-S ' ' t T t - J , RATZI3 Off AXTS2aTtIIIGt - . S On- square OneDay,-i.'3-ii-; v ft oa T TwODayS,.-.:,. 75:; Three DaysM.4..!,..,. v'ivv-;.-; f SO ' - FonrDaysM.v.V...v.iv! S-; ioa. - , " Five Day,-ri,;r.5-..;V M . two weeks," y&ia. fta " ' . Three Weeks. ... .'. "x- 8(6 -- ,M One Month.--:i v - W " - " Tmo Month,:-:i:.l8 oo - " i " v Three Months, :,?f :sv, i 00 - , SlxMonthj,.... vv-. 49 , The Morning Star. i 'i 'Z j v 7 By WILLIAM XI. BERNARD. PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAYS. HATKS OV BUBSOBIFTIOH. IX ADVANCE. One Year (by MaU), Postage Paid...... .... $7 00 i J Six Months, . ' ' i Three Months " . - i " f. Two Months, " . " " 1 nnm Month. M V ! " 4 00 8 00 1 60 75 $SJ"To City Subscribers, delivered in any pars of the City, Fvura Cans per week.Our City Affente are not authorised to collect for mora than toree months In advance. ; - i k . .. tOontract Advertisements taken at proror- VOL. XXXVII. NO, 122. WHOLE ISfO. 6053 tlonately low rates, j. -. -1, Ten lines solid Nonpareil type make one squar- MOKNING. TR) 5 -JUL Entered at the Post Offloe at Wilmington, N. C. as Second Class Matter. - " MORNING EDITION. OUTLINES. X& S. R Sterling, couhtjj treasurer,: Harri sonburg,; Virginia, is short $100,000 in hia accounts. Damaging floods are im minent in the Shenandoah Valley. Virginia. Steamer Athletic burned on the St. John's river: loss $2,000. Thirteen persons were injured on near Cooling, Ala. sight, is 5.502,291 bales.! a railroad accident The cotton crop In King Milan, of Servla, has resolved to sign a treaty of peace with Bulgaria, and f will hereafter enter into a stronger agreement with Austria. - The store! of Abraham Peck was burned at Mobile, Alabama; Peck and his nephew,' Joseph Levy, were arrested for. the arson; there. was insurance on the stock for $16,000. - The Papal Consistory to be held at Rome in March has been post poned until June. j Several buildings destroyed by fire at Lancaster, S. C; a drunken man who caused the fire, was burned to death. A disastrous flood is imminent along the j Mississippi. The funeral services over the remains of General -Hancock took place in Trinity Church, New York,- yesterday morning. New York markets!: j Money 2lt per cent. ; cotton quiet and firm at 9 l-169ic; wheat, ungraded red .8993jc; corn un graded 4750c; southern flour unchanged; spirits turpentine firmerj Sat 41(,42c; rosin steady at $1 02jl 07r' ' j Measures have been taken in Lon don to relieve the distress of the un employed wofkrngmn. Clinton Scollard j $s the name of a new American nnaf and- he has written some meritorious verse. Judge A. W. Terrell is credited with being the orator of Texas. He aepireB to succeed Senator Maxey. The Earl of Fife,; Whig, refuses to support Mr. Gladstone. He proposes to play his own tune. ! Well, let him blow away. " llf M1 1 . When Senator Morgan began hia -speech there were but eight Senators in their seats. He soon had all the leading Senators around him anx ious to hear his vejfy fstrong speech. The Richmond cate pays Mr. J. Christian Advo- Randolph Tucker a high compliment' and says after twelve years in the House be returns with empty pockets and clean hands. This is just in every .way. j . The liberality of Gen. Hancock was unstinted. He almost beggared J himself to give to -others, and es pecially to relieve his . former fol lowers and comrades. j Hi& friends have had to actually raise a fund to prevent bis widow from suffering the pangs of poverty, i ; ; y.-i A son of Revij Dr. ! Lafferly, of Richmond, "Va.; will : probably be elected one of the stenographers of the House of Representatives. He is an expert, is now stenographer to the Governor, is a meritorious young man and has just! passed a most sat isfactory examination. - ; ; What impudence! The New York Sun, Butler organ, demands that the President shall Jdismiss Messrs. Gar land, Lamar aha! Goode. Of course. The Devil would like to dismiss from the pulpits all j earnest, spiritually- minded, useful ipreachers.: 4 j Katie Putnam is playing in Augus ta, Ga. She hasj also been playing at Atlanta The IConstitution says "of her : j j . : "bhe has virtues amiability, sentiment, poetry and eomance m her composition, to which are added the refinement of culture, a superior intellect; and a painstaking devo tion to her art, which makes her distin guished among women and distinctive as an artist. "Her superiority consists in a great measure in the reality of her portrayals. It gives the Catholics in the South much .pleasure ! to learn that Arcb bishop Gibbons will be made a Car- . - . , -- - - dinal. It 'is specially gratifying to those of Wilmington for here be re sided for a while when Bishop, and has many, frien ids. .He is a man of ability, has a very ; graceful; easy, flowing style bf f elocution ' and has the reputation of being sweet and attractive in character. The mob in j London managed to waste and steal f $400, 000. worth of property, and :t is now said that . no one was arrested; ; The Londoners are complaining of the inefficiency of the police,' long considered f the best in the world. II The army was relied upon at the last moment. A London dispatch of the 10th inst. 8ays: . ? ; "Three regiments of foot guards, two of cavairy, ana a Battery or artillery were con fined in the barracks all dav. in readiness to - Sdllv tit - nt in mnmp.nf a nntlfta. The , Vigorous action! of the police bf South Lon- oon to-aay compares ravoraoiy witn uie inaction of the police at f the Trafalgar square- -meeting :oa - Monday. Mounted COnatafeles. : Rrmftl with mtlftBOM And i TB. volvers, assisted the police on foot in dis Dersine a mob of 5.000 near the Elenhant and Castle Tavern," - x : . . - - r" Lost Breech-loader gun. j Lost -Gold ball scarf pin.- . . 1. C. E. WAixra-The Gem. - i ' Mimsoir Imported suitings. - - ' Louis Ji Porssos For sale. r' -! D. li. Gobs Mules for sale. 1 . S. H. FE3H3LATB Bargains. A .: N. Jacobt, AssigneeValentines. :- ' .'. N. O. Pine timber land for sale. Bjepobt New York Life Ins. Co. ' : Notick School for young ladies.' G. W. Price, Jb. Auction sales. C0LLitf&& Co. Hones at auction. C M. Hahkiss Comic valentines. Notice Germania Lodge K. of P. Cbonly & Mobkis Real estate sale. Bbtjdoebs& Co Liquors, wines,, etc. J.. W. Gobdok & Smith Insurance. -W. Alieb3CAK & Co--Stpve8, etc. How. R.P. E. Co Anniversary ball. R. R. Bkt.t.amy Trusses, braces, etc. . W. H. Gbeen & Co New crop seed. " ; i Harrison & Allek Hats, umbrellas. Entebtaiotceht St. Paul's E. L. Ch. Spbikoeb & Co To country merchants. McDouGAixL & Bowden Steampower. G. R. French & Sons Bottom prices. Brown & Roddick Week's specialties. Giles & Murchison Dinner sets, etc. Boksch & Bbo North Carolina House.. R. M. McIntibe New embroidery, etc. Parker & Tatlor The great pacifier. Wileiams, Rankin & Co. Flour.bacon, sugar, shot, etc Loeel uou. - - The Smithville mail will close hereafter at 8 .80 a. m. The- Rev. Mr. Tolson will preach in Brooklyn Hajl at 11 a. m. to day. The public are cbrdially invited to attend. ---- The Annual congregational meeting of St Paul's Evangelical Luther an Church will be held to-morrow' (Mon day), at 7.30 p.m. : One interment in Oakdale cem etery the past week, and two in Bellevue all adults. In Pine Forest (colored).ceme tery there were five interments three children and two adults. Ozias W. Pond, the well known manager, nas organized the .Boston fcrtar Concert Company for an extended tour through the country.- Its membership includes Medora Henson -Emerson, soprano; Nellie F. Brown, reader; Walter Emerson, cornet soloist; and Charles F. Den nee, pianist. The Company appear here on March 8th. Thf Burning; of the Schooner Charles BI. Kewlns. Captain Hawkins, 'the master of the schooaer Char la M. Newina, gives ' an ac count of the destruction of the vessel by fire on Wednesday last,' while on a .voyage from this port to New York. The schooner sailed from Wilmington on January 12 and from Smithville five days later. The cargo consisted of naval stores and the schooner carried a crew of six men besides the cap tain. . After passing Gape Hatteras on the fourth day out the schooner encountered a succession of violent gales from the north east and northwest. On Wednesday last she bad nearly completed her voyage, be ing then hot afew- miles east-southeast from Barnegat. At eight o'clock in the morning smoke began to issue from the fore-hatch. The cabin also, became filled with smoke. The pumps were immediately started, but the men could not find where the fire was situated, as it was impossible to enter either the cabin or the fore-hatch. The fog at this time was so. dense that it was difficult to see farther than a boat's length ahead, bat a man t was . stationed in the bow, in the hopes that some passing vessel could be hailed. It soon became ap parent that the fire was fast; gaining ground and that it would be necessary to abandon the schooner in order to save the lives of the crew. Presently, through the fog and heavy smoke the dim outlines of a schooner bearing directly down upon them were suddenly discovered by the lookout. The man hailed . the approaching f craft, which proved to be the pilot boat Edward Cooper, and in a moment came alongside Seeing the condition of the Newirw it was agreed to take the captain and crew on board the pilot boat," which was speedily done. In their haste to escape, from the burning , vessel the crew were unable to save any of their property. The pilot boat remained! close by, the schooner until half- past two in the afternoon when the wind began to freshen, and she sailed away leaving the schooner enveloped in flames. The lost vessel was built in 1860 on Long Island and was owned by Floyd & Newins, of Ne w.York." Vessel and cargo are estima ted to be worth $20,000 and were partially in8nred.:i"':t' '! i The Coroners Attention Dlrectea to h't the Sudden Death of a Colored Boy. i i Coroner Jacobs received infotmatlon on Friday last that a .colored, boy, named El bert Wells, about' four years old, had died suddenly at tne home of his mother on Campbell street and that foul , play :. was suspected -neighbors saying that the child had been severely whipped the day before, Dr. tPotter,, Soperintendent. "of HealtH, made an examination of the case yesterday at the request of the Coroner. : The Doctor reported that be found no marks of violeace upon the; body and he .believed that the child had died from congestive feyeT. i; Northeast and Black Rivers. :',,!- - r- , The following is the report and recom mendations concerning the improvement of these rivers, made by Captain Bixby, U. B. Engineer in charge; ; tl J- - " . " ' . ."V ;i ,S : BLACK B1VBB.- . ;' x ? Black River 'N.C: possessed (in 1884-51 a moderately well cleared channel from its mouth (in the- Cape Fear River, 14 miles above Wilmington) 22 miles upward to Point Caswell, with 2.5 feet depth at low water, and 4 feet depth at high tide; thence a roughly, cleared navigation 48 miles farther to its head near Lisbon, with 2.5 ' feet depth during nine months per year, and with 6 feet depth during six months per year. A steamer of 2.5-foot draft was regularly running, once or twice per week during nine months per year, over all bnt x'7 miles at the head of the river, The' - river commerce (including rafted goods) was already about $750,000 per year. -.;- : .'r-tv, .,n-v. " Tne submitted project or 1885 proposed to secure at once a thoroughly cleared natural channel over its whole length of 70 miles at an expense of $14,500. It estimat ed in detail as follows : Below Point Cas well, $2,500 for-cleared 2.5-foot channel, or $6,500 for a 4.0-foot channel, or $23, 000 for a 6-foot channel. ' Above Point CaswelL $12,000 for clearing the channel over the whole 48 miles of river: and $15.- 000 more for further dredging and dikeing at the so-called "Narrows or the river. It ; recommelkledt least $10,000 to be expended at Once upon this improvement, provided that all private claims to the river navigation be ceded to the United States before the commencement of such im provement ;' ' - - ''This recommendation was extended in July, 1885. to a total amount of $35,500, to be appropriated in two yearly instal ments of $20,500 and $15,000 respectively. Of this amount it is now estimated that $20,500 can be profitably spent before the end of the fiscal year ending 80th - June, 1887, in first securine to this river a tho roughly cleared channel of its present depth over its whole length of 70 miles, and afterward a 4-foot channel at low water from its mouth upward 22 miles to Point Caswell; and that $15,000 more can be profitably expended later upon the Narrows. "Further improvement, so as to give a 6-foot navigation below Point Caswell is not recommended at present." - NORTHEAST RIVER. "The N. E. Cape Fear river possessed (in 1884 -5) a well cleared channel from Wilmington 60 miles upward to Banner man's Bridee, with 6 feet least depth at low tide; thencea badly obstructed and crooked navigation 80 miles further to Hallsvme with only 20 inches draft, except during high freshets. The otherwise excellent river navigation below Bannerman's Bridge was seriously obstructed at Castle Hayne (18 miles above Wilmington) by the Wil mington & Weldon K. K. Bridge, built without a draw span, and with a head-way of only 10 feet at high tide with ordinary water. This navigation was also slightly obstructed, about 2 miles above Wilming ton, by two submerged and concealed piers of an old county bridge. As one of these piers was in the main channel and rose to nearly low water level, its removal was im portant It was difficult to estimate cor rectly the probable commerce of this river wnue most of its steamboat navigation was stopped by the Wilmington & Weldon R. a. Bridge. "The submitted project of 1885 proposed to secure a thoroughly cleared 6 -foot navi gation at low tide from Wilmington 60 miles to Bannerman s Bridge. It recom mended that the pier obstruction 2 miles above Wilmington be removed by the .Geneeral Government at an expense of $700; and that the Wilmington & Weldon R. K. be required to insert a draw in its bridge at Castle Hayne, 18 miles above Wilmington. "Jfurtner improvement or this river so as to extend Us navigation above Bannerman's Bridge i& not recommended at present" w .- Cotton Receipts and Exports. The receipts of cotton yesterday were 872 bales, against 138 bales for the corres ponding day last year; and for the week 1,578 bales, against 892 for the same period last year an increase of 686 bales. For the crop year the receipts up to and includ ing yesterday were 88,740 bales, against 90,414 bales for the same time last year a decrease of 1,674 bales. ;j The total exports of cotton from Wil mington for the crop year to date, are 82, 973 bales, against 88.987 at the same time last year, - v Unmallaale Letters. The following unmailahle letters, remain in the 'Wilmington Postofflce : Alfred B. Anderson, Philadelphia; Amelia Brunhild, Wilmington ; Henry" Bacon, Boston, Mass.. Harriss Havid, Boston, Mass;, Amelia Xahnweiler, Boston, Mass.; H. J. Gerken, Boston, ; Mass. ; Janie Strange, Boston Mass.j.W. R. .Morrison, Boston, Mass.; Maude McEwen, Boston, Mass. ; E. O. Toomer, Boston, Mass. ; John Lewis, Bos ton, Mass.; Mabel Parmelee, Boston, Mass.; Isaac G. Hedrlck, Boston, Mass. memorial Services. f . j '! At St. Paul's Lutheran Church to-day, the pastor, Rev. F. W.E. Peschau.will hold a memorial service, in memory of Captain Wm. ; Niejahr, who was well known and highly esteemed in Wilmington! He and his vessel the Hermann JFriedrich and all on board were undoubtedly lost at sea, on a voyage to this port, many months ago. The service will be conducted in both the German and English - languages, at 11 o'clock this morning. : v Entertainment. The lady members of the congregation of I St Paul's "Evangelical Luthefan Church will 'give - ah entertainment,', with:;' music, charades, tableaux, etc., next Wednesday night at 8 o'clock, at the Luther Memorial building. There will be a' "Tea-Party after the . entertainment which, is to be given for. the benefit of the organ fund. The admission is only twenty five cents. - " , - RIVER AND BIARINB. . : - Schr. Messenger, Falker, from Perth Amboy for Brunswick, Ga, which put in and discharged at "this port.: for repairs sailed for her destination yesterday. j. Cr. Schr. .Edith R. SewvrdK in below, dragged her anchors, and got aground on Battery Island shoals; yesterdaymorning; It Vas thought she would geToif at high. tide last nigh, ;ii; .i : Weather indications. The following are the indicationB foi o- day: , v - ' J . For" the Middle Atlantic States, fair weather, winds generally southwesterly, warmer in the- southern portion, falling, followed ; by rising ? J temperature in the northern portion. f t For - the South Atlantic States, fair weather? winds generally southerly, t " si -, Personal. r-- Mr. Preston L Bridgers. Consul at Mon tevideo, ; Uruguay! expects to leave Wil' mington for that place, next week, sailing on the steamer finance, from Newport News. Mr. Greir Kidder will take his de parture on the same vessel, and after stop ping a few days at Montevideo, will go to the Argentine Republic, where he proposes to engage in business. Mr. Wm. L. Yinal, representing . the Boston StargConcert Company, is in the city. . Among the arrivals at the Orton jester- day were J. " L, Sydnor, Richmond, Va.; G. H. Blake, Bangor, Me.; Henry Walker, R. A Simmons, Philadelphia;" A. H.But ler, Chicago.: ; Life Insurance- The synopsis of the annual reoort of the New York Life Insurance Compahy, which appears in another column, shows 'the re markable growth of this old and popular Company, its new business now amounting to nearly seventy millions a year, while maintaining jthe 'immense surplus of thirteen million dollars. Its Tontine poli cies have furnished the cheapest insurance ever known, as shown by the experience of one of our prominent citizens, who paid in 10 years, on a S5,ouu policy. S1.457.5Q and received in cash at that time, $1,860, leav ing tne cost of nis insurance one dollar and ninety-flm cents a year per thousand. . It has now completed an "Ideal Life In surance Contract" which particularly com mends itself to business men. Since the death of the late Major Burnes, the foimer state Agent, the Company has not been actively soliciting policies In this State, but has recently appointed Mr. J. D. Church, a gentleman of large experience in the insurance business, as manager for North and South Carolina, who has already placed nearly a half million dollars upon the lives of leading citizens of the State. Mr. Church proposes soendme a few days in our city, and will be glad to show our business men what he can do for them n the way of a safe and profitable invest ment that does not require one to "die to win." x ;NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. GERMANIA LODGB NO. 4, K. of P. WrunKGTOx, N.C., Feb 14th, 1886. BRETHREN : Ton are hereby requested to meet at your Castle Hall this morning, at 10.80 sharp, to attend the Memorial Services, at Ht. Paul' Kvan. Lutheran Churoh, of our unfor tunate Brother, Capt. R. Niejahr, who has very likely : been buried by the seas. Brethren of Stonewall Lodge No. 1 are cordially invited to attend, By order or the c. c. feb U It JOHN MET KB. K. of R & 8. A Grand AnniTersary Ball WILL BE GIVEN BY THE HOWARD RELIEF FIRE ENGINE CO. No. 1. at GERMAN I A. HALL, TUESDAY, Feb. 23d, If 86. Tickets 11. No gen tleman admitted without a lady. Committee F. C Miller, J. W. DulsH. H. Gle sohen. L. Waxsmlth, E. W. Doscher. feb 14 !t Tie Gentleman's Cafe and Sample Rooms THE GSM. THE WHOLE ESTABLISHMENT newly and neatly fitted up, "FIRST CLASS." Everything In season, of.the very best, served at UYO ana iet urt" pnoes- be In charge. Free Lunch dally. I6D 14 It C. E. WALLIN, PropT. JpOUND. THE BARKENTINB 'BELLE WOOS- TER,' la heaving up her own anohor, at Navassa Island Roads, w. L. hove up an old Anohor and piece of Chain Cable, attached to her own an ohor, which the owner or owners out have by proving property and paying charges thereon. Master B'ktne Belle W coster, Wilmington, Feb. IS, 1886. feb 18 8t Lost, QNE BREECH LOADER GUN, IN LEATHER case, on Market street. The finder wul be re warded by returning the same to No. 10 South Fifth street. , feb 14 it, Lost. J. GOLD BALL SCARF PIN. THE FINDER will be rewarded oa leaving it at the feb 14 8t STAR OFFICE. For Sale, WO MULES, IN GOOD CONDITION. Apply to V D. L. GORE." feb 14 It SCHOOL FOR TOUHB LADIES. rpHE PRINCIPAL REQUESTS THE TEACHERS and Pupils to meet at the School Room on Third street, "This (Sunday) Afternoon, at 2 o'clock. -feb Ulp ' .Tj-vr'j: : " .. , Entertainment, "TTH MUSIC, CHARADE AND TABLEAUX, by the Ladles of St. Paul's Erangelloal Lutheran Church, at '-'-- - . Lmber Memorial Bnlldlne, ' t WEDNESDAY, FEB. 17, AT 8 P. M. - Admission 15 and 25 cents. feb 14 It nHDER NEW MANAGEMENT. THE NORTH CAROLINA HOUSE, Southeast corner Seoond and Princess streets, y.-r BOESCH & BROTHER,. Pbopbhtobs. ' Choice Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco. Oysters In season. Pool Table for enjoyment of guests. Everything of the best served. Call and be con vinced, , suwedfrl j feb 141m' Jnsfetliiiyed BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF DINNER Sets and Chamber 8eta.at nrloes lower than ever before. . , . . o A large assortment of Glassware always on hand.. - - , j,-?- .;',.. :. .- ' Giles murchison, - feb 4tf .;, ; . Crockery Department, sin fl. WEAVER AftON. - -- - - ;.. --.fe- on ffleln PbOadelpitla, th NewtrtAoer AdTer-. tlstng Agency of Hmn . oar MwnuN mgzutm. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. : v v ... CJolIlerA; CJo , Anct'rs: i Sales Booms, cor. No. Water and Princess Sts. - -' Horseii ail Mules atAnction. MONDAY, FEB. 15, AT EXCHANGE CORNER, commencing at 11 o'olock. we will continue the sale of Horses and Mules. There Va as good stock in this Drove as was ever offered in this market. . ! . feb 14 It GEO. W. PRICE, Jr., ; AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT A LARGE LOT OF AUCTION GOODS ON CON J SIGNMENT wm be offered for sale at 815 Market street, sales commencing Tuesday nijtht, at Hi o'clock. Besides, a 1ob lot of selected Cot ton Batting. ' Also, Bedroom, Parlor and Kitchen Stoves, Mattresses, Bedsteads, Cribs, Chairs, Crock ry Ware, Desks, 1 Sideboards, Sofas, Lounges, and very fine Library Lamps. Come and examine goods previous to sale, feb 14 tf M. CRONL.Y, Auctioneer. :- BY CRONLY & MORRIS. - Eeal Estate at Auction. QN WEDNESDAY, 24TH INST.,, AT 13 O'CLK M., we will sell at the Court House, Immediately after sale of Market Street. Lot, which has been legally advertised. ThatVALU ABLE PROPERTY, with all the im provements thereon, situated at the N.E. Inter section of Walnut with Nutt street. That VALUABLE STORE No. 4 Market street . That DESIRABLE LOT, with Cottage thereon, situated upon north side of Hanover street, be tween Third and Fourth streets. For particulars and terms apply to feb 14 It CRONLY 4 MORRIS. LOUIS J. POISSON, Beal Estate Agent and Stock Broker. NO. 118 NORTH SECOND ST. . FOR SALE. VALUABLE RESIDENCES, BUILDING LOTS and Stocks. And on Installment Plan 386 Lots in Southern part of City. Also Lots in other locations. xeo 14 it For Sale, - SPLENDID TRACT OF TWENTY THOU SAND ACRES OF VIRGIN YELLOW PINE TIM BER LAhD, from one to seven miles from navj-i gable river. In easy reach of two competing Railroads to Savannah. Three lines of Boats at all seasons. For terms and particulars Apply to "N. O," feb 14 4t Bainbridge, Ga. FOETI--FIBST ANNUAL REPOBT OF New York Life Insurance Co. JANUARY 1st, 18S6. Cash assets .$66,864,321.32 . 16,121,17.274 . 13,225,053.94 Income 1885 Surplus to policy holders .... Interest receipts for 14 years Death losses for 14 years Interest exceeds death losses for 14 years. .... 30,225,584.76 25,558,532.64 4,667,052,12 Amount of Insurance in force Jan. 1st, 1883 $259,674,500.00 New business in 1885 Poll- oieslssaed... 18,566 Amount insured. 68,521,452.00 J. D. CHURCH, MANAGER FOR . NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA. Offloe CHARLOTTE, N. C. feb 14 It Hats ! Hats ! Silk Umbrellas ! HARRISON & ALLEN, Hatters feb 14 tf Steam Power. THIS MIGHTY POWER AT MoDOUGALL &, BOWDEN'S, has enabled them to put Bug gies. Wagons, or any kind of Vehiole, to the Bot tom noun. Maomnery tor wooeworamg or the Lest make has been Introduced by them, and they Intend to give their patrons the benefit of the decreased cost of production. Call and get Srioes of Carriages, Phaetons, Buggies, Wagons, arts. Drays, Saddlery Goods, andof ail kinds or Repair Work, feb 14 tf MoDOUGALL A BOWDEN. Comic Valentines, yHOLESALE AND RETAIL, . -.At CM. HARRIS,' Popular News and Cigar Store. Best 5 CENT CIGAR on the Wilmington mar ket. febt4tf Our Motto IS QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS, AND the number of Heatlnar and Cooking Stoves shipped from our establishment daily is proof of the fact. Coffee Pots. (Pat.). Biggins, Copper lea a.etues, xoiiet sets, laorary iamps, uimp Goods Ac . . W. H. ALDERMAN A CO., feb 14 tf 85 Market St. For Sale, That desirable and valuable HOUSE and LOT, N.W. corner Third and Ches nut streets. - Also. TWO STORES. N.E. llll corner Water aud Princess streets. For terms and other particulars apply o feb 13 at ' -nao of Holmes & Waiters , For Bale. i NOW IS YOUR TTMZ TO INVEST III! your money or secure a home. I have Stores, Dwellings and Vacant Lots for 'sale very cheap and on easy terms. Ill llll t ' IB lllllNNflff feb 13 tf Real Estate Agenti -: " Fineiliot-P; TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES, SOAPS, PER FUMERY, && : Drugs, Chemicals and Drug gists' Sundries. .. . r . ,,- -1 Special attention given to compounding pre scriptions. - : r : - -- . ROBERT R. BELLAMY, Druggist, -- feb 14 tf N. W. cor. Marketpd Fraut Stft " ' AttarflBY at LaWi Marion, So. 1 - Solicits business from the merchants of Wil mington, : in Marion and the adjoining oounttoe. He also has an, office and, partner at Conway, Horry county, a C, s sn - r- feb 7 2m NEW ADVERTISEMEOTS. BARGAINS! pretty small point about town EXCEPT HERB," remarked one of our customers yesterday. "Straws show which way the wind blows." "GOOD COUNSELORS NEED NO CLIENTS." GOOD BARGAINS FIND MANY CUSTOMERS. Wfl AhlVtOA n. PraOATlf Taa en aa aallfM much for what you are glad to give for it. WE MUST HAVE ROOM. OTTR RPRTWa STAPH- XDTT.T. KB TKruvaav t is now in nnnru Af mannfontniw of 'nm lualnn. Warerooms, 691 Broadway, New York. TUlfniP AirVnvn VannfnnfnvAM alio 11 nWll o Retail at Wholesale Prices at prloes that other Retail Clothiers pay for theirs, saving you the Retailer's profits. Wa nnrrv thn T.ARansT crnr-tr i mti n-pcro ASSORTMENT IN THE STATE. "ErerT ILrt.lnlA anl1 tn nnr KafaKHaVimanf nna ranteed to give perfect satisfaction in every re spect or money refunded." ClnT TmmsTin StnMI nil! Ka Holif aI nn nttli KLBCTRIC LIGHTS in a few days, znakinjc them have not the time to trade in the day time, can uuj at aigut ana see wnaf mey are Duying. Our Stores will be onen evervweek nltrht until summer. S. H. FISHRLATE, MEN'S WEAR DEPOT, feb 14 It WILMINGTON, N. C. New Embroidery IN ALL WIDTHS. "ALL OVER" TO MATCH NEW LACES. French Satteens, Light and Dark Corors, Choice Styles; this season's importation. New Lace Curtains. Six good Styles added to stock. The Prices are right. . Carpets and Mattings. A GOOD ASSORTMENT AT ALL SEASONS. JERSEYS A SPECIALTY. feb 14 It R. M. MdNTTRE. BASS' PALE ALE, Giiinniss' Stout, Tropic and Kaiser Beer A FULL STOCK OF LIQTJOESj Elegant Table Wines. ALSO, FULL ASSORTMENT FOR COOKING. A CHOICE SELECTION OF CIGARS. Spiced Pigs' Feet, In Kits and l-2Bbls. A Fresh Lot of Fancy Crackers. R oyster's Candy received tnls week. CELERY BY NEXT STEAMER. FOR SALE BY P. L. Bridgers & Go. NORTH FRONT ST. ' febl4DAWtf Country Merchants TTTILL FIND A LARGE AND WELL ASSORT YY ED 6T0CK OF GENERAL HARDWARE'. of every description. We keep the best manufac turers' goods, and prloes .which we guarantee to be as low as any house in the country. All we ask is an examination or our skck ana. prices. WM. 2. SPRINGER & CO., . 18. 21 A 23 Market Street, -' feb 14 tf Wttmington N. a GARDEN SEED. HARDEN SEED. MEW CROP 1886. A " ALL THE LEADING VARIETIES. " WILLIAM H. GREENCO, feb 14 tf . Dfuggtste. Hew Stock QF IMPORTED SUITINGS. TWO WX3 AGO thev were not on this side of the Atlantic Neat Mixtures. Splendid Value. Pure WobL. First . - r.: munson, feb 14 It . Merchant Tailor, AC NOTICE. The- undersigned -having been ap nointed as COLLECTOR of the Estate of THOMAS MONK, deceased, and duly, qualified in the Superior Court of New Hanover County, on the 8th day of. February; 1886, notice is hereby riven to all person indebted to said c sceased to make immediate payment; and all r ns hav ing ouums agamsc aaia Jtscaie win i . .ent tnem for payment on or before the 10th da of Febru ary, 1887, or this notice will be plead in bar of tneir recovery, xma vtn aay oi reDruary. 1886. -fettiost w f a WM. BL SHAW, Collector: ;1TEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SPECIALTIES r FORHISWEEK; ! '7 BROWN & RODD O IVortb Fron t Si . : We offer FULL LINES of the following SPE CIALTIES this week, all NEW GOODS. . White Goods. - We have now on hand.a beautiful assortment of wuiTB GOODS. They embrace msny novel ties for the season. . ... - - EMBROIDERED SUITS IN WHITE LAWNS AND COL'D CHAMBRAY; something quite new and stylish. " Linen Table Damasks. We have Just opened a large assortment of K UNEN TABLE DAMASKS. Would call partiou - ;;; lar attention to our DOUBLE-FACED DAMASKS -at 75o. and fl.OO per yard, full widths. ; . - ; flainrg EuMs and Insertions. . Just receired a large invoice of the cheapest Edgings and Insertions we have ever showm" -;Hfii xney are witnout any exception the cheapest line In this country; certainly 25 per cent, under market value. SEE OUR 5 CENT TOWELS. : UNBLEACHED COTTON, from 4c. " " " " veryheavy5c. Eighmie Shirts. We are sole agents for this truly celebrated SHIRT; acknowledged by all who have ever used them to be the best in the market. To Close. We will offer on Monday the greatest Bargain in LADIES' KID GLOVES that has ever been shown in the city for the money. Mosque talre, 2 and 4 Buttons, and Foster's Patent Kid Gloves, all 50 CTS. A PAIR. BROWN & RODDICK. Sole Agents for BUTTERICR'S CUT PAPER PATTERNS 9 NORTH FRONT STREET. WILMINGTON. feb 14 tf The Great Pacifier. JJE SENT CHICKENS FORDINNER. THEY were brought on the table one side burnt and the other raw. Horrid! The cook looked mad, wife troubled, baby squalled and he gritted his teeth, left the table, oat came in contact with his boot, dog went across the yard singing ki jit kl yi! went down street, Insulted a man. Co use-' quence a sudden fall and a frescoed eye. In his omoe he meditated. Says he, "John, take this order to Parker So Taylor, for one of their best Cooking Stoyes." The stove is up, everything is lovely, chickens are all right, and fall are happy That Cook Stove did it. If yon really want a -good Stove send to - PARKER A TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL. feb 14 tf Bottom Prices, JOR ALL. KINDS OF MEN, LADIES, MISSES and CHILDREN'S SHOES, at FRENCH & SONS'. Best quality of Stock and Workmanship, and Better Value f or same money than elsewhere in - '." '. - i . v the State. We invite yon to call and examine : f for yourself, - -. :- Rnn Tf TrvAnnti Xr Qatio' : i WVt Mil Ai AVJJLVU W MUUB 108 NORTH 'FRONT STREET ' feb 14 tf . At Heinsberger's. ; ! g R ECEIVED BY EXPRESS A NEW LOT OF Beautif ul VALENTINES . Valentines for every body, young and old, large and small, rich and poor. j y We will try this coming week to make every body happy. Call at HEINSBERGER'S; he will help you to ' make a rood selection of Valenthus. NATHANIEL JACOB!, I Assignee.; fob 14 tf Flour. Flour. Flour. 1 Kf A Bbls FLOUR, our Choice Brands, 1UUV Gold Medal, Electric Light, uome uomion , For sale lowib; v febl4tf WILLIAMS RANKIN AGO. Bacon. Lard, Holasses. 200 BoX6S 8 s.moked C- B SIDES, ' 100 CaSeS Bucets ARD ' v J !QQ Bbls Choioe Porto Rico MOLASSES, For sale low by febl4tf WILLIAMS RANKIN tt CO. Sugar, Coffee, Rice. JQQ Bbls Refined SUGARS, all grades, 250 coeBIOCO1,,FXB t Bbls CAROLINA RICE, : - - - 'For sale low by I feb 14 tf " WILLIAMS. RANKIN CO. Shot. Hails, Hoop Iron. , --. 250 Ba8HCT 250 Kegs ajxs. " Bundles HOOP IRON, - " ' For sale low bv feb 14 tf WILLIAMS, RANKIN A CO. DiSCOVKT. V . ' r-T-" i .-' K, i-- -?f 'iwi.- -" i "ii" '1 "-'X'-'.' -: XIWiBora6iiM AGENTS I feb 14 tf ' r Telephone Number 7i, A -: i J f --I -1 'i - I.-. - i.rt .a mi . . r:- i -,;.:;ri., 1.!

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