gibtan i . WILMINGTON N. C. Saturday MoBKiwe, Not. 21, 1885 - MORNING EDITION. THE LATEST NEWS. FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD 7 , IFSHJyGTOJV. . Eartli4ualte HTstm Reported on the !f tr Pacific Coast-Reappearance of CHol : f era at Gibraltar The Chinese Trou- ; Dies In Washington Territory -A o y mettle Tragedy Speaker -Carlisle's condition Much Improved. '' ; v-j t: ; By Telegraph to. the Morning Star. " - Washington, Nov. 20. The Coast Sar-j vey reports great earthquake1 'waves on the Pacific coast. At San Francisco,' as ind cated on the Coast Barvey tide .gauge, &ese 3 earthquake waves were noticed yesterday , afternoon between 1 and 8 o'clock p. m. J They were thirty-five miates pat and . were as great as those observed ; during the ' great upheaval in Java some years since. ' . The Department of State has been ad--A vised of tho reappearance ot cholera in S5 Gibraltar. . ' Attorney General Garland has notified V District Attorney -White atTacoma, Wash ? ington Territory, that he -will be given ": whatever legal assistance he may require in lprosecuting persons arrested for complicity ia attacks recently made on Chinese resi-f " dents of that locality. - - ; J S- ? -' Washington, November , 20. Speaker Carlisle's condition is very much improved. - He was able to leave his bed to-day. ,i ' '- Louis Sommerfield, . a Pole, aged 63 ' years, to-day shot and instantly killed ' his wife and Gotlieb Eisenbaum, at the ifff latter saloon in the northeastern part of the city Sommerfield's wife, it appears, , left him some weeks ago and has since . been living at Eisenbaum's. Eisenbaum fvwas a son-in-law of Mrs. Sommerfield. . ' Various reasons are assigned as causing the -" tragedy; but a bottle of whiskey found in ; Sommerfield's pocket when arrested was probably the most recent and direct cause. AUK AN S AS, Helena Astonished hy a Flight of I - -r : v --V Grasshoppers. : ' TBy Telegraph to the Horning Star.l ' Helena, Nov. 20. The citizens of He- - lena were aroused at an early hour yester day morning by what many of them at first - thought to be a heavy rain storm, but on 'looking out they were, surprised to see the clear sky filled with what appeared to bs snow-flakes and not rain, that was patter ing with such force against the roofs and i. windows r of , the houses. Investigation : proved that the air was filled with grass- hoppers. Citizens who have seen the dread ed pests sweep down and consume whole fields in Kansas say that in numbers the visitation last night exceeds anything ever "seen in that country ten-fold. They were t passing from east to west. Great numbers of them were disabled by hitting against buildings and other obstructions, as they were flying very low, and porters and 'clerks had to shovel them from the side walks into the. streets. They are genuine Kansas grasshoppers. MAKTLA.NI. - A mysterious Drowning Accident In . Fatapieo River Salt for Damages Against tne Baltimore & Onto Rail road. , : ; By TelegTaph to the Hornmg Star. Baxtikobb, Nov. 20. CapL John Ab Qr bott, Robert Treanor, mate, and Patrick Tally, a .hand, were drowned yesterday afternoon, near the mouth of the Patapsco - river, as alleged, by falling from the deck . of the schooner John Nichols. They are - said to have all fallen together, and all f-f sank at the same time. The vessel return : ed to port and the police have begun an in vestigation. - ' , - ' Suit was brought to-day against the Bal timore & Ohio Railroad Company by Wm. B. Chew," who lays his damages at $25,000. " 4 Chew was formerly conductor on the road, , was arrested and tried' for embezzling $15 . and acquitted,-. The suit is for false arrest ' and malicious prosecntion. THE O ALLOWS. A BLnrderer Executed at Tnomaston, . malne A Murderer Hanged at York town, Va. . ' IBy Telegraph to the Horning Star. THOMAST03I, Nov. 20. Daniel Wilkin son was hanged here to-day for the mur der of Officer William Lawrence, whom he shot when Lawrence attempted to arrest Mm for burglary. Wilkinson is not his name, but is the one under which he has been tried and convicted, and he refused to reveal his correct came. He walked to the scaffold with a firm step and stood upon the drop without a tremor. He was clad in black and his arms were bound to his side. As the noose was beinir adjusted he Rftid tn ttin sheriff foii. saia to ine snenS, you fellows get fifty uuuws a uay ior Bucn worK. He had nothing further to say, but listened atten tively to the service for the dvinc. At just 12 o'clock the trap was sprung and he fell a distance of seven feet, dying without n struggle. --. : ;',.vj .-... -, i Fortress Mohboe, Va., November 0. Jacob " Butler, colored, was hanged at Torktown to-day for the murder of James Griffin. BUSINESS FAILURES. Blereantlle Agency's Report for tne Past Week. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. . New Yobk, Nov. . 20. The business : failures throughout the entire country for ttie past seven days, as reported by R. &?Zr&$ ' f'.vgamsVa tal of 223 last week and : 179 yeek: previous. The increase ob servable m the last two weeks arises prin cipally m the Western and Pacific States -.ana. Canada . a. . wvi vivax XJL. y - COTTON STATEMENT. Total Beeelpts at all American Ports " - . ' . Since September, i- i By Telegraph to the Horning Star.l 7 New York. iNov. 20. The following are the total net receipts of cotton at all the ports since September 1, 1885: Galveston. ;355,566 bales; New Orleans, 613,626; Mo 4 bile.82,135; Savannah, 416.281 -.Charleston, 272,658; Wilmington, 56.493;Norfolk,209. 581; Baltimore 12,426; New York, 14.617; Boston, 494; Newport News, 2,626; West Point, 96,498; Brunswick, 7,468; Port - yaku2.',3; pensacola 8,547; Indianola, : 781 j Philadelphia, 6.307. Total 2,158,405. , PENNSYLVANIA. A Wllliamaport Editor Arrested tor V . : . ; Iilbel. . - rav Telegraph to the XornmgStar.l $ ; yv uaJAMSPOBT, JNovember 20. John ,v Moore, editor of the Sunday Breakfast - Table, was ftrrested to day on the charge of J libel, made by P. O. Morehead, former -' postmaster 'at Brockwayville. Jefferson, county, Pa. - The off encs consisted in it - publishing from a New York -paper an article against the honesty of the complain-" rant. - Moore entered a bail here in $500 ' FOREIGN V Impending War of BateV Between f Cable Companlea-The War In the Balkans. vr ':. - '-. : x S Br Cable to the Horning Star.l " Lokdon, November 20. The conference of the managers of the Atlantic cable com panies has been abortive. Both sides the syndicate companies . and the Commercial Cable Company are defiant, and there -are no signs of possible agreement between the parties.? A war of rates is impending.-1: Tsambrod, Nov. 20. Genovanovitch has been tried by court martial and dis missed from his command, for his faiJare to execute an order gi?en him prior to tne repulse before Slivnitza.: A otupI of war is now discussing the situation of affairs at the front. - : . - VIRGINIA. A Suprei" Court Decision Affecting .- barge Landed Interests. K J-;.. A i iBy Telegraph to tne norning wr. i : Harrisonburg, November 20. By a decision of the Supreme Court of Yirginis, in Richmond ' yesterday,- in the case of Efflnjr's executor vs. Hall, from Rocking ham county affirming the decision of the lower court,' nearly one-fourth of the pro perty in Harrisonburg will be thrown upon the market to satisfy the claim of the Hsll heirs. - The property, including land and improvements, is worth about $60,000. . ; - . . TEXAS. The Trunk Line Ballroad Sold at Public Sale. " ; '"" ; iBy Telegraph to the Homing Star. -Dallas, -Nov. 20. The .Texas Trunk Railroad was sold at public sale yesterday for $250,000 to-W. W. Weigtev and as sociates of New York, who will at once, commence its extension to Athens, Hender ann nomitv. It is the intention of the pur chasers to complete the road to tide water, either by building to Sabine Pass or by con nection with New Orleans. ' r Two-new cases of small pox were discov ered in New York city yesterday. Also, three cases of typhoid fever. The patients were removed to a hospital and the houses fumigated. " r: THE HAILS. , The mails close and arrive at the City Post Ofltoe as follows: t CLOSS. " Northern through mails, fast.. .... - 45 P. H Northern through and way 3nau,8 .... 8.-00 A. la. Through mail for all points north of Richmond. . ........... ..-.. g Raleigh 6:15 P. H. 8.w A. Jtt Haila for the N. a Kailrpad, and Mites supplied therefrom tooludrng ATfck C-Kailroad. at... 7:45 P. M. A 3KX) A. H. Southern mails for all points South, daftr ... 8:00 P.M. Western mails (C. C Railway) daily (except Sunday). 6:15 P. H. AVI points between Hamlet and BaleUrh 6:15 P. H. HaU for CSieraw and Darlington Bail- - road..... 8:00 P.M. Halls for pomtebetweenPlorenceand k - Charleston .... 8:00 P. H. Fayetteville, and offices on Cape Pear ' Biver, Tuesdays and Fridays i)00 P. H. Payette vOle, via C. C. B. R, daily, ex- oept Suadays - eas p. v. Onslow C H. and intermediate offices, Tuesdays and Fridays 6:00 A. Jf. Smithville malls, by steamboat, dally (except Sundays) M--Aiv J0- fnriEaflv Hill. Town Creek. Shal- lotte ana utw iavert mcsuays ana TMdavB... 2.-00 P. H. 80 A. H. WrishtevUle daily at. . . . .... ....... . . . " OPE3J FOB DELIVKBT. : a Northern through and way mans Snnthnrn malls...........;... -.. 730 AM. 9.80 A. M. 9.-00 AH, Carolina Central Railroad.. . Stamp Office open from 7.80 A. M. to 6 P. M Honey Order and Register Department open 8) A. H. to 5D0 P. H. continuous. General delivery open from 7 All. to 6.00 P.M., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 90 A. H. . Halls collected from street, boxes from bus ness portion of city at 5 AJL, 1120 AJL and 620 PJL; from other parts of the city at 5 P.M. and 5 AH. Carriers delivery open on Sunday from 8:30 to 9 ah. . . : .;, Ballroad time. 75th meridian. c Eosadalis for.Eheumatism. Hesars. H. Peek & Son, of Streetsboro', Ohio, write ns, June 5, 1E82 : "why do yon not adver tise Roe ad a lis for Inflammatory Rheumatism? It Is -doing wonders here in curing the disease. Weil, we do advertise It to cure Rheumatism, as any one can see by reading our circular. It la a splendid Blood Medicine; and it reaches thavciy root and seat of the disease toy being conveyed through the blood. Druggists, leading physicians, and citizens of the highest standing unite in com mendation of BOS AU AXIS. oo 27 DAWly tuthsat . BEADY FOB WORE ! The Yates Gallery Having been enlarged and refitted throughout. is again open to the public, under the manage ment of MB. C. IB. WAUL IN, late of Mont- I P03 rw!n is a gentleman, of I long experience In the Photograph Bualneba, and I comes highly recommended. Those wishlsff STRICTLY PTRST CLASS work in every respect, will please give us a calL - -nolfltf; . ' TFresh Arrivals ! A. cobu, : Oj?lTS. 2000 Sa0ia LIVERPOOL SALT, 1000 do' FmB do 5Q Bbls. NEW MULLETS, Tor sale by HALiLi & PR A T? S A T I For Baffle, O IX. ELEGANT PRESENTS. nmrRTRTrwa rv O complete Manicure, Dressing and Smoking Cases at 5 and 60 cents a chance. Call and take aeaance. F. C. MILLER, German Druggist, w ; . Corner Fonrth and Nun sts. -,p- S. Prescriptions filled at all hoars, day and '"gat. , ... , . . . , no IS tf J , ' . ' ' "" " ' ' i- 33,000,000 I jyjANHATTA CIGARS SOLD IN ITVE YEARS (In the United States). Warranted Havana rfl- ler. Try them. For sale at " notf . PQPTilarNewsCStore. Qeo.W, Price, Jr., Auctioneer and Commission Merch arit 0'BIJ(DA:LES sP?MS. 215 MARKET STREET, where special attention will be given the sale of Goods, Wares, Merchandise. fce , on Consignment, and a General Commisainn Business. STRICT attention to business, and QUICK retnrns of sales. . .... .. , k my is tf - The Lincoln Press, PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY, AT LTNCOLN . . - : TOS.TSLG.L . -J-' By JOHN CT1pxoii,M and Propr. Mediums in Western-NorthCaSXf0 7? Imim and steadUv taSiJL f8- . has a. rge and steadily IncreasfirtSJ1?8, .fiL Gaston, CatawbiTciefvelanrtR klenburg oomties? AdllSSS 56A ooi raV subsoripuon sue per .amS'WUtta COMMERCIAL. :,,X. i -ooraKSTic at RKtrr? . ' " Ftiumfia: ' J By Telegraph to the Horning Star.l Kkw Yokk. Nov. 80, Evening. Ster ling exchange 483j; -Money ?3 percent. . Governments dull; four per cents 123i: three per cents lOSf . State bonds active and steady, v ' . . : ,'-v , . - -V ;.?'; Oommereukt. . : " ' . :.U r;- KOotton steady,, with sales of . 253 bites; Uplands 9 7-1 dc; Orleans 9fc;. consolidated net receipts 45,825 bales; exports to Great Britain.23,865 bales, to Prance 5.614 bales, to the continent 11,576 bales; . weekly statement net receipts 8,564 bales, gross 42,145 bales; exports to Great Britain 6,611 bales, to the continent 8,812 bales, to France 843 bales; sales for the week 4,611 bales; stock 147,752 bales. Southern flour firm, Wheal spot SBhade lower and dull; un graded red 8997ic; No. 2 red 97c at el evator; December 9&i97ic. Corn spot ilc lower, closing steady; ungraded 48. 55c: No. 2, 54r at elevator; November 54 54fc;- December 54T54fc. Oats ic . lower and dull: No. 2, 35a35ic. Coffee fair Rio on spot dull and easier: at $8 12 ; No. 7 Bio on spot $6 70.. Sugar stronger and quiet; fair to good refining 5f5ic; refinea firm. Molasses steady. Bice steady. Cottonseed oil crude 2930c ; refined 34i 35c. Bosin ; dulL Spirits : turpentine firmer. Pork firm and very quiet; no sales ;t middles dull. ; Lard 68 points lower and less active; contract grades on spot $6 50 December $8 506 51. .Freights to Liver pool firm; cotton 5 82d; wheat SJd. : , Cotton net receipts 805 bales gross re ceipts. 9,137 bales.-. Futures closed firm,, with sales to day of 63,000 bales at the foT lowing quotations: November 9.879.89c; December 9.419. 42c; January 9.529.53c; February. 9.649.65cr March 9.76c; April 9.879.88c;May 9.989.99c; June 10.09 10.10c: July 10.1810.19c; August 10.25 10.27c. . ; v ; . . 3 OaiCAeb. Nov. -20. Flour unchanged. Wheat auiet and averaged lower: Novem ber 88i89c jDecember 89J90c; January 89f90ic; No. 2 red 93c. Corn quiet and rather steady ; cash 44c; November 43J 44c; all the year 42i42fc; January 38f 88ic. Oats easier; cash 28c; November 28b (a28ic: December 28428c. Fork meis active and irregular; cash $9 059 10; De cember $9 009 07 : January $9 95 10 12J. Lard quiet and easier; cash and December $6 20 6 22,; January $6 25 6 82. -Boxed meats steady; dry v salted shoulders $3 803 85; short rib sides M 85 4 95; short clear $5 205 35. Whis key steady at $1 15. Sugars unchanged. St. Louis, Nov., 2CL Flour unchanged. Wheat dull and closing fc below yester day; No. 2 red cash 92c; November 95i 95c; December 9696ic Corn lower and weak; No. 2 mixed cash 89j40c; November 37138c. Oats lower and slow ; No. 2 mixed cash 26fc. Regular whiskey steady at $1 10. Provisions quiet and weaker. . ... Bavakkah, Ga., Nov. 20. tiplrits tur pentine 34ic bid; 85 asked. Sales 100 bbla. Boain firm, at $1 001 05. Saks 100 bbls. j: Charleston, 8. C, Nov. 20. Spirits turpentine 84 Jc bid; 35 asked. Rosin strained 80c; good strained 8590c. COTTON JUKEglK. By Telegraph to the Horning Star.l November 20. Galveston, easy at 9ic net receipts 4,326 bales; Norfolk, steady at 9 3-16c net receipts 4,797talea; Balti more, quiet at 9 7-16o net receipts bales; Boston, quiet at 9c net receipts bales; Philadelphia, dull at 9c net re ceipts 968 bales; 8&vannah, dull but steady at 6i net receipts 5,790 bales; New Orleans, fair demand at 8 15-16c net re ceipts 18,830 bales; Mobile, quiet at 8 lo-l oc net receipts 1,678 bales; Memphis, steady at 9c-rnet receipts 4,686 bales; Au gusta, quiet at 8 13 16c net receipts 1;173 bales; Charleston, steady at 9c net reeeiptB 3.T81 fcJoe. New Tortc ConparatlTe Cotton State- By Telegraph to the Horning Star. . Nkw York, November 20. The follow ing is the comparative cotton statement for the week ending this date: , - 1885. - 1884. Net receipts at all United i States ports during the week. ....... ... .... . 269,322 257,259 Total receipts to this date. 2,158,4052,160,512 Xxports for the week. ., 209.595 - 198,185 Total exports to this date.... .....i..., 1,170,979 1'225,377 Stock in ail United States ports Stock at all interior. 778,082 801.310 .towns...:... Stock in Liverpool . . . . . American -afloat for 144,222 889,000 117,942 427,000 Great Britain........ 220,000 252.000 rORBIOR DARKRT9. -f'''' 5 .- (Bv Cable to the Xornlnc Star.l Lonbok, Nov. 20, 4.00 P. M.8pirits turpentine strong spot 27s 3d; December delivery 27s 6d; January and April , de livery 28s 6d. - - v ,y. SPICED PIG'S FEET ASD TRIPE, j El HALT BARRELS AND KITS. - Elegant for Breakfast or Supper. SWEET HIED PICKLES, LOOSE, I 3 Oe PER QUART, (very popular.) Colored, Wax Candles, RED, BLUE, GREEN, YELLOW, &C, : VERY UICE FOE DEC0BATI0NS. I -i, - : , Elegant Country Cider, On Draught, Fresh from Tennessee, -40 PER GALLON, - r SEND IN YOUR ORDERS EARLY FOR CELERY, on Tuesday's Steamer. Will, have another ele gant lotjthis week. ,T , ' r P. L. Bridgers & Co. noSDAWtf - Protect YowseliV JEEP YOUR FEET WARM AND' DRY BY buymg a GOOD SERVICEABLE SHOE. The place to get Goods WORTH THE MONEY paid forlthem is at FRENCH A SONS. - - - ? r All kinds and greattvarlety of StylesVof Men, Ladles, Misses and Children's SHOES at LOW EST PRICES. ' ',f.i.. Geo. RPrencli & Sons. 'fffi ' 108 NORTH Tnmrr btuilm noistt - - " - rs Oysters, Oysters. : FRESH LOAD EVERY DAY, - ; , ."r .i'- A At Gie SCARBOROUGH HOUSE. Piut Stews 40 cents. Ar,' " "i1" 7 "3r Btreet. ' ' v R' v-" -u.Tuem. - u S.1 CK,Proprietor. ' . . : MARINE Port ALnaanac November 21 'if Sun Rises '.i.VvA-iV6.43 A. M. Bun Sets.." v. . 4 449.F.M. Day's Length. ; . i . :. 10b. ;07m. r. . . y Stmr A P- Hurt; Robeson, Fayetteville, ; WoodyJ Currie. r -. . ; Stmr. Louise. Woodsides,.:; SnutbyUle, master.7 y" - rl fZi ffii v..r-H'i" . Br barque Fairy Belteui 624 tons, Jean, v Nor baroue Insula: Canri. 885 tons. Dan- ielsen, Liverpool, 6 P, Mebane. . .., :- . Nor barque Hjemmet, 844 tons, Inger munsenLiverpool, RE Heide & Co, with salt. " fewVs.--:;:; ; !..- ; - Swed barque Liana, 299 tons, -Andersen,-; mmburgC'R E Heide & Co; with kainit. t Ger barque Sonnerbund. 842 tons, Pust, Gloucester,- E Peschau & Westermann; with salt. ; ": ;': . '. ; . "i ; :' ;' OLEABED 1 Stmr " Louise, Woodsides, SmithvUle, :master: ?! r---''::f- r;' ' i T t ; Stmr A. P Hurt, Robeson, Fayetteville, - Woody & Currie. .; u. f -. 4 ;. List of Veseelar In tbe Port of Wllmlno tonlT. C, Nov. 21 1885 CThta Hat does not embrace vessels under fr? tooa , r m STEAMSHIPS. ?tT-fif-, Keeulator. tons. Doane, H ,Q) Small- bones2 " .-' -f Cyanus (Br.), tons, Heslop, CP- Mf bane. ' - " " . ' - , r-.-r, -r BARQUES. : FJellstad (Nor,), 477 tons, Anderson, Heide &-Co--'. i! -Capella (Nor.), 294 tons, Jensen, Heide & Go. ; . ' ? - ' : s Vulcan (Swed.), 873 tons, Lenader, Heide Marie (Ger.). 581 tons, Du1wit8l':B.Pes- chau & Westermann. - Widga (Swed.), 679 tons, Pahlsfion, CP Mebane. 1 - ; Espeigle (Br.) 400 tons, Jamaica, C P Me bane. '- 1 ' Meteor (Ger.), 595 tons, Voss, C P Me- bane. - - ; Hattie H., 403 tons, Cochran, EG Barker : BRIGS. - Alaska (Br.), 529 tons. Buck, E G Bar- kerOo. - - Emma (Nor.), 305 tons, Andersen. Heide & Co. : ' - - - ? . 1 "' SCHOONERS. E BSeward, tons. Tall, Geo Harriss & Co. Three Brothers, 134 tons, Cramer, . Geo ' Harriss & Co. . - ; Brigadier, 295 tons, Cousins. E G Barker &Co. - Albert H Cross, 840 tons, Henderson, Geo Harriss & Co, Ettie H Lister, 320 tons, Mason, Geo Har riss & Co. Julia Elizabeth (Br.), 80 tons, Ingraham, Master. ' . Wm Demnine, 70 tons, Hodgsden" Geo Harriss & Co, Bessie Brown, 245 tons, Phillips, Geo Har riss & Co. John A Griffin, 05 tons, Bennett. Geo - Harriss Cs Co. j ; R S Graham. 341 tons, Avis, Philadelphia, Geo Harriss & Co. Fannie Tracy, 232 tons, Tilton, Geo Har riss & Co. Natividad (Span.V 170 tons, GonzaJes,AE Doebele, agenvfor owners, .repairing. . Ust or Venels TJp deauwA or SlsOIetf for tnla Port. The following vessels are mentioned In the New York MariUm Register as being up aad oleared for this port : BARQUES. J2olus (Ger.), 46S tons, Sohwenn, from Hamburg Sept. 14. Blanche (Nor.), 333 tons, Carlsen, at Gloucester Sept. 18. Capella (Nor.), 291 tons, Jensen, from Hamburg SeptS. Bmbla (Nor). 379 tons. Slmonsen, from London Sept. 6. - Sept IS. Hera' (Nor ), 891 tonf.ChristiansenJrom Hamburg Aug. 8. Lucie Badmann (GerJ, 424 tons, from Bremen Aug. 4.- Stanley (Nor.). 481 tons, TJroldsen, from Rotter dam Aug. IS. A S Vidal(Oer.), 833 tons, Schultx, from Glouces ter Oct. 11. Adolf (Uer.), 1058 tons, Brookelmann, from Ham burg Oct. 15 Camilla (Nor.), 418 tons, Svenssn, from Trave- munde Oct. 11, Commerzlenrath Bodbertus (Ger X 607 tons, Sohultc from London Sen. 8i Fairy Belle, of Iiverpool, 681 tons, Jeane. from London Oct. 10. Hj emmet (Nor.), 841 tons, Ingemundsen, from Li verpool Oct. 18. Bovdinc; (Nor J, 453 tons, Olsen, from Stettin Sep. 2L ... Inauli Capri (Nor.) 374 tons, Danlelsen, from Li verpool Oct. 16. Liana (Swd ) tons, Andereson, from Hamburg Sep. 27. Hida (Nor.) 4S0 tons, Trost, from Liverpool Oct. 18, Richard (Ger), 46S tons, Paske, from Stettin Se p SL Bllsoer (NorO, 380 tons, Jorgensen, from Stettin Sep. 21. St. Joseph (Nor.), (85 tons,' ChrlstlanBen, from Berwick Oot 17. . Sonnabend (Ger.), 848 tons, Fust, from Glouces ter Hep. 29. . Thomas Small (Ger.), 881 tons. Staben, from Ge estemunde Oot. tl; wrecked Oct. 13 at Amrum. Ella Moore (Br.), 891 tons, Byers, from Hamburg Oct. 88. KUida (Nor.). tons, llathleson, from Bremen vo. i. Jaa L. Pendergast (Br.). 558tons, Chlshelm, from Hamburg Oct. 19. - ' ' BRIGS. . Romeo (Ger.), 899 tons, Brane, from Hamburg Nov. 6. Hermann Friedrica (Ger.), 968 tons. Nlelahr Jrom Liverpool Aug. 8. Mary (Swd.), tons, Olssen, from Hamburg Oct. Donna Anna (Nor.). 828 tons, Christiansen, from Bio Janeiro Oct. 18th. i , , jjAVING SOLD ALL OUR MUTTON, SAU SAGE, Ac., and In order to make room for ano ther CAR LOAD, we-wilL until further notice, sell our BEEF at from v r 5 to 10c a Pound. We guarantee this Beef to be sound, sweet, and in first class condition in every respect. ; no5tf 1 fii WC E. WORTH & CO. ft"iYnn"iTins by fire AT GALVESTON). That City's fate may be ours at any moment, so Insure your property before It is TOP LATE, and be sure your'poiloy has oalt The L. & L. & Q. Ins. Go. . Which ComoanvnavsaUlnsfleflvrfthnntdianniint.. 8,500,COOpaldbylt on account of Chicago big nre. . ' , v - . JNO. W. GORDON A SMITH, Agents, .-no 15 tf : Telephone Number 78. Wanted! HIDES. WOOL AND WAX, prices paid for same, v Wanted ! . HIGHEST CASH 300 BOXES CHOICE BRANDS TOBACCO for sale low. -. r - SAM'L BEAR, Sr., se87tf .- ig Market Street' ... . . . . i - The Home Joiimalr ' - PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING At Warrenton, JfT. C jromf w. dicks, EDITdR AND PROPRIETOR xp-JSlff VPlendM circulation m the counties of I Va. As an aSwiirt VaT 5 ? .WtSSlSSF1 and Meoklenbv -i ;! Terms i.m w.nia ! ap a tt TC -5iLW UO ,0VHNAKr This powder never varies. A marvel otpurttyi wiairfh o-nrl rTinlAnnanAU. VAN BOOnomlCal than ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold tneorcj oetltlon with the multitude of low test short weight, alum or phosphate powders, Sohtontytn M'1Wia'Il1 hv AnRTANA-VOLLERS. i novSJlv nnn .. -too orfrm ;. 4p novS4 TOO BTXS" I rTJB ADVERTISING MAN HAS BBBN SO busy for the last ten days he could not stop to write an radvertlsement, but we propose to tell the public something about ' CHEAP, RELIABLE CLOTHING, . before many more days. Keep a sharp lookout , - . : .. .. I' . . ; i in the papers, and if you have time call and see us. We think wecan tell ' you something that will interest you, especially if you want any thing in the CLOTHING LINB - - - A. DAVID, no 19 tf ; . Merchant Tailor and Clothier. Oranges,; Turkeys, Cranberries. 1A AAA ORANGES. LARGE AND SWEET. AVjVVV $1 .75 ner Hundred. 85o per Dozen, Two for 5o. CRANBERRIES, lOo per Quart, SOo a Peek. TURKEYS received dally. Orders should be left for ThanksgiTlng Day. We will close . up all day. CHICKENS continue to arrive, and continue to get cheaper. They are cheaper and better than Beef. Oce Barrel FRESH CRISP CELERY. Six WELL DRESSED CORN-FED PIGS on con signment, and must be sold. 31fty Bushels SWEET POTATOES, 500 a Bushel, lSoaPeokv EVERYTHING CHEAP AT XY STORES. JT. C. STEVENSON, no-tttf - . NORTH FRONT ST. Bacon, Flour. Sugar. 100 Bozes D 8 aK 8nss' 1000 BblS 7LOCB all grades, -f K A Bbls Refined SUGARS, all grades, For sale low by WILLIAMS. RANKIN & CO. nolXtf Molasses, Coffee. Bice. Q Bbls Choice Porto BJoo MOLASSES, 2Q 8acks Choice RIO COFFEE, 2g Bbls CAROLINA BICE, For sale low by no 15 tf WILLIAMS RANKTN CO. Bagging, Ties, Salt. gQQ Half Rolls 2 lb BAGGING, 2QQQ Bundles New ARROW TIES, QQQ Sacks LIVERPOOL and FINE SALT. For sale low by nol5tf . WILLIAMS. RANKIN & CO Cheese, Crackers, Candy. FJQ Boxes Selected CREAM CHEESE, Boxes CRACKERS, pJQ Boxes CANDY, ' For sale low by nolSU WILLIAMS RANKIN A CO. Harked Down. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR BUYERS WILL be found in the low prices I am now offering all kinds of Table Goods. - Pure Linen Table Damask at SS cents per yard. Pure Linen Table Damask 60c, worth 75c Pure Linen Table Damask 69o, worth 90c. Pare linen Crum Double Damask 89c, worth $1 CO. a Pure Linen White Table Danlask $1 CO, worth $1 80. ' - Pure Linen White Double Damask $1 19, worth $1 eo. and H Table Napkins and Doylies in propor tion. . ; Our stock of Casslmeres Is being rapidly re duoed. Boys' 8ults made to order at a saving of 86 per cent, on Clothiers' prices. oo 85 tf JNO. J. HEDRICK. - ESCOOEiGE HOME INSTITUTIONS. r Security Against Fire, f TMe Kortli Caroliia Home Insurance Co, OTHIS COMPANY CONTINUES TO WRITE PO- 'i j- uoies ac ian rs; rates on all aIuma nt InmnMa I property. M All losses are promptly adjusted and i wottTTjprompuTaaiuBtea ana paia. Tne tarapldlv gaining m publlo .favor, and ran eonfldenoe to insurers of pro pert' auma - is raj appeals with In North Carolina. Agents In all parts of the State. JOHN GATLING. President W. S. PRIMROSE. Secretary.- pulaskicowp: ujjAoaj. wwifitK, supervisor. ATKINSON MANNn?G, Agents, ep86tf Wilmington. N. C The Blue Bidge Baptist ORGAN OF THE BAPTISTS OF WESTERN I : - NORTH CAROLINA. Joseph E. Carter. EHitor iTrojrietor. iiJJh1110 our Mountain SSS!8 tt ows no wunty lines, and is the Sfie Ridge?0" Joutnal M tt Statlwest of PnrpSl111 towbrktoonswtedta Vnfe2a??da'it HENDERSOK-tL6a;C-Tb8crl?tlon Prtcse for one year. ndjor aamnleeopy. Je6tf : ltx storm gnal.stiU waves. Casb; ;Sto3?es IsOL ;M.KATZ, BESIDES OUR REQUL'AR DESIRAELK STOCK 6m HoiidaNOT ' 16th, '. 'JLUSE OF GOOD DRESS GOODS, 10 Cents per Yard . I BOBBS, Superior quality, 6o per yard; I - ; -,r -.i. a fine as- I .y--r ": sortment in alloolors. BOHELE, TRICOT and LADIES' CLOTH. LADIES' HEAVY JACKETS, $8 up. ' XiADIES'. DOLLHANS, 2 up. A variety of CHILDREN'S WRAPS. CORSETS, good quality, 40c. -; LADIES, VESTS, worth $1.60, for $1. SPECIALTIES IN EXTRA HEAVY BLANKETS. Another lot ot RUGS by next Steamer. EVER SO MANY Desirable Winter Goods -AT- THE LOWEST CASH PRICES, -AT- ffl. H. EATZ'8 no 15 tf 116 OABKET ST. VALUABLE PLACE . r FOR SALE. HB RANDAL D. GEORGE PLACE, on Street leading from Court House to Railroad Depot, with large and well arranged Dwelling (seven large Rooms), Well of good Water, Fourteen Acres of Improved Land under good fence, for sale at a Bargain. Apply to A. F. POWELL, ocSltf WhltevUle Depot, K. C. Copartnership Notice. HPHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BOUGHT THE X entire stock of Goods of Messrs. HANSEN A SMITH, consisting of 8 HIP CHANDLERY AND GROCERIES, are prepared to carry on the busi ness, and beg a continuanoe of tbe same liberal patronage that has been extended to the former firm. RespectfullT, oo4tf - KURE A DOSCHER. Fire-Proof Oil JS BETTER THAN "KEROSENE OIL, OB any other Burning Oil. Can be used in any lamp For sale by HOLMES A WATTERS, 7 North Front St. HENRY HAAR, 701 Chesnut St. WM. OTERSEN, corner 5th and Market QIESCHEN A BRO., corner Chesnut and McRae. P. EL SMITH, corner 4th and Campbell. J. C. STEVENSON A CO., 617 North Fourth St B. H. J. AHRENS, corner 7th and Market Sts. i. C. STEVENSON, 131 Market St H. SCHULKEN, corner 4th and Walnut Sts. J. H. BOESCH, No. 801 North Fourth St GEO. M. CRAPON, No. 82 South Front St GEO. A. PECK. No. 29 South Front St. Watch this list and see It grow. mh 29 tf Cotton and Naval Stores SHIPPED TO US WILL BE CAREFULLY HAN dled at full market value. . Orders for Bagging, Ties, Hoop Iron and Glue filled at low prices. WOODY A CURRIE, Commission Merchants, se 17 tf Wilmington. N. C. T.XTVT-R1 XjTTVTFI. IjIdchi. gQQ BBLS. ROCKLAND LIME, BEST QUALITY, FOR SALE. SEND JS YOUR ORDERS. Be 8tf WORTH A. WORTH. xm. , - The Best Newspaper in America, and by far the Most Readable. Agents wanted everywhere to earn money in distributing the Sun's Pre miums. The most interesting and advanta geous offers ever made by tnj News paper. '. v- No Subscriber ignored or neglected. Something for al I. : Beautiful and Substantial Premiums in Btandard Gold and other Watches.Valuable Books, the Best Family Sewing Machine known to the trade, and an un equaled list of objects of real utility and instruction. Rates, by Mail, Postpaid: DAILY, per Year (without Sunday) $6 00 DAILY, per Month (without Sunday) 50 SUNDAY, per Year . . . I 00 FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR 7 00 WEEKLY, per Year, . . . 100 Address, THE SUN, New, York City. Fancy-and Toilet Articles. I HAVE ONE OF THE MOST COMPLETE As sortments of Fancy and Toilet Articles in the city, and am selling a great many -of them at greatly reduced prices. Can and see what a large redaction. I have made. Elegant Imported Tooth Brushes only 85 cents, at - J. H. HARDIN'S ' : k ' Drug and Seed Store, nov 8 tf New Market. Wilmington. N. O The Person County News, Published at BOXDOBO, N. C - WniTAItEII & GIBIXONS, ' - "Bdrtors and Proprleton. v The NEWS ha&the largest circulation of any. paper published or circulated In the fine tobaoco section of North Carolina. - v. -Advertlsrag rates very UberaL,' 8ubsorlptlOB ta.00 per year C O L D WAVE! BROWN & RODDICK 9 North Front St. t We are fully prepared for the cow rZZZpf.r?-wuw cau we attention friends and patrons to our stock 0f CLOAKS FOR LADIES AND CRUW The latest stvies in thn mo.v.i. ana an specially for our market. Ladies' Jersey Waists & jack( A beautiful line Just received. p. from $1 OO to $5 00. f Blankets. Eight hundred pairs of Blankets in whi Colored, from 75 cent a pair to $13 50. Comforters. A very large assortment of Comforters ma. to our special order 70 cents to $2 EO. Ladies, Gents and Children, Underwear, In all prices and qualities. Our stock has ustb been so complete any season. We cuaranteeo prices to be as low as any In the Country. Zylonlte. We offer a full line of Gents' Zylonite Cuffs, Collars, just the proper thing for travel When soiled can be cleaned with a damp doa. Call and examine for yourselves. Kid Gloves. The 4-Button Josephine Kid Gloves in Black and Colored, $1 00 a pair.'A sterling good article. P. Centemeri Black Kids In 3 and 5 buttons. BROWN & RODDICK, 9 NOBTH FRONT STREET. WILMINGTON. BRANCH STORB, 27 HAY ST., T?AYETTET2Z no 15 tf Taylor's Bazaar. MAIIM ROOM for HOLIM GUI, An Immense Stock! An Overcrowded Stock : A Well Selected Stock! In Every Department! .TO SELECT FROM, WHICH MUST BE SOLD TO MAKE E00I, AND WILL BE SOLD, At Reduced Prices Millinery, Gloves, Hosiery, Trimminp.. Laces, Embroidery. CoKets, Jerseys, Underwear, Handkerchiefs, Notions. Jewelry, Feathers, Birds, &c., &c ThisWeet! ThisWeeK WE WILL GIVE YOU BARGAINS ! -AT TAYLOR'S BAZAiB 11 market Street, , no 17 tf Adrian & Vollers QPFER FOB SALE, AT LOW FIG1JEKS, - FLOUR, all grades, SUGAR, COFFEE, " MOLASSES, Cuba and Porto Bico, PROVISIONS, BUTTER, CHEESE, LARD, CRACKERS and CAKES,! POTATOES and ONIONS," : . RICE, MACKEREL, SPICES, TEA, CANNED GOODS, Oysters, Salmon, Corn, . Tomatoes, Peaches, 4c. BAGGING and TIES.I NAILS, ' SOAP, TOBACCO, CIGARS,: se6tf and CIGABETT, For Eent, STORES, OFFICES ANDDWBLUSQi HIM III-. Apply to o(X)IW0JL Real KstateA, an S3 tf Star Saloon Tworp WTKfl ! JS THE PLACE TO GET THJt -f " . f LIQUORS AND CIGARS.' BEST OYSTE THE CITY. Come and see me, anu . you satisfaction in all respects, no 6 tf GE- F: kiTRNITURS ROOMS: can be found a large assort VALUABLE GIFTS, suitable for everjw"! The public, ind, esiially Jgif peo BOSTON POST THE OLD, IrmNCrmANDraOBOp TRUE BLUE DBMOCBATICr'!a The cleanFamflyNewspaperoi Kfptfrf Containing the most complete news in New England. meciaIV The Boston Dally Post Is ?$?it& Its reliable Commercial and SUBSCRIPTION BATES. Dixlt One Year, Six Months, r- Wexaxx-FKnAVSr-f 1.00 per . Plve or more to one address as f oUows : ear per oePT. DAILY POST at $8.00 perj ep8DWtf -

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