1'he Morning Star. ' WILMINGTON N C, . Fbiday Moknino Nor. 13, 1885. MORNING EDITION; THE LATEST NEWS FROM ALL PABTS OF THE WORLD WASHINGTON. Cotton Export Presidential and Fourth-Class Postmasters Appointed-Action of Civil Service Commis sion in Regard to Welgner at New TorK, etc. : - '. ' By Telegraph toithe Morning .Star. Washington, Nov. 12. The Chief of the Bureau of Statistics reports that the ex ports of domestic cotton for the United States durine the month of October, 1885, h rtnnnir inn mnnui 01 ucuiuer. loou. i during Che three months ended Octo- I and her 81 ii iftfiS. as comnared with similar ex- I nnrtfl rhirins? the corresDondinz periods of the preceding year were as follows : Total for October,1885,607,921 bales ;value; $30, 389,184. Total for ctober, 1884, 663.421 bales, value, $28,223,292. Total for 8 months ending October 31, 1885, $793,919 bales; value, $39,684,145. Total for three months, ending October 81, 1884, 761,128 baW; value, 38,577,758. . . ., - ' j, Fourth-class postmasters were appointed to-day as follows : In North Carolina Magruder, 'John W. Henry; Gastonia. J. H. Payssoux. - ; The President to-day appointed R. C. Booney postmaster at Americus, Ga., vice Wm. A. Black, suspended; Leonard A. Dozier, at Ocala, Fla., vice B. C. Harty, resigned. . . . The Civil Service Commission has to-day directed the board of examiners at New York to certify to the Collector, in the case of examinations ior weigners, inewnoie number at once of those found eligible for appointment (some 30 persons) placing dis abled soldiers first in the order of their grade. This was the unanimous decision of the Commission, there being no division of opinion among the members as to the wis dom in this particular case ' of having the entire list of eligibles certified to the ap pointing power, giving "disabled soldiers - the preference to which they were entitled under the law. Individual members of the Commission decline to say what reasons ' influenced them in reaching this conclu sion, except that they deemed it "wisest and best in this particular case" to make such ruling. Their reasons will be made . public in a day or two, and they say when the result is known the public will be sat isfied. The decision in this case, President - Edgerton says, does not abolish or . in any way affect the rule requiring the certifica- uuu ui luur ml uie ungues giaucu appli cants in the list of eligibles when a vacancy occurs either in the department service here or customs or postal service . through out the country. George W. Glick was appointed to-day to be Pension Agent at Topeka, Kansas. He is well known as ex-Governor of that State. . . . RIVAL RAILROADS, Passenser Ascents Asree to Submit a Restoration of Rates to T. ffl. Emer son, President Southern Passenger Association. f Br Telegraph to the Morning star.l Atlanta, Ga. Nov, 12. The Southern Railway Passenger Committee meets in At lanta, December 2nd. Messrs. Whitehead, Brown and Wrenn agreed to submit the matter of a reastation qf rates to T. M. EmejrjQtPresideht of the Southern Pas- sehgers' Association. There has been no yielding on the part of any pne bat differ ences will be submitted i to V arbitration through the Southern Committee. " The followingtelegram has been received: "New York, Nevember 11. The 'ques tion of a restoration of the competitive pas senger rates, as between the Central Rail road of Georgia, the Western & Atlantic, and the East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railroad Companies, having been submit ted to me as President of the Southern Pas sengers' Association by the general passen ger agents of the lines in interest, you will please restore to tariff rates, to take effect at 7 o'clock Saturday morning, Nov. 14th, aU - passenger rates competitive between the lines referred to, the same to be strictly maintained pending the meeting in Atlanta on December 2nd next. (Signed) T. M. Emerson, President. SMALL-PUX. The Disease In Montreal Penlten tlary Inmates ' Vaccinated-Precau tions Against its Introduction Into the United States. (By Telegraph to the Morning Star.l Montreal, Nov. 12. Official returns at the Health Office show 10 deaths from small pox in the city yesterday. Two hun dred and seventy-five inmates of St. Vin cict de Paul penitentiary have been vaccinated. - Forty-three new cases were reported yesterday and twenty-seven were verified. An order - has been issued by the TJ. S. health authorities on the border that hereafter no baggage coming from Montreal shall be allowed to pass into the States until it has been thoroughly - fumigated and disinfected. Rooms have been prepared at stations near the boundary lines where baggage may be subjected to disinfection according to the most approved method. The order affects not only bag gage checked through, but all hand bag gage as well, and will cause a delay in transmission of twenty-four hours. TEXAS. End of tne Strike or tne Knignts of Labor In Galveston. : IBr Telegraph to the Morning Star.l Galveston, Nov. 12. The report of the joint committee, representing the Knights of Labor and the business men of this city, in the settlement of the strike recentlv in convention, here is accepted by both sides, , and there is no immediate danger of furthes labor troubles in this city while the re- - cult of the committee's labors does not meet with the approbation of the entire business community, inasmuch as , it was conceded that the trouble arose from "mutual mis understandings," yet there is every reason to believe that : the matter is settled, and - that the Knights will make no further de mand for the removal of the present color ed employes of the ' Mallory Steamship Company. . . BRITISH AMERICA. .. Knlgnts of Labor Request Employers - to Dlscbarce Cblnese Hands. . : '(Bj Telegraph to the Morning Star.l t Victobia, Nov. 12. The ; Knights of Labor have resolved to wait in a body on - the large employers of Chinese labor, and request them to discharge their hands on condition that the Knights supply white labor to take the place of Chinese. . : NORTH CAROLINA. A Senoftbe Late l?reslent of Trinity - -1 - CoUese Drops Ieaa. ' . v. T Telegraph to the Morning Star. :t HiQHPoTHT ;''N'TOTi 10 rrvt. ' ' "LT5 i-B It h Craven1 "'"Pt; oi apopiezy, ie was a prominent physician, and son of ReT. B ? Craven, late President of Trinity College " Weather indleations. The following are the indications for to day: For the South Atlantic States, increasing cloudiness and local rains,' winds generally shifting to colder westerly, proceeded by southerly winds. Our Home Temperature. The following shows the range of the thermometer, yesterday, in this city, as fur- I niehed by the Signal Service office: - 7 a. m.,-03.4? -li a. m., o.; o t. m ., 72.9; T p. m., 69.0; 10 p. m.. 65.2. ;' ' - PENNSYL VN1A. A Firm Boycotted In Plttaburtc-Serl-ons Trouble Anticipated. By Telegraph to the Morning Star.l Pittsburg, Nov. 12. The Doycoinng of the firm of Kauffman Bros., clothiers, which has been in progress for some time nut hoojuina the firm refused to employ . 7 . 7 j m rrW union larjor, nas assumeu a how iuhu. A m find nloiuH eiirnQ An toe sireev"" uiui uwi b"w - - . i i and workinemen attacked the Jfr " J conductors, ana tnea 10 iqrce. Vl. . Zl. move me signs, a no '"""V, -- , there will be serious trouble as some of the drivers refuse to , take out cars, being apprehensive f violence. In one instance 8 tones ar mud were thrown at cars, but no one was injured. FOREIGN. Hr stead's SympatWsers Meet with a Cold Reception. - "- By Cable to the Morning Star.l Lokpoh. Nov. 12. Mr. Vailey, a con verted butcher, to day headed one hundred sympathisers of Mr. Stead, and marched to a TTnmA nffin to Detition Sir Richard Cross. Home Secretary, for the release of Mr. Stead from prison. Vailey alone was admitted to the Home Office, and when he returned to the street he informed the crowd that theofficials had grossly insulted him. This announcement was received with groans. The police then interfered and compelled the crowd to move on. LOUISIANA. Confession of a murderer In tne State Penitentiary. By Telegraph to the Morning Star.l New Orleans. Nov. 12. An interview with ex-Recorder Thomas J. Ford, now in the penitentiary, was published this after noon. In it he confesses that it was he, and not his brother "Pat" Ford, that killed police captain Murphy. He said: "I fired two shots before he fell, and he was not exactly down after the first two shots were fired. As I reached him I fired the last shots, but how many I was so excited I cannot teU." Quarterly jnesanxa Fourth Round for the Wilmington Dis trict of the Methodist E. Church, South Brunswick Circuit, at Shallotte Camp, November 14th and 15th. Wilmington.Front Street, November 21st and 22d. Paul J. Cab&away, Presiding Elder. THE MAILS. The malls close and arrive at the City Poet Office as follows: CLOSE. Northern through maila, fast 7:45 P. M Northern through and way -maEUs 8:30 A. M Baleigh: :15P.M. db oO A. M Ki for the N. C Railroad, and routea supplied therefrom including A. A N. C. Railroad, at. . .7:45 P. M. A 8:30 A. M. Southern maila for .all points Sooth, daily .' 80 P. M. western maus ii v. tuaiwvji uuiy (exeept Sunday) 8:15 P. M. Appoints between Hamlet and Balei h 6:15 P. M. Kail for Cheraw and Darlington Ball road 8:00 P.M. Malls for points between Florence and Charleston.... 8:00P.M. Fayetteville, and offices on Cape Fear Blver, Tuesdays and Fridays 1:00 P. M. Fayetteville, via C.C.B.E., daily, ex cept Sundays 6:15 P. M. Onslow C H. and intermediate offices, Tuesdays and Fridays 60 A. M. Smithville mails, by steamboat, daily (except Sundays) 8:30A.M. Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shal lotte and Little Elver, Tuesdays and Fridays 2:00 P.M. WrightsvOle dafly at 8:80 A.M. OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern through and way malls 7:30 A. M. Southern mails 9.30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad 8:45 A.M. Stamp Office open from 7.30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Money Order and Register Department open 80 A. 1L to 60 P. M. continuous. General delivery open from 7 AM. to 6.00 P.M., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. Carriers delivery open on 8unday from 8:80 to 9 A.M. Malls collected from street boxes from bus nees portion of city at 5 AJL, 1130 AM. and 530 P.M.; from other parts of the city at 5 P.M. and 5A.M. . BaHroad tune. 75th meridian. Fresh Arrivals ! 13 OATS. 2000 LrrBBPOOL SALT, 1000 do" do Bbla. NEW MULLETS. For sale by HALL & PEARSALL. noil TJAWtf ; 33,000.000 jyjANHATTA CIGARS SOLD IN FIYE TEAKS (In the United States). Warranted Havana Fil ler. Try them. For sale at C. V. HARRIS no 8 tf Popular News and Cigar Store. Wm. E, Springer & Co. QARBY ONE OF THE LARGEST AND MOST complete assortments of general Hardware in the state, uooos ana prices guaranteed in all In- stances. 19, 21 A 23 Market Street, , Wilmington N. C. no 8 tt U.IS. ENGINEER'S OFFICE, -WILMINGTON. N. C, 7th November, 1885. SEALED PROPOSALS, In triplicate, will be re ceived at this Office until noon of December vtn, iooa, ana o Duuami . v. i ne ngnc to reiect any bid is re served. Specifications, instructions to Bidders, and Blanks for Proposals, can be had on applica tion to this Office, or at that of the Assistant En gineer at Georgetown, 8. C. . no7 6t Captain of Engineers. Giles & nnrcliison JEEP ALWAYS IN STOCK IULL LINES OF Hardware, Tinware and Crockery Their prices are as lbw as those of any merchant here or else where, keeping goods of the same high standard OF QUALITY they keep. Try them with a CARLTON HOUSE, : r"" Varsav, Dunlin County, H. c. QN LINE OF WILMINGTON AND WELDON Railroad, 65 mnes from Wummcton. Table always wen supplied with the best the country affords. Rates of Board ble ' H. J. CARLTON,7 dMDAWtf - . S2r. COMMERCIAL. t noniESTic inAKaUT. ' Financial - By Telegraph to the Morning Star.l "Nw Yokk. Nov. 12, Evening. Ster lingexchange 482. Money 2T . per , cent. Governments dull but steady; four per cents 128; three per cents 103. State bonds active and strong. . ' OommtrctaL -y . Cotton quiet with sales of 809 bales; uplands 9 5-16c; Orleans 9c; consolidated net receipts 35,361 bales; exports to Great Britain 24.297 bales, to France 1,477 bales, to the continent 11,747 bales. Southern flour quiet and weak. Wheat pot dull and ilc lower; ungraded red 7590c ; No. 2 red 96c; November Fdi93fc; December 94J96c. ,.,-Corn -spot ilc lower and weak; ungraded 4453c; No. 2, 53J54ic; November-'08f54fc. Oats iic lower and qp&t: No. 2, 83iS3f Coffee fair Bioon spot dull and weak at $8 50; No. T Rio on spot $6 90; November $6 75. Sugar unchanged and quiet; fair to good refining 51(&54c. Molasses in moderate de- iuuuukviuw mand; New Orleans 5854c for choice and fancy. Kice steady with a fair demand. Cotton seed oil crude 290130c: refined 85c Rosin dull. Spirits turpentine firm. Pork firm and only moderately active; mess on spot $9 7510 00 for inspected; family mess 111 60; clear back $12 0012 50; middles dull. Lard 2 3 points lower and dull; western steam on spot $3 45; choice $8 50; December $6 89. Freights to Liverpool weak; cotton 8-164; wheat 2d. - Cotton net receipts bales; 'gross re-, ceipts 10 bales. Futures closed steady, with sales to-day of 91,800 bales at thefol lowing quotations: November 9.229.23c; December u.j.zc; January y.4ic; eD ruary9.529.53c; March 9. 649.65c; April 9.679.68c; May 9.89c; June 10.00 10.01c; July 10.1010.1lC; August 10.18 10.20c Chicago. Nov. 12. Flour quiet, weak and unchanged. Wheat lower; Novem ber 851c; December 87tc;No. 2 red 91 92c Com unsettled and lower; No. 2, 46c; Cash and November 42i44fc; De cember 40f 41c. Oats very quiet and easy : No. 2 cash 26c November 26i261c Pork fairly active and irregular; cash $8 70 8 78; November nominal. Lard easier; cash $6 106 12; November and Decem ber $3 078 10. Boxed meats steady; dry salted houlders 3 503 75; short rib sides $4 804 90; short dear sides $5 10 5 15. Whiskey $1 15. r Sugars un changed. St. Louis, Nov. 12. Flour slow, easy and unchanged. Wheat closed steady and ic lower; No. 2 red cash 9393c; November 94c; December 9495ic Corn easier, and closed c lower; No. 2 mixed cash 3Si40rc; November 37i37rc; De cember 85c. Oats unchanged and slow; No. 2 mixed cash 2627c; May SOK&SOic Provisions generally firm, but quiet. Pork old $9 00; new $9 75. Lard $6 00 bid. Bulk meats loose lots (15 to 20 days) long clear $4 80; short ribs $5 00; short clear $5 10. Bacon strong long clear $5 50 5 60 short ribs $5 505 60; short clear $6 00; hams $9 2510 50. Chableston, 8. C, Nov. 12. Spirits turpentine quiet at 34c Rosin strained 85c; good strained 90c Bavahkah, Ga., Nov. 12. dpirits tur pentine 34rC asked. Rosin steady at $1 00 1 05. COTTON fflARKBTB. I By Telegraph to thelMorning Star.l November 11. Galveston, easy at 9c net receipts 5,487 bales; Norfolk, firm at 9 l-16c net receipts 8.646 bales; Savan nah, steady at 8fc net receipts 5,611 bales; New Orleans, in fair demand at 82c net receipts 11,898 bales; Mobile, quiet at 8ic net receipts 2,076 bales; Memphis, steady at 8 13-16c net receipts 6,024 bales; Augusta, dull at 8 1116c net receipts 1,589 bales; Charleston, dull buyers and sellers apart, at 81c net receipis 4,141 bales. VORBION BKAKKKTV fBv Cable to the Morning Star.l London, Nov. 12, 5.00 P. M. Spirits turpentine firm spot 27s; December de livery 27s 8d; January and April delivery 28s 3d. SPICED PIG'S FEET AND TRIPE, IN HALF BARRELS AND KITS. Elegant for Breakfast or Supper. SWEET HIED PICKLES, LOOSE, 3 Oe PER QUART, (very popular.) Colored Wax Candles. RED, BLUE, GREEN, YELLOW, AC, VERY NICE FOR DECORATIONS. Elegant Country Cider, On Draught, Fresh from Tennessee, 40c PER GALLON. SEND IN YOUR ORDERS EARLY FOR CELERY on Tuesday's Steamer: Will have another ele gant lot this week. P. L. Bridgers & Co. no 8 DAW tt Harked Down; GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR BUYERS WILL be found in the low prices I am now offering tui JL2X1UB ux inula wqob. Pure Linen Table Damask at S5 cents per yard. Pure Linen Table Damask 60c, worth 75o. Pare Linen Table Damask 69o, worth 90o. Pure Linen Ornm Donhln DnmnsV (ton -amrfh ft CO. Pure Linen White Table Damask $1 00, worth m Pure Linen White Double Damask $119, worth $1 60. Mani Table Napkins and Doylies m propor tion. ---! .... Our stock Of Caasimeres Is being' rapidly re duced. Boys' Suits made to order at a saving of 26 per cent, on Clothiers' prices. oc 85 tf , JNO. J. HEDRICK. Qeo-HiT; Price, Jr., Auctioneer and Commission Merchant OFFICE AND SALES ROOMS. 215 MARKET STREET, where special attention will be given the sale of Goods. Wares, Merchandise, &o. on Consignment, and a General Commission xtuameaa. B'l'iuvr attention to business, and QUICK returns of sales. my 10 tf AT D" SMrmc 'iRNITURE WARE- ROOMs; can be found a large assortment of VALUABLE GIFTS, suitable for everybody The public, and. .especially the ladles, are re speotinUy invited to call add exaiSSertoes, Ao Pec88tf Fnraltwarerooms. TheaCMcago Electric Lamp. A SUPPLY" JUST RECEIVED. JPRICES REDUCED. W. S. BRIGGS A CO., , ... 1 ' . 117 8. Front St. Prescriptions compounded at all hours, Day 'a--. , UOBII MARINE. ' Port Almanae November IS. .1 . Bun Rises. ......... . . . .v. " ($.85 A. M. Sun r3ets.....;n........vA . - 4.54 P.M. Dav'sLeTUrth.r;. lOh. 19m. ARRIVED, " Stmr Bladen, Green, Fayetteville, C S Love & Co, Stmr D J Black, Paddison, Point Cas well, master. Stmr Louise,' Woodsides, Smith ville, master.' ' - "'' ' ' - CLEARED. Stmr Bladen, Green, FayettevUle, C S Love & Co. Stmr Louise, Woodsides. Smithville, master. . w Ger barque Anna Von Klein, Schwemer, Amsterdam, Alex Sprunt& Son. - EXPORTS. FOREIGN. Amstkbdam Ger barque Klein 1,814 bales cotton.' Anna Von MARINE DIRECTORY. Met or Veesele In tne Port of Wilming ton, N. CM Not. 16 1885. ThU list does not embrace vessels under 60 toes. STEAMSHIPS. Benefactor, tons, Tribou, H ;G Small bones. Cyanus (Br.), tons, Healop, CP Me- bane. - " 7 BARQUES. Vulcan (Swed.), 373 tons, Lenader, Heide & Co. Odd (Nor.), 277 tons, Christiansen, Heide &Co. Marie (Ger.), 581 tons, Dillwitz, E Pes- - chau & Westermann. Widga (Swed.), 679-tons, Pahlsson, CP Mebane. Espeigle (Br.) 400 tons, Jamaica, C P Me bane. - , Charlotte & Ann (Ger), 417 tons, Kreuger, E Peschaucs Westermanp. Meteor (Ger.), 595 tons, Voss, C P Me bane. Erna (Ger.), 582 tons, Voss, E G Barker & Co. Hattie H., 403 tons, Cochran, E G Barker &Co. BRIGS. Alaska (Nor.), 529 tons, Buck, E G Bar ker & Co. Emma (Nor.), 305 tons, ; Andersen. Heide &Co. ? SCHOONERS. Albert H Cross, 340 tons'Henderson, Geo T " Harriss & Co, Ettie H Lister, $20 tons, Mason, Geo Har riss & Co. Julia Elizabeth (Br.), 80 tons, Ingraham, Master. Hattie Turner, 205 tons, Keen. -EG Bar ker&Co.. . Wm Demning, 70 tons, HodgsdenJ Geo Harriss & Co, Bessie Brown, 245 tons, Phillips, Geo Hnr riss & Co. -John A Griffin, 805 tons, Bennett. Geo Harriss & Co. R S Graham, 341 tons, Avis, Philadelphia, Geo Harriss & Co. Fannie Tracy, 232 tons, Tilton, Geo Har riss & Co. Roger Moore, tons, Gilkey, E G Barker Co. Natividad (Span.), 170 tons, GonzaJes, A E Doebele, agent for owners, repairing. Llet of Vessels TJp Cleared or Sailed tor tnls Port. The following vessels are .mentioned In the New York Mariiim Btgitttr as being up and cleared for this port : BARQUES. Bolus (Ger.), 83 tons, Sonwenn, from Hamburg Sept. 14. Blanche (Nor.), 838 tons, Carlsen, at Gloucester Sept. 12. Cape 11a (Nor.), 291 tons, Jensen, from Hamburg Sect. 8. bla (Nor.lSTS tons, Slmonsen, from London Sei pt.a. rjellstad (Nor.). 477 tons. Andersen, at Bristol sepc is. Hera (Nor ), 891 to a?, Christiansen, from Hamburg Aug. A Lode Badmann (Ger,), 424 tons, from Bremen Aug. A Stanley (Nor.). 481 tons, Uroldsen, from Rotter dam Aug. 18. A B Vldal (Ger.), 333 tons, Sohultz, from Glouces ter Oct. Jl. Adolf (Ger.), 1058 tons, Brockehnann, from Ham burg Oct. 15. Camilla (Nor.), 418 tons, Sveosen, fromTrave munde Oct. 11, Oommerzienrath Rodbertus (Ger), 507 tons, Sohultz, from London Sep. 80. Dovna Anna (Nor.), 828 tons, Christiansen, from Bio Janeiro Oct. 18th. Fairy Belle, of Liverpool, 681 tons, Jeane, from London Oct. 10. HJemmet (Nor.), 844 tons, Ingemandsen, from Li verpool Oct. 12. Hording (Nor.), 458 tons, Olsen, from Stettin Sep. 81. Inaull Capri (Nor.) 874 tons, Danielsen, from Li verpool Oct. 16. Liana (Swd.) tons, Andereson, from Hamburg Sep. 87. . Mlda (Nor.) 4S6 tons, Trost, from Liverpool Oct. 13, Richard (Ger), 463 tons, Paske, from Stettin Sep 81. Bilsoer (Nor.), 880 tons, Jorgensen, from Stettin . Sep. 81.; . St. Joseph (Nor.), (85 tons, Christiansen, from Berwick Oct 17. Sonnabend (Ger.), 842 tons, Pust, from Glouces ter Hep. 80. Thomas Small (Ger.), 881 tons. Staben, from Ge estemunde Oct. 11; wrecked Oct. 13 at Amrum. Ella Moore (Br.), 891 tons, Byers, from Hamburg Oct 88. " Ellida (Nor.). tons. Mathieson, from Bremen Oct. 14. Jas. L. Pendergast (Br.). 558 tons, Chlshelm, from Hamburg Oct. 19. BRIGS. Hermann Friedrloh (Ger.), 288 tons. Nie1ahr,from Liverpool Aug. 8. Mary (Swd.), tons, Olssen, from Hamburg Oct. Hew Stove House. yE HAVE ADDED A FULL LINE OF COOK ING and HEATING STOVES and RANGES, with Portable and Stationery GRATES, to our PLUM BING and GAS-FITTING Business, and are pre pared to give Very Low Figures on our NEW GOODS. Slate Mantels and Hearths furnished at short notice. Plumbers and Gas-Fitters' Sup plies always on hand. Try us. m, -i - b. 2. wjiahT A CO., no8tf 41 J N. Front St. Copartnership Notice. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BOUGHT THE entire stock of Goods of Messrs. HANSEN A SMITH, consisting of SHIP CHANDLERY AND GROCERIES, are crenared to carrv on the busi ness, and beg a oontinuanoe of the same liberal patronage that has been extended to the former nrm. Respectfully. O04tf KURBi ! A DOSCHER. Almost Forgotten. JT 13 TOO COMMON TO PRAISE YOURSELF; but at H. C. PREMPERT'S, No. 7 South Front street, can certainly be found the best Shaves, Haircuts, Ac, &o.. In the City of Wilmington! More especially since the crop of marriages seem to be iu Bnoh abundance. - - So give him a call. oo25tf Fancy and Toilet Articles. I HAVE ONE OF THE MOST COMPLETE As sortments of Fancy and Toilet Artioles in the city, and am selling a great many of them at greatly reduced prices. Call and see what a large reduction. I nave made. . Elegant Imported Tooth Brushes only 25 cents, at J. H. HARDIN'S Drag and Seed Store, nov 8 tf New Market, Wilmington. N. O 8 BUYERS OF BEESWAX WE WILL, UTL further notice, pay 25e. per lb. free on board steamer at Wilmington. ''.. W. H. BOWDLEAR A CO., 'ool86m -- suwefr Boston. Mass. Cotton and Naval Stores SBSJ2SStSSnLLTSAS: Orders fniHa ml. ' J- filled at low prioesT' wp "?n IT1 vm LWOODY A CURRIE, -Commission Merchants, - Wilmington. N. C. sel7tf i Absolutely Pure. ' This powder never varies. A marvel ot purity, strength and wholesoxneness. More economical than ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in ooml petition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. SolaanlyiH cant. Wholesale, by ADRIAN Sc TOLLEBS. nov841v nrm too or frm 4j nova 25lo SjSSTJEHD. Good Cassimere Suits, at $ 5.00 tt it 7.50 10.00 12.50 10.00 12.50 18.00 in-fool tt I! " ti u ti Fine il Fine Bl't C'iscrew Suits t tt jDress,' tt (( tt tt It tt ti The above prices are 25 PER CENT, cheaper than any other house can sell these Goods ; and In order to be able to sell so low we are oblged to buy In . large quantities. Consequently hare the largest and most varied stock to select from. Call .and examine for yourselves and be con vinced. A. DAVID. Merchant Tailor and Clothier. ooSOtf Adrian & Vollers QFFER FOR SALE. AT LOW FIGURES, FLOUR, all grades, SUGAR, COFFEE, " MOLASSES, Cuba and Porto Rico, PROVISIONS, BUTTER, CHEESE, LARD, CRACKERS and CAKES, POTATOES and ONIONS,; RICE. MACKEREL, 8FJCBS, TEA, CANNED GOODS, Oysters, Salmon, Corn, Tomatoes, Peaches, Ac. BAGGING and TIES, NAILS, SOAP, TOBACCO, CIGARS,: se6tf and CIGARETTES, JUST AEEIVED PER STEAMER AND RAIL, THE FOLLOWING ATTRACTIVE GOODS: ALBERT CRACKERS, In 2-lb tins, COCOANUT TAFFY. COCOANUT JELLY, COCOANUT MACAROONS AND ALMOND MACAROONS. TURKISH PRUNES, Seedless, LONDON LAYER AND DEHESA RAISINS. All Hew and of Very Fine Qnality BOSTON BROWN BREAD, THURBER'S WHITE HEATH PEACHES, DEVILLED CRABS In Cans, with Shells. THE EPICUREAN SOUPS : MACARONI, JULIENNE AND MOCK TURTLE. JNO. I BOATWRIGIIT, oo 25 tf 15 A 17 SO. FRONT STREET. JJAVING SOLD ALL OUR MUTTON, SAU SAGE, Ac, and In order to make room for ano ther CAR LOAD, we will, until further notice, sell our BEEF at from 5 to 10c a Found. We guarantee this Beef to be sound, sweet, and in first class condition In every respect, no 5 tf W. B. WORTH A CO. jLTTVTFl. T.-T-TVr-RI XiIM"Fl. 1800 BBLS ROCKLAND LIME, BEST QUALITY, FOR SALE. send in Your orders. . se 8tf WORTH WORTH. Oysters. Oysters. FRESH LOAD EVERY DAY, It 'the SCARBOROUGH HOUSE, w . c. jn x No. 104 North Water Street. Pint Stews 40 cents.. Call and try them. Respectfully, ooOtf W. B. BLACK. Proprietor. For Bent, STORES, OFFICES MS ,! AND DWELLINGS. Apply to D. O'CONNOR, Real Estate Agent. ' an 83 tf Star Saloon P WOTS!.. . - ' .- . ., AND CIGARS. BEST .OYSTERS IN iS-PF? .P01?6 and see me, and I will give Tonatlafactlon In all respects. 4WU1BlYe: nOfitf v flgQ. V UKUUVltm or- Fall and er Goods CI XT. KATZ'S, 116 Harket St. An Entirely New Stock -of- Silks, Bhadanu. Ottomans, Telvets, Cashmeres, Tricots, Xadles' Cloth, Henriettas, Flannels, &c., &c. White Goods. Laces, Edgings. Furs, Oloves, Corsets, Men and Boys' Wear, Hosiery, Housekeeping Goods, Domestics, Notions, &c., &c. AT PRICES LOWER THAN THEY HAVE BEEN KNOWN FOR YEARS. Terms Positively Cash. I BHA2JL SELL MY GOODS AS LOW AS THE LOWEST CATALOGUES. ALL I ASK IS THE SAME TREATMENT Gash! Cash! Co oh I And assure you at the same time, my kind pat rons, that I propose to maintain in the future the reputation gained In the past, of having The Best, the Cheapest, AND Host Complete Assortment of Goods To be found outside of New York. Call and be convinced at II. H. KATZ S se20tf 116 HI ARRET ST. 500 Chickens fXK CONSIGNMENT, AND MUST BE SOLD. Have arranged them in Coops at the following prices 15c, 20o and 25c. Also, a small lot of CHOICE DRESSED CHICK ENS. CRANBERRIES, 10c a Quart, or 50c a Peck; now is the time to do the preserving, Fifty Barrels BALDWIN and GREENING AP PLES. ATMORE'S MINCED MEAT. PRESERVES Peaches, Pears, Plums, Straw berries, Cherries and others. GENUINE BONELESS CODFISH and HAKE. SUGARS and COFFEES sold very cheap. J. C STEVENSON, nov 7 tf 18 NORTH FRONT ST. Fire-Froof Oil JS BETTER THAN "KEROSENE OIL, OR any other Burning OIL Can be used In any lamp For sale by HOLMES A WAITERS, 7 North Front St. HENRY HAAR, 701 Chesnut St. -WM. pTERSEN, corner 5th and Market. GIESCHEN A BRO., corner Chesnut and McRae. P. H. SMITH, corner 4th and Campbell. J. C. STEVENSON A CO., 617 North Fourth St. B. H. J. AHRENS, corner 7th and Market Sts. J. C. STEVENSON, 131 Market St. H. SCHULKEN, corner 4th and Walnut Sts. J. H. BOSSCH, No. 801 North Fourth St. GEO. M. CRAPON, No. 22 South Front St GEO. A. PECK. No. 29 South Front St. Watch this list and see It grow. mh29tf Stoves. ALTHOUGH WE HAVE SOLD A GREAT many Heating and Cooking Stoves In the past three weeks, we have others, and of a va riety to suit most any one. Don't buy before looking at ours and getting prices. Also, Grates and House famishing Goods generally. Look at our catalogue of Slate Mantels. W. H. ALDERMAN A CO., nov 1 tf 25 Market Street. Shoulder Braces. NEW AND COMPLETE SUPPLY JUST AR- rlved; also. Perfumeries, Soaps. Drugs, Chemi cals, Ac Prescriptions filled night and day. F.C. MILLER, German Druggist, oo 11 tf Corner Fourth and Nun sta. XXXI. The Best Newspaper in America. and by far the Most . Readable. "Agents wanted everywhere to earn money in distributingrthe Sun's Pre jmiums. The most interesting and advanta geous offers ever made by any News paper. No Subscriber ignored or neglected. Something for all. Beautiful and Substantial Premiums in Standard Gold and otherWatches.Valuable Books, the Best Family Sewing Machine known to the trade, and an unequaled list of objects of real utility and instruction. Rates, by Ma.il, Postpaid: . DAILY, per Year (without Sunday) $6 OO DAILY, per Month (without Sunday) 50 SUNDAY, per Year . . . I CO FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR 7 00 , WEEKLY, per Year . .100 lddross, THE SUN, New York City. .' - . ' ' . The Savannah WeeMyNews.; THE SAVANNAH WEEKLY NEWS IS NOW A." 12-page, 8(-oolnmn newspaper. - It contains eaeh week a complete resume ef the world's do ings, editorials on the current topics of the day; interesting reading for the fireside and farm, ori ginal and selected: stories, accurate market re ports. In fact, it combines in a condensed form,; all the best features of the dafly cotemporary, the SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS. It is a care fully edited, enterprising and entertaining family journal; not a local - paper, but one that can be read with interest in any locality. - The price Is only $1.25 a year, or In clubs of five or -more. $1.00 a year. - It Is the cheapest paper of its class in America. - . --.- Sample copies and premium lists sent on appli cation. J. H. ESTILL. oo29tf SavannabGa. For ThisvTtjef. liROWN & RODDICK, 9 North Front St. We desire to call" especial attention to the fa. v: slowing for This Week : BLANKETS, 104 11-4 1H. IN WRTTB AND COLORED. We havenoverowned a larger or cheaper ftock ortheabove. Our prices ranee f. l.S5to $15.00 per pair. CRIB BLANKETS AND QUILTS. Ladies and Children's Cloak. We have had" every Cloak made to our ordet this season, and feel satisfied that we have nev had such an elegant line. It will pay you to look over them before making your selections. Felt Skirts. We have just marked off the last of our pnr. chase In this department They are extremely new and cheap.- . Ladies' JeWeys. Forty Dozen Ladies' Jerseys just received per last week's steamer. They are a great bargain, and new styles. Prices $1.25, $1.75, $100, $2.50, $3.00 and $5.00. Ladies, Gents and Children', Underwear. The largest and best assorted stock In this section of the country. Novelties In Dress Goods. Kid Gloves. Ladies' Kid Gloves in all the latest shade man ufactured by some of the leading French manu facturers. Also, Sole Agents for the CENTIMg- RI KID GLOVE. LADIES AND CHILDREN '8 JERSEY GLOVBS Ac. &c, Ac. BROWN & RODDICK, 9 NORTH FRONT STREET. WILMINGTON. AND 27 HAT STREET, FAYETTEVILLE, N. 0 0c25tf YALTJABLiB PLUGS' FOR SALE. rjHE RANDAL D. GEORGE PLACE, on Street leading from Court House to Railroad Depot, with large and well arranged Dwelling (seTen large Rooms), Well of good Water, Fourteen Acres of Improved Land under good fence, (or sale at a Bargain. Apply to A. F.POWELL, ocsitf Whlteville Depot, H.C. The Biblical uecordei PUBLISHED BY Edwards, Brongnton & Co, RALEIGH, N. C. REV. C. T. BAILEY. Editor. REV. C. S. FARRXBS, 1 VAssooiates. CHAS. L. SMITH, 1 Organ of Hortli Carolina Baptists In Its 44th Tear, EVERT BAPTIST SHOULD TAKE IT As an Advertising Medium Unsurpassed. Only $2.00 Per Tear. Address deci28tf BIBLICAL RECORD JH. Raleigh, N. P BOSTON POST. THE OLD, INVINCIBLE AND THOROUGHLY TRUE BLUE DEM OCRATIC NBWSPAPIB. Tie clean Family Newspaper of Massachnseai Containing the most complete news of any pat In New England. , , I The Boston Dally Post Is especially neted in its reliable Commercial and Financial Featura, SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Dailt One Tear, $9? Six Months, H vance. .mtM Wxxbxt Fbxdats $L00 per Year In sdnw Six Copies for $5.00. CLUB BATES. Five or more to one address wul be ftaWa as follows : DAJLY POST at $8.00 per year per WT, copies for $7.50 each, in advance. . WEEKLY POST at $1.00 per year per M In Clubs of Five or more, one copy will oe P" to the organizer of the Club. sep 8 DAW tf The Bine Ridge Baptist, ORGAN 07 THE BAPTISTS OF WESTERS NORTH CAROLINA Josejl E. Carter, Eiitor i Proprietor. The best Advertising Medium for ourMoonUa section, because it knows no county lines, ana the only Religious Journal in the State vert 01 the Blue Ridge, . . ta souna in raw, earnest m wot., cuukw"- VILLE, N. C. Subscription price for one year. SUB. Send lor samnle oodv. J6 0 u The Robesonian, Published every Wednesday m Uunberton. S. C By W. W. HcDIARMID, HAS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION ANp largest advertising patronage 1 of "JJ? in the State. ItnowhasovereightbjMdreus scribers in Robeson oountyone,berfdeJ era! circulation In the counties of Moore, rdVBladen, Oolumb Hebmond, and to the adjoining counties, Marlon, Marlboro ana Darlington, in South Carolina. . The Ilarion Star, OLDEST NIWAPER PUWJSEB Pee Dee seotkm. one 01 tne rmrE A the Pee Dee sec estate offers to Cam; anrl mfwt nrosDerouB m UK bhto. vv..- -- . mission and Wbolesate Merchants fjJZ& turers, and to those who ha adopted tP who ut nvio- merchants, mechanics,, ? Ad- meronaniB, mtoiimib vnHitation. as men, whose patronage Is worth sollcito remsementsand Business Cards lusertea on u ""-Addl-i octlStf am RTAK. Marlon 8. " The Cotton Plant An page Holumn Agricultural J oiuy paperm South Carolina publisrar. teftelnterestof Farmer and Knm() The beet and cheapest Agricultur- " South. ONLY 60 CENTS A YEA The official organ of the StoSrange d postal for specimen copies for and your neighbors , voKKBALlor Address jSrfoi S-u mhStt M&NSO loo' 27 It " Clothier and Merchant Tan

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