fheMorriing Star" " -i l ' II V wn' a:.Blii"IAIt rtaeTwr (by Sail) PoBted,. 4 CO 2 00 t CO wee Months, a.y Subscribers, dellvared'ln ESfflQP110-11' SdITWi0eatnton, h.c. )1?NING EDITION. Senators Brcckenridge and Jone$ !of Ark, urgethe President to reebmtnend liberal appropriations for the improvement AnA it trihntirie.-r of tae iuwi'Ki" - : Tliomas R. Jernigao, ;of N. C.; fhas ; bee1 appointed consul at Montevideo; no. r.Jfffill consul general at:. Cairo, ,and V3" " -. --: Oirea McGarr consul general at Ecuador.- Three hundred and twenty-one deaths from small pox in Montreal last week. i- Germany and Spain have aeltled the dis puta about the Caroline Islanda'to the mu tuil satisfaction of both. : -: A : white man and a colored woman were arrested at ; Waco, Texas, for miscegenation; they were married in 1877, by a colored minister. . Thera sre 544,070 bales of the coitdn crop so far in sight. Tue negrft who r,.frflrcJ and muideredMr8. Hugh Waller, ictr Milton, N. C.; was caught and lynch-. pd Near Cleveland, 0., Wm. T3ook- w i!;ur fatally shot an inoffensive Colored xw; book waiter was drunk. -Ten persons were made violently sick at Alba ny, N. Y., by eating canned lobsters It is denied that Germany ancl Spain have reached an agreement on the Caroline Maads question. - Forty Nihilisla ar-. resied at Warsaw, charged with con- fpiring to murder the iCzar. New tork markets: Money H per cent.; cotton firm at 10 1-110 3-l6c; wheat dull and without quotable change; corn, uoftraded 4743"c; Southern flour steady at $3 50 4 00; spirits turpentine firm at 34i35c; rosin'dulUt$l 021 10. ;- ij . l'he population of . Bostbp; is re ported to be 386,000. -' J. A case of yellow fever is reported at quarantine near Beaton. " ; ' ' Gov. Hoadly has challenged John Sherman to a joint debate. -John is mean but very able. Hoadly is strong and ready. A correspondent writes to the Washington Herald that after stud v iDg the campaign in ry"irginia .heis forced to say : "I do not think it ; is possible to defeat Gen.' Lee.'''; . Father Thein, of . the Church of the Sacred Heart, Toledo Ohio, bas run o2 witb the church fnnds and there is a rumpus. He is also ac-case-i of scveral'Iuamoralities not needing special mention. - The daughter of Rev. Dr. Hard wood, rector of .Trinity Church,Hart ford, was to marry a rich young man from Albany; son, too, of an "Hon. Sha preferred another fellow and so .ran away with him. Sensation! .1 5 The newXemocratic Collector of Internal Revenue at Danville, Va., lias found cOacealed in the Collec tor's office ar Danville, several hun dred rounds of cartridges. , This shows the blood-thirsty1; desperation of the Republicans at. that place. - Mr. Gladstone ? is always on the ' plane of right and honor even in politics. . He told , the brewers of liOndon:; -; "' ' ; ' - - i - . " 'Gentlemen, I cannot permit a question of mere revenue to be considered alongside of a question of morals; but give me a fober population, not wasting their earn ings on strong drink) and I will know where to get my revenue.'" , Johnny Wise is on his muscle, lie resented a lie given by Ji Ambler Smith with a blow in the face. This occurred in the cars. Afterwards at Alexandria, while Wise was speak -lng, Smith was referred to , as 1 a blackguard. This brought Smith to feet, who hurled back "I de nounce you as a coward and a cur." "L?t us have peace.' : j The New York Daily Commer cial Bulletin of Oct. 2nd makes the following to us surprising statement regarding the 6ilver problem: j ; ' far as respects the Middle and East i States, we are convinced that it is quite jranm the truth to say that a large majori ty or those who have any opinion on the abject do not desire the demonetization Of iver On the contrary they regard silver g an absolute indispensable accom paniment of gold in the legal tender of the nation." Earl Shaftesbury ;was one of the most religious and useful of nobler en known to English history' Ho was born in London in 1801. He a leader among the Evangeli ls in the English Church. .; A Lon on i special says of the closingcene: Ietteri? lJ.e moraing he dictated two 4eerf All dane" and conversed C v bfTth8eTeral members - of - his kffi'thP 2m-g thcm U faM shortly ouT 1Dg SS1- He was,con flQtil the last?'e8erTed hifl mental facuIties .A Washington special to r the Ciri T En& Demv, sayshat r; Cleveland will demand a .repeal ' tbeBllve' l- He will hear to no comrTomise. vlt; says, ind iit . is - true we hopes "It is hinted, too. tbjft the President will unequivocally, favor a revision of the tariff. Those who ought to knew aver that ha will favor free raw material and a faithful re vision of the existing. .:tariff so as to ma terially reduce duties wh?ch were impbsed growing out of the necessities of the war. He Is said, also to have been studying the - ssausucs or our snipping, wun a view or maitiDK important recommenaaiions' ioo ic ing to a Tevival, of the ship building in terest." . ; ;. -i : ... o ' "Unequalled in N. Journalism." :- ' - Goldsboro Argus. ; r- , I We always read the Utah's, well filled .columns with , pleasure and profit, and we take this occasion to thank it for the many " courtesies ex tended to the tdrffus, and, wish for it an tmlimited age of prosperity. ' It is an orb of unequalled brilliancy in N. C. journalism. r X- ) i ' - & Winston has raised 36 for the7 Shotwell fnnd. " . : . - ; ; " ; v Kr- Oxford is ; on. a -'tremendous boom. Buildings are going up in every 'direction. -.c-; .V . . - jg-rTC'i ' The Raleigh jtfewS' Observer says 20.000 pairs of penitentiary-made; shoes were shipped last month, t "i; - Religious revivals reported in Raleigh Advocate: Centenary, 21 addi tions; Clayton circuit, 21 additions; States ville circuit, 8 additions; Franklinsville circuit, 23 professions, 5 additions; Colum bia, 14 additions; Wilson mission , 45 pro fessions, 33 additions. , Rocky Mount 23iWw,rarboro, with some of her sister "towns is on a boom just now. More bujlding Ja going on than at any tinifr for years. -The stocks holders of the Rocky Mount Fair have completed arrangements for the largest fair ever held by the Association. .. - Richmond Christian. Advocate': In passing through the charge of Dr.' R. O. Burton, of the North Carolina Confe rence, we heard goodreports from him. He is preaching as of yore, is lithe and Ac tive as a young man has his feelings and somerof ljia ' pursuits. cMay he live for ever.:; .j-Jv-.-H.-'Hy' .: . , Mr. George H. Haigh retires from the ownership of the Fayette ville Obi server. : Mr. John li. Myrover is the pur chaser and will edit it., MxV Haigh has. the best wishes of the Star upon retiring as Mr. Myrover has uporr-coming in. t lie has had considerable editorial experience- and U a gentleman of talents. -. , . . .- , " Lumberton Mobesoniam The wood work of the Methodist parsonage; is now completed and the plastering and ma sonry will commence' in a few days. . The contractor, Mr. Z. P. Higley has com menced work on the ; Presbyterian church. - The C. F. & y. Y. R. R. are running heavy freight trains these days, principally loaded with cotton. - ; Aehevillo CUizen: Th crops generally an good in the county.: The to bacco is said to be splendid, though some of the farmers are hurrying too much in the cutting, fearful of frost. . The apple crop is splendid The people of Yan cey will attend the Fair at Asheville this month In lare numbers. A gentleman of the county says be has an apple weighing 33 ounces, which he will bring to the Fair. Laurinburg Exchange: In the absence of the regular speakers Mr. C. W. Tillett entertained the audience at Spring Eil I last Friday. A large crowd, good din ner and hence good time. No Wil mington mail again last Tuesday morning. The frequent occurrence of such careless ness is not at all to be endured, because it interferes with the operations of our busi ness men. Chadbern Times: TheBaptiBt Association convenes with the church at Bogue. near HallsboroVvoh October 21st. Mrs. John Jordan, r who lives ' -near here, is laboring under a fit of religious in sanity, add had to- be confined. She was earned to the insane asjlum at Raleigh one day ' last week. - Mr. J, L. Hinson , who lives, on Mr. Joe Manning's place near Peacock's, has discovered a marl bed on the farm. - ; ; Raleigh Neios- Observer: ., Mr. Button, an English gentleman of large ex perience in sheep husbandry in Australia passed through this city last week. He has visited Texas and California, and thinks North Carolina possesses some advantages over -those .States. The soil, climate and abundance of rainfall will, he thin kg, prove especially suited to that line of business. He is now in the western counties looking for a suitable location. - ' i .. Wilson Mirror: Still, in call ing to mind a fine article in the Stab on "Unappreciated Labor, we are reminded of the fact that here in our midst.we have a musical composer of the very highest or der of talent Mrs. George Smith whose piece entitled Shower of .Emeralds," has received the encomiums of the highest musical authority in the country, and yet we doubt that half of our music loving citizens know of this production, or the brilliant -and happy execution 'of trained melody it contains. . s X Fayetteville Observer: The la dies of the M. K Church will serve refresh ments at the fair grounds during the Fair. We had the pleasure, a few days ago. of looking through the workshops of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Kailway, and were astonished at the amount of work that was going on. v The vestry of St John's Episcopal . Church have called the Kev. liobert btrange to assist the Kev. JJr, Huske in his parish work, : Mr. Strange accepted a call last June, but his health preventing him from filling the engage ment. . Me- has -gained - his health .and strength, and'may be expected here about the 1st of November. n&a Mr. . VY. Tillinghast was putting , in, the gas fixtures in Mr. Thornton's' new store a piece of brick fell from above," striking him on the head, --, Mr. Tillinghast was knocked down in an . almost senseless condition, but has since so far improved .as to be out again. We have received ; samples of bright tobacco f rora du f riend.iJB- F. Shaw, of Harnett, and from Mf. Ji E. Purcsell. of fS))e6n r Mr.qShiw Wfhat?roething over a nonarea acre",five oeen pianiea in tobacco Tn t this countf . ' The sample sent us is a good one but we .do ' not think it is the best we have seen-Y At Tokay. the beautiful home of juut Congressman Wharton J. Green, all is life. Men, womei and children are all. busy Catherine grapes for the press. . Wine - making is now the- order of the day. The tjield this-year is much larger than that Of any previous year. In the cellar ef the wine house there are hundreds of casks of old cWine. and on the upper.floors huge casks are filled with the '-;rr-:- -WILMINjaTONN. SUNDAY, 30CTOBEK:4,!1885. ewlpressecTJiilpe undergoing fermenta- j n. if b w A.DirKHiriHMsmuitf rs.: i 0.; M. Haebis Panelena.Xtr : , 1 A. dIvidA great pleasure. - r S Hbbjsberqeb School books, u y C?w;tj!SBcIkk)1 books. i, S MDNS0N--Boys clothing, etc: Miss E.'Kabekb New store. No. 15 BoS Fbont 8V-Board. J. n. Hakdik Prices reduced. , Pabkkb & Tatiob Bfoves, etc. Giles & MuBcmsoN Andirons. Bhebiff's Noticb Taxes 1885. - 4 i vS.:H. Fishbia.te Money saved. ;NojrickTo:Poor House visitors ; Geo. A, pBck--Scasonable goods. I Ktjkk& Doschkb Copartnership, v G. R. Fbbkch & Boss New stvles. ' G. .W.' Prick, Jb Removal notice. Holmes & Filltaw New'rtbcerv. f - ? Byfmrktlbow greasew1lV W. L.'SrjiOH Co1-Old honsej--ne'wflrinv-. McDougall & Bowdks i5 buggies; Mb. "& Mas. J. D. Jaiosok Boarding. Harrison & Alleh New York Btyles." Williams, Rankik & Co Bacon, mo- asscs, bagging, cheese, etc. - ' "Day's ' length, eleven hours and orty-one miti utes. . " 1 . ' ' ' ; The Postmaster General decides that special deliveries of letters shall not be made on Sunday. V , ; " David Price, colored was fined five dollars in the Mayor's Court yesterday, for disorderly conduct. ; The Board of Audit and Finance hold their regular monthly session Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock. ! ' i' ; -' Services at theSecond Presby terian - Church to-day by Rev. Jno. - W. 'rimrosc, ' pastor, at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. " The foreign exports yesterday were 1,133 bales of cotton, to Liverpool, by Messrs. Jas. Sprunt & Son: valued; at 148.900. . . Rev. S. H. Chester will preach in the First Presbyterian Church to day at II a. m. and 8 p. m. Scats free -and visitors welcome. ! Geo. W. Price, Jr., auctioneer and commission merchant, has removed his sales Tooms from the corner of Second and Market to No. 215 Market street. Receipts of cotton at this port from September 1st to October 1st were 13.904 bales, against 12,089 bales the same time last year; showing an increase of 1,815 bales. ' . . A gentleman who' arrived in the city from the South on Saturday morn ing said it was the first time he had seen the sun in a week, as every day had been rainy or misty. " T . . We regret to learn that the clerk of the. Front street market. Captain Walter Thames, ran a nail into his foot at the corner of Front and Dock streets yes terday afternoon.' , At the Second Presbyterian Church this morning the pastor, Rev. Jno. W. Primrose,' will preach on "Family Worship' By order ofthe General Assem bly of. the Presbyterian Church in the United States (the Southern Church), and of Wilmington Presbytery, all ministers in this' Presbytery are enjoined to preach on this theme in the month of 'October, . . .Tho appearanco of the vener able Captain "Jack Hewlett" of Mason boro Sound, upon the streets of the city on yesterday reminded one of our friends of his boyhood days when ''V general- mutter' was common and Captain "Jack Hewlett," as be was familiarly called and known, was the Captain-of -the 'Masonboro "team a uniformed company of the tnilitia of those days. " - .... . . ITIaglstrate's Court. Robert Tait, a colored boy. was sent to jail by Justice Millis, (failing to give bond for $100) to await trial by the 'Criminal Court for larceny. Talt jvas charged with stealing a tfme-battered watch and a lot of clothes from John Nixon, also colored.? The watch was recovered from the person' to whom Tait had sold .it. .Both Tail arid ixixon were empioycu on B inrmnBuun distance from Wilmington. ' Frank Hargrave, the woman charged with stealing twenty dollars from a luck less tar who fell into her .clutches, was com mitted for trial at t the Criminal Court in default of bati."; , Wash Brantham, also charged with rob bing the sailor, v was' released; there being no evidence thafeifltirwas concerned in the robberyV Tuft Carolina Central. Front a private .source we learn that the 'Board of Du-ectors of the Carolina Central iRail alCtlpmpany, at : tfiejr meeting? in New" Yoik city pn" the d inst., were unan imous in theirppprovaljof the proposed western extension of the road j and that ar rangements were perfected to raise the ne cessary amount of money for this purposed ; There:; was-ione interment in Oakdale Cemetery the paBt week an adult brought from - abroad r in - Bellevue one an adult and in Pine Forest (colored) Cemetery there were flve-Hsne adult and four children. A Narrow Eseap. f . :, v Yesterday afternoon just after the British steamship Cam Marih came to anchor in the lower. bay a very exciting incident 'oc curred, jwhjch would undoubtedly have caused loaaof life but for the presence of mind of one of eur citizens, a - Two white boys, with a dog, were cross ing the river in a bateau j when the boat was suddenly bapsizedln thB middle of the river beyond help from the steamship, and in the worst predicament possible, c For tunately Mr. Geo. F. Tilley who was on the way to the steamer in a row boat, wit nessed the occurrence and put out for the rescue of the drowning boys, getting up With them just in time to at once .rescue one, and by diving and throwing an oar to save the", remaining, . boy from a watery grave. . Too much credit cannot be given Mr. Tilley for his gallant behavior on this occasion. - The names 6f the boys could not be ascertained. ft? :. ..i ! . Tb Ttukeo. Crop. w e leara irom a au'whohis been travellidgid the section around Rocky Mount that the tobacco crop is not only most promisingbut is much larger? than is -supposed. He found very: large fields in Nash some of them sixty acres in ex tent in which was growing the finest gold leaf. ' He thinks1 much of it equal to the. general run of Granville brights,' with the exception of the famous section south of Oxford Mr. William L. Meadows, who for years has been handling tobacco in this city, and- is one of the .oldest tobacconists J of-Granville, leaves with - his family next week tot Rocky Mount, where he takes charge of the large tobacco warehouse just erected by the Rocky Mount Tobacco Com pany. Mr. Meadows knows all about the weed, and the- Company is fortunate in ob taining the services of so qualified a man ager.' -, The Biver. , Latest arrivals from Fayetteville report only twenty-four inches of , water on the shoals. The steamers Burt and Bladen, which left Fayetteville Thursday, reached here the J?Zo2eftv Friday night and the ffurt yesterday 1 at JIO a. m. Both boats brought good cargoes. The Murt had two flats In tow and the Bladen one. CF.ft T. V, R. II. The report and' recommendation of the Board of Aldermen in relation to the pro posed 8ubeeriptioa by the city to the exten sion of: the Cape Fear, & Yadkin Valley Railroad to Wilmingtoa. will be considered by the Board of Audit and Finance at a meeting to be held at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon next. Messrs. L. Simon & Co. have opened a wholesale and retail liquor establishment at No. 114 North Water street. This firm succeeds Messrs. H. Brunhild & Bro., and is a branch house of Messrs. H. Brunhild & Bro., of Richmond, Virginia. l3rSee fourth page lor otner local news. NKW AD YTOTJSKMENTS. Board. , FEW GKNTLKMBN CAN FIND OOMFORT- able Sleeping Quarters and good Table Board by applying at ' , oo 4 It " No! 15 SOOTH EIGHTH ST. Boarders Wantedj TtTX ARE PREPARED TO TAKS A FEW Y V RO A RDERS at . moat raaaonabte rate, and can guarantee good board an4 pleasant accom modations. Apply to- KS. MRS. J. D. JAH.ISOK. Corner of Front and Walnut streets, opposite the Methodist Church. OC411 :: " Hew Stoi-e. ' '. ' - ' . ' - I HAVK COMPLETED TEK KSMOVAL OP MY MUllnerv establishment to the Vollers Bnlld- injf, on South Front street, opposite the New jHaraeu ana on uonaw wiu oe irpareu w snow a superb assortment of Hata, onneu featners, Flowara, Ribbons and White Goods. T t s oo4tf . SuSS B. KAREER. Elbow Grease will Tell. CARPETS, CARPETS FOB SALS; NEW AND DrettT. New patterns Wall Papers and Bor den, Curtains and Poles,-Window Shades and everything pretty in the Ileusefltting Line. ' , . ; , " the Paper Hatger oo '41t ' and Carpet Maker. ,fc i CopartneroHip Ilotice. rpHE TJNIrERSlaNED HAVING BOUGHT THB A entire atock oraeods of Messrs. HAF iY.AKD GROCERIES, are prepared to carry a the busi neas, and beg1 a eontinaanOB of the tame liberal was nas oeea extenaea w us xormer Old'frouse- SSCCHMM to Ho. 114 Water St -: j ; .;' .k t WnDlesaJe Dealers la . . Liqubrs. (Hgrt and Tobacco, ' Branch House of H. BEUNSILD & BRO., 805 E. Main Street, Rlchaond, Va. "'-: - -; oo 4 lw Hoticfei rn WEDNESDAY. JAN. BRO. 1883, THB FOL J lowing order was Issued by the worthy inrd of Commissioners of New uanoyer umir to -the Poor Hoose be requested to obtain permisioa of the Bnnarininndent befora thevahall be admitted to uraereu, . xnat aii tushotb to the premises or any part thereof." The public will please uuw nonce. - vnv. a. wiajs. OO 4 It Supt.f , ' ; Biriced. I HAVE OSKATLY kEDXTCBD THB PRICE OF Colgate's Toflet Waters, floaps and Handkerchief Extracts. Call and price before buying else where. r 4 H. HARDIN, oo 4 tf Mew Market, Wumlngton. N. a NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 GEO. HV. PRICE, Ir., AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT Office and Sales Room, 215 Market St, -' ' ' ' 1 " WnmingtonVN C."" " : HAYING REMOVED OUR SALES ROOMS and -our extensive Stock from 201, corner Market and Second streets, m are now enlarging and titherwise improving our former stand at 215. Market Street, where we will In a very, short' wnue do preparea -to renaer to tne community all the advantages incident to a first class Auc tion House. I take this method of tendering an expression of thanks and gratitude to the com munitv who have so feneronslv extended a bud- port and encouragement which have rendered the enterprise an esidUisTud and permanent factor in Vie Wilmington Business "Sing." . , -- I trust that a Btriot attention to duty, an ener getlo effort to faithfully serve all in this branch who may favor me with their patronoge, a close and prompt application to business, and qniok retorna of skies, mav : merit the. confidence -and secure the encouragement which I have hereto fore received. - .very reapecuuuy, , h ------ GEO. WFKIUJS, EPAuotioh Sale Tuesday; October 6th, at 10 o'clock. ; oo4tf School for Toung.Ladies, 4r. ; - Assisted bt MISS M. B. BROWN.- ,; ' , ' : -' - ' - - -'V VocaL and Instrumental Jiuslq taught by '' MRS..M. F. TAYLOR. . .; . " . r The next Session wtil begin WEDNESDAY; the TTfi OF OCTOBER. - Thorough course : .English, French, Mathematics, Natural Science. Free Instruction in French lanraaee. Class Singing, Calisthenics and Needlework. - ; The ART CLASS, under MRS. B. H.' PARSLEY. will be resumed the first week in November. Special arrangements have been completed for the accommodation of a limited number of very young pupils in the PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Application should be made before the opening or tne session. For terms and particulars, apply to the PRINCIPAL, No. 5, North Third Street, tu th su.tu nao se29 A 'v"1 Taxes-188 5 . NEW HANOVER COUNTY; . Shxbift's OFncs, October 1st, 1885. .' F)R THE PURPOSE OF COLLECTING THE State and County Taxes for 1885, 1 will be at Biddle's Store. Federal Point Township. Wed nesday, October 28th; voting riace, MasonDoro Townsnip, Tflursaay October 29th; . : , Maoomber's Store, Harnett Township, Friday, October 80th; Chadwick's Store, Cape Fear Township, Satur day, October 81st. Prompt payment will save trouble and costs. 8. II. MANNING, . oc 4 It Sheriff . . A Great Pleasure. T TRULY IS A GREAT. PLEASURE TO HAVE a real nice fitting, stylishly made Suit,"and when one wants fcuch a thing they naturally look for the BEST TAILOR and the LARGEST STOCK OF PIECE GOODS to select from. ! For a number of years we hare led the trade In this special business, and we are now too old in the cause and too well established to let any one supercede us. We haven't the slightest doubt but that we have the FINEST TALENT and highest-priced men, from the head Tailor down to the simplest workman, of any house in the State. We find It pays the best, for you can only turn out the best work by using the bast talent'to produce It. We are making some of the M.OST ELEGANT FITS we have ever seen, and we only ask our friends to come in and see what we are doing.' A. DAVID, oc 4 tf MERCHANT TAILOR. NOTICE OF THE CHANGE OF NAME OF THB AM. SCH. ISAAC L. CLARK, of Bridge ton. N. J. . . - To Whom It Mav Concern : Notice Is hereby given that, under the provisions of the Act of- joarcn js, icbi, tne commissioner oi navigation has authorized the change of name of tne Amer ican Schooner Isaao L. Clark, of Bridgeton. N.J.. to that of "ROGER MOORE," of Wilmington, N. v. Aumoruy aatea September so, lsts. . C. H. ROBINSON, Collector of Customs, , O0 8 4t . , Wilmington, N. Q, New York Styles ! C TIFF AND SOFr HATS t UMBRELLAS! HARRISON A ALLEN. ... . Hatters. ,oo4 tf By Express Yesterday, TJOYS' CLOTHING, DBESS AND SCHOOL JL - . - Suits; Children's1 School Umbrellas, only 50c. Handsome Corkscrew, Dridewale - Diagonal, Basket, and ether styles Suitings to order. oc4 1t - Merchant Tailor, o. Buggies for S 15 .00. A FULL LINE OF BUGGIES, PHAETONS, Carts and Brays, both new and second-hand. All grades of Harness, Saddles. Trunks, Bags, Ac. We guarantee our goods better and prices lower thaa similar goods can be bought in the State. Call, examine and buy. v i ti uMcDOUGALL ABOWDKN. ' oc 4tf " ' 114 North Front Sti Sclool Boots ani Sclpol Supplies.- T3ENS, PENCILS, INK, SPONGE, PENHOLD- x ei era. Slates, Crayons, Book Sags -and Straps, Copy Books, Exercise books, sc.j c. We wilt make it to vour advantage to bur of us.- W bay ror casn ana can aaora to seu eneap, C. W. YATES, f -" o4tf ' " - :. 119 Market Street. Announcement. New i Grocery Store. rpHH PUBLIC ARB HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT we have opened a GROCERY STORE at , i 131 UfARKET STREET, I (Stevenson's old tand), and are prepared to sell the FRESHEST AND CHOICEST GROCERIES at a most reasonable rate. We are young men. and ask yon to give us a trial, and hope to have a fair share of patronage and merit tbe confidence of all by strict attention to business . : , tM .-. Respectfully, ': OO 4 tf HOLMES & FILLYAW.t S2.00 LADIES SHOES KEWi EOT JEST RECEIVED 00 4 tf i 108 MARKET STREET. Seasonable Goods. t Hanging; parlob and stand lamps, a large assortmenti Alabastine,KalsomlnKH different colors for; beautifying your r walls. Pure White Lead, Colors and Oils. French and American Window Glass. - - - . - ;jr..ii i For sale low by - . : ;oc4tf -, . it .GEO. APECK. WHOL& NOv 5942 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SWEET MUSIC M m EC8H0HI0iL. . r ..-'-'- WHY PAY. BIG MONEY JUST FOB THE NAME OF HAYING YOUR CLOTHING "MADE TRY FI S H SL ATE'S .' Tailor-made Snits. You get the same Class of Goods. Better Fin ished, Better Fit, More Style, and at about ONE HALF the price. - - ' iThRMvnlntlnn In TAITjOR-M ATJB CLOTHING Is the greatest ever known in the trade. It is so ereat that in large cities the Merchant Tailors, to do business, have to make Suits at about the same price that Clothiers sell their Heady-Made Tailor Suits We propose to do the same thing. F WE CANNOT SUIT YOU IN OUR TAILOR- MADE GOODS, WE WILL MAKE THEM TO OR DER FOR YOU AT A SMALL ADVANCE IN THE PRICE SEE OUR GOODS AND PRICES-A SAVING TO YOU OF, $10.00 to 15.00 on a Suit ! OUR STOCK OF HATS IS ENTIRELY Hew aM Fresh MUM Latest Styles. We sell you a Hat for 2.0Q and $2.50, that you pay $8.00 and $3.50 for elsewhere. S. II. FISH B LATE, OO 4 It ' 1 NpRTH FRONT ST. MILLINEBT ! . MILLINERY ! ; MILLINEBT ) G-RAND OPENING '. - OF Millinery and Fancy Goods! ON MONDAY, Oct. 5, TUESDiOct.6. WEDNESDAY, Oct. T. The Latest Novelties ! DISPLAYED IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. 1 OUR PRICES COMMEND THEMSELVES TO AN ' ' APPRECIATIVE PUBLIC AT TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market Street, WILMINGTON, N. C 00 4tf ,r -: - - ' NEW FALL HATS ! JUST HECSIVBD. AT - , Mrs. E. A. LUHSDEN'S 119 North Front St. oc 2 lw ' ' ' . A Card. T3IANO TUNING AND REPAIRING. IN AN- J. - . -- . swer to Inquiries I would State that I expect to be in Wilmington by the first or middle of Octo ber, prepared to do thorough, first class Piano work, s Orders may be left at either of the Music stores. - . , SO 20 St .V . ' gn B. W. LTNEBACK Panetella, VA FINE SMOKE: FOB FIVE CENTS. ALSO, j,x. me ja an oAiiA ana uuakiut uiuaj - - .. Sold only at C. V. HARRIS " Popular News and Cigar Store. All the latest Newspapers, Illustrated Papers, Magazines, c. always on nana. 00 u Oysters. Oysters. S OME OF THE FINEST NEW RTVEK OYS TERS now on hand. Come one 1 Coma all t Co the NATIONAL SALOON, cor. Market and Wa ter streets. v -; . . -r? ' : r W.H.M.KOCHV oc 1 lw . ; . " Prop'r.4 Crew-Notice. 1 AH persons are hereby cautioned' and forewarned against Harboring or trusting any of the jrew of the Capt.Mas80B. as neither the Master or Consignee will -beresnonsible for any aeDts concraeica dj mem. - -. . j oc 2 3t . . c. P. MEBANB, Consignee.' C old Weather 4 TS COMING. AND NOW. Ms THB TIME TO A have your Stoves overhauled and put up for tne winter ir yon want a crst-ciaas uuujumu OF heating STOVE, we can farnish yon. . : v Pure White Oil always on hand. 1 , .PARKER TAYLOR, 1 00 4 tf - . ': . i;? 23 South Front St. Andirons &c. TT7B ABB OFFERING THIS WEEK SOM3 - TV thing nice in the way of Andirons Brass- Berlin. Bronze and Iron. Also, Shovel and Tonga, Blower Stands, Coal Hocbv and everything to m&Ke tne nrepiaoe ongnt ana oneerruu , - ' -.GILES MUBCmSON, 1 sep2?tf ' 'h Murchison Block. HATES QB AXTXS3TI3INGt One Square One Day.:.....M.U.....i t! r " i " . Two Days, " . ITwe Days-". .. M . ;., ' OaeWeek... j. i ... .4 - - Two Weeka,... t . . . . THr66 WeojuLa . - f ' - ',Ona Month,... , I Z TwoMontha, 13 " Z - 1 Z TJMonths,....,,.:..-..-.. ii ( " " . Montas..,. - w o - " OaYear....J-.s.J,:1-i cj t- . M uontraot Afivertlsemests takes at propcr- Uonatary tow rates. " : : " . - Tea lines solid Nonpareil type make one square NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OH? IE Fall and Winter Goode, v. ' ra.-T.i-:-K-A't:Z:s; lienarketSt.Ui. JEntirelyvnQto : 'V-:: -.. Velvets, Cashmcrei, TrlcoH, t:- Eadlcs' Cloth, ITenrletlS .; ' Flannels, &eAe.;mMm: WMteG66ddSSiI Eaees, Edging. Furs, ClaTOa-i;--. ' S ?'W:' I'5; ',-,-.i-js.-.-' Z. Corsets; Men's and Roya War, & V Hosleir Ilowiejteelytnftr Dome8lies,;NotlojBsvcS AT PRICES LOWER THAN THEY HAVE BEEN ' KNOWN FOB YBABS. , - . , . .1- Terms Positively Cailir: I SHALL SELL MY GOODS AS LOW AS THE f ' ' . . . ' : ? ' LOWEST CATALOGUES. ALL I ASK IS' TBB - SAMB TREATMENT" f Gash ! Cash ! Caoli ! And assure you at the same time, my kind pat-;. . rons, that I propose to maintain In the fatare the . ; 7 reputation gained in the past, of having . .' " ; . ;v-., The Best, the Ghell - AND- : y--:'JVl- 'MilxT liflillHlRlR S5BPimfin iii iin-!'.-4? nr J. 1 l-i. 1 1 --. - To be found outside of New York." Call and be convinced at II. H. KATZ'S se20tf 116 BIAUItEX 8T. Bacon. FlcwvficS 1000 J00 Boxes D. S. C.R. SIDBS, ..';,".'-;,- BblsBLOUB, all grades, ' : :':. v . .- 1 1 WAO W"UOU UUAAW SU1 K4( OO, t r U k , lOXJ -. - ... . ,.!'.'? For Bale low by -' .y-&.tz,-.it oe4tf WTLLIAMS.BBANBIN & CO. 1 - - -.; .' L ILIolasses , Coifee I Eice. J00 Bbls Choloa PortoBtoo MOfcA88ES,p 20 olOTBlOCOTFKB, X . 25 Bd1b CAROLINA :L For sale low by OC 4 tf WILLIAMg HANKTN A CO. Bagging, Ties; Salt ; g00Half Bolls SM BAQOIHCk 2000 Bundles New ARROW TTEsV t iS 4000 UVEKP00L FlNXSAtT,; . - . For sale low by , Oo4tf WnXIAMS. RANKIN A CO :v. Cheese, Orackej Candy 0 Boxes Selected CRBAMCHXXSB, KA Boxes CRACKERS,- .-1? - gQ Boxes CANDY,. n-J; pM i-iWr - - .v. fior sale low by ?: .'' &&:$TfV- oo4tf WILLIAMS KANKIT m CO. . ' SchooOooksMgp gucH as abb ugro:nt-j-Att:,w1imi-' and Couairy Schools. wlQbe soldcbosaA.ii'c'.':. ; ' ' ' :'- -"r.-- HElNSBBBQBBfe'- Live Book and Musto StoWCv.- ". '--0'V.'.gi$.?:. ' Pianos and OrgaSspS JBX SOLD NOW VBBY CHEAP FOB CASH, or on thePnrmlai! MwtMyTisnmt Vit - Just recetyed a large.assortment at ' oo:4 it , .i , TTBISffmraOEBU " . Woftti CbiisideraW gS - EVERY f 1OV000 OT : INSUBANCB ' f IW.' A J "sixty days' clause" Co. you los in case of total loss at least $100. Why not save this amt. . by insuring in the -, . , , ' 1 '..' which pays a0 tosses WITHOUT. DlBCOUNTf ' ' JnolW.(ferdon ""' 'fc'V-:AQEJT..,-.; $66,0003pald for losses' 1a Kortli Carolina' for ' ':ri Sqme;nS1e?rS HAVE 80MB YERYPRETTY 8TYLES OF tlats:and Ladles' Goods, which w offer at roa. waaWo prtoes. gy tlk Jif ; ; Our GENTS' tlW jBStti $3X0 GATTERS bast In the State f or the money. Can aid aea. OMOIC 108 NORTH FRONT 'BT' IT. I oc4tii r'