Mornin Star The ElATHa a invimTiiinfli - j fiy WILLIAM n. BERNAIID. PUBLISHED bailx jjuKre muhuays BATBS OF STTBSOBlPIIOiC, Hf aVDYAHCX. ?? .v one Year (by Mall), Postage Paid........... $7 00 Months, - " 00 TUree Months''. . -, !M TwoMontbs, - - ,-t. 1 60 one Montn. r . -i-... .;.. - ? 43 rtf-To City Subscribers, delivered in any part of the City, Fhtmh Ckhtb per week. ; Our City a cents are not authorised to collect tor more than tnree months in advance: , ai.aMMWMWM,,BI,,s,s',ssS""ssl , as Second Class Matter. . .- Sning - edition, OUTL1XES. .- N. S. Bates, who murdered bis wife, was 1. . irt( O Walter Gandy, a fduryear old boy, was bit ten by a mad dog on the 8th inst., he died yesterday from hydrophobia, after suffering horrible agonies. , -The. police in New York have great difficulty in protecting disturbances occurred : during the day; a general tig up is expected.:; Knights of Labor io Chicago held a mass meeting for the purpose of taking eteps towards organ izing a Workingman's 1 Party in the approaching-election. A. mining super intendent in Mexico, representing a Phila delphia Company, complains of ill-treatment by Mexican " authorities. Four, persons were killed and several others se. Columbus, Ohio. The Czar of Rus sia says that Prince Alexander of Bulgaria must be forwarded to Kisaeneff if he re- . fnaiig t i nhlint.p Thn StfttA T)mrt. cratic Convention of Illinois met at Spring field; Hon. Jas. N. Duncan, temporary chairman, in his - speech, praised the ad ministration ot President; Cleveland. The Republican Convention of Michigan nominated Cyrus G.'Luce fot. Governor. . The State Ptohibitton Convention of Pennsylvania nominated a full ticket. New York markets: Money '37 per cent; . cotton easy at 9i9 7 lCc; wheat, No. 2 reo September 88f89tc; southern Hour weak; corn, No. 2 August 51Jc; rosin dull at $1 001 05; (spirits turpentine Rev. A. V. N epper, of Rock River Conference, stole funds and has been expelled. . -; ' ' '' ; : - ' - - This will turn out not to be a good year for kicking Democrats, whether papers or candidates - Look to the Legislature. Demo crats vote only for Democrats. Pick good, capable men and elect them. I Two young men, (Louis Ludekins and Edward T. Sbaw, were swallow ed up in the surf at New Brighton Beach, Sullivan's Island, S. C. - , The Ne w York car drivers had good and sufficient cause f or striking. They were made to ido sixteen hours' work a day. Brgh ought to inter fere for cruelty to man and beast. Blaine's opening-gun in Maine it may turn out has "kicked the owner over," like Jonathan Trumbull's man who "hunted for duck or plov er." Jeems fired his gun at the Tariff question 'and in" defense ; of Protection. " J I ;! .i Let an active campaign be pressed in September and October. The Re publicans are powerless only as they hope for help from disappointed and badly regulated Dembcratickickers. When a fellow .flops . put your foot upon him politically. " ; Prince Alexander - was Spirited away by a regiment of Russian cav alry that surrounded his palace at midnight. He was aroused from his sleep, completely taken by surprise, was a prisoner before he knew it and was taken away at a gallop. It is the duty' of every Democrat to frown indignantly upon all kick era. Their aim is to break up the Democratic party. Remember Re construction and the Kirk War I 'Remember CanbyV bayonets and Carpet-bag rule! Remember you are men and North Caroli mens. c Mr. Gladstone . has- prepared j" a pamphlet, which will be published simultaneously, in this country and in England. It discusses Home Rale and defends his own, course in con- nectiorTwith it. It will bo read with avidity by thousands who -will wish to see what the great English Libe ral has to say. - i There are fish carp in the pond at Fontainebleau that are certainly 100, and some of them may be 150, years old. From some cause they, as well as young fish, are dying. ..The London Pall Mall Gazette says: i "Thackeray conjectured that ' those he saw at Sans Souci were the identical fishes that t rederick the Great used to throw morsels of bread to and watch . fighting for them. They, had great humps of blue- mom on their old backs ana were ; mon strously uelv and unwholesome looking. The authenticity of the Fontainebleau carp is, however, beyond conjecture, aa the keepers of the palace have means of know ing the dates by marks too- the' nose and mouth of each fish. ' v-u : viU We are glad to see that Mr. James H. Merrimon is vindicated, f and by the Asheville Citizen. 4 It says that he "is not obnoxious 5 to the criticism which has been heat.nweid nnon him." The Stae, of , course, knew nothing VOL. XXXYIII.-NO. of the facts.'. It did not even know that Mr. Merrimon had apperred in the case until we saw his course'erit- icised and censured by the Charlotte Democrat, The following from the Ultisen puts Mr. Merrimon all right as far as we are concerned. It says: "Neither Mr Marrimnn nnr mi Athnr-nf the attorneys who advised the court volun- leerea, nor ua taey appear as prosecutors or of the , Citizen, but as triends of the court. The CitizsA Stated in ita first wTnrt nt tha proceedings, that all of these gentlemen aDDcared in the at thfi rfinnnnt. thn tiourt." - ! The effect of the ailantos tree up on health ' is verv bad. Cant: Curtis, of; New York, is suffering from the effects of poison from! this tree. In July and August the pol len is particularlv uoisonous. I The . . . ; . i following we find in the New York Star is instructive. It savst "Capt. Curtis is a friend of ex-President Arthur, and when he read in the careers. how, after beneficial trips in the park, he always had relapses after returning home, be went to his house to Bee if there was an ailantus handy. There was. On the ave nue in front of his house there were rows of them and three in the back yard. ) The captain diagnosed the case at once, and told General Arthur that he was breathing poi son, tie quoted lots or cases of that kind until the ex-President was at last impress ed, and promised to go away. He went to New London and began to mend at once. Captain Curtis said that he knew of ots of such cases in this city. In .Brooklyn the health authorities have made war: unon them long ago." . : i Here is a description of Senator Butler, of South Carolina, that! may or may not be complimentary accord ing to the political standing point from which it is viewed. The Spring field (Mass.) Republican says: i . "Gen. Butler, of South Carolina, bo fa mous tea years ago for his reputed connec tion with the Hamburg massacre, is one of the handsomest, smoothest voiced, and mildest mannered men iu the Senate, and on financial questions he is nearly always found voting with .Edmunds. Hawley and Dawes." : ' ' ' : ! : If we were in tbeSenate we would much- prefer to have it said that we were "almost always found voting with .Beck, Coke, Harris, fance Vest, Maxey, Salisbury, and j Mor gan. ; Spirits Turpentine. , About one, sometimesj two copies, of the Fayelteville Jfeic comes to thU office in one week. Senator Harris, of Tennessee has North ; Carolina blood in him. His father was a native of Granville county. - The Winston Daily is out again much enlarged and improved- We congratulate the editor, Mr. P. A. Snider, upon bis restoration to liealtb and enlarged form.:- r- - :": -:' ';!::, . ... - - ( - Winston Daily: There is a rumor abroad to the effect that an indepen dent paper is to be established at Marion, McDowell county, by a. 11. urowson, late of the Morgan ton Blade. - ? Raleigh Chronicle'. Sterling Ruffin, of North Carolina, has been ap pointed to a $1,000 position in the Adju tant General's Office, War .Department, under Civil Servico rules. i Asheville Advance: There is manifestly a painful anxiety on the part of the public to know what course ihe Advance will pursue ni reference to the candidates who will be before the people. T6 relieve this, we now announce our purpose to sup port Ma j; W. H. M alone in ihe contest. Asheville Advance: Mai. Ma- Ione, the people's candidate, will be elected in spite of the bosses and machine organs. The fight' is between the people and the rings . Mr. John rosey was thrown by a mule Saturday night and his leg was broken between the knee and hip; He is doing as well as could be expected.! f rr Asheville Citizen: Bishop Har grove of the M. E Church South, 'reached the city yesterday evening, and stopped with Dr. 'Atkins at the Female College. We are directed by ' Mr. Geo. W.- Qampton. ; who was nominated by the mixed convention of Republicans and Dem ocrats last Saturday for the office of County Treasurer, that he peremptorily declines, - Fayetteville News: Mr. Arthur Avent, aged 20, a prominent young man of Haywood, who has- been spending some time with his uncle, Mr. J. R. Partridge, near Joncsboro, : intentionally, shot and killed himself a few days since. . He asked bis uncle where would be a good place to shoot a man if it was desired to produca certain death. He was told "just above the ear; on the side of the head." He availed himself of this information and took his own life. - . ... - , - Rockingham Rocket: From a private letter - from a - friend at, Norwood, Stanly county, we quote as follows r , "The crop prospects are just splendid, except low. grounds, which were ruined by the freshet. Upland corn is fine and . I don't think I ever saw a belter prospect fori cotton." Last Thursday, night's -train! on' the Raleigh . Augusta;railroad; ran jover two men, beastly drunk,' at a point not.far from Keyser, " the car wheels severing the head of one from ihe body" and the -other being so terribly hurt as that his life, "at last ac-. counts was despaired of,; They were bro thers named Thompson ;and .resided in -this county. iK, .-tzt - T P1 ElizabethCity Sjfoteoti: It is thought that the Republicans , in jthls dis- trict will nominate - for Congress Judge AlbertsoD and for. Solicitor; Judge .p. C. tool. While three men were boating .wood off Stumpy Point on . Saturday last, one of them named Midgett was' knocked overboard and drowned. A desperate efr fort was made to save him, but owing to a high wind came -near resulting in the loss of all;three.; Swearing has, become so prevalent in this town that it iseems al most impossible to listen to the iconversa tion. of any group! of young men on our streets, even for ? a few ; minutes, without hearing language that ought never to pass the lips of anv man, and which- pf ten is a disgrace to our nineteenth century civiliza tion.; , ' - ' r - A correspondent jof tb0 Qolds- 134. WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY , AUGUST 27, 1886 boroLrjTi say s the Stab was placed io the corner stone of the Baptist Church at Teachey's." - He says of the addresses : Dri : Pritchard came forward, and you may rest assured the Doctor did full justice to the subject. 1 He-held the large audience in perfect quiet,- while they feasted on ' the learned sayings and useful information as it flowed from his lips for more than an hour; Grand Master C . H. - Robinson came forward, and in a few pleasant, well said words, introduced ? Deputy Grand Master Martin, of Wilmington, who de livered one of the finest and - most sensible Masonic addresses I have ever - heard. ' It. was the very essence of eloquence, and was Masonry in ita purity." - : : . . j . ' Charlotte Observer: Mr! Walter E. Toy, Prpf essor of French and German at the State ; University, who has . been spending his vacation in Paris, has reached his native city, Norfolk,-'-. Va.; after a favor able voyage of eight days. Mr. Wil son Furr, a young man of Locust Level, Stanly county, was feund dead in his barn on the night of the 2lst inst. by his wife, and it is supposed that he was kicked to death by a mule Prof. Matthew S. Solterman - was elected superintendent of the teachers' training school, the same po sition formerly held by Prof. Corlew. rf From parties who arrived in the city yes terday morning on tde Richmond & Dan! -ville road, our reporter learned that late Mobday night, a heavy .fire occurred in ReldaviUe, destroying a tobacco ware house and two stores.-The burned out merchants were Messrs. A. M. Burton & Co., and Williams & Co. The tobacco warehouse was owned by A. M. Whitsett & Co. The loss is very heavy, and will probably reach $18,000. The amount of insurance is not known, but it will not be sufficient to cover the loss, The fire is be lieved to have been accidental. Reidsville has a steam fire engine, and it did good work on this occasion. ; . j'- Raleigh . News- Observer: Capt. G. D. - Rand and first lieutenant B.C. White, of the Governor's Guard, having resigned, Mr. E. B. Englehard was elected captain and Mr. D. S. Waitt first lieuten ant at a meeting held last evening. -Reports from Oxford say - that tobacco in that section has been greatly damaged by wet weather,, but that the prospects are brighter than they were a month ago. . It is twoMbirds; of an average crop as to weight. Some tobacco has taken a second growth. All crops except tobacco are fine. At Moore Superior Court last week William Morgan and Mrs. Lovely Jane Davis were tried. Morgan submitted. Lovely Jane did not. want to put in an appearance. It appears that Morgan and Davis, the husband of . Lovely Jane, had. agreed to swap wives, Davis . paying Morgan $1JS0 " boot. " This arrange ment was "acceptable ' to Lovely Jane, but not so to the wife of Morgan, who ab solutely refused to be swapped off. Davis fled to parts unknown. Morgan, being in terrogated by the court and solicitor, said that he had been living with Lovely Jane about fifteen years; that he was young and ignorant at the time, being then only some thirty-odd years of age, and did not know h was any harm to trade his wife; that be wanted to get back his license money Morgan is now in Carthage jail, undergoing, sentence. 8ome days ago mention was made of the fact that Mrs. Paul C. Came ron, of Hillsboro, would present a portrait of her father, the late Chief Justice Raffln, to the Supreme Court of North Carolina. The oortrait is in oil. life-size, and is bv J. Chief Justice Ruffin standing near a table. The accuracy of the portrait is remarkable, Gov.-Scales says, as do others who! have seen it The great picture, in size about 7ix4 feet, is handsomely framed. On the lower part of the frame is the following in scription: "Thomas Ruffin, Sr., who sat las a Justice of. the Su preme Court of ' North Carolina for twenty-four years, of. which time he presided more than nineteen years as its Chief Justice. 'Labor ipse est voluptas.' Presented to the Supreme' Court of North Carolina by Mrs. . Paul C. Cameron, as! a token of respect for the Court and venera tion for her father." I it w AJDVBKTaaiCjniaf re. Muhsom New suitings. CoixraB'& Co Auction sale . Hkiksbekger School books. ; AtTESTicN Democrats Fifth Ward. G. R French & Son How to be happy. Iioeml Do i - -- Predatory cows .are again the rampage. The first rice birds were market yesterday. on in . - Cotton comes in slowly, i There were no receipts yesterday. . . ' - The remains of Col H. B. Short were taken to Lake Waccamaw on yester day evening's train for the SoutbLS : There will be a match g ame of base ball between the "City Boys'- and the "Enterprise" at the Seaside Grounds at 4 o'clock to-day. ' ' - , ; J. C. Price, the colored prator, delivered a lecture at St. Luke's Church Wednesday evening which is very highly spoken of. His subject was the "Welfare and Prosperity of the Colored Race." J ; J ' Messrs, Alex.' Sprunt & Son cleared the British barque Jane Harvey yes terday; for Hull, England, with 546 caBks of spirits turpentine, measuring 27,237 gal lons, and 2,144 barrels of rosin, " weighing 811,880 pounds; of the total value of $17, 1000. . - ; Onitow Ballfoad. : The executive committee of. the tncorbo1 rators of Ihe Wilmington, 4 Onslow & East Carolina Railroad ! have caused books of subscription to be opened at the banks in this city and have appointed Mr. S . D.! Wallace, Cashier of the Bank of New Han-; over, and Mr. Asa K. Walker, Cashier of the First National Bank, to receive sub scriptions, under certain rules and regula--tions that are published by the , comm ttee An 'AceMnU -tiiJn &v.t .- ;" The front axle of; Mri L; Yollers' deliv ery wagon broke ' ''short off" between the wheels, while the wagon' was going down Front street yesterday, afternoon at a lively gait. The driver wasn't thrown put, neith er were the contents oi the wagon spilled In the street, nor did the horse "run ' a way. It was a very tame affair anjhow,' and is simply " mentioned to show , how dull and spiritless local matter' were yesterday. ' i ' A Good Burglar Alarm, ::-;T:-": " . Talking in one's sleep is an atrocious babit, and on general principles ought to be discouraged. Like other '.bad habits, howeyer, it may ; sometimes stand one in good stead is preventing something in finitely worse happening-as; it did Mr. John .Fafmer, a . trucker, who Uvea "on Swann street near Fourths On Wednes day , night s Mrs." farmer, his "wife, ; was aroused from her .slumbers by the ? wind blowing upon. her. The night lamp was flaring and threatening an explosion, - and when ; she arose - she . found - the v front door of their dwelling wide open, the lock having been forced; Nothing in the house had been disturbed, however, , and Mrs. Farmer is thoroughly convinced- that they were saved rom being plunderedby some midnight prowler only, through Mr. Far mer's habit of talking in his sleep, which frightened the burglar, off . as soon as he had succeeded in getting the door open. It is suggested that it. would be a capital idea for householders especially the "un protected female" portion, of the community v to learn to talk in their sleep. It might on occasion be a means of protection, and in some instances, perhaps, relieve them from a tendency to undue loquacity when awake unless, indeed, they can talk night and day without breaking down; - - A Cure for Diphtheria. - - - - 'E- Munch, a druggist in Leipsic, Saxony published some time ago in the Pharmacist, a medical paper, a remedy for diphtheria which has bad surprising success, being nothing more nor less that spit ita turpen tine. Dose, one teaspoon ful in the morning and the same at night. . "The result -4a really '.marvellous. The inflammation of the abnormal diphtheritic spots in the throat grows lighter at the edges, and in this way they gradually shrink until in twenty-four hours they dis appear entirely, leaving no sign. "To quiet the inflamed tonsils the throat was eargled at first every two hours, and then every three hoars, -with the folio wine gargle: One ounce chlorate potash to forty ounces of distilled water. "This remedy has been used with perfect satisfaction both by adults and children. not one case .ending fatally.- fThe Mil waukee Volksblatt quoted 'this . remedy ' from the German paper, and afterward re ceived a letter from a subscriber in Mitchell county, la , saying that a child in the wri ter's family - was attacked by diphtheria, treated by lecal-physicians and died; then four members of the same family were sim larly attacked, treated by this remedy, and, I am happy to tell you, all recovered " River and Harbor Appropriation. The River and Harbor bill as reported by the Conference Committee and adopled and signed by the President on the last day of the session, contained the following appro priations for North Carolina: BeauforJ harbor $15,000; Edenton -bay $2,000; be tween New Berna and Beaufort $10,000; Cape Fear river $168,750; Contentnea Creek $15,000; Currituck sound $10,000; Neuse river $22,500; Pamlico and Tar rivers $5,000; Black river $3,000; Roanoke river. Thoroughfare and Cashoke $20,000; Trent river $3,500; Dan river $10,000; Yadkin tiver $10,000; Bogue sound $10, 000. m m m ' " New Cotton tn New Yorli. A telegram to the Stab received last nighi, says that the first-bale of cotton of the new crop, received at New York from North Carolina, was sold at auction yester day in front of the New York Cotton Ex change, at 81 cents. The price was re garded as a little below actual value. - The cotton mentioned above in all pro bability was the bale received in Wilming ton last week by Messrs Hall & Pearsall, and sold to Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son at 11 cents per pounds It was graded strict low middling. The Old Jail. Workmen are ' busily ' engaged preparing the foundation for the new county iail, to be erected on the site ofjlhe old building de stroyed by fire some months, ago. It is staled as a singular circumstance that the pitch pine planks laid down for the found- ation of the old jail thirty years ago are found to bo perfectly sound, - showingno signs of decay whatever. ! Several free flowing springs of water have been exposed by the excavating that has been, done, Which will probably give the builders somo trouble Benefit Derived from Building; and . Lan Auoclatlona The . Charlotte ' Chronicle i; says that "among the variou3 causes that have con tributed to the permanent prosperity ! of that city none have been so potential as the several well conducted building and loan associations that are now being operated in Charlotte. They have loaned out over $200,000, and ' mostly to a class of citizens who otherwise could not perhaps have ef fected loans from any other source and upon such liberal terms. " , ; . -I f- : : : - ' - ' - -' ! RIVER AND Iff A BINE. British brigv Oeotgie, Morris, hence for Port Medray, -Patagonia, with a cargo of lumber, put in at Pernambuco on the 24th inst., with foretopmast spruDg. r She will have to discharge cargo to. repair darn' ages.!- r? Steamer Victoria JJi Peed, Stoddard ran ashore while ceming In over the bar at Beaufort, N. C, on the 23d inst. : It was expected that she would ''get off: without rtamfUTA on the'npxt hiffh water.! V - ' ' D . - 0 . . T Schr M. May, Richardson, sailed from Baltimore for this port August 24th. !: SCM BOQtS ;:ScW:BflOte. -.TTTB SELL SCHOOL BOOKS AS CHlBAP AS T f taey can oe oougnt in orui ojirouim. oena. for Price List and Discounts- to Merchants. SCHOOL' KKQTJ1S1TBS Ink. Pens, Pencils, eiaws, o uuuKCB, vupjr cwui vi else Books, &o. .---..' -.-. n --- - iuffltt - YATES' BOOK STOEK. War Department, IT. 8. Slcnal Service, Division, of Telegrams and ' Reports for the Benefit oi AJommerce and AgncuJture - COTTON-BELT . RVIiItETIN. U The following :table shows tbe 'average maximum and minimum temperature, and average amount : of -rainfall,, at the 'dis tricts named.. Each, district includes from ten to twenty stations of observation,- and the figures given below are the mean values of all reports sent to each centre of district Observations taken -daily at 6 P. M.. 75tb meridian time. , . '', . ! . August 26, 1886H5P.M. ' ..g' j - AVERAGE g Max. J Min. I Ram cd Temp. Temp. FalL 11 91 70 .23- 8 94 70 .04 11 94 70 .06 11 ( 89 74 .383 13 90 70 .02' 10 88 - 71 .22. 7 89 72 .08 13 88 68 .14 21 92 , . 68 .14 5 92- 70 . 17 91 66 .02 19 90 J 64 .q5 DlSTKICTS. Wilmington . .. Charleston.'.; . : Augusta....... Savannah ..... Atlanta ....... Montgomery . . Mobile....... New Orleans . . Galveston... . m Vicksbu..,... Little Rock. . . . Memphis . . . . . Watixer Indication. J The following are the indications for to day: . . .- ' - - . For North Carolina, - fair weather, va riable j wiodfr ;'becoming southerly, and silightly warmer. ; .' - , anarterly laeennca. Third Round for the Wilmington Dis trict of the Methodist E. Church, South : Clinton circuit, at Johnson's Chapel, Au gust 26 and 27. . Magnolia circuit, at Bryan's Chanel, Au gust 28 and 29. . Brunswick circuit, at Zion, September 4 and 5.i - - Wilmington, at Fifth Street. September 12. . -r . . . ! PAfTL J. Cahrawav, I - Presiding Elder: ! 'j- THE OTAlLs. The mails close and arrive at the City Pest Office as follows: - j--1 -i . CLOSB. . Northern through mails, fast.. .... .. . 8.-00 P, II Northern throaeh and war malLs.. .. 8:00 A. M Through mall for all points north of Blcnmond :.. lOKiap.M. Raleigh. ......6:30 P.M. k 8.-00 A. M Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and - routes supplied therefrom Including A. A N. C. Railroad, at. ..8:00 P. M. & 8.-00 A. M. Southern mails for ail points South, - daUTi .- 80 P:iC. Western malls (C. C. Eailwav) daily - - - (except Sunday). 6:30 p. M. AUpoints between Hamlet and Raleigh 6:80 P. M. Mail for Cheraw and Darlington Rail- roaa.L. i..... B.-O0 r. a. Mails for points between Florence and Charleston .... 8:00 P.M. Fayette ville, and offices on Cape Fear lover, Tuesdays ana imaays.. . . law P. M. Fayetteville, via C. C. R. B., daily, ex eent Snadavs.... fi.-OO p. V. Onslow C. H. and intermediate offices, Tuesdays and Fridays 6:00 A.M. Smithville mails, by steamboat, daily (except bonaavB). - 30 A. M. Malls for Easy Hul, Town Creek, Shal- lotte ana Latue xaver, -raesaays ana Fridays. 2:00 P. M. WrlKhtaville dally at ...... . ; .j.. . . . 80 A. M. Northern through and way mails. '. . v . . 7.-00 A. M. Southern mails 9.30 A. M Carolina Central Railroad.. ....... 9:30 A. M General delivery open from 7 A.M. to 6.00 P.M. and on Sundays from 8:80 to 9:30 A. M. Stamp Office open from . 7.33 A. M. to 6 P, M Money Order and Begistei Department open 8:00 A. M. to 5.-00 P. M. continuous. Vails collected from street boxes from bus ness portion of city at 5 A.M., 11.30 A.M. and 5.-0O P.M.: from other parts of the city at S P.M. and 6 A. M. : . - . ' v - V Carriers delivery open on Sunday from 8:30 to 9.30 A. M. ' :- ' - : -" - Railroad time, 75th meridian. WHO IS MRS. WINSLOWf As this Question is frequently asked, we will simply say that she is a lady who for upwards of thirty years has unti ringly aevoiea ner ame ana taients as a xemaie Physician and nurse, principally among children. She has especially studied the constitution and wants of this numerous class, and, aa a result of this effort, and practical knowledge, obtained In a uienme spent as a nurse ana pnysicuvn, sne nas compounded a Soothing Syrup for children teeth ing. It operates like magic giving rest and health, and is, moreover, sure to regulate the bowels. In consequence of this article Mrs. Wins low is becoming world-renowned as a benefactor of her race; children certainly do bisx up and bless ner; especially is this tne case in tnis city. Vast quantities of the Soothing Syrup are datlt sold and used here. We think Mrs. Wlnslow has Immortalized her name by this Invaluable artl cle, and we sincerely believe thousands of chil- oren nave Deen saved rrom an early grave Dy its timely ase. and that millions vet unborn will share its benefits, and unite In calling her blessed. Mo mothxb has discharged her duty to herjraffer lng little one, in our opinion, until ahe has given it the benefit of Mrs. Winalow's Soothing Syrup Try It, mothers tbt it now. Ladies' VistiorS&w York City. ill druggists. 25 eta, a bottle NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. By Collier & Co , Auct'rs. jrpHIS DAT, COMMENCING AT 10 O'CLK, WE will sell at our Sales Rooms. 96 North Water St., a large consignment of all classes of Goods, that must be closed out. Attend sale and get Bar- 1 . A cm m. Attention. THB MEMBERS OF THE FIFTH WARD DEM OCRATIC CLXJB are requested to meet at the Wigwam on Monday Evening, at 8 o'clk, for the purpose orecommendlng a gentleman to fill the vacancy in the Board of Aldermen caused by the death of Mr. F. H. Darby. ' 4 v By order of the President. -f ! . au 37 It J. H. MoGARIIY, Eec. Seo'y .. -. Next Week TITB WILL SHOW IN OUR MERCHANT TAI- II ' :-iu':- - t-' l-r"'-.--' i loring Department the handsomest and best se lected stock of Imported and Domestic Suitings evar brought to this market. ------ v.' , . ... - MUNSON, - au271t - ; . Merchant Tailor, &c. - School Books. TDST RSCEIVEO, . ANOTHER ' LARGE AS sortment of SCHOOL BOOKS, for all tbe differ ent Schools tn the estate, which will be sold very cheap for 'cash at'' ' ' ' HKINSBERGER'8. Pianos and Organs gOLD FOR CASH, AT THE VERY, LOWEST prices, also on the Popular Monthly Instalment PlMffaf ' & fi3fT' '4 HEINSBERGER'8 hu 87 1. Cash Book and Mnsiotjtore. " Bow to:Be Happy; ,4 BE SATISFIED WITH YOUR LOT IN LIFE. Get your Shoes to fit you comfortably and at the same "time' neatly. . Yon cannot enjoy tae with an Ill-fitting shoe on y out foot: We keep all OklOB CbUU " WWHPi WW VOMM DIUH WW AAV U to a Shoe thatwili be pleasant to wear and a joy n.l na crti vrrtA a an in m mtt 4f.a l.f anil lan whue it lasts. Try us wnen your uorns" nurt. Oeo. B. French & Sonsl 103 NORTH FRONT STREET. . an S? tf t , , , . . . WHOLE NO. 6219 v .NEW . ADVERTISEMENTS. I . , Just Look ! JTJTCHESS PEARS, ; - - Pound Pears, " " - . . s Sugar Pears, , -Maiden Blush Apples, Gravensteln Apples,.. Noah Grapes, white, - - Marth Granes. white. r-- I'-'," -1 , ueroermont, concord acd ' V 1 Black Eagle, choice varieties. i- JOSt received. Drrm In nnd ere, a Tuan1fnl basket of Fruit. .-. . . , t - . . E WAEREIT & S0II,; : EXCHANGE CORNER. au6tf Hutria Stiff Hats! f : Umbrellas ! HARRISON & ALLEN, s - ; . . -..I Hatters. au 28 tf Fresh Fruit J For Prcscrvins and JBatlngr. 25 Crates fine PEACHES. 20 Bushels elegant NORTHERN CRAB AP- PLES. - . I PEARS, APPLES. NORTHERN IRISH POTATOES FRESH BOGS and CHICKENS.. 20 Tubs G. E. BUTTER, direct from the Dai ries, at New York prices. 1 0 Firkins G.' B. BUTTER. 250 Bbls FLOUR, all grades. Fnlttock of all kinds of GROCERIES. - ; au 26 tf ; JARKES C. STEVENSON. V For Rent j JROM OCTOBER 1ST, LARGE! CENTRALLY located Wharf and Yard, foot of Mulberry street. Also, two Offices, convenient location, fitted wnn ail modern improvements, gas, water, &c. , nusuw v. u.. "Atsi.isx. Hie Insurance M Costs H0tMB! gTATEMENT OF POLICY No. 11,798: Original amount of Policy... . S 5,000 CO rresent amount or roacy. . . Amount paid to the Company. . . 13,193 00 ..... 5.860 80 STATEMENT OF POLICY Ko. 4.211 : Original amount of Policy ; , Present amount of Policy ' Amount paid to the Company ..$10,000 00 .,25,911 00 .. 8,316 00 Other policies, held bv citizens of Wilmlnertori in the same Company, (Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York), will be shown upon applica tion to xl. a. wijjuAxt-D, Agent, ! 214 N. Water St. Telephone No. 5. . . au 24 lm CMce Hay, Hoop-Iron & Glue lor Sate. CONSIGNMENTS OF COTTON AND NAVAL ' - - 1 STORES CAREFULLY HANDLED. . WOODY & CURRTJS, . Commission Merchants, .: Wilmington. N. Q. mh30tf rpHE.UNDERSIGNED WILL BE IN 'NEW YORK X during September, for the purpose of select ing personally PIANOS and ORGANS for cus tomers. This method of obtaining Instruments has proved entirely successful.' The largest num ber of Pianos are on hand in September, conse quently the finest selections can be made, and Dyouraireot transactions we can enectaiarge saving in the price. Address for full particulars, . PROF. E. VAN LABR, . au 3 D&Wlm Wilmington, N. C. ' Powder, Bagging, Ties. TAUPONT'S GUNPOWDER, . j - -., ' RICE BIRD POWDER, COTTON BAGGING - ARROW and DELTA TIES, . IN LOTS TO SUIT, At Lowest Rates, by HALL & PEAkSALL. au24D&Wtf - ' " - ' . Without Discoimt ! rpHE UVERPOOL & UOKDOTX & GLOBE INS. Co. pays all losses without discount. '- '- ' Over 836,000,000 paid In the United States by this Company for losses since 1838. yf it-- J, W. Gordon & Smith. "',,,. ' AGENTS, .. . No. Ill N. Water Street Telephone No. 73. , . . . 1 , . an 23 tf i Ebwder, FFF G, JN KEGS, HALVES AND QUARTER KEGS. Rice Bird Powder, Blasting Powder, Shot anl Caps, (Fixed Ammunition a specialty. ' ' 'I : au 23 tf . - . 1C9 and 111 North Front St. -' ' . -- T Any Kind You Like. ( t IF IT 18 A GOOD COOK STOVE YOU WANT . . , -i : ' - ' i - . s it ' -. there Is no use In talking. We can furnish you THB BEST In the market. We have all kinds and qualities from which to select. FfiFRIGKRA-' TORS and FREEZERS LOW DOWN. ' au 22 tf , , . , PARKER & TAYLOR. v . .Notary's Seal. l jNOTHER LOT OF THOSE FINE AND FOPU- lar dgrs, NOTARY'S SEAL, Just received. The best Smoke for a Nickel on the market.- -if 4 - - Sold only at ,r C. M. HARRIS' au23tf Popular News and Cigar Store. j pDeath to Wornis. M j V- BUMSTEAirS WORM SYRUP, THE ONLY sure article for Worms that does not .make children deathly sick to take. Never before has there been an article offered to the public so certain to destroy Worms and so pleasant to'the taste as this great Worm Medicine. - j - - - - - - . . i H. HARDIN, . . an'22tf . I New Market. - H McDougall & iovej IANIJFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS' JN Carriages, Buggies," Wagons, Drays, Carts," Ac. Saddlery Goods, Saddlery Hardware, Trunks. Bags, Satchels, Leather, &c Repairing promptly done. Bottom prices, an 22 tf , . 114 North Front Street. . TtoeeJLa....-...Vvl4':.i-"i.rAS B3 S3W Wee" 6 CO Three Weeks...... 8 CO One MonttL.......?.;.v v.,,.-, iroo Two Months,...,... 18 00 Three Months, 4 00 U Months,.. .M 40 CC 4 w ear.......;........s...., SO 80 ' - lContxact MTertlsentatematpropor- - -' Ten Hne8 solid Nonpareil type make one sqnar- - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. - By J. Thompson Brown 4 Co. j - :-Real Estate Agents and Auctioneer, 1113 East Main Street, BiohmondV .Va. PubliclAnctioh Sdle -v o F THE " YIRGrNlA,. TOWING " COMPANYS PROPERTY AND ALL ITS FRANCHISES. ' ft vIvfnA St 4 J -AJ-'i ' . . ugnea crascees, we yrm proceed to sell at Dublio ' - foot of Twenty-fifth street, on - . - TncsdaV: ? fientnmhm- vtit and PROPERTY of mlri fhmnm. ty consists of FOUR EXCELLENT TUG-BO ATS. 7 c 1. TTTO ATMmnTtntrln 9H..SI V. '.'jl - 1 i,: 7 -X-7, mtm UJ M UIVUDo, ' ' rahiA fTi r.rtW- Ky4lAm o ..w . a . .. . . . four -flues, two twelve Inches1 and two eight fmnaoes8 by 7 feetTLlghthaU surface condenser "j ifc uy ieet y mones; core Din eo (Blake) air and cmmlatinv nnmn . Vrmn Z feed bouer, copper connections ; wooden hull 78 ' feet long, 17J feet beam, 9 feet draft; ooal-bun- ker capacity, 22 tonB under decks; boiler and en- C - " gine by Neaple fc Levy, Philadelphia. - - " l. 2. TTTOVTTrj7ATJ--l?T.c.lT,vKanvx viw -- ' pressurojboUer6feet8inchesbyl2feet61nches. . double riveted, made in 1884, has two flues each v ir . uiuujwsr,aua nny-iour s-incn return vultod, i,yvv iiimaoes a ieet 0 incnesDy s it: Jenk' lnjectr to feed boiler; new donkey pump for - , ,uuw' pumping nuu,wasnmg ofr, and -circulaang water throughout the boat. All feed -' - Sipesof copper; wooden hull 78 feet long. 17 feet -earn, 8 feet draft; coal-bunker capacity, 14 tons N under deck Fitted with new awnings on main to take thirty passengers. Would make a fine , high pressure; boiler 11 Ieet 8 inches by a feet 6 and thiitv-six 8-inch return tubes: tn fnmuw, : 8 feet 8 Inches by 4 feet; Hancock Inspirator to V " A(l f AAt rvna IK fast haatn O 1 1 ker capacity, 9 tons under deck. - . . A. TTTa CiJ.i v w "RT? 1 wrrr V..I.. on t nn '". inches, high pressure, condensing; boiler 13 feet "-. v wy v Awn uiouo au xoiv, una two iurnaoes e&ca s - foAt. A. 1nnhfl W A faat -wzm Anoa aaU 1Ant..LA. . " and forty-four 8-inch return tubes; all feed pipes of copper; wooden hull 76 feet long, 17 feet beam. auugibovutan, uuaruiuiAor uapaviliy, 103 SOUS - under deck. . .. .. . i . . . . .. All these Boats are In eood rnnnin? nivlnL hnv..: - - ine been latelv nut In thorough nmidr. Thatmr Vulcan has lately broken her shaft, but In other roHiwcta is in raneec oraer. -.,- me otner property consists or sncn articles as - i -are necessary for the rnunlnr eaninara of nnh S boats and the office furniture. TKBXS OT SajB One third nasli 1 huluirai In ha. ; f;uLiauiD uvmjb uirw &mt bijl moniQB, WiCa in- - terest added, and with endorsers saiisfactory to me irusieeB. - , - -- - , - : For further information address GEORGE L. CHRISTIAN . -: v FRANK W. CHRISTIAN, , ;- - ---- i v Trustees, v J. Thompson Bbowh & Co., Auctioneers, au 24 26 28 29 31 se ) 3 5 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, i . Superior Court New Hanover County. John J. Fowler and Gilbert H. Greene, (whn sues by. his next friend, A, H. Greene), copart ners doing business under the name and style of Fowler & Greene,- - New York Cedar Ware Company. This Is an action to recover a debt of three thousand six hundred and thirty-six dollars and thirty-two cents ($3,636.32), due by the defend ant to the plaintiffs, for damages Incurred by said plaintiffs caused by a violation of a contract on the part of the defendants, and a warrant of attachment is Issued herein; and it appearing te my satisfaction that the defendant, New lork Cedar Ware Company, is a foreign corporation. sua nas property in wis state, ana tnat no o ni cer or agent of said defendant, or other person upon whom process could be legally served, can after due diligence be found in this State, and that a cause of action exists in favor of the plain tiffs against Bald defendant, and this Court has jurisdiction thereof : Now this is to. command said defendant,New York Cedar Ware Company, to appear at the next term of the Superior Court -of New Hanover County, to be held on the third Monday after the first Monday In September. A. D. 1886, and answer or. demur to the complaint, or judgment will be rendered against it accord ing to law. r -. S. - VAN AMRINGB, " Clerk of Superior Court. August 12th, 1886. fr aulSSw LINCOLITTOIT HOTEL Xlncolnton, N. C ;. f x Location healthy t Mountain view from Obser- Vatory fine, and mountain breezes dell htf ul. House thoroughly renovated, and a two-swr 7 1 Piazza along entire front added since last seasou. ' Servants poiite-and attentive. ,,- First class Livery 8table, with good connected, and prices moderate. Hacks meet all trains, and are free to guef t ;. Terms of Board Per day, $8; per week, t .3; per momh, 825. Special rates to families.- - Lincolnton is one of the healthiest towe ii Western North Carolina, and the change of mate, together with our pure Free-stone, j.l ; -Sulphur and Iron Waters, which are furnb free to all guests, certainly tend to recupt -and improve the health of any invalid. - i L- This Hotel has been the favoMte stopping . of all Eastern Carolinians, many of whom j; ,'1 refer to from the cltv of Wilmington. 1 - - For any further information address l r - ' i W. T. MASSBY, Propet , - V : -...-; j .... - . Llnoolntof - , .. -. .,3 :-:-.. - - c - f Lincoln? a hair miles rrom unoointon ttoteu two and etor of Lincolnton Hotel trans pc tmests to Sorinn. everv mornlntr. fi all? ita where they can buy the Burton wate; of tk t, atlCt -a ' per k&uoiv up juhj. Danou wui utsurr. Va , STARTLING You Cannot Afford to Ignore dxein, , THU I ( v The following article appears In recent Ur t of the New York Commercial Bvltettmt "An expt t e tmlned and reported upoa a sampie of Chicago T" 1 1 iel lard,- the ether day, which he laid did noteer) i n a nonnd of hogs' fat, hut consisted of tallow, j -15, cotton seed oil, andoleo Btearlne." - -,-.,. ... JJI IIWU a UlUtlUO VUOTW GASSDRD'S Is sucb. a mixture cheap at any pri- ? , EVERY PACKAGE- IS GUARANTEED. : " ' Try it and you wni use no other. ' ' O ! C. CASSARD A BOH, h rSSne4liBALTfMOREyMD Caranaf the oetdnad u BUr Bnad KOd Cu4 Haas. . Jyni' - 1p : Basgins, Ties, Cotton Gins, &e. 100 Q- HALP; B0LLS B00- : - Ohnn. BDLfi: ARROW TIES. - ' - - r 'liar ' -. - -: - . Feeders. Winship Cotton Pressor. - Bacon, Corn. Flour, Lard, Coffee, Sugar. Nails,- f. noon Iron. Tohanno. Snnff. Molasses. Ae.. Aa. Forsaleby , , - , , rF a -7 ' " ' "' '- - '-5: .." V