1 -4-, .-- .. . .;. -. , r- .- The -Morning Star. Oy WILLIAM H. 1IEI1WAISD. - i . PUBIJSHBiDAlLY .EXCEPT MONDAYS. " -Ml ,Oge arnare One Day,UJM.i.... 41 oo 1 4 i f , ... ww Days,...... ............. l 9 -- TW rum " j 1 1 i : i' Five Davs. ....vii-iwi- " a nn . ' " - Two Weaks,..i.... ....... a &o BATES OP BtTB8CaXPTION, TS ADVAHCT. One Year (by Mailfc Postage Paid. . 17 oo sxMontta.- -v " oo Three Months" ..ks ' ...... 2 o Two Months, H ' 1 60 Una Mouth, M k . '.. . 75 OBTTo City Subscribers, delivered In any part of the City, Fifths Cents per week. - Our city Agent are not authorised to collect for more thaa twee months to advance. - Three Weki,....i.v-,....... 8 00 - - n v .. ----...... w TWO Ifnnfcfta.-. 1 18 An ' 1 - J" 2?"?? Montha,.............. 84 oo ,. - oi unnn,.... ........ , 10 OS - ' -i , j t vam xear.... 60 oo vol: XXXIX. NO. 43. 2 . - A '-'TPT) ' - eroontract AdverUsements taken at propois 'iv 1 i Uonately low rates, , w . ,.,-V.V I s, new advertisements: ! WILMINGTON, N. 0., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11. 1886, WHOLE NO. 6284 Sintered at the Post Offloe at Wilmington, N. C as Second Class Matter. , kORNING; EDITION. OUTLINES. .- - Cholera has appeared at Majence, France. The N. O. Legislature staads:27 Demo crats, 3 Independent Democrats and SO Re publicans; the House: 54 Democrats, 9 In dependents and . 57 Republicans; the Republicans propose . to nominate an Inde pendent for Speaker. 1 Several persons were injured in an accident on the Western North Carolina": Railroad near the Nauta hala. ,- The Colored -Industrial Fair opened at Raleigh yesterday. No dis turbance occurred at the Chicago stock yards jhundreds of new men are employed; a boycott has been declared by the Executive Committee of the Knights of Labor. - -The House Committee on Appropriations is expected to meet in Washington on the 22d inst. - The National Grange Fat rocs of Husbandry are in session at Phila delphia, with delegates present from every State and Territory in the United States. Jesse H. Lord shot himself through the head with a pistol on the grave of his wife in a cemetery in Hartford, Conn. - Prince Waldemer was elected ruler of Bulgaria by acclamation. The state ment by the 'Marquis of Salisbury' that England meant to remain in Egypt until her work was accomplished has made a profound impression in French political and financial circles. . Cotton returns for November show reduced production on the Atlantic coast; in Arkansas and Ten nessee a large yield is assured, and in Texas the yield is higher, than in the census year; the general average is two to three points lower than in October. : A barque loading with cotton for Liverpool,' at West Point. Ya., caught fire from an overturned lamp; the, vessel was towed into the stream and sunk; loss to vessel and cargo $10,000. The Women's Missionary Society of the M. E Church is in session at Danville. The cty of Danville will construct a hew iron bridge across Dan river to cost $54,000. New York markets: Money 4i6 per cent; cotton firm at99 5 16c; waeat a shade lower : No. 2 red November 83fc; southern , flour quiet; corn iJc lower: No. 2 4545c. November 45fc; rosin dull; spirits turpentine dull at 36a There is a tie on joint ballot in the Indiana Legislature. , There is a great demand all over the land for five and ten cent coin. Lowell "orated" at Harvard ind Holmes struck his lyre. Both good workmen. . - Six of the ten Randalhte Repre sentatives from New York were slaughtered. George W. Childs is mentioned as s probable Labor candidate for May er of Philadelphia. i The Philadelphia limes is amus ing itself by talking of the ''Free Trade suicide." j The Tories are trying to get Mr. ' Gladstone to denounce Russia, but the great statesman is dumb. Harvard University is f 250 years old. The University of North Car olina began business in 1795. -. Georgia's finances are in a deci dedly healthy, condition, and the credit: of the State is advancing. : The regiments of armed militia had a very quieting effect upon the packing house strikes in Chicago. In North Carolina there have been already both snow and ice, but not in Wilmington. Ice bat no snow. The Bulgarians are said to show no signs of giving way, btrt a rising en masse against Russia is favored. A d uel with rifles in Texas be tween two ranchmen. One was killed. The dead man named Hiram Bennett, was worth a quarter of a million. v The Legislature just elected does not choose a U. S. Senator. ; The election does not occur until January, 1889.1 Augusta Chronicle will please observe. The Democrats in Virginia and North Carolina have some extremely hard work before them. ' We hope it will not prove up-hill. - Without anion there will be defeat. The Augusta Chronicle with com mendable enterprise issued an illus trated number on Monday when the cotton factories resumed work It gave a picture of the various mills. According to a writer in the New Princeton Review but little if any benefit comes to countries lhat own railroads. He says that the abuses are not removed for the European countries suffer from them jast as is tne case in this country. Speaker Carlisle is very generous, not to say excessive, in his reference to Morrison's defeat which every true Democrat must regret. He is reported by the New York Star as saying: ,; "Col. Morrison loses nothing by his de feat .v It makes him the leading figure in the Democracy in the country. I will be in Chicago on the 17th, after which I go to Washington. A defeat would not have given me much disappointment. Political life is very uncertain and fall of discom forts and vexations." i - - 5 Jockey Fred . Archer committed suicide en the second anniversary of his wife's death. He was sick from typhoid fever. He was born in 1856 and was the most famous race rider in the world. . ; ': . . ' - w ;5 , - Spirits Turpentine. ; : The best oysters sell at Elizas beth City for 80 cents a gallon. V JUJ The Lenoir. Topic says there were 94 crates of apples and 43 crates of cabbage shipped from Lenoir Saturday Beau fort Record: The court house ring is dead. Too much fiopdoodle and independentism killed it. John N. Whitford, the flopdocdle candidate for the Senate, is politically : dead but not for gotten. '- Whitford received 88 votes in Jones county, where he claims to reside, Goldsboro Argus: -The old Vance Guards, a colored military company organized in this city j while Hon. Z. B. Vance was Governor of the State, which af terwards went to pieces has been resuscitated and is again under command of its former Captain, Green Everett, j The company is now drilling almost every night. , .' New Bern Journal: While crossing Middle street at its intersection with Broad yesterday morning, Mr. R, N. Duffy was knocked down and run over by a horse and buggy which was suddenly and rapidly driven around the corner by a colored man. Mr. Duffy sustained severe injuries, chief of which Is a fracture of the thighbone, within the socket, which will confine him to his bed, it is feared, for a longtime. j v : Concord Times: Judge Boy kin knows how to get a quiet Sunday. . This was his first visit to our town, and when he came'Saturday night he asked the clerk of the Morris House if Judge Buy kin had ar rived. The clerk said no; and the Judge told him to send him to his room when he came. The Judge- did not . register until Sunday evening after dark, and no one knew be was in Coneord. The result was he had no callers and a quiet day to him self. - ; 1 ,,--;-; ;: -, - Baltimore Manufacturers' Re cord:. Henderson began to be a tobacco market in 1872. in which year 800.000 pounds were sold . . On the 81st of Decem ber, 1885, the statistics footed up sales of 8,158,132 pounds for the twelve months then ending All this tobacco was brought to the warehouse by the farmers of Vance and of the surrounding counties. ( There are thirty buyers constantly in attendance at these sales. From $5,000 to $8,000 are daily paid out to the farmers. . ! Lumberton Robesonian: There was a crank in Shoe Heel on Saturday last giving some incendiary advice to the black people. He was arrested and taken before the proper authorities,- wao told him to make tracks. He left for Bennett 6 ville. The Robeson Association met with the church at Saddle Tree, nine miles from Lumberton. Rev. H. Lennon is moderator and clerk. This association was formed in 1883. Mr. Elias Prevatt, an old and esteemed citizen of this county, died last week. t . 1 Charlotte Chronicle: Gentle men who are judges, pronounoe Mr. Bag well one of the able and thinking men of this section of the State. There was a considerable break up of the two theatri cal companies in this city 3aturday night after the plays were over, and two new com. panies formed. There was consider? able knifing of the Judicial ticket on the part of the Republicans. The Mott-HarrU embroglio, had something : to do with it. There is fan ahead and we will see which will fall upon top Boss j Mott or Bess Harris. ' j Lexington Dispatch: Tuesday night, two or. three hours' after the polls were closed, J. D Cutting and Henry Plowman, Bpecial policemen, were assaulted in a house near the railroad 6tation, and were beaten with brass knuckles and other weapons. Plowman received several wounds which bled freely,' but no serious injuries. ' Cutting was terribly - beaten, so much so that he died, aged about 88 years,' leaving a wife and several children. There war some talk of lynching the perpetrators but no such attempt is probable They wil ' be given a hearing on Saturday. Marion Bugle: The Federal Court was in session at Statesville last week. Eight or ten parties from McDowell were convicted of illicit traffic in whiskey from this county. Seven were committed to prison, and the deputy marshal brought Pink Connor and P. C. Dalton here. ! r Young Gregg; of - Mitchell, 'left his home .with his young bride, six years ago, and went to the far West. She became home sick at the end of a year .and returned to her mountain home.- .The other day, after a separation from his wife for five years, Mr. Gregg returned home, it is said, with a fortune which he had accumulated by toil and economy. : Charlotte Observer:.- Messrs. George W, Little and Julius E. Elliot, were arraigned before Esquire W. G, Max well yesterday on the charge of an affray. Little presented the appearance of having been - terribly beaten, and Elliott was charged with having administered the beat ing . Both men live in the country. - For the information of all concerned, we will state that Col. James W. Long, the successful candidate for the House, from Cabarrus county, is a Democrat, and will vote and work for every measure in the in-, terests of Democracy, that comes before the Legislature. - Messrs. W. A, Har per, Chas. Dudley Warner; H. Kirk Mon roe,. Chas. Graham, John Durkin and Horace Bradley were sent South by the Harper Publishing Company to illustrate and write up the different important South ern cities. They passed through Charlotte last Sunday afternoon, and it is an unfor tunate thing all around that they failed to stop here.'- -- - i f -r' ; Raleigh News-Observer: Sen ator Blair of New Hampshire is expected to arrive here, to-morrow night. He has been requested by a committee of citizens to give a lecture on education while here, and has telegraphed his compliance. Mr. Nichols has been elected to Congress from this District. What will he be able to do when he gets there? J What will he be able to do for ' the . people - who have elected him?; what for ny people? 1 r To-day we are able to make a closer and more satisfactory cast of the result, which will hardly vary 500 from .18,000 for the Judiciary ticket . It was not very much of a shower after alL. - Latham's net ma jority is 3.735. --Nichola majorities are: Durham 270.- Wake 1,696, Franklin 90, Nash 200; total 2,256. Graham's ma Jorities , are: Alamance, 81 Orange 238, Chatham -188, . Johnston 808; . total 715. Nichols' majority in the J)istrict is 1,541. Brewer's majorities are: Granville 666, Person 107, Caswell 413, Guilford 11, For syth 202. Stokes 219, Surry 84; total 1,672. Reid carried Rockingham by 112. ; Brewer's net majority is 1,560. x iW vVf-.. - ' Tarboro Southerner? Mr.' J; K. Bullock last Thursday lost his gin house and about sixteen bales of cotton. The fire caught about 2 o'clock in the afternoon while the gin was running. It is probable that a match in the cotton was the cause. On the cotton, cotton seed, gin and build ing there was a thousand dollars insurance in the Pamlico Banking and Insurance Co. This is the second fire of the kind to occur in this county this fall. The cam paign just closed in the county of Edge comba manifests an evident desire in the negro voter to break loose at length from his mooring. A fire broke out in Bethel last Friday night and consumed the store of Daniel Biggs, partly insured, and the residence of Nathaniel Hammonds.nn insured. The report generally through out the county from the cotton crop is that the yield will be forty to sixty per cent, of an average. The corn crop is good nearly all over the County, and with a plenty of hog and hominy nobody need starve. One good thing has come of the election Col. Charles R. Jones has been most egre giously muzzled. But O, Moses, will he stay so ? " 7 " . - ' THE OXT5f; KBW ADTER'llJlKinKNTII. MuasoN Imperial shirts Harbison & Allen Hats. Marshall & Manning Fish. , NeBTHBOP & Ctjhmiho Dissolution. ' No. 402 N. 2d Street Nurse wanted. E. Warren & Son To candy buyers. S. & W. H. Northrop Copartnership. Heinsberger Take care of your eyes. Local IMU. -'w,; Workmen are "putting on the roof to the county jail". ' ' " j . . Rev. D. H. Tuttle will preaoh in Brooklyn M. E. Chapel to-night. Cotton continues to come in freely. The receipts yesterday were ' 817 bales. A. rare and beautiful sight a luhar rainbow was observed by several persona Tuesday evening. " " Mr. Sammerell, superinten dent of the Market street wharf improve ments, had one of his feet mashed yester day by a stick of timber falling upon it. No bones were broken. Messrs. Paterson, Downing A Co. cleared the Danish barque Helgenaen, yesterday, for Liverpool Eng , with 750 casks spirits turpentine and 1.554 barrels of rosin,1 valued at $14,245. Turner's North Carolina Alma nac for 1887 is out. It was first published in 1838, by H. D. Turner, bookseller, Ra-. leigh, N. C. and has been continued since his death by the present publisher, Mr. J. H. Ennis.. .. . A young white man who gave his name as George Henry Kints, but who is a stranger in the city and supposed to be a tramp, was found prostrated by sickness in the neighborhood of Hilton yesterday. By direction of the Chief of Police he was taken to the City Hospital for treatment. A fishing smack from the Black fish grounds brought up a quantity of snap pers and blackfish yesterday morning, for the firm of W. E. Davis & Son. The fishermen on board reported that their little vessel was caught in the gale outside Satur day night and came near being lost All the sails were blown away, but the vessel sustained no other damage. i The Creosote Lumber and Con struction Company, recently organized in this city, will erect works at Fernandina, Fla., similar to the works in operation here and owned by the Carolina Oil and Creo soting Company. . The iron cylinders, re torts, etc., for use in Florida, were manu factured in Richmond, Va. Col. E.Z R. Brink will be the manager, with head quarters at Fernandina. He expects to re move to that place early in December. . County Afl3alr,".v- V. , The Board of County Commissioners met at the Court House yesterday, for the consideration of matters appertaining to the welfare of the county. Chairman Bagg and Commissioners Worth-, Montgomery, and Moore were present. - --f . The chairman called the attention of the Board to the action of the Board of Alder men of the city in ' granting ;to Mr. ,T. J. Southerland the privilege of erecting a woodeu building to be used as a livery sta ble and cart house on the - vacant lot on Princess street adjoining the county jail. After discussing the matter for some time, the Board decided to purchase the lot if it could be bought for the sum .of $1,500, as authorized by the Board of Magistrates a their meeting on June 7th, 1886, and Chair man Bagg "was empowered to act in the matter. ' . 'i'. ;l-l;J ":.;.; It was ordered by the Board that the bond to do given by the county treasurer be fixed at $70,CO0,and that the sheriff's bond for the collection of school, poor, and county taxes, be fixed at $50,000. The clerk of the Board - was instructed to . notify the treasurer and sheriff elect of the increase in the bonds required of them. ? ; The - bond heretofore' . required of the sheriff for the collection of the taxes men tioned . was - $50,000 " The bond of the treasurer was also $50,000. OttSRA. MOUSE. IStenael StrosofiTand tbe IHtnnet Car- ;V'.. V, ' nival Company. : . ,;: f There is a peculiar f ascination in Rus sian stories, especially to Americans. The pomp and grandeur and despotic power of its Princes, the . intrigues and plots of the Nihilists, their bravery . and self devotion, which scoff 8 at the knout, banishment and death, all conspire to make an inviting field for the novelist and dramatist It is, therefore, not surprising that: a drama founded on this romantic theme, with the added attractions of - fine scenery and stage effects, should draw a big house.-: It is a pleasant illusion to be at one mo ment sitting in the Opera House chatting with one's friends,' and at the next mo ment by the rise of ' the curtain to be trans ported to Russia, following the adventures of Michael 'Strogoff and, his brave moth er and adopted ; sister; and , the au dience seemed , to lose themselves for the time, and become . participants -in the dangerous journey to Irktuks. Every one seemed to be in a pleasurable state of excitement, relieved by the mirth-pro-ducing correspondents, Phillip Fhttpot and Corneliut CfBrien. These two parts were admirably filled.. ' ; Michael Strogoff, however," was the cen tral figure of the play; and he was all that could be desired. ' He was ably seconded by Miss Cecile Rush as Marfa and Rita O'Neil as Nadia. .The latter, however, might have been a little less, "stagey" and more natural to advantage. ., The specialties were greatly admired, par-, ticularly the grotesque contortions: of the Ronaldos, and the lightning -drill by Eis sell. : . . The ballet of "twentyflve handsome ladies" was hke the darkey's 'possum, somewhat "shwunk," but there wo a ballet, and it is hard to say who were the most delighted the "vete rans" or the youths. The gallery . gods were in high glee and made the wel kin ring with, the r shrill whistling and yells. It is a pity, though, that they can not be kept quiet during the affecting parts. All the pathos is knocked out at such times (by their snickering. v They seem to think everything said is to ba laughed at, and it is very annoying at times. "Michael Strogoff " was universally voted a success. The ecenery and appointments were good and greatly enhanced the attract tiveneas oi the performance. Tne Election In Bladen County. : The official vote of Bladen county, as famished the Stab by a correspondent at Elizabeth town, gives Sutton, rep., candi date for the State Senate, 240 majority. Lyon, dem., is elected to the House by a majority of 151. McClammy, dem., for Congress, has a majority of 71, and the State Judicial ticket, Democratic, a majori ty of S2. For Solicitor, Lyon, mdt, has 174 majority. The Republican candidates for Sheriff. Surveyor and Register of Deeds are elected, while the Democrats elect the Clerk of the Superior Court, the County Treasurer and Coroner. mayor's Coart. ! Ed Gibson and George Dudley, colored, who were arrested while engaged in a fight on Nutt street, was brought before the Mayor yesterday morning. Dudley was fined one dollar and a fine of three dollars was imposed upon Gibson; both to be worked out on the street at forty cents per day. Addie Harris and Martha Wescott, colored women, charged with fighting on Nutt street. The Harris woman was dis charged, and the case against Martha Wes cott was continued until to-day. November meteor. - The November meteors will soon put in an appearance, An authority cn the sub ject says that on November 14th the earth plunges through the metor-zone, the mete ors and the earth moving with immense ve ' locity and in different directions. The meteors come full tilt upon the earth's at mosphere, are inflamed by the concussion, and descend in the form of falling stars. The best time to look for them is the nights of the 13th,14th and 15th, about three o'clock in the morning. CALIFORNIA WINES (strictly pure) Securely packed. Send for price list. D. Rich & Co., 785 Broadway, New.York. f TBB IBA1T.S. The malls close and arrive at the City Post Office as follows: ' - '. , . ,, ... t. CLOSB.T Northern through malls, fast. . . . .. ... . 8:00 P. M Northern through and way malLs.. .. 8:00 A. M Through mall for all points north of Richmond... 10:03 P.M. Raleigh. 6:80 P. M. A 8:00 A. M Halls for the N. C. Railroad, and -routes supplied therefrom Including A. 4 N. C. Railroad, at. :. 8:00 P. M. & 8.-00 A. H. Southern malls for all points South, dally.. i... 8.-00 P.M. Western malls (C. O. Railway) dally (except Sunday) 6:30 P. M. Allpolnts between Hamlet and Balelgh 6:80 P. M. Mail for Cheraw and Darlington Rail road 8.-00 P.M. Mails for points between Florence and Charleston 8:00 P. M. Fayette viUe, and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays........ 1:00 P. M. Fayettevule, via C. C. B. R., dally, ex cept Sundays 6:00 P, M. Onslow O. H. and Intermediate offioes, Tuesdays and Fridays ; 6KW A. M. Smlthvllle malls, by steamboat, daily, (except Sundays). , 8:30 A.M. Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shal- . lotte and Little River, Tuesdays and - Fridays 2M P. M. WrlghtsYflle jaOy at.... 80 A. M. OPEN FOR DKLTYKBT. . , Northern through and way mails 7 KM A. M. Southern malls.... 9.80 A. M Carolina Central Railroad.. ........ 9:30 A. K Malls collected from street boxes from bus ness portion of city at 5 A.M., 11:30 A.M. and 50 P.M.; from other parts of the city at 6 P.M. and 5 A.M. ' ;'f v . :: General delivery open from 7 A.M.to 6.00P.M and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. -; Stamp Office open from 7.80 A.M. to 6 P.M Money Order and Register .Department open. 8:00 A.M. to SM P. M. oonttamoos. Carriers delivery open on Sunday froB 8:30 to 930A.M. . ' . Railroad time,' 75th meridian. Waatnerlndleattena. j , - The following are the indications for to day: . - 1 . ' : For North Carolina and South Carolina, generally f airweather,r. nearly stationary temperature, winds generally westerly. Baptist State Convention. , j ' . Rev. Dr. T. H. . Pritchard, Chairman of the Committee on Hospitality, has been compelled to give- notification that, none others but regularly appointed delegates to the Convention which meets in 'this city on the 17th ioBt, can be entertaioed.. : Al ready over four hundred applications have been received and homes provided for the applicants, and the Committee find that the limit has been reached for all others but delegates. : !; 'v ;.T RIVER AND CT.ARINK. - ''. ' 3 No arrivals yesterday ; from up the river. . . -:, . , , , . : Advices from Fayetteville report : a rise of about twelve inches in the Cape Fear river, '- " " ' . : r. Nor barque Spes which got aground in the river Tuesday afternoon while com ing up to Wilmington (as previously re ported) was hauled off by a tug that went to her assistance, but again grounded yes terday morning a few miles below the city. It was thought she would get off at high tide lafct night ; ' Quarterly meeting Fourth Round for the Wilmington Dis trict of the Methodist E. Church, South: - Onslow circuit, at Tabernacle, November 13 and 14.. . ' ! Brunswick circuit, at Concord, Novem--ber 20 and 21. . " v. J . Wilmington, at Fifth Street. November 27 and 28. Paul J. Cabbawat, ' Presiding Elder. . If you wish a good article of Pltjo To bacco, ask your dealer for "Old Rtp." ; f A DOWN TOWN MERCHANT. havtag"passed several sleepless nights, disturbed by the agonies and cries or a Buffering child, and becoming con vinced that Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing 8yrnp was Just the article needed, procured a supply for the child. On reaching home and acquainting his wife with what he had done, she refused to have it administered to the child, as she was strongly in favorofHomceopathy. That night the childpassed In suffering; and the parents without sleep. Return ing home the day following, the father found the baby still suffering: and while contemplating an other sleepless night the mother stepped from the room to attend to some domestic duties and left the father with the child. During her ab sent he administered a portion of the Soothing Syrup to the baby, and said nothing. That night all hands slept well, and the little fellow awoke in the morning Dright and happy The mother was delighted with the wonderful change, and al though at first offended at the deception prac ticed upon her, has continued to use the Syrup, and suffering crying babies and restless nights have disappeared. A single trial of the Syrup never yet failed to relieve the baby, and over come the prejudices of the mother. Sold by all Druggists. 25 cents a bottle. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Nurse Wanted, S3TTLED WOMAN, (EITHER WHITE OR Colored), for an infant nine months old. Apply at once at no 11 It , No. 433 North Sesond St. DtaMon ol CoBartaersMj). rjRS COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE Ex isting between the undersigned and Willfam A. Camming, under the firm name of Northrop & Camming, and doing business in tlie city of Wil mington, N. C. was dissolved on the 26th day of October, 1E85, by the death of William A. Gum ming. All persons indebted to the Said firm are requested to make early payment to, and all persons having claims against them will present them to, either of the undersigned Dated at Wilmington, N. a, this the 6th day of November, 1886. t - . SAMUEL NORTHROP, ' s ; no 11 3t WILLIAM H. NORTHROP. ; Copartnership Notice. TH UNDER SIGNED HAVE, FROM THE DAT - X and date hereof, associated themselves to gether as copartners In business, under the firm name and style of 8. W. H. NORTHROP. Dated at Wilmington, N. C, this the 1st day of November, If 86. ' - i Signed,. SAMUEL NORTHROP, nollt W. H. NORTHROP. ' ! Hats ! Hats I gTIFF AND SILK HATS I LADIES' HATS 1- ' . HARRISON A ALLEN, f Hatters. no 11 tf The Popular Shirt N' OW SOLD IS THE 'TMPEBIAL IT FITS so well with the NOBBT SUITS sold at nolllt . . MTJNSON'S. 1!ISH. ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF THOSE FINE NEW RIVER MULLETS just arrived. Also, Ap ples, Onions, Potatoes, Cabbage, Ac. New River Oysters and fresh Fish arriving dal ly. Dressed Poultry all the week. , r. . , A small lot of fine Roe ' , u MARSHALL A MANNING, , ". Gen. Com. Merchants, ' . Opposite Front St. Market, no 11 D&Wtf . Wilmington, N. C. Attention Car dy Buyers, - VTR.ARK 8ELLINO OUR OWN MAKE OF STICK CANDY and ASSORTED DROPS , . . . . ':At 16c per Pound, and guaranteed to be BTCTLT. TVSS. Try them and you will continue to buy them.- h E.WABBEH & S0N,; - - EXCHANGE CORNER. ; "' : -noil tf ' ' '' ' ' v ' ' : Hew,: Styles. "TB 07FXR SOME NW STYLES ' '' "OF LADIVS' BUTTON SHOES. Misses' and Children's Shoes In' great variety of tyies. ; ", ' : 'r Gents' and Boys'. Gaiters and Button .Boots. - CaHand see. -r v.s 'ikrx-ii',J---" QeoB. FrencK & Bcrns, 108 NORTH FRONT STREET. 1 ' ' ' no 7 tf NEW1 ADVERTISEMENTS.! I o Q o J MOST BEILLIAP, PORE & PERFECT LENSES IN .THE W0EL3), i ; CoiuiDeuWitu Great RefracliDi Pop. TIET ARB AS TRANSPARENT AND COLOR less as light itself, and for softness of - en durance to the eye cannot be excelled, enabling the wearer to read for hours withont fatigue. In fact they are : PERFECT SIGHT PRESERVERS. Testimonials from the leading physicluiB in the United States, Governors, Senators, legisla tors, stockmen, men of note in all professions and In different branches of tradd, -bankers, me chanics, etc, can be given who have had their sight improved by their use. , , ALL EVES FITTED AND THE FIT GUARAN TEED BY ; - - , i - ! ROBERT R. BELLAMY, - ' druggist, wilmingtonIn. p.'- These Glasees are not supplied to peddlers at any price.. , . . , . .-. Be41y ' " nrm ; Take Care of Your Eyes. An Agency for tie Mare's Celebrated ROCKvYSTAt': ; ' j Spectacles 3 and Eye Glasses IS ESTABLISHED IN THIS PLACE WITH THE ' - 'L UNDERSIGNED Le Mare's Spectacles are the best that science nas yet been able to produce; being perfectly colorless have no prismatic rays common to the glasses in use. . HEINSBEBGER'S. . no 11 tf ; . . : .'. ... . t - "' Sometliing New. QHBRRY BLOSSOM, : I ,. , .The most exquisite of Perfumes. . PURE FRESH DRUGS received this day. ! WILLIAM H. GREEN A CO. ' 1 no 10 tf , Druggists, Market St, Pure Pork Sausage. Heckler's Virginia FRESH LINK & BOLOGNA SAUSAGE. The BEST and CLEANEST ever made. J HAVE ARRANGE TO GET DAILY SHIP MENTS of this make of SAUSAGE, and I ask all who want a CLEAN STRAIGHT PORK SAU SAGE, to give them a trial, and I feel sure they will be satisfied with no other. The TENDERLOIN SAUSAGE Is THE BEST in the world.; - .; ;" ' '! ?-v . . I can supply the Jobbing as well as the Family Trade, and ask all who care for a PURE PORK SAUSAGE to give them, a fair trial. 1 ' . XNO. L.BOATWBIGHT, ' nolOtf '' 15 A 17 SO. FRONT STREET. ; ; v coal, fooi ani SMngles. - WE HAVE ON HAND, AND FOR SALE AT the lowest market prices: i 3,000 tons all kind of CoaL S 00,000 Shingles, all sizes; and 150 -"cords Black Jack, Oak and Ash Wood. Wood sawed to order and satisfaction guaran teed in every instance. Call, see and be con vinced. . - ; : Respectfully, oo 84 5m FOWLER St MORRISON. Memoirs of Robert E. Lee,: JJIS MILITARY AND PERSONAL HISTORY, by A. L. LONG, Military Secretary to Gen. Lee,; and Chief of Artillery Army Northern Virginia. : Indorsed and approved by the members of Gen. Lee's family. - WaLKBRMEARES, .' no7tf nao . Agent. ; Attention Tobacco Chewers ! CHEW THOS. ! C. WILLIAMS A CO.'S CELE BRATED TOBACCO. "Paris Medal" Sun Cured Tobicco received first premium at the Paris Exposition (over sal Tobaccos), and cannot be surpassed for a fine chew. HOLMES A WAITERS, Agents, -; oo 10 lm - Wilmington, N. C. . .Vaseline in Bottles and Ponni Cans A8BUKE COLD CREAK, POMADE VASE LINE, Camphor Ice with Glycerine. Henry's Carbollo Salve, Alcohol Stoves, with Boilers, Ac. ' ' ' ROBERT R. BELLAMY, Druggist, oo SI tf N, W. cor. Market and Front Sts. Heaters,Banges,Stoyes A! SPLENDID STOCK ON HAND. i Oil Stoves, Pumps, Bath Tnbs, . ; , Door Mats, Lamp Goeds. ' TinWare. Bottom Prices. . PARKER A TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL: no7tf Fresh? Arrivals, i JgBAUTIFUL LAP ROBES,' LATEST STYLES; Horse Blankets, every variety A full and well selected stock of Phaetons, Baggies, Harness, Saddles, Ladies' and Gents' Trunks, Bags and Satchels. McDOUGALL A LOVE, . no7tt; .. - - 114 North Front Street. r . ; Hew; Gobd. gUCH AS PARLOR AND HALL LAMPS. Also, the best Breech-Loading d'uns and Pis' tola made. ' For sale at lowest prices by ' ... GEO. A. PECK, no4tf ; ., .. .29 So. Front St. Choice Hay, Hoop-Iron & Glne for Sale. CONSIGNMENTS CF COTTON AND NAVAL STORES CAREFULLY HANDLED." i ; WOODY&CURRiB, ' Commission Merchants, Wilmington. N. X .mhSOtf 154 FROST 8EREBT, ' X - - - NEW YORKT' O1 TJR-MR. NASH HAVING BEEN ELECTED A member of the New York Cotton Excha.no. we are prepared to execute Orders on Contracts In Future Deliveries,- Orders will be received uu Buamqiea Dyour nrm in vriimurrrunt PATERSON, DOWNING A CO. ;de20tf iseview copy. - : - ir:;-. For This Week ! BROWN & RODDICK," 9 Nortb Front St, f f if; If WE DESIRE TO CALL PARTICULAR ATTEN TION TO THE FOLLOWING,FOR THIS WEEK : Dress Goods; We can truly state that our 'assortment In this Q department Is THE LARGEST, CHEAPEST and MOST.DE3IRABLE LINES we have ever shown any season. . . . . ..,'V:.-?. , . doahs and Jackets h Ladfies' New Markets from S5.C0 to $18.00. -? ; Ladles' Jaekets from $3.00 to $10 01 Children's Cloaks from $a75 np. "": i' The most eomplete line south of New York, at prices ranging as follows 75c, $1,00, $1.25, $1.75 $2.00 aad $2 53. Many Novelties In this line ; i I Underwear. LADIES', GENTS' AND CHILDREN'S. All Grades; Qualities, Colors and Prices. Corsets. We carry the largest stock of Corsets you can find ranywhere. We have added several NEW i MAKE 3 this season. J - i G1VB US A CALL. ; 7 . BROWN & RODDICK; 3 NORTH FRONT STREET? ' k Branch Store, 27 Hay Btreet, Fayetteville, N.;c Yarn, Sheeting, &c 19 K Bales RANDOLPH YARN. OK Bales RANDOLPH SHEETING, Lye, Potash. Soda. Soan. Staroh. . ' Tobacco, Snuff, Ac, Ac, - For sale low by : . .; Bagging, Ties, Twine. 2000 Half EoUb BAGGING 2500 ARROW TIBS, C A A Lbs. BALING TWINE, VMM For sale low bv ' lit- :: ; no"7tf WmJAMS.-.RANKTNA CO. Flour, Bacon, Lard; - ptV??:: 800 Bfel3 FLOUK grades, 100 Sozes D-s SIDXS' '-t A A Cases LARD. ' - xvv no 7 tf For sale low by WILLIAMS RANKIN A CO. Iolasses, Sugar. Goifee 1 fift BbIs Choice Porto Rico MOLASSES, j QBbls Refined SUGARS, OKA Sacks Choice RIO COFFEE, .-. Fprsalo low by no7tf t WILLIAMS, RANKIN A CO. Get the Best. "WHY PAY TO BE INSURED IN A COMPANY Ladies' Jersey Waists; OlIlM t f f : ' .... .. i..-.' . which deducts a discount in caseof payment be t - , i . fore the expiration of sixty daysahen for the ' . -V , ; same amount of premium you can insure In the v - " 1 v , . : . - ' - i -. t I old Liverpool, A London A Globe Insuranee ., . - .- I ; - .. . ... ' ' " . ,.;;i:;A,Vi'i! uompany wnica pays au losses wituuut uis COUNT..! . ' . : '. ' ' '. J. W. Gordon & Smith. " !t . . AGENTS, No, 124 N. Water Street. relephone No. 78. no73tf .- QF BOOKS AND 8TATIONKKT,: TANCY Goods, Pictures, Frames So., Ac Special at-. ' tention given to Office Stationery. Blank Books ' made to order; also Lithographed Cheek books. Letter Heads. Wedding Stationery, Visiting ; Cards, Ac, Ac ' ' n0 7tl t . TAXES' BOO&BTOBS. STARTLING You Caanot Afford to Ignore Them. ,. - FACTS1 The following article appears la a recent lame of the New York Commercial Bulletin t "An expert ex mined and reported upon a sample f Chicago refine ' lard, the other day, which he eaid did not contain a ' pound of nogs' fat, ant consisted of tallow, grease, ' eotton seed oil, and oleo atairl pe." - ab biaau m iaaaja.tMLi,ji vucav OASSARD'S is sucn a mixture eneap at any price r . : -s s- IS PUKE. EVEBt PACKAGE IS GUABANTKED. ? Try it and yon will use no others . C. CASSARD A 80N 407.409 and 411 WJiaJtianore St. baltimor,md Oarer, of lbelebrmtoa Star Bnnd " jf lid Cana Htaa. 11 '1 f r APOK VrtTHarr INlTKNSAfBVIrim . : 1 T 1 i;t1 . .-' - 1 mm- -;i . : -;. .. . V i Hi Villi --"fcil; -' g 'I, mi -. - '2 . .V ' Vf .rV . -v " " . '