Tfe'MdrniflgLStar. By WILLIAM D. BERNARD. PUBLISHED DjSLYJsSsBT MONDAYS, t KA.TSS OF BTTBSCBXPTIOK, IH ABYAJfCB. One Year (by Mall), Postage Paid..! 1... .... $7 00 Six Months, - " - " J.,. ...... 4 00 Three Months M " rJ 2 09 Two Months, "4 v 1 50 One Month. ...- : ".'ijL.. 75 t3TTo City Subscribers, delivered in any part of the City, Fiftmn Cms per week.Oux City Agente are not authorised to collect for more tnan taree months in advanoe. 1! Sate red at the Post Office at' Wilmington, N. C. ... as Second Class Matter. ;-: : MORNING EDITION. OUTLINES, -i jjeoaie on me ciair juaucauonat dui oef gan in the Senate yesterday; the bill for ihe I relief of PilZ ;John Porter jbccupietr the time of the House. T - The Secretaryof IWar and several prominent army officers will accompany Gen.' Hancock's remains tetNorristown, Pa. A, livery stable destroyed by fire. in St. Louif ; 58 horses ; were burned to death. ii New Yok markets: Money li2 per: cent.; cotton quiet at 9 1169c; wheat, iingraded red 8891c; corn """-fairly active jjat 5064c; southern flour unchanged ; spirits turpen tine firm 1 07, at 41c; rosin dull !at $1 02 J The President will stand by his Cabinet, and the Democrats in the Senate will stand by the President. The President is now talking of attending the New Orleans Exposi tion. The 'South will j treat him right. .i : " , . -. : i . . .-. - ; , The New: York World trnly says of Gen Hancock that "grand as a sol dier, his record as a citizen was more grand still." It is estimated that Ward Beecher has received for his "chin music" da ring the last forty years the magnifi cent sum of $750,000. j Mr. Cleveland has removed 645 Republicans from what is i known as Presidential offices. Civil Service reform yon know. ; Bah Those interested in the question of the State Board jot Agriculture and President Battle will find some highly instructive reading in the last number of the Raleigh Biblical Recorder. - There is af proposition j before the House to remove the desks. Where will members rest their official legs" j i o and their ! official heads when over- 1 - - !i - burdened and weary ? Ohj where ? Blair, the legislative crank, is re ported as being very hopeful that his Big Grab Bill will become a law. The Committee on Education in the House is supposed not to jbe favora ble to it. true. Good,, very good, : if only The cyclopaedias are Iriow in full use and elaborate accounts of Gen. Hancock never written e offices is- ' " " - ' - - b :. Hi ! - ' suing them may be seen in the papers. Ready-made biographical sketches are decidedly popular editors. - . ;.l!r with some A Mr. MeGillivary waa m court in Montreal as a witness. He is an Agnostic a veritable ICnow -Nothing. He declared as follows: "I have no faith in the doctrine which says there is a God and a future life." The Bible refers lib him: "The fool hath said in his, heart there is no God." - if I What is the matter! r. : . . . , i ! with little wade in ? Greece tnat it aoes not Where is the ancient fir re? Where is Xenophen and ' his- ten thousand immortals ? Where is Leonidas and the glorious three hundred? Where is King George? Awake, arise, strike, "get up and git, f, lor words to that effect. Gen. Hancock's payjjwas $7,500.' At 64 he would have been retired on $5,625 per ann u m. He mand of the military at iWas he burial of Gn. Grant, on the 8th or August, 1885: y . "The boast of heraldryi Ithe Domo of power, - ;!! " " And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er j gave, .- ijij ; ; - . ; -' Await alike th inevitable h6ur. -The paths of glory lead but to the grave." Parnell , had a .very singular expe- Tience at Gal way. Mr, Healey de- nounced Parnell's candidate. Mr. i O'Shea, asan "odious Whig in triguist." A Dublin dispatch of the 9th inst. says: II j "When Parnell, O'Connor and Q'Brien arrived at Gal way they were met by a mob, who jostled - the ' Irish I leaders and cried, To hell with O'Shea and ParneU.! Mr, Healey, whe had arrived some : time previ ously, hurried to the . scene; 'and, pushing his way through the crowd,! said he would break the head of any man who dared to. i i. a k r. -.. j m mavju air. rarneu." -. - ! There is no .truth whatever in the New York .World's lying : dispatch- f rom Washington that j,he President had demanded Attorney General r Garland's resignation.' The Wash; ington- correspondent mohd JState writes i: of-the Rich- "It can ba relied on &i a fact that bad the President wanted. Mr. Garland's resiena 3tion it would have been handed in several months ago. He will etick; especially as he igo. He wUl stick, especially ash VOL. XXXVII.rNO. is under fire from the organs of the ; Bell telephone monopoly,' They cannot bulldoze the Administration, . and before they get through With this miserable fight they will find that ihey do not control any depart- menroryany mgn offlcial or inis Govern rpent, s A friend of Mr. Page's at Raleigh writes us as follows : v ' . ;' .if 'It seems but fairness to state that It is news to Mr. Page's friends and ac quaintances here that he was ever a candi date for either the position of Superintend dent of Public Instruction or of Professor at the Eniversity." - He was not a candidate for the Superintendency, but we learned from excellent authority that he de-. sired the nomination, and,' as our correspondent suggested about the Public Printing "purely as a piece of tactics." He was not a candidate before the Trustees for a Prof eBsor ship at 'Chapel' Hill, but we heard he much desired it and .visited the JJniver sity. with a hope of getting it. But we very willingly give him the benefit of his friend's denial. We are told farther that"he never had the slightest idea of getting the printing.' Very well. He was a candidate, and was defeated, and at once his daily ceased. -His friend writes very can- didly-r-"Page is badly off his base Yea, verily 1 A . The World gives this touching ac count of Gen. Hancock's last effort to speak: : "Mrs. Hancock was in an adioinine room when her husband passed away.- She had been up with the General all night, and left him at 4 o'clock in the morning. Even then the sick' man seemed to realize that his end was drawing near and, as bis wife imprinted : a farewell kiss on his sunken cheek, he murmured: i ; - "O, Allie ! Myra, good' "Allie was a net name bv which he called his wife. The sentence was not finished. They were the last worda which he ever attempted , to utter." They called him "Hancock, ithe Superb," and the American Henry of Navarrs. By whatever name called he was - a hero and patriot. Spirits Turpentine. : Mr. B. F. Peterson has retired from editorial relationship with the Fay etteville JVetp. - r Ex-Gov. Bell, the secood Gov ernor of Texas, is now living at this State. ' He married a daughter of Wm. Eaton, Esq., of Warren county. The dwelling house . of Capt. D. E. Young, in Henderson, as we learn frona the Oold Leaf , was burned by acci dent on Tuesday last It was not occupied, at the time. Insured for $2,000. - Charlotte Observer: .The Char lotte Opera House seats 1 ,000 people. A ten-year old colored girl was burned to death on the farm of DrvEd, Caldwell, near Caldwell's Station, on the A. T. &0. road. on Monday last .- Fay ette ville News: : Mr. Henry Lilly's estate, accordinErto the records on file, shows actual collections to the amount of $138,000, and there is more to come yet that is good . ; All will be glad to know that the estate of such a noble man is turn ing out so well. Lincoln .Press; Our friend, Mr. J. W. McLeod, writes .us from Crouse's under date of January 27, that on that day Mrs. Sallie Weaver celebrated her one hundredth birthday. Mr. McLeod also writes us that Mrs. ; Weaver has a sister, Mrs. Toutherow, aged 98 years, and a brother, Joseph Plonk, aged 96. Fayetteville Nevos: The Pur ham Beporter, with which "Mr. H. I. Mc Duffle has been connected as editor and proprietor, has passed into the hands of a syndicate composed of some of the leading businessmen of the progressive town of Durham, Mr. McDuffle having resigned the position to return to Fayetteville. Col. W. H Pearson, of Morganton, N, C, has been elected editor of the paper. ' New Bern Journal.' The new s papers in North; Carolina are now paying their respects to one W. H. Page, who has won the title. 'The Great Original. " Kicston dots: We saw the lareest turnip of the season yesterday, raised by W. O. Felletier,1 near , : here. It measured ol inches in circumference and .'weighed 11 pounds. We regret to learn that hog cholera is raging seriously in some portions ot our county. j - Greensboro Workman; About thirty or forty colored i emigrants, mostly a - . -r- i . women auu couurea, irom tvooeson county, arrived here last night on the C. F. & Y. R. R , bound for Little Rock, Ark. On arriving here they received a telegram from a ticket agent oi the m i'., Va. & Ga. K. Rt at Knoxville, Tean., thai he would meet them at Charlotte, but he did not pro vide them with, tickets, and they are still hore.vr Ut --?'yj : .-:'"" -'- - r ' - ', Goldsboro , Argus: The Cas tello Brothers' circus is still in the city. It gave a performance last night How long it is to remain nere or what is to become of it we know not, as we have not received any recent advices from headquarters. -Hon." W. J.- Green,;,", the representative of this district in Congress, has long, been known as an earnest worker. - Since his advent to Congress he has , accomplished much good not only for his constituents, but for the whole people of the nation, and therein he proves himself, to be the right man in the right place. ,j T '- Raleigh Visitor : ..The many friends of Col.'R. Wi-Pulliam will regret to hear of his death,-which took place early yesterday " morning in Asheville. Colonel Pulliam was for a number of years a citi zen of this city; and was connected with the Raleigh National Bank. Be was a native of Granville county. ;:Hi-r Died, -;;at his resi dence in Rolesville, Wake county, on "the 1st instant, Mr. Hyatt, Barham, aged about 95 years. Rufus Fuller, a convict, was killed with a knife by-another Convict near Lockville, on; the 7th of this month. Fuller was indicted for killing Isaac Taylor by cutting his throat with -' a knife, - near Auburn." in this fiountv, and was trfort 1 at the June term!8Sl? of Wake Superior I and sentenced tq fifteen years in tfce peni- kajuil, auu lounu gumy or manslaughter, I' - - - i' ' . r " 120. : WILMINGTON, O.FEIDAYv FEBRtJAEY 12; 1886; ; tentiary, by his Honor Judge Shipp. Fuller was one of the gang of convicts who dug the foundation for the court house In 1883. He has met bis death by the same means,' a knife. that he ended Isaac Taylor's life .With. . :-;:;t.;v'.-- 'J- ' .-t: - . Raleigh Jews- Observer : Raleigh is attracting a gjeat deal of Granville coun ty tobacco. Three colored men at the sale made an average of over $24 and for their first crop. . Mr Jones says over 20,000 lbs were soul on his floor. y At ten o'clock yesterday morning the Grand Lodge K. of P. assembled io( the castle hall of Centre Lodge, No. 3. the following officers being present : J. G.I Brewster, G. C; W. TT Hollowell, G. Th W. Jewett, G. P. ; R, T. Scanlin. G. M. E.: John L. Dudley, G. K. R. S. i J. McKi Woodward, G. V. C: E. M. Pavie, G. LjjG ; W A. Johnson, G. O. G. .The morning session was occupied in conferring the JiGrand Lodge rank upon several Past Chancellors applying for membership in the Grand Lodge. At the afternoon session the election of officers for the ensuing iyear resulted as follows : 8. C. White. G.jC.; Nathan OBerry, G.V. G. j W. L. Jewett, G. K; John L. Dudley, G. K. R. S. ; R iT. Scanlin, G. M. E; CD. Benbow, G. I. 0. ; - G. O. G; E. M. Pavie, G. M, A, ; Eugene G. Harrell, aqd J. A: Bonitz, supreme representatives.' Rockingham Rocket: Mr. T. R. Tomlinson, a merchant of Wadesboro, made an assignment last week.- While the freight trains! was at the depot here on Tuesday morning, Capt Trimble, the conductor,-had occasion to discharge one of the brakemen for some Infraction of the rules. The negjfo became so Insolent and abusive that the conductor picked up- a stick and knocked him down. William Pickett colored, who- was STanding near, rushed to the assistance of the prostrate negro, and attempted an assault on Cap. T. srith a razor. Other parties interfered and Pickett was arrested. Mr. Edward Ingraham. aged 22. came to town on last Friday and, in an evil moment or series of moments, took too much whiskey. : The consequence wa that, while seated on Mr. 3 ; A. Ingram's waeon and making his way homeward in the afternoon, he lost his bal lance and fell Idown betwixt the wheels which ran over and crushed his right arm. - - A little child, of Alice Love, colored, age about threejyears, caught on fire last Saturday, while; hovering near the flame to protect himself f rom the severe cold, and ran frantically out and some distance from the house, burning horribly before aid could be rendered. If left alone in the house, as was probably the case, this was another instance of inexcusable carelessness The child died on jSaturday night. The - family of Mr, Duncan Johnson, at Jackson Springs, who, a the time of the accident on Sunday morning last, was absent in Georgia, were aroused about 4 o'clock by the ap pearance of fire iplazing above the mantel. Before assistance could arrive the house was consumed. -Jjroung Murdoch Johnson in the meantime being fearfully burned in his eHerts to save something .from the crum bling wreck. He is about 21, and it is feared that he will die Scarcely anything was saved, andjaccording to our 'inform ant, Mr. J. L. jlCurrie, the family is not only houseless but well-nigh destitute and, in suffering. ,! . Collier & C&. Auction sales. N. Jacoei, Ajisignee Valentines. Statement jjMu tu al Life Ins. Co. Geo. W. Pb2e, Jk. Auction sale, Munson -Spfing suitings now open. N. Y. & W. . S. Co. Sailing days. W. H. Geeet &i Co. New crop seed, I4tl DOU. j Cotton receipts yesterday 157 bales. "j ' Fine white shad are offered in market at eighty-cents a pair. The " catch is small, so far! ' i! Under the direction of Mayor Hall Red Cross street ia being graded and greatly improved, r Rev. D H. Tuttle will deliver an address upon temperance to-night, at the hall on Third street Last night was a placid as a saucer of milk, despite the glare of the storm signal suspended aloft ' A drunken negro fiddler from the "Hollow." jjwas locked up in the city prison for being -disorderly " Wednesday night ' : j. ' " : - Why tjbe Electric Light Co. painted its pd est Because they were too heavy for light poles, and - were painted white to make hem lighter. ' Mr. J. D.-- McEachern cleared yesterday the ischooner Timothy Field, for Christiansted, jjit. Croix, with lumber and shingles, value at $3,283. - J ; ' . It has been decided to pave South Water street with granite blocks. Estimates have been made and contracts for the work will be advertised shortly. Si - . . " . - ' Several,, errors occurred in the statement of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of Efew'York, as published yes terday. We print it this morning in a cor rected form. - '- . Of, the one hundred and seventy-six elm trets planted in the upper part of Market street, only, twenty-nine have died. Yesterday, -workmen were replacing these under tile direction of the Mayor. v Twenty-five partridges were accidentally ' rieleased f rom'a coop at Front street I market! yesterday ; morning: The birds flew in all directions and About' half of th)m got away. ., The rest were killed with fa parlor ifle. - . '' --r RoberlH. Moore, a colored boy, whd Va caught stealing. & ham from, a ''cltcyiaMm's'ljart atontstreetmarket yesterday, was sent, to jail in default of fifir dollars bail for his appearance at the approaching' term of the Criminal Court. ;rThe eleitric light will be in opera- tica by the last of next week. Experimental liikts will befput up on1 Front street, be tween Orang'and Chesnut, and-on Market from Front td Sec6nd streets.4 - Three lights fill be placed' in- the Front street market I l&use J ' ::1 Seaeoaat : Defeneei- in Brronvoas -r Statement - ConeernlnK - -.itfllmliis- ion. . - U c"-.- -v'- j,.';'', : 'Caplc W. H. Bixby; of tie U.,S. Epgi neer Corps, has addressed a communication to the Secretary of- Wartb correct a niis-. take made in the published report bt the "Board; of- Fortifications I or Other "IDe fences," in relation to tha depth of : water on the bar at the mouth of the Caps Fear river,; which is erroneously stated ia the' re - pert as being only eight feet. This Board was appointed at the last session of Con gress and its report is just out.- Its . duties were to examine and report at what ports fortifications or J other? defences are most urgently required, the character and- kind of defences best adapted for each, with reference to armament, and the utilization of torpedoes, mines, or other defensive ap pliances. The . Board was appointed by President Cleveland as follows: Hon. Wm. C. Endicoti Secretary of War, Presi dent of the Board ;Gen.-Stephen V. Benet, chief of ordnance;- Gen." John Newton, chief of engineers; Col. Henry L. Abbott, Corps of engineers ; Capt Charles S. Smith, ordnance department; Commander W. T Sampson, D. S.Navy; Mr. Joseph' Mor gan, Jr., of Pennsylvania; Mr. Erastus Corning,, of New York. It was divided into six sub-committees, each of which bad special subjects assigned for Its considera tion and report Committee number three was to report on the depth of. water at dif ferent harbors, the foreign vessels that couldenter, and the liability of these, places to attack. Wilmington was left out "of the committee's report upon the erroneous statement made that only vessels of seven feet draft could get near enough to shell the city. Capt. Bixby, who takes interest in every thing connected with the port of Wilming ton, at once addressed the following letter to the President of the Board, concerning this glaring misstatement : ; TJ. B. Ehgdteeb's Office, ) Wilmington, N. C, Feb, 10, 1886. J Son. W. C Endicoti. Secretary of War. President Hoard onFbrtifications. ( throue h the Chief of Engineers U. S. Army.) sir: l nave tee nonor to call attention to the 6th : line. 2nd column, 60th pace. Committee i No Three's report of your Board, where the depth of water on the bar at mean low water at Wilmington. N. C, is reported as only eight feet. At present (see my annual reports for' 1885. 10th line, 172nd page, annual report of the Chief of Engineers, U. S. Army, for 1885, published since the date of your report) the depth of water from the ocean all the way to Wilmington is 14 feet at mean low water and 18 feet at mean high water. Wilmington, N. C. should therefore be credited with 16 feet in the table of page 60; should be inserted after Smithville, N. C., In 9th line, 61th page, and Bhould be omitted from the 24th line, 64th page of the same report The characteristics of the principal ports of the United States should be changed as follows: 24th and 25th lines, page 79, samo report, instead of b feet can be carried over outer bar at mouth of river, and 7 feet in river channel to the city. None but very light draft vessels can approach near enough to shell the city,' it should read "at low water 14 feet can be carried over outer bar at mouth of river, and 16 feet in river channel to the eity; 16 feet draft vessels can approach near enough to shell the city." very respectfully, your obedient servant, r W. H. Bixby, Captain of Engineers, U. S. Army. The report" of the Board recommends at the mouth of the river, casements and bar bette batteries; submarine mines to form a part of the defense. The armament pro posed is four 13 inch fifty ton-guns and five 10-inch twenty-seven-ton guns. The estimated cost of the armament is $447,000; submarine- rirines, $100,000; masonry and earthwork $640,000; armor, $650,000 and structural i metal $105,000. A total of $1,942,000. , New Hanover County medical Associa tion, The second meeting of the year took place at the office of the North Carolina Board of : Health, corner of Second and Chestnut streets,! Wednesday evening' the 10th inst ; The regular paper of the even ing was read by Dr. W. J. H. Bellamy, on the "Mode of the Administration of Qui nine, Mercury and Iodine." The discus sion was opened by Dr. C. T. Peckham, and entered into by all present -i Dr. Peckham exhibited microscopic specimens of healthy tissues of the kidney, beautifully injected with carmine. Under the microscope the exhibition was very fine. This demonstration of -the minute structure of the body promises to be a pro minent and very Instructive feature of these meetings. -1 ; Dr. . Wood -is the essayist tor the March meeting and. his subject will be "The Tere- bintheates, Chemically and Therapeuti cally Considered.". j It would not interest tha public to know what a prolonged interchange of views were had and upon what topics; but they will certainly appreciate the active scienti fic work which this association fosters. BtmU. of New Hanover. The stockholders of the Bank of New Hanover held their regular annual meeting at their banking house in this city yester day. Mr- H. C. McQueen was called to the chair and Mr. S. D. Wallace appointed secretary;; Messrs.D.MacRae and E. B.Borden were appointed ; a committee to verify proxies, and-they reported 3,066 shares in person and 6,315 by proxy, making a total of 8,381 shares represented;'; which is a .majority of the Stock. The meeting then proceeded to the elec tion of a Board of Directors', when the old Board were re-elected unanimously, as f ol- Isaac-BatearG.-rWr Williams, F. Rhein- stein, L!; YollersR; R tBridaHrrWr L Gore, ; 0- M.- SWdmanD , MacRae J. A. Leak;, E: B. Borden and J; W. Atkinson. " ;Thpmeetm?thenadjcrarned. . - - .. - k X 1 - I i . J.r v Weatner Inaicatioaa. v The following are the indications tor c day: -' . ' '; I ' " , ; For the Middle Atlantic States, slightly Warmer, cloudy weather and local rains, easterly-winds -and falling barometer. : For, the South Atlantic States, cloudy weather and local I rains, easterly, shifting ; in the southern portion to westerly winds with slightly warmer Weather in the west ern portion and colder in the southern por tion. " . T ,-." , :. New River Improvements.' . j. - The government work upon this river. which the. dredge-boat IugK has , gone around from this port to undertake, is out lined in the "information circular" fur nished by Capt Bixby U. S. Engineer. New River is a fine basin of brackish water of about fourteen miles length and of from. 500 to 10,000 feet width, and of at least eight feet channel depth, with 40.000 acres of oyster farms, and with rich agricultural surroundings; but with no facilities for transporting its goods to market- Its com munication with the ocean is' blocked by an oyster rock barricade, through which there now exists only a narrow channel' of fifty feet width and three feet depth at iow wa ter. Its present commerce, limited to wagons and small boats, is estimated to be about $40,000 of "goods per year The original project of .1882 proposed to secure a 150-foot channel, five feet deep at low wa ter, from the upper river to the ocean by dredging this channel to its full size through about 7,000 feet of oyster rock barricade; $10,000 has been appropriated, but no money has been spent upon this im provement up to 30th June, 1884, because the available funds were too small to allow of their being spent profitably. It was re commended in July, 1885, to secure a channel of from 100 to 150 feet width and five feet depth, at low water, from the ocean up to the nipper river through about 7,000 feet of this oyster rock barricade,' at a total expense of $40,000, including the funds then available: to be appropriated in a single amount within the nextyear. Personal. Among the arrivals yesterday! at the Orton were E. B. Borden, Goldsboro, N. C; Geo. H White, Levin Greenj P. A. Sinnott, C. D. Fisher, T. E. Young, New York; Geo. A. Checkering, Wm. M, Rein- dollar, W. S. Tilford, W. D. Judkins, Bal timore; M. M. Davis, Charleston, S. C; J. O. Roussau, CharlotterN. C; W. H. Pow ell, Philadelphia; Henry Farrior, Ni C: J. D. Williams, Middleton, Conn. ; F. P. Fin- egan, Chicago, Sheldon Colon, Birming ham; G,W. Grove, J. S. Russell, A. E. Brooks, Hartford, Conn. ; Sol. Haas, Rich mond, Va . RIVER ANDfllABINE. The. German barque Texas, from Ham burg, to Heide & Co., is reported in below. The Norwegian barque Atalanta,Ton- nesen, sailed January 27th from Tarragona for this port J A dispatch to the Stab from- New York, says that the pilot boat Edward Cooper brought into that port yesterday the captain and crew of the schooner O. M. Nevin8,Uom Wilmington for New York with naval - stores: They report that the schooner was burned at sea Wednes day last, twenty .miles southeast of j Barne gat. The. Newim cleared from this port January 14th, with a cargo of 2,921; barrels of crude turpentine, shipped by Messrs. Robinson & Sing and Messrs. DeRosset &Co. I a fc, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Collier Jk Co., Auct'rs. Sales Booms, cor. No, Water and Princess Sts. " ! THIS DAT, AT 10 O'CLOCK, IN FRONT OF Sales Rooms, we will seU one Horse. At 10 o'clock. In Sales Room, will seU large lot of Rope, Sails, Blocks. &o. Also, 160 pairs Ladles, Gents and Boys' Shoes:; three 8tovea, Furniture, Cigars, large lot of Clothing, and balance Gents' Furnishing Goods. febl21t GEO. W. PRICE, Jr., AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT A Large' Lot of ' Auction Goods, JgY STEAMER AND BT RAIL, JUST ARRIVED from our New York Auction' Honsel SALES COMMENCE TO-NIGHT at 8 o'clock, j We have I also on hand a large lot of Carpets, Bedsteads, Cribs, Beds, Mattressep, Pillows, Heaters, Cook-' Ing Stoves, Parlor and Bedroom Stoves, Show Cases, Lounges, Window Cornices, Curtains, Shades, &o. feblltf Now Open; OUR SPRING STOCK OF IMPORTED SUIT- V - TNGS. Make selections while It Is fall. MTJNSON, Merchant Tailor, Ac. feb 12 It GARDEN SEED. GARDEN SEED. NEW CROP isse. ALL THE LEADING VARIETIES. WILLIAM H. GREEN & CO., feb J2 tf ' ' Druggists. ': NOTICE. The undersigned having j been ap pointed as COLLECTOR of the Estate of THOMAS MONK, deceased, and duly qualified In the Superior Court of -New Hanover County, on the 8th day of February, 1886, notice Is hereby given to all persons Indebted to said deceased to make Immediate payment; and all persons hav ing claims against said Estate win present them for payment en or before the 10th day of Febru ary, 1837, or this notice wilt be plead In bar of their recovery. This 9th darof February, 1886. -j feb 10 St w f s WM. H. SHAW, Collector. Hew Stove Housed W E HAVE ADDED A FULL LINE OF COOK- ING and HEATING STOVES and RANGES, with Portable and Stationery GRATES, to our PLUM BING and GAS-FITTING Business,' and are pre pared to give .Very Low Figures on: our NEW GOODS. Slate Mantels and Hearths furnished at short notice. Plumbers and, Gas-Fitters' 'Sup plies alwavs on hand.- Tttm. - . . i I , aostf " Zi -uo N. Fronl St. iwJtu mtaNT as uu., 7 .X---- -t .'jr .. w' , , . " y WHOLE NO. 6051 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Statement : The MnM ; Life JKuTance Company : of Hew Tort, ". RICHARD A. McOURDY, ........... PRESIDENT. .; For the Tear ending Deo. 81st 1885. ASSETS.......... :..$108,90896T.51 i INSURANCE AND ANNUITY ACCOUNT. ' - No.;" Amount Pollolas and Annuities In . force, Jan. 1st, 1E85. . . . ;1M,865 $351,815 941 07 Risks Assumed 14,331 46.507,139 16, ;: , 129.199 f 398.823.C80 23 No! Amount. Policies and Annuities in force, Jan. 1st. 1886. . . . 123,952 $368,981,441 36 Risks Terminated. ...... , 8.247 29,841.638 87. 129,199 $338,323,080 S3 REVENUE ACCOUNT. . Db. To Balance from last account $ 97,009,913 08 " Premiums 14,768,901 93 " Interest and Rents. . 5,446,652 85 - ' ' ' " ; $117,224,867 86 " x- " ' CB. By paid to Policy. Holders : Endowments & Pur chased Insurances.. $5,570,116 34 Dividends and Annu ities . 3.211.90O0O Deoeased Lives 5,920,033 56 $14,402,049 90 " Other Disbursements : Commissions & Com mutations. . .$1,228,679 84 Taxes 266,656 50 Expenses. 991,354 11 2,487,290 48 " Premium on Stocks and Bonds Purchased 469.888 87 Balance to new account 93,865,644 11 - - $117,224,867 36 BALANCE SHEET. Da. To Reserve for Policies in force or terminated ;. $103,846,253 00 1 Premiums received In advance . 50,080 73 Surplus at four per cent 5,012,633 78 " ' - $108,903,667 51 Cb. By Bonds Secured by Mortgages on Keai -Estate... .United States and other Bonds . Loans on Collaterals r ' Real Estate ' Cash in Banks and Trust Com panies at Interest 1 Interest accrued ' Premiums deferred and in tran sit.... 1 Sundries . .' ." .' ." .' .' . . . ." .' .' ." ." .' .' .' . ." ." ." . $49,228,950 10 89,866,104 00 8,856,500 00 10,992,720 45 2,619,643 21 1,217,329 85. 1,438,189 55 189,650 29 $108,908,967 51 I have carefully examined -the foregoing state ment and find the same to be correct. A. N. WATSRHOUSE, Auditor. From the Surplus above stated a Dividend will be apportioned as usual. New York, January 20, 1886. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Samuel E. SprouHs, . Lucius Robinson, Samuel D. Babcock, George 8. Coe, John B. Develin, Seymour L. Husted, Richard A. McCurdy, James C Holden, Hermann C. yon Post, George F. Baker, Jos. Thompson, Dudley Olcott, Frederlo Cromwell, Juiien T. Davles, George C. Richardson, Alexander H. Rice, F. Ratchford Starr, Frederick H. Cossitt. Lewis May, Oliver Harriman, Henry W. Smith, John H. Sherwood, Robert Olyphant. George Bliss, Rufus W. Peckham, Wm. P. Dixon, J. Hobart Herriok, Robert A. Granniss, Nicholas C. Millar. Kooert seweu, S.VanReusselaer Oruger.Henry H. Rogers, Charles R. Henderson, John W. Auchlnoloss. M. S. WILL ARD, Agent,: O. F. BRESEE SONS. General Agents, - feb 11 It Baltimore, Md. New York and Wilmington Steamship Co. FROM PIER 84, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK, At 3 o'clock P. M. BENEFACTOR Saturday, Feb. 13 REGULATOR Saturday, Feb. 20 BENEFACTOR, ..Saturday. Feb. 27 REGULATOR Saturday, March 6 FROM WILMINGTON. REGULATOR BENEFACTOR.... REGULATOR..... BENEFACTOR ... .Saturday, . .Saturday, Saturday, ..Saturday, Feb. 13 Feb. 29 Feb. 27 March 6 BfcT" Through Bills and Lowest Through Bates guaranteed to and m points In No; srth ana uoutn uarouna. For Freight or Passage apply to H. G. SMAI.I.BONES, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C Theo. O. Ecer, Genl Freight Ag't, New York. XV. P. Clyde A Co., General Agentsv feb 12 tf 35 Broadway, New York. At Heinsbergers. DECEIVED BY' EXPRESS A NEW LOT OF Beautiful VALENTINES. Valentines for every body, young and old, large and small, rich and poor. . ' We will try this coming week: to make every body happy. 5 V Call at HEINSBERGER'S; he will help yon to make a good selection of Vatontlnas. '" - NATHANIEL JACOB!, . fobiatf - - -Assignee. THS Al SCHR. MELVTN. NOW LAYING AT JL this port, where she can be seen for- a few days. She will earrv 200 tons on nine feet water. A good staunch vessel ; a quick- sailer, havicg been quite successful as a fruiter; and carrying a urus class eerauoaie. for particulars aa areas jlks. is. a. ki.i.iw, or r feb'aiw ' K5wfeii.l rANr. N.C. C7 ADTEIZTISIKO! One Sortare Ona DaV,.". ;$i oo .,-, Two Days,...-., - ;Three Dayrv... '' :." T-" " Four DaysM..M 1 75 , 8 60 5 00 i-L. 58 "4 Off ... 60. T-V- 3 co -;;,-i8 oo -' 18 W 54 Of) One Week,. Jl.z Twe Weeks, ., Three Weeks, . - . . "One Month,.. .-. -i. -s Two Months,- f- . : - Three Months, . Six Months,.... One Year,-. . , 40 DC .so og : $3f"Cbntraet Advertisements taken atproror- Ten Hnes solid Nonpareil type make one squaf- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS; f:; ANOTHER DISPLAY ! IN ADDITION TO OUR UNDERWEAR JSALK,C WE WELL SELL AT BARGAINS A - Large Assortment of Tidies!; IN ALL SIZES AND MAKES.' 19c. for a full Beaded Crown and Lace to!:-' . match. A lot of . ' - Lace ana rswlss Caps for CWBreii Now there Is a chance to' "' . .. . .- " Buy at Tour Own Price. Ladies will be convinced of the above facts by calling and seeing for themselves at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market Street, WILMINGTON. N. C. N. B. A THOUSAND OTHER ARTICLES AT EQUALLY.LOW PRICES. febOtf " A BEAUTIFUL - FOUR-POUND BOX OF . i" Warren's Best Assorted Caromels : For Seventy-five Gts; r TRY THEM; feb 11 tf ROYAL POLISH FOR LA dies' Shoes at v FRENCH A SONS. r BEST $3 CO GENTS' CONG. GAITER in the State; NO TANNERY CALF about our i hoe it's GENUINE ICALF SKIN. -Gallon- 2ZmQI J. JL FRENCH &30NSZ- 108 N. Front ot. jan 31 tf Sal Huscatelle QHAPIN'S BUCHU-PAJBA; PARKER'S TONIC, small and large; Selgel's Curative Syrup; Saun- aers' Face rowaer; Fozzoni's Jrace I'owaer. Try tne ceieoratea ur. s u. Lapius curar, sc. ROBERT R. BELLAMY, Druggist, feb 9 tf N. W. cor. Market and Front Sts. ' Reduction. IHAVEHEDUCED THE PRICE of COLGATE'S Vitflet. HeliotroDe. Ylanct Ylane. Cashmere Bouquet and Cologne Toilet Water, in half-pint bottles, to 75 cents. Try the Dermal Skin Soap, eiegant ior tne nanas tnis ooia weatner. i . a. UAXkDiN, Druggist and Seedsman, feb7tf New Markets Frozen Pipes. CALL ON US IF YOU WANT YOUR FROZEN Pipes repaired: we will alve von good work: competent men to do such work. Tin Roofing, Gutteriner and Heatiner and Cookiser Stoves, the best in the market. House Furnishing Goods in - great variety, ana au tuis we guarantee to give you for fair prices. Don't forget to see us when you want that Drive Well. W. 11. AliDJEKMAN & UO., f eb 7 tf .25 Market St. Banking House of HENRY CLEWS & CO., 13 & 15 Broad St., New York. THREE PER CENT. INTEREST PAID ON DE POSIT BALANCES. Orders executed on all the Exchanges for . Stocks, Boots, Geatk, Cottok and PxTBOtxim for Cash or on Margin. Hats ! Caps ! Umbrellas ! Ladies' Hats 1 HARRISON & ALLEN, Hatters feb 7 tf WILMINGTON, N. C. A NEW HOTEL, ELEGANTLY FURNISHED, UNSURPASSED CUISINE, AND COMPLETE COMFORT OF GUESTS ASSURED. Jan24tf W. A. BRYAN. ' Hew Crop Holasses. 230 HoasH3AIs QQ TIERCES, . Prime Hew ; Crop Cnlia Holasses, gig Sz'&fS, Now landing from Schooner Post Boy, and for . " - i sale cheap. ' - - - . 1 febtf WORTH c WOKTH. i- Just Arrived, QONSIGNMENTS OF FINE GILT EDGE BUT- ' TER, Cheeses of different grades, and Prime Maryland Hams, averaging from 7 to 10 lbs. We expect by next steamer a nice lot of extra - good PLANTING POTATOES "Early Rose" and . r,Peerless." We sell cheap FOR CASH all. kinds of FANCY AND HEAVY GROCERIES.,;-, V , - ; . - ' " - Come and see the "2 JOHNS." .' . fed 7 tf .. . ... ' - MAFFITT CORBETT. " : .Comic Valentines, I ; HOLESALKAND BETAIU V: ; ; - . At ' " ' , CM. HARRIS,' i - : - ? Popular News and Cigar Store.., - j- '" - ' ' ' - . f -t Best S CENT CIGAR on the. Wilmington map- - ket- . . . v - - -,-febTtt " 1 -I -I . "A j A'

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