I k:;-k 4 i - . ."7- -f i J- -- :, ' Friday Mornisq,? Dec 25, 1885. MORNING EDITION . FB021 ALL PARTS OFTHEWOBLD FOREIGN. Xbe IiOa4onTlme Snggeata Extreme Measrea ' for relarfd-t-Gerniaii eClmerleane tf Expelled i- from Sclileewl-CloierIii Cayenni - ByCabletothe Morning Star. I ':: - f " iSD0S -Ded.'' 24. It is Reported that the Government Intends to prosecute one of the recently elected Irish members of Parliament for a speeca ne mau t.a tMm maetinfi? at. Cork.1' on the ground that the language used on the oc- -6 v: x j-j :.ita V5a heararq to com- k--'J- :f tfttt murder.- ". " ; !' - ..' v It is reported that cholera is vraging m Cayenne, the capital of French Guiana. 7 t Beklin, Dec 24. The Foreign Office - has notified Mr. Pendleton, American ft Minister, that itia intended to expel Ger- -man-Americans residing at fichleswi who. , emigrated to the United States just, before - becoming liable to military service and re ft; turned after.being naturalized. ; The recent order of expulsion of other German-Ameri i -k ana remains Rn8T)ended. -- r. ' editorial, without advocattn a fwme v... . . Mii - enwwrta that thaJUUh aifflCUity. , could be solved in thjeonths by the exv ?iclaHQttof ParneJIites -;fm:thH0raeof Common ancr a proclamation oi bwuw law. in Ireland, fr k?. r . HEW MEXICO. A War ofExiermLBailon to be ,Wged V . Acalnst tbe Apache Indian. : Bt Telesrapb to the Xornlxut Star.l ' DKHOTsa, December 24. Leading citi zens of Silver City met on. yesterday to de vise means for prosecuting a war of exter mination against the murderous Apaches. It was at first thought that the Government would purchase forty or fifty blood bounds to track the Indiana; both Generals Crook and Bradley favoring the proposition as the only really available means of pursuing the fe red batchers. " Word was received from X Santa "Fe that the army officers were willing . to Tecommend the employment of blood 1 hounds, but thought ir would be several , months before the Wax Department would ". act upon their recommendations. Upon ;, learning this, the citizens called a meeting f and determined to raiBe money by subscript 1 tion for, the purchase of a pack of Wood . hounds, and for again equipping and put " ting the local militia in the field. Wealthy ' ranchmen in attendance pledged over $63, GOO for the purchase of blood-hounds. It was also determined to raise a picked jCom rr, pany of three hundred experienced- Indian - i fighters from several districts in the-Terri-' tory, who will ' immediately take Jthe field ;'. and campaign the remainder of the winter. PENNSTLTJLlflA. Tbe Strike Sltaation la tne mononea- : v " - ' liela Valley IBy TelesraDli to the Horoine Star.l -1 PnrrsBUKa, Dec. 24. There was no new developments in the miner's strike.' The situation; along the; Monongahela Valley this morning ts quiet and no trouble is an ticipated. This afternoon : miners of the First and Second Pools met in Wylie's Grove to consider the advisability of re " turning . to work. It was : the largest ? gathering since the inauguration of . the ' strike; Jullv 150 strikers were -present and ; con&icrerable ntbmuasm - prevailed, r After several speeches, mostly in favor of . , continuing the strike, a resolution to stand Vfor three cento-was carried almost unani mously.- A general convention will proba bly. be held at Monongahela City early .next week. - On Monday next a mass meet i. ing will be held at the Alliquippa mines, - for the , purpose of trying to - persuade ; working miners .to - come out for an ad vance. ; " - : .---y -I -,qv r . COLORADO. I Beeovery of tbe Bodies of Bllnera Ba- , tombed by a SnowSllde. i-- fBj Telegraph to fha Kbrntnc Star.l ,; ;Dkitvkb, Dea 24. A special from Sil verton says: The bodies of Burke Hovye and J. Scales, .the two miners who were imprisoned In the Prodigal Son Mine Tues day, by a snow slide, were found at a late hour last night at the bottom of the shaft. Both bodies were packed in snow as in a mould.' Hovey was found standing up right on a piece of timber, six feet from the bottom of the shaft, while Scales was found standing at the bottom of the shaft The latter had a candle in his left hand.and waa ahading bis eyes with his right and looking up as though' " to seer what - was coming down the mine. - From appear ances their death must have been instan taneous. Scales was from Orange, Tex. and Hovey front Woodstock; N.U? ;j , SjKepiibllesia Ifostmaster Refases to ! Splrreiider Ble Offlee to President. ; f :CHi.aTe,ll,Id, Appolnte;ir-:: Xf ' 7 fBv Telejrraph toOwMorninjt Star.l 1 Milwaukee, Dec. 24. Among Presi , ; i dent Cleveland's appointments before the ' .. ". , meeting 'I of '.Congress, was ' that of Dri - rv. verhard as postmaster ofBipon. The ap- V-i - pouitee received his commission but failed . ' r?-:,-"---to qualify before Congress convened. This -. morning Dr. Everhard a ppeared at the , -' vc oace, presented his commission and the ; . . : discharge papers of the old postmaster, and ; ; demanded that the office be turned over to i ferir E38 demand was ifimored and he wair kicked into the street br the oresent in-" -cumbent of. the offlee. who has held the - position for th'e'past four years. The TJ. &. Marshal has been telegraphed for and he ill go to Bipon this afternoon. - ':-" ; : GEORGIA. J od5e CIrlte Deelslen in Ute AUanta , - , - . Conieste Election Case. f - By TelesTaph to the Horning Star.'l 'th1SvKTDc morninj?, inl the Suitor Courts' Judge y Marshal J , Clarke deeded the contest growin? out of ,ht TCea Fiition. Election, mnd Uheld that he could not take action on a bill HiS?Mle?,,?.?af been declared. . - wfthS? lhAt6 no interfere. Thi S ectron-'rHe, ihereforerdissolved INDIANA. tu will Nos A14 from in. General Government, v ; - - ' itByTegcaph to'fholCotnlilttavj f. Ihmanapolis. Decemhpr 9A tk-"toL"1 ' S!? HendVicfa 'MoS. .u.vaaauusmm aas ueen disenssinff a suggestion in the newspapers that Coneress appropriate fl0,(04n aid of the cSSK ; , - tapa of the- memorial. The result oftha : . ducusBion was the unanimous adonlion BQouldbe expected-ordTh? associatisn should depend alone upon vol untary donations by the people, for the money necessary. . - :- ,. . ..; 1';.. V virgin JAmii-k A Deficit- of. f 50,000 or More In : a l XJonntyTreaorer Aeconnt. $ 2, fSh tBvTelegraph to theKornln Stx.. '4 r ;Habbisonbubq Dea 24.WThe sureues. on the official : bond - or . u.- oieriing, treasurer of this county, held a- meeting to day and closed the ofllce. The county court this morning gave .Sterling until Monday to give a newjxtnd. His .failure to do so will cause the appointment of a new treasu rer, c Sterling has been sued by the State Auditor for $37,000 back taxes, and alter partial investigation the deficit m tne county funds was .placed at $20,000. making : a total of 450,000 , to $50,000. bterung nas been treasurer of the county for about four teen years, a,nd had the absolute;onfldenee of the entire coinmunity. His friends claim that he is insane. -.- ' ' I anaxerrir jneatinKa " ;M & ' v" f Vl First Bouiad fort the Wilniington :" trict of the Methodist E. Church, Souths . Wilmington, at Fifth Street, Dmher 26th and 27th. . ' ' - ' Carver's Creek Circuit, Wayman, January 2nd and 3rd. CVjnter, January 9th liiaaen urcuw, nt -v-: BUM. ... .--v.. T . : -. r -? Cokesbury Cuit, a vwitcBouijr, ry 16th and tlu--i v:;?i Elizabeth Circuit, atElizabethtown Jan uary 23fd and 24th; V ' ' ; - Wacc&maw Circuit, at Lebanon, January Whiteville Circnit, at Whiteville, Janua ry 80th and 3ist. . - " Wilmington . Station, at Front Street, February 6th and 7th. ' - tv ". i " Onslow Circuity at Taberoacle, February . 13th and 14th. - V - ; - ' W w Duplin Circuit, at Kenansvolle, February 20th and 21st. ' . , - Topsail Circuit," at Herring's Chapel, February 37th and 28th. - vt 7 Magnolia Circuit, at Magnolia, March 6th and 7th.. " ', - Clinton Circuit, at Clinton, March 13th andHth. - - v : : h Brunswick Circuit at Sharon,7 March 20th and 21st. " . " - ' v District Steward's meeting at the Front Street parsonage" in 'Wilmington at 11 o'clock a. m. on the 4th of February. -Paul J. Cabra.wat, w y v - Presiding Elder. ; , THE RIAIIiS. ' . The malls alow and xrlve at the City Post Office si follows::'" :v 'P-:i:;-- Northern throng tnaQs, fast..... .. . Northern through and way!mail,8.... 7:45 P. M 8:00 A. M Throngn mau ior au points nortu 01 Mohmond.... ..." 10rf)"PM. Ealelgh..... ..6U5P.M. 8.-00 A. M Hails for the IT.' C. Railroad, and . mntM nmnUed therefrom lnoladinz ' A. A N. C. BaOroad, at. 7tt P. M. A fkOO A. M. Southern maOs for all points South, daily Western mails (C. a- SaUway) dally r (except Sunday). ....v.. AUpoints between Hamlet and Baleifch M&fl for CSieraw and Darlington Kail- Vaiia for pointa between Florenoe and 8.-00 P. 2L d5 P.L 6:13 P.M. 8.-00P.M. QiariefiXou Payetteyille, and offices on Cape Pear Btrer, Tuesdays and Fridays.. .... Payette ville, Tia C. C. B. B., daily, ex- oept Sundays.. ........j ....... ...... Onslow C. H. and tntermediate offices, Tuesdays and Fridays. ....... .... . SmithTille mails, by steamboat, daily (except Sundays)... Malls for Easy HilLTown Creek, Shal- lotte and Little Btver, Tuesdays and SM P.M. easp.K. 6A.M. 8.-00P.M. Pndays. . . SH P.M. Wrlf htsvule daQy at... 80 A. M. FOB DKLTVBBY. Northern tnrough and way mails Southern mafls '. Car Central BaOroad.. ...... TaOAM. 9.30 A.M. UMAX, Stamp Office open from 7.30 A. M. to 6 P.M. Money Order and Kegistei "Department open 8.O0A.M.to tM P. M. continuous ? General delivery open from 7 AJL to 6.00P.M., and on Sundays from 830 to 9130 A.M. .Mafls oollected from street boxes from bus ness portion of idty atS AJL, liao AJL and 540 PJL; from other parts of the city at 5 PJL and (-Carriers delivery open on Sunday from 830 to A.M. i'-':-,." ::S-xSr f 1 : Banroad time. 75th meridian. , ' " Henry's Carbolic Salve. The best salve used in the world for Cats,Brui Bes, Piles, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Bheum, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblaina, Corns, and all kinds of 8kin Eruptions, Freckles and Pimples. The Salve is fruaranteed to give 'perfect satisfaction in every case. : Be sure you get HKNBY'S CAB BOLIC S ALVE, as all others are but imitations and counterfeits oo2?DAWly , tu th sat Stew ;of Oysters, . For 30 Cents, ; 1 At Scarborough House, i, ' ATEB 8TBZST, ' r del5tf Bet. Princess and Cheenut. : Christmas Goods. GALVAND ssb my bxautlful display of CBBISTMAS CARDS. They are the chea pest and most beautiful ever shown in this city. I am offering the balance of my Christmas and Holiday Presents very low. . -You should call and see them before buying elsewhere. i J, M.HABDIH, Druggist, ' deOtf , Wumhurton. N.C : : Breech Loaders. WE HAVE A FEW OP THOSE FUSE BREECH LOADING GUNS left, which we propose BelllBg the coming week. No Buch opportunity has ever been offered in this market to those in want of a FI1SE GUN at a VEBY LOW PKICE. - WM. B. 8PEINGEB & CO., - 19, 21 & S3 Market Street, deSMtf . , . "Wilmington N. a iJhristmas Presents. : T7V)R HOUSEKEEPEBS IVOHY-'HANDtiajt :o.' rTea and Table Knives, Carvers, Tea and Ta ble Spoons, nice Stand and Library Lamps. For Young Ladies Scissors, in single pairs and cases; a neat Pooket-Knlfe. ? For Tons g Hen and Boys A Breech-Loading Gun, nice Pocket-Knife, or a good Eazor. . . , For sale low by .' de23tf 15; . GEO. A PECK. J I Christmas Gifts, OF ANY KIND, AND IN GREAT VARIETY,! can .he found at reasonable prices. Also, progs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines. &o. - ? :.: . ' , - . F. CV MILLER, . '-r--v: k.---- ' " -German Druggist, '? . t. a ' i ;,Corapr Fourth and Nun Sts. ' P- S. Prescriptions filled at all hours, day and "ffht- r-: .. ----- T'de28tf 5i?At Kfi AHfiTirpORTBDAND - , JZZ)1 . - ' DOMESTIC CIGARS. : Wanted-HIDES, furs, WAX and WOOL. .1. SAM'L BEAR, Sr., Ae33 tt ,- " " 18 MarketStreet. ITEVEE EXCELLED ! WE TO-DAY, : A. VA LOAD OF the finest"'; -.; - v" SBeeMittbor eve, seen in a city of Wilmington, which we offerfo, sle, Wholesale and-Retail, at SEA SONABLE PRICES, ' - - -J - - - ..'A W.E. WORTH CO,'" COMMERCIAL. WI LM IN GTON MARKET - STAR OFFICE. Dec. 24. 0 P. JUL r COTTON Market quiet at 'quotations,. Bmall sal3 ? (about ' 25 ; bales). -rf ported on a basis of8 13-1 6 cents per lb' fox Mid dling: f Later,' there were sales of -.50 " bales . at8f cents per pound j lor Middling;! The following were the official quotations -tL Ordinarr... .V....V cents "ffl tb Good Ordinary; T 7 ' 9-16 . Low Middling...... ,8 6-16 Middling.... r.8 13-1 " Gtood.Middlinz. 93-16 f ;g -CdlttKTIP;"TIAHKH!TS. - . iBy areletrraph to the Mornlnif Star.l -:- Kjtr 'Yokk", Dec. 24, Evening. Ster linrt exchange 485. Money l2t per dnt Governments dull; lour per cents 124: three per cents 104f. State bonds neglected. . . ' 1 ". Cotton weak, with sales of 247 . bales; uplands OJc; Orleans 9 7 16c i consolidated net receipts 31,020 bales; exports to Great Britain 80,613 bales, to France 4,789 bales i the continent 15,864 bales. Southern flour steady Wheat spot steady and quiet; un graded red B6yic: JNo. 8 red December 90f S2l91ic: January S0f91fc. Corn spot "declined iic; ungraded 4347c; No. 2, 48ic at elevator ; January 480. - Oata dull ; No. 2, 8Si38ic Coffee- fair Rio on spot firm at $8 87. Sugar quiet and steady ; fair tq good . refining 5i5c Molasses steady. Rice firm. Cottonseed oil crude 28c; refined 34c Spirits turpentine firm at J 88c. , Kosm auii. rorKcrm and very quiet mess $9.87i10 87i; middles dull; long clear 5c. Lard a shade higher; western spot $6 836 87; January $6 82. Freights to Liverpool heavy cotton 5 82d wheat 8Jd. -.-:-t-"-:-.;v-- -: Cotton net receipts 1, 1 97 bales ;irrofi8 12, 124bales. : Futures closed quiet and steady; sales of 109,808 bales at the following quo tations: December 9.189.15c; January 9.179.18c; February 9.269.27c; March 9.S89.89c; April 9.509.51c; May 9.60 9.61c June 9.719.72c; July 9.809.81c; August 9.889.89c; September 9.64 9. 65c; October 9.459.47a : Chicago. Dec. 24 Flour unchanged. Wheat strong but closed c lower than yesterday; December- 8484c; January 84t85c; February 8485ic. Corn dull and lower ;rcash 86ic; December ind all the year 86i36fc; ' January 8636fc. Oats duliand easy ; cash 27c; January 27 27c . Pork mess steady; Cash J9 10(g) 9 80, according to age; January $9. 82 9 85 f February $9 929:,95. ,-Lardilrm; cash $5 955 98; January I $5. 955 97; February $6 026 05. ."Boxed meals steady; dry salted sbouldera 3 7?3 80; short rib $4 804 82? short vclear $5 20 5 25. .Whiskey steady at $116. Sugars unchanged.. ; - i .. ::;:-:v-;. ;"? St. LoTns; - Dec 24. Flour unchanged AYheat very dull; No. 2 red cash 92c; January 9292Jc Corn dull and steady; No. 2 mixed cash 821c; January - 82f 82c Oats very dull and unchanged; No. 2 mixed cash 25c Whiskey steady at $1 10. Provisions nominally unchanged. Pork $10 00 for. new. Lard $5 80 5 85. s Bulk meats-rloose lots, long clear $475; short rib $4 85; Short clear $5 00. Boxed lots long clear $4 80 ; short rib $4 90; short clear $5 05. Bacon lone clear $5 50; short rib $5 5Q5 60; short clear "5 W. . . , :: . . r-:f : CHAB2JBroH, 8. C... Dea 24. Spirit turpentine 85c asked. Rosin strained 80c; gooaetrainea 07iyuc. - i ' Bayasxah, Oa.. Dec. 24. Spirits tur pentine steady at 85c Rosin firm At 95 1 03; sales 100 bbls. - ' k:i COTTOH m ABKHTS. - - - ? v MBvTelegrapli4o tbe Kornmg Star.l . " December 24. Galveston, easv at Rn net receipts i 2,11 bales; Norfolk, quiet at 8 13 16c net receipts 4,516 bales; Balti more, dull at 9ic net receipts bales; Boston, quiet at 9fc-r-net receipt 238 bales; Philadelphia, dull at 9 716c net receipts 131 bales; Savannah, easy at 8$c net re ceipts 4,090 bales; New Orleans, weak at 8 11-160 net receipts 12,603 bales; Mo bile, dull at 8fc net receipts 1,806 bales; Memphis, quiet at 8fc net receipts 4,313 bales; Augusta, dull at 8fc net receipts 1,000 bales; Charleston, very dull at 8ic net receipts 2,577 bales. ',. - rOUBIQN XIAItHBTS. , tBv Cable to the Horning Star.i London, December 24. 5 P. M. SDirits turpentine firm; spot 27s 3d; December de livery SS7S jw ; January and April", delivery 28s... For Sale,1 Dwellings and Building Lots in any' part of ths city, for cash and onheln- 'stalment plan-. Apply to " -K defttf Real Estate Agent. Cotton and Naval Stores CHIPPED TO US WILL BE CAREFULLY HAN- a lea at rail market value. -. Orders for Bagging, Ties, Hoop Iron and Glue nuea ac low prioes. x - WOODY ft CITRRIE. - . Commission Merchants se!7tf Wilmington, N. C. 1800 B?Mr ROCKLAND LIME, , ; : .FOB SALE. SEND JN YOUB ORDERS. X - k se 8 tf . - WORTH Ac WOBTll, :v - THE CELEBRATED ARRIHUTOH 6AME FOILS FOB SALE MY 6AMB WWIS HAVE A NATIONAL RE putation. They have fought and won a series of the greatest mains ever fought on this or any other continent, and Fifteen Pairs, on exhibition atadelphia to "78, were honored by the Uni ted States Centennial Commiasioner with the Di ploma and MedaL - I haye a variety of Colors and most approved "Breeds in the United States. I will ship splendid COCKS, of fine size and handsome plumaepei PJS88!0-?-- bom K00 to tfteacb r$andr$3.00 each;r $7.00 per Fab lpe'Trto- I expect to raise Two, hundred Pairs this Brimmer, the Finest Games In the MdS'Mllp Aoun wls of March and April hatch during the months of August. Sep tember and October, at Five Dollars per Pair, or Seren Dollars nepTrln . :4w08Ter?te,??!S,the "operiorttyof my Birds, wm please back the assertion with, their stamps! Address, apetf. ABRTNGTON, Hflliardston, Nash Co. N.b. The Ilarion StaiKI TIS OLDEST NIWSPAPEB PTJBLEfHED TN ttT1.ttePee Dee seotion. tntf ttleaittlest m8t Pfosperotiflinlhe SteteVoffers to Com- faWX0Mhant Md'MaViufao ,rel thoB who hare adoptedthe nlon of soiling by sample, an exoellentmedWofooS muiiicatlpuwlth a large and influential merchants, mechanics, planters and naval More men. whose patronage Is worth solicitation. Ad vertisements and Business Cards Inserted on libe alerms, , - - . Addres - THE CTAB. - - ootitr . Warlonar. ' r' Shi L MARINE. . Fort AlmanacDecember 2f Sun Rises. ....: ... . .7.09 A, M. Bun Sets..... . .4.55 Pi M. Jay Length.. ... x .. . 9h. 44m. fitmr River QueenWorth, Fayetteyille, H D Burkhimeri . - : " i - r Btmr . Susie, . Paddison Point : Caiwell," master. V v s P'.- v, .'-'-:.;:.. .,'.: ; Stmr Bladfcn, Green, -Payette ville, O S Love & Co... "... ' .- - - ' .. -4 Stmf Louise, , Woodaidea, t Smithville, master. --.m-i-m fffk:-k:kJ , . Ger f brig - Wangerland, '- 215 tans Koas, Uportdr Portugal, E Peschad & Wester- B1&.yk.rkf:- SChrR B Graham. 841 tons. Avis, rnu- adelDhia Geo Harriss & Ca with coat Co Fowler & Morrison," and merchandise to sundry persons. -'i. :.. tkk Stmr -Louise, A Woodsides, ' Smithville, master;v-J . - . . . . :.-.k:'- - - Stmr Bladen, Green, Fayetteville, O B Love & Co. VT- Jk-'-':kk -:.kkk Stmr River Queen, "."Worth, Fayetteville EL D? Burkhimer. ,.: -;: . Ger baraue A JS Viflai. Bcaunz, Btetun, . E Peschau & Westermann. ' - . Schr John Shav. Clark. Philadelphia, Geo Harriss & Co; cargo by C- B Mallett. ' - "BXFOBIS.vJ.-;' COASTWISE. ; 7 : PHTLADlSLPHTA---BchT John Bhaj 200,- 205 ft Itxaber: :,kkIP:LkPik: yfyrj- y BTE3lN-Ger barque; A E Vidal2,565 bbls roain,-- kk'kik:- -kkk 3HAI1INE DIKECTOKY. List of Vessels In tle Fri of Wllmlnc '" -',. cab. IV. ! Yl. 21. IB8E. . . This list does not embrace vessels under co tons. k BARQUES.-- t,v Riehards (Ger.), 463 tons. Pasque, E Pes chau & Westermann. - r : - Agatha (Nor.), r- tons, Rohr, O P Me- St. Joseph (Nor.), 886 tons, Christiansen, CP Mebane. - i Adolf (Swed.), 458 , tons, Brocklemann, t Heide&'Co. ' ' - : Rilsvoe (Nor.), 880 tons, Jorgensen, Heide &Co. . - - ' ' Camilla (Nor.), 418 tons, Sorensen, O P Mebane.. ; . .. - - Hovding (Nor.), 453 tons, Hansen, Heide &Cd. k jEolus (Ger.), 643 tons, Schwerin. Heide -&Co. , -, - Fairy Belle (Br.), 624 tons Jean, C P Me- bane. ' - - . .-.. ": "" Espeigle .(Br ) 400 tons. Dent, C P Me-'- bane. , , , ' ""- BRIGS. : ,; . Donna Anna (Port), 228 tons, Betten - court, EG Barker & Co. EUida, (Nor. V 221-tons, Mathiesen, Heide v &CO.- 'Emma (Nor.), 305 tons, Andersen. Heide &cjo. -- SCHOONERS. Etta M Barter, 290 tons. Barter,' E GBar kerfcCo. ..-..-;-i:'-v ; Fannie Kemney, 865 tons, Wolf, Geo Har- riss & Uo. .. - ;- - r - i'--;-- ' Martha 8 Bement, 455 tons,Townsend,Geo Harriss & Co. v " Florence Rocers, 406 tons, McLeod. E G Barker & Co. - - - f Maggie J Lawrence, 849. tons, Grace, Geo -i -Harriss & Co. ; :: ,.. 1 - Canton, 318 tons, Whiltier, Geo Harriss & - Co. - ' - v : Mabel Darling.(Br.), tons, Teddei.Cron ' ly & Morris. . ' Timothy Field, tons, Wallace, E G Bar--ker&Co. - - . .. k Kate V Aitken, - tons, Brower, Geo Har riss & Co. -k---:- - " John Shay, 806 tons, Clarke, Geo Harriss Carl B Ridge way, 'Mi tons, Townsend, Geo . Harriss & Co, . , . -Annie Ainslie, 288 tons, " Andrews, . Geo Harriss & Co. '' List or Vessels vjp, Clemreel or Sailed tor tli Is Port, The following vessels are mentioned in the New York Marltim BtgUUr as being up and cleared for this port : SHIPS " Benmore (Br ), 1460 tons, Jenkins, at Liverpool Deo. S. BARQUES. . Flora (Nor.), 810 tons, Kioster, from London Deo. Heiniioh von Schrceder (Oer.), 641 tons, from St. Vincent Nov. 26. LIburna (Nor.), 483 tons, Jonasseo, from Ham burg Nov. 16. Hosart (NorO, S39 tons, GJeruldsen, from London -Deo. 8 Orion (Nor.), tons, Clansen, from Hamburg Deo. 8. Beethoven (Ger.), tonsrom Travemunde Nov 10. ; - - Cardenas (Oer.), 8S9 tons, Korff, from Gloucester Nov. 8. . Goo. Davis, (Br.), 613 tons, Uacomber, from Liv erpool Not. 25. lno(Nor.), 837 tons, Christensen, from Huelva - Not. 18. - Marrland (Fori, tons, from Stettin Oct. 26. Sialto (Dan.), 443 tons, Hansen, from Hamburg Nov. 1L Texas (Ger.). 691 tons, Loef, from "Hamburg; Nov. Ella Moore (Br.), 891 tons, Brers, from Hamburg ' Oct. 22. . .-:-. Jas. L. Pendergast (Br.). 6S8 tons, CbJshelm, from - Hamburg Oct. 19. - , v - ' - BRIGS. - ''v.;---"-' Wangerland (Ger.), 216 tons,Bpes, from Oporto Not. 7. :V'- . -r v Aquatio (Br ) 831 tons, Haicrowrom Rotterdam Not. Si. Borneo (Ger.), 239 tons, Brane, from Hamburg Not. 6. CHSISTUA8 GOODS I " WE ABE HEADQT7ABTERS IN THE CTTY FOB Fine Wines and Whiskeys. DOMESTIO BRANDY (for Cooking), Dry and Sweet; ' 8CUPPERNONG, "Elegant I SHEBBJES, N. N. Sherry, $2.00. per gal.; Duff Gordon, $4 00 per gal.; Cape. Fear, Stuarb and Xartelle Bve WhisMFSvQjMr ;t 5 . A FRESH TNYOICB EOYSTEE'S CANDY ! " " IN TO-DAY. - Raisins, Xats of all kinds, Plnm 1 Pnddlngr in l and 2 lb. cans, Slince Bleat In any quantity desired, Florida Oranges, f 'Baldwin Apples, -:k''--'k"' In addition to full stock of FRESH QROCEBIE3. cFOR SALE LOW BY :':-k v- deSQDAWtf r.-:kk '' t --f-.. CABLTON HOUSE, . -WarsaV, Dnplia Coety, H. C.t QN LINE OF WILMINGTON AND WELDO Railroad, 65 mQes from Wilmington ' s k - Table always well' supplied' with the best the country affordA Rates ,of , Board very reasona fcle.N i-H. J. CARLTON,- : dec Wms. . - Proprietor. r- - J -; kk &c;wf AbooIutelPu ' This powder neTer Tarles. A marrelot purity. Stresgth and wholesomeness. More economical than ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in com I petition with the multitude of low test.- short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in eant. .: , -.-.-i..- ... Wholesale, by ADRIAN & VOLL.KBS. s nov 24 DAW lv -. nrm too orfrm . 4x ."'.I. , ' ' TOYS HOLIDAY kMkkX the ErrTnSs IsTOcii! NOW FOR SALE At Decided Bargains ! WeuDeiy Competition ! AT . Tay (pr's Bazaar, 118 market Street; 8 CHOOLST SOCIETIES AND CHURCHES SUP PLIED AT A LIBERAL DISCOUNT. : - delSU ,--- - -; :f;. .For Christmas. HAYING BOUGHT The Cargo of Oranges ! '.: "JUST ARRIVED, ' ; Per Schooner XABLB DARLING, I am prepared :lkl to offer GRET TNDUCEXSNTS to ' ; " . . - all purohasen. Can sell ' , IS LOTS FROM 50 TO 10,000. ' These Oranges are LARGE, FIRM and SWEET, and PRICES VERY CLOSE. JNO. It. BO AT WRIGHT, de 17tf 15 A 17 SO. FRONT STREET. T3ls "Weet ! - XY STOCK OF .. CHRISTUAS GOODS WILL BE cbXPLETB. . 10000 0RANQKS' Jamaica and Florida. -. y Bbls. RED APPLES. 2gQ Lbs. CITRON.- 5000 COCOANUTS 1500 Lbs':pllUNBS- 5QQ Lbs CURRANTS. Q Buckets PRESERVES AND JELLIES. "1000 Ateoro'8MI?ICIMIAT. v. " 1000 AsBOrtedinjTa! - "r:.;r--t" ; Wholesale orders filled at lowest prloes . ! " 4 ? 25 HaU Bd1s mq's ST AND TRIPS. ' -10 lfHBbl8' N: HERRINGS.; ' 5 H fl A U.SRIBD APPLES " ' '-' OUUy ; AND PEACHES Fall stock of Groceries, staple and Fancy, at prices that are sure to win, Call and . look over and be convinced. -. " k'-" k r J. C. - STEVENSON, U): de18tf ; --'k NORTH FRONT ST. . Irish Potatoes, JPROM THE NORTH AND WEST.: I IBTTHE BEST EVEBl 01TERED IN THK MARKET. v-:-":-- " ' : '-'-For sale by ' v'v;-si?v;i . -' , ' - ADRIAN A YOLLERS, ; dee I3tf 8. E. cor. Front andDooksts. Christmas. k 1 v FIRE CRACKERS, RAISINS, 1 APPLES, ' -: NUT8, " CAKES, - ; CURRANTS, . ORANGES,- . CANDY, PRUNES. deMtf ADRIAN & YOLLERS,; Sundries POWDER, - SHOT, TCATCHES, " LYE, HAILS, . SOAP.7 . , TOBACCO, SNUF t&ZZ CIGARS, V BUNGS, . GLUE, HOOPON, FLOUR. MEAL ? RN.vf " PHCiS?" BUTTER,:. LABD v t n V - CHEESE, SUGaST MEATS, 4cV - i . irorsalebT ' '-k.fi ADRIAN & YOLLERS, tj Wholesale Grocers, - .. ' 8. "B. oor, Dock and Front Sts. .-: delStf $2 ' f.yp 'JH LARGEST.;. BEST, 'AND, OIEAPEST STOCK OF aBCHIEFS N THE CTTY " ?; Exquisite Styles in JEWELRY eheaD 0 aZiZ i "owin ma aj eYery. ciass or Goods. rery.cl --Tin-jo: HEDRICK. 5Ge( pHo Jrr, i i Auctioneer aiul CoinMsslokllercliaiit ORERTi?-411 P0MS. 215 MARKET iJ thZlh peoial attention will be yJT6 of Goos, Wares, Merchandise, J?n.P?n5nment General Commission hi?.P-ttentlon to-busineasTand QUICK returns of sales. f ? .deOtf erry ChHotmao! PROWN & R.ODDICK, ' k ' - 6 North Front St. s r , ,WB 3SAYE JUSXRECEIYED , J A Large Invoice of Toys Our variety ;is so large we have no space to enumerate. OUR . PRICES CANNOT FAIL TO SUIT EVERY ONE. HkT-&?-:--lK'Z ' - TO ARRIVE, ; 60: Children's" Cloaks ! BY EXPRESS, MONDAY, DEC. SI. . ; We have heen llnduoed. to order the ahoTe as they are ooiiMderably below the market prioe ''kkkk---'. k-P--kk-k:-'-:-::k- They Include MANY NEW STYI.1if ; v Ed Gloves. , Our Stock of KID GLOVES being all 4roken :k'-yk :kt:k'& y: ; '; w np, owing to the late extraprdlnary demand du rlno, the last month, we have ordered BY EX PRESS A FRESH LOT, ' which;' we expect on MONDAY MORMSG. Give lis a calI.' WK' HAYS EVERYTHING SUIT ABLE FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS, r' v-, BROWN & RODDICK, .. . '9 NORTH FRONT STREET. - - ; - - WILMINGTON, - BRANCH STORE, 27 HAY ST., FAYETTEVILLE. RALEIGH REGISTER. BtF. H.HILE Printer :1o tie State. Subscribe to your, Home Paper and pay for it and then remit $3 to pay for your State Democratic Paper the Hujkih Emiru. Each new subscriber remitting $3 direct. Is entitled to the SzemnB for one year, an 1 to - "-'-.-" Webster's Practical Dictionary, which, until August 1, 1885, Is offered as a Pre-mium- ;::'Iif':'';;V k' ?k Sample copies of the" Szeom mailed on ap plication. .. ; ' -. Address" RALEIGH REGISTER, myaODAWtf Raleigh. N.C. Tlie Biblical- i&ecorder - " ' ' PUBLISHED BY ; Edward, Brooglitori & Co. .. ". : RALTCTGH, N. C, ; ..T REV. C. T. BAILEY, Editor.' . : BEY, a 8. FARRTSS, 1 -i;" - Associates. CHAS. L. SMITH. - - - Oreas or Sortli vCaroliM -BajDsli 'k r in 4t 44tli .Yeaiv:;i ' -i. EVERY B APTIST SHOULD TAKE IT As an Advertising Medium Unsurpassed. -; : V 7; Only $3.00 Per Tear. I'. ;' t ' Address - k k . BIBLICAL RECORDER, 3 deo 28 tf Ralelsrh. N. a SEND FOB A SAMPLE COPT. - ORGAN OF THS BAPTSTS O? VWESTERN - ";:T.ORTH CARO . Carter, EtitDr & Proprielor ' The best Advertising Medium for our Mountain section, because It knows no county lines, and is the-only Religious Journal in the State west of the Blue Ridge. ' . - -Sound in faith, earnest fat wor consecrated In DUrDOSe. L' Published every. Tuesday at HENDERSON- vujub, ru u. BUDsonpaon mice for one year ? oouu or wiBDie copy. , - je 6 tl Tlie Cotton Plant. ' An 8-page 40-oolunrn Agricultural Journal, the only paper fat South Carolina published exclusively in the interest of the Farmer and Manufacturer. The best and oheapest Agrtoultur Qnt iq.tlM BUttHU Kn'- ....... a--3 vr' ' - ; ' ' - - -. . x -ri i;-! ONLY 00 CENTS A YEA i:? : The official organ of the State Grange! - T$ Endorsed by the leading citizens of tbA State, and by the best farmers in the State id the South. - , ; .. , - Send postal for specimen copies for yourself and your neighbors . Address. . " r, McEERALL, -Martoa. S.0V elsternlTiitiT A thirty-two oolnmn Weekly Newspaperi' CHAS.; EDWARD WILSON, Editorand Prpp'r. -The TRIBUNE wffl dlsousswith entire freedwn all questions of publio interest. kV In politiqs It wiU teach Democratic doctrine, pure and simple.. - - - - . .. .,r 7 It will strive to advance the educational tnter estsof our people. - - . , . 7. It will labor aealously f 6r the npbulidlne of our whole Stote, and especially for the develop- 52? tte Tarlel resources of Western North Carolina. - . . . - .. . --. .1 will be the friend of all Railroads so lonar as they are the friends of the peopled ? j It will HHnlrfl tn u )ui a. a erg by dealing with all subjects In a fair anddig mfled manner, and by oarefully excluding from t !2Ss2JMiuuuul Ticious lenaencT. . 1 - new and lmproTed Power Press. e- - s - Tne nrlnA nf tha nana rn wJr, iy. ... v Six Months ?6o. Three Months 60o lnvaxlablr in All OOTnmTITl!nf!An atinnlif V THE WESTSSTrofSri1 "-J 80 DWtf ... jt-.v- isr ss- w', y- i..! felt- Tlioiiix( PUBLIBHED EVERYFRIDAYAT LINCOLN- TON.S. C By JOHN C. TIPTON, Ed'r and Pfop'r. have tried it, to be one of the best Advertising kTMiuui stAai- '.n.0n . .fcirrr- . " coin, Gaston, Catawba, Caeavand, O-arke end Mecklenburg -counties. Adverts - rs 4 s L -ii-raL Subscription $1.60 per anaTiT till itf- FAR CHRISTMAS ABllSj - ' k'k'' .: lieilarket St. BESIDES PUR. REGULAR DESIRA5LS STOCK, This Week, iSOOYards 86-inch COLORED CASHMEBjg 1500 Yards.Extra Quality 86-Inch casbv .'J ?--? .-r-. - Children; and Misses' : WOOLEN knit hoods - 2S and 30e -Chton andMitsHea' JACKETS, 40c, s0c m Anotter lot of ASTRACAN and FURS. LADIZS' HOSE,:Colored and Black, full Eegular A jkxir iiearyi wonn 40c, for 25 c. .Ladles and ChUdreQ's HOSE; great rnrlety, i0e 60J)oTO5LANDKERCHlgPS. 3e and 5C. -Uneir Hemstitched Fancy Bordered HAND. . ; "KERCHIEFS, worth 20c, for 1 2e. 'pixsasmXFBr ase, 40c, sOeana HEAVY CLOTH DOLLMANS, worth 5 andjfi for $2 and fS. -Ladies' AR-Wooi BEAVER CLOAKS, worth $15, ; " forfS.; Ever so many desirable WANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS - -.";' -"' y which are not only useful at all times, but BS PECIALLY ECONOMICAL AS GIFTS, now at ? -.: - .v .; "-; ''" " 1 ; THE LOWEST CASH PRICES, del5tf 116 MABBLBT "CAPITAICPBizK f Tfi.OOO. Tickets only 95. Snares im proportion. sr s LDnmana State Lottery GomBany . "We do hereby certify that we tvperrite the or. rangements for aU the Monthly and QuarUriy jjrawvnaM m i ne jjomewma taaie Jjoaeryuormxtny. and in pereon manage and control the dratoingt themselves, and that the tame are conducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward ell tmr ties, and toe authorise the Company to use this eerji ciflcate, with facsimiles of our signatures attaekta to usaaverustmense." neri -- F, fA undersigned Banks and Bankers, iMpof- -aU Prist draum in the .Louisiana State Letttna . vkicA may be presented at our counters. , v.jj s.oGKsESBYt . ; Pres. xRisiaiia National Bank, ; SAntTEIi ml KENNEDY. - - Pres. State National Bank. . .- Pres. ITewOrleans national Bank. " ; Incorporated In 1888 for 85 years by the Legto- -I lature for Educational and Charitable purposes- . woo a capital 01 9T,uuu,uu to wmcn a resem -fond of $550,000 has since been added. By an OTerwhelming popular Tote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December ad. A D, 1879. - The only lottery ever voted on ' . IT SEVER SCALES OR POSTPONES. - i IT8 GRANP SCTGLEmMBER DRAWCTGg; TAKE PLACE ' MONTHLY, - AND THE BXTBA- . ORDINARY DRAWINGS REGULARLY EVERY THREE MONTHS, INSTEAD OP 8BMI-ANH5- i ALLY AS HERSTOFOSS,; BEQGCOHQ MARCH 18&9-. . -v, - : - A 8PLENblD OPPOBTUNIIV TO WIN A FORTUNE. FIRST GRAND DRAWING, CLASS Af IN THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC NEW, ORLEANS, TUESDAY. January 12, 1886 188U Monthlv Drawing. . vlp- ' ' " V- CAPITAI. PRIZE, 75.000.- lOOOOOTlcketS AtFlTe Dollars Eacb. ; - -Frmetlohila Flftba' In Proportion. , -imtJOTFJRIZES. . . '; 1 CapIPrize.;Vt.:.. ft Capital Priae.v;.. 25,000 1 Capital Prize.. .... 10JW i ki SPr&espf $6000........ WX0 5 Prizes of aOOOi...-....... 10,000 10 Prizes of looo.v.wi5:,.:fi.-i;..'i..i..i 10,0a . k 80 Prizes of y00.i..I....U....... 1000 ; lOOPnzesof fiOO....-..... ; 80.0M 800 Prizes of 100.........,..;.;. ..... 80,000 ; . BOOPrlzesof 60 25,000 1000 Prizes of - 85.". . . . . . . ow ;. f kk: APPBOXIMATIOll PRIZEa .9 Approximation Prizes of $750. ..... ' 9 Approximation Prizes of 600. . 9 Approximation Prizes of " 250, . , t ... ; . 1967 Prizes, amounting to.y.i.; ;V 36WM 'Applications for rates to clubs 'should only ' -made to the office of the .Company In Ne or- -leans. -. - . - ; - ; For further Information, write elearly,gW full address, v POST AX NOTES, B; Money OrderSjOr New York Exehangein ordinarf letter, Currency by Express (all sums of $5 m npwwd afiur expense) address? d .; r..,,v;r,n' t--i.r,.M A.DATJPHI-j;" j. , ... ?.- .v-.-tt-. -jfew Orleans jk or A D ATJPITIN, . .- - " : -f . .-..- : WasIilnEtOB, D. C. ,. y -:k Ilake P. Oj Honey Orders payaDle -- . ajid addrets Eegtered letters to ,v mBW ORLEANS NATioNAIi BAKB- f . r.-i-.T---:-'feWw Orleans, ?noli"DJtW2awW"i,we sar:,;; THE PUBLISHED AT ::kk! STAIVIIJ IKEIDELL' CO - C Leading JXewaper in Western yor"1 , ; It ls the only Democralo Paper wfli'5 Iredell County-one of the largest snd wea . . , AArnltlMhifhaUai, inH "ha a attained -., local circulation than any papef ever !fVv' is rapioiy aoqumng aBwougiwt""-" , Burrr.Eowan and westernMeoklenburg.: it U Cie only paper in Western WortJSffi ; tiat employs aBzevui CAHVAssnre ?!&k; thus keep constantly before the WP. TO , -.: this system a rapidlT Increasing ciroalsoon result, makmg toe Lasdkabk. -: ; ' yv-h- ? THE BZ3T ADVESTDHNQ MEDIUM, V; . - AmM - ' "LANDMARK.'. ; AOress sEHm v; . ; 1 i I . -.' . . commisaro ; its circulation in Alexander, wusbo, gn ? - j r bAny. Yadkin, Davie and Iredell, Is k i tetany twopapenintteStoteeomb . . 'A s - - j - k 1 k -.- : ' -" . r - it"

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