f 1 .1- I -V, earn Tne FrIDAT MORNItt 'AUGUSTl, 1 885. MORNING EDITION, THE LATENT NifiWfe; KLOM ALL PARTS OP THE WOBLD newJyobk. lemponrr BetnmpUon of TTorfc in John Roaeta'i Shop. - Tne J Stock Market Active and Doll fcy Twbs. I By Telegraph to the Morning Star.J New York, Ang.' 20. About a dozen men under a foreman went to work on the Morgan iron works, belonging to John Roach, this morning, for the purpose of completing several pieces of work lot par ties other than the government which were left unfinished at the time of the; suspen sion. The shop engine was put in" motion for the first time since the suspension, on the new shaft for the Pacific mail steamer Colon. Bj the time the work above re ferred to is completed; it is expected, that orders will be received authorizing the con tinuance of workupbn government con-. tracts, now pending: ' .'., i. - ... -. . f -f-fx New York, August 20. The reported business on the Stock-Exchange ttnia in dicates quite an active market, but it was active ana aim oy turns. m.uy ucwiuiiu efforts .were made to set - the ball rolling upward, but when orders had been execu ted there were few buyers found to carry on the work thus started, and the. result was small, business until a new batch of orders made its appearance, which was always heralded by vigorous trumpeting by brokers. Prices at the opening were de- cidedly Btrong, advances in opening quo tations over final prices yesterday: ranging i to f. During the forenoon, ands gene rally within the first hour of business, there were further advances ; which made; the total- gains 1 compared, with yesterday amount to i to 1 per cent., with exceptional advances in Omahaa, common gaining 3f , and preferred 4. There was a longer period of decided, dullness ifter midday, and a moderate decline from the: highest figures, which, developed into Very - decided weakness ; in the last hour, espe cially in Lackawanna, Lake 8hore, Jersey Central, St. Paul and New York Central. The break in Lackawanna in the last fcour amounted to 1.. Lake Shore fell 1, Jersey . Central & St Paul i, and New York Cen tral The whole list, also,; was weak, although the declines were : generally for small fractions: Much of the early gam in Omaha was lost soon after midday, and the stocks closed wjth a final. advance of H for common and li for' preferred. "Except Pa cific Mail, which is up f, all of the old ac- ; tive list is lower, the declines ranging from ftoH, the latter in Lake Shore, St. Paul and Lackawanna, with New York Central, Northwest and Northern Pacific" following in the order named. , The weakness in coal shares was ascribed to a want of harmony between the roads. -The market closed ' weak. Sales 401,000 shares. J OHIO. Tne "Democratic State- Convention - Gov.- Hoadly's Speech Completion .. nmt tno State Xleltot,''.';''??-. I . : . M iBy Telegraph to tne Morning Star. Coltwbus, August: 20. Gov. rHosjGly was introduced amid much enthusiasm, and explained why he had not been an out spoken candidate for renomination. The party had brought him through before - without much effort on-his part, and; he - thought he had no right to claim a rendm- ination. Under the rules of precedent, jihe , Convention being : free to act without ask mg, he could not help responding- to the call, and with better health would hope for even better results in the' discharge' of his trusts. .He demanded the .most searching . criticism of all his official acta, - He en : dorsed the work of the last Legislature, ' saying that nothing was done by it which Judge - Foraker would", have dred vet if he had the power, v He thought that Judge . Foraker, iostead of finding fault with the present administration, should be defend ing the memory of Rutherford B. Hayes and the Legislature which robbed Cincin- - nati of local self government.. Gov Hoadly defined himself as against prohibition and said he did not believe regulation And tax ation were eternal. Tsxation was odiou to . him. --X--' 7 - p-O' Is r-y?l f After, the Oovernor;haat concluded his - speech, on motion of the Hamilton county V contingent, whieh had Objected "to -his re-; nomination, three gheers.were given ' The names of Hon. Charles. Martin, of Fairfield countyv and Judge yt. i. Gil , core, of Franklin, were presented for nomination for Supreme" Court t Judge, : (long term), but before '-the, call was com pleted. 1 the name of Jode Gilmore was was withdrawn and : Martin's juomination was made, unanimous by acclamation. The ticket was completed by the nomination jof Peter Brady for Treasurer; James Lau rence for Attorney General; Gibson Ather ton, of Licking county, for short term Su preme Court Judge, and Henry Weible for . member of the Board of Public Works.; The platform was read and adopted and the Convention then adjourned. - , ILLINOIS. 1 Cattle Dying from. a Strange Disease , 1 8 TelegTapb to tne Morning Star.l Chicaoo, Aug. 20.' A strange malady has broken put among cattle, particularly milch cows, in the neighborhood iust north. of the Union stock yards and extending to the ' Bridgeport slaughter.: house, in the southwestern part of the city. ' The disease appears to be in all ases - fatal:' It is thought the afflicted cattle show symptoms of Texas fever. Whenthe spleen ia exam ined after death it is found swollen beyond its natural size. .The district in which the disease isxjonfined contains many cases of it in the open prairie in which cows graze in herds. Texas cattle are frequently driven into Bridgeport through this district and It is believed; that the, -disease was caught from these passing herds. . , . - i - BASEBALL. Games Played at Varloas Places. (By Telegraph to the Morning star.l ! WASHiNOTOTri 'Aug1 '20.- The following is the Bcore of games, played today: y t . ;', Baltimore Baltimore 8, Brooklyn 8 - Philadelphia Philadelphia- 1: New -York .7,:'' :"-vi--."fvVv.rr. i t ChicagOr-Chicago T.'SlCXouisi. , I " - Pitteburg--St Xouis lO, PittsbuTg 11 i - New York-i-Athletic 10".' Metropolitan 8, ' LouisTille Cincinnati 9, Louisville 1. I Detroit Buffalo 6. Detroit 4. - Richmond Virginia 10, Westminster 3i . iNashTiiie Nashville 6, Columbus S. I Providence Providence 5, Boston 4. .MISSOURI. meeting of Representatives of 6ontn-' . era Railroads. - . t IBy Telegraph to the Morning Star.t"" ; St..Lotji8, -AugC20. A' meetine J of Teni resentatives of Southern railways was heldl i uere mw morning, Dut owing to the ab sence of the tKnt of the Tiiinni. n.i Railway nothing was done, and the meet-! aajournea until to morrow. In the meantime the schedule.wiU be arranged by! ltte &nd Presented at to mowow's ' CHIMES AND CRIMINALS- A Texas . Sheriff's ?Ftal Spree On . races T a nob or Disguised irien la - Dal ton, Ga. A ; County Official in rennsy Ivanla Charged wltn Larceny . and Other 'Crime -Arrest of a De- fanlUnc Snb-Treaaury Clerk, v. By Telegrapli to tneMonuiuf Star.t St. Louis. August 20. A dispatch from Toyaha, Texas, sayss 'John Morris, sheriff of Reeves county, got on a bigflpree Tues day night and used his - pistol 'freely. An attempt was made to arresf him by Sergeant Courtright and three, other State rangers, when Morris opened fire on them and killed C, P. Knight and seriously wounded Sam Lane. The sheriff was then shot and killed, . , .'...!- St. Loots August .20 A special from Chattanooga, Tenn., flays that fifty; men, well disguised, entered Dal ton. Ga., shortly after midnight last night, and visited a house of ill-fame owned by Mrs., Jane Kidd. The woman and six of her boardera were draped from their beds and given fifty lashes each. Some of them are in a critical condition and may die. The band then; went to the house of Tom Carver, a noto rious thief and beat, him to death, after having tortured him for half an hour.;.; A negro man named Armistead was then so badly beaten that he will die. Subsequently several persons were notified by the mob to leave the place at once under penalty of death. There is no clue to the identity oi any of the band. . . , f : ; I Eastok. Pa., August 20. Twelve war rants were served on ex-county auditor Hahn in the Easton jail last night; three for larceny, six for embezzlement, land three for forgery.' The complaints are made by order of the district attorney, and the total number now against him is four teen. The alleged forgeries are three notes An thi Easton National Bank one for $170. one for $400, and & third for $500. AiPT.AWp; fin.. Au sr. 20. Last night a hanH nf KuKlux. suDDosed to be from Murray county, Went to Oalton, and clean eri nn the lawless element of the town. They f went .to a disreputable boarding house lent bv Armisted McCain and heat the occupants. Tom Turner'a - house, of similar character, was visited and the 1 oc- ennanta w wDDeuw. A wmte man ooara- inir wun .neeroes was oraerea io ieae " ... . . j i : town or suffer the consequences. The party visited the house of the widow Kidd in searca oi out xliuu, a nutonoua wau, and twentv-five or thirty shots were ex- chaneed. It is not known whether Kidd was hurt or not. me iuaa estaousnmeni was demolished. It has long been very disreputable. The mob took in all the disreputable houses, regardless ' of the color of the occupants, -. and then' went to the mayor's office and left a list of those under mob surveillance The whole affair was an effort to rid Dalton of bad charac ters that infest the town. . ! Washington. D. C. AusrHst 30. A. dis patch was received here to-day statttag that Aufdemorte, New Orleans' defaulting sub treasurv: clerk, "was arrested to-day at Monterey, Mexico. ; "No details were given. ; r CANADA. - j . I FIro with Kioss of Life at Montreal. CBy Telegrapalovthe XornmR Star.l M6JSTSAT-Aug 20. A'tire broke out this moraine in ther Bell Telephone Oo.'s works, oir ; Craig : street, and the flames worked up through the premises of - the Bank Note Company, causing damage es timated at 180,000. against which' there is full insurance. A watchman named Brad ley, in the Bank Note Co. 'a premises had fallen asleep and was smotnereo. NEW t JERSEY. Worsted flinis Damaged by Fire.' "' - . By Telegraph to the Morning Star, - Cahdek, Aug. 20. The spinhing, draw ing and. combing department pf Kichard Williamson & Co. 8 worstea--mills was burned early this morning. ' 1 he loss is estimated at $75,000 and $100,000. EGYPT. The Rebels inarching on Dongola. " IBt Cable to the Moraine Star, i Catbo, August 20. The news that the rebels have taken and occupied Debbeh and Ambugusi. and are now marching on Dongola, is to-day confirmed. ELECrttlG srARaS. The striking street car .drivers of Mem phis went to work yesterday morning. having accepted the terms offered by the company. The Hartford, Conn., Telegram has been sold, at auction, to EL R. Hayden, its trea surer, for $4,100, outside of a mortgage of Groceries, Pwisioiis, Tobacco, &c. JQQ Bbls FLOUR, all grades, 250 G7XS lAgnyra, Java, 75 60X68 D SIDS and BELLIES, P, 25 " Smk'd SIDES and 8HOUX.DK rI50 TC Tja 811(1 Cases LAUD, I r ' 3Q BICE; whole and broken,! : 50 80X68 BSAM CHXBSE, , ' '250 all grades, J - 9 A A Bbll and Boxes CSACEEBS UUU , and CASES, uoxes TUBA.UUU, au irraaea sgQ Bnla POTATOES. 50 BblB TUKNIP8 100 21148 Cnba and P. B, MOLASSES, t BhlSH. O. MOLA8SE8 gQ Bhls and Half Bbls MACKEREL, 2gQ Kits MACKEBEL, QAA Boxes SOAP, Candles, Lye, Potash. Starch, Ac, ror saie at low nirares. mh 22 It ADRIAN VOLLERS. FIRING- CHINA PATENT PORTABLE K.1L.NS. STEARNS, FITCH & CO , FORMERLY OF Air , pany. n.x., are now located at Springfield, Ohio Manufacturing four sizes Kilns, 41 5, $20, 1 25 ana stt. Amateurs can now fire their own China wltb great success, with glaze equal or better than can be done in. large kilns, and -at a great saying la expense of Express- charges and unnuKcg, oeuu iot circular. . . i Jy8 3w . Springfield, Ohio. ' THE CELEBRATED ARRINGTOH GAME FOILS FOE SALE JJT GAME FOWLS HAVE A NATIONAL RI potation. They have tonght and won a series of the greatest mains .ever fought on this or any other continent, and Fifteen Pairs, on exhfbttioa f "lmueiPal TUi were nonorea by the uni ted States Centennial Commissioner with tne Di ploma and Medal. .. I have a T&rlety of Colors and most approved Breeds In the United States. I will ship splendid COCKS, of fine size and handsome plumage, nei r8!0- aLfrom $4.00 to 6lo each HEN8r$2.50 and 13.00 each; or $7.00 Der Pair lig.oo per Trio. I expect to raise Two Hundred ram uug Dununer, me jnnest uames in the World, and wVl ahrn Ynnn Vnvla nf UoMh AprU hatch during the months of August, Sep o wwuor, u ri ye uousn per or&ir, or wm please back the assertion with, their stamps. w ivi hum joa Tub ' . - DBtI Hmiardaton. Nash Co, N.'o. COMMERCIAL. V I L WINOTOK MARK KT . STAB OFFICE. Aug. 20," 6 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE The market was quoted quiet at Sir cents per gallon, with sales reported of 800 casks at quo: tation8, elosmg steady. if,: j ' Grain, Provisions and Cotton. The following is i a summary of the Chicago Grain . and ; Provision market, and New York Cotton .market, as tel egraphed yesterday, by direct wire, to the office of Mr. John R. Turrentine, in this city, at 3 P. M. : Chicago, Aug. 20, 1885. , John II. . Turrentine, Wilmington, If. C. r Wheat -opened firm, with good indica tions of au advance, but a failure in Wall street and the weakness in pork tended to intimidate" buyers, creating : a- dull but steady market. Exporters have orders very close to present prices and we' think if our market nolds steady lor a lew aays mere will be a fair export demand and prices some better. ," . ' . No new feature in corn. Receipts are liberal, shipments fair.but stocks light, and the steadiness 01 the market tends to create dullness.- . ' r--y . - ; "4: Provisions. -Pork very weak under heavy sales of long stuff. ; Lard and ribs not so weak, but buyers are nervous and inclined to hold off until pork is liquidated. Further reports of cholera among hogs, the receipts of'which are not now noticed in the desire to get from under. Wheat for Oct. opened " 83 closed 83f Corn " " " 43J " : 43 Pork " 8.87i;"y 8.60 Short Ribs " V 5.42J " $5:3a ; HEW YORK COTTON MAEKET. i , . " The market opened easy in sympathy with lower Liverpool, but subsequently im proved on shorts covering and some buying by traders, tialveston to day say a, tne weather is good and the estimated crop 1,800.000 bales. OOKIBSTIC HIAKTS. iBy Telegraph to the Morning Star. Financial. i Ww Yobk. August 20. Evening. Ster ling exchange 484$. Money 1H por cent. Governments dull; four per cents lz2l: three per cents 103 bid. State bonrts steady. - r?;-;;y:!; !,- Qmmtretal. Cotton quiet; sales 410 bales; uplands 10 5-16c; Orleans 10 7-1 6c; consolidated net receipts 673 bales; exports to Great Britain 575 bales, to France 50 bales, to the conti nent 150 bales. Southern flour unchanged. Wheat spot a shade better; ungraded red 8393c; No. 2 red 94c at elevator ;Septem ber 94i942& Corn spot steady; ungra ded5354c;No. 2 August 53i531c; Sep tember 5252ic Oats cash lUc high er; no. a, 3Zm33c at elevator. Coffee- fair Rio spot steady at $8 374; No. 7 Rio on spot $6 85. Sugar quiet and firm; St. Kitts 5i5 5-16c; molasses sugar 4J4ic; fair to good refining 5 5-165 6-1 6c; refined firm. -: Molasses steady. Rice firm. Cotton seed oil crude nominal; refined 87c Kosin dull. Spirits turpentine : quiet . at 341c. Pork dull and heavy; no sales; mid dies dull; long clear 5c. Lard 78 points lower and moderately active; contract on spot S6 40 6 45; September f 8 S86 45. Freightii to Liiverpool steady ;cotton 3-33d : wheat sa. Cotton net receipts bales; gross re ceipts bales. Futures closed stead v. with sales of 109,100 bales at the following quotations: August 10.2Q10.21c: Septem- oer9.759.76c; October 53c; November 9 469 47c; December 9 49c; January 9.57 .5c; February 9.67U.68c: March 9 77 y 79c; April 9 8S9 90c; May 9 99 10 00c; June 10.10lC.12c; July 10.18 10 20c. OaiCAOO, Aigust20. Flour unchanged. Wheat opened ifc -and closed 4c higher than yesterday: August 8UJ(S8Uc: Sep tember 8U82ic; October 83Ka84ic: No. 2 red 82c. Corn active and unsettled ; cash 45ic; August 4545Jc; September 40f4oic; Uctooer 43i44ic. uats in good demand and closed lc higher than yester day; August cash 27ic; August 2628c; September Z425ic; October 24125fc. Pork mess opened firmer and5a7ic high erbut declined and closed tame ;cash $8 48f 9 47; September S8 57S 87; Octo ber S8 659 05. Lard active, prices re ceded 1012ic and closed steady; cash S6 12i6 15; September $6 07i8 15: October 6 12i6 22. Boxed meats easy ; dry salted shoulders S4 154 30; short rib - $5 25a5 30: clear $5 75(315 80. Whiskey firm at $1 15. Sugar steady and unchanged. St. Loots. Ane. 20. Flour unchanged. Wheat active and higher; No. 2 red cash wiiuurctc; oepiemoer V43c. tJorn a shade better and very slow; No. 2 mixed cash 42443c; September 41 f41fc. Oala firm and inactive: No. 2 mixed cash 23f 24c. "Pork $9 409 50. Lard $8 '00 -for small lota. Bulk meats entirely nominal Bacon long clear $5 956 00; short rib $6 156 20; clear 6 356 40. Whiskey $1 18. ' .- - Chaklestow.TB.' C, Aug. 20. Spirits turpentine steady at' 8Hc. Rosin strained 90c: good strained 95c. 8AYAHHAH,' Ga., Aug. 20. Spirits tur pentlnefirm at 811c: sales 100 bbls. Rosin quiet at $1 001 021; sales 350 bbls. COTTON xhabkietb. ' IBy Telesrapb totbe MornlnK Star. August 20. Galveston, 8 teady at 9c net receipts 252 bales; Norfolk, steady at 10c -net. receipts So bales; Savannah, quiet at Vfc net receipts 115, bales; Hew Orleans, weax, at , 90 net receipts bales; Alo bile, nominal at ; 9 11-1 6o net - receipts oaies; Mempnis, quiet at iuc net re ceipts 14 bales; Augusta, quiet, at lOo net receipts la bales; Charleston, dull and nominal at lOo net receipts 8 bales. (Oaotatlonff hereafter will be for new COttOn.) , , :. .; FOREIGN jTIAKKKTS. D3v Cable to the Morning Star.l . London Aug. 20, 3.00 P. M. Spirits turpentine weak; spot 26s 3d: August 26s 3d ; September and December delivery. 26s Tire-Proof Om 1 t J8 BBTTSB THAN "EEROSSNB OIL, OR any other Burning OH. Can be used in any lamp "' For sale bv ! HOLMES 3s WATTBR8, 7 North Front St. HENRY HAAR, 701 Chesnut St. WM. OTKKKEN. corner Sth and Market. GIBSCHBN A BRO., corner Chesnut and McRae. f. tx. bmitii, corner 4th ana Campbell. ; . -,. J. C. STSVBNsON A CO.i 617 North Fourth 8t. B. H. J. AHRBNS, corner 7th and Market Sts. J. C. BTKVKNBON, 131 Market St , H. SCHTJLKEN, oorne 4th and Walnut Sts. J. H. BOESCH, No. 801 North Fourth St. GEO. M. CRAPON, No. 28 South Front Bt. -J' GEO. A. PECK No. 29 South Front St. - waton tnis.UBt ana see it stow. mh sa tf s The Harion Star, TIE OLDEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN the Pee Dee section, one of the wealthiest A the Pee Dee section, one of the wealthiest and most prosperous in the State, offers to Com mission and Wholesale Merchants and Manufac turers, ana to tnose wno nare adopted the plan of soiling by sample, an excellent medium of com-' mnnloauon with a large and Influential class of meronants, mecnamcs, planters ana naval store men. whose patronage is worth solicitation. Ad. vertisements and Business Cards inserted on libe ral terms . Address v - THX STAR. oetstf Marlon clo i MARINE - Fori Alntana Angnst 2ii .. m OA AM Sun Rises. . 4 . .. Sun Sets.....:. i U U. 6.41 P.M. High Watef at Smithvllle. . . .. 4.18 Morn. 7.18 Morn. ISh. i 17m; High Water at Wilmington f uaysLiength..., - : ; ARRIVED. V Stmr Passport, Harper, Smitbv.uie,f mas ter. V. - .'.: - . .' . ... Stmr Louise. Woodsides, Smitavme, master. " ..... Stmr D Murchison, Smith, Fayeueviue, G W Williams & Co. ? - - ' Stmr River Queen, Paddison, roint as- well, R P Paddison. - 1 Br barane Hattie H. 4U tons, ouurau, London, E G Barker & Co. ? f Schr Muriel 8 Haynes,4iu ions, amge. Charleston- R O . E G Barker B Co; pnos- ptate rock to Navassa Guano Co. A ? j CLEARED. - - Stmr PassDort. Harper, SmithvUle, mas ter. Stmr Louiso, Woodsides, Bmithyille, master. -. - x Schr Rovftr, McLeod. Baltimore ,' Geo Harriss & Co: cargo bv J W Taylor, t Schr Winner. Frve. Philadelphia, E G Barker & Co., cargo by J H Chadbourn & Schr Hattie Turner Keene, Philadelphia, E G Barker & Co. t-'?S7-?:,. C,,!' .1 : :'".' i J. a''.' "" ' KXPOBTS.7 V . . . . i ; ' COASTWISK, I Baltikore -i-Scbr, Rover 90,000 feet of lumoei. vi.tv Wi'v.Tisw.- ! ' v . - -i 'v...-- ! ; PHnJLDEiaPBXt Schr 'Winner 151.000 feet'of lumber, . : .1 Schr Hattie .,! Turner 344.000 feet ' of lumber;' ""-iij"--'1-"';. : I '-. ItlAKINU DI1XECTORY. Llat or Veseeli In tke Port f "Wilmlnir- ton, N. C, Ane. 21, 1885 ", This list does not embrace Teasels under OI tons. I .v:!:,BA.RQUESv- :v Eintracht (Ger.),. 399 tons, Muswick, C P Mebane, :,;'...t--. ' -.t .,;!?' i;f.;-n-,rrV, Arica (Br.). 883 tons, Scurrell, C P Me- bane' : Y1 -;',v -.r " Texas (Ger ), 59l tons, Loof, Heide & Co. Lydia Pescbau (Ger.), 367 tons, Burmeis- ter. E Pescbau & W estermann. n 4 Priedrich Wilhelm IV (Ger.), 870 tons, Ah rens Heide & Co. . Rial to (Dan ), 443 tons, , Hansen, Heide & t iBRIGS. " i Emma (Nor.),' 305 tons, 7 Andersen, Heide &co. , . . ; SCHOONERS. Addie E Snow, 155 tons, Norton, E G Bar ker (a Co. loarJinir JHew lorK. E Arcularius, 101 tons, - Matston, E G Bar- kcr & Co. loading Baltimore. Rover. 120 tons. McLeod, Geo Harriss & Co. loading Baltimore.- Dbne.-190 tous. Raynes, 7 E G Barker & Co. loadins windward oort. Isaac L Clark. 834 tons. .Geo.'. Harriss & Co. waiting. - ' : Natividad (Span.), 170 tons, Gonza.es, A E Doebele. agent for owners, repairing. Winner, 176 tons, Prye, E G Baiker & Co, loading rbiiadcipnia.-. UatUe Turner. a0 tons. Keene, JS U Bar ker & Co. loading Philadelphia. Met or . Vessels ITJp, Cleared or Sane C; , tor tais Port. v 1 The followtnr vessels are mentioned m the New York Marttitm JisoiiUr m belnc no and oleared for this port : Srna (Ger.), 58J tons, Vobs, from Hamburg: July FIdelto (Ger.), 870 tons, Meyer, : from Rio Janeiro Geo UaTla (6r.), 613 tons, Maoomber, from tlver- pooi 4WJ e. - - -Beiireaen (an.). 281 tons, Leopold, from St. Vln- cent. c V. II.. JnT 2 . Hera (Sot ), X91 toni.ChriUansen.from Hambar auk- . - , -.r. .. 1 flildnr (Nor ). from Hambarg An?. 5 ' Lontee (Per ), from Bermuda Auk. 9. Laole Kadtsann (Oor.i, 424 tons, from Bremen Auz. 4. - - Neater (Ger.), 44ft tons, Brandhoff, from Madeira 401741. Nord Amerika (Nor.), 410 tons, Thorgensen, from ouenos ATres June n BRIGS. Auiruta Sophie (Ger.), 275 tons, Dettueff, from Ounklrk JulTll. Diana (Ger.), 314 tons, Sohroeder, from Antwerp rfuij 11 Hermann Krledrich (Ger.X S8 tons,NleJahr,from uverpooi a ug. z. MEDICAL COLLEGE " - Of Virginia, BICHBIOWD. V " qnnE porty-eighth annual session be- JL gins OCTOBEE 5. . ( For CataTogue, withlpartloulars, address ! M. L. JAMES, M. D., : 'if Si D AW6w ; ' Dean. toorgetTOjtpoUege,t.-I).?-: C, ( Founded 11884 ., . i THE ACADEMIC AND SCIENTIFIC SCHOOLS open Sept 10th, 1885. Apply to PRESIDENT of ine uul.LiBU.is. , -- - . s THB BCHOOL OF MEDICINE opens Sept. 21st. 1886. Apply to Prof. J. W, H. LOVEJor, M.D, WJ inn Dfc k il. TT .. TT A.OfLLHUl'UJN. II. V. THE SCHOOL OF LAW opens on the first Wed- . resday in October. Apply to 8AMU M YEA.T M AN, 8xo , cor. 6th and r Sts., N. W., Wash In ff- . ton, t. j. i JAMES A. DOONAN, 8, J., Pbiscdxht. jy o am Bat wea UIMIVERITY ! Next Session begins Sept.' I8thi 1885. ' r.iutowment Bonds, ?634,P00.00. uiirf.2,000.0' Acta l onne men whocnnt4innl!it4maVinor tkaii l.nn.. i.. ,i West, but who wish to tnke a University course before jyrtnninjr sctiy e life, cnnnve Vea'mhv ttoniliii' Tie University of Texa t. Write for calnhwue. AMvm Les!!o Waggenor, Chairman, Austin, Tei. jy29w we fr sn ' flliRTLAND MTT.TTAPY JtUn NAVAL AdATIPWY - vA.a' vasvy a mM s ) Open September 16th. application to iy2l86t i- f init ,j t : Circulars sent on a. H. KOOSRS. s s Seoretarr.t ,. EteworttioaTuing: an'l-Bay'' Sciooi, For Fonng Ladles and Little Girls. Mrs. H. P." T.E KBVREVPflcipat.,'No. 68 Frank lin Street, Baltimore. Md. The 24th School year win oegin ta l a U USD AY, SEPTEUBlUt 17, 1885. EPISCOPAL1 Near Alexandria, Virginia. The 4tm year opens sta ibb--catalogues on application. , It. M. ULA.CKFO&U, M. A., I ii i in L .TradeV NOW IS THB TIME FOR BARGAINS. : JUDt clous buyers will take the hint. Erery thing In the way of Simmer Goods now being sold re faraless of Cort. White Goods. Gloyes. Mittsi an s. etc. Those elegant Paris Mulls at 87H cts. orth $l.f 0. A good stock. o( Table GoodaTowt els, etc., always on hand, t i '' j an 14 tf : - JTTO. J. HXDRICE. i Drive "Wells. XrowTna time to send us your or x i aers ror usivs WBLLS Prices low. . We keen on hand a fine selection of Cook Stoves, Beating stoves; tamp Goods and Tin Ware. kS1!?4 e5amllaeJ. We guarantee satisfaction; both as to price and quality. J . ; W. H. ALDERMAN A CO.,' ' . . a "tf PropTs.' 1 Absolutely Pure. This Tjowder never varies. A marvel ot purity fmrfi tnii whniommanfun: Mora eeonomloal than ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold lnooml petition witn tne m&nasoae oi tow kxk, weyent, alum or pnospnate povaere. aout wuym eons. . 1 " Wholesale, by ADHIAH a vouehs. hot 84 It - nrm too or frm . 4p nor 24 ASK YOUR GROCER FOR AND BREAKFAST BACON. NONB QSISTT7INB VNUSS BEARIHQ OUR PATENTED TRADE-MARKS, A LIGHT HCTALUO SEAL. ATTAOHEO TO THE STR1NO, AND THE STRIPED CANVAS, AS IN THE OUT. - dec 8 ly wed sat decs WHEAT BAKING POWDER AWARDED GOLD MEDAL. (First Prize) at NEW ORLEANS EXPOSITION OVER ALL COMPETITORS. It contains no injurious lagre dients. It leaves no deleterious sub. stances in the bread as all pure grope Cream of Tartar and Alum Powders do. It restores to the Plour the highly important constituents rejected In the bran of the Wheat. . , . ' Tt na.lrMi a Iwtter and lioiiter ' biscuit than any other Bating- iwoer. SLABTIIf KAL.BFL.EISCII'S SONS, Established 1223. . NEW TORS FOR SALE BY All Leading Grocers. JylCm wed sat 1XV A LWPQO CAUSES and CURE JJijiUL IN 100 by one who was deaf twenty-eight years. Treated by most of the noted mAftialista of the dav with no benefit. Cured Aixs- ifln three month, and since then hundreds of outers oy same process, a pin ui, nrupio uu successful home treatment. Address T. ti. PAGE, 128 East 26th bt. New York: City. au2 4w suwefr T D. A. SMITH'S PURNTTTJRK WARE- ROOMS can he found a large assortment of VALUABLE GIFTS, suitable for everybody. The public, and especially the ladles, are re tiully Invited to call and examine prices, Ae spec U. A. BJUTU, furniture Wsrerooms. dec 28 tf A Proclamation. KNOW YE ALL THAT AT THIS SEASON OF the year a cool head Is desired by everybody. Be it, therefore, proclaimed that tf C PREM PERT'S, No. 7 South Front Street, is the place tp get an No. 1 Haircut, Shave and Shampoo AU in need of these commodities are respectfully requested to call at old No 7, where there are a few more left, and the proprietor and first-class and polite young men are always ready and will ing to serve them. Respectfully, my 81 tf H. C. PBBMPJERT Atkinson & Manning's Insuranee Rooms, NO. 118 NORTH WATER STREET, Wilmington, N. C. Fire, Maiiae air life Companies. Aggregate Capital Represented Over 1100,000,000, tell tf . - The Western Tribune. A thirty-two column Weekly Newspaper. - - - - CHAS. EDWARD WILSON, Editor and Proper. ASHEVILLK, N, C The TRIBUNE wQI dlsonss with entire freedom all questions of public interest. In politics It will teach Demooratto doctrine, pure and simple. It will strive to advance the educational Inter ests of onr people. It will labor zealously for the upbuilding of our whole State, and ; especially for the develop ment of the varied resources of Western North Carolina. It will be the friend of all Railroads so long as they are the friends of the people. ? - It will aspire to deserve the esteem of Its read ers by dealing with all subjects in a fair and dig nified manner, and by carefully excluding from' ltscolumns everything of a vicious tendency. The TRIBUNE is printed from new type, on a new and Improved NPower Press. The price of the paper will be Per Year 11.60, Six Honths 76o, Three Months 60o Invariably in advance. All communications Should be addressed to THB WESTERN TRIBUNE, Asheville, N. C. jeSODAWtf ; . . ; . . .. -, ADVERTISE IN Merchant and Farmer ' PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT ) MARI0Nt80 UTS GAR OLINA hi-? Sv1?6. "J!? tooreaslrig circulation in the heart of the Pee Dee country, the best Cotton section of the two States. wuwp -JVHl .A?Blr1 ndlnra of communication wlj both the Merchants and Farmers of this section, and particularly with, those of Marion and Marlboro Counties. It la therefore the paper for the Business Men of Wilmington. . .'.r ' - , - J. dTmclucas, -.deostt , ' ... PropriStor. BOSTON POST. "rPr- JF0131 AND THOROUGHL1' vMM BLOi DEM OCRAT1C NEWSFAPIRTt ?aul?ew81P6r of lhnsetts. to NeaXfifle!f iJl2,?KfDany?(,st to Peolally noted for its reliable Commercial and Financial Features SUBSCRIPTION BATES. ' 'SoWft" Months, KM; tn ad gjWl per Year to advance- - wi. . 01,110 Rates. : I : i MKM-yMh9 ftdahed I to the ojrganlzer of tbcab. - sep8D&Wtf BROWN & RODDICIC North Front St. I We have on board the Steamer BEFEPACTOE, which Is to arrive on TUE3DAY MORNINO. the FOLLOWING GOODS : 700 uOZ. Linen Httlis, sligMly flamageft. They are what are termed by the tride Manu facturers' Seconds, and will be sold at lees than HALF PRICE. Hailllirg Mm and Insertions, We are In receipt of the Invoice for a large lot HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS. The prices will run from 5c to 15c per yard. Just call WtA lywvlr AVAM . ROW. mLtn ..,1 .1 imiu. auwa uuuivnu, Alio ynw wiu tmu mem. Jnst EeceiTei. Solii Grey Silt, M. THE MOST DECIDED BARGAIN ever offered Ih the Dry Goods market Call early ai It cannot last long. ' 10-4 UnHeactefl Sheeting. A good article at 18 cts per yard. Just think of it. Pfinted Lams. We hare just received a superior quality of PRINTED LAWNS, which we are offering at 5c per yard. flite lawn ani Nainsook Plaiis, 8c. VERY CHEAP. ' WMte Beljureab. ; We are offering at this time a line of Domestic Manufactured BED-SPREADS, at prises away below market value for such goods. They are the largest sizes. Price $1.0?, $125 and $1.35. IMPORTED MARSEILLES QUILTS. A beautiful assortment from $2.53 to $3.00. BROWN & RODDICK, NORTH TRONT STREET. Branch Store, 2T Hay Street, FayetteTille, N.C. au 9tf FOR THIS WEEK! - : AT Taylor's Bazaar, Silk Mills In every Color, now selling at half price. Remnants of Embroidery, Laces In all Widths, Remarkably Low. Corsets and Under wear Lower than Ever, Hats, Flow ers, Feathers, Silks, Fans. JERSEYS ! JERSEYS I AT REDUCED PRICES ! and one thousand other articles at reduced prices. No one urged to buy, but a call will eonvinoe you of the same at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. augZtf Fresh Chickens, - i From" Wear 'By. ? 400 JUST keckived' mcit and fat. ' ALSO,' ' 100 DOZEN FRESH EGGS, JUSTIN.! C. SIDES, JUST A FEW MORE LEFT. 40 BBLS. SUGARS, ALL GRADES. 50 BUNCHES N. C. ONIONS. :CALL AND GET BARGAINS.! J. C. STEVENSON, ; anStf MARKET STREET New York and Wilirugtoii Steamship Co. FROM PIER 84, EAST RIVER, KEW TORS, '.t . . Aft S ooloek F. k. '- -; . - QULw STREAM ....... Satarday.' Aaff. BENEFACTOR.. M Jug, GULF STREAM........ " , Ang.V ns-; ' e ; FROM WILMIKOTOWL'-- h BENEFACTOR. ....... ..Friday, Jtnir. GULF STREAM. " BENEFACTOR ' i V Au. 1 JLug. Through Bills Ladteand Lowest Ti'iroiych Rates cnaranteed to am) from points far North; and Soata Carolina. For Freiffbt or Faasacfraprply to ' ' v ' H. G. UIAXiIiBOrTESt . t Superintendent, t . r ,Wllisdir1n,Erti, Tbeo. O, Ecer, Freight Ajren. NewYcwk. TT. P. Clyde : Ce General Agen AND WhIxe SCUPPERN0NGW AN Elegant Bevera . TOR THE TABLE. Thlstseoeredtobeamonetheflllest i - : wlneB on the market. TOKAY CLAREt BY THE BOTTLE ORcSE. ,Made near FayettevUle.Morth Carols Tokay Vineyard, and U said to be ' i mestie Claret In this country. Imported and Domestic Beer B&sa Pale Ale Scotch Ale Dnhn . 1 ported and Domestic ., 6 Aie. I An elant Blackberry for medicinal I C 1 AA 1 . . 1. .uu per Dottle. P. L. Bridgers & Co HO North Front S; angle DAW tf Cotton GiSTcotto Presses, &c. V BOUCTS INQUIRIES AND OEDKRg "the WDJSHIP COTTON GINS ASD COT, PRESSES, which are superior to any.offeNil this market, (Tlrculars and Price Jjsts sent on application. WORTH & WORTa Review copy. aulttf Worth Consideration LiyerBool & Lontoa mi n h which pays all losses WITHOUT l Etwm Jno.W.Gordon & Smith AGEN-s $6C,000 paid for losses in Nortb Car, t,,t 1834. an 15 tf See! OUR CABRIAQES, PHAETON, tm-.GIKS Road Waeon. cart?. Drav?. iwv. vJ Satchels and Harness. Hepiiinepnmpty.f' Poll Avnralna maa . ..... . xow. cuuiun iiui RUWiB, Jiet our pilots ',Ur will be sure to buy. HcDOUGALL & B0'ijel;, 8U 16 tf 114 Koirh Vroat NO SURPF THE GOVERNMENT ENDORSE Tbe American Agricnltmisi TROX TttM TKKTH CEHBTJB, VOL. 8, JUST FFHJiHDl . The American Aariculturist aesDeo&Hy wonkT of mention, because of the remarkable earces that has attended the unique and untirine efforts of its nronrietors to increase and extend it cir culation. Its contents are duplicated ever; month for a German edition, which also circu lates widely." This Tribute Is a pleasing incident In t he mar vellous nearly HALF A CENTURY Career of this recognized leading Affricuitiml Journal of the world. What it is To-Day. tereduponaHEW CAREER OF PBOSPEKITT, and to-day it is tar superior 10 any Binmar peri odical ever proaucea in inns or our uwer uumr - uininr in n-Htnrtal at,rpTirth: richer in engra- vines; printed on finer paper, and presenting to inarm 1 AA nAlnmns ff rl1 cri T1q1 TOflrfinfr mit- ta ohlABh writATR. ariri iifiariv lOu Ulna- trationa. Dr. Georee Thurber, for neariyqu a Aanfnnrtha Altnr iTl-r.hlftf flf thft AWT- ican Agriculturist Joseph Harris, Eyroo O.Ual- Stea, UOL JH. U. veia, miu nuurow n t"' other long time Editors, together with the other v.nTm moHa tVio Ammfin AoncuPl- rUt what it" ta to5fa7; ARE STILL AT TliKlR fOSTa. WHAT, FREE ? ? ? year, and 15 cents extra for postage on Cycwr can Agriculturist Hnglish 01 ' Geanl fori d 1886, and be presented with the AMERICAS WCVJLTURIST FAMILY ICYCLOMWi ont),TOO PAGES AND OVEK 1000 US OS. strongly oouna m ciolu, "r-. This entirely new volume is a remark"; house and book of reference for even r - - - wAT srlM Innlnnin? W aXP cultural SupplemenyDr. Thnrher. m : 8END THKEB 2-CENT STAMPS FOE MAI U YOU SPECIMEN CUfl A" TUKKtTaN ELEGANT FORTY-PAW MJ PEDIA. CiJTVASSSBS WANTED ETEBrWHSSt PDBlJIS AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST - David W. Judd, Pres't Sas'l Bubjihai, Sec 751" BROADWAY, NEW YORK. jaaTtf The Art Interchange. -TVUBTNG 1885 SUBSCRIBERS TO THB AKI XJ INTERCHANGE will rec' " BTTPPLlxim, ; Thibtot 03) nxu -VkSt colobid stirn some doub'i size. (raDDlenei -Twsstt-six (26) extra Patt"LSgS containing over one hundred rSU cabie arttetio designs, ready for tracm tappa aU the varied branches of art wo. . lects. which are suggesUve examples mos. ful to amateurs and art worse. be procured in any oeraJmTtlIT8T8, - A htucbsk or uses abi sprwJncsH. art reproductions of the most attraotife pieces; These are PtJn th ah finA rifiavr naner. and are suitawej"1 fl. or the portfolio. In all, an JffwoW elusive designs and art material worm in addition to this, Ta A"JS of tains as regular features adepartmen Qtrsarwi asd Amwsbb, opet i to au without charge, where aU S O' explained and. removed aiticAi, ftJ swers are prompt, StuSa andhnpaniaL Over three thourafla tions have alreadybeen irSoovera . Thebe answers, written by oSt range of topics, and have proved r and Interesting to aU readers of we P tp, The DspABTimrTof fawBtJCTioH co worthy information at length as w '. oj thodsof working to Art Srwood J Textiles, China, Wood and Glass- tog, ModelbagMnral decoration. A" tol Etching, Drawn, Wort, JapesOT ?0 Sketohiugon Linen. Lustra and Tape Jug, Brass Hammering, etc. nd 3ooV The DipmnsT er Abt "hgWDdard- r. ...int.) u t resent hign B"ri.A tt mes, ana wui mauiiui - all good art, wherever found. jsw Lisbort, Tbs Abt Tnuffi character s be theleadlng art ;PnbUcation in egiive In the possession of novel ,d tores, areputation Jt tot Mgn hedp0pular shonldave as the oldest estaw sssisss- mouttAL .a fiSKSpy. wi.h sSJS&t work band booss bc . ls)ier, 22 14 2l my22tf SB ePamiicoBiiterpri88 OTvtrxra7ALLi N. C vtbrf Subscription UX ff U9U 88 Broadwjr New Yo. 1

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