- ... t i "?; 1-"-;- i . i - .1 -:J, x ! . ... The Morning WILMINQ TON, ifc ?. TnUESDA.T MOBNlMfe, Auo. 13, 1 885. MORNING EDITION . FEok ALLPASTS OFTHEWOELD? NEW TORK bert Herrielt JII ordered by r step-Son. The Stock Market. v 1 ? .-t ity Teleigrapn to tne Mominir Star.l aiar v '? Nbw ToKK.f Aug. 12 ibe- muraer or f r -.-Albert R Herrick. in Brooklyn, still con x :.i tiaues to auract attention: Statements of I " Ms step-son, Tbomas Armstroo?, who is in custody on suspicion of committi tus tbe :- crime; in regara w nis uiuciueuw u day of the murder, have been found to be untrue, and when taxed about it he admit- J ted that they were. A detective talked with 4um last night and thisv morning it was currently reported that Armstrong had made a confession, and the work of the; detectives was ended, a Armstrong was ranged along side of five' other menihis. morning, bat was not recognized by Mrs Ida Bummers as the man she saw: scaling a fence behind Herrick's house af tetthe mur- - der., Wheh Armstrong was arraigned in V curt and affidavits read to him connecting 7: him wiih the crime theref ollowed a startling v statement by the prisoner to detectives inv " , his cell last night ; It was to the effect that when 'deceased returned to his house in Brooklyn on Monday afternoon he found ' the prisoner there and upbraided " himr Herrick chased him down into the cellar, -::- and the prisoner drew a pistol and shot at C him three times: When he left the house after the shooting he carried the pistol with him and threw it into the East River. He :i then went to his aunt's, in Hoboken, where ."he was arrested.;; The statement caused a sensaUon .in court. The accused, through his counsel, pleaded not guilty. The pris oner,-in speaking of the matter to the r! police, said he only acted in self-defence; ' that he was writing a letter to his mother when his stepfather came in and quarrelled " with him. ; ' - New York, August 12: It was expected that Western Union would experience a fur ther decided decline, after the publication vof the 3arrett-Field . correspondence, and , Ibe strength which It exhibited this after-' noon was-a subject of very general com-'-v ment. Z In the forenoon the stock was some what feverish, selling down.-i below yes terday's close. In the afternoon it rose . and closed with a net loss of . The re- mainder -of the active list shows more or less advance, the greatest gain being ln New Jersey Central, which was also de- . cidedlv feverish. The bear party is in-? creasing in numbers ana ineir leaders say - there has been recently much in the manip ulation of the market during the past two; weeks- which makes it a dangerous one for ; outsiders to touch, and that in fact the. fluctuations are now due principally to ' the manipulations of professional ope- rators. who are striving to sell out their. v holdings. The bears call attention to sev- i eral disturbing factors that ; are , at work; . and that most affect the business interests' :" of the country, including the several BaI- , timore & Ohio fights, and the pr aspect : of trouble between C- B & Q. and Northwest" The failure of the proposed Southwestern pooling arrangement and the condition of the wheat crop. Coalers were prominent for their advances to-day. "Gould stocks were heavy; Yanderbilts and St. Paul firm; and Northern Pacific and Northwestern atrone. Northwest shows a gain in earn ings for the first week of August of,$l,16T. ' "J - M1CH1QAN. Blotona Striken A Conflict Between SneriflTand the Mob Several of tbe , Rioter Wounded. , ; - -r iBy Telegraph to the Vornlng Star.l Bat City. August 12. About 9 o'clock to day a diepatch was received by Sheriff Brennan, stating that strikers had forcibly shut down Carrier,- Heath & Co. s salt block, and asking assistance. He responded - with a number of depu- ties. lie ordered - the strikers to dis perse, at which they hooted and. refused to disperte, whereupon he undertook to arrest . one of them. Clubs and edgings were vdrawn and ised.on.tbe oflfiesrs. who. now pulled their.1 revolver Sheriff Brennan j wa3 ebot by a - man in tbe back of the crowd.-the ball grazing his fort-bead as be .happened to turn his head. " He alsq re - ceiveii a blow on the left side of the head -with a ctub.. . Be fired two shots and a few .'Other shots- were exchanged by other offi cers and the rioters. When -blood begno to flow the rioters began to "disperse in. all directions. - .The deputies., arrested, nine: and now have them, in jail 2- Three or four . of the rioters were wounded. This is the ' first bloodshed . since the -third day of the 'strike. - " .'.'' :r:- -' :V: - . .'".'.; The Cbolora Seoarge la France and 5v V Spsin A- fsnle In irimrsellles. '. -"- ley cable to the Morning Star.l s , Marseillks, August 12. The cholera ' panso incresses daily. The average of de ' parturea from Marseilles by railway alone - has already reached 2000 per day. As an ' instance of the , laziness with which the y Marseilles sanitary authorities perform ' their duties, the case of the captain of an . . English vessel laying in this port may be x mentioned. The captain's daughter; died p ot-cholera aboard the ship. ' He at once ' notified the authorilies and requested the . disinfection of the vessel.1 v Although at " noon to-day thirty hours had elapsed since the girl's death, no official action has as yet been taken concerning tbe) event by the joarseuies autnoriues ; . "Madrid, August 12. Thirty-five new . cases of cholera- and nineteen deaths from the disease were reported in this city yes- O leraay. i? lueen oi tne new cases exist m one sireei. inis aiscovery nas causea a sensation, and the authorities are vigorously 5;4r;".' BASEBALL. - 'S- Games Played at Various Places. :X ? By Telegraph to the Morning Star.)" .; . . ; Washington, Aug .12 The following is tne score or games piayea to aay : ; Philadelphia Athletic 12, Baltimore 0. - New York Brooklyn 5,- Metropolitan 4. ruenmona v lrgmia o, nauonai 4. p. Jersey City Trenton 4, Newark 10. ' -:. Buffalo Buff alo 10, St. Louis 3. : V. m SOUTH CAROLINA, Two Bales of tbe New Cotton Crop in -.; ; -'HCliarleston.-.: ''.: By Telegraph to the Morning Star.l Chabxeston. August 12. One bale of new cotton was received ; here yesterday from Macon,' Ga.', ; and i one from : Bou& Carolina to-day. It was sampled' and accepted, and classified -as strict low mid dling and middling.'respectively; . ELECTRIC 8PARK.il. : :JThe yote yesterday iu Bristol, Tenn, on a subscriDtion of sn nnn n tv,Q a"I,d."a unanimous in favor.of - :rr.T ' "'actors wm go to work im- "wiawciy.-- ine road ' win : cvtor, - .vumv;j aystem. - : .. - - i - - t t- f m ti ra : - t JL Cblneae leper. In Cbleaco Sob : eriptlonafor tne Grant ttonnment. s By Telegraph to the Mornuig Star.l Chicago," August 12. Pacts are made public to day showing fbat the Chinaman who is supposed lo be "afflictedwith lep rosy arrived in Chicago a week ago, coming direct from- Ban ; Francisco. : He was no- ticed by - gentleman- upon whom . he .waited and who called again with a medi cal friend This gentleman, at sight, -declared the CBinaman - to ber : afflicted with leprosy. aubseolentlyi when investigation- was attempted, the leper: had disap- PKd- - .. . ,c At a meeting oi me uraot juouuwtuv Fund Board to day, the different subscrip tion , books were . examined and it was as certained that subscriptions have already exceeded ' the sum ; originally ; aimed at $40,000;' As subscriptions s am still being received at various newspaper offices, and as a benefit is to be given at one of the theatres Thursday afternoon, from which large, returns are expected, the fund will probably far jexceed the intended sum be fore the books are closed. : ; ,'.;,' I ' '.,-': It ail so called remedies have failed, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cuies. : t ' MEDICAL COLLEGE , ; Of Virginia, :r.i.BICBn01ID.. ' . .1 jrB FOETT-EIGHTH ANNUAL SESSION BE gins OCTOBER 6. ' ' v ; .. .. For Catalogue, withlpartleulaw, address - 9 M.L. JAHE8.M.D., ; ' JyaDATOw1 ' ' Dean. Georgetown ; College, D. C, .. Founded 17894 THE ACADEMIC AND SCIENTIFIC SCHOOLS open ttept loin, 1885. Apply to JKKSUJiSJNT or TUB SCHOOL. OF MKDICXNS opens Sept. 21st, 1885. Apply to Pror. J. W H LOYiUo t, M.D, 90J 12th bt . N. W WASHINGTON. D. C THE SCHOOL OF -UW opens on the first Wed nesday la uotooer Appij tu ham-u m x sat KaN, exo , oor. 6tb and jf bts., 4. W., W&sbinic ton, li. O. : - JAMES A. DOONAN, 8. J., PBismSSr. j25Sm . - sat wed -. UNIVERSITY -3OF TEXAS Next Session begins Sept. 16th, 1885. Endowment. Bonds, $634,000.00. iai,2.000,000 jSert. Young' men who contemplate making their borne in the West, bnt who wish to take a University course before beginning active life, can save four years by attending the University of Texas. Write for catalogue. Address Leslie Wassener, Chairman Austin, Tex. Jy29 6w we f r bu JOHN HOPKINS DNIYERSITI, ., BAirmoKE, no, - - Statemanta respecting the methods and courses of instruction will be sent on application. - The next term begins October 1, 18S5. - - 4 jy ?ni - sat . -. PaTAPSCO INSTITTJTK, KL.LICOTT CITY MD. The SSd Annual bession will be resumed gEFTEMB&tt, 1889, wtb a foil and efficient corps of Professors and Teacher? in every department. Miss a. MATCUkTT. Krlnoipal ; iss Roberta H. Archer, Vice-PrmcipaL clreniara at 833 Xadteon Are, Baltimore, Md., -until July 1. jel3 3m -- -- eat wed " ; EPISCOPAL HIGH SCHOOL FOE BOYS Near Alexandria, Vlrsnia. The 47Ut year opens epu 23, 1885. 'fetalognes on application. : Ia. M. ltt,aCKroiU, M. A., jy 19 lOw ra werr . PrscipaL TZZZ, OTAK1T1.AND "-"V , MILITARY AO SAYAl ACADEMY, ' . - oxford, ran. Opens September 16tb. Cironlars sent on application to R. H. KOUKRi. jy 21 86t becretary. EttBf orli BoartliEE ani Day Sclool, For V onns Itadtes and Little Girls. Mrs. H. P t .r KBVRK. Prb clpal. No. 59 Frank 1 . Street, Baltimore Md. The 2th eh 1 year will befrln ua ToUK-UaY, HlcPiSMBhK 17, 1883. . jy 5DW2m Quarantine Notice. qtjarantinjs for the port op wilminq TON will he enforced from May 1st to November 1st, as follows : . - Pilots will bring a-1 vessels from Ports south of Caie Fear; rrom 11 neolterrsnean Ports: and ll vessels wblcb have had y kind- of lckoe8 on board inrn? the passage, or which have Bick uess i n arrival, to the Quarantine anchorage; nd will cause a signal to he se in the main rig ginK on the port tidet as soon as possible after crossing the bar. Special notice will be. issued to the nilota bv the Quarantine Physician, to brin vessels from oi ber Port lo the Quarantine station, wherever it snail appear io tne ar&ntma r-oara tnatthay are infected, or suspected of bptog so. . no vessel must leave tne naranime anenor age. or allow any nerson steamer or tng boat, lighter, or boat of any kind to go along bide, un less by written authority 'rom the Quarantine Physician, and every vessel must br anchored far to tbe eastward of the channel as is consist ent with safety. - - , . Hegulations governing vessels while In Quaran tine may be bad on application at the office of the Quarantine Physician at Smithville. Apoucacions ior permits to visi vessels in Qua rantine most be made to Dr. Thomas F W -od or Dr. v ep (i Thomas, and permits so obtained will be endorsed by the Quarantine Physician, if, in his opinion. It is proper and safe to allow commu nication with su-h vessels. - - A penalty of S200, for each and tvery offence, will be enforced against any persons violating any of the Quarantine Regulations of tbe Port. W. U. UUKT1S, M.D., Quarantine Physician Port of Wilmington. . THOB. Fj WOOD iL D., 4n...nt. GEO . G. THOMAS, M. i)M j Consultants. ap 8 em .. l and 16 meeting .of Board of Medical xamtners of N. C. - r IN C05T9TDERATTON OF THE FACT THAT there, are so manv. anolicatiana for linnA from every section of the State-, and with the view of facilitating matters and enbling appli cants to come before the Board at convenient points, a Called Meeting will be held In the city or KALK1GH, on. the MT OF AUGUST, thu accommodating gentlemen in tbe Central and Eastern portions of the ft ate. This meeting will then be- adjourned on the 25th, to meet in ASH VILLE, on the 26TH and 87TH, thus accommo dating applicants for the license who reside ia the v es era and TrsnBmon'ane sections. W1LUAM B. WOOD, M. !., President. W. J. H BELLAMY. M. D., . 1 Wilmington. N.C June 19th. 1885. jel9 3t jel9 Jy24 au14 BRICK WORK. "CONTRACTS FOR BBTCT WORK OJP INV J kind, snch as Plastering, Stuccoing. Ac, are soiicitea. uia wans maae to look as u buut of best Press Brick, at a small cost. This is much oneaper tnan painting, ana it will be to the inter est of those who wish to have work don to give me a call, as I have had -an experience of thirty years in the busins. , C w. McOLAMMY, jys&tc- aug4iiiS5 se 6 13 ao 27 Agent. A Proclamation. KNOW YB ALL THAT AT THIS SEASON OP the year a cool head is desired by everybody. do vuereiore, proclaimed xnat tt U. rtL&M- PJCBTS, No; 7 South Front street, la the place to h an no. i naircnt, enave ana. enampoo All i need of these commodities are reanant.fnllv requested to call at old No 7, where there are a iew more lert, ana the proprietor and arst-clafS. and polite young men are always ready and. will ing to serve them.. Respectfully, mvciti ; . H.C FBEMFERT Tho Pamlico Enterpriso STONEWALL, N. OU iS' ': ' wii A "FIRST CLAS8 WEEKXY PAPER, published to the GRAIN REGION of the 8tae. Subscription $1.50 a year. Yearly Advertising rates One Square, $12; Two Squares, $18; Three Sonares. $34; Four Squares, $3K Quarter Column, I.Half Colamn, $60; One Column, $100, No de viation from above rates.? -. . -. Address, . ENTERPRISE, tvltr . stonewall, VL C. ' COMMERCIAL r- Gratn, rroylelona and Cotton ; . The following is ' a summary of the Chicago Grain ? and ,: Provision matket, and - New York Cottpn market, as tel- egraphed yesterday, by direct wire the office of Mr. John R. Turrentine, to in this city; at .3 P. ; M. :' 4; .' il;. wv;fv" - ' c' CmCAGO, Aug. 13,-1885.' John JL Turrentine, Wilmington If C,:, r' V Wheat opened a shade firmer on better cables,' but it was apparent from the first that prices must go lower, as outside sup port seemed lo be withdrawn and the local feeling was all bearishi t It took little pres sure to draft out long wheat, and lioding few buyers the market .quietly gave way and reacted only on the shorts covering, closing heavy at a nbade above the lowest price of the day. We cannot offer encour agement for bujing, and rather advise sell ing on "bulges? for the present. . ' Corn dull, but firm. Some prospect of increased receipts, but all offerings are taken freely. We think far off options be ing too much discounted, the future is only a matter of receipts, and if the present de .mand holds will go higher. o - - ; Provisions barely steady. .1 ne aosence of speculation enables packers to hold firm prices, but the undertone looks weak. Wheat for Sept. opened 89- closed 88V Corn " .48 " 461 Pork 9 55 " . 9.20 . Short Ribs . " 1 " - $ 5.521 , " 5.87i ReceipU of hogs to-day 13,000 head. Official yesterday 10.234 head. ' . NEW TORE COTTON MARKET. Market with out feature; rather firmer tendency on reports of injury to crops in the Southwest. - Sales to day 85,900 bales. ;:;'v DOlTIfiSTIO TH H.tCT -. iBy Telegraph to the Morning Star. ' A ' ; Fvnaneiail. Naw Yokk. August 12, Evening. Ster ling exchange 485. - Money 12 per cent Governments dull! but strong; fourtper cents 122: thres per cents 102 bid. State bonds dull but steady. - ' -. OommerctaL ' ' Cotton dull; sales to-day of 432 bales; uplands 10ic; Orleans 10c; consolidated net receipts bales ; exports to Great Britain 1,116 bales, to the continent bales. Southern flour steady; common to fair ex tra $3 754 15; good to choice do $4 20 5 50. Wheat spot iic lower ; ungraded red 97c$l 01i; No. 2 red August 98i 68e; September 1 00il 01. Corn spot i(Sic, higher;, ungraded 5254Jc; No. 8 August 53f53ic;-September 53i53fc Oats ilc lower; No. 2,32i32c. Cofiee fair Kio on spot dull at $3 62; old No. 7 Bio on spot $7 10; August $7 00; Sepr timber $7 007 15. Sugar firm and quiet; Jamaica 5 3-16c; Trinidad 45ic;mo lasses sugar' 44c; fair to good refining 5 3-1 65 5-1 be; renned quiet. Molasses dull; 50 test 17i7yC. Bice steady. Cotton seed oil crude3235c; refined 37c Rosin dull. Spirits turpentine steady at 36o Pork weak and nominal; no sales; middles dull; long clear 5c. Lard 57 points lower; contract on spot $6 62; September $6 57 6 60. Freights to Liverpool firmer; cotton 8-82d; wheat 2d. . .. .- Cotton net receipts bales; gross re ceipts bales. Futures closed firm, with .sales of 85,900 bales at the following j ao- tations: August 10.41 10 4jc; beptember 9.99l0.00c; October 9 09 71c; Novem ber 9 669.67c; December 9 679 68c; January 9.759 76c; February 9 869 87c; March 9 97&9 98c; April 10O8lO.09c; May 10 18l0.20c; June 10.2810.30c. raiCAeu, August 12. Flour unchanged. Wheat weak and dull; August 8687c; September 8889c; October 9091tc; No. 2 red 93c. Corn firmer and dull ; Au gust.4646c; September 46i46ic; Octo ber 4545ic. .Oats steady, with light trading; August 2525c; September 24 25c; October 2525c. , Pork mess ra ther active and 2025c lower, closing steady; cash $9 559 30: Beptember $9 25 9 42; October $9 309 55. - Lard easier; declined 510c; cash $6 256 80; Septem t er $6 276 35; October, 1 6 806 82. Boxed meats easier; dry salted shou'.ders $4 154 80; short rib $5 455 50; clear $5 805 90. Whiskey firm at f 1 15. . Sugars unchanged. - Sr. Louis, August 12 Floor easy and unchanged. Wheat active, closed'-ltc under yester lay; No. 2 red cash 9797c; September 9898c Corn cash and near by months firmer; No 2 mixed cash 42 43c; September 42f42. Oats dull ud easy ; No. 2 mixed cash 2323c ; September 23c bid. Whiskey steady &t $1 13. Provisions lower. Pork $9 87 10 10 for small lots. Bulk meats long clear; $5 60; short rib $5 80; clear $8 00. Bacon long" clear $3 126 15; shjrt rib $6 806 35; clear 6 526 60. Lard $o 156 20 for small lots." Bams $9 5011 50. : Savaithah, Ga., Aug. 12. rJpiriu tur pentine nothing doing. Bosin .quiet at $1 001 05; sales of 400 bbls. '. Chablestoh, 8. C, Aug. 12. Spirits turpentine firm at 33c Rosin strained 90c; good strained 95c. . COTTON fr2ARKri . ' ' ' IBy Telegraph to the Morning Star.) August 12. Galveston,steady at 9 Jo net receipts 63 bales; Norfolk, steady at 10c net receipts 15 bales; Savannah, quiet at 9Jo net receipts 17 bales; New Orleans dull at "9c net receipts 148 bales; Mobile, quiet at 9 lM6c net re ceipts 3 bales; Memphis, quiet at 10c net receipts 12 bales;' Augusta, quiet at 10c net receipts 58 bales; Charlesson, dull and nominal at 10c net receipts 2 bales. roSEIOItlUBaETS. - .fBv Cable to the "Morning Star.l , l ; London, . Aug! 12, 5 00 P." M. Spirits turpentine strong;" spot 27s 9d:; August 27s 9d; September and December delivery 27s WHEAT BAKING POWDER AWARDED GOLD MEDAL (First Prize) at -i KEW ORXJELANS EXPOSITION OVER - . ALL COMPETITORS. - It oontains no Injurious iagre dlenta. It leaves no deleterious sub. etanoes in tho bread hb sll pure sr&pe Cream of Tartar and Alum Powders do. It restores to the Flour the hisrhlv lmnartant constituents i.-J.Ul rejected in the bran of the W UtWk - . It m&kmi a hetter tatH Tferhtap biscuit than any other Baking Powder. 'JIUttlin JaAL.AilZK AiUlSVU'S SOUS, J' Established 183a , . :' MEW YORK -' FOR SALE. BY All Leading Grocers? lyl6m ' wedsat ' y EKCOUfiittE HOME 1HSTITDTI0H?. , Security Affalnst Fire. Tie North CaroliiaHoie insurance Co, 1.' 1XAJJSIGH, N. C. THIS COMPANY CONTINUES TO WRITE Po licies at fair rates on all elapses of Insurable oronerty. - All losses are i Justed and paid. The Home" is raDid anneals with eon fence to Insurers of property fax North Carolina. Agents tn all parts of the State. , . . JOHN GATLING, Preeideat. I- , . W. fl. PRIMROSB, Seeretary. - PULASEI COWPER, Supervisor. - ATKINSON MANNING, Agents, jepsetf Wilmington, N.C I X MARINE. Sun Rises '.v: ;V. 5.18 A. M un wets.,;;-.vi;.Vi-.'i..i..fc.-.' o.ox High Water at Smithville.".... 10.12 ven. IItfh Water at.Wilminirton.. 11 Day'sliength.: . i .. ,13h. 83m. ARRIVED. . .;""'--" ' Stinr Passport, Harper, Smithv.'lle, mas ter. ' . vii Stmr Ix)uise.v.Woodside9;;8mithvflle, master. . ' . " -.'.-. , I CLEARED. :1 'fr- - Stmr Passport. Ilarper, Smithville, mas ter. Stmr master. Louise, , Woodsides, Smithville, ItlARIM EDI RECTO R-V 1.UI of Vessels tn the prtefWt?muu ton, N. C, An. 18 18S5, " PPhls list does not embrace vessels undeT CO tons. 1 W STEAMERS. ' Kl Gulf Stream, 999 tons, - Penni ogton, H Q. .: Smallbbnes. : - HshA,'-;!';: ': Arica (Br.), 883 tons, Scurrell, C P Me Texas (Ger ), 591 tons, Loof, Heide & Co.' Lydia Pesehau (Ger.),.867 tons, uurmets- ter E Feaitliau & Westermann. Friedrich Wiihelm IV, (Ger ), 870 tons, Ah- i rens, Heide & Co. , as,. x-.;v BRIGS. '- : Acacia, 186 tons, Mattson, Geo Harris& Co, loading for Pernambuco. fi Emma (Nor.), 805 tons, Andersen, Heide ; & Co. tr'" : : J'- '-'ftw SCHOONERS, t Minnie A Bonsail, 459 tons, Lodge,-Geo ' Harris & Co, discharging. . j : " "' Addie E Snow; 155 tons. Norton, E G Bar ker & Co. dischargine. - ; E Arcularius 101 tons; Mai stont E G Bar ker At Co, discharging.: 4 u,;; ' J P Wyman, 156 tons,-Torrey, E G Bar ker & Co, loading Hayti. Jennie N Huddell, 265 tons, Henderson, Geo Harriss &i Co; loading Phil. - Rover. 120 tons,! McLeod, Geo Harriss & Co, disch-arging. -- , Three Brothers, 141 tons, Cramer.Geo Har riss & Co. loading for Phila. . . Diane, 190 tous, Iteynes, E G Barker & Co, waiting. -;''" Isaac L Clark, 334 tons, Geo. Harriss & Co, waiting. ' - -. " x -. - - -Natividad (8pan.), 170 tons, Gonzales, A E Doebele agent fdr owners, repairing. Winner, 176 tons, Frye, E G Baiker & Co, loading Pbiladephia. ; - : ' Hnttie Turner, 280 tots. Keenc, E G Bar ker & Co. loading Philadelphia? ' ' List or Vessels 17p. Cleared or Smiled tor tills Port." The following vessels are mentioned In the New York AfariHm RtaUtUr beine np and o eared for this port r ; f - - . ' BARQUES. Eintracht (Ger.), S99 tons, Muswlck, at St. Vln- cent, u. V.. Ja-e 84., 5 Erna (der.), 582 tons, Voaa, from Hamburg Jnly li. ' : v . : ' Fldello (OerJ, 878 tons, Meyer, from Rio Janeiro duiy.- - . . Geo Davis (Br.), 613 tons, Maeombcr, from Liver pool July 8. , sV - Hatti- H. (Br.). 403 tons. Cochran, from London Julyl - . . San juan (Nor.). 893 tons, Bache, from St. Vin cent, U. V., July 8. v BRIGS. - Augusts Eophie (Ger.). 273 tons. Detbleff, from lmnkirk Jolyll. ' Diana (Ger.), 314 tons, Echroeder, from Antwerp riOlj 11 Hermann Ftledrjoh (Ger.X 28 tons. Niejahr,f rom Liverpool- ng. 2. - . tSrCAPlTALi PHIZC, 7&.tH0. TlckeUonly $5. Sbares In proportion. wr i.onlsiaiia "State . totteri Coinpaiiy . . "Wido kerOy artlfyViat to tvptniM Uu ar rangements for U Uie - Monthly ana Semi-Annual Drawing of Th Louisiana State Lotiery Company, and in person manage and control the drawings themselves, and that the tarns are conducted with honesty. fairness, and in good faith toward aU par ties, ana we authorise the Company to use this cer njleat, with facsimiles of our signatures attached to it adivrtisements." ..V Commissioners. Incorporated In 1868 for 69 years by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve fund of t5S0,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 9d. A. D. 1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any State. IT NEVER SCALES OR POSTPONES. ITS GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DRAWINGS TAKE PLACE MONTHLY r A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTITNE, NINTH GRAND DRAW ING, CLASS I, IN THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, AT NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY. September 8, 1885 184ti Monthly Drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE, 976.000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dollars Eacb. Fraetlons In FUtbs In Proportion. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prlzo. .$75,000 . 25,000 . 10,000 . 12,000 . 10,000 .10,000 . 10,000 . 20,000 . 80,000 , 25,000 . 25,000 1 Capital Prize. 1 Capital Prize. ..... . . 8 Prizes of $6000 ... 5 Prizes of 2000..'. 10 Prizes of 1000 . ........ SO Prizes of .600. . . 100 Prizes of aoo.... 800 Prizes of .' 100.......' 600 Prizes of i- 60. ... . 1000 Prizes of 86.. J APPROXIMATION PRIZES. v 9 Approximation Prizes of $750 ' 9 Approximation Prizes of 600... ... 9 Approximation Prizes of -250. . . 1067 Prizes, amounting to. ... .. 6,750 .. 4,500 .. 250 26,S.50O , . Applications for rates to clubs should-only-be made to the office of the Company In New teans. For further Information, write clear Iv. erlvms full address. - POSTAL NOTES, Express Money Orders,or New York Exchange in ordinary letter. Currency by Express (all sums of $5 and upward at our expense) addressed . ' , ffl. A. DAUPHIN, - New Orleans, l. or W. A. DAUPHIN, , ; 607 Seven tb (St., Wasblnston, D.C. Hake F. 0. Money Orders payable and addreis Eegistered Letters to tTCW OltLANS NATIONAL BANK, new urieani) am OR LOUISIANA NATIONAL, BANK, New Orleans, La. STATE NATIONAL BANK, . New Orleans, E.aa GERiriANIA NATION A It. BANK, - ,. New Orleans, La. au 12 DAW2aw4w " . we sa BOSTON POST; , THE OLD, INVINCIBLE AND THOROUGHLY BWLS . DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER.. . . .T. - ........ The clean Family Newspaper of Massachusetts. Containing the most complete news of any paper In New England. - rJ . The Boston Daily Post is especially noted for Its reliable Commercial and Financial Features. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. - Datxt One Year, $9; Sis Months, $4.50; In ad vance. . . . WOTLT-.FBnuTi-Jl.oo per Year In advance; Six Copies for S5.00. ...... " 1. ' ' CLUB RATES. . ' .- Five or more to one address will be furnished as follows : - " - DAILY POST at $8.00 per year per ospy; Ten copies for $7.60 each, in advance. i,SMP08T at $1.00 per year er copy In Clubs of Five or more, one copy will be give to the organizer of tho Club. . eep 8 Di w tf . - . J Troyalkwit 7h 7SJ Aboolutelv Pure. This powaer never vanes. . A marvel ot purity, fttreagth and wholesomeness.' More economical than ordinary kinds, and cannot he sold inooinl petition with the m altitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in earn. - . --- - .,. Wholesale, by ADRIAN & TOI.I.BR8- aov241v , nrm . too or frm . 4d nov24 u It is a Yeiy ; Warn Day." JpAT IS THE PREVAILING EXPRESSION OP every man yon meet, and as he mops the perspi ration from bis face he naturally thlnks-of clad ding; himself as thinly as possible, j -'Now we have all the Fashionable Thin Goods that are worn displayed in out windows. , Wahave the ever stylish and Tellable ALPAC CA in a variety of shades, and the sizes ran from small boys to the largest men. Then we show SICILLIaXS and SERGES; and the ever popular SEERSUCKER can be found in greater variety in our Store than in any other house iu the city. , ! Our stoak of THIN FURNISHING GOODS is very large and varied, and we feel qoie sure one can be made to feel qnlie comfortable if he win buy a HOT WEATHEtl OUTFIT from us. " ; :- ' ft-- '.-, We had quite a run tn our Merchant Tailoring Department last week, but It did not break the variety of our stock, and we invite buyers this week, assuring them tbat they will (ret some rare bargains. , -.- " A. DAVID, Jv25tf Merchant Tailor and Clothier. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR AND BREAKFAST BACON. UMUM BEARlhO OtMl PATCtfTEO TRADE -MARKS. A UOMT MSTALUO SCAW. ATTACMtO TO THC STRINO. AND TM (ISPCD OANVAS, A IN THl CUT. - . dec 8 ly wed sat decs rKATJIJ! ' CATJTIONZl Many Hotels and Restaurants refill the Ima to PsmuNS' bottles' with a spurious mixture and skrvb it as the GENUINE Lea tt Perrins' .Worcestershire Sauca THE GREAT SAUCE OF THE WORLD. Imparts the xtoet EXTRACT of a letter from a MEDICAL GEN TLEMAN at Mad . ras. to his brother at WORCESTER, May, 1851. fellLE A & PER-1 BINS that their sauce la highly es teemed In India, and is in my opin ion, the most pala table, as well as tbe most whole dellcioua taato and seat to SOUPS, Gil A VIES, FISII, HOT&COLD HiEAxs, some sauce that is made." Signature la on every bottle of GENUINE WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE Sold and used throughout toa world. JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, AGENTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. NEW YORK. "febMDoawly tr RALEIGH REGISTER. By P. H. HALE,sPrinter :to tie State. Subscribe to your Home Paper and pay for it . and then remit $3 to pay for your State Democratic Paper the Ralxioh Rxsistxa. Each new subscriber remitting $2 direct, Is entitled to the Rzoistxb for one year, ani to Webster's Practical Dictionary, which, nntU August 1, 1885, Is offered as a Pre mium. - - v . Sample' copies of the Rxeism1 mailed on ap plication.' "' . ' ' - ' Address" mySODAWtf RALEIGH REGISTER, . Raleigh. N. C The Biblical Eecordeir . T . , . PUBLISHED BY ; Edwards, Broughton &. Co, - RALEIGH, N. O. , ; REV. C. T. BAILEY, Editor. i'- - j ".v.":'.'., .'.'.: ;- ; s .. o REV. a S. FARRISS., 1 Associates. ; UUAB. I SMITH, . ; J Orzan of Kortt Caroliiia Baptists f. In Its 44tb Tear. EVERY- BAPTIST SHOULD TAKE IT I . As an Advertising Medium Unsurpassed. A', W iWl'MiOOPeiYsar.' . Add ETRTJCAL RECORDER, Raleigh, N. C dao28.tr l n.. 1 L J To -A.3?32i-v-e B RO WN & RODDICK, 9 Nortli Front SI. . We have on hoard the Steamer BEPEFACTOE, which is to arrire on TUESDAY MORNING, the FOLLOWING GOODSsrV t i ; : - 700 to. Linea HM. sIiiMly Jamapi. They are what are termed by the Ir tde Manu facturers' Seeonds, and will be sold atle;s than HALF FXUCB. . - . - ; Mlm EiMsM Insertions. We are in receipt of the invoice for a large lot HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS. The prices will run from 5o to 15o per yard. Just call and look them over. The price will eell them. ' Jnst RecGiTefl, SoM Grey Silk, 37Ic. a THE MOST DECIDED BARGAIN ever Offered in the Dry Goods market Call early ai it cannot last long. - 1Q-4 UnMeacM SWb. A good article' at 18cts per yard.'' Just think of tt. ...--':- -i. PrMea Lawns. We have Just received a superior quality of PRINTED LAWNS, which we are offering at 5o per yard. flile Lawn ani Nainsool Flaiis, 8e. VERY CHEAP. - flute Bespreads, . We are offering at this time a line of Domestic Manufactured BED-SPREADS, at prices away below market value for such goods. They are the la-ge&t sizes. Price $1.03, $1.25 and $1.35. ,. IMPORTED MARSEILLES QUILTS. . A beautiful assortment from $3.51 to $5.00. BROWN. & RODDICK, NORTH FRONT STREET.' Branch Store, 27 Day Street, FayetteTllIe, N.C. au 9 tf ' ;.''-" : r FOR THIS WEEK! - AT Taylor's Bazaar, Silk- milts in every Color, now selling at naif price. Remnants of Embroidery, traces in all Widths,. Remarkably Low. Corsets and Under wear Lower than - rt UTer, Hats, Flow- ;-. ers, Feathers, Silks, Fans. JERSEYS ! JERSEYS ! AT REDUCED PRICES ! and one thousand other articles at. reduced prices. No one urged to buy, but a call will convince you of the same at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 11 Market Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. angStf I ' : '-I -' ' Fresh Chickens; From Near Ry3 400 JUST RECEIVED, NICE AND FAT. ' ALSO, DOZEN FRESH EGOS, JUST IN. 100 SIDES, JUST A FEW MORE LEFT. 40 BBLS. SUGARS, ALL GRADES. 50 BUNCHES N. C. ONIONS. CALL AND GET BARGAINS. ' J. C. STETENSON, anStf . MARKET STREET. New York and Wiliningtoii Steamship Go. FROM PIER 84, EA8T RIVER. .NEW TORE, At 3 o'clock P. M. GULF STREAM .......Saturday, , BENEFACTOR. . ...... . . v M GULF STREAM. r.MJr"'M " FROM WILMINGTON. BENEFACTOR.....:. Friday, '' GULF STREAM. t- " . BENEFACTOR " Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug.' tST" Through Bills Lading and Lowest Through Bates guaranteed to ana rrom points m norm ana uoutn uarouna, .; For Freight or Passage apply to - ' ' H. G. 8UIALLBONES, .Superintendent,.. Wilmington, N. C , -1 THeo. G. Ecer, Freight Agents New York. W. IP. Clyde A Co., General Agents, aufltf . 85 Broad way,New York. lffiiSan Agricui St A Jk UJEKBTJS, VOL. 8 JTTpT The American Agriculturlsf 1 ,o , sbid of mention, beoantfl'ifelallv inas nas awenaea tne uniqne andnn?i 9 ccei of its Dronrietora to tnizl tinne ps.!!9 eulation. Its continte "H-SfiM? month for a German diHA "."pated e lates widely.", -... - ; wulcnaisoeircii This Tribute isa pleasing in-irn, t vellous nearly - . s m.Woat in the '' hs-, .Halt a centttpv careee; or this recognized lean . Journal of the woriL lealing Agricuit, ral What it is To-Dav iTmAflrVlaenn.. A . ana to-aay it in iar superior odical ever prodnced hi this any sim n"'".1 or an k n- j. . . vuemu fur. At. jer jrom me amest writers, and i0,.Tu lu ciat tratlons. Ir. George Thurber for lrly lflw trof aeenturythe editor-in-chief oul'y iean Agrtetdturist, Joseph Harria t? e Anr sted, tioL It & Weld, ad Andre'w I W other long time Editors. tv.-.Uer. ts. writeiB who have made the American ihe othBf WHAT, FREE 9 9 Every subscriber, whose Bub8crmH DIATELY forwarded ub with th?ft year, and 15 cents extra for postaio on'rl1 f aia-making Ji.65 in all-wiU receb0 can Agriculturist ngliahor QematA" l,andbe presented with the AMeripJ11 RICULTUR1ST FAMILY CYCLOP n AQ out), 700 PAGES AND OVEk ftK&Jfct INGS. Stoongly bound in cloVbffinf This entirely new volume is aremart a h d eoIi house and book of reference ever71 ment of human knowledge, inolndw cultural Supplement by Dr Thnrhpi- g SEND THREE 8-CENT STAMPS IVTt . YOU SPECIMEN COPY AMERICAN Arii?8 TURLST, AN ELEGANT POIOT-pIgk & UM -lISTr WITH 200 ILLUSTJtdTWa?'" SPECIMEN PAGES OF OUR FAMILY ND PKDIA. Cabvasssbs Cabvassees wanted EveetW'- Address PUBLISHERS AMERICAN A6HTCn.Tm,,.-. David W: Jtod, Prest. Sam'l BraxiLut, Seo jan V tf1 BE0ADWAY' NEW YORK. The Art Interchange THIBTBBH (13i FTTLI -PASS COL0BSD EtPLEiri.-. some double size. ' TwssTT-six (26) extra pattern snpplemrat. containing over one hundred full-ize nni artistic designs, ready for tracing, apDlinabWr all the varied branches of artrk b Httstbet8 op ru.tJSTKAtioss of olhcr srt n! jects, -which are BaeRestie exampU s moa' nT fultoamateurandart worktre. TLc;U,aot be procured in any other way. are reproductions of the most attractive aai! pieces. These are printed in tht best nucLtr on fine heavy paper, and are suitable for mmini or the portfolio. In all, an actual return of n cluslve designs and art material worth two han dled dollars ($20 ) or more. in addition to this. Ins ab IsTEncBixsco tains as regular features adepanment of X,ne Qttsbies ad Abswbbs. opeD to all enquires! without charge, where all difficulties are c-ieariy explained and removed as thf y arise. Th at- swers are prompt, authoritative, praetiea!, fnil and impartial. Over three thousand such qws tions have already been satisfactorily answered Thete answers, written by experoovcravlda range of topics, and have proyed most u.vful and interesting to all readers of the paper. The Dbpabtkeut of Iss btjctios coDtaiiatrast. worthy information at lenjrth as to the btstme thodsof workiDgin Art Needlework. Paintinfon Textiles, China, Wood and Glass. Wood Carv ing, Modeling, Mural Decoration. Art Furnish lng, Etching, Drawn Work, Tape.stry Fainti, Sketching on Linen, Lustra and Tapestry Paiirt inr. Brass bammering, eic. The DKPASTSEhT er Alt News and EoosSs vrswa will maintain its present high standard. The iDiTOE al Notes will cont'.cue steadily to denounce all shams in art, whether by false me thods or in the use of interior maietu;s. to n& hold the ntcessity of conscientious, tr-unful work, to advocate the self dependence I wo men, and will maintain the refining uiSuccce of all gool art, wherever found. In short, Tk Art Istekcfaksb alms always to be theleading art pubilcation in character and in ihe possession of novel and p'OfestiTe fea tures, a reputation it has earned and which it should have as the oldest established popular art journal in the United States. Price 1" cents a number; three months, $!.O0; a year, J3.00. Sample copy, wMi colored plate and catalogue of other art work hand books sent for 15 cents. Address, WM WHITLOCK, FublisW, , my 22 tf 140 Nassau Street, isew York. The Blue Bidge Baptist ORGAN OP THE BAFTISIS 0? WESKRX NOETH CAROLINA. JosGjl E. Carter, litor & Propieler, The best Advertising Med ium for our M mtete section, because it knows no county lines, ana is the only Religious Journal in the State west ot the Blue Ridge, jt h Sound in faun, earnest m worn, cuuacviau - P PuDUshed every Tuesday at HEUDKIU-ON-VILLE. N. C. Subscription price for one year. 1.00 r end f r sample copy Je 6 tf THE L ANDM AHK. PUBLISHED AT STATES VILLE, IREDELL CL 18 THE Leading Newspaper in Western Jortk Carolina, It is the only Democratic Paper P. IredeU Couin-one of the largest and wgg counties in the State-and has attamedawP local circulation than any paper ever here, w published in the county. Its circulation In Ale"xaMer WBkea. M. ghany, Yadkin, Davie and IredelL is "J gSt oi anytwo papers in the ftgS? is rapidly acoiilrW strong fMtholdmFor Surry, Rowan and .western Mecklenburg. iper in Western Norti C aeULABCAHVASsnie AW5,J It is the only that employs a thus keep constanUy betore ' ftvr n & thia ByBtem a rapidly Increasing circalaticn j result, making tne Lanbkabb. irzi c i- ufni the rieouio. THE BEST ADVERTISING ttZDiVH i . ESN NOETH CAROLINA iAAr "LANDMARK, Address Juteville3U ' - r&s&& The Central Protestant A "WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND frffi S .paper and the Organ cf SSS8Ud tant Church in North Carolina, is P0DiJJ Greensboro, N. C. trance, , Terms, f 2 00 per BJJS "Snnber a4 - Theellglbillty of its location y Incrc activivy of its agents, and the com srf lng demand forlt among the 55." cENTKii readers to various sections, give w PROTESTANT peculiar clatos upon fcyor. age of the advertising public. Tenos able. Consult your business interest, the editor L jqceaW, The Marion Star, rpHB OLDEST L the Pee Dee section,, one -i w tow- je uee secuoi - ffer3 to vj proBperona in the State, w MaEufa ad Wholesale .Merchant i sno, and most mission and raid to'toose who have oW Kuingbysamplanexce municauoii wiuu , 6" w.Prs and na' ;A merchants, mechanics ptoteredtatjoC Ad men, wnose ptruimp verSsements and Business Cards boards inserted on - ral. terms. Address ortf -WTTtTJ A T D. A. SMITH'S FUI"1- . . assortiEent 15 S3 99 14 UOUms -can no wu- .WT. be founa a - VALUABLE GUTS, f4nef?adies, The public, and especffiSpft4 Bp&tfully invited to call and The Cotton Fla. An 8-page lra pubtob The best and cheapest Agricuiw South. . ONLY 60 CENTS A YE Endorsed by toe leading cii gtatB and by the best fanners in tn . S8 Send postal for speoim and your neighbors W.J. . . Aaarcn 5tt teredunonaNEW CAfiEEB oM to ry. niwrer iu cuiconai 8trength- Tphll t r win vings; printed on finer paper an? faens every- issueJOO coln-nns nTi.i??, Pfesentito I Oi - r "'V , J". "

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