fhe"Moraing Star. ; BY IVJML. II. BBRMARF. PHRLISHgD DAILY 'AxCgPT MOSS 0ae Tear, (by Mall) Postageld. ....... Three MoMBS,-,, ....160 Tffooi",B M - .. ...... V5 One Month, a-Ko-i tAiimnMiln &nv nart fettty tan P :week7 OartUtT Of tCO WJ,.- feTftnllaftt for SUM a trints are uw (han iniw " redattMPoet OfJlc at WCmliiffton, N. O, MORNING EDITION. : OUTLINES ; A battery of boilers exploded at the Solar Iron Work, Pittaburg,0Pa. ; seventeen; men were scaWed, v. three , of them fatally; the v.,;'.iinrr was badly . wrecked. : A Bn,o..th faced boy aged about eighteen, robbed ihe mail Btage: from San Angelo, Texas ; he did "not disturb the- passengers, six in number. Serria has demanded ftD extension of her territory'; the populace are clamoring For the annexation of Mace- (joaia. Chas. R. Oallahan & Co. , stock brokers, Kingston, New York, hare fj.:ipj President Cleveland -and his Cabinet will attend the fair at Richmond, V'a. ; be has issued an order revoking CSvil Service Rule No. 2. - Total net cotton receipts 434,606 bales. 17m, Heath & Oi stock brokers. New York, suspended. Henry N. Smith, New York stock operator, failed; it is claimed that he owed the iirm of Heath & Co. one, million "4ol- jaroi There were 44 .deaths from . sm iU i ox in Montreal yesterday. ' : ' . Eighty deaths from cholera throughout Iiaiy Thursday; the disease has spread to Genoa. New York markets: Money 1H per cent.; cotton steady at 10 1-16 10 3-l6c; wheat, ungraded red 8199ic; corn, ungraded 47i48c; Southern flour iiucbaagei at $3 504 00; spirits turpea t,ne steady at 33i34c; rosin steady at $1 02l 10. ' " Connecticut's apple crop for 1885 is the largest ever grown, . The Western Press Association met at Detroit on the 30th ult. Jo sej h Medill, of tbe'Chicago Tribune, ws elected President. ' For eight months; ending 1st July there were 36 eecapes from peniten tiary No. 2 in Georgia. There were 5 from No. 1, and 21 from No. 3' total. '' Oily Gammon Hoar knows how to : ase smooth words while stabbing his enemy under the fifth rib. He put his poniard into the South while pre tending friendship. The bloody in grate, I The. nw torpedo boat, David BusLnell, has been launched and tested at New York. It is 85 feet long, 50 feet wide and one foot deep. Tho experiments were nccessfnl, but others will be mad t. Tee clergymen of Philadelphia protest against the , "special "delivery of letters on Sunday. They have by delegation waited on the President and Postmaster General to - protest. This is correct and a general protest should be made., The "Sabbath is profaned enough already. - Verdicts of iuries are often at fault. Mrs. Mary Belle Tucker, Mason county, Ky., was tried for murdering her husband. She was ol course , acquitted. She has at-. Ijmpted since to take her owji life and it is thought she will die. .She saysehe shot her husband to death. "".The Tories are waking up in Eng land. Sir HicksBeach announces that the Government is ready to take" strong measures in "dealing with boy cotting in Ireland. The Tories will be forced to either abandon Ireland -or use repressive measures .as the liberals did, and for which they were denounced. , - ' ": .. ; ' Johrmy Wise's circus is well nigh "busted." At Orange, Va., he had but two auditors.. If Fitz Lee had been canvassing with him Wise would have had 500 or 1,000 proba bly to address.' Do you see? Yet there were editors in North Carolina last year who were red ; hot for a oint canvass, but this paper was wt one of them. A tremendous aerolite bas fallen in Jefferson township. Pa., near the West Virginia line. It looked like a great nery barn being hurled through space with immense velocity - and noise. When the stone fell it broke .into three piecs. A dispatch from Clavsvillfi. Pa oTr. . . ,."It, ia grayish in color, with a tendency io red streaks, and is more, than thirty feet . eopie are nocRing to see me iu greai, numrjers." - 1 i At Halifax C. H. Va., an" aged vuicu man named Uncle Ben; Left witch died. He asked 'to be buried by white men and named his pall uarers. He said, JLet no ReDubli can throw one single shovel of dirt On mir aA!'-m 7 -r-F '" .": ; - - : i i. .- - wmu.;- .ne was buried at the expense of the whites, and was, borne to his grave by white . men of stand-lng- A very large crowdiof whiles fended. He has always been a - V VOL. XXXVH.-N0. 10. Good new from Washington is to tho effect trmt both Thofnan ; and Gregory are quite sure to te removed from the Givil Service Commission. That is right If the President can not make a better Commission than Eaton, - Thoman '' and I Gregory ! he ongbt to retire and let r Uncle Hen dricks try his !prentice handi.'f Tho man is t laboring under the delusion that be bas a life interest' in- bis of. fice. He' bad actuallv nurchased himself a bouie in .Washington.' . It ought to' be for rent very soon. ' ; , . The Virginia Democrats are very sanguine . tbat J Maboneism will be mashed flat in November. So be it. Wbat an offence and stench be, must be to the true people of that grand old Stated. Th Norfolk Virginian notes, as an evidence of " W ise'a wan-' ing'star, as follows: , "This was illustrated at Petersburg: last week, when a moat gratifying feature of a Democratic meeting was the attendance of many of the leading ; colored , men of the city, including an organized colored club of 200 members, pledged to the support of ine uemocratic ucKet." .: , . ; ; The State Department at Wash- ington has received from the Ameri can Consul at Genoa, Italy, . a story sufficiently romantic to suit a novel ist in search of a plot. An Ameri can girl gave herself to an Italian adventurer and he put her in an asy lum. She is now on her way to America, having been supplied with funds by the Consul. There are many foolish American girls. "Oldest tana Best." ' Pittsboro Home. - ' The . Wilmington Stab has com pleted another year. It is the oldest and best of the North Carolina dailies. Its editorials embrace a wide J range of suDiects. and they are always fresh and- vigorous and done in ex cellent English. As a paper for the latest news from all quarters, it will compare most favorably with any southern paper. No paper is more prompt in reaching us on time, arid no paper wonld be more missed from our office. ' Spirits Turpsnune : There are 185 students at Chapel HilL - - . . r . The Baptist State Convention meets in the town of Asheville on October 14th. . : Mrs Cad Robeson, daughter of Rev. J. B. Bailey of the N. C. Conference, died in Lincointon Thursday morning at 8 o clock. Aged 35 years. , - Asheville Citizen; A gentle-. man-who has jtut visited quite a number of tobacco farms reports to us that he finds much tobacco being cut too green. . ' John Casey, in Mecklen burg, lost his barn, horse, &c , by an in cendiary fire. -His brother had his thigh dislocated whue chasing the guilty, party. Lincointon Press; Ab. Kirksey and John H. Smith, both of this county, were sent to jail last week by U. S. Cm missioner Hamilton, for illegal brandy selling. , ' , Raleigh 7 News- Observer : Gov. Scales and family left yesterday for Louis-, burg, to be present at to-day's celebration. They will be the guests of Hon. Joseph J. DaVlS. ,7:- ' i ; " Wadesboro Intelligencer; Har vey Jones, colored, who lives with "Wesley Williams, near this place, on Saturday morning last, accidentally shot himself in the left ankle, r ' .. ' Greensboro Workman : I Since the death of Solicitor Dobson there is said to be a warm scuffice after- his shoes, there being five aspirants, viz: Ji. B. (ilenn.AV. W. King, John Dobson, R. C. Puryear$nd iiarber. . ': . Charlotte Observer;- The con trast between this ,and the receiptefor the same period last year is strikingly great, as the following figures show: - - ; ' Sept. 1885, receipts. 4,518 bales. Sept. 1884, receipts. 2,671 v Increase over Sept., '84, 1,847 bales. The . Richmond State gives the following pleasing information: In a house hold in Buncombe county, N. C, a large dish of peanuts has been placed on the dmner table for dessert, every day in the year since the lady of the house took a fancy -to ine fruit thirty years bacK.- . . i New Berne Journal; John Mayo and Isaac Worley got into a dispute on Middle street vesterdav morning, when Mayo fired on Worley with a pistol and put a ball in his leg. A warrant was issued bv Justice Watson ana Mayo was com mitted to jail to await the result of the In jury. . ; i , High Point Enterprise; Guilford county had over 1,500 tobacco bams built withm her borders during the past summer. - - A wagon from Ashe county,- loaded with two thousand pounds of butter,' was in town this week. It was doubtless the largest load of that produce ever brought to this market.;. : i-i Salem Press: Iieut. H. R. .Lem ly. XJi S. AT, a native rof this place, has accepted a place on Gen. Hancock's etaff with the ranK oi uaptam.- jaeaaquaners, Governor's Island. New York. - The distillery of J.W. Shore, in Yadkin county, was destroyed by fire on the morning of the 8th inst; loss puo. ' ; - Goldsboro i : Messenger: -The cotton cron in this section is more seriously damaged than was at first' supposed. The trifld will fall far short if an averace croD. Mr. Thomas Washington. U. S. N., son of CoJ. J. A. Washington;1 left for headquarter , on Monday last after having spent a month s furlough witn relatives anu frlendfld this city. ' : r..- ? - v- Elizabeth Citv Economist: Re Dorta of "crona are confiictine as to product, some renresentinc that the crop-is below an average; others above. The late drought certainlv affected the crops very seriously. particularly rice. ' r Some miscreant at WILMINGTON, tempted to burn Dr. Dobson's house Satur day night "f Rags saturated with- kerosine were, found tinder the house and evidence of matches which' had beeh lighted. kl if . uiuhsaa-'icecoraerri iast Hun- day about 5, 000 people gathered under the Gospel Teat to hear .Rev. Dr. McDonald. of Atlanta j Ga. , one of the' most eloquent divines in the South; - - For the past week he has been preaching twice a day to our people and has done a wonderfuLamount of good,r .The tneetings are held under the auspices of - the ; Methodist, r Baptist ? and Presbyterian Churches, t The most of the business houses are closed during the hour - Oxford Torchlight: The farm-? ers report that the cures' of tobacco mader since the ram are less successful than those of a couple of weeks ago.' . An article reported trom. Raleigh to the Richmond Dispatch states that the penitentiarv force is growing i crop of fifteen hundred acres of. tobacco for which an offer has been- made of thirty -five cents per pound by Ra leigh buyers, it Fifteen hundred acres will produce one million two hundred thousand pounds, : which at . thirty-five . cents per pound would bring ! four hundred laud tweatrthiWiiSBd doliai. 7; C ' - a ReigbTMt7erTbe State Board of Inquiry, whose dutv it is to pass upon the validity of . pensions,- has declared 'that widows whose husbands died from natural causes or disease, and ; soldiers ' who were disabled otherwise than by. wounds received in the war, do not come, within the mean ing of . the : pension act. ' This makes the number of pensioners about2.400,of whom about, ball are, widows. TL will - give each pensioner this year-nearly - 412.50. Had the other classes been allowed there would have been 4,000 pensioners, and each wovld have received $7.5Q. : -. ; Durham Reporter: Two more tobacco barns .burned. ' 4 On Tuesdav.i the 24th ulL. Adolphus Parker -lost a barn of tobacco, and. on Saturday, the 2Cth ult,,the J Misses Uarnngton lost another. - Uotn on I"lat River. The storm injured the Gospel tent at Durham so that services can not be , held therein before next week. Meanwhile services -are conducted at the churches. " -; We clip the above from ; the Wilmington Stab as coming from the Richmond Dispatch. .The old adage is true, "you must go away from home to hear the news.". This is certainly news to us here."- f " : '-' -' ' ; - ' '.- 1 - ? Groldsboro Argus; We regret to learn of the death, at Apex, of Mr. M. A. Jones, who married Miss .Laura Jr. Mil- ard,' of this eity. Comomption was the cause . or nia . dealn. r Uraavule Has taken the lead' in the formation f these eraDSv( Agricultural).':"- The farmers of that county have a sptemvd organizalioa. They meet from time to time at some neighbor s house; enjoy a good dinner, have agricul tural talks from different members: trials of farm emplemente, r and -when they 'dis perse a large amount of information kas been imparted to each IndividuaL In this way the farmers of Uranville are well posted in everything, pertaining to their vocation. i M 1 THE OITTT. NEW ADVEHTlSKlaKNT i Mphson Stock now full. HEiNSBEBaEB School books. . . . Jirot L.-BoATwwieHT Fall jtooda, i - J. R. Melton The best meats yet. Hahbsh & Smith A card. Local oou. The - public schools open on Monday. ' Mr. Ahrens is buildings an ex tension to his ice house on Dock street. Repairs at Fourth street bridge have been completed, and it is now open for traffic. ' Mr. "J. Lu Croom has removed his grocery business to store 102,corner of Princess and Water streets! There were nine interments' in Oak Grove Cemetery during the month of September; four whites and nine colored. Complaint is made that some of the trees oh the streets need trimming, to prevent damage to tho tops of vehicles. Two white women of the demi- moade were before; the. .Mayor, jresterday morning for. disorderly conduct on the streets, and were fined $5 each. We have received the premium list of the second annual fair of the Eastern Carolina Fair and Stock Association; to be held at Goldsboro, beginning on Tuesday, November 3d, and continuing 'until the following Saturday. '. Liberal arrangements for the transportation to and from the grounds of all articles and animals entered for exhibition are being made with the rail road companies-' . "i . . -' Superior jfjonrt. . . . The case ef C. B. Wright vs. J. C. In-. gram, was tried in, this Court yesterday. Judgment was for the plaintiff in the J sum of 254. ' A divorce was granted Cary Ellis from Sophia Ellis.. F. H. Darby counsel for plaintiff. The defendant did not appear. In the case of W.' P: Oldham vs.' E. ;A. Wright, executor" tried.. Thursday. Juflg ment was for the plaintiff in the sum of $10. i Mr. ,Mk McD -Robinson, , a member' of the Fayetteville Bar, is in the city.' - '"- ! : Mr. James Ruffin,' of Rockingham, su perintendent of Roberdel factory, was in tdwn'ycsterdayil'-ffi.''';- f r- ' We had a pleasant call from4 Gen. Wo. G, Lewis yesterday. ; ; f t Mrs.VKate C. : Wines has returned from -the North where she went some time since to buy goods for the winter trade, rue nii' " "" " ' " , 'A telegram to Messrs. ; Woody &: Currie, front; Fayetteville 'yesterday, reports no change in i the ; river at that place. The" "steamers Hurt ; and Bladen left there Thuro day morning,, but had not arrived here Ves- A Gkle at Smitbvllle. " ' ..' ) Theea:a he4v blow at Smithville ThursdsyQNone - ot: the- shipping in the harbor sustained damage, but two of the pilot boats were blown ashore. , - t N. C.i SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3," 1885. JTlie Orton." ? ' By invitation, a representative T of the Stab visited the new hotel shortly to be opened in this city under the name of "The Orton.". It comprises forty rooms, occupy ing two floors of the Murchison building on Front street. The furniture has all been placed in the house, but carpenters, plumb-. era, upholsterers and other workmen were still busily at work yesterday. The broad hallways on each floor extend the length of the building', from Front street, and are handsomely carpeted in Brussels -' and furnished with leather lounges and settees. The parlor, dn the first flootr.front, is a model of simple' elegance and ; taste, car-: peted with velvet Brussels, that in tone and color harmonizes with . the furniture of red plu8h,brocaded velvet and raw silk, and with the rich papering. . A magnificent chande lier is suspended from the ceiling and hand-' some oil paintings adorn the Walls. : A large cabinet mirror, a grand upright piano . in ebony ease, eriental rogv lace curtains, etc. are part of the furniture and fittings. TJfie office is also on-the first floor, front, and is carpeted and furnished in the same good tasted with, red leather chairs and sofas a; handsome 'centre table under a brilliant "chandelier in the centre of the room, and painUugs. A private, office, ad joins this room.: . - The rooms for guests are of good size, well ventilated, and are richly furnished; the handsome Brussels carpets matching the furniture of cherry, black walnut or ash. The bedding is said to he exceptionally fine and costly.' Luxurious arm," chairs are in each of these rooms. - : The dining room, while not lare, is sufflcienUy commodious. It is furnished with polished: cherry tables, comfortable black walnut chairs, and a handsome side board. The table service is of Dresden china. '-; The kitchen is complete, with evefy modern improvement, especial attention having been paid to this, as well as to the bath rooms and . sanitary arrangements, which are thorough and perfect . "The Prton; is leased by Messrs. Wm. Bryan, Jr., & Sons, owners and proprietors of well known favorite summer resorts at the North, and is under the management of Mr. W. A. Bryan.: It will be opened at an early day. - : BIaelBtrmta Cenrt. Justice MUlis had several violators of the aw before him yesterday. Frank Hargrave, a Iwoman, and Wash Bran th am, charged with the larceny of money from Silas Blunt, a sailor, were ar raigned.. The hearing of the cases was postponed until today. Brantham gave bond, while the Hargrave languishes in jail. .. . . .... Henry Curtis, charged with assault and battery on Reuben Smith. Case dismissed on the payment of costs. There were two or more other cases of assault and battery, the parties to which 'didn't want their names published," and they were withheld from the reporter. Concordia nail. The above name was on Wednesday evening last given to the new and splendid hall on Front street, opposite the new mar ket,- recently built by our enterprising townsman and successful merchant Hanke Yollers, Esq. A ball . was that evening given, and opened by two pieces of instru mental music by the Germania Concert Band. At 12 o'clock, a. m., after another piece of music by the band, the mayor of the city, CoL E. D. Hall, in appropriate and well, timed remarks, made a speech suitable to the occasion and named the hall Concordia, by which name it will be here after known and called. . ; Business OBanae-"- Messrs.': Hansen & Smith have disposed of the ship chandlery business so success fully conducted by ' them for years past on South-Water street, to Messrs. Doscher & Eure, and will here-: after devote their entire - attention to the operation of the Carolina Oil and Creosote Works, in this city. These works, by the way, are becoming' widely and fa vorably known throughout the country, by the superiority of the creosoted timbers turned out, which have received the high est . commendation from U. S. engineers and other government officials. ' , BIVEft AND OTABINE. i. - : Nor. barque Odd, sailed from Cadiz, Sept. 25th, for this port. - . ; - : Schr. f7rantU,! Haskell, cleared .from Phiiadelphia, SepW SOtb, for this port, I , . - Swedish, barque Liana, Andersen, sailed from Cuxhaven, Sept. 27th, for this port. .. . ' - -' Gen barque O. Sodbertus, Schulz, sailed from London on the 30th ult, for this port. v - . Ger barque Bonnabend. Pust, sailed from Sharpness for this'port, Sept. 29.' ;- ' " After several postponements it is an hounced that the Natimdad will be launched on Monday next Considerable interest la manifested here in this- vessel as being a specimen of o'me workmanship, nothing being.' left of the' original ' vessel but the model and part of thekeel,When repairs were first undertaken upon1 her it was found that her timbers were rotten 'from stem to stern, 'and it was decided to rebuildher; She was thereupon cut in two, lengthened fifteen feet and three and a half feet added to her height, .thus almost doubling ihe capacity of theeaseL K CaptA R. B." Beery f has bad charge 'of the' carpenter work, and Mr A. E. Ibeie, represents hewV era, general .supervision of the whole.; 5 War Department Slsnal scrrlee. 17. Division of Telegrams and Reports for the cenencoi commerce and Agriculture . ' COTTOPfBKliT nUIiXETXTr. The following table - shows the average uuuumum ana minimum temperatures ana average amount of rainfall at the dis tricts named. Each district includes from ten to twenty stations of observation, and ne figures given below are the mean values of all reports sent to each centre of district Observations taien daily at 6 P M.,;75th meridian time.. - 5 ; V y Oct 2,1885 6 P.M. We AVERAGE 7 Max.' Temp. Min.s Temp. Rain FalL Wilmington .60 69 60 ,06 .02 ; .28 .37 .33 .80 : : .71 ;.- 74 y 69- ' 0 " 67 r--77: Uharleston. , Augusta.'.';. ;V. bavannahw... OS, 60 64 64' 63 Atlanta. ..... Montgomery.. Mobile........ 4 - New Orleans . : .00 GalvcstottV.;.. : 83 J . .8 61.; 60 ' 61 Vicksbtirg. . .75 73' ;00,;--y ,20 JjlUlQ JWCK. . ... Memphis....;, .22 Our Dome Temperature. . - The A following shows the 1 range; of the thermometer, yesterday, in this city, as fur nished by the Slgnal"Service office: 7 a." m., 67.0 ; 11 a. .m., 74.3; 3 p. m. ; 80.9;T p. m., 74.0; 10 p. m..y72.7. - n w a -i Weather Indteations. The following are the indications for ic day: - ' For the South Atlantic States, local rains, easterly w inds, becoming variable, warmer u the interior, stationary temperature oh the coast. : . : .... W. Ii. I. ' " " ''' l . ' - ,.. Preparation's for 'the festival and "flag driHf of the Wilmington Light Infantry and Cantwell Guard are in active progress, and the members of the company are con fident of thus securing the material aid so much needed for the drum corps. -We trust they will not be disappointed, but will receive such encouragement and aid as Will evince proper public appreciation. Recent occurrences in this State -show the desira bility of military organisations in every community, for although the services of the military may be seldom required for the suppression of rios, yet the knowledge that an armed and disciplined force of vol unteer soldiers is in existence, in case of need, undoubtedly does much to prevent mob violence and disorder. It is like a well organized police force, whose captures of offenders bear but a slight' ratio tot the. number of1 offences which "Would havej oc curred in the absence of patrol by the guardians of the peace. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE BEST YET! ANOTHER LOT OF FINE SAMPSON & DUPLIN COUNTY BEEF. ALSO, v '' Fine Teal, Lamb and Venison, Liver Padding and Sansase, FAT, TENDER AND JUICY. No deviation from Prices. Call earlr and leave orders. Respectfully, JOHN It. MELTOX, oc 3 It Stalls 1 and 3 New Market. A Card. JJAVINQ SOLD OCT OUR ENTIRE BUSINESS, consisting of SHIP CHANDLERY. AND GROCE RIES, to Messrs. DOSCHER & SURE, we be speak for them the same liberal patronage that has been given us, and assure our customers that they are most worthy of it -A v We will devote ourselves hereafter to the bu siness of the CAROLINA OI C AND CREOSOTE COMPANY, and can be found at onr Office UP STAIRS, at No. 9 South Water Street . . . OC 3 It HANSEN & SMITH. . Fall Goods. First of the Season. FRESH HULLED BUCKWHEAT AND PURE . FLORIDA SYRUP. The Cane from which this Syrup was made, was raised and pressed by a Wilmington gentle man, transacting business in Florida In 1882. IT IS SOMETHING NICE ' MAPLE SYRUP TO ARRIVE BY THE NEXT STEAMER.. -- PIG PORK IN SMALL CUTS, FANCY NAVY BEANS. A very superior article of CORNED BEEF, cured In Lexington Market, Baltimore, Md. , 'For sale by .'' JNO. L BO AT WRIGHT, ; Oc3tf " ' 15 & 17 SO. FRONT STREET. ; SfeStOC . 0F GENTS' FURNIsnrNG GOODS, HEaDYt Made Clothing, andTiece Goods for Suitings or Pants to Measure, is now full. We will be glad to. show to any, even if they are not purchasers. ' , ' ' MUNSON, ' oo81t ' t Clothier, Ac. NEW FALL HATS ! .it - - - - . : t . JUST RECEIVED AT nr8.E.A;LTjnSBEirS ' . 119 Nor li Front St. . ' CrewNotioe. - AU persons are hereby cautioned and forewarned against harboring or tmstincr anv of the crew of the . -grCapt. Masson, as neither the Master 9 r . . . a or consignee wiu oe respomuum ior any debts contracted by Jheni.-.i ? -, , oo 9 3t i f t , C. P. MEBANE, Consignee. Districts. W5ES ' 1- WHOLE NO. 5941 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS S - !PorBent,ri 1 ; The most attractive and commodi ous store on Water Street. AIfo, two Offices, unsorpassed for comfort and convenience. Also, the 8econd Vlnnr IIII Iftl Jot the Jones Store, on Water street. . Apply to A. H. GEKEKB, . eeS6tf - - - -Kerchner BnUdtog. HOTJSB, wlthf onr rooms and kitchen. mi good cistern of water On the premises, aU In first class order, on 2nd between Cheanut and Mulberry streets. - j - ! sel5tf " appry to v - - - i - - W.N.BOWDIN.' For Kent, STOKES, OFFICES (illi ': - AND OWXLLINGS. Apply to D.O'CONNO, r --if-iBeal Estate Afrent. 11 l2$ That desirable BB1CE TENSMCJIT HOTJSB, situated on Front between Or tance and Ann streets, Said House con- tains seTen rooms. - . : . ' ; . - Apply to an 3Jtf ; y WM. Of. FOWLtB. School Books, SUCH AS ASIC USED IN ALL THE CITY . 1 . v,. .... .W;..- and Coan:rT Schools, will be sold eheap at - ;' ' . HEINSKEEGER'S - . Ltve Book and Muslo Stores. Pianos and Organs j A EK FOLD NOW YEKT CHEAP FOB CASH or on the - Popular Monthly Installment Plan.. . . , - Just received a large assortment at ; oo3tf HEINSBXBXIIB'S. Arrived, TAST KIGHr, ANOTHEB CAR LOAD OF those FINE WESTEBN CATTLE. Oararrange- mentaare now complete for furnishing the BEST BEEF ever sold here, and at -the LOWEST PRICES. Telephone No. 97 now ready. Send us your orders. Heats promptly delivered free of charge in any part of the city. Remember that FOURTH STREET MARKET la now THE BK8T BEEF MARKET in the city, and carries THE LAB9E3T STOCK OF FINE MEATS. Oc2 2t J. F. QARRELL & SON. Announcement. New Grocery Store. rpHE PUBLIC ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT A. - we have opened a GROCERY STORE at 131 MARKET STREET, (Stevenson's old stand), and are prepared to sell the FRESHEST AND CHOICEST GROCERIES at a most reasonable rate. We are vouns men. and ask you to give us a trial, and nope to have a i air snare oi patronage ana merit tne commence or au ty strict attention to business Respectfully, ocl tf HOLMES 4 FILLYAW. Oystersi Oysters COME OF THE FINEST NEW RIVER QTS- KJ TERS now on hand. Come one 1 Come all ! to the NATIONAL SALOON, cor. Market and Wa ter streets. W. H. M. KOCH, oo 1 lw . Prop's, New Fail Styles ! gTIFF AND SOFT HATS 1 LADIES' FELT HATS 1 HARRISON ALLEN. Hatters. oo 1 U See! rXm CARRIAGES. PHAETONS. BUGGIES. KJ Road Wagons. Carts, Brays, Trunks, Bags, Satchels and Harness. Repairing promptly done. Call, examine our goods, get our prices, and you win oe sure to Duy. McDOUGALL ft BOWDXN. se 27 tf . HUlorth Front St. Fall Stock. f-VUR FALL STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS. TRUNKS AND VALISES is now com plete. Latest styles and lowest prices. uauat ; a ttUKiifiica sep27tf 1C8 & 110 Market I tSil at Ai ttUKLKU'S. t. De Anjoire Pears, A ND A CHOICE LOT OF GRAPES. BANANAS and APPLES, byjto-day's Steamer. MRS. E. WARREN. KWI will open a Branch of my Candy Business at Exchange Corner on or about the 8th of Octo ber; se 29 ttZZ Save.' IS NO REASON WHY GENTLEMEN should pay from $40 to $75 for Suits ef Clothes made to order by people who know nothing about the Tailoring business except the faculty of charging .tnese enormous prices, wnen nere in onr midst thev can save about SO per cent. and get Suits made where the proprieter is a Practical Tailor andUcompetent to eatlsfytne most faxtidiona. - s - - - We claim we can furnish the MOST FASHION ABLE SUITS AT A LESS COST than any of the Bo-ealled "Tailors" in this State. : . We nave the CHAMPION CUTTER; the emi nent young Englishman, who pleases all of our customers witn ms stynsn garments, ue is a practical Tailor, who nas learned his trade on the work-bencn, and tnrougn bard study, expe rience, remarkably fine taste and close attf lion has ealned a Dosttion inthe "master art" XthT of anv Cutter in London. Paris or New Ye We nersonauT eive our attention to the work' icea. room, where every garment turned out by ua is superior in worxmanship to anv otner nouse. Our prices are far oelow the-exhorbitant charges of other Tafiors who claim to do first- Class VOTE. ilUUM DXJUt, se87tf Tailor. Tar Heel Lixdinent. JpOR INTERN AL AND EXTERNAL UBS, ) Ely's Cream Balm and Wei-De-Meyer's Ca- tarrn cure. Also, a complete stock of Patent jaeaicines, Drugs, ae., at F. C. MILLER'S, se 0 tf Corner Fourth and Nun Sts. Cold Weather ts (Yinrafl. Awn tsow is tub time TO X have your Stoves overhauled and put up for tne winter, Ji you wans a nrat-oiasa wumto or h k am i nh sivvJt. we can iurnum joa. Puk whltn Oil alwava on hand. . . PARKER A TAYLOI se 27 tf ' . 3 South Front 1 Andirons, &c. TUB ARE OFFERING THIS WEEK SOME- TV thmg nice In tne war of Andirons Brass nnrKn. TBronza and Iron. Also. Shovel and Tongs. Blower Stands, Coal Hods,. and everything, to makethe fireplace bright ana cneenui. - -r - : - . . GILES A MURCHISON. sep27tf ; . rMurchlson Block. . f !!! S CssaKMssaMa .IT. r III. V ; UATCt OF AJTEBTISIN6i . : j. "wo Days,.........;.. . . 1 r..- yoarDayaw.,i.v..............' & 1 ZLT W36JCa j'W Va aXy - 4 ' Ttoee Weeks,.......,. L- M 1 Two Months,..., One Year......... . i9'OunLraet Advertisements taken at pr:; OonsdelawrmiBB. uX 44 , ' Tea lines solid Nonpareil type make one b;- lOCW ADVERTISEMENTS. OF- Fall and Winter Gdbdr -AT- r.i. r.i. k to 116 Ilarket St. t'l--civ1 47 An Entirely ITex7 Otbc!: Silks, Rhadanu. Ottomans, Telveti, Cashmeres Trleos : 'yr f? -:V i':r-fcr' Ladles' Cloth, Henriettas Flannels, Ac., Ac. 7hite Goods. Liaces, Edgings. Furs, Gloves, Corsets, Slen's and Boys'. Tiear t. Hosiery, llonsekeeplnsf Goods; Domestics, Notions.' AetfJkc. mjp-i AT PRICES LOWER THAN THEY' HAVE BEEN - KNOWN FOR YEARS. Terms Positively CasliV I SHALL 8ELL MY GOODS AS'IW AS THS LOWEST CATALOGUES. ALL X ASK IS;TBS ..." ',, . SAME TREATMENT Cash! Casli! Casli-l And assure you at the same time, my kind pat- rons, that I propose to maintain in the future the reputation gamed in the past, of having. J. The Best, the Cheapest, - - AND .. t - Most Comiilete AksortmBni tf Gosk fo be found outside of New rork." " Call and be convinced at - H. H. KATZ'S seSOtf 118 HABKET ST. , WaimWeather YES, WARM NOW. BUT HOW LONG WILL IT remain so. Don't proerasttnate. but prepare yourself for the cold wave which Is on the way. PT Bttlair your Heating Apparatus la r'C-roB re nave m our shod oom Detent men to do vo ir -5 " c work. A fine line of Heating and O&.-ki&g Stove ?:t ': j ready for your Inspection. Prices low. i-;r.?e cau. . W. H. ALDEoMAN A C0., ooltf 25 Market Street. : Chickens ! Chickens! ARE IN VERY LARGE SUPPLY, AND CAN BE BOUGHT VERY LOW. ! . . - Choice Coops can be bought at 1QXC 18c and ' 80c through, . ; . , , EjQQQLBS. DRIED APPLES on Onslgnment, - r and will be aold for less thaa- they can be ordered. 20 BBLS. CHOICE APPLES,, , V, 20 do. do.V IRISH POTATOES, By Steamer to-day ' J, C STEVENSON, 1 1 18 NORTH FRONT ST sep30tf SALTli s AT.d:? Direct Importation J 3000 SACKS LIVERPOOL SALT, . 300 Lbs. Sacks. SACKS FINE SALT, Factory flUed,f 1000 Now landing Ex British Steamer Grand Holm. . - .- v r - : For sale low In lots to suit by WILEIAHS. RANKIN & CO. eeSOtf ' -w Wanted,, rB FALL AND W TVJBING THE FALL AND WTNTXB, CASH orders for Peanuts, New Btrer Oysters, Salt. or Fresh Fteh. Fish Roe. Oranges, Lemons, and other Tropical Pratta, or any otner ercnaoaise. Oomngnments or ootton avai stores ana cp Roauce generally, wm ray, or kinds of Country Prod" ' JOHNKj - Gen. Com. Merc-"' seftDAWtf , - A:

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