'a -I I mR COUGHS, CROUP AHD FC0NSUMP?TIONUSE Cherokee EtE.::DY OF SWEET GUM AKD L!ULIJEI! Tbe sweet gum, as gathered from a tree of the same name, growing along the small streams in the Southern States, contains a stimulating ex oectorant principle that loosens the phlegm pro facing the early morning cough, ana stimulates the child to throw off the false membrane In croup and whooping-cough. When combined with the healing mucilaginous principle in the mullein niant of the old fields, presents in Taylob's Chebokeb remedy of Sweet Gttm and Mullein- the finest known remedy for Coughs, Croup, Whooping-cough and consumption; and so pala table, any child is pleased to take it. Ask your dnigKist for It. Price, &5c and$l. If he does not Keep it, we will pay, for one time only, ex press charges on large size bottle to any part of the IT. S. on receipt of $1.00. - WALTER A.TAYXOR,Attanta.Gv my 15 ly too - nrm EPITHELIOMA! ok skin cancer; : For seven years I suffered with a canoer on triy facp. All the simple remedies were applied to alleviate the piiiu but the place eonttnued to grow, finally extending Into ay nose, from which came a yellowish, discharge very offensive: In character, it was also inflamed, and annoyed me a great deal, About eight months ago I was la Atlanta, at the house, of a friend, who so strongly recommended the use of Swift's Specific that I determined to make an effort to procure it in this I was successful, and began Its use. The influence of the medicine at first was to somewhat aggravate the sore: but soon the in flammation was allaved, and I began to improve after the first few bottles. My general health has greatly improved. I am stronger, and able to do any kind of work, the cancer on my face began to decrease and tbe uloer to heal, until Were i not a vestige of it left only a little soar marks the place where it had been. I am ready to aos wei all questions relative to this cure, ;ry it Hbs. Joicik A. McDosald. . Atlanta, Ga., August II, 1885. . -v- , - -i "- I have had a cancer on my face for soma years, extending from one cheek bone across the nose to the other. It has given me a great ' deal of pain, at times burning and Itching to such an ex tent that it was almost unbearable. I com menced using Swift's Specific In May. 1S85, and have used eight bottle? . It has given the greatest relief by removing the inflammation and restore ins. my general health; W. Bauhss.' Kuoxville, Iowa, Sept.U; 18S5. -. For many yeara 1 was a sufferer with cancer of the nose, and having been cured by the use of S. S. &i I feel constrained by a sense of duty to suf fering humanity to make this statement of my -as. h ith the fourteenth bottle the canoer be .gao to heal rapidly and soon disappeared, and for severa! months there has been noappearanc of a sartor any kind on my nose or face, neither is my nose at all tender to the touch. I have taken about two dozen bottles 8 S. 8., and am soundly cured, and I know that 8. 8. S. effected the cure after every known remedy was tried and had failed. , - -i- : Robxbt Sstedlet. Font Gaines, Ga,, May 1, 1885. I had heard of the wonderful cures of Swift's tasine it in April, 1884. My general health was i much Improved, yet the cancer which was in my breast continued to grow slowly but surely. The bunch grew and became, quite heavy.' I felt that I must either have it cut-or die. But it com- I menced discharging quantities of almost blacks thick blood Is continued healing around the edges until February, when it was entirely healed up and wed. - x ; Bstst Woon.O Cochesett, Plymouth Co , Mass., July 13, 1885. , swift's hpeciBc is entirely vegetable, and seem to cure cancers by forcing out the impurities from the blood. . . ; ; Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed . free. - , - -... . THE SWIFT SPXCmC OO., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. S, Y. 157 W. 23d St. ' . jan 20 D&W1V . - fr su we nrm eh w ! WHEAT Baking Powder. i (GOLD BESAL AT REW ORLEAKD " Endorsed "by the leading Hotel in the Country. i'-.- t Approved by tbe Government Cllsi mists for the Indian Commission MART1W ItAJLBFtEISCH'S SONS, Established 18S81. - - '- .-- KKWYOML'' PHOBMlfii--. no 28 6m - wed sat Hot Springs at Tour lloori Hot Springs Physicians use In their own Cases " f and Prescribe for Others "-" Buffalo?; IiiMrtWitlter : ': -J ,v;'C in- QOUT, RHEUMATISM, AND DISEASES GENE BALLY OP URIC ACID DIATHESIS.? .A " DR. JAMES It, CABELL, - Professor of Physiology and Surgery In the Med--. teal Department of the University of Virginia and President of t ie National Board of Health, -' and former Besident Physician,' Hot Springs, -Virginia. - , - - t The-water of Spring No 9 contain in' nota J ble quantities two of the Alkalies,- which are ac - credited as extremely valuable in the treatment cf Gout, Lithiasis, and Liver Affections I refer; to the Carbonate of Potash and Lithia It is now: well known that both of these alkaline carbon ates have an ascertained value in cases of Uric Aad Diathesis connected with Grand, and in cases of Chronic Gout, because of their affinity for Uric Ada, and the great solubility of the salts which are formed by their union with that acid." ; ; " ; DB. ALGERNON S. G ARNETT, r ' : ' ; nrgeon (Retired) U. S."Navy,Tlesident Physician, Hot Springs. Ark.- --" j - "My experience m the use of Buffalo Llthlal Water is limited to the treatment of Gout, Rheu-i matism, and that hybrid disease 'Bheumatic: . Gout' (so called), which is in contradistinction to the Bkeumatoid ArUuitbtf &trn4.----,-'-? '1 have had excellent results from this Water jn these affections, both in my own person and in. the treatment of patients for whom I have pre-; - scribed it. Of course the remedial agent is its contained Alkalies and their solvent properties. J "Hence, it is a prophylactic as well as a reme-; QV in Nephritic Colic and forming Calculi, when due to a redundancy of Lithic Acid." - DE.W.B.TOWLES, ,.' Member Medical Society of "vTrglnia? EesMent Physician Hot Springs, va. ' "I feel no hesitancy whatever In saying that In Qont. Rheumatio.Gont, Bheumatism, Stone In' the Bladder, and all diseases of TJrio AcidLDia-' thesis, I know of no remedy at all comparable to Buffalo Idthia Water, Spring No. H. In a single ease of Bright s Disease of the Kidneys I wit nessed very marked beneficial results from its ' use, and from its action in -this particular case; I should have great confidence in it in this dis- . ' DB. T. B. BUCHANAN, - - t Besident Physician, Hot Springs, Ark.. .. - "Send me five oases Buffalo ' Llthia" Water, Spring No, 2, I have made use of this Water for tiout in my own case, and prescribed it for pa tlents similarly suffering, with the most decided beneficial results, I take pleasure in advising outy patients to these Springs,?. ' .Water in cases of one dozen hall gallon bottles Per case at the Springs. . r ?- . ; aprings pamphlet mailed to any address. or sale by W. H. Green where the Springs wphletmay be found.. ' . - - - , THOS.lP.GOODS.Proprlotor, - . mh 18 t.f - nrm -i - Buffalo Llthia Springs, V ' D. A. SMItHTf - rUBSKrUES' WAES fi0O3is; ean be ; found, a large assortment of VALpABLB gifts, suitable for. everybody -The Tnr11n : fltof aouull IoIaq a.rA-re "Pectfully invited to call and examine prices, Ac Peo28tf - Furniture Wareroomfl. The;:Morning Star! OI.D C1TBISTRXAS TISIES. ( FROM SCOTT'S "MABMION" ' TP ChrirtniM eve tbe bells were" rung: Ua Christmas eve the mass was buuk: '.''."' .-'' The damsel doiined heT kirtie aheen; The hall was dressed in holly green- ' Forth to the wood, did merry-men eo . ; To gather liKtho' mistletoe. . Then openedvwide the baton's ball K ) : To vassal, tenant, serf, and all;; i - - -.--. . A .:r ! ; The fir o. with well-dried iocs supplied, 1 Went roaring up the chimney wide; - i The huge halt-table's oaken face, - -Scrubbed till it shne; the day to grace, Bore then upon Its massive board v- - No mark to part .the squire and lord. Then was brought in the lusty brawn, - -By old, blue coated serving man; - Then the grim boar's head frowned on high, Crested with bays and rosemaVy. V-. The wassail round, in good brown bowls, Garnished with ribbons, blithely trowls, : Tlere the nuge sirloin reeked ;(- tard by Plum porridge stood, and Christmas pie; ' -. Nor failed old Scotland to produce - ! At such high-tide, her savory goose. . Then came the merry masquers in, " And carols roared with blithesome din. - , - . v ' . . , : Who lists may in this mumming see ' , Traces of ancient mystery; White Bhirte supplied the masquerade, ! 1 And smutted cheeks the visors made; England was merry England when Old Christmas1 brought his sports again. 'T was Christmas brached the mightiest ale; 'Twaa Christmas told the merriest tale; -A Christmas gambol oft could cheer The poor man's heart through half the year.' "IN EXCEIiSIS GLORIA" When Christ was born of Mary free In Bethlehem,, in that faircitie, "Angels sang there with mirth and glee." In Excelsis Gloria ! Herdsmen beheld these angels bright, To them appearing with great bgbt, Who said, "God's Son is born this night," In Excelsis Gloria ! This King is come to save mankind Aa in Scripture truths we find, Therefore this song have we in mind, . In Excelsis Gloria ! Then, dear Lord, for Thy great grace, Grant us the bliss to see Thy face. That we may sing to Thy solace-. . . s ' In Excelsis Gloria : Old English Carol (1500; in British Mu seum J. 1 1 THEHBISTMASOFPEBING. . .WTXilAM CBOSWELI,. We come not with a costly store; O Lord, like them, of old, The masters of the starry lore, From Ophir's shore of gold; " No weepings of the incense tree Are with the gifts we bring; No odorous myrrh of Araby r- Blends with our offering.; ' ' 'r " But still our love would bring its best, A spirit keenly tried ; By fierce affliction's fiery test, And seven times purified: Tho fragrant graces of the mind, The virtues that delight To give their perfume out, will find Acceptation in Thy tight. CHR1STMA.S BELLS. - Christmas comes but once a year. T.Tusser. , . . ; . . J; With Christmas comes merry-making.--7. FctoU... f : On Christmas -day we will shut out from our fir side nothing. Charles Dickens., z Christmas day la the . season of good cheer all the world over. Tlieodore 8. Fay. On Christmas day all should be welcomed with good cheer and true hospi tality. John Stow. ' " A. regalarly orthodox jolly Christmas is suggestive of big fires, plum puddings ' and family gatherings. Alice Fisher. - .- -r Christmas is a time of hospital lty, of joy and merriment to thousands whose wants are supplied; but often it is a time of anxiety and suffering to the poor. G. Mogridge. . - -, Christmas is, indeed, the season of . regenerating feeling the season for kindling not merely the fire of hospitality in the hall, but the genial flame of charity in the heart. Washington Irving. Who taught mankind on that first Christ . : mas Dav What 'twas to be a man: to give, not taker To serve, not rule; to nourish, not devour; To : help, ; not -crush; if need, to die, not liver -" --Charles Kingsky. The poof Will many a care forget,. Tbe debtor think not of his debt,. , . But as they each enjoy their cheer Wish it were Christmas all the year. Thomas Miller. CHRISTMAS CHUCKLES. There is something catching in Shurtleff's new jingles, "When I Was a child," the days when, as he says; A- speiiseemea mnamg an iue wouiu, ' As though by magic olden, ; ; And every path seemed gemmed and pearled' And every iancjrgoiaen. - HaskinsI don't thinK much of Dr. ; ArgueTs school; of . medicine.- He, don't seem to have any luck in curing peo ple. Bobb. No, and that's not the worst of it. I heard him admit to Dr Hender- son that he couldn't cure a nam. jlvo- ,JL "Isn't . iny ? photograph . excel-? lent V " said a young wife to her husband., "T think there is a.- little too much; repose? about the rnoaik."r-Rehoboth Sunday Her ald.- , - . v 01d ,;- man : Pennybunker ; has marriad again." You don't tell me so T" Yes, and he has: married a right young girl, 40 years younger than he is.?. '!Well, I declare., : His other wife only died six months ago, and be went on so at the grave that J. expected that he would " lose his mind', ".Well,' you see your prediction has come to pass." lexas Siftings- t' OLlTICAZrjPOllfTS. : ' Before Logan makes that'.big speech the English language ought to be fortified with a few fqrty-ton guns. Boston Post, Dem. - -' v . - "Uncle Ran4alF seems to have been in the way of the Democratic party, which, without observing him, has stepped on -him. - No. harmwas intended. Phu. Seeord.- ; 7 rS;"V--",.-v : . -" Mr. Blaine fias nished his book, so says Colonel Frank A.;Burr, and is very glad of it. -. He has a month to spare. "For my part," continued. Colonel Burr. "Ido n& think tow Blaine will er again be a candidate for the PredencyI don t think Blaise would cppOfie Logan and , K Black Jack should he nominated m.lr. mt. Blaine would probably take the stump for him." IT. T. Star. : THE COURTS. f-f . Sprlne; Terms 1886 - " - KBST DIBTBICT--JTJDflB GUBGKR. Hyde February lt one'week; May -IQ, - one week, v ' - v , Beaufort February 8, two weeks; May 24, two weeks. ' - Currituck March 1, one week. "- ' : . Camden March 8, one week. """", Pasqbotank March .15, .one week; June 7, one week. . , Perquimans March 23, one week. . : Chowan March ; 29, one week; June 14, - one week. - Gates April 5, one week. ' ' " " Hertford April 12. ; one-, week ; June 21 one week. - i. , Washington Apiil 19, -one week! ' ' ' TyrreU Aprir26, one week; ,, t , - : Dare May 3, one week. " " - : Pamlico-May 17,. one week -J. SECOND . DISraiCT-JUDGB, SHKPHEBD. f Halifax January 4; two weeks,' March 1; two weeks; May 10, two weeks- ; Northam pton January 18,"' two J weeks ; i March 29; two weeks; JJune 7, one week. Edgecombe t February 1, one week; April 12, two weelss. . . "- - Cravens-February 8. two weeks; May 24 two weeks. - , ' . i Warren March 15. two weeks. -Bertie April 26, two weeks. - ' - '. T11XRD DISTBICT tfTJIGB PHJLrPS V ) Pitt Janf 4, two weeks: March 15, two weeks; June 7, two weeks. . : Franklin Jan. 18, - one week; May 31, one "week.""";"" '; r ?'. . -Wilson JFeb. I, two weeks; April 12, tw weeks Yance Feb. 15, two weeks; May 17, two weeksc - " 2 "T.J IV Martin March 1, two weeks. !- Greene March 29, two weeks. Nash April 26, two weeks. . FOURTH DISTRICT JUDGE CONNOR. Wake4-?Jan. 4, twoweeks; fFeb, 22, two weeks; March 22; two weeks; f April 19, three weeks. , - Wayne Jan. 18. two weeks; March 8, two two weeks; f April 12, one week. - Harhett-Feb.' 1 one week.- . . 'J ohnston Feb. 8 two weeks." v FIFTH DISTBICT JUDGB CLARK. Granville Jan. 25, two weeks; May 3, two weeks. Chatham Feb. 8", one week; May 17, one - week. - - Guilford Feb. 15, two weeks: June .7, one week. Alamance March 1, one week; May 31, one week. - - Durham March 8, two ..weeks; May 24, one week. -:; , Orange March 22, one week. Caswell April 12, two weeks. Person April 26, one week. SIXTH DISTBICT JUDGE GILMER. New Hanover Jan. 18, two weeks; April 12, two weeks. 1 ---" Lenoir Feb. 1, one week. Duplin Feb. 8, two weeks. Sampson fFeb. 22, two weeks; April 26, one week. Pender March 8, one week; May 8, one week. . . I-. - J--, A- ; ; : Carteret--March 15,' one week. Jones March. 22, one week. Onslow March 29, one week. SEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE BOTXXN. Anson Jan. 4V one week; tAnril,26, one week. Columbus Jan. 11, one week; March 22, one week. Cumberland Jan. 18, one week; March - 8, one week; f May 3, two weeks. Robeson Jan. 25, two weeks; May 17, two weeks. Richmond Feb. 8, two weeks; May 81, one week. Bladen March 15, one weeks., Brunswick March 29. one week. Moore April 12 two weeks.,. ,v ' T "... ".- EIGHTH DISTBICT JUDGB MAC BAB. Cabarrus $ Jan . 25, one week ; April 26, one week.' . , Iredell Feb. 1, two weeks; May 17, two weeks. -Rowan Feb. 15, two weeks; May 3, two weeks. Davidson March 1, two weeks; May 81, one week. . -. Randolph March 15, two weeks. Montgomery March 29, one week. Stanly March 5, one week. - , NINTH DISTRICT JUDGE MONTGOMERY. Rockingam January 18, two weeks. ; Forsyth February 1, Jwo weeks; May 17, two weeks. , - ; Yadkin February 15, two weeks. Wilkes March 1, two weeks; April 26, one ; week. ; Alleghany March 15, one week. , Davie March 29, two weeks. -Stokes April 12, one week. ; 1 ' Surry April 19, one week.' TENTH DISTBICT JUDGE GRAVES. " Henderson February 8, three weeks. Burke March 1, two weeks. Caldwell March 15, one week,: , Ashe March 22. one week; May 24, one Watauga March 29, one week; May 31, one week. ' ,v Mitchell April 12, two weeks Yancey April 26, two weeks. McDowell May 10, two weeks. ELEVENTH DISTBICT JUDGE AVERY. Alexander January 18, one week; June 7, one week. Catawba January 25, one week; May 31, ' one week . " --j Union February 8, one week; February 15, one week ; May 17, one week; fMay ' 24, one week Mecklenburg February 22, three weeks. Gaston March 15. two weeks. Lincoln March 29, one week.' Cleveland April 6, two weeks. Rutherford April 19, two weeks. Polk May 3, one week. , TWELFTH- 'DISTBICT rJUDGBSHIFP, Madison February 22, two weeks. BuncomDe-March 8, , three weeks; June 14,- two weeks ' Transylvania March 29, one week. Haywood April 6, two weeks. Jackson April 19, two weeks, Maccn May 8 tne week. -Clay May 10, one week. Cherokee May 17, two weeks. Graham May 31, one week. Swain June 7, one week. Criminal causes only. . iCivit'causes and jail casesonly. fCivil causes only. . . r The Savannah Weekly News. THB SAVANNAH WEEKLY NEWS IS NOW A 12-page, 8i colnmn newspaper. It contains each week a complete resume of the world's do in?s, edltorlUs on the current topics of the day; interesting reading for the fireside and farm, ori ginal and selected stories, accurate market re ports. In fact, it combines in a condensed form, all the beet features of the dailv cotemporary, the SAVANNAH MORNING NBWSIt is a care fully edited, enterprising and entertaining family journai; not a .local paper, but ona That can be read with interest in any locality. - Theprieeis only $1.25 a year, or In clubs of five or more. $1 00 a year. It is the cheapest paper of its olass In America. ; Sample copies and premium lists sent on appli cation. - - J. H, KSTILL. - oo29tf- ' -' '- - Savannah, Qa. . . Almost Forgotten. JT IS TOO COMMON TO PRAISE YOURSELF; but atK. C. PBBMPBBTS, No.' 7 South Front street, can certainly be found the best , Shaves, Hair Cuts, &e., &cu In the. City ;of : WflmlnRton. More especially since the crop of marriages seem to be in snon abundance " . - , . - - So give him a call. oo 85 tf Dlilll, SCilLL, .BLOOD, Cleansed, Purified 'ar 1 Xiautified by i -' tta Catictira E;aedies,-;; FOR cleansing the Skin and f alp of DiBflgur .tog Humors, for allayln-r Itching, Burning and Inflammation, for curing tho- first symptoms of Eczema Psoriasis, Mi Crust, Scald Head, Scrofula, and other Inherited skla and Blood Diseases, Ctmcmu, the great Skin" Cure, and Coticuba ' Soap, an exquisite kln Baantifier, externally, and CuncuKi. -Rbsolvbut, the new Blood Purifier, internally, are Infallible. u Naught bat Gopd. ' i . r " We have been selling your CimctraA Rxmebiks for the past three or four years, and have never heard aught but good words in their favor. Your Ccticdba. Soap is decidedly the best selling me dicinal soap va handle, and ft is highly prized for Its soothing and softening effect upon the '' JF.: CLIFTON WHEAT, Jb., Drugglsf. WiKCHssTia, Va. -,- - ;." v . Th.JLarsest Sale. r f " Our safe of Crmotnu. are as large; if not la ger, than any medicine we sell; and we assure yon that we have never had a single instance In which the purchaser was dissatis&ad. As to your Soap, we caa sell no other, everybody wants Cuticuka. - -' . ' - j - MILLER & CHAPMAN. Druggists.' LOUIHAHA, MO.. ' - , -v..''i ; Salt fit Iieum Cured." 4 " Two of the worst cases 'of Salt Rheum I ever saw were cured by your Jdmouiu. Rekbdies, and their sales exceed those of all other like re medies. -1 sell very little of any other, medicinal Soap than Ctjtiottra. - - - GEORGE A.ANTHONY, Drugglsf. K wanbe, III. . .. . v , Doetors Prescribe Them. The CtmcuBA Rbmxsiss are Excellent remedies for all Bkin diseases. - - - - - . J. C. WILSON, M.U., Habvil, Ilu CVTIcirJR A BBIES " -- " -Are 6Ut every where. PeIce?3rlcroBA, 50c; Rbsoxvbnt,""8I.OO; Koap S5c Prepared, by the Pottk Pspq AinxCmiMTOAT. Co., Boston, Masg.. Send for l,Hw to cure Sfcla DlaeaBes." fiJi TTT5 Q Pimpled Skin Blen ITXli U JjKJ) Humors cured by Blemishes and Baby (JUTICUBA. BOAP. ,t WEAK BACK. PAWand Weakness across the Kidneys, Shooting Pains thro' .the Loins, UtetlnePains,lack of Strength rand Activity instantly relieved and apt e dily cured by toe Cutiouba ahti-Paut PiasTiB. . At druggists i S5c. - da 1 D&Wlm . wed sat ' too or frm . T h e Rl 6 r ri i n g Star PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY : Suteigtion Rates In -MTaaSe .i DAILY STAB, One Year, "postage paid ,. ...7 00 " SixMonths, " ....... 400 '' Three Months" "".......2 00 ' Two Months, " t34 '.- " One Mofttb " '. 75 W&3KLY STAR, One Year, postage paid, . $1 W SixMonths, . " .... 1 00 " Three Months " . , 60 NOTICES 0PTEEPBES3: The Stab is decidedly one of the best papers in the State, as bright and newsy as ever. - Long life to it Salem Press. The Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth year as good a paper as any people' should want. Charlotte Democrat. Tho Wflraington Stab has entered on ts twelfth year. As a daily journal of news it stands "up head." Concord Ueaister The Wilmington Stab has entered its twenty fifth volume. There is no better paper published v In he State. Lenoir Topic The Wilmington Stab has entered upon Its thlr-, teenth year. It is one of the best papers in the State. Warrenton Gazette. , s The Wilmington Stab has entered its thirteenth: year. It has become one of the leading papers.of the Sooth. Oxford Torchlioht. - The Wilmington Stab Is not only one of the best edited papers hi the State, but for freshness of news and typograpical appearanoe cannot be beaten. faeson Reporter. The Wilmington Stab Is one of the very best pa pers In the South, In every department from typo graphy up to editorial ability and independency PetirtlntrQ ( Va.) ItuUx-AtzrZ ' ' Tbe WOmington (N. C.) Morkiss Stab is a mod el newspaper. Indeed, we think we do not exag gerate its merits when we say it is the newsiest (secular) paper published in the South. Richmond (Va.) Religious Herald. j The Wilmington Stab has now entored upon its thirteenth year and twenty-fifth volume. One of the best conducted and edited papers In the South and, as a North Carolinian, we are proud of it. larboro Southerner. "We like the Stab because it 1b thoroughly re liable, candid, fearless, and so well and ably edited , newsy, spicy, and in fact a perfect newa- aper. ixng may tne btab twmxie. mi. Airy 'Although at the head of the press In this State in all that makes a paper valuable to the. reader, still it continues to improve. It is a Stab of the first magaitude. May Its lustre never wane . The Fret Will Baptist. The Stab is bo well and favorably known In this section of the State, that we can say nothing of which its thousands of readers do not already knowIt Is In every respect one of the best dal Ues to the South. a6cwian. . - The WOmington Stab has entered on its twelfth year. It is a most excellent newspaper, well -edited, a compendium of all the news of the day, and an honor to Its city, to North Carolina and tc North Carolina iournallsm. Charlotte Observer. That magnificent beaming Stab has completed Its twenty-second volume. It Is one of the most brilliant, erudite and sparkling dailies south of the Potomac. The system In the get up of the pa per surpasses them alL Tarboro Southerner. The Wilmington Stab Is now takmg the regular midnight Associated Press reports, and has be sldes increased the amount of Its reading matter. The Stab Is an exoellent paper. Its prosperity is not surprising since it is so deserving. Chariots Observer. , . The Times cannot say a word too good for the Wilmington Stab. It has Just reached one of its many birthdays. As a newspaper it is a tavorite with the State press and is sought after by the people. Long and prosperous fife to it. Feids viUe Times . ; The WOmington Stab, we are pleased to notice, still continues on the high road to success. - We esteem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of the verv best of our exchanges, and consider it the peer of any Journal published In the South. Oxford Free Lance. , ; j;., . Why Is It that all the papers with tb e name of Star are such bright little Journals f The Wilming ton (N. C.) Stab, the Washington Star, the Fred ericksburg Star, New York or example. There must be something In a name after all. Richmond (Fa.) State. ; r - . The Wilmington Stab has entered nponlts 12th volume, and we are pleased to notice still contin nes on the road to success. .We esteem the Stab very highly, regarding It as one of the very best newspapers that comes to this office. Its news columns are always a little fuller than those !of any other of our exchanges, and Its editorial de aortment lscondnoted with much ability.-rKrr-aanton JUade. " --. .r. 'a.-'; Humble to Its beginnings, as was Inseparable from an enterprise begun amid the wreck of fon tune that attended the collapse of the Souther Confederacy, the Stab has steadily "waxed" un til it now beams resplendent In the full glow of a constantly brightening prosperity. As a newspa per it has few equals, and no superior, for appro priate selection and judicious arrangement, and we are proud to rank It among our most accepts S ble exchanges. BJUsboro Recorder. The Wilmington MonsrNa Stab has entered up on the thirteenth year of its existence, and we take this opportunity to congratulate it upon its prosperity and deserved popularity. The remark able success of the Stab is due toits strict atten tion to business. The boast of the Stab "(rightful ly too) Is that it always has the news, and this is the first thing In journalism. Otherwise the pa per is all that the term of "good newspaper" im plies, audi ts corps of editors and reporters are thoroughly educated newspaper men. May the healthy, moral influence of the Stab never be re tarded, and may its genial enterprising proprie tor enjoy many more happy years of usefulness. Goldsboro Messenger- - JOEL HINES. " R. S. WHITE. LiW FIRM. White & Hines, 'A Attorneys at Law, Ebzauetntown, fl. C, - Practice In BLADEN,' COLUMBUS, SAMPSON and PENDBR Counties. Collections promptly at tended to. - ...... Refer by permission to Col. John A. McDowell. JohnD. Carrie and Dr. Newton Robinson. dec 38m . '-'-.' H.B. FAISON. , W. B.PAISON.. v FAISON & FAISON, " ATTORNEYS AT LAW, . CLINTON, N. C, Practice in -Sampson,-Duplin, Bladen, Wayne and Pender Counties, and In . Supreme Court of the State. . - - . - - - - - Refer by speolal permission to A. F. Johnson,' Cashier C. L. A., Clinton,' N. C; E. J, Lilly, Esq., Fayetteville, NtC; MaJ. Chas.-M. Stedman, Wil mington, N. C. - . jao 17 3m , LIU j WHOLESALE, PRICES. Our quo) n.r.to.v. it should T understood. represent the wutMtmtu ;. rices generally. In making up small oruera tUgner prices have to be cbarged. - . ABTIUUW. - . BAGQINQ Gunny . .. . . Standard . .. r. . ,i 7 . BACON North Carolina : - .. Hams, V B Shoulders, ?? to......... ' Sides, choloe, lb:... ..... Wxstbbh Smokbd Hams. 9 B. ' Sides, $ .... i. ...... - Shoulders, B- Dbt Saxjtxo Sidesi ? K.:... V. Shoulders, 9 B .... . BABKBLS Spirits Turpentine, - PKICIS. 00 a l 12 8 10 uwona iiana, eaon. . . , .. New New York, each, 1 60 00 - 00 23 1"65! 180 I 80 ' 34' isew msy eacu, BEESWAX . BHICXS Wflmingion, ?j i 9 DO 0 00 14 00 BUTTER -North Caroliml. 9 lb. Northern, ft..... ....... CANDLES fi Sperm . . ; . . Tallow.-.-... : - Adamantuia ....;....;.. . .. . CHEBSB a Ib-North'nFaot'y . TX) 6t 15 0 e 18 -8 24 25 , 12 12 ,10 x 12 : iL i It ' 10 ' 70 1 85 7 -85 ' 18- - u&iry, tsream.. ii . State ET3 8 18 COFFEE p B-Java Laguyra .....'... 00 Rio CORN MKAL bush., In sacks, Virginia Meal COTTON TIES $ bundle...... DOMESTICS-Sheetftg, yd YarnSf S bnnohv.-...; ... EGGS 9 dozen. . . ...... FISHMickerel, No. 1, 9 bbl... Mackerel, No. I; half bbl;:. Mackerel, No. 2, $ bbl.... . . ' Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl. MaokerelrNo. 8, S? bbU..... Mullets, bbl - Mullets, Pork bbls; :.. N. C. Roe Herring, W keg. . . Dry Cod. ..... ... ...... FLOUR W bbl Super. . ......... . "Extra 7wa . 70 Q ?o e 1 23 U em oa. & 1 80 , 7 60 8 60 ; C 00 4 35 6 00 11 00 aoc J 8 50 9 CO 7 00- 5 00 6 00 - 12 00 4 00. . 10 - 4 00 4110 5 253 ....... 8 eo ...... 4 SS 4 75 ..... J '.4 00 & .4 60 - e - Family . , City Mflls Super. . 4 10 5 00 10 . ramuy GLUE- GRAIN bushel. Ckrn,store,bags,prime, white ' .:" Corn, cargo, In bulk, . " -, : Corn, cargo, In bags, ' Corn, cargo, mixed, to bags Oats, from store..... .la-. . "70 '- -68 - . ' 60 'B2i 63 60 - 61 45 47J6 66 65 0 ; . Bit 10 12Ji 1 10 1 15 1 10 1 15 -1 10 1 15 ei ?m ! 8 10 I . oo i ; i;40 cow reas HIDES 9 S Green Airy HAYM? 100 lbs Eastern Wegtern:;..:. .... ' North River...,,, HOOP IRON fi.. . LARD S B-iorthern , . . . North Carolina. .!. LTME- barrel uumbss city Sawed 9 M It. ' - Ship Stuff, resawed . . 18 00 Rough Edge Flank.......... 15 00 West India Cargoes, accord ing to quality. .13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. 18 00 Scantling and Boards.com'n 12 00 MOLASSES 9 gallon Kew Crop Cuba, lnhhds.... 84 fi. " In bbls.... 28 Porto Rloo; In hhds. . . . .-. W . 28 t . lnbbls.v... 80 : ' . Sugar House, to hhds 00 . V , tobbls 00 Syrup, In bbls......... ... 22 NAILS keg Cut. lOd basis.. OC OILS gallon Kerosene. ... ' 10 V- Lard ...... 1 10 -.-Llnoeed --,80 Rosin is l-Ta -.,.-. -i. . v C9 - Deck and 8par..... 0Q POULTRY Chicko!js,llve,grown s .86 ; - v ." sprtog; 15 :- Turkeys . i 00 PBASU'l'S 9 bushel aa lbs.... - 45 POTATOES 9 bushel Sweets 50 -Irishper barrel, new........ "J 00 POKK-- barreWJIty Mesa..,i J(T00 20 00 16 00 - is oo; 22 00 15 00 ; . jrrune .i....,.......... ..... : Rump. . ........,. . RICE-CaroHnai 9 m.... ....... Rough, $ bushel (Upland).. "Do,i.?" ; do (Lowland) BAGS 9 lb Country..... City ......... ROPE lb S ALT ip salt Alum . . Liverpool Lisbon American......... SUGAR Granulated. . . . . . . Standard A White Ex C... ExC, Golden C Yellow SOAP lb Northern........ SHINGLES 9 M Contract.... Common Cypress Saps 1 00, i - o , 1 tm 70 70 00 00 734 6M 6 6 15 5 00 Z 00 4 50 Cypress Hearts. 0 00 STAVES 9 M W O Barrel. ... 8 00 14 00 R o Hogshead oo oo 10 00 TALLOW 9 6 0 TDbBEBi 9 M feet sxt liearr (1st class yellow iplne). . 9 00 10 00 Prime ship!g, lstolasa heart. 8 00 9 00. . . Extra Mill, good heart 6 50 8 00 : MU1 Prime 8 00 0 60 Common Mill 4 00 5 00 Inferior to Ordinary 300 400 WOOL 9 B Washed 18 20 Unwashed 12 - 15 Burrv ...... 10 11 WHISKEY 9 gallon Northern 1 00 5 00 torth Carolina 100 2 50 TCTILiraWGTOH filONBY ISARKET, Exchange (sight) on New York H Baltimore H Boston... Id Philadelphia..... S Western Cities.. M Exchange, 30 days, 1 9 cent. Bank of New Hanover Stock First National Bank Stock . ......... Navassa Guano Company Stock North Carolina Bonds Old Ex-Coupons Funding, 1868.. Funding, 1868... New 4s.... WiWKR Bonds, 7 9e (Gold Interest) Carolina CentralRR Bonds, 6 So Wilmington, Col. A Augusta R R Ronds Wilmington City Bonds (new) 6 9o. . . . " " " S9o New Hanover County Bonds, 6 9o .... Wilmington A Weldon R R Stock.. . . . . North Carolina R R Stook. Wilmington Gas Light Company Stock Wilmtogton Cotton Mills Stock discount 108 95 140 23 10 10 82 4 113 108 105 100 100 100 110 50 120 OCT I HER BEST FRIEND! DK.J.BRADFIELDS FEMALE REGUtATOE! This famous remedy most, heartily facets the demand of the age for woman's peculiar and multiform afflictions. It is a remedy for WO MAN ONLY, and for one SPECIAL CLASS of her diseases. It is a specific for certain diseased con ditions of tbe womb, and proposes to so control the Menstrual Function as to regulate all the de rangemenst and irregularities of Woman's MONTHLY SICKNESS. Its proprietors claim for.it no other medical pro- Serty; and to doubt the fact that this medicine oes positively possess such controlling and reg ulating powers Is simply to discredit the volun tary testimony of thousands of living witnesses who are to-day exulting in the restoration to sound health and happiness. Bradfield's Female Segiilator is strictly a vegetable compound, and is the pro duct of medical science and practical experience directed towards the benefit of 8DFFERING W031AN I It is the studied prescription ol a learned physi cian whose specialty was woman, ana wnose fame became enviable and'boundless because of his wonderful success in the treatment and cure of female complaints. TELE REGULATOR is the GRANDEST REMEDY; known, and richly de serves its name : s . : - Woman's Best Friend ! : Because it controls a class of functions the vari ous derangements of which cause more 111 health than all other causes combined, and thus rescues her from a long train of afflictions which sorely embitter her life aad prematurely end her exist ence. Oh 1 what a multitude of living witnesses can testify to its charming effects 1 Woxak 1 take to your confidence this ;;;'-.7es: c-'; -'.:;; PRECIOUS BOON OF HEALTH! It will relieve you of nearly all the complaints peculiar to your eex Rely upon it as vour safe guard for health, happiness and long life,. Bold by all druggists.' Send for our treatise on the Health and Happiness of Woman, mailed free, which gives aU particulars. the Sradfield Regulator Co., P. O. Box 28, Atlanta, Ga. "William H Green, Wholesale Agent, WOming ton, N. C. '- ,; i . Je,9lY . caim,H.. - . The Person County- Newsi -:. . Published at BOXBOBO, N.C. ' ; . WIIITAKEU & GIBBONS, . - - Editors and Proprietors. - - The NEWS has the largest circulation or any paper published or circulated in the fine tobacco section of North Carolina. Advertising rates .very IfboraL BUbscrlptlon $2.00 per-vear ,,-,. -- - - ... , Uiliniagton & X7oldon ':;;iBallroadCo. , : , Condensed Scheduled TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Nov.15, 85. No. 48, Dally. No. 40, Daily. No. 42. Daily. - ex. morj Leave Weldon ...1 2.15 p.m t..f 8.33 pm 5.83 p.m 12.15 ajn 1.26 a.m Arrive Rooky Mt Arrive Tarboro ... 4.5S p.m Leave Tarboro. .;. llq p.m Leave Wilson.".... Arrive foIdsboro. Leave Warsaw.... Leave Burgaw . . Arrive Wllmlngt'c 4.05 p.m 4.54 pm 5.54 p m 7.t0p.m 7.5a pnn 6.54 p.m 7.38 p.m ;;: 0.65 p.m 1.66 a m 2.40 aJn 3.89 am 4.40 a.tn 5.23 a m TRAINS GOING NORTH. Na47, .No.48,. -, . :. .Dally. .Dally: Leave Wilmington -8.45 a m 8.50 p.m 2.10 aJn Leave Burgaw..... 9.80 a.m 9.50 p.m 2.57 a.m ave Warsaw..:. 10.86 am 10.57 pm ........... ive Goldsboro. 11.85 p.m 11.58 a,m 5.07 a.m LMVWilson . .. .. 12.25 p m 12.43 a.m 5.61 a m Arrive kyMt.. 12.S9 p.m 1 21 a.m 6.2ga.m Arrive Tarpoo.... 4.55 p m Vi . : , Leave Tarboro..., n.S0a.m Arrive Weldon... 0.15 pm 3,45 aml 7 S0 a-m vran7 - c" t r- orancn noaa leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck m j.00 p. M Return ing, leaves Scotland Neck at &o fi? daUy - "Trato. No. 40 South wilL.s W tnlv atWUson. Goldsboro and Magnolia: . , 7 wusof Train No. .47 'makes lolpseoonneotlon Weldon and dally except Sunday via Bay Line. - i , iiwiB mug uiuse uonneouon ior ail points North via Richmond and Washington. , , dvuu WW rv wli' VT IXiiaXIUrtWXi Will -Washtogton, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers' ft.1r.9P.hAn . ' . . ' .'Vs.. ' . tv ... :. , -" joHN RDmNB )r ' " 1 - General Supt...r J.R. KENLY, Sup't Transportation, . A t , T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. : , ua 10 u r f ILHIHGTOH, C0L1BIA S AUGHSTi Eailf oad Co. : ; Condensed- Schedule. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Nov. 15, 1885 No. 48, r Daily,. No. 40, s Daily.. L'aily, ex. Mon. Leave Wilmington Leave L.Wao'maw 8.15 p.m 9 89 p.m 10.15 p.m 11:20 p.m 12.47 a m 1.25 a.m 4.24 a.m 6-40 a m 5.45 am 7.05 am 8.66 a.m 9.88 a-m Leave Marion . Arrive -Florence. . . Arrive Sumter Arrive Columbia. . H1.S7 pan la 10 p.m 4.4 a.m 6.40 a.m TRAINS GOING NORTH, NO;43i Daily, No.47, Dafly. No. 45 Da'.ly2 ex. Sat'y. Leave Columbia . Arrive Sumter, r. Leave Florence.. Leave Marion'.;. 9.55 p.m 12.00 p.m 4.26 a.m 6.14 a.m 7.05 a.m 4.80 p.m 5.09 p.m 7.0S p.m 8.30 p.m 10.05 p?m iu.47 p;m Leave L.Wao'maw 12.4a a.m 1.50 a.m Arrive Wilmington! 8.80 a.m Train No. 43 stops at all Stations. Nob. 48 and 47 stop only at Brinkley's, Whites villa, Lake Waccamaw,- Fair Bluff, Nichols, Ma rion, Pee Dee, Florence, Timmonsville, Lynch burg, Mayesville,-- Sumter, Wedgefield, Camden Junction and Eastover . Passengers for Columbia and all points on C. A G. R.R., C.,C. & A. R.R. Stations, Aiken Junction, and all points beyond, should take No.- 48. Pail man Sleeper for Augusta on this train.. Pullman Sleepers for Savannah on Train 48.. All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. -- - , , JOHN F. DIVINS, i Gen'l Snpt? J. R. KENLY. Sup'L Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, Genl Passenger Agent. no 15tf CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD GO. .ionJ J- Omcx ot SuynauwaaroxHT. 1: Wllinlngton, N. C, Sept. 27, 1885. ) ; Change of Schedule. ; ON AND AFTER THIS DATE, THE FOIr lowing Schedule will be operated on this Railroad: - PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN: V DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS. 1 Leave WllmlngtoH at No. 1. Leave Raleigh at I Arrive at Charlotte at ) Leave Charlotte at... No. 2. V Arrive at Raleigh at I Arrive at WOmington at. . ....7.00 P. M. T85 P 1C ....7.30 A. M. ....8.15 P. M. ....9.00 A. M. 8.25 A. M. LOCAL FREIGHT Passenger Car Attached. Leave Cnarlotte at Arrive at Laurinburg at. . Leave Laurinburg at Arrive at Charlotte at. Leave Wilmington at Arrive at Laurinburg at. . . Leave Laurinburg at . .. Arrive at Wilmington at. . , .. 7.40 A.M. .. 5.45 P.M. .6.15 A.M. . . 4 40 P. M. .. 6.45 A.M. . . 5.00 P.M. .. 5.83 A. M. ..5.40 P.M. Local Freight between Wilmington and Lau rinburg Trl-weekly leaving Wilmington on Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays. Leave Laurin burg on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, v Passenger Trams stop at regular stations only, and Points designated In the Company's Time Table. - - '- .. ' . .' SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL. BZ- PRESS AND FREIGHT.: -' v Dally except Sundays. - I Leave- Charlotte, .. ; .1 . . i ; ; . . 8.15 A. M. MO-8 rArrlveat Shelbyi...... ...12.15 P, M. a 1 Leave Shelby. 1.40 a. M. Ka 4 f Arrive at Charlotte:..???.... 5.40 P. M ' Trains No. 1 and 2 make close connection at Hamlet with R. A. Trains to and from Raleigh, Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No. 1 forStatesvQle, stations West ern N. C. R. R., Ashville and points West. Also, for Spartanburg. Greenville, Athens, At lanta and all points Southwest. . , ; . L. C. JONES, 1 ; , Superintendent. - F. W. CLARE, General Eassenger Agent. Cse 27 tf Cap Few Haia Taliey E.. H. Co n m nv crw1 CONDENSED TIMS TABLE NOlS, To take effect at 5 A. M., Monday, Nov. 28, 1885.' TRAIN NORTH. Arrive. -Leave.-. 8.80 a. m 9.50 13.85 p.m 2.25 p. m Bennetts ville. Shoe Heel.... Fayetteville.. Sanford .... .. Ore HU1....V. Liberty , 9.40 a. ml 12.00 m. 2.15 p. m 8 43 487 6.00 Greensboro Dinner at Fayetteville. - TRAIN : SOUTH. Arrive. Leave. 9.50 a.m. 11.05 12.00 1.45 p. m. 400 8.15 ' Greensboro Liberty Ore Hill.. ., Sanford Fayetteville.... Shoe Heel.. 51.20 p. m B.5U 6.05 Bennetts ville 7.30 - Dinner at Sanford. Freight and Passenger Train leaves Bennetts ville Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at as p. m , arriving at Shoe Heel at 4 83 p. m. and Fayetteville st 8 p. m. '.v-i i- ' Leaves Fayetteville on Tuesdays Thursdays and 8aturdava&t S.sa n.: -tn. shna Seel at 10 s 1m., and arrives at Bennettsville at 2 m. - ; jrreignt ana jrassenger Tram nw""'"' ettevlQe on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 a. m.; connecting- at eaiprd with Freight and Passenger Trains to Baleigh), leaves Sanford at 11.30 a. m i and arrives-Nat Greensboro at 5.40 'Leaves Greensboro Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 6 . m., leaves Sanford at 11.15 a.m. aad arrives at Fayettoville at 2.40 p. m. - -and arrives jRa . W M. 8- DUNN, Genl Supt. . . , o 26 tf The ; Hanning Times, H.-t DAEE, Jr:, at S. C. Only $L50 per annum tin advance. "Cheap Ad vertising medium. -' Ian 6;tf .1, iJIfc It-T ITEY ADVJinTlZZl'22.1 i A- 1 When I my curs T do not mesa merely to stoo ''" i i time aad then have them return again. I mean a rati i t c I have made tbe disease of FITS, EPILtPBY or i'ALL, SICKN ESS Ufe4ong study. -I fwarrant my remedy to c -the vorst eases. Because others have failed la no re .oo j not new receiving a care, bend at once for a treau a e ' J Free Bottle ef my Infallible remedy. Give Exprea a: It costs yon nothing for a trial, and I wm ! ' - AddreasPr. H. O. BOOT,lSireaxlSt.,Kw i - f mT-. I "2 AT GREATLY T i U HI f : I f- SiCED PRlCiS ; re 3 -sTl - a iTlV. . . - ' JU, MM m MM M. w M- m . i - JHaJlix,I.C. TXT ANTED Ladle s to work forus at their own IT homes $7 to $10 per week-can be quietiy maae. Nopnoto. painting; no canvassing. cr full Dartlouiars nlease address, at once. Crescent Art Cto Boston.Masa, Box 5170 - - -: :ettDIODR?:llCL" mnu. : J hare a positive remedy far the above oisease; tylisue i tboasands of eases of the wont kind and -of long' standing bare been cored. Indeed, so Itromr Is rejaith in Its eiiiranv, : ' ; that I will send TWO BOTTLES PEEK, together with a YAls- , I OABUt TEEATI8B oa tbis disease, to any sufferer. Give ts- . press and f. O. Address, . JOLT. A. iOOCDJd, 181 Feeti SW, Itt BdelDAWtm " v."' . .util1 . TTTANTED Young Ladies ln eltyor country t '-'i .1 T work for ns at their homes; fascinating eny& ' plovment:no instructions Xo .buv: work h ' sent by mail (distance no objection); $6 to 13 perXt ' wees can oemaae. no canvassing: panicuiars free, or sample of work mailed for four cents in r stamns. Please address. Hon Ha Co., Boston, Mass. P. O. Box 1S18. - --. - - TTTAKTED--ATtt active Man or Woman In every II county to sell enr roods. SaLir-v 75 tw.v mouth and expenses, .or .commlss ion Expenxes i""1 m aavanoe.- ajutnt rree.- iror full particulars a J- dreSS STANDARD SILVER WAftTC tXi.. Tlnuvcv Habb. . . ... ' ,. s15DcW8uv Wamt AuESTS Tt2 SSUU men ana women ol good character ana-4nia)s v Kxclnsijo Territory Guaranteed. . A, m,. t? jai tt sample Washer to be returned at toy' tajawsA if n satistactoryf-A thonsand neraent. h hestWasat-r in. the world, and payeeepable agents BIG money. In trinslo merit makes i. pbenominal maecetsafiwsrj. where. For Illustrated circular and terms of nceacy BddlaB , , J- WORTH I , St. Louis, Mo. Simple, safe, reliable and a perfect retainer. It Is not a Truss... Worn. Day nd N1U ad it an -rat ii 1 1 n n fAsumHM CmJ - " j , a - t''WWVW MHBWWIWK UUU 4WrVanNUeW WILT J WW ettonials from -jptefol offerers erxred by this &p- " PMiHiBivTO--ai4 annas or ctiiioh mm medical easee. Obnsnltatiqnree asd invit"l -rearm "'ESVOIISDEBfLtTy re-'iHr iron it- t't Cif-ai AratcauCubs jor? troubles; Caa3arndrrM pt- " ego,asd lesm inertia 5 (acta bc&re t'.Lcg rrc-at-. 'mentajlsewhcrt. Taksst j SORE Bum; that u i a CURED OosHiadii, '' xa 'not interfere wsli asteis iioatohusioess. a? oise -ipaiaer-inoeivtrJeEcem any wsys 1 Jwiuded o sdStnrifiomediftl paei pies. By iirecWppiicEliiE -to-the seat oii ixtm its --saeeifie inflwaes is tM I i without delay. Thetuit- oral function-; of tfi ba TianorganlmUrrtcrJ. tUhe animatbie eieroe?K9 'of life, which have tto. wasted ere (rfvnbnr!tIn.i fhepatinntceeiMnesrat? i&ilaDdiapidlvgvir.sixCl , taYouner WlrJdU Ttuiyurou f?pvci - IEABSMiKriafaiaarv' ; Thousand Cases, -a aBBAxxmrrt ' Two o Months, 6.0C SbneJCoatbs too. taocngm aaarjuii vigor. HARRIS remedy co.. tmst,mm r ,.806H. Tenth suer.L6uia.is; &ng 13 DAWly . - -' t qqq S.f q WERVOUS DEBILITATED, .'U,EN.. ; Vou are allowed a free trial of thirty days or the pse-of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Vaitaio Kelt with "iectrte Bnapensory Appuancesror the TJeedy- relief and permanent cure of Nervous Debility, los : of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred trouble. . 'Als for manyother diseases. Complete nwtora-- . tlonto Health, Vigor aod Manhood Ruaranffll. No risk Is Incurred. Illustrated pasnphlat In sfatoi ' mvelope mailed free, by addressinf? - - ' T0ITAI0 BELT CO., Marat$:i;Mifi?u, no 17 D4W7m tuth sat 3dfra New York and - Wilmington Steamship Go. FROM FUR 84, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK At 3 o'clock P. M. ? BENEFACTOR Saturday, . ; Uec. ' Dec. Dec. I'ec. REGULATOR . . BENEFACTOR. REGULATOR'.. .Saturday, .Saturday! .Saturday, FROM WILMINGTON. REGULATOR. . . . . ...... Friday, Pec. Deo' Dec. " Dec. BENEFACTOR. ....... Friday,". REGULATOR........... Frldav,x BENEFACTOR. ....Friday, .- f .-s. Vtf Through Bills Lading and Lowest Throui,-iC . Rates guaranteed to- and from points In NorUi and South Carolina. . . For Freight or Faasage apply to i.i -f . Superintendent, ; ".-' ' - . WUmlngtoii, M. C. Tbeo. G Ecer, Freight Agent, NewTork. f W.P Clyde cCo. General Agents " no St 4f v . i- 85 Broadway, New Yor ; ' EHC0DB16E H011E INSTITDTIO ff. Security Agalm Tjxe, Tbe Xortt CamlttaEoie Insaraneets.1 ; UAIiEIGII, K. C." 'I ML1S COMPANY CONTIN If ICS TO WRITE Pf A. licies at fair rates on all classes at iasurable ' property. - - - ' :AU losses are promptly adjusted and paid. The , fHome" Is rapidly gaining In public favor, and appeals with conndence to lnsartrs of propert tu North Carolina. - -S - ; " Agents In all parts of the State.' . , JOHN &ATLTNQ, President. - . S w. s. PRTMROSR. Secretar PTTLARKT mw PKK. SBrterviSOr. - - ATKINSON & MANNJu, Aent epSCtf .i ,. .- wamtntcior.S.C IttRCBLANTS, BAND'S lUSUFACXrHKR . i..' , . jiaOUID JLXAD ' ' .'. ' ' BBAP S T REET' S AfWVBKLY JOURNAL OF TRADE, FINANCE;' . AND PUBLIC ECONOMY.1-' - Sixteen Pages every Saturday. Oftentimes Twen , ty Paspss. Sometimes Twenty-four Pages, - 1 " rrv"i.-JX)LLARS A YEAR.4 - ;. : Ui --" ; . The foremost purpose of Bkapstbxxt's Is t o hiv ' of practical service to Ircatness men. Its special trade and Industrial reports: Its weekly epitome ; of bankruptcies throuicbous the United, fetates and Canada, and the summaries of assets and li abilities, are alone worth the subscription price: its synopses of recent lejral decisions are exceed- -tngly valuable. ' As commercial transactions, in the wider sense, are coming to be more and more conducted on a statistical dosIs, the la formation ' contained In Bbadstbezx's is of the erst impor-r tance both to producers and middlemen, v The Trade and Agricultural Situation through- -out the United States and Canada is reported bv Telegraph to Bjudstbibt's np to the hoar cf : puhllcatkjn.1 : - SINGLB COPIES, TEN CENTS. ; L THE DUADST1IEET CO. : ' ' 279, SSl, 888 Bboaswat, dee S4 tf - NEW YCRS CITY . 1 ., " , j i . - . I- - L -1 i' . ,.vH h ,.M( 1 " 'r2- - i 11' t Hi V is -- f ' 7- ? r - - ., ' 5 , 12 3 "J 4 11 IS a ...... .-.. y -r, n n .'-..' '' ; V rr? "- " 1 - ;'.',-- ' ' ''."'.'V