' ; ' , ' " x- . - " - " " - v; fhMornihgrStar. a1- rm Prtarfl Paid. .... 87 CO 9 00 1 BO oneMon subscribers, deUTered In any part tr Pnx Cnrrs per week. Our City of the CKy. Authorized to collect for more than three montna in m' -"ZZtTTthe Post Office at Wilmington, N. a. (fORNING EDITION, OUTLINES, ?an & Finch's oil warehouse and fac- ., Maiden Lane, N. Y., destroyed by fire Lichtenstein Bro's. stock of tobacco wa9' damaged $40,000 Jthe, total Ross is about $75,000 ; several persona were badly burned. - Emory A- Storirs died of fjeart disease at Ottoway, m. "-fThe visible supply of cotton for the - world is 1 107,106 bales, against 1,401,641 bales same. xm 'last year. Mr. KeUey has re sijrot'd his appointment as Minister toAus . Within twenty-eight days sixty postoffices have been burned or . robbed by burglars; the average losss was v less than 00 An unknown Mexican who bad been worsted in a fight in a gambling saloon in Bisbee, Arizona, returned with a repeal ing rifle aad shot several men ; he was cap tured aiid hadeed to a .tree ---.The to tal number of deaths from cholera through out Spain since September 1st,' 6,379; deaths from the disease are daily reported from Tiri. us to wna in the south of France! -7 The race between the Puritan and Genesis" again postponed, owing to a lack of wind, : A parade of labor organisations in Baltimore took place yesterday. Eight clerks removed from the Treasury t)epart ment in the interests of economy.- 8n Hf works of the American Glucose Co., at Peoria, Ilia., burned ; loss $250,00(K - Gladstone, suffering with lumbago, ia worse. L. Denick, route agent on the Central K R. in Georgia was caught rob bing the mail?. New7 York markets: Money lil per cent. ; cotton firm at 10 M6i0 3-1 6c;. wheat,: ungraded red 75J g.9T;; ioru, ungraded 4950$c; South ern fl. Mir steady; spirits turpentine dull at 34 -; iiu dull at f 1 021 10. ''p' Bank notes ($1.00 and $2.00 bills) are at a premium in New York. There will ' be a billiard tourna ment in Chicago Boon 7 and, the win ner vill receive $I0,00& r 1 1" ; A Republican meeting in New York decided that the Mugwumps most be reinstated ia , the party. -:- ;' Indians are reported to have joined, in the war upon the Chinese. Well, they are no more savages than the whites showed themselves to be. ; Three hundred more victims of Mormon lust are on the way from Europe to Utah. They have arrived at New York. How Jong vis the evil work to continue? ' , : For the benefit of our correspond ent3,we have the honor to remark that the "poor bockra" discussion is postponed until -i.he opening of the next base ball season. -.;.-vV : . Editor Beirne of the Richmond Slate has taken the stump for the Bemocrats. Some of the' 'Virginia editors in the past' are Among its finest anil most eloquent notably Roger A. l'ryor. : , Southern people did very well u 1884 for education.f .They jraised and expended more 'than seventeen million dollars and 'gave their liber ated negroes and " their - offspring more than six millions of this sum. r arson God f rey v is" a " Meth odisll preacher and he lives at Lafayette, Indiana. On Thursday, night be in Mged his muscular Christianity to the extent of beating" his wife with - va.. ue now taxes nis meais in jail. wuey is cheap and abundant in the Korth and scarce and very high n the Sntnk Ti,a nt 'r). Dnn.' tAiCommonwean has just borrowed wu.uoo for three months at two per cent. per annum. There never was a time when S7!f .?Mer t0 Set money than now, pro ttatth borrower has good security, and wmmuuweaiui nas in aounuancej ; Aliss Ada Sweet, the sweet "young ,au wuu wouia not resign wnen asked to do bo and who is a Republi can Pension Agent in Chicago, at and out anrt lioo .-1 ' 1: J uue) qocu lu ue ieiiercui JY11RR Ada ar,A .Ait, "hadow never grojv less. Trio fK;.t.. 4l.ra . a wnij-tuira annual session ot . Ame"can Pharmaceutical Asso ciation : : . - .0 iu session at .Pittsburg, . ougnt Dy all means 8've thpii. , to inputs ana aays to tne question of so much moment how o to r; r . . . . . the jroisons for other 1 ThePhfladdpMaZadr medi- says: ntion h pttt.K g8to' National Cc uwttrfp r can - have plenty "py their time if thr fnii t.. . Con- to BsinthVi3w resumng from c careless- against apr. June ana . Baia 10 i-bad man against L " a -oaltimore delegation. He an is aocused of being a dreadful ballot box staffer, and he " is also: accused bt several dishonorable transactioria which are speoified. MuwsoHr-Boys suits. . ' . Pkench BeOS Lime. . . ', : ;- Y7ABBKH -Choice fruits. " Dr O'CJoHiroB-Por tent. s CoBBKMPr-Pprrent. - v. , J. H. Habdih OniooBeta. - Coiir&Co-Stock sale. ", ; Johk D. Tatxob For rent. - . ; 8. H. 1Fishblatk Business. , . . G. A. Peck Glass fruit jars.. . - Hbiksbkbgeb School books. Samtjei. Bbab, ,Sa-!-Por rent. -i McDottoa & Bowdem See. Collier & CoFprniture sale.'; j Pabkeb &TAvxoB--Fall stock. ' HiBBij ftAixEsHBilk hats. M. J3nXABZH4fe insaraocer A. Shbtkb $5 band-made shoes. G. R. Fbshck & BoKBargalns. . I. Shkieb Trade at Old Reliable! i .Tnioa; C. Cbaft Finest furniture. W. H. At.dkbmas & Co For rent -W. Catlett Cape t Fear Academy. KTbf P. Meeting Stonewall Lodge. J W. E. SPBmoEB &Co-Cotton press. C. W.' Yates New goods coming in. J. D. Beixamt Commissioner's sale." I Giles & Mubchisoit Sportsmen's goods Btjbb & Bailey Needle gins for 'sale; Tatlob's; Bazaab Immense bargains.: E. A . NisBET Invalid's chair .wanted J' J. W. Gordon & Smith Best insurance. C- M. Habbis Magazines, papers, etci Miss Habt School for young ladies.. Williams, Ranxih & Co Bageing,. bacon, molasses, nails, etc.- liocal Dou. Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity. Day's length' 12 hours and 2& minutes. . ' No cases for the Mayor's inves tigation yesterday morning. , No Services in the Second Presbyterian church to-night. ,- 'Turn to the right in walking or driving and you will avoid a collision. ' - The next term of the Criminal Court meets one week from to-morrow. - The first New River oysters of the season have made their appearance. - The presses of the Wilmington' Cotton Compress and Warehouse Company are at work.;-v Millet's .. (Charleston) almanap predicts windy .and threatening weather for f to morrow. t Receipts of .cotton yesterday S16 bales, as against 135 bales the same time last year.& " ' '. The session of 'Brooklyn Hall Sunday School has been changed from 4 SO to 3.80 p. m. 7- . ! 7 ' Cole's circus will be here on or about the 10th of October. The agent was in the city yesterday., ," , ' The ' wholesale - price of eggs yesterday was 18 cents 'and they, were retail ing at fromk20 to 22i cents. V" '"" '' ' Only one "marriage license' is sued by the Register . of Deeds last week, and that was for a colored couple. . The colored fire department has been ordered but for inspection . to-morrow afternoon, in front of the City HalL . Rev. Peytotf H. Uoge, of Rich mond,' is to occupy the pulpit of the Firat Presbyterian church on Sunday next, the 20th insi, "iy ." r - The Wilmington Fox Club will be on the war ; path at Mclibenny's mill pond Monday afternoon, where they anti cipate an exciting runT-;'"'"'.. C s - To-day ? Rey. -Dr. Pntchard blows the' gospel trumpet in the "city of brotherly love.? He left for Philadelphia in the early part of the week. ? s The Rev.f H. Moore, of Shaw University wijl preach' at . the First (colored) Baptist ' church, cor. Seventh and Red Cross streets,; at 11.; m. and 3 p.. m j -: 'fZ-l At Fifth; Street Mi chnrch , to-night Rey Herndon, fultle's subjects will be "Payyoiir debts; God's law knows no Bankruptcy f Homestead or Statute of Limitations.4 . The! Market committee." of the Board - of Aldermen announce that the stalls of the various city market houses will be rented out at public auction on Monday,' the 21st test. ' ' ; It is the 22nd and 23rd insts., that the Jiationals, of . Raleigh, will play the Mnlualsr pf this city on " which pccav sion there will be a eplored excursion here from Raletebfl - -' ' 1 " . There is a petition in circahv tion, to be presented at the next meeting of the Board of Alderman, asking for the . es tablishment of a market at the intersection of Sixth and Cbesnut streets. .' J -J-Capt. a ; W.;Noble,- who has just returned from a visit to some of. the more eastern eounties reports the cropl fiue. Especially is thlstha case! in Jonep, Dnplin, Lenoir and Onslow. r , .,vh Jdh n Da is; colored, was, arrest ed yesterday afternoon for actlngr disorder ly at the Carolina Central depot. He was locked up and will have; a hearipg 'before Mayor Hall to-morrow morning. , ; - i ? ; WILMINGTON, N: 0 SUNfiAY SEPT.J 13, 1885. -L' Revr" J.r -W., " Primrose - will' preach, in the First Presbyterian church to-night; ' at 8 Vclock. No preaching in the morning. , The; bell will not be rung, as there ia sickness near the church. : i . The receipts of cotton at ; this port from c September 1st; lb date . foot npl,532',bales, as" against 1,135" bales up to September 1 8th last year, .show ing an Increase f 377. bales in favor of 1885, J r :- T. H. ; y Next Friday is the last ; day on Which suite can be entered for trial at the approaching term .of New Hanover V Su perior Court, which convenes in' this city -on Monday, the 28th inst., ;-Hon.: A A . McKoy presiding. " ' ! " f" ' 5 Th valiant Nimrods who yes terday, bright and early, did start out to carry destruction into the ranks of the festive coot and rice bird, :: returned early in the day with' the costly trophies " of a hard-earned victory. . : " , ..-'.- .. " e -The intermenta. ia ,thjfeTaxian.a cemeteries of the city during the past week were as follows : Oakdale, 1 adult and 9 children; Bellevue, 1 adult and' 1 ' child; St. -Thomas,, none; Pine' Forest (col.), 2 adults and 4 children. .Total 11. ; - - Mr. Thos. W. Cook who pub lished the Wilmington Herald, for a year or so immediately after the war,is to be man aging editor of the New York Star, which is soon to be revived under the proprietor ship of District Attorney Dorsheimer. , ; ) : The j. Charleston "Ai NewC and Courier says Mr. J. . H.. Devereux, Super intendent of the construction of the Cus torn House wharf, has been ordered to Wil mington, to inspect the creosoted timber for the foundation of - the wharf which Messrs. Hanson & Smith of this city,-have the contract for furnishing.4; Fonrtln Street Iroo ISrldce. ; ; ,' ; ' 1 An estimate was being made yesterday for certain necessary repairs to the bridge over the railroad on Fourth street. What is needed there is an iron bridge similar to the" one recently erected over Smith's Creek.' The present wooden structure-is almost constantly inneed of repairs, and it is never entirely safe. We hope that steps will be taken at an -early day to secure an iron bridge at this-point. We have heard that petitions were in circulation and being4 numerously sinedh-north of the railroad,; praying our city authorities to give them such a bridge. Therets a great amount of travel over this bridge' pnd it ought to be one in. which we can fed some degree of piide, and certainly one in; which .we can! feel positive assurance ot safety, - ; Downing'sTalry-Ho Company will -ap pear in the Opera House here on Tuesday; evening. "The Northern' press commend ; the players and the play to the public Mr Downing, who portrays the character of Hank Monk, is spoken of as an actor of considerable ability. , 2 GPSee fourth page ior oiner local news. ' ' ' DIED. k .;.; -.5 -: PENNRR The well known ladies nnrse, GRACIE FKNNKR, on corner Eljfbth and Ann streets, quletjyfell asleep on the 12th lust, at A. M., aged 6 years. ? - f .- . , : Funeral wOl take place from fiiiUoh B. Chnrch, at 10 o'clock thla morning, . Friends are In vited. ' - . -. i :. - ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' U . : J . CASTLE HALL, ; 8TONEWALL LODGE, NO. 1. K.. of P. r : WnjfraoTOHt N. C, Sept. 13, . i, .. t ; p. p.xxn. BRETHREN: You are hereby reqnekted "to assemble at your Castle Hall, on Monday eve nlnjr. 14th inst.. for the purpose of transaetlnc important business. All Brother Knights are cordially Invited to attend. , Byorderof theC.C. :i 1 J f ' " " ' : se 18 It . . W. H. YOPP. K. of R. a rjX) RENT OB BUrJ A 'SBCOp-BAirD DSVA HD'S WHEEL CHAIR. f - t'C B. A. NISBET, 1 130N. Water Street. aep 13 St ' Eenting of Market Stalls. - JN THE FORENOON 07 MONDAY, 21 INST., at the hour of lo'o'clk, at the Fifth Street Market House; at 11 o'clock, at the Fourth Street Var- ket House; and at 13 o'clock, at.tha Front Street Market House, the STALLS of the said Markets, respectively subject to rentatl'will be RENTED OUT AT PUBLIC AUCTION, under ; direction of the Committee on Markets, upon the terms re quired by the-Market Regulations, and at any other terms the Committee may deem necessary. - . .. CLJ.'BONXY, Chairman. i sel2 8t - Review copy. - lime.' Lime. ! .- THE ATLANTIC COA8T LINE, 1 ' .'i 1 . Wilmington, N. C, Sept, 32th, 188S. - Messrs. French Bros., Rocky Point, N. C: ( In the summer of 1883 two warehouses were !bullt in Wilmington, one for the W.sW.B. R, and one for the W., C. AR. R. In one your Lime was used, and in the other Maine Lime. Upon examination I find that your. Limt has proved to be fully at good a the MaiM Lime, and I do not hesitate to recommend its use.' - - - - a J. F. DIVINE, , - r QeB'ISupt. 1 f Address FRENCH BROS, Rocky Point, N.C, or O. Q. PARSLEY Wilmington, 1 O. t . - ' ; sep 13 It :. - - ' Ilagaziiies, Papers, &c; miTB LATEST, ALWAYS' ON HAND, ANY- J. thing. In the. Reading -line that cannot be found in my Store will be promptly ordered. I - , v. C If. HARRIS . Popular News and Cigar Store. " Reading Room in rear or store; fifty oents per month. , t . se : is u - . Onion Sets; ; H AVE JUST RECEIVED A SUPPLY OF BED AND WTTTTE ONION SETS, and wOl sell them at Philadelphia prioes. -. . i-riLi" " 11 J H. HARDIN Jr- a i. Druggist and Seedsman," fc se 13 tf v. Mew Market, Wilmington, JH.C NK W- ADVERTISEMENTS: ' : A. C. KXcGIRT, Auctioneer. - ' BY COLLI KR& 06. TLTONDAT, 8BPT. MTH, AT 10 O'CLOCK. WK .will fell, at Besldcaoe of. Mr. A. H. Helm; b, cor- rtcr TBtth and Dock Streets. nOTJSSBOLD AND I KITCHSfl FDKNITUKK sood as new. ise IS It A. G, UIcGIBT, Auctioneer. A: BY COLLIER Jk CO. Jt EXCHANGE CORNER WEDNESDAY, SBPTi 16TH, wo will barV oar regnltur. STOCK SALE of Horses, Mules, Carta, . CuggiesT Drays, Harness. Ac ,V ' sep 13 It - .t School for Young ladies, ; MISS IIAItT, Principal, , t Asslsied byMISS M, It BROWN, , . ; Vocal and Instrumental Muslo taught by MRS. M. P. TAYLOR. -.--- The next Seal on will begin. WEDNESDAY, the 7TH OF OCTOBER. Thorough course ; English, French, Mathematics, Natural Science. Free instruction ' in 'French lasguage . Class WKtD(tCaii8theiiioe asd Jieelcwork. ; . - - The ART CLASS, under M&&B.H. PARSHT. Will be resumed the first week in November. - r For terms and particulars, apply to the . r - . .Principal. - ' , - - Na t, North Third Street. - seistf -sath- ' nae j jCape Fear Academy, tyriLL BEGIN ITS THIRTEENTH SESSION ON MONDAY, SEPT. 28TH, in the Meginney School Rooms. It is important that pupils enter at the beginning of session f See catalogues in Book stores. WASHINGTON CATLBTT, Prln. sep J3 tt J3 16 18 80 23 28 27 nao THE FINE S T ! STOCK OF . jExLmjLjLi rel ever shown in Wilmington can - be seen , at CRAFT WARBROOMS. -PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS B laUst styles. Our IMPORTED LIBRARY SUITS in Beat Work have attracted much attention. During- this month we will teceive large additions ; to our stock of Furniture designed expressly for us. - We are leaders of the Furniture trade of this olty, and spare no pains to secure the very latest styles and nest manufacture. -- ' - Our WINDOW SHADE DEPARTMENT till he complete by the SOth, and will surpass anything shown in the olty. ' We buy heavily m the cheap er grades of Furniture, and can offer Induce ments to buyers in quality and OTioe. BEDDING of all descriptions in stock and made to order. Carpets made and laid, and all kinds of Uphol rtery work done at short notice. Try us In our line of business, and we will pleaseMreu in price, promptness and courteous attention. . : jtespeouuuy, - Tuutfc u wuurx; aoth seplSSt . No. 20 So. Front BUBS '& BAILET 1 SXachlhe Staop and " Foundry." jyANUFACTURE PULLEYS, , SHAFTn?a,MILL Gearing, Cotton Presses, Tarpentice Stills Sash,. Blinds and Doors, Brass and Iron Casting of any description. . - i. 5- . . 5 - - - - v ! Have on band a large stock of Belting. Pipe". Steam and Water Fittings, Mill and Machine Sup plies of all sorts. -Repair work a specialty. . - TWO SEOONLHSAXD- HEZDLB NS FOR Boy Ranted. BOY WHO HAS HAD SOKE EXPERIENCE in feeding Job Passes and Ruling Machino is - - - i waated, temporarily, at the - " sep 12 St " nao STAR OFFICE. ' - Waffe at tie 01ft HeliaWe, : : Yy HERB YOU. ALWAYS FIND JUST WHAT yon want and ererythiag of the best make, and always for less money than yon are asked for the same quality of goods elsewhere. Yen can de- pend cn honest goods aad iquare dealing at SHRIER'S all the year round - Before you buy visit SBRISS'S, and convince yourself of the most Astonishing value In Boys' and Children's Suits ever offered in this otty. - Pay no attention to prices advertised, but compare goods, that be ing thaonlr true way to find out the house which gives the most and best value for the Jeast mo ney, and you will be convinced, and to your en tire satisfaction, that it pays to trade with THE OLD BRLIABLS CLOTHIER, 1 r 114 MARKET STREET. Sign of the Golden Arm. - a ep 13 it School Books. : A FULL LINE OF SCHOOL BOOKS, as adopted by the School Board of Education. 'Offer special Discount) to Merchants and Teachers. Price Lists furnished on application at ;' ' ' 'i ' ' " - V; HEINSBESGES'S. JLANK BOOKS OF ALL SIZES. . , Paper, Envelopes, Inks, Mucilage, ; V - " " Peosnd Holders, Pencils, Ac, . Cart always be found very cheap at " : - i , i .? . -,.;:; ; . HSINSBERQEB'S i;: seistf . IiveBopk and Musio stores. SteCoxinty TaiSs, rpHE TAX BOOKS FOR THE FEAR 1886 have been placed In my hands' for collection. All Interested will take notice. Fay promptly and sav costs. .!STi -..f j.;.1, ., - - . S. H. MANNING, Sheriff Sew Hanover County I tnthsu ' - . se 8 st i v Hotice Bembval. j - - . . .. . c .-. ... v I' WILL MOVE SHORTLY MY ENTIRE SIOCK of goods to the new store, opposite Front Street - t .'. , ; " Market, in the Toilers' RuOding, and will open a large and handsome-assortment ofMHIJNERY AND FANCY GOODS ' " t All of my goods will be on one floor, and I will s . .... i . j- i- . if i . - v i . v.- be able vto give feore time and attention to my ners. z i " r .of ' ' t MISS I. KARRER. i aug23A : -. su nyrtle45rqve: Oysters;: OUR OYSTER ROASTER HAS BEEN FITTED up first class, and we are now prepared to serve up OYSTER ROASTS in rood style at PINE GKOVK, WRIGHTS VILLE SOUND. Some good PIG-FISH on hand. Telephone No. TO. i , -tj i ED. WILSON MANNING.' t . "se 11 St th su tu v Proprietor. - . " ... v - -. ;NEW ADVERTISEMENTS: ForEent; i D veUlnr Bouse on Princess, between 4thandfith Bta. containing etxjooms. I Possession eivenimmediatelv Also, a Store. No. 10 Market street. - - -aaUtf-.ir .j SA1TL BEAR, Sr. lFor jKent, la l.i HOUSE No. S12 Mulberry g reet. ; ' a .' . J. -.-' - - - 1 r- - i i IK IM -V i APPlyto ' - ! W.'H; ALfcERHAN & CO, wis it For BentV1: From the 1st of October, two-etory House, on Second st, between Church and Kun. No. 415. Applv to . t X'H.SWaENEY.or -sel3tf i' M. J. CORBETT. , . 3 .- 1 For Bent;1 - f mmy. -The Rock Spring Hotel, centrally Ick eaied and god order." . I ; Also, a floe Office, suttable-for a cot ton and naval stores broker. . - j. . Apply to : ! : . i i ; : D. O'CONNOR, i sepl33t ' Real Estate Agent For Bent, : ; ' 1 he STORE on corner of Market and SSI Second streets, now occupied by Beh- rends & Monroe. - - V. MEGINNEY. Ex'x. III! IB1R Apply to sepl3 3t JOHN D.TAYLOR. . ; For Bent, ; STORES, OFFICES -' " ' ' AND DWELLINGS. ' ' ' Apply to , . D. O'CONNOR, . an g? tf " Beat Estate Agent. For Eeht, : The Store, "EXCHANGE CORNER,,? at present occupied by Miss E. Karrar, from 1st of October. ' Apply to i I aaw tf: ' : ' - rr. fi. smith, f :Forfient, That desirable BRICK TENEMENT Hi HOUSE, situated on Front between Or ange ana Ann streets. Said House con? tautS seven rooms. Apply to . an83tf . - , WM. Q. FOWLER. . .. - ,. - - vf- , . House to Bent. -' : That large two ttory .Howie, No. 108 Soath Fifth Street, between Dock and. iOrange, an in good order. House now opcupiea oy capt. s. w. sxtnner. jror lerms appiy 10 sellSt GKOkR.. FRENCH & SON. - ii, -i. jY Virtue and in pursuance of a dk-; cree of the Superior. Court of New Hanover County,' made ln-a certain special proceeding Dendhur therein between Thomas M. Oardner et &L, as ptamtiffii, aad Joh Dv Smith .and wife et I sioner appointed by said decree, will sell to the highest bidder, at puolio auction, at the Court House door. In the cltyof Wilmington, on Friday, the 18tt day of September, 188S, at 12 o'clock M., the following described REAL ESTATE, situate In the -city of Wilmington, North Carolina, to wit: 1st. A Lot, beginning on'Fourth street, 48 feet south of the southeast intersection of Fourth street and Mulberry street, runs thenoe south with the east line of Fourth street 49 feet, thence east parallel with Mulberry street 88 feet, thence norte parallel with Fourth street 40 feet, thenoe west 88 feet to the beginning. r - 2nd. A Lot, beginning 88 feet south of the southeast intersection of Fourth street and Mul berry street, runs thence south with the east line of Fourth street 48 feet,' thence east-parallel with Mulberry street 88 feet, thence north paral lel with Fourth street 46 feet, thenoe west 88 feet to the beginning. , Srdl A Lot .beginning 88 feet east of the south east intersection ot Fourth street and Mulberry street, runs thence east with the southern line of Mulberry street 83 feet, thenoe south parallel with Fourth Btreet 132 feet, thenoe west 84 feet, thenoe north 132 feet to the beginning. - Terms One-third cash, one-third in six months and one-third in twelve months, with interest at S per cent, on each deferred payment Jrom the confirmation of sale; or. at the option of the purchaser, tbe whole of the purchase money may be paid in cash, when, upon confirmation of sale, the Commissioner will execute a deed to the pur chaser, or the purchaser may, ' at his own ex pense, execute a deed of mortgage to the Com missioner to seccure the deferred payments. : - i JOHN D. BELLAMY Bept IS 3t . ... ;. . . Commissioner. Commissioner's Sale. B' Y VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OFADB cree of the Supeiior Court of New Hanover County, In an action therein pending, wherein Alexander Oldham and wife are Plaintiffs, and The First National Bank of Wilmington et alt,' are Defendants, the undersigned. Commissioner, will sell for eath, at public auction, at the Court. House door, in the City of Wilmington, on Thurs day, the 17th of Septembers 1885, at 11 o'clock A. M. the following described Property, situated In said City, to wit: . . All that Lot of Land and Premises, known as Lot No. 1, in Block 80S, according to the plan of said City, being the same upon which the large Flour and Grist M1IL known as the "Cape Fear Flour Mills," stands, with all the buildings, mills, machinery, erections and Improvements taereon . Also, a small strip of Land, tlx feet wide, ex tending from Nutt street to the Cape Fear River being a part of Lot No. 1, In Block 202, accor ding to the plan of said- city, . bounded on the North by Walnut streetJ on the East by Nutt street, on the South by a lot of land belonging to Alexander Sprunt Son, and on the West by the River.. -. - ; v. . - i." ,,. - !t Also, the following described ' Lot of Land, be ing the Eastern portion of Lot No. 4, in Block 208, beginning in the Western line of Front street 66 feet KoUhwardly from the Northern line of Mul berry street, and running thenoe Northwardly from Front street 66 feet,--thenoe Westwardly parallel with Mulberry Btreet about 119 feet, to the Eastern line of a lot of land formerly belong-' lug to Edward P.Hall, thence Southwardly par allel with Front street 66 feet, and thence East wardly parallel with Mulberry street about 110 ieet to tne Degmnug.- E. tt. MARTIN. Commissioner. aul6 6t au 16 28 SO see 13 17 ; Boys' Suits. WE WILL SHOW TO MORROW THE FINEST line of BOYS' SUITS, possessing all the late imnrovements. ever offered in this market. Mo thers are specially Invited to , call and examine. L On. nlt' Knlta at: M .Ma-itonMail haln I . and appreciated accordingly. . call and see them At, MTJNSON'S se 13 It , Clothing- Rooms Bartlett Pears t AJ3PINWALL BANANAS,. - ; ; .... A : i - -. CONCORD GR APES i Tt MAIDEN BLUSH APPLES, BY TUESDAY'S STEAMER, . -ii e " - - - i.A WARREN'S , sel8tf , Fruit and Confeotlonery Store. ' 05 Hand-Sewed Shoe. OUR GENTS' HAND-SEWED SHOE, WHICH , , we offer for $5.00, cannot be surpassed J They wear as-weR as any $7X0 Hand-Sewed Shoe, Call and try a pair and pe oonylnced, st ,v- eeplStf 108 Market fit.V JsiiLJ mm 1 nit v I nit L eS flu. l 7f ;i rWHOLE NO. 5924 NEW; ADVERTISEMENTS, i OPERA, HOUS3B. 'ONE-NIGHT. ONLY. - , SI3tT;:l5. TUEMfAY,, - - ' . :Thop.pu!ar.YoBBg Actor, K ROBERT L. DO WHIHGi 7- - V A HANK MONK, " --. . : .mi : ' - : , -.m r . . i j f The famous Stage Driver of the Sterns. In Joa ' 1 ' qoin MOler's'RealUtio Drama, ' t Pronouuoed by Press and Public a greater play thanfThe Danltes,7'49,n or "My Partner-! --General. Admission 60c. Reserved Season sale at Helnsbergers on Monday; : i . - jSe IS st $ -if-"-" . .... - BABQ-AINS.l ... t In Eveiiy'pepartmeiit ! i r SO AS TO MAZE ROOM FOR OUR NEW Fall and Winter Stock, AT TAYLOR'S " BAZAAB, 11 market Street, WILMINGTON, N. a se 13 tf LAR LARGE LARGEST RGEST EST :,-;;T.:;. V '; rpHS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY X OF NEW YORK Is the LARGEST Insurance Co. in the world. Assets $105,000,000. It is also the CHEAPEST Co. in the United States. .. ; . M. S. WILLARD. Agent, sep 13 tf : j :, y f 214 North Water gt. If Ton Want NICE, PRBTTYfCARPET, I HAYC JUSYSS- oeUed nay NSW STOCS. and ajte readjy to fill your orders. I sell my Carpets cheaper an4put them on the floor cheaper than any other house in the city. . . A handsome line of WINDOW SHADES, DEC ORATIONS IN WALL. PAPER, POLES, LACE CURTAINS, and a vsrietyof Honsefitting Goods cheaper than ever mid on this market. - BEN WHITE, . The Paper Hanger ' - ' ' A and Carpet Maker, - 2 Market St., bet. 2nd and 3rd. Sep 10 2t th su . .... Gflaiss Frnit'Jaijs. T HAVE THE COHANSEY IN 8TOCEWNOW. X In half gallons and quarts. They have glVeiH B&tuuacuon to customers ior tnree seasons, viz.: Cheapness, ease with which they are sealed, and the fact that the contents touch nothing but glass. -Call and buy them at - - ' selStf i..-, , GEO. A. PECK'S. ; . .' .... "T Coining In. ; y OUR NEW GOODS ARE COMINGT IN DAILY, and we are now able to offer yon School Books, School Supplies, Blank Books. Stationery at bottom prices. A fine line of OU Paintings, Chromos, &&. All kinds of Picture Frames made to order at short notice. ... , .-. selStf - C. W. YATES. As the Hunting' Season IS APPROACHING WB A8K SPORTSMEN needing ammunition to get our prices before laying in their supplies. As we are members of the Ammunition Association, we feel we can do them some good as regards prices of Shell Cart ridges, &o.' We have also Stock, Game and Shell Bags, Belts, Ac, Ac Also a good line ot B. L. Gucsatvery moderate prioes. ' - aepJStf ;n j r ;HLE8 MURCHISON. , Fall Styles ) New Stiles will be open This Week. r - HARRISON mi ALLEN, se 3 tf ; . Hattera. ; ;CottoiPf ess. J TTE HAVE ONE OF THE CELEBRATED MO NARCH COTTON PRESSES In stock, which cam be had at a low figure. - Guarantee It to be supe rior to any Press on the market. '.' .. ; . , : ' i WM. S. SPRINGER CO- - ' - . - " ia21 23 Market Street, , "o tt -. WJhnlagton N. C. .., . , See r", j -jt. OUR CARRIAGES,- PHAETONS, BUGGIES, Eoad Wagons, Carts, Drays, Trunks, Bags, Satchels and Harness. Repairing promptly done. Call, examine our goods, get our prices, and von will be sure to buy. - ; .... ?-. : . JtcBUUGALL A BOWDEN, - - - 114 -NorUi Front St. . se 13 tf ;Worth Consideration. ON RVERY $10,000 OF INSURANCE IN A . siltT davo1 nlam" rin ion ! In moa nf total loss at least $100. Why apt save this amt. by Insuring In the ' - Uferidor S vLoiiaoii & Blole" Ins. Co, i ,. .-- -- ... . ........ . -. Which pays all- losses WITHOUT DISCOUNTf Jno.W.Gbfd f i .- t - AGENTS. $68,089-paid for losses In North Carolina for 1834. Fall Stock 1 l K ARB RECEIVING OUR FALL STOCK OF W Cooking and Heating 8toves,Honae Furnish Log Goods,Grates and Grate Fixtures. Kerosene Oil StoTe something new. Don't fall to exam ine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, We are prepared to offer VERY LOW PRICES. - - PARKER TAYLOR,' se I2.tf , - 23 South Front St. BATS HW aDTERTWfo, One CRjuan One Day...-.....,C ; u Jyopays, 4..... . . -- TnreoDays,,....--....... ....... HI FpurDar. Five Days, : One Week, .-..,!.... - v- Two Weeks,..,.;.....'s - .t , : . Three Weeks,. - --r-- v ' One Month,.:...,.J. . , ' two Monthfl,.,...;..wv.'v.;.; -u fc fix Months,. , tOontract Advertbemenu takesr at pro; . tloaately low rates." - - Tea Goes solid Nonpareil typs male one sqn z: TEW . ADyERTISEMENTS. J i 0 -. BTJSHiTEiSS I DO NOT LET YOUR JUDGMENT BE GOV- ernedby your prejudices, but give mr first class offermgs a fair and liberal trial, when we know yon will be convinced of what : ? " " ' v --k - - - - . That our CLOTHING Is equal In all respects to -: the best made to order, aad at about HALF THE -i - price. " " v. V We have a MANUFACTURING DEPAETMSRT " ' connected with onrestaWisnment, for those who -desire haying their Clothing made to orde at prioes far below those you have been paling for . the same at other houses. Samples of goods and j hlanka foi measurement mailed nson "ajplloa- ' tion."' ' . ' ' 'rV':-''"-TA5.V.;.'-i' WJ EMPLOY NO TRAVELLING SALESMEN, . ITIS A BIG EXPENSE, AND THE BUYER HAS -t TO PAY FOR IT. .-' --: '???0 We give our customers the benefit of. that' ex-c - .; pense, thereby saving- them at least TWENTY J :- - . - - .... -- . PER CENT. In that way; and again we pTopos ? ; TO SELL CHEAPER than any other house, and : by ordering goods from us we are satisfied that .' it win be A SAVING TO YOU OF THffiTY PER -' " CENT, i TRY US AND YOU WIIdV-SEB FOR . -YOUBSELF. - - . ; xi , , Our constant aim has been to place before yom ;ABETTm CLASS OtVOlKli in preference to cheap catch-penny balta, as well : . as to establish between os the utmost confidence founded on the following sound principles r;-1 ' HONEST' VALUE l . , ' -, C-X -f ;;V' MARKING THE SELLING . PRICR ON ALL'. - GOODS I - .. RETURN OF THE MONEY 13 0 - r t if goods do not bear honest orltiofim; or If yoa ' 'i. .' ahouldhange ' your mind within a reasonable time you have the right to ititra'the'goal'pr.t- get back your money a privilege ad vantageous ? ; " - '-- ' ;,;.;K..o.fv;fS'v, to you and not detrimental to us, and the best -"I - . ' . - , ' - evidence that there la NO MtSRZFtfBSxNTA- . TION .OR OVERCHARGE. .'" Our stock represents the . - 5 J v 'f i' CBOIGES! AND PRINCIPLE ST F1ES . V" ' of the season NONE EQUAL TO IT IN THIS ' MARKET-selected f .t DUBABUJTY AS WELL AS BEAUTY, and with all, a care for your into- rests. " " - " " CO The constant increase of our business shows ; an appreciation of our enterprise, and has sarT us to be recognized as the LEADING AND" OS V RELIABLE CLOTHIERS AND FURNISH s j N THS SECTION. Q:' "WECPaQPOSE TO CONTINUE JTO - HAVE THAT DISTINCTIOjhiJ- T "' " ' - - tafPartles ordering Ready-made or Custom made Clothing not known to us, will send city reference, or we will send CO. D.-by Express) with privilege of examining before pajlng," the party to pay return charges If goods donot suit, s S. H. FISHBL,ATEt -' Successor to Otferbourg Co, sep 13 It - ' - Wilmington, N. C. Oysters! V Oysters THE FINEST OF THE SEASON i ; AT STAR SALOON, ' . - . - ' . j.13 Market Street. ' se 12 tf ' GEO. F. HERBERT, PropY.' V On Gents' Low Shoes "yy WILL GIVE YOU A BARGAIN TO CLOSE ; out stock, and all kinds of FOOTWEiR we offe -" ............ ... -. at BARGAINS during this week. Call in an see What yo can do. "7-. - Geo. B. French & Sons, . If ' ! r108 NORTH FRONT STREET. -'V, sep 13tf - . ' - - ' Bagging, Ties, Twine. lODO Half EolLl 8 10 BAGGING,; ' 2500 Bundl6B New ARROW TIES," ' S :' rQQQ Lbs BALING TWINS, - Tor sale low by ' - . ! se 13tf WILLIAMS RANKIN CO. j Bacon, Flonr, Coffee. A A Boxes D.S.C.R. SIDEsl r - - ' I 1 000 Bbls FLOUR, all grades, 200 Sacka Choice RIO OOFFKB, t" For sale low by 1 : selStf . ' WHJJAMS. RANKIN CO: Ilolasses, Srigar ; ;Eice. - ifin Bh1 Choice Porto Rico MOLASSES. iZ, . . , . .... -v? . vaQQBd1s Refined SUGAR3, all grade s nKVblM CAROLINA RICL. r iseiatf -Tor sale low by . WILLIAMS. B4NXIN & CO ITails. Hoop Iron; Glno. i -v r-f ' 5Q() Bundles HOOP IRON, 25 Bhls DISTILLER'S GLU. iror sale low Dy WILLIAMS RANKD;t CO, " eia;tf Xz Ii i -ir- r .3 w .v. vv: . ) 1 t- -

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