I I 1 1 " III "l ' -" fQ COUGHS AND GROUP. ISST m,. jwMt Roai. as gathered from a tree of the tame same. PJf,,, m stimnlung expectorant principle that loosens xmaii lunuu la cdo munm hum. ' , child to throw off the false membrane In eronp aad -oins-coueh. When combined with the healin mnci principle in the moUein plant of the old Held, pre-' uin Tivlok's Chxkokii Rihidt o Swan Gnu axd fauns rte finest known remedy tor Coughs, Cronp, trkiii'nc-Congh and Consumption; and ae palatable, an : mm tonieased to tke it. Ask Teor dmrist for it. Price', ' 'fllTn. WALTER A. TAYLOR, Atlanta. Gal ' "T DR BIGGERS' HUCKLEBERRY CORDIAL t,t Piirrhoaa. Dysentery and Children Teething. For aale by 111 drugs"' my 15 lr too nraS Men Think they know all about Mustang Lin iment. Few do. Not to know is not to have. su tu th arm ch m Many a IS UCduLiiuij nix uuwaici O XVI 14 r and nobody has ever told her how easy it is to put beauty on the skin. Beauty on the skin is Magnolia Balm. ; feMDW sn tu th nrm ohm Eot Springs .at Tour Door. Springs Phv&lciana use in their owu Cases and Prescribe for Others ' 3affalo LitMa Water " IN 9DCT, RHEUMATISM, AND DISEASES GENE RALLY OP UKIC ACID DIATHESIS. DR. JAMES L. CAESLL, ;Professor or .Fnysloiogy and Surgery in the Med Kai Department of the TJnlrersHy o Virginia and President of t -.e National Board of Health. and former Resident Physician, Hot Springs, . Virginia. .... "The water of Spring No. 2 contains in nota iiiuaatities two of the Alkalies, which are ac- Mnita aa nlw l A . i. of &jut, Lithiasis, and.Liyer Affections. I refer $o tlie Carbonates of Potash and Lithia. It is now veil isown that both of these alkaline carbon ties have an ascertained value in oases of Uric Add Biaihesis connected with OraveL, and In cases f Chtonie Gout, because of their affinity for Uric Add, and the great .solubility of the salts which are formed by their union with that acid." DR. ALGERNON 8. QAEN3TT," nrseon (Retired) D. S. Kavy, Resident Physician Hot Springs, Ark, "My experience to the nse of Buffalo Lithia Water is limited to the treatment of Gouty Rheu matism, and that hybrid disease 'Rheumatic Sont' (so called), wW ch is in contradistinction to ithe Rheumatoid Arthritis of Garrod. "I have had excellent results from, this Water in nbese affections, both in my own person and in fte treatment of patients for whom I have pre scribed it. Of course the remedial agent is its rontained Alkalies and their solvent properties. 'Seace, it is a prophylactic as well as a reme iTxKephrltic Colic and forming Calculi, when doe to redundancy of Lithio Acid." DK.W.B.T0WLES, , SmW ludical Society of Virginia, Resident PiWiuHotSpringSvy. , . r. . ;? "T 'eel no hesitancy whatever to saying that inr Sent. Bhenmatio Gout, Rheumatism, Stone in tie Biadder. and all-diseases of Uric Aeid Dia thesis, i know of no remedy at all comparable to ooffalo Lithia Water, Spring No. 2. In a single case of Bright 8 Disease of the Kidneys I wit nessed very marked beneficial results from its use. and from its action in this particular ease, I Mould have great confidence in it in this dis ease." . . - . DR. T. B. BUCHANAN, . . Resident Physician, Hot Springs, Ark. "Send me five cases; Buffalo Lithia' Water, spring No. 2, 1 have made use of this Water for wtitinmyown case, and prescribed it for pa tients similarly suffering, with the most decided wnencial results. I take pleasure in advising wuty patiente to these Springs." jv ater In cases of one dozen half gallon bottles 'Per case at the Springs. - pnnRs pamphlet mailed to any address. : JMtfb by W. H. Green, where the Springs Pinphlet may be found. : " Bkllu TEOS. V. GOODS, Proprietor, nnHtf nrra Buffalo Lithia Sprmgs,Va Bank of Hew Eanbvei; Aataorizsd Capital, - - $1,000,000 ' Cash Capital paid in, ' Jjrpins Fund, - $300,000 "$50,000 OIRECTQRS ' I. Q0S2. 3. W. WILLIAMS, -ItOSALD MacEAE. :i V0LLER3, i "t R. BRIDG2ES, a- ATSTNSON. -C. M. STEDMAN, ISAAC SATES,. JAS.A. LSAZ, . P. RHSmSTZIN, B. B. E03DKN, ISAAC BATBS, President, . V' . W. wnxiAMsJ Vioe 'President.1 Jj! p. WALLACg. CsalarV . -1 t Atkinson Haniing'S Insaranee Rooms, SO. 113 NORTH WATBSOTRmr, - Wlbnlpgton, ,N . c. " , " : , lw ani life Comuaiies. "te Capaal Represented Over tlO0,000,0O. The Harion StaiV ? pSS KSPAPI 'fUBIJBHXD IN 4 most rosv0ne of the wealthiest fk.Ms,mttio State, offers to Com S1 . 3 rtrfuMeEchant and Mannfae by aS who ' dPt4 plan JtToa w. Gi'otSJ?xceePt medium of com SchantsT SH8 &d mfiuential class of ?Sote.Jrs and naval store I?; "sernent T Sr 10 wo"a oiicitatlon; 1 Ad ternts and Buslneas Cards taserted on TttS . ; Marions. ( ' 1 1 ne; Morning btar T!tI,K SHADOW, OF, THE CLOUD. , NANNIE M. FITZHTJGH. , . ' RiPe fields and sunny sties; " r ?n the distnt hai! that stand ' X.ifee. citadels of some enchanted land - - Wnich yet invites our eyes. s 4 , a - wealth f daisies spread; A waght of redolence upon the air, : t , : , rom yonder crab, whose wanton blossoms . there -' - . . :,::,- , - ''' Oppressive fragrance'shed. ". ' ' 'Here in it ArTra Ht. ' .' ' . " a littio .ir . w 'f- nF , j1 au" .1 8eei content s 1 o ripple- wind swept, eath the branches , iranqui ana asleep.., . . i , . rrn ,Hih UP among the boughs ' i . u. ine feathered. choristers of moru, that strove - - - .- . -.: .) . - To fill the air with ecsUcy. and lovej .'. r ' . : Chirp feebly as they drowse, '. ' And all things yield in silence to th? power Of warmth and sunlight at the noontide ; ' . j hour. . ' : -. v- -- . , . Unfathomed depths of blue, -And rifted dusky .clouds chased by the ----- - breeze - -' --' ., , Across a sea of azure, which one sees - ' tt mm uaraen pona and hillock as thev pass,' ----- v;...,.: J And casf thy flying shadows' oil the grass. I A moment, 'and 'tis 'done';"' T' The meadow glows once more with heav- .r-o;i"-enyligh:.;.f;Vv-. ;,; A glimpse, of, gloom ? whose momentary flight ' u " J ; Shuts-otit the fadeless sun' " - How; many a coming ill which casts a shade s ;'rv - ' Upon life's sunny plains would be allayed, .Could we but think that when it hides the 'Tis but a swift cloud-shadow passing by. jy , j. j. imes-jjemocrat. TO 1 1 TICAL rOINTS. Perhaps Mr. Hoadly now un derstands that the. people of phio .. cannot be fooled twice in suaiessiori.- TFiwA. Post, Dem. Senator Hoar takes it all back and says he is sorry. It seems that he was the victim of too much confidence in the Btoriej of Stalwart newsDaDers. Boston Record, Jnd. Sep. Walker Blaine says his father doesn't want to be elected to the United States Senate from Maine. - This confirms the rumor that Mr.TBlaine's political cam paigns are not drawn up with theid of hjs family. rial. Times, Ind. Rep. -That Postmaster Gen eral Vil as1 action in the mail subsidy muddle will be sustained by Congress next Winter there is scarcely a shadow or doubt. Mr. -Vilas's report on this subject will be "mighty in terestingrreading." Buffalo Courier, r n- i Senator Logan, in' his Balti more speech, declared that this was "a Re public in name only." Gen. Logan forgets that the Republican party is not now;in power; It was doing all in its power to make this a Republic in name only. Jb bile Register, Dem. - Now that the Mugwumps have gone home somebody should coax Hen dricks to give us an essay on the origin, rise, progress, habits, attainments and gen eral characteristics of the Mugwump. He could do the subject up con amore. Oal veston News, Bern. . SOUTHERN ITEMS. Col. Thomas Smith, the oldest surviving son of ex Gov. Wm; Smith, of Va., was yesterday appointed U. S. Attor ney for New Mexico. r Dr. J. L. M. Carry, when de feated for the Confederate Congress, be came a soldier, and by appointment, Lieut. CoL of Cavalry He became a minister of the gospel and married a very wealthy lady. The Atlanta Constitution of Sunday says: "The condition of the dis tinguished sufferer. Gen.' Toombs, is re ported as being worse' last night than - at any time during his illness. The announce ment at any time of his death will not be unexpected." ,:, " ..'-V" ' Andrew" Harper," wher died re cently in Mississippi - was the author of a famous niece of American humor known as the Hard Shell Baptist Sermon, the text of which" declared, "An' he played on a harp of a thousand strings; sperets of jus' men made perfect." 5 . . 't; - : "- The camels turned5 loose - upon the Arizona desert some years ago have so multiplied that they now roam the Gila Valley In herds of 100 or . more. The hunters of the Territory have great sport in chasing them. . A camel hunt is a long way ahead of the old-fashioned- deer drive. -8an Frcmcisco ExamiTier. L ' v : I RAMA TIC AND M USICAL. 1 Mme. Theo is stilL confined to her bed. and suffering acutely from, the in juries sustained in her fall. .-" v;v It is stared that Judic's real n.ma fa A riro Tnmifnn hn t shfl is not Quite so old as Anno'Domwis-SavanTwtf, flews. Edwin . JJooth ana ' Aiawrence Barrett are likely next season to he managed - . . . m by Arthur (Jhase, wno maae a sHccess 01 MHe. : :::A";y ' ' Maurice Barry rnore's'ne waylay, Th Dnn " has made a : sreat hit in Chi- eaeo. Where it is now running', to Crowded houses.-t7-r :: j?'-;'-,(!iJi' Some are playing; to their surprise. f To nouses ? '"crewaeq irom p-dome;"- .w-'y ' And some are counting the railroad ties ' . . Pursuing theirs wearisome v journey ' i home, -fe- v " . . ; , 'j . Boston Courier. . -i- V ben Mary Anderson returned toNew "Tork," an enraptured : reporter gushed" thust The falling miste gently clung to the5 brigfcVblae apparel of the famous actress si she came- on deck from her state-room a picture of i glowing beauty." - --; ' "aEV V OHIO. . Washidgton Post, Dem. ;.; ". if theiresult n : Ohio surprisesno one more than it does vlb3 nothing even faintly approaching a; sensation will be imparted to the country by the newathis morning, Careful read ers of thePosi, moreover, will under stand that pur regret ,is aboutAS poignant as our astonishmenkVVhen it became evident to ns that a Demo cratic victory in Ohio would! result in the aggrandizement of Gov, Hoadly and Mr., John McLean, and in re newed indignity to Mr. Thurman, we concluded, that such a. victory was not only impracticable but undesira ble;: The combination of Hoadly and McLean at the expense of. Thurman was enough to doom the cause cham pioning that' combination, and to de feat it in exact proportion to the number of decent and nftt.rint.w vAtn m the State. - 4 ; ' . v After, all, it Via satisfactorily -clear to our mind thatOhio is usually, ; we may , say generally, a Kepublican otate whenever "the Republicans Bap pen to want it." ' : tut: str t eri orco ur ts un der THE NEWULRKANQlu ' SI ENt. ' V -- - - FaU Terms, 188S.- 'J V V eih New-Obserter." ' ' FIKST MSTByCrT JUDGJS 8HKFBKBD. Currituck September Jf one week. ' Camden September Hne week. (. ; PasquxktanSr September "21 one week5 Perquimags-September 28, one. week. T: : r ChowanOctoberJ, one week. '. Gates October.12 one week, ; . Hertford Oct 19, :one week 1 Dec. ' 21, one week. .. . WasMngtbn-Oct 26; one. weekj ?DeVi 14,- oneweek.-;? .i;V,-;: 5 TyrrelNoberione week. ' ' Dare-November9oneweek. rv ; Hydevember l,ionei weekf ' : ; 1 Pamlico November 23. bne wm' t-' r-.- - Beaufort November 30, two weeks.'. ' vsm$ .'-h-r4J r ov : :-'--i-y ....... SECOSTD DISTRICT JT3DQB PHILLIP l "e s . WarrenSeptember 21, two weeks. , J Northampton-October 5. two weeks' r?z y Edgecombe-rOctober .19, two weeks. ;' "r uenie JMovemuer , two weeks. , Halifax November 16r two weeks. . A - Craven November SO, two weeks, i, - ,1 - - THIRD DISTRICS JTmaR OONTMVR.''' Pranklin-r-Aug. . 17 one week; iNoviV 16. one weeKa-s-.; -(ijj--.:s ,.w,:.t . . Martin Sept 7, two.weeks ; Dec 7. two. weeks, for avUv causes and jail case only. '" iV -'.a , . :. . Pitt Sept 21. two weeks. K Greene Oct 5. two weeks. .: Vance-Oct 19, two weeks.: WUson r ov. 2. two weeks. s .... , ; Nash Nov. 23, two weeks. V , FOURTH DISTRICT JTJDQE CllAJRE. . " . ' Wake July 13, . two weeks, criminal causes only; Aug. 31,- two weeks, civil causes only; Sept 28, two weeks, crim inal ; Oct 26, three weeks, civil causes only. i ;. - Wayne July 27, two weeks, civil and criminal; Sept. 14, two weeks, .etvil causes only; - Oct ,19, one week, eml causes only. - - Harnett Aug. 10, one week, civil and j criminal. - Johnston Aug. 17, two weeks, civil and criminal. , ... FIFTH DrSTIlICT JUDGa OIL3CBR, Orange Aug. 10, one .week; .Nov 9, one Caswell Aug.17, one week; Nov. 16, one week. :v,.- . Person Aug. 24, one week; Nov. 23, on week.- . . . Guilford Aug. 31, two weeks; Dec. 14, two weeks. Granville Sept. 14, two weeks; Nov. 80, i two weeks. , Alamance September.28, one Chatham October 5, two weeks. . Durham October-19, two weeks. SIXTH DISTRICT JUDGE MCKOY. Jonea Aug. 17, one week :? Nov. 2, one week. . . .. Lenoir Aug. 24, two weeks; Nov. 16, two weeks. Duplin Sept 7, one week; Nov. SO, two weeks. Pender September 14, one week. New Hanover Sept 28, two weeks, for ci vil causes.. Carteret October 26, vne week. Onslow November 9, o xe week. Sampson October 12, two weeks; Decem ber 14, one week. SEVKlaTH DISTRICT JUDGE MORAS. . Cumberland July 27, one week; Nov. 9, , one week, for criminal causes only; Nov. 16, two weeks, for civil causes. Columbus August 3, one week. Moore Aug. 17, two weeks; Dec. 7, two weeks. - Robeson Aug. 81, two weeks; Oct 12 two weeks. Anson Sept 14, . one . week, for criminal causes; Nov. 30, one week, civil causes. Brunswick September 21, one week. Richmond Sept 28, two weeks; Dec. 21, one week. Bladen October 26, two weeks. ' K I6HTH DISTRICT"- JUDGE" MONTGOMERY Iredell Aug. 10, two weeks; Nov. 9, two weeks. ',--.: ? . . - -i Rowan Aug. 24, two weeks; Nov. 23, two weeks. ? ' Davidson Septi 1, two weeks; Dec. 7, one 1 weekv- - --i-. . : . Randolph September 21, two weeks. Montgomery October 5, two weeks. Stanly ov'19, two weeks. - ; Cabarrus Nov: -2, one week, for criminal cases and non-jury civil cases. f'fiSXSTBi DTSTRlCT-JUDGE graves. Rockingham-July 27, two weeks; -Nov. 9, one week. " Stokes Aug. 10, two weeks; Nov. 16, one Surry Aug. 24, two weeks; Nov. 23, one ; week. A1Whnnv-fUntimahar 1. one week. Wilkes-rSeptember 14, two weeks. at. . . r 1 x &a&m aepiemDer no, two wee&B. Davie October 12,-two weeks.. 5 Porsyth-October 28; two weeks. ;-; TENTH DISTRICT JUDGE AVERY. s Henderson July 20, three week Burke August 10, two weeks t5 Ashe August 24. one week. - v Watauga August 5ti one week. Caldwell September 7, one week. Mitchell September 44, two weeks. Yancey September 8; two weeks. i McDo well October 12, twot weeks i KLEVENTH DISTRICT -JUDGE SHIPF. AlexandeT-Jnry27,"oneweek. . ; ? CataWba-rAugust 3, one reek. Cleveland Augnst 10 two weeks; Octo , ber 26, one week. - ' a Mecklenburg August 81," three weeks civil causes only. ij-, Union September 21, two weeks. Lincoln-MJctober. xne week?Tv- r Gaston 3Dctober: 12 two weeks.T '.' : Tfiithorfrrr-rlLiTaIrSajTOrAr 2 tWrt "wfiP.lt ft. Polk--ovember.l6; 5ne week 1 DISTRICT JUDGE GUIXJBK. i-August, two.weeks; November Ziiwo weeas; civu causes. -&x-f BneoBibe-August 17,ythree, weeks; ?De- cember7i two weeka, ! ? Transylvania -September 7, pno week. -, Haywood September 14, two weeks. Jackson September 28, one week. Maccn October 5, one week. Clay-October 12," one week..; . Cherokee Obtober 19,'two Weeks. -Graham-Hovember 2, oriewefek.' ? Swain November 9, two weeks. fijTlifeI)exXiandH' FR OUB HEATING: STOVES, 18 INCREAS ING DAILY. Call and select one before our stock li broken. ' Now is your time. Prices ver y low down. The UNIVERSAL FARMER, the best Cooking Stove in the market stands on its own merits. Library and Stand Lamps cheap at m :.v PARKER A TAYLOR'S, bolltf 88 South Front St ' DtiU Trade. NOW IS THE TTMB3TOS BARGAINS. " JUDI clous buyers will take the bint Every thing In the way of , Summer Goods now belnrsold re rardless of eort. White Goodsr Gloves,- Mitts, Fans, etc. r Those elegantParis Mulls at 87U ota, worth $1.(0. A Kood stock of Table Goods.Tow elsr etc., always on hand. -an 14 ti - v r'f JNO. J. HBDRlCK. The or n i ng Star . - . ' ; - PTJBilSHED DAILY '0nliscriijM;RatesHn;AuT.: DAILY STAR. One Year, postage paid ,....$7 00 ' 1r " six Months. ' V - : ; . 4 00 ; Three Months" ff ...... 2 00 - ; Two Months, " ; j 130 4 . . , - One Mooth " . ....... 75 WXRKLY STAR, One Yeaf, postage paid. ; -'. Six Months, ' ' Three Months " v " '.; $1 50 00 .". SO " NOTICES OF THE PRESS : The 8ui Is decidedly one of the best papers in the State, as bright and newsy as ever. Long life to lt.-raSaiew. JVv - w ..:;'.;. ,, The Wilmington Stax has entered en its twelfth year aa good a paper as any people should want CKarlotU Democrat. - - " .- - : The Wumlngton Stab has entered on ts twelfth Sear. " As a daily Journal of news it stands ,"up ead." Concord BtaUter : a : . v ' TheWummgten Stab has entered Its twenty fifth volume, t There is no better paper published. In )he State, Lenoir Topic, v The Wilmington Stab has entered upon Its thir teenth year. It is one of the best papers in the State. Warrenton Gazette ,.;'..;,.. ' The Wilmington Stab has entered its thirteenth year. It has become one of the leading papentof the SoaOx. Oxford TerchliahL i r Y ? . The Wllnungton Stab Is not only one of the best edited papers in the State, but for -freshness of news and typograpioal appearance oannot be beaten.rVaaeM Beporitr j- ; The Wilmington Stab is one of theVerybestpa pers hi the South, in every department from typo mphy up to editorial ability and independence. . The Wumhurton CNC.) Mobhuw Stab is a mod el newspaper. Indeed, we think we do not exag gerate Its merits wnen we say it is tne newsiest (secular) paper publiahed in the South. Richmond (Fa.) eUaious Herald. ; The Wilmington Stab has now entered upon Its thirteenth year and twenty-fifth volume. One of the best conducted and edited papers in the South and, as a North Carolinian, we are proud of it Tatioro Southerner. , . We like the Stab because it Is thoroughly re liable, candid, fearless, and so well and ably edited , newsy, spicy, and in fact a perfect news- ,per. Xsong may tne stab iwin&ie. Jai. .Airy - Although at the head of the press in this State In all that makes a paper valuable to the reader, still it continues to improve. It is a Stab of the first magaitude: May its lustre never wane. TluFree WUlBaotisU The Stab Is so well and favorably known in this section of the State, that we can say nothing of which Its thousands of readers do not already know. It Is In every respect one of the best dai lies in the Bouth.ebesonian. The Wumlngton Stab has entered on Its twelfth year. It is a most excellent newspaper, well ed ited, a compendium of all the news of the day, and an honor to Its city, to North Carolina and tc North Carolina tournalisni. Charlotte Observer. - That magnificent beaming Stab has completed its twenty-second volume. It is one of the most brilliaat, erudite and sparkling dailies south of the Potomac The system tn the get up of the pa per surpasses them sSLTarboro Southerner. The Wumlngton Stab Is now taking' the regular midnight Associated Press reports, and has be Bldes increased the amount of its reading matter. The Stab Is an excellent paper. Its prosperity is not sorpriaing since it Is so deserving. Chariot' . Observer. ,- The Times cannot say a word too good for the Wilmington Stab. It has Just reached one of its many birthdays. As a newspaper it is a favorite with the State press and is sought after by the people. Long and prosperous life to it. Feids pills Time, : , . . The Wilmington 8tab, we are pleased to notice, stni continues on the high road to success. We esteom the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of the verv best of our exchanges, ana consider it the peer of any Journal published in the South. Oxford Free Lance. Whv Is It that all the papers with the name of Star are such bright little journals f The Wllnung ton (N. C.) Stab, the Washington Star, the Fred erioksburg Star, New York Star, tor example. There must be something in a name after au. Richmond (Fa.) State. The Wumlngton Stab has entered upon its 12th volume, and we are pleased to notice still oontin nes on tne road to success. We esteem the Stab very highly, regarding It as one of the very best newspapers that comes to this offloe. Its news columns are always a little fuller than those 'of any other of our exchanges, and its editorial de aortment is oonduoted with much ability. irr tanton Made. Humble m Its beginnings, as was Inseparable from an enterprise begun amid the wreck of for tune that attended the collapse of the Southern Confederacy, the Stab has steadily "waxed" un til it now beams resplendent In the full glow of a constantly brightening prosperity. As a newtra per it has few equals, and no superior, for arrro priate selection and judicious arrangement and we are proud to rank It among our mostaooeptaC We exchanges. EiUsooro Recorder. The Wumlngton Mobbiks Stab has entered up on the thirteenth year of its existence, and we take this opportunity to congratulate it upon its prosperity and deserved popularity. The remark able suooes8 of the Stab is due to its strict atten tion to business. The boast of the Stab (rightful ly too) is that It always has the news, and this is the first thing in Journalism. Otherwise the pa per js -all that the term of "good newspaper" im plies, andl ts corps of editors and reporters are thoroughly educated newspaper men. May the' healthy, moral infiuenoe of the Stab never be re tarded, and may its genial enterprising proprie tor enjoy many more happy years of usefulness. Chldsboro Messenaer- inPORTANT ! A NEW AND37AL0ABLE DEVICE ! A PATENT "Water Closet Seat! FOB THE CURS OF HEMORRHOIDS, (Commonly called 'TILES,') Internal or External, and PROLAPSUS AM, for Chil dren or Adults. NO MEDICINE OB SURGICAL ZOPERATION , NECESSARY. I have Invented a SIMPLE WATER CLOSET SEAT, for the cure of the above troublesome and painful malady, which I confidently place before the publio as a , SURE RELIEF AND CURE ! It has been endorsed by the leading resident Phyaioians In North Carolina. Is now being test ed in the Hospitals of New York. Philadelphia and Baltimore, and we are satisfied the result will be satisfactory, as It has never failed else-; where. You can write to any of the Physicians or 'prominent citizens in Edgecombe Co.,N.C - 1 These Seats will be furnished at the following prioes: WALNUT, Polished, f 6.00 1 Discount to Phvsi CHSRRY, - . 6.00 V cioians and to the POPLAR, - - - 5 00 J Trade. -. , Directions for using will accompany each Seat ' We trouble you with no certificates. We leave the Seat to be Its own advertiser. Address LEWIS CHAMBERLAIN Patentee, Tarboro, Edgecombe Co., N. C. '1vl7 DAWt RALEIGH REGISTER. By P. H. HALE Printer :to tie State. Subscribe to your Home Paper and: pay for it and then remit $3 to pay for your State Democratic Paper the Rautoh RxerBTWL Each new subscriber remitting $2 direct is entitled to the Rksistxb for one year, a i to 11 5 Webster's Practical Dictionary which, until August 1, 1885, Is offered as a Pre mium. . - t; i' -V-' ' ' Baxaplo copies of the RxersTXB mailed on ap plication, or ' Address . RALEIGH REGISTER, my 20 D&Wtf Raleigh. N. C. : ADTERTISB EX Merchant a PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT ' MARION&O UTJET CAB OLINA It has a large and mcreaslng circulation In the heart of the Pee Dee country, the best Cotton section of the two States. - . : ; . v It is a desirable medium of communication with both the- Merchants and Farmers of .this section, and,' particularly with those of Marlon and Marlboro Counties. It is therefore the paper for the Business Men of Wilmington, - :;r J. D. McLUCAS, decStf , Proprietor, WHOLESALE PRICES, Our quotations. It should be understood. represent the wholesale j prices generally. In making "up small orders higher prioes . have to be -charged. . - '-.V.-' ' .-' .": . ''""'.- - - : ' ' . t . i-.r.y i. . r" ABTXCIJ13. - .; -FBIOK3. .- IxaGmG-rGunny;...: t lOJailW ' i Standard.............. ..... 00.1? 12,-: ' BACON North Carolina . - - -- . , Hams, to j -12 ,O jUl5 ,; Shoulders, V V... ........... 8 8 Sides, ohoioe, 9.a. .10 , 11 WxstxehSbokid Hams.'S lb., 11 - o Side 1. & ?M .' Shoulders, ' 5 . ;dbt Sambd sides, y s. .... , Ln ii Shoulders, p .,..:.....4. . 42 1 6 BARRBLS-Spirits Turpentme, Second Hand, each.......,,. 1 60 t2; 1 65 .New No w York, each w.Jt. -., 00 . .1 80 NewCity, each.'..........:.. 00 ' 1 80 BEESWAX S ' 83; .- 24 - BRICKS Wilmington, Ul...... 8 00 . 0 00 ! ' Northern i......., 0 OQ .,14 00 BUTTER -North Carolina, $ t. 00 15 Northorn, 9 Sh. ; SO -i-84 CANDLES B Sperm . ....... 18 . . J Tallow... ,. 12 Adamantine 00 ; 12 CHEESE sVNorth'nFacfy " ' S9 ' 10- - DalryCream.. ............ 11, V 12 State..... 8 10 COFFEE V V-Java.-..Vi...-. 18 , - 28 1 Laguyra . 00 v- It ": -iBlo--.-.v;.-;.:w..vi-...-.-..-.. wHAS ; W -CORHMHAL 9 bush., In sacks, 70 , 72 Virginia Meal., . . . . TO Of M COTTON TIES V bundle. .:. .. ' T 29- I 25 DOMESTICS Sheeting. 4-4, 9 yd 6M4r-. 7 Yarns, bunch...... 00 -.-85 EGGS 9 dozen............ 00 18 FISH Mackerel, No. 1. 9 bbl. .. - 00 12 SO Mackerel, No. 1, 9 half bbl... . 7 50 f 8 60 ; Mackerel, No. 2, bbl. 860 ;9 00 rSMaoxerel, No, 2, 9 half bbU- 6 00 , , 7 00 MackereL No. 3, bbl. 4 25 5 00 Mullets, 9 bbl... : 6 00ii6 00 , ? Mullets, Pork bbls.. 11 00 12 00 .aSoeHerrti, keg.... 8 OC 4 00 '"' Dry Cod.' V lb..............- - 5 10 FLOUR fl bbl Super. ........... 3 60 4 00 - ' " Extra....! 45 4S0 '-' .Family... 4 75 .5 25, City: Mlllfl-Super..... " 00 fW . - C- : . Famuj . . ........ : 4 50 , 5 00 GLUE 9 ft. ...... - f 6 lO GRAIN 9 bushel. A - u Ctorntore,bags,prtae,white . 65 ; 70 Corn, cargo, in bulk, " - ,68 60 " Corn, cargo, in bags,- -' 62 : 63 . . Corn, cargo, mixed, in bags. 60 ; 61. . Oats, from store............ . 5 47J. Cow Peas... 66 65 HIDES 9 ft Green............ ,0 Dry ........ ........... ...fc . i9-?y HAY 100 E) 9 Eastern. 1 10 1 15 Western 1 10 1 15 North River.. ..' 1 10 1 15 HOOP IRON 9 ft........ 2Ua . S, LARD 9 ft Northern... .:. . . . . 6M J 1 7H North Carolina.;....: , 8 - .10 LIME 9 barrel 00 140 LUMBER City Sawed M ft Ship Stuff, resawed-i........ 18. O 30 00 Rough Edge Plank.... , 15 00 16 00 West India Cargoes, accord-; lng to quality 13 00 18 CO - Dreesed Flooring', seasoned. 18 00 22 00 Scantling and Boarda.oom'n 12 00 15 00 MOLASSES 9 gallon -ti " NewCropCuba, lnhhds.... , 24 26, " lnbbls.... 20 30 Forto Rico, Inhhds.. ...... - 28 SO " " lnbbls 80 85- Eugar House, Inhhds . 00 00 ,? ; lnbbls 00 20 Syrup, lnbbls 22 85 NAIXS 9 keg Cut lOd basis.. 00 2 50 OILS gallon Kerosene.... 10, 11 Lard 1 10 1 4b Linseed 90 1 00 Roein : lb 18 Tar - 00 20 Deck and Spar.... . .... 00 23 POULTRY Chlokens,live,grown 26 83J . - Spring:. 15 30 Turkeys CO 00 PEAN U'S 9 bushel 22 lbs.... '45 57J POTATOES 9 bushel Sweet.. 50 70 Irish, per barrel, new.. 00 2 00 . PORE 9 barrel City Mess.... 10 CO 11 CO Prime .- 13 50 14 00 Rump 00 1J50 RICE Carolina, 9 4J 6. Rough, 9 bushel (Upland).. 80 1 10 Do, - do (Lowland, 1 00 1 E3 RAGS 9 ft Country 0 ZXH. City ....... 1 ih: ROPE 9 ft 14 225 SALT 9 salt Alum 70 75 . Liverpool 70 75 ':' Lisbon 00 00 American... 00 75 SUGAR Granulated.... TH 7J. Standard A 6& 7 White Kx U 0 6V. Ex O, Golden 0 6J V Yellow tH 6 SOAP 9 ft Northern.; 16 OJa SHINGLES 9 M Contract... 5 CO 7 00 Common z CO 2 60 Cypress Saps , ! 5 00 Cypress Hearts , 0 oo 7 50 STAVES M W O Barrel.... 8 00 14 00 R O Hogshead 00 00 10 00 TALLOW 9 ft 6 O 6 TIMBER 9 M feet Ext Heart 1st class yellow iplne) 9 00 10 00 Prime ship'g, lstolass heart. 8 00 9 00 Extra Mill, good heart 6 60 6 00 Mill Prime 6 00 6 60 Common Mill 4 00 5 00 Inferior to Ordinary 3 00 400 WOOL 9 ft Washed 18 20 Unwashed..., 13 15 Burrv... 10 11 WHISKEY 9 gallon Northern 1 00 5 00 North Carolina.............. 1 00 2 50 WILMINGTON fit ON EY MARKET. Exchange (fright) on New York ...J4 discount Baltimore H " Boston k " Philadelphia..... ij " Western Cities... " Exchange, 80 days, 1 9 cent Bank of New Hanover Stock 108 First National Bank Stock 95 Navassa Guano Company Stock . 140 North Carolina Bonds Old Ex-Coupons. ... 21 - Funding, 1866 10 Funding, 1868 10 New 4s.. 83 .SDecl&l Tax 4 W A WRR Bonds, 7 o (Gold Interest)!!" 118 Carolina Central R R Bonds, 6 go 106 Wumlngton, CoL & Augusta RE Bonds.. . 105 Wilmington City Bonds (new) 6 9o 100. " " " S9o 100 New Hanover County Bonds, 6 So 100 ; Wilmington A Weldon R R Stock 110 North Cajrollna R R Stock 82 Wilmington Gas Light Company Stock 50 Wilmington Cotton Mills Stock. 120 WOMAUI IIER BEST FRIEND ! DR. J. BRAD FIELD'S FEMALE IEEGULAT0E! This famous remedy most heartily meets the demand of the age for woman's peculiar and multiform afflictions. It is a remedy for WO MAN ONLY, and for cne SPECI&L CLASS of her diseases. It is a specific for certain diseased con ditions of the womb, and -proposes to so control the Menstrual Function as to regulate all the de rangemenst and irregularities of Woman's MONTHLY SICKNESS." Its proprietors claim for It no other medical pro- eny; and to doubt the fact that this medicine oes positively possess such controlling and reg ulating powers is simply to discredit the volun tary testimony of thousands of living witnesses who are to-day exulting iu the restoration to sound health and happiness,- - i - - - - Bradfield's PemaleEeguktor Is strictly a vegetable compound, and Is the pro duot of medical science and praotioal experience directed towards the benefit of ZZZ SUFFERING WOIttAN !, It is the studied prescription oi a learned physi cian whose specialty was WOMAN, and whose fame became enviable and boundless because of his wonderful success in the treatment and cure of female complaints. THE REGULATOR Is the GRANDEST REMEDY known, and richly de serves its name : .Woman's Best Friend ! Because It controls a class of functions the vari ous derangements of which cause more ill health than all other causes combined, and thus rescues her from a long train of afflictions which sorely embitter her life and prematurely end her exist ence. Oh ! what a multitude of living witnesses can testify to its charming effects I Woxah I take to your confidence this PRECIOUS BOON OF HEALTH I J It will relieve you of nearly all the complaints peculiar to your tex. Rely upon it as vour safe guard for health, happiness and long life. Sold by all druggists. Send for our treatise on the Health and Happiness" of Woman, mailed free, which gives all particulars. , .'. '. .- ' - " ' ' ' The Bradfleld JUgnlator Co., ' - P. 6. Box 88, Atlanta, Ga. William H. Green, Wholesale Agent WHmm? ton, N. C. Je91v c&id ' The Hanning Times, ; . poblishSdby - ' ' H.LDp;Jr.!at.HAHSip,S.C. ''- Only $1.60 per annum m advance. Cheap Ad vertismg medium. : Jantr Wilmingtoii & Weldoil EaiboaCo.- v , j " Hj J ' Condensed Schedule. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. . Dated August 2, 1885. No. 48, Dally No, 40, Dally Leave Weldon . . . ?.L 2.15-P. M.-J J.3d P. M. Arrive Rocky Mount." . . 8.83 P. M. . . . . Arrive Tarboro . Leave Tarboro -. 45 P. M. 11.50 P. M. Leave Wilson . i. . . . . Arrive GoldBboro...; Leave Warsaw . . Leave Eurgaw ; . . . Arrive W Umington . ; 4.05 P. M. 4.54 P.M. 5.54 P.M. 7.C0 P. ii. 7.69 P. M. 56 P, 36 P, M. M. 0.65 P. M. TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 47, Daily No. 43, Daily Leave. Wilmington. . Leave Burgaw Leave Warsaw.-.-.. . . . Arrive Goldsboro Leave Wilson . . Arrive Rocky Mount. . 9.27 A.M. .10.13 A.M. 11.17 A.M. 12.16 P. M. 1.04 P.M. 1.87 P.M. 8.t3P.M. 0.50 P. M. 11.08 P.M. 12.04 A.M. 12.53 A.M. 1.27 A.M. Arrive Tarboro . Leave Tarboro. . 4.55 P.M. 11.50 A.M. Arrive Weldon. . 8.05 P.M. 2.45 A. M. Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.00 P, M. . Return ing, leaves Scotland Neck at 9.30 A. M. dally. Train No. 43 North will stop at all Btatlons. Train No. 40 South will Btop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. - Train No. 47 makes olose connection at Weldon for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, and dally except Sunday via Bay Line. Trains make, olose connection Xor all points North via Rlohmond and Washington. All trains run solid between Wllnungton and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. . - ... ,. -. v , '. ' :-" " : JOHN F. DrVTNB, ' i ' - General Supt T. Ml EMERSON, Xienl Passenger Agent " -au4tf -- WILHIHGTOH, COL'MBIA & AUSnSTA Condensed Schedule. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated August 2, 1885. No. 48, Dally No. 40, Dally Leave Wilmington 8.20 P. M. 10.10 Pi M. Leave L. Waccamaw .. 9.42 P.M. 11.17 P.M. Leave Marion 11.86 P.M. 12.40 A. M: Arrive Florence. 12.25 P.M. 1.15 A. M Arrive tumter : 4.84 A. M. :4.84A.M. Arrive Columbia 6.40 A. M. -. 6.40 A. M. TRAINS GOING NORTH. No.43.DaOy No.47,DaDy Leave Columbia -. 9.T45P. M. Arrive Sumter 11.55 P. M. Leave Florence. 4.80 P. M. 5 .07 A. M Leave Marion 5.14 P. M. E.E3 a. M. Leave L. Waccamaw.. 7.14P.M. 7.44 A. M, Arrive Wilmington. ... 8 88 P. M. 9.07 A. M. Train No. 43 stops at all Stations. Nos. 48 and 47 stop onlv at Brinkley's, Whites ville, Lake WaccamaWT Fair Bluff, Nichols, Ma rion, Pee Dee,-Florence, Timmonsville, Lynch burg, MayesviUe, feumter, Wedgefield, Camden Junction and Eastover. Passengers for Columbia and all points on C. A G. R.R., C.,C. & A. R.R. Stations, Aiken Junction, and all points beyond, should take No. 40 Night Express . Poilman fcleeper for Augusta on this train. Pullman Sleepers for Savannah on Train 48. All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. JOHN F. DIVINE, . Gen'l Supt T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent au 4tf CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD CO. OmOI OI SnPIBtHTKHBKNT, 1 Wilmington, N. C., Sept. 27, 1885. f Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER THIS DATE, THE FOL lowlng Schedule will be operated on this Railroad. PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN: DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS. 1 Leave WummgtOH at 7.03 P. M. No. 1. Leave Raleigh at 7.35 P. M. I Arrive at Charlotte at 7.39 A. M. I Leave Charlotte at ...8.15 P. M. No. 2. Arrive at Raleigh at..... 9.00 A. M. I Arrive at Wfiminsrton at 8.25 A. M. LOCAL FREIGHT Passenger Car Attached. Xeave Cnarlotte at 7.40 A. M. Arrive at Laurinburg at 5.45 P. M. Leave Laurinburg at 6.15 A.M. Arrive at Charlotte at 4 40 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 6.45 A.M. Arrive at Laurinburg at 6.00 P. M. Leave Laurinburg at 5.30 A. M. Arrive at WUmlngtou at 5.40 P. M. Passenger Trains stop at regular stations only, and Points designated in the Company's Time Table. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL. EX PRESS AND FREIGHT. Dally except Sundays. No. 3 No. 4 (Leave Charlotte..... 8.15A.M. J Arrive at Shelby 12.15 P. M. (.Leave Shelby....... 1.40a.m. (Arrive at Charlotte :5.40 P. M. Trains No. land 2 make olose connection at Hamlet with R. & A. Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No. 1 for Statesvflle, Stations West ern N. C. R. R., Ashville and points West Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens, At lanta and all points Southwest. L. C. JONES, Superintendent V. W. CLARK, General Passenger Agent sa27tf Cape Fear & TaflME Valley R. R. Co. CONDENSED TIME TABLE NO. Vi, TO TAKE effect at 8 A. M., Monday. June 22, 1886. TRAIN NORTH. " - ' Arrive. Leave. BennettsvOle.... 8.00 a.m. Shoe Heel ... 9 80 a.m. 9.50 Fayette ville 12.15 p.m. 1.00 p.m. Sanford.... 8,00 u aiO Ore Hill..... 4.S5 4.30 Liberty 65 5.80 Greensboro 6.45 ; Dinner at Fayettevflle. .TRAIN SOUTH. ' Arrive. Leave. 950 a.m. 11.05 12.00 1.40 p. m. 4.00 6.40 Greensboro Liberty 11.00 a.m. Ore HOI. 1155 Sanford 120 p.m. Fayetteville 8.50 Shoe Heel 6.25 BennettsvOle 8.15 .ii-s Dinner at Sanford. W. M. S. DUNN, Genl Supt JNO. M. ROSE. Gen'l Pass. Agent. e23tf . ENCOURAGE JOHE INSTITUTIONS. ecuritv Against Fire. Tie Hortt CaroliiaHoie Insurance Co. : :'f RAUEIGII, W. C. THIS COMPANY CONTINUES TO WRITE Po licies at fab? rates on all classes of insurable property.- All losses are promptly adjusted and paid. The "Home" is rapidly gaining in public favor, and appeals with confidence to insurers of propert -u North Carolina. "- - 'Agents in all parts of the State. , JOHN GATUNG, Presideat , W. S. PRIMROSE, Secretary. PTTT.ASTTT DOWPER. Snnerviflor. . ATKINSON St MANNING, Agents, ten 28tf Wumlngton. N. C The Pamlico Enterprise : f STONEWAivlC N. C. Y;J n A FLRST CLASS WEEKLY PAPER, published to the GRAIN REGION of the State. t?llDSOTipwon. a jcnax. iowij autwuauie rates-One Square, $12; Two .Squares, $18; Three Squares. $24; Four Squares, $35i Quarter Column, 140; Half Colamn, $30; One Column, $100. No de- viaaoa from above rates. v , .'Address. ENTERPRISE. tf$ti .y RtonewaU,N.(X I 3B3atBa) II keWBgiia I "a5M5UL NEW ADYKKTISEMrSKll? 4V c rpo travel and sell the trade the staple and cela ' A brated Cljtars, Tobaccos and Cigapette of the . IfKW YOKE & HAVANA CIQAfi COilPANY. ZJberal arrangements. Saiart or Comnasioa paid to th right man. For terms address at tmoe. Mention th -v pawt.KKWTORR&HA VAN A CIA BCO - - . 54" -Broadway, New Trk. , -. oe IDAWIml, - ir . ,-, . . MISS ELIZABETH L KOOES' : ; BOARDnSTQ af AKT DAY SCHOOL - . FOB YOUNG LADIES AND CHILDREN, ; A 5 East 68 tb Street, New York City , - Miss Eouxs refers by permission to the Rr, Fx v Bush Millxb Thompboh, D. D r Oxford, Miss.; Rev. Gxo. Rsckxtt. D. D.. Columbia. Tenn unii Rev. Benst M. Fimji.D. D., Editor of the r.ew York "JBvangelist. - ee 6 PAWlm - TITANTED Young Ladles in cltyor country to" . V work for us at their homes;, fascinating em-'" ployment;no Instructions to -buy work ca be sent by mail (distance no objection); $8 to $9 per week can be made. No canvassing:- particulars, free, or sample of work mailed for four cents in stamps. Please address, Hon VAxurACTCBTxe . Co , Boston. Mass. -P. O. Box 1S16. - WANTED An active Man or Woman In every : county to sell ur goods. - f alary $75 per -month and expenses, or commission Expenses in advance. Outfit free. For full paxttoularsad- dress STANDARD SILVER. WARE CO, Bostoh.v C A R P E T I IJ G G AND Upholstery Coqds W. $t J. SLOAN E NVrrE ATTENTION. TO THE ATTEACTIVK i PRICES AT WHICH THEIR ENTIRE ' FALL STOCK IS BEING OFFERED. ti 'X. ' AXBITNSTERS WALTOS from 12.25 net d. Tinwr1 from 2.QO per yd. unw'd lIIOaCBTTES from 1 .5 O ner vd. uow'd BOOT BBUSS'ljSfrom TAPESTRY from 1.1 5 per yd. upw'd : .60 per yd. upw'd .fODerviLnDWM . INGRAINS "' from Swiss tiavjs iUttiams - from $5.0 O per pair upward HI ADR AS ZiACE CURTAINS ' v- . '. from $4.00 per pan upward; ANTIQUE and FRENCH JUACB CUR- raPA Vtafi fwwn ftQ.Cll tUMTAofw nnmaiui .a K. cm m a u ' vlu w wa v ar lvi. v'Vki i. uk w cm. a NOXTINGTHAHI LA6B CURTAINS . from S 1.00 per pair upward XUHUVJIAn rjUUTAIHS . - from S6.00 per nalr utiwar.i - TAPESTRY COVERINGS - from $1.50' per yd. upward CRETONNE COVERINGS from .30 per yd. upward WINDOW SHADES MADE ON SHORT NOTICE OR MATERIALS FUiNISHED. "" SAMPLES SENT WHEN DESIRED and PE03B.PT ATTITION PAID TO ALL MAIL ORDERS. ' CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. " and 19th St. OHK CITY. oo 6 D&Wini I Want AGENTS TO SELL MISSOURI STEAM. , Men and Women of good character and tntelllaenoe. Eiclnaivg Territory Gaarantoed. . A weeks' trial of Bampla Washer to be returned at my expense if not ' satisfactory. A thousand per cent, the bestWaaharui the world, and pays capable agents BIO- money. In trinsic merit makes it a phenomlnal snooees every where, for Hlnstrated oirealor and termaof agency address. J. WORTH , St. Louis, Wo. RAINBOW RUPTURE Rcb'!!. Simple, safe, reliable and a perfect retainer. It ts ' ' not a Truss. Worn Day and Night and ,its presence forgotten. Send for circular with testi monials from grateful sufferers cured by this ap . pliance. Address Central Medical and Sursloal -Inftitute SO Locust St, St. Louis, Mo. bkiUrul treatment given all kinds of anrgical and medical cases. Consultation free and invited, - MESVOUSOEBIUTT E&CKSCE UBOAMIOWEAKimS ' TJafiayndnrimaroriBi nhflanradiseRSM. ha flins the skilled Dbjs. . sicians. resnlt finmx youth! al indiaoretion . . rover brain wot ace, o Avon tha lnmoaiiionaf artcj uoua remeaiet xor bich. trouble. Getour irca A Radical Curs fob& mervotjs m Circular and Trial 1 !t age,and learn fanpt -ij.a facts before takinsra.fr. . mXtOLiJXX U 1 60RERBMXDT mI uaj ment eitewnere. itie a A llliuu vaa II I firm tm rmiinr ar cu tktn to bmineaa. or caiua DECAV". Lr nain or fnconrpiilfTinw in aay way, foondad oa dentine n : mediesl fj 'plot tha ima nf rturat Urn Tested for Seven I?! rEARSBYUMINMAliyf V ipecifio inflaenee is 64 . without delay. The DU oral functtomof the htta : TMrn num O.Aaro l.' man organism is rwtortd. The animstinff (Jem of lift, waich Ase iem waafedareglawn haps--and frMVMrfll. ftOAAflaT vmm 'a a.im -7- ar I IIU JlUaJtllilJUSJUR"eWa1l-JJ.l.lJ Two Months, . C.OOj A jfulindnipidlypiiDi botjj, IPIihmi Witnt)!.. until ' i.i ...ii. mlJt ..1 the patient beoomeichete HARRIS REM ED Y CO.jjrrC CHGKST) 9Q6M W. Xe&tn etw 8T. XiOUXS UQw : . . . " aug 13 D&Wly ' - , THE CELEBRATED. AEEIHGION GAME FOWLS FOR SALE . -- - - t JY GAME FOWLS HAVE A NATIONAL RX - putation. They hare touxbt and won a seriee of the Krestest mains ever fought on this or any other continent, and Fifteen Pairs, on exhibition at Philadelphia In 76, were honored: by the Unt ted States Centennial Commissioner with the Di ploma and MedaL I have a variety of Colon and most approve ' Breeds In the United State. I will ship splendid COCKS, of fine size and handsome plumage, pet : Express, C. O. D., at from $4.00 to $6.00 each HENS, $3.60 and $3.00 each; or $7.00 per Pair ' $10.00 per Trio. I expect to raise Two Hundred Pairs this Summer, the. Finest Games in the -World, and will ship Young Fowls of March and April hatch during the months of August, fiep- tember and October, at Five Dollars per Pair, m - Mavckf. TIaIIqm tvav nMr Whoever disputes the superiority of my Rlrda, will please back the assertion with their stamp. Write for what you. want. , Address J. O. ARBXNGTON, ap 6 tf Hffllardston. Nash Co. . C. NORTH CAROLINA RESUUECES,. "One of the most useful series of descriptivs books ever published about any txate."- -Bos- ton Post. Hale's lndiistrial Series . Two Volumes Now Beady. . :' - f " I. The Woods and Tlmtoera f North. Carolina. Curtls's, Emmons', and Kerr's ' County Reports of Standing' Forests, and illus- . trated by an excellent Map of the State., . N r.a ajA -m..a. akaaa ao w . i. volume Am.o. uxoin, sopp., pi..a. - II In anil M -...: Hortn Carolina. Emmons', Kerr's, Laid- - ' : ley's. Waxes', and the Census Reports; supple- meraea oy ruu sna aocurate sxetenes oi tne '-FIXty-fiix Counties, and Map of the State. - ... . 1 Volume 12mo: Cloth, 425 pp.. 45.50. ' , Bote by aU Booksellers, or mailed postpaid on receipts of the pries, by ' - E. 3. HALE & SON, j ' - " PTOUSHXES, BOOXBKLLXBS AKD . CTATIOBXBa, - NEW YORK; iiii " " . j- '4 The Biblical 7jBt3cqfder , PUBLISHED BY -. fc;s . ,? Edwards, Broughton 8c Co. - RsiEIGH,iaV a 1 v REV. C. T. BATLBY, Bdftor. ' j REV. a S. FARRISS, I . . ; V '" ' Associates. f . - CHAS. L. SMITH, J rt mm a axP Van4V ft rlAll wt A " I'M 41 MH uiidfl ui nurui uiiJuiiiia-aiiii-w, . TCVTCRT "R A PTTST fiHOLTLD TAKE IT i " As an Advertising Medium Unsurpassed;'; . ObIf $a.00 Per Year. ; u. ' C Address . ' BTRTJCATi RECORDER, r v deoi2s:tf . RaleUch.N.C- , Broadway NEW Washer 15r3EE

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