. ,-' v " - - w- X . X - , y -". " " ' - " - X , X - - - --' r 'X , . - :x , r - . ,x i.'-v"-- 1- xV .-y x - , v ..- x ,.. Muraiig Star. Oaa8swi One Day,? - ..-.JlJ i--TJH or - -ow DayVv.. '. 03 . One Wek,.ii..i. 08 Two Weka, - W 'One ItoatiX. 10 Two MraSa...... ., M BY PlJBLlSHSDa BXTBSOBIPTKWjnf ASVAXCO. One 5 Tear, " "filxKontia. T.t -- - Dn Year. . . 65 OQLS, Trltv Sibsoribere, aeuyeream wpj" A ptopot-' I . ........ - . . . . . . . . . ...... - . ' . - . . . . J it. J. .... - i " ..ii.--.t-. t..-, ;--r:. L- ---rrtthoPoet Office at Wilmington. N. C., tored t Haw. Matter. . - - ' (H ww r- uqrNINGt EDITION. OVTLINES. Xhe schooner Ann T. Sipper went to " . TDB ELECTIONS. v-K.-? Our telegrams this mornhig - indi cate Democratic gains every where? In; New York thecqntest is yety close, with the chances, we thinkin .favor of Governor HilL pieces is Connecticut the Democrats gain ' a of the PallMaU Gazette continued hU tea- by about" 20,000,' and the Legislature timony m me aiuuuuus uum,uuu woo. I a nail panic in Pittsburg, on account 1 tho nailers strike. Kntsofl ? bor are on a suUce m uaive8ton,viexas. i uumueroi -memoera oic iqo juegisia ; In Virginia the Democrats i elect their J ture. Altogether the news is very 1. Governor by 20.000 majority, and have the encouraging.' fjegislature Dy iwo-uuras; m voniiecucut the Democrats gain a number ot memDers i certain Methodist preacher of this t thP Leo-islature.' Mahone charges I county tells it upon himself - that while on gross frauds in Virginia. , w f ore aundown ft house - to :, spend the , " , ' i ' I niiht, andafter entering the house the dog' n. nr;UoTi iA7nA! "mil to the trine I came In. apDroached" him rbod-TiatuTedJy, Foreign Missions 'aid pledged $300 for the ensuing year;iStatesfMi8aionB, $258; promised $425;-. and . promised $75 for Home Missions -The Association em braces 1,800 ;Baptists,j and wili meet next yearat Kinston. Walter , Sugg, son of W. H. Sugg, of i this;, city was very SainfuUy in juredyesterday morning at the 'air Grounds BLe was riding one of the race horses at;fuif flrjeed over the course to get - him iused to.U,''when the animal "flew the track" throwing Walter head- DemocraUc '. by. two-thirds,; , In I long against the l m.,f&r Annie . Chamber8-Ketchum,Sone 'of the ma is estimated to have gone Democratic Of $2,500. The French wheat crop of 1885 is not so large as it was in . 1884 by some 4,000,000 hectolitres. . s. . i; At Eli jay, Georgia, there is an alleged witch and there is great ex citement amonn the negroes. . ' . The Marquis of Hartington pro fesses to believe that the Liberals of England will triumph in the election. Ma De Lesseps proclaims-that he is extremely sanguine as jtQ jtho.profits of the Panama'Canal.- It will" cost twice over, what It cost to construct the Sue Canal,: but it will earn three times as much. 1 visitor was. immediately went out and got after thff chickens m tneyara,i Anaerson H. a) Journal. ; ; r . We knew a Methodist tor spend" two days in the country at a farm house. : There was a singular ab- sence' of chickens i and "chicken fix ings." ; The lady said to him, "You know the bid - story that' when a Methodist preacher comes to a house the chickens all flee and go to roost." The reply was, "That probably ex plains why no chicken jhas appeared on your table in two days." i Spirits Turpentine: Davidson College has now 104 students. '" -: ' Raleigh had but two interments last week. '1 Judge Ruffin's health has im proved. : He is able to attend his courts and to hunt partridges according to the Hillsboro Observer. We regret to learn from the Argus that, our ' esteemed friend Judge McKoy is quite sick at Goldsboro and is unable .to attend Jones court. . ; . " : v. Winston . Daily: While Mr. Millard Masten was this morning running the job press in the Republican office, ' his hand was caught in -the press' and very badly crushed. Some of the papers have-already -nominated Hon.vJas. W ,OT,tofT hmtpn a wpII ah rhairs. I Keia lor uovernoroi norm uarouna. xuui jeported broken as well as chairs. nremature. There is plenty of We do things better in this country; J time yet between now and 1888. Raleigh Visitor : The revenue In the notice of jthe burial services of Mr. Muse an error, occurred that needs correcting, ,For ''the&wtf of owlate associate," &c, please read, $&body of," &c. . .There was an ather error of less importance. ' " Xerd John Manners,' Postmaster General, was Tiot allowed to speak at lewester by ,the opposition. A free fight followed and many heads are prominent Southern literatw, has begun her wor feat bfc Mary'c 5 as. incumoenv oi ine chair ot bellesf letters-, and ' elocution with her : accustomed grace, v - The work of putting-uprthe electriC; light . poles has be gun. The poles are of . cypress And come from Moore . county,, by rail. - , There are in the capitol square ' Over sixty species : of trees. - The great storm -of April, 1877. ; blew down many -of -the noblest oaks. Gov. Scales has leased for a yearme nana some reeidence, Nq. :. 10 - East Nor Uv street, . so long Occupied by ther.4ate Mr ftscud. tonductorEdVWhittaker, , who was killed in Rockbridge county.Va., Thursday night, by the falling of a trestle as his train ran, upon it. was a Raleigh boy a son. of Mr. E. A. Whittaker. and was well known; here.:. - The. event - of, next week - is the fair of the "North .Carolina In-. dustrial Association," at Camp jRusseu. A law passed at the last session or tne Legislature imposes upon the State chemist the by no means pleasant task of analyzing stomachs in cases where poisoning ia sus pected. Dr. Dabney has just completed analyses of;, two etomaches and found no poison m either. " . A'.' few..n3ghts.,ago some thieves entered the pantry of Rev. Dr. J.vM. Atkinson and., sole a quantity; of provisions.,-' State Treasurer Bain will accompany Gov. Scales, Mat 'Finger and Attorney Gneral Davidson to the Fayette- ville f Fair this week Washington items:.GeBeral Cox arrived here Tuesday evening and left for home vesterdSy He came to Lurry up certain officials and to facilitate several' appointments which lie has been, urging for some timer' He In formed me that his visit was very satisf tory. While here he secured the appoint- anent of Mrs. Laura Home to the Jitts- Jboro po8tmastership and was promised that Dr. Mallett should be made postmaster at Chapel Hill in a few days. Other changes in his district at an early day are contemplated. Ed. G. Haywood, Jr., of Raleigh, has been promoted from a first to a second clerkship in the First Controller's office. Treasury Department, at a salary of $1,400. Senator Ransom is now taking a brief rest at his home in North Carolina. He has spent a good deal of his time in Wash ington since Mr. Cleveland's inauguration and needs recuperating before the long ses sion of Congress meets in December. -The Washington Star is authority for the statement that "Beafort, N. C., is now con sidered the best place on the Atlantic coast for duck shooting." Help ti Poor. , .- . : The President of the Ladies': Benevolent Society requests us to state that ,therels; a great deal of poverty and, suffering in our mid8tj at present, and that jthe Bociety.is totally unable to alleviate 'the distress .on account of a lack of the necessary funds it now owing, within a few dollars, a sum of money dbubh the amount on hand.: .The Society appeals to our citizens to aid it in the work of helping the poor and :needy; and as cold weather is comiDg."on,' much suffering must be expected from this cause unless those of our community disposed to "lend to the Lord" are forthcoming in their contribntions, .which we hope will be very liberaL The Ladies' Benevolent . Society has done an untold' amount of good in our city in relieving .the wants of . those in need, and as tts members have the best opportu nity fndinr out and, knowing who are realwory of vhelpv we think those" de- 8irous of: contributing to them -can so througn the Society. The following are the indicationa for te day; :. ..;:f,;; : A 1-V ; For the" South;, Atlantic . States, . fair. warmer weather, folio wed. in the western,, portion by' local rains variable winds; gen- erallv ahiftiniAoQtherlv; 4 A - . i-j-i Steamships 'Cfulf-- Stream, hence, "ar-r rived at New York yesday. ;- : ?.; , 5.5s H . . Steamship Oiavd 'MoUn,' hence,? w rived at Liverpool yesterday; , . - Vr' WST 4F IJBTTEB8 ' h Remaining In the City Ppstofflce,: Wed- KKW APVSRTISKMENTS; ; f. ; NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. TO. -THE' LADIES. O PE RA HOU S E.;: One; JBg WjltirW -- The Farorlto Metropolltaa Oomedlaa. . " : At TAYLOR'S BAZAAE .TOUWILLIIND, -7 nesdav. November 4th: A-4las G Arey,' Thos Ashford. The C S. Minister at St Peters burg brings . charges against J5. G. Van Riper, U. S. Consul at Moscow. He has been suspended. . He has teen caught in some disreputable transactions and hii own letters are An proof against him. Mr. Gladstone has written a letter in s-hich he disclaims any purpose 4o disestablish the Church of Eng land. He says it is a question of the future and it is for others to deal twith it and not for him. He is about 76 years old or more. The Preident is supposed to be a man of great tenasity of will, and having made up his mind to hold it in defiance of all argument and all cmnosition. But it has leaked out "tr f Ibst he has more than once changed iMsjjjurposes and yielded to clamor. He feas been forced more than once :lo abandon men of his choice to the managers of men. Gen. McCIellan was a case in point, as is mentioned iin more than one Northern Demo cratic paper. The Boston Post says: " He waa the first man determined on by President Cleveland for a place in his Cab inet. His character and his services, as well as the great injustice which had been done him appealed strongly to Mr. Cleve land, wko desired to be thejneans of right ing the wrong by making General McCIellan a prominent feature in public lifie.c But the wrangling of New Jersey polittcianspre- colkctions in this (the fourth) district for the month of October were $46,019.34. C. H. Cofield. Esq, well known in this city and county, died at his residence near Wins low. Harnett county, on Saturday last, after a lingering illness. Mr. Cofield was at one time a member of the Legislature and en joyed the reputation of being a most high- minded gentleman. Asheville Advance: Senator. Z. B. Vance is in the city. His many friends are always glad to shake his hand . The Charleston News and 'Courier says: "It was rumored yesterday that Major W, E. Brease, . the cashier of the First National Bank, of this city had signi fied his inteutkmof resigning his post, and that he will probably accept the Presiden cy of the First National Bank of Ashe vile, N, C, which has just been organized and which will commence shortly. The Lenoir Topic . says Ella Badger aged 15 years, of ttrat town, was attacked last Week with a strange disease which puzzles tHe doctors. 81w had been lifting, and pro bly over exerted herself, Subsequently st suffered a nervous attack which rapidly? grew worse. Some of , the symptoms" of St. Vitus'a dance were ob servable, but they were complicated with others. She had an inclination . to bite herself, to tear her clothes off, and to run off to herself. Finally her sufferings end ed in death. . ; Hew Berne Journal: .The en- tertainment given by the Orphan Class on Friday night, was very successful, having netted $117.85, a collection was afterwards taken no. swelline the sum to $185 70. Bice ' comes . rather . slowly, which tends to substantiate the report of a short crop. We think, however, that the short ness is not so much in deficiency; in the turnout as in the acreage planted. The tendency, with farmers is less rice and more, com and cotton. - - -- --" i ' ' Charlotte Observer : Capt. R. P. Waring's bond as assayer of the mint in this city has been made up and forwarded to the Bureau of the Mint,' in Washington City. He was required to give rona mine THE iW IDVEKXISKJUKNTK MrmsoH Overcoats. C M. HABKis 33.000,000. Collier & Co. Auction sales. " Hkihsbekgkb, Second-hand pianos.: ' W. S. Bbioob & Co Beeley 's trusses. Mrs. E. Wabbkh & Sou Special'potice.1 I.ocl. UOU. Receipts of cotton yesterday 821 bales. There was a killing frost yes terday morning. Two white tramps were accom- modated with, lodging at the station house Monday night. Tbe thermometer in ' the Stab office was down to 42' degrees yesterday morniag, the lowest point the mercury has reached thus far. A meeting of the Chamber of Commerce (not Produce Exchange, as in correctly stated; in our" issue of Sunday,) will be held to day to elect a President, vice D. G. Worth, declined.- snpectator. vented thp. nrtnnntment and he visited the inaiifrnratinn at Wfthinon fttfuiet. modest I ' m nt tin 000. but the signers to the bond D. . - ,i -- . Aftftrt. . lustified in tne sum oi iw.uw. : r-"-W H. Miller, editor of the Shelby Aurora. was in the city yesterday and gave us a call. He reports that work on the Carolina extension is now being pushed rapidly, 800 hands being employed. The Boston Con struction men are still surveying.,. " , Elizabeth City Falcon: Sonth Mil&, a pretty )ittie village, about twenty miles north of this city, was deeply agita ted last Saturday over the announceinent Mrs. Langtry is not what sho seems. Her husband was rich and they lived in their Jersey home in reat comfort. He ; had ' a large In come. At last the Duke of Bedford discovered her attractions. He re- I v. . ohaiionon tn nortal , combat had ported ms-nna - w x uv CTnr Mallen and Dr. Bax-t ter both prominent gentlemen of the town,. ana ootn numg u- ""-"v ; . rfetv The cause that resulted in the chal Wales who visited her m her islan4 tiome. Then trouble began. She appeared in London? society under the Prince's favor. The style of living absorbed the means of Mr. Langtry. A financial crash came after awhile and the husband said that they must Sn?e seems to hav7 been an old grudge, 2?a.L on Saturday.: Dr. Baxter succeeded in reaching the designated flwe but Dr. Mullen was , arrested be- forehe could leave his house.' - Goldsbpro Messenger: Mr, Geo.; Miller, formerly oi uruau,. - retire and live on a small income. I "pointed agent of the A AN-.9fSS2Id mv. . , . j .Winston. - The address delivered iU Bpout Deauty, eo-caueu, iuu . Dr. Marable, at tne au. vutb t j :a i i,a 1 J "f" ' ontortataibiT. earnest and v fiu auu earn sne wouju I Acaaemy, a" Vr-rHWt was- A Bftara of Antt and Flnanee. . .I the Board of Audit and Finance met in regular semi-monthly- session Monday af ternoon. Present: rf.J ore, cnairman, J, W. Gerdts, R. J. "Jones and C. F. Von- Kampenl";1;.?! '?..,;;"; :.:-; ; Bills to the amount of $17,834.83 were audited and coupons to the amount of $3, r76Which ; had' been redeemed and can celled, were burned in the presence of the Board, and 180 coupons of the denomina tion of $30 each, which were never issued, but cut from what is known as the "Mar. ket'House Bondsw were burned. Thirty notes, known .as ""Market House notes," for which alike amount of bonds had been substituted, were . also burned. , ,' -. " it was moved and carried that hereafter the meetings of he Board shall be at 3 p. m. instead of 5 p.-jm., heretofore. "The Board ibenmdjournedr BfntlUy Mortuary' Wimporu From the report of Dr. F. W. Potter, City Physician 4 we learn that there were 50 deaths this ciry during the month of Oc tober fust closed, as followss; Whites. Males 10, f emales 7; adults 13, .children 4; total 17.';.'. . .-. . . . : . -Colored. Males i6.-females 17; adults .15. cbildren.i8; total ?3. . " " V ; ; ixTotalhlte andcolored. 50i.from this deduct stillborn;' leaving a total of 45 deaths front disease for this month. . " U. 8. DIstrtet Court. The TJ., B. District Court, Judge A 8. Seymour presiding, convened at the TJ.. S. : Court room in this city at 10 o'clock y ester day morning,-; The following compose the grand jury for the term: D. JL Lamont, foreman; N.'GiQioan, R J. Williams, Jas. H. Taylor, Emanuel Nichols, John Maun der. M. J. McRainey, James Ingram, Jor don Nixon, Alfred Alderman, W. H. Yopp, H. P. West, D. D. Wells, Jabez .Frink, Wm. SuttoW Jr- G. W. Hobbs, R. W. Hargrave, J, D. Powers. The f oUowhig cases were disposed of : U. S. vs. 4. W. Murray, retailing with out a license; guilty. ; TJ. a vs. J. N. Gore, charged with tak ing fraudulently from the mail a letter con. taining money; defendant entered a plea of nolo contendere, and was discharged on the payment of costs. Messrs. B. Schulken, of Whiteville, and Chas. M. Stedman, of this city, appeared for the defendant. Additional Proceedings. -. The following additional proceedings of the Board of Aldermen at their meeting .Monday night were unavoidably omitted from our issue of yesterday. Alderman Bear submitted the following: Resolved, That the ladies of St. Thomas' Catholic Church be allowed a rebate of $5 per night on the rental of City Hall for several nights from November 9th. Alderman Dudley moved as a substitute that the amount of $10 be charged for the time. Alderman Dudley then moved as a sub stitute foi the whole that the following charges be made hereafter for the use of the City Ball: For one night. $10; two consecutive nights, $15; three consecutive hnlghts, r $26; four to six -nights, Z5- Adopted. X'-. . ; V i - . "mixed Pleklea. Don't fail to secure your seats to see the J. B. Polk Company in the above comedy at the Opera House Thursday night. The papers generally speak of it in the highest terms, and an evening of genuine fun is in store for our theatre goers. The New York Evening News Bays of the play : "Mixed Pickles." by the rules which srovern in farcical comedy, and the object to 0e ODtainea laugnwr may uaicijr w written down as ' a big success. It is the brightest and cleverest production of the kind since ''Pink Dominoes," with the ad vantage that, it is clean, while being up roariously funny, jux. itoik couiu uw pense "Mixed Pickles" here for three months at least, were it not that other ar rangements prevent.. SXnaleal Entertainment. Mr. B. F. Dixon, Superintendent of the Oxford Orphan Asylum, writes usthat the singing class of thef institution, under the charge of Miss Burwell, will give a concert here next Thursday night, at the Library AunAiation Hall, for the benefit of the Asylum. The entertainment will consist of music and" dialogues, and the object for which it is given should meet with encour agement from our citizens generally, and we hope there will be a crowded house to welcome the visitors. B Delia Brown. Edward Bristow.. May F BertOn, R.E BJalock, Hannah3oykiu. C M Clark. Charlotte Carter. ' ' 1 ' V : IT laaAft TCvana. - - T - o'-- ; FCarOline Fulton, Chas Fay. ;r -- O-Horace Garland. Lucy Gause. " i : Best do H-R N Harding, Wm enderson Dr tea narreii. juorrisa xiavitivjr; jmicu xicuij, Harvey & Listen. ' ' -' !- K Isabella Knox. ; : . -' X- ; M G W McQueen, Ed Mapson, H L Martin, Robert H Moore. - ; R J R Russell. . S Richard Scott. ' ; ? , ' W Jennie Washington W Williams.' ; Persons calling for ; letters in the above, list wili please say ''advertised.' Letters' will be "sent to the1 Dead Letter Office, at Washington, D. C, if not called for within thirty days. . K R. BbxHX. P. M, - Wilmington, New Hanover Co.. N. C. In ' Uie j MlIlIne; : 1 7XLT HATS, in all desirable shapes; for Ladles, , Misses anfi ChMren, from 7So upward. BIRDS, WIKGS. B5EEASTS, la; every eolor, from X j,X-.. , -,!,. j,, TIPS, three tn a bxmcb; from 39o up. , VVBr, lnerery .had,i to. matcb Eats and v ' Dresa Trtaimlngt.at remarkably lowprloea. In the greatest suoeees Hew Tork has knowa for " years, the comical and aattrieal comedy . , , In three aeta, entitled . - -. . . -- wlilXED PICKLES I " By Dr. T. H. Sayre, author ot The Strateidsta,!f and other higblv popular plays. "HaddUv it beara no reaemblanee to the aero- : batio and variety abanrdities which have lor some time passed c . current as comedies,. Aot L PreDarliur to Pickle. Act II. Pickles Gettinir Mixed. Aot mMtxed Pickle. JOK PICI . Inclined to miaehief. Mr. J. B. POLK V . . M xl . ' ' : r - - ' .,,1- - -' r m TIAtlO SHU t A cmarteriy neinntt.L Fourth Round for the Wilmington Dis trict of the Methodist E. Church,South Topsail Circuit, at Rocky PointNovem ber 7th and 8th. . ; - C s Brunswick Circuit, at Shallotte Camp, November . 14th andl5th.. WilmingtonVFront Street, November 21st and 22d. X " X PATJt J. CABBAWAVr X Presiding Elder. ; THE IDLAIXiS. . The malls close and arrive at the City Post Office as follows: CLOSB. ... . Northern through malls, fast.. .. . . . 7:45 P. M Northern through and way :mall,s 8:30 A. M Raleigh ..otlSPiM. 8:80 A K Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and. routes supplied therefrom including . A. & N. C. Railroad, at. . .7:45 P. X. A 8:30 A. M. Snnthnrn mails for all -ooints South. dally 8:00 P.M. Western malls (a a Bailway) dally (except Sunday); . . . . 4- 6:15 P. M. Altooints between Eamletand KaleUrh 6:15 P. M. Mall for Cheraw and Darlington Rail road 80 P.M. Mails for points between Florence and Charleston ..-. . 8:00 P.M. Fayette ville, and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays. . . . . . M P. M. Fayetteville, via C. C. R. R., daily, ex ceDt Sundays 6:15 P. M. Onslow c. H. ana mtermeaiate omoes, BZ A Tfcti CROWNsL' in new designs, for only SSo each. - . -A.: Also, GIMPS, YELTsTTSENS, COKSBTS, TO-. , " . pWBAB, GLOYBS. X . i ' LADIES DilVINia'tULSTOB GLOVES for only T90o a pair, worth double the price- - -r . f An early call win secure, yon the above BAK GAINS at ' - .-, TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, lis market Street. oc29 tf . - : , ; ; v - 33,000,000 jJANHATTA CIGABS SOLD IN FIYE YEARS (in the United. States). . Warranted Havana- Til ler. , Try them.,-. For sale at : no4tf d. M. HARRIS Popular News and Cigar Store. The Largest aud Best I SrORTMENT IN THE CITY OF SEELXi'S CELEBRATED . TRUSSES at Greatly Reduced Prices. - W. & BBIGGS A CO.. I no 4 tf . " ' " ; J17 & Front St. -' CrewNotice. tiona, and the cleanest east of anyprednetioa for veara. Refined humor, talented eomnanT. i perfect ensemble. . - , . ;.v7 jsox aasecqea Wednesday moxmng r cox ss v- - x ; Execution , Cale ' r - Y VIRTUE OT AS EXXCUTKHt TO XsV ' ; lected, issued from the Superior Court Of New Hanover County; October 81st, 1885, wheren the l .Bank of New Hanover Is Plaintiff, -and J. R.Xv: Blossom and Thomas Eyans, partiee trad in un- X der the name ana style or J . . tfioesom svana, v; are Defendants, I will exoose to aale, to the X' highest bidder, on MONDAY, the 7th day jnt -De- ? eember, 1885, all the interest of the said Joseph --u B. Blossom, in " Lots NoTl. 2, S, 4, S and 6, in Block 818; yr Lota No 1. 2, 8, 4, 5 and 6; In Block 817; J-: - -Lohso. l, as. a, 4 ana o, m jdiooksiv; - - . XotsNo. 1. 8, 8,4 and 6, te Block ; ' ; X;-' being the whole of the Bald Blocks 816, 817, , 819 and 820.-. iAIso . - ' --v ' . Lots No. 4. 5 and 6. in Btook 818; . X . v : Lots "No. 4 and 5. in Block 845. . - - .,..t Also the lot of Land on Bed -Cross street te. Block 283, beginning 100 feet west of Third X street, running west ss iee 5 inones ob un v Cross street, thence northwardly in a line Prml-- ' lei wl h Third street 200 feet, thenoe eastwardly parallel with Red Cross street 83 feet 5 inches to . i o nvin-. tn t ot. arrjtt. nf Thlvd street, then south-- t wardly 800 feet parallel with Third street to the -r - De& inning, ana an tne Dmuungs ana ereeuuus vi the above described lots levied upon to satisfy said execution. The sale will taxe piaoe at ue Court House door at IS o'clock, the day and date above mentioned. - r ' , . . 8. H. MANNING, 8herlff noltds - New Hwiover County, A i - i u -. i Hi it 4 4k 1-1. lie: 9- "hi' All persons are hereby cs Pnesdavs and Fridavs 6XW A. M. Smith ville mails, by steamboat; daily (except Sundays) 8:30 A.M. Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shal lotte and Little River, Tuesdays and Vrlriava 2:00 P. M. Wrightsvllle dafly at. 8:80 A.M. Northern through and way mails 7:30 A. M. Southern malls... 9.80 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad 8:45 A. M, . Stamp Office open from 7J50 A. M. to 6 P. M. Money Order and Register Department open 8:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M continuous. General delivery opea from 7 AJJ. to 6.00 P.M., and on Sundays from 8:80 to 9:30 A. M. Mails collected from street boxes from bus ness portion of city at 5 AJ&, 110 A.M. and 530 P.M.; from other parts of the city at 5 P.M. and 5 A. M. Carriers delivery open on Sunday from 8:80 to 80 AM. m m HOW HE DROVE BETTER THAN HE KNEW. Mr. Geo. E. Jackson drew $5,000 in the Louisia na 8tate Lottery this month, His ticket was No. sd.820. He has been lucky, as he haslbeen only in this State about a year, and worked on salary for the Wells, Fargo ACo.'s Express, and is now worth over 5,C00. The full particulars and any, Information given on application to M. A Dau-- pmn, new oneans, la, hoi every bqukdiui. w this country strikes it so rich in the same length, of time. Newton (Kan ) Democrat, Sept. 18. WHO IS MRS. WTNSLOW I As this question is frequently asked, we will simply Bay that she is . ioiIt whn tnr nn wards of thirtv vears has unti ringly devoted her time and talents as a female Phvsioian and nurse, principally among cnuaren. cautioned and forewarned against harboring or trusting any of the crew of the HWtlsh fiteunahiD -CYANUS. Can- -ki- Hfislen. as neither the Master -11 mil t-or consignee will be responsible for any debts contracted by them.t ' ' ; . no82t - C. P. MBB ANE, Consignee Straw-Cutters, &c. gTRAW CUTTERS, Waffle-irons, Meat Cutters, Ham Slicers, Meat Choppers, o. All for sale low by no8tf - , GEO. A. PECK. B Execution Sale. " Y VIRTUE OF AS, EXECUTION. TO MB directed, issued from the Superior Court of New Hanover County, October 81st, 1885, wherein the ;-, Bank of New Hanover is Plaintiff, and J. B. Bios- som and Thomas Jtvans, parties traamg uuaer the name and style of J. B. Bloesems Evans, , are 4 Defendants. I wm expose to saie, to tne nignest 1 - bidder, on SATURDAY, the 14th November, 1885, - i ' -J . 4. maw Manila mt. vhT nn N. r -.. ktt ' m T(wn .knn Oli.illunil VII I.' : ; .:)li I trie SHTnoTtfAT. DOCK, levied nnon to satisfy said execution. The sale will take place at the Dry Dock at 13 o'clock M., the day and data above mentioned. . 8. H. MANNING. ' no 1 tds Sheriff. ' IT--. 1 New Stove House. "YrE HAVE ADDED A FULL UNB OF COOK ; ING and HEATING STOVES and RANGES, with Portable and Stationery GRATES, to our PLUM BING and GAS-FITTING Business, and are pre pared to give Very Low Figures on our NEW GOODS. Slate Mantels and Hearths furnished at short notice. Piambers and Gas-Fitters' ; Sap pnes always on 2 no8tf ' ' 413N. Front St.. QOLDS, SORE-THBOATS AND HOARSENESS, cured by our MEDICATED COUGH DROPS. ; We are having a big run on our SUPERFINE CREAM CAROMELS at 2 56 per-pound. Try our ASSORTED PELLETS, WAFERS and: TABLETS something new. . . ... .- FBESH CANDIES made daily. A Choice Lot of FRUIT by to-day's Steamer. . AJ3 BUYERS OF BEESWAX WE WILL, UNTIL further notice, pay 25c per lb. free on board steamer at WUmington. - W. H. BOWDLBAR Si CO., ,00 186m suwefr Boston, Mass, WILMINGTON A WBLDON R. R CO., ' ; : 8jHTY-A TSXASliKXBS OfTTCT. ; wamrNaTON.N. c, oet s ;j -ri i' - ; i j 4'. q,f: ill) . ii.i I 1 f nt ' .1. rpHB FIITIBTH ANNUAL MBETJNfi OF ri'HK Stockholders of the Wilmington & WtMon R. ii. On -arm hftM at the Office of the Ct air.ac v, ! a Wilmington, on TUESDAY, the 17th t Sovta ; J , berproximo. J. W. THOMPSON, " 1-lU v.l IV, JW WIL, COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA B. B. CO.. SECY A TREASURER'S OTFICT, noStf MRS. B. WARREN t SON, - ' Exchange Corner. WILMINGTON, N. O, Oct. SI, I88S.1? this effort, and practical knowledge, obtained bx a lifetime spent as a nurse ana pnyBiomn, turn hub compounded a Soothing Syrup for children teeth tag. It operates like magie giving rest and health, and is, moreover, sure to regulate the bowels. In consequence of this article Mrs. Wins low is becomingworld-renowned as a benefactor of her race; children certainly do bisk up and bless hen especially is this the case in this city. Vast quantises of the Soothing Syrup are daily sold and used here. We think Mrs. Winslow has Immortalized her name by this invaluable art! ? cle, and we sincerely believe thousands of chu- ToTn haoTi aa.vnrl fmm an earlv srrave bv its timely mse, and that millions yet unborn will share its benefits, and unite in calling her blessed, No Mothxb has oiscnargea ner auiy m neriuioi- IT Opinion, uncu Bile uaa givou tegal Notice. TWX UNDEBSIGNED HAVE. ASSOCIATED 1 themselves in the general t ractlee of the LAW, under the firm name of W ADD JELL & ELLIOTT. Office seoond floor, east end of the Journal Buuaing, on rnncess su-eeu . f A. It. WAUUJSIOh M JAS. T. ELLIOTT. Wilmington, N. C, Oat. 81, 1885. . , no lSt Driigr Stprtvfpire TN A THRIVING TOWN IN WESTERN N. C population SOOO. , Goodwill ard flxbires. "Sold upon reasonable terms. , For particulars address' X X DRUGS, no 1 1 W ' ' " Care of Star. . rjHB. ANNUAL MFETING OF" THE STOCBL.- hoiders of the Wilmington, Columbia A Augusta ;-, R. B. C0. will be held in the Office of the Preai--dent, in Wilmington, on TUESDAY, the 17th of November proximo. - X - ' .i - , . - .. . r J. W. THOMPSON, t - noltdm- . JBBViewcopy. . eecrevary. New Fall llillmery, " A t REASONABLE PRICES, '1 'A' At 1-ntr HH-.ln nun. in OUT OT)l itthe benefit of Mrs. Winslow's Soothhii Tnr It. mothers TBY IT HOW. York Citv. 8" ' sll druggists. 25 cts. a bottle Personal. U. 8. District Attorney Fab. H. Busbee, of Raleigh, is in the city in attendance upon the U. S. District Court. XRIBUTES TO DJBPABTED WOBTH NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .. ? A. G. McGIRT, Auctioneer. BY COLLIER & CO. - ; tit - ' rpHIS DAY, COMMENCING AT 12 O'CLOCK, at Exchange Corner, we will sell Horses, Mules, Carriages, Carts, &o. ' s ' . We will sell at our 8ales Room, commencing at 10 o'clock, a lot of Miscellaneous Goods. It : : ;t;. His subject was: Plea for.BadBoys stage. The husband remonstid incuve- f - -- T r - . IDtayor'a court. and finallv told her that he would! I Zi Messrs. J. Strauss & Co:, resumed ":; ; .Su8an Hooper udiaTljJshei never live with her again if shia ti Then she ran off to the Continent o.. . - nnulting witn tne "7' ponauci "1VU oa treorSe neW"u ; uut SeBoardof Iucauonor-an, ; bridi Monday night. both n 3 . .-J I 4ta fnf TIAn uyv turned names, ana wayeuea refuse ; ?- -T&itseT instruct; euUty . . ; t 1 nuniv ibswiu t v : rrma i . v vea together, wnen sne came om i Superintendent to 00 mm each. xirv 'XX'-WZ Kl$ : r ,i - . . s - : 1 .. -n, . , s . .i...iuui thA JCllZa JTlOja, coiureu, uuwgcu ntw w game offencey was fined $8. -- ' . in the neighborhoodnf Sixth street They were found and required to pay a fine of o tte doors- of society were closed.: I ig n important ruling. When she came to New York they s: . w rr. passed Were ln.naa. ftftftndaD Bmilll, -Oi wo-T" h wgv h,me .5eo: in Goldsboro nitb of the 1 through here yesterday on from the nrst lantic Baptist Mr:" C. L.' A Special Call. ordained minister of, the gospei, J Charlotte Observer. We regret to'learn, as we do by telegraph from WUmmgton, mai our om uwuu . . - , . , , . . former companion in the Wilmington jou;- S D C C 1 Ll W Oil CO I naUatic. field. Mr. Joel JL Musb, local edi- w f w . tftf thA MnmaNo Stab, is dead In his disposition he was-very quiet and unob trusive, and was careful to never needlessly wound the feelings of any one. He waB a clever reporter, and a most excellent man, and m his death the people of Wilmington, fTttV Dolma Tn-TlftTT and the readers of the Star in general, OVSter JrariOrS 10-liay have SUSiamea a iobb mat wm w .nm. tim W sorrow for his departure, and vet we can. but feel that he has entered into the lano wnere no i irouoira - um, where toil is unknown, and where the day never ends. ; .; ".y J Raleigh Visitor. .'-.,' Ttodeatti of, this gentleman, which took place in Wilmington on Friday afternoon last, will cause deep regret among his many fHnrfa throuehout North Carolina, and especially in Wilmington, where he is so favorably known, both as a journalist and in the private walks of . life. - At the time of hU death he was in the 54th year of his age. ? A beautiful and touching tribute to hi memory appeared in the Wilmington Stab on Saturday last, ; - . : ' " t . .;' Goldsboro Argus. . . Cypress festoons .the sanctum of the WUwlngton Saq, and there's crape on the floor. One 01 the sum, jut. joe muciuua Utise. sleeps in death. We shall miss his clever style of serving the news, and his many cheerful sketches. A good man and an esteemed journalist - nas passeu away. f s VAT .TT ABLE PL AGE Ladies' Fittor,New I " FOIL SALE. r. rjpHB RANDAL D. GEORGE . PLACE, on street leading from Court House to Railroad Depot, with large and weR arranged Dwelling (seven large Booms), iWeH 'ot good Water,' Fourteen Acres of Improved Land under good fence, for saleat a Bargain. - . . V .' Apply to , v A. F. POWELL, " oo81tf. , . . - WhltevilleDepet,N.C. CO 28 2m -v. it 4 i F j -f t 1 i- I MRS. KATE C. WINES'; 'v. , Is ! iii WAihSd Street. ). '' 'P '' .Bext?ostOffloe.:," if si Oopartnersiip Notice , TE, THE UNDEBSIGNED, HAVE THIS DAT V formed a copartnership under the firm name of . SMITH 4 GILCHRIST, for the purpose of .on- ducting a WHOLESALE GROCERY and COM MISSION BUSINESS. X We will also deal ia genuine CRUDE PERTJV YIAN GUANO. it i it- "i WE WILL OPEN OUR LADIES AND GENTLB- MEN'S ' ' - ;- ! ' " ' Oysters servedla all Styles. ' Open till 11 P. M. Ladies expressly invited to call during the day. j MRS. E. WARREN A SON. . no 4 it ... Exchange Corner. ' rjiHBEE SECOND-HAND PIANOS FOB SALE 1 Chickering 6 Octaves, at $50.C0. ; ' lMetzler& Son.London.make.6 OcUves,' $35.ca 1 United 8tates I iano Co. , 7VXctave, modem make, used only one year, neat embroidered cover and stool, for $210.00. X. , . . I have also a large stock of new Pianos, which I offer from $250.00 and upwards, Square or Up rights, Chiokering, Bans, Mathusaeek, Bent. 8tieff,andArion. - j-., ,s t r Organs, Mason & Hamlin. Baby Organs only a25.00j larger ones in proportion. - s ?. Peloubet & Co. Standard-Organs, Hunt A Co. OrmiTiR. and Packard Ore ana at nrioes to suit the times. Please can at ll' 1 ' . . sii A .NKWA2rt MPiaTM SUILY JUST AB- xa. rivaA' al.n. PnrfuTneriea.-Soai cals, &c. Prescriptions filled night a oclltf Cheml- day. German Druggist, Corner Fourth and Nun Bta.: G. HERBERT SMITH, : . j Xj . .. . . WILLIAM GILCHBXST. t ;i Wilmington, N.O . Oct , 1885. . ' r nd t St ::f 'x'-IIoticea'tcr, x TJTBOM f AND AFTER" THIS DATB XXSSBS. Smith A Gilchrist will be General Agents toe the sale of Acme Fertliuer, ana au communiuw" ..... Ft,. HIIlliBM Live Book and Muslo Stores. ' Trr - throueU uere yesioiuaj . At- I She openly says - saovesSir f oden-r'Wi--0.'rto4U the Library Hall, L. fn its loss. TheAapaid abeauti- Whitfleld, of this ;aV at 18tii tofcJnsel gether .in r- J ful and touching tribute to his memory in -r"r. a T:xfTductory f sermon. X.v.v. iiiivt;rtU tW J I vesteraays issue. - - : x a cnlnm. -rJw VrkrV 1 itirin was 'elected . 3 i ' I -RrHl ' fHrk; ReV. corresDontleiit nf tfalaotnS Neat Overcoats, x . - . i . .. f..l-..- l. Si...-- - JN LIGHT, MEDIUMj AND HEAVY WB1GHT-- all shades and very oheapt lAn? e1,.? Red and White Underwear, and a.jopmpiete mtMJr ftf Rnv.' Knits - 1 . - i " iw4llf" Clothing Booms. . .. - .. v . " , 'XXXX Uet7 and'Fresli Drugs. sfS!1 - ' . - - - 'I . w.. W Ant: SM. 18S&. DOT 1 K , vv saaaa nw.vt wmw - BBSPECTFULLY CALL'' ATTEN- tion to my NEW, AND FBESH tSTOCK OF 3ft: hnnchf. tnsneh Quantities AS to meet the demand, and by constantly reordering to al ways insure their freshness.- - - , j. od Sltf N.W.OOI. Market and Front Sts. i ... j Nails ' Nails I - Avraa; bought a xabsb Biwas-iur fltauw. w are pre- The Greeu House, Northwest Cornet of Seoond and - Prineese Bta, , I HAVE JUST OPENED THE ABOVB NAMED - House. Have on hand the Finest and Best of m a ; jnm viass AJka- ,ce in a few oays. rieK TT nans ofwwr, .---j rzxzzzmzz, w- -Kan. pared to name very w k jr r - obuyers, both in the City and Country, .- . Correspond with ns. .m.nak J. -.- J T -IX- V4 n LIQUORS: I wUl also o; TAU RtWP at-"ti nnine oo 8 1m. 'IB. KHOuaa, rrop etor. CARLTON HOUSE, OS aon W: Price. Jr.. Auctioneer and Ccmmisiionllerchant JAOT8AUS.BM15 ilXU. WfTOMUwu w aaa aw . Gonei&i uomnueaiiM Business.- jrnu.CE awaon QUICK returns oi aaiea. - " r- Copartiiersliip Notice, ....imnuugiOTTiniATraa EOU6H7THE 'ltofGScf B.l ... 8MTTH. consisting Of ajurwuiu' : GROCERIES, are preparea w wm j sj-"17 i-N UNI OI,WnjnHQTON AND WELDOli ajlrost 85 idtrntnjai t.Tahle always mtL-snpp WBh tt besV the 1 4-ble, H, JOABLTONij CIVf ASOSCHZB. - f- '1 1 - , t i 4 - a k f.i i- t r it at w v a yuuisvuiyw' ' 1 city, prewyieu lftj t vear for I w fcUC v Tisooiatton paid . 3W fs i yc . .... r " F,- 'iX Axs?Xx:,.?: f 'j-r :xxTl - i' mm ,-V-?. --r-lr v W ? -1'. jr :'X -and Courier.

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