The Morning Star. ... BATES OF ilKiafw: . .: i 1 One Square One Day,......... ti o? j j? " TWO TftT.... .ii'l 78 1 By WILLIAM H. BERNARD. " Pour Daya. S oo z :. Five Days....... ........... 6e . : - One Week.......... -. 4 ca .. Two Weeks.................... 0 SO i s Three Weeks... ........... 8 CO FCBLISHSD DAILY XCJBPT MONDAYS. 4 one Year (by Mall), Postage, Paid..,.,.... .. 7 00 '' One Month, 10 oo , : " " "V Two Months,.. 18 oo - . - " . Three Months,;.........,..... 24 oo ' " : z Xoatas,.M...v.Mf 08 " ' One Year...... ....... 60 00 ' i , tycontract Advertisements taken at propor- .-. . ' - Three Months ' ' ? Two Months, ..... 1 60 one Month. - - " " , , ... .75 cjr"To City Subscribers, delivered in any part of the City, Fiftmn Cms por week. Our City Ulty, jra mt por wees, yur uisy I -r "Vf "WW T-r ' rt WILMINGTON, N. 0., FRIDAYOCTOBER 29, 1886i WHOLE NO. 6273 tlonately low rates; -;-:;v. t j, &z?i - , . '. -- thantnroo uiuunup u , auw. . ... . . .: .. ... . - : - ; - Ten lines solid Nonpareil type make one squar-i Morning . , . . . 1 - - - . am: : Entered at the Post Office at Wilmington, N. O as Second Class Matter. MORNING EDITION, DE3IOCRATIC TICKET. Fob thk Sufbw Coukt. ; W. K.1H. SMITH, THOS.S.ASHB, A. S. MXBBIMON. r Fob C0NQKK88 nt Sixth District, -ALPBBD ROWLAND. . Of Eobeson. - " - . - " Fon J cross Superior Coubt Sixth District, BSD WIN T. BOYKUT, Of SampsoiLl Fob Soucitob, OLIVIER tELALLStr, lOfDnplin. Statb Tickxt roR Sumrior Coubt Junuxa : i 3d Distrlot H. G. CONNOR. 4th WALTER CLARK. 6th " EDWIN T. BOYKEN. 8th W. J. MONTGOMERY. 10th " ALPHONSO C AVBRY. 13th " -JAMKiH. MXBBIMON. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. Fob Statk Sxhatk. -JAMSS B. HUGGINS. Fob Housb or RxFBKSXBTATrrxs. - ALFRED M. WADDELL. JOHN W. REHjLBY. For SHKBrpr. JOHN L. DUDLEY. For Clkrk Supkrior Court. -, ABNER A. MOSELEY. Fob Couhtt Tbxasubxb. JAMES W. RING. FobSxoistbb or Dkxds. WM. W.SHAW. Fob Cobosbb. WM. L. JACOBS. Fob StTBTXTOB. . RODERICK McRAE. Fob Constables. Wilmington T. O. BUNTING. Masonboro F. A. MONTGOMERY. Haraett-JOHN T. HANCOCK. Cape Fear M. G. CHAD WICK. Federal Point GEORGE ROGERS. OUTLINES. Secretary Manning will resume control of the Treasury Department to-day. . The Pullman Palace Car Co. has been plun dered by trusted employes; the defalcation amounts to $75,000. Thirteen persons were burned to death in a-railroad wreck near Portage, Wis. The banking house of Win. H. Dustin, Lincoln, Ills., failed; liabilities $200,000, The fu neral of the late Mrs. A. T. Stuart took place at New York yesterday. - The ceremonies attending the unveiling of Bar tholdi's Statue of Liberty enlightening the world attracted an immense number of people in New York; there was an impo- i'ng military and civic display. J. R Ralph, chief distribution clerk in the Atlanta (Ga ) postoffice charged with steal ing a valuable letter, was arrested and sent to jail. - New York markets: Money 3i6 per cent. ; cotton quiet at 9i9 7-16 cents. Jingo Jeems declines speaking in Ohio. He says Ohio is safe. Two Italians in Pennslvania re cently fought a duel about an Itali an girl. One was shot in the leg. We hope no Democrats will fail to vote tor our candidate ior ongreu honest, reliable, amiable, genial Al fred Rowland. - ' Lord Churchill gives warning to Russia and Turkey that British in terests in the Balkans and elsewhere will be protected. T -; It was 'a Democrat and a. Repub lican that the President suspended for violating his order as to politics. Sa favors thus far are even.'fT Old Ananias Cameron, of Penn sylvania, the Republican "boss " of former vears. savs Mr. Cleveland is j , -j - - , an honest, man and will be renomi nated. ' .: - ' ' .. The Tories announced that Eng land's foreign policy will be a modi fied form of Beaconsfield's "jingo" policy as much like it as the changed condition of affairs will allow. A. , i . curred in Uganda, Africa. Many Christians have been burnt, tortured and mutilated by the orders of the King. Thirty-two were burnt alive. Remember that in voting for Row land you' help squelch a perennial and inevitable kicker who injures the Pemooratic party more than a half-dozen Radicals can possibly in jure, it. ' :Vri;:.;.'t;Vw . Cluverius has sent two petitions to the Governor: one for pardon; the other for commutation of punish ment. If he is guilty he ought to pay the f ull . penalty for his great and awful crime.. Democrats of New Hanover let us lect the county ticket all the way through. What a great change it would be to clean l out the Republi cans and pot in the Democratic can didates. Let a strong effort be made to elect Sheriff - Dudley and the re- mainder of the ticket. ' Now for a etrongpulL : . :' '-V-;' Mr. J. Randolph Tucker, of Vir ginia, a statesman M a vt rticrh grade both; as to character and abili- M made a. speech ' recently in Rich- mond that the State j says "is conced ed on all sides to be one of the most powerful efforts ever heard in this city from any public speaker. The setting forth of the citizen's relations to this Government, both State and Federal, was one of the ablest expo sitions of Democratic principles ever made by any. American statesman. But no part of this great speech was listened to with greater attention or left a deeper impression than that in which the tariff question was clearly and L frankly presented." At. the request of Mr. Beirne, edi tor of the State, Mn Tucker has pre pared an - elaborate article on that subject which appears in the issue of Tuesday last. We shall file it away for future reference, as the election is now so near at hand. The Philadelphia News, Rep., de fends Mrs. Cleveland for her failure to go to Richmond. It says: 'The story that she had declined be cause Miss Davis was to be present at a re ception the expected to attend wa9 absurd, and reflected no credit either on the au thor's ingenuity or heart:. As has been said) her reasons relate to herself alone.and every sensible woman would have acted -precisely as Mrs. Cleveland did under sim ilar circumstances, and every sensible man -understanding the matter would have ap proved. What the "circumstances" were it fails to state. Mr. Wind is a candidate for Con gress, and now it is announced that Mr. Hurry is.. It is an ill Wind that blows nobody any good, and the last man oat ought to remember that Augustas Cresar held to the maxim, festina fenfe,which means make haste slowly; and that John C. Calhoun had a borrowed phrase that embodied political .wisdom "masterly inac tivity." Mrs. Stewart is receiving more space in the Northern papers than any dozen Southerners would receive if they were to all perish at once. Having said all they could and covered as many columns as was pos sible with stuff concerning her, they are now telling by the column the same old story of i old man Stewart's bones, how they were stolen, &c. Massachusetts has a politician of considerable literary ability by the name of. Lodge, lie is just now cbief fugleman and in a recent speech said that although a Protectionist he favored "a revision and reform of the Tariff." He evidently has some political sense. 'According to the New STork Sun the President's eccentric phrase "in nocuous desuetude" was taken from a novel of Bui wer's, where the words occur m separate sentences. Miss Cleveland has shown that she is quite capable of manufacturing such phrases without aid from any one. At New Frankfort, Ky., a lad named John Baxton became mad dened with jealousy because Alex. Hoard, another boy, kissed his hand to a school girl, and he broke the latter's skull and stamped his face to a iellv. Hoard will die but his sweet-heart sits by his bedside. It is said to be true that some of Michigan's scoundrels are figuring as managers of the Republican machine. They are allowed to range outside i oi LUU ueuibcuMaiy aim ddu up u7 Pf Pin8 JfV Datnral- "Bird8 of a feather, Ac. "me Ailmltted Cblef. Lumberton Bobesonian. The Wilmington Star has closed another volume. Age does not dim its lustre. , We have many good pa pers in the State, but the Star is facile princeps. Spirits Turpentine. Asheville has now the electric lights in a full blaze. Asheville Citizen : The' Bon- combe Savings Bank was duly organized, with $20,000 paid up capital yesieraay.wnn O.JL McLoud as President.; Washington Progress:-The re port from Mai. Latham's canvass of the district mases ne prospect wr mwijt next week exceedingly bright, v u Salem Press: Joseph Yokely, of Davidson county, Bheared 49 pounds of wool from 14 sheep.- considering me small cost of wintering sheep this shows that farmers could make good profit by keeping sheep of. improved grade. Mr. Yokely has four of Marino stock, that yielded fifteen pounds of wool alone, i -; : iv :-.'r- Special dispatch to the Rich mond DUpatch:' Milton, N. CL, ' October 26. During a storm which passed over this place about 12:30 o'clock to-day the mail-rider carrvlne the mail on the Hills- boro route between Milton and Bidgeville. N. C, was struck and killed by lightning While standing in the door of the postoffice here.:. c - i Lenoir Topic: Two citizens had a rencountre last week On the turnpike and one of the party snatched from the back of his horse the old saddle that was . ungirted and. hit his antagonist over the head with it. The Supreme Court has had to decide whether a mud turtle and a bull dog were deadly weapons," and now it may have to give judgment in the case or a sad dle tree.- ' ' - j - : ' ' : ":: Shelby,: Mto Era: At their monthly meeting on the first Saturday in the month, the Boiling Springs - Baptist Church resolved to raise the sum of $9,000 within the next three years, for the purpose of erecting a fine brick church. . The church now has about 300 members and will have services every Sunday for the next year. -Rev. G. P. Hamrick is the pas tor in charge. ' , We neglected to notice the change made in our esteemed contempo rary the WDson Mirror. It is now an eight-page paper, and has 40 columns. It is to appear in new attire. Under Messrs. Blount and Brown it wilt take a new lease upon life and widen its circulation and in fluence. We are very partial to the editor personally, and he says many witty, true, and handsome things. - Concord Times: Col.- Jim Long in his speech here Friday night, said : " ihe truth is, fellers citerzens, nary one of us are fit to go to the Legislator; but I am more fitter." "I'm not a Democrat I'm a 'Publican," said a darkey in our hearing the other day; "but the Democrats are the best friends I've got. If I wanted a favor to-day, I'd go to some good Demo crat to get it 'fore I'd go to a 'Publican." Durham Recorder: Col. W. T. Black well a few days ago commenced building more dwellings. He has com . Eleted sixty-four and they are all rented, te will continue to build until he erects 58 more in that part of town. -The graded school continues to boom. The interest in the school is very-great. The pupils in at tendance number over 400. This morning while Mr. C. C. McMurrav was examining a roof he fell from a scaffold to the ground and was painfully injured. There have been seventv-five converts at the Main street Methodist Church. Revs. T. A. Boone and W. 8. Creasy are assist ing Rev. Mr. Gregson. New Bern Journal: Died, in Onslow county, on the 18th inst, of dropsy of the heart, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Freeman, Mrs. Mag gie Fulcher, beloved wife of Lee W. Ful- cher, of Carteret county. We have had the pleasure' of examining some of the final - proof sheets or this book (of New Bern), written by our fellow townsman, Kev. it. C. Vass, and now passing through the press. In examining these sheets we find the book will be of far more interest to all classes in New Bern and elsewhere than we at first anticipated. The informa tion it contains or the early history of this section of North Carolina is worth several times the price of the book. Rockingham Rocket: The Dem ocratic candidates are making a vigorous canvass of the county, and it is as gratify ing as it is encouraging to note that, at eve ry precinct, even larger crowds turn out to greet them than did during the heated cam paign of two years ago. Capt. M. D. McNeill, tbe Democratic candidate for the House of Representatives, made a splendid impression by his little talk here Saturday. Who are the Republican nominees for Supreme and Superior Court Judgest We have asked and bees asked the question timo and again, but nobody seems to know. Jven the members of our bar don t know them, personally or by reputation. Four persons who had recently joined the uapust Church were immersed in the ree Dee pond last Sunday afternoon, Rev. N. B. Cobb performing the baptismal eervice. : Charlotte Chronicle: A high ly esteemed and much beloved citizens of Salisbury, Rev. Mr. Clark, of the Episco pal Church, died very suddenly in that place on Monday morning about 9 o'clock. He dropped dead. Mr. Clark was about 80 years of age, and has spent alg fife in faithful works. The air was full of farewells about the Air Line depot last night colored people bidding goodbye to home, kindred and friends. A large num ber of these people,' old men, women and children, numbering between sixty and a hundred, took their departure on the north bound train on their way to Liberia. I More victims. Stab The Inde pendent hybrid ticket in this county is not supported by all Of the Republicans not by a large number. This cropped out at a speaking in Sharon township. The bazaar by the ladies of the Lutheran church congregation opened last night. ; : -. Kaieign jvetos-uoserver: it is funny to sse how Loge Harris rings the changes in The Signal agaiart the stock law, when he lobbied for a stock law for Wake himself. - The first negro man John Nichols put at the delivery window. in conformity with the requirements of Tourgee, was - one named Hamlin, who lived a life of shame with a degraded white woman. Rev. G. W. Sanderlin made a very neat speech at the fair grounds yes terday. The Raleigh & Gaston tram last evening brought a large party of news paper men from the North, as well as many visitors from beyond Mason & Dixon's line. They were met by the committee of ar rangements and taken to the Yarboro. The permanent officers are:-, President, Geo. Z French, New Hanover; Viee Presidents, D. L. Sayler, Anson; L. G. Estes. Halifax; J . Howard Brown, Wilson : L. A. Dodd, Wayne: Dr, G. H. Saddleson, Moore; Wm E. Ashlev. Wake: T. B. El rid e David son; P. S, Sinclair, McDowell; J. H. Lid- dell, Mecklenburg; H. C. Hunt, Bun combe.- Secretaries. C.T. C. Deake, Bun combe; B. A. Goodridge, 'Moore; 'P. C. Shipp, Pasquotank ;Curtia Goodyear, War ren; A. Fisher, Martin; H. . G. Coyle. Wake;. William Burne, Alamance; John J,. Gilbert, Iredell; C W Edgecomb, Gran ville; C. F. Griffin, Mitchell. Green ville, N. C, Oct. 28 Greenville, Major Latham's home, gave Capt. Coke a recep tion last night. Capt, Coke's three speeches in Pitt have caused a revolution of public sentiment io favor of Latham. - 4 - -SKU lDVBHTlHKnKKl' Mtosoh Clothing. ' HEUfSBESGEE New goods. Collier & Co. Auction sale. I,Ti Lamb Fine cow for sale. Wabjurk & Son -Crystalled fruits. ' MAsoNie Meeting Wilmington Lodge.. - ' Maev D. A Eilebs Executrix's notice. - Advices ' from Fayetteville report a rise ot twelve inches - ia the river at that place yesterday morning. r v Local llois. - Rumor has it that the barrel of money at the Court House is getting pretty Receipts of cotton yesterday, were 1,856 bales, against 541 bales received the same day last year. -'- " T'r;.-' The Workingmen's party had 'rally" in the Fifth Ward last night, at the eorner of Fifth and Castle streets. ; A sweet potato weighing eleven pounds is on exhibition at the store of Mr. H. VonGlaha on Market street. It was raised by Mr. John McDowell of Bladen county. -Louis Simmons, colored, was adjudged guilty of assault and - battery upon his wife Caroline, yesterday, in Jus tice Mlllis' Court. Judgmont,however, was suspended upon the payment of costs in the case. :' ; ' " Registration. Only three days more in which to tegis- ter. The election law makes it the duty of the registrars and judges (the poll-holders) to attend on Saturday to-morrow at the polling place of their township or precinct with thegreistration books, from the hour of nine 'o'clock a. m. till the hour of five o'clock p.m., when and where the said books shall be open to the inspection of the electors of the precinct or township, and any of said electors shall be allowed to ob ject to tbe name of any person appearing on said books. In casa of any such objec tion the registrar shall enter upon . his books, opposite to the name of the person so objected to, the word "challenged, ".and shall appoint a time and place, on or before the election day, when he, together with said judges of election, shall hear and de cide said objection, giving due notice to the voter so objected to; provided, that nothing in this section shall prohibit the right of any elector to challenge or object . to the name of any person registered or of fering to register at any time other than that above specified. If any person chal lenged or objected to ehall be found not duly qualified, the registrar shall erase his name from the books. Got Away Again. Anthony Howe, Jr., (colored), whose ar rest in Boston, Mass., was mentioned in the Stab a few days ago, made his escape from the officer sent to bring him back to this city. No particulars of the escape were given beyond the statement that Howe had been brought from Boston to New York by boat, and soon after his arrival there managed to get away from the officer who had him in custody. Howe, it will be remembered, was con victedof perjury at the last term of the Criminal Court for New Hanover county. but escaped before he was sentenced. De tectives were put upon his track and he was arreted in Boston, Mass., and last Week an officer was sent from this city to Boston to bring Howe back to receive sen tence. Foreign Exports Yesterday Messrs. Alex. 8prunt'& Son cleared the British steamer Jesmond for Liverpool with a cargo of 4,050 bales of cotton, weighing 1.885,085 pounds snd valued at $168,000. Messrs. Paterson, Downing & Co. clear ed the British barque Ella Moore, for Bow ling, Eng , with 300 casks spirits turpen tine measuring 14,673 gallons, and 8,208 barrels of rosin, weighing 1,069,220 pounds. Value of cargo $8,523. ' Messrs. Wm. Walter & Finke cleared the German barque Laura Maria for Wol gast, Germany, with 288,177 feet of cypress timber and lumber, valued at $3,788. Messrs. J. H. Chadbourn & Co. cleared the schooner NeUU Shaw, for Port-au- Prince, Hayti, with 157,793 feet of lumber and 10,000 shingles, valued at $2,839.40. Total valuation of exports $182,649.75. The Light Infantry Parade. ' The parade of the Wilmington Light Infantry yesterday afternoon proved almost as great an attraction as a circus procession. Crowds of people were on the streets, and apparently very much - interested. The special feature of the parade was the skir mish drill. The "rally by fours," "rally by company," the firing?, the wheelings and flank movements were cxceltettly execu ted. The marching in echelon was also well done and elicited . favorable comment from many of the spectators The com pany turned out some thirty or more in number, and made a handsome appear ance.. ' : ' ;. -' ' The "skirmish drill" is evidently popu lar with the people and the company should practice it often. : 1 Fell In a Well. An old man named Samuel Atkinson, a patient at the City Hospital, fell headfore most into a well on the premises last Wed nesday night. Dr. Lane heard the old man's cries and eroans shortly after the accident happened, however, and soon had him taken out. It was found that Atkin SOU 11 a U BUolaineU BO BcVero lUluriCOi- A --- .. . . , sprained ankle, and, a cut on his bead and on one leg being the extent of the damage. .1 rro The well is twenty-five ' feet deep, and contained about three feet of water. U. S. Conrt. Mr. F. H. Busbee,! TJ. S. Attorney for the Eastern District of North Carolina, writes to request that notice be given that po witness or defendant need attend the TJ S. District Court at Wilmington until the day after the election -Wednesday. Novem ber 23d. . . . . - TJ. S. Marshal Richardson has already given notiojto jurors that they will no be required to attend until that day. OrEBA HOUSE, .(. The Bonemlan Girl. . The large crowd which greeted the Bijou Opera Company last night was most en thusiastic and the reception "The Bohemian Girl" met with was most cordial.1 That the audience were pleased was very evident and that the company were cogni zant of this fact was most patent. - The opera is moral, chaste and beautiful, and has many good points, which were ap preciated and. applauded by all those present. r 5 ... ,' The choruses were excellent and the blending of the different voices showed a thorough training which was recognized and received . most flattering testimonials from those present. ' Miss Adelaide Randall,- as Arline, won the admiration and plaudits of every one. and that her sweet, clear soprano voice was acknowledged and enjoyed none could doubt, from the repeated encores she re ceived..! When Miss Randall sang "The Silver line" the housa was carried away and demanded its repetition again and again. j -. . The quartette composed of Misses Ran dall and Hoy t and Messrs. Travener and Peakes, in the first - part of scene third, second act, was admirable and was demand ed repeatedly. The house was enthused and so was the company and there ' was nothing to coun teract this feeling throughout the whole performance. -Tbe Cold Wave. The cold wave reported in the North west several days ago prevailed with con siderable! intensity in the Gulf States early yesterday morning. Light frosts occurred in the northern -part of Florida and south ern part of Georgia and Alabama, killing frosts in the northern part of Georgia and through the Mississippi and Ohio valleys. The lowest temperatures reported from the Gulf States yesterday were 34 at Atlanta, 37 at Montgomery, 38 at Mobile and 42 at Pensacola. The minimum recorded at the Signal Of fice in this city was 49 during early yester day morning. At 10 o'clock last night the temperature in this city was 52 fourteen degrees lower than at the corresponding hour of the previous night. j s-nv-E Charged with a Deadly Aeaanlt. Wo. Myers, colored, was arrested yes terday and gave bond for his appearance to-day in Justice Millis' court to. answer to' a charge of forcible trespass and assault with a deadly weapon on Fanny Mallett, colored. Myers, it is alleged, went to the woman's house, in the neighborhood of the cotton factory, Wednesday night, and was refused admittance, when he broke the door into splinters, and after he had ef fected an entrance struck at her with an axe, just, as she was escaping from the house.- . j Coroner's Inquest. Coroner Jacobs will hold an inquest this morning to enquire into the circumstances attending the drowning of the colored man Larry Nixon, -who fell into the river last Friday night and whose body was recover ed the following Tuesday. The investiga tion has been delayed, owing to the fact that most of the witnesses reside in Bruns wick county, and had to be summoned through the Sheriff of that county. The inquest will be held at the Court House. Democratic Rally In the First Ward. A grand rally of the Democracy will take place to night in the First Ward, at the corner of Fourth and Brunswick streets. The meeting will assemble at 8 o'clock. Speeches will be made by Col. E. D. Hall and others. RIVER AND MARINE. Br. steamship Carbis Bay, Tregarthen, hence, arrived at Liverpool October 25th. Barque BeUona, from Bordeaux for this port, passed Point de Grave October 23rd. Br. brig Oeorgie, Morris, hence for Patagonia,; was at Pernambuco September 29th. Quarterly meetings Fourth Round for the Wilminsrton Dis trict of the Methodist E. Church, South : Topsail circuit, at Scott's Hill, October 80 and 31. Wilmington, at the Temple of Israel, November 7. . Onslow circuit, at Tabernacle, November 13 and 14. Brunswick circuit, at Concord, Novem ber 20 and 21. Wilmington, at Fifth Street. November 27 and 28. Patji. J. Cabbawat, - r Presiding Elder. If vou wish a good article of Pltjo To bacco, ask your dealer for "Oij Rip." : f , MOTHERS 1 MOTHERS ! MOTHERS 1 Ag yon disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child snfferine and crvhur with the excru dating pain of cutting teeth T If so. go at once and get a bottle of MBS. wmSLOW'B SOOTH ING SYRUP. It will relieve the poor little suf ferer Immediately depend upon ft : there is no mistake about it. There is not a mother on earth who has ever used it who will not tell yon at once that it win regulate the "bowels and give rest to I lira mumw, uuu jouoj. uuu uvcui. v. I operating Ilka magio. It is perfectly safe to use I in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the tne motner, ana reuei ana neaitn to tne coiia, I prescription oi one oi tne oiaero ana Desi xem&ie rresfirit)tion c chysicians and nurses in the United States. Sold evervwaere. za oenw a oouua. .? : --'-v-' "" DIED. HORNER. At Oxford. W. C on the 26th inst, GBORQE WILLIAMS, infant son of J. C. and Xllhing IVLL STOCK OP MEN'S, YOTJTHS', BOYS and ChUdren's. SUITS and OVEBCOATS, at Pop oc 23 It T Clothier asd.Merchant Tailor.: Ti PAPER U on file in Philadelphia at tha KenHroaner Adver- " N. W. AVER A SON. oar mthoriwd asenta War Department, TJ. 8. Signal service . .. TJ. S. Army. Division of Telegrams and Reports for the uenefltor commerce and Agriculture. COTTON-BEIT BTJIAKTITr.y The following table shows the - average maximum and minimum temperature, and average amount of rainfall, at the dis tricts named. - Each district includes from ten to twenty stations of observation, and the figures given below are the mean values of all reports sent to each centre of district. Observations taken daily at 6 P. M.. 75th meridian time. , " ' ; October 28, 1886 6 P.M. - - g AVERAGE . ! Districts. -3 Max. 1 Min. j Ram . y r 03 Temp.Temp. FalL. Wilmington... 10 69 48 .00 Charleston. .... 8 68 ' 39 . .00 . Augusta. ...... 12 66 ' 38 .00 Savannah ..... 15 67 41 .00 Atlanta....... 13 59 35 1 .29 Montgomery 6 58 ' 84 .00 Mobile ....... . - 8 58 35 - I .00 New Orleans . . 13 62 87 t .00 Galveston.... 19 66 84 J .00. Vicksburg. . . 5 59 33 . Little Rock....! 17 62 35 .00 Memphis 19 54 31 .00 At Charleston. Savannah and. Montgo mery frost is reported. Weather Indications. , The following are tbe indications for to day: For Virginia," If air weather, westerly winds, nearly stationary temperature. For North Carolina and " South Carolina, fair weather, variable winds,, generally northwesterly, lower, followed by nearly stationary temperature. , For Georgia and Eastern Florida, fair weather, variable winds, generally north westerly, slightly cooler. For Western Florida, Alabama and Mis sissippi, fair weather, northerly winds, near ly stationary temperature. . For Tennessee, fair weather, variable winds, generally westerly, slightly warmer. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. By Collier & Co., Auct'rs and Com'nMerch'ts, 24 & 26 N. Water SU AUCTION SALE TO-DAY AT 10 O'CLOCK. Consignment 25 bbls Cabbage, very fine, ' 4 tubs Butter, -1 Cooking Stove, E0 doz Hats, 330 prs Shoes, 100 prs Pants. - 100 prs Blankets. ilmiiigton Lodp Ko. 319, A. F. & A. M. gPECIAL COMMUNICATION THIS (FRI DAY) Evening. Oct. 29th. at 8 o'clock, for work in the F. C. Degree. Visiting brethren fraternal ly invited to attend. - bj oraer or w. . JAMES W. MONROE. oc 29 It , Secretarr. FinelCow for Sale. JERSEY-DEVON STOCK; HaS YOUNG HEI- f er calf. Gives five gallons of milk a day. Can be seen from 9 to 11 this morning, at the steamer Home's wnarr, root oi irincess street. OO Z9 lt - d.T. LiAJM.D. Executor's Notice. i ..... . rpHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING QUALIFIED as Executrix of the last will and testament of Hermann B. EUers, deceased, hereby notifies all persons indebted to her testator to make fanme- aiate payment; ana au persons navmg ciaims aealnst said estate of her testator to nresent them duly authenticated to f the undersigned, or to ner Attorney, Marsaen iseuamy, icsq., on or before the 1st day of November, A D. 1887, or this notice wui be plead in bar of tneir recovery. Dated tnis tne 29 in day or October, isse. MARY D. A. EILERS. ' Executrix of the last will and testament oo 89 6w f r - of Hermann B. Eilers. Chrystalized Fruits. QINGER, CHERRIE3, LTMES, ' PINE-APPLES, PEACHE3, PLUMS, FIGS AND APRICOTS, And ROASTED JORDAN ALMONDS,- NEW AND DELICIOUS. E. WARREN & SON, . 1 EXCHANGE CORNER. oc89 tf I Hew Goods. TTTE HAVE RECEIVED A LARGS ASSORT- ment of all kinds of Fancy Goods, such as are usnallv to, be found In a first-class Book Store. Every article was bought for spot cash, which enables us to oner yon bargains, ana can sen you lower than any other noose, we want your patronage, ana will nave it by nonest work ana cheaD Drioes. nease can at HETKSBSRGBB'S, TXJE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THS VJEBY 1 T v article to make you look beantlial ana nappy, can at . ,,.;' oorotr jtusLNiSBjmuiurB. Wanted, 2(h000 Lbs-vroou IK AHA tb BEESWAX,- -I A' A A A Lbs. HIDES. 1 - Highest 'Cash Prices paid on delivery. Con- nments soucitea. babluju, bjsak sr.. y28tf 18 Market:8treet. Special Bargains. nnn gross sweet scotch snuff at OUU per gross. nnn Boxes Tobacco, all irrades and Qualities: OUU must be sold low for cash to close con signments. Also 50,030 Havana cigars. ociatf is Marketstreet. Dunlap Stiff Hats! rpHE LEADING STYLES I SILK TJMBSELLAS i HARRISON A ALLEN, oo 28 tf ' Hatters. Wanted, 110 000 LBS. OF DRY SALT AW)YVV -- v AND FLINT HIDES. To be delivered within the next ten days, for which the Highest Cash Prices will be paid. . - J. jr. UAKKKIil,, Dealer In Hides. Leather, Futf, Ao., oo C4 St sa tu th - No. 123 No. Water St. 1 1 ; ; . . Hew Goods. , JUST RBCEIVED.'A NICE LINE OF SHOVELS and TONGS and FIRE SETS. Also, Lamps and Lamp Goods, Common and water wmte uiu . ' -4 for sale at lowest prices by . ' - GEO. A. ' oo 27 tf .' Bo. Front St. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Baggj ;age Transfer. jpOR PROMPT CALLS ZAND DELIVERY OP v BAGQAGK leave your orders at T. J. EOTJTHER LAKD'S LIVERY STABLE, North Second St. - Orders for Carriages promptly filled. 1 t.:j.8otjthsrland, , Livery and Sale Stables, . ' j auStf -: ; Nos. 108 AiUlO North Second Et ' Those Who Are Fond QV A DELIGHTFUL SMOKE SHOULD NOT . fail to try the Ottar of Boses, Legal Seal, Arista and Trovatore Ciears. They are the best roods ever sold In Wilmington for Five. Cents. The proof, &o. - i, fl. HARDIN, Druggist, . oo Hi n MewM&TJtet. TJ. S. ENGINEER'S OFFICE. mrrvmomnw -kt r nwn-mm o icq. PROPOSALS for dredging in Harlow Creek, North Carolina, will be received until noon, November 25. 1886, and opened immediately - tnerearter. manic rorms, Bpeouicauons ana ut-- zormanon can do naa upon appiioation t tnis - oftloe. W. U..A1JLDZ, .r--.. Captain of Engineers. TJ. 8. A.s ooseet 26 27 8829 no 23 24. . . ' - - TJ. 8. ENGINEER'S OFFICE. ' PROPOSALS for dredging in New River, North Carolina, will be received at this office until noon, November 25, 1888, and opened immediate ly thereafter. Blank? forms, specifications and information can De naa upon application to tnis offloa. Captain of Engineers, U. 8. A. 25 27 28 23 no 23 24 oc28 6t "- U. 8. ENGINEER'S OFFICE, WILMINGTON. N. C. Octobbb 25. 1888. PROPOSALS for dredging in Bogue Sound, North Carolina, will be received at this office until noon. November 25, 1836, and opened imme diately thereafter. Blank forms, specifications ana lniorn this office. and information can be had upon application to . O0236t 26 27 28 29 no 28 24 , RITE OR APPLY TO THE UNDERSIGNED for a circular defining the 'LEGAL LIABILITY of members of Co-operative, Assessment or Mu tual Insuranoe Companies Fire or Life If yon are or were a member of any such organization: you may learn something of interest. ' . : M. S. WTLLARD.' ' 214 NORTH WATER STREET. oo26tf FRESH BEEF. TTE HAVE FOR SALE, ON OUR. STALLS ,.r NOS. 2 and 4, South side FRONT STREET MARKET, as FINE BEEP AS CAN BE HAD IN t NORTH CAROLm A. ' Tr. This Beef cune from SOva, fifty miles west of Asheville. ; - ." POPULAR PRICES ' WM. E. WORTH & CO. oc20tf yy H1TE ROSE EYE WATER, for Sore Eyes, WUd Cherry Pectoral Wine, for Conghs, Colds, Hoarseness, te. Combs, Brashes, Puffs, Extracts, 4o, o. . WILLIAM H. GREEN St CO. co23tf . Market Street. Tennessee Lmp Goal, - : l rpHIS LUMP COAL IS A CHOICE FUEL TOR quick fires, morning, axdlevenings. yon wfil call again. Try it and 00 24 tf J. A. SPRINGER. TXTANTED, IMMEDIATELY, A GENTLEMAN to represent the Anti-Prohibition Committee in Wil ; n. Liberal salary to right man. Address "ANTI-PROHIBITIONIST." Goldsboro, N. C. oo 28 3t POSITION WANTED BY A MAN IN A CHEM- cal Works, who has thorough practical know' ledge in the manufacturing of Sulphuric Acid. Two and a half years' reference from his last employer; nineteen and a half years' from the one previous." Address oo 23 4t ' j Baltimore. Md. Coal, Wool ana ; SMiifles. - WE HAVE ON HAND, AND FOR SALE AT the lowest market prices: 2000 tons all kind of CoaX 800,000 .Shingles, all sizes; and lou coras isiack acs, u&x. ana abu truou. Wood sawed to order and satisfaction Guaran teed in every Instance. Call, see and be con vinced. - Respectfully, OO 24 5m - FOWLER MORKIEON. Just Opened, AND ON THE COUNTERS FOR SALE. TWO , cases of Millinery Goods, at B. M. STROCK'S Millinery Departments. Tin 10 TVriTt afreet.- West aide, fourth door South of Market street, tke Doctor Fiink build stairs. oo241w Boarders. . FEWGENTLEMEHCAS FIND PLEASANT Sleeping Rooms and gDod Table Board by apply ing at NO. 15 SOUTH EIGHTH STREET. Try .... . . . . -. them. ;se61m STARTLING FACTS! You Cannot Afford to Ignore l&em. The following article appears in a recent iasne of the New York Commercial BtiUetin t "Aa expert ex amined and reported upon a mmple Chicago refine lard, the other day, which he said aid not contain a pound of hogs' fat, hat consisted 9t teUow, crease, cotton seed oU, and oleostearine.' . - Is such a mlxtora cheap at any price ? nnAAnnnid "star" INIV Villi II V BBairo UHOOH1IU U ISFTJXUS. EVEKY PACKAGE IS GUARANTEED. Try it and you will use bo other. . - C. CASSARD A 80N, 4 SSSIi BALTIM0RE,MD Carer, of tbo eelebnted M Star Brand KU Cored Hams. t 11 y 1 2i WTHDU7 CiHS:r3AfEnTUbi oo21 8m. -IP 11. WM. -. ; i i , -.' . - --1 ,

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