The Morning Star. WILMINGTON, N O. '; Sunday Morning,' Sept; 27, 1885. f OT?NTNft EDITION. Til K LATEST NEWS. 1 PEOHC ALL PASTS OF THE T70ELD "V.-. w. . V ' '.T. new tqek, . - THe Civil Service" Case Roswell P , mavr necUnei the Nomination Tor. - lieutenant OoTernorAnoner.Yacnt . Baee. - .."-' '-' ' , : IBy Telegraph to the Morning Starl. k . . -New York, Sept 26. In the Civil ,Ser- - rice Case, Mr. Dorsheimer, in ma argument .. Said: The petition has no standing in court, because the right to a quo t warranto writ only applied to usurpation of isover " eifrn rights, and ; the United States alone; could bring such action in United ? States 1 courts, and then only through its appointed officers, Neither had the relator , or his attorneys been deputized by ,the Attorney General to commence such action, and the , United d tales aianeaaa 11 w ' coDStitutionality of the act providing, f or ' the Commission - The rule asrne stated jt, '" he said," was fuUr&emonstrated in the case - of Wallace against Anderson ; the question in VKonntA tain 9 as to - which, of the - tWO - was entitled to public office.- The writ of quo tDarrantotA appuea ior pifuwui w t denied by the Chief Justice of the Supreme " Court of the United States, on the grouno, . ' that the United States only could sue for such writ, and then, only through legally appointed officers. To bring action proper ' ly, he maintained that the relator should hare applied to tne jsxecuuve ana o t me jaaiciai autuonijr. , - - r. -.-- , & The contention of Mr Dorsaeimer pre ; vailed, and the application was denied...:. WATEBTOWH, Dept. 5 nwwou ' x . .x j lower naa aaurespeu a. iciwr tu uwi T; ih tlui ' lata Ttpmnprfttin - jnwuwp m... -w -..ffp - Convention, positively declining the nomi- nation xor Laeui. uovernor. and Genesta started from Sandy ook at 4 o'clock this afternoon, toratee for the 'Cape May cup.; TQpaouth an fifteen miles an houxW eatherfair. -. .. .- r : finimtiA nnA in thk fiAnn Room m V - " VtTWiTW . flfinf - Oft J 'lhaM -waa vo ? -1 matic scene in court here yesterday. Bishop trial for the murder or Wm. Uaynes, JOarcn --im a liavv UiahAw UAAtr Bhr Hsoai etui f lAf ahA E-VAyVW BVA JUlAiMUl A AAAM 1ft Ofl r whose father has gone almost blind from VUbl. IkAsUWv . W aavk4 vv, ju wAa.wvMMv griei, was lesuiying wuen suuueniy xiBiiop c Scott's mind gave way and lie became help 1 lwlv inaan The crowd- snrired about' - fc a m j n:i i uto oiOKA OA gm uvut auu ouitu nw w uva ciiemeni ae was removea 10 j&u.. xour. nun wfrfi rpnnirfin in noin mm. rnTHCians . 11 vt. '"tti thfttfhp. msut fa Pennine. ' ' . ' " Phvsicians who examined, him testified ' fV?tj m rvvvt infr tVkot Via ia maana 1 TUUhona S permanently. The Court thereupon termi- v . . - T 3 1 fPL - naiea iiib uritu &nu uisnusseu uie jury, iu Jintrnal representative with large leaf to J bacco buyers shows that fears of injury to :n jiA DomAiia namoffh hao faaiiltarl tr thn mT - in &nv wrv in thin section of the countrv.. WYvMlNG. The CniQeee Trouble at the mines BlorBtona to Take the Plaeea of the " JKrUltk& miner. . -. - - IBy Telegraph to the Horning Star.l.' - . -. ArnAiai asm ma-w nnr . t r nrr. ami. rr hthi rr - ai . j . . n. .:a . -1 j mi - oa sue uoiun rwiuc xuuiroau. - xiie rear sua giveu is uii&b uib xmiguus 01 Xi&uort uy -. vi&nutAuiA a Biaiuw w vuiu iiawuiuir u I Chinese arc all at work in Rock Springs N mines and considerable coal is being turn- U UUW AlCfT nUlhO UUUC19 UjlVC ClVUCpiiCU ret use iu to w wort. iJ5 TSitrnArt mm- ' 9i!lHait saicL made arraneements to IUiWlk IRUUUUU1CU JU.WUIUU9 iiuui J ball and Idaho to take their places in the mines. ...... .J .... J f 1 II : , t inter quarters are oeing construciea ior ,v vhe troops now here. - ' " . VIRGINIA. :r T Tbe Pitt murder Trial In Aecomae -'" conntr .' - . . i T1. Wf.TJWriT.xr Hont 9i? lTho tiol Tl JobB.D.- Pitts, of Accomac county, for the ' murder5H Littleton T. Walter, over a ; year ago on i angler lsiana, was concluded r last niebt and the ca3waa given to the jury. The janr were unabT&t0 agree until ; five years in the penitentiary. : Thejase JiSs it ttxac,tocTgreat interest throughout- Eastern --JTiginia and Maryland, owing to the DTominence ot inn nnnnpr' f,m;in onri iuc' uiuaijr vuuris maue DOlu oj the -prosecution and defence. Solicitor Gen -, . eral Goode appeared among the counsel . I. A . ,1: . 1 . . . . v uv iuovvunvui auto W CaO tUQ OCXIUU trial; the first resulting in a sentence of 18 V ' will be sentenced Monday. 1 TENNESSEE. A Desperado Killed In an Affray wltb f - . am Officer. ' , ; ( .' . IBy Telegraph to the Horning Star . J ;'" Ltkchbtjbo, Sept. 8. The Daily A&- vance's special from Bristol, Tenn., says: -Officer B. W. Emmorett, while attempting ' to arrest Will Lee alias Will Cooley, near that place last night, . on the Blountville road, was shot by Lee in the , right arm. ? Emmorett drew his wounded arm around i bis neck and drew his pistol with his left . hand and shot Lee. through the head, kill ting him instantly. ;Lee was a desperado and was in company with two females who i were armed and who tried to kill the offi cer after .Lee's death. ; Lee was an ex peni tentiary convict from Richmond, Va. - 4. ' : i. o. o. f. , Adjournment of tne Sovereign Grand ' . ' " . Lodge. . ' - . IBy Telegraph to the Horning Star.l . - Baltimore, September 26. The Sove reign Grand Lodge of Odd Feljows,' after .-being in session since ; Monday morning, aajourned this afternoon at 1 o'clock, to -meet next year in Boston; The only busi ness of importance transacted today was the election of ex-Gov. John X Uoder . wood, of Kentucky, to "bey Lieutenant Gen eral of the new degree just adopted, termed' Patriarch MilitantThiai is really; the r highest office; the Grand Sire being General ex officio The Session haa been a harmoni ; ens and pleasant one. - . - ir - Jjames Usher, night -watchman at the Central Railroad yards, at Atianta, Ga. . : while attempting to open a switch was run over Dy a Dacaing train. The tender of - the eneme Struck him rnllinir Viim n-Anm the wheels in a horrible manner, breaking m ucca, xKjbu arms ana ms migns. Wax Department, signal Semea, TJ. - ' Army. 'J Didsion of Telegrams and Reports for the i Benefit of . Commerce and; Agriculture, v" t COTTON-Bltt1r:BIlitITIN":-'2i t -The following table shows, the average maximum and minimum temperatures and average amount' of " rainfall at ihe dis tricts named. -Bach district includes from ten 6 twenty stations of observation, and the figures given beloW are the mean values Of all reports sent to each centre of .district. Observations taken daily at 6 P. M. 75th meridian time. , , Sept. 26,1885 6 P.M. , .AVERAGE, Districts. "Max. Mln. Rain Temp. Temp?i '.yall. 79 51: 00 -83 - 73 AO. . , 81 58 . .00 . - 78 66 .67 75 . 58 .00 ': T 78 - 62 .13- 81 64., .52 ' '81 v:67, .57 . 87 65,5.1. ..00 81 . 65 .66 84 62 .00 80 59 I .01 Wilmington . . . Charleston. Augusta.. Savannah . . . Atlanta. ...... Montgomery . . Mobile....... New Orleans . . Galveston...... Vicksburg. . i Little Rock. . Memphis,..;. Our Home Temperature.. : I The following shows the range of the thermometer, yesterday, in this city; as fur nished by the Signal Service office: - t 7 a. m., 63.0 ; 11 a. m., 77.2; 3p.m. 77.5; T p. m., 72.7; 10 p. m:. 70.5. t Weather indleanona. I The following are the indications for to day: , '?""' ::V' " : ' v;;;. i For the South Atlantic SaUes, increas &g cloudiness and rain, preceded by. fair weather in the northeastern portion, winds generally easterly, attending cyclonic dis turbances moving northeasterly from East Gulf, and slight 'fall in temperature and lower barometer. ' ' . 7 LOUISIANA. x In Overflow at New Orleans Caused 1 by Northeasterly Winds. IBy Telegraph to the Morning Star. Nbw Orleans, September 28. A heavy wind from the northeast has prevailed here since last night, and has caused the water from the Gulf and Lake Borgne to over flow the Louisville & Nashville Railroad near Chef Menteuri A considerable por tion of the roadbed has been, washed away. There have been no trains out over that road today. . - ii . ELECTRIC SPA.Ha. - The President has, through the Secretary of the Treasury, asked Prof. Alexander Anassiz to take the orBce of Supeiinten deut of the Coast and Geological Survey, vice Prof. Hilgard, resigned. The j weeauv statement or the 'Asso ciated Banks shows the following changes: AV4 tioans . increase $szi,ouu; specie aecrease f 999,500; legal tenders decrease $1,785, 100; deposits decrease $2,154,300; circula toin increase $72,200; reserve decrease $2,246,025. The banks now hold $44,931, 898 in excess of the 25 oer cent. rule. ; LOCAL NEWS. Criminal Court. The business of the term was concluded yesterday and the Court finally adjourned. The following cases were disposed of: j State vs. John Oliver; unlawful fence. Case continued and defendant recognized in the sum of $50 for his appearance at ihe next term. j State vs. Ben Todd, unlawful fence. Nol. pros. ! State vs. Louis Todd, unlawful fence. Defendant submits; judgment for costs. State "vs. C. B. Jones, unlawful fence. Continued for defendant, who was recog nized in the sum of $50 for his appearance at the next term. : Stated vs. Peter Wright, Caajar Green, Betsey " Grady - and John Grady,' charged with larceny. Case continued and defend ants recognized; with security, for their appe&rancs.attko next iercroi Uie Court. I State vs. John Owena and Margaret" Owens, charged with an affray. Defends ants found not guilty and discharged. ! State vs. Geo. Davis, unlawful -fence. Case continued 'and defendant recognized In the sum of $50 for his appearance at the next term of the Court. - State vs. Thos. Gladden, unlawful fence. Defendant submitted and judgment -was suspended on the payment of costs. i State vs. Samuel Reese, assault and bat-, tery.- Settled. . ; - ' .Btetefys. Chas. jQejjer-sa.ftnd bit tery.V NoL piBS. with leave. . - X-Si va. J. H. Craig,' unlawful : f ence". Case continued and defendant recognized in the sum of $50 for his appearance at the next term of Court. mayor's Court. - The only case for Mayor Hall's conside ration yesteraay morning was that of a young colored man who gave his name as Clinton Fair. He was arrested Friday night for acting in a suspicious manner. peering here and there and gazing into shops and stores he was passing. When brought lntoT court it did not take long to discover; that the young fellow was "den cient in the upper story." He seemed to take no notice of what was going on in the court room, and while His Honor was ad dressing some remarks to him he suddenly fixed his eyes upon the time piece suspend ed in the room and blurted out excitedly, riA that a Clock!" He could eive no an. count of himself, and ' seemed to hive no idea at all as to where he came from. He was sent below to await an examination; The Circus. . . '. WW. Cole's colossal shows are coming and will exhibit in Wilmington Saturday, .v.u, yiwo uwuuj bajn; 1 1 , f . '.That Mr.' Cole has the greatest show now on the road- is fmnklv rimitf k both press and public, s The-Surpassing ex cellence of bis entertainmentfL xehi-K ceed in extent and variety of interestfnir and novel features anvthinir horotnf . : J Q mw.wWAWIO lUg tented in the circus line, is thoroughly at- kcLcu. . me exnioiuons eiven usder a. mammoth canvas, are nnfnue tn hMnt ana abounding m i startling feats, conlpri sine over sixtv. distinct ants. -nArfntm-art -in succession in the rings and upqp the eleva ted StA .vTh nlil.timn irrno fastrivaa u iiuiojc lumuuos, .wapiDg, ebC, are retained, tn , vhtoh nnk .3? wt 1 1 . fcjjd astonishing attractions as aerial bicyc- Egyptians: Mexicans anil KnnUrA xrml t.!&Ey bead JTT auy we ground; rand roller - 6-uih, a ciown elephant and performing white hippopotamus from: the historic Nile; an equine wonder in the shape of the horse Blondin, that has reached the zenith or orute inieuuzence oy jearnine t a walk a tight, rope, stretched twenty feet above the ground. Adecidedly interesting feature in the natural history department. is the i bbvinej curiosity a rlvingchealthy cow, with two distinct and perfectly formed heads, each with its complement of horns, eyes, ears and mouth. This feature alone Is a study for naturalists. Many cages or wild animals, and numer ous trained-- animals, occupy the me nagerie tent." v - . -; r Foreign. Shipments. V , -v ' The Norwegian barque Nord Amerika, Tergersen, was cleared from this port for GlasgoWr Scotland, yesterday, by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son, with 500 casks, of spirits turpentine and 2,798 barrels of rosin, valued at $10,850v , . m.'.IiCiiiA i - y V i ue; riuau uarque ueuryo jjuvui, uapi. Macumbcr, was also cleared yesterday by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son, with a cargo of 2,408 bales of cotton her destination be ing Liverpool. This is the first- cbiton shipped foreign this season, and its val- uation was $108,860. ; Total valuation of foreign shipments for the day $119,210. . Superior Court. -r--''J:'"': The. Superior Court for New , Hanover, county, His Honor, Judge A.' A. McE y, presiding, will convene in the court bouse in this city to-morrow morning, - and will continue In session two weeks, which will be devoted to the trial of civil causes alone. The Clerk . informs oa that 4 there are 90 cases on the civil issue docket and 18 cases on the summons docket. At the Juno term of the Court there : were 43 'cases on the summons docket With the present ar rangement of terms there will not be that accumulation of cases which has heretofore bothered both judges and lawyers. Fire. The alarm of fire last night about 10 o'clock created a stir among the Saturday night shoppers oh the streets. The fire was in a small unoccupied dwelling on Sixth, between Queen and Wooster streets. It was consumed. The firemen were prompt in their response to the alarm, but could do little to stay the flames, owing to a lack of water. Cotton. The receipts of cotton at this port for the. week ending yesterday footed up 5,209 bales, as against 4.876 bales for the corres ponding week last year. The receipts of the crop year, from Sep tember 1st to date foot up 9,953 bales, as against- 8,873 bales for the same period last yor, showing an- increase in favor of 1885 of f.579 bales. , , "fc fcmu i i : Mr. J, H. Hanby was awarded the contract for taking down and remov ing the old wooden bridge across Smith's Creek, and has already commenced its dc moHtion. Our Cburen Calendar. ' St. Paul's Episcopal Church, corner ot Fourth and Orange streets. Bev. T. M. Ambler. Rector. Horning Prayer at 11 o'clock; Evening Prayer at S o'clock. Beats free. St. Paul's Krangelleal Lutheran Church, corner Birth and Market streets. Bev. F.W. K. Peschau, pastor. German services at 11 a. m.; Knglish ssrrices at 7-SO p. m. Sunday sohool at 3.80 pan , W. H. Strauss, enp't. First Baptist Church, corner of Fifth and Mar ket streets. Bev. T. II. Pritohard. D.D pastor. Sunday sohool at 9)4 a m. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Prayer and Praise meeting Thursday night at 8 o'clock. Front Street M. K. Church, South, corner of Front and Walnut streets. Bev. Dr. K, A. Yates, pastor. Services at 11 a.m. and 8 p. m. Sabbath school at 3 p. m., W. M. Parker, superintendent. Prayer meeting and lecture Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Christian Association Tuesday evening after first and third Sabbaths, at 8 o'clock. 8eata free and strangers and visitors cordially Invited. Fifth Street H. S. Church, between Nun and Church. Bev. Tuttle, Pastor. Servioes at 11 a. m. and 4pm.; none at night. Sunday school at 9 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at So'olk. . . . St. Mark's Episcopal Church, corner o f Sixth and Mulberry streets. Services as follows: Sun days, Horning Prayer at 11 o'clock; Evening ?ty. S o'clock. Sunday sohool at St. Bar nabas' school-house at 4 p.m. Confirmation class at Church at Seats free. . , St. Thomas' Pro-Cathedral, on ttock street, between Second and Third. First Hass at 7.00 a. m.: High Hass and sermon at 10.80 a. m.; Vespers and Benediction at 4 p. m.; Daily Mass at 7 a.m. ; Bervtoes at the Seaman's Bethel this morning at 11 o'clock, conducted by the Bev. D. C Kelly, Beats free. The pablio are cordially invited to attend. . - - - .. .. - ' Christ Church (Congregationalist). Nun street, hat ween Sixth and Seventh. - Bev. D. D. Dodge, minister. Preaching servioes at 11 o'clock a. m. and 8 o'clock d. m. Pastor's Bible Clam a tsu p. m. Prayer and Praise meeting, Wednesday, a o'clock p.m. 8unday school, 8 o'clock p. id- jtemonai tiau. corner 7th and Nun strgetg - Second AdTent Biptt Cuuroh, corner Church and Sixthtreets. Preaching at 11 o'clock a. m. aug oVsiookp. m. - Bab bath school at- 2V4 p.m. Bev. J. P. King, pastor. Brooklyn Hall Sunday "sohool at 3 .50 p. m. Preaching by the Bev. Hr. Keller at 7.80 o'clock P. M. The public are cordially Invited to attend. Bev. K. M. Aldrich, of Columbia, S. C, will preach at the First Baptist Church, corner of lied Cross and Seventh streets, to-d&v at a o'clock; and at 8 o'clock a special sermon at Shilob Baptist Church, corner HcBae and Wal nut streets. " - -Wooten's Chapel, corner of Ninth and Bladen sireeu. ev. wuus woolen, pastor. Servioes at 11 a. m.. 3 and 8 d. m. Sundav school at a a. m. First Baptist Church, corner Seventh and Bed Cross streets, Elder C. Spicer, pastor. Servioes av ii o cioca a. m., ana as a ana 8 o clock p. m, Sabbath school at 4 n. m. Trinity M. E. Church, on Brunswick street, be- mu utu ami tt,u. ner.n. V. Campbell, r C. Divine service at 11 a, m , at 8 p. m.. and 7H p.m. Sunday sohool at 9 a. m. Prayer meeting Wed nesday evenings. . Class meeting Tuesday eve nings. -The All-SoulB Christian TTnion hit servioes at Tileston Upper Boom, every Sundav eruqgn at 8 o'clock. The public are invited. , Free Will Baptist Church, on corner , of Bladen lilt Mhltll Sfnufa Unw urilll. irr.. r ! nun tt owaiu, pastor. Servioes at 11 a. m.. a n. m. and i n m . First Baptist Church, corner Fifth and CamD bell streets, Kev; A. M. Conway, pastor. Preach hig at 11 a. m., 8 p. m. and 7.30 p. m. Sabbath Bvuuui ai a p. ib. St. Luke's A.H. S. Churoh, corner of Seventh and Church streets, Bev. 8. B.GaskelL pastor. Preaching at ,11 a . m., 8 p. m. and 70 p. ml Sun day sohool at 12.80 d. m. Ht Olive A, M. E. Church, corner of Second and Dawson its. Bev, J. E. Barham, pastor. Divine wa-fc ii o ciock, a. m.; s p m.. I WHO IS MRS. WIN SLOW As this question alady who for upwards of thirty years has untl rtagly devoted her time and talents as a female Physician and nurse, principally among children. She has especially studied the constitution and wiu; i uu numerous Class, and, as a result of this effort, and practical knowledge, obtained to a nietnne spent as a nurse and physician, she has ingv .it operates like maeio-eivinir rent ami health, and is, moreover, sure to regulate the y. u wuuBoqueuueoi uus amoie airs. Wins low is becoming world-renowned as a benefactor Klftco i, voimuiuj UU WHS and , vayavuuif IS UUS IUO CaSe UX 1X118 t i vast quantities of the Soothing Syrup are dj sold and used here. We thfcakllrL wTnslow city. DA1XT has -r-- ' I uaiuopyuus mvainabie art! j,. tr ' i. uoucvo wousanas 01 cnu- dreft have been saved from an early grave hyite tlmelv asA. anil th.f nt x J chil mw, auu UMb mililOllH Vftt 111 Will KtT?1?? ner blessed. r - ,t t awn nor uuiy mj mtirr-r ? . "Br uuiy to ner suffer tetofen,jmttt:Bhe.ha her.suffer- wad. niuuow g Boot Try it, mothers tbt it how. Lad . . r. - nuuww i HOOninir Syrup VleUor, ,ew -4 an. Geo. Price, Jr Auctioneer and CosurdssionZXercWt OFFICE AND SALES BOQCKSl'SIS HABmPP fjjen the sale of xd8. Wares, Merchandise! o . on ComI gnment, and a General Commission """ , my 10 u COMMERCIAIi; W I LMI N'GT O N- MABKE T M 8TAR OFFICE, Sept SPIKIT9 TURPENTINE The. market was quoted qaiet at 31 cents' per gallon, with small sales reported later at 80i cents. 1 COTTON A WD NAVAL tfTOBES--j:!WBBKHi STATKHIISNT. 'i ; .... RECEIPTS J . For the week ending 8eptr56th,r1885.? 5,209 1,159. v 2,688 . : 967 . '.'-22 RECEIPTS: : f - From Sept. 20 to to Sept. 27th, 1884. ? Chiton. Spirits., Bosinz TarM Vrude ? 4,876 1.004 - 3,996 . 315 -647 : - -'. EXPORTS - For the week ending Sept. 26th, 1885.f - - Cotton, Spirits. Sarin. ' Tar. Omds. Domestic 1.823,-: 556 193 , 1,127 443 Foreign. . : 000 : 2,823 - 4,845 ,000 , 000 j Total., l,323j ,127 443 .EXPORTS , J.,-, ... . From Sept. 20th to 8epL 27th, 1884. V. Cotton. Spiritsi 'Jiosin Tar. Crude. Domestic 1.270 844 223 65 - 21 Foreign.; t- 000 2,159138 , 00 00 1 Total.. 1K270 2,503 3.361 - 65" ' 29 ; . VSTOCEB - - ! . Ashore and Afloat, Sept. 26, 1885. r ': Ashore.' Afloat. Totals. Cotton . . . . -V;-.-.' 4.969 . 8.105 . 8,074 Spirits.;;;.;;..;' 2.614 993 - 360 Rosin. ...V. ;Vii ;107,497i. ! 271 107,768 Tar.. ..v.... 76 : 254 980 Crude.... .557; 25 '583 - stocks- TyxTi f Ashore and Afloat, Sept. 27, 1884. ' Cotton. Spirits, t Rosin. Tar. Crude. 5.571 5.460 ; 9,544 1,920 1,852 QUOTATIONS. ' ' Sept. 27, 1884. Sept. 26, 1885. Cotton. .9 11-16 9 Spirits., 27 31 Rosin..- 92,97f 85 87c Tar..... 1 25 - 1 40 Crude... 1 00 1 50 fBy Telegraph to the Horning Star.l Financial New Yokk. Sept. 26,. Evening. Ster ling exchange 483t. Money 21 per cent. Governments dull but strong; four per cents 123: three per cents 103 bid. . Bute bonds quiet snd strong. ; - Commercial: Cotton steady, with sales of 280 bales; uplands 10 1-1 6c; Orleans 10 3-16c; new cotton. 4c under quotations; consolidated net receipts 21,777 bales; exports to Great Britain 75 bales, to the continent bales. Southern flour unchanged. Wheatr-spot c higher and very quiet; ungraded red 82c $101; No. 2 red 97i98c; October 97 98c Corn spot a trifle higher, closing with .a reaction of c; ungraded 48 49c; No. 2.48482c; October 48f48jc Oats c higher and active; No. 2, 29 30c Coffee fair Rio on spot firmer at $8 62); No, 7 Rio on spot f 90- Sugar quiet and nominally Unchanged; fair to good refining 5 7-165 9-1 6c; refined steady. Molasses dull and nominal. Rice steady.' Rosin steady. Spirits turpentine steady at 34c Pork dull and declining; mess (0 7510 00; middles dull. Lard a trifle lower; western steam on spot $6 17 t 20; October $6 146 15. Freights to Liverpool firmer cotton 9-64d; wheat 4d. Cotton net receipts bales; woes re ceipts 3,290 bales. Futures closed steady, with sales to-day ot 42,300 bales at the following quotations: - September 9.59 9.61c; October 9.579.58ct November 9.59 9. 60c; December 9 67a9.68c: January 9.759 76c: February 9.879.88c; March 9.90l0 00c; April; May 10.2110.22c; June ia3110.33c; July 10.3910 41c - CaicAeo. Sept. 26. Flour unchanged. Wheat opened steady after many fluctua tions and closed c under yesterdav; Sep tember 85f86fc; October 8687c; No vember 8789c: No. 2 red OOJc Corn firm and prices fluctuated within narrow range; cash 42c; September 4242c; October 4141ic; November 89(gi39ic. Oats quiet and firm; cash 26c;September25f 6c; uctober 2525c Mess pork heavy ana lDzuc lower; cash 8 50; Oc tober 8 478 60; November $8 50 8 62. Lard ouiet and moderately steady: cash and October $5 05; November $5 95 6 00. Boxed meats steady dry salted shoulders $3 753 85; short ribs $5 45; short clear $5 90. Whiskey - nominal at $1 10. Sugar unchanged. St. Louis, September 26. Flour un changed. Wheat higher and unsettled ajxd- ciosea c above yesteridftyt.Ko. 2 red cash 92?3cO.ct0bcf 9394c: Novem--b?r- S5f97ic Corn easier and alow ; No. 2 mixed cash 4144c; September 44c; Oc tober 39e; November 35c. Oats firm and very inactive; No. 2 mixed cash 2424c. Whiskey steady at $1 06. Provisions lower; and weak. Pork 19 15. Lard $5 955 06. Bulk meats long clear $5 40; short rib $5 60; clear f5 80. Bacon loner clear $6 10; Short rib $6 156 20; clear $6 87 6 45. Hams $10 00 11 50. Chaklebtos, 8. C, Sept 26. Spirits turpentine steady at 31c. Rosin strained 85c; good strained 95c. - V Bavakkah, Ga., Sept. 20. Spirits tur pentine 31 c bid. Rosin steady at 95c $1 07. . COTTON RIAKskirrs. IBy Telegraph to the Hornhui Star.- . Sept. 26. Galveston, " firm at 9o net receipts 8.827 bales; Norfolk, firm at 9 5-16c net receipts 1,855 bales; ' Savan nah., steady at 9 1 16c net receiota 7.G59 bales ; New Orleans, steady at 9o sei re ceipts l,863;bales; MobUe, dull at 9 3 16c net receipts 881 bales; Memphis, firm at 9c net receipts 1,285 bales; -Augusta, steady at 8jc net receipts 1,888. bales; onarieston, flrnt ; at 9c net receipts 4,iev uaics. . ... gOHElOW WAHKBT1. ' fBy Cable to the Hornbur Star.l London, September 26, 3 P. M. Spirits turpenune weak;' spot 25s 8d; September ana lecemoer delivery 2os 6d; January and April delivery 26s 9d. " "Waiited, DURING -TBK FALL AND WTNTKB, CASH orders for Peanuts, New Elver Oysters, Halt Tu2E 'J8? J??? Koe- Orantes, Lemons, and other Tropical Fruits, or any other Merchandise. Consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores and Coun try raauoe i generally. Will buy, or sell on com irallv. lUWUUUi Ml SUIU ssion, au kinds of Countrv Produnn. . -OHN H. 1CAB8HAIX, Gn Com. Verchant, 2 IN. Water St, ee9DWtf u , Wilmington. W. C. 2 BABBBXS, OUR OWN CATCH. C .100 pounds in eaohBarrelr faug 88 tf "WrB. DAVIS A SON. NOW 1S THB TTMK FOB BARGAINS. - JUDI' . ,.k1 bQers will take thefcvery thing -rwh blt. goods. Gloves, Mitts, SSrth 1? ta Th?Jf Mulls at 87W ets. Rg&&t8f Table Goods.W .MMtf , , JNO. J. HKDEJCK.V MARINE. - :Part Js,lsasmacSepteBaer2T. Sun Rise. j.'.V-iii ,i ... - .5.62 A. M. Sun Setsr,?. it,Us5.49UVM High Water at jBmluhville 9.86 Morn. High Water tt Wilmington . 4p 12. se.isven. Day's Length : lib - 57m. I Stmr i Louiset Woodsides, - Smith ville, master. ": -t: . . . ' : -.Vt r Schr Katie B Aitken, 898 tons, Brawiir, Wilmington, Del, -with guano to Champion Compress; vessel to Geo Harriss & Co. r - .Strnr Regulator, lloaBe, ,New -York, Cromadlboaeip -'--v .-... - i-Stmr Louise, Woodsides, Smithville, master. . .-; r-: :-"-. 'V --:-.k t .-. i Nor barque-Nord .Amerika,; Tergersen; Glasgow, Alex 8prunt & Soc.- ; . v-;, i . Be ' barque- George. Davis, . Macumber, Liverpool, Alex Sprunt & Son. v- ' EXPOBTs. i LivERPooii, Br barque Geo,,. Davis 2,408 bales cotton. V,,. J.,. ;: , :)r ; '-. ' Glasgow Nor barque Nord Amerika 600 casks spirits turpentine, . 2,795 bbls rosin. H .-. i y. - ,r . t-' Itlat or Vessels la ths Psrt ofwllmlni (This list does not embrace vessels under ta tow . r':-'-CBABQUE8:.r'--;.'; ""-J l- h Nord Amerika (Nr.), 410 tons, Torjensen, C P Mebane Krna (Ger:), 682 tons, Voss, E G Barker & v' ; Oo.; .- v -' X' ' ' ' . -.: Geo DavSsxBr.) 643 tens, Macumber, Alex t Sprunt & Son. v V - : Mozart (Nor.), 833 tons, Gjeruldsen. Heide ' &CO. Fidelio (Ger), 876 tons, Meyer, E Peschau & Wftstermann. Hattie R , 403 tons,' Cochran. E G Barker &Co. - . BRIGS. Diana (Ger.), 314 tons, Schroeder, G Bar . ker & to. - Angusta Sophie (Ger ), 290 tons, Dethloff, E Peschau & Westermann. Ciara (Ger.). 379 tons, Niejahr, E Peschau & Westermann. . . Emma (Nor.), 805 tons, Andersen, Ileide &Co. SCHOONERS. Crissie Wright. 886 tons, Claro, Geo Har .- rissl& Co, discharging, Clara E Berger, 481 tons, Cooke, Geo Ear rissCo, diccharging. Addie G Bryant, 204 tons, E G Barker & Co, discharging. Nerombega, 295 tons. Smith, E G Barker & Co, loading West Indies. Albert H Waite, 294 tons, Macomber, E G Barker & Co, loading New York. John Shay, 806 tons, Clark, Geo Harriss & Co, loading Phila. Isaac L Clark, 331 tons, Geo. Harriss & Co, waiting. - - Natividad (Span.), 170 tons, Gonz&ies, A E Doebele, agent for owners, repairing' ' Iilst or Vessels Up, Cleared or Sailed lor tills Port, - The following vessels are mentioned In the New Tor Maritinu Register as being up snd cleared .for this port : " BABQTJXS. 2olus Oer.), 463 tons, Sohwenn, from Hamburg Sept. 14. Blaache (Nor.), 838 tons, Carlsen, at Gloucester Sept. 12. Boomerang (Swed ), 879 tons, Frockberg. from - Liverpool Aug. SI. Charlotte Anna (Ger.), 417 tina.from Bordeaux Aug. 12. Capella (Nor.), 891 tons, Jensen, from Hamburg Sept 8. Xmbla (Nor ), 879 tons, Stmonsen, from London Sept. 6. Fjellstad (Nor),4;7 tons, Andersen, at Bristol Sept. IS. Frey (Nor.), 881 tons, Halvorsen, from Belfast Aug. 13. Hera (Kor ), 891 ton',Chrlstlansen.from Hamburg Aug. 8. HUdur (Nor ). from Hamburg Aug. 5 Louise Wionards XQer.). 859 tons, tmark, from Bremen Aug. 10. Lnoie Kadmann (Ger,). 434 tons, from Bremen Aug. 4. 8tanley (Nor). 481 tons, Uroldsen, from Botter dam Ang. 18. BRIGS. Alaska (Br ), 829 tons, at UverpooL Sept 19. Hermann rriedriob (Ger X 988 tons. Nie lahr.f rom . Liverpool Aug. 8. For Bent, The most attractive and commodi ous btore on Water Street. Ateo, two umeea unsurpassed for comfort and convenience. Also, the Second Floor of the Jones Store, on Water Street. sesstf ' apply to A. H. GKKENK, Kerohner Building. Fireproof Warehoiise For Kent, a new Fireproof Ware house. 25 by S3 feet, with eementoor, Situated on Water, foot of Ann street. appiy to sessiw ALFRED sTABTTN. For Bent. HOUSE, with four rooms and kitchen," good cistern of water on the premises. &u in nrsc oiass oraer, on ana Detween Cheannt and. Mulberry streets. appiy to - - selStf W. N. BOWDBN. For Bent, STOSSS, OFFICES AND DWELLINGS. ApdIv to ' r-.'- an 28 tf Beat Estate Agent. For Bent, That desirable BRICK TENEMENT HOUSE, situated .on Front between Or ange ana Ann streets, said House eon tains seven rooms. Apply to anSOtf WM. G. FOWLER. t Oysters ! - Oysters J, ; HB FINEST OF THE SEASON t . . AT STAR SALOON, 13 Market Street. setatf GEO. F. HERBERT, Proper. Private Boardinfi: Souse. J HAVE OPENED A PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE On the corner of 7th and Chesnut Sts.. and will guarantee good board at reasonable rates. For further particulars apply to MRS. R. JONES, ' se231w - 1 Corner tth and Chesnut Sts. Orange Pears, f WILL RECEIVE BY TO-DAY'S STEAMER, A choice lot of ORANGE PEARS something new. Also, Asplnwall Bananas, - Delaware, Sa lem and Catawba Grapes, Maiden Blush and king Apples. Call early and select. V j - MRS. R WARREN, se 23 tf Fruit and Confectionery Btore, It Is a Fact, TT.WE ABEm SELLING JUST AS GOOD v5 Gooas '' as little money as- any house in tnI or 5ll stocks of Stoves are 00-50a- We are putting down Wells almost ev VZ, itL r wtisfy yourself make a personal eMminatlon of our stock. Your trade Is solici ted.. . - W. H. ALDERMAN COi ! Hooters and Metalworkers, 86 10 " 8 Market Street. . 3 1 I Cotton Mi Naval Stores" S'S"? K . 'TOL BE CAREFULLY HAN dledat fulmarket value. -v..,T; ftSSggt8:, Hoop IrontHiQtas ' WOODY CURBXB. : mn ' " - Commission Merchants, -W17U . ' . .- , WUmlngton. iTVl ' gtii 3 mm 1 S. SSSSf I . v :' ' M 2o; ' I Absolutely Pure. i This powder never varies. A marvel ot purity. Streagth and wholesomeness. More economical than ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In core t petition with the m altitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders.. Bold only eatu. . . Wholesale, by ADRIAN & VOLXER8: t cov841v - nrm tooorfrm 4D.nov24 BEEF ! BEEF ! BEEF ! Q-reat War in Prices ! FINEST, FATTEST AND JXTCIEST BEEF, VEAL AND LAMB ON THE MARKET ! THE LARGEST DEALER AND THE MOST COM PLETE STOCK OF MEATS IN THE CITY. ; Prompt Delivery in any part of the city Free of Charge. If you .leave an order you can always depend on getting what yen order, and delivered at the right time and place. The following wfll show yon what we are go ing to do, and we mean what we t ay : CHOICE CUTS OF BEEF Co. do. LAMB Do. do. MUTTON ... ROASTS . STEW soup bone... bbisket;..... .... SHANKS SAUSAGE... ..-..Y.'.....l!.-...... PUDDING..; IOCTS. IOCTS. IOCTS, 8 and IOCTS 5 CTS. 5 and 10 CTS. 5 CTS. 10 and 15 CTS. 12HCts 12KCts Respectfully, JOHN It. MELTON, istalts 1 and 3 New Market. 88 25 St C AROLIHA CEKTRAL RAILROAD GO. Orriui or 8 urautnrrssszn. Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 27, 1885. Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER THIS DATE, THE FOL lowlng Schedule will be operated on this RaQroad ' PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN: DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS. )LeaveWnmlngtoaat....J.;....7.00 P. M. No. 1. VLeave Raleigh at. V. .,7.85 P. M. 1 Arrive at Charlotte at. 7.S0 A. M. 1 Leave Charlotte at......... 8.15 P. M. No. & Arrive at Raleigh at.. 9.00 A. X. 1 Arrive at Wilmington at. ... . . . .8.25 A. M. : LOCAL FREIGHT Passenger Car Attached. Leave Cnarlotte at Arrive at Laurinburg at... . Leave Laurinburg at... Arrive at Charlotte at Leave Wilmington at Arrive at Laurinburg at .... Leave Laurinburg at Arrive at Wilmington at. . . .. 7.40 A.M. 5.45 P. M. 6.15 A.M. 440 P.M. 6.45 A.M. 5.00 P, X. 5.30 A.M. 5.40 P.M. Passenger Trains stop at regular stations only, and Points designated in the Company's Tina Table. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER. MAIL. EX PRESS AND FREIGHT. i Dally except Sundays. Ka.9 I Leave Charlotte........ 8.15 A. M. No-8 f Arrive at Shelby ;. ...iaj5 P. M. Xn i X Leave Bbelby ..M.40 a. M. Haf f Arrive at Charlotte .;5.40P. M. Trams No. .1 and 2 maks dose connectlonat Hamlet with R. 4s A. Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Rateigh and Charlotte. Take Train No. 1 for Statesville, Stations West ern N. C. R. R-, Ash ville and points West. Also, for Spartanburg. Greenville, Athens, At lanta and all points Southwest. - L. a JONES, Superlntendont, . F. W. CLARK, General Passenger Agent, ; se27tf Sew York and WilmingtOD Steamship Co. FROM PIER 34, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK, r At 8 o'clock P. M. REGULATOR GULF STREAM REGULATOR,..;.. . GULF STREAM . Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, .Saturday. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oot. 'Oct. Oct' Oct 3 10 17 24 FROM WILMINGTON. GULF STREAM f l - ; BENEFACTOR.,... GULF STREAM ... REGULATOR , ..'.-.Friday, ...Friday, ...."FHd&y ... Friday . 9 16 13 3f Through Bills Lading and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from points in North and Soutu Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to H. O. 8ITI AI.LBONES, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C Tlieo. G. afcer, Freight Agent, New York. ; ' W. P. Clyda C., General Agents, se 27 tf v -r - ,. '85 Broadway. New York. :": BniCK .WOBsSLjV '-.' pbNTRACTS FOR BRICK WORK OF ANY VJ kind, such as . Plastering, Stuccoing. Ac., are solicited. , Old walls made to look as if built of best Fresa Brick, at a small cost. This is much cheaper than palntmg; and it will be to the Inter est of those who wish to have-work dona to give me a call, as I have had an experience of thirty years In the business. C. W. McCLAMMY, ly 8 frt :-aug 4 11 18 25 se fl 13 20 27 Agent. COTTON ing arid Ties IN STORE AND FOR BALE BY 4J X 1 1 : : J HALL & PEAESALL. ing 28 tf . BARGAINS In Every Department! SO AS TO' MAKE ROOM ii.'' z s ; - v,.,:; ''OK OURLNEW FaU and Winter Stock, AT TAYLOR'S BAZAAE, 118 Market Street, sel3tf MING-TON, N.c Creamery Buttered Flour An Unequalled Tabic Luxurr, UGHTEST. BEST AND HEALTHIEST food In the world. The resnit f present age, all most ffiffi mixed by machinery esDecia'iv iL . STfBt? mtde for this purposl e8peeia " Evented sij The old method or mixtng bv hanrt h -a being very laborious, U never rKE result the food mixed and cooked wnid person can desire one dayand Mmlwl'tS6 a'U next day not fit to come uponThe hu? weU-regulated household ponine "MeofnB These inequalities are entirelv . using the MARTHA. WAOT&gS ffiElJl BUTTERED FLOUR. uw itKAMEK J?9W IT Is MADE. First, the articles used in its D-anai-aii - accurately weighed: then the flont next the flour. toKetber with pure Vft4; Tartar, Bicarbonate of Soda h?.n?ama' Sweet Creamery Batter are placed n aafD?1 with butter in the Ssual way'by hoiXwif fa coarse, full of lnmps and incapable Sn? through a flour sieve, and will spoil if kelTZy ashor time; but "Cekabht Bttebee , Tlob Will keep three months or loneer in any climate For sale by P. L. Bridgers & Co,, 110 Nortb Front Si. scp 20 DAW tf AIL EIGHT ! " J AM NOW ESTABLISHED IN MY KEW QUARTERS, and am anxlons to dtmonstrate to the public that I am offering BARGAINS ! To the RETAIL TRADE as well as at WHOLE SALE. My stock of GROCERIES is fresh, complete and very attractive, and my COUNTRY PRa DUCE was never more varied or of better qm llty. Chickens, Eggs, Pears, Peaches, Apples, Diied Apples and Peaches and Blackberries. Cabbages and Irish Potatoes, Ferris' Trade-Mark Hams, Strips and Fulton Market Beef. No. 1 Mackerel, large and fat. Call by all means and see what good we en do for you. J. C. STEVEXSOX. sepSGtf The New Scarborough House, No. 104 Water SL, IS NOW RUN UNDER NBW MANAGEMENT, and is now in first Class Style In every re spect. It is without a doubt the place to wt the BEST MEAL FOR 25 CENTS that can be t a. m. -ha n stall anA juruusueu 111 uie Ulljr, vriro mo a vlnced. Respectfully, au 6 tf W. E. BLACK. Proprietor The Art Interchange. DURING 1885 SUBSCRIBERS TO U INTERCHANGE will receive w - Thtrtsxh (IS) rmJ -pabs colobkd Bvrrmv1 some double size. . TwxHTT-fiix (86) extra pattern mv containing; over one hundred fanM"" artiatio desiens, ready for trachift applwD1-w all the varied branches of art work. v HuHDamna or ttitrsraATioss of plhets Jects, which are suegestive examples moai , vr ful to amateurs and art workers. These csim be procured In any other way. -ydi AXtmiB Oy IAB6I ABT VTTtDCtmj. are reproductions of the most attractive W pieces. These are printed in the best on fine heavy paper, and are suitable rjJ'?. or the portfolio. In all, an actual retnrnof elusive designs and art material worth two uu dred dollars ($203) or more. .meon- ln addition to this, Taa Abi Istkechami tains as regular features a department of Pf" Qtranas jjto Amnraas, open to aU ewjurm without charge, where all difficulties aredeanj explained and removed as they arise. i swers are prompt, authoritative, PK and impaniaL Over three thousand t sno igj .tions have already been satlsf actorUy aMwer Thebfe answers, written by expercoveraw ranReof topics, and have proved L aw ; and interesting to all readers of the paper TheDarABTOavofliisTBUCTioHwntahtfi'; worthy information at length as 0b thodsSf working In Art Needlework, f. Textiles. China, Wood and Glass. ooq Ing, ModelhigTMural Dratton. Art tag Etching, Drawn Work, Tapestry Sketching on Linen, Lustra and Tapesin ing. Brass Hammering, etc. d gooeBr Tne Depabtmkht e Abt News JTi. vraws will maintain its present high $Uy to The Editobtai. Notks wm continue neg. denounce all shams in art, whether dj thods or in the use of inferior mteria , Wol hold the necessity of SS flf : work, to advocate the seBfiXence d menTand will maintain the refining inanu all good art, wherever found. ojays tj In short, Tbi Abt Ixttlrcuxb ater and be theleading art PnbUcatlnHroSre ftr In the possession of novel and JPf-Sf-rtfc tures, areputation it has earned ana should have as the oldest established pw journal in the United States. Price 15 cents a number; three inouu mate and taW . oaiupio wiwi V I , t v. oMit far V mv22tf 140 Nassau tre-. Ti JIT "PTftlT anjjrjxuAii By P. H.-'BALE, Printer :to tie . for 1 Subscribe to your Home Paper and p and then remit 12 to pay for yo" StateDemocraticrar; th Rilbss RaonsTia. Each new ,. entitled to the K 3 remirang uutok, for one year, an I to Webater'a Practical Dictio Which, until August 1, 1885, is offered a- if" miurn. flir Sample copies of the RseisTaa maue""- plication. Address i mySODAWtf Halelfi" -t r

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