FORCOUCH5,CnOUPAND CONSUMPTION USE TAYLOR'S . Cherokee Remedy OF SWEET GUM AMD MULLEIN. The sweet tram, as eathered from a tree of the same name, growing along the small streams In the Southern States, contains a stimulating ex pectorant principle that loosens the phlegm pro ducing the early morning conga, and stimulates the child to throw off the false membrane in croup and whooping-cough. When combined with the healing mucilaginous principle in the mullein giant of the old fields, presents In TAYLOR'S HSUOKEB REMEDY OF OWEET GT7M AND MUlr i.kin the finest known remedy for Coughs, Croup. ? Whooping-cough and consumption; and so pala table, any child is pleased to take it. Ask your druggist for it. Price, 5e. and $1. If he does not keep it, we will pay, for one time only, ex press charges on large size bottle to any part of the U. S. on receipt of $1.00. WALTER A.TA.Yl.OR.Atlanta.Gt' my 15 ly too nrm Hot Springs at Tour Door. Hot Springs Physicians use la their own Cases and Prescribe for Others " Buffalo Lithia Water IN GOUT, RHEUMATISM, AND DISEASES GENE RALLY OF URIC ACID DIATHESIS DR. JAMES L. CABELL, . Professor of Physiology and Surgery in the Med ical Department of the University of Virginia and President of t te National Board of Health, and former Resident Physician, Hot Springs, Virginia. ' The water of Spring No. a contains In nota ble quantities two of the Alkalies, which are ac credited as extremely valuable in the treatment cf Gout, Lithiasis, and Liver Affections. -1 refer to the Carbonates of Potash and Lithia. It is now well known that both of these alkaline carbon ates have an ascertained value in cases of Uric Acid Diathesis connected with Gravel, and in oases of Chronic Gout, because.of their affinity for Uric Acid, and the great solubility of the salts wbioh are formed by their onion with that acid." DR. ALGERNON S.JGARNETT, orgeon (Retired) U. S. Navy, Resident Physician Hot Springs, Ark. ; . "My experience in the use of Buffalo Lithia Water is limited to the treatment of Goat, Rheu matism, and. that hybrid disease 'Rheumatic Gout' (so called), wh'ch is in contradistinction to the Rheumatoid Arthritis of Oarrod. "I have had excellent results from this Water in these affections, both in my own person and in the treatment of patients for whom I have pre scribed it. Of coarse the remedial agent is its contained Alkalies and their solvent properties. ''Hence, it la a prophylactic as well as a reme dy in Nephritic Colio and forming Calculi, when due to a redundancy of LIthic Acid." DR. W. B. TOWLES, Member Medical Society of Virginia, Resident Physician Hot Springs, Va. "I f eel no hesitancy whatever In saying that In Goat Rheumatic Goat, Rheumatism, Stone in the Bladder, and all diseases of Uric Acid Dia thesis, I know cf no remedy at all comparable to Buffalo l ithia Water, Spring No. 2. In a single case of Bright s Disease of the Kidneys I wit nessed very marked beneficial results from its use, and from its action in this particular case, I should have great confidence in it in this dis ease " DR. T. B. BUCHANAN. Resident Physician, Hot Springs, Ark. "Send me five cases Buffalo Lithia Water, Spring No. 2, I have made use of this Water for Goat in my own case, and prescribed it for pa tients similarly suffering, with the most decided beneficial results. I take pleasure in advising Gouty patients to these Springs." r ater in cases of one dozen half gallon bottles 5- per case at the Springs. -nrings pamphlet mailed to any address. or sale by W. H. Green, where the Springs jarophletmay be found THOS. F. GOODS, Proprietor, nh 18 v iuto Buffalo Lithia Springs. Va ' NO S U E P BIS E! THE GOVERNMENT ENDORSES The American Agriculturists ROM TEX TENTH CXHBTJB, VOL. S, J LIST PUEU8HXD.' ; ae American Agriculturist is especially worthy of mention, because of the remarkable success that has attended the unique and untiring efforts of its proprietors to increase and extend its clri eolation. Its contents are duplicated every month for a German edition, which also ciroo-f lates widely." -- This Tribute Is a pleasing Incident in the mar-i vellous nearly HALF A CENTURY -C reer of this recognized leading Agricultural Journal of the world. What it is To-Day. Six months ago the American Agriculturist enj tered upon a NEW CAREER OF PROSPERITY and to-day it Is far superior to any similar peri odical ever produced in this or any other coun try. Richer In editorial strength; rioher in engra vings; printed on finer paper, and presenting in every issue 100 columns of original reading mat-' ter from the ablest writers, and nearly 100 illus trations. - Dr. George Thurber, for nearly guar- ter ofa century the editor-in-chief of the Amer-4 lean Agriculturist, Joseph Harris, Byron: D. Hal sted, CoL M. c. Weld, and Andrew 8. Fuller,' the; other long time Editors, together with the other writers who have made the American Agricvttu-t rist what it is to-day, ARE STILL AT THEIR POSTS. ' WHAT. FREE ??? Every subscriber, whose subscription Is IMMS D LATELY forwarded us with the price, $1.50 per - year, and 15 cents extra for postage on Cyclop-? dia making $1.65 in all will receive the Ameri- can Agriculturist English or German for all ofi 1835, and be presented with the AMERICAN AG RICULTURIST FAMILY iCYCLOPBDIA Oust i oat), 700 PAGES AND OVEU 1000 ENGRAV -. INGS. Strongly bound in cloth, black and gold. . This entirely new volume is a remarkable store- i house and book of reference for every depart ment of human knowledge,including an Agri cultural Supplement by Dr. Thurber. SEND THREE 2-CENT 8TAMPS FOR MAILING ' YOU SPECIMEN COPY AMERICAN AGRICUL TURIST, AN ELEGANT FORTY-PAGE PREMI UM 1 1ST, WITH 300 ILLUSTRATIONS, AND SPECIMEN PAGES OF OUR FAMILY CYCLO PEDIA. Cahvassebs wasted Evkbywhbsz. Address PUBLISHERS AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST David W. Judd, Pres't. Sax!. Bubjthax, Sec. 73i BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 3 an f j,i The - State- Chronicle. (Successor' td the Farmer and Mechanic and the Chronicle.) Under New Ma-nagejnent. NEWSY, BRIGHT AND CLEAN. UP ; WITH THBTTMES. THE "STATE CHRONICLE" WILL BE WHAT its name implies a State Paper: It is not the Raleigh Chronicle." and will not be locator sectional: It will aim to keep up with the news from Murphy to Manteo, or, aa the politicians put it. from Cherokee to Currituck. , - It will man. no ring, no sec tion, no party It will be Democratic la politics, but will not hesitats,to criticise Democratic mea sures and Democratic officers. J TERHS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One Year ..... .'. . . .. . . . . . . . ,:: . ..... . . .$2:00 Six Months 1X0 Three months. 4 ...... , .50 For a Sample Copy address " ' -' " ' 1 ' , u THE STATE CHBONKJiB,.: ' oc21tf - 'Raleigh, N.O. AT D. A. SMITHS rflENTrtJRB WARS- '' ' " ; ' j , .""- 'if'" : ' V" ; ' f ROOMS; can be found a large assortment iflf VALUABLE GIFTS, suitable for 'everTbodT The public, and especially the ladies, are re' spectrally invited to call and examine prices, Ac . .-- D. A. SMITH, pec as tr - - - Furniture Warerooms. The Morning Star A THEATRICAL TRAGEDY. "And I mnse.tread the stage to-night, - Ah, me ! 'tis weary work," she said, "To count the dull hours' creeping flight, And, starving, face its cruel light Oh, would that I were dead 1" "But garret duns are grimly due, Ah, me I 'tis weary work," she said, "And every week they grind anew For rent, a tho the rain runs thro' On my defenceless head." . . . -, . She laughed and sang in silks and lace. "How well this novice acts i" they said. "So fair a form, so sweet a face!" God in. His mercy grant me grace !" Within her room she muttered. "A new success 1" the people cried "An actress fiesh and fair!" Next morn they found her prone beside Her hearth, the sad face glorified, And free from want and care. The critics urged. "We brought her bays Ere she was numbered with the dead." "And.went upon their wayar . .- Came one unto her tomb and said: "You gave her fame, denied her bread She could not live on praise" - London Dramatic Review. - A. CORRECT VIEW. Wash. Post, Dem. Beyond a doubt, one cause of dis satisfaction .with the present Civil Service law arises from its narrow limitations, tha , : pettiness of its de tails and the its objects and results. It looks like the. dwarf ing of a grand idea to reduce the ex pression of the reform principle to the meagre dimensions of a measure which contents itself with the scho lastic inquisition of letter-carriers, custom bouse gangers and nine-hundred-dollar departmental clerks. Jt is absurd to suppose that loyalty, ef ficiency and integrity are required only in these grades of service,or that a much-vaunted reform is accom plishea by the lynx-eyed discovery of an orthographical lapse- on the part of a letter-carrier. There are on to a hundred thousand places untouched by any provision of this law; and of these, thousands upon thousands' re quire the guarantees of the highest personal integrity and of the keenest and clearest ability. It is evident that the genuine civil service reform has not yet. begun, or, if this law is to be 'regarded as a commencement, that it is only as a meagre vestibule to the splendid edifice which the fu ture shall behold when the true 're form is accomplished. No reform of the civil service will be complete un til all but the great administrative offices, which must be filled from the dominant party, that the will of the majority expressed at the polls may be executed have been subjected to tests. OUR STATE CONTEMPORARIES. We believe, that 'the prospe'rity .of our State is best promoted by the supremacy of the Democratic party, and we cannot jom in any movement that tends to break up that party. Just as that party is in the ascendant both in State and nation, we can not aid in overthrowing it by organizing a' new party, even, for prohibition. In 1883 the Republicans endeavored to disrupt and defeat the Democratic party by persuading ibe anti-prohibitionists to join the "Libe ral" party, but their efforts were in vain, and the anti-prohibition Democrats re mained true to their party. Now we ap peal to prohibition Democrats to do the same 4o prove as true to their party in the next campaign as the anti-prohibition Democrats did in 1882. Pittsboro Record. The Roanoke News eudorsealbe position of "the Scotland Neck Democrat that the offices belong to the party which controls the administration. In 'this way only can the party which has been successful at the polls best shape the policy which it main tains. Civil service reform, so called, does not apply to the higher positions under the government and there is no more reason why it should apply to others. For a long number of years nothing was heard of such an arrangement until the Republicans went out of office; then, to shield their partisan officeholders,- they became quite virtuous. -rWeldon News. i tCHSONJLl. Stilson Hutchins has sold part of the Washington Post to 'Walter Morgan Wysej of New York-. ;:- Tom Nast's wife is said to be the origiaafof the figure of Columbia which he depicts in his cartoons. Adelaide Rudolph, a niece of MrsiQarfield, has beeov-elected Latin pro fessor cf Kansas State University. Ex-Senator McDonald, of Indi ana, is to respond to the toast, "Andrew Jackson," at the 8ih of January banquet in Columbus.; Ohio. Mme. Barrios, widow of the late President of Guatemala! is staying this winter in New Orleans, and she has excel lent staying qualities ia a fortune of more than $8,000,000. rSf ,r . Elizur Wright's, death leaves, only two survivors of the men' who found ed the Anti Slavery Society of 1833. They are John G. Whittier the poet, and Mr. Purvis, of Philadelphia. Wash. Post. The" AClevfand Leader an nounces that Mrs. Senator Sherman, by the election of her husband, to the place of Vice PrestdeDt. becomes, by Washington etiquette, "the first lady of the land." Oh! how they ape royalty these Republicans. Alexandria Oaaette. 1 f;-f--Mr.-i- lbpnchete throws j cold water on the warm American reception of Canon Farraf by ' declaring that the Arch deacon . "of ten, talks and writes nonsense and twaddle, 'and Idqring hta ' tour in the United States" he' seems to have surpassed himself ."N. : Y. World. POLITICAL POINTS, No man. who favors the pig-iron dollar can ever be elected President of the UnUed States. St. Louis Globe-Demoerat, Dent. - ' - . ''' . , UC--xThe United States Senate is now known as the "Millionaire Club." That's the way the chestnut grows. N. T. Star. Deri.. , . . It strikes us that the great Mr. Randall is suffering from a lack of proper protection about now. MontgomergAia.) Dispatch, Dem. : - The President is on the wrong side of the silver:question, and the sooner he turns his back on the Wall street clique and listens to the people the better it will be for the credit of the Administration. If silver should, be demonetized ia this coun try, the consequences would be disastrous to our industries. New Toxic Mercury. V THE COURTS. : . ' . FIBST DISTCT JtTDOS ijtTJSaSR. Hyde February 1 one week; May 10, one week. - '. '- ' Beaufort February 8, two weeks; May j 24, two weeks., v . Currituck March 1, one week. Camden March 8, one week. Pasquotank March 15, one week; June 7, one week. Perquimans-March 22, one week. Chowan March 29, one week; June 14, one week. -: -: Gates April 5, one week. -Hertford April 12t one week; June 21, one week. . " Washington April 19, one week. Tyrrell Aprir 26, one week. Dare May 8, one week. ; i Pamlico May 17, one week. SECOND DrSTJUCTJTJDGK SHEPHKED. Halifax January 4, two weeks; March 1, two weeks; May 10, two weeks. Northampton January -18, .two. weeks; March 29, two weeks; t June 7, one week. Edgecombej fFebraary l, one week; April 12, two weeks. iU ;,t t ft Craven February 8. two weeks; ,i May 24, two'weeks. : 'j. - i C Warren March 15, two weeks. Bertie April 26, two weeks. THIRD DISTRICT JUDGE PHILIPS. Pitt-sTan. 4, two weeks; March 15, tw weeks; June 7, two weeks. Franklin Jan. 18, one week; May 31, one week. -Wilson JFeb. 1, two weeks ; April 12, tw weeks ' j. Vance Feb. 15, two weeks; JMay 17, two weeks. Martin March 1, two weeks. Greene March 29, two weeks. Nash April 26 -two weeka;'. FOURTH DISTRICT JUDGE CONNOK. .- Wake iva.i 4, two weeks; fFeb. 22, two weeks; March 22, two weeks; f April 19, ' three weeks. ' , , I ; ;' Wayne Jan. 18. two weeksTMarch 8."two two weeks; fAprilJ.2, one week. Harnett Feb.,1 one week. Johnston Feb. "8, two weeks. FIFTH DISTRICT JUDGE CLARK. Granville Jan. '25, two- weeks; May 8, two weeks. Chatham Feb. 8, one week; May 17, one week. Guilford Feb. 15, two weeks; June 7. one week. Alamance March 1, one week; May 81, one week. " ; " . Durham March 8, two weeks; May 24, one week. Orange March 22. one week.-- . Caswell April 12, two weeks.. Person April 26, one week. SIXTH DISTRICT JUDGE GILMER. New Hanover Jan. 18, two weeks; April 12, two weeks. Lenoir Feb. 1. one week. Duplin Feb. 8, two weeks. Sampson fFeb. 22, two weeks; April 26, one week. ' - Pender March 8, one week; May 3,' one week. Carteret March 15, one week. Jones March 22, one week. Onslow March' 29, one week. SEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE SOTKTN. Anson Jan. 4, one week; fAoril 26, one" week. Columbus Jan. 11, one week; March 22, one week. Cumberland Jan. 18, one week; March 8, one week; fMay 8, two weeks. ' Robeson Jan. 25, two weeks; May 17, two weeks. Richmond Feb. 8, two weeks; May 31, one week. Bladen March 15, one weeks. Brunswick March 29. one week. Moore April 12, two weeks. EIGHTH DISTRICT JUDOS MAC BAR. Cabarrus Jan. 25, one week; April 26, one week. Iredell Feb. 1, two weeks; May 17, two weeks. Rowan Feb. 15, two weeks; May 3, two weeks. ' Davidson March 1, two weeks; May 81, one week. Randolph March 15, two weeks. Montgomery March 29, one week. Stanly March 5, one week. NINTH DISTRICT JUDGE MONTGOMERY. Rockingam January 18, two weeks. v Forsyth February 1, two weeks; May 17, two weeks. Yadkin February 15, two weeks Wilkes March 1, two weeks; April 26, one week. Alleghany March 15, one week. Davie March 29, two weeks. Stokes April 12, one week. Surry April 19, one week. TENTH DISTRICT JUDGE GRAVES. Henderson February 8, three weeks. -Burke March 1, two weeks. Caldwell March 15, one week. Ashe March 22, one week; May 24, one week. Watauga March 29, one week; May 81, one week. Mitchell April 12, two weeks Yancey April 26, two weeks. McDowell May 10, two weeks. ELEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE AVERT. Alexander January 18, one week; June 7. one week. Catawba January 25, one week; May 31, one week. Union 'February 8, one week; February 15, one week; May 17, one week; fMay 24, one week Mecklenburg 'February 22, three weeks. Gaston March 15, two weeks. Lincoln March 29, one week. Cleveland April 6, two weeks- Rutherford April 19, two weeks. Polk May 8, one week. TWELFTH DISTRICT JUDGE SHUT. Madison February 22, two weeks. Buncombe March 8, three weeks; June 14, two weeks. Transylvania March 29, . one week Haywood April 6, two weeks. Jackson April-19, two weeks. Maccn May' 3,- one-week. : Clay May 10, one week. Cherokee May 17, two-weeks. Graham May 31, one week. Swain June 7, one week. Criminal causes only. JCivil causes and jail cases only. fCivil causes only. The Western Tribune; A thirty-two column Weekly Newspaper. CHA8. EDWARD WILSON, Editor and Prop'r. ASmCVTLLE, N, C. ' The TRIBUNE will discuss with entire freedom all questions of public Interest. - In politics it will teaoh Democratic doctrine, pure and simple. ' . ' . . It will strive to advance the educational Inter ests of our people. It will labor zealously for the upbuilding of our whole State, and especially for the develop ment of the varied resources ot Western North Carolina. It will be the friend of all Railroads so long- as they are the friends of the people. It will aspire to deserve the esteem of Its read ers by dealing with all subjects in a fair and dig nified manner, and by carefully excluding from its columns everything of a violous tendency. The TRIBUNE is printed from new type, on a new and improved Power Press. The price of the paper will be Per Tear 11.60, Six Months 780, Three Moatha 60o mvariably SneommnnIoatfon8 should be addressed to THE WESTERN TRIBUNE, Ashevttle, N. C. -: je 80 DAWtf s TT h erCVlt) rn i rig Star PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY SiSuripttHatuilii A4t. DAILY STAB, Cye Tear, postage paid , . " SixMonths. " " " ThreeHohthsM " .... " ' ' Two Months, ; One Mocth " .... WEEKLY STAB, One Year, postage paid. " , Six Months, - . " Three Months ' . ..$7 oo .. . 4 oo 2 00 ... i:so 75 . ,. 50 ... 1 00 ... 50 , 2T0TICES 0FTHE PEE3S : The Stab is decidedly one of the best papers In the State, as bright and newsy as ever. . Long life to It. Salem Press. .. - The Wilmington Stab has entered en Its twelfth year as good a paper as any people should want. Charlotte Democrat. The Wilmington Stab has entered on ts twelfth year. As a dally Journal of news it stands "up head." Concord BeaUter ' The Wilmington Stab has entered Its twenty fifth volume. There is no better paper published In he State. .Lenoir Topic The Wilmington 8tib has entered upon Its thir teenth year. It is one of the best papers in the State. Warrentan Oaaette. The Wilmington Stab has entered its thirteenth year. It has become one of the leading paperslof the South. Oxford Torchlight. . The Wilmington Stab Is not only one of the best edited papers In the State, but for freshness of news and typograploal .appearance oannot be beaten. Jackson Eevorter. The Wilmington Stab Is one of the very best pa pers in the South, In every department from typo graphy up to editorial ability and independence. Petersburg (Va.) Index-Appeal. The Wilmington (N. C.) Mobkihs Stab is a mod el newspaper, ndeed, we think we do not exag gerate its merits when we say It is the newsiest (secular) paper published in the South. Biehmond (Va.) Belioious Herald. The Wilmington Stab has now entered upon Its thirteenth year and twenty-fifth volume.: One of the best conducted and edited papers In the South and, as a North OaroUnlan, we are proud of lt.- lurooro tsoumemtr. We llae the Stab because It Is thoroughly re liable, candid, fearless, and so well and ably edited , newsy, spicy, and in fact a perfect news- laper. Long may tne btab iwinaie. mi. Awry Although at the head of the press in this State In all that makes a paper valuable tQ the reader, still it continues to Improve. It is a Stab of the first magaltude. May its lustre never wane. The tree Will Baptist. The' Stab Is so well and favorably known lit this section of the State, that we can say nothing of whloh its thousands of readers do not already know. It is in every respect one of the best dal lies In the South. Jisoescmian. The Wilmington Stab has entered on Its twelfth year. It is a most excellent newspaper, well ed ited, a compendium of all the news of the day, and an honor to its city, to North Carolina and tc North Carolina iournalism. Charlotte Observer. That magnificent beaming Stab has oompleted Its twenty-second volume. It Is one of the moet brilliant, erudite and sparkling dailies south of the Potomac. The system in the get up of the pa per surpasses them tuLTarborp Southerner. The Wilmington Stab is now taking the regular midnight Associated Press reports, and has be sides increased the amount of its reading matter. The Stab is an excellent paper. Its prosperity is not surprising since It Is so deserving. Charlotte Obeerver. ' The Times eannot say a word too good for the Wilmington Stab. It has just reached one of its many birthdays. As a newspaper it is a favorite with the State press and Is sought after by the people. Long and prosperous life to It. viUe Times The WBmmgton Stab, we are pleased to notice, still continues on the high road to success. We esteem the Stas very highly, regarding It as one of the verv best of Our exchanges, and consider it the peer o) any Journal published in the South. Oxford Free Lance. Wh is it that all the papers with the name of Star are such bright little journals ? The Wilming ton CN. a) Stab, the Washington Star, the Fred ericksburg Star, New York Star, for example. There must be something tn a name after all. Richmond ( Fa.) State. The Wilmington Stab has entered uponits 12th volume, and we are pleased to notice still contin ues on the road to success. We esteem the Stab verv highly, regarding It as one of the very, best newspapers that comes to this office. Its news oolumns are always a little fuller than those 'of any other of our exchanges, and its editorial de aortment is conducted with much ability.-i-.Jfrr-ganton JUade. .' Humble In its beginnings, as was Inseparable from an enterprise begun amid the wreck of for tune that attended the collapse of the Southern Confederacy, the Stab has steadily "waxed" un til it now beams resplendent in the full glow of a constantly brightening prosperity. As a netoera per it has few equals, and no superior, for apprs priate selection andjudlcioua arrangement, and we are proud to rank It among our most acoertaC ble exchanges. H&sboro Recorder. The Wilmington Moraine Stab has entered up on the thirteenth year of its existence, and we take this opportunity to oongratulate it upon its prosperity and deserved popularity. The remark able success of the Stab Is due to its strict atten tion to business. The boast of the Stab (rightful ly too) is that it always has the news, and. this is the first thing in journalism. Otherwise the pa per is all that tha term of "good newspaper" im plies, and Vts corps of editors aad reporters are thoroughly educated newspaper men. May the healthy, moral influence of the Stab never be re tarded, and may its genial enterprising proprie tor enjoy many more happy years of usefulness. Ooldsboro Messenger. BALEIGH REGISTER. By P. M. HALE Printer :to the State. dutXhi Subscribe to yourAHome Paper and pay for it and then remit $2 to pay for your State Democratic Paper the RALKeH RwrnTxa. : Each hew subscriber remitting $2 direct, is entitled to the Rbsistkb for one year, an i to Webster's Practical Dictionary, which, until August 1, 1885,' is offered as a Pre mium. ' Sample copies of the Rboisteb -mailed on ap plication. Address RALEIGH REGISTER, ; my20D&Wtf ttalelgb. N.C. The Biblical Kecorder PUBLISHED BY RALEIGH, N. C. REV. Cv T. BAILEY, Editor. " REV. C. S. PARRISS, ) Associates. CHAS. L. SMITH, J Organ of Kortli Carolina Baptists: In Its 44th Year. EVERY BAPTIST SHOULD TAKE IT As an Advertising Medium Unsurpassed. Only $2.00 Per Tear. Address BIBLICAL RECORD KB, dec 28 tf Kaleltrh. N. C. SEND FOR A SAMPLE COPT. THELANDM HK. PUBLISHED AT 81 ATESYILLE, IREDELL CC N. C IS THE reading JTewipaper in Western North Carolina. It Is the only Democratic Paper published li. Iredell County one of the largest and wealthiest counties in the State and has attained a larger local circulation than any paper ever heretofore published in the oounty. Its circulation In Alexander, WOkes, Ashe, Alle ghany. Yadkin, Davto and Iredell, is larger tuna that of any two papers in the State combined; and is rapidly acquiring a strong foothold In Forsythe Surry, Bo wan and western Mecklenburg. It 1s the only paper In Western- North Carolina that employs a Rbotlab Canvassing Agkht, and thus keep constantly- before the people. Unaoi this system a rapidly Increasing circulation is t h result, making tne Labsxabx. v THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDiUM i ESN NORTH CAROLINA. Address "LANDMARK,- . 8tatesvllle N. C- - y frMOLJESAIsJS PRICES , ggTOur quotations. It should be understood; represent the wholesale prices -generally. In making up small ofdero nisber prices have to be enarged. . : j -f ABTICIJtS. . fbioxs. BAGGING Gunny .............. I0jo 11J4 Standard;.,... 00 & 12 BACON North Carolina Hams,V 12 15 Shoulders, l lb. 8 8 - Sides, choice, 10 11 WkstskhSbokio Hams, ft fi.. UH& 1 Sides. B... 7 .7J4 Shoulders, tt...... Dbt Saltxo Sides, 9 fi toll . 6)4 Shoulders, lb 5 BARRETTS Spirits Turpentine, Second Hand, each 1 60 1 65 New New York; each 00 Q 1 80 NewClty, eaoh... 00 1 80 BEESWAX 9 23 24 BRICKS Wilmington, 9 H..... 8 00 S 00 Northern. 0 00 14 00 ' BUTTER -North Carolina, 9 . 00 . . 15 - Northern, ..... 80 24 CANDLES & Sperm 18 26 Tallow ... .1)4 12 Adamantine,.:.... 00 12 CHEESE ffc-North'nPact'y 10 10 Dairy, Cream , 11 12 State .'. 8 10 COFFEE ft lb Java 18 28 Laguyra oo it RtO ., .10 CORNMiAL-p busBL.ln saoks, 70 - 72U Virginia Meal 70 70 COTTON TIES bundle. 1 20 126 DOMESTICS Sheeting. 44, 9 yd 6H& 7 Yarns, bunch CO 85 EGGS 9 doBen... 00 18 FISH Mackerel, No. 1, V bbl... 00 12 80 Mackerel, No. 1, fJ half bbl.. 7 50 8 50 Mackerel, No. 2,8 bbl...... 8 60 9 00 Mackerel, No. 2, 9 half bbl. 6 00 7 00 Mackerel, No. 8, & bbl 4 25 5 0b Mullets, bbl 6 00 6 00 Mullets, Pork bbls 11 00 12 00 N. C. Roe Herring, 9 keg... 8 OC 4 00 Dry Cod. 9 B i 10 FLOUR bbl Super,, ..' 8 60 4 00 - Extra. 4 25 4IE0 Family.;.. 4 75 5 25S City Mills Super.... ........ 1 1400 4 10 ,f Famuy.. 4 60 5 OOZ GLUE 9 to 6 10 GRAIN 9 bushel. Corn,store,bags.prlme, white. 65 70 Corn, cargo, in bulk, " 58 60 Corn, cargo, in bags, " 62? 68 Corn, cargo, mixed, in bags 60 61 Oats, from store 45 47 Cow Peas : - 66 65 HIDES 9 Green...? 0 5H Dry......... 10 12 HAY 9 100 fts-Eastern....... 110 115 Western ; 110 115 North River"...'...-. 1 10 115 HOOP EBON 9 B 2J6 8 LARD 9 tt Northern : Norti Carolina 8 10 UMK-S barrel 00 i;40 LUMBER City Sawed 9 M ft. Ship StuS,resawedr. 18 00 20 00 Rough Edge Plank 15 00 18 00 West India Cargoes, accord- ing to quality 13 00 18 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. 18 00 22 00 Scantling and'n 12 00 15 00 MOLASSES 9 gallon New Crop Cuba, in hhds.... 24 26 .. r. .. m bblfl. 3 Q go Porto Rico, in hhds 28 SO " in bbls 80 85 -Sugar House, in hhds 00 00 p iabbla oo 20 Syrup, in bbls 23 35 NAILS 9 keg Cut. lOd basis.. 00 S b0 OILS 9 gallon Kerosene 10 11 Lard 1 10 1 4b Linseed : 90 100 . Rosin 15 18 Tar. .. 00 20 Deck and Spar 00 22 POULTRY ChIckens,llve,grown 26 83 " Spring: 15 30 Turkeys.... 00 00 PE AN U'l-B 9 bushel 22 lbs ... . 45 57 POTATOES 9 bushel Sweet.. 50 70 Irish, per barrel, new... 00 2 CO PORK 9 barrel City Mess.... 10 00 11 CO Prime 13 50 14 00 Rump 00 13 5013 BICE Carolina, 9 H.... 4 6 Rough, 9 bushel (Upland).. 80 1 10 Do, do (Lowland) 1 00 1 CO RAGS 9 lb-Country 0 2 City 1 lj ROPE 9 lb..... 14 mi SALT 9 salt Alum 70 75 Liverpool 70 75 Lisbon 00 00 American 00 75 SUGAR Granulated 7J4 7 Standard A.; 6)4 ' 7 - White Ex C 6 6 ExC. Golden 6 6 C Yellow 6 5 SOAP B Northern... 5 6M SHINGLES 9 M Contract:... 5 00 7 00 Common . 00 2 50 Cypress Saps M 5 00 Cypress Hearts 0 CO 7 50 STAVES 9 M W O Barrel. ... 8 00 14 00 R O Hogshead. 00 00 10 00 TALLOW 9 B 6 6 TIMBER 9 M feet Ext Heart (1st class yellow pine). : 9 00 10 00 Prime ship'g, lstclass heart. 8 00 9 00 Extra Mill, good heart 6 50 8 00 Mill Prime 6 00 6 60 Common Mill 4 00 5 00 Inferior to Ordinary 3 00 40 WOOL T? 2 Washed 18 20 Unwashed . .18 15 Burrv 10 11 WHISKEY 9 gallon Northern 1 00 5 00 North Carolina.. 100 2 50' WILIHINGTOS! HONEY MARKET. Exchange (sight) on New York ..H discount Baltimore .. ....ii " Boston " Philadelphia U - Western Cities.. " - Exahango, 80 days, 1 9 cent. Bank of New Hanover Stock.... 108 First National Bank Stock 95 Navassa Guano Company Stock 140. North Carolina Bonds Old Ex-Coupons..,. 23 ; funding, 1866 10 Funding, 1868 10 New 4s 82 Special Tax 4 W Jfc WRR Bonds. 7 c (Gold Interest). ... 118 Carolina Central R R Bonds, 6 Wo. 106 Wilmington, Col. & Augusta R R Vonds. . . 105 Wilmington City Bonds (new) 6 Vo 100 9 9o 100 New Hanover County Bonds, 6 9o ........ 100 Wilmington & Weldon BR Stock .110 North Carolina R R Stock . 82 r Wilmington Gas Light Company Stock 50 Wilmington Cotton Mills Stock 120 WO IMI -A-lsT I HER BEST FRIEND ! DR. J. BRADFIELD S FEMALE REGULATOR! This famous remedy most heartily meets the demand of the age for woman's peculiar and multiform afflictions. It is a remedy for "WO MAN ONLY, and for one SPECIAL CLASS of her diseases. It is a specific for certain diseased con ditions of the womb, and proposes to so control the Menstrual Function as to regulate all the de rangemen8t and irregularities of Woman's ITTONTHL.Y SICKNESS. Its proprietors claim for it no other medical pro perly; and to doubt the fact that this medicine does positively possess such controlling and reg ulating powers Is simply to discredit the volun tary testimony Of thousands of Jiving witnesses who are to-day exulting in the restoration to sound health and happiness. Bradfleld'sr Female Regulator is strictly a vegetable compound, and is the pro duct of medical science and practical experience directed towards tha benefit of S OFFERING WOMAN ! Jt Is the studied prescription oi a learned physi cian whose specialty was WOMAN, and whose fame became enviable and boundless because of his wonderful success in the treatment and cure of female complaints.' THE REGULATOR is the GRANDEST REMEDY known, and richly de serves its name : s IWomanVBest .Friend ! Because it controls a class of functions the'vari ous derangements of which cause more ill health than all other causes combined, and thus rescues her from a long train of afflictions which sorely embitter her life and prematurely end her exist ence. Oh 1 what a multitude of living witnesses oan testify to Its charming effects ! Wo ah 1 take to your confidence this - PRECIOUS BOON OF HEALTH It will relieve you of nearly all the complaints peculiar to your e ex. Rely upon it as your safe guard for health, happiness and long life. Sold by all druggists. Send for our treatise on the Health and Happiness of Woman, mailed free, which gives all particulars ' The Bradfield Regulator Co., P. O. Box 23, Atlanta, Ga. Wnilam H ton, N. C. Je91v Green, Wholesale Agent, Wllmmsr ohsm The Person County News, - ' Published at ROXJ50RO, N. C. ' WIIITAKER On GIBBONS, Editors and Proprietors. ' The NEWS has.the largest circulation of any paper published or circulated In the fine tobacco section of North Carolina. Advertising rates very liberal. Subscription 82.00 per year . - WUmington & Weldon Bailrbad Co.;: Condensed Schedule. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Not It No- Na40, Aiatea Nov. 15, 85. Dafly Dally aUy . Leave Weldon 2.15 p.m 5.8a p.m 12.15 a.m Arrive Rocky Mt.. 8.38p.m..... 1.26 a.m Anive Tarboro ... 4.55 p'.m Leave Tarboro.... 11.30 p.m - - Leave Wilson 4.05 p.m 6.54 p.m 1.66 a m Arrive Goldsboro. 4.54 p m 7.38 p.m 2.40 a.m Leave Warsaw.... 5.54 p.m. 3.39 am Leave Burgaw .... 7.C0p.m 4.40 am Arrive Wllmingt'n 7.5 p-m 9.55 p.m 5.8J a m TRAINS GOING NRTH. " ( No.47, ' No. 43, Sfe4' Pally. Dally. Ugfc, Leave Wilmington 8.45 a ml 8. 0 p.m 2.10 a.m Leave Burgaw 9.80 a.m 9.50 p.m 2.57 a.m Leave Warsaw..:. 10.86 a m 10.57 pm Arrive Goldsboro. 11.85 p.m 11.58 a,m 5 07 a.m Leave Wllson 12.25 p.m 12.43 a.m 5.61 a.m Arrive Rooky Mt.. 12.69 p.m 1 21 a.m 6.2i a.m Arrive Tarboro.. . . 4.55 p.m Leave Tarboro 11.80 a.m Arrive Weldon ... 3.15 p m 2.45 a m 7.30 aim Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves A Halifax' for Scotland Neck at 8.00 P. M. Return 1 Ing, leaves Scotland Neck at 9.80 A. M. dailv. 4 I Train No. 40 South- will atop only at Wusen, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 47 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Line. Trains make close connection for all points North via Richmond and Washington. All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. - JOHN F. DIVINE, . General Sup't. J. R KENLT, Sup't Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent no 15 tf ' WIEMINQTON, COL'MBIA & AUGUSTA Railroad Co. 4 tMeijSi Condensed Scnedule. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Nov. 15, 1881 Leave Wilmington 8.15 p.m 10.15 p.m 5.45 am Leave L.Wac'maw 9.89 p.m 11.20 p.m 7.05 a m Leave Marion 11.7 p.m 12.47 am 8.56 a.m Arrive Florence... 12 10 p.m 1.25 am 8.33 a.m Arrive t-nmter 4.24 a.m 4 24 a.m Arrive Columbia.. 6.40 a.m 6.40 a m TRAINS GOING NORTH, No. 43, No.47, Stn Dally. Dally. , Leave Columbia 9.55 Arrive Sumter 12.00 p.m Leave Florence... 4.30 p.m 4.26 a.m 10.05 p.m Leave Marlon 54)9 p.m 5.14 a.m 10.47 p.m Leave L.Wac'maw 7.03 p.m 7.05 a.m 12.43 a.m Arrive Wilmington 8.30 p.m 8.20 a.m 1.50 am Train No. 43 stops at all Stations. Nos. 48 and 47 stop only at Brinkley's, Whites ville, Lake Waccamaw, Fair Bluff, Nichols, Ma rion, Pee Dee, Florence, Timmonsville, Lynch burg, MayesviUe, Sumter, Wedgefield, Camden Junction and Eastover. -.Passengers for Columbia and all points on C. A G. RR, C.,0. & A. RR Stations, Aiken Junction, and all points beyond, should take No. 48. Pull man Sleeper for Augusta on this train. Pullman Sleepers for Savannah on Train 48. All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. JOHN F. DIVINE, GenlSupt. J. R KENLY, Sup't Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent, no 15 tf CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD CO. Omcs OT SUTXZIIOTiroXHT, ) Wilmington, N. C, Sept 27. 1885. ) Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER THIS DATE, THE FOL lowing Schedule will be operated on this Railroad: PASSENGER, WATT. AND EXPRESS TRAIN: DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS. ) Leave Wilmington at 7.00 P., M. No. 1. V Leave Raleigh at 7.85 P. M. ) Arrive at Charlotte at 7.30 A. M. 1 Leave Charlotte at 8.15 P. M. No. 2. V Arrive at Raleigh at 9.00 A. M. I Arrive at Wilmington at 8.25 A. M. LOCAL FREIGHT Passenger Car Attached. Leave Cnarlotte at '. 7.40 A. M. Arrive at Laurinburg at.. 5.45 P.M. Leave Laurinburg at 6.15 A. M. Arrive at Charlotte at 4.40 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 6.45 A.M. Arrive at Laurinburg at . . . 5.00 P, Ml Leave Laurinburg at 5.30 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington at 5.40 P.M. Local Freight between Wilmington and Lau rinburg Tri-weekly leaving Wilmington on Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays. Leave Laurin burg on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Passenger Trains stop at regular stations only, and Points designated m the Company's Time Table. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MALL. EX PRESS AND FREIGHT. Dally except Sundays. Leave Charlotte 8.15 A. M. f Arrive at Shelby 12.15 P. M. (Leave Shelby 1.40A.M. (Arrive at Charlotte..:. 5.40 P. M. No. 3 No. 4 Trains No. 1 and 2 make olose connection at Hamlet with B. & A. Trains to and from Raleigh. - Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No. 1 for Statesville, Stations West ern N. C. R. R-, Ash ville and points West. Also, for Spartanburg. Greenville, Athens, At lanta and all points Southwest . L. C. JONES, Superintendent F. W. CLARE, General Passenger Agent, se27tf - Cape Fear & Tallan Valley S. R. Co. CONDENSED TIME TABLE NOtfS, To take effect at 5 A. M., Monday, Nov. 23, 1885. TRAIN NORTH. Arrive. . Leave, aso a. m 9.50 12.25 p. m 2.25 p. m Bennetts ville Shoe Heel Fayettevllle.. .. Sanford Ore Hill Liberty 9.40 a. m 12.00 m. 2.15 p. m 3.43 487 Greensboro. 6.00 Dinner at Fayette ville. , TRAIN SOUTH. Arrive. Leave. 9.50 a. m. 11.05 12.00 1.45 p. m. 400 6.15 Greensboro... Liberty Ore Hill Sanford Fayette ville.. Shoe Heel BennettsvQlel !1.20 p. m 3.50 6.05 7.80 Dinner at Sanford. Freight and Passenger Train leaves Bennetts ,ville Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 2.30 p. m, arriving at Shoe Heel at 4 33 p.m. and Fayetteville st 8 p. m. Leaves Fayetteville on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 6.80 a: m.. Shoe Heel at 10 a. m., and arrives at Bennettsville at 12 m. Freight and Passenger Train North leaves Fay etteville on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 a. m., (connecting at Sanford with Freight and Passenger Trains to Raleigh), leaves Sanford at 11.80 a. m , and arrives at Greensboro at 5.40 p. m. Leaves Greensboro Tuesdays,. Thursdays and Saturdays at 5 a. m., leaves Sanford at tl.15 a.m. and arrives at Fayetteville at 2.40 p. m. JNO. M. ROSS. Gen'l Pass. Agent. . . W. M. S. DUNN, Genl Supt. - ' no 25 tf The HanniiLg Times, V- PUBLISHED BY E. L SABB, Jr., atHMNM.S.C. Only f 1-50 per annum ?n advance. Cheap Ad vertising medium. Ian Qtf ;N KW ADVKRTISEMKNTS, - WLM SvM If- - u m IV mm 1 time 494 then have them return again. 1 mean 4 radical cura. I bsTe made tha disaaaa of fttm. bTPIt.rpkv a rntivfl filCJCN ESS a llffr4onr atodv. I vsrmnt mv mMH 1 ? ' m-lJ-li 1 . ..... Deua ce 1 or a sreaoM and ft iIiIimmTii n a p(wr 1 a v - jvwuuuimc rar vnat, ana 1 wiucnn YOD. . L.6.CRADV. . ) tV homes $7 to $10 per week can be quietly ."' made. TfrlTVhntn riolntlno namrnDoinr. c . fun particulars pleaaeadisefs, at occe, Crescent Art Co Boston, Mass., Box 5170. ; rJSuT.1PTI0N have m Doaitiv. ranwlr for tue kbors dlnui: h. f r. nu thooaands of cases of th wort kind and of lonr aUnding fcave been cured. Indeed, aoatronit 1 mj f.tth In Its efficacy. that I will send TWO BOTTLES FRKK, tomtber with a VAL UABLE TREATTSB on this disease, to an; sufferer. Give Ex press aad P. O. address. DB. T. A. SLOCUM, ISi f earl 8U, N. Y. delD&Wtm .' . , TTTANTEI) Young Ladies in city or country to 1 t work for us at their homes; fascinating em ployment; no instructions to buy; work can be sent by mail (distance no objection); $6 to S9 per week can be made. No canvassing: particulars free, or samDle of work mailed for tnnr mdb in Lstamper Please address, Hon Manxwactubiho v., iwoHMi, jBiiaa. r. u. uox uu. - WANTED An active Man or Woman In every oounty to sell eur goods. Salary $75 per month and expensea,ar-commlsikn Expenses, m advance. Outfit free. For full particulars ad dress STANDABD RTi.VTtP Wmt m iZZLZZ Mass. - m irtVws Wakt acentsto sell TUB MISSOUBI STEAM ea and. WomeB vf g-ood ekaracter nel lnteIHfrnoo. EiclagiTeTemtorT Guaranteed. 4 weeks' trial of sample Washer to be retnrned at my expense if not satisfactory.- A thousand per cent, the hestWasharin the worldaad pay, capable agents BIO money. Iir tnnsio merit makee it a phenominal raooess every-j6- r IUaatratcd c i rcn lar and termsof airency addrea J. WORTH, fjt. UoulatMoi RlfURnW RIIPTIIRP Relief & "nl"" CURE. onll8 from grateful sufferenr cured by this ap E'Woe. Ad drees Central Medical and SurKical StcmtaX -treatment given all kinds of aorgleal and medical cases. Consultation free and invited. NEsvousoEBornr UBQAJTXO WSaXHXBS uecaynai HABHIS9 yoothfal lndiaeretim. toci freetridnlffenM. op Over brain work. Aroidl the tmpouuoBoi prsten tlora reratdiet for tbesa trouble. Get oar Free) Circular and Trial Pack afe,and learn important facta before taking treat ment lscwhere. Take a A RaoioaLCurs for DEBTXIT7, lrmYmsm. sUMEDXtbatUAa D thousands, does not interfere with atten tion to business, or cause) pain or iseonvesienesia ST way. Founded on. entitle medical prtoci- STKYSlCAIs Z2CAY; I InYoungLftMiddlel it. By dlrsctarwicanoa the seat of disease its Jtgeq men TiLkltIi FOB fiPUtu pteifio ttTflaepfe la Alt without delay. Tha nab. oral functions of me hiw man organism Is restored. The animating elements of life, which nsT beta wasted ere aisen back And JTEAR8 BY U8K IN MAHY1 I MOU8AND OASES. TB'EATMKST. njt Vimtli. sn wt CwoUontna. -5.0oilT the patient becomes cheer ml and rapidly gains botlk. strength and seximLTigor. S3eeJIontba, 1.00EJ H. Xentit St. 6T. LOXOa. IttO. aug 13 D&Wly NERVOUS DEBILITATED - MEN. You are allowed a free Mat of thirty days of the nse of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt witn Electric- Suspensory Appliances, for the speedy relief and permanent cure of Nervous DebiZityAoBS of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also f or inany other diseases. Complete restora tion to Health, Vigor and Manhood guaranteed. No risk Is Incurred. Illustrated pamphlet In seaiei mvelope mailed free, by addressing V0LTAI0 BELT CO., Uarsoall, Mich. no 17 DAWTm tuth sat Sdpa New York and Wilmington Steamship Oo. FROM PIES 84, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK, At 8 o'clock P. H. BENEFACTOR Saturday, Dec. 5 REGULATOR Saturday, Dec. 12 BENEFACTOR Saturday, Dec. 19 REGULATOR Saturday, Dec. 23 FROM WILMINGTON. REGULATOR Friday, Deo. 4 BENEFACTOR. Friday, Deo 11 REGULATOR Friday, Dec. 18 BENEFACTOR Friday, Deo. 26 Through Bills Lading and Lowest Thronrb Bates guaranteed to and from points in North and Soutn Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to H. G. SMAIilsBONES, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C. Tbeo. G. Ecer, Freight Agent, New York. W. P. Clyde 4c Co. General Agents, no 3t tf 85 Broadway, New York. ENC0URA8E HOME INSTITUTIONS. Securitr Against Fire. Tte Kortli Carolina Home Insurance Co. BALEIGH N. C. f i THIS COMPANY CONTINUES TO WRITE PO X licies at fair rates on all elapses of insurable rjronertv. aai tosses are prompuy aainstea ana paia. Tne Home" is rapidly earning in puDiio favor, and appeals with confidence to insurers of pro pert iu norm uaroiina. Agents In all parts of the State. JOHN GATLTNG, President. W. 8. PRIMROSE, Secretary. PITT. A SKI COWPER, Supervisor. ATKINSON MANNING, Agents, ep 86 tf Wilmington, N. C MERCHANTS, BANKERS 4 MANUFACTURER SHOULD READ B RAD STREET'S AIWEEKLY JOURNAL 07 TRADE, FINANCE, AND PUBLIC ECONOMY. Sixteen Pages every Saturday. Oftentimes Twen ty Pages. Sometimes Twenty-four Pages. FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR.' The foremost purpose of Bbadstbsk's is to be of practical service to business men. Its Bpecial trade and Industrial reports: its weekly epitome of bankruptcies throtuthoui the United fctates and Canada, and the (summaries of assets and li abilities, are alone worth the subscription price; its synopses of recent legal decisions are exceed ingly valuable. As commercial transactions, in the-wider sense, are coming to be more and more conducted on a statistical basis, the information contained in Bbadstkxst's is of the first Impor tance both to producers and middlemen. The Trade and Agricultural Situation through out the United States and Canada is reported by Telegraph to Bbadstbxr's up to the, hour or pubLtoation.1 vgJNQLB COPIES, TEN CENTS. THE bkadstheet CO., 279, 281, 888 BaoABWAT, . deoSJtf NEW YORK CITY CO r Washer 1l Pariranf'. 1 rsA VJf

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