... . -' 1." - r- - 5 -: ?rr; - 4 fOR COUGHS AND CROUP US5 .t mm. as fathered from a tree of the ana name. i Hiiir aloM tl msI1 rtre" "e 8eo0ra State, T: T.IM a stimolatlns expectorant principle that ktoseua . Snhle"m prodociag the early morning eoaga. and Uian- : . thchili to thmw off the false membrane in cronp aa4 , Uin-cott!th. When combined iritli the healin mod TrfSuJ principle In the raoUeln plant of tti old Mda. pre- ZZaa Taylor's Ch0 Bihxdt 0 StmQM ilro -u",.zti the finest known remedy ftr Coogha, Croup, iSioi'nr-Coash and Consomptioa; and palatable, any!; .J STCnieased to take It. Ask Tom-drajnrtat for It. Price." r el inii fiYy AX TERaTtAYIOB, Atlanta. GaT - "T" 1)B BlfiGERS- HUCKLEBERRY CORDIAL Sw p;rh'.'DysentcrT and Children Teething. For take ffiy 1517 too nrml . ' Did you Sup-" : pose Mustang Liniment only-good for horses ? It is' for inflamma-. tion of all flesh. -. - v :. - feb 1 D&W gututh arm chm A Clear Skin is only a part; ofi beauty ; ; but it is a part. ,. Every lady : may have it; at least, what f looks like it. Magnolia' Balm both freshens . and beautifies. - ! ' " ----- feblDiW sututh nnn ' ch m Hot Springs at Tour Door. y&tptinzs Physicians nse in their own Cases and Prescribe for Others .- - . . Buffalo Lithia i Water in ' " : . ; SsiUT, RHEUMATISM, AND DISEASES GENE KALLT OP URIC ACID DIATHESIS4 ' DR. JAMES L, CABELL,' ' - ' Professor of Physiology and Surgery In the Med ical department of the University of Virginia wid President of t le National Board of Health, and former Eesident Physician, Hot Springs Firguua. 2 --.1 . 'The water of Spring No. 8 eontaina in nota ble quantities two of the Alkalies, which are ac credited as extremely valuable in the treatment of Gout, Lithiasia, and Liver Affections. I refer to the Carbonates of Potash and Litkia. It is now web known that both of these alkaline carbon ates have an ascertained value in eases of . Uric Add Diathesis connected with Grand, and m cases of C hronic Gout, because of their affinity for Vrie A&i, and the great solubility of the salts which are formed by their union with that acid." v . DR. ALQEHNON S.GABNXTT, nrjeon (Retired) U. S. Navy, Eesident Phyalelan Eot barings, Ark. , "s'TesTterlftTioelii i the" nsa'of Bnffalo Lithla ater is limited to the treatment of Gout, Rheu matism, and that hybrid 'disease 'Rheumatic Oont' ;so called), which is in contradistinction to the Rheumatoid Arthritis of Garrod. - , "I have had excellent results from this Water in. tuese affections, both In my own person asa u. the treatment of patients for "Whom I have pre scribed it Of oocrae iq remed'al agent Is Its pr2-sL .-. - lies and their sorvent property. " it-, prophylactic as well as a reme 45 trsj . Ooiio and fcrmiae CalcolL wrsu 1 W, B. TOWLES t - " ''r " SDcicty of Virginia, Resident .. ; ..w i,:.: flings, Vi,;-- w,elLno hesitaiicy whateyer hi sayuig that in H t noenmatic Gout, Shemnatism, Stone in I?fJ Pladder. and all diseases of Uric Acid Dia iSt rIS7 of no remedy at all comparable to ci?i4a Water Sprinir Nd. 8. In asinglo SfSnshts Disease of the Kidneys Xwifr n72P marked beneficial results from its hr?nM ifrom lts action in this particular ease, I gon-d have great confidence in it in this die-. DS. T. B. BUCHANAN, ' : ; , Kssident Physician, Hot SprtogsVUrkT S; tortSvr!1? fiT? cases Buffalo Lithia Water,' Sf No.2, I have made use of this Water for tieBte?tmJ0Fn case? and prescribed it f or pa Kllarly,snfferin with the most decided 2. ,tes' I take pleasure in advlain aty patients to theseru w. fcDBft of one dozen half gallon bottles sr,0886 at tho Springs. , ., .. i 1 Wamphietmaifed to any address, n7 .S5stn5 fodQreen' -Wlww the Sprta algoSs Bank of New Hanover; Aataorized Capital, - Capital paid in, 8irpha Fund, - - S1,00$000 - S50.000 DIRECTORS : f ?r t QOEE, C.JC8T1UN W. WTLLIAMS, ISAAC BATES, f 5ALD MacRAB, JAS. 1 51 R. S3ID6EES, g, B B0Bli7 J W. ATKINSON. ;"- . . fflAAC BATES, President, C-j W. wtlliams. vice PrwMeni 8. D. WALLACE, Cashier. son Sc Hanning's 'Esuraneellooing, - N-113 NOHTH WATER STREET, Karing ana Lift ' nmmi5iiP ' ii0Pttal Represented Over 100lbcV Yroclamation; ;f '&J c?, ATTHIS SEASON OT Waese Wready and wilt Atkin The Alorning-Star AJJVAWCBD TnoiIGnT. -i Meatt 4?? tlieTe In thedeyU now : AS their ftH0T0-'l-.O.r trJ An.i t-- rney ve forced ihe-door of the broadest creea - -.- To let ; his JW&jesty tbtoush.' s- There wnt a print of hfs 3oven feet, ' - Or a fiery dart frona- fcis bow, f To be found in earth2 eft air to day. ui uo wunu nag yraea so.i i . But who is it mixes Jhe fatal draught S v ; r That DalsiRA hpTart Airtf lri'n w ; : - And loads the bier of each passing vear ' t'. " .t:u uunurca vwaaa stein t Vho blfghte the bloonr of he ktid to-day.y I With the fiery breath ef hell I ,v ; . It the devil isn't, aad neverwam' nyu. bjiomeooayise fu.r4.mr ? . , - - Who doe the step of the toiling eaint Who digs the jit "for his feel ? i ?-f jWho sows the taifes U the fields of time' ejyerwra sows ItfsjphejMfcJr ; The deyii is voted nof to He, ? t. " r - And of course lbe iuinfetrae5 uui wuu w uoidz meKina 01 work: - - . mo uovu aione can ao 7 t . jy say he, does not 0 around rike9 a roaring linti nnw - ' t- But who shalire hpldf res'ponsible . . 7- ror .neeveriasung row To be heard in iiome, and; Church, and To the earth's remotput hound - If the devil, by a unanimous yote, ' ' 1 nownere to tie found 1 ; JWoiWmeDodyicbme'to' tiroaVfortlT-: - a 3 1 r - r- . How the frauds and crimes of a single day opnng upr..we want to snow.' , ! ,The deyil is voted not to be, , f - 00 01 course the devil s gone ; : -: - " But 8imDl8 neorjle wonM litfp. tnlrnrtw -.- - ; . Who carries his business on. - . , RELIGIOUS MISCELLANY. The devil, probablj, keeps pret ty close at the heels of a political parson. PMl. Record. 1 W-r -Viy----a; " f"; If man hasn't enough religion save his soul with. Sam Jones. ' " ' . Iva seen men not afraid to die, but 1 never saw a man that was not afraid of the Judgment of God. Sam Jonea;t I V-tr Sam Jones' - tent is on its way to Augusta, ua., and preparations are ma kin? to receive and entertain 5,000 people at the national holiness convention, begin ning Oct 3, ana lasting ten days. ' s 1- - 1 tfri wvi aali m- 1 rt- -f Vl a -4 1 V -. i o t church, at Jonesboio, Ga.rStili.- contiuues. On Sunday"" thirty-seven Arsons were re ceived into the fellowship of the church. Small has been ; invited tu ai l n the ineeUngH r!f--:it rtlih'A : i is related of a Litchfield Epis copalian that:. his - admirationr- for Bisbop Williams i8o gret that he often. drives SO miles to hear him in this vicinity: But the last time he had the chance he did not im prove it, Baying that every time the Bishop a text had been the same, :. "What is that to thee ? - Follow thous me " Waterbury ?f- The condemnation of Bishop .Watson seems to us judicious and timely, ' Congregational singing, which is an im portant part of divine, worship, is an abso lute custom in the churches of the diocese pf - Eastern Carolina. It has become so much the custom to exclude the. congrega tion from the hymnal -worship that -we would almost favor the exclusion of the church, organ. iftisaMA CUy Economist. : , Probably nothing adds so much to our bitterness of grief over those -who bave gone away from us into the lifede Vond .as the recollection that we havedfpoi ken hard words and ' dealt , severely fw ith them when we might have been forbearing and tender and helpful. We hear others eay that it is all the same to them now, for. our hearts refuse to accept so unworthy an attempt at justification. &rtrd Advocate. $ Should not the theological taining of today be revised! Various reasons demand it. Much of tfcls training in n nt Inn nRpfnT. ' Some rr ' r.(t per- tot ger- xnane, to ministerial work.' 13, in inost instances, speci,. generaL Much of his prep; r prepare; In other departr tion it is a time of Dew minieter ire, not 'oesuCt. fda ca llow much naa theological training ciianuJ in a quarter of a century? JDr.' Fotter. cf New York. ; jSlh-;:::ZC'-, f - I heard Sam Jones speak seven times during: the meeting at Plattsburg Springs. -He strikes from the gospel harp strangely new andfwonderfnJlypowerfal music. He made - the preachers cry and Say amen and resolve to do better;-; 1 used to go to every circus that came along. But all the clowns together never made me laugh as much aa Sam Jones did. And I've heard some good preaching in my life But the preaching of Sam Jones made me weep more than any - other preaching. Rev. N. R. Pittman in:JRaleigh Recorder. V'- Spmts Turpentine ' . Wadesboro Times: The Anson Institute is now " flourishing .With about 90 scholars.- Mr. Solomon Jones, near Pee Dee, lost his barn of tobacco some' days ago by fire. " : " - - , . - New Berne Journal: Mr. John Thorpe, of Riverdale, reports that his wife hilled a large rattlesnake in his yard a few days ago. - We predicKthat -within twenty years from now. the entire trade in fertilizers in North' Carolina will be in the hands of land-owners of the alluvial section of our State. ' -' . ;. .' ' Chadbourn Zlmes: We congrat ulate our Fair Bluff friends upon the pros pect of having a nice Academy at an early day. The building has: been let to Mr. L. M. Powell. Mr. a Powell is at Abotteburg, N. O He writes us that he is studying the French language preparatory to-going as a missionary to Algeria.' - : ' Charlotte Democrat: From the, first of September to Thursday, the 24th, there were 2,624 bales of cotton sold in this market, being 1'669 bales more than for the same time last last year. -The new iron fence around the court house is a gbodpiece pf work. The fence Is high enough and Substantial. . It , was made at Capt John Wilkes's foundry in this cityr . . ; :. !" Greensboro Workman: ', Gov. Scales has commuted the death sentence of Abram Hensley, Madison county, for mur- der, to Imprisonment for iif ev upon;the re commendation of tho Judge, solicitor and many prominent citizens. -Revv D. A. Highfill, pastotlof the Cedar Falls cir cuit, writes that a powerful revival mee ingis now in progress at - Worthville and that up to the present time forty-seven have professed conversion and thirty-seven have been added to the membership. - ' . I RaleighXiw-Oftwer' Last evening Sam Strickland, colored ."was brought here from ' Mark's Oreek township by Mr. John Earp andputin jail, Strick land Wednesday morning shot, at his brotber-in law, Willis Moutagnei with ia Tifle, but did not hit him. It was the re sult of a f aimly qoarrelf i-rr- ThetGov; ernor has appointed Mr. Jr Wr Cooper; State Senator from Cherokee, a member of th Board of Directors of the Penitentiary, vice Hon.'; James Ii Jidblnscm, resigned. 7' Application was made and granted for the placing of .two memorial tablets In Me-- uionai nail. One at thRHP wili hft ' of trw i late CoLJohn EL .Wheeler ther historian, upon application of, his son. MaJ.; Wood bury, Wheeler , The other is of Hon; ..Jacob Thompson, Secretary of the" Interior under Buchanan.,. This application is made by Mrs.- Thompson Mr, i Thompson died at Memphis, Tennessee, a short time ago. He was once a member: of . the faculty of the University . J ': j Chadbourn Times: Mrt J, R. Ken- J - 1 M ..... . - - mm. .JTil jey, uenerai Duperinienuent - or ITanspor tation of the division of the Atlantio Coast Line between Richmond and .Charleston, was In our town olast. Saturday. Mr Kenly is said to be one of the most efficient railroadmen m the South. He is prudent, energetic and alive to everything of mutu al Interest to the people and the Company He seeks to 'build up the country, accom- mod atfl ! ftTtd hpnpflt th -TWivrxla " ao -molt tit, build up the road: ';He?has made a lasting 1 impression nere. ... v , i Raleigh,rTOtV50VIr.. C.VB. Fowler died at his, residence . in this city last, evening, Aged about 35 or 40 years. Mr.Towler was born and raised in our ciry. University have "decided to erect 'a new j uuuiug uKMWiauMY.i. Xlio pro- tracted meetings at the Edenton Street Me thodist iclrre-growing interest They are wdl attended and much feeling Is being manifested.- TheL total - number of pension applications thus far filed with the Auditor is. 4,206.-c Of c these 290 are of Boldiers and X316 of , widow8j,;r 5 A die patch was received here to-day announcing the death of CoU JosephJSaundersv which took' place in Pitt county Jast nicht. CoL Saunders was a brother of CoL .iW. .1. I oaunaers, secretary of State, who left the city-yesterday ; afternoon to, attend his bed-, side. The deceased : was.a gentlendau high ly esteemed., for ,:his many qualities,;, and was' a man of line business tacU He had chargic : of the fineestates of, the late Wm. Grimes," Esq., in that section, of the. State. The cause of his death we learn was hem orrhage fever. The remains will be in- . terred at Scotland Neck to-morrow. . . POLITICAL POJ NTS. - ; The Convention has nominated a strong ticket, though not ; a brilliant one. iV, ReroMr lad. Rep f - As between John Sherman and the solid South, the 'public will incline to the South. Milwaukee Journal, 'Rep. -- - ; - t ,,-7, This is a . pretty .strbng ticket, and the Democrats will have to do their bestvin order to beat it. JV. F. Sun, Butler. Organ. ....-:, , :. c:;: t Juugwumpry seems to be infec tious. All the leading German newspapers in Ohio have joined the independent force?. -YSan Francisco Examiner. '- .- ; " : The traitors who stol.o the Gov ernment bonds, ships, fortresses, arms and ammunition under ole Jimmy Buchanan ali sneer at the bloody shirt issue. Clew. land Leader. Rep. - . .; v i - It is a - good many -years since therV was so general an agreement among all classes of Republicans about the merits of a State ticket as there is ' about the one nominated yesterday. Brooklyn Union, Mug. :.. ;j'-;,v:j'---. I The Republican '"State ticket is remarkable for its uniform excellence. Every man on it is not only unobjection able, but has a positive fitness for the office for which he is named.' N. 1 Y. Evening Tost, Rep. ' r ; AS GOOD AS IF THEY WERE I . . V ' ' ." OLV. , . -,.;.:;. Truth advertised for an. original proverb.. Many hundreds were sent in. Here are some of the best: - - '-r:p' ' ; A white lie often makes a black story. ; ; - It's a poor musician who can't blow .his Own trumpet. v ' ."s; - He who would eat the egg must; first break the shell. v ".1 ' - ' Every back has ita pack. ' " " The man who wishes to continua believ- ing in his friends should never pufthem to the proof. : ;-" ' v- I Tens and ink otit of reach avoid'many "a breach. t 'e!.; ' ' -S' ' . - - Look after your wife": never mind your sel f , she'll look after you.. ."-, 1 The present is the child of the past and the parent of the future."' " ' .: ,-.? -iitj. The want of money is the root of much, evil. "s'-nv,.i;,Jv; -;i-..;-. Egotism is an alphabet with one letter; ! Better a line of sense than a page of non- Mta luv6 women, omen love a man. The surest road to honor is to d&scrve it. ; .OiiSy whisper ocanoa!,. and its echo is heard by al;., i It's not the clock Uh the loudest tick ha goes the beet. 7 I Sighs are poor things to fly with. ! Home is the rainbow of life. They who live in a worry-invite death to h f When girls grow fond the men abscond.'. JSO UTHEJZXf ITEMS? ' I . Southern fruit-dealers have been visiting Mexico this year with a view to bringing the fruits of Vera Cruz and other Provinces into competition with those of. California and the South. Dr. Daggarj' an economical member of the Legislature from Fannin county, walks from his home to Atlanta, a distance of eighty,, miles, and he is over 70 years old. Thotndston Oa.) Herald. i Savannah, Ga. Sept. -23. J do. Holmes, colored, was shot and killed by Cliff Scott; a mulatto fisherman, hear Fa-' rysburg, 8. C., about twenty miles above Savannah on Sunday. The murder, re sulted from a dispute about 'fifteen cents, claimed to be due on a string of fish., Scott escaped and is still 'fiX "Jarge--Special Dis patch, to the News and Courier. ; PERSONAL. I The Earl of Shaftesbury is dan gerously ill. x . Mme.1; Judio is a , passenger ' on ihe St. Simon, due Friday. . , . Sir Charles Dilke makes $25,000 a year out of the' London Athenaum. r r Goldsmith' Maid is dead. She had the honor at one time to be recognized as the Queen of the turf.' She had a record Of 2.14. Some of Walt WBitman's ad- mirers nave preseniea mm a norse ana phaeton -Do they expect to fatten a horse On "Leaves of Grass." - - 1 Vice . President" Hendricks'left Washington'' Friday morning' for 'Atlantic City, N. J. .where he will make a short stay and then proceed to his home in Indiana. ji -ecrejtary amar has been suffer ing from an attack of influenza.-. The Pre- sident is struggling with a severe- attack" of 1,inflooence.''r Much sympathy is felt for both of ; the distinguished: sufferers. St. Louis Pott-Dispatch -- . TT. , . ' m mi ' ' "VA' iyf lag. Xadowment , fa" conferred upon that magnificent institu tion, the humari system; iyUDr. CPierce's MGoldettMediealDiscovery, that fortifies it against the encroachments of disease, t It is the great blood. Turifter and alterative and as a. remedy vfor consumption, bron chitis, and all diseasesjof a wasting nature,' its influence is rapid, efficacious and per manent. Sold everywhere. - l "GHAKY." . ed by MefcenaroMen. : 4: f--.-,r.---r.. ,r- f.rfX'f J Itis anotable fac that the people of, Atlanta m4 elsewhere are begging Jo he JhorougbJy convinced that worlthleworapounds become rahaky" at all nW innovations,' while an honest preparatioa never fears opposltijln. - We do not propose to "wipe oat" others, as the field for op eraUon Is large, and we accord to one and all the same privileges we :ehjoy.--We are not so far lost tor business principles as to denonnce any remedy as a fraud, or imitation, or as containing Vegetable poison, the effects of which are horri ble to contemplate. 1 The' alarm need not be i ". ..--'r.'v' --u '-' va,i . s ' : pounded, for there la ample room for all declln- ing antl-potash,p!ne-t6p slop-water eompounds., I IT one bottle of B. B. B.Ta more valuable" In ef fects than half, adozan of an; other preparation We wont get mad about ifc. ;K ten bottles of Br B, B. cure a case of blood poison which others paid not cure at all, it only proves that B. B. B. is far die best mediclce. . . .;: Jr. r; ' : ;. 20.000 BotUea r ' i '5-:-- ;- -,.:? . , "' pt B. B. B. have been sold to parties living inside the corporation of Atlanta since it was started two years ago! ., , . - r , Why this wondexfal sale of a new remedy in so short a time with soOlttle adverttsmgf . ' : It most be confessed that It is because B. B.B, has proven Itself to possess inerlt to the cure of blood, skin and kidney- diseases. Hundreds of home certlftcates attest the fact of our olalm that in Atlanta and many other points B. B. B. is "on top," and will stay there. Many persona desire to know how the BT B. B. acts on the sys tem. By entering the circulation It modifies the vitiated blood globules, inoreases the red cor puscles, antagonizes all. poison, vitalizes and re generates the flagging; forces, furnishes the pab ulum for rich new blood, eliminates aU poison through the secretions, and Increases the appe tite, while, by its wonderful action upon the pores of the skin, the kidneys, liver and glandu lar system, all effete and impure matter is speed lly conducted from the body, leaving the blood pure, fresh and healthy. ' -' i By Its magical alterative powers, B. B. B. un loads the blood of all -Impurity unlocks the liver, arouses air secretions, restoi 09 nature to its normal condiUor; unolouds the troubled brain, ' clears and -beautifies the complexion cheers the despondent, strengthens the feeble, calms the disturbed nerves, and induces 'quiet and peaceful slumbers. It has been In use over twentyfive years as a private prescription in the South. ' '' - ' It Is no far-fetohed, foreign found or dream discovered subterranean: wonder," but is a soien tlflo and happy combination of recognized vege table blood poison agents, effected after many, years of constant use yad experiment in the treatment of thonsandsof some of .the most ap palling cases "Of scrofulous, eyphllitlo and cu taneons blood polsdns ever known In the State, resulting Incomplete and unparalleled cures of prononnoed Incosable oases: ' .-- v Send to Blood Balm Co, Atlanta, Ga., for a copy of their Book of Wonders.rrj filled with Information about BJood and Skin Diseases, Kid ney Complaints, Ac. ' ' ..-'"'.." - TTABD'S WOES. His Desperate Struggle and How it T ; - ' " ----- S, . " ' 1 . : ' Ended. ' " I J ost . t wenty-even miles from Ithe classlo city of Athens, Ga Is located the thriving little town pf ICaxey's, the ireskenoe of Ifr Bobert Ward, who has Just been released from a most perilous prsdioament, the particulars of which- he has consented to give to the public He writes as follows: . . - . - . MlXSfS, OOUTHOBPK Co., GA., ' - - - July Sth, 1885. For twelve or frnrteen yars I have Ibeen a great sa2?rer from tx terjlblff form of blood pc;son,wLica ran lute the secondary, and finally it was pronounce?. tertiary form. My bead, face aad 5am.l6.3r8 tocan.; SlKO? corruption, -fcd. Snilly th9 diseas" cotn (t eating away my skull bontd. I beam aor ri&ly repulsive that for three years 1 Wo:u-;i7 refused to let people see me. . I used large quan tities of most noted blood remedies and applied to nearly all physiclansnear me, but my condi tion continued to grow worse, and all said tha t -mast surely die.' Xy bones became the seat of excruciating aches and pains; my nights were passed in misery: I was . reduced in flesh and strength; my kidneys were terribly deranged, and life became a burden to me. . .' ; 1 chanced to see an advertisement of B. B. B., and sent ons dollar to W. a Blrchmore & ' Co., merchants of our place, and they procured one bottle for me. ' It was used with decided benefit, and when eight or ten bottles had been used I was pronounced sound and welL Hundreds of soars can now be seen on me, looking like a mas who had been burned and then restored.., Xy case was well known In this county, and for the benefit of others who maybe similarly affected, I think it my duty to give the facts to. the public, nod Ut extend my heartfelt thanks for so valnable a "remedy. I have been weUIover twelve months, and no return .of the disease has occurred. ' s ROBERT WARD. ' - Maxbt's,-Ga4 July 1, 1885. We, the under Blgnedfknow Mr. Robert Ward, and take pleas ure In saying that the facts above stated by him are .true, and that his was one of the worst cases of Blood Poison ' we ever knew in our county, and that be has been cured by the nse of B. B. B. Botanic Blood Balm.'; ; ' " - V" A. T, BaiaHTWEUft Merchant, ' 'l r W. C. BmcHMOBi ifc Co Merchants. J. H. BsieBTwxu, X.D. " , . John T. Habt, . . W. B. CAKFBKIA. . . ." - 7 -. 1 "r I Atiakta, GAJuly 10,1885.-iWe are acquainted With A. T.Brlghtweli and W. C.Bhohmore A Co whose names appear above,' and take pleasure to saying that they are gentlemen of undoubted veracity and worthy of confidence In any asser tion they may make." ' . . - . " - HOWARD- CARTER, . ' Wholesale Druggists, Atlanta, Ga. Sold Everywhere, ' ' t ; BEITIARKS. i If B. B. B. will cure such terrible cases as the above, Is It not reasonable to suppose that any and all cases of Blood Dlf eases can be cured? We do not announce the cure of a man while he Is at home groaning and suffering with the dis ease, but all ; of our . certificates are words of truth from thoserwho have been cored and can look yod squarely in the face and say eo We cure In a shorter ttmej with less money and less mediolne than ever before known. ; C . Zj 1 We will mail our Book of Wonders,1, free to anyone, filled with more astounding hoine evi dence than ever before published. Call on your drnggtet, or address : 7 f -r ; - '-rr BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Qa. -' jyl2D4Wly mm snC, '-,' ft? 4 WHOLESALE PRICES. ;j CBOut, qnotatloDs, it should be; understood, represent thej wholesale'. ;Teesvigenerally'ln making up email o rders higher prices hare to be ehariced-:;;g:fit4; BAGGING Gunny ;v? Standard.......... 00 il2 B AOON Knrth OttTWllna -c: llama, flT fi '..;... ; i v Shoulders, 9 1 ... S. ' r- Sides, choice, 10 WzsTHBri Smoked Earns. 1 ft jr.'i" ..UJ Sides, V ft;.i.ii..v:.;i.:r" Shoulders, 9 ft..;..'...--.Bj. Dbt SairrxD Sides, 9'ft.Vfv ..v ? ri 6? i- Shoulders, 9 v....:.b..;.tt-i''.& 15: i tut m la & "? ?4iuutLiB pixiis 'inrponiine, . -. Second Hand, each..'..v.;i- T.J fSO & f. r New Now Yorfc, each , . 00 (j 15 t80 f" Kew City, each...;..... 00 BBBSWAX 9 ftt. &esti .W,'a.ii" iSS" BRICKS Wltoihigton, 9 M.... v 8 00 - Northern. . ... . i. .-.t-, .w. . - 0 08 fcUTTEB -r-Korth Carolina, B ft. 00 ' Korthern. ft...".'....... 20 & 900 . & i 00 ' , 16 24 - ;4&r CANDLES S.fc--Spernir .-' M 0 Tallow....... AM ; 12. -Adamantino . . -00 t vc CHEiSR ft-Horta'nB'aet'y . 19 o',:l ' Dairy, Creaax. ' 11. '12'- --State-.. .v 'v'".''";-" S -O : 10,.;t ft Java...........' 18 & "-- 28 v - - Lagayras .1. :.;-......v - A 00 ' & ..t: -Rio , wa 10 GOILN MULL 9 bush., In sacks, - TOg Sfaji Vfrginia Xeal....,.,-, 77Ha i :80 , -COTTON TlES S bundle.?....- 1 20 I 85 " DOMESTICS Sheeting. 4-4, 9 7. r . V ? - varns. Dunon. . w t . o EGGS 9 dozen'..v..i.i."J:.w FISH Mackerel, No. 1. 9 bbl...:: 00 Maokerei, No. 1. half bbl. 1 50, TMackereli No. 8, bbl; -v 8 60 ? Mackerel, No. 2, half , j 6 00 ' Mackerel, No. 8, bbl...... 1 86 .' t 'Mullets, 9 bbl............... 6 00 C KuUets,PorkbblB...: 11 00 , N.C. R06 Herring, 1? keg..." ;S 0C i DrvCod. ft.,. y- .12 so.; O 8 50 V 00 7 0Q o BOO'4 6 eo? ta & & 12 00 , FLOUR bbl Super. 3 EO 4 00 : - ... 'Bxtra.'.... 4 2S.n f-43M - " Family "' City MUfe Super . "r ramuyr..v"'V GRAIN W bnaheL Corn,Btore,barB,prime, white i : Corn, cargo, in bulk, . -I , Corn, cargo, in bags, ' - Corn, cargo, mixed, In bags v- Oats, from store....' Cow Peas.. . .- H1DB3 9 ft Green. . . . Dry HAY 9 100 fts Eastern....... Western . . North River...... i. HOOP IRON 9 ft- - LARD 9 ft Northern......... North Carolina LIMBr 9 barrel - UMBER City Sawed 9 M ft. Ship Stuff, resawed. , Itough Edge Plank. ... . . West India Cargoes, accord ing to quality.... Dressed Flooring, seasoned. 18 00 15 00 IS 00 20 00 16 00 18 00 22 00 15 00 13 00 Scantling and Boards.com'n 12 00 KOixAJSSBS 9 gauon . . New Crop Cuba, lnhhds.... - n ' " to bbls ... Porto Rico, in hhds , " in bbls Sugar House, In hhds . -. - inbbla Syrup, to bbls NAILS 9 keg Cut. lOd basis.. OILS 9 gallon Kerosene .... Lard Linseed.. Rosin Tar. .r....... ' Deck and Spar.... POULTRY Chickens, live.grown " Spring: - - Turkeys 24 26 28 30 00 00 22 00 12 10 90 15 00 00 26 15 o o ' 26 80 SO 85 0O . -20 85 325 13 1 4b 1 00-' 18 20 22 00 45 60 7 00 11 EO . 00 a - mi 70 PiANUrS 9 bushel 32 lbs.... POTATOES 9 bushel Sweet.. Irish, per barrel, new........ PORK 9 barrel City Mess.... Prime iv Iiunip. -. . . . . . . -. - BICB-Carolina, ft...;..:.... Rough, 9 bushel OTpland).; Do, do . (Lowland) BAGS 9 ft Country City. . BOPC-9 ftr... SALT salt-Alum ........... . Liverpool Lisbon......:. American.. SUGAR Granulated . . . . Standard A White Ex C... ....... Ex C, Golden, i V Yellow.... SOAP 9 ft Northern :. SHINGLES 9 M Contract.... Common. ....I......: ' Cypress Saps........ i.-.-.. - Cypress Hearts.... v. STAVES 9 M W O Barrel. . . . B O Hogshead . .. TALLOW ft. i . . : ; ;. . . . s . ... . 2 00 12 00 . 14 00 13 60 . 00 0 1360 4 T 6 5 80 10 E3 100 . 0 - 1 u. I4i 70 79 00 00 1WL' 64-; 6 a, 6Ka: M ;t. 75 " 00 75 1 ' 6J 1 00 v 50 5 00 1 7 60 T 600 t 00 -4 60. 0 00 8 00 00 00 44 00 10 00 :' - t TIMBER M feet Ext Heart tist class yellow Jjtoe). .. 9 00 10 00 Prime ship's; 1st class heart. 8 00 8 00 ' Bxtra Mill, good heart...... 6 60 8 00 ' M1U Prune 6 00 6 50 Common Mill......... 4 00 - 6 00 Inferior to Ordinary .... 8 00:4 00 WOOL ft Washed.......... '- 18 . 20 Unwashed-13 15 Bamr.:. ........ 10 O - 11' WHISKEY 1? gallon Northern 1 00 5 00 North CaroUna.... - 1 00 8 50 WH.irHNGTOt EIONKY fffABKET. .- :r '. . - Exchange (sight) on New ' York. . .. . . M discount - Baltimore . . . H - : Boston.:. u r Philadelphia ...M ' - -rvr a r.i ....... 17 it f Exchange, 80 days, 1 9 eent. j Bank or New Hanover bcook. .-. First National Bank Stock.-. 5 Navassa Guano Company Stoeb 140 North Carolina Bonds Old Ex -Coupons. ... - 2S : trandiiig, um.... 10 ' " : Funding, 1863.. 10 WJb WRR Bonds, 7 e (Gold Interest)' ! I: 118 -Carolina Central RR Bonds, 6 Wo.......... 106 . Wilmington, OoL & Augusta R R Vonds: . 106 Wttolngton City Bonds (new) 6 Jc.. .....'. IOO :; 1 " " " S9o.:... .100 ?rw Hanover CountyBonds, 6W0 ...:,... 10O- WUmington & Weidoii " w R Stock:. .. ....... 110 ' North Carolina RR 8tooh 83 WiItn1-:ctoii Gas light Company Slooi ... 60 , Tiitmtu.::: Coitun lOils Stock 120 2s2corrs:jiiS-Sr makes OUTLD-BIRTH The time -has. come at last .. When the terrible' agony tool-' . dent to this very critical period : In a woman's rife can be avoi-. ded. A distinsuished physl-. . . clan, who passed the greater: . portion of his life (forty-four -yearsi to this branch of prac- . tice, left to child-bearing wo-, , : man this priceless legacy and . life-saving appliance. ,"TflE MOTHERS' FRIEND," and to- , day there are thousands of the . best Women in ear land who, ; having used this wonderful re medy before confinement, rise . up and call his same blessed. We receive letters from eve- ry section of the country thanking us for placing this preparation to the reach of , suffering woman. -, One lady!." r from North Carolina writes us ."' that she : would :Jlke to thank ; the proprietors on her knees for brirguyr Jt to her notice, .. 1 as in -her previous . confine ment she had two doctors, and they were compelled to nse chloroform, instruments, etc , .. and she suffered almost death; but this time she -used -"MOTHER'S FRIEND," and her la- . bor was short, quick, and al-. most like magic.-., Now, why . Bhould a. woman suffer when: . she- can void it t . We can . . prove aU we claim by living witnesses, and any one interest-;; ed can call, or have their hus- .. bands do so, at our office, and ... see the original letters, which we cannot publish. - ...- i This remedy Is one about which we cannot publish certificates, but. it -Is a most wonderful liniment to be used after the first two or three months. x - Send for our book containing valuable infor mation to women. It will be mailed free to ap plicants. Address, " ' , . - i The' Bradfield Begnlator Co., ' ' " pldBox28, AthmtaVasLl William H."-Green, Wholesale Agent, Wumingj ton,N.-C -.r-- yehsm The ; nanningf Tillies, - V'T- PUBLISHED BY, . HrLDAERrJr at MMWt S. .? Only tlJQ per annum' In advance. Cheap Ad vertising medium. ; -1 - .. ! 9U. 00 S v4 10 4 50 .5 00 8 o; to- - .' - i -i -i '-' ' r" : 65 "TO! " 68? idO-ft 62 : a v- 60 ' 61 451- ; 47ii 66 65 10 12)4 1 10 O rl 15 ' 1 10 & 1 15 , 1 10 & 1 15- .AH -S ' 8 ' 10 00 140 ' fftMMW Air) nn Condensed cbednle. TRAINS GOING SOUTHS ; i -r - ; - w - ."I .- Dated August 2j 1883. Nor81fN6;W,tally Leave Weldon tit:-. Arrive Rocky Mount. it .15P.M 8,83 P. M. ,6.&a P.M. Arrive Tarboro.T. Leave Tarboro . .-. U 4.55 P.M. 1.50 P.M. Leave Wilson ... Arrive Ooldsboro,. Leave Warsaw..... Leave Burgaw ..... Arrive W ilmington : 4.05 P. M. 4.54 P.M. 5.64 P.M. '7.C0P.M; 7.50 P.M. , 6.56 7.36 P.M.. P.M. 9.55 P.M. : TRAINfr GOING NORTH.: I H-S ': No-rDally No.48,Dafly Leave Wilmtogton.V...t; 9.27 A.M. .f3P. M. Leave Burgaw-.i.. 10.13 A. M. 9.50 P.M. 7 Leave Warsaw. ;..,.... 11.17 A.M. ll.03P.MU Arrive Goldsboro....... 12.16 P. M. 12.04 A. M. Leave Wilson... ...... 1.04 P.M. 12.63 A. MS Arrive Bocky Mount... 1.87 P.M. 1.27 A.M.' Arrive Tarboro Leave Tarboro. 4.55 P. .M.1. . M. . 1F.60A Arrive Weldon.t.., 3.05 P. M.1 2.45 A. M. .Train on Sootiand Neok Branch Road leaves Halifax for Scotland. Neek at 8.00 P. M. Return ing, leaves Sootiand Neck at 9.80 A. M. daily. l Train No. 43 North will stop at all stations. : X Train No. 40 South will stop only at Wllson, Goldsboro and Magnollav : ; : ; - - : :.: - :r - .. . . Train No. 47 makes close connection at Weldon for all DOintS North dailv. All rafl vbt Rinhmnnrl. and dally except Sunday vis Bay-Line. - -(. - l nnna mase ciose connection Tor all points North via Richmond and Washington . AU trains run solid between Wilmington and washtagton, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers .l. - .- S'- JOHN F. DIVINS, I - ' ' General Sup!. T. Mi EMSRSOat tienl Passenger Agent au4tf, : : " - " ; -, - . -; WILHIHGTOH, COL'MBIA & AttSUSTA Eailroad Co. Condensed Scnednle. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. 'Dated Aususti 1885: No. 48, Dally No. 40, Dally Leave Wilmington. . .i . 8.20 P. M. 10.10 P. M. Leave L. Waceamaw .. 9.42 P.M. 11.17 P.M. : Leave Marion... .. 11.86 P. M 12.40 S.M. A Arrive Florence..'.'...;. 12.25 P.M. 1.15A.M- Arrivetumter :....,. 4.84 A.M. 4 84 A. M. . Arrive Columbia..... 6.43 A.M. -6.40A,M. : TRAINS GOING NORTH i - , , n - 1 No. 43, DaUy No. 47,Dau : - ---- - I Leave Columbia 9.55 P, M. Arrive Sumter ............. 11.55 P.M. Leave Florence 4.30 P. M. 5.07 A. M: : Leave Marion 5.14 P. M. ; 5.53 atM. Leave L. Waceamaw .. 7.14 P.M. 7.44 A. M, Arrive Wilmington. . 8 33P.M. ' 9.07 A.M. i Train No. 48 stops at all Stations.' ' " ' Nos. 48 and 47 stop only at Brinkleys, Whltes ville, Lake Waceamaw, Fair Bluff, Nichols, Ma rlon, Pee Dee, Florence,. Timmomwille,' Lynch burg, MayesviUe, Sumter, Wedgefield, Camden Junction and Eastover . -. .' -. PasBengers for Columbia and all points on C A G. R.R., C.,C. A A. R.R. Stations, Aiken Junction, and all points beyond, should, take No. 40 Night Express. P culm an Sleeper for Augusta on this i Pullman Sleepers for Savannah on Train 48. - All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. . , JOHN F. DIVINB, Gen'ISupt. T. M. EMERSON, Genl Passenger Agent. au4tf CAROLINA CENTRAL EAJLEOill CO. Ommt OV Sin?Z2IHTESBXMT, . 1 i . Wilmington, N. O,' June 7, 1885. J Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER JUNE 7, 1885, THE FOL lowlng Schedule will be operated, on this Bllroad. . . PASSKNQSR, ' MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN: DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS. Leave Wlhntogtoa at ........... 7.45 P. M. No. L Leave Raleigh at... . 7.35 P.. M. . (Arrive at Charlotte at .6.50 A. M. i 1 Leave Charlotte at. ...9.00 P.M. No. 2. Arrive at Raleigh at.. .......... 9.00 A.. M. ! Arrive at.Wilmington at. . . . ... .8.00 A. M. Pa&sertger Tta'tss stop at retralar btu..O'fts oaIv, and Pcnts doKlfTiaUia In the Compeer's Tixno SBSJiBY DIYiSION, iA3SNG3, -f U KX PXIFSS AMD FEEiailT Ofally except SmdaTS. Leave Charlotte "LIM V. NO.S No. 4 rArrive at Shelby.... 9.35 P. M. .ueave enemy........ 9LW&.n. Arrive at Charlotte............ 12.50 P. M. Trains No. 1 and 8 make close connection at Hamlet with R. & A. Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte, j Take Train No. 1 for Statesvule, stations West ern N.C B. B Ashville and points West, . -- Also, for Spartanburg. Greenville, Athens, At lanta and all points Southwest. .. L. C. JONXS, - - ; SapertotendantT' V. W. ciiARK, General Eaewnger Agent. , - le?tf Cape Fear' Se TaiSla. YaUcy R. MM. CONDENSED TIMS TABLE NO. 4 TO TAKE effect at 8 A. M-Monday. June 22, 1885. . TRAIN NORTH. . " . . Arrtve." .Leave. Bennettsvillo ' "- v 1 8.00 a. m. Shoe Heel 9.30a.m. 19.50 Fayetteville.. .. . .. 12.15p.m. 1.00 p.m. Sanford.-. 3.00 " 8.10 . Ore Hill 4.25 ' 4.30 LTberty. 5.25 ' 6.80 Greensboro .....: 6.45 ; Dinner at Fayetteville. - V . iTRATN SOUTH. - s ' - Arrtve. Leave. - Greensboro.. . . 9 50a.m. Liberty.. 11.00 a. m. 11.05 Ore Bill.... 4 . . ...i ... 11.65 12.00 - Ssnford.. 120 p.m. 1.40 p.m. Fayetteville:.........'... 3.50 ' 4.00 . ShoeHeel... 6.25 ' -j 640 Bennettsville 8.15 ; Dinner at Sanford. , W. M. 8. DUNN, Genl Supt. ; yJNO. M. ROSE. Gen'l Pars. Agent. : je28tf v.; ...... IMPORTANT I A NEW AHBiYALUABLE DEVICE ! i A PATENT . " . " - :' Water Closlt" Seat ! ": ' " fob: ths : ' :. ' - CURB OF 'HEMORRHOIDS,1 ((Commonly called PILES,) Internal or External, and : trmjiABjrttuB ajnl. xor vnn- . i r . drenor Adults. J NO MEDICINE OR SXTRGICAL . OPERATION 1 " NECESSARY.,' . . ;' :1 ? r I have Invented a-SIMPLB WATER CLOSET SEAT, for the cure of the above troublesome and painful malady, which I confidently place before the public as a . ; ( CUE RELIEF AN1 CURE I. It has been endorsed y the leading resident Physicians in North Carolina. Is now being teetr edin the Hospitals of New York. Philadelphia and Baltimore,-, and we are satisfied the result will be satisfactory, as it has never failed else where. Youoan write to any f the Physician or prominent citizens in Edgecombe Oo7. C. "These Beats will be furnished at the foUowta WALNUT; PoUflbdv M IDIsoOTmt Phyrif CHERRY.- lf 6.00V iansaM o. the POPLAR, - ' -SOOHTiwde. v Directions for using will aooompany each Beat. ; i We trouble yon with no certificates. " We leave Che Seat to be its own advertiser. , Address - LEWIS CHAMBERLAIN Patentee, - '' ' . . - Tarbero, Edgecombe CoN. C 1V7PWf - . , - , . V 1 1 xaW?wwalai - Xost economical "an! durable Cheapest in the market-"qnality considered. ' A jniLLs, ; . Mm m Ms mjo. . COTTON PI.ANTEBS-AND STA NO- h Send for CatalogaawH; -. i-. jr.- . - : r ansylYanjgVr7cT BOAHDIHG-AI9D . DAY ; SCHOOLv y -. FOB YOUNG LADIES AND CHILDREN. ' 45 Eatt 68th srmt New York ctly . Mfes R"orjx9 refers by permission to th Hi. Iny Httosf- Slum-Thompsok, D7 D, Oxford-Mls? Rev. UKO. BECKETT. I). II. Cnlnmhla. Tsrin at ri . Rev. Bxjrax M. Field, ii. DJCdJtor of the New : a M;. -jyangeim.- ---- ie01W1m TTTANTICD Young Ladies Inoltyotconntry to .y work for us at their homes; fascinating cm-. ployment; no instructions to - buy work can- be sent by mail tdistance no objection); $6 to S9 per week can be made. , No canvassingt particulars free, or sample of work mailed for f eureente to stamps. .Please address, Hom MArrofAerDBOts Co.t Boston.-Mass. P. O. Box 1C16. rr-: - , trANTODAnax5tlveMiui or Woman In every W eountv to selL-Ani aftaAa.. JS&lBrv tux.; - mooth and expenses', pr ,commlfltion. Expense ' ' to advaTceOntfitffreeJrfuR particulars ad- ? oress ai AtWAHO elXrV AU WARE- CO., Boston, - MAss.ijti (jtctTjf i i se WDdfrV rm . r.. r.iissouni Man and Womea ef ito6& elmracter aha fntaUtSenea ExclriaiTgTerrHanr GiaratoeKi., A-waoks1 tnal of UfflnM Wiahor tn ha Wnmiu) mt mnm . A ' satisf aetoiy: A thooSand per eonttrtw bestWsaher in, - address. "WW VII uim HUU WTHIMIA BUBJKF j it. WORTH. St. LOUIS, Mo. . i pnB017 RUPTURE irr AT 1 mm mm mm- w " " m mmr tw mW mm. mmt 9 ' not a Truss. J.Wojra Pv Kllit, &kd itA, DreafiiiM laraaaanj rstmti fart ciMnUp vtii ftAoti. Seiad d tni aKmiaii trom -grateful olteren cured r tMsup- - l Hence. . AddmarOentMl Xiuitituta OSO Icuat St.. St. umm, AUQIBFUai STi net tfc eMtl Hi r-'ui I troutnea.- v ARDtOX,OURJP8 OafalrBaTr. Ttck- ' I age, and learn im$i?.:i$ 1 fWa hckn tokinstnaw roent elsewhere. Take . l SUHErKSMSDX tfaaUIAS ' fA .CUHEQ rVintanrk. data : I no interfara UA atte , firJITEICAZ ' itioBtBcniinpaa, eceauaa -pataov 4DC0ufcnteneQtaj - aoy Wte Foonded ora -; Bc&nfifle medical princl- DECAY,;' plea fip aNatsndkabea tatha aeatof TtSTCD FOB fiEVEM i .ipwrtSa influence it fell n (without delay. The ait. ,v funTfanctionfof A. " : uiaeaaa 11m ' riARsavusEiNSMi rHousANP CAsea. ;; t 'maaerganiftnlareatorati, f iThe-animatin elemwus 'l? -at lift?, vhich Ttaw been - -, t waited areglwabaekfWt ne Month, - $300! HARRIS remedy cqrniCKQrar. S0831S.Xentb8t8X.xSuiSaaDV - aug lSD&Wly . 1 . . AAv.2BL5it. m " ' TlXB CELEBRATED ' ' llJ-Y GAMS POWLS HAVE A NATIONAL X a J r putatton.' They "have tonght and won a serine tsU r the erestest mains ever fought on this or &', Other fontlnent, and Fifteen Pairs, on exhibltjr--a " at Philadelphia In 76, were honored by the Ui.fc. . v ted States Centennial Commissioner with the LI- V ploma and MedaL .-- 3 I have a variety of Colors and" most approvti Breeds to ttte United States. -1 will ship splend'.: ' COCKS, of fine size and handsome plumage, pxf ' Express, C. O. D., at from 4JJ0 to $6.00 eaih HENS, $2.50 and $8.00 each; or $7.00 per P&b' - " $10.00 per Trio. I expect-to raise Two Hnndretl -.'.' Pairs this " Summer, the Finest Games in the " " World, and will ship Young. Fowls of March, aivi April hatch during the months of August, Sor " . tember and October, at Five Dollars per ?ajr,,or -Seven Dollars per Trio. r. - - Whoever disputes the superiority of my Birds:' Will please back the assertion with their stan s. i Write for what you. want. .- - -: .- Address, . J. G. ARRTNGTON, . apCtf Hnilardaton. Nash Co. N. C . j THE BAMXM 'AKi: i ' ' " '"-'"''- - PUBLISHED ,AT,;-;.:yj4- v " , 8TATE8YILLB,' TKTiDELTJ (X. C ' f- Lea2is(r Her7fl.por in Western Korth Carolina. His the only Ksmocratic raper puWished U 3 ir-.o.'i .sn r:Ty ose 01 tne largest and weaitnicK! ! coanctesto the Sister 4i has attained a lam-v ! ioc-kl circulation tiun any paper evef u?T2$Qtnr -f rbHRtoi to the county. - H--.. t Its cfrculatlon ttf Alexander. WTJkea. Aktm. gnany, Yadkin Davie and Iredell, Is larger thnn that of any two papers to the 8tate combined; and v is rapidly acquiring a strong foothold in ForsyUin . Surry, Rowan andwesternMecklenburg., " ! It Is the only paper to Western North Carohnt, that employs a Rbstjlab CAirvAsstire Askht, ami. thus keep constantly' before the people. Unac this system a rapidly Increasing eireaiatton is thm result, makrnt tne LAirnxAja. . . , " ' THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDiUM v I . ern North Carolina. : 1 Address ; LANTJ&23:,. S.-HtesviUe N. MfE CAT .ffl RBoOECK. rill A.N-7. .-o , I "books pnbUsi !.icc'-J-Bo- Hale's; iiiuustTial. Series, Two Volumes How Ready. I. Tbe Woods and Tina be r .of Brertn 1 3rollnJU Cnrtls's, . Emmons', aad Kerr's . Botanical Reports; supplemented "by accurate County Reportsof Standing Forests, and ulos : trated by an excellent Map of tbe State, v 1 Volume 12mo.(Ootb,S73pp.. S1.25. II. In tne Ceal and Iron Oonntles - o J ' Nortn Carolina. Emmons', Kerr's, Laid- " ( ley's, Wilkes, and the Census Reports; supple-, : mented by fulls nd aeenrate sketches of the ' Fifty-six Counties, and Map of the State. 1 Volume 12ma-Cloth, 425 pp. $.50. StMtp.aB RooheUen, or wiled postpaid mrwefytiof the prtor by . , v. V- ; BL J. HALE ft SON. Ptjxubbzss, BooKsxuams ' Aim - STAnoBnta; - , - NEW YORK; . 1 ' - '.- - OB - - ' ' , P. M. HALE Paausher. Raleigh: N n 7 ; BOSTON POST. ;f THE OLD, IN yiNC'lBLg AND THOROUGHLY TRUE BLUE "DEM OCBAT1C NEWSPAPER. y v Th clean FanyNewspsperof Massachusetts. Containing the most complete news of any paper -. In New England. - - -- - i The Boston Dally Post Is especially noted for . -Its reliable Commercial and Financial Features., .;- 1- suBscrRnrrrow RATEa - - t 1 5 Dailt One Year, $9; Six Months, $4.50; In ad- r . irmTFBnuTS-$LO0 ler Year to advance;'-J - Six Copies for $5.00.: ' - ' ' - - " CCUB BATES. - Five or more to. one-address WUl be furnished as follows I -, .- - - I DAILY POST at $8.00 Ter year per oepy; Ten ' ooplesfor$7.60eaeh,toaavanoe.'' - WEEKLY POST at $1.00 per year per, eopjr-v.j In Clubs of Five or more, one copy will be give i to the organizer of the Club. . - f- aep8DW tf ; - " " ' . " ' 1a WEEKLY RELIGIOUS ANDFAMILY NEWS I Xxpaper and the Organ cf the Methodist Protee tant Church to North Carolina, is published at . - -Greensboro, N. C i Terms. $2 00 iwrwrnmnVln advance. ' r The eligibility of its location, the number and " activity of its agents, and the constantly incrcas- ' tog demand for it among the more solid claes of y ' readers to various sections, itve- the CENTRAL' ? ' PROTESTANT peculiar claims upon the patron- " age of the advertising publlow '- Terms very favor - -able. : Consult your bustoess Interest, and address - ' : the editor - - . -i- j. L.ncBAux,' - , - - - ereensboro X. C, - w6sai. 'J