. ;' ! Jo ; -'-"'V " ."- i -..v - 5 ".'":.-.- an nt, fits the all ave are log Bit. bat on rer, s, . Bit ore i. -. pot me. in Oc-wtl- tlof on lend E. 28 ?ra- lr 'His ins. out on Wr- i"K nisi thy ji;JI elri ills; for we;. rn rs. k. 20 jr. )00 ooo j,. KCE. Von - 5 to bw leciaS tome- tates- ndli pricey seed- na, In more atloQ DpOt trash ed by ur of city.. IE,; JJOl rt the aeons N, litor. VLL- F Air , Ohio r owo. jaalr JO. -Ohio .I'MEilShL 'he Morning Star I "W III rrm m i . 1 ' - I no GKLEBP Be Kept in Erery HonseMd. i THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY f x the bowels. It is one of the moot pleasant and ffracion'" remedies for all summer complaint. At lion when violent attacks of the bowels an so Irrtried mother, losing sleep to nursing the little on , shnnld use this medicine. ou eta. a doom. Sad 2e stamp to Walter A. Taylor, Atlanta, Ckv, fr Kiddle Book. ir.riori rherakee Remedr of I Gum and Mullein will core Cough, Creaa Mid Consumption, rnce soc auu i a dcw jnd Consumption. my 15 ly too nrmfl FOR Man and Beast - Mustang Liniment is older than most men, and used more and more every year. 8U tu th arm oh m HAGANS Magnolia Balm is a secret aid to beauty. Many a lady owes her fresh ness to it, who would rather not tell, zxiti.you carit telL sa ta th una ' ch ra !JH!iDe HVER 5ii! FJONeTSi i-.ld V1QG3 f YCUTH. ! j tpsia. Wans cf polite, ln i 'Jisestlon. l.ach sf Strength, -fV !iJ Tlreo 'ecl". ;rc .-.bsoluteiy 'is! cored. Kuiie- ts-uscles ana l&$. nerres new force. -'-"-j n?ivpris i.iind and ;-JreS0 scpplio:: -a;n Power. n i San peculiar to fCir sex Will it iP.TrJfS litON .TOSiO a eafa and .. . i. . ..g a o!-ar, ii.a! i iy .ninlexloiu s ;m!3 i.- cii!.-! ;' ':;r on!yadS .. i.i tito i.i ;t ii-..-.. u-i i.r.t expert t'r aalS Hot Spricgs at Tour Door. S"! hprins Physicians use la their own Cases and Prescribe for Others Buffalo Lithia Water RHEUM ATISM."AHP DI8SA8E8 GN KALLY i )P URIC ACID DIATHESIS.! BR. J AMES L. CABELL, -1 Professor ot Vsioiogy and Surgery In the Med j i)epartment of the University of Virginia President of t e National Board of Health, Ytrtu&er iie8ident phyaiolan, Hot Springs, 'The water of Spring No. 2 contains in nota-' Die qualities two of the Alkalies, which are ae creunedagextremely valuable in the treatment m hMn- l'bii and Liver Affections. I refer w he Carbonates of Potash and Lithia. It is now wei, hnown that both of these alkaline oarbon- frTan.ascerttl1nedvalae in cases of Uric connected with QrawA, and in cases oi t , Uromc Gout, because of their afBnity for Uric li5ihLeRre;i1 solubility of the salts which ft .ormed by their union with that acid." DH. ALGERTSON S. GABNETT, SprlL?SkY-S' resident Phyricten WaSfff1!.06 in thef nae ot Buffalo Lithia mafim i10 the treatment of Gout liheu 6eBt,Xi! hybrid disease Rheumatic Se Tfftt wh'ch is in contradistinction to tnese aff Lf. refe rom this Water in toStmi??9,,b0,h my own person and in scribed it en of Patlnt for whoml have pre contSniH uree the remedial affent 1s its ;bSS? u . alles and hel' solvent pperttes. dv ta Sh 'i ? a Prophylactic as well as a reme 4m to Bd,SiCo,to and formimr Calculi, when 010 a redundancy of Lithio Acid." - DR. W. B. TOWLES. "Xei8pyV8?.f .KeSldent ottteSSf"1 atever In saying that in Biadde? ,nHC S0??' Kheumatisnv Stone in teiU aU diseases of UrtoAcid Dia- Bu'Wo . Llthi n. remedy at all comparable to eofBriir, Sprinir No. 2. lnaslnKle maSSS?? ote K'dneys I wit .Md fmmrke oenefloial results from its 8!loul4 havi8?41011 ia tn!B Particular case, I ease." BmA confidence In it In this dls- Ia. T. B. BTJCHANAN. " identPbyslciani not Spring Ark. ' ; SprinsNo fiTv.e cases Buffalo Lithia Water, ilslmUarlimfff and Prescribed it for pa Sfolai resnifT1 108 most decided or 6pabmPWetmaid to any address.- - f ophletmay be'foond re the 8PrlnR8 b 1 t . THOS. F. QOOTJTl Tmv!.. - mi-uia DDnnn. va r.ar C3R15E HOME 1HSTITDTI0SS. liortii GaroiiEa Hom& insnraice Co. This aALElGI, N. C. ' h 'icfflflNTINtTO'ro WRITE TO. vpi&Wnandpa Tb AjS? Volina ence to tosuwrs of propert- iote0 State." -wYATLTNa.PresideHt. "': ) ' WUBiUurtofcNTC iff; THE GRAVE OF BONAPARTE. BY lUtNtfY 8..WASHBTJBK. H Oq a lone, barren isle, where the wild roar- mgbiliow8 ' i frcA83ail the stern rock, and the loud temp- eats rave,- r- . ..---r .-r.-.-T The hero lies still, while the dew-droppine r willows,' ...... .. - 6 4 Like fond , weeping mourners, lean over the grave. - ; The lightning may flash and the loud thun-j-f : ders rattle; . ; . . He heeds not, he hears not; hes : free ; from all pain; . .. -, He sleeps his last sleep; he has fought his last battle, - . No sound can awake him to glory -r,; again. ;. , Oh, shade of the mighty, where now are rr the legions - That rushed but to conquer when thou" ' led'st them on ? - . Alas I they have perished- in far .chilly re gions, And all save the fame of their triumph is gone., . . : '.. -. The trumpet may sound, and the loud cannon-rattle;- -They heed not, they hear not; they're free . from all pain; They sleep their last sleep; they have fought their last battle, No sound can awake them to glory again. : Yet, spirit immortal, the tomb cannot bind thee; For, like thine own eagle that soared to the sun, : Thou springest from bondage; and leavest behind thee A name, which before the, no mortal had won. Though" nations may combat and war's thunder rattle, -. No more on thy steed wilt thou sweep . . o'er the plain, Thou sleep'st thy last sleep ; thou hast fought thy last battle, No sound can awake thee to glory again. ' POLITICA It POINTS, "Brilliant in theory, but a prac tical humbug," is the verdict which Gov ernor Marmaduke, of Missouri, renders on the Civil Service act. After a careful search of the records of this office I do not - find Mr. Conkliog's name as sponsor for any ap pointee. Note from- -Collector Hedden, of New York. "Wijh Justice Field," says the New Orleans" Slates, Dem., "we believe that if Mr. Cleveland's administration is a success he will be re-elected, but if not, no Democrat can be elected in 1888." - The Cincinnati Enquirer pub lishes two columns of interesting rot about why Gen. Grant didn't accept a third nom ination. Gen. Grant didn't accept a third nomination for the simple reason that he couldn't get it. PhiL Time, Ind. Rep. ; - The ardent friends of the Civil Service law have been inclined to deride the idea that any- determined effort might be made to repeal it. More than a dozen Democratic Congressmen have proclaimed their intention to offer a repeal bill in Con gress. Wash. Star, Ind. : ' The dissatisfaction among Dem ocratic congressmen and others in regard to the present Civil Service law is becom ing more pronounced daily. There is a decided sentiment growing in favor of re pealing, or at least modifying the law so as to eliminate the most objectionable fea tures. Wash. Cor. .Cincinnati Enquirer, Dem. - ' ---:- '- " ' . 'J , - ,' - ' Senator Brown, ;of Georgia, is reported as greatly disappointed with the Civil Service act and fearing that it will insure Democratic defeat this fall in ' New York. Ohio, and, possibly, in Virginia and Louisiana. He looks upon the civil ser vice question as certain to be the central issue in 1888, and is anxious thnt tbo Ad ministration shall recede from its present position. Phil. Press, Rep. Organ. SOUTHERN ITEMS. , J . Only, six copies of Miss Cleve land's book have been sold in Atlanta. Still Atlanta pretends to support the Ad ministration. Pfi.il. Press. , A delegation of fifty practical farmers appeared before the proper com mittees of the Georgia Legislature Monday and urged the appointment of a Bureau of Immigration in that State. ' r : Nausea, produced by the great amount of gush expended and the croco dile tears shed -for the Grant family, has rendered us unable ,to get up much local news this week.i-i)&ft7 ((?.) Gazette. We predict- that in three years at the longest there will not ba a single re tail liquor shop in the 8tate of Georgia. In less than a generation the people will look back into the past and talk about bar rooms, and the children will ask, "What Is a bar-room?" ToecoaOa.) News. ; Mr. Keiley's home organ, the Richmond Dispatch, asserts that the Con sul Generalship at Paris was Mr. Keiley's first desire, and that when he applied for it his supposed superior diplomatic qualifi cations suggested his appointment to a foreign mission. JY". T. World. Gen. Fitzhugh Lee was "the "observed of .all observers," says theWorld, at the funeral of Gen. Grant. This was quite as true of him at the inauguration of Grover Cleveland, where, superbly mount ed, he rode at the head of the Virginia troops as true a type of American soldier and gentleman as lives in our country. Omaha Herald. - TWINKLINGS, ... Beware , of imitations, as the monkey said to the dude.-'Burlington Free Press. ' - ", How can a woman 'with iher hands full of trouble be expected to hold her tonerue? Pittsburg Chronicle: , The receipts for the Grant fund On Saturday, through the Neyr York Bunk amounted to $1, while the World acknowl edges 16 cents from seven contributors. Old lady, 'gazing at Oil paint ing Who painted that air pictur, mister t Dealer Rosa Bonheur. Old lady One of the old masters? Dealer- No, ma'am: one of the old missuses. N. T. Times. In Brazil there are at least six cannibal tribes and others whose custom it is for mothers to eat their dead children," pounding up their bones "with maize, the mourning lasting till all is consumed. . It is said that a woman always shades her eyes by turning her hand over the palm upward so that the back will not sunburn. Puring the late war a woman in the army . in male attire was dis covered by this gesture. Boston Post. " "GroverV said-;Mn1 Arthur, as the two Presidents parted after the inaugu ration, "Grover I have, just one bit of ad vice to Offer, you. It has brought me suc cessand I want you to be successful.'': VOut with it, my dear Chester out with it!" criedJMr. Cleveland. "WeD, Grover," said Chester impressively,-"always spit on your bait," Louisville Gowrier-JournaX. t TIIB SUPERIOR CO U&T8 UN J DEE THE NEW. ABE AN QI- t-Wah Term; 1885.;-. ' , Raleigh. New-Observer. ' " KBST DTSTKICT-'TJDOK SHEFHEBS. A Currituck September 7, one week, j Camden September 14, one week. 1 " Pasquotank September 21, one week. , Perquimans September 28, one week I Chowan--October 5, one week. i f Gates October 12, one week. i ..; Hertford Oct. 19, one week; Dec 21, one Washington Oct. 26, one week; Dec 14, one week. , i - Tyrrell November 2, one week. Dare November 9, one week. ? Hyde-November 16, one weekl Pamlico November 23, 'one week. Beaufort November 80, two- weeks. .H'.i.'l SECOND OISTKICTJTJDGH wm TiTPH, Warren September 21, two weeks. . Northampton October 5, to. weeks. Edgecombe October 19, two weeks. Bertie November 2, two weeks. Halifax November 16, two weeks. ? Craven November 30, two weeks. - TBXRD DISTBICS JTJDGE CONNOB. Franklin Aug. 17, one week; Nov. 16, one week. - , Martin Sept. 7, two weeks; Dec. 7, two weeks,; for civil causes and jail cases only. . "- : " ; ' Pitt Sept. 21, two weeks. Greene Oct. 5,. two weeks. Vance Oct 19, two weeks. Wilson Nov; 2. two weeks.-. Nash Nov. 23, two weeks. FOURTH mSTBICT-f-JTJDGE CLABS. Wake July IS, two weeks, criminal causes only; Aug. 31,. two. weeks, civil causes only; Sept. 28, two weeks, crim inal; Oct. 26, three weeks, civil causes only. Wayne July 27, two weeks, civil and criminal; Sept. 14, two weeks, civil causes only; Oct. 19, one week, civil causes only. Harnett Aug. 10, one week, civil and criminal. " Johnston Aug. 17, two weeks, civil and criminal. - BTFTH DISTRICT JUDGE GILMER. Orange Aug. 10, one week; Nov 9, one week. Caswell Aug. ,17, one week; Nov. 16, one week. . -s Person Aug, 24, one week; Nov. 23, on week. Guilford Aug. 31, two weeks; Dec 14, two weeks. Granville Sept. 14, two weeks; Nov. 80, two weeks. Alamance September 23, one week, Chatham October 5, two weeks. Durham October 19, two weeks, SIXTH. DISTRICT JUDGE VCKOY. Jones Aug. -17, one week: Nov. 2, ore week. . . -.. . . Lenoir Aug. 24, two weeks; Nov. 16, two weeks. Duplin Sept 7, one week; Nov. SO, two weeks. - Pender September 14, one week. New Hanover Sept 28, two weeks, for ci vil causes. Carteret October 26, one week. Onslow November 9. one week. Sampson October 12, two weeks; Decem ' ber 14, one week. SEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE MC BAE. Cumberland July 27, one week; Nov. ,9, one week, for criminal causes only; Nov. 16, two weeks, for civil causes. ; Columbus August 3, one week. Moore Aug. 17, two weeks; Dec. 7, two . weeks. Robeson Ang. 31, two weeks; Octy 12 two weeks. Anson Sept 14. one .week, for criminal causes; Nov. 30, one week, civil causes. Brunswick September 21. one week, Richmond Sept 28, two weeks; Dec 21,' one week. ; l Bladen October. 26, two weeks. EIGHTH DISTRICT JUDGE MONTQOMEET Iredell Aug. 10, two weeks; Nov. 9, two weeks. Rowan Aug. 24, two weeks; "Nov. 23, two weeks. Davidson Sept 7, two weeks; Dec. 7, one ' week, r - .. -' ; Randolph September 21," two weeks, Montgomery October 5, two weeks. -Stanly-Nov. 19, two weeks. . 5 .' Cabarrus Nov. 2, one week, for criminal cases and non-jury civil cases. NINTH DISTRICT JUDGE GRAVES. Rockingham July 27, two weeks; Nov." 9, one week. Stokes Aug. 10, two weeks; Nov. 16, one week. . Surry Aug.- 24. two weeks; Nov. 23, one week Alleghany September 7. one week, Wilkes September 14, two weeks. Yadkin September 28, two weeks. Davie October 12, two weeks. Forsyth October 26, two weeks. TENTH DISTRICT JUDGE AVERY. . Henderson July 20- three weeks. Burke August 10, two weeks. Ashe August 24, one week. Watauga August 31, One week. Caldwell September 7. one week. Mitchell September l4, two weeks, Yancey September 28, two weeks. McDowell October 12, two weeks ELEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE SHOT. 1 Alexander July,27, one week. Catawba August 3. one week. ' Cleveland August 10, two weeks; Octo ber. 26, one week. Mecklenburg August 81, three weeks civil causes only. I Union-September 21, ;two weeks. 1 Lincoln October 5, one week. 5 " j ' Gaston October 13, two weeks. ; ; Rutherford November 2, two weeks. Polk November 16, one week. TWELFTH DISTRICT JUDGE : 6UDGEB, ! Madison Angust 3, two weeks; November 23, two weeks ; Civil causes. Buncombe August 17, three weeks; De- cember 7, two weeks. : . ' Transylvania September 7, one week, -Haywood--September 14, two weeks. Jackson September 28, one Week. : Maccn October 5, one Week. Clay October 12, one week. Cherokee October 19, two weeks. Graham November 2, one week. - '. Swain November 9, two weeks. The Bobesonian. ' 'C .- Published every Wednesday In Lnmberton, N. 0 , By,W. W. McDIARMID, , HAS TSS LARGEST CTECULATTON AND TEX largest advertising patronage of any paper In the State. It now has over eight hundred sub scribers in Robeson county alone, besides a gen eral circulation In the counties of Moore, Cum berland, Bladen, Columbus, Richmond, and in the adjoining counties, Marion, Marlboro and Darlington, in South Carolina. - an94t The Bine Ridge Baptist ORGAN OF THE BAPTISlS ;OF WESTEEl NOETH CAROLINA. . , ' Joseph E.' Carter;- Eilitor S Proprietor. , - :. , . , J. . ' . I The best Advertising Medium for our Mountain, section, because it knows no county lines, and is the only Religious Journal in the State west or, the Blue Bidge. ' - - , . , I Sound in faith, earnest in work, oonsecrated inj Published every Tuesday at HENDERSON- jl.QO. Bend jot sample copy. Je ti HEHl p r ni tig St ai PUBLISHED DAILT ASJ) ; : Siitiscriptioii Batfes In AiTaice. , DAILY STAR, One Tear, postage paid ,...$7 00 - - ; Six Months. : ... 4 oo -"' ThreeMonths" 8 00 ' ; : Two Months, " V$Q i f ; ' one Mocth " " 75 1 -';-. ;.. . ',';;-'-' WEEKLY STAR, One Year, postage paid." '.$1 60 . fSix Months, " i 1 00 " - " . "Three Months " " 60 .'.h': ' -' ' ' -' . H0TICES 0PTHE PEESS: The Stab Is decidedly one of the best papers In the State, as bright and newsy as ever. . Long life to ILScUsm Pros. - The Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth year as good a paper as any people should want Charlotte Democrat.. The wumington Stab has entered on ts twelfth Sear. As a dally Journal of news it stands ""up ead. Ooncora&aUUr . - The WUBungten Stab has entered its twenty fifth volume. There is no better paper published ln?he State.- Lenoir Topic . The Wilmington Stab has entered upon its thir teenth year. It is one of the best papers in the State. Warrmton OasetU. . . The Wumington Stab nas entered its thirteenth year. It has become one of the leading papers.of the Soath. Orord Torchlight, "j The Wilmington Stab is not only one of the best edited papers in the State, but for freshness of news ana typograplcal appearance oannot -be beaten. Jackton LaaorUr. The WQmbuton Stab Is one of the verybestpa pers in the South, in every department from ty po graphy up to editorial ability and independence. Petersburg (Ffc) tode&Aipeal. The WUnilngton (N. C.) MoBxraa Stab is a mod el newspaper. Indeed, we think we do not exag gerate Its merits when we .say it Is the newsiest (secular) paper published in th$ South. Richmond, Va.1 Imovw Herald. "i ... Tha Wilmington Stab has now entered upon Its thirteenth year and twenty-fifth volume. One of the best eonduoted and edited papers in the South and, as a North Carolinian, wo are proud of It Tarooro Southerner. - We like the Stab because It Is thoroughly re liable, candid, fearless, and so well and ably edited , newsy, spicy, and In fact a perfect news- aper. uoug may uie btab iwuuue. jt. -irg Although at th6 head of the press la this State In all that makes a paper valuable to the reader, still it continues to improve. It is a Stab of the first magaitude. May its lustre never wane. JUFth WW SavtkL .,- . .. , The Stab Is bo well and favorably known In this section of the State, that we can say nothing of which its thousands of readers do not already know. It Is in every respect one of the best daf lies In the South. Eetxxmian. - " The Wumington Stab has entered on Its twelfth year. It is a most excellent newspaper, well ed ited, a compendium of all the news of the day, and an honor to its city, to North Carolina and tc North Carolina loamaligni. Charlotte Oburver. That magnificent beaming Stab has completed Its twenty-second volume. It is one of the most brilliant erudite and sparkling dailies south of the Potomac. The system In the get up of the pa per surpasses them alL Tarboro Southerner. The Wilmington Stab Is now taking the regular ' midnight Associated Press reports, and has be sides increased the amount of its reading matter. The Stab is an excellent paper. Its prosperity is not surprising since it is so deserving. GharloiU Obeenmr. , . ' The TUnu cannot say a word too good for the WUnilngton Star, , It has just reached one of its many birthdays. As a newspaper it Is a favorite with the State press and Is sought after by the people. Long and prosperous life to it. Peids viOe Times The Wilmington Stab, we are pleased to notice, still continues on the high road to success. We esteem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of the verv best of our exchanges, and consider it theprotanyjomibtl published in the South.- Wh? is it that all the papers with tbe name of Star are such bright little Journals 1 The Wilming ton (N. C.) Stab, the Washington Star, the Fred ericksburg Star, New York Star, for example. There must be something in a name after aU. Richmond iVa.) Stat. - The Wilmington Stab has entered oponlfs 12th volume, and we are pleased to notice Btill oontin ues on the road to success. We esteem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of the very best newspapers that comes to this office. Its news columns are always a little fuller than those of any other of our exchangee; and its editorial de aortmoct Is conducted with much ability. Mrr ganion JUacU. Humble In Its beginnings, as was inseparable from an enterprise begun amid the wreck of for tune that attended the ooUapse of toe Southern Confederacy, the Stab has steadily "waxed" un til it now beams resplendent in the full glow of a constantly brightening prosperity. As a neiotra per it has few equals, and no superior, for appro priate selection and judicious arrangement and we are proud to rank it among our most accept a C ble exchanges. E&boro BeoerQtr. The Wilmington Moumrs Stab has entered up on the thirteenth year of its existence, and we take this opportunity to congratulate it upon its prosperity and deserved popularity. The remark able success of the Stab Is due to Its strict atten tion to business. The boast of the Stab (rightful ly too) is that it always has the news, and this is the first thing in Journalism. Otherwise the pa per Is all that the term of "good newspaper" Im plies, and! ts corps of editors and reporters are thoroughly educated newspaper men. May the healthy, moral influence of the Stab never be re tarded, and may its genial enterprising proprie tor enjoy many more happy years of usefulness. MdsboroJfetenar. RALEIGH REGISTER. By P. H. HALE.tPrniter:to tie state. Subscribe to your Home Paper and pay for it and then remit $2 to pay for your State Democratic Paper the Balxigh Rxqistbb, Each new sutEcrlber remitting $2 direot Is entitled to the Rxsistib for one year, an I to Webster's Practical Dictionary, which, until August 1, 1885, Is offered as a Pre mium. ; f Sample copies of the Rksistkb mailed on ap plication. Address "RALEIGH REGISTER, my 20 DAWtf J Raleigh. N. C The Biblical Beeorder . PUBLISHED BY Edwards, Broughton & Go. RALEIGH, N. C. REV. C. T. BAILEY, Editor. " REV. a 8. FARRTSS, 1 Associates. . CHAS. L. SMITH, Organ of ' Horft Carolina' Baptists In Us 44th Tear. EVERY BAPTISTSHOULD TAKE IT As an Advertising Medium Unsurpassed. . n Only 13.00 Per Tear. , . Address ii28 tt - BIBLICAL RECORDER, Raleigh. N. O The Home Journal PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING S? 'Q: -; i At WauTeaton, N. C. ' r ioroi w. hicks, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. !; It has a splendid circulation in the counties of Warren, Vance, Halifax, N. C, and Mecklenburg ya. Asan advertising medium it is unsurpassed. " Terms St50 a year In advanch. ... I. Address ? THE HOME JOURNAL, -; ' an!Btf r ; . Warranton. N. C - ThIiiicolii Press , I pjjBLISHBD EVERY FRIDAY, AT - LINCOLN-V- TON.N. C, " - - ; -j By JOHN C TlPXON,'Ktlr and Prop'rv The PRESS la acknowledged, by those who have tried it to be one of the best Advertising Mediums in Western .North Carolina. It has a large and steadily increasing patronage in Lin coln, Gaston," Catawba, Cleaveland, Burke and Mecklenburg counties. Advertising rates libe ral. Subscription $1.60 per annum. mh 11 tf :jvholesjlee;piiices, : Our quotations. It should be understood. represent-the. wholesale prices., generally.' In making up small orders higher prices have to be charged. , 7? - ; ' . - - ' abticlxs. . ;" U rssasa. , BAGGING Gunny . . 1 . ........ r: 10 11)4 Standard........ ....... ..... 00 - 12 BACON North Cllna -Hams, V S ...... Shoulders, ft lb Sides, 'choice, .... Wkbtmbh Sxokbd Hams. $ tt.. - , Sides, 9 fi..i.. 11H3 8 10 & - una 6 Q 6J , 5 1 60 oo a oo : 8 8 00 . 0 00 00 so 18 -aa 80 V 10 18 . .. OB i 12 I 'BH Bnouiders. in , 7 - 1 65 -1 80 , 1 SO' : 25 ' 9 00 14 00 .,- 15 . . 24 ' 25 K - 18 V 12 V W .' 15 ; 12 - 88 1 11 ii ; Dbt Baltid Sides, ft t snouiaers. n. BARRELS Spirits Turpentine, second nana, e&cn......... - New New York, each........ - New City, eaoh... BSBSWAX-9 .-... BRICKS Wilmington, 9 M Northern... BUTTER -North Carolina, 9 S. - Northern, " )b. CANDLES ft Sperm:. ..... : Tallow........................ Adamantine ................. CHEESE ft B-North'nFact'y Dairy, Cream." State . i.......... COFFEE ft s Java....; , Laguyra , ..... ...... Rio CORN MaAL ft bush., In sacks, V inrmia Meal ...... . 9 75. 80 -40 7 COTTON TIES ft bundle..;... 1 SO. . 1 DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, ft yd Yarns, ft bunch.. EGGS ft dozen. - '. FISH Mackerel, No. 1, ft bbl... Mackerel, No. 1, ft half bbl. . : Mackerel, No. 2, ft bbl. Mackerel, Nc. 2, ft half bbl. Mackerel, No. 8, ft bbl Mullets, bbl .... Mullets, Pork bbls Dry Cod, ft FLOUR ft bbl Super '. - 00 19 16 00 8 60 8 60 800 4 25 6 00 11 00 8 0C 4 85 6 eo 6 25 409 450 85 , '- 11 SO 00 10 00 9 00 7 00 5 00 600 12 00 4JJ0 10 ' . 460 5 75 625 4 10 503 11 - - jsxtra.. Family City Mills Super.. jramuy , GLUE ft lb......... ORA1N J9 hnahfil. . Ckrn,store,bags,prhue,whlte 70 Corn, cargo, In bulk, " 61 Corn, cargo, in bags, " 65 Corn, cargo, mixed, in bags 63 Oats, from store 40 Cow Peas..... 68 71 66 68 47 65 20 15 15 8 3 7H 40 & HIDES ft Green... Dry HAY ft 100 as Eastern Western t 0 10 15 10 10 & North River...... HOOP HoN- LARD ft lb Northern North Carolina.. LIME ft barrel LUMBER Citv Sawed M ft. 8 00 00 Ship Stuff, resawed ..... 18 00 Rough Edge Plank.......... 15 00 20 00 16 00 West India Cargoes, accord- - tag to quality 18 00 18 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. 18 00 28 00 Scantling and Boards.com'n 12 00 15 00 MOLASSES vallon New Crop Cuba, lnhhds... n " ia bbls... Porto Rico, in hhds , "in bbls Sugar House, lnhhds p " In bbls...- . Svtud. in bbls.... 21 26 26 80 28 SO 80 85 00 00 CO 90 S 85 00 : 2 60 12 13 1 10 1 4b 90 1 00 16 18 00 20 00 22 36 33tf 15 80 00 00 45 67 60 70 00 SCO CO 125 0 13 50 14 00 00 13 50 H 6 80 1 10 1 00 1 63 0 UK i i4 14i 23 80 65 80 85 00 00 00 75 7J4 7 6W CH 5 6 54 6 ;5 63 "5 00 7 00?. . 09 , 2 50 ! - 5 oo 000 7 50 8 00 44 00 00 oo 10 00 6 6 NAILS keg Cut lOd basis. OILS ft gallon Kerosene Linseed.... Rosin Tar.. Deck and Spar ,. POULTRY ChlckensUve,grown 1 " 1 Spring.. Turkeys PEANUrs ft bushel 22 lbs ... . POTATOES ft bushel Sweet.. Irish, per barrel, new PORK ft barrel City Mesa.... Prime Rump RICE Carolina, ft t Rough, ft bushel (Upland).. Do, ' do (Lowland) RAGS 9 Country City.... ROFE-W a SALT ft salt Alum Iiverpooi Lisbon .' American... SUGAR Granulated .... 1 BStandard A White Ex O ExC, Golden - c Yellow SOAP ft 5b Northern SHINGLES ft M Contract... Common. i Cypress Saps Cypress Hearts........ STAVES ft M W O Barrel . . . R O Hogshead TAIJXTW ft B .... TIMBER ft M feet Ext Hearr (1st class yellow 'pine) Prime ship'glstclass heart. Extra Mill, good heart...... .- Mill Prime ........ Common Mill... Inferior to Ordinary WOOL ft fc Washed Unwashed Barrr , WHISKEY ft gallon Northern North Carolina 9 00 SCO 6 60 00 400 3 00 18 1 10 1 GO 1 00 10 CO 9 00 8 00 6 60 5 00 4 00 20 15 11 5 00 & 2 60 WUtniRGTOn ESONKTf RlARKBT. Exchange (aiffbt) oa New York ...... ,H dlsooatt Baltimore.. m Boston... k Philadelphia U -Western Cities.. Exchange, 30 days, 1 ft cent . Bank of New Hanpver Stock First National Bank Stock Navassa Guano Company Stock North Carolina Bonds Old Ex-Coupons. . . landing, 1883...... Funding, 1868 New 4s Special Tax W A WRR Bonds, 7 fjo (Gold Interest) Carolina Central R R Bonda, 6 ?o , Wilmington, Col. Augusta R R KondSi. . Wilmington City Bonds (new) 6 ftc " 8 fie New Hanover County Bonds, 6 fto , Wilmington Weldon RR Stock... " i V ; U .108 . 93 . 140 . 23 . 10 10 . 82 . 4 . 118 ,106 . 105 . 100 . 100 . 100 110 Nortn Carolina it k bcocb. ess Wilmington Gas Light Company Stock .... 50 Wilmington Cotton Mills Stock .... 120 "W O ZM1 A ICfT I HER BEST FRIEND! DR.J.BRADriELDS FEMALE REGULATOR ! ; This famous remedy most heartily meets the demand of the age for woman's peculiar and multiform afflictions. It is a remedy for WO MAN ONLY, and for me SPECI iL CLASS of her diseases. It is a specific for certain diseased con ditions of tbe womb, and proposes to so control the Menstrual Function as to regulate all the de rangemenst and irregularities of Woman's MONTHLY SICKNESS. Its proprietors claim for It no other medical pro- erty; and to doubt the fact that this medicine oes positively possess such controlling and reg ulating powers is simply to discredit the volun tary testimony of thousands of living witnesses who are to-day exulting in the restoration to sound health and happiness. Bradfield's Female Regulator is strictly a vegetable compound, and is the pro duct of medical science and practical experience directed towards the benefit of SUFFERING WOMAN! It is the studied prescription oi a learned physi cian whose specialty was WOMAN. and whose fame became enviable and boundless because of his wonderful success in the treatment and enre of female complaints. THE REGULATOR is the GRANDEST REMEDY known, and richly de serves its name : Woman's Best Friend ! Because it controls a class of functions the vari ous derangements of which cause more 111 health than all other causes combined, and thus rescues her from a long train of afflictions which sorely embitter her life and prematurely end her exist ence. Oh i what a multitude of living witnesses can testify to Its charming effects! W6bah 1 take to your confidence this PRECIOUS BOON OF HEALTH I 1 It wDl relieve yon of nearly all the complaints peculiar to your rex. Bely upon it as your safe guard for health, happiness and long life. , , J Sold by all druggists. Send for our treatise on the Health and Happiness of Woman, mailed free, which gives all particulars. ... . i The Bradfleld Eegulator Co., ,;v . . . P.O. Box 28, Atlanta, Ga. 1 William H. Green, Wholesale Agent Wllmlng- ton,N.C. . :, , , - -,... i-.- .:";-.. j Je91v - - ' '" ehsm . ? The ?lla iiiiinff H 9 V PUBLISHED BY- -'. H. L D1RR, Jr.', at HAHNINB, S. G. Only $10 per annum m advance. Cheap Ad- vertSlasr medium. JanStf : S pBiiilroatl? G6m Condensed Schedule. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. . . Dated Augusts; 1885, No. 48, Daily No. 40, Daily Leave Weldon . a 1 8.15 P. M, I ArrlveRooky Mount... 8.83 P. M. . 5.38 P. M. Arrive Tarboro .1.. Leave Tarboro Leave-Wilson v.i... Arrive feoldsboro.. Leave Warsaw..... Leave Burgaw .;.v. Arrive Wilmington .... 4.55 P. MH.... .. 11.50 Pi M. . ... 4.05 P. M. 4.54 P M. 6.64 P.M. 7.C0 P. M. 7.60 P. M. 66 P. 36 P. M. M. 7. 9.65 P.M. TRAINS GOING NORTH. .7 ., y ; No. 47, Daily No. 43, Dally Leave Wilmington..... 9.27 A.M. 8.83 P.M. Leave Burgaw. ........ :io.i3A.M. 9.50 P.M.' Leave Warsaw..... .... 11.17 A.M. U.OSP.M. ArriveJ?ld8boro 1816 B. M. 18.04 A. M. Leave Wilson 1.C4P.M. 12.53A.M.: Arrive Rocky Mount... --1.87P.M. 1.27 A.M. Arrive Tarboro I 45 P.M. Leave Tarboro.... ..... 11.50 A. M. Arrive Weldon ......... 8.05 P.M. 2.45 A. m7 xnuu on seouium neea urancn Koaa leaves Halifax for Scotland Keek at 8.00 p. M. Re turn in leaves Scotland Neck at 9.30 A. M. daily. Train No. 43 North will stop at all stations. - Train No. 40 South will ' stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia.-1- Train No. 47 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily. All rail via Rlohmond, and dally except Sunday via Bay Line. Trains make close connection- for all points North via Richmond and Washington. All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. ... -. . . - - .. . . JOHN F. DIVTNE, , ' Qeneral Sup't T. M. EMERSON Genl Passenger Agent au4tf . . , , -- WILMIMTONCOL'HBIAfr Railroad iCo Condensed Schedule. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated August 2, 1885. No. 48, Dally No. 40, Daily Leave Wilmington. .... Leave L. Waccamaw . . Leave Marion Arrive Florence. ....... Arrive fcumter ......... Arrive Columbia-. . . . . 8.90 P. M. 9.42 P. M. 11.86 P.M. 12,85 P. M. 4.84 A.M. 6.40 A. M 10.10 P.M. 1117 P. M. 12.40 A. M 1.15 A.M 4 84 A. M. 6.40 A.M. TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 43, Dally No. 47, Daily Leave Columbia Arrive Sumter ......... Leave Florence.. Leave Marion Leave L. Waccamaw Arrive Wilmington. ... 9.65 P. M. 11.56 P. M. 6.07 A. M 5.53 A.M. 7.44 A.M, 9.07 A.M. t - . s '48o"p!mV 5.14 P.M. 7.14 P. M. 8 88 P. M. Train No. 43 stops at an Stations. - - v Nos. 48 and 47 stop only at Brinkley's, Whltes vllle, Lake Waccamaw, Fair Bluff, Nichols, Ma rion, Pee Dee, Florence, Timmonsville, Lynch burg, Mayesville, Sumter, Wedgefield, Camden Junction and Eastorer. - . Passengers for Columbia and all points on C. & G. R.R., a,C. A A. R.R. Stations, Aiken Junction, and all points beyond, should take No. 40 Night Express; Poilman sleeper for Augusta on this train. . '- - Pullman Sleepers for Savannah on Train 48. All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. . JOHN F. DIVINE, " . Gen'18upt T. M. EMERSON, Genl Passenger Agent . au4tf . CAROLINA GEMTRALEAILROAD CO. 0"uib ov-SunaiHTacuauT, 1 K "r: ' Wilmington, N.C, June 7, 1885. f Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER JUNE 7, 1835, THE FOL-' lowing Schedule will be operated on this Railroad: S " PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN: DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS. . - ) Leave Wttmingtoa at No. 1. V Leave Raleigh at ,'. ; . ; I Arrive at Charlotte at.'.... T45 P 2nT ....7.85 P. M. ....6.50 A. M. ....9.C0 P. M. ....9.00 A. M. ....8.00 A. M. 1 Leave Charlotte at.... .. Arrive at Raleigh at .... . I Arrive at Wllmineton at. " Passenger Trains stop at regular stations only, and Points designated in the Company's Time Table. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL. EX PRESS AND FREIGHT. "' - Daily except Sundays. No. 3 No. 4 (.Leave Charlotte.. 6.15 P. M. J Arrive at Shelby. -. 9.85 P. M. I Leave Shelby 9.30 a. M. f Arrive at Charlotte 12.50 P. M. Trains No. 1 and 2 make close connection at Hamlet with R. 4 A. Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. - Take Train No. lforStatesville, stations West ern N. C. R. R Ashvule and points West Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens, At lanta and all points Southwest. J. C. JONES, - Superintendent F. W. CLARK, General Passenger Agent .' Je 7 tf . Cape Fear STaffin Talley E. B, Co. CONDENSED TIME TABLE NO. 1 TO TAKE effect at 8 A. M., Monday, June 22, 1885. TRAIN NORTH. Arrive. Leave. Bennetts ville i.. . . 8.00 a. m. Shoe Heel....... 9.30a.m. ;9.50 Fayetteville 12.15 p. m. 1.00 p. m. Sanford 3.00 8.10 Ore Hill..... 4.S5 4.80 . Liberty : 5.25 5.80 Greensboro..... o 6.45 Z Dinner at Fayetteville. : - TRAIN SOUTH. v Arrive. Leave. , 950 a.m. 11.05 12.00 1.40 p. m. 4.00 6.40. Greensboro... Liberty..:......... OreHfll.. Sanford Fayette vl lie.. . Shoe Heel Bennettsville .... ....... 11.00 a.m. ....... 11.65 120 p.m. ..... ... 3.60 ... 6.85 8.15 . sinner at Sanford. W. M. S. DUNN, Genl Supt JNO. M. ROSE. Gen'l Pass. Agent. Je23tf : . - UIPORTAIMT ! A BEI AHDI TALKiBLE DEVICE 1 A PATENT Water Closet Seat ! FORTES I---, CURB OF HEMORRHOIDS, (Commonly called , r :. "PILES,") Internal or External, and PROLAPSUS ANL for ChU- . ; dren or Adults. , . . . . NO MEDICINE OR SURGICAL 'OPERATION ' "' NECESSABY. ': I have Invented a SIMPLE WATER CLOSET 8EAT, for the cure of the above troublesome and painful malady, which I confidently place before the pnblle as a ' ,. SURE RELIEF AND CURE ! - It has been endorsed by the leading resident Physicians in North Carolina. Is now being test ed in the Hospitals of New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, and we are satisfied the result will be satisfactory, as It has never failed else where. You can write to any of the Physicians or prominent citizens to Edgecombe Co.. . C. ? These Seats wul be furnished at the fouowmg WAUT, FoUeC 16.00 fptecount to Phyrff CHERRY, - rt &00 etoians and to the POPLAR, - - ' 6 00 Trade. f .?- - , ' Direotions for using will accompany each Seat! We trouble yon with no certificates. - We leave the Seat to be its own advertiser. - Address -.LEWIS CHAMBERLAIN Patentee, : . - rarboro, Edgecombe Co., N. C. lTl7D4Wt' TaS3 3S3" til "?valL i NEW. AD YKRTISEMENTb. ' ; ' "PO travel and sen the trade the staple" and eele-t i JkX'tC1ar8- Tobaccos and Cigarettes of the .."- ? KEW YORK & HAVANA CIGAR COMPANY. Liberal - - arropgements. Salary or Commission taid to the-: . -right man. Porterms address at once. Mention thf . - paper. NEW YQRK&H A VA N AIGA R. COw - -'" .57 Broadway. New Yerfc, . . -i- ENGINES ' - -FOR CISSLVG. " Most economical and durable. Cheapest In the ? -market' quality cons'dered. fAv - ItilLliS. -.. - -CORN 8HBUERS. 1DER MILLS.! COTTON PLANTERS AND STAND-, v ARD ISIPLEnENT8 GENERALLY v Send for Catalogue. - - ; r .-' a. b; farquhati, : . Penjasylvania Agl . Works. "Tork Pa- College of I FnyslclfiM iaii Snrgeon: '-i L Baltimore, Md. TSt' ' This School offers to Medical students nnsnr J:. passed clinical and other advantages Hend f o : ' b catalogue w - Arc. 'ihodias - JesB, ITS n. Howard trctt. University of yirgihia..V r The SIxty-aeeond session begins .toeto ber - 1st, 1885. Thorough Instruction In Literary, A Solentifio and Professional Departments- Forca- ta'ogue applv O?. O. Ujuvbhsit o VaI to ' JAMES P. HABBISON,JRI. D., . Cbalrman of tbe Faculty. - Hiss Cleveland's Book, : Geo. Eliot's Poetry and Other Studies, price, post- paid, $1.50. CORPULENCE I and Its Treat- ; -ment, by Dr. Ebstein; best work extant; price.. post-paid, 25e. HON. DAH'L W. VOOR-r- ' HEE8 Speech In Deferoe of Capt Edward T:--JohnKGn. indicted for the murder of Maior Edwin ' uenry, stae. Any dook mailed. on receipt of ad- vert 1b ed price. Correspondence invited. - Amer- - - lean ana Foreign Periodical Subscription Agen cy." Catalogue gretis. Address . bbuntaho uuos., waamnKton.D.fV ADVERTISERS! send for our Select List of Lo- ' cal Newspapers. Geo. P. Rowell & -Co.. i Spruce 8t.,N. Y. - - 7 an 1 DWIm -' Bellevue; High: SchdoU iscoiora jo.j lrgmia. ;- PreDares bovs and vouner men for Business. Col lege, or University. ' Fall corps or Instruc tors. Thoroughly' and handsomely equipped. Beautiful and healthy location. For catalogue address , W. U. ABBOT, Prim. . Bellevne P. O., va. - je26An,v TTT ANTED Lady A genta -:- ... . V V For our new and novel articles' of ladies and children's wearing apparel, manufactured "texclo- sively by us, Including the "Daisy" Stocking and skirt supporter, safety ueit,"ueen protector," RhmilH.p Rmww. Niumii HVkOTtii. Dmh -Rtiinlla Rubber GIneham Bibs. Anrons. 8'eeves. and m- 1' ; i ny other new articles. We have now 1,000 agents selling these goods and making Tom $50 to 8130 monthly. Ih's is a legitimate business that pays welL Can sell something in every house, tend 2o Btamp for illustrated catalogne to - csMfUELLi Miru CO., 9 south May St., Chica go, HL , . Jy25D&Wlm THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH Is located at 8EWANEE, TENN., upon tha " Cumberland Plateau, 2X0 feet above the eea le- veL This school, under the EDeclal natronasre of - the Bishops of the Protestant Episcopal Church, -In the South and Southwest offers the healthiest residence and the best advantages, both moral and educational. In Its G rammer. School and In " its Collegiate and Theological Departments. -For " the special claims of this Univarsity for patron age, apply for documents to the Revr TELFAIR HOOGsON, Vloe Chancellor, 8ewaneet Tenn an 5 D&Wim I Want AGENTS TO SELL MISSOURI STEAnl" Men and Women of good character and intelligence. -. Exclusive Territory Guaranteed. K weeks' trial of sample Washer to be returned at my expense if not satisfactory. A thousand per cent the bestWasherin the world, and pays capable scents BIG money. In trinsic merit makes it a phenominal snccesa every where. For Dluatarated circular and terms of agency" address. - J. WORTH , St. Louis, Mo RAINBOW RUPTURE RELIEF &: CURF. Simple, safe, reliable and a perfect retainer. It Is npi a I russ. " urn vaj ana rtignc ana its presence forgotten.- Send for circular with testi monials from grateful offerers cored by this ap- r - ' ' pliance. Address Central Medical and Surgical Institute OSO Locust St, St Ziouis, Mo. Skillful treatment given all kinds of anrtrlcat , - and medical eases. Consultation free and invited. - TRIAL I KEKWOSCEBRITT UBeAHIO T SAXHBBS ISeoaTndnameroas ' lobsonrediseasea, baS fumgvne aiauea Dnj : sicians, repnlt froax r img-&mMT m - m g 4 tUV AULUS. cvbuift tiVU S9ah imivHiunnof Breten IflWtiotM lemediei far them F 1 trmihW. nt ear Freat A RADICAL CURE FORMA CirculaT and Trial rtclc- -UittVWia - 1 Q I before Ukiiitreiit- - i miHIMTV fzlnwnt elsewhere. Take -, y."Qj OlsrrRE Remkdv mat oaa nwratlffi WflSYMW.tVlcyRED ttoosuKU, does . 6 uwwmmtre T loot intCTiwe wan atten- tkrn to business, or eause -. V, UECAT. l pernor ineonwnience iri. " any way. Founded on . scientific medical princl- gles. By directppQcUo! the sect of diseate Ha specifio infloence is felt withonl delay. - The nat -oral function of the ho : man ormunsm Is festoted. TESTED FOR 8 EVEN years by use in mx ' Thousand Cases.. The anhnatmg. etaneats of life, which nave been wasted areelrcu back .and , the patientbeoomesehece.. ful and ranidlr rxtna boOl ' : fatEAxxxarp. ' Oat Month. eSLOtf Two Months. - e.ooi sireugm snn sfTUSi yigoc. KARRIS remedy co.,vrrnCmBXi N.Tiitaet,8T.l2lOT.KO. , - auglSD&Wly - ' - ;k J.-- i-33 v. fit, . -- nsw aw II. w i ra THE LANDMARK. ' - PUBLISHED AT STATESYLLLE, IREDELL Ci K. C.: .r , - IS THE -' - Leading Newipaper in Western Horth 1 Carolina. It Is the only Democratic Paper published i& - Iredell County one o the largest and wealthiest . counties In the State and has attained a larger . local circulation than any paper ever heretofore i published In the county. - . : x..- lts circulation In Alexander, Wilkes. Ashe.. Alle- ' ghany, Yadkin, Davie and Iredell, is larger than -that of any two papers In the State combined; and Is rapidly acquiring a strong foothold in Forsytbe ' ' Surry, Rowan and western Mecklenburg. . -. - It Is the only paper In Western North Carolhv -. that employs a Rmuiab CAXVAssore AexsT, and ', thus keep constantly before the people. Unacr this system a rapidly Increasing circulation is tbe result, making tne Labdxabx. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDxUM 1 T . : ERN NORTH CAROLINA. - Address - "LANDMARK, SteteevUle N. MTH CAROLIM. RESIMCES. ' ''One of Inmost useful series of descripiioe looks ever published about amy State." Bos ton Post. . - -: ; : - Hale's -Industrial ; Series. : Tvffi VolTanes Uow Beady. I. ' The Wooa suiol TImer of Nortli Carollnsu Curtis's, - Emmons', and Kerr a , Botanical Report; supplemented by aocurate-.-County Reports of Standing Forests, and Jllus trated by an excellent Map of the State. A 1 Volume 12mo. Cloth, 273 pp., $1.25.; - II. In tne Coal and Iron Countlee of -Nortn crolInav-Emmons,, Kerr's, Laid- ? lev's. Wilkes', and the Census Reports; supple mented by full nd accurate sketchej of the iFlfty-aix Counties, and Map of the State. 1 Volume 12mo Cloth, 425 pp.. $. 6 0. . EoldbyaU Booksellers, or mailed postpaid on receipt cf the price, by B. J. HALE & SON. PinsUSHXRS. BOOKSKIXBBfl AB9 StATIOKKBS, - NEW YORK; . . . ' ' P M. HALE Publisher. RaleUrh. n"o. - : . The ; Person Ooimty, News,'; i-;tVrWbilsli at EOIDORO, R, C . . " - wraTAraiiivo ' ' " Editors and Proprietors.'' " " 7- The NEW8 haCthe largest circulation of 'any paper published or circulated in the fine tobacco section of North Carolina. - Advertising rates very BberaL Subscription S2U per year. , . --4 mi '.- -': : 4 -t '-. : -i ."'.V V- - . 1 .V. -, i V.J v; t r " 1 -. .

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