-;flB COUGHS AND CROUP US? C m u rathered from ttnetTthiui bum. : .... mail .irain 4a th &mM Ci.lu ("5S stimulating expectorant prtaeipt tt looaan ""TV, nnxiacinc the early xioraifixcooirtj. and itimu- thtchil J ta throw off tbe false membrane in troop and linr-Maili. When combined with the healin- macl Vincip'e in the mnlleio plant of the old Adds, pre Tavlor'. CHaoM SnzoT or SwtRflim amt tl the finest I now a tetaedy Ibr Conxbs, Onus,. 2inI.Conah and Consumption; and palatable, any Ti.niexssil'to3'- -Ask joordrninrlst fork. Prtce, ffjltl. WALTER A. TAYLOR, Atli-.nU. Ga. -rrbR RIGGERS' HUCKLKBHRRT CORDIAL, fur ntiM. Dysentery and Children Teething For aalebr SJ 1517 toe nrm All Sorts o harts and many sorts of ails of j pan and beast need a-cooling lotion. Mustang Liniment; ' " ' . teb 1 DAW . sntuth ; Brm" "ohm1 Mirror is no flatterifWould you . make it tell a sweeter tale? Magnolia Balm is the charm-I-er that almost : cheats the ; looking-glass.- ... i sa'tn th nrm ' ohm WERVOUS DEBILITATED MEM.: Ton are allowed a free trial offhirty days of tho! 4 nse of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt wit a Electric Snspensory ApjJlianees, for the rpeedw" relief and permanent cure of Servous D.bUit if, kies ol Titoiity and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for many other diseases. Complete restore : tioa to Health, Vigor and Manhood guaranteed. -Vo risk is incurred. Illustrated pamphlet lm sealed naeiope mailed free, by addressing VOLTAIC BELT CO., Marshal, Hich, v noITDiWTm rata 'sot Sdp Attend toit;HqvVt- - '. : Sany FttSerise people dra? themaelve about lity staking into tbe grave, when by nsiafe Par ker's Tonic tbey would, find a cure oommenoinir rith the firss dose, atsd vitality and -strength arely coming back to tbem. .'- ' " "I am 63 years old; bare been ales; nearly all toy life, and oneht to know something abort me dicine by this time. I have used -Parker's Tonlo freely for more than a year, and consider it the best remedy I have ever known. In fact, I new find no other medicine necessary. For weakness, debiiity, rheumatism, ' and that distressinr aU toaeness and pain from which I suffered bo long, it has no equal I do not see bow any one can afford to do without so valuable a medicine." Xss. Hat-tie N. Geavss, cor. last and Tront sta, Providence, H. I. -, .. ; - : . - Parker's Tonics . :. : IPrepared by Hiscox & Co, N, T.J. i f ' Sold by ail Urnegists in larpe bo ties at One Dollar to th nrm . : no ? J)fc W4m PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM tbe popular farorite fordressfioK tba bair, Kestorin color when gray, acd prerentmg; DamdraS. It cleanse tbe scalp, stops the hair failing', aad is sora to please. ICe. and fl aim at Sraggbts. ao7D&W4m tatb- nrm Ff- Hot Spricpai YbiirDoof.; Hot. Springs Physicians use la their. wo Oases and Prescribe for Otbers Buffalo UtMa Water GOUT, RHEU JLATlfiM, ASD DISSASSS GKK& EALLY OF UBIC ACSD DZA.TS&S1B4 1 i k'J DB. JAMES L. CAJBXLL, . i 4 & Professor Of 'PhVHinfno-w and Rnrtmrir In tna ICed- 3 ical Department of tbe University of Vtrrinia f and President of t ie National Board of Health, . "id former Besident Pbyslclan, Hot Springs, 5 vu-jtinia. . . 'The water of Sprini Ko. 2 eontams fn nota- - quantities two oftoe Alkalies, which are ac credited as extremely valuable in the treatment "Gout, Lithiasis, and Uver. Affections.1 refer ; wthe Carbonates ofJWash and LUhia.. It is now It ,knowi1 that both of these alkaline carbon- i "nB.hve an ascertained value in eases of Uric am Viathesit connected with Gravel, and in eases , i Chronic Gout, because of their affinity for Uric u, and the great Isolubility of the salts which are formed by their union wtth that acid." D2. ALGERNON S. GASNITT. s I - "fseon (Retired) U. S. Navy, Eesideat Physician ot Springs, Ark. , . ; .... , , , : experience in the use of Boffalo Ltthia j ater is limited to the treatment of Gout; Kheu Jatwm, and that hybrid disease '.Rheumatic t' (so called), which is m contradistinction to heumatoiri Arthritis of Garrod. - - ' ; i lavs had excellent results irom this Water in rf? affections, both in my on person and In iS?a,tmellt of patient for whom I have pre SSe,d t: f course the remedial agent is its , Mjtained Alkalies and their solvent properties. - S06'.1 a prophylactic as well as a reme SL.NePhrltlo Colic and forming Calculi, when a redundancy of Llthic Acid." DB. W. B. TO WUES, ember Medical Society of Virginia, Besident ysieian Hot Springs, Va. r-. - i GnJno hesitancy whatever in saying that In ftBioeumatl Gout, Rheumatism, Stone in tSler-and all diseases of UrioAcidDia Situ?? Si no remedy at all comparable to ?Llthia water, Spring No. 2. toasulgle ot Bright s Disease of the . Kidneys I wit SSi tf7 marlsed beneficial results from its shoTiir? v,rom It8 action in this particular ease, I great confideaoe In It In this dls- DR. T. B. BUCHANAN. - Besident Physician, Hot Springs, Ark. 8trCkm fiTe ca86" Buffalo Lithla Water, 6ont fn -2' 1 h&ve made use of this Water fot Gontw VTu 8ult8 I tak Patients to theses prlngs. Water In or iA' KTviSD,'iiuuol w my auuxoi. . - -be tond?"" SprfnSB Bh fi tf -iTUUS y- GOODS, Proprietor, x w ana Buffalo Litbia Springs. Va .! benifily Buffermg. with the most, decided A V Uwn P.cao anrl tvananwl Karl TAVTHIa e pleasure lu advising Cases of nna nvon half mT1ti hntf.TAI riie:MOTiiing4Star : IN. TUB KING'S BANQUETING j "4 noxJSE. MARGARET SAKGSTEB. "T'i --i:.yj6 .. t-. - t,. -. I walk on my way with the others. I toil at my daily task; , ? -I am sometime weary ft and Mreworn and - r sometimes I wear a mask. "t And cover with smiles and sunshine a heart - that is full of tears; ; . ' ' ' And yet, and yet, there is ' joy diviner and - it crowns my burdened years.' ir ' f 'For sometimes there comesVawhtsoer iii ? the silence of my soul;- - . -. "Rise up, my love. my. fair one; and fori' ret the sorrow and dole.Tv . .; s 7.'..-, i And come to the house of the banquet and - feast with the King to-day.7 ' 1 ' And oh I when X hear. - the 5 summons,' ia And what if the way be dreary and I some-' fT rtiaes ihink it long V? rfi ; There's always, sooner oriate-abitf i' ':y - cheery song; ; '? ? v; . jrif-$ And what if the clouds abb ve'me are some ; M timesdhickandgray ? 6, r There is never a cloud on the, Mercy seat. - where I meet him day by day. '- -'f' So I go on my.way ; wUh ,the;;others,. I am I . often weary and spent; - , :" I But aye in my heart I am thankful, happy ': - f and well content;! ' ,sx?q aiG For oft in the early dawning and oft at the i fall of day V i .1 Be calls me i5to: the i banquet nd what I - can jl ao out ODey r: Twentv.fi VA m nrtti mon fa t7r Tai poleon . I. are: standing 1 in thei cities: of France. . itiV.-tri':. ,The Duke -of Edinburgh .is .tb. be appointed Lord High Adznlral of the British navy.. . ; . , ' Dante, is coining, more, money for Canon Farrar than he jiver did for him self. Chicago Inter- Ocean. ' ; Mr.: Anthony, M.; Keiley, late Minister to: Austria, . has changed -his resi dence from Richmond to New. York . . : Richard Grant White's violon cellos were sold in New York on .Friday--aBergoazi bringing ffJOK &tf3-tnatir$a50, and a Gagliand, $250C' ; , Senator. Miller .of California, ia alarmingly ill at South. Bend. -Indiana, and hia condition is such, .jthat he wilt not be able to be in Washington at the opening of the next session of Congress, "'-. u" y-, Prof. s JBVancisW Newman,; brother of-the celebrated cardinal.iJa 81; years old. and yet hale,:. ..hearty ; and Vigor ous. The difference between the two is marked. The Professor ia ss'ntim froa thinker as the cardinal is prth"odoxiS v i. ' Sam -XoneirmVriaffi6t"'to , keen put of the way of the cyclone nis North western tour, but he has met with . a terrk-. ble blow in th diannvirrv that Wm Ram Jones has . been - doing., entirely , successful revival work thrcueh several towns in Min . ; SOUTJttBIT ITEMS.. .,. . v i, . Everv nerson connected ', with the . Executive : Department ' of Georgia, M J 1 " J' irom me jrovernor aown, is a rroniDl- tiontst. : . - ;.y ; :-r. .. Edgar " Alien Poe's -name be longs properly in Baltimore, yet, 'though . . -. a omer iamous iaces snow inemseives upon the decorated windows "of, "Enoch", Pratt's Free library, the face Of that poet -is miss ing. "' --"V-; Miss Mary. .Xee. daughter of Oeh. Robert E. Lee,Ja posr makipg. a visit in Portaga) to Mr. Lewis," her couain,- who is a minister there. Before returning to this country she wilt visit Japan, and owe r places of interest in Asia. - .'' A : brilliant- entertainment was given Thursday at Polk PIace,-"lhe resi dence ef Mrs. James JBLf Polk, fat- Nash ville, Tenn., the occasion being the debut of her grand niece, Mias Sadie Polk Fall. ' Mrs. Polk seemed to- en joy ? the- festivities greatly, in spite of her, 84 years. -J " ., : i ;We - learn that T Mr. James A. JIarris, the orange king of. Citra, 7a,;Jias sold bis crop of ,- oranges on, toe trees- for $80,000. Being newly married and,.with a "pocket fall of rocks,- he ' is prepared to! live with all the -reckless, extravagance of. the average editor, and we.tender bim onr most distinguished congratrrhctiqns on his good fortune. i&sanTMiA Timet 7 I ' . rOLITlCALrpiNTS. 1 - The -Mugwumps have I goaded Gov. Bill into appointing Sterling a War den of the Port of New York. ;.The Mug-: wumps are entitled to regard this as a great victory.-PMladelphia'Press. Jiep. f; r : - The virtaons objections of the Press to Southern agitation for river and, harbor appropriations are most impressive. "Take off the eriddle I'm throu eh Philadelphia Record, Ind. DemkH " ' Mr; Beeche'r'? says, that protec tion is the jugglery of the devil. The worst of it ia. however, the orice of admission to the show is so large that it is bankrupting, the EDectators. rZwip.Ze OourieJournal, Mr. Carlisle is in better health and has begun his work of consulting the Democratic leader.' ' His " cnief difficulty will be with "Mr.. Randall and; with; Mr. Bland, the latter; of whom has a prescrip tive riffht to the chairmanship of the Bank ing and Currency r Committee. New - York Times, Bep. : . f - .? : i -: : - : -m aw C ' l ENGLISH ELECTION B.V-1 1 mors. : ' v Ird .Randolph Churchill jsayg of Mr. Gladstones'-' A i fs-fpgl He is an unkennelled lox. y 5 v. r ' ; -A purblind and sanctimonious Pharisee; " That evil and moonstruck'Minister. I The Moloch of ..Midlothian 2t: f ! Mr. Gladstone attends divine service as a . personal and polillcaT advertisement. : The Grand Old Man to the war has come, ; Confronting the foe you'll find him; We'll beat the charge on the Liberal drum,- And close our ranks behind him. M i Grand old warrior, stout and bold, v. ,. Though faithless f nenda betrayed him,; Well place the helm in his honest hold, , ..And w'ith hearta and voices aid him. . They've butteredanci blaetere .the've bul-t lied and coaxed,, . Their foes they . have.;; laughed at; their friends they have hoaxed, : But their sleight of hand . fails ; them, for now there has come - , , ' , : . This ominous beat on the Liberal drum! - - Then respond to its beating, etc. y , OhTje Peers.' Valiant Peers j ; J Do you think .that you can chain , , Freedom with your naughty, sneers, f x' Nations with your cooldisdainrt -j . - . v.- , . . . -V . -tvj.r - Gladstone, the People's Friendl ' Our aid we gladly lend - Tbyworktodor i Yieldingnomchef grouridj v . ; - He wui nis ioes comouuu, rr So shall bur causa abound f A r Liberty tnie. -I TUB SUFEEIQJl CO URTS UN-i IER : THE NEW- JLRRANQ& ' . Fall Terms. 1885. . , Raleigh New-Observey. T - . ; f Trasx disct tjdgb ssskphkrd'. tpl CurrituckSeptember T.-bne weet. ' Camden September' lifone week. J Pasquotank September 21, 'one week. I Perquimans September 28,; one week.--.- Chowan October 6, one week. :-'- ? Gates October 12, one. week. ; - 4 Hertford-HOct. 9oneweek; Dec 21r one week. -. - y ,A - , s .Washington Oct. v8, one week ; 'Dec. 14," one week. - y - -. Tyrrell November 3, one week. . : Dare November 9, one week, - v , Hyde--November 16, one week. , ' 1 PamUccrr-November 23,. one"week.'l; Beaufort November 80, two weeks;' l skooniV toisTKicrrroi)OH PHri,rp -Warren--SeptemWilwo weeks1 !: .Nprthampton October ,5; ;wo weekB.- EdgecombeOctoberl9fc two weeks. " v f 'Bertie-I-November 2, two weeks."i '-: ':t HAUfax November 461 wo weeks, , .Craven November S0i twoweoks.- ' i-t Q r -.,..t Si i 5 4rw' 4- : ' THIRD DISTBICS TODGB CONNOB.V " nkun Aug,47;-rone weki"Nov. Ifti . one week. . - ,.. , , j Martin SepV 7,' two weeks ; Dec.- i; two y greeks, for civil causes and jail- case Pitt Rpnt- 21 'twn wppVa -V- ' v x Greene Oct 5,' two-weeks.'" f t- yance uct. l, two weeks,- v '' WUson Nov. 2, two weeks.-.4!","" ' Nash Nov. 23, two weeks. - I . I iPOtrRTH- DISTBJCCT-JXTDOB CIiAKX. v !Wake-July '1 twof -weeks criminal ansesfonryi Aug. 81, - two weeks, civil auses only j Sept; 28;- two weeks," crim--inai; Oct. 29, three weeks, civil causes ' Onlyvr :s.-sKS-"'2Tfc.'t- Z -VvK sxjti IVayne JuLyxr2i two weeks, - civil and s-5 criminal ; Sept.;' 14 two weeks,; civil u ; causes ' only ; - OcJkr 19, one week, civil f-causer onlyi k.-.- 40 : Harnett-iAug..rl0r"one week, civil and cnminaL.5f;-Ji'i sc-ii-.'..-"-:-: i Johnston Aug..: I7,n two weekar civil and rurange-rAug. lu, one weea; ixovj one week.""' M?. Caswell Aug. 17, one week;' Nor. 18,' one .. week.- ' : .i.c4y . - -. ' - " wtfS) , , a. j . Person-iAug;.'24, fone Week Nbvi 53 6 h .. week":' f.:- . . -: t'-A Guilford Aug., ;81; two weeks; Dec." 14, - two weeks. ' -1 ':- -GranyUle Sept M4, two weeks; Nov. 80, twerts?'5:'-'S31 HMli: Alamance, September 28, one week. " ; r Chatham October 5. two weeks.1-' Durham October 19, two weeks. -: : - SIXTH DIBTBICT JTTDGB BO THIN. Jones Aug; 17, one week: Nov. " 2, one Lenoir Aug. 24, two weeks; Nov. 16, two ( weeks. -V-rr:--: .- ; Duplin SepL.,7, one week; Nov. SO, two weeks. -. . '.. . . Pender September 14, one week. New Hanover Septr 28, two weeks, for ci- vil caaaea. $ T a LlZtJ- - . f; v Carteret-October 26. one.week. . .. Onslow November 9, one week. Sampson October 12, two weeks; 'Decern ; ber 14, one week. ' ' ;' ' "- 8HVKNTH DI8TRICT JTXDGS HCBAS. Cumberland July 27 one week; Nov. 9, one week, for criminal causes only ; Nov, 16, two weeks, for civil causes. . Columbus August 8, one week. . Moore Aug. 17, two weeks; Dec 7, two weeks.-; ' .. . - '-:-':--': -Rbbeson Aug. 81, two weeks; Oct. 12 two weeks. - - -- " Anson Sept. 14, one week,, for criminal cahsea-TNof . 80, 6n"e week, "civil'causes.' 'RranaannlrRntmriAr 21 'Una wfK1r . "". fHRiehraond Sept. 28, two weeks; Dec 1, one week. ; . Bkden--October 26, two weeks. p , ' BICfSTH DISTBICT JTTDG HONVOOMKBY. Iredell Aug. 10, two weeks; Nov. 9, two weeks. Rowan Aug. 24, two. weeks; Nov. 28, two weeks. ' " Davidson Sept 7,r two weeks; Dec 7, one " "week. . . . ". , .. . Randolph September 21, two weeks. -Montgomery October 5, two weeks. -Stanly Nov. 19, two weeks. Cabarrus Nov, 2. one week, for t criminal . - cases and non-jury "civil cases. .- ;- NTNTH DISTJKICT JUDGE OBAVBS. ; Rockingham JuTy 27K two weeks Nov, 9, one week. ' '-..," . Stokes Aug; 10,Hwo weeks; Nov. 16, one Surry Aug. 24," two weeks; Nov. 23,' one week " Alleghany September .7, one weekvr j i ? Wilkes September 14, two weeks. " i r. Yadkin--September 28, two weeks. IiJ 4 Davie October 12, two weeks. " - Forsyth October. 26; two weeks, r f ' ; TENTH DISTB1CT JtTDeit. AVBBV. . ; '-' . Henderson July 20, three wee3u. Burke August 10 two weeks. -: . Ashe August 24. one.week.. t '. WataugaAugust 81,6 week. Caldweiy-BeptemberT, one week. " Mitchell September 14, two weeks. ;. Yancey September 28, two weeks. ' McDowel October 12, two weeks 4 EIiBVENTH; DISTBICT JTJDGB' 6HTP7. i Alexander July 27, one week.' 1 CataWba August 8, one week, ' Cleveland Augnst. 10, two 1 weeks ; Octo - ber 26, one week. . " MecklenburgAugnstt 81; f three weeks civil causes-only." ' ''"'- " TJnion--September 21, two weeks. -Lincoln October 5, one week.- - -a " -Gaston-Octoberl2 two-weeks.V f RutherfordNovember 2 two weeks. . i-. Polk November 16, one week; , ; ' - ; TWELFTH . DIBTBICT JUDGE QUDQEB. Madison August 3, two weeks; November F- 23, two weeks; civil causes. ." ."7' Buncombe AugtUt : 17, three weeks ; De-, - cember 7, two weeks.. ; : i - ' ' TransylvaniaSeptember 7, one week; v ' Haywood September 14, two weeks, w i Jackson September 28, one week. Macon October 5, one week. " " ' . . Clay October' 12, one Week c r ; i l Cherokee October 19, two. weeks. .-., .Graham November 2, one week. Swain November 9, two weeks. ' PTJBIJSHED" AT ai ATESVlLLE, IREDELL CO N. C - , B!7f'"''''-'''-v';' Leading Newspaper In Western North Carolina, .. it is the only Democratio Paper pubUshed' la Iredell County -one of the largest and wealthiest counties hi the State and has attained a larger local circulation tban any paper ever heretofore published In the county. i Its circulation in Alexander, WQkes. Ashe, Alle ghany. Yadkin, Davie and Iredell, Is larger thnn that of any two papers in the State combined; and is rapidly acquiring a strong footholdlnForsythe Surry, Bowan and western Meoklenburg. . . It te the only paper to Wesiera orth darollna' that employs a ttBstrLAB CAHVAssnia Askst. and thus keep constantly, before- the people Tnaor this system a rapidly increasing circulation is th result, making tee. 'LajroMABSr THE BEST ADVEETISING sCEDiTTM . T ' , . KBN'NOSTH (JABOUNA. - - -Addreaa- ,LAOTKABK,i " i P ' Home Items and Topics. - - -7-"4Hyour own fault C- v - Mvou remain lci when you can' -t's ? Get hop bitten that never Tan. ..- , The: ?' weakest -woman, smallest child,: and sickest invalid can ubc bop bitters with safety and great goocU I .i , c U Old men tottering. around from Rhea- matism, kidney trouble or :-t any, weakness will be made almost new "by using hop wtttiv$; 8S"My wife -and daughter. Were made healthy by the' use of hop; bitters and I re commend them to-, my people. Methodist Olergymanvf i ff .vb'S : - " r XbYl any good doctor if bop f - Bitters is not the best family medicine SI -On earth ! M f ' -j. , -:r.t-ir i( Malarial fever, Ague andi Biliousness wilt leave; every neighborhood as soon as hop bilters arrive. t" " . VMy mother drove : the 'Cparalysls and neuralgia all out of i her system with hop bitters.1 EtLr Osveg& Biin: i riit ! U f -" tKeep the kidneys I healthy- with hop; bitters and you need not fear sickness.";- "y. The vigor of youth" for tbe aged and infirm in hop bitters i t 1 r . - t . "At the change of life nothing equals-: ) 4 V Ho p Bitters to allay all troubles incident -r --."The. best periodical" for ladies to take "monthly, and from which they will receive the greatest benefit is hop bitters.;! j 5 Thousandsdie . annually; from,: some form of , kidney; disease that might have bein prevented by timely use-Ofhop bit- .teraA 7' f I :f'"- .'"- H1- .---i v-:.p Indigestion, wealrstomacb, irregularis ties of the bowels; cannot ' exist when hop biitersareusedAi v ..:;.'...';-,.' :71- f V - a. timelT kKA .;, ".use of 'hop-' : a '' j ir Bitters will keep a whole family ' ' In robust health a year at a little cost. - ' t To., produce real genuine sleep' and child-like repose all nieht, (take a little bop bitters on retiring. , ;. ' ; . : ' ;-- -.-i-iv-.l. t;' . -n;'i. r-;,r ; '7'' (9None genuine without a bunoh of green Hopson the white label. 8hun all the vile, poi sonous stuff with "Hop" or "Hops" in their name. noyftJJdsWlm tu th sat oh, mi tocAnrm PUBIJSHBAILYANl) WEEKLY DAILY STAR, One Year, postage paid f 7 00 "7 .SixMonths. ;' s-".t..7.;.'4 00 " ' ThreeMonths ?'" 'l.'.:.. 8 00 y ;.- ' jrd'laonaia; -?' ,.-.; tJW 7 - One Month ; : 4 ;...:. T5 WEEKLY STAB, One Year, postage paid. "! -.--v? Six Months. .-.-.. '"'I Three Months r . .$1 SO . 1 00 . 60 I. NOTICES 0FTHE PRESS : ' . . The Stab Is decidedly one of the best papers in the State, as bright and newsy as ever. - Long life tollr-fiaUmfrmj .:vU t .x.. : " The WUmlnzton Stab has entered en Its twelfth year as good a paper as any people should want. CTuxrlott Democrat. The n Stab has entered on ts twelfth ' Journal of news it stands "up . Beaisttr : year. Asa head." . The Wilmmgten STAahas entered its twenty fifth volume. There is no better paper published In )he State. Lenoir Topic. . .. ; . , - . . The Wflmlngton Sx&a has entered upon its thir teenth year. It Is one of the best papers hi the State. Warrtnton (teutt. - j - The Wilmington Stab has entered its thirteenth year. It has become one of the leading papersf the Soutk. Oxford TorcMigkL - The Wilmington Stab is not only one of the best edited papers in the State, but for freshness of news and typograpical appearanoe cannot be beaten. Jac Mtoorttr. . - The WUmlugton Stab Is one of the very best pa per in the 8outh, in every department from typo graphy up to editorial ability and independence. jwrsourg r (Fa.) Index-AppKiL The WTlinmgton (N.'C) MoBsnia Stab Is a mod el newspaper. Indeed, we think we do not exag WMa-v ay- it is . so nwrmt ublished in the South. Richmond, secular) paper pi IVa.) Eettaious E The Wilmington Stab has now entered unonlts thirteenth year, and twenty-ilfth volume. One of the best oohduoted and edited papers in the South and, as a North Carolinian, we are proud of It. Tarbon Southerner. We Bke the Stab because it Is thoroughly re liable, candid, fearless, and so well and ably edited , newsy, spicy, and In fact a perfect news-, paper. Long may the Stab twmkle. Jfi., .iry yuitor , : Although at the head of the press in this State In all that makes a paper valuable to the reader, still It continues to improve. " It is a Stab of ' the first magaitude. .May its lustre never wane. The tree WUtBavtUt. ,v..j The Scab Is so well and favorably known In this section of the State, that we can say nothing of which its thousands of readers do not already know. It Is la every respect one ot- the beet dal -lies in the South. ob4sonian ;t, ; The Wilmington Stab has entered on Its twelfth year. It is a most excellent newspaper, well ed ited, a compendium of all the news of the day, and an honor to its oity. to North Carolina and tc North Carolina ionrnallam. ChariotU Obiarvtri , . That magnlfioent beaming Stab has completed Its twenty-seoond volume. It la one of the most brilliant, erudite and BparkQng dailies south of the Potomac The system In the get up of tbe par per surpasses them uiLTarboro AnUhirner. -The Wilmington Stab Is now taking the regular midnight Associated Press reports, and has be sides increased the amount of its reading matter; The Stab Is an excellent paper. Its prosperity is not surprising smoe it is so deserving. Cbmriat Observer. ,-."-. ; :-:(.--i ' The Times eannot say a word too good for the Wilmington Stab. It has just reached one of its many birthdays. As a newspaper it is a favorite with the State press and is sought after by tbe people. Long and prosperous life to it. Feids viOe Times :" The Wilmington Stab, we are pleased to notice, still continues on tbe high road to success. We esteem tbe Stab very highly, regarding it -as one of the very best of our exchanges, ana consider it the peer of any Journal published in the South. OxforiffrtTJ-anee, iV,;,.7 if .Z.- ? . Why Is it that all the papers with the name of Star are such bright little Journals The Wilming ton (N. C.) Stab, the Washington Star, the' Fred ericksburg Star, New York -Star, for example. There must be something in a name after alL Jtichmond (FoJ State. ' The Wilmington Stab has entered uponits 18th volume, and we are pleased to notice still oontln ues on the road to success. We esteem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of the very best newspapers that comes to this office. Its news columns are always a little- fuller than those Jof any other of our exchanges, and Its editorial de aortment is conducted with- much ability. irr aanton Jilads. ., . . ,r. . : ., : . .; .. Humble m Its beginnings, "as was inseparable from an enterprise begun amid thewreck of for tune that attended the collapse of the Southern Confederacy, the Stab has steadily "waxed" un til it now beams resplendent In the full glow of a eonstantly brightening prosperity. As a ntmvro per it has few equals, and no superior, for arrrs priate selection and judiolous arrangement, and we are proud to rank it among our moBtaeoeptaE ble exchanges. BUkboro uecorder. . - -.:.. "' The Wilmington Monimrs Stab has entered up on the thirteenth year of its existence, and we take this opportunity to congratulate it upon its prosperity and deserved popularity. The remark able success of the Stab is due to Its strict atten tion to business. The boast of the Stab (rightful ly too) Is that it always has the news, and this is the first thing in journalism. Otherwise the pa per is all that the term of "good newspaper" Im plies, and I ts corps of editors and reporters are thoroughly educated newspaper men. May the healthy, moral influence of the Stab never be re tarded, and may its genial enterprising proprie tor enjoy many more happy years of usefulness. Qitdsooro Messenaer- The FaiiiUcdEnteirise STONEWALL, N. c. " ; "A FIBST CLASS WEEKLY PAPER, published iV. In the GRAIN REGION of the State; Subscription $1.60 a year. - Yearly Advertising rates One Square, $13; Two Squares, $18; Three Squares. $24fFour SquareSjj $35lQuarter Column, $40; Half Colamn, $00; One Column, $100. '- No de viation from above rates. - - : .Address. - SNTERPBISZ. ' : t8tfv Stonewall.N.R Geo. Price, Jr., : ; Auctioneer and Commission Zlerehant OFFICE AND SALES BOOMS. 215 MARKET STREET, where' special attention will be given the sale of Goods. Wares, -Merchandise. 4Sp0.a VU WUQiuuiCMWi MaVt, VTOUBTaU HJIIUIlllWiOll I Business. STKICTT attention to bnainess, and 4 WHOLESAJjIS prices $3TOur quotations, It should be understood, represent the wholesale prices generally. sIn: making up small orders higher prices have to be charged. , -. .. . s 't FBICBS. BAGGING Gunny -8tandard.-..j..i. BACON North Carolina 14" ,00 ?Hams,9 2 ....v-fsi,,!? ?1 ,1 Shoulders, 9 fc.-.. ...... 8 .fx: Bides, onoice, w .... . o a WbstiibSokii Hams. 9 B.. ; lla Sides. $ S.-ii'w-.4..i'...i j9f& Rhonldera. 1...'. ...... . r'- &I Par SAiffBD-Siaes, a Br..;. 7. Wfj ' i )4 J ; Shoulders, l.W 5 .: BAJtrtJiajs opirxw -iTirpeawner i - : - i Second Hand, eaob... ........ .1 60 New-New York, each,.., , 00 res V 1 80 7 1 80 7 New Cltv. each. i-i-.i w BEESWAX 9 ..... .....i BRICSS Wilmington, 9 M .88 '8 00 9 00 iOO -0 00- 14.00 4 715 7 24 - Northern. ...'.;vsi...'i EUTTEB -North Carolina, 9 Northern, 9 CANDLES 9 Sperm."... .,., " ; " ; TallOW -. " Adamantine................. CHBESElH.Nortiv'nFaot'yir i Dairy, Cream.. ...... ..;.... - 18 : ;i .lWsa DO 19 ti. nii 8 e '12 10;' -12 "i .10 r, btate ... OOFPEE 9 - Java., s Tjurnvra. : i -1 . . . 18 ; n CORN MhAL-9 bush., In sacks. T 70S . " Virginia MeaL....;. J r 70 70 COTTON TIE&V bundle.... w 1 8U 1 25 I DOMES TIC8 Sheeting, 4-4, 8 yd tte ; Vrt. - Yarns, bunch...... . pOa-j .BB , EGGS 9 dosen... w..-... 00. -18 ; FISH-MaokereL No. 00 r. ia 80 ;; ;3MackertL No. l,9hfifbbl.i-7 J :0S f - 'Mackerel, No. 8j 9bbU......f 8 60. : 8 00 L , Mackerel, No. S, 9 bbl... . 4 " 'tMullets, 9 bbl.r..... ..... 6 00 1 Mullets, Pork bbls. .i .W.'.' tl 00 : - f NCi Roe Herrmg; 9 keg... 8 OC ' iDryOod.1 9 8i - M ; w&rPamilyi.iU...4 75 .1 ;Clty Mills Super.... ......fe4 go , . K r Family ,.4 do (SLtTBa..i..... 6 '5 Ob 3 i 1 no : 12 00 i 4 (10 i '.V-'-lO I 74 00 t ;"41E0 6 25 i. ."4 10 -. 5 001 GRAIN 9 bushet ; VHf;7 w- i i . w i k1fa - AK . ana 70 63i Com. oarsro. mixed. In bagS'S-t 60i iOata. from store.. ' 45.. ia imps OowPeas...........-.W.....7 "68 Hnm-9 areen,..,...,...,;- 0 HAY 9 100 Ss-Eastem...rM , , 1 10 , -Wftstorn. ... .... .1.10 V Sri f 115-7 1 15 v 1 15 8 ,10 . . North River........ 110 'HOOP JRON 9 lb...:;.:;. LARD 9 tt Northern.......... - North Carolina.;.. .:,...Vi ; J fnin aa - OA A m I. " . - ......... ..... . r . LUMBER City Sawed 9 M fW -7-- ; Ship Stuff, resawed. ........ 18 00 4 iRough Bdge Plank....;.... 00; . - j West India Cargoes, accord- ing to quality... -. ...-.-.;.:.. 18 0O: 'Dressed JFlodiing, seasoned. 18 00 : - Scantling and Boards.oom'n 12 00 M OLASSES ta irallon 20 00 ; 18 CO 18 00- 22 00 15 00 f New Crop Cuba, bihhds.... L " " ia bbls.... Porto Rloo,nihhds....jr.. ?.: In bbls .... ... . '-- Sugar House, Inhhds..... : 'T ,i -In bbls.;....... Syrup, In bbls...:... NAILS 9 keg Cut. lOd basis.. OILS 9 gallon Kerosene. Lmseedr. Rosin ........... i- 'Tarv;lU:..;.W Deck and Spar... . POULTRY Chiokensjilverown - spring:, 7. Turkeys . . . .- - . . . PEANU'i'S 9 bushel 22 lbs.... POTATOEfi-9 bushel Bweetv it Trlnh. nnr harreL new.". ... PORK S barrel ty Mess.... "10 00" 11 00 Prtme 18 60u14 00 1 - .Rumt).iK:Viivii...i..V.,e 00 U60 jtuuJs uarouna, 10 " Rough, 9 bushel (Upland)., j Do, do (Lowland) BAGS 9 1 Country.. ...... City....... .... B0FB-9-a. .r...;.:. ......... .. SALT 9 salt-Alum ..... ; -. . Liverpool:... Lisbon............. ...... ' American........ ........ ; SUGAR Granulated.... -- . Standard A... White Ex C. - ExC, Golden. J Q Yellow SOAP 9 Northern.: ; SHINGLES 9 M Contract.... ; Common. :'.t... v...- . Cypress Saps Cypress Hearts.;............ STAVES 9 M WO Barrel.... 'BO Hogshead ....... TALLOW 9 TIMBER 9 M feet Ext Heart ttst class yellow iplne) Prime ship'g, lstclass heart. BxtraMia. good heart...... JC11 Prtoe Common Mill Inferior to Ordinaxy s-.r.- WOOL 9 Washed Unwashed - Bnrrv.. .... ... WHISKEY 9 gallon Northern North Carolina ........... Exohange (sight) on New York....;. Baltimore Boston.......... PhUadebphia. , - western Cities. ulsoount M - Exchange, 80 days, 19 cent. Bank of New Hanover Stock First National Bank Stock......... Navassa Guano Company 8tock. . . . . .-. . North Carolina Bonds Old Ex-Ooupons . ?UBdmg,1866... v ; Funding, 1863... " New 4s... , W WBB Bonds, 7 9o (Gold Interest)! Carolina Central R B Bonds, 6 Wo.... . , Wilmington, Col. & Augusta B B Bonds, Wilmtagton City Bonds (new) 6 ,9c. , . .. New Hanover County Bonds. 6 90 Wlbnlngton & Weldon B R Stock North Carolina R R Stock.-, j. ........ . .. Wilmington Gas Light Company Stock. Wilmington Cotton Mills Stock, .-. ... 108 ... 05 ... 140 ... 10 ...18 ... 82 '." 118 ... 108 . . 105 100 100 ... 100 . ... 110 82 ... 60 . 120 S U F F EiR I W G rh:Md)iviM:M:i: Read what tlie Great Methodist Divine and Eminent Phy " sician'sftyi bf r ' , . Female Regniator ! s " ' . 7 Atlabta, Ga, Feb. 20, 1884. . Da. J. BBAnnxXD: Dear Sir Some fifteen years ago I examlndd the recipe of Female Regulator, and carefully studied authorities in regard to its components, and then (as well as now) pronoun ced it to be the most soientlfto and skilful comb!-, nation of the really reliable vegetable agents known to science, to act directly on the womb and uterine organs, and theorrans and parts sympathizing directly with, these; and therefore providing a spedJUs remedy for all diseases of the womb, and of the adjacent organs and parts. ' : - Yours, truly, x V - ' "'v 'UBS3B BORING, M. D D. D? 7 t-fjAUTioiar ii 7 T The country is -flooded with quack ixostrnms, containing IE0IT and other injurious ingreWentswMch 'claim to cure everytiiing: even FEMALE COM PLAINTS. We iay to you, if you value your life, BEWARE OF ALL SUCH I Bradfield's Female Begulator Is a purely vegetable compound,' and is only In tended for the FEMALE SEX. For their peculiar diseases it is an absolute . 7 . ; ' :- Sold by all druggists.' Send for our treatise on tbe Health and Happiness of Woman mailed free, which gives all particulars. ...... ; 7 The Bradfleld .Regulator Co.,' 5 . P. 6. Box28. Atlanta, Ga. - William H. Green, Wholesale Agent, Wilming ton, n. a . . ielv " ohsm". AtldnGoa& naiiiiiiig'c tosnraneelloonis, : NO. 113 NORTH WATER STREET,. ' 5 . WIlmIiigtoa N. 7. : j Firea j.HariEB ;aMe;Coipm Aggregate Capital, Represented Over $100,000,000. 24 O v 26 ; i "26f-.:7f 80 o i 8 --80' 80. 85 0OS'O0: 00 20 ; "22 :' ; 85 - 00 2 bO -10 -11 1 19 1 4b 80;-l 00! is: W 00 ( ir:-SO - On a 22 26 783J 15 SO 00'; 00 45rv-7S7 60 -. !? 70ii oo 2 oo ; 80- ll 10 -1 00 1 to . 0 OH 1 - m ; i4K : mi 70 75 '- 70 -75i 00 ' 00 ... 00 ' 75 ,.7J4 7Ja 6J4 7 6 - 6Ji : 6 6 5 00 TOO ir 00; - 50 50 '5 00 0 00- '7 50 8 00 14 00 00 00 10 00 6 O . 6 . 8 00 10 00 8 00 . 2 00 6 50 8 00 . '8 00 850 . 4 00 5 00 a 00 4 00 18 20 12 15 ; 10 11 lOO: 5 00 1 00 2 60 Wiliitiington;: " T7eld6n ? Railrnnflr ffr; : Condensed Schedule; - , TRAINS GOING SOUTH.t Leave Weldon ..-..I 2.15 p.m 5.88 pjnll2.l5 aJB . Arrive Rocky Mt..) 8.83 p .mhv,'.y.iA-.4 1.26 a.m f"ive Tarboro, . . 14 .65 p.m .. , Leave TarboTO.UUlO p.mlF.::.!.;. S.'t- J 1-25 6.54 pjnl 1.56 a,m Arrive Goidsboro. 4.54 p.m 7.88 p.m 2.40 a.m TltTP' -c0p.m ......... 4.40a.m Arrive WUmmgt'nti? jp-m 8.65 pin C.93 am 'J; TRAINS GOlHGfOBTH. .iacJCfHt'l Uo,"47P Dally. n . .. 4N.48.i N6.45,t' DaUy, : ex- Bnn. ; t -' DahyJ Leave Wilmingtonj 8.45 am Leave Burgaw 1 9. so a.m Leave Warsaw.. ..110.86 am a.F.n nm 2.13 a.m O KCi nm: No ST n m arrive uoiosDoro. 11.85 pan 5.07 a!lB Leave Wilson .....12.25 p.m 112 4 a m Arrive Rooky Mt.. 112.E9 p.m 7 r i d.di am i. hi a.nr 6.23 a.m Arrive Tarboro. r. . f 4.55 p.ml v. . 7 Leave Tarboro. . .80 ajnk. f Arrive Weldon-. l. LX 2.15 p mf 2.45 a ml 7.80. a.ni ' TTraln .on Scotiand Neck Branoh Boad leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 8.00 P, M. .Beturnr ing, leaves Scotland Neck at 9.30 A. M. dally.- -' rrpat JSo 40 South will stop onlr at Wiison. GoMsboro and Magnolia. , .Z:JZJ m Tram No. 47 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily; All rail via Richmond: and dally except Sunday via Bay Una. 7 Trains make close connection tor aA points North via Richmond and Washington . -..All trains run eoUd between Wilmington and Washington, and have Puling Palace Sleepers rJf-'- : 7 - ; JOHN F. DIVINE 1 -rr '-??-Tjt-v-;,Jia-wi-a; vGenetaiBuirt. r J. R- KESfLY, Sup't Transportation. ,v I r T. M. EMERSON. Gea'l Passenger Agents -U j i :no!5tf -:-:-: ; ' flLMIMONpJOIOT .7 i 'mtirAtittxakJ&&& Xktndensed'Schednle. 7 -TRAINS 1BOING BOUTH. ! " Leaye Wilmington e.15 p.m 10.15 pjn 5,45 a.m Leave L.Wac'maw 889 p.m lt,20 p.m :?,10 a.m Leave Marion.... 11.S7 p.m 12.47. am 86 a.m Arrive Florence. ;. 18.10 p.m 1.25 a.m 8.33 a-m Arrive bumter....; 4.24 a,m ;4.24 a.m Arrive Columbla.'.f 6.40 a.m 6.40 a.m : TRAINS GOING NORTH, " 1 x No.:43r No. 47; .Daily. NO. 45 V '': - I. .Daily. uauy, ex.1 Sat' Leave Columbia v Arrive Sumter. . ; . Leave Florence.. v Leave Marion . V. : . Leave L.Wae'maw 9.55 p.m 12.00 p.m 4.80 p.m 4.s a.m 10.05 p.m 10.47 p.m 12.43 a m 1.5ft am 6.09 p.m 7.03 p.m r5.l4 am 7.10.ajn 8.20 am Arri ve Wilmington p.m -Train No. 43 stops at all Stattoas. i' r Nos. 48 and 47 stop only at Brinkley's, Whltes vllle, Lake Waccamawy Fair Blnffj Nichols, Ma- rion,Pee Dee. Florence, Tlmmonsvllle, Lynchburg,-MayesyiHe;-umter,Wedgefield, Camden Junction and Eastover.- ; .. . - - : --; .. . i Passengers for Columbia and all points on C. ft' G. R.R., C..C. ft A: B.R. Stations, Aiken Junction, and all points beyond, should take No. 48, Pail-, man Sleeper for Augusta on this train. ; s . 4- Pullman Sleepers for Savannah on Train' 48." 1 'T -All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. -- , - .-: - , ., -' . .' '-: ..-'. OBKV.DlVlsV -l :. Gen'l Sup t? J. R, KENLY, Sup'L Transportation.- " i --T. M.-EMSRSON,. Gen'l Passenger Agent. ,- ! nol5tf. - . . . ; . CAROLIHA-MTMSAMfliD Omcx o? SnrxaiRTXBDxsT,.' ... ' 1 : i 11 t '7;WlbgtoiwN.a,Sept.S188! CHangeof -SchedTiilei v ON AND AFTER iTHIS DATE, THE FOl lowing, Schedule will.be operated on this BaOroad: ' ...... - . . PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN: : DAILY ,XXCEPT SUNDAYS. ,t',-i - - ) Leave WQmlngtoB at. ........ ..7.80 P. M. Ho.1. Leave Raleigh at 7.35 P. M. I Arrive at Charlotte at . . .:7.30A. M. ) -y6 Fl?tte.At.:..-.... .....8.15 P. M. No. 2. V Arrive at Rileigh at ;...8.00 A. M. . I Arrive at Wllmlneton at. ... . i. .8.25 A. M. LOCAL FREIGHT Passenger Car Attached. Leave Cnarlotte at....... ; ...... . Arrive at Laurinburg at . . . ........ Leave. Laurinburg at Arrive at Charlotte at ............. . Leave Wilmington at Arrive at Laurinbarg at ........ , . . . Leave Laurinburg at ............ Arrive at Wflmlngton at! f. . . .. 7.40 A.M. 5.45 P.M. 6.15 A.M. 4.40 P.M. 6.45 A.M.. 5.00 P, M. 5.39 A. M. 8.40 P. M. rinburg Tri-weekly leaving Wilmington on Mon days, Wednesdays and'Fridays: Leave Laurln-' burg on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. , ,. ' ' Passenger Trains stop' si regular Btatlons only, and Points designated In the Company's Time Table. . . -.f .-. . . .. ; . . -':. "- ' ' SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL, KX 7 : ' " PRESS AND FREIGHT. ; ' ..-DaUy except Sundays.' NaS tT9 Chariotte.T,,..,.,..:s.i5A.M.- 0 1 Arrive at .Shelby. I.. . 12.15 P. M. Wn . I Leave Shelby .. ............ .. 1.40 a. M. . P9-4- f Arrive at Charlotte. . . . . .v. . . .;6.40 P. E Trains No. 1 and 2 make close connection .at Hamlet with R. ft A. Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping1 Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte.- -- Take Train No. 1 for StatesvUle, Stations West ern N. C. B. R., Aahville and points West. Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens! At lanta and all points Southwest. - : -' -7 -, L. C JONES, 1 iV. , Superintendent. : F. W. CLARK, General Eassenger Agent. . Cap ;rear; & Taffin Talley E. B. Co. : CONDENSED TIME TABLE N0418, To take effect at 5 A, M., Monday, Nov. 28, 1885. - : ' TRAIN NORTH. , .. 1 Arrive. Leave. . Bennettsvule. ;..:.... ;..;.. .,-rMi-.- 8.90 a.m Shoe Heel.. 940a. m 8.50 FayertevUle,..!,.,.;.-.' i. .. 12.00m. 12.25 p. m Sanford..... 2.15 p. m 2.25 p.m Ore Hillv. 843 -i' Liberty ... 437 - Greensboro...... ........ .. 6.00 I j h -.; :i Dinner at Fayetteville ; . .. TBAIN -SOUTH. -.. . - ' . Arrive.; Leave. . Greensboro..;....;.'. ....... .;' . 860a.m.'- Llberty, 11.05. : Ore Hill... ....... -.t K- 12.00 Banford....... ........v.... 1.20 p.m 1.45 p. Fayetteville:............ .... 8.50 4 00 .- Shoe Heel........ 8.05 - 615 Bennettsvllle 0....,.;... 7.B9 t Dinner at Banford. . ; Freight and Passenger Train leaves Knntro- ville Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 280 p. m , arriving at Shoe Heel at 4 8J p. m. and Fayetteville st 8 p. m. - Leaves Fayetteville on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 6.3) a. m.. Shoe Heel -at 10 a. m., and arrives at Bennettsville at 12 m. -Freight and Passenger Train North leaves Fay etteville on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 a. rtu (connecting . at San'ord with Freight and Passenger Trains to Raleigh), leaves Sanford a( 11.30 a. m.. and arrives at . Greensboro at 5.40 p. m. .... . -.- . . r: .-- s. Leaves Greensboro Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 5 a. m , leaves Sanford at 11.15 a.m. and arrives at Fayetteville at 2.40 p. m. JNO. M. ROSE. Gen'l Pass. Agent; . W. M. 8. DUNN, Gen'l Supt. ' ' ' " ' no25tf ' - 7 - - The Haniiing Times, H.'L'DmJMtliHHfflS.S.i - Only $10 per annum 'IndVaaoe.ZCheap Ad vertising inealum. . , . jan 6tf - NET?: ADVERTISEMENTS. Whm T a., mih 1 An n., !... " ' j.Tr X " , " n ukiiu iwp ions lor a ' i. -I 7 v " . u ii. 4 lucu v xwuicai curs. SIOKH lUMoas .tad,..,l want my rar-tolar. 1 to vonH cms. Becaaas otbara faara failed ia ao tmmb far aot Bow neelvlns a core. Sana at once (or a tnatiiaand a : rm Bortla of my lnfalllbl -remedy, eive Xznrata and Poat ffloa, .JteoatiyoB nothing-for a trial, and I will cvra tovl ' - J .AJiiPaM Dn H. O. BOOT, 1U Pearl St., Bav Yoric auuuui .rc TrrrTTiM mrinn a.' .o. fiua. uug wee. uaiumore istreet, Baltimore " --. v U..IUB ATOUW, KCTT lone - -, v .V it.--: -r ,J..:' .-. 4 ' ' ''.' " ' :JiH rf" '-YaS'Ki ?.a ITSIlf ES8 MEN BE- "iJ7 niClTHSKK, "Money ; - . Do Your Own Printing. ; " only perfect aetf inking oSered.-: WorfcmnTiaWn' .!! PitoUpeicfZtf.-.So boalnefta man. K HJuuiuvnnuuua(iuiw.AnMrw4wuaHminw! l. 1 J l. I., . X ji . ...u onfil nnlrLuymLTJi Kyn tftfltimoniftls free. Pnca 1 unaatunit low. - ueier- dv permission vo nun.. .. ariawd. Attorney General United States. '-' rMtXSmg'aCO Angasta, Ga. r rro.a poelUa nmdy Ibr UM abowa-diteaaav r It tua - ox case CABLE TKEATISB on this dlaaaaa.to any anfferer. Oiwa K- - 4 M f " f X IvivA 'AT- GREATLY"BEEU-7 t -V lalC II CSCEI PRICES" Address - pralaRadtiaaaa,A.fililWgtimfartat,M.; nolDftWlm .r ' ',-7": ' j .- iTAbrucYoung Ladles in city or country to - rework fornsat their home&f fascinating em- " T5loyment; no instructions to buy; work-ean be f sent by mail (distance no.objection); 86 to $pr -week, can be made. -No. canvassing: particulars free, or sample of work mailed for -roar eenta in .. ' -stamps. -Please address, Hon MA9urA0TuaiHe v .Co-y Boston, Mass.- .P, O. Box 1C16. - " TTTANTEDsnAn active Man or Woman fn every z u V f county. to -sell car goods Salary r $75 per -month and expenses, or commission Expenses -In advanoe. Outfit free.- For full particulars ad-- dress STANDARD SILVER WARE. CO.; Bostoh, Mass.. ,.-.;.-----.. .-- , Be 15 DftWSm - lWAXTAcnrrsTosnjL "7raa " niSSOUR! STEAM , -3 -"" " itm t - 8 - .vasncr , ExolMiyg Territory -Gtisranteed. , a weeks' trial of " ; HmpirwaBaar wwimarnwi ai my- expanse 11 noc : AtiafAAtnrw. . A 41lAnanni) nmi Mat iha 1 lWtiAh I - . the world, and pays capable agents BIG money.. Xnr ijinw o mrotaiatai u i. aneBomuai snoeesi esiy . . where. tor mnatrated ci rcmlar and terms aoeno address. , 4 J. WORTH, 8 1. LouisTalOa r UHHRflW iRflPTflRPRIUEF 5V - ..-.I imiiiww ii iiui iviik , vuKE,y ---- Simple, safe, reliable and a perfect retainer. It 1st 7 not a Tnss.Wfinifiay,-And;Kigat saA-it nresenoa f orsotten. Send, for oiroalar withteeti. v ii -- . auwiaiBUQia KrawxTLi sunerers enrea DTUilsap. . - ; . phejioe. Address Oentral2edlcaJ and Surgical " - ----- Institute 920 Locust BU, Bt. I-onia, Mo.- , - - Bkulfoi 'treetmen-iyn ail kinds of worrfeal r v. -sad medical cae.-Oonaoltatim free and Invited. iI!l:nRL!rf' IliinAndiiaaimail - nhainndiRAflAM. hAfi-:.- flinw thA akLIled nha " faiciansv cesclt. fronx - . youthful indiscretion. " . Ftoo ieaindnlsaDoa.ee - - over brain work. Avoid. . tufl Imposition o. prerao. A Radical Cure fob' trouble. GtonrFrest i ! Circular and Trial PscJc I agcasd learn fmportsnt J3EBTT.TTFI it acts octore nit iHff?!!TJJ WP?tiy5Hl.f ICDKED Aooands, dots A -a rbUKEtS . "Q- " .ih.ji ' not Intel interfeia with attcoa - jfi'llYSICLai. - Htm w uusiiii or oar 1 pain or ineonvenienoaia connaea onv.. InYomgLft.Mid'ilet scientific Tneoic&l sxtnar nlssBrdiiCGtaDouestaen . aSa eoena to the seat of disease it- 1l-.l rkB I4JB1 -ftpwna speetaa tnnneBee is Kit- - without ads. Thaaat : V)EAfl8 8YUBB1 N MAslYl imal fimeoonsof ths Iul. . ., I HOU8AHOOA8S3. ; ; ''tnnorpmintreftoid. 4 .. ff iTbm animstliMr elwmntt -. wu aiquuib. o.uu'i tutazKl ntDtuJrralnt botla gtooaJgonUis.' V.OO.. 1 steandigSSt "-" JIARRIS REM EDY CO..jrn3ClTtcm ' - .' ?iwgl3-DftWiy:i.rs-: ,. ::fx i - - Ala. -aKL iuuitit I ii'i to! Steamship Oo, , ; ; FBOM fPlEB 4; i EAST BTVKB,1" NEW YORE. . - . .. " - -. ., ;. --, . : - : - . . At s o'clock p. x. . REGULATOR. . . ... .'. Saturday, Oct. '.SI BENEFACTOR.... BtGULATOB.... Saturday, .Saturday Ner. Nov. 14' BENEFACTOB Saturday, " ,-! 1 - ; FROM WILMINGTON. GULF STREAM w.Friday,, REGULATOR. . 7. Friday, BENEFACTOR... .... . .Friday, Nov. 2S . iOct. -oO i - ..? i.-. .Nov. t6 ' Nov . 13 BTOUtATOB.... Friday, Nov.241 - . UT Through BUla Lading and Lowest Through Sates guaranteed to and from points in North ' and South Carolina. . . t .:.. s For Freight or Passage apply to . A '. . r - . ).?-'- -iv Superintendent, , - - . - Wilmington, N. C -' Tbeo; Ecer, Freight Agent, New York. .-"Ws -F; Clyde afc COi General AntaA . " - oo2S tf 85 Broadway; New YoHt. MERCHANTS, BANKERS ft MAN UFA CTUBEB - 7 ' :7 j .v -' r SHOULD BEAD -C ' .- - BppL DS TRE E,T. ' S AIWEEKLY JOURNAL OF TRADE, TINANCE, . : .- .... AND PUBLIC ECONOMY. i - - -' Sixteen Pages every Saturday. Oftentimes Twen ty Pages. Sometimes Twenty-four Pages. - B The foremost purpose of llaantntxxt's is to bs of practical servtoe to business men. Its special .trade and industrial reports; its weekly epitome of bankruptcies throughout the United fctat and Canada, and the summaries of assets and li abilities, are alone worth the subscription price ; ; its synopses of recent legal decisions are exceed ingly valuable. - As commercial transactions, in ' the wider sense, are ooming to be more and more . conducted on a statistical basis, the Information ' contained in Bs&dstbxr's is of the first impor-.. ,: tanoe both to producers and middlemen. - - The Trade and Agricultural Situation throngb-.: -. out tbe United States and Canada Is reported by . Telegraph to BaanstBsxT's up to the hour or , publioaion. - . r . ' . .; 5 5 i , - '.; - r-i .1,: . -7 ? STNGLB COPIES, TEN CENTS. . - pU1E BJtAB&TUEET CO., - : ' ' : 279, C81, 288 BbojUTVAT. dee 24 tf :- i J JTEW YORE CITY ;. The Bil1 Ed wards, ! Bronehton & Co, 7 TERVrc. T. BAILEY.' Editor. v IRBY. C.8. TABBISSvl - V ' - -- - '.V Associates. - r , CHAS. L. 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