7 - The Morning Star: By PUBUSHgO DAU.Y JCXCHPT MOMDAYS: V.oir . $7 00 Three Months " ' A- ' : Two Months, " -One Month. - - ,fT5nt&8ab8orkbe"' deUve'red'iniiV pari of the City, Fiftmn Csmts per week. Our CU Ajrent are not authorised to ooUect" for -more than taree months in advance. OTr lor-more Entered at the Post Office at Wilmington. N. C . as Seoond Class Matter. wu" v MOMINGJEDITIom OUTLINES s j .' s 1 ; - ' X-,: - ;j The General Superintendent of the Wash ington Telephone Company, and the local manager at Winchester, Va.fc came near be in drowned in Oqequan creek; a lineman who was wiUi them lost hia life. terrible hurricane In Spain; in Madrid 70 persons were killed and hundreds wounded Sixty-six policemen were wounded in the recent riot in Chicago, five of ' whom died. - The Governor, of Illinois ' has ordered the withdrawal from East St. Louis of all the military. Prom fifty to one hundred buildings in Xenia, Ohiowere swept away by a flood in Shawnee Run caused by a cloud-burst; many of the in- I niatea were drowned; 24 bodies have-so far been recovered. ATock-out of strik-. ing tailors has been inaugurated at Chicago; twenty thousand or mrre are idle. - An accident occurred to an east-bound pas senger train from Indianapolis, Ind.. caused by a washout; three parsons' were killed. Fabius Fowle, son of Judge Fowle of Raleigh, accidentally shot himself; his in juries are considered fatal. - - New York markets Money , lSL per cent; cotton quiet and ; steady at 9J9 7-16c; wheat, upgraded red 8589c; corn, un graded 3846c; southern flout steady ; rosin dull at 05l-10; spirits turpen tine dull at 85ic . . The 'papers ought to giv Miss Folsom a few days rest. w : There is a Synod of Roman Cath olic Bishops now in .sesaiou in Balti more. " Oue hundred and twenty-five mem bers of the British House of Com mons have given notice that they will speak on the Home Rule bill. It is thought that Gen. Gordon will not accept Maj. Bacon'n chal leugji to "canvass the State for, the nomination for Governor of Georgia. It is thought Mr. Gladstone will resign and let Hartington try his hand at a Cabinet without a dissolu tion of Parliament, in case Home Rule is defeated. " Many children were killed in Kan- 1 sas City by a tornado that crnshed the building in which they were as sembled. In all the town there were 24 killed and 24 wounded. Ex President Davis sent flowers on Memorial Day at Crawfordsville, Ga., for the decoration of the grave of Vice President Stephens. This was touching and fitting. Now that Mr. Davis is again quiet ly at home what will Radical editors do for grist. The dog days are not far ahead. Let tham inoculate for hydrophobia and then bite each othr ' - Some ho-caKed luxuries are dan geronri. The family of Rev. W. M. Kinsley, at Mt. Union, Ohio, partook of rhubarb sauce. All ar violently sick aud the mother of Mr. K. is dead. What surprises us is that any body should ever eat it and live. That was a gooii mistake for the conutry when the Anarchists of Chi cago broke into the drugttoreand par took of the liquid refreshments thev found. Thus far only eight Polish scoundrels are dead. They drank wine of colchicum for sherry wine. At Chicago a tjreat number of birds and of many varieties were found dead in the streets and on the sidewalks. They were going from the South to the North. They were in countless numbers. They bad been killed by the electric liwht on the great tower. The following is probably true: The -biggest blowers ' in Congress against baying lottery tickets are the loudest looters for the continuance ol nundred Pelern " that on ina.it.ToKla I Paul uray Jlhac his ? ijoff era fairly bursting wibh shekels. Undr the River and -Harbor bilK as H ps.8etn,ne - noase JNortn Uaro-: Una et206,500rginia $404,-; 000; South Carolina $341,000; Georgia $41,500 ; Florida- $31 4,000, and so on. New York gels $835,000; Michigan $918,500; Mississippi River $3,805,000 and so on. V - - The Methndita vntol ,;f . .---"""' " I dropping the word "South" in their j name-Methodist Episcopal Church; u . r e - wouiu nice 10 : see Superintendent Noble with a class of Methodist, Bishops and, D. DV be- fore hini wrestling with, the .'gani-; matical' constructtOD. of fhaf name,. ! ' -V . m 5? . v ...... . . . . - .j - I ' : . - . - ' r .. I VUL,. 2LajLVlII.-NO. 45. They will probably beat the grand S'nZS Whigs can frame half as good a bill as the one they may defeat. If no settlement Is made now how will it be in Ireland hereafter? Can the co ercive deviltry proceed, with Salis- bury, Hartington, Chamberlain . and Churchill in front of the band, with' Wolseley . as drum-taajor? The Charleston News and CourUr hits the nail on the head when it says: They who object to Mr. Gladstone' proposition ought to be ready to offer a better plan of their own. The controlling reason ia that the failure to pacify Ireland now will undoubtedly aggravate the diffi culty of settlement, and that, for the exist ing condition of affairs, England, through, the Act of Union, is responsible.' Rev. Dr. Cornelias B. Riddick formerly President of Kitrell Female College and Oxford Female College, is now one of the leaders on the Pa cific slope and is a delegate to the General Conference. He rankB with the finest preachers ia the Union. When he left- North Carolina we said he had left no peer in oratory behind him and we believed it. And yet the North Carolina Conference had no place for him. Here is a de licious morsel for all so-called North Carolinians who delight in derviding the "Old North State." Some time ago three of the An archists were invited to a conference by some wealthy and prominent men in Cbicago. bpies is reported as talk-J mg after this style. The report says: 'He laughed as he described the attempt made on the British House nf Parliament He said that if the assailants had known their business they would have placed bet ter bombs there, but- not that alone: they would have placed them where the hall was crowded. We have nothing personal against you,' he said, referring to the gen tlemen present, 'but we want your proper ty. We do not believe in the destruction of property as the means of reform, but the destruction of life. We need the oroo erty."' Mr. Powderly's second address is attracting much attention. It was secret and was not intended for the public eye. In it he says: "I hate the word boycott. I was boy cotted ten years ago, and could not get work at my trade for months. It is a bad practice handed to us by the capitalists. I have no use for it, only when everything else fails." He disapproves of strikes, except as a last resort. He urges the Knights of Labor t boycott strong drink only, to improve their minds and to learn toleration. Excellent advice that. We believe now that the .Gladstone bill will be defeated. The London special to the New York. World says the majority is. now believed will be fully forty, and defection is going on all the time. Mr. O'Connor, M. P., cables the New York Star on the 11th that the Gladstone men are in fear. Chamberlain, he saysis cred ited with fifty votes. The Stab has received a very pretty oil picture from the New York Wayerly Publishing Company, entitled "Evening Devotion." They give this attractive picture, to every subscriber to the New York Waver ly, a handsome weekly paper, price $3 a year. The pictnre is unusually large and handsome. Spirits Turpentine. The Winston Sentinel is now an eight-page weekly. The North Carolina State Den tal Association will meet in Raleieh on the 1st of June, the session to last three days. -In Catawba lightning struck a stable killing a horse and mule, scorching jar. uuanes nowen ana stunning a negro, as we learn from the Lineolnton Press. Judge McRae sentenced Frank lin (iaston, colored.; to be haneed at Salis bury, on 2d July for an outrageous assault upon a woman, jaai maybe be will be re spited : ,', . . .; : -. T ' m . TVT " turins Conmanv at Pattersnn urn flndinn tne popularity or their fabrics to be in creasing. They filled one order lately that canea ior 4,uuu yaras r tnelr jeans and casskseres and 200 blankets. . r -1 r Hendersonville : Times : On Sunday afternoon at 4 'o'clock at the pool in the -Collegecampus, .twelve converts were baptized", by pastor' J.' B. Boone. There were two -baptized at the samKplace during the week rrecedtng, making twenty two baptisms resulting from the meeting 1 list closed t;-t - juMciofeo. r.. srrg i :-r Graham Gleaner: The prospect fori fine fruit crop is good. xThe trees are loadad. 'An attempt was- made to set ou fire Bellemont ColtoiLyMill ilast Friday n,2ni. e .PPlon?orlijese to sou wnisaey nere was - warmly fought "bei fore the .County Commissioners. M6nday, ' Lumberton . : Mobesonitn i ' The Carolina Central Railroad has steel fails to a point 15 miles cast of this place.- The election for wet ordry.dd sot come oCT on the first Monday in May a reported by some, but will take place 09 -the 'first Monday in June, - when:, we have but little' doubt that the result wiU be in favor of "JNo License," t , : V t 5 Oxford Torchlight: Judge Clark's grand jury kept some people danc ing on hot irons last week. - The five warehouses of Oxford sold an immense quantity of tobacco last week. - The trustees of the Oxford Female Seminarv have determined; to expend $2,600 in en larging and otherwise improving the build ings of the school. - - ABheboro Courier; A colpor teur in Rowan count; found 300 families out of 1,800 without a Bible. Trinity College will catalogue 145 students this year against 105 last year, and 84 the year before. - Mr. Will Kerr, of Durham, has invented a machine that -will make to bacco bags at the rate of, 35,000 a day. It! will be a fortune to the inventor. Greensboro Workman- Th ladies of the Memorial Association in the selectionof Dr. Hodges as the orator of the day were peculiarly fortunate. We wish we had space to publish the address, which was said by competent judges to have been one of the best every delivered here. The exercises closed with the benediction by Rev. W. R Gwaltney," of the Baptist Church, after which 'the graves were deco rated with flowers. We know Dr. Hodges well; he is a young man of considerable ability, a graceful and forcible speaker. Star J Asheville Citizen : Mr. U. B. Phillips, of Madi8on,infonnsus of a rather startling incident. He was riding along quietly, after dark, on a very sober nag when a buU dog very suddenly dashed out from a yard on the road side and seized the nag by the leg. The frightened beast jumpeu iorwara as it sue bad been shot out of a cannon, springing clear from un der the rider. - He was dropped into the road, painfully contused and insensible. His hip and thigh were badly strained, both thumbs dislocated, and he was the victim of a general shakeuD. Hr vena nnt nVilo tn get home, being taken care of at a neigh bor's house. Raleigh News- Observer: Special rates of freight have been secured on the Raleigh & Gaston Road for fruit shippers along its lines. The berrv. crops will all be unusually large. Special arrangements for quick transportation have M TH . . ... - . J uccu uiaue. ie8ieraav a CPntloman irom j;ayetteville exhibited here a French flag which in 1825. on the visit of Lafayette to this country, was borne companied him from Raleiffh to Rnnth -j - j i.m x ajci,icyiiit3 wuicu ac Carolina. It is understood that the authorities of the Raleigh & Gaston Rail- roaumiena erecting new passenger depots at Wake, Franklinton, Warren Plains, Lit tleton and possibly at other stations aloog its line, thus keeping abreast with the times and making the line one of the best in "the South. Qen. W. P. Roberts returned yesterday from an official visit of inspec tion to the road which the StAta hn through Angola "bay" (or swamp). This road is now completed. It is 8f miles in length and the work done on it is excellent Two miles are not entirely dry, but soon will be. From fifty to eighty convicts have been employed on the work. Charlotte Chronicle: Passen gers on the north bound train this morning give an account of a horrible affair at Tho masville. A little girl was feeding a Jot of hogs with bread, when one of them bit her band. As soon as the hogs smelledUhe blood the whole drove attacked the child and ate a preat deal of the flesh before they could be driven away. Greensboro items: May 11. Guard W. P. Horton, at ' ou "e i. jp-. x . v. railroad stockade at this place, shot himself acci dentally this morning. He was standing on a box with the butt of his gun resting on the edge: the gun slipped off and the hammer struck the box, causing it to ex plode and send the entire load of twelve buckshot in his shoulder. His shoulder is shattered and the wound is considered very serious. May 12 A convict, THeiffy Kier. working on the C. F. & Y. V. railroad, about four miles north of here, made his escape yesterday about noon. He ran from under the entire guard force when they were at a very isolated" portion of the road and where the bushes and trees were very thick. The escape was so bnld nni B; quick that the guards only got one shot at him. Kierwasin for ten years. He had served about 18 months. Charlotte Observer: Mr. Joseph McDade, who was stricken with paralysis a few months ago, died yesterday at the Mc Ginn mine, near Charlotte. His death was the result of a second stroke of paralysis which he received a few dva urn ti, Memorial and Monumental Association de sire to make a statement concerning the money with which they are entrusted, and the disposition which they propose to make of it. From various sources, fairs, collec tions, &c, they have the sum of $578. The monument will be in place before the next 10th of May. Its size and beauty will depend upon the gifts of the people who cherish the memory of our Confederate dead. On Sunday last, just as the congregation of Galhlee (colored) church, on the Yorkville road, four miles from town, were about to partake of the Lord's Supper, it being communion Sundav at that serious disturbance occurred in the vesti bule. .A row had sprung up between three colored men, named John Moore, Harvey Darby and Wm. Barber. Moore was armed, with a rock, Darby with a pistol and Barber with a razor. At th flrat noaa Barber fell sorelv wounded on thn tinoH hn I a blow from the rock, but before the pistol I and razor could get in their work the com- Dautnis oecame alarmed at the stampeding of the congregation and all except Barber fied. The North' Carolina Synod of the Lutheran Church held its annual meet ing last week in Rowan county, near Salis bury. Rev. P. W. E. Peschau, of St Pauls church, Wilmington, was elected President. This Synod sends delegates to the Southern General Synod which meets at Roanoke City. Va.. the 23rd of Jnnn. An important matter to be considered is Hie proposed, consolidation of the Southern General Synod, theTenessee and Holston Synods, into one general body. ' RJBV'A0irEit-jraa(fliaN Warren's Parlors Ice cream. CoLLiEB & Co. Mozart Saloon sale. - " Opeba House -Adelaide Randall Co. Munson Compare quality and prices Collector of Port Proposals wanted. Geo.R. French j& Sons Some bargains. Tbe State Guard Encampment. - A number of gentlemen went from ; this city last night to Raleigh,-to interview Gov. Scales fn relation to the place of en campment of the Stote Guard, which it is hoped His Excellency win direct to be held at Smithville. - The 'deleffatinn Dr. G. G. Thomas, Col.. F. . W. Kercbner. Capt. V. H.; -Daniel,? Eugene S.'Martin, Esq.. Col. W. C. Jones nd Oent V T. WILMINGTON, N. 0., FRIDAY,. Local Xteta. X. -;.w.vc, J 1 V lira an inAoa ian ; AfliavMvan truck art plentiful and cheap. ; . 4' t Cotton ; receipts yesterday . :5 8 biles, against 14 bales the , same! date last year. ' " ' , . , , ' . .. - Listen! Therewm be a full re: hearsal of the male onorni1 in "Pinafore", tonight.-' ;. i Wilmiqgtoti Hook and Ladder Company No. 1 will have an I excursion to Smithville on the 20tb the anniversary of the Company. . . . , ; . - The thermometer scored ninety yesterday, and ice ' cream,, linen flusters, mint juleps, .palm leaffaas, and other "cold comforts" were in demand. The festival to be ' given by ladies of the Fifth Street it: E. Church; which was to . have takes, place yesterday evening, has been pofitpoaed until next .week. . - . The juvenile bag bawlers were at it again yesterday; daring the dangers of sunstroke. The Silver Sea Club, Capt. Edgar Bell, played the Moonlights, with a score of 43 to 5 in favor of the former. In trading you liad better no tice carefully all silver pieces. Those coun terfeit halves and quarters made of lead are coming to the front to be used again. One of our merchants aays he has seen several of these pieces lately. Tbe Industrial BxMVlt at the Hemca wax Sebool. There was a large croiwoV at-the Hemen way Graded School yesterday to see the handiwork of the pupils. The exhibit was pronounced by all as a most excellent ooe and reflected great credit upon the children . One month ago the Superintendent request ed the children to bring in something made by themselves, and the very fine display of the past two days shows that there have I been few ones in school since the re- I quesi was maae. The object of the teachers' is not only to train the head and heart, but also toencou . rage the pupil to learn to "turn a hand" to that which is practical. The'exhibit was a ncost successful one. and we hope that if possible greater success may crown future efforts. In behalf of the committee to decide up8n the merits of the boys' work, Captain W. H. Bixby announced the following award of prizes : First prize Charlie Bolles; for one ham mock and two pieces of scroll work. Second prize James Collier; drawings and Indian weapons. Third prize Oscar Hinton ; writing desk, Fourth prize George Sloane; hammock and scroll work. Fifth prize Morgan Skipper; ene table. Miss Vic Gore, chairman of the commit tee to decide as to the merits of girls' work, announced the following award of prizes: First prize Frankie Clarke; one apron and crazy quilt. Second prize Mittie Anthony; one bed quilt star and lambrequin. Third prize Florence Willis; one apron. Fourth prize Annie Borden; one tidy. Fifth prize Georgie McLeod; one pin cueion. Owing to special merit it was recom mended and agreed to, that prizes be given to the following pupils: Lena Steenkin, for one cake; Belle Amory, for fancy needlework; Bennie Piatt, for one boat; Genie Sotxtherland, one cake; Robert Piatt, scroll work; James Taylor, scrollwork; Mary Bolles, mats and apron; EInora Shep herd, one cake; Annie Clowe, one splasher. Ibis experiment of industrial work was tried bn a less extensive scale two weeks ago, at the Williston Graded school (col ored) with gratifying success. Friends of the schools hone to hra the . K w IV1MVU V pushed and every succeeding exhibit as eminently successful as this first one has been. Theatrical. ine "Mikado" was presented: in the Academy of Music at Charlestpn, 8. C, on Wednesday last by the Bijou Opera Com pany, the New and Courier says, to one of the largest, finest and most brilliant and enthusiastic audiences of the season : The-performance was worthy of the splendid audience to which it was present ed. The "Mikado" waa Hnn th BnT and SDriehtlinesa that eantivatAil tha n1i- enC8 produced round after round ef ap- plause, -and exacted a repetition almost of the entire work. ; Mr. Martin as Ko-Ko his. um appearance in a professional character, made a success of his role, and bids fair to attain a high place in the profession that he has adopted "The cast, too, was in every reBpect an exceptionally strong one. It included Miss Adelaide Randall, whose vocal charms and .bewitching manners have long ago captiva ted all hearts' here, as . Yum- Turn, Miss Marlon Chester as PitUStng, clever per formance rr Alfred Wilkie. ; another1 Charleston favorite,; as IfankiPod, n ad mirable impersonation,:; Mr! Douglas Flint as I'oo Bah, whose splendid bass voice was admirably fitted to the role, and Miss May Leighton as Katiaha. Miss Leighton has a splendid and sonorous" contralto voice and the two numbers that are contained in her role were rendered with artistic effect. " v Boar Recovered, - c't -The body of Mr. George Pauls first mate of the German barque Eduard Pens. ' who was -; accidentally drowned on Saturday last, was found floating in the ' river near Chesnut street dock yesterday morning. The coroner was : notified but an inquest was not deemed necessaryrand ' the body was' given in charge of an undertaker.' The funeral took placeyesterday afternoon, when the remains of the unfortunate sea man were interred in Bellevue Cemeterv.' The flag at the :- German cpnsulateji was' at half-mast during the, da in respectlo hbi memory,-- w " :V . J . i . 1 .x .t . ; - MAY 14,. 1886. Personal. ,- - The confirmation by the Senate of the appointment of Mr. O. H. Robinson as Col lector of Customs, is announced. .. r Mr. McNett, of electric light fame, has something quaint and curious, in the shape of an ancient copy of the Maryland fa asttff, printed in 1773. -:.- i " Mr. James Coggeshall, who has had charge of the business of the Chess Carley Co. in this city for several months past, has resigned, intending to return shortly to his home in Newport, R. L He will be succeeded here by Mr. W. R. Barksdale, a young gentleman of Louisville, Ky. - Among the arrivals at the Orton yester day were W. H. Laurence, Pittsburgh; A.. E. WesterveltrN, Y.; O. H. Blocker, Shoe, Heel; W. Martin, Richmond J. W. Red ington, Cleveland, O.; J. A. Metts, S.C.;T L. C. Jones, Dr.-W. G. Curtis, J. R. Fos ter. N. C. ; J. D. Picket, Phila. ; W. h Biggs. G. B. List. Balto.; J. W. Johnson, S. C. ; Samuel Frickman, N. Y. ; A. Hers, London. -. ' Fire In tbe Suburb. An alarm was turned in yesterday after noon . about three o'clock from Station No. 23 corner of Seventh and Queen streets for a lire on Wooster near the corner of Twelfth street. The Fire De partment turned out promptly and trucks, engines and hose reels hastened to the place ; but water could not be had the nearest fire-plug being at Eighth and Castle streets, more than six squares from the fire and the hose on the ground would not cover the distance. The house was burned down. It belonged to Sam Read, colored, and was occupied by a family of colored people who managed to save most of their furniture. There was no insurance upon the building? The Orpbana. Miss Marsh, one of the teachers and ten of the children from the Oxford Or phan Asylum, will give an entertainment similar to the one given here with so much satisfaction several months ago at the Opera House,-this Friday evening, commencing at a quarter past;eight o'clock. The prices of admission have been fixed at twenty-five cents for adults and fifteen cents for chil dren. As the admission fees jgoe to the Asylum, it is hoped that the Opera House will be crowded Those attending will not only thus be contributing to this worthy cause, but will witness a very creditable entertainment, which of itself will be worth the money paid for admission. Rosin Exports. Messrs. Paterson, Downing & Co. cleared the Norwegian brig Egden yesterday, for Newcastle, England, with 3.205 barrels of rosin, valued at $3,005. Mr. C. P. Mebane cleared the British steamer Cam Marth for the United King domfor orders, via Fernandina, Fla., with 3,500 barrels of rosin, valued at $3,700. REV. It. H. ARMSTRONG. A meeting of colored citizens of various denominations was held last night at the rooms of the Young Men's Christian Asso ciation, to bid farewell to the Rev. R. H. Armstrong, late pastor of the Chesnut Street Presbyterian Church, who leaves the city this morning for his new field of labor in Philadelphia. Dr. H. H. Butler was called to the chair and Wm. Arnold was elected secretary. Ihe ministers of nearly all denomina tions in the city were present, and many members of their congregations. Speeches were made by Revs. D. J. Sanders, A. J. Chambers, Jas. W. Telfair and others. A purse was presented to Rev. Mr.' Arm strong, through Dr. Butler, and happily responded to. A collation which was pro vided, was enjoyed by all present. A committee appointed for the purpose, reported the following . resolutions, which were unanimously adopted by a rising vote: Whereas, The Rev. R H. Armstrong, who for some time oast has filled the nninit of the Chesnut Street Presbyterian Church of this city, is about to take his departure jrum our cuy ior otner neias or labor, and it being deemed a fitting occasion for the citizens generally of the community in pression of the high esteem which they have I entertained for him, and also to express I wuwu no una recently resided to give ex- their admiration and appreciation of the wonny example wnicn he has given us as a Christian gentleman of rare intellectual ability; therefore, be it Setolved, That to our youne men whnaa ambition; makes them tbe -hope and promise of our race, we commend as an example worthy of imitation, the upright manner, the chivalric , bearing and the dis tinguished ability of; our esteemed guest, whom we assemble to night to honor. xeaoivea, it is with inexpressible regret, that we- learned of his intended de- !)arture, and that as a minister whose earning and eloquence have been pleasing attractions for all and rich Christian feast3 for the co-workers and believers of the cause in which he is so earnestly laboring. we congratulate the communitywhich may : ue so fortunate as to secure his services and bid him God-speed in his journey . ' - Respectfolly submitted, " - - N: G. Sampson, Chm'n, i - Jas. B, Duulbt, 1 -,.. ;ir ; ... . .. Wm. Avant. ; . ; On motion of J. E. Sampson the resolu tions were ordered published in the Morn ing Stab, and a copy if urnished to Rev. Mr, Armstrong.; , t . MRS. WINSLO WS SOOTHING STRUP.Riy. STtvmi Cobb thus writes In the Botton Chris- V'Ia ' :r X.0 wouia oy no means reoom know to ie gHDffilyto taftmU o1 5SS3?aS.??.P.'We.ojisi from knowiidMn "ftv5 wtth ooho pahis, quiet sleep, and the parents un-&VL2Jsht- Most parents eaa appr elate these blessings. Here ITan article wMch Works to perfection, and which is harmlesT; for thesleep which It affords the iiifantla perfectly natural, and the little cherub awakes asrhthl as a button." .And durin theiv. lTt toglte value la Incalculable. We have frequent ?lear?..mer? Wthat they would not be without it from the bfrth of the child till itbEi ..- . I ! i WSffffiSSi "S?Ihatever- Sold by aU drufiista, 5 cei ..v.- r. : . . - '; " v v.- oonside- centa WHOLE NO 6130. Wcatbar Indleatien. The following are the indications ro v day: . V . r: 0.-He k -j i For North Carolina," South, Carolina ueorgia. Eastern Florida, Western Florida.5 Alabama and Mississippi, fair weather nearly stationary temperature, winds genet rally southerly. :-h ' - -. . ..:r- I Cotton Beclon Bn lletln. , ; ; - The Signal Service Bureau furnishes the following record of observations for the twenty-four hours ending at 0 p. m. yes terday ; ,- - ' Max. Min. Rain Temp. Temp. Fall. 94 . 68 .00 96 67 Wilmington...; Florence Wadesboro. Cheraw. New Bern. Raleigh Salisbury. ...... Charlotte. ..... . 95 70 96 68 93 69 94 63 95 67 92 67 .00 .OOi '.00: .00 ; .oo; oof " Ad- Beneficial Kffecc of Democratic ministration. The Raleigh News and Observer says: From statements made in the Witm; ton papers it anneara that thn nnnr.tr fW.HaOT?r .rcaHy out of-debW This is an illustration of the beneficial effect of a Democratic administration of affairs and of the wisdom of the existing system of county government. It has not been many years since New Hanover's financial condition was apparently hopeless. Had it occu leu in me nanas 01 the Republicans it would have remained so, but Under the honest, careful management of Democrats with interests of their own in the county to belguarded men of character and Business sagacity it has been so much improved that the county is now actually out of debt and considesed abundantly able to build a new $50,000 court house, which is needed and which is asked by certain citizens. The difference in favor of Democratic as against Republican administration of affairs is in no respect more striking than in the matter of economy of public money, and the peo ple have found this out. - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. By Collier & Co., Auct'rg. At?fK,!S.ir8--. OZAST SALOON, aVkSf TS?2tM ??S?lnK'.we continue SzS.iim 6 iJ3U0 a"1 Wines in original pack 8T??JkPo01 and Bagatelle Tables, Wirles JuLSXc?L' at onr Sale Boom, we will eU a Cheat of Carpenter's Tools and other arti- my 14 It pHOPOS ALS FOE FURNISHING SHIP CHAN VE8SBL8 RATIONS FOR REVENUE COLLECTOR'S OFFICE. WILMINGTON, N. C. Mav 14 1886 SEALED PROPOSALS VBE RECEIVED vSS 12o'1?2ck noon of TuesdaT, ay5,th' 88d, for suppMne Rations and Snip Chandlery for the use of Crews and Vessels of ttonDtarriot, for the fiscal year endhy? June 30, WHSil? J 4rtio,le!8 0 Ship Chandlery to be Office ' furnished on appUcation at this o J5n?htte rS57,e reJecfc or aU bids, STess shall have made an appropriation for the P c' BOBINSON, myl44t Collector. - New and Handsome YyETra GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY, covering- all the different Styles and quality. Cheap, vary cheap. Figured and Plain HULLS In Ecru and White. INDIA LINENS, BATISTE CLAIRE. LINEN DE IRELAND, LINEN DE MULL, EMBRD'D SWISS. EMBROIDERED ROBES, White aud Colored. TWIRLINE, a Novelty in Dress Goods. Positive Bargains In TABLE GOODS, Damask, Lunch Cloths and Napkins. Something New In HDEF3. Buyers are invited. my 14 2t jro. J. HEnRTHK. - Compare QUALITY AND PRICE.OFOUR CLOTHING, Half-Hose, Hdkfs. Underwear, Shirts. Collars and Cuffs, with any other dealer, and we think Sr $5aJPBJlnT one "" MUNSON'S Is THE iUi&CIs TO BUT. my 14 It Some Bargains. JV CLOSE OUT SOME LOTS OF CHILDREN'S SHOES, we place on our "Bargain Table goods at n cents, good value at $155. Parents would do well to look at them. ftp A Xk T?rnnnh Ar Qahh I wcu a rreUCn OS SOUS, I 103 NORTH FRONT STREET. my Htf ICE CEEAH ! ICE CREAM !: ICE CEEAH ! ' THE FINEST! l'.-. WARREN'S PARLORS, -l'- - -EXCHANGE CORNER. ; , , OPEN UNTIL 10 P.M. , . , T myl4tf U. 8. ENGINEER'S OFFICE. : " , WILMINGTON, N?CM ' April 80, 1886.' ' R'A1?0 PEOPOSALS in triplicate for about wpernoiai reet of Lumber and 8 kegs of Walla fny nu n . . toT mi , . u ;ou" ajrorc Jiaoon. N-C, Jjll be received at this office unttlWclk noon, on the fifteenth (15) day of May, 1888. . . ?2eKifilla.tl?I18,and blank forma of proposals m&l he obtained on applieatlon to this effloe. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids. : W K RTTRV Captain of Engineers, U. a Army, my 1281314 ao306t Alabastine. - 1XBCSSD DKECT KM THE MANTJ- I iLtr,. ,-nv,Tv.-: .,.v.-i.. . lacturers, one Ton of Pare Alabastlne,all Shades Orders solicited by ' - - !- my S tf GEa A. PECK. 29 So. Front. 8t ; To be Sold Low, . ; r 200Boxe"CHOICBRAI")STOBACCO' K0 000 creaks, To olose consignments. : v - . - . SAM'L BEAR, Sn," . 18MarkeTstreet. myS tf onwSQuareOneDay,..........".'.. .... .-frcc . - Three Dara.. . -,, . 2-, .PonrDays.w....- " -SCO " Fiv Days,.,, ., : - I 6e - "j: one Week, ..',. 4w ' r " Tj Weak,.... ...... 8 CO --' - L - I1" Week,.... v.-:.- . 8 00 , v - . Ote Month,.-. ..... 10 oo - 'T s, , Two MonthB,.,...-. . 18 00 ' TirwJMontaa, ' Sli Months,....,. 0 0C Tear. to 00 r - i Contract Advertisements taken at propor- - - v-:.-tlonately low rates. ' , - , - 'sr '-' - Ten lines solid Nonpareil type make one sqnar- ;NEW advertisements; i OFeRA HOUSE. SHORT SEASON, COM. MONDAY, MAT UTH. . - Return of the Favorites,- . ADELAIDE BANDAIi BIJOTJ OFERA COMPT, - ' . .Inthefoflowlna Beportolre of Popular TTJjSDAYBVim'Gjthe i Grand Japanesa Craze, l: ?z - WEDNESDAY E VENINQ THE" MASCOT - " The Operas for Thnrsdav hvm?iv- -i , v - - ; General Admitdnn m u. j -c.i extra B.7rri. x "T1. oeaia voo - v HeSfaJSggg Seats secured in ade at,. 1 Taylor's : .. will ope&t . FANS and PAR AS0LS ! TUESDAY, MAY 11, AND DTTHI Kfi Terra m nmr mi. -.. " .u, a Tjj.nak... abb nnesc une o, PARASOLS ever, shown for Ladies, Misses'and Children. Also a flue line of fatis. in I color and style Telescoce. ExtAnainn .Tr,.... Satin, Ik, and ! every dlffarant Also, a full assortment of GLOVES AND SILK -MITS, In black and colors. - . Summer Hillinery Just received and will be opened this week. We are offering VERY UNUSUAL INDUCE- " MENTS, with the object In view of pushing-the i sales to the highest possible figures, and tapack t this department with customers from morning unta night; and we POSITIVELY believe that J. th will . HOS&YX.,aent ' C0R8BT3' LACKS' TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, , 118 market Street, N- A large assortment of JERSEYS Just re-, oeivea. 0 Straw Hats! UTRIA STIFF AND SOFT HATS ! LATEST STYLES I LOW PRICES ! -r HARBISON & ALLEN, 7Ktt " Hatters. - Base Balls, g ATS AND BASE BALL SUPPLIES,CROQUET, Hammocks. 4c, Tops, Marbles, Ac. Artist Material of all kinds at S , C. W. YATES, - mT8tf Bookseller and Stationery. Fairbanks' Scales. Sff P PF J23 WORLD-NO DI8PUT .toffJhlsfr' We have full stock of all sizes, can make as low prices on them as ln ferior.Scales are sold for. WM. E. SPRINGER & CO., i Successors to John Dawson A Co., , my 9 tf lv. xi -as uarKet street, Wilmington, N.C. HENRY T. SHARP. WILLIE S. BERNARD. SHARP & BERNARD. DEALERS IN RARE , FOREIGN STAMPS. FOURTEEN VARIETIES FOR ONE CENT. This lot Includes Stamps of Helvetia," Russia Denmark, &c. Apply at i , 102 or 111 SOUTH FTFrn ST. Idef?wor hiqulrles by mail must be accompa nied with one cent stamp for return postage. my 9 tf 0 The Total Amount QF INSURANCE ASSETS REPRESENTED IN the agency of the undersigned Is greater than Is represented In any other insurance agency in Wilmington. The oldest Insurance Co. In the world (organized 1710), and the largest Insurance Co. In the world (assets one hundred and ten million dollars), are both represented by M. S. WTLLARD, 214 N. Water St. - my 9 tf Telephone No. 5. Notary's Seal. . LL CLEAR HAVANA TOBACCO. . .' . s ; . ONLY FIVE CENTS. Try them and yon will smoke no other. mo CM. HARRIS, myQtf Cigar and News Dealer. I ! PavSoIa A CHOICE BUILDING LOT. Apply to D. O'CONNOR, Real Estate Agent. my 2 tf For Sale, LOT FORMERLY 0X7UPIED BT CAFE FEARTt' : MILLS,' with strip of Land runnlag from Nuitt ;: street to wharf. Also.Iot of OLD MACHINERT v Apply to . i , ap25tf CHAS. M. STEDMAN. : ' .1 i I Star Saloon JS THE PLACE TO GET. THE FINEST WINES,,; . LIQUORS, AND CIGARS. BEST GXSTSB&jSt THE CITY. Coma and aee me, and I will yon sattefaetlon In all resproteT ' 4 wr.B1T uoGtf. . GEO. F. HERBERT. ..' " Choice Hay; Hoop-Iron &'Gine for Sale.': CONSIGNMENTS; OF COTTON AND NATAL vjua vaUtiruL.LiX HANDLED.- w WOODY CURREB, Commission Merchaats, : Wilmington. N. C. mhSOtf 154 FRONT 8 JiREETr X- NEW YORE.' (7TJBMR. NASH HAVTNG BEEN ELECTED 1 5Jtt??w JoA Cotton Szohan A we are prepared to execute Orders on Contracts -In Future Deliveries, Orders will be received aad transmitted by onr firm far Wilmington Y ML- - PATERSON, DOWNING A CO. ' -deaotf Review oopy. . ' ' - 1 HalTs lupg Balsam, ; ; v XLEN'S LUNG "BALSAM, SCOTT'S - SMUI i slon.hIIlIpps, Emulsion; also,' Sal Mnscatelle.; , ' i i 1 -... ; ; Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient, at ; ' xXrz:&-?&;X:l --' . - F. C MILLER'S. -'X ' .- feb 7 tf ,, - -t-. Corner Fourth and. Nun Sta, - 5V BazaarSii! iX-C J': ) ;.; , "'i -".V- ' ft mm mm ".As.-'. ' tft mm iii r. - '-I CP'V1 lit : 1 " X i