fheMorning Star. tli'blillNARSK. II v SUMx--,,,;, , .......... ,8 00 On4?o City snbecnbera, deliverwiin Wpart .Crttr Xtbh Cum per week. Our City tn!, are'not uUioriaod to colleot for xnorw -ZIZa m tu-.: icwt Office at Wilmington, N, G, s woa4 CUss Matter. , v ; v K)RNING EDITION, OUTLINES. Total net cotton receipts at the ports 160" 777 bales. There is a cyclonic disturb -ance in the West Gulf, moving northerly. The Georgia Senate passed a bill re pealing the arbitrary powers of the railroad' commission of that State.. - Business failures in the United States -and Canada the psst week 178. Twentyjiine deaths from small pox occurred in Montreal Thurs- dAy An earthquake occurred yester day at Naples. An alarming increase of cholera is reported at Palermo,' Sicily; the people are panic stricken and fleeing the town The Chinese are rapidly leaving Rock Springs, Wy.. -and the white miners are greatly encouraged. The-bright tobacco crop of North Carolina and J Vir ginia is said to be a failure; in some -dis tricts so raia has f altarfbr a month?;' The Spanish Government has decided to I fpr nil immediately a large sum. on account I f c ast and naval defences.: Mr. Glad- I stone has issued a manifesto to his constitu ents; he favors the withdrawal of, British tr(K.ips from Egypt; reform, free land,' and the abolition of primogeniture.. - The Genesta was the winner in the regatta of the New York. Yacht Club yesterdays New York markets: -Money 1$ per . cnt. ; cotton steady at 10 1-16&10 3-1 6c; wbeat, ungraded red " 7483c; corn, n jraded 4850c; Southern flour -steady: spirits turpentine steady at 23c; rosin dull t$l02l 10. - . . . : The Grant monument1 fund elk It is only $75,000. creep- Georgia asks to have her Railroad C-Hiiraission law changed. The press is for it. Charleston is very hopeful and -there are manysigns in the city of a business revival. -, ' r South Carolina has sent a few of her chief products to the Maine State I Fair. Wisely done' JIaj." John "WV Daniel is making oae of his eloquent speeches to the Virginia white people The Philadelphia Record gives the figures to show that agriculture is on the decline in Pennsylvania. The Democrata are forming Fitz Ie cavalry -regiments all over the State. There is no fooling in "Old Virginny" this time. ; Gen. Roger A. Pryor has been ttpeaking to .Tammany. He stands squarely by the old political formula "To the victors belong the spoils.". St. Augustine, Fla., is to have a new hotel 600 by 400 feet. It will be of : Moorish design and will cost 12,000,000 exclusive of the $120,000 site. - - Gon. Fitz Lee says he hears of many Republicans ; coming over to Democratic support.. He says he has JepoTis from all parts of the State to ili e same effect. ; ' -: A report comes from Louisiana tli at temperance negroes are whipped by auti-Prohibitionists. ' Such out- rages are reported in Winn and Bi- The big Indiana swindle grows. It is now believed that the frauds of the different county trustees wiirek- ceed $1,000,000. Another- trustee 5s, missing and another bank has closed .its doors. : Judge Brewer, U S. Circuit Court in session at Toronto, Kansas, de-. cides that the Southern Kansas Rail way has 27,000 acres of land-that belongs rightfully to the pnblio do main. This creates a flattering and land excitement. i, - -: Another discovery has been made under a Democratic Administration. 1 here are said to be abuses in the Geological survey, and- charges of fraud and illegal expenditures are made in the report made at the re- nnaol C "EV i m "... e i,' " -. i i vtDU ui x, ir8l Auaxtor.unenowitn. ? There U a aSim on in South Carolina over the iUni ersity and free tuition. , The friends of bt are charged with ' double dealing. The other side reply heat- faiyand so the war "trebly thunder ng shakes the gale." ' : ' ".' M Mr. Chamberiain, the Radical lead ier, seems to be very mucb: in earnest in his war npon Mr. Parnelt e said in his Gkntrnv anPAnrt t.hftt ance th the coming ParliamentsrT xiecwons shonia ilf,V?S.-y-i." "najority numerically strong ' enongh w put down Mr. Parnell? f "4 yOL- XXXVI.--N0, 154. ;; :m WILMINGTON, N;XJ SAimDjStePT I8'85i There is no doabt that in many of crops have been muoh injured and wiU be short. Probably this can be' aaia pf half the counties. In the fine tobacco section tobacco is -very great ly damaged, and in some of the best countres"the ! corn: "crop even W ili be short. A gentleman who' travels all the time and is "very familiar With every; section of, the. State says'he never saw. money so tightbefore as.it is now. , He savs this applies to! the East, and some of the .best Central 5 counties. v- - ;v The New York' W5wnv cantankJ erous, Republican, has taken a scare over ;the .Ohio outlook. It admits much apathy- among ' Republicans, nd . says :. r' 3 VZ& 'k ; ? w - ? "The reborts. from. Ohio ' nrivate and otherwise, indicate a close contest between the partiea The danger appears to lie in Pa"y or tne Kepubiicahs. "With a Democratic Administration at Washington and Columbus, the Democrats are nerved to their? strongest efforts to re tain the 8tate., It Is evident that to carry it for the Republican cause will, require the instant and cordial cooperation of the lead ing Republicans from all the States." Xawlessness continues in '.Ken tucky. Human f life is cheaper t in "the dark - and bloody . ground" than leaf tobacco. At O wings ville, ; as, Jack Ballard was being taken to jail after having been sentenced to twen ty years' imprisonment, " his brothers Mose and . James fired upon the guard. They : were both killed ; in stantly and the guard were unhurt. Spirits 1urpentine. Fayetteville Observer: The to bacco crop in this county is reported to be exceedingly fine. ; u . Wadesboro Intelligencer; On last Thursday morning Mr. J. T. Henley's tobacco barn with its entire contents was destroyed by fire - Greensboro Workman: There seems to.be considerable trouble in regard to the postofflce at Chapel Hill, some par ties urging the appointment of a successor to the : present incumbent, on the ground that he is a itepubucan. - Weldon News: The Roanoke river is as low. almost as was ever known. The prospects for a good fair wefe never better. Recent rains have im proved crops though there is much rust in cotton an average crop cannot be realized. - Goldsboro Argus; They (law yers, juries, .witnesses,) have thus early realized that Judge Clark means business, and that instead of their being a clog to the wheels of business, they have got to be there on time to turn the crank and keep the thing agoing. : Wilson " Advance: Five hun dred insolvents in Edgecombe, but they have a large negro population in that coun ty. we are pained to be called upon . to- record .the death of Mr. John Allie Richardson, which ; sad event occurred at Whittakers, on Tuesday last, lie was about 23 years of age. ' New Berne Journal: We learn with pleasure that there is a movement on foot among our business men to - organize an association for the improvement of New, Berne.. Such an .organisation would be capable of doing much good, and there are many ways in which this city might be very materially improved if there was con cert of action among its business men. j Oxford ' Torchlight: An offer of a hundred dollars a front foot was re fused for a lot on Commercial Avenue last week. About a week ago a young man by the name .of Roger' Norwood was shot in the lower jaw near' the mouth by the accidental discharge of a small pocket pistol. Mr. Alexander Parham about the same time fell from a barn and received a severe cut in the arm by an axe. ftrf -!- Asheville Citizen: The. corn crop of the Western counties is now made' and past the danger oi injury except Irani freshets on very low ground.! The quanti ty will be more tnan double or wnat was ever raised before." -- Weaverville Col lesre opened its new session on'Thursdiy last with fine prospects the attendance pf students, old- andnew, snowing a marked increase., - .". . " : - : Clinton Caucasian.'' We learn that the corn and cotton : cop9 will be con siderably short in Wayne county, and this fact alone is caicuiaiea to depress ousiness. Rev. J. T. Kendall is now conducting- a protracted meeting at McUee's. We learn that the meeting is growing in interest every day. " He is assisted by Rev. Charles J. Soon, a converted Chinaman, who is a aealous, earnest preacher.; . ? Charlotte' (Democrat; A cotton bnver of this city requests us to call the at-' tentkm of farmers to the bad condition of some ox the cotton offered this , season;, lor gale, i Wilson McCombs, colored, (known ' in this community as Wilse") died on Tuesday last, agea r aoout vo years. He was in the Mexican war and the Confederate war as servant to white men, ana since inen nas nau a yKn-vss . - . . m . 1 3 . place in stores in the City.' n SJdharlotte Observer. ; The new training school for teachers opened y eater- day at trie graaea scnooi ouiiamg uap-m. There were present eighteen young ladies, - jS&r annniiited General Manaeer of : the ; Rich mond & Danville Railroad Company, Vice f!rtL A. T. i Rives., who lately tendered his TPflinatirm. Cel. Thomas was formerly General Manager of the Cincinnati, Clevef land, Columbus K maianapoiia xuutnnu. . .-. Tarboro Southerner. 'J 5 -The cot it nnenin most encoarsgiagly; .manuf acturinat in this section is something unprecedented. The cheerful sounds 6tweU;.directed labor sa lutes us on all sides. Mr. O.O. Farrar .r.'tho mmfr 1rt on St. James ana Trade: streets to the Missionary Baptist I aurnu fhia ni&M and that congregation boildioz tluV wUI teflect credit on. toeu 1 MO DC an ornameni w .u0,--. &Kzj2 T'..nn'nhnnr Tfafihanse: - 1 he total shipments of i cotton ti'omthW up tojast Saturday nigui w'" tf 1 t- fe ,' r -ri, r.a . i, ., v - We hear that Sheriff Bryant has of fered a reward of $100 ? for . the arrest of John- Braxwelb A regular Republi can paper is to be published in Rocking ham, edited by J. G. Brummell, formerly of the Shoe Heel Print. First, the editor of a Democratic paper in Shoe Heel; then an applicant for i a position as a Carolina Central route agent, under a Democratic administration, and now Jto become the editor of a Republican paper.; What next? :i -Durham JZgjorter. Dr. McDoh--ald,'who was so unanimously and heartily agreed upon by the pastors and committee to do the preaching for us, and to take the leadership in the meeting to be held in the Gospel -Tent, has accepted the invitation,' andls expected to be with us on Tuesday, Sept. 22nd. - Mr. Lee Perry, who has been spending several -days in Granville, informs us that the crops are-looking well, in that portion of the county where he vis- ited.i He also says that Messrs. Harris & isro., at : Wilton, have now in use a road steamer; which they-' use for hauling, their goods from Pranklinton to their store, a distance of eight miles over the roughest of roads. The engine ' guides itself - and is a M-horse- power, -f- The first trip was made last Thursday.-carrying 12,000 pounds. - Roberts says that there is half a crop of cot ton and perhaps a little over half a crop of . corn in Gates county. - -- TobaCcb flues for 170 barns have been, sold to people in Moore county this season by Raleigh manu facturers: - Monday' night there was an incendiary fire in Hadley's township, Chatham county, was destroyed $10,000 worth of property. The property burned was Wm. Hadley 's merchants' " mill ; i and machine shops, saw mill and cotton' gin belonging to his son, F. M. . Hadley. In the mill pf Mr. Wm. Hadley were 2,500 bushels of wheat and a large quantity pf flour, all of which was destroyed. As a matter of interest the dates and place of holding the fairs in North Carolina are given : Rocky Mount, H ovemoer lu l s j Weldon, November 9 12; Wadesboro, Oc tober 2023;. Tarbord, October 2680; A&heviller October 20 23; ? Fayetteville, November , 710; Charlotte, October 2730; Raleigh, State,' (white) October la 17; colored, .November y 13: new Garden. - October 22 : Clinton. ; Wood land, (Roanoke district grange), October 1315. : - At Wake Jforest LtoUege one hundred and ioAy-four students ; have registered so far; while last session, we had only that number altogether. Old and new students continue to arrive nearly every day, and before Christmas president Taylor expects at least 160 or 175 to be in atten dance. . r . 1KW ADVEBTIriCniUVTX. r .' jl C. Whttk Stray cow. ' ' . O. H. KmrsEDT A card. Munson Attractive stock. A 8iikiks Closed ' to day. . ' Collieb,& .Co. Auction sale. ,. HUHSBEBSEBSchool books. G korok Prick, Jr. Auction sale. J. F. Gabbxlx. & Son Finest meats. Wash Catlktt Cape Fear Academy. Local . " ' -' ; :' Receipts of cotton yesterday 563 bales, as against 468 bales the same day ast year. ' ' " :- ' ' ' , " n "r'" Only one small case of drunk enness before the Mayor yesterday morn ing, which was dismissed. - Rev. Peyton H. Hoge, of Rich mond, will preach at the First Presbyterian church Sunday, September the 20th, at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Seats free and visitors welcome.-1- -' - . Personal. . ! Joe Herbert, of the '.'Star Saloon," is out again, after a big wrestle with that'delight- f til companion kommonly kalled jaundice. Joe s complexion is just lovely now m fact.be is as pretty as a ripe pumpkin. .' Capt.-,W W. Carraway, of the Raleigh Nem and Observer, dropped in to see us yesterday.' " . ' . ' . ' . . . ! Mr. W. M, Seward, who has been with Messrs. Munds Bros.1: for some time past, has left to go to the University of Virginia to study medicine, and Mr. J, B. Hanks, the popular druggist, is to return to Wil mington and take Mr. Seward's place on- or about the 1st ofOctober This will be good news to, the many friends of- Mr. Hanks.. j- c .v.y: !('--;".. . r Mr. M. Hanstein, of Clintdn, was in the city yesterday. ' . " ' ' J)r. fleo-H-West. -formerly of this city t but now of Newton has been "here for several days past on a visit, for' his health. . ,- - ;- Maj. J. W. Dunham has returned home from the West. , We, regret to learn that 1 ' - jgr - Escape of Prisoners at pmlthvllle. Two prisoners confined in the county jail of Brunswick at Smithville, ; made their escape on Tuesday, night They were both' .white men Henry . Williamson, charged with burglary, and Demsy Arnold, charged with f. and a. and also with trying to bribe a magistrate;? They got out .fat the top of the building through a. trapdoor, and let themselves down by the aid of blankets, having no doubt received outside assistance. There were seven other prisoners in the jail who did not make their escape, . and all were awaiting ; trial before the Superior Court, which convenes at Smithville next Mondayr Nothing has transpired,: Sheriff Taylor informs us, as to the whereabouts of the men who escaped. . i Arrested for Bobltlns; the Blalls. - 1 . v A telegram f romavannalvGa.;- reports the arrest in that city on Wednesday last of H. E. Foster, of Wilmington, 4 N. C, formerly postal agent, charged with the abstraction Of a registered letter from the malls.' Foster's .route, was between Wil mington and Charleston, but he was acting as a substitute between Charleston and Jacksonville when the letter disappeared. A Small Fir. "-, The roof 6f a house oh Walnut, between Seventh and McBae' streets, - caught lire L yesterday afternoon,-aboutr4 o'clock, hut jh flames were extinguished by the neigh bors before the fire department, arrived. LA general alarm was sounded. CV,; BXPLOSIOIT. Our ClUxens Throwtt Into -Wild State of Excitement r an Bxplo- sIosV A Yonni ; ManXTerrlbirljIsv-. , JnrearAB, Indlscrlmlnats SnatterlBs; -, r "WlBdovir Glass Cans of Kxplo f 1 ilos Vnksowo.' J :f Ti' ' 'ill j Yesterday morning about half-past; 10 o'clock- those of our citizens residing . and being in the lower part of the city 4were thrown into a wild state of excitement by a tremendous explosion, which shook every thing - for squares around, followed by a rush of people from every direction towards the1 locality from which the sounds em ; anated, which - was Jon ' Front 'street between Princess and y Chesnut,- where the' facts in the case were "soon ascertained; the most unfortunate, and heartrending of which was the terrible injury sustained by" Hr. Charles RSmithi, a son ot Mr. Ji .C SmUh, ajdaxilerk in, the atore of -Messrs.. Giles 3s Mnrchison hardware and crockery merchants. It seems that the latter gen tlemen keep .: a few kegs of powder in one or more iron boxes or chests on wheels. These have been kept outside of the store, and the one in question was on the sidewalk against a tree just outside of the vacant lot adjoining the store on the north, and a short distance from the entrance to the crockery store Tonne Smith was sent to get a keg of powder out of the box, and had hardly been missed from the store when the explo sion took place. 1 . y i Those who witnessed the explosion say that the unfortunate young man was blown some distance into the air and over some intervening crockery .crates, falling face downwards npon a pile of lumber near the middle Of the street. ',; The force of the ex plosion had nearly stripped his person of clothing, and the few remnants were burn ing and thus adding to his torturer Mr. Miles Smith, a brother of Charlie, knowing that the latter had gome to get the powder, rushed to the scene" and was the first to reach the side of the suffering youth, from whose powder-blackened body he removed the fragments of clothing, and then, as-, sisted - by. some men from the neighbor ing, stores,-1 he - was removed to the establishment of Messrs. P. L. Bridgers & Co., where he had the immediate surgi cal attention so necessary at that critical moment. He retained ' his ' consciousness and bore his sufferings with great fortitude. Some thirty or forty minutes after the ac cident the government ambulance, which had been kindly called into requisition by Dr. Peckbam,' of the U." S. Marine. Hos pital, who was present and assisting, drove up, when the young man was placed upon a litter and carefully and tenderly trans ferred toe vehinle, when he was carried to his borae, No. 608 Dock Street. As we write, we are glad to learn, his condition was as comfortable as could be expected, and strong hopes are enter tained ot his recovery. The . concussion from the .explosion played havoc with the glass wipdows of the stores and other buildings in the neighbor-' hood. Sach a crash and jingle of glass was hardly ever heard before. One fine plate glass window in the Murchison build ing was smashed and some of the plaster ing was knocked down. But it was oh the opposite side of the street that the greatest destruction ensued. There was hardly a whole glass left in Mr. D, A Smith's store, even those, in his back office being shattered. Mr. Smith was in the act . of selling an article to a customer from the. country;; when; the explosion took place and they were almost thrown from. their -j feet. The customer made for the back door in double-quick time and has not been seen 'since. The store of Mr. Geo. R. French & Sons is pretty badly riddled, and the upward tendency of the concussion is shown by the fact the glass in the win dows on the fourth floor was all demolish- ed. Two Jarge plate glasses. on the first floor were smashed, and the Messrs. French say it will take two hundred , dollars to re place them.-' Messrs. McDougall & Bow den, P. L Bridgers & Co.. and the South ern Express office ' suffered . very little less, Panes of glass were also shattered in the residence of Mrs. Quince, just north of Messrs; McDougall & Bowden's, and in the office'of Dr. -Pigford, adjoining. On the west side of the Btreet Mr. John Maunder 's marble establishment, and the office of Dr. J.Hi. Durham suffered pretty badly, not only in the way of broken windows, but in the knocking down of pkstering. A win dow sash. in a rear room of Mr; Mauader's establishment was broken up. , t . 4- 6a the wharf the explosion created a perfect-panio among the draymen 'and others," and the actions of a badly demor alized colored individual, who ran down the street shouting "More powder! "More powder! added fresh apprehension and increased the speed - of they panic-stricken fugitives, -v.; , . ; : - ,' ; The cause of the explosion Is a profound mystery. Messrs. Giles & Murchiion had taken every precaution to prevent any ac cident.' The powder, in hermetically sealed kegs, was kept in the Iron safes alluded to, and they safes placed outside of the build ing, ' as a matter of precaution in case ' of flre? -Then one; key to the sates was , kept in the hands of the firm andthe other placed in the keeping of the Chief of the Fire De partment, which arrangement had the sanc tion ot- the y authorities. 5 Joyloose pow der .was v allowed j; alljiot i itC .being in.whole packages. , The box or safe has t capacity for six -kegs, but it 1 is' thought there wen only three or four In it-at the Umev one of which did not explode, being' blown ; against, the crockery crates: . The irontiox was completely demolished. . . It wai' reported that ; the wounded youth was smoking a cigarette ;wheh; he went to! the" safe; but this is positively deniedi as it ia well known that he never smokes! ,!He' told his brother after the accident that he did ; not xknowy how it fc occurred. Great sympathy was felt for bim on all sides, and frequent were the inquiries, during the af ternoon as' to' hiS condition. s v' ;? 4 -w.i Crowds remained In the yidhity 'of the scene of the accident during a good portion of the day.; ! Capt. .W. W ,Carraway of the Raleigh ffewi. and Qbaerver,, had passed the spot . where the. explosion took place just movement or .two before.it occurred. Mr. S. H Burt -had also just passedi and entered Messrs. Giles & MuTchison's stoTe.' Xater Death of the c Han. Ibjirrea Toons The unfortunate victimof the above ter rible accident died last 'night about quarter- past seven o cioc&v y a iew moments rjeiora hu death he was con Versingy w ith oae of his brothersj whea'suddenly h jfcrew falit and began sinking. '. A messenger was hur-; riedly sent fpr his attending 'physician but; before the latter could reach the bedside of the sufferer he had expired. It . was evi dent that he had sustained ' some fatal in ternal injury. - . , : . .. ; " " The funeial.will take place this afternoon at 4 o'clock, from the residence of the fam ily ori Dock Street. Mr. J. C. Smith- the father of the young man, is in Chicago, where he is engaged in business. ' Death ' of Mr. John JudKe Special Bleetlns of the Produce Exchange.' The sad intelligence was received by tel graph yesterday of the death in Savannah, on Thursday night, of Mr. John Judge, formerly an esteemed citizen and promi nent business man. of Wilmington. - Upon the death of Mr. Judge becoming known, a special meeting of the Produce Exchange was called for yesterday after noon, at "12.30 o'clock. , ,r The President, J. H. Currie, Esq . upon; taking the chair, stated that the meeting had been called aV the request . pf members to take some action as to the death in Sa vannah. ""GaT.;: Thursday night, of John Judge, Esq. ,a former member of this Ex change during his residence in this city. Col. F. W. Kerchner stated that infor-r mation had been received that the remains would arrive to-day (Saturday) on the 9.07 a. m. train from the South, and that the funeral services would bo held at ': St Thomas' Catholic Church at 10 o'clock a. in., and moved that the chairman appoint a committee of five to prepare resolutions, I and that the members meet at the Ex change rooms at 9.80 a. m. to attend the funeral in a body, which was unanimously adopted. . .v-, - The Chairman appointed as committee ou resolutions Messrs F.W. Kerchner, D. G. Worth,C. H. Robinson, H. C. Mc Queen, A L. DeRosset i . The meeting then adjourned to 9.30 a. m. to day to receive the report of the com mittee above designated. Real. Estate Sales. I Under a decree of the Superior Court of New Hanover county, Mr. J. D. Bellamy, Jr., commissioner, sold at public auction, at the court house door, yesterday, the fol lowing pieces of real estate: t i Lot on Fourth street, near its southeast intersection with Mulbery street, 40 by 88 feet, purchased by Mr. C. S. Love for $523. Lot on Fourth street, near its southeast intersection with Mulberry street, 46 by? 88 feet, purchased by Mr. J. D. Gardner for $1,000.' "' ' . ' ' Lot 88 feet east of the southeast intersec tion of Fourth and Mulberry streets, 82 by 132 feet, purchased by Mr: BF. Bryant for $1,750. ' ' ' r 1 - ' : S. VanAmringe, Esq; officiated si auc tioneer."" DIED. J I JTJDGB. At Savannah, Ga., on the night of September 17th, 1885, JOHN JUDGE, formerly. of this oity. ; '' - Pnneral will take place from St. Thomas Ca- tbollo Church, at 10 o'clock, this (Saturday) mor- - ninjr, September 13th, thence to Oakdale Ceme tery.',':" '. ..V - . i SMITH. In this oity, yesterday, at 7.15 p. 1L, CHARLES' R. SMITH, youngest sou of Jas G Bmith, aged 17 years and 6 months.- ! -, Funeral from the residence pf his parents, Ifo. 608 Dock street, piia (Saturday), afternoon, ati 4 o'clock, thence .to Oakdale Cemetery. ..Friends of the family are Invited 6 attend. , : ', '.. , ; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.- A Card. i',f; ;,:i" JHB - PUBLIC, ARB NOTTFUD TBEATj THJS "Kxtra Notice," concerning Messrs. J. P. Qarrell Son, was Inserted in the papers without ray knowledge or- consent, for I have bought from Mr. GarrelL andjiatend to do so again if isDrioes suit me. ' se tt it -.. O. H. KENNEDY, Closed. O1 ,N ACCOUNT OF HOLIDAY MY STORES will bs closed TO-DAY until 6 P. M seWlt A. SHRIER.; r Strayed, or ; Stolen LARGE MOLE-COLORED COW, MARKED in left ear.y A liberal reward , will be paid on re turning her to No 801 Hanover street. - 1 - 1 1 '; sel92t J.C. white.: : Cape Fe ar Academy ; yiLLBEGIN ITS THIRTEENTH SESSIONON MONDAY, SEPT. 28TH;in the' Megmney School Rooms.' It Is important that pupils, enter at the beginning of session . 'See catalogues in 'Book stores. . .WASHINGTON CATLBTT, Pria. sep IS 7t . IS IS 18 90 SS 25 27 - ., nao - i :r ' - . ' i "Air Attractive Stoclr fXV IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC SUITINGS J is now open for the Inspection of Patrons. '3$ It is unneoessarvto call attention to the supe- zlority.of our gu'j-rER In his own line.' se 19 It." , V ; " Merchant Tailor. 0 Tj ? -TOEtOEE NO. 5929 r .NE W: ADVERTISEMENTS. -,---A. G. JlcCJIIlT; Auctioneer.; ' Mi 1ST CDIIJIHAm. it npHIS DAT. C0MMKNCIN3 AT 10 O'CLOCK. JL at our Sales Rooms, weyilloontmne our sale from yesterday, and sell one fine Piano, la good order; one double-barrel Qua,- Bedsteads. Sofas, Cooking Stove, Tin and Glass-Ware. Table Cut lery, Spoons, . Shirts, Drawers, 'Boys'. Clothing, Sewing Machines, 4o. . . . se 10 It ATJCnONKKR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT ' A TJCnON SALE AT 10.80 O'CLOCK TO-DAY, xl a large lot of Household and Kitchen Furni ture, on consignment, consisting of Lounges, Cooking; Stove, Parlor Stove -and handsome Par lor Set. iAIso a handsome Carpet, Bedroom Sets and numerous other articles. , selSlt rrmTHiyiBEEsr sotB ra this ctty fob tve year earn be found thismorning at FOURTH mZttrixB3tt nQTS& teto hand side; No. a,andavlThe Beef, Just : from olover 'and or- - - - '- - .-. v , . - - -.. - ehaxd ittasf aastnres, b fat1 and JnJcy. Ws a. pect'to constantly keep.on hand a large stock of CHOICE MEATS. , . . .. The ladies who would like to do their own marketing, are invited to give us a call. They will find our market neat and ordeily. Meats delivered free of charge to any nart of the city. Sep 19 t : J. F. GARRELL A SON.: - School: Books. ; FULL LINEOF SCHOOL BOOKS, as adopted by the School Board of Education. Offer special Discounts to Merchants and Teachers. Price Lists furnished on application at . - - HEINSBESGER'S. B LANK BOOKS OF ALL 8IZ2S. Paper, Envelopes, Inks, Mucilage, -Peas'and Holders, Pencils, Ad., : Can always be found very cheap at HBINBBERGER'S- - se 19 tf lire Book and Musio Stores. A Card. "yK HAYS 8ECURED THE SERVICES OF Mr. PHILIP JONES, of-Chester, England, for bur Tailoring Establishment - - i 1 "Mr. Jones comes with a reputation already established, having been engaged as Cutter for a number of years at a first-class house in Lon don, and for two years at the weU known Tailor ing establishment of James Reid, 85 Boulevard des Capnoines, Paris, France. Lately he has been in New York City, employed at a first class Tai loring establishment on Broadway; and it is at a large salary and through the Influence of friends in New York, that we have been so fortunate in securing the services of so eminent a young man to take charge of our Cutting Board. We 'are prepared to accommodate the trade with Suits of Clothes made in the very latest Metropolitan styles, and at, a price below sit others. If you want the STYLE we will show you what we can do. Our facilities for making Suits in the Drooer stvle and ahaie cannot be sumassed .anywhere. .. iteepeciruuy, sel8tf JOHN DYER. BEEF! BEEF! BEEF ! Great War in Prices ! FINEST, FATTEST AND JUCrEST KEEF.TKAL ' AND LAMB ON THE MARKET 1 THE LARGEST DEALER AND THE MOST COM PLETE 8TOCK OF MEATS IN THE CITY. PROMPT DELIVERY IN ANY PART OF THE CTTY FREE OF CHARGE. If yon leave ah order you can always depend on getting what you order, and delivered 1 - . . . . - at the right time and place. The following will show you what we are go Ing to do, and we mean what we say : CHOICE CUTS OF BEEF,. ....IOCTS. IOCTS. .. .IOCTS .....IOCTS. .....IOCTS. Do. Do. " Do. Do. do. da do. do. LAMB VEAL.!.... PORK.1.... MUTTON.: ROASTS....,., 8TBW..v.... soup bone:. BRISKET..... SHANKS,,...., SAUSAGE .... PUDDING .... ., 8 and -IOCTS. S CTS. 5 and IOCTS, . ':. 5 CTS. IO and 1 CTS. 12JsCts ,! s; lJMCtl Respectfully, JOHN B. MELTON, STALLS 1 A 3 NEW MARKET se 17 4t Notice. v .,ai "'. "yTrK THI TtoEBSKfNEDj BUTCHERS OF Wumlngtoo, N. C, will hereafter, and until fur ther ' notice, sell CHOICE CTJT8 OF, BEEF at 10 cents per pound,; and OTHER MEATS from 5 to 10 cents' 'per pound, from our respective stalls, delivered in any jwrt of the oity free of charge. All physicians and all dealers' la cattle know that beef placed in ears during the hot summer months, without food or drink for three or four days, Is unhealthy and subject to fevers, which invariably prostrate and often kin them within two or three days after their arrival here. lithe citizens and our respective customers wm be pa tient with us for a short while we will give them ; IPAOXJTASN JSTEEP l' when the weather sIs sufficiently oold to bring it here without the risk of indangering the health of oOToIiisans. ; .. ' " :- ' -"' 'We are now - selling FINE PASTURE FED BEBV from the eountlej of Sampson, Duplin and Onslow, which is fat, healthy and sweet. Bespectf ollv, . .. . JNO. B. MELTON, . . "HAYS A JONES, . 1. W. KING A SONSk r, 1 H. C. GREEN, .. U , W. J. KELLOGG A SONS. ;'J 'i Si A: I i 'it ' ;aepl?tt Extra noticed J IS TO CERTIFY THAT- NO BUTCHER whoss name appears above, has EYES bought, or expects to buy,' a smgie Beefor even a pound of Beef; from tits so-called firm of J. F. GarrelL A Son. Vi:v - SO J St - 'y':Z- BATCSOF ASVERTIIinCv One SQtare One Day,...,,...,..;:,!,. I -t M - Days,...m - 5 w i. ; iaxBeDay8,..,...,..tv,,,, ; - 1 . rourDays , " . OneVeek,. ..s.., ' Jhree Weeks, , 1 Z - 2 Months,......-..-.. l " Three Mouths...... i 2 " lxMoatrn-....w...;.... " , ; One Tear....... t . . OOontract AdvertTsesaoaU tak at frc; ttmatelylowiatck ry - v Tea Caes soHd Nonpareil type make one tqn . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. , TWO DWELLINGS, " -""' - Not. 613 and 817 Dock f treet Apply to V - -' " , llll km 1 sel88t ; GEaSAREISS "& CO. ForEent; rf "' A r HOUSE, withfourroomsand kitchen, Mm I goMcisternof water on the jprenjises, Pif i mt m first class order, on 2nd between r i . choinut and Mulberry streets. ; ; i'-i 5 - Apply to - - -se 15 tf ; W.K.B0WDEN. - sJ'Ko Dwelling Htass on Piinceas. between ill lhandSth Sts;',ntalamgsUrcK)ms, Store, No. 10 Market titreet. ' sel3tf SAM'LBEAR, Sr.. WrWJlS?;; ' T)ttta Ith0 lBfc el October, two etory git VQfl. Seooud sit, between Church i"!' land Nun, 416. Apply tou'' " v-.'. - J B. 8WRENEY, or " - se 13 tf ... . . - - - M. J. CORBK1T. .- ' For Eent, f -1 1 STORES, OFFICES ' (III llll " AND DWELLING 3. f . - -- . ; . ; ...V v-. ,4 . -.- 'Apply to' -;''' T IX. O'CONNOR,- : ; - - Beat Estate Agent. V Mill au23tf ForBentiiSiai The Store, "EXCHANGE CORNER," i Siii! L i i Sill Lat P186114 occupied by Miss E. Karrai,' - "I1'. i Ifrom lBt ot October. frADrJvto -i; 1 1 aul9tf ' : - :'''":,:-7;;T.'Bi'siHTa. -Fbrntliii; , That deslrabje BRICK TENEMENT , HOUSE, situated on Front between Or i it Si lange and Ann streeta Said House con- a Ifnlnn seven rooms. ' Apply to ' ; : auSOtf . . WM.G. FOWLER. TlfY CUSTOMERS WILL PLEASE TAKE, NO . - y . "'. 'Jt ., . A'''-cvv:' tlce that I am moving my GROCERY BUSINESS -. " -'; i to the old George Myers Store, VV ::il 2 ' ' ::v-v: JNOS. 11 South Front St Where I hope to be fully established aitf ready for buriness by v-'v-'cy Saturday Morning; Please bear this in mind when making' orders on Saturday. Respectfully, ' 5. it JNO. lOATWRIGnT y se 18tf ; -.-..-i iW.-iiiarHist'.'' Steamer Passport RUN REGULAR TRIPS 'vwra VILLE during Court Weekcomraeacinj Vi--; & 3i 3 day, September SI. WEI leave at C A. M. ' ,y i 1 sel83t . J. W.HARPJt&i Silk Hats! l& 5 if. , New Styles will be open This Week, v'-t- ' - :' j ww a iMnia - s w n i j. HARRISON A ALLFf 12 ' se!8 tf Oysters r OystersHi; rTHE FINEST OF THE SEASON I ; . ;,; . , , '"2 , .iv , ;.:. AT STAR 8ALOON4. 22 ---T;',rj; t ; 13 Market 8treetr se!2tf , .; GEO. F. HERBERT, Prep'r. y- On Gents' LoV Shoes yyit WILL GIVE YOU A BARGAIN TO CLOSE . i out stock, and all kinds of FOOTWEAR webffe at BARGAINS during this week. Call bl , ant see what yofecando. -.mi fn? '.yf. Geo. E; French 2& Sbnl, 108 NORTH FRONT STREET, sep 13 tf i- - ? Glass Fruit Jars IHAVE THE COHANSSY TN STOCK' NOW. in half gallons and quarts. They have given satisfaction to customers for three seasons, viz.? Cheapness, ease with which they are sealed, snd toe fact that the contents touch nothing feu glasC Call and buy them at j,, , 813 tf . GEO. A. PECK'S. ; Fall Stocfc WE ARE B3ECETVING OUR FALL STOCK OF Cooking and Heating 8toves,Houe Furnish teg Goods,Grates and Grate Fixtures. Kerosene Oil Stove something new. iDont fan to exam ine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. We prepared to offer Se 18 tf ; ' 8ona Front St, - Cotton and Naval Stores SHIPPED TO TJS WILL BE CaBJCTULLY BLAII died at fall market value. ' " Orders for Bagging. Ties, Hoop- Iron and Glue filled at low prices.. , -: WOODY A CURRIE, , 'i ,' r 0omml8sidh Xerchasts, ' -.sel7tf , . Wilmington, N, a 'SCottonPresslifi:: YfE HAVE OMB OF THE CEIEBRATED MO NARCH COTTON PRESSES 'ta Btocirwhich ess be had at a low figure. Guarantee It to be supe- ; r-s.; WM.B. SPRINGER A CO.j ' selStt - .( I t A V q ml mTt DWVOb ' ,v -. ; WUniington , N. C, l-iJ-A:;:.. - .. - . - ; ;jyvy:; -' 4 ' - . - - .-7 s -V. ' ' ' - t