:" A. j f ( 1 ' 4 ' l'i : . ' as 1 ! 4 met anbnr,.br & u rut u a ee wA ptvm rroo esa wm at ea awua aa 11 w pr ra. It M tor its acati. Aarrwyisu uirzs trun.T-oa or pnr rv -i w : inu fJ t wni. S4t I ccccpai aa ttat it desired; Ua ud ex- eeem viae and prudent to faster tbe N ;- . ErZiY. -- SSSr- lT. iui.i4b hooi; a w nt hope i v- - iZ; w: I!S2?,??3r I ' II next cocaidcrt VppropntUotx tbUthdbenefiUtrUing wiJlbetoconiN gthroogh your-colamna youfx5or ofsibaieKtlS V Id Id : Una i 1; TT JOw rVjS'niL flnate KMCbua. rwlMl Mm "' ' Motion ai!r fcwl f n.T!7 Dooar a a) mt ' ' .4 fe" gtaiturtiaa, aa4 U mu fr ism Jo e ?Ba ivwrtwi8t9 taswt! t Loi tola UtfUCQ. Cbmraaa&mffuad. mir I thm-r tainii , - La t Unaa 6rtdt tod pro vwly wi 1 x w una fi crlc:y In i K tAlm rtm ing this pveniflg Jtenv 7) -the-total ' 1 " ' . : LI 1 f n nil Lulnn f lastweels; 2 bilif-knd tbSaDreiae Cfenrt Room I tpicn oat ht Wilmington and other reapondent "who signal himself "A; 260,659 bl6a three weeks since; inak andSut tibrarr. HaaiTt tbe.work I poinUtnay be favored wltn a auniiar I e , wuicu.in4 uueu uum i mg tne total receipts biuo? mo it si ""v .r--, r, i Atms Bsaeon noany owry oi nrpvinn s -WPpIt and ? onis.- IRON enters fa L ki this season nearly every ona needs to nsa soma I uiw nullum cvuij ifj (I n en wVio& to ae4!rf tsc Mrtt wta uactswMt 'Vii for. .. bb wis am-urn jmw i4WjNDMa to rEo-w Mw&u tuuur. t to , tujimriuijc mm u poaiuoa MCM Kit ur p ar for mcS tuwm 4.. mvi&rvTtwt pr tmm x?cr.! tutrcil truulMl r"rasnta fur cros ftdvrCawiBu nui b a Cn UraMt prtiMW rtrmr wrJX cr9r r(rmo vks pmr noau. c? -.i aU.,tf.T for Omv wMOr l o v.waMnUUm wrWK w-u terss M 1 if CtCrct rftrwr vta so to Zor4 to a mI tteir tpo or uirumm may uua frn t tar froUk trwlnM vttAtmt sr mi rratat r& ' XaroSCaatMR aa to C3m. 011 f-jmtmj, Moamr Ok1.. Kx?ra or ta ltoitf t J t Go.v rax.tfBir J to 4 u I. (1 i tttaalil ai-v iiiMiiiri m i m towm 0y imti m to htiwt ta. Wtor o W rtM CI UwcmMt wtU to tawrW IsttotMlT. VVm a ftUwrUiMir nsrwrt for iim paor h to mi o fciza inrta tto tm 4wtiMMBi ti ta. Uu profrtwxr wU oq-Tt to tjmtmamXMm fur tto marft of Um pr to ai m . The Morning Star! vnzjtrxGTox, v. a lAbrtrj. . lie aaya done on tbe i w bntldlog la well doo. Of courts" mere money 'ia needed to cotnpleto it. That atopeo doaa elephant, tbe "GoernorV Pal ace,1 aa tbe old name waa, ia atill oo band and more money ia required to complete it. How mnebjt not eu- tad. Did any publio bailding ever fall within tbe first eslimaUa? "Jar via'a Folly" oogbt to be aold for eome txaefnl purpose if a purchaser can be found. Tbe Governor coosiders at much lenffth aod aDDrcvioclv tbe work of the Aijricaltaral Department. As much he nays refers to tbe working of the Department through the years, with raacb of which oar readers are famtliar.we will cot follow him ia all be says. Of tbe phosphate deposits be says Ta follow J ojf results of th phosphite urvr. coaducted by Lbs SUUoc. (bow wbsre wt cow staad. Pbospbate beds lio !a a twit IS to SO mile wide from South Carolina toe. tartucb Columbus. Rladea. 8mrs-o, cert of reader, tbroarh Dupllo. f arts of Joses sod Lcsoir, to the Neuse lifxr. also la Oaalow. Total number of acrrs txplored. 124.8"i Total pound of pbosphau rock sxcavated. 73,433. Tcul calculated number loos pborpbato rock in lae 124 94 acres. 30.564 -15. Avetae ton per aefe. 40&93 Sample analjitd 310. An Experiment Farm bss been added which promises useful results. A State Weather Service has been organised jo conjunction with tbe United States Signal Service. It is estimated that 871 per cent, of the weather reports are reliable and val uable to tbe farmers. Tbe Immigra tion Department claims to have ac compli bed the following results: Farmiax laods, by North era settlers I1S9.600 00 Moufcturlcf property, br Northern settlers .. 193.300 00 xualoa prorerty. by Northern ttrs 110.COO 00 Tou property, by Northern ettter 20.0CO 00 TvrsoAt Moaist9. Jax. ll. 1397. J I JL' f 1 t ?IOtS AD COTIXf KT e TttK nsmcr. Tbe Governor's ta! t a pra; ttvMl Jxi'itasol without rhetoric or fioorwb of aoy kind. H bfg-ta by rsferrin to lh at5ciecey of fned aad the ecap of oar people from ' flrrby, btvxi.hed. etrtbaakee 7 aad reuttlo in the lo of tif atropr:y.w IN eotdr tbe raport f the DtpsrtmssU with tbe , .chief point of which oar reader are V already ta foi9ioQ. II thinks it ' f , . .xiMi tJ taxattoo to .3 , I ceuU 00 tbe 1 10O worth of property 1 1 "h 1 S II r t 1 1 m ' - a A wuaoan ceiraoj say interest" Tblsia go.l &w for tbe people. f Bat cajs this b-9 dooe and tbe needed , aasa bft raised for edacatiooal par- poeee ? It 19 n7t after all the State taxei . that Oppress tbe people. Tbe expen diture for the Sm1 year en J0 30tb N6rtahr, m3, foryeraporpee were t5i0,3T"J 97. Tbe tax paid by . tb people under 'the High War Tar , Si 12, toe th benefit of comparatively - few mo no potie U aad raaaafactarere, wi djabtle! fall tea time this sum. . " ct 7,0OOtOX Add this sum ToUl .1303.101) 00 Tbe oyster survey ha been con ducted by tbe Agricultural Depart meal and very aatiefactorily. Lieut. Francis Winslow, IT. S. Navy, bad charge. The cost was 1 1,'Jl 4.S4. Here are the results: "Ab are, of 1.S07.0CO acres baa beeo ei aaiaed. of wbleh 4 13.000 acrvs bare beca carefully surveyed, and S53.0OQ (ft o rally stodted. A lares portico of tbia rcmaiolox are will not reqaire exact or iostrumeotal Am Urm lea '.ioca. Of tbe eaiire area of 1. 807.000 verts. T9).C00 acres are reported as poeMmie. ! greaier or leas exteot. tbe cca&Uoea favorable to lh rrowtb aod cul- Uratioa of tte ojvter. Of ibis arra about 19.400 acres are occupied by natural bJt. aad 3 200 by artiocial beds, rttabiiahsd by Sectioa 3290 of Tbe Coi: or only on 9 aad tbrre qaarlera per ceo I. of Lbe avtilab!e are nas ba rcsderetl proc active. ov. Scatce refers at length to the Connecticut law regulating tbe oys ter industry, and recommends that its essential principles be adopted. He says, aod we copy it with real pleasure: "I: is tbe oglctea of all who are acqnais Ud with the rooarcv of the Bute la this KrticuUr that coly wtae aad liberal lefts loo U seeded lo develop aercat iaduatry ctaploytaf evaay thooaasda of people aad caaar caiUiaos of capital. The benefits which such a development would confer upoo the PUie La cefai. aad the eastern sevtloo La particular. a o creat that the eaaUer shooU receive hamecitie and seri ous coeaUerailoo." Tbe (roveroor next coosiders lh Ilalelsh Industrial School. He thinks tbe sam hitherto appropriated inade aehool. Skilled labor ia aiwaya tne cheapest labor and.it can aiwaya command fair wagea" Tbe Penitentiary is next diaontted by the Governor. The number of con vie ta is 1,315. Oaring 1885-'6, 142 died from die ease and 18 from in jariea total 160. Tbia is very ex cesive mortality. . What causes it? The cost is $386,816.18. The appro priation waa 256,232.59. The earn ings were $339,680.49, but of tbia but little waa received in cash the work being on railroads, &c. . The Governor and bomasely properly says: "I would also call your special attention to tbe lrre number of boys to this table between 8 aad 15 years of age, sod between 13 aod 20. Tbeae sbould not be mixed up with tbe older aod more hardened crimi nals, but some provisloo sbould be made by which theso boys should be kept sepa rate and apart from them In tbe Peniten tiary until otber legislation, under tbe Con liiuUoo. shall provide for bousea of cor rection. Tbe religious Instruction of tbe convicts, while it is reported to be bene ficial, is yet not what It sbould be. and I earnestly recommend that the appropria tion for this pu 1 pose be increased to $1,000. He says by reason of tbe enlarge ment of the Western Asylum tbe ap propriations will have to be $320,000 instead of $280,400 as they were. Tbe Governor says there are 700 helpless insane in tbe State unprovi ded for. He appeala to tbe Legisla ture to cure this evil and to begin it at once. He says: 'It ta believed that additions can be made to the Asylums In Raleigh and Golds boro. by which ample, but plain and sub stantial accommodations can be made for them, at the rate of iSOO.OOO ner caDita. provided tbe LejrLilatnre will authorize tbe bnck and all common labor to be foroiah- ed by the Penitentiary. I recommend that it shall be done gradually and by annual appropriations, so that Iks burden may not rail all at one time upon the people He speaks approvingly of tho Deaf and Damb and Blind Asylums, ana additional appropriations are needed for furniture, repair. tc. w Whatever the Legislature docs in tbe way of retrenchment will be ap proved by a discerning publio ao it ia not done at tbe expense of tbe helpless insane and tbe other smitten and afflicted aod the poor children manda every respectful consideration Sent- 1886. J3v914.842 bales, ae&insi of what he aaya, aince through a Jew I 3,759,644 bales for the samo pelriodj&f i .! y AWV, OUv v. .UC. - ... -wvy STf rT I believe that I have an inheritance in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.,. : r 1 -, - y " First, let me aay, that these topics of prayer are not deviaed by Presby terians, bat -by a committee1 of the Evangelical Alliance, representing nearly all tbe Churches of Christen dom known aa "Evangelical;" and that recognizing and deploring tbe very evils to which. your correspon dent calls attention, the Churches of Sent. -1 : i 886." of-l 55;i9 baleVi -The exports for the!Vekr Wding this evening reach a totaif 195,891 bales, of which 100,227 lrto Great Britain, 45,430 to France and 50,234 to the '' rest of they Continent . To day the .market opened strong er, but declined under the weak re-, port from Liverpool. Cotton on the spot baa been quiet, but quotations TTW "I were advancea. 1 loc. on iqeeaay. J U M BFTTflt, For Weakness, .unerg tne on THE TONIC LiassItude.X,ack e AS NO KOTTAT- and- Si Iron medicine that ia not lnjuriona. day, in prayer "that believers may walk in fellowship and holy love, re membering that they are one body in Christ and members one of another." On Friday when we: nnited in prayer for tbe whole world, not as a subordinate topic, but as the climax of that prayer, we prayed that' "God's ancient people Israel may acknowledge Jesus aa tbe Meesiab," believing with Paul that if.tbe cast ing away of them was the reconciling of tbe world, tbe receiving of tbem shall be life from tbe dead. And In making this prayer we have great -encouragements from God. Does your correspondent know that ac cording to the estimate of Rev. The odore J. Myerp, of London, a Chris tian Jew, from 1817 to 1882, fifty thousand Jews had been brought into the Church of Christ? Does be know that some of tbe most eminent Christian schol ars, such as Neander, tbeChurob his torian, and Dehtsob, the commenta tor, were Jews by birth and ongi ginally in faith? Has be ever beard of tbe prediction of Lord Beacons field, himself a Christian-Jew, that tho lime would come when tbe Jews would recognize it as the highest glory of their race to have given salvation to the world through Jesus of Nazareth? Does be know of that magnificent work of Edersheim a Christian Jew "The Life and Times of tho Messiah," written from a Jew ish standpoint to prove to Jews that Jesus is the Messiah? Last of all, does he know of tbe wonderful movement of Jacob Rabbinovitob, a bsian Rabbi, who pondering upon tho sufferings of his people, and studying the prophecies of tho Old Testament, reached the conclasiou that all this bad come upon them because they had reiected their Mes- of tbe State that need schooling. Bat siab, and that they conld only be re- Christ on Tuesday united in humilia- Yesterday there was rather more do lion "for the unseemly divisions and ing for home consumption. To-day. lack of love among those who are the market was steady at 9 9 16o for brethren in Christ;" and on Wednes- middling uplands. Energy, etc.. it .has u nlv iron medicine tnat H It Enriches the Blood. JLnvlsroratea ta System, Restores Appet.lt, Aids Disesttei Total sales for forward delivery for the week are 283,400 bales. OUR STATE CONTEMPORARIES. North Carolina State bonds", -bearing 4 per cent interest, are now worth in tbe mar kets of the world 100 cents on. the dollar. Wbv cannot the people of the State borrow money at 5 or 6 per cent, by giving good security? Tbe Legislature should try to solve this problem. Clinton Caucasian. The repeal of the homestead law would, we honestly believe, result in good to the poor men of the State. Believing this we truly hope that the Legislature now in ses sion will give the people the right to vote, upon whether or not the law shall be re pealed. The poor men need credit. They cannot get credit unless the homestead law is repealed. Unless they can get credit they are forced to mortgage all they have, and all they ever expect to have, to some merchant for the necessaries of life. The- mortgage system as practiced in North Carolina is tbe greatest menace to the prosperity of our people that ever threaten ed tham. WHson Advance. Most of the North Carolina papers op pose action, at the present time, in regard to a re-lease of the North Carolina Railroad to the Richmond & Danville syndicate. The old lease has 15 years to run. and it is -too early to even talk of extending the lease after 15 years from tbe present time. If the Richmond & Danville managers will do our 'North Carolina town3 and cities justice in the way of freight rates over the roads which tho money of North Carolin ians built, they may -have more friends hereafter than they now have. Charlotte Democrat It. drew not, bluoken or in rare the teeth, c&atie head ache or produce constipation other Iron medicines do Db. G. H. Binmn, a leading physician of Spring" 'field, Ohio, says: " Brown's Iron Bitten is a thoroughly good medi cine. I nse it in my practice, and find its action ex cels all other forms of iron. In weakness, or a low con dition of the system, Brown's Iron Bitters is n anally a positive necessity. It is all that is claimed for it. Da. W. N. Watebs, 1219 Thirty-second Strea. Georgetown. D. O., says: "Brown's Iron Bitters is the Tonio of the age. Nothing better. It creates appetite, gives strength and improves digestion." Genuine has above Trade Hark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Take bo othorv Made only by . BBOWN CHEMICAL CO., BAITIMOitE. 3l our space is up and there are other points in the elaborate message un touched. We will close up the dis cunion in aoolher editorial. to the vviuMi.sry ut meo trapeze , a pott lheeIvv by their vice, aod I quale and aaks for additional appro ; , . your hire before yoa the ratio soareee I priatioo. He says ' f -.r. of "bardeoocae taxation. Tbe little 1 " t5 taxe are a mere triie. Munl- (s cpal tats are much heavier. We 1 hope? tha rro redaction of the - tat will b mad note tbe LetsU I . .t3ff c0 ii$ wj clear to icrii i J . av '. . a m a s, caucasiooaz tatM wuz the pro posed redaction. I -i The phlio debt t $12,6' 7,0 15; bond redeemed amount to $l0,-507,-HJ;.nw 4 pr cent, boods !eaed. f t - : $Or,GU,014; amooat exebansed since ; fat Jaaujtry, H5, H70,d00; old bonds ; not resented for exchange, ?,. The Ooveroor ermaidare at eoxae loVh th cooatructioa beads Uaaed by the Scat ta aui ia building tbe laS b white people of tbe State. "To tail aaxi loituoo should be frte. aa4 such arraagvaeaU made for board aad todg iaf that all the pcplla who were aot abie in py board night stHl aliea i the school aai be fed ft oca borne. The bue fits of such a acbool would reach all ctaaata. give great aaaf action to our peop!e. and be a tlUug capatoae to eoomoa school educa tion ia tbe 'a. AU tbe other Stale, so far ai I aa lafoctsad. without exceptioo. have s&Urvd upoa thU work, sad while it l cot yt b.?yoa 1 ths docoiaba of ex perl meat, the prorsaa everywhere Is ttiaf aeto ry aod eQcoaraglag." Indattrial srhools are growing in popularity both io the North and in tbe South. A acbool of technology is a oecwaetly for every progressive State. North Carolina caa not well ajlord to be bebtnd IU Southern ais- tera in the important work of leach 'I ' 1 railroad frtta Charlotte to Gol Js : borr..,Oftia bonds $Jl9,0OO r-,-. mi'.n t4 be exchanged. Tbe General .(ittrtat baa It 47,000. No ex " - chas hxe Uea t?sctd. and tbe in- Ursat la Fald Tfarly. The $71,. ... 0) la centered bonds have been . . soU a hlh at llto. He recom 'J rnesia the txpeoaioo of farther ex. chaav; iad .Ib'iathorae the Treas - ursr tojtaae asd tell four pee cwai. t;ois'at eoulesa thaa par valae to Sv f jlisjl to paylag thw all per cent. bcadj whenever found. The S-r a has for years favored auca a school of tb oology. Tbe one to be eeubltsbed at IUleigb is only one or maay that the State will eventn auy nee3. t'rivate enterprise may elart othera. The system of teach ing workman to be skilled began ia Switzerland and tbeoce it went to Great Britain where it has worked with most efficient results. Techni cal education is now common in Ku. rope, aod In the Northern States of oar owa country iodostrieJ schools abound. Sa excellent . have tbeae . The Governor speaks approvingly oboola bet found that railroad and ?f tbe work f tho Tax CooniMioo oaofaetariog corporations have closed of Ma. John W. Graham, foood l lotir interests to estab- VJcJ'e Howard aad Thctaa M. Fau iac latitutiona. The res alt of . t-5c-" ir layt; . tbe eotablned labora of thaae molti. - -T'T tare mt ttwy i.M.ttoa fraatjy pljing achoola baa Uea, to create r- w - u buaj wife aeeoa ii I T e"er workmen per- :nliiT!a." 7 Aev'la. aooa thoroughly trained In mechanic aad taanafactarta'. W hope that the Legislature will do whaUrer a-.cS ait mul UnJr a.l rci -5t:v w-rv.y ct yoct 4ttaaraioa. 1? u cx n t rtftcud that tAai bu win this rtnnKitr rovR.-vnoN. Tbe State Board of Agriculture proposes to bold a meeting of the farmers at Raleigh on tbe 18th of January. This convention of farm ers it in believed will bo of benefit, and tbe proposal has been cordially indorsed by many of the State news papers. The farmers ought to meet oflener than they do for consultation aod interchange of views. The Star has several times urged that they sbould organize thoroughly in tbe South, aod it has done so because the farmers failed to poll together to protect their own interests. There are three questions most worthy of their attention in all the Southern States: First, tbe present High War Tariff that benefit them none and greatly oppreanei aod rob them. Second, tbo threatening oombina tioa and monopoly that is bent on getting possession of the cotton seed at its own price aod to the very1 seri ous Injury of the cotton planters. Third, tbe necessity of regulating the area to bo devoted to cotton, so as to prevent tbe production of too much. Over-production has cansed the prices to rule low. Tbe North Caroliua farmers have otber questions to discuM peculiar to themselves and other interests to consider aod conserve. It is to be hoped that ibe proposed convention will be largely attended. Governor Scales baa warmly indorsed the movement. A large attendance of intelligent farmers will doubtless prove of decided benefit. Tbe far mers must combine to protect tbem- stored to the favor of God by re turning to Mini through Jesus tbe Messiah? Has he observed 'bow the natural development of this sponta neous movement has led him to a substantial agreement with evangeli cal Christian? How hundreds wait upon his ministry, thirsting for the gospel, and nnder tho name of "Is raelites of the New Covenant" are only awaiting permission from tbo Russian Government to be baptized "in tbe name of the Father, the Son, .1 . I. IIt CU ItT. i iju nits noiy vjaosir with en couragements like these, even though it may be resented, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel shall continue to be, that they may re cognize Jesus as their Messiah and ou-s. Very respectfully, rsrroN H. Hook. Wilmixgtox, Jan. 8, '87. SO (j THERN ITFMS. Attorney General Garland writes to his Arkansas constituents that he will not bs a candidate for re-election to the United States Senate. MissSeesie White, who, by the decision of a Kentucky court, is allowed to dispense medicines in that State, ia a sister of ex Congressman White of Kentucky, and a profound mathematician. The most contemptuous Bight in the eyea of the South ia to see a South ern man get up before a Northern audience and distinguish himaelf by successfully playin the toady act. Montgomery (Ala.) Dispatch, Dem 56 ex WUA.T THE " WAR TAXES" ARE. New York World, Ind. Dem. There is really very little ground honest disagreement as to 5fl The Ladies' Bequest. OjUR STOCK OP HATS AND FBAMBS IN giod shares have been sold . out, we were re- 'i - ' quested by some of the Ladies to send oa for a v new stock of them, and now I take the liberty of announcing to the ladies, and the jmblic in gen eral, that we have received a new line of the late Winter Shapes, of Felts and Frames, tnatiare sell ing at a far lower price than before. An early call wiil secure soma of these gocds at TAY LOR'S BAZAAR A new line of Jersey and Kid Gloves, Ccisets, Laces, Ribbons, Velvets and Feathers and A6tra chans, and every article in every department sold eqna'.lj low at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 MARKET ST., WILMINGTON, N. C. jan 9 tf Christmas Goods. QRANGSS 2D.C00 Cnba and Florida. NUTS 3,000 lb, assorted. RAISINS ICO Boxes whole, halves and quarters. APPLES '.CO barrels. FIR3 CRACKERS 230 Boxes . SUGAR 230 Barrels, all grades. COFFEE 100 Boxes Rio, Iasuyra and Java. BUTTER S5 Tubs. CHEESE 75 Boxes. LRD 163 Packages, Tierces, Cases, &c. POTATOES -1C0 Barrels. ONIOMS 33 Barrels and Tack". RICE ;o Barrels. SOAP 500 Boxes. SAPON E0 Boxes. For sale low by ADRIAN & VOLLERS, de 12 tf S. H. cor. Front and Dock eta. HI "SMITH "D"D AT "OCtrn ATPT" r. , FA YBTTE VI LI12, N. - Correspondence solicited from panics ' . 'eJ . . , rr.y or Ben lanas. suable auoi:,. ,5 ployed to lnvestyrate titles, etc. Re! lnesa mea tf Fftyettevino. OFi?iC22 . AT H f 5 IT CS ' v, 1.5 Corner Mun ford "and DonsJ'lot. Where a FULL si ocm (. BEST ICS, COAL Af Can bdfoondat LOWEST Puti . .3TLciok out for the s'cti. ' Icn. ii 0 . Jo HECKER'S BTI0ZWHEA! AND MOUNTAIN BUTTEB, FOR SALTS BY HALL & PEA RS A )X de 4 DAWtf r etail Trade. T HAVE BEEN LOOKING OVER PliV.LS my Stock, and have made MATERIAL Reduc. TIONS In the Standard Articles. It will i,t tna aavantage or an v&ttx ii;:yers 1 aronnd and got prioes. Received to-day on consignment n . ,. Dressed Chickens, Geese and Turkey ; Piokled Tripe and Pig's Feot. Fulton Market Beef. Laguayra, Java and Rio Ccffees ?.. 1 j. day. The very best quality of Eutter and u, ; . Hams, Strips and Beef Tongues. Come aronnd and get the new prices JAtnLKS C. STBVENSOX, Jan8tf " 80. JFRONT 8THKET Yarn, Sheeting, &c. 25 Biklea RANDOLPH YARN. Bales RANDOLPH SHEETING Lye, Potash, Soda, Soap, 8tarch, Tobacco, Snuff, Ac., Ac, For sale low by JanStf w WILLI AM8. RANKIN A n Bagging', Ties, Twine. 2QQQ Half Rolls BAGGING, 2500 New lRB0W TLES' 500 Lbs. BALING TWINE, For sale low by 1an 9 tf WILLIAMS, KAN51N an for what the "war tales' are, which everybody agrees should be reduced as a means of preventing tho Treas ury surplus. The Sun thinks tbe Protectionists have tbe best of the argument in holding that "the war taxes mean the internal revenue." It admits that the tariff was . increased during the war, bat says "the tariff was before tbe war," while the internal revene system was "the direct con sequence of the war." It is true that the tariff was here before the war. But it was an 18 per cent, tariff, not a 46 per cent, tariff. It collected from the people from $40, 000,000 to $50,000,000 yearlv, in stead of $210,000,000, which the presnnt tariff exacts from them. The difference between an 18 per cent, and a 45 per cent, average duty therefore represents the amount of war taxes left in tho tariff And while tbe whole of the vast and complicated system of internal revenue taxes has been repealed, save only tbe taxes upon spirits and to bacco, and the collections reduced va Car.cer of the Tongue. My . lie, some three or four years age, v. aa trou bled wtth an uicer on the side ot her tonirue near the throat. Tho pain was Incessant, causing loss ot sleep and producing ).:eat nervoua prostration. Accomnanyioir this trouble was rheumatism. It had passed from the phonMc-rs and centered in the wrist of one hand, she almost losing the nse of it. Between ths suffering of the tw o, life had grown burdensome. By tho use of ti half dozen email Bleed bottles ot Swill's Specida she was entirely relieved aad restored to Jiea.th. Tnis was inree years ago, and t here hia been no return of the dis ease, tl. L,. iSlDDLKBBOUJSJS- Sparta, Ga., June 5, isse. Treattse on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. The Swift Sprcific Co , nrawer s, Atlanta, ua. jCT V. 23d St., N. Y. - Baggage Transfer. JjVR PROMPT CALLS AND DELIVERY OF BAGGAGE leave your orders at T. J. SOTJTHEB LAND'S LTVERT STABLE, North Second St. Orders for Carriages promptly filled."; T. J. SpUTnERLAND, Livery and SalejStables, NO8.H08 &110 North Second St Flour, Bacon, Lard g00 Bfels FLOUR, all pradep., -00 Boxes D S. SIDK.V. . 00 Cases LARD, For sale low by Jan 9 tf WILLIAMS RANKli; A ( . Molasses, Sugar, Gofe -J00 Bbls Choice Porto Rico MOT.. 50 Bbls Refined -SUGARS. 250 SaekB 0110100 mo COFFEE. For sale low by Jan 9 tf WILLIAMS, RANKIN &, CO. WILMINGTON, N. C. A NEW HOTE L, - ELEGANTLY FURNI8HED, UNSURPAKSH!) CUISINE, AND COMPIJrrE COMI'cHT (,: GUESTS ASSURED. 4 1an24tf y w.A. nKYA? Forth Carolina House. JUST OPENED AT THE NORTH CAR0L1. M HuUSE, a POOL ROOM AND O FSTER 8A LOON OYSTERS served in every etyle. Bost Winos, Beer, Liquors and t igars ooSly DAfi'L KI-KI au 5 tf RlirlifiSt Hash Print s Paid Jbiour. Suffar, Conee.&c I t?or otter, misk. fox and acio, J7 16 ly J000BW8 FLOUR, 200 Bags COPFEE' JFy Bbls SUGAR. 200 and Bbl3 KOLASSBs. '20'0 BoxsT0BACc. Cheese, Crackers, Lye, Potash, Snuff, Soap. Candles, Candy, Hoop Iron, Nails, Bakln Powders, Soda, Matches, Ac, 1 For sale by SKINS. 1 ,000 ot each wanted solicited. de 1 1 tf Consifrnm-i.t SAMUEL BEAR t r.. 18 Market Htr.' . de 18 tf" nrm -chra Atkinsoix & Manninffl Nortii Carolina Home Insnrance Gomp'y aTE OFFER TO THOSE WANTING INSUR ANCE AGAINST FIRE, Policies in this Old and Reliable? Home Insatdtlon. ; All losses promptly pald. ... r I ..." w I Uflvip uDTT T TI lirn DTTTlTt o rmnTinnm I wwu,uw last year, tne "prolonoed AIluu lJiuiJiiiiill J, rUiiliia JJjllrriliT w own interests. If tbev are carlp , beedlsss, bow can they expect others to engage tbeir time and talents in their behalf? Tbe farmers can ac complish great results by uniting lb eir forces, by an intelligent direc tion of tbeir power, and by a firm Wj 8. PRIMROSE, President. CHARLES ROOT. Secretary. PULASKI COWPEB, Srvteor. lejyses nr the world, war tariff" is still within 2 percent, of the hirheat rata over rankj j will yield this year over $40,000,000 COluM Wltll Grfiat Pfifrflfitillff PnWfi? more than in 1866. a.yim. uucmFurary suggests, call the I th 00 . ey5 c,anot be excelled, enablin internal revenue "war tar. ;! ZXZVto!hovoutLtlgu.& rightly declares that they should be tiEcZLb1gF ?b?servers. used in meeting thnn ' ?! ti3&SK?l& .k n 7 ... v-JCUOCO tors. VtkY"" ??aaora. leaisla- AU I Ask ' j TSFOBYOTT TO f!AT.T. AVh evmnrtrm - edP CWWsfrfet IU8P - ' K. H. GRANT. WANTHp-General Agent - to handle Wil- Hams' Connoiun itfiiTv. ttt"1i u. and Dersistent Una of action. ;.. - . I Ot the War. Th nona;An. -I :fi I Chanlos. tn. nan ".a,Ke.rH'.me" I - - E . fillTTff Jfc rA 5 io toe proposes meeting by lib eral reduction of rates. Farmers can go to Raleigh and return to Wil- miogton for $4.95; and from Cronly I t,DU0 il wou,(1 be most unjust to sur- aod return for tbe same. reonira 7fl ono nnn a .t.. : . "improved by their use. - 1 .. on the war debt nearly $50,000,000 TRanK fitted and the fit guaran: more. , While these . i iFirEnm - . . .MMMXMta.M. as.. UJbiSjjLiAJVjyj -DRUGGIS r, WILMINGTON, N. C. m ao sonth Sixth SU Philadelphia. Pa. The Democratio rnm 5n.fi r. tv re united Statea Beoator la California Is up ?rf Tbeltepubbcan nomination for Ualted Butea Beaator in MIMr.n k.. vl IndUnA la the : ono State. fkr llarylaad. la which Mr ns9 V ...-I- ,, -w,mlmmi- ZZj "Pwmea pracucally no restrained render altogether the revennn taxes upon, luxuries and indulgences. The war taxes to be firatPreduced should be those upon the rjcaarfca of tbe people. .... A knXkMes are cot supplied to peddlers at a41y nrm jDOTTOy. N. Y. Commercial 'and Financlal'chroiiicle 7 wou- ' ice move- Atkinson & Hanning's uuurunce uooms, ... N0..113 NORTH WATER STREET, Wilmington, N. c. CARLTON ;EQTJSE. f arsar Biiji cmly,: s. -c. 1 QNLINB)p WILMINGTON AKDWELDON uwiuTOjBweu supplied with the best the etmntry afford. Hates otBoard .very reasona ble. 4 J-i , t itrnuw 4eo 21 D&Wtf - . . - - - Prvvrrrf- KTr ?F??V S1 altoauou mfnt of the crop, aa indicated by oui OO Of the fruit nr 1K xr I talaimm. f. A . - . . J Trrtt TTsaML ifum "vJ--"rT I .fV" va.no , pouta . to-niffht. f. imM MuTP- - J is mven below.- T?T TP, XTKW TJIVIPT? 1-110, ffldlIBB tUiir Llie UQlllDELllieS. 1 " -SuPPaesBecelved Regularly rete capital Ite . WE CALL ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE Pianos of .TmA jk ni.. . . York. We have tested them fully, and cBn in ommena them as deslra.hi sessed of a fine qnaUiy of tone. These li.i: " io ootu yery jow ror uasb or In Instalment? o iane oia instrument In exchange. E VAN LAKR, .OQ., 409 Red Cross Streor , ae 8 " between 4th and ft: h- Win. E. Springer & Co TJ AVE A LARGE AKD FINE AS80RTK!' etcckof Gnns, Revolvers, Rifle, Ammunition every description. Fine Catlery, Platwt Wan. j Tf"y can show you a fine line of and at low prices. Come and seo. Jan tr 18. 21 ft 33 Market Stre :.. For Sale, pLOUR, CABBAGE, MEAT. APPLE3. SUGAi:. SWEET POTATOES, and, la short. PiLES -F GROCERIES, at .,., . D. L. GORE'ri. Jan 7 tf 129. U2. 184 North Water Strt Groceries ! Groceries ! LOW PRICES I LOW PRICES 1 riOME ONE. COME ALL. " .Ana Jodofor youriolvM, C. H. CONOLBV 4h 113 South Front St., jan s.tf . - Opposite New Mark-t Seed & Carnrick's SOLUBLE FOOD FOR INFANTS AND INV.v lluS. Beef Pnfnnlria 1 (nnM Ttaaf Pnr.tnn!l!l rT.1."1 S2?"wlth Iron and Wine, with Cod Liver OH and Milk; Cod Liver with Hypophosphiteo.ctr - Orntrfflst, r 1an8 tf N. W. Cor. Market and Front ft qorjsuupjsorj -T a poaltlre remtdy tor the bor, Umm) by I" tMounda or cue of- th wont kind aad of lone itndl( fcn eared. Indeed, ao iti-on I my faith In 1M JJ?lJjl!i.,,,d "TWO BOTTLES FBKK, toelh.r wllh VIr WABU TBBATISK on tbte dlMW.to nynOmfn fll , Saw aad r. O. addren. DB. T. a. SLOOVJC, Ul Paarl St., .. o 21 DAW 8m - 1 jr. The-arion Star. THE OLDEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHEi A the Poe Dee section, one of the we-alf and most proflperous in the State, offers to Com mission and Wholesale Merchants and Maanf.i: turers. and to those vhn i.v,.AnnA th n: of soiling by sample, an exoellent medium of cou; uuuMHonwii uu-ge and Influential c-ias:t-merchants, meohanios, planters and naval t-ri' men, whose patronare ia worth Holloitatlo:i. - vertlsements acd Bnslnese Cards Insert ei c; l ! rai termer -'- '.''.- -vn .. . se gtf ; ? RKO. P. HERBERT, Prop'ti tf i aaaftar: .-Tin! sfAP. . v.- Sir :,r ::S-f'--y::S--r'SW:S:.4- S'-SS - s2.l .... -: 'WW'-S- : - -a . " - y; 1f '--vvv i ' v-, - j ?J"T '' , . 'V", ssi' ' :-- tr Sttt-S ' -