I1- fie Morning DECNARD. PTTBLl3dBl DAILY KXCEPT MONDAYS sIT9 OF BTTBSOBrPTlOH, TH A9TAXOB. rear, (1)7 Mali) Foata.ro Paid, ..; One pwo Konths, rts- To City saosoriDers, aairverea ta any part ,f fho City, ra-rmr Cum per mtk Oar City -'leratt sse not authorised ,fe oolleot tot more Aaa throe months la advance. : r . - lired at tha Port Office at Wilmington, u. t w aa Second Class Matter. - :. C:. I 'I F . niiiw"! - .. . . . ' . - - - MO RNINGf EDITION OUTLINB& : , ; . Wm. H. Vapderbilt dropd dead at hla residence in New York yeBlerday afternoon. The Presidents message tead in both bouses of CkpgTesaTw National Cotton Exchange gives the- movement in the United States for three months ending November 80th, 1885. ,D. R Flen, nikcn, of Winnsboro, S-f CC; has assigned; liabUiihs $72, OOOr-New.Tork markets: Money 212 per cent.? cotton very doll; it 99 11 16c rwheat. ungraded red 8095c;- corn. ungraoea 504C; SOUtHern flour steady at $3 605 50; spirits t turpentine, dull at 371c; rosin quiet at $1 02il 10. ' pirn; Turpentine Lexington -J? MrJ. M. Leach Jr. rhaa gone ia iWashiBfto to tase a pownon m ine iTeasury jJep: - Bishops Watson confirmed iseTen persona ; t .GoMsboro two at FaisonV and three at Clinton daring -his recent yisita- .tioos. '';Fi";U- tt North Carolinaha8 in, all 1,173 convicts. O f these 330 are In the Raleigh penitentiary, and 853 are at work on the different railroads in the State...: - - - J ' ; Weldon News: MraV Kosa Ozella Bartlett. daughter of Thomas T7.. Harris, Esq., died at her father's residence, in Halifax county, on the 29th of. November. Her health had been failing for some time. Raleigh Visitor: . Mra . Ava Brown, wife of Mr. R. M. Brown, of Haywood. Chatham county, died on last Saturday afternoon, in the 71st year of her age Dr. Skinner informs us hat he has not, so far, made any settled plans for the-future, but, in common with, man j of our people, we hope he may find it to his interest to remain in our midst. a: l One of our favorite exchanges is the Fittsboro Harm. It is well edited. The gentleman who conducts it is level headed, without hobbies and crotchets. " A . literary man with these things is already hamstraog as a political leader or teacher. Mr. Merrittisa scholar and has . wisdom and experience. Long may the Home flourish, that has Just entered - upon its fourth volume. Shelby 'Aurora: Dr. J. B. Palmer of the Duncan's Creek neighborhood gajs that his people are sowing at least one third more "wheat this year than they did last j ear Two colored laborers working for Wright & Co., on the Carolina Central Extension, bad an interesting game of "seven ap." The one who lost at cards became angry and a fight ensued. One HargToves was cut in five places, yet the wounds will not prove fatal. - ? J Wilson Mirror : ' Maj. B. si Guioa, chief, with a corps of engineers ar rived at Rocky Mount on- Sunday last... and cn Monday mids arrangements for the survey of tbe branch road from that place to Nashville, and perhaps from there on. 'JastaJia people are up for the terminal i-tat neighborhood and are stirrine things - generally. One business man said he would give $5,000 in the way of depot accommo dations, to have it come within a mile of his place of business, and he means what : he say 8 and can do what he promises. , Wilson Advance: It is .with great pleasure that we note the recognized worth and ability of our talented townsman, John E. YVoodard.,. The Speaker of the House of Representatives has- appointed him one of a committee whose duty it is to exM&ine and verify the books of our State Treasurer. - We regret to learn of the death of -Mr; Newitt God win --which sad event occurred on Monday last He had started to Wilson and stopped at the resi dence of Mr. Simon Barnes, in this county, and fell dead with heart disease while re- " tnreing to bis buggyi; ' V'p ; ' Goldboro Messenger: Mf. Jas. A. Bobinson, lately with the; Argvt, wiil ' assist our city editor until after the holi days, lathe meantime Mr. Robinson is . - open to propositions from our brethren, of. the press in reference ta V permanent en gagement. The; gang, of gamblers ; who were here during., the colored Fair turned up at KenansvUle during court last week, but to their sorrowJodge Boykin made short work of their rascalities, and at last accounts the Eenansville jail was filled with them. : - Edenton Enquirer: r We regret to learn that on Thursday of Thanksgiving Day, Master Richard Winborne son. of our esteemed and well known countyman Dr. R. H. Winborne, accidentally shot himself. Winborne placed his gun in the bow of the boat, while be sat in the stern; seeing a duck he rushed for the gun, and pulling u out hurriedly,? muzzle to the front, the hammer struck on the side of the boat, causing an explosion.- and the con tents of the barrel went into his shoulder, where it joins the body, producing a ghast ly and serious wound. - ; . ' .-. Hickory Press T The Methodist Church at Hickory is now supplied by a stationed preacher. - ,The mountains are still covered with, snow.- There are now twelve firms buying leaf tobacco on )he Hickory market. The North Carolina Synod and the Evangelical Lu theran Church meets at Mt. Pleasant next Wednesday, Mr.: Jacob Smith of Wilkes county; who was on our market this week, realized last year from one and three-quarter acres of. tobacco, raised on - kjjd which was apparently worn out. over 1200. This was bis first effort in' raising the weed. He has about three 4imes that amount to sell this year 'i--? k sad acci oent happened on Saturday last (28th nit.) by which Joseph Rnssell, a colored man, lost his life. He was re walling a well for Mr- C. T. Abernethy, about five miles wuth of Hickory, when a bucket' filled with rocks fell on him, breaking his skuU . and thigh bone, producing immediate death. ? HIE r McifsoN Engligh neckwear. " . , ' X. Y. Z. Situation wanted. 'u;' HBnsfiBBRGHrBHoliday"gooda. i 1 ' EtALL& Pbabsall Reduced prices.; Q- R. Feekch & Sons Not so cutting- ' E Wabbeh & Soh Choice fruit. Kube & DoscHiB-Ship chandlery, etc. J C Steve ksoh Raisons.1 citron, etc. . . 6 ..Signal Bureau'tekgraphed i to the ati0n here yesterday at 5.35 p-m.order- signals for a storm ceatrat Intkis itlM2froQa eputherlywindsare cated for the Atlantic coast : - v, v Local Dot. v 'Keceipts of cotton yesterday -.99' wuea.-ftd--v r-'-ytiit-- -rr; A '; ; o0; a. m. : yesterday - the mercury stood-at 84 degrees, and at8 p. m ;63 degreesfg,,:,; : z 1 t 8teain !gnt PantwJo,Capt.: oars, Jrom savannah, Ga., bound to New Tprk, is at SmithvUle, weatherrbound. 'Ae; eweet buy Anda.buy has come again tp- dealers in .toys and fancy goods. a The . stores . were ihrbnged with auuppers yesieraay. " - lont f orget . the grand, anni versary ball of the Germania Cornet Band at Germania Hall to-night. There wUl be a jolly good time for all who attend. - The building ; on -Red Cross street pwjaed byAkx. Bryant and burned Monday nighl, was insured forSOO'in the London Assurance Company, represented yMesaraNoithxop & Hodges. f-A lost chBiMSTm: Hansley, living on Wooster. street, m tb southeastern part of the city was found in the neighborhood of the City Hall bv the police yesterday d restored to; its parents, i . The Spatiuai brig Natividad cleared yesterday for a port in Cuba, via New York. Her cargo consisted of . 1,200 bags of sugar, "which she had on board when she came here in distress months ago, and 12.000 feet of lumber valued at $181 . ' The steam Ins Victoria' Cabt. .Knight put in at Wrightsville sound yes terday, and obtained sufficient wooo! to take her to Smiihville." The- captain ordered coal, through, the telephone from CapC EV W. Manning's place, to be sent to' Smith ville . " - - ' . ' A noanialn Plokv ; "A Mountain - Pink" is one of those popular' dramas which so endear themselves to the theatre goers and which gives ocP casion to many a thrilling scne anoVrTnany a pathetic bit of character acting or comical impersonation? Of-dTthis class of plays, says the Little Rock (Ark.) QaUtU, "there are none which have become such general favorites as has the .'Mountain Pink and of all of the Sincerity Weeks who have ap peared before tbe : public, there are none who have won such a firm place as has Bella ? Moore . the charmin g little actress, who so well - sssumed the role ; last, night. She Is a Pink of perfection and every happy effort, each attractive little bit of acting, was applauded to the echo." ' A' Seboonr Loit at Sea. . ! Tf. . The American schooner,"Paro, Capt. Balance, from Charleston, B.C., lor Wash ington, N. C . -with a cargo of phosphates, foundered in the - gale on the night of the 5th inst, sixty miles off Cape Fear. The - captain and .- .crew of two men were picked up by the German barquen tine, iSt. JiwepA, .Captain Chiistiansen. from Berwick for this port. The S. Joaeph ar rived at Smithville yesterday, and will probably come up the river" to-dayl The Paragon was a small schooner of about 40 tons, and belonged in Washington, N. C Blaror't Conn.- . . . ut-. . .. , " Wa Brown, colored,- was before the Mayor yesterday morning, charged with disorderly conduct, and in default of pay ment of a fine of $25 was locked up in the city prison? ' ' ' ' ; Henderson Davis, colored, charged with failure to pay license tax, was fined ten dollars, but appealed the case to the Crimi nal Court. , , . . . . k Schooner Rebecca S. Qaeen, - ' Fifty tons of the cargo of guano of this schooner, wrecked Saturday last near New. Inlet, were brought up by small schooners yesterday. The vessel lies in the same po sition on the beach, with twelve feet'of wa ter in her hold. - Wreckers are at work stripping her.'' Ii is thought the vessel and the bulk of her cargo will be a ' total loss. wcatber iriaicauon. The foliowinK .arc the indications for to day. rTif.i.. - " ' For : the" South " Atlantic . Btates, ; local rains, winds shifting to 'southerly, warmer in northern portions,staiionary temperature in southern portions, lower barometer.: f ' ' I ' - . Personali.;K;;; :vv:?'--; y Mr.' J 'D. Cassideyand his bride, from jMsksonville; Florida,; arrived in the city last night. - - ?1 ' :':yy. p - The revenue cutter Coif ax went down the river yesterday morning for; a winter cruise along the coast. She will be absent from port about a month." : ' . "MST OF WTTEBS':;; Remaining in the City Postofflce, Wed nesday, December 8th ' r.. . ' SAAndw alien, !ftnaAtk bqh - " -" . B-J H Bern,Lee Boyd, 3 B Bravet,S TBrlce. o Mary Carmer, Wm Cooper, H Coly, Chaj 8 Gowles, Lizzie Council, Henry Carry, Prifloilla Carey, 8 P claytonvCarmlchael & Thomas (3). JO-i. Dean, Winnie Deal; O Dlllyers. ? Sam Iverltt, eare David H1U. - G Emorr Green, Horace Garlana. '- -' H A K HuX Sne Hill, Morris Humphrey, Eliza A Hill ' ". . " ' ? jr-r-Moses t Jotaison? "oare' Grlphenr 'Harriet Jones."- - . .- ; . I K-L8Khig. 1 -" -' ; - ?. I t L Easter Lamb, B W Llvermore. .M-Johnson Monroe, Rosle 8 McClammy, G H Morrison, B J McKoy, B.W. Moore, Mallard Ss Deway, Kate Merritt, 3. MoClammy. T Newlardt. .- - . . - - . p-Slmon PearsaU. Peggy Piokett,Henry Prloe, fBlMUlBbeftm 3 Bmma F Bobinson, M G Kedman, W W Register Annie 8 Eonndtree. ' a 8-Mary J stead, Harriet 1 Seheever. JnoS C, Srnltb, Kate O gneed, Arohto Smith, Jasper Slater, Mary Sounds, Ked Simmons. . WawlfaonV Trank -B Wmiams. FiATcbw Williams, Uzio Walker , fenme Webble.. Appte WadktoSi Mary WiUrhW KobertWard. . .;- - - : ; . Persoris-rcalling for . letters in the above list willpleasa r say vertised.Eetters will be sent tai the Dead fifl Washington, D. C., if not called for within thirty days. - " .:- !---- f: Wilmington, New Hanover Co., N. U , 65. V-f WILMINGTON ?;5MMERC1AL WJLHTNQTON MARKET STAR OFFICE, Dec 83 P. M. j: BPLRITS TIJRPENTINEThe market was quoted flrnjat r 84 cents per'gallon oales were reported;, of 200 casks ; at the above figures m OOBIKSTTIG niA K HUT! s. 'I n ' financial 0 'tH I IBy Tetosfapn" to ttie Morfitnjt Stai.T Nkw Yokx. Deo. 8, Evening. Ster- ung xenange, 483; r Moneys! ; per cent. .Governments strong ; four per cents io; tnree per cents ius. state oonas auil Cotton Very dull, with sales of 9 bales; up-' lanas vfc; urieans a li-ibc; consolidated net receipts 43,294 bales; exports to Great Bri tain B3,7ow : bales, to France 7,401 bales, to the continent 892 bales. Southern floUr steady: common to fair extra $3 60 4 CO; gooa to Choice aO: $4 50a 50. Wheat very tiuieti ungraded red 80a95ci -No. 2 ed December 9501954c; Oom'Quiet un- Tttaded -4S54crNo. redCecember uac. uats very quiet; JMo. 3. 35lc.. Coffee i air Kio on spot' dull at 8 37,. Sugar quiet and strong; centrifugal 6ic; fair to good refining 5 7-165 9-16c; refined sugar firmer. Molasses firm; Rice steady Cotton seed oil crude 28c ; refined 84c. Rosin quiet. Bpirits ; turpentine dull at 87ic Pork steady ; middles dull.. Lard without quo table change: western steam on soot fS 40 Freights to Liverpool steady; cotton 5 82dt wneat tfa. -1 . . , ; . ' ; . Cotton net receipts 1.341 bales : erbss re-- ceipts 19,841 bales. Futures closed weak. with sales of 85,700 : bales at following quotations: December 9.26c; January 9.31 9.32c; February 9.429.43Cr March 9.53. a9.54c: April 9.65a9.66cf Mav 9.76(m9.77: June 9 879.88c; July 9.979.98c; Au-, gust 10.0510.07c; September 9.779.79c. CaicAGO. Dec. 8. Flour unchanged. Wheat opened tc lower, but closed at jesieruays prices ; uecemner iJ7i89c January 8788Jc, Corn active andTbuoy ant; cash 42J42jc; December and all the year 41i4lic Oats doll but steady ; cash and .December 29c -;' Pork mess in fair demand and a shade firmer; cash $8 90 o y ior oia and S9 87i9 90 for new packed. Lard steady; cash $6 026 05; January $6 106 12i; February $6 17i 6 20. Boxed " meats steady dry salted shoulders $3 70Zh3 75: short clear sides $5 105 15; short rib sides $4 804 5. Whiskey .steady at $1 16. Susrars un changed. - BAX.TMORS, Dec & Flour steady and quiet Wheat southern very steady west ern inactive and firmer; southern red 91 95c; southern amber 97c$l 00; No. 2 western , winter red January ,9,2i92Jc Corn southern dull and-low'; western steady; southern white and iyellow 45 BavASifAH, Ga.. Dec. 7. Spirita tur pentine quiet at 84c." Sales 100 bbls. Rosin dull at$l 05112J. COTTON AKRm. By TelesTaph to the Mornlmt Star.l . December 8 Galveston, dull at 8 1516c net receipts 5,884 bales; Norfolk, steady at tte net receipts 2,781 bales; Baltimore, doll at 9fc net receipts 237 bales; Boston, quiet at 91c net receipts- : bales; Phila uelphia,dull at 9c-net receipts 152 bales; Bavannan, dull at 8ic net receipts 5,937 bales; New Orleans, quiet and easy at 8 13 16c net receipts 21,099 bales; Mobile, dull at 8 13 -16c net receipts 1.150 bales; Memphis, steady at 8 1316c net receipts 3,871 bales; Augusta, dull at 8 1116c net receipts 1,856 bales; Charleston, in good de mand at $&5--net receipts 2,987. :. , .'. jjaannx fcnn mi ft i -' roREIGtl SIABKST4: - rBv Cable to the Morninc Star.1 . . . LivfiKPOOli, Dec 8, 5 P. M. Uplands, 1 m c, December delivery 5 5-64d, buyers' option; December: and January delivery 5 4-64d, buyers' option ; January and Feb ruary delivery 5 4.64d, buyers' option : Feb ruary 'and Joarch delivery 5 6-64d, buy ers', option; March and April - delivery 5 8-64d, buyers. option; April and May deliv ery 5 ll-64d buyers option ; May and June delivery fi 15-64d, sellers' option; June and Juiy delivery 5 18-64d, buyers' op tion; July and August delivery 5 21-64d, buyers' option. .. -; . '4 - London, December 8,' 5 P. M. Spirits turpentine quiet ; spot 27s 3d ; December de livery 27s 3d; January and April delivery 27s 9d. - :' ' ; - " TUB MAIliS. The malls close and arrive at the City Post Office as follows: CLOSS. Northern through malls, fast. . ........ Northern through and way ImalLs . . . 7:45 P. M 8:00 A. M Tbrooxa mail ior all points nortn ox Bichmond...... 10:03P.M. Raleigh ..................... 6:15 P. M. (8.-00 A M Malls for the N. C. Eaflroad, and r-mntfiaBnTTlled therefrom lnolndinir A AN. C. Railroad, at. . .7:45 P. M. A 8.-00 A M. Soathern mails lor all points soutn, nauy... Western malls (a 8KXJ P.M. C. Bahway) daily (except Bunaay) All points between Hamlet and Baleigh Mall for Cheraw and Darlington Bail road..... Kails for points between Florenoe and Charleston...... Payette vllle, and officer on Cape Fear Elver, Tuesdays and Fridays . ..... . Fay ette vllle, yia C. C. B. B., dally, ex cept Suadays Onslow C. H. and intermediate offices, iTneadavs and Fridays.;..;.......... 6:15 P. 6:15 P. M. M. 8KW P.M. 8:00 P.M. ISO P.M. 6:15 P.M. c.-oo a; m. SmithvUle malls, by steamboat, daily ; nirtflnt Snndavs)..... .8:00 P.M. Mails for Easy HOI, Town Creek, Shal ; lotte and little Elver, Tuesdays and Fridays. ............... ........ ...... Wrightsville dally at. . . . . ... ....... . OPEN FOB DELTVEBY. Northern through and way maQs. ..... Southern malls. ........... .i ........ Carolina Central Bailroad. ......... 2)0 P.M. 8:80 A. M. 70AM. 9.80 AM. 90 A M, Stamp Office open from 7.80 A. Mt, to 6 P. M. Money Order and Keglster Department open 80 AM. to iioa P. M. contlnuons. General delivery open from 7 A.M. to 6.00 P.M.'; and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A M.' - Mafia collected from street boxes from bus ess portion of city at 5 AJL, 110 AM. and 8 JO P.M.; from other parts of the city at 5 PJL and Carriers delivery open, on Sunday from 8:30 to ' 0 A. M. . . - ...cj . . ... , a Kaliroad time. 7S merldian. . : ; ,: . : I THE FLORENCE , NIGHTINGALE OF . THE NURSERY. The following la an extract from a letter written to the German Reformed IS&senger. at Chambersburgh, Penn.: - A Bihitactbiss. Just open the door for--her, and Mrs.- Wtnslow will prove the American. Florenoe Nightingale of. the Nursery. Of this we are ao? sure, that we will teach our "Susy" to' say, "A blessing - on Mrs. Wmalow" for helping her to survive and escape the griping, colicklng, and teething siege. :Mbs. Wikslow's Boothih Stbup relieves the child from pain, andmres dysentery and diarrhoa. It softens the gums, reduces mnammation,oureswmd eolle, and carries the infant safely through the tee thing period. It . performs precisely what it professes to perform, every part - of it-Hnothing lem. We have never seen Mrs. Window know her only through the preparation of her "Soothing Syrup for Oilldren Teething." If we had the power we would make her, as she jsa physical saviour to the infant race. - Sold bv-all druggists. cents a bottla.- tv ritlr N. C. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, -1885. $1,003,000 TO THE CHAETTY HOSPITAL. N. Q. -Tne great Charity- Hospital at New Orleans, La., is classed by the medieal profession as one or tne nnest institutioss of the kind in the world Over two centuries it has stood at the gatrs of ihe Mississippi as a savior of the national health in the South and West. The Louisiana State Lottery contributed in 1868 one million oCdollars. .payable in Instalments, for its support, and is re- unDursea rjy tne rranchlse of the Drawings. The next Grand Semi-Annual (the 187th) will take place on Dec 15th,. when over half a million of dollars will be scattered to its patrons every where. All information oan be had of M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La. Thus you can do good, and the world will be none the!wiser, and you may gee xiso.ooo to ease yeur declining years. NEWBIBK. At her residence, on Second afiwaf Wwann TXTol wn4- IfnlKnw Tai Q- 1885, at ten mlnntes past 9 o'clock P. M., MABY j. JtwJUKii, wue oi Dr. A F. Newktrk. ; - ; Funeral at half-past 8 o'clock this afternoon, from Second Presbyterian Church, thence to Oakdale Cemetery: Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend, v:? n . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Wanted. JNDUSTBIOUS YOUNG MAN DESIRES SITfJ- atlon. Good references. . Expect a small salary. Address X. Y. Z.. "'d'e a It 6eWal DeUveryr Oty... 1. snip Claiiulery & WMesale. Groceriesv TN ADDITION TO OTJB SHIP CHANDLERY BTJ JL - 8INESS we carry a LAEGE STOCK OF GROCE- BIES, whioh can be ' BOUGHT CHEAP at Whole - SURE Ss TJ03CHBR. sate raoes. . de9tf ant Neckwear; JT MUNSON'S. , - . t THE BBS T ON 8 DOLLAR SBI8T1N SABKET, "de 9 It At MUKSOS'SJ ucedPrices ! DDPONTS GUNPOWDER, r ,. SHOT, FIBE-CBACKEBS, CANDIES, CAKES. MATCHES. LYE, SOAPS, " TOBACCO, SNUFF and CIGABS. . HALL & PEARS ALL. p . Hot So Cuttings fJSS PRICES ; AT WHICH. WE SELL YOU BOOTS and SHOES do not hurt much. Look I Ladies' Feb. Button Boots, " f 1.50. Do. - do. do. .$2.00. . Ladies' Fine Kip Button Boots, $2 50. Gents' Buff Congress, $1.50. Do. do. do. . ' $2eo. Do. Calf Congress, ' $3.tS. Ydia ean have . a pood Christmas '. at thesa prices by buying of Geo. E, Fren9lvj& Sons , V 1 108 MOBTB FRONT 8TBEET. . .. deft tt---: ' "--.. - .. - ; - California Fears, Catawba Grapes, gY TO-DAY'S SEEAMEB. CAN NOW PUT yournp a beautiful Basket of Fruit very low. ; CHOICE BANANAS, ORANGES and GRAPES always on hand. , . , Prices as Low as the Lowest. ' Urs. E, Warren & Son, deOtf. EXCHANGE CORNER. m HOLIDAYS ARE COMING, AKDJAM NOW MAKING A LABGS DISPLAY of a well assorted stock from London, Vienna and American markets. . The selections will be appreciated bv the most refined tastes. ; Elegant Show Cases are filled with the most beautiful articles. . Parties oan now call and make selections be fore the rush. A cordial invitation is extended to all at ' HSmSBXBGER'S Live Book and Music Stores. de 9 tf By Steamer To-Day and Otherwise, ; 1 fi fl Boxes RAISINS. Wholes. Iwv . ' Quarters and Hales, Layei a, Londons and Dcherns. 2gQ Lbs CITRON, . , JgQQ Lbs.. TURKISH PRUNES, gQQ Lbs CURRANTS, Cocoa-Nuts, Assorted Nuts, Oranges, . - Apples, Fire-Crackers, and a fuu as . . . . sortmcnt of Christmas Goods, 100 Lbs. Dressed TURKEYS, lCltoperlb. . -t A A Lbs. Dressed CHICKENS 1UU - 4060oaPatr. Q0XIve CHICKENS and TURKEYS. Iam selling Immense quantities of Poultry, but can't keep down the stock. I must sell, and will sacrifice them at a' 'very low .price by the coop. Chickens are cheaper than Beef. ' 3 "y ; , j. C ST13TENSON, " de9tf NORTH FRONT ST. EorEi&e. - T?IVS ELEGANT CASES FOR RAFFLE. A . - CALL AND TAKE A CHANCE. " - J.H. HARDIN, Druggist and Seedsman, New Market, Wilmington. N.) de 6 tf .f Handkercluefs , 300 D0ZEN8, 3,600 LADIES GENTS , VAND CHILDREN'S HANDKERCHIEFS, Clear Lawn. Colored Borders and Hemstitched. The handsomest and cheapest ever opened in this city. . ;v -' - ? . aeou - ...... ' 4uun o. tuwmvx- CARLTON, HOITSE, Warsaw, JDnplln Coel; QNLINE OF WILMINGTON AND WELDQ& Bailroad, 55mDes from Wilmington , . : -'.i I Table always well supplied with the best-the oountry affords.; Rates of . Board very reasona ble. -. -Z'- H 3. CARLTONrStJ. deoSlDAWtf ; Proprletoxi -- - i- i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. - ' - - ' - ..' -. - . - - IfBusiness: Hotice; f QUE MR. BEIDGEES, ANTICIPATING REMO vlng to South America, has .secured the services $t Mr. N. B. RANKIN to conduct the Grocery Business 01 P. L. BRTDGERS ft CO. . ' : i , . ' Mr. Rankm's famOiarity with the grocery' bu- stness, and bis well known push and energy- will be a sufficient guarantee to all that the business r- if- will be oondaotea'we.ll and satisfactorily. i -r jne will devote his whole time and attention to it, asd we will be m a better position than e.ver to c'atec.tft the trade. . ' " T We will announce later the date he will take charge.- de 6 DAW ts " apples:!.;:;' : ';' X ' APPLES'! AP A CHOICE LOT OF Selected Apples! CONSISTING OF BALDWINS, RDSSETS & QREENIN6S. $1.75 Per Barrel. GUARANTEED IN PERFECT ORDER, A BARGAIN. -',. . ) JNO. Ii. BOATWRIOHT, ' . Ho 18 tf ' ' 15 A 17 SO. FRONT STREET. 'Ml.; D1TBB. rpAILOR MADE . CLOTHES, AND EYERYTHINGELSE IN OUR LINE, AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES. JOHN DYER, no 15 tf Tailor and! Haberdasher. Something New. QHERRY; WALNUT, OAK AND MAHOGANY STAINS, In pint and half-pint dans. Anyone can stain wood the above colors at a very little expense. For sale by de 6 tf GEO. A PECK. Lotus J. Poisson, JEAL ESTATE AGENT AND STOCK BROKER. Houses Rented and Rents Collected. Estates Managed and Money Judiciously Invested. Bu siness solicited. Office " 113 NORTH SECOND ST. de 1 lw For Baffle, SIX ELEGANT PRESENTS, CONSISTING OF complete Manicure. Dressing and Smoking Cases at 5 and 50 cents a chance. Call and take a chance. . F. C. MILLER, - German Druggist, Corner Fourth and Nun Sts. P. S.Prescr lot ions filled at all hours, dav and night. no 15 tf Fire-Proof Oil JS BETTER THAN ."KEROSENE OIL, OB any other Burning OIL Can be used In any lamp For sale by - HOLMES St WAITERS, 7 North Front St. HENRY HAAR, 701 Chesnut St. WM. OTERSBN, corner 5th and Market; GISSCHKN & BRO., corner Chesnut and McRae. P. H. SMITH, corner 4th and Camp be 1L J. C. STEVENSON Si CO., 617 North Fourth St. - B. H. J. AHRENS, corner 7th and Market Sts. . J. C. STEVENSON, 131 Market St. H. SCHULKEN, corner 4th and Walnut Sts. J. H. BOESCH, No. 8ol North Fourth St. GEO. M. CBA PON, No. 82 South Front St, GEO. A PECK. No. 29 South Front Sr. Watch this list and see it grow. mh 29 tf ; Star Saloon TS THE PLACE TO GET THE FINEST WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. BEST OYSTERS IN THE CITY. Come and see mo, and I win give youlsatlsf action in all respects. no 6 tl ' GEO. Jr. HERBERT. JOEL HINES. R. 8. WHITE. IiATV FIRM. " WMte & Hiiies, Attorneys at Law, EDzali etlitown, H. C. Practloe in BLADENCOLUMBUS. SAMPSON and PENDER Counties. Collections promptly at tended to. --- ' -. Refer bv Dermission to CoL John A McTJownlt. John D . (mrrie and Dr. Newton Robinson. dec 8 8m yr.,- ' - - Vaseline Confections, OSB AND LEMON FLAVOR. AN AGHEEA- ble form of taking Vaseline Internally for Sore Throat. Cold. Bronchitis. An Tha a ra titi ri valled as a remedy. Fresh lot Osborn's Syrup.. - - kuujskt K, BSL.iAMTt Pharmacist, de 1 tf N. W. cor. Market and Front Sts. 1 Hew Stove House: ; E HAVE ADDED A FULL LINE OF COOK ING and HEATING STOVES and RANGES, with J rortame ana stationery GRATES, to our flum BING and GAS-FITTING Business, and are pre pared to give Very Low Figures on our NEW GOODS. Slate Mantels and Hearths furnished at short notice. - Plumbers and Gas-Fitters' Supv plies always on hand. Try us. - ' no8tf; - - 410 N. Front St. WHOLE NO. 5996 A NE W ADVEQTISEMENTa ; HOLTOYiGrlKTS"! 4J - . AT... AN ENTIRBLY NEW, AND ELEGANT STOCK. gdeetf tei'j.H u , V- ly'j...'y.0 W Surgical .yK HAVE in stock: a fullunb of all thejnew-and leading GOODS at New York Cata- priuoo, -uponwnicn we will allow a dis count of 25 per cent. Satisfaction guaranteed. de 8 tt ; . . f.-i W, y.v; DrngglstsJ: . i. --;T."- rpO WRITE LONG AND FUNNY ADTERTISE- jl m ments. Bntl will take tim to fill Harh nr. Consignments of CounfegProduoe solicited. ; ; JOHNKMAR8BALTiH4 de 8D AWtf 24 N.atefSt Wumingtoar,-: UN PARALLELED OFFER! rrEMOREST!S W THE BES Of all the Magazines K CONTAINING Stories, Poems and other Lit riry attractions. combining Artistic, 8cieiK lino ana nosenoio manors. . - - - Illustrated vrUh jOriginaf Steel Engrave . ings, Photogravures, Oil Pictures and , fine Woodcuts, making it the Model , - Wepropoe to zlva' conaicterable attention to the irand l'reUbltloa Party movement as one or themost lmoortant and live monu isanea of the dav.. - Each eopyof Demorest's Monthly Magazine " eon- -; who a vuupuu vmer, euutusg n fioiucr co tne seieo -tion Of anv nattern niiutrated In tha fiuhlnn Hpror ; ment ia that number, In any of the sizes manufactured. aemi iwemy cents tot tne entreat number with Pat- - iem uoupon ana yoa win certainly nibscribe Two DoK lars for a year and eet ten times its valne. rVnl. c-ihsxi , "sJennings Demorest, Publisher, 17 E. 14th St, NX de8DWlw AS BUYERS OF BEESWAX WE WILL, UNTIL further notlcej pay6c, per lb. free onboard steamer at "WinmgtomJ -?-. '.. oo 18 6m " v su we f r , , . Boston, Mass. ' T For Sale, A 00NTR0I2.niG INTEREST IN A LARGE AND PROSPEROUS BUSINESS. Address r:, - "B.M.Hh" ' " Lock Box 789. Wilmington, N. Cf. no 29 2w su wefr Annual Heeting. rJjHE ANNUAL MEETING OF PINS FOREST Cemetery Company will be held In the Mayor's JOHN G. NORWOOD, de 6 2t su we , Secretary and Treasurer. Geo. W; Price; Jr Auctioneer and Commission Merchant OFFICE AND SALES ROOMS. 215 MARKET STREET, where sneclal attention will be given tne saie oi uooas, wares, Meronandlse, die, on Consignment, and a General Commission Business. STRICT attention to business, and vuita returns oi sales. mylOtl NEW TOY STORE. j THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING RE-OPENED his Store with a fnll line of New and r.hsan TOYS, and FANCr ARTICLES, respectfully so licits tne public to call and examine the beantiful tmngs ouered for mspeotlon. The price will be euro bo sun an. a. UBb&mjlr . : - No. 17 Second Street, de62t net. Market and Dock. Wm. E," Springer & Co. QARRY 0 OF THE LARGEST AND MOST complete assortments of general Hardware in the State. Goods and prices guaranteed in all in stances. . r . - , . - V 19, 21 & 23 Market Street, s de 6 tf Wilmington N. d Our Cook Stoves RB OF "VARIOUS" STYLES AND QUALITY. We keep the BEST, such as "Fanner,", "Golden Harvest' - anu Otners. Tin Ware. House Fnrnlsh- ing Goods, Lamps, Toilet Sets, Kerosene Stoves. vome ana see our stock. - , PARKER TAYLOR. PURE WHITE 010. de6tf ' Firecrackers. 200 BOXES JUST RECEIVED, And for sale by ADiUAK A VOUUERS, dec 4 tf S..K. cor. Front and Dock sts. Irish Potatoes, t A CAB LOAD JCST ARRIVED "FROM THE West. tWTBS BEST POTATOES TCVKH OFFERED IN THIS MARKET, 200 Bbls. NOR- THtutM nrmviss, ior sale by - , - oe w auiuan YOuLEBS, For GlinstAnaSl? i 25 Bags COCOANUTS, 1200 Boxes RAISINS, - 150 Barrels APPLES,'. , - .. . SO Bags NUTS, ; 50 Boxes CANDY, 200 Boxes and Bbls CRACKERS, "J 150 Boxes CHEESE, Also, PRUNES, CURRANTS and CITRON. - For sale by de4tf ' - ADRIAN A VOLLERS. Bagging, Saltf Tie s. 200 Rolls BAGGING, , ;' ; r .' 1200 Bundles TIES, - HOOO Sacks 8ALT, " ; ; 1 5 OO Bundles HOOP-TRON, - f- SOOKegsNAILS. . , ' ' - For sale by - .v-- - ' ADRIAN &V0LLERS,- - , ,AM ' Wholesale Grocers, V de 4 tf '. 8. B. oor. Dock and Front Sts. 1 Almost Forgotten. : JTD3T0O COMMON TO PRAISE YOURSELF; but at H. C. PREMPERT'S, No. 7 South Front street, oan certainly be found the best Shaves, Hair Cuts, Ac, Ac in the City of Wilmington. More especially since the crop of marriages seem to be in snch abundance. . So give mm a caU. - . . - oc25tf-. For Sale, . f ' 't " Dwellings' and Building Lots in -any Bill T Part of the city, for cash and on the mT " I i istalment plan . : Apply to D. O'CONNOB. . de6 tf Real Estate Agent. Wanted! Wanted! HIDES, WOOL AND WAX. HIGHEST CASH prices paid for same. , - - ; . -: . 300 BOXES CHOICE BRANDS TOBACCO for SAML BEAR, Sr 18MarketStreet. 80 2711- I - M 5 H i ivo Three ...... ...... One !Tont. ........... ..... Two Kort- t....... a5uo &onw2f ii Ionuit...,i,.. ...... O&O YHUSm ("y f m'f - - K7Contract Advertise:: tiri r : tiooately low xatsa . - - - Ten lines solid Nonparefi type mi" - new ADVKiinsiz::;:. . OPERA HO II C. TWO NIGHTS AMD HATTZ lEinesiay tamfay5.vS ::1 : The brilliant and charming young Com : " ' -vocaust ana irotean Aotres3 - - inss BELLAncr: Supported by a carefnTty select Ccr.. . j v - weanesaay night and Thursay Xlllaee A niOCNTAIN PINK. - ' xnursaay igMVr-XHB DABIT" : ' Reserved seats now on sale at Ea . sr's . -de64t - .-. . . Tay lorfo B az c a r. llfljrlietStv TVHBNEAR APPROACH"d ClTllTS'rM'ASt I?'?. lmndstMjaat this is our THIRD YEAR ANNUAL ' GREETING in this oity. Our endeavors In the , past have been directed to make each year's or-"" t j forts eurpaas those of the preceding year, WftO wuuuouu. proouse . m vxe display TSI& 11. YEAR or - - - -. . i . Vr 1 - - - MS;' i WELL EXCEL ALL OUR PREVIOUS r"T?PT3, ana urns imihj'Yiiffl'ft kava at; t ,.T Resort for. Holiday Goods in tbe city. . , ; - Novelties in Dolls. Txanlmr A Rnnkivo. Unmi Patent 8hoe-Fly tor Infants, Toy Furniture, fcoi- : uier uuraa complete, sietai anu wooden Drums, -Games, Blocks, Tin,- Iron and Wooden Wagons. Magio Lanterns; Boys' Tool-Chests. Mechanical ' An immense stook. at VUtlnprv' rvmwtii. tTn 8iery. - Gloves, Underwear, Dress Trimmings - Notice must be Dispofritri n-x taa by express a bankrupt stock of a New York man-- ufacturer of-s, ,c. v ..A.'---,.- . . Lafies, -Hissi Cufl&ffilMt ana Straw Hats,- of tha most faahioBsble shapes,- and as we are overcrowded with HOLIDAY goods va am . bound to almost give these . Hats-away !or 4 8 TAYLOE'S BAZAAE 118 Market StJHect. : . de6tf ;c'"- -A EE THE FINEST LINES EVER LMPOETED, :v and warranted; FISST-CLASS In every respect. WJgs and IJmbs fornjshed for my own styles J : Bpalrtntr done free of ohargs on any DoH bear . I keep in stock EXTRA WiJMtQthSjWj. varnage yeiooireaes,Buikys or Wagons bought; in my place. T4ia Mnml n ( a XAAW BVWO lVnV lifW GOODS RB.1I ha fnrmrt mt mvastjihllahmant. arhnTi'"W " defies oompetltioii. -Cv- ' .-r;;-t.-? A T.T5TTVS PTfTTTTRTt Wfi A irVSt A TTwiaT k Ht9 t- SCRAP BOOKS,lat bargains. x ." Tfill mA whft ta trcAnirtA hnnt: in. OHArfrnatit - and' prices of Cups and Saucers, Flatea, Vases . : Toll fit Sets. -RionnA Amuiuuiti Rmnma anf Jan. . anese Goods! -- : - . .- . Call now and select before the rush begins.' , JULIUS MUELIJGR. de6tf z: -, ;:Ii0Stf fi? 84.000.000 E ; AT GALVESTON). . That City's fate may be oars -at any moment, so insure your property before .ii It is TOO LATE, and be sate jottpoBeyiaT imltjz Which Company pays all losses withont discount.. - 8,50O,CO0 paid by it on account of Chicago big ? ' . JNO. W. GORDON Su SMITH, Agents, de 6tf ; ' - Telephone Nomber 7s. 82.00 ladies' Shoes, ,:. A NEW LOT JUST RECEIVED BY ' ' - t S H B I H lIEtj deetf Nos. 108 St 110 Market 8treet. At Cost! ; ,z FOR ONE WEEK. COMMENCING DEC. 7TH. . MRS. BATE O. WINES, ' -: 119 North sd Street . deoetf Silk Hats 1 C TIFF HATS! -i e , ; LADIES' FUR CAPS t , . ? BARRISOH AAXJJC? ' : ; -'V- ' - Qatteft.- dee tr l Flour, Bacon, CoiTco. JQQQ 151,18 tfLOUB, afl erades," QQ 80X68 d 8. ait SIDES, ? ' ; 200 s5BOTrKEB 10 0 260,164 SUQABS, all Erades, " Q Bbls Choice Porto Rico MOLASSrs, 25 CASOLDIA BICE, I 1500 .fl.rwcoi SALT. ' --, Q Bales RANDOLPH YARN. - V 25m SAHDOLPH fiH3EBTUia "' 100 011868 STABZ,TB' - v"-r-- - : - 5Q Cases BALL POTASH, . ; ! , . b ' 1 Q0 Gross R. B. MILLS SNTJ7F,: Boxes CHEWING TOBACCO, : :: , . Boxes Selected CREAM CHEESE, ' Boxes CRACkXRS,1:, - ' Soda, Starch, Soap, ' - ; f,- Candles, Matches, c , ' For sale low.by : ' WTTJJAMS, RANKIN Ss CO, de6tf Come of the -Finest. ryfX HAVE TO-DAYIIECIIVED, HALF rA " CAR Vo AD OF - " .? 'i- - - . Beerr HEtton, Jorkmp, - ts., -' of tbe finest quality and In the finest Tjpondition, -which we offer both wholesale and retail rcs " ' out stalls In Frcpt Street and Fourth Street Kar- " ket Houses. - , - -v ' - no29tf , 5, WORTH CO. if y ' '' I : v- t I' I, H I LSI