f - f- . . ... .. - . ......... . fheMiSing Star. in BXCSPT MONDAYS - . .m. I A TkW . Ml ! . Bt2tLm K..MtNj Paid. ...;..-..,$? a.,a Year, w ... 4 w sisMqntU . v 2 00 1 50 two or . . . . . 'nir.,7Atv Sabaem-era, denvereaui Fnwsra- Cam per week. iOnrCitr Vttfl oty, YJorisod to collect lor mote SJS Twrnths in advance. ; fhgn tQJpc , p m i 7ua Post Office at WHmiaj ww1 at iKJXld class Matter. - iiOUNINO 'EDITION. OUTLINES ;. The silver policy of the, governnVwas oue of the questions considered at a 'Cabl et meeting jestenlayj; Sectaries Bayard aD,l Endicoit, and Attorney" General Gar land were not present. 'Ricl, the Ca nadian rebel, ha been ; . respited, f - Tbrce or four youths, sous, of leading and ffeft!thy citizens of Colina, Ohia, are un der b.mds for burglaries committed in that town . The foreman of the Cleveland Piling Mills, attacked by. strikers. fired ree shots into the crowd, seriously - wounding one. 1 - Wm. Finley, 'aged sixty, murdered his wife, near Carole Ills. I, c. Cull, a farmer, near Livermore, Cal., choked his wife to death with his bands. The wife of Joseph Aiery of Toronto, Canada, j cut the throats . of her. ibree children; she is the aufthtcr of a prominent temperance lecturer in England, but lms been addicted: to drink for years. . . A brutal prize fight in the suburbs of Bo'ton, Mass., resulted in a draw, after five desperate rounds. The Postoffice Department has issued proposals for carry ing mails in North Carolina: and other Southern States. Three hundred and seventy-one deaths from cholera j is 8pain M.iudsy. A passenger: train on the Kentucky Central " Raifroad was wrecked near Lexington, and many passengers were Injured E. B. Murray, editor of the Anderson (3. C.) Intelligencer, and State. Senator Moore had an encounter; each fired far. times, and Senators Moore was; wound ed iu the right hip. ; -"ITew York inar- ke; s : Money 1 1 per centi cotton very firm at 10 1-I6103-I6c;: wheat, ungraded reii ?2i95ic; corn, ungraded 49i50lc; Souih-.-rn flour steady andr rather '? quiet; spirits turpentine steady at 331c rosin' steady at $1 021 10. -'- ' V - Tbe World's last Sunday : edition was 200,204. ..-.- - : ; ' " A Pnmn, nifn xf- a irio I - : i uuuivi vi vuiM nils M-m aii a a..itvj vitia purpose to locate , in Hew fork. Ce might perhaps better his fortune by doing this: " 4 The Charleston News and Courier ana me uoiumbia AUai&ter are making faces at each other and say- inr ugly ; things.--' "Lei as have peace. A youDg Ohioan at the college at Lexington, Ky., was arrested on a requisition from Ohio for bnrglary.. He went and Idoked - like . he ex pect 'I it, ':" ... .-. : . : ' J n CI ay county, West Vi rgtaia, tliere an epidemic prevailing'of ; a very malignant type Over 25 cases have proved fatal and 100 cases have been reported. . ' ' tt is now claimed that it costs the Club nearly, $34,000 to keep the America Cup. T This includes . two sloops they keep. , The cost 6f a raee is toaO, These are the figures in the World. Senvor Jones, of Arkansas, thinks ' ..nil .1 .1-1 . , . . 1 - thai the great question, that will oc copy the most of .the time of the next CoDrrress will Te the Silver qnes tion. He is stronglyin favor of Ta-' Jiff reform. Y-'. ft-Hr vt ) alaud S. last Saturday again tried w lower ner record. fine wOuW nave done it but for the strong wind. - As U waa she made the best quarter and tte be-t half mile of record. She raa!e a quarter at the rate of 2.01 tor a nule, and a half at the rate; of 2.06. She is said to j have privately ; made a mile in 2.06. Mr.', Bonne has not spoken. Tbe Philadelphia Press is possibljr not more bitter than its Republican contemporaries, but it is more frank m its disclosures. It entirely ap ples of the attempt to force Pen n- syivaoia clerks, in the .Washington1 departments to shell out Jor elec ting ....... . ..... - Pioneering purposes, and says it is I the rascals out, Mr. Cleveland? mory A. Storrs, the eminent Chi cago lawyer and politician, whose uedU1 was announced in. the Stab, was corn in New York in 1834. J He died of congestion of the lq.ng8vr;jle amoved to Chicago linlSSgTjlQ wa1 a fane speaker and a Verylpr64 unced Kepablican. ; He had a fine memory, was remarkably.fluent.,and "vacioas and of a very nervous dls :uon. He had light hair, litrht complexion, blue eyes and' was low a slender. ' - - ndeDehdennn ' Thofo1 matiTj v- , ' - . ... :-, i 1J 'rsaavocaMngit.:. Itsay8: -m..,, --iuuuuacnnTinTitnnniMiTi. " Promises soon to o!,.- -11 Montreal --Star represents that was a brother of the late Isaac w,ugnea, 1 . : there i - v : r " V- j I M. Dt and f ormerly' cresided m this city. , J : p ,. a 8rowing' sentiment fot. Mrs, Hughes was borniin Onslow couflty.t -uaaian independence " Thm- 4 W I in this State, and was the sister 01 yoi.; -T - - ..... . ....... . yca. xxxp-N6,i5iv other political issues! is' almost admitted hv th Toronto JfatZ,which remarks that 'those who. do 'not relish: rerolationary theories must choose sides, either going with, the fouag jnjen on we nign roaa to the United tatesor : Tailing in behind the Conservative Party which .will save the country q the -c-mpire 11 n can." 'rne more Kadical por tion of Uie 't Liberal press of Ontario .: are. upenir- aarocaung separation, ..and should the Young. Men's' Liberal' Convention; which meets in Toronto toward the close of the month, warmlv unhold the idea it tnav become a factor in all elections front that at 1 --1 . . .- umevoutvjNp one snouid regret thattho matter promises to at last become an issue in practical politics in place of a subject for lne Czar is reported as being in a I remarkable cond itioir bf dread and I as being- mentally almost unhinged.: He is In constant fear of ; being mnr I efel8t; A JwnuOD' I imperial conference at Kremsier; the .Czsr l and Czarina. had different . sleeping apart ments prepared for their pae each night and that they never occupied any of the rooms thus set apart for them,but used others' inr order to avoid all . possibilltv of being J 'located' by the enemies whom the Czar be lieves perpetually follow . him. Bis im perial Majesty, it is declared, continue to- follow this precaution, and allows no one to know beforehand where hewill pass any E articular night, and never permits - any of is attendants but his necessary body ; ser vants to know -where he is sleeping." ' - ; What a fate! The man who sweats all, day in the mine and lies down At night to refreshing sleep is happy compared with - this Emperor who trembles on his throne. T .. The history of the political frauds of 18 75 -are to be written up. Mr. A.M. Gibson, a Washington corres pondent, has prepared a work of 400 pages entitled A - Political Crime. It gives a full history of the rape of Florida and Louisiana, and the bull dozing of South Carolina and what followed. We are glad such a work nas Deen preparea. n was neeueu. , i -r. i s a " The memory -of the most disgraceful time in. American history should never fade. And warlike John Sher- man who now trots around diked out in a freshly-dyed bloody-shirt. was . , - - - - one of the dirty rascals who played the Democrats a vile trick and stole. the office of President from Mr. Til- den &nd the 1200,000 salary attaching thereto. There ought to be a history of Reconstruction in the South fairly, clearly, candidly written. The mem ory of the meanness, and deviltry of the Republican party : ought to be kept forever green. - . " Spirits 'I'xirpentiiie , - . ' Seven new brick stores have been erected at Washington. . i Xincolnton-Press; Mr. - Robert Summey, of this county, has a single stalk. or cotton on wnicn are 243 rally aeveiopea bolls." Prof. Thompson has 95 pupils at Piedmont Seminary.' r Goldsboro . Messenger; - The largest watermelon we have seen this sea son was snipped from this -place' Saturday r - - 1 i a , , nml tt oy Jar. lucuaru lasey. vo aar. tt uej noru. at Company Shops. It weighed 66J pounds. Salisbary Watchman; The gra ded school opened on 1 Monday ; with 230 scholarsf Fifty black walnut logs at the depot this week for shipment to Laver- pooL- England crr-rLMessrs. Buerbaum and "Biflmfia. two young men . of the town, will begin the publication of a weekly pa per to be called the North farolina Herald I early in October. . 4- . HUlsboro Observer: Dr. Tbos. H. Turner, aged 63. died at his home in T.ytl llivpr tAXDntttiin laat MnndnTf. J FUh mains were brought - here Tuesday after noon. - Rev. JU L. . Johnson has been conducting protracted, religious services at the Ijebanon Metnoalat cliurcn near iiuis- boro. r Some 13 persons - were ? converted, and there were ; nine ; accessions to the chmch-inembeip.iWH.iS - - Salem Press; Pleasant ?Nifong received $17 for watermelons raised on piece of ground too small to nave produced one bushel of wheat. ' : George Hauser, living in .Vienna township, In this county, has the mammoth' watermelon of the Sea- son. it now weigns 104- pounus, is .00 - - ; . '- - - rt M 1 . tn inches long and 17 inches in diameter. . it is still on the yine and is increasing by ac tual weight pounds per day., ; r Scotland Neck JJemocrat; Rev. A. Woodson. Of Enfield, has oeenas- aiatiner the Rev M. V McDafBe in a meet ing in tpe Baptist cnurcn at wwieion. jm me accessions to -the" church, ;-4 The Gold Tm Mm that -: never were there , more UUIIUIUKOIUIUIU B uvii,wiKfSyu.6i.ri. Hendsrson atnne Ume than now. $180,000 buildings ana 01 ar neuer cias going up i is the amount represented by the buildings in course of .construction. Tobacco "did" it with its little hatchet." .7. . ! Raleiehr' Visitor; Mr. John M. .Wilson, at Wilson Mills, Johnston county lost a barn of fine tobacco on lrriday mgnt last bv fire. Loss 1800 liidwin Ty ser Watts; son of TJ. Watts,rEsq.; pf Ihis citvV'died on Sunday morning of typhoid 1CTU, v. M. j . . . . ' , TTnchnrch has been in. business at his pre-' t.nir m TSaot" RnriTPtt.. atrppt for fiftv-i bcu owu v - -7-ttij- one years, ana-no one ever dtoko mw nia store before Saturday night last. -tj--: 1 New Berne Journal: The mem4 hrm nf the' Zooloerical Labratorv ' of . the" Johns Hopkins University, at Beaufort, N.i of year8. be 'carried onlh9 business f 4 C will terminate theirstudies atthrsta-s f r: -Uon this week-and depart for.BalUmore on -pTtimb.anda:fitterkk:ew Lon Wednesdav next JJiea, at ner noma in tliecuv 01 rnuaaeipui, u mk August 1000, fttrs. varoune jquKuco, iv. nr Uf ThAnrtAre j. unenes. wiio -wao . brother of the late l8aacW. ignes, wna I Edward w " Vonvielle.' v--.av'fef 1 ,;,ri Vhwni: The- caurca wui oereuuus " rw . f ratl '.aj - . 1. - ..l:u tA"ed ttlrl ! 1 I Attn Mr vdtv i. . tum lQ'Uiu "cv-- at an early day. t - Cottc tion- has ceased to be King. The hope- of , bur farmers , lies in tobacco. : After conferring with a large number Of our best informed- countrymen from all sections of the county, we conclude thax -while for the last three years - the cotton cron has been barely 661 pet -cent of .-a - full crop, this year.it will be 75 per cent of a full crop. jir. Jj A Johnson, resided m Monroe ten years ago, and when' he left here was' barely .worth $1,000. . He is now said to be worth. 120,000. in real estate, besides a large amount of personal property iHe has ac cumulated this property by farming, in our. neign boring county of Mecklenburg, i iv Special o ih&NtWbrld: BAxiiRVvOAtSepL 13. Six months ,ago J. F, Wade.i representing himself to be from JMorth Uarolina, made his appearance 1 . v tt i : ' thA ht fmUww Af thA niri. ceeding in gainiBg the affections of t Miss nis-.wife.Two weeks ago yesterday a ettGX was! teceired from Chimberland husband st a nighl . respectable lady of that place.,, Tax and feathers were being i glGazMn. Sal: w pmitnwicx, near Aieecnviue, was Durnea to death b v the explosion of a kerosene can last JWedneadaV.She had sbeen M - the nabitof applying kerosene to the wood and jignung a match, i she. attempted the same on Wednesday morning . and the can took fire and she ; was soon enveloped in the flames. , She was burned from head to foot and died on Thursday r morning.: -- . Stanton dot: The cholera is playing havoc with the hogs in this section. : All the "rem edies that have been tried seem to do no good. - Chicowioity item: On the 31st ult. William Wallace, a colored man ia the employ of Mr. R D. Walls, took . a ' gun and dog and went into -the woods. .The dog : came -home without: his master. A search was instituted and on Wednesday, by the aid of the buzzards, his body was found. ' - - Charlotte Observer : A note to theOJaerwr from Kev. IZ McEJnnon, Pre sident of Davidson College, Informs us that the College opened last Thursday, with an attendance -.of. ninety-five students. ; - An eighteen months old child of Rattiki winski, the clothing merchant, yesterday, fell from the gangway at-the rear second story window of. at building on College street. The child lodged among a pile of old lemon boxes which, were studded with, nails, and was very prinfully though not se riously injured. A telegram received in the city yesterday, announced the death' at his home, near Bed Banks, in Mississip pi, of Mr. Harrison McCombe, at the age or about . 72 years. v Mr. McCombe was a bro ther to the .late Win, McCombs, Esa.j of this county, and was a native of Mecklen-" burg. . lie leu this county abont nny years ago. Mr. T. J. Byrum, a well known farmer of Berryhill township, yesterday brought tothe 0crrer office a number of cotton bolls showing tbe: effects of a pecu liar blight which has been noticed in the fields of bis own end several of the neigh boring farms. "The bolls seem to be affected by a certain-kind of rot which begins in a" spot having the appearance of being made by a drop of scalding not water. The rot advances until the entire boll is reduced to dry brown powder. : i Shelby Aurora: Maj. Winder and Gen. R. F. Hoke, of Raleigh, arrived here on a special car Sunday noon and went to meet the Rutherford County Com missioners on Monday. - They at - Ruther- rordtOD ouered to complete toe (Jarouna Central Railway from Shelby to Ruther fordton within one year for tbe $100,000 Rutherford county bonds, which are to be paid after (not before) completion of con tract. They also offer as a" guarantee of good faith and for the performance of this contract to deposit $25j000 in cash as soon as the contract is ratified. The Uornmis- : sioners told them they had signed a contract with the Boston Construction Go., and Judge G. W. Logan appointed trustee of the bonds and their tardy offer tea too late. Mrs. Anne Carpenter, of Rutherford county, mother of James H. Carpenter, of Rutherford ton, and grandmother of Kevs. J. B. and J. D. Carpenter, of the North Carolina Conference, will celebrate her one hundreth'birthday on the 25th of t Septem ber. r- Our Courts cost more this year than the entire expense of . running Cleve land county, one year1 before the war. , Our 9 . . - - . . 1 jury at me -spring verm com. iieveiauu f 505,-at Summer, (Augnst) term , the jury cost about the same, as $523.90 has already been Dresented and naid by the trevsurer,. Add to the above other expenses of the judiciary and our October term and we will have $3,800 total cost for 1885 to. run our ca n be added jail fees and. expenses tut nauseam of tbe tax payers.. i- I UTTnariTnivonw1 wlV vfi i I HKINgBKB6EIt--SchOOl books. Coixtjeb & COk Auction lale. I: AURKD ArpKMf ah For rent. "1 Catjiok. NoTtCK--Crew Diana, r a t M. 8. -WiiXAED Fire insurance rates. Personal. .... . , We regret to learn that Mr. Hugh Mc- Laurin left a few days ago for Memphil, TeDneBaee,t which he. feijfcts to xhakei his future home. ,..'.-'- .-- .. ; ' i -Rev:' Paul J." Carraway, Presiding Elder of this Methodise District; was m, the city yesterday. . His family, are still at Louis burg .(insWliof . Mt ,Afry,'.ras f previously stated), but will return home in this place ia about a week: " 1 ? . . ... ; . . The 1 following passengers arrived here from New, York,: yesterday .on the steam ship QvZf..Btreany;Jiii JU,.Fowlerrcil" H. Greene, - F. D. Miner J". G. pldenbuttel and wife. Mrs- HTRehder. Mrs. P." Christ Misses Berthal WhitkejEmine Dapper El Fick, M. Darby,- M.Westermann. Mr. Mj ScnnipDeo, i. u,- tiiesaren, : ; jono iiUtge I nni,mm nnnA if 0n .nrt v. 1 uiuwu. uvuuiu,, yvutw Uuvuu 1 A.." Artie. 1 . -t 1 . Mr.T W. C Dart, formerly a well known 1 mikfont f thin hitv:: where for "a hnmber 1 don, uonn a iew aaya ago, wnere ne was I atthetime residine. i aniBM.v.: .. :.i: :: , 1 tion- for the construction of an . .1,. . . ii. r v r . ii.- iron bridge -over tae 5 railroad on1 Fourth, street arebeing isjgned right along, 'and will be found to contain the names-! of -our largest as well as smaller tax payers.", Ev erybody ' ackWw)edges ithe '-necessity. fort such an improvement and its speedy con struction win do insisted upon.,- ' ' j.j Iioeal now. . . . , r- ' ;s -1 Receipts of ' cotton . yesterday 415 bales. . o I- ..-,,,.'"" -i-" No cases for the Mayor y ester day morning. t - . ; ,v The - moon, completes her JSrst quarter this morning.,. ... . v ; V Proposals are invited v f or the removal of the old. wooden 'bridge over Smith's Creek .---.' . ' -. Therain yesterday was juite welcome, as the streets were becoming very. dand dusty. , , A i ' Robert Lloyd,' a ) respectable and well-known colored man;' died at hi homer in "BfooklynM-yesterday : aged' $3 years. . v , . . From present indications there Will be a large number of changes of loca tion on the part of -our business men on October lef. r ."' y Mr. Chas.H. 'Hoyts , farcical comedy, VThe Rag Baby,';! under the management of Mr. Eugene Thompson, of -the Boston Theatre, wilt be here on, the 1st and 2d of December. Jt is said to be, full Of fUB. ..7 ' - ; i j : ' Mr. W..T. Johnson, who occu pied the building next to the old National Bank quarters, which is nowjeing demol ished, has 'removed temporarily to the va cant office in "magistrates' row," opposite the court house. . ; , . Some families are -taking time by the forelock and getting settled In their new homes in advance of moving day.: By the way, a house hunter told us that she had been to look at nineteen houses during the past two.weeks and had not been suited yet. . . magistrate' Conrc. Thomas - Beatty " was ' arraigned before Justice Millls on the charge of committing an assault and battery upon Eliza Hawes, colored,' at the "Rocks," on the 25th 6f August, the night of the storm. - Defen dant was found guilty, but Judgment was suspended on the payment of the costs. . The same defendant was charged ; with .an assault upon Eliza Hawes, , but the evi dence did not sustain the accusation and the' prosecutor was, required to ' pay . the' -casta.. -i'::, - - -: Hettie Winstead, colored, charged with an assault upon Hulda King, also colored was found not 'guilty 'and tbe prosecutor, was required to' pay the costs. . . ' Hettie . Winsted, charged with assault and battery upon Huldah King, was found guilty and judgment was suspended ; on condition that the defendant sbould pay the costs, failing in which she was sent to jail. "Vi;-,-a ---v- V , ': i . ' Moilie Borden, colored, was arraigned on peace warrant sworn- out by Dora Shepv hard;" also, colored, and ordered to give bond in the sum of $50 to keep the peace for sixty days and pay tbe costs. ' fVilmlBcton as Cotton market. . TheBennettsviile (3. C.) Chronicle has this paragraph in its last issue; . ' ' ; "Bennettsville is to-day a better cotton market lhan Wilmington, North Carolina." We should, like for our contemporary to inform us in what its superiority consists. It certainly does not in the matter of prices. So far from bur apparently not over-modest little neighbor Bennettsville . being a better cotton market than Wilmington, we have the ustfrahce bf one of the' leading cotton buyers of. this; city, who ; has carefully watched , the . markets, . that . prices , have 'actually fuled better in this city all through during the present season" than in either Charleston or 8avan nalu No w, Mr. Chrohi del put that in your pipe and smoke it t i milltmrv mattera. f "' ' y- 1 '' Atmeeting bf .thWflmington Ught infantry, held Monday night,' Second Lieutenant F. L. Meares was promoted to be First Lieutenant vice First 4 Lieutenant FV AVjf Ird, - and First Sergeant VW R. Morrison was promoted to Second Lieuten ant, vice Second Lieutenant F. L. Meares, promoted.- -j- V ? . ; 4 : j.: - During this meeting sleDS were taken for the organization of a literary ciub in con nection with the company, the first meeting bf which Will be ' held on the "evening; bf. Monday the 28th inst .:,;.-!, .. XkrwB Prona Hon Rl. t; David Moore, , the . driver -of the Little Giant hose red, met with an accident While on the way to the fire yesterday afternoon. He was driving very rapidly near the inter section of Sixth and Mulberry streets, when some small children got in the way, and, in changing: f his - course "to- prevent ; running over them one of the wheels of the reel came in collision with a . large rock and he was thrown from his f at ' -to the ground! His injuries are believed to be" slight. though t he4 complains - that ' his breast hurts Wut;:'i- '-'if ' rXi ! ,; The alarm was, sounded yesterday after noon, about ft. 45 o'clock, for fire in the -9" second fire' district, ::- and the "department turned out with even - more than their usual- promptitude, . but . fortunately their aervices were not needed as the fire, which waa found to be in the roof bf the' kitchen of-John. Hooper", colored ia the neighbori hood of Seventh and Walnut. elreets, was extinguished before the engines arrived at the scene.''' Damage immaterial. L 7 XLorn): tt this - city; yesterday 'afternoon BOKUcr i4xu, agea is years. --U. . .The t uaeral wuj take place this afternoon, at 8 o'clock, from his residence, on Second, between" Bran wick and Hanover streets, thence to Pine .Forest A)wusrj. moixu ana acquaintances 01 the family are invited to attend- . ,'- i. ? 1 sept:i6, m- . OPERA HOUSE- i- The crowd which assembled at the Opera, House last night ta.aee l,Tally-Ho" w2U not at all in proportion to the merits of the per- ormance, which was, one, oj the best of the kind that has ever been i.ere. -c. ; ' .: The play abounded inrvealutic sceaes and the support throughout was most cred itable." , J. J t . . : Mr. R! L Downing, in his 'impefspna-: lion of the T famous stage driver, JIank Monk, was especIaHy .fine .and drew'; from the audience - unatinled applause, t While' Jffr Downing was the centre Of attraction, still there were others who-deserve a worn; the first'of whom is Miss Nelhe Cox; whose; rendition of herpsrt - was- most 1 praise worthy, and produced a very happy effect Mr.'W; W- Taylor as Bqnire Brwn,Wsa White as Route and Mr. Sidiey as,i true Uerman pertormed Aheir parts witn mucn credit. j . , - ' The entertainment was enjoyed .by. all who saw it and was pronounced a success. Steamer Antfedtor, hencej arrived in New ork ye8terday.V-:-"-J----- " LIST OF 1ETTER3 ' Remaining in the 'City- Postoffice, Wed nesday, Sent. 16: - - i .. . . TT 1 T 2 . . T . . &. narriet Aiexanuer, oats per aiuiuu. B Minnie Brown, A Bridge,? - Scilla Boney, : Jupiter Baker; Harriet Brown, Maggie Bowlan, D Graham Bond, Elder Barnitz, Elijah. Barnes. - C Liucy Cowan, M A uubbetn. -D-i-Hager i Daniel. - Jane ' Davis. Polly Davis, Laura A Dudley, James Davis, Josh Davis.' . - - ' .' - - ' G A B Guthrie. - ' i a r ? H Pat Highsmith, ' Riley Herring,: a A' Handon, Mary E Hunter, J C Huff am, Jesse Hatch;, ; ' ; i? ' . . -. -j-y v J Maggie James.- ? - ''' M. L Wm Linston,- McLain Loftinv" M Sam Mcln tyre, Mary McKoy, Amy McMillan. . ' . P C M Pounds. - , ' R-B J RobiDson. Weslev Renton, John Rntledge, Theo Reeves.' f ; S Jerry Keenly, Jam?s Simpson. Sarah C Spieer.Henry Stephens. .: - I Itebecca Tain, Geo Taylor. V Jno Valandingham. v tt v W W G Welt, E Williams. Isaiah WU- kins, Helen B Williams. ' 'i'u - :i i Persons calling for letters in the above ist will please say "advertised." ' Letters will be Bent to the- Dead Letter Office, at Washington.-D. C, if not called for within thirty days. - ,; " ; . iT - i J2. K. liKUTK, : 1 . M. , ' -Wilmington, New Hanover Co.. N. C : 4 THE FLORENCE OTGHTlNQAISi OP. THK kURSEBY. The following is an extract from a at Cbamberabanrii. Penn. : A BnrKFACTRBss. Jast open the doer for her, and Mrs. Winslow .will prove tne Amenoaa Florence Migntmg&ie-- of tbe Nursery.. Of this we are so 8ure,that we will teach our "Susr" to say, -'At blessing on Mrs. Winslow" for kelplng her to survive and escape the griping, colicting, and teething siege. ,Mbs. WiN8ix)w'8 SooraDra Stbthp relieves the child from pain, ancUoores dysentery and diarrhoea. It softens the gams,rednces inflammation,cnreawtnd eolio, and carries the infant safely through the teething period. It performs precisely what It roiesses 10 penorm, every pan or n nothing 388. We have never seen Mrs. Winslow know her only through the preparation of her "Soothing; eyrap iot vnuaren leeming." jx we naa tne power we would make her, as she is, a physical saviour to the Infant race. Sold by all druggists. Sfreentaa bottle. TO HELP A VBIXOW-TOTTXH TK TFTK VTfTB- YARD When one has no interest in a legacy or beqneat, It does good to read "how Fortune has helped some ether man with the helps to happi ness. To cheer yon we give the result of the 183d Grand Monthly Drawing of The Louisiana State Lotterat New Orleans, Ia ,on Tuesday, August Mo. T7,ol drew the First Capital Prize of $75, 0CO. It waa sold In fifths at $1 each $15,000 to Frank Noble, London, Ont.; one to F. M. Searles, xusmar, uuow i erriiory, inrougn jneiion uro thers. Bankers. Bismark. D. T one to Geehard Teping, No 733 Market bt , San Francisco, Cal., through The London, Paris and American Bank (Limited) of San Francisco, Cal.; the remainder are wunnera irom paoucazion by request. - No. 17,050 drew the Second Prize of fis.OOO also sold in fifths at $1 each one ($5,C00) to J. M. Brian V South. Whitley, Ind.. paid to the Columbia City (Indiana) Bank: another was collected through tbe Metropolitan National Bank of Cincinnati, u.; anouuor soia to a party jn HUwauKie, wis.. and the rest elsewhere. No. 36,527 drew the Third Prize of $10,000, also sold ;in fifths at $1 one to W. Lewis, collected by toe Southern Express Co.; another by Wm. G. Widmayer. No. 86 Centre Market, both of Washington City. !. .: another by Xdwatd Straub, of Crescent City. Cat: the re mainder elsewhere. Kos. 6,164 and 35,589 each drew the Fourth two Prizes- of 16,000, and was old to parties In Kansas City, Mo.; in New York City, N. Y.; and In San Francisco, UaL, eto, etc The next (the 185th Grand Monthly) Drawing on Tuesday... October isth, 1685, and any one who purchases a whole or a fraction of a ticket will nave a chance of winning some of the $285,500 to be scattered about, but for any information de sired, address M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La., but do net let the .opportunity escape this time. ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS,- A. T. ItXcGIUT, Auctioneer. : . . jry; COLLIER & CO, X " ' A T EXCHANGE CORNER, THIS MORNING, xi at 10 o'clock, we will sell, at auction, f One pair Black Horses, vonnir and eentle. very ones for ladles: one' set Double Harness, hand made: one Saddle and Buggy Horse, perfectly Bntle In harness and unusually pleasant Saddle orse. Also, two Mules and a Cow and CalL Jt Ship r Notice. i; All personsare hereby 'cautioned against harboring or trusting any ef tne crew oi tne uerman jbark luA- g-aa no debts of their contracting wui oe paiu ny master or I a . T, k -rt rr-nm m. ' ' se 16 3t consignees. : ... ; All persons are, hereby cautioned not to naroor or credit any or tne crew or tne uerman uarx- jckma. Captain Voaa, from Hamburg, as no bills of their contracting will do Dald , bv Master or Consignees. 1 r --y: , ; se 153E -'' - - Consignees. i ... .. ... ..--j. .. -. , .v . r ; Sealed Ffoiiosals, SEALED PROPOSALS lWILL BE RECEIVED ''...ii'V' .;'.". '" ' ::vt'MV? ! -" at the Office of tne County Commissioners, until 2.30 o'clock, Friday, the leth inst, for removing the old Bridge, known as Smith's' Creek Bridge - -i u- - . ;.. ' . v-- " . ? and all obstruct ions, including, pllelng, 4fco., and putting the same on Uieijank on the east slds of Smith's creek above the new Bridge. ) The Commirsioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. -f.. ., - -i , . UOKACE A. BAuG, se, 16 if Review copy. r Chairman, j Silk Hats ! Ct;y i fall Styles) 1 'r, , i NewStoles wlllle ODen'Thls Week. JBA32ISOS ALLXa, - ; se i3 tf "r - r?."f . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS; For Bent, HOTJSB No. 311 Mulberry street, - ili . Apply to 84 1 It ALFBSD ALPFBMAK ' Tor Rent, f 1 - - EOTJSX; with fonr rooms and kitchen, . -. . ,.i . - . . : . .' ... - . t good cistern of water on the premises, tall in first elasa order, on 2nd between llll Ittl 'Cheejnrfcand Mulberry streets. - v Appjy 10 , r -'selStf ' ' .W.N-BOWDKN. For Sent, DweQmg Eoose oa Frmoess. between 4th and 5th Sts.,' containing tlx rooms. llll 111 Possession given Immediately. Also, a Store. No. 10 Market tttieeU . selSU &&JTL BEAK, S& For Bent, From the 1st of October, two story Bouse, on Second st , between Chnteh and Nun. TS(o. 415. AnDlvto sei3tf -:r ' m.j. corbktt- For Bent; R J The Bock Spring Hotel, cenyaHy lo (III cated and In good order." v ' . ! . - ajso, a nne umce, smtaoie tor a cot ton and naval stores broker. ; Apply to D. O'CONNOR, sep 13 3t ' Real Bstate Agent For Sent, The STOBS on corner of Market and . A ..." I- Second streets,' now occupied by Beh rends & Mocroe. - - V. MBQINNKY, EX X. apply to -sep 13 st JOHN D, TAYLOR. : For Bent, STOBES, OFFICES Mill ; ; 1 AND DWELLINGS. -- Annlfn l!lf awmm r .... . - ff-j D. O'CONNOR. an 23 tf Beat Bstate Agent. For Bient, The Store, "EXCHANGE CORNER, r BSSi. L a Present ooonpied by Hiss B. Earrar, Em 111 from 1st of October. Apply to anitf T. H. SMITH. For Bent; That desirable BRICK TENEMENT I-HOTT8B, situated on Front between Or- iangeanaAnn8treeis. aiauousecon taiiis seven rooms. - - r- .'- .: " f Apply to -an3a tf . - , ' -r WM. G. FOWLER. Back Taxes. fHB LI8T OF DEEDS FOB PROPERTY IN Hew Hanover County, sold to the State for taxes from 1870 to 1881,1s now In the hands of the Board of Commissioners, and can be seen at their Office The time for the redemption of such property "expires January 1st, 1886. ' Parties interested' wM taae nouoe ana govern tneeueiTaa (See Laws of 1885. "An Act to Enforce toe lection of Taxes due the State on Lands sold for Taxes and Purchased by the State.) - ' ; . v HORACE AT BAGG, se 152t Chairman Board of Commissioners. Fire Insurance Bates, rjpHE UNDERSIGNED IS PREPARED TO IN- sure Dwelling Houses and Furniture In the City of Wilmington, at rates at least 20 per cent, less than those charged before tbe introduction of Water Works, In the following strong and relia ble Companies :.- ; . - ? . Continental Fire Ins. Co. Assets $4.93800. ; " Northern Fire Assu. Co. Assets $15.031,732. ; Fire Ins. Association. Assets $3,544,077. I . Sun Fire Office. Assets over $0,000,008. -' And will pay losses without discount. ' " ; i - - , , ..M.8. WILLABD, sepl6tf ' 214 North Water St. School Books.1 . A FULL LINE OF SCHOOL BOOKS, as adopted by the School Board of Education. Offer special Discounts to Merchants and Teachers. Price T I no fnMit.lia AH ntinllA.ftifiii.- - ;X. i.- : :-. t -' HElNKKRRaER'R. . B LANK BOOKS OF ALL SIZES. Panoi VnvAlnnAa Tnlro WiurtlacrA, , Knna"anrl nnlrlava PaiwiIIb An . - rr nhaiu HXINSBERGEB'S seWtf , Live Book, and Mnslo Stores.' Opened rTo-Dajr, rpHE LARGEST,, HANDSOMEST AND BEST assorted stock of PIECE GOODS and READY MADE CLOTHING ever shown in this city. Best goods for the least money. Fit guaranteed. ' r '. . . .,- -. MUN80N, - se le tf v Merchant Tailor and Clothier.' Waidtedi i rpo RENT OR BUT, A SECOND-HAND JJSVA LID'S WHSBZi CHAIB. '1 j B. A. NISBET, Waier 'sep 13 St 13JN. Street.; Glass Frait Jars. I HAVE THE COHANSEY IN STOCK HOW, in half gallons and quarts.1; They have given satisfaction to customers for three seasons, viz.: Cheapness, ease with which they are sealed, and the fact that the contents touch nothing .but glass. Call and buy them at v- " . - - selStf r . ; GEO. A. PECK'S. Coming In. 4 w t M and we are now able to offer you School books, ecnooi supplies, uianx books, stationery at bottom prices. A fine line of Oil Paintings, Cbromos, &o. AH kinds of Picture Frames made to order at short notice. ...... ' seMtf - a W.YATES. 5 TE HAVE ONE OF THE CIIJBBATID MO NARCH COTTON PRESSES m took.whoa be had at a low figure. Guarantee It to be supe rior to any Press en the market. ' - - nor yu any F gPBlNGEB CO t 19, 21 A 23 Market Street, i aistf Wilmington U. a ; : ; r MEDIA (Pa.) ACADEMY .fits : for Business or College. Special Drill for Backward Boys. Single or double rooms. All students board with PrinoipaL 8WrrHIN C. 8HOBTL1DGB (Harvard A. B. and A. M.) i - i as a Dwim 1 -V 6 ii , 1 fill,! 1 IHU E c:::t One Square One Day, n 1 ' 3 J : ' " Three Daya ...... a i-M": JpSlDay,,.,,-...,.,, - , ' - 4" wy......-..w.; i .. ' " m One Week,.;.., - . - Two Weeks, r.,.::, c Three Weeks, .-. , w s ' Z - IF0 Months, . n ; use xear.... f t . Cr-Oontract Adyertiseraenta taken at pro! : : Iteaatelr low rates. : ' - - v. Tea mies load Konparell type make one sqi:- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. : Sale flf JaMMe Real Estate. ;, JY VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF A VZ oree of "the Superior Court of Kew Hanorer County, made in a certain special proceed!, pending therein between .Thomas M. Gardner t . aL. as plain tiffs, and John D. Smith and wife ec L, as defendants, the undersigned, a comer s kner appointed by said decree, will seU to the highest bidder, at pubho auction, at the Court . Hoosedoor.in tha Alirrn.'WninlnfH'An nM.. . h t8th day of September, 1885, at 19 o'clock U.' uw ivuuwing oescnoea k&al, S8TATE, situate hv the city of WilinInjtonNorth Carolina, to- Wit: 'ii :.---f .--v. .'rf.Tv;-; - , 1st. A Lot, beginning onTourth street, 46 feet ' sooth of the southeast intersection of Fonrta sueet and Mulberry street, runs thence outh Witn tbe eaC fine Of Ifonrth afMatllfMrf: than on east parallel with Mulberry street 88 feet, thence aorte parallel with Fourth street 40 feet, thence 2nd. A Lot. berinninfi" 88 fant crknfh '. -nt ty- southeast intersection of Fourth street and K ul- perry street, runs thence south with the east line of Ponrth street 46 feet, thence east parallel With Mulberry street 88 feet, thence north paral lel -witoFourth street 46 feet,? thence west 3 feet to the beginning.. . . . - .. .. -t A - . - Srd. A Lot .beginning 88 feet east of the south east intersection of Fourth street and Mulberry street, runs thence east with the southern line of jtuioerry street sa feet, thence south parallel with Fourth street 134 feet, thenoe west 83 feet, thence north 132 feet to the beginning. . , s . xerma vmeuura eaan,one-unrd msixmontlis -and one-third la twelve months, with interest at 8 per cent, on ach deferred payment from the confirmation of sale; or, at the option of the -purchaser, the whole of the purchase money may be eaid fateasb. when, upon confirmation of aa'e. the Commissioner will execute a deed to the enr- ehaser, ornhe purchaser may, at his own ex- pww, ?xecox -a aea oi mortgage to tne wm mlssionec to eaeoare the deferred payments - v f vv&.:.i JOHa . BELLAMY, U sept 13.3t-; -; ,.. t . , Commissioner. liltJwistant Strain fjHK GREAT FLY-WHEEL, SET IN MOTION last Thursday morning, made many a revolution . up to last evening, when - steam was shut off till to-morrow morning. - ; - .is J-.-; ..'.5 : r. '. . - i' We could not have reasonably expected a more prompt and generous response to our notice than we received. Almost at the very "beginniug our entire force were put to work, and tomorrow ; we will begin toe week with almost a week's work ahead for them. " V We are ambitious to do even a larger Merchant Tailoring Business than we are now doing, and If a large stock and perfect satisfaction In the t of our garments have any thing to do with It, we have not yet near reached the limit. , i We are doing a big business now, but-it must be bigger, and we Invite trade, giving the assnr- ance that Itfls onr 'greatest pleasnre to please a customer. - ' - ' - A. DAVID, - - se 6 tf . Merchant Tailor. COTTON Bagging and Ties IN 'STORE AtiD FOR iALE PT HALL & PEARSA5:L. .- . . - . .... - , ,1V aug23 tf f:-; - - . . - Oysters ! Oysters rpHE FINEST OF THE SEASON l - ? . ? i - AT STAB SALOON, - 13 Market Street. GEO. F. HERBERT, Propr. se 12 tf On Gents' Low- SHoes "TTTE WILL GIVE YOU A BARGAIN " V out stock, and ail kinds of FOOTWB Jl w iK- V: ::.' .5 '- , - ', at BARGAINS during this week CaU In and see what yoa can da - - . , - Geo jFrtoclr & .Bond ; '' a 108 NORTH FRONT STREET: ,- 4 t sep 13 tf v' ' - ' Bagging, Ties, Tv7ine. QQQ Half Bolls lb BAGGING, 5 J 2gQQ Bandies New ARROW TIES, 4 ' " 1 AHA Lbs. BALING TWINE. " 1VVU se 13 tf j-'. V J BMP WW . . ' . - - f W1LUAI8 KAHHUI UU. Bacon, Flour, vCoffee. , 1 1 QQ Boxes D. 8. CB. STDSS u : 3;' QQQBb6 FIOUB an grades. V " 200 8ck Choice BIO COFFEE. .. : -:.'V , For sale low by ; '--;-.'-'-- se 13tf ' WILLIAMS,-itANKIN A CO Hlolasses, Sugar" Bice. . , jQQ BbU Choice Porto Bloo VOLASSES, JQQ Bb Betned BUGAEf!, all grades, : K BhU CAROLINA KICK. 'I" - For sale low bv selttf WILLIAMS. RANKIN A CO ITails, Hoop Iron, Glue. gQQ Bandies HOOP IBON, " ' - - OP BblsDlSTrJXKK'S GttJEV ; C.-MJ. - t ; v , . . Pof aajelowby ee 13Itf WILLIAMS RANKIN. A CO. " As the Hunting Season I"" S APPRO ACHINa WB "ASK . SPOBTSMI needing ammunition to get our. prloesbefore laying in their supplies. Ai we are- members of the Ammunition Association, we feel we can do them some good as regains prices of Shell. Cart ridges, &c. We have aSoStock, Game and ehell Bags, Belts, Ac, Ac Also a good line of B. L. Guns at very moderate priees. 2JtZ-'-eeplStf ; : , QUUES A MTJBCHffiON.-. Auctioneer and CommissioxiIIercliaiit OFFICE AND SALES BOOKS. 215 MABKTTT STREET, where special attention will be given the sale of Goods, Wares, Merchandise, 3e., on Consignment, and a General Commission Business. STRICT attention to business, and QUICK retoms of sales, v - ? my 18 tf . FaU Stockv . TX7E ARK BJSCETVTNG OUR FALL'STOCK OF ;IT Cooking and Heating Stoves,House Fornisli lng Goods,Grates and Grate Fixtures. Kerosene Oil Stove eomething new. Don't fail to exam ine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, ,We . are prepared to offer-VERY LOW PRICES. . , -v ' PARKER Jk TAYLOR, selSItl ' - - - 23 South Front t. u t: it I A

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