SQR COUGHS AND CROUP US?, in.iirMtWI''ieR' ton tre of th nm name. udna stimulating expectorant principle that Wxwcns S.hleitm prodncing the early morning eonjto. and stimo- 1 th child to throw off th false membrane in croon aid fcoopingons' ""en oomolnea witn tne healing mnci- i.-inmi3 principle in uuj uira piau. us uu unu., pre- TiTtoB's Chsok Bsswdt or Swarr Ohm aim ' finest known remedy ft Coughs, Croop. aoinc-Conah and Consumption and so palatable, an .". mh Is pleased to take it. Ask your draegist for it. Trias, , tSSST-WAITER A. TAYLOR, Atlanta, Oa. DR BIGGERS' HCCKLKBBRBY CORDIAL for niirrhoea. Dysentery and Children Teething. Far sale by all drnssists. : .'' - - my 15 ly too . , .r nrml ; ', - - Men vXWnk they know all about Mustang Lhi 1 iment. Few do. Not .to know is not to have. ' .' " foh i DAW sa tilth nnn ch m Many a is beautiful, all but her skin ; and nobody has ever told her how easy it is to put beauty on the skin, y Beauty on the skin is Magnolia Balm. feb 1 DAW su tu th nnn cam Hot Springs at Tour Door.; .Sot Springs Physicians use in their own Cases and Prescribe for Others Juffalo litMa Water 60UT, RHEUMATISM, AND DISEASES GENE RALLY OP URIC ACID DIATHESIS - . BR. JAMES L. CABELL, " . . - : rrotessor of Physiology and Surgery in the Med ical Dejsartment of the University of Virginia and President of t ie National Board of Health, and former Resident Physician, Hot Springs, Virginia. ; . The water of Spring No. 8 contains in nota ble quantities two of the Alkalies, which are ac credited as extremely valuable in tne treatment of Goat, Lithiasis, and Liver Affections. I refer to the Carbonates of Potash and. Lithia. , It is now well known that both of these alkaline carbon ates have an ascertained value in oases of Uric Acid Diathesis connected with Gravel, and In cases of Chronic Gout, because of their affinity for Uric Acid, and the great solubility of the salts which are formed by their union with that acid." ; . DR. ALGERNON S.GARNETT,! ' . ureon (Retired) U. S. Navy, Resident Physician - Hot Springs,. Ark. it . . ''y experience In the use of Buffalo Llthla Vater is limited to theXreatment of Gout, Rheu matism, and that hybrid disease 'Rheumatic -.Jtii' iso cauea), wnicn is m contradistinction to the Sheumatoid Arthritis of Oarrod. "I have had excellent results from this Water in (these affections, both in my own person and in 'the treatment of patients for whom I have pre scribed it. Of coarse the remedial agent is its contained Alkalies and their solvent properties. "Hence, it it a prophylactic as well as a reme dT In nephritic Colic and forming Calculi, when due to a redundancy of Lithic Acid." U DR. W. B. TOWLES, ' "Memfe Itedical Society of Virginia, Resident rhysleianflot Springs, Va." . .: ; . "I 'eel so hesitancy whatever In saying that in uont Bhesmatic Gout, Rheumatism, stone in the Bladder, and all diseases of Uric Acid Dia tnesis, I know of no remedy at ail comparable to Buffalo Lithia Water, Spring No. 2. In a single ase of Bright s Disease of the Kidneys-1 wit nessed very marked beneficial results from its apd from its action la this particular case, I ishould have great confidence In It in this dla eas9." , ... DR. T. B. BUCHANAN. Resident Physician, Hot Springs, Ark.5 . I'?en4Tme five cases Buffalo Lithia Water, nu? No. 2, I have made use of this Water for wutin myown case, and prescribed it for pa tients similarly suffering, with the most decided fw ciaLresult3- 1 take pleasure in advising outy patients to these Springs.' x Water in cases of one dozen half gallon bottles per case at the Springs. springs pamphlet mailed to any. address. r.!' by W. H. Green, where the Springs pamphlet may be found. mm THOS. P. GOODS, Proprietor, ran 18 tf nnn Buffalo Lithia Springs, Va Bank of Hew Hanover. Authorized Capital - - $1,000,000 Cash Capital paid: in - .5300,000 Sarplns Fund, - - - - $50,000 DIRECTORS : ' W- L GORE, C M. STEDMAN, W. WILLIAMS, ISAAC BATES, E0NALD MacRAB, j as. a. leak, B. TOLLERS, p. RHEINSTSIN, I- K. ERIDGERS, E. B. BORDEN, W. ATKINSON. ' ISAAC BATES, President, . O. W. WILLIAKS. Vice President, in,"-r S. D. WALLACE, Cashier T Atkinson Hjiiig's insurance Rooms, , ' ; NO. 113 NORTH WATER STREET, ' Wilmington. W. C, 1 Marine M 0 Coipaiies. 2vftf Cap!tal Pented Oyer 100,00000. A Proclamation, j r ; StteJ?.iT. AT SEASON OTF e CffiLr1,13 1681 y everybody; ?K?f8SnT!, Proclaimed that H. Cr PREM r61 an Wi ti2S2&8P Street, Is the placetp. 111 need i oVfi0llt and ShampoAfli ' aorekftJ;14'!'18 there are Polite IotJ"0?18" 4 flntlasi H. C. PBEMPEBT Lady f he Morniiig Star THE ENRINEEB. JSAMtTEL WILLIAMS COOPER. Lik6 a flash of light the through express - Flies over the silvery line v ;.. Bearipg its burden of human souls s- ; On, on through the gay sunshine i ' ii There, at the throttle-bar, brown and grim ' His deep eyes looking ahead,. v? -; ; The engineer, in his oily clothes, - i 't Stands firm and freefrom dread.. , . The track is his own, all .must give way; '. - Yes I Bee at the town, on there! ; . ; The morning freight on the aiding, waits; AH is right; no call for care. v ; C Ah, Qodl an open switch! One movef - And his bar is quick reversed; , '- Then the air brakes drag. Jump! -Jump! . or death. . ' v . . On you soul will do his worst. ' V j The engine lurches upon the switch. . - Just ahead there stands the freight; ; He can save his : train it . he keeps his post; '- For himself? Ah! well, ask Fate. A frightful crash; the passengers saved, f .With their faces white with dread; '- But under his engine, crushed and torn', The brave engineer lies dead. m ki fyj Think, as you fly 'mid the sunshine bright,' Or through the storm and rain, jf I By day and night, o'er plain and gorge, , Of the engineer of the train. , . " ; . 5 Think of the thousands of souls he holds ; In his grasp, without a fear; - -' Think of the strain on nerve and on brain, . : And pray for the engineer. . " ' ' " . Phil. News. . ' . rOJLlTICA.Lr POlltTS. - .' ; 5 We trust Mr. Blaine will not. write a letter this year, as he did two years : ago, advising his friends to bolt the State tickets in New York and Pennsylvania.: Chicago Mail, Rep. -;- ? s -- If tbe Republican campaign is languismng in , umo it is Decause senator Sherman has made an issue for it in which the people have but the most languid inter est. FhiL Inquirer, Rep. President Cleveland lias shown in a number of instances a quality which should-give uneasiness to his friends and supporters something which possibly he takes for firmness, but which in : reality is obstinacy. N. T. Herald,-Ind, Gen.4 Sherman says he would like to have written President Lincoln's first Inaugural Address. That sort of mania seems to run in the family. It is supposed by some that Brother John would like to write one. But it is opined by others that he never will. Wash. Post, Dem. , Why should Field Marshal llalstead be criticised for. his bloody war fare against the Southern rebellion of 1863, in which he surged his seething waves of blood.-tven. ainst the loyal President when , he is to-day engaged in the deadly strife to suppress the same causeless rebel lion, and it is to be presumed that he has learned nothing in more than two score years Phil. Times, Ind. Rep. - TWINKLINGS. i Butcher to saloon man What do you want with so much beef liver ? Saloon man I need it am going to give a turkey lunch to-night. Arkansaw Travel" ler. ' - " The Cherokee Nation has no lawa for the collection . of debts. , When a "creditor wants to meet a note he simply takes his gun and hunts up his friends. Phil. Coll.- . - "What do we owe'Thomas Jef ferson ?" asks a New York newspaper wri ter. As Thomas never kept a bar. you probably don't owe him anything. Vou-rter-Journal. - ' - n '" - A California man has named his trotter "Oleomargarine," but declines to say whether he did so because the ani mal can run faster in hot weather or be cause he bought him dog cheap. Boston Post. ; -.' . " It is said that , barbed wire fences conduct lightning. A man who has ever sat down unexpectedly upon one of these nuisances will be convinced that they keep lightning on draught all the time. Indiana Messenger. - - i j The new building devoted to the State, War and Navy Departments at Washington will cost when completed about $10,500,000. The city hair at Phil adelphia will cost - about the same, and the capitol at Albany about twice that sum. rERSONjLL,. The guards at,r.the . tombs of Garfield and Grant will be removed the first of next January. This is a modern luxury that was not considered necessary when the early Presidents were buried. Boston Post. 'I - Dr. Douglas, ref erting to what he considers a : public Impression that the bills of Gen. Grant's physicians will average $10,000, says that his own charges will be far less than that amount, though his ser vices were the most continuous of all. Canon .Farrar reached Balti more yesterday afternoon as the guest of the Johns Hopkins University. ( To-day he will deliver the opening lecture of the fall course at the University. He will preach in two of the Protestant Episcopal churches of Baltimore after a visit to Washington on LFriday. . The Americans seem to be de sirous of surpassing even the old Romans in their wild extravagance. Mr. P. Loril lard, who has got together a collection . of field trial setters, has expended 13.000 in building kennels for them; the said kennels being described as "the most elegant l and complete in America" as well they may be. London Truth. . ' .. ' " . SO UTXLEHN ITEMS. X ' Capt. Robert W. Andrews, of Sumter, S. C, who walked last year from his home to Boston, is now ninety-six, and yet he is preparing lor a pedestrian tour to New Orleans. y-- A colored couple were divorced In the District Court Baturday in double quick time. The petition .was read, two witnesses examined, and the decree granted in less than two minutes by the watch. Brennan (Texas) Banner. y - A Boston man-once travelled over the South and published a letter stating that it was beginning an unprecedented era of prosperity in the matter of manufactur ing. A few years later he felt as if he had been the cause of the great prosperity in the South, and a good many newspapers were sr paralyzed with his Vcheek 'that they thanked him for the progress that; had been made. Savannah News; . J V ..." . - : vM - ( V , ' . Every Woman bowi Them, i The human body is.jnuch like a good clock or watch ? in its ' 'movements ; if t one goes too slow or too fast, sor follow, all; the others, and bad time results; if one organ or set of organs works imperfectly, perver sion of functional effort of all the organs is sure to follow. Hence it is that the numer ous .ailments which' make woman's' life miserable are the direct issue of the abnor mal action of the uterine system.;! For all that numerous class' of symptoms-aBd every woman knows them there iai one unfailine remedy, Dr. Pierce's ?'Favoiite Prescription," the favorite otthe sex, it , .; . . fc He Should Feel Flattered. ,r s : ' - NoTfolb; Landhiark. ' -r j" Attorney General Garlat ;a VnAnm of all men for his beautiful simplici-' ty of Jife,; and unspotted vfcurity of .vMiaw).v-, j-ii4-rtJcora- is Wltnout a stain, nd bis career, from beginning to end defies fair; criticism but this is just what the' New'Torlc 7WJi is incapable: of eivinEr. to a nolitlnal antagonistFor ihis reason it. now OOaaila TW,. dnr.'lnr. A.6 nt.a :'iV. phone snit; Und in the same breath it defends Mn John Roach, "the great est of AniericariishiDbuilders-" Thin is sunicient to break ; down th 7W. bune: in thei case,9and the: Attorney H."rtasBMtuulu ieeinaipereq. at tne ahimbsitv of a'ionrnal wlinsA f rirlo fa to attack the good and great and to ucacuu vurj.yurrupir auu prouigate. -: " f r-J-he issue ujoined- n New York. . The.. Admlnistratinn, nt Prooirlomt Caeveland is put upon Uts tti&LrNashville. American, uein. :.f . y . .? , .-?;'Jiv;tJ.:ie --assnnsaaBii i t . . .j - j TELE SUPEIlIok COURTS iTiV- - i) - - Fall Teraw, 188. i'f.- : ' Raleigi NewObserver. ;' f ' FIRST DISTRICT JUDGE SHEPHERD. Currituck September 7, one week, f Camden September 14, one week. ; Pasquotank-September 21 r one week. ' Perquimans September 28, one week.1 i - onowan uctooer o. one week, Gates--October 12. one week. -' i Hertford Oct. 19, one week; Dec 21,Tone week. :(".--v W-'.-..--. ? Washington Oct. 26, one week; .Dec.! 14,! - one wee. , t , . , :i.:.,:;z Tyrrell November 2, one week. . ? ? Dare November A. one w wk 1 Hyde November 16, one week. . Pamlirn "NTovpmhpr 2S nni -citaoV " 1 ; f C -1 Beaufort November 30, two weeks. SECOND DISTRICT JUDGE FHTL LIP. Warren September 21, two weeks. -Northampton October 5, two weeks. Edgecombe October 19, two weeks. Bertie November 2, two weeks. ' Halifax November 16, two weeks. Craven November SO, two weeks. j THIKD DISTKICS JUDGE CONNOE. Franklin--Aug. .17, one week; Nov. one week. .- . ' - - Martin Sept.,7, two weeks; Dec. 7, i weeks, for civil causes and jail --'only. - : -Pitt Sept. 21, two weeks. Greene Oct. 5,. two weeks. " Vance Oct 19, two weeks. Wilson Nov. 2, two weeks. Nash -Nov. 23, two weeks. 16, .tWo case FOURTH DISTBI(3T-7'irrjDGB CLARX,i .Wake July 13,- 5 two -. weeks; criminal . causes only; Aug:. 31,. two. weeks, civil causes only; 8ept,v;'twxiirta.'srl : inai; Oct. 26, three weeks, civil causes . only. - - :J-."; ; " Wayne July 27, two weeks, .'civil and criminal;. Sept 14, two weeks, civil causes only; Oct., 19, one week. . civil causes only. ; t . Harnett Aug. 10, one week, civil and i criminal. . . Johnston Aug. 17, two weeks, civil and criminaL ., FIFTH DISTRICT JUDGE GILMER. Orange- Aug. 10, one week; Nov' 9, one week.' ' .. V Caswell Ang.17, one week; Nov. 16, one week. Person Aug. 24, one week; Nov. 23, on week. " Guilford Aug: 31, two weeks; Dec. 14, two weeks. Granville Sept, 14 two weeks; Nov; SO,' 'two weeks. ' Alamance September 28, one week. . Chatham October 5, two weeks. Durham October 19, two weeks. , SIXTH DISTRICT JUDGE MCKOT. ' Jones Aug. 17, one week; Nov. 2, one " week; ' ' Lenoir Aug. 24, two weeks; Nov.. 16, two -" ' weeks. '' " . - -- ' Duplin Sept 7, one.week; Nov. 30fc two weeks. . " '. !, Pender September 14, one week. ' f New Hanover Sept 28, two weeks, for ci vil causes. - ; Carteret October 26, one week. " . ,' Onslow November 9, one week'.1'' ' Sampson-tOctober 12 two weeks Decem ber 14, ohe weekr ' ' " I SEVENTH DlSraiCT--JUDGB MC RAB. Cumberland July; 27, one week; Nov. 9, one week, for criminal causes only ; Nov. 16, two weeks, for civil causes." ; Columbus August 3, one week. Moore Aug. 17, two weeks; Dec. 7,f two : weeks. ; " ' v" 1 Robeson Aug. 31, two weeks; Oct' 12 ; two weeks. " ; : ; : : Anson Sept 14,' one Tweek, for criminal causes; Nov. 30, one week, civil causes. Brunswick September 21, one Week, f Richmond Sept 28, two weeks; Dejo. 21, oneweek. -v - ? Bladen October 26, two weeks. - EIGHTH DISTRICT 'JUDGE MONTGOMERY Iredell Aug. 10, two weeks; Nov. 9,, two Rowan Aug. "r 24,' two weeks ; Nov 83, . two weeks. . . . Davidson Sept 7, two weeks; Dec, 7j one Randolph September 21, two weeks. MontgomeryOctober 5, two weeks. Stanly Nov. 19, two weeks. ' Cabarrus Nov. 2, one week," for crimina cases and non-jury civil cases. - - . . . -? - . NINTH DISTRICT JUDGE GRAVES. Rockingham July 27, two weeks; Nov. 9, one week.. " -Stokes Aug. 10,; two weeks;; Nov 16j one Surry Aug, 24,' two weeks'vNQT , 23, one rtweeki -. Alleghany September 7, one week, h Wilkes September 14, two. weeks. . j Yadkin?-eptember 28, twd weeks. , Davie October 12, two weeks, j - Forsyth October 26, two weeks. ;. " -; TENTH DISTRICT JUDGE AVERY. Henderson July 20, three weeks. -Burke--Augu8t 10, two weeks. Ashe August 24 one week.' ; Wntan r A rt (ni st. 81; tmA week.' f ; Caldwell September 7, one week. Mitchell -September 14, two weeks. Yancey September 28, two weeks. McDowell October 12 two weeks ELEVENTH DKTRIOTjUDGE SHIPP.- ' Alexander-nJuly 27, one week. - i s Catawba August 3, one week. " J Cleveland August 10, two Weeks; Octo-, ber 26, one week. ; ' f ;: .Z Mecklenburg August ; 81, three jwjeek 8 civil causes"bnly. i? tvTj'.. .Union September 21 two weeks. i Lincoln--October 5,' one week. ? ; - f Gaston-Octobei 12, two weeks. t Rutherford November 2, two weeks, t ,-. Polk November 16, one week. . j-: TWELFTH DISTRICT--JUDGE 6UDGBB.- 3 ladlson August 3, two weeks; November 23, two weeks; civil causes. Buncombe August; 17, three weeks;- De- cember, 7, two-weeks. j . i r ? . Transylvani8Syptember 7", one weekj .-V-Haywood September 14, two weeks. :; 'V JacksoA--ptember 28, pneeek. ? j Maccn October 5, one week.";; ; f i Clay October . 12, one week. " Cherokee October 19, two weeks Diseases from Pimples to Sero : - Tula Cured yjCntlcura. i. - .H,m.d?-,ifiiet!? w"lossesslon,coples of which maybe, had by return of mall, repeat this Btory:-I -have been a terrible suffererfor years from Diseases of the Skin and Blood: have been obliged to shun public places iby reason of my disfiguring humors; have had the best physi cians: have spent hundreds of dollars, and got no relief until I used the CuncuBA. Bmnniss, which have cured me, and left my Bkin and blood as pure as a child's- -. . . w 3 COVERED WITH SALT BHETJJJi. , Ctjticuba RKmnn-s are the greatest medicines, on earth. - Had the worst case of Salt Rheum In this country- My mother had It twenty years, and in faot died from It I believe Cutict-ba would have saved her life. My arms, breast and head were covered for three years, which noth ing relieved or cured until I used the Cuticura. Rssolvxxt, Internally, and Cuticuka and Cuti cura Soap, externally. -. , . Nxwabk, O. v-f : -.;;-? . ' J. W. ADAMS, i HEADt FACE AltD BOD IT RAW. ' I commenced to use your Cutiuuua. Eixkbies last July. ' My head and face and some parts of my body were almost raw. My head was cov ered with scabs and sores, and my Buffering was fearful. I had tried everything I had heard of. la the East and West. Xy case was considered a very bad one. I have now not a particle of Skin Humor about me, and . my case is considered wonderful. -- t Dboatub, MICH.V - . Mrs. aE. WHIPPLE. EczEni fromFead to feet. i Charles Bay re Hinkle," Jersey City Heights, N. J., writes: "My son, a lad of twelve years, was completely cured of a terrible case of Eczema by the Cuticuka. Remedies. - From the top of his head to the soles of his feet was one mass of scabs." Every other remedy and physicians had been tried .In vain. . . . CUTICTJRA REMEDIES Are sold everywhere. ' Price : Ctjticuba, 50c. ; Rksolvknt, $1.00; Boa 85o. Prepared by; tbe Pottkb Datra Aim Chemical Co., Boston, Mass Senfor WHow to Cure skin Diseases." 6RTJBS; Pimples, Skin Blemishes, and Baby' Humors eared by Ctjticuba Soap, t CUTICURA. , ANTI-PAIN PLAS TER a anew, original, elegant and inf all ib'.e antidote to Pain and Inflam mation, banishing Rheumatic, Neu ralgia, Sciatic, Sudden Sharp andNer von" Pains as by magic At drug- CiStS. - 830. oelD&Wlm wed sat toe or frm T he IV1 orning St a r PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY ; SiiuScrijtioii Rates In Adrance. DAILYSTAR, One Year, postage paid 87 00 " SixMonths. " 4 00 " . v . Three Months V - " 3 00 Two Months, " " 10 One Moftb " " ....... 75 WEEKLY STAR, One Year, postage paid . . 1 50 " SixMonths, " ...100 Three Months-4 " 50 lh HoncacHXrPaEss : ' The Stab is decidedly one of the best papers In the State, as bright ana newsy w ever. Long life The Wllsnlnfrton Stab has entered en its twelfth year as good a paper as any people should want. CharUy&s Democrat. a. Tbe Wilmington Stab has entered on ts twelfth year. As a dally journal or news it stands "up uosACkmeoraBtaister The Wilmington Stab has entered its twenty fifth volume. There is no better naoer Dubllshed In he State. Lenoir Topic. The WDniington Stab has entered upon Its thir teenth year. It Is one of the best papers in the State. Warrmton Gatett. Tha wtrm!neton Stab has entered its thirteenth year. It has become one of the leading papers.of the South. Oxford TorchUahU Tha WTlmfricton Stab Is not only one of the best edited papers In the State, but for freshness of news ana typograplcal appearance cannot be beaten. jacKton juvorter. i The Wflmkurton Stab Is one of the very best pa pen in the South, in every department from typo graphy up to editorial ability and Independence. Pttsrsourg ( Fa.) Index-Appeai. . The Wilmington (N. C.) Kosiaxa Stab Is a mod el newspaper. Indeed, we think we do not exag gerate Its merits when we say it Is the newsiest (secular) paper published in the South. Richmond (Fa.) BmaioHi IleraUL. The Wilmington Stab has now entered npon its thirteenth year and twenty-fifth volume. One of tha best conducted and edited Daners in the South and. as a North Carolinian, we are proud of It Tarooro Southerner. We like the Stab beoauee It Is thoroughly re liable, candid, fearless, and bp well and ably edited , newsy, spicy, and in faot a perfect news- imper, long may tne btab twinaue.-kic. -Anr Althonsrh at the head of the Dress In this State In all that makes a paper valuable to the reader, still It continues to improve. It Is a Stab of the llrst magaituae. May us lustre never wane. TkeJfree WW Baptist. The Stab Is so well and favorablv known tn this section of tne State, that we can say nothing of which its thousands of readers do not already know. It is m every respect one of the best aal lies in the South. Bebamian. The Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth year. It is a most excellent newspaper, well ed ited, a compendium of all the news of the day, and an honor to its city, to North Carolina and to North Carolina lournallsm. Charlotte Observer. That masnlfioent beaming Stab has completed Its twenty-second volume. It la one of the most brilliant, erudite and sparkling dailies south of the Potomac. The system in the get up of the pa per surpasses them fuLTarboro Bouthirner. Tha wnmburton Stab Is now taklntr the regular midnight Associated Press reports, and has be sides Increased the amount of its reading matter. Tha Stab Is an excellent naner. Its prosperity is .not surprising since It is so deserving. Chariot' Observer. i Tha Times eannot sav a word too good for the Wilmington Stab. It has lust reached one of its many birthdays. As a newspaper It is a favorite with the State press and Is sought after by the people. Long and prosperous life to It. Beids- Tha wnmburton Stab, we are nleased to notice. still continues on tbe high road to success. We esteem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of the very Desc oi our exonanges, ana consider n the peer of any journal published In the South. Oxford Jfree jjonem. ,. Whv la it that all the naners with tbe name of Star are such bright little Journals r The Wilming ton (N. C.) Stab, the Washington Star, the Fred ericksburg Star, New York Star, for example. There must be something In a name after an. Siehmond lVa.i State. ? Tha Wilmington Stab has entered UDonlts 12th volume, and we are pleased to notice still oontln nes on the road to success. We esteem the Stab verv highlv. regarding it as one oi the very best newspapers that comes to this office. Its news oolumns are always a little , fuller than those 'of any other or our eicnanges, ana its editorial ae uirtment is conducted with much ability. Her- nanton Blade. ... . ...... ; , , .. i ' . TTnmhla in Its beclmilhes.' as was Inseparable from an enterprise begun amid the wreck of for tune that attended cue coiiapse or tne uoutnern Confederacy, the Stab has steadily "waxed" un til it now beams resplendent in the full glow of a constantly brightening prosperity. Asa newer a per It has few equals, and no superior, for appro priate seleotion and judicious arrangement, and we are proud to rank It among our mostacoopta, Die exenanges. jnusooro jtecoraer. . . r The Wilmington Mobhths Stab has entered up- take this opportunity to congratulate it upon its prosperity ana oeservea popularity . -roe remark able sueeess of the Stab is due to Its strict atten tion to business. The boast of the Stab (rightful ly too) Is that It always has the news, and this is tie first thing In Journalism. Otherwise the pa per is all that the term of "good newspaper" im plies, andl ts corps of editors and reporters are thoroughly educated newspaper men. May the healthy, moral influence of the Stab never be re tarded, and may its genial enterprising proprie tor eniov many more happy years of usefulness. Goldsboro Messenger , THE OLD INVmCIBLB AND THOROUGHLY Tfttja BLUE DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER. "'" The clean Family Newspaper of Massachusetts. Containing the most complete news of any paper m New England. . ; . i '.' The Boston Dairy Post la especially noted for Its reliable Commercial and Financial Features.- ., . . ; ; STJBSGRIPTTON BATES. DAH-T-One Year, $9; Six Months, 4.50; m &d- nSiaCLT Fbjdats $1.00 per Year tn advance; Six Copies for $5.00.". a ' H 5 . . I .&.( y. 'cujb 3RATK " K piyn or more to one address will be furnished as follows: . , ' 1 -. ' DAILY POST at $8.00 Per year per oepy; Ten copies for $7.60 each, in advance. - . WEEKLY POST. at $1.00 per year percopy In Clubs of Five or more, one copy will be give ' to the organizer of the Club. - . -sepSDAWtf - mm .WHOItESAIjE PRICES. i Our quotations, It should be understood, represent the wholesale', prices ' generally. , In making up small orders higher prices have to be charged. ,i : ABTIOLX9. ' J ."' -ry- FBICBS. ' - BAQQlNa Gunny..... 1.. - -10$ -1134 'Standard............... ..... V 03 O , Hit BACON North Carolina . 1 -? Hams, fi ...i 13T 15 - ' Shoulders, 8 8 - O -8X Sides, choice, 9 ' 10 ill - Westisk Si okjb Hams. ' llja 136 i Sides, V B... ...... ......,. , 7 : r Shoulders, fi... G Dst Salted Sides, V .'...i...i'"ii g6- 4 - Shoulders, $ n . . . ; 4Jj$t 6 BARRELS Spirits Turpentine, Second Hand, each 1 80 '1 65 - New Now York, each. . , 00 l 60 New City, each .00 (ft 180 , BEESWAX 9 , 23 . 24 ' RKICXS Wilmington, H..., 8 00 & 9 00 ? ; Northern... ............ ..."O 00 u 00 1 BUTTER -North Carolina, 9 00 ; 'is - Northern, 9 st..w....,.... 0 i- "24 CANDLES 9 Sperm........ . '. 18 5 - Tallow..... : r 'Adamantine. l.u - 00 --'12 CHEESE ft-North'nFaet'y. 9 .10 '", Dairy, Cream ,. 11 . ,12 COFFEE 9 B Java...... - . IS . 28 C" -. Laguyra ...................... . 00 ii " 11 ' ". Rio TKa ' 10 ' CORN MiAL bush., In sacks, 701 fc : 72 Virginia Meal . 70- . 70 COTTON TEES 9 bundle 1 2D 125 DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, 9 7$ $Wt: 7 Yarns,W bunoh ............. 00 J 85- . EGGS 9 dozen. ......... 00 ' 18 : FISH Maokerel, No. 1. 9 bbl. s 00. 12 80 MackereUNo.l, Vhalfbbl.. 7 60 8 60S " Mackerel, No. 2, 9 bbl...;.. 8 60 9 00 , : Mackerel, N. 2, 9 half bbl. 6 00 - 7 00; - Mackerel, No. 8,9 bbl...... 4 25' 5 oo ; . Mullets, 9 bbl 5 00 6 00 : MuUet8, Porkbbls........... 11 00 12 00 " J N.C. Roe Herring, 9 keg... 80C4 00 Dry Cod. S 5 . 5 ' 10 FLOUR 9 bbl Super 3 50 4 00 Extra.. 4 25 4JS0 Family .......... 4 75 525 . City Millfl-Super.............. 4 00 4 10 ' ' ' . Family... .;..."4 50 5 00 HUdSt 9 ..... 6 -10 GRAIN 9 bushel. Ctoni,store,bags,prime, white 65 ;70 Corn, cargo, in bulk, " 58 :C0 ' Corn, cargo, In bags, " .62 a . 63 : Corn, cargo, mixed, in bags 60 61 Oats, from store .v. ......... " 45 t . 47J4 Cow Peas ., ' 66 . 65 ; HIDES S Green...... - 0 Drv 10 1 HAY 9 100 lbs Eastern 1 10 1 15 western.-. .-iu no North River...... ......... 110 115 HOOP IRON 9 E V 2a 8 LARD 9 B Northern 6 . 7J4 North Carolina.... -.. 8 10 LIME barrel 00 1.40 LUMBER City Sawed 9 M ft. Ship Stuff, resawed. 18 00 20 00 Rough Edge Plank..: 15 00 16 00 West India Cargoes, accord ing to quality...;. 13 00 13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. 18 00 22 00 Scantling and Boards,oom'n 12 00 15 00 MOLASSES 9 gallon New Crop Cuba, In hhds.... Bl- 26 . .. ... . Dbla ... 26 30 Porto Rico, In hhda M 28 30 in DDIS 3U 35 Sugar House, in hhds... . co ;oo. 00 20 a as 00 2 50 . 10 - 11, 1 10 a 1 45 90 1 00 15 18 00 ISO 00 22 26 S3, 15 "30 00 00 45 57 50 70 Svrun. in bbls... U. . ... NAILS 9 keg-Cut. lOd basis.. OILS 9 gallon Kerosene. . .: Lard Linseed Rosin Tar '. Dock and 8par POULTRY Chickons,lIve,grown " Spring: Turkeys PEANUTS?! bushel 22 lbs ... . POTATOES 9 bushel Sweet.. Irish, per barrel, new 00 3 CO POEK 9 barrel City Mess.... 10 oo 11 CO Prime,,,.. 13 $0 14 00 : Rump..;..:;.'..... " 00 13 50 BICBCarolina, -..-.Tvi-...;.r 4m ' 6J$ - Rough) rtbashel (Upland).. :'- 1 10 Do. do 0wland :i 00, 1 C3 ' RAGS t-Country... . 0 ZXH City, a "a . aW ' ' ROPE ...w.,: Uiitt SALT 9 salt-Alum 70 '75 .Liverpool 70 ts Lisbon 00 00 American 00 ; 75 SUGAR Granulated 7J4 7 Standard A 6& 7 White Ex 0 6 6& . Ex C, Golden.. 6 6M CYellow.... IH& 694 SOAP lb Northern 3 6M SHINGLES M Contract.... 5 00 O TOO Common -4 00 50 Cypress Saps 4 50' 5 00 Cypress Hearts... 0 00 7 50 STAVES W M W O Barrel. . . . 8 00 14 00 B O Hogshead 00 00 10 00 TALLOW B 6 6 TIMBER M feet Ext Heart ttst class yellow "J?ine) 9 00 10 00 Brime shlp'g, lstclaas heart . 8-00 9 00 Extra MliL good heart. . 6 50 .8 00 Mill Prime 6 00 6 60 " Common Mill 4 00 5 00 Inferior to Ordinary ........ 3 00 4 00 WOOL S Washed 18 20 Unwashed 12 15 Burrv.... 10 : 11 WHISKEY gallon Northern 100 5 00 North Carolina 1 00 2 50 WILRUNGTOM HONEY ITIAKKKxT Exchange (sight) on New York. . . . . Baltimore .. .. Boston discount Philadelphia.....; western cities Exchange, 80 days, 1 cent. Bank of New Hanover Stock , First National Bank Stock Navassa Guano Company Stock , North Carolina Bonds Old Ex-Coupons, Funding, 1366... Funding, 1868... New 4s ' ' . - SpeelalTax... . WiWKE Bonds, 7 e (Gold Interest) Carolina Central BR Bonds, 6 Wo Wilmington, Col. A Augusta R R Konds. Wilmington City Bonds 0iew)6 c..... fc New Hanover County Bonds, 6 o Wilmington A Weldon RR Stock.. North Carolina R R Stock Wilmington Gas Light Company Stock. Wilmington Cotton Mills 8tock ,103 95: 140 23 - 10 10 ' 82 4 118 106 105 100 100 100 110 82 50 120 MOTHEES MIKES 0HILD-BIETHI EASY. The time has come at last when the terrible agony inci dent to this very critical period in a woman's life can be avoi ded. A distinguished physi cian, who passed tbe greater portion of his life (forty-four years) In this branch of prac tice, left to child-bearing wo man this priceless legacy and life-saving appliance, "THE MOTHERS' FRIEND," and to day there are thousands of the best women In ear land who, having used this wonderful re medy before confinement, rise upand call his name blessed. , We receive letters from eve ry section of - tbe country , ""thanking ns for placing this ' preparation in the reach of suffering woman. One lady from North Carolina writes us that she would like to thank the proprietors on her knees -,Xor brio sing it to her notice, as in her previous confine ment she had two doctors.and they were compelled to nse chloroform. Instruments, etc., and she suffered almost death , bnt this time she U3ed MO : THER'S FRIEND;' and her la bor was short, quick, and al most like magic. Now, why should a woman suffer when she can void it ? - We can .'. prove all we claim by living witnesses, and any one interest . ed can call, or have their aus ' ' bands do so, at our office, and see the original letters, which we cannot publish. . ::.r- ': " ' - - i -- ,. . .. - -. . . - - This remedy Is one about which we cannot publish 'certificates, but it Is a most wonderful liniment to be .used after the first two or three months v.-Vti.- -'.'-?'f Send fioT' iar book containing valuable Infor mation to women It will be mailed freo to apf pllcants,' Address ' . ; : ". "'-. - . The Bradlield Begulator Co., ,-- ' P, O.Dox 28, Atlanta, Ga, V Wllilam H. Green, WhesaiitAgQui, Wumlng- ton; N. CL s 'f ' '- -j - ' ' Je91y ' ' " ' chsm ' ' - -j 1 : . .. 1 ; . , . , ,.. The , Harining Tinies, rI-ti A PUBLISHED BY,4 , . " ( ' HP: L. DARE Jr.? it JIAKHIHG, S. C. Only $1.50 per annum In advance, , jDheap Ad vertising medium. - Jan tt -j - it.'; " " . H J ' K ' - Wflmrngtoi i: T7elflon Railroad Co. r 1 Condensed -Scnednle. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Angust2, 1885; No. 48, Dafly! No. 40, Dally Leave Weldon. .. 2.15 P. M, 3.33 P. M. 5.33 P.M. Arrive Rocky Mount. Artive Tarboro ........1 4,55 P.M. Leave Tarboro H.50 P. M. Leave Wilaon 4.05 P.M. 56 P. SOP. M. M. Arrive Goldsbora,. Leave Warsaw. Leave Bnrgaw Arrive Wilmington . 4.54 P. M. 5.54 P.M. -7.C0 P. M. 7.50 P. M. 9.65 P. M. TRAINS GOING NORTH. Na 47, Dally No. 43, Dafly Leave Wilmington..... Leave Burgaw ......... Leave Warsaw Arrive Goldsboro...... Leave Wilson . .. Arrive Rocky Mount . . . 9.27 A.M. :10.13 A.M. 11.17 A.M. 12.16 P. M. 1.04 P.M. 1.87 P.M. 8.68 P. M. 9.60 P.M. 11.08 P.M. 12.04 A.M. 12.53 A.M. 1.27 A.M. Arrive Tarboro ... Leave Tarboro. . .. Arrive Weldon.... 4.55 P. M. 11.50 A.M. . . . . f 8.05 P. M. I 2.45 A. M. Train on Scotland Nock Branch Road leaves. Halifax for Scotland Neck at 8.00 P. M. Return ing, leaves Scotland Neck at 9.30 A. M. daily. 1 . Train No. 48 North wul stop at all stations. " Train No. 40 South will stop only at Wilson. Goldsboro and Magnolia. ' T .- for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond. nuu uauj QAVQb ouuuaj via mj jinj, --, Trains make close connection for all points' North via Riclunond and Washington. - - Washington,. and h ave Pnllman, Palace Sleepers . - - , f"-.-- - JOHN F. DIVINE, - " - . - General Sup't. T. M. EMERSON, Genl Passenger Agent, t , aU 4 tf ' ' ; rA'-': Vi T- : : ..., BailroadCo. ' Condensed Scnedule. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. jiu jiLnti-aV . Dated August 2, 1885. No. Daily No. 40, Dally Leave Wilmington 8.20 P. M. 10.10 P. M. Leave L. Waocamaw .. 9.42 P. M. 11.17 P. M. Leave Marion 11.36 P. M. 12.40 A. M. Arrive Florence 12.25 P.M. 1.15 A. M- Arrive fumter 4.34 A. M. 4 34 A. M. Arrive Columbia.... ... 6.40 A.M. 6.40 A.M. TRAINS GOING NORTH, - , 4 ". ' ; No. 43, Daily No. 47, Dally Leave Colombia ..... 9.55 P.M. Arrive Sumter . . . . . . ;. 11.55 P. M. Leave Florence... 4.30 P.M. 5.07 A.M. Leave Marion ..... 5.14P.M. 5.53A.M. Leave L. Waccamaw . . 7.14 P. M. 7.44 A. M, Arrive Wilmington, fe. 8 33 P. M. 9.07 A. M. Train No. 43 stops at all Stations. Nos. 48 and 47 storj onlv at RHnklAv'R. WhftAa. ylll, Lake Waccamaw, Fair Bluff, Nichols, Ma rion, i-ee uee, Florence, 'Aimmonsviue, iiyncn- Durg, juayesvuie, isnmter, weageneid, camaen Junction and Eastover. -, -. t Passengers for Colnmbla and all joints on O. k G. R.R., C.C. A. R.R. Stations. Aiken Junction, and all points beyond, .should take No. 40 Night Express. Pullman sleeper for Augusta on this train. - . . . . .. Pullman Sleepers for Savannah on Tra!n 48. All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. .- . JOHN F. DrVTRE, Gen'lSupt T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. : au4tf CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD CO, 1 ia.ai Orrxm or Sttp xnorrxiinxirt, Wilmington, N. a, Sept. 27, 7, 1888.1 , Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER THIS DATE, THE FOL lowlng Schedule will be operated on this Railroad: PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN: DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS. 1 Leave Wilmingtom at .7.00 P. M. No. 1. Leave Raleigh at 7.85 F. M. 1 Arrive at Charlotte at. ......... 7.30 A. M. 1 Leave Charlotte' at.i. 8.15 F. M. No. 2. V Arrive at Raleigh at .9.00 A. M. I Arrive at Wilnuneton at. . ..... .8,25 A. M. LOCAL FREIGHT Passenger Car Attached. Leave Cnarlotte at :. 7.40 A. M. ; Arrive at Lanrinburg at 5.45 P. M. Leave Lanrinburg at 6.15 A.M. Arrive at Charlotte at 4 40 P. M. Leave Wilmington at. 6.45 A.M. Arrive atXaurinburg at: 5.00 P, M. Leave Lanrinburg at 5.80A.M. Arrive at Wilmington at 5.40 P. M. Passenger Trains stop at regular stations only, and Points designated In the Company's Time Table. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL, EX PRESS AND FREIGHT. Dafly except Sundays. w 1 Leave Cnarlotte.... &15A.MV wo'3 f Arriveat Shelby 12,15 P. M. Wft . (Leave Shelby 1.40 a. M. ao' I Arrive at Charlotte.. .5.40 P. M. Trains No. land 2 make close connection at Hamlet with R. & A. Trains to and from Raleigh. . , Through Sleeping Cars -between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. : Take Train No. 1 farStatesville, Stations West ern N. C. R. R., Aflhville and points West. - Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens, At lanta and all points Southwest. , La JONES, Supermtendent. F. W. CLARK. General Passenger Agent,' se27tf Cape Fear & Taltiii Taltey H. B. Co. CONDENSED TIME TABLE NO. IS, TO TAKE effect at 8 A.M., Monday, June 22, 1885. - ' TRAIN NORTH. v ; . Arrive.. Leave. 8.00 a. m. .Bennetts vine . Shoe Heel.... Fayette ville.. Sanford ., Ore Hill..1..... . 9.30 a.m. 19.50 . 12.15 p.m. 1.00 p.m. 3,00 8.10 . 4.25 4.80 m.uu v j .... . .. .... .... .... 5.25 5.80 Greensboro.. .. 6.45 .Dinner at Fayettevillo. ; (TRAIN SOUTH. . Arrive. Leave. 9.50 a.m. Greensboro. Liberty Ore Hill Sanford 11.00 a. m. 11.05 11.55 12.00 1.20 p. m. 1.40 p.m. 8.50 4.00 65 6.40 . Fayette ville.... Shoe Heel BennettsvUle 8.15 . Dinner at Sanford. : - W. M. S. DUNN, Genl Sup. JNO. M. ROSE. Gen'l Pass. Agent. s w - Security Ajgainst : Fire. ' Tie Kortli Carollia Home iWm Co. npms COMPANY CONTINUES TO WRITE PO JL llcies at fair rates on all classes of Insurable property. " i ? All losses are promptly adjusted and paid" The "Home" is rapidly gaining In pnblio favor, and appeals with confidence to insurers of propert lu North Carolina. v-.. t, . Agents m all parts of the State. " : ! . i v J OHNG ATLING, Presldeat. v? --, t , " . ' W. 8. PRTMROSE- SeoTetary ' , -' PULASKI CDWPKR, 8trpervlsor. - - ATKINSON MANNING, Agents," ; ep26U . . -. ;. r .. -. c ..WilininnTtcni. N.0 ThePamUcoEnterprico STONEWALL, N. C A FIRST CLASS WEEKLY PAPER, published J. in the GRAIN REGION of the State. -Subscription $L50 a year. Yearly Advertising rates One Square, $12; Two Squares, $18; Three Squares. $24; Four Squares, $3S Quarter Column, $40: Half Colamn, $30; One Column, $100. No de viation from above rates. - - t . fyStf . Stone wall. M. C n T trsrel and sell the trade the staple and ceftv brated Clears, Tobacco, and Cigarettes of the NEW YORK & HA VAN A CIGAR COMPANY. Liberal 'muBgements.- 8aiabt or CownssiOH paid to the right man. For terms addreag at once. Mention th si paper. NEW YORK&HA VAN A C1GA B COw. - " ' j ; - 67 Breadway, New Yerk. A oo 1 D&WIm. . - . t .HISmiZABEfflLlODES' B0AEDING ABD f DAYSCH00L " FOR YOUNG LADIES AND CHILDREN. 45 East 68 tli street. New York City Miss Kottes refers by permission to the Rt. Bxt Hush Hillxb Tnostpsoif, D. D , Oxford, Miss.; Rev. Gxo. Bkckktt, D, By, Columbia, Tenn.; and Rev. Hknbt M. Fixld, D.D, Editor of .the New York "Evangelist." . seSD&Wlm, - WANTED Young Ladies In city or country to work fnr na a.t. thAlr hn-mca- f aanfnotlnv .m. ployment; no instructions to buy; work can bo sens oy man laisxanoe no oojeonon); to 59 per .week can be made. No canvassing: particulars free, or sample of work mailed for four cents In stamps. Please address, Hon MAxro-ACTURnte Co , Boston. Mass. P. O. Box IS 16. , , . "VYT ANTED An active Man or Woman In every -;t conntyto sell ur goods. Salary $75-per month And ATrumnM. nv oMfimfaalnn - VnuinMi to advance. Outfit free. For full particulars adv dress STANDARD SILVER WARE CO., Boston, Mass. . ... , fsel5D&Wm - T lWrnACEKTSTOSOi. : TUB i . MISSOURI , STEAM 5? "i Bd Cornea of good character an InteTngencei IlzoInaiTeTerrUorT Guaranteed.. A weeka1 trial of' address,' , J WORTH. R-- LniiL. Mn RAIHBOWiRUPniBESSIWI " Simple, safe, reliable and a perfect retainer. 1 1 Is not a Truss. Worn Da and Night and its ,' preeenoe forgotten. Send Cor oiroular with teetl- -inoniala from gratefnl saffererg eared bythia an. -. plianoe. Address Central Medical and Surslcal , Institute 9SO Lotmst Bt, 8t. Louis, Mo, - " - Bkillfal treatment siren all kinds of surgical aadmedical cases. Consultation free and inrited. 1 MiaiHII8iLYl aTrr r WaaUIES - innmerona , IT 1 r .ijswuauiuiianaia oJjscorediBeasse, ba Sins the skilled Dhsw " i ib -eoOMoreUBeaBssl , ; 4 I i ains the skilled sieiansv resuls cons , HARRIS9 Tfwit.hnil rndlsoretioa. . ti.jii.nlnimiw , ovarbrainwort Aoi(t tne imposmonoj pren uons .imaanif tor un. trouble. - uet oor rea . Circular end Trial Pack-' . ace, and learn fanportant i beta before taUnr treat-; ment elsewhere. Take a SURE Remedy that in a CUBED theeamda, does not interfere with sttsn- tion to bustneaa, or eaaaa ' pain or IneonTenienee la - hiKlf iT.ITVJ FlTxSICAIr i any way. Fonnaaa oa- IseantiSe snedieal Drinel- - InYqimKckMidcfli . JaeIMeiw.. I ' pka. By directpplkationi " to tne seat of djjetj. its i gpeci4a inflnence ia fclt 7, I withont delay.' Tha nat - tnral fanetionacc the ha i -nianorCTirffm isreatofed. -, Tesieopor Seven rEARSBYUSKINBM rrsOWAWDCASga. Z i xne animsnna- m lof 1 which liAr. bsca Mltaxth, - $aO0'l IthepatisnAeeoeaescaew ywo llonths. g.po jftilandrankily gains botla Months, B-Xx ! iraiana rapioiy sains Data ; n.O0k Jatrengthsaa sstTallViloB. HARRIS REMEDY CO- B'raCntKST. ang 18 DAWly IMPORT AKT ! 1 HE AHDIffALUABlE DEVICE ! A PATENT Vashar mm 3 I Water Closet Seat ! v FOB THE CURB OF HEMORRHOIDS, (Commonly caUJ . TILES,") Internal or External, and ' PROLAPSUS AOT, for Clili- dren or Adults. ' NO MEDICINE OR SURGICAL : OPERATIOn NECESSARY. I have Invented a SIMPLE WAT in : CLOy SEAT, for tbe cure of the above tronI.!oRc.ia v and painful malady, which I eonflJntly phu Dei ore tne punuo as a - SURE BELIEF AND CUJIH I It has' been endorsed by the leading ruf?i.-t Physicians in North Carolina. Is now being test ed in the Hospitals of New York, Philadelphia , ' and Baltimore, and we are satisfied the result , will be satiafaetory, as It has never failed else- where. Yon can write to anv of the Phvsicianii or prominent oittsensmEdgeoombe Co., N.C. . These Seats will be furnished at the following v -prioes: ' " .. WALNUT, Polished, $6.00 1 Discount to Physl- , CHERRY, - 5.00 V cicians and to tbe ' POPLAR, - -ewlTrAdev..- ( Directions for using will accompany each Seal " We trouble you with no certificates. We leave. -2 " the Seat to be its own advertiser.-? Address - - - LEWIS CHAMBERLAIN Pater tee, Tarboro, Edgecombe Oo i x IT 17 DAWt . . . - . THE CELEBIIATED ARRIN6T0N GAME FOILS FOE SALE JT GAME FOWLS HAVE A NATIONAL RK putatlon. They have lought and won a series of the greatest mains ever fought on this or any . i - - .. - - - other continent, and Fifteen Pain, on exhibition at Philadelphia in "76, were honored by the Un -ted States Centennial Commissioner with tbeDi ploma and MedaL I have a variety of Colors and most approves Breeds In the United States.- I will ship splendio COCKS, of fine size and handsome plumage, per ? Express, C. O. D at from $4.00 to $0.00 each -. HENS, $2.60 and $3.00 each; or $7.00 per Pal $10.00 per Trio. I expect to ralse.Two Hundred . Pairs this Summer, the Finest Games In the World, and will ship Young Fowls of March and April hatch during the months of August, Sep. ; -tember and October, at Five Dollars per Pair,.oT - -Seven Dollars per Trio. Whoever disputes the superiority of my Birds, Will please back the assertion with their stamp. - Write for what you want -a-'- . Address, J. G. ARRINGTON, ap 6 tf ; . ,, , HUliardaton. Nash Co. N. C. ." HOETH CABOLISA' BESODBCES, . yOTtaqffhe most useful eerie of descriplite v' books ever published about any Stats. " Bos-. - Hale's liduiMalfcSeSies. Two Volumes Kow ieady. I. Tbe Woods ud TImieri of North , Carolina. Curtls's, Emmons', and Kerr's ' -Botanical Rerortsuppleanented by accurate County Reports of standing Forests, and illns-. : trated by an excellent Map of the State. 1 Volume 12mo. Clotli, 273pp.,S1.25. II. Intlae Coal anil Ira ' Comities ol " byfi Flfty-eix Counties, and Map of the state.. 1 Volume 12mo. Cloth, 425 pp $.50.. Sold bp aVL Bookseller or wtailed postpaid on receipts of the price, by k; ; . , - - . .. B.J. HALE SONl " ".' FUBtrSHXBS, BOOBBagXBBS AJO - STATIOBBBS. .... '- ' ' ' NEW' YORK; - i , ; P. X. HALS' liShet Baiefca,. a . - The Biblical Recorder "r PUBLISHED BY Ti v -- - -,- . .... --(vitii- " , Edwards, Broughton &. Co ry-'-M BALEIGII, J(fyi - . v RXY. C. T. BAILEY, Editor. : .r BEY. C. B. FARR1BS,' J . t :-..-. - f , ABSociates. ..CHAS. Jj, SMITH,. 1 , ' a- .. . r i ' - to Its 44tli: Tear. V w, -KVKRY BAPTaBT: BHOITtAKE IT . , r As an Advertising Medium Unsurpassed, Only $200 Per Tean Address) , . UFU"- oecsitf ' "1 t .