0R COUCHS AND CROUP USg ir),. iM gum. as a-.i-ra uum ucc gi am mw Mine, . wotrine alon? ths -mall streams io the Southern SLate, ' SouiM a stimulating expectorant prinoisle that loosens : the pMf g prodncing the early morning cough, and Ming- " iltes the chili to throw off the false membrane ta croup anil ' "Joopinjt-coush. When combined with the healing muei- v Hiinous nrinciple in the mullein plant of the old fields, pre- ; iits in Tatiob's Chkroxik Rmukdy or Switr Gnu and ; MjLLif rte finest known remedy' tor Coughs, Croup, trt,wiii!-Cough and Consumption; and so palatable, anr U pleased to Ukeit. Askyoar drngtrist for it. Price, gsnd SI. WAITER A. TAYLOR, Atlanta. G. , DR. BIOOER8' HUCKLEBBBRV CORDIAL for -jiarrhT. Dysentery and Children TeetMnj. For sale by " ildres"- - - , - ;j bf 15 ly too una Hot SpriDgs at Tour Door. Sot Springs Physicians use In their own Cases and Prescribe for Others Buffalo Lithia Whaler - -IN ' GOUT, RHEUMATISM", AND DISEASES GENE RALLY OP URIC ACID DIATHESIS J ; DR. JAMES L. CABELL, professor of Physiology and Surgery In the Med ical Department of the University of Virginia and President of tae National Board of Health, and former Resident Physician, Hot Springs, Virginia. . ;-;V ni j 'The water of Spring No. 3 contains In nota ble quantities two of the Alkalies, which are ac credited as extremely valuable in the treatment ef Gout.-Lithiasis, and Liver Affections. I refer to the Carbonates of Potash and Lithia. . It is now well known that both of these alkaline carbon ates have an ascertained value In eases of Uric Acid Diathesis connected with Gravel, and in cases of Chronic Gout, because of their affinity for Uric Add. and the great solubility of the salts which are formed by their union with that acid." DR. ALGERNON 8, GARNETT : nrgeon (Retired) U. S. Navy, Resident Physician Uot Springs, Ark. . , . . . i yry experience In the use of Buffalo Lithia $ iter is limited to the treatment of Gout, Rheu siusm, and that hybrid disease 'Rheumatic Goat' (so called), which is in contradistinction to tha iteumatoid Arthritis of Garrod. .. nate had excellent results from this Water in these Sections; both in my own person and in the oratment of patient for whom I have pre seribeA it. Of course the remedial agent is its obtained Alkalies and their solvent properties. "Hence, it is a prophylactic as well as a reme ir in Nephritic Colic and forming Calculi, when due to a redundancy of Lithio Acid." DR. W. B. TOWLE3, X. - A A i . A Member Medical Society of Virginia, Resident Physician Hot Springs, Va. ? "I feel bo hesitancy whatever in saying that in Gout. Rheumatic Gout, Rheumatism, Stone In the Biadder. and all diseases of Uric Acid Dia thesis, I know of no remedy at all comparable to Buffalo Lithia Water, Spring No. 2. In a single case of Bright s Disease of the Kidneys I wit - sensed very marked benefiolal results from its use, and from its action in this particular case, I shonld have great confidence in it in this dis ease." ' " , DR. T. B. BUCHANAN, . . resident Physician, Hot Springs. ArkI "Send me five cases Buffalo Lithia Water, Spring No. 2, I have made use of this Water for Goat in my own case, and .prescribed it for pa tients similarly suffering, with the most decided ..' teueficial results. I take pleasurejn advising Gouty patients to these Springs, ' -.- Water la cases of one dozen half gallon bottles 35 per case at the Springs. - Springs pamphlet mailed to any address. ?or sale by W. II. Green, where the Springs pamphlet may be found. - THOS. F. GOODS, Proprietor, nhlSti nrm Buffalo Lithia Springs, Va The Western Tribune. A thirty-two column Weekly Newspaper. CHAS. EDWARD WILSON. Editor and Propr. A8HEVTLLE. N, C. The i MBUNB will discuss with entire freedom alt questions of public interest. In politics it will teach Democ ratio doctrine, pure and simple. It will strive to advance the educational inter asts of our people. - - t will labor zealously for the upbuilding of aw whole State, and especially for the develop ob& of the varied resources of Western North ' Carolina .B will be the friend of all Railroads so long as Buy are the friends of the people. it will aspire to deserve the esteem of its read ers by dealing with all subjects in a fair and dig nified manner, and by carefully excluding from fte columns everything of a vicious tendency. The TRIBUNE is printed from new type, on a new and improved Power Press' - The price of the paper will be Per Year $1.60, Six Months 75o, Three Months EOo invariably in . advance. . ... - AH communications should be addressed to TES WESTERN TRIBUNE, Asheville, N. C ' !e30D&Wtf SAL SIGH REGISTER. Ef P. I. HALE printer to tie State, Subscribe to your Home Paper and .pay for it and then remit $2 to pay for your State Democratic Paper the Ralbibh Resistkb. Each new subscriber remitting $3 direct. Is entitled to the Rsoistxb for one year, an! to Webster's Practical Dictionary, which, unta August 1, 1885, is offered as a Pre--ndura. Sample copies of the Resists mailed on application.- -Address RALEIGH REGISTER, QyaoD&Wtf Raleigh. N. C . SEND FORJA 3ASIPI.E COPY. The State Chronicle. accessor to the Farmer and Mechanic" i and the Chronicle.) Inder New Management. 87, BRIGHT AND CLEAN. UP WITH THE TIMES. ::;;v;;..-'V. THB "STATE CHRONICLE" WILL BE WHAT -1 namo implies a State Paper. It is not the 'Chronicle." and wUl not be local or S?rQlL J6 will aim to keep up with the news iv? urphy to Manteo, or. as the poUtieians ir nf,ro.m erokee to Currituck, tlnn . tne orSan of n man, no riag, no sec terHSn vmJ u be Democratic in poUtics, hesitate to criticise Democratic mea "wes and Democratic offioers. , l TITRWa nw OTTDortDTDrrrrSicr. months....;....::::;:::::::;:;;:;;;:;:: : Pora Sample Copy address " " ' " " " " ' . 21 THE 8TATE CHRONICLE, Manning Times, PUBLISHED BY. , fi. L. DARB. Jr., at HAHHIH&, S. lne-MiirninofHrstifi AUTtTIttN. - . Southward.- -Birds : are flying; ' - Summer's dead ; Overhead j The leaves are dying. ; Changed from living green to Russet red. . . Westward. , Red lights glowing r Through the trees; And the breeze, ' O'er spice fields blowing,' -Brings a breath of tropics -Over seas. 'Northward. " Cloud banks-lying, ')"" Low and gray; ' All the day,., , The winds are sighing, For the sunny southland ' Far away. - i : - Eastward. - Wings of morning Freshness bear; -: And the air - L The valleys scorning, Brings from dewy hill tops j;-Odors Earer u - f OUR STATE CON.TKftf FOB ARIES. ; The Carolina Central Railway Company has quietly begun to extend their line to-' wards Rutherf ordton, , where they will go when they shall have reached that place is an open question in the public mind. It occurs to us that-the1 Asneville Board of ;Trade acting alone or in .conjunction with' the Tobacco Association jnight , do a very proper thing by appointing (and defraying the expenses of) a committee of, say three, solid, business men to consult with the au thorities of said C. C. R'y Co. for the pur pose of learning what inducements,-if any, shall be offered by Asheville for the exten sion of .their line to, this -point instead, of turning northward from Ruthordton. :A$7uvitte Advance. It may not be the popular thing to say, but we think that, possibly one-half the members of the average jury are not quali fied by intelligence sufficient to discriminate betwixt conflicting matters of evidence and formulate an opinion as to the merits or de merits of a case. At our late, court we heard a man, who had just served as juror in a State case, honestly admit that he did not have sense enough to discharge- the duty with which he had been entrusted. He is one of best citizens, of more than ordinary intelligence, education fair, and successful as a farmer; and yet we believe he was hon est in the confession he really felt his in tellectual incapacity as a juror. Rocking ingham Socket. '. ' PERSONAL. "- Professor Huxley is still much out of health..- ! . . . J . ': Editor Stead will start another newspaper when he gets out of prison. . Rev. Dr. John Hall has' " ear ly income of $100,000. Chicago Herald: Thomas Bailey Aldrich, poet and editor, is fair and somewhat 6touu Chicago News. , The Duchess of Edinburgh is fond of hop picking, and often goes out with her children into the fields. The four sons of Lieutenant Kielingbury, - of Greely Arctic fame, re-; ceive a pension of $10 each per month. Dr. John Gregory, late Civil Service Commissioner, with his wife,: goes to Paris at an early day.' They will remain all the winter, occupied with literary work. The late Samuel G. Brown, D. 'D., LL.D., an ex-professor of Dartmouth College, left unfinished a biography of the late George P. MarsnytiTnOTbbrii engaged at the time of his death. Ernest Renan, the great French writer, is fond of the pleasures of the table. In person he is short, obese and generally shapeless in form. His conversation makes, up for his unpleasant exterior, though. TWINKLIJXOS. Never stop at the church door to ask about the music: In choir within. LoioeU Citizen. . A ' gross," offense selling 140 gg4or-twlve-dozeni - A grocer offense puttuig sand b the sugar. - - ' A "Baltimore, chirppodist har vests the test corn crop in the country. His annual. income. is $ 10,000. Forty thousand silk handker chiefs sent from Japan, are selling in Lon don at twenty five cents a piece. There is a . milch cow"f or every four persons in the United States. And yet we are often Jed to believe that the pumps outnumber' the cows. Hartford Post. . In one year the Boston street railroads have- killed eighteen people and wounded fifty. Your true Boston pedes trian is too pioud to run from a street car. Macon Telegraph. r There have been over three and a half millions of visitors to the Inventions Exhibition in London since its opening.- The present point of time is all thou hast, The future doubtful and the former past. Harte. "DRAMATIC- AND MUSICAL. The more one, reflects on McCul Iougb's sad endlhe more one wonders why bad actors never die.; : Miss..- Kellpgg has been obliged to cancel. all .immediate concert engage ments oh account of ill:healthi- Washing ion Poet. Maryj.-Anderson friends say they -f had hard: work keeping Mary from entering a convent in 1875 and 1876, when she, was meetieg with some reverses on the stagev-5 '' - . - - ' Mr. Louis James, who for some years has ieemLawrenceBarrett's associate on. tbeo8tage,i will. -next; season star in the parts of Ytrginius, BrutvA and another play which deali with the life of Shakespeare. : Miss Annie Lippincott, daugh ter of Grace Greenwood, is to sing this month daring the carnival in Bergamente, near Milan, in ''La Somnambula.? She is described as being a light soprano and very pretty. 4 FOLtlTICAL BOINT8. y This is about the time of the year when Samuel J.5 Randall joins the Re publican party. Chicago Herald, Bern. V If the Dempcratie organs could pull the 'Cleveland administration down, what profit would the.: Democracy gain? Phil., Time, Ind. Rep. There aret wo kinds of civil service-reform, the Republican and the Demo cratic. We have tried the RepubUcan civil service reform for twenty years. AUamar. Constitution,. . . . The time for Democrats to buy ulsters baa arrived and the large majority of offices are filled with Republicans. ;J attention of the AdministrattouUedto: this suggestive coincidence. ff THE SUPERIOR CO URT817N- DERTHENEWLRRANQJb- ' ? A' Tents, 188$. a : Raleigh Kew-Observer. . : ' . .FIBST piSTBICr-W17PCGB ,f wnmHHiiir, Currituck September 7, one .week. Camden September, lit one week;,; . ,1, . 7 Pasquotank Septembe? 21,.oneweek. Perquimans September 28, one week. . Chowan October 5, pne week. Gates October 12, one week. - Hertford Oct. 19, one week; Dec. 21 one f week. Washington Oct. 26,' onevfreek: DecV 14, ; one week; ' 1 ' " - Tyrrell November 2," one week. : Dare November 9, one week. Hyde-7-November 16, one week.,-" G v ' : Pamlico-rNovember 23, 6ne! weeK?4T Beaufort November 80, two weeks! -i: ' I SECOND piSTMOTiitTPafc PHILLIP. Warren-SepymbeV 2lf twoT weeks.'-;-'''.-3 Northampton October 5,. two weeks. ' i',.': Edgecombe October 19, two. weeks.; . Bertie November 2, two weekiC 1 Halifax November I63W0 weeks.- - t Croveh November 80,twd weeks. 1 " ' . - .', . f THIRD piSTRICS JUDGE CONNOR, Franklin Aug. .17, one week;; Nov.. 16, r one'weeku.";:. ?;zT'a.Z ; Martin Sept 7, " two. weeks i' Dec. "t two ; . weeks,; for civil causes arid jail case : only.,. ;,. . , - : Pitt-Sept. 21, two weeks;' Greene Oct. 5. twoLweekfL Vance Oct .19, two weeks. . " .Wilson Nov. 2, two weeks. " " -Nash Nov. 23, two weeks. - " ,l FOURTH DISTRICT -JUDOE CLARK. " Wake July '. 13, ; two ; weeks, criminal i causes onlyj Aug. 31, f two weeks, civil ;. cause8only; Sept 28, two weeks, crim inai; Oct 26, three weeks, civil causes : only. ' ';; ! " ; - Wayne July 27, two ' weeks, civil and criminal; Sept. 14, two weeks, civil - causes only; Oct 19,' one week, civil causes only, -' -t -, Harnett Aug. 10, one week, civil and criminal. -Johnston Aug. 17, two weeks, civil and r criminal. . v FIFTH DISTRICT JUDGE GTTiirKR. ' ' Orange Augv 10, one,.week; Nov 9, one week. . . . . Caswell Aug. 17, one week; Nov. 16, one j week. . 1 Person Aug. 24, one week; Nov. 23, o n - week. - - .-s,- ! Guilford Aug. 31, two weeks; Dec. 14, ; two weeks., . Granville Sept. 14, two weeks; Nov. 30, : two weeks. Alamance September 28,' one week. Chatham October 5, two weeks. Durham October 19, two weeks. SIXTH DISTRICT JUDOB MCKOY. Jones Aug. "17, one' week: Nov. 2, one : week. " Lenoir Aug. 24, two weeks; Nov. 16, two - weeks. Duplin Sept 7, one week; Nov. 80, two weeks. Pender September 14, one week. New Hanover Sept 28, two weeks, for ci vil causes. ' Carteret October 26, one week. Onslow November 9, one week. Sampson October 12, tw6 weeks; Decem ber 14, one week. SEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE KC RAH. Cumberland July 27, one week; Nov. 9, ; one week, for criminal causes only; Nov. 16, two weeks, for civil causes. Columbus August 8, one week. Moore Aug. 17, two weeks; Dec. 7, two weeks. Robeson Aug. 31, two weeks; Oct 12 two weeks... Anson Sept. 14, one week, for criminal causes; Nov. 30. one week, civil causes. Brunswick September 21. one week. I -HicUurouu Dept. xrtf, tro -wxeas-itse one week. ; Bladen October 26, two weeks. EIGHTH DISTRICT JUDGE MONVGOMERV. Iredell Aug. 10, two w,eeks;Nov. 9, two weeks. Rowan Aug. 24, two weeks; Nov. 23, two weeks. Davidson Sept 7, two weeks; Dec. 7. one wees. Randolph September 21, two weeks. Montgomery October 5, two weeks. Stanly Nov. 19, two weeks. Cabarrus Nov. 2, one week, for criminal cases and non-Jury civil cases. NINTH DISTRICT JUDGE GRAVES. Rockingham July 27, two weeks; Nov. 9. one week. Stokes Aug. 10, two weeks; Nov. 16, one weefc. Surry Aug. 24. two weeks; Nov. 23, one week Alleghany September 7, one week, Wilkes September 14, two weeks.. Yadkin September 28, two weeks. Davie October 12, two weeks. Forsyth October 26, two weeks. TENTH DISTRICT JUDGE AVERT. Henderson July 20, j three weeks. Burke August 10, two. weeks. Ashe August 24, one week.. ? Watauga August 31. one wees. Caldwell September 7, one week. Mitchell September 14, two weeks. Yancey September 28, two weeks. McDowell October 12, two weeks ELEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE 8HTPP. Alexander July 27, one week. Catawba August 8, one week. Cleveland August 10, two weeks;' Octo ber 520. one week. Mecklenburg August 81, three weeks civil causes only. - Union September 21, two weeks. Lincoln October 5, pne week. , Gaston October 12, two weeks. Rutherford November 2t two weeks. Polk November 16, one week. TWELFTH DISTRICT JUDGE GUDGEB. Madison-August 3, two weeks; November 23, two weeks; civil causes. -Buncombe August 17, three weeks; De cember 7. two weeks. Transylvaiua September 7, one week. tlaywooa beptemoer 14, two weess. Jackson September 28, one week. Maccn October 0, one week. Clay October 12, one week. -Cherokee October 19, two weeks. Graham November 2, one week. Swain November 9, two weeks. ? THE L ANDMARK. PUBLISHED AT 61 ATESVLLLE, IREDELL CO N. C -j-iJS THE - Leading Newspaper, in Western North Carolina.' ' run the onlv Democratic Paper published lb Iredell County one of the largest and wealthiest nnnHAi in the state and has attained a lareer local circulation than any paper ever heretofore published in tne county. Its circnlatlon In Alexander, WOkes, Ashe, Alle- Khany, laoam, 1tiowui munu, is wm uiiui that of any two papera to the State combined; and is rapidly acquiring astrongfootholdinPorsythe Surry, Rowan and western Mecklenburg. It is the only Paper to Western North Carolina , omnlova a!RxsTAas Cjlnvassxns Acobt. and thus keep constantly before the people. Unaot this system a rapidly increasing cirOTlation is th 'esult. makhur tne Laubxabk. - THE BEST ADVERTISING HEDjTJM t - "r ;, SRN XTOBTE CULROIJjLa. '- -Addrew'-'.' :. "LaNDMaBZ, - rr- StatesvUle N. C --r TORTURES I I ' - j AND - BLOOD HUMORS OTJiLiTINajEniptions, Itehlng and Burn- --- uiR pui iuijiuxiD, jjoauisome sores, ana everv areoies or Itemnir. Rn.w nmni. T.,i,.ufj ed. Scrofulous and Conta?1nn Blood, Skin and Scalp, with Loss of Hair, from. uuancv u oiu azv positively cured by Cn ticuea. the ffreat Skin Cure, and f!nTi.irt anm an exquisite Skin beautifler, externally, ' and Ctj ticttba Rxsolvest, the New Blood Purifier, inter- nauy.. - . 4 Covered With Sores. I have been afflicted since last March with a Skin disease the doctors call Bnnnna. Vv rp was covered with soabs and Bores, and the itch ing and burning are almost unbearable. Seeing yuur vutiuuba. vbmkuik bo nucniy recommena- ou, cuiioiaaeu vu giyv mem a snau- using tne Ctr TiOTJBA and CrmcTjRA Soap externally, and Rx- BoiiVEirr internauy, xor lour months. 1 call my- .1. 1 x.j 1 . . ... f seii curea,m grauraue tor wmcn J. maKe cms pno- llo statement' - :,-: i Mas. CLARA A. FREDERICK, t 'pi-.'f.:u"' ...... Broad Brook, Conn. .: CScalp, Faee, Ears and Xeck. : I was afflicted with Eczema on the Rnaln. TTann Bars and Neck, which the Druggist where I got your remedies,pronounoed one of the worst oases mac naa oome unaer nis notice. He advised me to trv Tour Cutiuuha RmrETnm s.nr1 nftAr flv days' use my scalp and part of my face were en tirely eurea, ana x nope in anower weeK to nave my ears, neck, and the other" parts of my face cured. r ; . ' - HERMAN SLADE, . ; - . V ISO B. 4th Street, New York. 1 . Itching Diseases Cored. CoTiuuRA stands at the head of Its class; espe- vuuiy is uus me case wim tne juticuka boat. Have had an unusually good sale this summer, owing to the prevalence of an aggravated form of Itch throusrh . soma localities in thenonntrv. In which the CpncTjBA Bxxxsris proved satis- iaotory. , . w . L. HAKHlQtt, Druggist. .UKicwTowir, Kt. - CTJTICTJBA BEHIEDIES Are sold by all Druggists; PrlcS : Ctjticuka, 60c'; Rbsolvxnt, $1.60; toAP SSc Prepared by the Pottxb Dbtjs asd Chikical Co., Boston, Mass. Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases." "RP A 1 1 i-'Ltrx the Complexion and Skin by JJJ-lxXU using the Cuticuba Soap. . v THE SEWING MA OHINE is the cause of Uterine Pains and Weakness. jrorAonmg Hides ana jbsck. Kidney runs, Boiaiioa, cnestfains, weaaness juaA Inflammation, the Cutiouba Anti- rAm rxABTxa is lniauiDie. iso. , ; no 1 D&Wlm wed sat . too or frnv Capital Prize, 8150,000 "We do hereby certify that to supervise the ar rangements for aU the Monthly ana Semi-Annual Drawingt o f The Louisiana State Lottery Company, and in person manage and control the drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all par ties, and we authorize the Company to use this cer cilcate, with facsimiles of our signatures attached to it advertisements." Commissioner. Unprecedented Attraction ! OVER HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED, Lonisiana StateUttery ComBaty. Incorporated In 1868 for 25 years by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve fund of $560,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. p. 1879. s . It Grand Single Number Drawings will take place monthly. It never scales or post' pones. Look at the following Distribution : 187tn Grand, Nontbly AKD THK Eitraorllnary Seml-Aena Drawing IN THE ACADEMY Of MUSIC, AT OTEW UKLKANS, TUESDAY," 11 BUT 15, 1353 - Under the personal supervision and management of ' Gen. &. T. BEAUREGARD, ol La., and Gen. JDBAL A. EARLY, of Tirpia. CAPITAL PKIZE, $150,000. $Notice. Tickets are Ten Dollars only; Halves $5; Fifths $2; Tenths $L 1 CAPITAL PRIZE OF $150,000. . . $150,000 1 GRAND PRIZE OF 50,000... 60,000 1 GRAND PRIZE OF 20,000. . . 20,000 2 LARGE PRIZES OF 10,000... 20,000 4 LARGE PRIZES OF 5,000... 20,000 20 PRIZES OF 1,000... . 80,000 50 ' 1500... 25.000 100 800... 80,000 200 H 200.V. 40.000 600 " 100... 60,000 1,000 " 60... 60,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES, ICO Approximation Prizes of $300. 80,000 100 Approximation Prizes of 100 10,000 100 Approximation Prizes of 75 7,500 2279 Prizes, amounting to ' $522,500 Applications for rates to clubs should only be made to the office of the Company in New Or leans. For farther Information, write cleailv. sivlns full address. POSTAL NOTES, Express Money Orders,or New York Exchange in ordinary letter. Currency bv Express (all sums of $5 and upward at our expense) addressed xra. a. it a urm ra. New Orleaji, l.. or IO. A. DAUPHIN,", Washington, B.C. Make P. 0. Honey Orders payable and address Registered Letters to NEW ORLEANS RATIONAL BANK., New Orleans) La.. OR LOTJISIANA NATIONAL BANK, ;New Orleans, La. STATE NATIONAL BANK, New Orleans, La. GERMAN I A NATIONAL BANK,! New Orleans, La. no 11 DAW2aw4w we sa NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. You are allowed a free trial of thirty davit of the use of Dr.- Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt with Electrio Sospenaory -Appliances, for the epeedy relief and permanent care of Nereoue Debility, loss of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. also for many other diseases. - Complete restora tion to Health, Vigor and Manhood guaranteed No risk is incurred. Illustrated pamphlet In sealed mvelop mailed free, by addressing V0LTAI0 BELT CO., Marshall, Mich. no 17 D4W7m tuth sot . 3d p CARLTON HOUSE, Warsaw, Duplin County, H. C. o N LINE OF WILMINGTON AND WELDON Railroad, 55 miles from Wilmington . Table always well supplied with the best the country affords. Rates of Board very reasona ble. H. J. CARLTON, dec SI DftWtf Proprietor. The Pamlico Enterprise ' STONEWALL, N. a A FIRST CLASS WXEEXY PAPER, published In the GRAIN REGION of the State. Subscription $1.50 a year. Yearly Advertising rates One Square, $12; Two Squares, $18: Three Squares. $24; Four SoiareSjj $3S Quarter Column. $40: Half Colamn, $60; One Column, $100. No de viation from above rates. . - - . -i-i; Address, r ENTERPEISB. r ,: tTf ;; -. . - - -p. Stonewall. S.CL" , WU01jESAL.E PRICES , ? iarOur quotations. It should be understood, represent the wholesale prices generally. In ' making up small orders higher prices have to ce charged. , - - .v -- - -" ABTI0LS8. RAGGING Gunny ;.-. .. .. ... ? Standard.. - ..... BAOON North CaroUna - ; Hams, .:.-."......... " 'v? Shoulders, ihi.;;,;.... Sides, choice, '.. ........ Westebh Smoked Hams. $ 8.u , Sides, V -to.. ........... Shoulders, B.... . . ......, . j Day Saltbd Sides, 9 tt". ....... ' - Shoulders, f fi.-.,.; BAURBLS SDirlts Tnnentlne. FBICX8. J134 00 12 12 & " 8 8J 10 & 11 714 5 6M Seoond Hand, each.. VO...1 60 1 65 , 1 80' 1 80, ' 24' ' New New York, each... 04) 45 : -NewCity, each..;;;.......? BEK8WAX-1i fl... BRICKS Wumlnaton. M . . . ,. Northern: BUTTER North Carolina, 9 S. Northern, B CANDLES 9 h Sperm........ - . Tallow.....:.,-. -'1 Adamantine .......... "CHEESE 4SB-NorthnFaGt'y j ' Dairy, Cream... . State v.... COFFEE S ft-rJava. ... Laguyra .... ; vRio - ,- CORN StLAL bush. , In sacks, - . ... Virginia Meal....... COTTON TIES V bundle...... DO AtlS8 TICS Sheeting, 4-4, 9 yd Yarns, B bunch . ... . . , . . . EGGS dozen.... i..... FISH Mackerel, No. 1. 9 bbl -. ; r Mackerel, No. 1,9 half bbl.. - Mackerel, No. 2, 9 bbl.v.Vj. Mackerel, No. 2, f half bbl. Mackerel, No. 8, bbl...... ;Mullets, bbl. Mullets, Pork bbls. .-. N. C. Roe Herring, 9 keg.. . Dry Cod. 9 FLOUR 8 bbl Super.,. .......... Extra.:.. .V.V... . . Family.. .... ' City Mills Super ........... - t . -; , Tamtly ......,... GLUE 19 t... ................ .-t 00 . s oo 0 00 00 ' 20 18 eh s oo . & 14 00: & 15 24 25 12 . 12 10 12 10 28 11 10 -1M : DO :' 19 - 11 8 18 00 1W& '70JSia 70 1 20 .. 663 00 7U 25 7 85 00 00 7 0 8 60 6 00 4 25 5 00 11 00 8 0C 5 3 50 4 25 4 75 4 09 4 60 t 6 18 & 12 60. 8 50 9 00 7 00 -6 00 6 00- 12 00 4 00 a - io ! 400 4;t0 6 25 10 00 10 70 60 68 61 47 65 5K 12 15 15 15 S 7H 10 40 GRAIN 9 bushel. Cnrn.Btore.baKa " . , Corn, cargo, in bulk. Corn, cargo, in bags,, Corn, cargo, mixed, it Oats, from store..-. . Cow Peas..-.- .... . HIDES 9 Qreen. . . . . Dry HAY 9 100 ft a Eastern bags ; . western.. i North River.... BOOP IRON S .... . LARD-- ft Northern . . North CaroUna.... LTMS ? barrel . . . . . ..... LUMBER City Sawed-rW M ft. . Ship Stuffy resawed.... ...Rough Edge- Plank. West India Cargoes, accord ing to quality-.- DresaedFloorme. seasoned. 8 00 18 00 15 00 . t 13 00 20 00 16 00 18 00 22 00 15 00 18 00 Scantling and Boards, oom'n 12 CO MOLASSES V gauon New Crop Cuba,- In hhds. ... . u. . in bbls... . Porto Sloo, In hhda " " in bbls Sugar House, in hhds. ... .... S inbblfl..'.. :.- Syrup, in bbls NAILS 9 keg Cut. lOd basis.. OILS 9 gallon Kerosene Lard........ ....... Linseed Rosin Tar .. .. - Deck and Spar POULTRY CbickensJiVe,grown Spring: Turkeys PEANUrs 9 bushel 22 lbs POTATOES 9 bushel Sweet.. 24 26 28 30 00 00 22 00 10 10 90 lb 00 00 28 15 ,! . 80 80 85 00 SO . 85 2 60 11 1 4b . 1 00 13 20 28" m 80 00 67 70 2 00 . ' - ' 00 45 60 00 10 CO 13 50 xriau, iror utuiw. ww. ... .... PORK 9 barrel-City Mess.... Prime ...w.. Rump RICE Carolina, ft . Rough, 9 bushel (Upland).. Do, do (Lowland) RAGS 9 ft Country. . City ROPE ft S ALT 9 Bait-Alum Liverpool. Lisbon American SUGAR Granulated - Standard A White Ex C ExC, Golden C Yellow SOAP 9 ft Northern ,- SHINGLES 9 M Contract. . . . Common. Cypress Saps Cypress Hearts STAVES 9 M W O Barrel .... BO Hogshead , TALLOW 9 TIMBER 9 M feet Ext Heart (1st class yellow Iplne) ... Prime shlp'g, 1st class heart. Extra Mill, good heart 11 00 14 CO O U.S0 - 00 4M 6 1 10 1 53 80 00 0 1 1 Utt 70 70 00 00 7H 6& 6 6 75 75 00 75 7H 7 Wfi 6)4 69a 6)4 7 00 2 50 5 00 7 50 6H - :5 5 00 2 00 4 50 0 00 8 00 00 00 6 9 00 8 00 6 60 14 00 10 00 6 10 00 9 00 8 00 6 60 5 00 miu prime... Common Mill 6 00 4 00 a on 18 12 10 20 15 11 5 00 2 50 - - unwaanea . . . . . . . BllrfT : - . - . WHISKEY eallon Northern 1 00 North Carolina '. 100 IWILBIINGTOiy. HONEY MARKET. Exchange (sight) on New York M discount Baltimore Boston Philadelphia.... . Western Cities, Exchange, 80 days, 1 9 cent. Bank of New Hanover Stock 108 First National Bank Stock. 95 Navaasa Guano Company Stock 140 North Carolina Bonds Old Ex-Coupons. . . . 3 .''undmg, 1866 10 Funding, 1888 10 New 4s. 83 SdqgI&I T&x 4 W A W R R Bonds, 7 9o (Gold Interest)! 118 Carolina Central BR Bonds, 6"o 103 Wilmington, Col. A Augusta R R Itonds. . . 10b Wilmington City Bonds (new) 6 9o 100 " " t9o 100 New Hanover County Bonds, 6 9o 190 . Wilmington A Weldon BR Stock.. 110 NorttTCarollna R R Stock 82 Wilmington Gas light Company Stock 50 Wilmington Cotton Mills Stock 120 8 U F F E R I IM G W OK1EM! Read what the Great Methodist Divine and Eminent Phy- ' siclan says of - Dr. J. BEADITELD'S Female Regulator ! Atlanta, Ga , Feb. 20, 1884. Db. J. Bbadtield: Dear Sir Some fifteen years ago I examined the recipe of Female Regulator, and carefully studied authorities in regard to Its components, and then (as well as now) pronoun ced it to be the most scientific and skilful combi nation of the really reliable vegetable agents known to science, to act directly on the womb and uterine organs, and the orians and parts sympathizing directly with these; and therefore providing a specific remedy for all diseases of the womb, and of the adjacent organs and parts. Yours, truly, UESSB BORING, M. D- D. D. , t3T CAPTION The country is flooded with quack nostrums, containing IRON and other injurious ingredients, which claim to cure everything even FEMALE COM PLAINTS. We say to you, if you value your life, BEWAEE OF ALL SUCH ! Bradned's Female Regulator is a purely vegetable compound, and is only in tended for the FEMALE SEX. "For their peculiar diseases it is an absolute- SPECIFIC .: Sold bv all druggists. Send for our treatise on the Health and Happiness of Woman, mailed free, which gives all particulars. ' The Bradfleld Regulator Co., , P. O. Box 28, Atlanta, Ga. ' William H Green. Wholesale Agent. Wilming ton, N.C. . je 9 lv on s m Atkinson & Manning's Insnranee Rooms, ; x NO. 113 NORTH WATER STREET, ' Wilmington, N. C. Fire, - Mariie anl Life Companies snregate Capital Represented Over $100,00000. 11 tf- - ;. - - - ... - iU v- -. v..'--- Wilmington & Weldon Bailroad Co. 3 Condensed Schedule. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Leave Weldon ....I a,15 p.m 5.3 p.m 12.15 a.m Arrive Rocky Mt. . 3.83 p m .... . . .. . . 1 .26 a.m Ar.ive Tarboro ... 4.55 p.m . .... ..... I , . igaveTarboro.... 111.30 p.m ... Leav Wilson ..... 4.05 p.m 6.54 p.m l .60 a m fiTJf Jldsboro . 4.54 p m 7.88 p.m 2.40 a.m Leave Warw.. 5.&4 p m .. 8.39 a m Arrive WUmmgtl y 5p.m 9.55 D,m 5.2? am TRAINS" GtgRQ JIORTH. No.' 47, Daily. Vo.43, "Daily. No. 45 Daily, ex. Sun. Leave Wilmington Leave Burgaw. .... Leave Warsaw. .. . Arrive Goldsboro. Leave Wilson . .... Arrive Rooky Mt. . 8.45 a m 9.E0 a.m 10.36 am 11.35 p.m 12.25 D m 8.50 p.mv. S.10 an 8.50 D.m 10.57 d m 11.58 a,m 5 07 a.V 12.43 a.m I 5.51 a.m 12.E9 p.m 1.21 ami 6.22 a.m Arrive Tarboro..-. . i 4.55 p.ml Leave Tarboro.... 11.30 am ... Arrive Weldon 2.15 p m 2.45 amj 7.30 am 'Traln on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax for Sootland Neck at 3.00 P. M. Return ing, leaves Scotland Neck at 9.80 A. M. daily. - Train No. 40 South will stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 47 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North dally. All rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Line. - Trains make close connection for all points North via Richmond and Washington. All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. - - JOHN F. DIVINE, General Sup't. ' J. R KENLY, Sup't Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent ' ' no 15 tf ; : ILMIMTON, COLOMBIA & AUGUSTA Bailroad Co. Condensed Schedule. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Nov. 15, 1885 No. 48, Daily. No. 40, Daily. ! tin. 41. ' Daily, ex. Mon. Leave Leave Leave Wilmington L.Wao'maw 8.15 p.m 9 .33 p m 11.5:7 p.m 13.10 p.m 10.15 p.m 11.29 p.m 12.47 a m 1.25 a.m 4.24 a.m 6.40 a.m 5.45 a.m 7.10 a m 8.66 a.m 9.33 a-m Marlon Florence... frumter . Columbia.. Arrive Arrive Arrive 4.24 am 6.40 aon TRAINS 'GOING NORTH. No. 48, Daily., No.47; Daily. No. 45; DaUy, ex. saty. Leave Columbia .. Arrive Sumter.... Leave Florence... Leave Marion..... Leave L.Wac'maw Arrive Wilmington 9.55 p.m 12.00 p.m 4.30 p.m 4.26 a.m -5.14 ajn 7.10 a.m 8.20 a.m 10.C5 p.m 10.47 p.m 12.43 a.m 1.50 ata p.m 7.08 p.m 8.89 p.m Train Na 43 stops at all Stations. Nos. 48 and 47 stop only at Brinkley's, Whites vflle, Lake Waccamaw, Fair Bluff, Nichols, Ma- wlAn Paa Taa THab a win a IT4mMfN,0TlllA T ll t i-V burg, Alayesviile, Sumter, Wedgefield, Camden dunciion ana jsascover. Passengers for Columbia and all points on C. A G. R.R., C.,C. A A. E.R. stations,-Aiken Junction, and all points beyond, should take No. 48. - Pail man Sleeper for Augusta on this train. Pullman Sleepers for Savannah on Tram 48. . All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. JOHN F. DrVTNB, Gen'l Supt. J. R. KENLY, Sup't. Transpoitatioc T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. noistf CAEOLIHA CENTRAL RAILROAD CO, 0T7I03 OF SUTESISTSBDXST, WllmingfeoD, N. C, Sept. 27, 1885. 1 Change of Scliediile; ON AND AFTER THIS DATE, THE FOIr lowing Schedule will be. operated on this Railroad .- . . PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN: DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS. 1 Leave WUmington at f .7.00 P. M. No. 1. Leave Raleigh at 7.85 P. M. .Arrive at Charlotte at.-. 7.30 A.M. 1 Leave Charlotte at 8.15 P. M. No. 2. VArrlve at Raleigh at 9.00 A. M. I Arrive at Wilmington at 8.25 A. M. LOCAL FREIGHT Passenger Car Attached. Leave Cnarlotte at Arrive at LauTlnburg at . . Leave Laurinburg at Arrive at Charlotte at. . Leave Wilmington at Arrive at Laurinburg at Leave Laurinburg at Arrive at Wilmington at.. . ... 7.40 A.M. 5.45 P. M. 6.15 A. M. 4.40 P.M. 6.45 A.M. 6.00 P, M. 5.33 A. M. 5.40 P.M. Local Freight between Wilmington and Lau rinburg Tri-weekly leaving Wilmington on Mon days, WednesdavB and Fridays. Leave Laurin burg on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. . Passenger Trains stop at regular stations only,' and Points designated in the Company's Time Table. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL. EX PRESS AND FREIGHT. Dafly except Sundays. t. . I Leave Charlotte 815 Aa 2C ....18.15 P. M. w a (Leave Shelby 1.40a.m. 140,4 f Arrive at Charlotte... ...... ...15.40 P. M. Trains No. 1 and 2 make close connection at Hamlet with B. A A. Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No. 1 for StatesvUle. Stations West I - a a v w if v jiiiiwwj ern N. C. R. R., Ashville and points West. Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens, At lanta and all points Southwest.' -" L. C. JOHES, Superintendent. F. W. CLARK, General Passenger Agent, se27tf Cape Fear & Tallin Yailey R. R. Co. CONDENSED TIME TABLE NOVlS, TO TAKE effect at 8 A.M., Monday, June 22, 1885. TRAIN NOHTH. Arrive. Leave. BennettsvIIle 8.00 a.m. Shoe Heel............' 9.80a.m. 9.50 - Fayetteville .. 12.15 p.m. . 1.00 p.m. Sanford.. ..i 8,00 8.10 Ore HU1..... 4.25 - 4.80 Liberty....... 5.25S 5.30 Greensboro 6.45 ; Dinner at Fayetteville. . ITRAIN SOUTH. "Arrive. Leave. 9 50 a. m. Greensboro.- Liberty ....... 11.00 a.m. 11.05 OreHul... 11.55 112.00 Sanford 1.20 p. Fayetteville 8.50 Snoe Heel . 65 BennettsvIIle 8.15 m. 1.40 p. 4.00 :.4o , m. Dinner at Sanford. - W. M. S. DUNN, Gen'l Supt. JNO. M. ROSE. Gen'l Pass. Agent. ' Je23tf w THE CELEBRATED AEEIHGT05 GAME FOWLS FOE SALE mjY GAME FOWLS HAVE A NATIONAL RE putation. They have, fought and won a series of the greatest mains ever fought on this or any other continent, and Fifteen Pairs, on exhibition at Philadelphia In "76, were honored by the Uni ted States Centennial Commissioner with the Di ploma and MedaL - --- " ' ... - ; 1 nave a variety or vohjib uu w aviuurou Breeds in the United States. I will ship splendid -COCKS, of fine size and handsome plumage, pet Express, C. O. D at from $4.00 to $6.00 each HEN8r$2.6 and $3.00 each; or $7.00 per Pair $10.00 per Trio. -1 expect to raise Two Hundred XcUTD U11D rl 'Pi, wiw mi uivov vkuuw iu tug World, and will ship Young Fowls of March and April hatch during the months of August, Sep tember and October, at Five Dollars per Pair, or Seven Dollars per Trio. wnoever aisputes tne superiority 01 my mas, wfll please back the assertion with their stamps. write lor wnat 70a want, v- -- . Address, J. G. ARRINGTON, apfftf ? v- - Hmiardston. Nash Co. N. C. . NETw ADVERTISj STS. When 1 jar core I do not mtu tnerelyto atop tbem tor nd Hn have (hem ntnrn wta. Inmi radical eore I hanmio tho dlaeMa of PITS, EPILEPSY-r ?ALUNtt filCKN ESS a life-leas Btidy. I -itmt remed j toca "J0 -BocnwotbOT b.T. failed U a. rauo. for no now recelTlns a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a w L? yn"uM,medy.- Give SxprawandPon Offlco. Itooatayoanotbing-fora trial, and I win cot. too. .i.j.3 AddrBIr. H. Q. BOOT, IN Pearl St., Haw York. '' - v : UNEQUALLED -IN . -, i Tone, Toncbj WmansMp & Wility. 5; witxiam: knabb & co.- s ;-l ; ' Nos. 204 and 206 West Baltimore Street. Baltimore; ; Ho. 112 Fltth Avenue, New York. ; xi t . f ' - i rSINF,Sg MEN RE. MEMBER, Money Sawed is jtfoney Mode'' , Do Your Own Printing. Onlv perfect self inking rubber stamp press ecer 5 offered. WorkmanshiD unsurpassed. Prints perfectly. No business mau should be without one. Entire satisfaction tw- BMei.'uQDiKviia lesamonuuB ji-vm. rrtua lunasinolv low.'. Eefer by permission to Ho& TRfjWHELKSS RUBBER - STAMP n. HAHum jLrxoraeT utmenu umiea - . .srsMt;, iSS MJJF'G CO., Augusta Ga. . VViatchBs AT GREATLY REBU- CED PRIObS. Address L. O. GRADV) m. 1 mm m nave a noaiUva remedy lor tita abora diaM..: luu -enMenrnDTrnpil r tbon&uda of cases of the wont kind and of Ion; standing ' hare bera eared. Indeed, so stronr Is my rattb In Its efficacy. : that I wlU send TWO BOTTLES FEKB, tocetber with a VAL- CABLB TKEATISB on this dl.e...,4o anysnSerar. S1tKx-v piaisauaaftadilr.asjB.aa.DlixyiiattJail6fc,M.Y; "- nolD&WIm " .TX7 ANTED Young Ladies to city or eountry to ; T T work for us at their homes; fascinating m- : TilAvmanl-iiA fnevnMMa v. . sent by mail (distance no objection) $6 to $9 per week can be made, . No canvassing; particulars free, or sample of work mailed for four cents in - - r -stamps. Please address,- Hod Mantttactuhhis r , . : Co., Boston, Masai P. O. Box 1816. ' v;.- '-r;; WANTED An active Man or Woman In every 'V. :i county to sell eur goods. Salary $75 per -, . month and expenses, or commlscion Expenses i -inadvanoe. Outfit free. For full partioulars ad . : -; : dress STANDARD SILVER WARE CO., Boston,' -J-Mabs. - - - sel5D&W3m -" . New York and Wilmington Steamship -Co. ? FROM PIER 84, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK, It ." v At8o'elookP.M. REGULATOR.'.... .". ....Saturday, ; BSNEFACTQR... . . . . Saturday, REGULATOR ......... Saturday, BENEFACTOR ...Saturday, FROM WILMINGTON. Oct. 81" Nov. 7 Nov 14 " Nov. SI' GULF STREAM... REGULATOR...:... BENEFACTOR. ....Friday, ...Friday, ...Friday, ...Friday, Oct. 80 Nov. 6. Nov 13 Nov. J4 REGULATOB.... a , Uf Through Bills Lading and Lowest Through nates guaranteea to ana rrom points m Nona" ana bouui varouna. For Freight or Passage apply to " - V B. G. SKALLBONES, Superintendent, Wilmington, N.'C. Tneo, G. Eger, Freight Agent, New York. ; W. P. Clyde & Co.. i General Agents, oo 25 tf 85 Broadway. New Yo-k I Want AGENTS TO iOX ZHB r.1ISS0UHi STEAM Men and Women of ffood character and lntelllaence. Exchisiyw Territory Guaranteed. A weeks' fflal of -aample Washer to be returned at my expense if not eatialactory. A thonssnd per cent the hestWaaher in Jhe world, and payecnpable agents BIO money. Ia- V; trinuio merit makes it a phenominal snooeeswerr. where, x or Ulnstrated circular and terms of aeencr ' J. WORTH, 8 1. Louis, Mo. ' BAIWBOW RUPTURE Rtftftf;& Simple, safe, reliable and a perfect retainer, ft ! - not a Truss. Worn Day and Night and lS . preeenoe forgotten. -Send for cirottlar with teeti. jDomala from gratefol sofferers cured by this a p. . plmnoe. Address Central Medical and Sareical - -SPi?0 Bt Loula, Mo. -Bkillfpl treatment given all kinds of nrgieal V tmA medloal cases. Oonanltation free and invited. " - A. HMMMti(ncon mt !ERvoosnEsn.mr ; UBBASnOWWAXXMSm . m -4 gvonviWiuuuiBuvui gtUiigthel2lledhr- S 'youthful indiscretion . I,,H f.,1. illll.ll AM over brain work. Avoid . toe impotiuonot preten; uoos amejiif vat mesa troubles. Get our Free) ' A Radical Curs pobIiV Circnhir and Trial Pack-. aga,and lean iraportanQ facts before taking treat ment elsewhere. Take SURE REMEDY that II A f. : CUBJGD thoossnasv doe not Interfere with atten tion to bDjiness. or eaoia : pain or mconvenieiice ia UECAY. jJsrfentiae'medlcalprinct- inxouriKs iHioaiei 1 3 . . a. C plea. By direct application Aateo Hieru i ! Tested tor sevem -f A t'EMRSByusciNiisAiiy! y CO 111! m the seat of disease ita ' seifla teflaence Is felt : r r in.' . wUhoDt delay. The naU U ; .- W.'.vV funetioinor tbt fetu ;' , -. organism is restored. j. vi r nhnatine dements " , r. man The JTRBAXXEITT. V lof life, which Tawe bsea fi .wasted aregiTnback.JLDd C7no joLOTrtn, - Two Memtrin. -. Kooffif the patient becomes encet fnl and rapidly gains bothy Sl-XMMoatlia, snn sernaaiigofc HARRIS REMEDY CO., WFOCunBSTt V. Tenttx Btm ST. ZiOCXSa MOW augl3D4Wly - ICTi ' ' ' : - MERCHANTS, BANKERS A MANUFA CTURKlT. SHOULD READ ""- . B RADSTREET'S AJWEESLY JOURNAL OF TRADE, FINANCE.; AND PUBLIC ECONOMY. Sixteen Pages every Saturday. Oftentimes Twen . . " " ty Pages. Sometimes Twenty-four Pages. : tyx FIYF. DOLLARS A YEAR. . ' ;" I' V" BThe foremost purpose of BaADSTaxit's Is to be . of practical service to business men. Its special - trade and Industrial reports: its weekly epitome ""- . ' of bankruptcies throughout the United fetates r -and Canada, and the summaries of assets and 11 abilities, are alone worth the subscription price; : :-: its synopses of recent legal decisions are exceed- ' -ingly valuable. As commercial transactions, in t the wider sense, are coming to be more and more ?-. " conducted on a statistical basis, the information . .;-. -contained In Bbatjstbxkt's is or the first impor tance both to producers and middlemen. jy" ' The Trade and Agrieultaral Situation through-- r: out the United States and Canada is reported by Telegraph to Bbasstskkt's up to the hour of ; - v , pubuoation.! ; , .- '- STNGLB COPIES, TEN CENTS. T TaDET BBIDSTBEET; COis; 27a, gel, 288 BboajwatV c deo24tf . NEW YORK CITY The BibUcal Kecof der PUBLISHXD-BY ' Edwards, Brongbton &-Jo.-.".v; ;;;: :., RALEIGH, N. C. IftllS- , ' REV. C. T. BATLBY,-Editor. - ''" ' REV. C. S. FAEEJSS, x .v-;. VAssoeUtes. : r . -. CHAS. L. SMITH, .-' J .. - y-r U., Organ of. Kcrtl CaroM Baj In Its 44tli Utear." 1 1. ' EVERY BAraiBTTHOULD TAKE IX-: V . . --. . " -.- ; . , As an Adverttemg Medium Urisurpassed. r..; ; r . -" y ; - Only (3.0O Per Tear. '.'.;'-' f. 4 f: - Addresi . dee2af ' BIBLICAL RECORDS. ? y-,x rfj Bjslelgh, N, tX"; ' . " . (v. "W- i- 5i-t--.S- . raph, Jjern. ... . .-. "V. ? .' ' v ' '.

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