1 V 70S COUCHS ABET, CROUP USl4 SET G The s R" im m wtt oi tn nn name, ming along the small stream in the Soothers States -fontaiw a stimulating expectorant principle KuU Ioohu ' . tteoWegm producing the early morning cough, and stlma- ' JlJ the child to throw off the false menbraae in crap aad . Sooping-con- When combined with the beaiinc mod- ' hdnons principle In the mollein plant of the old flrlda, pre mis in TiTXoa's Canons Basnet: o Svarr Gun -i -uniir the finest known wndy tor Congna, Cronp. -Wiooping-Congh an Coosaypttoe ; aad as paiatabW, , 1M is rlpused to take it. i& yonr draetist for It. Price. Mtaedgl. WAXTERA.-tATLOR.AaantB.ea! Uh DR. BIGGKRS! HPCsXEBKBBY CORDIAL Kirrhoca. Dysentery and Children Tee thins. For sale by aldrasiis. 1; ,x J t, - ... r . , oy 15 ly too nnn3 ' Hot Springs at . Tottr - Door. Hot Springs Physicians use 1n their owu Cases ' and Prescribe lor Others v ' Buffalo Lithia Mater . IN . . ..." GOUT, RHETTMATlS'lIi'AND 'DtSEASESENS RALLY OF URIC ACID DIATHESIS DR. JAMES L.'CAIiELL;4; Professor of Physiology and Surgery la the Med ical Department of the University of Virginia and President of t le National Board of Health, and former Resident- Physician, Hot Springs, Virginia. . : -'U.'' ' The water of Spring No. 8 contains In nota ble quantities two of the Alkalies, which are ac credited as extremely valuable in the treatment -of Gout, Lithiasls, and Liver Affections. I refer to the Carbortotes of Potash aad JJthia. .It is now well known that both of these alkaline carbon ates nave an ascertained value in eases of ' Uric Add Diathesis oonneoted with Gravel, and in cases of Chronic Govt, because of their affinity for Uric Acid, and the great solubility of the salts which &re formed by their union with that acid." ; DR. ALGERNON .S."GARNETT, ; v . nrgeon (Retired) IT. ST Navy, Resident Physician Hot Springs, Ark. . .f - 'Sly experience in the use of Buffalo Lithia Water is limited to the treatment of Goat, Rheu matism, ana tnat fiyoria aisease Kheumatlc Goat' (so called), which is in contradistinction to the Rheumatoid Arthritis of Garrod. "Vtoe had excellent results from this Water in toe auctions, both In my on. n person and in the treatment of patient's for whom I have pre teribediti. Of course the remedial agent is its eonaiaea AiKalles and their solvent properties. . "fence, it la a prophylactic aa well as a reme dr in Nephritic Colic and forming Calculi, when to to a redundancy of Utbio Acad." , , DR. W. B. TOWLES, Member Medical Society of Virginia, Resident Physician Hot.Sprlngs.Va. "I feel no hesitancy whatever In saying that in Gout. Rheumatic Gout, Rheumatism, Stone In the Biadder. and all diseases of Urio Acid Dia thesis, I know of no remedy at all comparable to Buffalo Lithia Water, Spring No. & -In a single case of Bright s Disease of the Sidneys I wit nessed very-marked beneficial results from its use, and from its action in tills particular case, I should have great confidence in it in this dii- DR T. B. BUCHANAN, , Resident Physician, Hot Springs, Ark. "Send me five cases Buffalo Lithia Water, turns No. 2, I have made use of this Water for float in my own case, and "prescribed it for pa tients similarly suffering, with the most decided fcaeficial results. ?. I take pleasure in advising Gouty patients to these Sprulga,'., .... Water in cases of one dozen half gallon bottles 5 per case at the Springs, i . i . . Springs pamphlet mailed to any address. "or sale by W. EL Green, where the. Springs pamphlet may be found. THOS. F. GOODS; Proprietor, : mh 18 M nrm Buffalo Lithia Springs Va f The Western Tribune. A thirty-two column "Weekly Newspaper. CHAS. BDWARD WILSON,-Editor, and Prop'r. .- ASHKVILLB, ,C.pw--.r:. The TRIBTJNB will discuss with entire freedom . ill questions of public interest. . ,. . In politics it will teach Democratic doctrine, pure and simple. " - It will strive to advance the educational inter ests of our people. . ' ' .' - K will labor zealouslT for the UDbuildlns of out whole State, and . especially for the develop-. ncuoi tne variea resources of western rortn. CutiSoa. - -ogt'-xi . I It viil be the friend of all Railroads so long as Oey are the friends of the people, c It win aspire to deserve the esteem of its read era by dealing with all subjects in a fair and dig nified mannes, and by carefully excluding from to columns everything of a vicious tendency. The TRIBUNE is printed from new type, on a , new and improved Power Press.- - t4 The price of the paper wIH be Per Tear $1.50, x Months 75c, Three Months 60o Invariably In advance. . . ... i All communications should be addressed to THE WESTERN TRIBUNE, Asheville, N. C, : e30D&Wtf -'. ' V,V BALEIGH REGISTER. P.M.HALE:Pralef'totliiSfaf6.i Bnbscribe to your Home Paper and .pay for it: and then remit $2 to jy for your I State Democratic Paper the RiLEien Bzeisru.' Each new subscriber remitting S3 direct, Is entitled to the Bssibtxb: for one year, an I to ; . Webster's Practical Dictionary, which, until August 1, 1885, Ts offered as a Pre-' ffliuni. " V Sample copies of the Bxoistxb mailed onap-f Plication. ' " u .- ; Address BALEIGH REGISTER, - myaoD&wtf Kalelrh, N. C .SEND FORM SAHPIJS1 COPT. The Stit (Successor to the '-Par mer arid Mechanic and theChronicle.) -Jf ' Wilder -New-'Manm WSY, BRIGHT AND CTJIAK TJP..'WijH - THE TIMES,"" ' "' '' THE "STATE CHRONICLE" WILL BE WHAT. its name implies-a State Paper. , It is not the H. Chronicle." and will not be local or onal. It win aim to keep up with the news Dnuf ,utvhL to Manteo, or, as the politicians "v. it. from ChemVAA to tihirnAv . Hon T ul UJ man, no nog, auwnr CSn J1 wm be Democratic in polities,' ettteTiiS hesitate to criticise Democratic mea- Md Democratic officers. . TERMS OP STJBSCRIPTION-i .jear 'hree months " i.w iur a Satrmlo n aj .J.wt; - py T 0C2itf mr am a mm rnmmrrm if iain wuAvrnvitJii i Raleigh, N.a Haiininges PUBLISHED BY 'r-: 1 u dire , jf: ; at Wm m Only 11 w ' h enii annm In-dvanoe.. Cep &ji mam u ' n - .same- ri h - Mornih Star CUE,; BOB'S GIFT. It was a gray and grizzled band wa tno mey oi iwemy years, r Wh0 wore the blue and Raved the land, And found the laurel drenched in tears; Forjicrtj 'a wreath was dearly bought thf.e?ty sleeve, the crutch, the scar, ! Bore living -witness how they fought, l These comrades of the G. A. R- ' To-day they bbme with sweet intent , ; For them a task of holy love " ."; To help to raise a monument : 5 fWhere lay the comrades called above; When, as they talked, the white-haired f chief ..... .. --y K; ... . , ; . . . , Arose,' and,' with a husky sob; Said: VComrades all'tis my belief - ; f You'd like to hear from Colonel Bob." t .He held a letter in his hand, i i ; And read it through with trembling toheV Comrades,'? he read "I want to stand - A nhfl.ro in thof rtroa f nila v otnA . An' though I hain't got much to send. ' iou won-, aespue my bumble aid, For every brave man is my. friend ;l : I was iu Stonewall's old Brigade I "I want to add though lackin space - We all were comrades through that job, gome aide by side some face to face And them's my feelin'e-Colonel Bob, The reader paused a tender look : Across earth mvovA viano-n nlnvsul anu men a caeer we raiiers snoos .For Colonel Bob and' his Brieade. i Jf i ' Aeto Orleans Item Democrats? 1 TIIETMREE ORE A T. CROPS TradeEfnan' -;- i" 1 The corn crop is the greatest and most valuable Taised by our farmers. At least 40 per cent, of all cultivated land in rthe United gtates is planted: in corn.' The crop this year will reach the enormous to talTof ;2,000,00(LOOO bushels, 56,000,000 net tbria, or more than a ton to each man," woman and child in the contry. The value of thisr crop, estimating it at 25 cents' perbushel, -to the farmers, reaches' the grand total of $500,000,000. v j'The next in importance and value to its producers is the cotton crop.. If this year's : product reaches the' maximum - estimate,. 8,000,000 bales, it Will ie worth to the planters, at 3 cent a pound, $320,000,000. : But dottbn has' 'a" national varue as "an export that no two crops combined, will equal. We payc at least $30, 000,000 of our foreign bills in ex ported raw cotton, while not more than $40,000,000- or $50,000,000 worth" of -wheart,' and perhaps half thar much value in com, are sold abroad. 27; It it v The -wheat crop of . the , United States is one of great value, and the largest grown by any one country.' The last crop amounts to about 320, 000,000 bushele, and is worth to the producers about $165,000,000.' Be ing the basis of fully one-half the luxuries of the tables of the rich and the staff of life of the well to do of our 56,000,000 people, its importance as a food article is greater than that of any other grown ia this or any other part of the world. Wheat is eaten by civilized and half-civilized men everywhere, and therefore its mere money value by no means cor responds with -its actual importance in human economy. OCR STATE CONTEMPORARIES. Some Bimpletons say that Cleveland and the Democrats have made hard times. Do they ever consider the question, How ? For not a law has been passed nor one changed since Cleveland became President He has only been enforcing Republican laws, as his oath of office required him to do. Do they think of this, or do they think at all I Jteidsville Times. ' Democrats in their platforms, and espe cially in the platform upon which, the pre sent Administration was elected.' have pledged the party to give the people a revi sion of . the tariff. :i The." people expect a complete reform: of the present tariff sys tem. No doubt an effortand a successful one too, will be made by the Democrats of the House to 'revise, the t&nfL Scotland Neck Democrat ' - : ' : t l Daring our last; Superior Court a weak minded man 'was caught on a trial of some length. The juryhung-and were kept in the jury room all 'night. 'The agreed next Jay, ' rendered a "verdicP and - wercr dis- aed,Biit7.ih strain was woo" much for. poor-Mr. Clarida. Hetarted for home-with some neighbors. During the night be ran off from the camp and was not seen Tor several days, though diligent search was made by his friends and distressed family. His mind had become unhinged and he was terribly afraid of his fellows." He" has partially recovered. Pittsboro Homer ARROWS AND 8LIXG8. j What makes : Lord Salisbury mad is the fact that Gladstone has left him nothing to offer the Irish but absolute in dependence of the British Btpio.-r3hiA. ; Times. , If socialism means the conver sion of private property to the uses of .thes public we have something very like it in ; Providence' already; '.where it takes ; about all the -mbney sbme- property owners can raise to pay theirttaxesP!wrife Star. .--q ThaC palriyiennyson's new? poem which speaks pf something as being "swallowed in Vastnes"', lost in silence, ; dtownecFiiiPtoe rdepths?bf : ameaninglessi past' Is now &ken r to be a whack, at the : Mugwumps.--Louisville Courier-Journal. , "J)octor," said anxious citizen,: 'oinethiog ! "has r bappehecr ;tb: my wife, t Her mouth seems set and'sbol Can't - say a wbrd;f,' Why she must .have lock : j aw 1 ' saMthoctor7 ::&Q JWlM ?RWell; if you are up my way some time next week I wish you would stop in and see what you, can - ' " ; ' Was Andrevr " Johnson acces-' sory to Booth's crime?'' asks' the 3pring field Union.' Oh, i undoubtedly. He also helped Benedict : Arnold nto escape, was Aaron Burr's right hand man in his little Imperial scheme, and was all Teady to rush; in had the Guy, Fawkes plot r succeeded. , A dangerous man was this Andy Johnson. ? BostonPosL- :fyV''X-rVZ- ' I .Either the Lowell Courier or theBostohtfor making the band of Esau orny'' - V1 Of -niairy, the ,wor8t, typographical blun deiiicelfemesis1 and Nefisuf gpt. their, shirtst mixed up-inr the Berate Jwndry., Deiroia iKearheyfnsed to tell about the hbrny-handed sons"pt.toa but Esau was, ttstfore handed man. Bawd . SMntofi i: fkaM-windyireport Sfl'iformahcesidoes W?? light on the silver que8Uon.ne uanoj;; iiamental; traveller. Springfield .Sepublt- can, Mug:: -. " ".. - THE SUPERIOR COURTS Ulf- l DBR TUB NEW AJIUANQI J MENT. . tfc ; I' FtJl ienM, 18 S Sf ' : I- K':'iBAle1.1wObserver : ITRST DISTBJCTJDDOS SHEPHERD Currituck September 7,:' one week. 1 Camden September 14, one. week. Pasquotank September 21 rjone week. -Perquimans September .28, .one week. Chowan October 5C- one week.. : Gates October 12, one week:; .: Hertford Octi 19, one week; Ded 21, one - week. ' ,:i v..-- v ; ;., - Washington Oct 26, one week .Dec 14,' j - one week.' - - . Tyrrell Novefkber 2, one ?weekl Dare-:November, one week. - i ' . Hyde November 16, one .week." ' . f' ' Pamlico-7-November 23,'one week. :: Beaufort-November 30, two weekaVd' t . . ? second DisTnicrwtnox raLLip; ' Warren September 21, iwo weeks Northampton October 5, two weeks. Edgecombe October 19, twoweeks.' Bertier-November 2, two weeks; ; v i 'i Halifax-rNovember 16, two weekii Cravens-November 30, two-weeks." 4 ! .'.i'-' 1 d .-'.J l?i S fr.'." I. I THIRD DISTjaiCSr-jrrrJOE COKNOB. f - Franklin Aug ,17,. one week; Nov. , 16, ; One week, ---f -'""sx-csiir K. uj-s, Martin Sept. 7, two weeks r Dec. 7, two weeks, for civil causes and jail case ' only. - - . r 5-. Pitt Sept 211 two weeks. i Greene Oct 5. 'tw6 weeka: ' . ' Vance Oct 19," two weeks. " " - r " Wilson JNov. 2, two Weeks, i .f4 Nash Novt 23, twa weeks. - f FOURTH DISTRICT- JUDOE CLAKK, Wake-J uly 13, two 'weekSii'; criminaJ! rton c A ir.v.lvv. A(j-l)1'ti'rHfMAAlM.KAwll' ; causes. only; Sept 28, two weeks, crint inai; Oct 26, three weeks, civil causes -only. . :, . . -. . . Wavne July 27, two weeks, -'civil fanff j causes only;' :-Oct 19, one week, 'fcivil causes only.T Harnett Aug. 10, one week. :' civil- and.: cnminaL r-4-'. -" Johnston-Aug. 17,' two weeks, civil and -criminal. 4 . FIFTH DISTRICT JUDGE GILMER. Orange Aug. 10, one week; NovJ 9, one . week.. Caswell Aug. 17, one week; Nov. 16, one .week. :M ;".. . : . ... Person Aug. 24, one week; Nov. 23, o n week. -' : " ' Guilford Aug. 31, two weeks ; Dec, 14, two weeks. " ' Granville Sept. 14, two weeks; Nov. 80 two weeks. Alamance September 28,'bne week. ' J Chatham October 5, two weeks. Durham October 19, two weeks. ' SIXTH DISTBJCT JUDOB MCKOT. Jones Aug. 17, ' one week : Nov.' 2, one : week. - - - ' ' . Lenoir Aug. 24, two weeks; Nov. 16, two - weeks. Duplin- Sept 7, one 'week -T Nov. 80, two weeks. Pender September 14, one week. New Hanover Sept 28, two weeks, for ci vil causes. Carteret October 26, one week. Onslow November 9, one week. . Sam p8on October 12, two weeks; Decem ber 14, one week. SEVENTH DISTRICT JUDOE MC BAB. Cumberland July 27, one week; Nov. 9, one week, for criminal causes' only ; Nov. 16, two weeks, for civil causes. Columbus August 3, one week. Moore Aug. 17, two weeks; Dec. 7, two weeks. Robeson Aug. 31, two weeks; Oct 12 two weeks. Anson Sept 14, one week, for criminal causes; Nov. 30, one week, civil causes. Brunswick September 21, one week. Richmond Sept. 28, two weeks; Dec 21, one week. Bladen October 26, two weeks.1 EIGHTH? DISTRICT JUDOE MONTGOMERY. Iredell Aug. 10, two weeks; Nov. 9, two weeks.- f r . r, ;-;..-.. Rowan Aug. 24, two weeks; Nov. 23, two weeks. . Davidson Sept 7, two weeks; Dec. 7, one week. : ' : ' Randolph September 21, two weeks. Montgomery October 5, two weeks. Stanly Nov. 19, two weeks. Cabarrus Nov.. 2, one week, for criminal cases and non-jury civil cases. NINTH DISTRICT tJUDGE GRAVES. Rockingham July 27, two weeks; Nov. 9, one week. Stokes Aug. 10, two weeks; Nov. 16, one Surry Aug. 24. two weeks; Nov. 23, one week : . v i - ? --: Y AHeghany-September 7," one week. Wilkes September 14, two weeks. Yadkin September 28, two weeks. Davie October 12, two weeks: ' ' Forsyth October 26," two weeks. TENTH DISTRICT JUDGE AVERT. Henderson July 20 three weeks. Burke August 10, two weeks. Ashe August 24. one week. Watauga August 81, one week. Caldwell September 7, one week. ; , . . Mitchell September 14, two weeks. . Yancey September 28, two weeks. McDowell October 12, two weeks ELEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE SHIPP, Alexander July 27, one week. Catawba August 3, one week. Cleveland Augnst 10, two weeks; Octo ber 26. one week. . ecxienrjnrg5A.ugaoi''"8l''tiBn weeks civil causes only. : ; . , Union September 21,vtwo weeks, Lincoln October 5, one week; -Gaston October 12, two weeks. . . Rutherford November 2, two weeks. : Polk November 16, one week. TWELFTH DD3TRICrr4-JUDGB ! ;GUDGER.' Madison August.3, two weeks; November t 23, two weeks; civil causes. Buncombe August 17, three weeks i De cember 7, two weeks. Transylvania September 7, one week. Haywood September 14, two weeks. Jackson September 28, one week. Maccn October 5, one week. Clay October 12, one week. Cherokee October 19, two weeks. Graham November 2, one week. Swain November 9. two weeks.,, THE LANDMARK. PUBLISHED AT STATESVILLB, IREDELL CO N. C , ... . r ; .is the ; Leading Kewspaper In Western North ." . .r v : . Caroliiut , It is the only Democratic Paper published la Iredell County one of the largest and wealthiest counties in the State and has attained a larger local circulation than any paper ever heretofore published In the county, . " ' ? " z- . t- j Its circulation In Alexander, WDles. Ashe, Alle- rhany, Yadkin, Davie and Iredell, is larger than that of any two papers in the State combined; and. Is rapidly acquiring astrongfootholdinForsythe Surry, Rowan and western Mecklenburg. i - It is the per la Western North Carolina that employs a uurvAssnra askbt, ana rnvnt BEST ADYERTISINQ MEDiUM i ' ' KRK NORTH CAROLINA. 'Address -'" TaANDMAKK; 0 8tatesvllld M. thnS keep OOnswuiuy ueuun uiq ywym. unacr this system a rapidly increasing circulation is th Th e r.lo rning Star PUBLISHED DAILY AND "WEEKLY r SnlscriBtioii EalesirarAif ance. DAILY STAR, One Year, postage paid ,....$7 00 ' M. " Six Months. V;...4 00 ; "i v ThreoMonthsV . - ...C;200 i " ; ' Two Months, " ' 1350 - ! One Month . 75' WEEKLY STAR, One Year, postage paid. .. .$1 60 f i ". ..Six Months. " 1 00 $ ' " Three Months .... SO t ; NOTICES OF THE PEESS : ' The Stab Is decidedly one of the best papers In the State, as bright and newsy as ever. . Long life to It Salem Press. ,r : - The WQmington Stab has entered en Its twelfth year as good a paper as any people should want Gtortottt DemoeraL'ti; i, 4,1 $ ? i The Wilmington Stab has entered on is twelfth year. Aa a daily Journal of news it stands "np head." Concord Register - , . j I The Wilmington Stab has entered its twenty- nrxn volume, 'mere ib no neier paper puDusnea In he State. Lenoir Topic. ... f Thn Wn-mlnctoTi Stab baa entered nncra lta thir teenth year. It is one of the best papers in the state. wourenum wuetu. , . i The Wilmington Stab has entered its thirteenth 'year. It has become ene of the leading papers of the Soath. ftrtwet Ttirchliahtr - The Wilmington Stab Is not only one of the best edited papers in the State, but for freshness of news and typograploal appearanoe cannot be Jtreaten.-r7(iato Jtevorter.. r ' ' " f The Wilmington Stab Is one of the very best pa pers in the South, tn every department from typo graphy upto editorial ability and independence, i Petersburg (Fa.) Index-Appeal. , ' The Wumlngton (N. C.) Monirrae Scab Is a mod ! ei newspaper, inaeea, we tmnx we ao not exag gerate its merits when we say it la the newsiest ueoular) paper published hi the 8oxrth.-Iiich.m0nd lYa.d&owZuraUL .' ' 1 The Wilmington Stab has now entered upon its ; thirteenth year and twenty-fifth volume. One of - the best conducted and edited papers in the South and, as a North Carolinian, we are proud of it j Tvrooro Southerner. i We like the Stab because it is thoroughly re ' liable, candid, fearless, and so. well and . abiv edited , newsy, spicy, and In fact a perfect news' aper. ixng may tne btab cwnuue. jkc. Aury Although at the head of the press in this State In all that makes a paper valuable to the reader, still it continues to improve. It Is a Stab of the first magaitude. May its lustre never wane. The Free Will Baptist. T The Stab is so wen and favorably known In thiB section of the State, that we can say nothing of which its thousands of readers do not already know: It is in every respect one of the best dai lies in the South. Mebesonian. The Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth year. It Is a most excellent newspaper, well ed ited, a compendium of all the news of the- day, and an honor to its city, to North Carolina and tc North Carolina tournalism, Charlotte Observer. That magnificent beaming Stab has completed Its twenty-second volume. It is one of the most brilliant erudite and sparkling dailies south of the Potomac The system in the get up of the pa per Borpaaeea them alL Tarboro Southerner. The Wilmington Stab Is now taking the regular midnight Associated Press reports, and has be sides increased the amount of its reading matter. The Stab is an excellent paper. Its prosperity is not surprising since it Is so deserving. CharloiU Observer. The Times cannot say a word too good for the Wilmington Stab. It has just reached one of Its many birthdays. As a newspaper it is a favorite with the State press and is sought after by the people. Long and prosperous life to i.Peids viUt Times . The Wilmington Stab, we are pleased to notice, still continues on the high road to suooess. We. esteem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of the very best of our exchanges, ana consider it the peer of any Journal published in the South. Oxford Free Lance. Why Is It that aH the papers with the name of Star are such bright little Journals f The Wilming ton (N. C.) Stab, the Washington Star, the Fred ericksburg Star, New York Star, for example. There must be something in a name after alL Richmond IVa.) State. The Wilmington Stab has entered upon Its 12th volume, and we are pleased to notice still contin nes on the road to success. .- We esteem the Stab very highly, regarding It as one of the very best newspapers that eomes to this office. Its news oolumns are always a little fuller than those 'of any other of our exohanges, and ita editorial de aartment is conducted with much ability. Mrr Qonton Blade. Humble in' Its beginnings, as was' Inseparable from an enterprise begun amid the Vreck of - for tune that attended the collapse of the Southern Confederacy, the Stab has steadily "waxed" un til it now beams resplendent in the full glow of a oonstantly brightening prosperity. As a newspa per it has few equals, and no superior, for aprrs priate selection and judicious arrangement, and we are proud to rank It among our most accepts I ble exoJjanges. B30eboro Recorder. .;. - The Wilmington Mobxtits Stab has entered up on the thirteenth year of its existence, and we take this opportunity to congratulate it upon Its prosperity and deserved popularity. The remark able success of the Stab Is due to Its strict atten tion to business. The boast of the Stab (rightful ly too) is that it always has the news, and this is the first thing in Journalism. Otherwise the pa per Is all that the term of "good newspaper" 1m- 8 lies, audi ts corps of editors and reporters are iioroughly educated newspaper men. Hay the healthy, moral inflaenoe of the Stab never be re tarded, and may its genial enterprising proprie tor enjoy many more happy years of usefulness. Goldsboro Messenger. Bank of Hew Hanover. Authorized Capital, -Cash Capital paid in, Surplus Fund, - - $1,000,000 300,000 - $50,000 DIRECTORS : .: ,' W.L GORB, CM. STEDMAN, Q. W. WILLIAMS, ISAAC BATES, DONALD MaoRAE, JAS. A. LEAK, . H. TOLLERS,. ' P. RHETNSTE1N, ft B-BRTDGEKS, E. B. BORDEN. J. W. ATKINSON- v ISAAC BATES, President. O. WV WILLIAMS. Vice President, an SOtf 8. D. WALLACE, Cashier MERCHANTS, BANKERS & MANUFACTURERS V ': "':.-: SHOULD READ . - '.' ': BRADS TRE E T ' S A WEEKLY JOURNAL OF TRADE, FINANCE, ; -ow .n;AjA.nrBiiaJXonr.:'' 1. . .r.. Sixteen Pages every Saturday. Oftentimes Twen ty Pages. Sometimes Twenty-four Pages. 4 ' FIVI DOLLARS A YEAR. ; ' " The foremost purpose of Bbadbtbxxt's is 10 be of practical service to business men." Its special trade and Industrial reports: its weekly epitome of tfankraptoles throughout' the United fctates, and Canada, and the summaries of assets and 11 ; abilities, are alone worth the subscription price;. Its synopses et recent legal decisions are exceed?, mgly valuable. - As commercial transactions, in the wider sense, are coming to be more and more conducted on a statistical basis, the Information contained in Bbadstexxt'b is or the first impor tance both to producers and middlemen. The Trade and Agricultural Situation through-' out the United States and Canada is reported by Telegraph . to Bbadstbkzt's up to the hour of : publication. .. . . ".. , : SINGLE COPIES, TEN CENTS. '-.; : THE . BRASSTKEET CO., 3 i . .52T9,188 883 Bboadwat, ; . . . deo24tf NEVT YORK CTTY ' Atkinson &llTaiiiA Ininranee Room, NO. 118 NORTH WATER STREET, : -j. ': 4 i ;.. Wilmington, N. C. , Fire, Mariiie apLife , Coipaiies.; AgregateJCapital. Represented Over St00.o6o,000.: The Lincoln Fiiress, PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. AT LINCOLN-' - TON. N. C. - - : ; BY JOHK C, TIPTON. Ed'r iand Prop'r. . J A- . ' .4 i'. iUi i.s,- 1 . f The PRESS Is acknowledged, by those who' have tried it, to be one of the best Advertising Mediums in Western. North Carolina. It has a large and steadily increasing patronage in Lin coln, Gaston; Catawba, Cleaveland, Burke and Mecklenburg eountles. . Advertising rates libe ral. . subscription $1.60 per annum, mh 11 tf WBLOImESAJjE 'PRICES- i tarr Our quotations," it should be understood, represent the wholesale prices generally. In maing up small orders higher prices have to be oharged. " .iYX: " -J Y , ABTIOLXB. BAQGINQ Gunny fBICXS. 00 o ia pwiuimni... ............ vauojn North isatoUBSk.au -i-u ... --s---i?-r-t" Hams, V ..i...,......... ,f ;12 i Shoulders, 9 lb........;.... 8 . v ? Bides, ohoioe, .... .... .. -10 & 11 Wbstbbk Sbobbs Hams. 9 S .. 11 -13 Sides,... 7 & - 1i i i Shoulders, i J Dbt Sambd Sides, w S.. E8ti . 6)4 Shoulders. SO.T.;:;.'- . : 4a!'B BAKBELS-Snirits TurDentine.-1 - '.: : f : 1 65 1 SO 1 80 ' , - - Seoood Hand, each. . . . ,; 1 60 New New York, each-i . j j. . , 00 BEESWAX 9 fe.i: .V..;.;.1.;.' 'S3 BRICKS Wllmklgtoa. M....U 8 00 ; ;; Northern.-. ......-.-....., o 00 BUTTER ,--Norta Carolina, v s. oo ; Northern, e fi. . ,Vv f so e o oo O 14 00 . 15 , Si ' 24 " CANDLES -ft sperm. . .; : : . Tallow I- t.:i.. .;-.'.. ...... Adamantine .............. . CHEESE Ih-North'n Faery , i Dairy,-Cream. .. i ... '- State v....v..i. OOFFEB 9 ,B Java....... .. CORNMbAL- bush., in sacks, - Virginia Meal.. COTTON TIES bundle......' DOMESTICS Sheeting. X, V yd - Yarns, S.bunca...,v.:....:.. EGGS 9 dosett.. FISH Mu5keroL No. 1. tt bbl. .. iil8 ? : --VW r S5 12-: 13 19 -';io 11 ir -8 , .10 '. 18,,.. 28 00 Ml 7r--10 5 .702 ';i72K 70 70 1 20 1 25 6H 7 00 85.;v . 00 ,18 00 12 80 Maokerei.No. 1, 9 half bbl,V5 1 60 " 1 860 MaokereWNo.2, bbl-i.-.j 8 CO : 00 ; 5 Mackerel, NoS, 9 half bbL, 6 00 7 00 Mackerel, No. 3, 9 bbl,.....'' 4 25 5 0U I Mullets, bbl. i....... 5 00' '6 00 Mullets, Pork bb&r. 11 00 12 oo . v. .ooe tierruijf , w o wv-; w w 10 VLdim 8 bbl Suner.... 3 60 4 00 4it0 6 25 . 4 10 5 0CC H ioi a Extra. 4 25 . HFamily,;--'4 75 , City Mills-fiuper.. . FaM&..-...:.?... GLUE 9 : GRAIN 9 busheL u , Corn,store,bags,prime, white Corn, cargo, in bulk, " . - Corn, cargo, In bags, -'- Corn, cargo, mixed, in bags Oats, from store Cow Peas. HIDES 9 fi Green....... : HAY 9 100 s Eastetn.. '' Western.....-.;.. Ntrth Rlver.-i.:. ......... 00 50 6 O 65 58 02 60 ' - 70, -63 ' , 61 ; ; - 47 65 45 00 0 10 10 , lSS I 13, 1 15 ' 1 10 1 10 ' 15 HOWJHON- ... LARD S B Northern...-.:.. v- 6- North Carolina 8 LIME barrel 00 LUMBER City Sawed V M ft , Ship Stuff, resawed ,. 18 00 ' Rough Edge Plank..,.....;. 15 00 West India Cargoes, accord- mg to quality......... ...... 13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. 18 00 ' Scantling and Boards,com,n 12 00 MOLASSES 9 gallon -: - , - ; 3 10 40 20 00 . 16 00 18 00 22 00 ; 15 00 , New Crop Cuba, inhhds.... K " in bbls ... ' Porto Rico, in fihda. ....... c : . " in bbls ....... . ; : tsugar House, inhhds.,.. r in bbls..:. ' Syrup, tabbls.-. .. NAILS 9 keg Cut lOd basis.. OILS gallon Kerosene .. . Linaeed. .j.. Rosin 'XEkF ' a. a i- a a . I Deck and Spar.... . .r.. POULTRY--Chickens,llve,grown ! " Spring , luraeys PEANUTS 9 bushel 22 lbs. -POTATOES- bushel Sweet.. Irish, ner barrel, new....... 24 26: 80 28 .80 - 35' -20 85 8 50. li 1 00 r 16 30 00 ou 22 00 10 10 90 16 00 00 26 5 20 22 S3ii 00 45 60 ; 00 10 00 00 r- MX v- 70 ;, 2 CO ' 11 CO; 14 CO PORE barrel City Moss. . , . Prime Rump...;. ...... ....... RICE Carolina, , Rough, bushel (Upland).. Do, do (Lowland) BAGS B Country.. ...... M city..... HOPE t SALT salt Alum Liverpool. . . . r. .. t....:. Lisbon American SUGAR Granulated .... Standard A............ White Ex C... Ex C, Golden C Yellow . SOAP lb Northern SHINGLES M Contract. Common ' Cypress Saps... J. Cypress Hearts .- STAVES M W O Barrel ... HO Hogshead.. TALLOW B...: TIMBER M feet Ext Heart . . - fist olasn yellow pine) Prime ship'g, lstclasa heart. Extra Mill, good heart...... Mill Prime Common Mffl. i . ... Inferior to Ordinary WOOL S Washed Unwashed Burrv ...... WHISKEY gallon Northern North Carolina.- 13 50 00 .43:50 80 ; 1 10 00 0 . 1 14 70 70 00 00 7J4 6 - 6 6)4 75 75 00 75 7K 7 7 00 2 50 5 00 7 50 - aV-O 5 00 . 00 4 50 000 8 00 00 00 6 9 00 8 00 6 50 6 00 400 300 18 12 10 1 00 1 00 14 00 ' 10 00 10 oo 9 00 800 6 50 5 00 4 00 20 15 11 5 00 2 50 ;iviL.iniNGTOiy honet makkkt. Exohange (sight) on New York Baltimore . . Boston........... Philadelphia..... Western Cities.. discount Sxohanre, 80 days, 1 cent Bank of New Hanover Stock First National Bank Stock Navassa Guano Company Stock North Carolina Bonds Old Ex-Coupons Tending, 1866... Funding, 1868-. New 4s W Jk WRR Bonds, 70 (Gold Interest) Carolina Central K R Bonds, 6o Wilmington, CoL A Augusta R R Bonds Wilmington City Bonds (new) 6 o ; " 8o New Hanover County Bonds, 6 o Wilmington A Weldon RR Stock North Carolina S B Stock Wilmington Gas Light Company Stock. Wilmington Cotton Mills stock..... .. 108 .. 95 140 . . 3 .. 10 .. 10 .. 83 a 4 ..118 ..106 . 105 .. 100 .. 100 .. 100 .. 110 .. 82 .. 60 ;."120 SUFFER I tiC ,W O Kl E W ! Read what the Great Bletlioaist Divine and Eminent Phy sician says ol Dr. J. BEADITELD'S Female Regulator ! Atlanta, Ga , Feb. 20, 1884. Db. J. Bbadpieuj: Dear Sir Some fifteen years ago I examined the roolpo of Female JtcgulatOf," and carefully stodied authorities in regard to ils components, "and then (as well as now) pronoun ced it to be the most scientific and skilful combl-. nation of the really reliable vegetable agents known to science, to act . directly on the womb and uterine organs, and the or .'ans and parts sympathizing directly with these; and therefore providing a specific remedy for all diseases of the : womb, and of the adjacent organs and parts. " ' . ; t Youtb, truly,- 1 r " ..y JESSE BORING, M,DD;1. ; CAUTION : ...The country, is floodec o;uack; nostninis, containiiig IBOlf and other ; injuxious ingredients, which -claim to cure everything evenPEMALE COM-; PL AINTS. We say to you, if you value " your life, BEWAEE0F ALL SUCH J ; Bradfield's Female Begpilator is a purely vegetable compound, and is only In-, tended for the FEMALE SEX. For their pecuilar' diseases it Is an absolute ; j ; SPECIFIC 1 Sold by all druggists. Send for our treatise dn the Health and . Happiness of Woman, mailed' free, which gives all particulars. 1 The Bradfield Begulator Co., . . : . P.O. Box 28, Atlanta, Ga. William H Green. Wholesale Agent, Wllming-, Je9li :r : ' J ehsnt-i; ' ? - '; I i Wanted! Wanted! HIDES, WOOL AND WAxi HIGHEST CASH prices paid for same. . , ,. . ; - 300 BOXES CHOICE BRANDS TOBACCO for sale low. l -. . . - . , ' - SAML BEAR, 8r., . j se 27 tf ; ' . 18 Market Street , WilMngoWSeldo IBailroaa Co? ' r Condensed Schedule. TRAINS GOING SOUTHv 1 , Dated August 2, 1885. JNo.4S,Dauy No.40.DaHy Leave Weldon ; v. Arrive Rocky Mount. . . 2.15 P. M. ; 6.3d P. 3.83P,M.l-... Ariive Tarboro Leave Tarboro . I 4.55 p:m. .. ... I 11.50P. M. . Leave Wilson .... .. - Arrive Goldsboro.ii;:. Leave Warsaw Leave Burgaw Arrive Wumlngton ;i. -4.05 P.M. '4.54 P. M. 8.54 P. M. 7.t0 P. . i 7.50 P. M.- 6.56 P. ?S6P. M. M. , 9.55 P.M. TRAINS GOING NORTH. ' No.47.DaDy No. 43, Daily Leave Wilmington. I.n.vn Rnriraw 9.27 A.M. 10.13 AM. 11.17 A. M. 12.16 P. M. 1.04 P.M. 8.8P.M. 9.50 P. M. . 11 .03 P.M. 12.04 A. M. 12.53 A.M. U 1.27 A.M. jeave Warsaw.... 1 Arrive Rocfcy Mount. . . 1.87 P.M. Arrive Weldon . . . . V 8.05 P. M. V 2.45 A. M. Train on Scotland Neck Jstob Road leaves Halifax for Scotland lieck atAO?, ML Eeton lng, leaves Scotland Neck at 9.80 A. JsTdattv Train No. 43 North will stop at all statloiv ' 1 Train No. 40 South will stop only at WUsoo.' Goldsboro and Magnolia. . Train No: 47 makes oloso connection at Weldon for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, Trains make close connection for all points- auriu yib mciuQDna ana wasnington. All trains run- solid between WUmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. ...... . -, - - f . i ' - JOHN F. DIVINE, k .: General Supt , T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent - , an 4 tf . . . f ILMINGTOH, COMBIA & AUGUSTA Railroad Co. SS? Condensed-Schednle. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. .jNo. Dated August 2, 1885, 48,DaQy ly No. 40, Dally Leave WUmington Leave L. Waccamaw . . Leave Marion, . . .. i .., Arrive Florence.'...', .i. Arrive f umter Arrive Columbia ....... 8.20 P. M. 9.42 P.M. 11.86 P.M. 12.25 P. M. 4.34 A.M. 6.40 AM 10.10 P. M. 11.17 P.M. 12.40 A. MA 1.15 AM; 4.84 A. M.' 6.40 A. M. TRAINS GOING NORTH, No. 43, Dally Na 47, Daily Leave Colombia Arrive Sumter . .'. .'. . . . Leave Florence Leave-Marion ..-.-8-.. Leave L. Waccamaw . Arrive Wilmington. 9.55.P. M 11.55 Pi M. ' -5.07 A.M.' 5.53 A.M. - 7.44 A. M, 9.07 A. M. 4.30 P. M. 5.14 P. M 7.14 P.M. 8 83 P. M. Train No. 43 stops at all Stations. ..c Nos. 48 and 47 stop only at Brinkley's; Whites ville. Lake Waccamaw, Fair Bluff, Nichols, Ma rion, Pee Dee, Florence, Timmonsville, Lynch burg, MayesviHe, Sumter, Wedgefield, Camden Junction and Eastover-" - - ' - Passengers for Columbia and all points on C G. R.R., C.,0. & A: R.R. Stations, Aiken Junction, and all points beyond, should take No. 40 Night Express ; Ponman fcleeper for Augusta on this train. ' . Pullman Sleepers for Savannah on Train 48. All trains run-solid between Charleston and wumlngton. JOHNJP.DmNBV,:. Gen'l 8upt ' T. m. kmkrsoh. Genl Fassenger Agent. au4tf :-j ,-' CAROLINA CEPRALRAILEOill CO; . ....... v. ,,J.(.vt.. . OrarcB oi STjrBBonKnnxnt, ;: - v Wilmington, N. O SeptiW, 18fi. Change of Schedule; ON AND? AFTER. THIS DATE, THE FOL lowing Schedule will be operated on this Railroad: , - ' - . : , .- PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN: ' DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS. : 1 Leave WumrngtOB at. 7.00 P. M. No. 1. J-Leave Raleigh at. . . 7.85 P. M. I Arrive at Charlotte at. .. , 7.30 A. M. Leave Cnarlotte11 at ...... ai5 P. M. No. 2. .Arrive at Ralelgh at .. ....9.00 A. M. I Arrive at Wimuneton at. -.8.25 A.. M. LOCAL FREIGHT Passenger Car Attached. Leave Cnarlotte at.. . 7.40 AfM. Arrive at Laurinburg at. 5.45 P. M. Leave Laurinburg at 6.15 A.M. Arrive at Charlotte at 4.40 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 0.45 A. M. Arrive at Laurinburg at.... 5.00 P. M. Leave Laurinburg at 5.80 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington at. 5.40 P. M. ; Passenger Trains stop at regular stations only, and Points designated in the Company's Time Table. - - SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER.. MAIL. EX- .. .. . PRESS ANDRETGHT. ' C' .... r Dally except Sundays. tj- (Leave Charlotte. . . . . . . . . sllfi A. M. -s Arrive at Shelby. .12.15 P. M. w. j. (.Leave Shelby.. .::.'.-....fi. 1.49 A: M. JMO- f Arrive at CharlQtte.u... 2.5.40 P, M. Trains No. 1 and 2 make olose connection at Hamlet with R. & A' Trains to and from Raleigh. Through, Sleeping; Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. - Take Train No. 1 for Statesvflle, Stations West ern N. C. R. R- Ashville and noints West Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens, At- 4 lantaana au pomts soutnwest. . L. C. JONBSV Superintendent. F. W. CLARK, General Eassenger Agent, se27 tf -. ' - Caje Fear & TaiKi TalleLL E. Co. CONDENSED TIME TABLE NO. 19, TO TAKE effect at 8 A. M., Monday, June 22, 1885. . " TRAIN NORTH.' Arrive. ; Leave. 8.00 a.m. - 9.80 a. m. 9.50 12.15 p. m. 1.00 p. m. 3,00 &10 45 . 4.80. 5.25 5.30 Bennetts vllle ........ Shoe Heel Fayette vllle Sanford Ore Mill. . Liberty ttreensDoro. 8.45 ; Dinner at Fayette ville. - STRAIN SOUTH. ' 2 - Arrive. Leave.' Greensboro. .... . -., 9.50a.m.' Liberty, ll.D0a.m. 1L05, , , Ore Hill.-... 11.55 12.00 r Ssnford. ........... 120p.m. 1.40 p. m.f Fayette ville ,..3.50 . 4.00 Shoe Heel... 635 6.40 ;- Bennettsvllle ; ....- 8.15 i a : "Dinner at Sanford. .r-ii . .: : .. . W. M. 8. DUNN, Gen'l Supt 1 , JNO. M. ROSE, Gen'l Pass. Agent. : . Je23tf ;. ; ......... . . . TtW.K EHC0DRA6E f HOME IHSTITUTIOKS.' llOorti'CuioffiHaie fisimceCoJ RALEIGH, N. C. ; rpma COMPANY -CONTIN UES TO WRITE PO X. licles at fair rates on all classes of. Insurable property, , All losses are promptly adjusted and paid. The "Home" is rapidly gaining In publio favor,, and appeals with confidence to insurers of property iu North Carolina.-. -.. v. .. -Agents in all parts of the State.1 i JPHNGATLTNG, President. ' 5 W. S. PRIMROSB, Secretary. . -, ; PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor. - T :- Y ATKINSON & MANNLNGAgentt f i ep26tf '.a - . -Wilmington. N. C ? The Pamlico Enterprise STONEWALL. K. C . AFIEST CLASS WEEKLY PAPER, published In the GRAIN REGION of the State. - t ' Subscription $L50 a year. Yearly Advertising rates One Square, $12; Two Squares, $18: Three Squares. $34; Four Squares, $351 Quarter Column, $40: Half Colamn, f60; One Column, $100. No de viation from above rates. ... f Address, ENTERPRISE. ' IVitl. - 8tosewaU.K.a HEW ADVKIlTJSEMElsrrs.' I When T aaT enra tda vat dm rt m.m1i4a .k.M n. time and theo have thara retnra aitaln. I mean a radical cure. SICIKIIKSS a life-long study. 1 warrant my Temedy to core theon casee.r Becanae othere hurt (ailed is bo reaaen lac not now-recelTlnR a cure. Send at once for, treatise and a Free Bottle of my lnfalHHa remedy. OIe Fiiiiaas slid Pual Ofllca. It ooets you nothing for a trial, and I will-core too. v 1 . ; a- AddfeasDr.H. O. BOOT, m Pearl St., Hey york. i - UNEQUALLED IN - Tone, ToMoMansIiip & DiraillitT. ir-te" TVTTXTATg KJTABB ACQ. . Kea. 20 and 20ft West Baltimore Street, Baltlmora. f o,li2FlfOiAvenu,ewYork.; nUSINESS MEN RR. -MEMBEK .."Mane K savea is Money Made." Do Your Own m Frintinaf. Oniv verfect eeif-inkimr rubber stamn m-eca mur'' aaBxaered. Work m arm hro Prints BerfeeM,. Ho business man be without one. Entire aatttiftuionvuar--'-' catalogues and testimonials Tree, mcr . amaeinchf low. Refer by permission , to Hok. A, H.-GARtAinr Attorney General United States. THE i WHEtESS? RUBBER .STAMP, . m.'f"G CO AaKHsta, Ga. , GP1L1 Ell , . - . - jlf ' AU. ,, AT GREATLY REBU ! If aX C II G SCED PRICES Address 1 ..- .Mallnx, R. c. - l A Dave . maMva i.wwd. fbrtu itor. il iiMnnr liv 41. na. tbxHoands of cases of the wont kind and -of lonr stondlns :haTbcentrord. iaaaed, matron lastly faith la ita ffieaey, . . ww Kiwinu svniiLg ,au, wfreinerwi.n m v&u l UABLa TRKATISK on tots disease, to any sufferer. Olve E: ' j press and P.O. wMreaa. . b8.IV A.SLOCUH.l&l Faarl St.,K.X. - J noiD&WIm ' " " " WANTED-YOuhg Ladies in city or 'country to work for us at their homes; fascinating em ployment; no instructions to buy; work can be 'sent by mail (distance no objection); $6 to $9 per : week can be made.- No canvassing: parti oulars free, or sample of work mailed for four cents in : stamps.? Please address, Hobb MAirorACTUEiita - Ca. Boston. Mass. ; P. O. Box 1S16. . . . "TTANTED An active Man or Woman in every - i county to sell eur goods. Salary $75 per" month and expenses, or commission. Expenses ', in advanoe; v Outfit free. - For fuH particulars ad dress STANDARD SILVER WARS CO., Bostoh, Mass. - ... ...... e 15 D&W8m iWAirrMpTSnSLU MISSOURI STEAM Hen and Women of good character and InteffigenDe. Elnsrj Territory Guaranteed. v. A weeks' Mai of : sample Washer to be returned at my expense if not satisfactory.- A themaand per eent. thai heetWasher in ' the world,' and pays capable agents BIG money. In-:, trinsio merit makes it a phenominal success every- wnera. -tT or Xuastrated etranlar and termsof aeensy addresg, , y, j. WORTH, 8U IUtsTiMO.. RAIFliBOW; RUPTURE Rgtfif f V Simula, Mfe,' reliablfl mad s pnlect retailor. It to . not a Tru88i . Worn Day and Kight and its : preeenoe forgotten; Send for circular withtesO- MrmialorWAM a.rr.l Am I ; sayisss.r iwm IBtOvWIU BUUeiUTS VIUVU UJ UUVOPa . plianoe. . Address Central Medical and Surgical Institate oao Locust St.. St. XWmis. Mo. - .. ... . - nuuHrwrii sjuiuu nvinwana: . Btallfal treatment given all kinds of enreloal . sad saedioal oases. Oonsoltation free and ianted. vieESiUCSOEBrUTT; Ekesce. i OBOAXIO WBAKHBSS : J rwAvmH nnmjimnal fobsonrediiionDsa, bar .fiinattna sMllad nh. fsiciana. reroltrona wonthfiu lndissFStianV HftT?,T?.Tty?j too free lndalienoa. OB ever brain wotk. Afbibz - tne imposition of pretene tkms rsmeri'tes toe these v troubles. Get our Frea Cirenlsr nd Trial Pack agarand learn tanportant .. ARAOtCALCURe FOB OXaBXTJOLTJ xaets Ddore taJUDKtroa- eisewbere. ixu m (SURE KfJCEDTOUtnAS CURED thomsruii, does not interfere with attea- i tkm to tmineea, or eatue) ; 5PIITSICAI. pain or iaeonTenienesua ". tsny way. Founded on. - w ,scisnpnc mni tea l iginct- plea. By dlrectappucatkrtt . - the seat of disease tt ' : TESrrtD fOR 8EVEK- I ft ' wUhU SSmj. osnee u fti iT- Tnanar VEAm rTT UBCINMASY - tnral fooeaiasy? tte ha-; . TrPUBArTOCAaka. t t P!wS msvigNuuianiww.v whkhJisse been . are Ivan backhand Sy.Jgonh 3-OC tne patient beeomei cheer i'806.Ientn8U8TlAuiS.MO. augl3D&Wly raPORTAKT ! A NEW AHD.TAlIIiBLE DETICE2 - 1 : A PATENT m is i Water Closet Seat ! 7 . FOR THE CURE OF HEMORRHOIDS, (Commonly called TILES,") Internal or External, and PROLAPSUS. ANL for Chll- dren or Adults. NO MEDICINE OB SURGICAL lOPERATION '':' ; '32SNECESSARY. - . I have invented aT SIMPLE WATER CLOSET SEAT, for the- cure of the above troublesome and painful malady, which I confidently place before toe publio as a - SIIIIII REM AND CVBE f :z It has been endorsed.' by the leading resident Physicians in North Carolina. Is now being test- J ed In the Hospitals of New York, PhUadolphia and Baltimore, and; we are satisfied the result win be satisfactory, as It has never failed else- ' Where. You can write to any of the Physicians or prominent citizens in Edgeoombe Co., N. C : These Seats will be furnished at the following TH"1QS " .-...-'. - - - WALNUT, FoK-ied,' $6.00 1 Dtaoount to Physl- CHERRY, - - . 5.00 V cicians and to the POPLAR, iw 500( Trade. l . Directions for using will accompany each Seat. . We trouble you with no certificates. We leave the Seat to be its own advertiser. Address -LEWIS CHAMBERLAIN Patentee, 1V 17 DWf Sdg60ombe - - . "y : THE CJEIEBlTaYTEI): ABRINQTOH GAIE FOWLS FOB SALE jJY GAME FOWLS HAVE A NATIONAL BE putatlon. They have fought and won a series of the greatest mains ever fought on this or any other continent and Fifteen Pairs, on exhibition at Philadelphia In T8, were honored by the Uni ted States Centennial Commissioner with the Di ploma and MedaL .... -. liavea vaxtety of Colors and most approved Breeds in the United States. , I will ship splendid COCKS, of fine size and handsome Plumage, pet Express. C. O. D at from $4.00 to $6.00 each EENsTfeMandOO each; or $7.00 pct Pafa Per Trio. I expect to raise Two Hundred Pairs this Summer, the Finest Games In the World, and wfll ship Young Fowls of March and -April hatch during the months of August, Sep tember and October, at Five Dollars per Pair, or Seven Dollars per Trio. ' Whoever disnntes the trnrinrbwlfwf m Birds. wm please back the assertion with their stamps. r. write for wb at vmi annt. - ---: -,.r- - J ':i AQOreSS, J. G. AKBLHTUJN, , .- a?6tf ' Hirflardston. Nash Co. N.C. : l Mm ' CAROLIHA BESUUBCES. : "One of tie most useful series of destriptAu books ever published about any State" Boa- . ton Post. i v " ' - ... - . ' if Hale's Mustrial Series., " v Two VolimeilTow Eeady ' :t I. ' Tbe Woods atnd Timbers of North CarollBSu Curtis's, Emmons', and Kerr's Botanical Reports; supplemented by accurate County Reportsof Standing Forests, and illas- . trated by an excellent Map of tiie State. 1 Volume 12mo. Clotli,'273 pp $1,25. II. Intbe CosJaxswi Iron Couttes ef North CsuwIJjisu Emmons', Kerr's, Lald- ' ley's, WOkes', and the Census Reports; supple- mented by full and accurate sketches of the Fifty-six Counties, and Map of the State. - - - 1 Volume 12m6 Cloth, 425 pp.. $.50. ';i Sold by oUBookseUerSy or mailed postpaid . ' on receipts of the pHubj ; " . J. HALE A SON. ' :. FXTBtJSBZBS, . Boossuxxbs - ABB '. Statiobbss. :- - -NEW YORK; ; ii P, M. EiJaS PabUsber.BaJeicli. C, - '.I m . t s v1 f V I . . . f" v-