- - - 'iit8 sa.8, the c an Hop are Bit that 1 on " 08, " a, : ood Bit- .' fore i s. reen Pol- rm Med-dlHs-Jbsti- offof i ays oach. id oa send 28 lera r for lents Iwot must tlthy junil Belt I ills, is for powt i inco Mt ova -an, "era ork. T20 OF lam? Baa. 8t a. 29 tf gUKI oss on t fire irninfT n$50 ar to ant oi iff r St. NOF rbody. (area CBT- ist. tees ielor.. and 18 , i rest oi ited to intb Cottoo ot ,pap - RSON- Eif CKLEE Be Kejl ia Emy Honselioll. It i THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY for the bowels. It is one of the most pleasant aod .fficacious remedies for all summer complaint. - AJ . wason when violent attacks of the bowels are ao -freonent, some speedy relief should be at hand. T)M wearied mother, losing sleep in nursing the little one teething, should use this medicine. 60 eta. a bottW. nd stamp to Walter A. Taylor, Atlanta, Ge. for ISddle Book. . . . . : Taylor's uier&v nemewv VI gwvH Gum and MnUeln will core Covgha, Ctmm .nd Consumption. Fnce 25c and fl a bottle. j my 15 ly too nrm.3 HA GAITS Magnolia Balm is a secret aid to beautyJ Many a lady owes herfresh-J ness to it;who would rather not tell; and you cant tell fab 4 DAW ratnta- BTDI Cn IB for: Man and Beast , - - . - Mustang Liniment is older than most men, and used more and more every year ' ' eb 1 DAW fratath " nrm oha Eot Springs at Tour Door. Ho Options Physicians use. In their owu and Proscribe for Others . - " ... ; Buffalo Lithia Water 'UT, RHEUMATISM, AND PISBAS33 QSNZ RALLY OP TJBIC ACID DIATHESISJ i " U T r DR. JAMES L. CABBLI V'.C, .3 PTimssor of Physiology and 8orgery in the Med leai jtepartment of the University of Virginia mid Pre ident of t .e National Board of Health, and former Resident Physioiau, Hot Springs, Virgiaa. .;.:..; if J The water of Sprinsr No. 8 contains in nota trte n&nUties tsrf the' Alkaiieay which are- ac credited as extremely valuable in the treatment of Goat, tithiasia, and Liver Affections. I refer to the Cartxmeles of Potash and -Zithia, It is now well known that both of these alkaline carbon ates have an ascertained value in cases of Uric Acid Diathesis connected with OraeA. and hi oases of L'hnmie Goat, because of their affinity for Uric Acid, and the great solubility of the salts which are funned by their onion with that acid." D2. ALGERNON 8. OARNRTT, bm eon (Retired) U, . Navy, Resident Physician H". Springs, Ark. :..i::i:.-- - f experience ia the use of Buffalo Lithia Is limited to tiie treatment ot Gout, Khea K4'ia, and that hyikrid disease '.Rheumatic ("ar, igo called), whch is in contradlstineUon to the Rheumatoid Arthritis $f Gvrrod. ... "I have had excellent resiitg trom this Water In these affections, boh in my own person and In the treatment of patients for whom I have pre scribed it. Of coarse the remedial agent Is its contained Alkalies and their solvent properties. "Hence, it w a prophylactic as weH as a reme dy in Nephritic Colic and forming Calculi, when due to a redundancy of Lithio Acid. , .. . . ; DR. W. B. TOWTJES ' ! Hember Medical Society'of Vlrglina,: Resident Physician Hot Springs, Va.;.. 4 . ; -. : .,- - rJVJ J10 hesitancy whatever m saying that In tout Rheumatic Gout, Rheumatisia, Stone In the Bladder, and all diseases f Drto Acid Dia Mesia, I know of no remedy at all comparable to rl Water. 8pring No. 8. In a single . ; case of Bright 8 Disease of the Kidneys I wit-4 :nd,ery marked beneficial resulta from its i fi"ifrom action in this particular case, I 9aSr ereat.eonfldenoftte.lt in this dis- : DR. T. B. BUCHANAN. -Tesident Physician, Hot Springs, Ark. "Sead me five cases' Buffalo Lithia Water, spnnsr So. 2, I have made use of this Water for uet tn my own ease, and prescribed it for pa tieota similarly suffering, with the most decided wnefiolat results. I take pleasure In advising wmty patients to these Springs. " j Water in cases f one dozen half gallon bottles Per case at tb Springs. - - i prmwpampMetTOaifed to any address. I hy W fL Green, where the Springs mphlet may be found. , m. lfl r, THOS. P. OOODS, Proprietor, Jlstf nrm Bntfalo Lithia Springs. Ya f CARLTON HOUSES, QN LINE OP W1LMINQT01J AND WELDOh RaUroad, 55 miles from Wilmington. : : j Table always well supplied 'with the best the try affords. Rates of Board very reason ble H. J. CARLTON, j .JtS ProprletorJ Fresh Arrivals. DST 8ALT AND SMOKED SIDES SUQAR-CTJRKD HAltS, CUBAIMOLASSES, -. ' ' ' WHITE and MIXED CORN, - I MKAL, HAY and OATS, ' I AtL GRADES C0PPEB and SUGAR, ! , "OUR STANDARD BRANDS FLOUR, - 30BACCO,8NTJppandCIqAES -j OOP-IRON, GLUE and KAILS. ;, ylf sii.T;.,t't t mtum w A P" r-TT rrft 1 Cotton Gins, Cotton Yy B 80L1C3T INQUTRTES AND ORDERS JOE WWSHIP COTTON GINS AND COTTON tS which are superior to any offered In ariet- Oculars and Price Lists will be nt appucatloa " - - i 1yi9tf WOaiB tFOHTfl. . . Kevleweopy. - ' ' - ' GMIMIL The;MorriingStar - OtTO CAPTAIN SLEEPS. , , ; . $ k , . - a . i .' ' , HENBY GtJY CAELKTON. , Tla written that the dead shall rise at last From their forgotten places, and find life: Bat he, who loved the people in their need. Though given back to nature dieth not; W tie shall continue jith us till that day. Great soldier who -didst never, break our trust, , . ' :. 1 '.:.!. But kept it well, if , that strong hand of thine -,. x;-"i':v.:vi":'': Which led the Nation upward into peace May draw the darkness fall'n 'twizt us and . . thee, : " View these sad. hosts here 'gathered from ' 1 ' thy.field8:;:-RM-iV::Ji:ii'J; To watch thy bringing home , Pass into - rest: r, v";,,.,-- -r,:.. r For thou from that high place thy worth ..- has wrought Above the troubles of dead time, hast seen The ' last - red ember. of the ' camp fiie quenched,,M , ... f The battle cloud, blown seaward, and, the 1 land; r;':-'':-'--) Whose once dividing furrows thou didst smooth,. i -. Quiet in harveat. --r;- Sound the last tattoo: .. :V Roll, war drums; colors, dip; and yegrtm ": :. throats - .r. ;r i ; That spoke his iron menace, ' wake again To chant a requiem to the ausweriog hills: Our Captain sleeps." : ' -; ' ' -August 8th, 1885J :: i-- tA U i -& ----- Gen. Sberman on 'J. C. Crawford in Grant's Religion. New York WorldJ t : TAe' array -peoploabo ljave been assisting in the Grant funeral cere monies do "not think much of New man's attempt to make out Grant a devoutly religious man. " They ill say that Grant had a sincere respect for people's" religious views, but that he never in all his life made any pro fessions of piety.: They point to the fact that while the General wis writing nearly every day up to the day of his death,, he never made In all these writings single reference to religion. r Gen. , Sherman, who is about as religious ' a man as was Grant, was approached by an inti mate army J friend soon after the. Newman sermon. " Said his friend: "Yoa see what is before you. Grant has .been made a religious man Within the next twenty years you will probably be held up by some person as a saint.'.' : Sherman's reply was irreverent but very characterist ic ; Said a he: Grant is vdead. and doesn't care what is said about him now. No more will I when I am dead and gone i : - 7? T 1t Ho Old Sol Vaeel to Shine In Summer. . .-VV. T;J 3s Washington Star. - sj - In 1303 and. 1304 the Rhine, Loire and Seine ran dry. The heat in sev eral -French provinces during the summer of 1705r equalled that Jin a glass furnace. Meat could be cooked by merely exposing it to the i sun. Not a soul dare venture oat between noon and 4 p.' m.P-i fl t i" j f In 171 8 many shops had to close ; the theatres never, opened their doors for three months. Not a drop of water fell during six months. t , f - to . In 1773 theu.thermometer rose 118 degrees. - " In 1779 the heat at Bologna was so great that a number of people were stifled. There was not sufficient air for the breath, and the people had to take refuge under the ground. In July,, 1793,. the beat again be- - . W W V came intolerable. V egetaoies were burned up and fruit -dried upon the trees. The furniture and woodwork in dwelling houses cracked and split up; meat went bad m an hour, . ' ' h COTXQ2i.: . ' ' '.K W N. Y. Commercial and Financial Chronicle New York, Augf 7. The move' ment of the crop,' as indicated by our telegrams from the South to-night, is given below. For the week tend ing this evening (Aug. 7) the'1 total receipts have : reached ' 2,038 bales, against 2,588, bales last week, 2,- 194 bales the previous week, and 1,972 bales three weeks since; mak ing the total receipts since the-1st of Sept; 1884, 4,736,534 bales against 4,808,030 bales for the same penod of 1883-'84I showing raT0decrease since Sept. 1, 1884, of 71,496 bales., - The exports for theweek 'eliding this evening reach a total' of 13,955 bales, of which 6,603 were to Grea,t Britain, 5,305 to v France and . 2,047 to the rest ' of J the Continent,' while the stocks - as made up this overl ing are now 191,075 bales. Yesterday ''a decided .advance' at Liverpool was but feebly, responded to with us, till toward the close which was firm at some advance. To-day the opening was buoyant oh; the Liverpool report, but the, favorably crop accounts from the National Cot ton Exchange and the ramors of. fresh complications in Afghanistan Caused most of the early advance to be lost: Cotton" on f. the- spot has ' been only moderately: active, whether for ex port or1 home consumption, and un-i cter . tne very : rree aenvenes - wmcu were made on August contracts there was a deoline of l-16cJ-on "Wednes day. To-day the decline was re4 covered Bnt the close was fairly ac tive at 10c; for middling uplands The total sales for forward delivery for the week are 290,100 .bales. j A Sleepy Sermon. The poor parson is overworked, under paid and underfed. His blood is thin. His stomach is ailing. ' His liver is all wrong, and of course his digestion is poor.'; Is it any wonder he puts his congregation almost to sleep by giving out the text ? Brown's Iron Bitters will repair his broken- down system and make him a new man; Kev. j. . Wiite, or kockmu, d. v. writes. ''I used Brown's Iron Bitters for general debility It has restored me to health andvigor" Many other clergymen give similar testimony. v v :.. . t ,4 The Robesorn Published every Wednesday m Lnmberton, N. C HAS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION AND THE larjrest advertising patronage of any paper In tha lit at a Tt una biu over ehrht hundred suD- scribers In Robeson county alone, besides a gen eral circulation In the counties of Moore, Cum berland, Bladen, Columbus, Richmond, and in the adjoining counties. Marlon, .Marlboro and Darlington, in South Carolina. . jansa n THE 8UFLEJ$IOJR CO USTS tW- , ?rtTm' -r .- ' . a--. - .... Fall Tennr i8S5....r , Raleigh New-Observer,' fr FIRST DISTRICT-TJDOB SHEPHERD.' i 4 Currituck September 7, one week; -r Camden September 14, one week. ' Pasauotank Sentemher Perquimans-Beptember 38, one week". :?r -V-Chowan October fii.06e week. Gates Octoberl2onfr week. ' ; Hertford Oct. 19, one week; Dec. 21, one week. j Washington Oct. 26 one week; Deo. 14, one'Week..H .L" I- i yrren jxoyember ond week. i uare iNovember 9, one week. Hyde November IrJ-'oner week. " Pamlico November 23, one -rxzi Beauf ort-November 80, IwO t t s . ii t - .i : -. SECOND DISTRICT JTTDG PHTLLrPS. I Warren September 1 vno weeks. ' I Northampton October 5. two weeks, i Jkigecombe-tober90vweeks. j- iserue--ixovemDer z, two weclir. i Halif airNovember 1 I ko weih J - t Craven-r-Noyembef ?a tweckstg ! S5dNOB. ! Franklin Aug. 17, one week; Nov. J6?; one weej tt.. rr-., i if 3kArtin-4-Sept.:7r': two jwksYDec 7;iwo weess,- ior civu, causes ana riaii; ca$e Pitt-r-SeDL 21. two weeks... ;:,,v Greene Oct.- 51 two weeks. '. Vance Oct. 19, two weeks. - - - - Wilson Nov 2.- two weeks. . . .i Nash NovJ.23 two weeks If 31 FOTJETH DISTRICT JUDGE CZJLRK. Wake July i 1Z, two- tweeks, criminal causes .only;. Aug. 81, two weeks, citil causes only ; Sept.' 28, two weeks, crim inai; Oct. 26, i three weeks, -civil causes only, . , ,r.. - : - i - Wayne-AJuly ' 2T. ! twO' weektC dvtf a$d criminal; BeptK-14, two weeksi x ciyil .causes, only; Oct. 19, one week,- civil causes only. w -'' l j Harnett Aug. 1. 10,1 one -week, t civil, " aid . criminal. f: . f' I Johnston Aug." 17, two weeks) "civil raid criminals 1 i .- r - , ; i - "' FIPTH'DKTBIiyiV-JTJDGE OIUCEB;' 1 Orange--Aug10,: one. week: Nov 9, ope : week. . . . f"': ''S Caswell Aug. 17,' one weekf Nov. 16,, one Person Aug. 24, one week j . Noy.;23, on ".week. ' i - t- ; f -"i nt -.- p, J. Guilford Aug. 81 two weeks ; Dec. 14, ' two weeas. ' - - r i QranviUepptiift6jw J ilWO-'WeeKS.-:-i 'i. .f ;H :.- -' " Alamance September 28, one week. ; Chatham October o, two weeks. Durham October .19, two weeks. SIXTH1 DISTRICT JUDGE MCKOY. J6nes-i-Aug.) 7,oH l weelCoY 2, dbe wees. i . Lenoir Aug. 24, two weeks ; NoY.16two , weeks. . ' ' -' --' . ,' ' i Duplin Sept .7, one week; Nov. 80, two weeks. -. A,: ': 1 - ; i Pender-T-SeDtember 14, one week. f , New Hanover Sept. 28, two weeks, for ci- vil causes. i T ' - ; Carteret October6, one.week unsiow- rtovemoeviv onewees.- j Sampson October 12, two, weeks; Decem ber 14, one week... , ? fr ;;. : . , SEVENTH DISTRICT JTJDQE 1IC BAE., J Cumberland July 27, one week; Nov. y, y-i one week, for criminal causes only ; JN ov. 16, two weeks, for civil causes. Columbus August 3 one week. Moore Aug. 17i two iweeklf Dec. 7, two- weeks. ' tl -s . Robeson Aug. 81, two weeks , Ocf two weeks. ' . Anson Sept 14 one . week, for criminal .causes: Nov. 30, one week, civil cauBes. Brunswick September 21i one week- Richmond Sept. 28, two weeks Dec 21, one week. . . i . Bladen October 26, two weeks. j EIGHTH DISTRICT JUDGE MONTGOMERY- Iredell Aug. 10, two weeks; Nov." 9, two weeks. - . . , Rowan Augtil 24, two weeks; Nov. 23, two weeks; . ' i' Davidson Sept 7. two weeks; Dec 7. one --week. . . ,, Randolph September 21, two weeks.- t. Y r . - I ts l H I Stenly-rNovOA two weeks. 1 Si Cabarrus Nov, 2. one week, for, criminal cases and non-jufy civil cases. V I ' NINTH DISTRICT JUDGE GRATES." ; Rockingbam-TJuly 27, two weeks; -No 9. one week.' ; h '. r Stokes Aug. 10, two weeks; Nov. 16. one . -.- . ; ft "1 - ' SurryAug, 24. twp weeksjiNov. 23! one .' week.- v. . . Alleghany September 7. one week. i Wilkes September. 14, two weeks.' Yadkin September 28 two-weeks. -Davie -October 12, two weeks. , Forsyth October 26, two weeks. - v TENTH DISTRICT JUDGE AYERY. . HendersoDory 20; jlhf "weeks. Burke August 10, two.weeks. y ! . iSJBne AUKUSd . one . . ... ; Watauga August 81one;, week. t ! t uaiaweii oeptemoer v, one. wees. : . Mitchell--Septembef 1 14, two weeks; ! Tancey---8eptember 28; two weeks. '"r '. McDowell October. 12, two weeks fl f S KXJJYtNTH IDIHTBICT JUDGH lBBStT.l Alexander-' July 27; One week; ' J ' ' k-CatawDa-s-Apgoet.oS n jWeek Cleveland Augnst 10, . Iwq weeks; Octot ber26. one weekLHuf-'lKir at Un 'Mecklenburg'-Augusf ." 81, three week --civil causes' only. ill.4 . Umon September 21, (wo weeks. ...r , y Iincolnr-October 5r one week, s ikri JL Gaston October 12, two weeks. p " Rutherford November 2two weeks.,. ' . - i'nif Aii j TWELFTH 1 DISTRICT jUDSE VGUDGER. J Madison August 3, two. weeks November 23two weeks; civil causes.' ; 1 f Buncombe August5 17 three -weeks; De-j' cember 7, two weeks; ' J T - Transylvanja eptejnber 7,,oneweek; Haywood--Sptember 14, t$6 weeks; j Jackson September 28, one weekiA Y Maccn October 5, one week.., fk Clay October 12. "one week. M,MHH Cherokee October 19, two weeks, jv Graham November 2, one week; 1 - ! Swain November 9 two weeks. ! Atkinson Ilanninrj'o ;, , , InsuraneeXtooiiMy, . 4 , ' . NO. 113 NORTH WATER STREET " ! Wilmington, - H, C. Fire,, JarifiB vaii,vIufe' Coijaniesi Aggregate' Capita! Represented Over $100,000,000. ; -1e jVtf - -. .-z v .TO-:' r f' - Base-BaUrtii! ERraiGKRATORS.WATER COOLERa WHITE Mountain Freezers. Fly Fans and Fly Traps are all the rage this hot weather Call and take nick at livinir prices. Finest line of COOK STOVES In the city, at headquarters for House, ... . .. . W. XL ALDERMAN A CO., jylStf Ftoptb. it 4 Board.' Boari UBord. AFTER JULY 1ST I WILL FURNISH, FAMI iio with Meals bv the da v. week or month. whotAmr this market affords will be obtained. in addition to Western Beef and Mutton Meals sent on without -extra onarge. . , -v .- -... - WILL . WEST, Jy2tf : ' ' 28 North Front Street, Thaf.lorning Star Tvg.1 I'. 1 PUBLISHED DAILY ASD WEEKLY r ' Silisciiption Bates In klmw. . . DAILY STAR, One Tear, postage paid ,....$7 00 , . " , . " SlxMonths. . . " .. 4 00 "ThreoMonths" : ...... 8 00 Two Months, " i '......:. 13 One Month " '." 75 WEESXY STAR, One Year, postage paid . .fl 50 . 1 00 T, ' 50 - SlxMonths. " " . - " , . Three Months ".. NOTICES OF THE PEES3: ThA Brim la deoldedlv one of the best papers In the State, as bright and newsy as ever. Long life to lt.alm Frets. , t Th Wilmlnston Stab has entered on its twelfth year as good a paper as any people should want CharioUt Democrat. - . Tha wflmmffton Stab has entered on ts twelfth year. a daily Journal of news It stands "up hetA.n--0(maordSeQitter v, ! ThA wnrnmirto&STAa has entered its twentv- flfth volnrnv-, There is no better paper published ln)he State. Lenoir Topic ., . ' 'The Wilmington Stab has entered upon Its thir- seentt) -vear . ia one o uiaoesK papers in vaa ThA.wilminston Stab has entered Its thirteenth year. ' It has beoome one of the leading papera.of the Soath. Oxford TorehliQhU . - -- ""The wnmlnirton Stab 1b hot only one of the best edited papers in the State, but for freshness of news and typograpicai appearance cannot ,oe beaten-VdciMw Baorter, : -; - - 1 The Wunrkuton Stab is one of the very best pa pen In the South, in every department from typo graphr up to editorial ability and independence. Tetirtomv (Fa.) Index-Appeak ' -. - i ' The Wnrnlnrton (N. CI Momnxrs Stab Is a mod el newsoaoM. Indeed, we think we do not exacv gerate Its merits when we say it , Is the newsiest JaooularpaPOTMished tnth Sooth. Richmond The Wilmington Stab has now entorea upon its thirteenth year and twenty-fifth volume - One of tne best conuuotea ana eaitea papers in we soum and, as a North Carolinian, we are proud of lt xctrooro aouinerner. , , , ; "We Hke the Stab because It la thorouehlv re liable, oandid, fearless, and so well and ably edited newsy, spicy, and in fact A perfect news- per. fXiong may tne btab twmue. 4z- Atry i Although at the head of the press in this State in all that makes a paper valuable to the reader, still it continues to improve. It Is a Stab of the first magaitade. May Us lustre never wane, The Stab Is so well and favorahlv known in this section oi the State, that we can say nothing of which Its thousands of readers do not already know. It is in everv respect one of the best dai Ues in the South, E&whUm. rv, t : i The Wunmurton Stab has entered on its twelfth year, i It is a most excellent newspaper, well ed ited, a compendium of all the news of the day, and an honor to Its city, to North Carolina and tc North Carolina iournaiism. Charlotte Observer That masmifloent beaming Stab has completed Its twenty-seoond. volume. It is one of the most brilliant, erudite and sparkling dailies south of the Potomac The svstem In the get up of the pa yer surpasses them vL-Tarboro Bovtherner. The Wflmimrton Stab la now taking the regular midnight Associated TTees reports, and had be sides moreased the amount of Its reading matter. The Stab is an excellent paper. Its prosperity is bos surprising naoe n is so aeservrng. unanoi- i The Times oamnot sav a word too good for the .Wilmington Stab. It has just reached one of its many birthdays. As a newspaper It is a favorite witn ine etate press ana is soagnt arter oy tne people. Long and prosperous ufe to It. Peids- .- The Wilmlmrton Stab, we are pleased to notice, still continues on the high road to success. We esteem the 8tab very highly, regarding it as one rtt tha vrv best of nnr exohaiures. ana consider it the peer of any journal published in the South. uxrora jrree umes. . , . Whv la It that all the nosers with "the name of Star are such bright UtUe journals ? The Wilming ton (N. C.) Stab, the Washington Star, the Fred ertoksburg Star, New York. -Star, for example. There must be something q a name after ail. WciunoM i va, state: , - 7 -. --.r The WUminston Stab has entered uoonlts 12th volume, and we are pleased to notice still oontin ues on the road to success. We esteem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one or tne very best newsnaners that comes to this office. - Its news columns are always a little fuller than those 'of any other of our exchanges, and Its editorial de- aartment is eonauctea witn muon apuiiy. jacr ganUm Blade. c Humble In its beshinlnzs. as was Inseparable from an enterprise begun amid the wreck of for tune that attended the collapse of tne Southern Confederacy, the Stab has steadily "waxed" un til it sow beams resplendent la the full glow of a constantly brightenfnz prosperity. As a newrra- jxr It has few equals, and no superior, for aprrs- pnate selection ana luaicioas arrangement, ana we are proud to rank it among our mostaooeptaC ble exohangea. ia6ow Bseordsr. ' . . -The Wilmington MoBanro Stab has entered up on the tnirteenw year 01 va existence, ana we take this opportunity to oongratutate it upon Its prosperity and deserved popularity. The remark able success of the Stab is doe to its strict atten tion to business. The boast of the Stab (rightful ly too) 1b that it always has the news, ana tnis is the lint thing hi Journalism. Otherwise the pa perls all that the term of "good newspaper" im plies, and! ts corps of editors and reporters are thorouirnlv educated newspaper men. .. May the healthy, moral influence of the Stab never be re- taraeo, ana may us genuu enterprising proprie tor enjoy many more happy yean of usefulness. Oeldsbon Mtssenosr. . - MQTHBES' MAKES 0HILD-BIETH EASY. The time has come at last when the terrible agony inci dent to this very critical period In a woman's fe oa be avoi - ded. A : dlstlnaulsbed physi cian, who passed the greater portion of his life (forty-four .'vears) In this branch of Drac- r .( ,tloe, ieft to child-bearing wo . " man this prioele-s legacy and fC life-saving appliance. "THE S MOTHERS' FnIEND,,f and to-day there are thousands of the best women In oor land who, . having used this wonderful re- medy before connnement,rise - np and oall his same blessed. We reoelve letters from every- section of - the "country tnanktng -us for placing this preparation ; in the reach of suffering : woman -One lady from North Carolina writes us that she would like to thank the proprietors on her knees for bringing It to her notice, as In her previous confine ment she had two dootors,and they were oompeiled to se . ,ohlorotom astruments. eto.,", Hv and She suffered almost death; ' r r -but this time- she u ed MO- r - THER'S FRIEND," and her la-. -',", ' ' bor was short, quick, andal ",,A ' most like magic. Now, why should a. woman suffer when r she can void it r We -ean . : s prove all-we claim by living .. witnesses, and any oneinterest ' I ed ean call, or have their hug s bands do so, at our office, and see the original letters, which rt,-we cannot publish. . - 1 I ! ,. This remedy is one about which we cannot publish certificates, but it Is a most wonderful Unhnent to be used after the first two or three months ''"''.' ,' '!-V-.' ' ",,' ' ' ' ; Sold by all druggists. Send for our treatise en the Health and Happiness of Woman, mailed free, which gives all particulars. The Bradfleld Regulator Co., - - P. O. Box 28, Atlanta, Qa. William H. Green, "Wholesale Agent, Wilming ton, N.C.- - .-: nrJeOly .'- ":. . ? ensin i . - IN -J' i. ift PATENT IJOHTABM3 KILNS. S" TEARNS, FITCH A1CO , FORMERLY OF AL- bany. N. Yn are now located at SpringfieldOhio. Manufacturing four Blzes Kilns, i 15, S20,f25 an 45 . Amateurs can now fire their own China with great success, with glaze equal or better than can be done in large kilns, and at a great saving in expense of Express charges and breakages.. . Send lor circular. ' bTEARNS, FITCH & CO. JySSw ... Springfield, Ohio. . . WELOZESJLLE PRICES y Our quotations, tt should be understood, represent the wholesale" prices ' generally.8 In making up small orders higher prices bate to be oharged. ''' .'. .'"'. ''''t '-'tw-1'- I : ABTicLZs. -raicxs. 'its BAGOrNO Gunny . Standard........ 10K ' uh oo, j pT; BACON North Carolina ...... -j Hams, ft .-..M..Si2. llit " Shoolders, 9 8 ' Sides, ohoice, 9 ft...i .... .. ; IO . WxstkbhSxokb Hams. ft..f llja v Sides. V ft.... SH .. ' Shoulders, W ft... ......... -J r Cj- v! Dbt Sambo Sides, V ft...... .' tfifb'.,-. Shoulders, w t. lt"i;6- O ,J BARRELS Spirits Turpentine. - - 12H ft j Second Hand, each.... 60 O .New New York, each........ ,00 Q New City, each 00 & BEESWAX 9 ft... ........... 5 2 & BRlcxwilnilngton. M..... . 8 00 o its , 1 80 , 9 00 Northern... ................. P 00 14 00 BUTTER -North Carolina, ' 15 & "V 18 Northern, W 1..:-s.iSi:k 1 85 CANDLES V ft perm.ww.H -18 ; &. r Tallow ,....1)4 Adamantine................... 00 CHEESE 9 ft-North'nFact'y ! ? 1 - O - Dairy, Cream.. f UHib . State ..-:.. 110 -COFFEE ft-Java.... 1 18 O as 12 12 13 15 18 88 Laguyra ;iihb Rio . i ... i .is. v.l S " - 9 a - v 11 CORN MaAL 9 bush., In sacks, v T3!a :i. 75 Virginia Meal . . Mia. ,80 COTTON TIES V bundle...... 1 80 DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, J yd .4f( Yarns, tt bnneh .'00 - tt - i BOGS dozen.. . ............. 10 FISH Mackerel, No. 1. 9 bbl... 18 00 , 20 00 - Mackerel, No-1, half bbl.. 8 50 ' W 00 MaokereL No. 2, bblvi.-i. 1 8 60 .& 9 00 MacxereL Nc,2, half bbL 8 00 TOO Mackerel, No. 3, bbL .'. . . Mullets, bbl... 0 Mullets, Pork bbls.. . , N. C. Roe Herring, 9 keg... ' Dry Cod. 9 .ft FLOUR bbl gaper....... . .. 1 . Extra.....'., .v.. . 425 6( 000 5 00 11 00 . f4i -5 0 k OK &13-00 401 s 4 8-71 Family... CTty KHls Super:-.j..:.;.i.. ' 4 00 ......... u u e 4 05 ill. .A . GRAIN Oorsstore, Oorn.earsx atoTDags-pTtare; white' 70 &.i",n n, cargo, ia bnlk " , to 61 ' Ckjroaigo,mbag3, - ?- Corn, cargo, mixed, In bags - 63 Oats, from store............ 47K Cow Pes.,.4..w... ..,:iT j HIDES ft Green.,..,...,... 0 Dry 10 HAY-SIOO fta-Eastern.....,.! 15 western...., ....... .... fW . V ' ...:.,.:'ivi 16' . ! i HOOP- IRON ft . . . LARD ft-Northern North Carolina..... j. .... & . ft); LIME barrel - oa. LUMBER City Sawed w H ft . : . I snip Stuff. resawed.... ...... 18 00- O SO 00 Jtougn Edge flank.. 15 09 :t 10 west lnoia cargoes, aooora-. f r lng to .quality..., 13 00 ' Dressed Flooring, seasoned . 18 00 - 1 Scantling and Boards,eom,n 13 00 MOLASSES 9 gallon - - ! -; -, New Crop Cuba, inhhds.... ; 94 " to bbls....- -iVj Porto Rico, in hods. ...... 88 va. DDis .. i. , i. au Sugar House, in hhds. , , fcJO0 1 1 1 J WUJ . NAILS 9 keg Cut. lOd basis. tt h 00 OILS gallon Kerosene. . IS . . ; - juara., . . . ....... .. .. .. " '. Linseed . i A . :. ... . - Rosn . -.... ii j . , Tar ...,.,,.... ... i . , . .-. ' 2 Deck and Spar. .......:..,.; POULTRY Chiokensjlvejrrown . ' i - . Soring.. : 90 ilV' . 00; loo 28 O 83W is - fk ftr TurkevB ......i.. ........ 08 i .57J4 - 70 8 Off 14 00 !- PEANUrs 9 bushel 881bs...t- . 45 POTATOES 9 bushel-fiweet. 50 Dish, per barrel; new.;.: .: 00 PORK 9 barrel City Mess..,. 13 50 Prime ..............c;... 13 50 e 14 oo . Rmnrj.... 00 A 13 50 RICE-Carollna, 9 4Mr"...-4 . rV"lBP, v uu4i vy piauui,., - Do, do (Lowland) BAGS 9 ft Country... ........ City ....... ... HOPE 9 ft .;s... SALT 9 salt Alum Liverpool , . Llsbcn j.............. .... American. ........ SUGAR Granulated I Standard A White Ex-C.w..'..:!. ; Ex C, Golden.;. ...!.., C Yellow. ... ......... SOAP 9 ft Northern. . . - . SHINGLES 9 M Contract . . ! Common . . ... .'-.. . ..v. . . . Cypress Saps...,........:.. Cyprees Hearts. STAVES 9 M W OHarrel. ..: ' R O Hogshead. ........ ..w..w TALLOW V i ft. ji. . . ,r. i. .. . TTrTU DFT) ao Iff -f lTvt Halter 80, 00 00 7J4 5fe '5Ma 5 00 7 00; a 00 1 60i 4 66-, 5 00, o oo ; 7 1 8 W O 14 OUi 00 00 10 00; AU. UiUt ViB AOVy JMW.MVW1;. ' - 7191) V1WW CUU W LUO . V W Prime shlp'g, lstelass heart. 8 00 Extra Mill, good heart 6 50 Mill Prime ..Ji... i 600 Common Mill. ............... 4 00 Inferior to Ordinary 3 00 WOOL 9 ft Washed....:....; 18 Unwashed ........ ...;,..: -18 Burrv 10 WHISKEY 9 gallon Northern 1 00 . North Carolina. , . 1 00 10 00 . 9 00! 8 00 6 50! 5 00 4 00 ; -20! i 15! 11! 5 00; 2 50; WILMINGTON EIONBY - MARKETj Exchange (sight) on New York . . . X discount ,t Baltimore -.J -i , Boston..-...!. - " ' Philadelphia R" Western Cities.. ' v Exchange, SO days, 1 9 cent .. . Bank of New Hanover Stock.. 108 First National Bank Stock... ......, ',5 Navassa Guano Company Stock. :..X.. .... 140 North Carolina Bonds Old Ex-Coupons. 2) - ?anding, 1866....:. .10 ' " Funding, 1868.:.. 10 . New 4s tj.... 82 W A WBR Bonds, 7 So (Gold Interest)!!!' 118 Carolina Central RR Bonds, 6 9o.;.. ....... 106 Wilmington, CoL A Augusta R R Bonds. . 106 Wilmington City. Bonds (new) 6 96.,-....., 100 " "w 8 90.............. 100 New Hanover County Bonds, 6 Bo ........ 100 Wilmington A Weldon RB Stock Ww 110 North Carolina R K -Stock.. Wilmington Gas Light Company Stock Wilmington Cotton Mills Stock. ....... 82 60 120 Bank of N&wilaMvwi Authorized Capital, - . $1,600,00 Cash Capital paiajUV IOp Surplus Fund,- ---r- S50.000 .'I -' i i. 5 a t DIRECTORS : WGORE, j7i-MSTEIlMAN, ' G.W.WILLIAMS, K . ISAAC BATES, t DONAIJ) MacRAB. J JAS. A! LEAK."'. , H. YOLLEBS, -i n - F, RH EINSTEIN; B B. BRLDGEESy, j1, , , .BBbisC 3. Wi ATKINSON. ' :- ; ! -' !'' '' ;' ' r - - oVJlSAAC BATES,' JreaI4enjL;, , I 'Z G.-Wi WILLIAMS. Vice President, an 20 tf 8. D.' WALLACE. Cashier MERCHANTS, BANKERS & MANUFACTURERS SHOULD read; BRADSTREET ET?S5 t.i- t'1 i A WEEKLY JOURNAL OF -TRADE, P1NANCE : AND PUBLIC ECONOMY. ) ! i B i Sixteen Pages every Saturday-Oftentlmes Twen ty Pages. Sometimes Twenty-four Pages. ! ' The foremost purpose of Bbapstekxt's is to be of practical service to business men. Its special trade and industrial reports: its weekly epitome of bankruptcies throughout the United States and Canada, and the summaries of assets and 11-, abilities, are alone worth the subscription price; Its synopses of recent legal decisions are exceed ingly valuable. As commercial transactions, in the wider sense, are coming to be more and more conducted on a statistical basis, tne miormation contained in Bkadstbxxt'b is of the first import tanoe both to producers and middlemen.' f i x The Trade and Agricultural Situation through-: out the United States and Canada Is reported by Telegraph to Bbadstbkr.'s.up to the . hour of publication. - ' ' - -. i ' ' SINGLE COPIES,' TEN CENTS. THE BRADSTREET CO - 270, 281, 283 Bboadwat, deo 24 tf , if ,. NEWYORK CITY.' cThe Person;Connty News, WHITAKEIi A; GIBBONS, js". TCditorn and Proprietors. 4 The NEWS haslthe largest circulation of any paper published or circulated In. the fine tobacco section oi nona laroiina. : , Advertlslug- rates very liberal. SubscrtpfloB 12.00 per year. . ... . 50 1 20 - 1r a3 18 00 823 00 15,00 , v 80 ; avSS ,., OOi ' . S i - 85 . 8 60 18 . i 4t 81 00 ,'18' 80 X3 QU 10 1 1U i oo rw . o o ciji i -ik & OO ' 75 ;5 't' 4r m t&Isi.m 1 ". ' 'ifri-iS.-r iiauroaa uo h ? wriidep8djScliBule. :-r TvywijrRxna going south. x Dated August 2, 1885. No. 48, DaflyiNo. 40, Dafly Leave Weldoa .....I 2.15 P.M. 8.S3P.M. 5 88 P.M. Arrive aocky Mouat. Leave Tarboro ...... I 11.60 P.M. I -A- T TXT 2 1 . 4.05 P, M S.M P. M Arrive oidsboro.: .. Leave Warsswiv.iw... 4.54 P M. 6.64 P. U. .7.1 0 P.M. MMPM 7.86 P. M. ...... Arrive Wilmington . .. S TRAINS GOING NORTH. - No. 47, Dally No. 43, Dafly Leave Wilmington...... Leave Burga w ......... Leave Warsaw.. . 1. . . Arrive Goldsboro Leave Wilson . . . Arrive Rocky Mount... 0.27 A.M. 10.13 A.M. 11.17 AM. 12.16 P. M. 1.04 P. M. 1.87 P.M. 8.e a p. M.t 9.50 P. M. 11.08 P.M.' 12.04 A.M." 13.53 A. M. -1 27 A.M. Arrive Tarboro s... ,-. Leave Tarboro.'. . . . 4.55 P. M 11.50 A.M. Arrive Weldon. . . . S.05P. M I 2.45 A. M.; Ttaiti ati flAAtianrl KTaaV - rA. TTaHfuw- fnv fivT-lavi1 HZaaIt af IflnD f t)A4.te . mg, leaves Soouand Neck at 9.80 A M. daily, i , Train No. 43 North will stop at all stations. 1 tMB wa wwuacnuu wa w u,vv x t IWvlUirA Goldsboro and Magnolia, i 1 . - , lor all points North daily . All rail via Kichmond. -Trains make close connection for all points North via Kiohoaond. and -Washington . -i All trains run solid between yv lJjnlngton and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers Afc.tirf ? it JOHN JLDIV1NE, 1 3 T?RMEESdXGe .'Sftfl WILHI6TflHi COMBlASAD&nSTA Bailrpad, flp. ,.. -tH.'WliwJ... u ..iliiM ., I vuuucusvu.svueuuiti, TRAINS GO1NCLS0UTB , Dated August lSSfC No. 48, Dally No. 40, Dally XekvA WllVninortnn . 8.80 V. M 9.42 P. M ai:i6 pm,. 12-85 P.M. ,4.84 A. Mi, ,6.40 A.M' . 10.10 P. M. I xiBave jln waceamaw ,. T. I i. , .1 l 11.17 P.M. 13.40 A, Arrive Floreaoe... Arrive Sumter .".,. Arrive Columbia.. : : . --ii.ia i 6.40 A.M. r f . . .TRAINS GOING NORTH,-, ? ! I --t ---:-.( .j . - .--i! No.4ajaily No.47,Dafly Leave Columbia . Arrive Sumter . T.'. . 9.55 P. M. 11.55 P. M. 5.07 A. M 5.53 A.M. 7.44 A. M, 9.07 A. M. Xeave Ttarenoe. . .... i4w89 P. M. 6.14 P. M. .7.14 P. M. 8 & P. Mi jjeave Jianun ....... . . Leave L. Waceamaw-.. Arrive Wilmington. Train No. 43 stops at all Stations. ' - ! Nos. 48 and 47 stop onlv at Brinklev's. WhitAo. villa, Lake Waceamaw, Fair Bluff, Nichols, Ma rlon, Pee Dee, Florence, Tlmmonsvtlle, Lynoh btrrg, Mayesville, Sumter, Wedgeneld, Camden Junction and Eastover . . s G. R.R., a.C. a. R.R. Stations, Aiken Junction. ' ana au pomis Deyona, snoaut take no. 40 Night- jupresa. raiiman bieeper jor Augusta on tuls tram. I " f ,- . i ' PuUman Sleepera f or Savarmah on Train 48. ! J AU trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. b ,-. . .; 1 - - - . j -'si i T. M.f EMERSON, Genl Passenger Agent. CAROLINA' CENTRAL EilLEO AD CO. ir inr ? Omcx or SupxiinrxTsHBXKT, If t Wlltnlngtoa, N. C, June 7. 1885. ) 4 Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTEB JUNE 7,'-1885, THE FOL lowlng Schedule will be operated on this BAUTOad.;;; :r!; ,:il iV-VT ... PASSENGER, MAIL AND "EXPRESS TRAIN: . . DALLY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.' ) Leave Wllintagtoa at. 7.45 P. M. No. 1. V Leave Raleigh at .7.85 P. M. . I Arrive at Charlotte at... .......6.50 A. M ILeavo Charlotte at. ....... ...0.00 P. M. No. 2. V Arrive at Raleigh at..... 9.00 A. M. v. , .,Arriveat Wtodngtonat......8.00 A M. Passenger Trains stop at regular stations only, and Points designated in the Company's Time Table. v v i . Y. ! SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MALL. EX if J rf PSESS ANDj.FREIGHTii . n i t ;n.a Dauy excen,, Sundays. . ; - ! Wa o I Leave Charlotte. .. 6.15 P. M .-...:. 9.35 P. M. 9.30 a. M. ' r 1 Leave ; Shelby. . . : . f AiTlveataiarlotte.... IVftfTia "Ma 1 &nr1 8 malra nlruut MiniwnMnn o- Hamlet with R. A A. Trains to.and from Raleigh. i Through Sleeping Can between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. . - - - - Take Train No. 1 for StatesvUle, Stations West era N. C. R. R., Ashville and points West. " i Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens.' At lantaand all points Southwest. . , c JONES, " :; v" H u . . Superintendent. F. W. CLARK, General Passenger Agent. '. Je7tf --i.- - ... ! Cap Fear & laffin Valley E. E.' Co; 'fOjEBli'TlBL'TABLy' NOli TO TAKE J effect at 8 A. M., Monday, June 22, 1885.', r . ir-iu t?..' ;ro-T i;? JL Arrive. ? Leave, i SenaettBvflle;i7.v.;v:'.tJ "--8.oa.mi 8hoeHeel.i...........:.. -9.30a. m,'- -,9M i Fayette ville.. ijr.-.v.w.ta 12.15p.m. -1.00 p.m. Sanfordi.:.'.;..:.;...;- : 8,00-aio j Ore-; H1U. t i -. . . ; 1 r 4.S5 'i - 4.80 rJ - 1 Liberty r;.i....4.S.J...! 5.26 ' 6.80 '5 i Greensboro , 6.45 w ! l ; pi; Dinner at Fayette vQle. : ' 4 ?ird sTRAnfflOUTH."" ' f -'"'!J - ''''';.- vHfvV Arrive. :ii , Leave. I Greensboro. i.V.!Lr..,,.V ,r ' . 950a.mi Llberty.;......;Trj. ilJJO a.n.i;lL05 .F OTeHih.;.'......,. 11.55.-. ..M0f.-fi Fayetteville,'!.,:,'' 8.50 . , . ."4.00, r i Bnoe Heel '-las , '9.40 ;. Bennettsvllle ai5 ..rL,,;,,. , ' n - i J51nner at Sanf ord. " V J i V t'- W.M. S. DUNN, Gent Sopt. ! JNO. MOROSE. Gea'LPass.jAgent. . , , ! ieftsu .... - . A ! A NEW, AUDI-VALUABLE MICE ! u ' ' A PATENT ; ' ' Water jiGloset Seat ! t rt ' FOB tfHBl n'- i$ CURB OF HEMORRHOIDS,- (Commonly called "jtaukb,-! internal or external, ana . , .PBOLAPgUS ANL for Chu-' - i NO MEDICINE OR SURGICAL OPERATION n-i . . :-: ;- NECESSARY. I have invented a SIMPLE WATER CLOSET SEAT, for the cure of the above -troublesome anapararoi maiaay. which 1 ooanaenuy piaee oeiore ue pusiio as a ? r uj, . . ... , -. SURE BELIEF AND CURE ! ' Tt has hMR mdoned bv the leadinir resident Physicians in North Carolina. Is now being test-: ed tn the- Hospitals oi Hew xorx, miiaaoipnn and Baltimore, and we are satisfied the result will be satisfactory as it has never failed else where. Yoa can write to any of the Physicians or prominent eltlgem ta Edgeeombe Co.. N. C.- i These Seats w be furniahed at the following WAlUTl'pollshiaaj" J8.00 1 Dlsooant toPhysl-i CHERRY, - -' . 6.00 V e Solans and to the POPLAR, - 500) Trade. - Directions for csmg Will accompany each Seat. ' We trouble you with no certificates. We leave the Seat to be its own advertiser.- - Address LEWIS CHAMBERLAIN Patentee, 1 , : Tarboro, Sdgeoombe Co, N. C 1yl7 D4WV ftL--i..iHF: f J est Wil-4W " Bins"a.a " - - JPQ travel and 6eH the trade the stepie and cele- 2JEW YORK & HAVANA CIGAR COMPANY. Liberal arrangements. Salary or ComosaioK paid to the right manJrtermsi address at once. Mention thf paper. SEW TOBK&H A VAN A CIGA R CO - . a7 Broadway, New York. ENGINES For GINNING.: Most economical and durable cheanest In fh market,-tjuallty coos derco. - Mw ffll LLx, CORN sHELIBRs, C1DBR HIILLs! COTTON PLANTERS AND STAND ARD IHPLEinENTS GENERALLY. " eena ror catalogue - . . A. B. FAR QUI? AR Penniylyaiiia Ag'l Woxh iYorfc Pa. College of " PtysiGiais ni Surgeons, Ataitimore, Bid. . , . passed clinical and other advantages v-Nend for ' . 1 -. atean.; 1T0 Howard street.' ine vixryeeoiio session begins October ... t.-1 ft R A. Thnmnoli 1nctnw.tt..n in LUmin Scientific and Professional D-par m-11 ts Hot ca tapga applv(PiO,Urva sir -of Va to , jAsatss sr. HAHHisoir. n. .. -- v cbalrman of the Facolty. :lLTB$JCl0vd,&;:JJook, Geo. Eliot's Poetry and Other-Stadtea, price.post- ment, by Dr. Ebstein; best work "extant; price, ;- nnn ..til A F Af VS A K - . .1 . . w. . ...... ' vum-inui, nun. wAn'u. v v wvn H EEs' Speech In Defer o of CapU Ed ard T. Johnon, indicted for the murderof Maiorkdwia Henry, SSe.- Any book mailed on receipt of ad- vertised price. iOorreiponaence invited. Amer- AV PotolAtma svM1a A ilr4iaa - - A ," BBENTANO BBOS., WasHlngtOta.D.C. - ADYERTISERSi send for our Select List of Lo cal Newspapers, r Geo. P. Bowell cm. l" .Spruce St.N. Y t v- . f-i -. .auXD&Wlm . BeUeTOerHiffK' School, 3 ;i. ccdTord Co. Tir&fnla.i!. Prepares boysandybung menfor; Business. Col lege,' or TTniversity. ; Foil eoraaor lAatrue- ior. Tnorougtuy ' ana handsomely equipped. , Beautiful 'and. health v locution. Pt-rnstaWna address U Wi it. ABBOT. P In. BeUevie P. Om Yaw .....;, ! je 263m YXTANTED Lady Aeenta ,,t r-, , . f T For our new and novd artlo.lpa nf IaiHpk atw! children's weailng apparel, manufactured excht sieiy oy us, lDcraaing tne iaV8y" tttoaaaur ana - Kkirt Rnnnnrt.f .tefntv 1411-. VCinAAn Shoulder Braces, f osom Forms, -Dress Shields, . Rubber Gingham Bibs, Aprons,' 8'eeves, and ma ny other new articles. We have now 1,000 agents selling these goods and making, , rom- $50 1 a$l60 monthly. c 1 h a Is a legl lmate business i hat pays well: ' uan Sell something in every house, tend 2c stamp for Illustrated oatalecue to - . CsMPaELL MFG COn 9 South May St., Chiea- go, DJ. ; JyS5 DAVlm CATAWBA COLLEGE, NEWTON, N. C. Fortv-first term berlna Annit !l. Thnrnnirh Aoademio, Business, Normal an-Collegiate Cour- . see. Tuition and Boara moderate.! Worthy per-'' Address - -, - J. C. CLAPP. D. D.. President. iy 14 va, wim j. a. jroiii, eecretary. ' 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH is located at tiEWANEE. TBNN.. nnnn thv . Cumberland Platean. 2X0 feet ahnvA tha ed 1a . veL This schoo', under Uiespee'al patronaare of ue uisnops oi tne rrotestant npisoopa' thureh, v In the South and Southwest, offers the healthiest 1 residence and the best advantages, both moral ana eqacasitiiai, in its urammer-school and in - - its Collegiate and Theological Oepartments. For - the special claims pf this Univarsity for patron- aw, apply lor documents to tne ItfcV. TJSL1TA11C HODGsoN, Vice Chancellor, 8ewanee4 Tenn. auo vawun : : :.-y.jtun rn FEldiLB HELP W'AK'TED, XAasrTEDlAdies .and In blty or country, to take light work, at their own homes. S3 to 84a day can be easily made; work sect by mail; no oauvassing. - We havengood demand forour:work and' furnish steady employment. Address, with stamp CKOWN n'F'G COMPANY, 294 Vine St. Cincinnati, Ohio. ; jy 11 pWim THE CELEliUATED . "7 ARRIHGTOK GAME FOWLS FOB SALE " jyjY GAME FOWLS HAVE A NATIONAL RE putatlon. They have tought and won a series t ,: : the greatest mains ever fought on this or any , ' other continent, and Fifteen Pairs, on exhibltloi at Philadelphia in "76, were honored by the Unl ' ted States Centennial Commissioner with the DV ploma and MedaL . - - . 1 have a variety of Colors and most approved " Breeds hi the United 8tates. I will ship splendid - COCKS, of fine size and handsome plumage, pet Express, C. O. D at from $4.00 to $6.00 each -HENS, $2.60 and $3.00 each; or $7.00 -per Pair $10.00 per Trio , I expect po raise Two Hundred -. Pairs this 8ummer. the. Finest Games in the ' World; and will ship Toung Fowls of March' and April hatch during the months of. August, Sep- " cember and October, at Five Dollars per Pair, or Seven Dollars per Trio. - ... i. Whoever dlsbotea t,ht ntMnMni4tv tf vrrw Tfltvn ... will please back the assertion with, thsir stamps, v Write for what yon want. ,i , . - , - . - AddrAoa. J tX 'AlfPntnifiW ,i THE LNPlVf AB:. - PUBLISHED AT ' ' ' PTAtoVILLB, JJIEDELIV CL, X C. ; , ,AB UU f .. Leading Newspaper in Western North Carolina, It is the only Democratic Paper published b. Iredell County one oi the lareest and wealthiest countries in the State and has attained- a larger local circulation than any paper ever heretofore published mtheoounty. i'i. ir k- . Itecirculatlonln Alexander, Wilkes, Ashe, Alle ghany. Yadkin, Davie and Iredell, Is larger than that of any two papers in the 8tate combined ; and Is rapidly acquiring a strong foothold in Forsythe Surry, Rowan and western Mecklenburg. - ' i n is the only paper tn Western! North- Carolina that employs a Rmtjlab Cabtvassiko Anr, and thus kecpoonstantly . before the peoplo. .Cnacr this system a rapidly increasing circulation la tha result, making tne Lahshabk. .4 -( u '. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDiUM 1 ' ' ' ' "-' ZRN NORTH CARDlSnA. V" Address LANDMARK,' Stateeville N. HOETE CAB0L1HA BESUDfiCES. 07ie cf His tnoet wefvl teriet of detcrivUie books ever published about any. State." Bos ton Pott. '. ; ."- 'J-r !J7 . 'Hale's liidTiA?tTiiISene& ; . : --t , - f r . A t - if t ; f - P t i Two VolumeiNow Eeady. : I. Tlte Woods iamst Timbers ' of North Carolina Curtls's, Emmons', and Kerr's v Botanical Reports; supplemented by accurate County Reports of Standing Forests, and 111ns trated by an excellent Map of the State. .... 1 Volume 12mo. Cloth, 273 pp., $1.25. II. In tne Coal and iron cosntlej of Nortb Carolina. Emmons', Kerr's, Laid- ' ley's, Wilkes', and the Census Reports; supple - mented by full tnd accurate sketches of the Fifty-six Counties, and Map of the State.- ; 1 Volume 12mo Cloth, 425 pp.. .50. XiBoliby aUBoolueUert, or mailed postpaid ; on reeeipUof the price, by J E- J. HALE 4 SON. ' - PttbIISHXBS. ; BOOKSlOXXBS AHD . STATIOBXBS A-iiaiwi-. NEW YORK; - ob - " - P.M. HALE Publisher. Rateteh. K a . The Cotton Plant. - An 8-page 40-column Agricultural Journal, the . only paper in South Carolina published ezdurivelf in the interest of the Farmer and Manufacturer. The best and cheapest Agriculture nnr n tn South. . . GNTJT 60 CENTS A YEA ;- The official organ of the State Grange. Endorsed by the leading citizens of b f?t t and by the best farmers tn the State d South. . - ! . ; , . - Send postal for specimen copies for yourself and your neighbors Address ' W. J. McKERALL, tt - -f Markm, &C. of the State Grange. -4,- -ft i 1 ' -r- - J ' 1 . 4 V f- f; -

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