming any interest therein: praying process against the said vessel, andthat Said vessel, her tackle, apparel and- furniture mav be condemned and sold to nav the said sum . oi 1274. 67, with costs, onarges ana expenses ; ana tne residue tnereof to be paia to the owners of said vessel, aooordlng to their respective In terests, or to whomsoever maybe entitled to re oelTe the same. - Now, therefore, in pursuance of the monition under the seal of the said Court, to me directed and delivered, I do hereby give public notioe to all persons claiming the said Teasel, her tackle. apparel and furniture, or in any manner interest ed therein, that they be and appear before the, next District fVmtt. tA hn hnIA tn th CXtwnf Wtl J mington, in the Cape Fear District, In the East-? era District of North Carolina, on the 1st Mon day after the 4th Monday In October, 1885, then' and there to interpose their claims, and to make their allegations In that behaU.' , , Dated 1Mb day of June, 1885. . . .. f J. B. HILL, 1 - w..T0.irarshat.: : per S. IL MANNING, - U. 8. Deputy MarshaL : Xabssbn Bkixaut, Proctor for Llbellant. - '! " je 20 1 Jy4 - ; "J tuavuemo UMUOauu UIO UWiC otUCS I v m VWVMW TL Till up to 2.15 pt to. amounted to only 18.000 I RALEIGH HEGISTEE. WCUCO. It. iPj y j vmvwuj KUIT X. TIUUI UUVUIUIgeU.! ! .Wheat Opened iic and closed 1c liigher; man yesieraay; juiy BiJS3ic; : August 090fc September 92i92fc; No. 2 red 93c. . , Corn quiet and closing Tc higher than yesterday; cash 47Tc; July 47i47ic; augusi, anu - oepiem Der 47i47ic - UatS quiet and steady; cash 83c; July 31T32ici fugues (jYtc. rors - quiet and un4 I ni-iTi - - -changed; cash $10 2510); July $10 27 O tate iieUlOCratlC XaUei J?l1fl HO- An mi at 1A MKf71( Ah. fifrv, I ....... i $10 4510 50. ...Lard f quiet: and an-; changed; cash and-July - $6 62G 65 August $6 706 72t; September $6 82i 6 85. 1 Boxed meats steady; dry salted 6hou.ders $754 00; short ribs $5 37: Webster's Practical Dictionary; clear sides $5 85(225 -90.-- Whiskev firm at I ivuwur, f l l.jfi ttugars unchanged; granulated 7ci I wmcn, unur August 1, 188 jg offered as a Pret sar Through Bills Lading and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from points In North and South Carolina. - - . Por Freight or Passage apply to IT. C. 89f Superintendent, ' - . Wilmington, N. C. Tbeo. C. Eser, Freight Agent, New York. W. P. Clyde & Co., General Agents, Je 24 tf 85 Broadway, New Yok. Groceries, ProTislons, Macco, &c. 1500 bls flopk' 931 s068" ;m 2 Q Ba8 COFFEE, Hlo, Laguyra, Java, 175 Boxes D 8. SIDES and BELLIES, 25 " Smk'd SIDES and SHOULDERS 2 Plrkins BUTTER, 150 TC8' 7111)8 194 Cases LARD, Z 50 Bbl3 KICE' wnoIe and brokenj 50 130X68 CRSAM CHEESE, 25Q Bbls SUGAR, all grades, ' QAABbls and Boxes CRACKERS OUU and CAKES, 200 BXea TOBACCO' 1111 irrades Bbls POTATOES, . 5Q Bbls TURNIPS, IQQ Hhds Cuba" and P. It MOLASSES, PJQ Bbls N. O. MOLASSES,: "JgQ Bbls and Half Bbls MACKEREL, 250 mts fCKKEL' 2QQ Boxes SOAP, Candles, Lye, Potash. Starch, &c For sale at low figures, mh 22 It , y ADRIAN VOLLERS. Fire-Proof Oil" OR "KEROSENE OIL, Can be used in any lamp By P. IL HALEPriiiter :td tne Stale Subscribe to your Home Paper and and then remit $2 to pay for your' 1 pay for 1: JS BETTER THAN any other Burning 00. ' ' For sale by " v HOLMES ft WAITERS, 7 North Front St. HENRY HAAR, 701 Chesnut St. -. - WM. OTBRSEN, corner 5th and Market. QIKSCHKN ft BRO., corner Chesnut andMcRae. P. H. SMITH, corner 4th and Campbell. J. C. STEVENSON ft CO., 617 North Fourth St. B. H. AHRSNS, corner 7th and Market Sts. J. C STEVENSON, 131 Market St. t H. SCHULKEN, eornei 4th and Walnut Sts. J. H. BOESCH, No. 801 North Fourth 8t. GEO. M. CRA PON, No. 82 South Front St. - Mtiu. ju raja, mo. outn Front Sr. i) I :. Watch this Ustand see It grow, , . mh 29 tf the Raliigh Rxoistaa. "Eaoh new subscriber remitting 2 direct, "is entitled to the RxoistxJ . for one year,7 an 1 to :" . ) ; v: ; '- -.. : j Stationery I F ALL KINDS, - SUITABLB FOR standard A 6c. St. Louis, July. li-Tlour unchanged. Wheat unsettled and closed ilic above yesterday; No. 2 red jcasa 8&97c; July 697c. Corn slow and a fraction higher; No. 2 mixed cash 44; July 44i44,c Oats easier and options firm: No. 2 mixed cash Sl32c? July 27f 28c. - Whiskey steady atfi 1$. Jfrovisions steady with good job trade. Pork $10 65. Bulk meats long vica ?m ou; ; Buort; riD s tu; clear fO ou. Bacon long clear $5 655 70; short rib 15 90s' clear - $8 00. Lard small f lott 6 406 45..i.i4i4-;,, -:.,,.;;- ,. , 4iBavannah; Ga.V Julyl. tipirits tur pentine firm at 34ic Rosin firm at $1 00 1 20; sales of 400 barrels. - , it Charleston. .C, July 1. Bpirits turpenune i35c asked. Rosia steady and unchanged., ( i mium. . Sample copies of the pltoatlon.'- ' v 4 mm. charts. Teaebftra. Law ai itiniotAn nt others. We make a .'specialty of Blank Books ana stationery lor tne use or counties and ounty umcuus. orders for Engraving Checks; Drafts. Notes. School Pmmmmu Tnttatln Visiting Cards, Ac., will meet with prompt at- , 1eWtf YATES' BOOKSTORE. , i; Address my 20 DftWtf Re nam mailed on ap- RALEIGH REGISTEK, "Raleigh. N. C. Brown' Oins. The Ctotral; Protestant 1 Camltna la nnhlbluul -v- r r. ' . M.,i ' ' S?J2.K?n,?uaJ dToe. . f i The eligibility of Its location, the number and activity of its agents, and the constantly increas ing demand for It among the more solid classes of readers m various sections, giye the CENTRAL PROTESTANT peculiar cimsupon th patoo ? advertising public. Terms veryfavor abUvpOTSult your business Interest, and address r i jr.' l. michaut, : I ereansboro N, c . X WOULD EARNESTLY URGB UPON ALL of our friends In want of the - CelAhrated BRUWMCX)TTOn GINS and MONARCH COTTON ruKss to piace tceir orders with us immedt atelv, to insure prompt dellrery. , Prices guaran- iTOu. wm. asrjuoujute vu., . , xK ? SucoeesorstoJno. DawsonftCo- , I ; 4. - Market StreeC 1e.26tf Wundngtoa N. C ' .' ' . !Irnnlis BAGS AND SATCHELS, pairing or eovering c done by the only Trunk Maker m Wfimmeton. IF THE Y NK1ETJ TTB- or covering call onus and have tt la stock, a full line of Trunks, . Saddlery Goods, viurmges, - jsuggies - ana: au sonoa ox , Yenioies. Ana au at lowest prices. Je Satf v I cDOUGALL ft BOWDEN, ' : - U 114 North Front St. ; PEACHES every morning, which we are selling FIGURES. at LOW AN ABUNDANT SUPPLY OP Royster's Pure Candies The great success that RuYSTRR' PAi.r has obtained is dn to iu sppf rior quality and cheapness. Three Pounds for $1. P. L. Bridgers & HO North Front St. je 8 D&W tf ' Go. CARLTON HOUSE; Warsaw, Duplin County, H. C, QN LINE OF WILMINGTON AND WELD0N Railroad, 55 miles from Wilmington. Table always well supplied with the hest the country affords. Rates of Board very reasow. ble, 11. 3. CARLT0U, dec 31 D&Wtf rroprletor. . H. JONE?, Presided. Grreecsboro Female College, Greensboro, B C. rpHB 59TH SESSION OF THIS WELL ESTAB- X. lished and prosperous School will begin on The 2Gtli of August, 15. - This Institution combines the comforts of a home with first-class educational adTantagea. Location healthful. Fare good. Faculty Competent and Failbful. Instruction thorough. Charges moderate . For Catalogue apply to Je 21 2w Groceries Never Cheaper. JF IT EVER WAS THE CASE, EVERT BODY can now . live within their means, by tuytae their Groceries where they can get them cheap est. I am In position at all times to offer advan tages of some kind. Elegant Canvassed and Naked Hams at l .'c per pound. Eut don't forget that the ".-prine- fiollo" ttra f ha finoat. flavnrfid. Fresh Peaches Just received, and for s:ile in any measure. Grown and Spring Chickens for my cnstroer?. Also Eggs, at wholesale and retail. Bug ars have been up one cent per pound, bat are now down again, and my prices haw re mained at the lowest notch. . Stevenson's Family Flour for J5.75 per t is the best value in the city. Java, Laguayra and Rio Coffees roasted daily Jeiaotf ; OSTBVJNSO Corn, Bacon, Flour. "1 AAA Bush Prime WHITE CORN 1UUV barrel, .R. SIDES, " TA A Boxes D. s. u. 1000 BWs FL0TJK' i 1e S8tf Sugar, Coffee, Holasses PBbls SUGARS, all grades, Sacks Choice iuu Bbls Porto Rico MOLASSES, 150 50 Je 28 tf Eice, Heal, Crackers. Bbls CAROLINA RICE, 25 200 25 Bags Water Ground MBAU Boxes CRACKERS, 'je 88 tf Soda, lye, Potash- Boxes SODA, 50 j a A Cases LYE, AVa Cases BALL POTASH, r0WlLmMS;iRA5Kl, Je 28 tf Star Saloon, GEO. F. Ilis"- ' V- is market Street. CHOICEST WINES, LIQUORS DEVILED CRABS always on te 5 tf . Z Geo. W, Price, ji Auctioneer and Con-0Atfg S BTKBJsi "Tttoods, ware rjniDisi given the we fAd a General UjDtf e- on Consign fi 'Ittentlon to mf J" " QUICK returns of sales. 1 "4