u iuv--a .- ,iy I I " u s t . ; . i . : .: ., . rrr . i v ., ii . x - t - . " Tiro - . 2 'Utrmmm UhvtU V St jfonths, , .. .. ; J CO 1 " ,rn.tn Amonths to adrance. a- than , nt the Post omoe t num intered at 8 class Matter. Post Office at WQmloxtoa. N. C., vfORNINGr EDITION, OUTLINES. A destructive fire occurred In. Gainsville, Texas, Monday nibt- the tetatloss exceeds 40 000. The President has appointed Tbo? R. Jernigan Consul at Osak and Hioo Japan. Great acUyity prevails jQ military circles in Turkey; the Sultan ; has determined to fight: there is little hope ' of a peaceful settlement of the Roumelian Qe9tion Fire broke out in a laundry Jt Oakland, CaL, and five Chinamea were burned to death. - One of the largest coalmines on the Monongahela river haa conceded the rate to striking miners. Haif of the village of Watertown, : N. T., has been .swept away by fire. -- The wife and child of Seth Staunton 'perished in a prairie fire in Barae'0Unty, Dak. ; tcP "tal losses in the county byfire this season Me $100,000. New York markets : Money 14 per cent. ; cotton dull at 9 13-169 15-I6c; wheat, ungraded winter red 70c$l 02i; corn, ungraded mixed 5l 53e; southern flour firm; spirits turpen- tine steady at 36ic; rosin quiet at $1 02 1I2' ' Seventeen thousarid persons have been vaccinated at Montreal. The Philadelphia Times, Protec tion, admits that "a Tariff reduction is inevitable." Miss Anderson's Rosalin d does not receive the commendation of New York theatrical critics." . : J he Louisiana sugar crop will not be as large as was expected Tft Sep tember. Wet weather has dam- ajed it. . . . i Aliss Margaret Mather is the new attraction in theatrical circles in New York. She blossomed into fame in k night. " ' ., " V , - ii Secretary Lamar has committed ibother horrible "Southern outrage. He will not appoint any other than Federal soldiers as pension agents. ; There is no doubt that in the Southern States the duelling mania is on the decline. It has done a great deal of evil, but it has made bullies aud blackguards behave themselves There were 7,500,)00 votes casf fill France in the late election. The Monarchist candidates got a surpris ing vote - 3,300,000. This is a very Birong minority and it may grow. Fruit raisers in North Carolina just think of it: between the 1st of January, 1885, and September lstj there were : forty " million ' pounds of freth fruit shipped from California Uoth sides are claiming in Ohioi At, the time we write it might be fctated thust . " . . . has gone ) Democraticl ( has not gone r Churchill rings the changes upon, the three pV Liberal prejudice, pret 8amption and poltroonery. Probably the Liberals will refer to Churchill's? calamitous cheek, calumniating charges and cantankerous ; cannon-! ading. I It is a bad omen when the County Democrats in New York split np. This has meant defeat' in the past. There will be swapping ofvotes that; greaily endanger the State ticket.' Tabbooing Tammany has not panned' out sell heretofore. - - I Georgia has another, muscular; wonder in the person of a Mrs. Cole-j man, who is delighting the Kentucky- tens with her prowess. Georgia can! ot be beaten for religious sensa-'. "ons, genuine humorists, watermel- on9,pumpkins and wonderful women.! According to one account Lynch) W takes its name from an Irishman named Lynch who figured at Gal-j wy in 1493. He hanged his own S 8n for a murder committed. He did thl8 becaase the family and friends Jad solved to prevent his hanging oy law. Mr- Gladstone has published the Vision f nv:- . . . 3 . u1D vuiutjt as io coeruiou n Ireland previous to the def eat of he Liberals. It was intended to re nd the coercive clauses. . Herbert adstone, in a speech at Leeds; says e Liberals favor the abolition of th e mce of Lord Lieutenant of 'Ireland. U rega7deds" a postal miracle f or nine morifhs the postoffice at noiderdge, Neb., has been without a faster and no one has Applied Z l Possibly like sbipeof h Carolina "cities''-there , inhabitants at Holdredge.- If Oavicatr Subsoribera, aenToreain su- jr ftpraw Cents per weet. Qir OIir nf tbe City. SJSn-i-Bd fo ooUsct for tsore MMMMM, "... .... T .4 1.1,. ,v ... t t v 1 ..... ? r t -.. ...... -.. ,.- .. . . '-' , ' -.,,,. - . , . , 1 . 1 . 1 t VOL. XXXVII. NO.,19. WILtoNGTON, not that, then perhaps there is no in come, to the office. i ' ? ' The Philadelphia Times, often sa gacious in its ' political prophesies, said this the morning of the Ohio election : ' . . .''There, is-little reason - to doubt that Governor Hoadly would have been re elect ed had the election been ten : days or two weeks ago; but Democratic confidence has perceptibly declined within the last week, and Republican confidence and effort have correspondingly improved. - The result is fairly doubtful in Ohio to day, with - as nearly , evenjchanees as possible between Hoadly and Fbraker, and with the odds in favor of a Republican Iiegislature.!ty t - n The Catholics ? are speculating as to the probable next ; Amerioan car-, dinal. It -is said that Archbishop Gibbons ' stands- but little " chance. The NewJTbtk correspondent of the Baltimore Sun says ; ' " . "Monsignor 'Parley r said yesterday : "The Cardinal is not necessarily an Arch bishop, nor even a Bishop, and may be appointed from anv rank the Pone nleasef. It is not a matter that can be' speculated upon, but it seems probably that the digni ty will come to New York again." ' The black cholera is in Nova Sco tia. It is supposed that the plague was brought over from Spain in a fishing vessel. It has appeared at Hautsville, a fishing village " of some two thousand people. The disease proves fatal in forty-eight honrs,and often on the same day. There have been several deaths." , ? - - - ? ... i Spirits Turpentine The Statesville American, Re publican, has been revived with" Eugene B. Drake as editor. The first number shows ability; I'T. V": ' v":": x Fayetteville News: Rev. Da vid Fairley has iust closed an interesting meeting at Galatia church. Twenty-five were.!! to the church. , Others are ex- pectejom soon. Greensboro Workman: A con signment of eight car loads of beef cattle passed through this place on Saturday last bound for-the Richmond market from the western part of North Carolina. i Pittsboro Home; We greatly regret to hear that the tobacco barn of Mr. J. H. Williams was burned on Monday. The justices of the peace held a meet ing on Tuesday and abolished the Inferior Court. Scotland Neck Democrat; A protracted meeting has been, going on in the Baptist Church at Dawson's Cross Roads, conducted by Rev. Mr. C. A. Wood son, of Enfield,- assisted by Dr. Hufhaml Seven members" were bapUzedjiunday. Raleigh News Observer; Last week at Lomsburg. Mr. Alfred Upchurch, of Nash county, aged 80 years, who had been married three times before, married MissSallie Ann Tarborough, aged 67, of Franklin. Y Raleigh Visitor: The Rev; Robert Strange, formerly of Wilmington; N. C, has accepted a call to the church of the Good Shepherd, of this city, and is ex pected to preach his first sermon the first Sunday in November next. ' Rocky Mount Talker: It is estimated that there were 8,000 people in Tarboro on circus day. - - The railroad agent at this place can bear testimony to the increased business since tobacco culture in Nash has been made a success. Several new families have recently settled here and several more are reported to arrive soon. Durham Reporter: At the Baptist Church yesterday seventeen . were received. for baptism and two by letter; at the Methodist Church twenty-nine were received, several of whom were byrestora-; tion and one by transfer from the Presby terian Church; and at the 'Presbyterian Church four were received. i Y Concord Times; The Wilming-j ton Stab has just entered its nineteenth year. The Stab is the newsiest daily in: the State, and we consider it one . of our best exchanges. - A boy about twelve years old got drunk in this town the other day, fell down and wallowed in the mud,! and then went home to his parents, and of! course almost broke their hearts. " v 4 Rockingham Spirit: We learn' that A. V. Dockerv. Esq.. eldest son of! Hon. O. H. Dockery, and until recently; United States Consul to ljeeos, jingiana,! landed back home In this country a few dava aero, 'and we presume he has come to stay. -Mr. Morgan Taylor, aged be- tween 75 and 80 years, died in this vicinity ; on the first inst., alter a teaious limess; ana the same dav. Mr. Frank Bristow. his son- in-law, died of consumption, aged about 30years.r -.--y - : Y Y' l. Shelbv Aurora : YWilmington? Stab, the best dailv in the State. Shel-i by has been delighted with a bakery, and' Will SOOn DO uappy 1U n cauuj uiauuioutui? er. - -The Carolina Central has at Shelby over 170 laborers, excavating dirt on the route leading towards Rutherfordton, and promise soon to have an increased force and a Bream shovel. Shelby has forty new residences now building with not one empty house. - . . . Y Graham Gleaner: The Grand Jury in their report last week recommend ed that the county build at the poor house a suitable house with cells and furnish with coal stove for heating for the comfort of the insane that are confined there and that it should be attended to at once. Mr. Joseph R. Bason, of Melville town ship, died on Monday, 28th ultimo. He was a highly esteemed citizen. He was about 60 years old. YY Y ;VY! Y , : Lnmberton liobesonian: Hav ing published some time ago. and upon the authority oi Jn.r. namuiuu aiai.Miu, there was not. so far as statistics show, a Presbyterian in a public almshouse, we ,v im that thprft are two suchiin the nnnr house in this county. Shoe Heel Hnt.' Tho nnrnpr atnne of SL George M. E. Church, South, was laid to day with im aisrriflM Rneeches were made by representatives from Laurinburg, Fayette ville and Bennettsvme, o. u. Tarhnrn Southerner: Mr. S. B. Spices, who keeps a 'ooimtwrtore ta the county had one hundred and forty-nye dollars stolen Irom nim ruesaay tou Suspicion and very .strong . too,' rest on Kinchen Foxhall and ihis daughter-.-- T ,V ... ..llsrf ettontian to thd OPPOr- timirr. nf Tarhoro. , Batfleboro, . KOCty - J ' . " " ., ' . ,. Mount and eve4 Wilson are endeavoringto make their jack on - the' tobacco traffic; Warehouses and prize-houses are going up in the two first mentioned places; Property lot those towns has been enhanced in y value looking to the boom. ' . v . . . . 7Wasliington Gazette; On last Wednesdayjiight the ' sidewalk, leading to the entrance at the Opera House was tarred over by ome parties who are at present un known. Y- As a fann-wagonYWaa pass ing downihe iiver I roaa; Monday, Jethrd Nobles and George Wiggins had a difficulty which ended in Nobles being, shot In the neck. ' The wound at p first seemed severe but f urther V examination shows it is only slight. , I The. annual. meeting-of. the Primitive Baptists (as-they prefer to be called) ;was held last Saturday and Sunday at Bear Grass, Martin county.: i The meet-- Ingwaa pleasant, -harmonious and enjoys. aoie.: -ix is esumatea mat irom lour to six thousand were present.. ' ' New '-' Berne Journal; Some time since - we nublished an item that fifteen new brick buildings had been erect-' ed'darinrvthaveaE.:kbnt-Jfc.J.Heiur. calls ourattention to-the fact that thirty six 1 . 1 . j, t . uuvc uecu erecteu since uie xsv oi ucujuer, 1884.' . Thei abutment of the ; railroad bridge on the south side of Trent river was conBidererahlv washed: rafts, of Iocs upTcent river were broken and scattered, damaging the nets ' and ; spreads of fisher men; ute gangway or tne Kaqcliae mill was washed away, and the logs floated out of the pound. Kinston dots : t The colored Baptist Association of this part Of the State has been in session here for severe al days this week. Mr. William Phil lips died, of consumption, at his residence on Gordon street, on Friday night. His infant child died about the same time. "IJBfV ADVEKXISKIVlSPrr. Thb Obton Now open. MuHsoy -Gent's outfittings. . Hbjhsbebqeb Pianos and organs. - Geo. W. Prick, Jb. Auction sale. ! Habbisok & AtLKN New fall styles. A. B. McDonaxd Millstones for sale. Ofeba House The Banker's Daughter. Local Uoi. Rice planters farther south say that this season has been the most disas trous since 1854. Some members of the Wilming ton Fox Club were out yesterday, practi cing the hounds. jYYY . The foreign exports yesterday comprised 3,855 bales of cotton, valued at $170,320, and shipped per British steamer Grandholm for Liverpool by Messrs. Wil liams & Murchison. The latest intelligence from the parties in pursuit of the horse thief, sent out by Mr. R. C. Orrcll, is that they had traced him to within a few miles of New- bern, and were close upon him. Y Theatrical. ; ' The Banker's -.DaughKt" will be pre sented to a Wilmington audience on Friday and Saturday evenings, the 16th and 17th insts. The company played in Athens, Ga., Friday last. The Banner, of that city, says: "The Banker's Daughter was produced at the Opera House on Friday night last before a large and appreciative audience: The cast of characters was excellent, and notably Mr. Harry Linson as John Strebe- low, Mr. A. W. Gregory as Mr. Babbage, senior, of the firm of Babbage & West brook, u. Washington fhipps, an Ameri can tourist, and Lillian, the banker's daugh ter, while the gradual development of the plot of the play appealed directly to all that is good in human nature. The scene in the ruins of Chateau, near Paris, with its snow and moonlight, and the duel between Harold Rutledge. and Count de Carojac, a French nobleman, is one that rivets the aU ten tioh and is cold, bleak and terrible, while the reunion of John Strebelow and his wife, in the sixth act, is pathetic in the ex treme. " We hope this company will come again, for this, class , of entertainments is Very popular in Athens." ' ' f The Gnlf Stream. . ' Some uneasiness was felt here yesterday for the safety of this steamer which left New York Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock, and was due here Tnesday. There was a rumor afloat on the streets' that -she was aground .on Frying pan shoals; but it was without the slightest! foundation. She probably encountered the gale off Hatteras and. put well out to sea Mr.' Smallbones,; the steamship company's agent here, has no fear for her safety --r. .ri . m m m j L'Arloso GermaaClab. . This club has,' reorganized for the pre-: sent season, and. will give its first german on the evening of the' 28th inst. The fol lowing arp its officers i f ' , President L.: P. Davis. Vice President It D. Cronly. . Secretary and Treasurer A. d. Coholey. - Governing Committee W. M. Parsley, J. W. Carmichael, R. M. Dix, J. McR. Cowan." Y ,' ; .. - rr. Xonfslana Lottery. ' . The following ' numbers drew prizes at the drawing off the Louisiana Lottery Tuesday last: - Yy, YNo. 15281 drew the capital prize of 75(- 000 sold in New York and San Francisco; No! 184, 125,000; 45818, $10,000; 62143, $6,000; 1 75516, $6,000r 10426; $2,000; 36735, .;$8,000;.Y 43489, $2)00; 60142, $2,000; 87,855, $2000. -( -j Two sailors were arraigned before Justice Millis yesterday, for assault and battery on each other. , Both were ; found guilty, but judgment was suspended in each , case on payment of costi: Charles Thomas, one of the men, paid the costs in his case and was discharged. John Smotte, the other sailor, was unable to pay and went to jail.. '"a " " ' Personal. , ' . . :.:.e. Hon. R . Bennett, 'was In the city yes terday, v, He left last night for Washington, ;' Col. "John ,D.;j Shaw of; Rockingham, andMn R. JS( Xittle, of Wadesborof are in the city. ""vY -i'-Y N. C, THURSDAY,- OCTOBER 15,'-1885 ... OFJSMjL SOUSE. 4 - - . The third and last performance of the above-named. ..Company took place last night, before -an audience, smaller by -far than the merits of the piece deserved. We feel no hesitation ; In commending ibis troupe tO; theatre-goers every where. The girls are pretty and act well.. The men sus tain' their roles with cleverness and Mr. James," as Cupid, - surpassed himself ' last night. ' The scenery is the meat gorgeous and beautiful that - we have- ever seen on these boards, and the "Transformation Sceneis in itself worth, the price of . ad- mission The matinee yesterday was well attended and the performance was of course enjoyed. Mr.' JamesHewlett, of Masonboro Bound, rportedattJiryHfTys ing, that he had been stopped ofl his way from the market house to his home, about 4 o'clock in the.afternoon , by two ; young colored men and robbed of a pistol. The place of the robbery was reported to Chief of Police Brock as .just within; the city limits on Church street,' near the intersec tion of Fifteenth street. The Chief sent two policemen to the place- designated; Mr. Hewlett saying that some members of the Wilmington Fox Club, who were out hunting, had surrounded the swamp where the robbers were supposed to be hiding, and would remain on guard until the offi cers arrived ! Two members of the police force were at once dispatched to the place indicated; but after diligent search, in which they were joined by two county offi cers, they failed to find the robbers and re turned to Police headquarters. Mr. Hewlett- .said that he wa driving quietly along the road is his carVwhen the two young colored men came out of the woods and stopped his horse. He asked what they wanted, when they demanded his money, sayisg that they knew he had money' and were determined to have it. Tfiey then jumped into the cart and a Strug-' fie ensued, in which Mr. Hewlett lost his pistol, which his assailants took from him, : but were frightened off by the appearance of a colored man in the road ahead of them and jumped out of the cart and took to the woods. They left behind them a bag containing lightwood splinters. Short ly afterwards several members of the Fox Club who were hunting in the neighbor hood came up and put their dogs on the trail of the : robbers and chased them into a swamp,-where they thought they could keep them coralled until the arrival of the officers from - Police headquarters. But when the officers came it was found that they had escaped. . .Y. Raal Estate Bale. Messrs. Cronly & Morris, auctioneers, sold yesterday by public auction, the "Lord property," on the south side of Mar ket street, between Second and Third streets. It was sold in three parcels. - Col. Roger Moore was the purchaser of aR three, at an aggregate of $2,140. The 'sale was made under instruction tf Dr. A. J. DeRosset, commissioner, for partition. RIVER AND ISAttlNE. The Bladen and the Hurt were the arrivals yesterday from up the river. They bring intelligence of a considerable rise. Indications now point to good water for the rest of the season. The steam tug Argus sailed for Phila delphia yesterday. Schr.. John Shay, Clark, hence, ar rived at Philadelphia Oct. 18. Nor. barque Bjemmet, Ingemundsen, sailed from Liverpool for this port, Oct. 11. Ger. ship Elttda, Zenike, and German barque Tho. SmaU, Staben, sailed from Bremen, Oct 11th, for this port. . Q,nanery jue&jmsv-. Fourth Round for the Wilmington Dis trict of the Methodist E. Church, South Clinton Circuit, Goshen, October 17th and 18th. rDuplin Circuit, at Wesley Chapel, Octc- Onslow Circuit, at Queen's Creek, Qcto-' her 30th and November 1st Bladea Circuit, Windsor, August 29th and 80th. ! ; Topsail Circuit, at Rocky Point, Novem ber 7th and 8th. v . , . ;.. Brunswick Circuit, at Shallotte Camp, November 14th and 15tb. ; ' Wilmington.Front Street, November 21st and22d. ii?1 Patjl J Cabbawav, Y .' . Presiding Elder, . .TUB JOLAMJUS. The mails close and arrive at tne City Post Office as follows: .Y Northern through malls, last. . ...... Northern through and way maQ.8.. 7:45 P. M 8:30 A. M Raleigh..... ...... ........6:1$, P.K. 4 8:30 A. M Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes rappneatnereirom lneiaamg - Southern mails , for all points jSouth, 8:00 P.M. 6:tt P. M. 6:15 P. M. 8 AO P.M. 8fl0 P.M. IM P. V. 635 P.M. 8,-OOA.M. 8:30 A.M. Western mails (C. a Railway) daily ' (except Sunday) Allpolnts between Hamlet and Balelgh Mau for Cheraw and Darliagtoa Rail road.... ......... Malls for points between Florence and Fayetteville, and offices on Cape Fear unariesron.,. River, Tuesdays ana raaiys. Fayetteville, via O. C. R. R., daily, ex cept BUKtiays. . .-. j. . , . ..v.-. . . .. ... . . .. Onslow C. H. and intermediate offices, Tuesdays and Fridays.............:. Bmlthvule mails, by steamboat, daily (except . Sundays). Hails for Easy mil, Town creek, anal- t . lotte and Little River, Tne&days and .. Fridays. ... .....i-.,.w2:00 P. M. Northern through andwaymails...... 7:30 A. M. Southern malls....i......... 9.80 A. M. Carolina Central. Railroad.. ....... 8:45 A. M, Stamp Office open from y.80 A. M. to 6 P. M. Jfoney Order and Register Department open 8.-00 A. 1L to BaOO P. X. oontlnooas. Mails ooReoted from street! boxes from bns sess portion of city at S AJL, 11 AJL and 5:30 P.M.; from other parts of the city at 5 P.M. and 5-A.M.-- - " rV- ' - General dehvery open from 7 A.M. to 6.00 P.M and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. UJ' Railroad time. 75th meridian. Y, ' " " War iJepartment, signal Serrlee, IT. - - S. Army. Division of Telegrams and Reports for the Benefit of Commerce and Agriculture. COTTON-BELT HULLETIN. , ...The following table shows lh! average maximum and -minimum temperatures and averager amount of rainfall ;at ,. the., v dis tricts named. Each district includes rom ten to twenty'stations of observation, and: the figures given below, are the mean values of all reports sent to each centre of district. Observations taken- daily? at:6 P. M.-, 75th meridian time. Oct 14,1885 6 P.M. - AVERAGE Districts. Max.,. Min.- Rain . Temp, Temp. ' FalL , 78' 45 ; ,01 r . 71 , Y 48 ,04 , . 66 44 .00; . ji m : . A .00 : '" 61 44 I ...00 i .70 45 .00' . 72 , 40 , .00 r . 79 ,.46 .00; . ; 69 47- .00 . , .72 86. .00 . 1 .00 Wilmington i.. Charleston..., Augusta.....'. Hayannan .. Atlanta . ..... Montgomery Mobile....., Newl Orleans, Galveston.., ficksburg.., Little Rock., Memphis.,.. Onr Home Temperature. The', following shows the range of the thermometer, yesterday, in this city, as fur nished fy the Signal Service office :Y ' 7 a. m., 55.2; 11 a. m., 62.0; 3 p. m.; 67.2; 7 p. m., 62.0; 10 p. m., 60.3. Weattier Indleatlon. The following are the indications for c day: -- " - For the South Atlantic States, generally fair weather, winds generally from south west to northwest slightly warmer. J MRS. WTNSLOW'S SOOTHING SYKUP.-Rbv. Stltantjs Cobb thus writes in the Boston Chris tian Freeman .-We would by ho means recom mend any kind of medicine which we did not know to De good particularly-to infants. Bnt of Mrs. Winalow's Soothing Syrup we can speak from knowledge: in our own family it has proved a blessing indeed, by giving an infant troubled with oollo pains, quiet sleep, and the parents un broken rest at night. Most parents can appre ciate these blessings. , Here is an article which works to perfection, and which is harmless; for the sleep which it affords the infant is perfectly natural, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a button." And during the process of teeth ing its value is incalculable, we have frequent ly heard mothers say that they would not be without it from the birth of the, child till It had finished with the teething siege, 6n any conside ration whatever. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents a bottle. ; DIED, TJANSLKT. On Wednesday evening. 14th inst, at 8 o'clock, Mrs. CAROLINE HANSLKY, aged 58 years. Funeral services will take place at family resi dence, on Wooster street, between 7th and 8th, at 9 o'clock, Friday morning, friends and ao: qoalntancca of the family invited to attend. ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CEO. W. PBICE, Jr., AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT AUCTION SALE. 'JBI4 (THTIRSItAY) JtUtRNING, QCTORER 15th, at 10 o'clock, will be offered for sale a large assortment of HOUSEHOLD AND KIT CHJtN FURNITURE. 2 Bedroom Sets, 1 Parlor Suit, 4 Reps Lounges, 2 Sofas. 1 large Cooking Stove and Fixtures, 2 Show Cases, a large lot of Crockery, 2 Sideboards, 2 Sewing Machines, 2 Mattresses, 6 Bedsteads, 28 Window Shades and Fixtures, 2 large Lace Curtains, 4 Saby Carriages, 2 Patenf Rockers, 14 Trunks, 1 Easy Chair, 2 fine Chandeliers. 1 Settee, 2 Clocks, S Oil Paintings, 7 Lamps, Baby Crib, and n miscellaneous assort ment of Household Goods. oc:51t The Orton JS NOW OPEN FOR RECEPTION OF QUESTS, The Hotel is new and elegantly furnished, and the prices reasonable, oo 15 1m W. A. BRYAN, Proprietor. "' Hill Owners, Attention jpORSALS A PAIR OF 48-IN. MILLSTONES, best quality of Moore Co. Grit, with irons and water wheel complete. Apply to oo 15 It A. B. McDONAI D, Cameron, N. C. New Fall Styles ! Silk & Stiff Hats ! HARBISON ALLEN. ool5tI Hatters. : Now JOR PRINCE ALBERT SUITS, LIGHT WEIGHT OVERCOATS, WINTER UNDER WEAR.1 Bay them from the General Outfitting Estab lishment of MUNSON, oo 15 It Clothier and Furnisher. ; Pianos and Organs. rjm& PLACE FOR YOU TO BUY A PIANO OR ORGAN cheap and on very easy terms. Ten Leading Makers and over Three Hundred Differ ent Styles to select from. All at Manufacturers ijwesc Jtraotory races, sena ror rataiogae. Pianos $25 Cash and $15 Monthly. Organs $10 vasn ana 93 juontnty. ONE UNIFORM PRICE TO ALL, AND THATT TUS VJSRx IjUWKS T. Pianos, $200 to $ 1,000; Organs, $25 to $750. HBINSBERGER'S oo 15 tf Live Book and Music Stores. Fresh Groceries. Come and eeb what we have for 1 SATUBBATS TRADE. : " , v And get our prices. Orders filled correctly, and delivered promptly. HOLiItlES & FILLTAW, 131 MARKET ST, -oclOtf ' Stevenson's Old Stand. For Bent, STORES, OFFICES . ; U Y'YAND DWELLINGS. Apply to . Y ' D. O'CONNOR, an 23 tf 1 Real Estate" Agent. Buggies for S15.0CL A FULL LINE OF BUGG PHAETONS. xxcarts and B rays, both new and second-hand. All trades of Harness. Saddles.' Trunks. Bags, so. we guarantee our goods- batter ana prices lower than similar goods can be bought in uie Date. Cau, examine ana Duy. -; , - T ..-r , . McDOUGALL A BOWDEN, oc 11 tf i 114 North Front 8t iillj WHOLE NO. 5950 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OP ERAyHOXTSE and Saturday, Oct 16 ani 17, AND SATURDAY MATINEE. The Fashionable Event of the Season. The Great ; lUnion Square Theatre Success, by Bronson Howard, THE BACKER'S DAUCIITEir.. . As played over 1000 times with a Caref oily se lected east. All the original grand effects. The Soenerv carried bv this Comnanv l n. aneoial f aa luru, paintea irom sne original moaeis. rne ori ginal maaio, magmnoent costnmet, and a Cast esneclallv selected to Interpret, in an artlRtin manner, this, the mostbeaatifulof modern plays. J Aeeervea iseais now on sate at uemsDerger'a. oo 15 3t ( . JAMES F, CKOtsSEU, Manager, WfSBnsiCo., ! JRUGGTSTS AND PHARMACISTS, . .0 VolMts Enilding, opp. the Market GIVE ESPECIAL ATTENTIOlf TOFtSX PREPA- tiom of rrrwfoiANs rRTOCBfffNs5:;t " OC-13U :! I - BOYS! BOTS! BOTS! rjy-MOBROW WE WILL HAVE A GRAND OPENING OF BOYS AND CHILDREN'S CLOTH ING, and will continue the week as THE BOYS' WEEK: No such a stock of Boys' Clothing has ever been shown before in this cltyj especially in sizes from 12 to 18 years. The styles this season are beautiful, and on our tables are displayed the very latest la cnt and goods. We "have over two hundred (200) big Boys' Pants, and nearly as many extra Pants for little Boys from 6 to 18 years. These goods, like all of oar immense stock. Were ordered in Mav and Jnne. before the boom and rise in the price of Woollens commenced, and we are satisfied our goods cost us at least 20 to 25 per cent, less than the Clothing bought late. We nrottose to idve our customers the benefit of our good luck, and they may feel assured that when they bay from us they are getting goods much cheaper than they can buy them anywhere else. We will make a big effort this week, and invite a call from every boy Jn the city. A. DAVID. oclltf ! AND READY TO DELIVER ON MONDAY MORNING. pURE MAPLE SYRUP, IN GALLON AND half-gallon cans. Gordon & Delworth's PRESERVES AND JEL LIES in Glass. Finest goods in the market. PRESERVES IN WOOD Peach, Pear, Quince, Cherry, Pineapple, Damson, Blackberry, Rasp berry. These goods are very nice, and I am sell ing them at 1 fic, per lb. BUNKER HILL PICKLES, in one and two-gallon palls. RYE AND GRAHAM FLOUR. OYSTER CRAC?KERSof flVery-viHWty ' All of these Goods have ju3t been received, and are PERFECTLY FRESH. JNO. Li. BOATWBIGHT, oc II tf 15 & 17 SO. FRONT STREET. T.TTVTTT! LI3VCE1. 1800 BBLS R0CKLAND umb' BEST QUALITY, FOB SALE. SEND IN YOUR ORDERS. se8(f WORTH & WORTH. COTTON Bagging and Ties IN STORE AND FOR 8 ALB BY HALL & PEARSALL. aug23 DAWtf Andirons, &c. Ws are Offering this week. some thing nloe in the way of Andirons Brass Berlin. Bronze and Iron. Also, Shovel and Tongs, Blower Stands, Coal Hods, and everything-to make the fireplace bright and cheerful. GILES MURCHISOS, oc 11 tf Murchison Block. ' Seduced. J HAVE GREATLY REDUCED THE PRICE OF Colgate's Toilet Waters, Soaps and Handkerchief Extracta cau and price; before buying eise- where, J. H. HARDIN, The ReliablelDrnnrist and Seedsman. oclltf Mew Market, Wilmington, N.C. The Demand F)R OUR HEATING STOVES IS INCREAS ING DAILY. Call and select one before our stock U broken. Now is your time. Prices ver y low down. The UNIVERSAL FARMER, the best Cookicg Stove in the market, stands on its own merits. Library and Stand Lamps cheap at PARKER TAYLOR'S, oc 11 tf 23 South Front St. Fanetella, A FINE SMOKE FOR FIVE CENTS. ALSO, the MANHATTA and CHARIOT CIGAR. Sold only at . C. Ml HARRIS' Popular News and Cigar Store, All the latest Newspapers, Illustrated Papers, Magazines, &c, always on hand. oo 11 tf OIL. F IR?-PROOF KEROSTNE OIL. WARRANTED. 3. to be the best made and water white. . . For sale by oo 11 tf GEO. A. PECK. ? A Proclamation. KNOW YE ALL THAT AT THIS SEASON OF the year a eool head Is desired by everybody. Be It, therefore, proclaimed that H. C PREM PEBT'8, No. 7 South Front Street, is the place tp get an No. 1 Haircut, Shave and Shampoo All in need of these commodities are respectfully requested to call at old No. 7, where there are a few more left, and the proprietor and first-class and polite young men are always ready and will ing to serve tnem. oesaectniuy, mySltf , it.C PBEMPEBT x......'l 73 . Three Dars.ui,..... - 9 1 1 FmrrDays. ........... ......' 8 tJ ! -Five Days.. ...... ...v.v.rt... 8 M ' ' One week,... . .... ..... .. A (3 - Two Weeks, ,...'..... 9 1 ' .Three Weeks,.,... ....i.., o Ona Month, J n f J Two Months,.......,.... U ( 1 Three Months, ii t ! x Months...... .;..,.. Jt3 VBaYear.......... ... ts WContract AJrmUwuisuU taken at propor- - Uenately low rates. MEW ADV. O IP 3ST I3BT: G- -OF- Fall and Winter Goods?, -AT- K1. T.1. KATZ'C, "Y ' 116IIarketStf An Entirely Hew Stcclf OF- Sllks, Rhadams. Ottomans, Velvets, Cashmeres, Tricots, Toadies' Cloth, Henriettas. Flannels, &c., &c, - -:5 White Goods. J f Traces, Edslnss. Furs," Cfforcsfr " Corsets, Men and Boys' lYeaiy -Hosiery, Housekeeping Goods,' Domestics, lotions, &c,, Ac. AT PRICES LOWER THAN THEY HAVEBEEJI KNOWN FOR YEARS. Terms Positively Cash j- i ; i -" I SHALL SELL MY GOODS AS LOW AS THE ; LOWEST CATALOGUES. ALL I ASK IS THE SAME TREATMENT Cash! Cash! Cash! And assure yon at the same time, my kind pat rons, that I propose to maintain in the future the reputation gained in the past, of having v The Best, the Cheapest, AND . . , .. ... . Most Complete AoricxEi cf f-. H I: To be found outside of New York . Call and be oonvinoed at II. 1. EATZ'S se20tf 116 ISAfiKET ST. $1000 IN CASHIy READ AND REFLECT I . ;. AN UNPARALLELED OFFER I ONE THOU- - ' " SAND DOLLARS GIVEN AWAY to every " Policy Holder in the NATIONAL LIFE AND MA- ? -TUfilTY ASSOCIATION, of Washington, D. C. v. Small monthly payments required. This may be the turning tide of your life. Can yon afford to r let it pass you without an effort f Awaken to your interest ana secure atpneean investment that will pay ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS IN - " CASH WHILE YOU ARE LIVING. - ' . - Applications Received at the Pnrcell House by tT' ' WM. H, GIBSON. WM.A.BA8TERDAY, Special Traveling Agents National -. Life and Maturity Association, " oc 8 lw Washington, D.C. Bacon, Flour, Sugar.; 1 00 Boxes D- S. C.R. SIDES, t A A A Bbls FLOUR, all grades, . : Y " - ' Lf e JgQ Bbls Refined SUGlS, all grades;" : -y-J ' Tor sale low hr . - J a a r ... " . ju.w t For sale low bv oclltf WILLIAMS RANKIN tb CO. TTnloe 10 0 BbIS Cboloe ForJto EIco MOLASSES, ; 25Q Sacks Choice RIO COFFEE,- .iY 25BbL,cAEOLINAKCB' For sale low by oo 11 tf WILLIAMS RANKIN A CO. Bagging, Ties. Salt. Half Rolls 2 lb BAGGING, 2000 BUDdle8 NeW ABB0W TIES, ti , 4000 8aCkS LIVEBPOOL 7192 SALT, For sale low by oclltf WILLIAMS. RANKIN A CO. Cheese, Crackers, Candy. Boxes Selected CREAM CHEESE, Boxes CRACKERS, " py Q Boxes CANDY, f - For sale low bv - " oclltf WILLIAMS RANKIN A CO. Worth Consideration. ON EVERY $10,009 OF INSURANCE Tjr'A "Sixty days' clause" Co. you lose in ease of total loss at least $100. Why not save this am, by insuring in the . , - . :-' Liyerpol & London & eie Ins. Co.; which pays aD losses WITHOUT DISCOUNTf Jno. W.Gordon iifliiuth AGENTS. It $6S,00dlpaid for losses in North Carolina for 1884. ' oCll tf - Grand Display !"V fV CANDIES AND FRUITS THIS WEEK AT Exchange Corner, store, oclltf Call and' see us in our new -: B. WARREN A SON. Shoulder Braces.;; A NEW AND COMPLETE SUPPLY JUST AE- rived: also. Perfumeries, Soaps. Drugs, Chemi cals, Ac. Preecrlptions filled night and day, - - i. -R.-C. vitTT-Tcq, - r u t . 'Oermaa Druggist, oollltf Corner Fourth and Nan SU, , ' 4 - , - - - i, " - M b ar . ; fc- -Y.Y"fr . ,. 'St t 1 ' . 14 f3P ' .3 if ' " , , ' : . 1: it : f . V V

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