The Morning Star. By WILLIAM " II. . BERNARD. PUBLISHED DAILY KXUEPT MONDAYS. BATSS OF BUBSOBirnoH, 1H AOTAaua. One Year (by am, rostage rruu.. ... . Stx Months, J i " Three Months ' - ,., two Months, - . $7 00 4 W ;2 00 1 50 UD8 mutibUt i: .......... e0To City Subscribers, delivered la any part of the City, Form Cum per week. Our City Agent are not authorised to collect for more than taroe months la advance. 75 Sntered at the Post Office at Wilmington, N. C . ... as Second Class Matter.. MORNING! j EDITION; DEMOCRATIC TICKET. Fob CoNsBEsa is Sixth Distbict, ' ; -j ALFRED ROWLAND, Of Robeson. - -" -i - , : r ---I- .- Fob Judos Eupkbiob Coubt Sixth Distbict, - EDWARD T. BOYKIN, . Of Sampson. 1 . i ' : , j : - - j Fob Solicitor, 1 . OLIVER H. ALLEN, ' ' Of Duplin. Stat Ticket tob Sumbior Coubt Junaxs ; 3d District H. G. CONNOR. S 4th " WALTER CLARK, i Cth -j-KDWIN T. BOYKTN. . 10th 12th " -ALPHONSO a A VERY . -JAMES H. MERRIMON. OUTLINES. Aggregate appropriations made by Con jress, excluding the Fortification bill, are $365,000,000; $45,000,000 Jin excess of ap propriations last session. The Presi dent senC a message of condolence on the death of Samuel J. Tllden to the latter8 nephew. The Sundry Civil, the River and Harbor and. General Deficiency bills were received by the President at 12.30. 7 Judge Shields, a prominent lawyer in Natchez, Miss., comraittedjuicide; his mind was affected by the loss of his wife. - -Henry Davis, colored, who ravished a white girl, was killed by masked men at McBean ijtat ion, in .Georgia. The Democratic Slate' Convention! of .8oulh Carolina, noini naird Hon. J. PL Richardson, the present Slate Treasurer, for Governor. - -New York market: Money 2i4 per cent; cotton steady at ,9 9-169'ctnts; wheat, No 2 red August 84$85 cents; southern lour quiet and steady; com, No. 2 August 49i50i cents: rosin steady at98Jctl 05; spirits turpentine dull at 34J cents. Is Mexico "riding for a fall ?" Pennsylvania liquor dealers are ac cused of blowing up churches with dynamite. David Davis left his wife but $25,- (""' . ,v 000 in money, together with carriage and hordes andome new furniture.- j.nn . If the ticket in 1884, had been Til den and Hendricks as it was in 1886, there would now be no President or Vice'Pfeidoni succession. ! living except iu the The Chicago Jbarmer& Review re porus that the -outlook for a corn crop in iha: North west , is gloomy. ' . It is d row ib that has done the work of de lrititn. - I Mr. Morrison says he is confident that the next House will be DemO--cratic. So far so good. --Brit is he con fideut that Randall will not lead off enough to "spoil the broth?" ' Alias Meikleham, Jefferson's grand daughter, was -dismissed from a clerkship in the Patent Office, bat she will -be promptly restored". Her discharge was ignorantly done. . It is naid that there is an unsavory domt-Btio.hiiory of Tory Home Sec retary Matthew that almost rivals the . ( Dilke scandal. He figured Jn the famous Chetwynd divorce mit. The Georgia Democrats are report ed to have takeb Grover Cleveland for their plitfunri. - That is. uoC sur - . i - - .- , - prising, an they have been always more devoted to men than to princi ples.- ! James A. L. VThittier, a Boston lawyer, has been arrested upon a charge of embezzlement of $125,000. This is the sum he defrauded a woman ou.t,ou The stock of rascals .seems to be inexhaustible. Edmund Yates discusses in the New York World, in his London let ter of 2nd August, the new Tory Ministry, "j He thinks there is gen eral disapproval of liOrd Churchill's predominance and : his friends pre dominance also. ' ' - The following from a Republican paper about sizes the President's mes sage on oleomargarine. The; Balti more American says: 9 "He has dbubta as to its cdnstitutionali ty, doubts as to the principlies of protection involved, doubts as to the dbed f or, increas ing the revenue by ta'xing this product but for all these, he signs it. ' - ; Florida 'has taken its census. It shows a gain of 68,915, or 25 per cent., since I860. The; whites nnm ber 191,185; blacks," 147,221. It is said that two whites are given at over 100 years old, while there are forty-two negroes over 100, two be ing 110, one 110, and one 129. With such a fcredulous world to live in it is really a wonder that there' werp not 5000 and some of these as old as the old Cape Fear darkey we met some VOI,. XXXVIII. NO. years ago who remembered perfectly well " when Columbus! discovered America. 1 .-. There is one New Yorker, that seems to be able to look beyond his State and seethe drift. The Washing ton correspondent of the Richmond State thus gives what is said of the "coming man'f for 1888. He writes:' "The other day I met a very prominent New Yorker who is a close observer. In the course of a conversation he said to me: 'There has been a great deal in the papers about a Gov. Hill's candidacy for the first place. Hill is one of the shrewdest men in the United States. : and he knows very well that he cannot get the first place, and in reality he is working for the Becond place on the ticket. New York! has had two Presidents in succession; besides two other' Democratic candidates since the war have been New York men. Hancock was virtually a New Yorker, although credited to Penn sylvania because he happened to be born and reared in the State, i but he lived the most successful portion of his life in New York. The Democracy have ignored the West altogether, although the natnralpride of that section is strong enough to over-' come the Republican pluralities in Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin. Morrison is be-, ing looked upon now as the most formida- ble candidate, and with Hill on the ticket for second place Tammany could win the day in New York." . 5 Whoever shall be selected we hope, they will be Democrats and know why they are Democratsj It will be interesting to Southern people to learn that Gen. A. L. Long,! Military Secretary of Gen. Lee for four years, has completed his me moirs of the illustrious Confederate leader upon which he has been at work so long. -' It. will - be published in October. Another item of inter est to the Southern soldiers is in the London Pall Mall ' Gazette., and to the effect that " an eminent firm of publishers in London are negotiating with Gens. Longstreet and Beaure gard fer the production of a military history of ; the American civil war from the Southern point of view, and on lines not unlike those on which the late Gen. Grant constructed bis now completed work." j Hayes was a fraud all through. He pretended to be too good to take a drink. It is knon now that he would drink freely at other people's expense. The St. Paul bUobe tells of one of his sprees. He often' visited an old college chum in Washington when he was delighted to imbibe freely. He got so full once that he had to be escorted home by an army officer. The Qlobe says: I - ! - I - ' v --' "The very next day the army officer was removed from Washington to Rock Is land, 111. And to this day he for it is Maj. Paine of the Ordnance Departments- is still at the latter post, all on account of having given a Fraudulent President all the liquor he desired." Hon. John Randolph Tucker, pro bably the ablest man in Virginia, was born at Winchester in 1823. He i - - was Attorney-General of his State from 1857 to 1865. He was. law pro fessor at Washington and: Lee Uni versity until he was elected to the House' of Representatives in 1874. He has served twelve years with very distinguished ability and voluntarily retires leaving a name that honors Virginia and to which but few can aspire. - , 9- r. : , Spirits Turpentine. Oxford is to have a new bank, Mr. Jerome Horner wilt be the President of it. ' 1 r L The North Carolina pharmaceu tical convention meets at : Fayetteville .the 11th inst. ; ; t - r. v: Thus far nearly $15,000 have been contribuled to the Baptist Orphanage at Thomasville. I -.The New Bern graded school reopens September 13. Prof G. W. Neal has been elected principal. ; Mr. C. B. Watson, of Forsyth, is out in' a letter saying he1 will heartily support Hon. 3. W. Reid for Congress. - Charlotte Chronicle The po lice record off this city for the month of July, shows that there have been thirty one , arrests.' j T Raleigh is a dry town. It takes 500 limeades daily and nearly 500 milk shakes to quench its thirst. It is cooling off you see.. -' " ; -: Mr."J, A. Bonitz announces that he is again in sole possession of .the Golds boro Messenger. The cause of the change is not given.j ; ' - " . Mr. George T. Fonst,.bf .f Win ton, is dead. Hewas a very clever young man. and at one time lived I at Raleigh, where he married. . -.V v ' " The Yancey ville New says that while the prospects for tobacco just now are very discouraging, it is thought that if there are good seasons in August and Sep tember they will bring it out and make a fair crop. I : -: , - . - Charlotte BaUot; The Ballot is not a Democratic paper, and of course nothing of that sort is expected of it. It may or may not advocate the claims of Mr. Rowland. ( Bat that is a question of little importance just now. - A question of very great importance to Mr. Rowland is: "How will the prohibitionists stand in relation to him?" j ' .1. f Charlotte Observers .Cleveland county is vastly in the lead with fine cot ton, excellent: corn" and good tobacco; Lincoln has very poor crops and in many 115. - , , , WILMINGTON, fields cotton may be seen only four inches high and in full bloom. Gaston crops are good, but the farmers are needing rain. Mr. Thomas has developed into a full fledged preacher albeit he has not yet re ceived his license He preached -twice last Sunday in the . Baptist Church at Shelby, and large crowds gathered to listen to him. The farmers of this county who em barked in the culture of tobacco this year repoit that they now have splendid crops of the weed. .... .f. -. ; ( . i , Greensboro Workman: Dr. T. D. Stokes, of Danville, Var, died on Friday last at his home in that city . Dr. Stokes was a native of North Carolina. Judge Walter Clark passed through ' here last night goint; - to Catawba county to hold court for that county. Judge Graves is the regular Judge, but as he & detained at home on account of the sickness of his wife and daughter, Judge Clark is acting in his stead. - Two new cotton mills, one at Company Shops and the other at Haw River, rising up into the air and sunshine and bravely pushed on towards the finish ing point, add two new notes to the "Song of the Shirt" by way of .a more cheering refrain. " ;.. -.--$''. ; ". ;:,.;". ',-r-,'-'':-.i ...; Durham Recorder ; Durham paid over $6,000 more for revenue stamps during the month of July than the great tobacco manufacturing city of Danville, Va - The rain last night will greatly improve the crops, but nothing can now save the tobacco crop. The Nashville Christian Advocate is the connectional or-: gaaof the Southern Methodist Church; and edited Jy Dr. O. P. Fitzeerald, a North Carolinian. In circulation it is second on the - list of the great - American Christian newspapers. A man by the same of Joseph D. Ferrell, who died a short time ago in the eastern part of the State, bought the material to make bis. coffin seventeen years before he died.- This , may seem strange, but it is neverthless true. - ; , 't- Raleigh . News- Observer: The revenue collections in this district the past month were $39,03747. -The police made sixty nine arrests during July, of which eighteen were gaming Sunday. Only seven arrests were made for intoxication. No less than 102 drummers' licenses were issued from the Slate - Treasury last month. The acreage in cornfield peas this season in this section is said to be larger than ever before. Some months ago a venerable citizen in Eastern North Carolina visited President Cleveland and greatly in terested him in the story of his age and per sonal adventures, He was a soldier of the war of 1812, and a constituent of Hon: Tom 8kinner, who kindly looked ! after ' all his wants while at Washington for several weeks. Friday Mr. Skinner obtained unan imous consent to call up out of its order his bill to pension Bryant Waters, the soldier referred to, but it was not until he had told the Home that the applicant was 95, deaf, blind, lame and not likely to live until the next session. The bill as passed increases the pension of $8 a month to $30 a month. The amount asked for by Mr. Skinner was $50. . A Pittsboro dispatch of August 2 says: "The County Democratic Conven tion to-day was harmonious. The dele gates to the various conventions were not instructed. The vote will - stand: Cox 27, Cook 16. Bunn 7. ; j Fayetteville Jfews: The re moval, by death this morning at 5 o'clock of Mr. Simon Brandt, our -Jewish friend, is one which makes an impression of sadness. Mr. Brandt's life of 85 years here made him a respected citizen by all. and endeared him to many. Another huge cargo of steel rails has been received at Wilmington for the a F. & Y, V. Railroad. The trains are now busy hauling it up to Greens boro to be laid on the Mt. Airy division of the road. Few men in the Judicial Convention acquitted themselves better in the full sense, or more gracefully than Mr. J. H. My rover, of or neighbor, the 04 server and Gazette. Sampson county has fallen into line. At the primary meet ing last Saturday all her delegates were in structed to vote solidly for Hon. W. J. Green as the nominee for Congress. ' We ask a favor of our contemporaries, that they will correct the impression that Mr. J. D. Mclver was before the Judicial Convention here, for such an impression would be great injustice to Mr. Mclver. The meeting of an adjourned meeting of the dissatisfied delegates to the Judicial Convention in the Town Hall on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, -was quite pronounced as regards the action of the Judicial Con vention on that day which then nominated Mr. Frank McNeill for Solicitor. The representation was that of Cumberland's 35 delegates, Bladen's full 29, Moore's full 36 and Brunswick's 10 who objected to the convention's methods, The meeting was very f ull and was presided over by Mr. Kelly, of Bladen. The meeting was de liberate and dignified and in every way or derly. On a vote by counties, it was shown that Moore was casting her full vote of 36, Cumberland her 35 majority, Bladen her full 29 and Brunswick 10 of her full 18. The meeting was one of protest against the, action of the convention, and as such con sisted and continued throughout a very large and decided opposition. : j arse :e NEW ADVEKI'IMlCraiSN A. M. Conway A card. Mtjnson No better time. Heinsbekgbk School books. Notice Carolina Yacht Club. Harbison & Allkh Straw hats. Wabbbk's Candies Beat in the State Caution Notick Crew Robert & Mary, T. J. SoutherlantjI Baggage transfer, Lucas If Ota Five bales were the receipts of cotton at this port yesterday. ! ? , The Senate has confirmed the nomination of Capt V. Y. Richardson, of Columbus county, as U. S. Marshal for the Eastern District of North Carolina. ' - j A match game of base ball was played yesterday between the "Starlights " and the '.'Young Seasides" juvenile clubs. The game was Won by the Young Seasides. Score, 10 to nothing. - ; ; j A new design for, postal cards is to appear in about two months. The chief alteration is the substitution of white paper and black ink for tinted paper and brown ink and the removal of the stamp from the upper corner to the centre of the upper third of the card. Raaa Ball mt TolanoC A teWram to the Stab from Toisnot. N. C., says that a match game of base ball was played at that place yesterday Battle boro against Toisnot. The latter won the game in eight inningsF Score 13 to ?. ''' ' '" "; . .' -'. -"--. : - i " " '--A- -;-1 ; N. THURSDAY Tbe Dumk to Uie Brttlalt Bits Rol l:, ert and Mary ' , ' '1. t A survey was held yesferday upon the British brig Robert anSTIary .' damaged by collision on Saturday last with the revenue cutter Colfax." The board was composed of Mr. James H. Chadbourn; .'Capt. Joseph; Price, Mr. R. H. Beery and the master of the (British barque Enterprise, ' Capt. IV Carroll. The board report that upon ex amination, they found evidence, on . the port side of the brig, amidships, of the latter having been run into by eotno vessel,: reported to have been the IL 8 revenue cutter ; Colam. j, The. " covering board t is dented, requiring an anchor htock piece. The board recommend that two of tha planks ba taken out,: f r im butt to-' butt and replaced, and the other two left for f urther examination after the two arc taken out; about forty-four feet near the1 main rail from scarf to scarf,' bulwarks, and fore sheet chock repaired. The report adds: "We also find four treenails and one bolt started, which will have to be overhauled and fastened. We find some slight indica tionof the ceiling of the ship having been slatted from the timbers abreast of the damaged place, which can be better exam ined when the outer planks are off. ) The! fore-royal mast is broken, which will ne cessitate a new top-gallant royal mast. In order to do the work above recommended,; we&dvi9e that. the vessel be listed at the! wharf, either by shifting -or taking but a portion of the cargo." ' J ! Small FIrea. ' ' There were two small fires yesterday af ternoon between two and three o'clock. The alarm for each was given from Box No. 35 corner of Eighth and Market streets. ! , The first fire was on Tenth street, be tween Market and Dock, on . the , roof of a small frame building belonging to Mr. Jno. G. Oldenbuttel and occupied : by negroes. The damage was slight a small hole burned in the roof. V - . ; The second fire was on Market street, be tween Thirteenth and Fourteenth; a Maze discovered on- the roof of a two-story frame buildimg owned by Mr. Geo. Kidder and occupied by colored people. The fire was started by a spark from the chimney of an adjoining house. The damage in this case, also, was very slight. The Fire Department, in both instances, turned out at the first lap of the bell; but its services Were not brought into requisi tion. ; ' ' j Colombua Court- Superior Court for Columbus county. Judge Gilmer presiding, has been in session this week. There was very' little business and it was expected that an adjournment for the term would be had yesterday even ing. J On Tuesday two colored men Lewis Hall and Wm. Quince were tried .and convicted of an attempt to wreck a railroad train by placing obstructions on the track. They were sentenced to ten years each in the State penitentiary. Messrs. Lewis and Schulken were the prisoners' counsel. . So licitor Mclver, for the State,; was assisted by CM. Stedman, Esq . of this city,' and Messrs. G. A'. Ramsay and Bruce Williams of Pender. " I Dnpllu Democrat, ! A correspondent at Warsaw says that the Democratic Convention for Duplin county, held on the 3rd inst. . made the following nominations : For the Senate John U. Bryan. ! House John D. Southerland. . j Superior Court Clerk R. C. Broad hursl. Register of Deeds H. C. Moore. f Sheriff Jas. G. Kenan. . Treasurer J. W. Wells. ! 1 i . - - - -).- Baao Ball Tournament. ! It is proposed to hold a base ball tourna ment in Columbia on August 23, 24, 25 and 26. and secure the attendance of the best amateur clubs of the State as well as of Georgia and North Carolina. The idea is to let the visiting clubs pay their own ex penses, but to give to the winners from 50 to 75 per cent, of the gross gate receipts. If the plan is favorably considered the details will be announced hereafter, and low rail road rates will be arranged. . j ; The Fayetteville Convention. , j; Mr. J." D. Stanley of Brunswick writes to the Stab in relation to the recent Judi cial Convention in Fayetteville . Cumber' land, Bladen. Moore and a part of Bruns wick, he says, withdrew from the conven tion on account of alleged unfairness, and these counties, although solidly for Mr. Mclver, did not nominate him, but simply held a meeting of protest. ' f Blattlatrate'a Conrt, ' , ' Elijah Keeter, arrested on a peace war rant issued at the instance of T. J. Chad wick, was brought before Justice Millis yesterday, when the prosecutor withdrew the bond and the defendant was required to pay the costs; The same defendant was charged with carrying concealed weapons, but there was no evidence to sustain the accusation. ( -! al a Uattleanakea In Pender. A correspondent' of the Stab, writing from Burgaw under date of August (2d, says that James Batchelcr, Esq., who Eves about two miles : from Maple Hill, Pender county, killed twenty-six rattlesnakes a few days ago. All the snakes were found In a hollow log. ; . . i . i ' . Carolina Tacnt Clno. . j fThe next regular regatta is announced to be sailed over the Wrig htsville course to morrow (Friday)..: The boats are ordered to report at half-past 12 o'clock; the race to begin at 1 p. m. -. i, AUGUST 5; 1886. War Department, U. S. Slrnal 8mlc, ' - U.S. Army. iru ' ;. ;: Division rf Telegrams and Reports for the Benefit of Commerce and Agriculture: i f: rcoTroiBra,x ittjfci,ExiN. f ThefoUowing table shows Jhe average maximum and minimum temperature, and average amount - of . rainfall, .' at the dis tricts named. Each district includes from ten to twenty stations of observation, and the figures given below are the mean values of all reports sent to each centre of district. Observations taken daily at 6 P. M.. 75th meridian time. 1 T i " 1 i August 4, 1886 8 P.M ; - ' g AVEBAGE Districts." Max.- J Min 1 Ram - 5 Temp.Temp. Fall. Wilmington.... 11 , 84 66 .06 Charleston 8 78 65 .80 Augusta....... 12 83 .66 .15 Savannah 16 86 71 .14 Atlanta. : 12 80 67 .05 Montgomery . . 10 '91 68 .00 Mobile 9 91 66 .11 New; Orleans .. 14 . 94 71" I .00 Galveston. 20 98 76 : .00 Vicksburg. 2 93 69 .00 Little Rock. .. . 16 87 69 .26 : Memphis...... 19 83 64 .27. Weatner IndleatioBC " The following are the indications for to-J day: ; '"' - ; '-i ' v - ; ; For North. Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and East Florida, local rains, va riable winds becoming southerly," slightly warmer,' . V. ".:.! - RIVER AND MARINE. r Nor. barque Spes, Gundersen, hence. arrived at Hamburg August 3. j ' Arrivals from Fayetteville report the river in good boating order, but falling. -- Quarterly meeting. Third Round for the WUmington Dis trict of the Methodist E. Church, South : ; Onslow circuit, at the Half Moon Au gust 9. Duplin circuit, at Richlacds, August 7 and 8. ' Topsail circuit, at Union Chapel, August 14 and 15. - I Carver's Creek circuit, at Carver's Creek,' August 21 and 22. .' Clinton circuit, at Johnson's Chapel, Au gust 26 and 27. i Magnolia circuit, at Bryan's Chapel, Au gust 28 and 29. Brunswick circuit, at Zion, September 4 and 5. ' Wilmington, at Fifth Street. September 12. . - I Patji J. Cabbawav, j . Presiding Elder. . THE BIAII.S. The mails close and arrive at the City Post Office as follows: t i CLOSE. Northern through mails, fast . 8.-00 P. H Northern through and way mail,s .... 8.-00 A. M Through mall for all points north of Blohmond . lOKWP.M. Kalelgh .6:30 P. M. dr 8:00 A. M Malla for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied therefrom Including A. N. C. Railroad, at. . .8:00 P. M. A 8:00 A. M. Southern malls for all points South, dally... ; 8.-00 I.M. Western malls (C. C. Railway) daily , (except Sunday) 840 P. M. Allpolnt8 between Hamlet and Balelgh 6:30 P. M. Mail for Cheraw and Darlington Ball road 8:00 P.M. X&lls for points between Florenoe and Charleston .f. 8:00 P. M. Fayetteville, and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays 1:00 P. M. PayetteTUle, via C. C. B. B., dally, ex- oeot SuadaTs fi-fln p. v. 0nalow C. H. and Intermediate offices, Tuesaaysanajmoays...... zaoa.h. Smlthvule mails, by steamboat, dally (except Sundays).: 3:30A.M. Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shal- lotte and Little Blver, Tuesdays and Fridays. . . . J 2.-00 P. M. Wrtjrhtsvllle dally at... 8:30A.M. I OPEN FOB DELIVERY. Northern through and way malls 7:00 A.M. Southern mails 9.30 A. M Carolina Central Railroad.. 0:30 A. M Stamp Office open from 7.30 A. M. to 6 P. M Money Order and Register Department open 8:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. continuous. Mails oolleoted from street boxes from bus nesB portion of city at 5 A.K., 11:30 A.M. and 5X0 P.M.; from other parts of the olty at 5 P.M. and 5 A.M. - General delivery open from 7 A.M. to 6.00 P.M. and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. Carriers delivery open on Sunday from 8:30 to 9.30 A, M. t H Railroad time. 75th meridian. i -- ai : MBS. W1NSLOWS SOOTHTN3 STBTJP. Rhv. Stlvanus Cobb thus writes In the Boston Chris tian Freeman :- We would by no means recom mend any kind of medicine which we did not know to be good particularly to infants. But of Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup we can speak from knowledge; in our own family it has proved a blessing Indeed, by giving an Infant troubled with oolio pains, quiet sleep, and the parents un broken rest at night. Most parents can appre ciate these blessings. Here la an article which works to perfection, and which is harmless; for the sleep which It affords the infant is perfectly natural, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a button." And during the process of teeth ing its value is Incalculable, we have frequent ly heard mothers say that they would not be without It from the birth of the child till it had finished with the teething siege, on any conside ration whatever. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents a bottle. . ,: NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Carolina Yacht Club. rpHi NEXT REGULAR REGATTA OF THE CA- ROLINA YACHP CLUB will be nailed over the ' !' - , w Wrlghtsviile Course FRIDAY, August 6th. Boats to report at li.50. Race to commence at 1 P. M. au51t T. W.MEAKBB, Measurer. Ship Notice. - All persons are hereby cautioned against narDonng or trusting any or the crew of the British Brig ROB ERT St MARY, as no debts of their contracting will be paid by the Cap tain or . PATEBSON, DOWNING St CO., Consignees. . i au 5 It j. Straw Hats ! TUNLAP'S NUTRIA STIFF HATS ! ' UMBRELLAS I HARRISON St ALLEN, I Hatters. au 5 tf Baggage Transfer. jpo R PROMPT CALLS AND DELIVERY OF i. ' . , -. :. .: - - ' . BAGGAGE leave your orders at T. J. fiOUTHER- . - j ... LAND'S LIJERY STABLE, North Second St. Orders fot Carriages promptly filled. . T.J. SOUTHERLAND, : Livery and Sale Stables, ' : au s tf Nos. 108 St 110 North Second St llUUUonce, DR. SCOTT'S ELECTRIO OOOB8, t& Broadway, Mew York. Th Only Gnulae, . ; my 78m ' sawe fr ''''' i 1 Ac- WHOLE NO. 6200 ,NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A Card. I: H4VB HO DISPOSITION WHATEVER TO use tho name of Rev. T . Prltchard, or any of the white Baptists of this city, against theft will, or otherwise, because I know a great many of them are not friendly toward us. At the saroa time I thought he waa. and Z asked him to sign my paper to aid me la building my church.' He aid so,taud that Is why I used his rune. Brother . Prltchard. in yesterday's Stab, said he once gave me an endorsement of character, but afterwards withdrew tt. i did not so understand It At any rate, will the Dr. tell the public why he withdrew uuouuureouioBiui ua&raeier irommer 1 may be misleading the public and citizens of Wilming ton, and I am sure. If so, it would be the duty of uiwuaru iu luiurm mem. f 53 -- Beepeotiully, r-A. M. CONWAY, i Pastor of 1st Colored Baotist Church, au 5 lt . Wilmington. N. C School Books. TUST BECETVED, ANOTHER I LARGE AS t - i. .-. - - 1 sortment of SCHOOL BOOKS, for all the differ! ent Schools In the State, which will bo sold very cheap for cash at ! I , HEINSBERGER'S. Pianos and Organs COLD FOR CASH, AT THE VERY LOWEST prices, also on the Popular Monthly Instalment Plan, at' au5tf - - HEINSBEBGER'S Cash Book and Musio Store. WARREN'S CAIiDIESJ Best in the State. MADE FRESH EVERY DAYJ 3 for $1.00. au 5tf There is No Better Time . 1 - - -i -- - i npHAN THE PRESENT TO BUY CLOTHING, so far as prices are concerned. GOOD Clothes can be bought of US for a small amount of mo- au51t 1 - . Clothier, Sto. ROANOKE COLLEGE. IN THE VIRGINIA MOUNTAINS. At T. A SfiTf! A T. A TOT R( 'I ItM'I'l VI n nrTTBatra mva degrees. Also, Business and Preparatory Courses. Special attention to English, French and flflrmftn onnlrnn. TJhru 1(1 flfift nklnnini Best moral and religious Influences, ' expenses ror nine montns f 149, 9176 or J201, Including-tuition, board, Ac. Increasing pat ronage from Fifteen States, Indian Territory and Mexico. THIRTY -FOURTH SESSION BE GINS SEPTEMBER 16TH. M For Catalogue (with view of grounds, build ings and mountains), address j JULIUS D. PREHEB. President. Jy 13 ltn tn th sa Salem, Virginia. Medical College of Virginia, RICHMOND. F RTY-NINTH SESSION COMMENCES OC TOBER 4, 1886, CONTINUING SIX MONTHS. ; . i l For further information write for Catalogue. J. S. DORSBY CULLEN, ! .- ' - , .... - Professor of Surgery, kjy8 8m th Dean of Faculty. tuowan Baptist Feiale j Institute. MURFREESBORO, N. C. . j ::-. I - rpHH mSTTTUTION OFFERS SUPERIOR AN- vantages for the higher culture of Young Ladles. Best talent employed in all departments. The location is healthy. Fall session begins on Wednesday, October 6. For catalogue address j ; aulSw J. B. BREWER. Bellevue High School. BEDFORD CO., VIRGINIA. 1 i ! The 21at Annual SeaalonOpens Septem ber 15tn, 1886. , For Catalogue or Special information, apply to W R. ABBOT, Princidal, , Jyl7.D&W2m BeUevue P. O , Va. ST. IIABY'S SCHOOL, -''I RALEIGH, W. C.L v' I rpni B ADVENT TERM, THE 91ST SEMI-AN NU- AL SESSION, begins THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9th, 18S6. For Catalogues address the Rector, , Je 96 2m REV. BENNETT 8MBDBS, A. M. 1 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, . ! BALTIMORE. UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGIATE COURSES, i The programmes for the next academic year will be sent on application. i Jyl9 8m . tnthsat ! Entertainment. ! rjJHB LADIES OF THE BROOKLYN BAPTIST CHURCH will give an Entertainment :at BROOK- 1 ' ::- ' - I , J LYN HALL, on THURSDAY, AUGUST 5TH, at 8 o'clock, to aid in building a Church. Friends are requested to assise. . mu aasxc Change of Schedule, j 0N AND AFTER AUGUST 4TH, 1886, WAG ONETTES will leave my Stable for WRIGHTS VILLE SOUND, at 5.30 P. M. au4 3t T, J. SOUTHERLAND. A Bargain. A PINK LOT OF WHEAT BBAN: OATS AND HAY, that must be sold at once. Now is your chance to buy Cow Feed cheap, i Call at once or you will lose a Bargain. , , i- , i MARSHALL St MANNING, ; ! i Gen. Com. Merchants, . 24 North Water St., Wilmington. N. C ' : au 4 DW tf ., -. -.. .-. ., j-- . . J - - - i THK UNDERSIGNED WILL BE IN NEW YORK during September, for the purpose of select ing personally PIANOS and ORGANS for cus tomers. This method of obtaining Instruments has proved entirely successful. The largest num ber of Pianos are on hand In September, conse quently the finest selections can be made, and by our direct transactions we can effect a large saving in the price. Address for fullparticulara, mUJT. JK. YAK liftJtK, an 3 DA Wlm .Wilmington, N. c. Useful! and Beautiful. WE HAVE NOT ONLY LIGHTNING-RODS' but beautiful ornaments for same. COOK STOVES, although modest, we do not heeltate to say that we can knock the spots out of any thing in this market, either hi price or quality. Just come around and we will satisfy you. Freezers, Coolers, Refrigerators. Workmen that unaerstanatneu business is our pride. ; aultt ;--- v- ' ; PABKXB TAYXOB. KATE1 O AJDVEISTISINC J One Square One Day..... $ r " " - Two Days, 175, "'- Three Days-, S 60 " " Pour Days,. . 8 00 " " Fire Days, 60 " One Week, , 00 " Two Weeks ,6 6c. ' " Three Weeks,. . "8 CO ." , " One Moatn,.... 10 00 " - " - 2 MonSk,.......,........ IS 00 " JTtfe Months,... 84 00 " Six Months, , 40 OG, ,.V One Year,...,. 60 00 : precontract Advertisements taken at propor- " tlonatelylow rates. : ; . r J:. ; Ten lines solid Nonpareil type make one squar- NBTW ADVERTISEMENTS. " LINC0LIIT0N HOTEL, W. T. MASSEYi Proprietor, I Uncolnton. W. C. ' : TVULtlnn YlAaltllv VAirafatn vp!a " J . mvimiiwii iron UUHr ' ; vatory fine, and mountain breezes delightful. House thoroughly renovated, and a two-story ' Piazza along entire front added since last season. ' Servants polite and attentive. Hirot clfuia T.lmm v Hf-oKlo 4t. vi - conneoted, and prloes moderate. , . xiavu wwi, wlu uiiuiB, ana are jree to quests. per monih, $25. Special rates to families. Llnoolnton is one of the healthiest towns in Western North Carolina, and the ehango of oil- v mate, together with our pure Free-stone, Alum, ouiyaur sau xrou waters, wmcn are iurmehed free to all guests, certainly tend to recuperate uu uuyivTo ui. uwiui ui any liivaiiu. j ... of all Eastern Carolinians, many of whom we can - roier io irom me out oi Wilmington. i - ror any further information address ( , - : - W. T. MASSEY, Proprietor, ! , ! ' :. v ' Lincolnton Hotel, ! ., , . . r Lincolnton, N. C. - HnTfn1. Mineral RnrfniM .(hiatiui .... ': - a half miles from Lincolnton Hotel. The propri etor of Lincolnton Hotel transports all of Its guests to Springs, every morning, free of charge. per gallon, or Mai. Burton will deliver the water u au kussu u auuu ab 13 ccnia per gauon. . jq so am . t . 1 ! .: I Some Attractions ) H Low Shoes for Gents, I Slippers for Ladles Misses and Children, j H Kid and Goat Button; Boots for Ladies' Wear, j ; y In GREAT VARIETY and at LOW PRICES at Geo. B. French & Sons; 1. 103 NORTH FRONT STREET j j j?31 tf , - . -.-'(, Without Discount ! I rpBS LIVERPOOL St LONDON & GLOBE INS. x. Co . pays all losses without discount. - - Over 836,000.000 paid In the United States by this Company for losses since 1838. -' I " ' J. Wr Gordon & Smith j AGENTS, No. Ill N. Water Street. Telephone No. 73. au 1 tf r j Notice. fEB DIRECTORS OF THE BANE OF NEW HANOVER have declared a Semi-Annual Divi dend of Four Per Cent., payable on the 10th inst. to Stockholders of record of that date. - 8. D. WALLACE, Cashier. Wilmington, N. C, August 3. i auSlth Garden Beans TJV)R FALL GROWTH. j TURNIP SEED, CABBAGE SEED, : The Highest Grades, For sale low. i i WILLIAM H. GREEN St CO au4tf STARTLING You Cannot Afford to i Ignore Tliem. FACTS! The following article appears in a recent lssne of the New York Commercial Bulletin i "An expert ex amined and reported upon a sample of Chicago refined lard, the other day, which he said-did noteontain a pound of hogs' fat, bat consisted of tallow, grease, cotton seed oil, and oleostearine." i Is s neb. a mixture cheap at any price ? GASSARD'S "STAR" IEAKD i IS PURE. STXBY PACKAGB IS GUARANTEED. 1 Try it and you will use no other. i i C. CASSARD & SON, nforeIi B ALTIMOR E, M D Oarer, oftbe oetebnMd " Star Brand 1 Mild Cured HatBh Jyllly i IP V ' Cotton Gin Insurance '-4."-,J : . PLACED AT $ , . ' j ' . : ; I REASONABLE RITES. For blank applications write to M. 8. WILLAKD, 214 N. Water St. au 1 D&Wlm Flour, Bacon, Lard, &c QQQ Bbls FLOUR, all grades, 7 . 1 A A Boxes D 8. and Smoked C.R. 8IDESJ XV V ' - - 1- . rjf Cases and Buckets LARD, . i 1 A A Hhds and Bbls New Ctod 1UU Cuba MOLASSES X00 Kennea buuakh, au graaes, 1 200 1iaCa 0110100 BIO COFFEE. 25 BbL CAROLINA BICE. ,. J j -,; 25 Bales BANDOLPH SHEETING, ' 2q Bales RANDOLPH YARN.. ' . 500 Bandles HOOP ' L OK Bbls DISTILLER'S GLUE, -J5Q Kegs NAILS. . ; JQQ Cases CONCENTRATED LYE, . C A Cases BALL POTASH, - J. 25 Boxes CANDY, 1 50 380X68 CANDLKe ' ' Seap, 8tarch. Snuff, Tebacco, , , ; : ' Craokers, c., Ac., Ac. i For sale low by -au2 tf ' . WILLIAMS RANKIN St CO. To be Sold Low, ': r -:-:'- I, 200 80X68 OICK BRANDS TOBACCO, 50,000 CIGARS.. ' 1 - i" J '- : . :..- . '. .:i .. Ta aIada AAnatonmanfa . -v !l - - . -.... SAM'L BEAR, Sr.-, ---'I Jy 27 tf ; r v. ' 18 Market 8treet. ' ii ,' M fiCIITC with small capital; We have something "vii-j3 'A new, no risa, targe prouis. special au day ? affer, wrtta at once. - EanaatjSl Canal stK. :p.i?:- -' V; :-';X4 r j i .: 4 . j . - f ',1 .. - -1 ' ' :V ' - , '-- -Vv ; --.. - r.-:. -v .. ;(''--"'.' "'a ' 'Jt , 1 .