IK' - RATB1 Q9 ABViritTHrtO-,. ...ii.1A.T1 II. HCR-fAttlK a , a a . - ; ifonr Dftvu.. .... . . .-..i JpayBM. ........ ..... it On Week,... ....A. . i t if tics. f .-..sftArft PV't. IJ VOL. XXXIX.NO. 97. itttt ti -T i I ' Contract Advrtl8emnt taken'at toiJ&r- WHOLE NO. 6339 z9 WIT .MINGTON , N. 0., "SUNDAY, JANUARY 16, 1887. - , r .. . : - i TIIKOBAtfD LODGE. wMUr lauani. . 1 k--. for lhe -q of Aldermen to av that NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEWT ADVERTISEMENTS. V. isEvv j ; i VI BTISEMILN I s Tki f rtllrtW n 9 alTal t K ak IniX a V . I Ilia mawtnlat at Umw nalAaltai n nHiu( t 1 sfr KDITION. .kIWlft AlVvOutntr. I ttrmi.fnn l,nM . i a.n- - I owners ah&IL sol h&Yn tlift Hjrht tr Jiav Boats at Auction. SPECIALTI E S Tery 1ocid.ed Barams: Tb Graoa Lodes continued iU I FrltUr: . whetlier. they will wscept or reject the agreo. I' M r W ' II t II 17 TI " . 11 1 II. .a - - . Ml l . i - r rV t-i "S r-n: - - . in , " - ii ii ii 'ii. . n . y-4 iv ri -t-v -w- tt .-t e - -vjr - - .v ? - r ii v. , . i a t . ..'II . , II Il.f ll'-l ."' W7 'i I I aW . II ' 1 "k rv X I If., f- V ..... I . -. aW ' , :- - . V.. X. v 1.5 I I It' Tl Ink I .y.5 Vit-' ,i : . : - I ' ....- i " a as. v ' ' 7 a a. m a a " . rm i a a "" a a . m a. , -- i: a ' & a -a - I . a1 a ... a . . c-. r T a " t J; ar . a a . n ...... a a a a a a . . . i -.j-' . - ."j a I 'A! i;v I II II' II .1 J - - I VI i. l 'II. - T . ' I - X I ' I I I 'AM' I !' ' II - - IV v - f- I I I 1 A " - . I'm Point Ttria lil a ' . ccotrot of th. Eait 11 -'3 ' , , ... r ct w of.h. loe - ... .-.H, earet to . , f Ia'.r3cat Coa , . :..'.r . -ow a ajtrtsce .... v si3q!j, of doj ihfte ..'ui .-J nod ,i . .nid i).0OO - -- - AiHatic TUSfL i U SC3.I94 I D 1 ' 3 in N J a at a1 f ' ' I ,! J.aaary Mc; . m. I . - I . I'cit! St a tee ; ;. .I oat tne mm- a thd vtrr mto I N r Thomaa I i- jr. f :h ainta. I ( r i .-- . ;l h i wt4 man, rr!y labt n i 'i "n- ! '..'.-,- lhn Sim l r- x poltticilC -:-i.J : Pro ra! r '.V J. Mf!);nld -: ' : v ( caa r i Turpie lis occe h r r'-.'ni'.e. run ari'l e I -' i".; . nd rr. . : s v . i ; in ; It- :'.'C p. it rr-?...-'":,:- ir- I v i : ' . por. '; - w '.) N -T'A i I' T ; .. 1 m:-s;v-. l ' ' .:2,-:r ! p r I t: J 1,730. lo " t 'r.frf.(l. $13i,. '' -pport of the v. v i ,,ft - n vn'Drf of 'A" . fipct Et ' ' i :' next !' ;:. ;r " r ) . :!) v i j . i f - i n mi . : ' v ' !M, i'W and d i i y up- 1 re C)ic; i lr e ' I. . r no", be- M. 1 M :i3 7 : puhhh :u:t . v.j.v of ihti air ;I ;r". '-:"- Th: .oatb would : 3; ,ji ,:',f '---i H..i;cl. if be 1 ' v,r--,ic U and bis 3 m.j th old 10d "OH-.;- a,5.. .v V. "";i-..n dclt;tic that I. 1 )H - .1- ( W .- a., 'a I. 1 vm ru--,:.-. The jmpathy " i r o.jijulry waa ojxo :,n'tl1""i from theirvisit. Cr U'ir,r'il -ver. if Kog . Iftsr'"'",'i ympv.hy in the dt " -'.'-a..., ni! It U cheaper ' 11 'foil., tni m.n.ifaaif. t. ?p', rr-guitioo and r o Commerce bill I; Ul doabtlesa paae t.i i a h ' Lsfe majority. It ia : J vr importance. It J vty popaUr msasarw " 4tnj papers ire 1 lator. It may accom -at t f rU&d claim for tt. K... iid U(atur, tbare ire to the natato, and 4 i i etp-m-ae-at. JTime oalj wUl at a A (km'. il. j . z 6- t BD. o cioca-. ' W '-fc . . I OV ETSna QnMrJl M1 mil .nnAint. wxr .mulled by Grind Muter F.IL RuW ITifi nffl.r, . .. r tt M Oacexs r tJ lOlIOWt: iX II. Sbu40 i Wilmington, Grind Muur; SamT II. Smith, of Winatoo. ? Tl bn,or "f War. an; John W. CottCT), of Tarboro, J amor Grand Warden; W. E. An- Wrvn.) f V-wW Qanin. Haaaj -- A -m v-sr-i aw v uiwi 4a a ajm va Deacon; WiUiim N. Benton, Smith- 6.1J. Jaoiof Grand Deaoon; Fran- c M. Mote, Morton. Wilaon j( want. If 17 J I . T.I-IV r- J I I iMieiKo, v. rauu i " " TrtZ' 7 V. V coontj, Urand Steward; Ma rm ado to I J Matrl !n Af If .Ia.tk. la..a.4l..t. a . v . a , . r .. .a. . - , v. a.aaa..Jlg la, V I UU Steward. Charter mmr J I 11 Jil' V .T c-T grntd to foor u-Hjgee, one at aur City, one in Kan- I In i Pi! v I Jioreneaa kaij, one at Punt Fork, Madison coaotj. I Thm rMalu f tK. otcatioa are looked forward to aado- gr1 work for the order in I .North Carolina. I There are now 215 lodce in the I State, with a membership of between I VaAjf. M A iN S a- 1 ,"vv ou o,uw. I Mr. F. II. Hasbee. the retirincr I Grand Mister, was pnstented with a beautifal crold-headed cace by the Grand Lodge. d? ti -abU CD JL'-i? at iPVKm iKmii J. P. Oiiaiu-Wanted. Jso. J. Hedbjcx Special. For Rcxt Pleasant room. Giles A Ucacauo Plows. Uai5iBiaBji School boks F. L. Maajs To the public. R. L. U CTcnxsa The beat coaL AccocjrTAST Sltuatloa wanted. O. R P&a5CH & Soss SHppeTs. J. A. 8 rr?r o n Coal andwood. Cotxzxm A Co. Boats at auction. C L. GnArrux To coatractors. A. RgT.t.ETia Dancing Academy. M. IL KLan Bpeci allies this week. LocwX: Pt-f-rarrv K-rta-te agert. Pajulu A Tatlok Lightning rtd Daoww & Roddick Drcliad hargaia. C. W. TaTaa Subscription, received. McDocoaia.b Lovx Reduced prices. R. R. LUlumt-Toeoontry merchaoU. lI.iRj.i90"! A Allxx Stiff and soft hata. A. L Px-otxra Oaca's Family Allta. N. B Rjuixia To whoca it may concern Fowtta A iio&BisO! Coal. wood, etc W. II Gaxxar & Ox KircUic Utters. TV. E. SraxxoKJl Co. Fire-araaa. etc. Wrtuawa. Rajtxix fe Co. Bag-gleg fl.njr. tao!4aa. yarn, etc ICtaJ M. - IUripta of cotton yesterday bales. Kev. A. M. Conway will preach at the FWs (eolortd) Baptist Chorea to-day at 9 o'clock p. m. llie Board of Audit and Financ I will mret ia regular twaaloo atth Cltj Halt Monday alitxnoca. , . , tn j -The Register of Deed, ti.ned four marrup llceta the cast week; three for whilea and one for blacla. ... - . -r-aa,-.- I n .1 !. . 111 k.U I OCraiaC WIOTUTf -wWQW w. I xl a) cU&j aiiaxnooa at a ocutu. establish a free ferry acroaa the Cape rear I and Buaaick rivers: bat it will be actooey wail sp-Ml Ilr. F. W. E. Peeoban will cw-dact service at 8C Paol's Lotheran Charxh today It-r-Cajllsh la the inornlog aai U the Grain laaguax at ntghL Hev. J. C ChnataM will preach at the First (colored) Baptist. Church, cor ner of (kvsath and Red Croas streets, to--nlg h aad will address the yotxog people at 1 o'clock fa the afterncoo. There waa on, interment each in Beilerae and Oakdala Caaetarks th past wteh; bosh of adoli. Ia Pfne Forest (eolered) Cemetery there were three Inter mania oce child aad lo adalta. Proposal ar invited for baild leg Ue ae Kathodiat Church, corner of Fourth and Hal berry sure is. according to the piae aad sped Scat loos la th hands of the ccaasalue-a. of which CoL (X L- Orafflm ta th chaliaa. Tit tsarttar aVewta. H.ary LawWt th colored man charged with barglary la breaking into th store of Baa Scott, colored, aad with attempting to rob the prvoiUee otMra. Ames, lo Broek Ijo. waa arraigned before Jostle MCI la yesurday. aad after aa JavtsUgailoa was committed to Jail ia default oC bond for hi app-arsece at th Criminal Oocrt to answer th charge. The- prisoner oilsred no de feneek 0 mad a rambUag sTaUmeet abotilbeifig la? lb eottatry"th night on which it U charged th bnrglarie wer oceuBlttad Soca of th property stolen froca Scott was brought Inf. court and surrender-., by colored ' woman who a id that th aitUs .htd beca gieen to thtm by th prisoner. ," .-V . v- I v wuui.uu wrauer I beeamln? itf.tl w.rm.. B - M-nwm w m MIWI . I .. . . . t .v. .... .. . ..a o..."""1 I aWIMI L1IUUDI. nOU LX1 lrOllDl. weaterly I . . ; . xiona- wtiwiiy I aauung io lOQweatt wind, fair wealher I a ny- I Tk or n.t n.ra.r. rrtad Jory of Wake Bopertor Court de- dared the fugitive mute. Walter L. Bine- hm (untr of the mo.r nr sfi. t . 1 1 . .... . . I wa ixiurocu oy me grand jury on a Tbarday cf P01 -orum examinaUon - mad. of Mia. Tor- I otooi body ia thla city ea the 15th of I December last, waadiacloeed to the grand aa...at. i. a . ... u. cauitracoi over ana puouo inier- "" " wu uj the retIatlon of the poat mortem eumi- DIUWO, MVa i UG HlOpV U C Z PTXaVSCQ VOaV U OT. 8ca)eewllibo allowed to increaae the re- . wtrd for 4htJ capture of Bingham to $800. a bill to empower the Governor to do so wm iBl,odQcd ,n the LegUlature Thura . CIIIatn. Last night when the alarm for fire was greo, the hcee-carriage of the "Atlantie'- ateamer left the eoaine house, corner of Fourth and Princess streets, the driver, TUmlA Mofirt. hhmmUbc IL TiftrM dawn t.i .. . i..k. . . i at Front and Mulberry. The large gray used in the hoae-carriage goea at a swing ing gait and is bard to bold when on his way to a lire, and whan he reached Third atreet, ran full till into Hook and Lad der truck Nc. 1. which was going up that street. The collision threw both drivers off their seate and iato the roadway, and knocked down the horse drawing the hoae- carr. la UAM,..t.l .wt ...tn,.. i.inrv iage. fortunately, no serious injury ilted. Mr. Bikea, the driver of the truck, lauiira. nr. nuw,ui8.riTtroi iamu, had one of hia thumbs split open, and was shaken and bruised by the fall. One of . t ........ , the steps cf the AtlanUc,a" hoae-cai riage waa broken and the Hook and Ladder truck I had a wheel sprnnz and an axle bent. The I . . . I driver of the hoae-carriage escaped unnurt, I k.,i tK- k! Um hrt,lH .oH mt I but the horse had his legs bruised and cut I alia-htJv The borsea drawintr the truck I aar nav 111 ni an1 nwn I'AHnnl IrrlVt I . . - I K -v"- w" I WUCD IUCT WCiO IW-CU UU1 UiD jajotUUVA I fyVr. I.'W. Monroe. The wheel man of I th. ..uck. Mr. Job. SCO... UUx .kxk to his post and prevented a serious acci- dent, as without his guidance the machine would probably have been soaahed and the horses killed when they turned the corner Into Che?out sirt-eu Ooe of the track hortea.was severely, hurt about the hip in the coil latoaaad was : sent to Souther land's alabke ftfr treat men I. - - i i ThCY-iCeiDtaof cotton at IhJa DorC the . . -. " 1 wo3" "- v""- . receipUortheprevloQaweek try l,W7 oaje.. I and the week ended January lo. oy i a at . a. a . mm, V , . . ,,... I 1.8.7 balea. The stock aahore and afloat Teaterday wa 10.878 balea. against 11.537 the same date lsst year. j The market duxiog ihe week has been nrm, wiid sales ai prices an eignm vom -juar ter higher than quoutiona. at Norfolk or any of the other SouU Atlantic porta. For the crop year from September 1st January 15lh the receipts at this port are 119.731 bales, against 81,833 for the wlMlyeMalncreMeofW.8 Waval St ra nsv.Haeat. " " . ., ., ,vt. .Tn ),. fa. it In .1.. at. tv. a.-..4w WAV. m i Ani lav r I ann irv ...... v i 15tb. a. ukeo from the record, at the Pro- dQCe Exchange. Spirits turpentine. 57.008 casks; same iLcae last year. 54.060 caaks. barrels; same time last Jf - C5UrTeiA lax, 47,aoo Darreis; nm9 umo u. SLlUUrrels. Crude turpentine, 19.M3 barrels; same time last year. 13.890 barrel a Fire Al Shortly after eight o'clock last night an alarm waa turned in from Box No. 15, corner of Front and Mulberry streets, caused by" a burning chimney oa the premise, of Mr. J. C. Stevenson, on Ches nut near Second street. No damage resulted. A BBfLT TO JUSTICE. WrLMiaoTO.f. N. a. Jan. 15th. 1887 Hi. Eottok: I ace to ihe Stab this moral ag a communication from "Justice," thst 1 propose to discuss over my signa ture. To your statement. "If the people of Wilmington, tncludlog a large majority of property-holder., wish to rote on the ones tloo of subscription to the Cape FearJb Yad kin Valley KaUretd. why not give them a chance" ' fir. JmUco acknowledges th statement yea make to be true by bis reply, when he says. "Because ivta not a Ju.t or proper thing to allow oee man to vote away anoth ers money. Il U i specie of commu nism and no leeislallve enactment can reek It morally right.- In to this let me aay that the friends of the Cspe Fear A Yadkin" Valley Railroad do not ptopoe to Tote away another's money, but they propose to vote their own money to further ivn'enterprl that they believe will pay them back, ten-fold. The Idea or It being "specie of communism' for the peopl and a large majority of property holder to want , to vote their own money way Is too absurd to need reply. Hr.Justlce sajs there U "such a thing a legalised robbery.- Well I agree with him 0 that jxSal and I say It is legaliittd rot- .." "a Z' i vipcrearma xaaain vauoy xuijraufin I retrard to extending that road to this citv. " io asawer 10 live ne I In ini. Ia IH l Hl.iimn of Mr JUce'.remark,: He .ay., "bnlit w be I 1 - a... I aoaw ered loiverea it u.'ior xtie common, gooa. roeuoij. uai aappoae is proves to oe I common erUt RnnnoM aftar the maloritv aueceed in hurrinnino- thn nronertv of an I pnwillina : minprltT the Tentura turns out luat as eaay. The people and a large ma- Jority of the property ownera wUl hold tin odpay the peraa a matter of course. m-v vav muij w wb ; nrn-vrlv ia nnt tin ins free goyernment. and not I w- - ...w wa Vwwwaa i the de.Dou.tn of the maaseeworst ofan a . lJeSfS. He foreU again that it is the people and a Sjt 'lJff I that are aeeaing an opportunity" t J onaqueatioa that they want submitted to I n.rt. tra nt Hunnllim anrl nnrif n nU .- i " i v became they want to aid in bringing a railroad to their own doors that will be of Dnnging a I lmnaava.,a.Kla. k..a'l Ik I. . V I ' DW lT UCU M IUCUI I U UHJ Y JT Ul Tltl."? I i il.i. r. . . . make loo vzar or rtuMla revoke the ordei or the act, to allow the serf, of hia vast do J n to yote on any question. 1UQ VX..i Ul ItUWiB rCTUaD UJO UIUU But ia all seriousnees. that any m&n born and reared in a free country should talk in that way upon a question of business Is showing up a species of despotism that Tto&n whcTukS1 tB wlloTS "JtSl I really tbongbt belonged to another age. tice" decJarca war upon republican! inatf- tntfna. a IK. 1 1 1 .1 Lt. .:.! K.,rr . ,"rr," .l .Zll.J: wu, iu i -tut iuuiucu uu aaaiutk .uak.uur institutions will stand and that our people Varlll rma(n vaaal nAtmttk,tani(nj t n ,aa ntim and edict of "Justice " He says of the act, "That act simply empowers the constituted authorities of ,v,i.t, , v. iuhuij iuujuc-ulu buukii(iuuu ii .uoj can obtain terms seeming in their judg mcnt to justify it, but reserves to the peo ple the float opportunity to say no." Yes, and it gives to the people the right to say ye as well as "no," if they so desire; and let me say here that if a majority ' or them will aay " no " when they i-et the ORportunity to express an opinion, that I will yield a will- ing obedience to the majority of my fellow tug uut-jacuuo iu me mnjuru 01 uiy leuow clgzens-5e it yea or n ybJut th baTe thit opportunity and eipma their l Dave thai opportunity and express opinion, I intend to use every power I to give them a chanw to aay yes or no- I intend to appeal to the Legislature to eive the people a chance to vote on this question at the next city election, and all I MK 18 lDM eyei7 miu- ena" 08 a law unl himaeir' that dav and vote as he clease?. ask is that every man shall be "a law unto The ivonle hold the snvprpii-ntv of this ,Lf, ain ti.nria Thn fl country In thesr own hands. The finest ueonuion or sovereignly x ever saw is in that rrr'a "n-nntr. 2- . r.K r.1 nnn. uig OTUIUB DUIClClf ULI IB Ea I U B lil LUUi" I .. . . . c--- -r - - 7,U,UB. "'C.CK .K" ui wo- mand nir in thp Uot rr.nrf in r vil so- I mauairjg in me jast resort in civi: so- ClCVj . "Justice" thinks this U not a matter in T,r uTSoexpl. strtule the right to rule. I claim for the people the right to rule in all matters per- a, t t I a 1 . tt a. fining lo.iie. uoeny ana propeny ana me Mr. Editor, if "Justice" or any one elee .wishes to discuss the railroad question, now uppermost in the minds of all our people, tell them to put their names to what they hare t- say. I hope lo see the day when no newspaper will publish an article Trom the pen of any man unless be put9 his nim in l I wouldj glad to sec a law requiring I every voter to sign nis came across me Dack or every ticket ne votea. ana inat any ticket flndinx its way into the oaiioi-oox ""u.i.- u' "u "c I WOUIU DO tQrOWll OUV I . Q jf ..Jmlict ha8 any more to 8ay he will sign bis name to what he. says, and discuss the railroad question upon its ln f.yor of a city BUbecription to the Cape Fear k Yadkin Valley Railroad because I believe it will stimulate every branch of business in the city and add to the value or real estate more than anything we can do as individuals or aa a city.. J. H. Cukbie.- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Dancing Academy. . THE REIT SESSION OF MY DANCING Academy will commence on Wednesday af ternoon next, for Ladies, and on Wednesday l-iiarr night for Gentlemen. Alt wno wian 10 acquire w . . m . a.a - in Ti7niTnga- Jan 16 as nao A. BELLEZZA. Wanted. IX PERT ACCOUNTANT AND DOUBLE- XNTST BOOKKEEPER desires a situation' as Saperrlsor of Aooounts or Bookkeper. Address ACCOUNTANT, JtnlStf StarOfiloe. PURE BEST CHEAPEST AGREEABLE ALMOST INSTANTANEOUSLY MADE MIX WITH COLD WATER TIMS-SAVING -SBLT-RAISI2CG NUTRITIOUS BUCAWHEAT HECKBRS. Jaa 1 1m ch eod nrm - v Liglitning Bods. ttTHT PAT aoo. 45c OR ANTTHIKO HX CAN V gt-tatoatxaveiiagma-t. who tuvs no Interest in your AarldeaorthbaHdlaUrnp of your city -simply takes your money and lTes when yon can get the aame Rod for SO cents and Paint thrown io, - an old established hoase that haa, been put ting np Rods for twenty years. Bteno'l Cutting by an exxrtened hand. Jan 1 6 ti PARKER A TAYLOR. rryj COUNTRY MERCHANTS TRUCKERS AND GARDENERS Just arrived 10,003 papers Seed, asaorttd varieties; 85 J pounds Turnip Seed, C ponads Vadtsa Seed. Garden Peas, sv large oaaatlty oa baaj and to arrive. Sptclal price to qoaatlty, Onion Sets, lied at d White, and vart 6m other Seed tn bnlk and packets. Quality and crio gaartuiteed. ind Tor quotations. - P . ROBERT R. BELLAMY, Drngglrt. tanlStf N. W. Con Market aad Front St. Ivy 8t Doo,' wowiuseuac anorron, ior-Auom I it mar oonoeru. B ATW T-a OI.I4V1' lit InMM B hAIIW I vim ww wiu iu n. iuu, u i. u,, One Boat (Sharpie) 18 : long. 5 ft. beam; two I viw uvcu lOiMuyw i i. w SarPTtrO C0LLT22 A CO.. Jan 15 It -Auctioneers. For Bent. A- FEW PLEASANT ROOMS. FUB- III! ntehei or nnfornished. III! Apply at Eoaidenoe next jaa IS It . north of City Hall. nRAM'S KAMII.Y ATMS flfTnfi WITRl. I JTS CONTENTS, SO VALUABLE AND COM- plete, and tta price, so moderate, make it the C!!!i I -Burners-1 -to Tote I MOST SATISFACTORY and PRACTICAL; ATLAS AocnrateT CompaotT "Coin- a work of reference, the value of every Newspa rer liavnzioe and Book la doubled. a.iia TT a VT f V iqir.ia nnntalni nsf ttlA I KeoaraDhioal Information the people want. It is an every-d ay ready reference dook reiann? to the GBBAT WORLD IN WHICH WK LIVE Sold only bv sabacriDtion. ' Our General Agent, Mr. A. L Plammsr, will take orders in 'Wilmington for future delivery of uram'8 iramuy Atlas. For farther information call on or address A. L. PLTJMMER, Commercial Hots), jan 16 8w WilmiDffton, N. C. Contractors. SEALBD PSOTO3ALs - BB HECE1VBD I until 12 o'riook, (noon) Monday, February r, 1887, I forbnUdinK the new Church, corner Fourth and I : I Mulberry streets, for First M. E. Church South. I P7anB and 8Peoiacat,ons are wlth undersigned. I The CommUtee'reserve the right to reject any "iif JS'Sr.w mi . I Pevrtles desirieg to bid can see terms and con- i aitions along with plans upon application to C. L. GBAFFIallT. Chairman Building Committee. Jan 15 3ta wtd su we f r To the Public. rfBIS IS TO CUBTIFy THAT JAS.UW. HAYES JL ' worked under me for four Tears, while in the employ or Messrs. r. i. Badgers & Co. He is or has nAAn ft. tarrtrlr ifl man anH tfiMniionlv oq no ril I tated for heavy work in a Store. He is polite, I uwu ior neavy won m a store, n quick, bright and intelligent, .and as VMtwoaa'lveTiVtl0 i a nouie eer- Respectfully, F. L. ME A. TIBS, of W. H. Green A Co. Jan is it TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN. rTms 13 TO CERTIFY THAT I FOUND JAS. w, I JL HAYES in the emolav of Messrs. P. L. I Bridgers fc Co. when I assumed the management of their business, and will cheerfully recommend I him u prompt In attention to his work and a I gooa woraer generally, and dispensed with his I SSIVlCeS In rednOtlOU Of fiCrnSPS. I TJ K rr-g RANKIN. i vr . i i tj t -d.u p. Jan 10 It Stiff and Soft Hats ! LADIES MUFFS HARRISON ALLEN, jan 16 tf Hatters. French Heel Slippers. BEAUTIFUL LOT OP FRENCH HEEL KID SLIPPERS for Ladiee-f or dress cr party wear. Elegant assortment of Ladles', .Misses' and Chll- dren's Shoes at , GO. JR. J? rnCXi t50Ii2, 1W "NUBTD KRONT STREET. Jan 16 V SPECIAL. A. LT P DRS8S GO0Da AT HALp PRICE. An additional lot of ehsap BLACK SILKS. Fifty dozen TOWELS, very cheap Estra bar-rains in TABLE LINE5TS. WHITE and RED FLANNELS. A foil Stocfe of DOMESTIC GOODS. WHITE GOODS in every grade. Close buyers are invited. JNOi J. HEDRICK. Jan 1G tf Corner Market and Front. fe are Sellini at Rednced Prices QARRIAGE3, BUGGIES, WAGONS, CASTS, Drays, Harness, Trunks, Satchels-, Travelling Bags and all kind of Saddlery Goods. Repair ing promptly done. McDOUGALL & LOVE, JanlOtf 114 North Front Street. rpflE ONLY FIRST CLASS . A RESTAURANT IN WILMINGTON. No. 81 North Front Street Jan 14 lw T. E. WALLACE, Proprietor. Notice Truckers, I HAVE IN STORE THE LARGEST STOCK OF PEAS. BEANS, RADISH, TURNIPS, ONIONS, and a full line of other VEGETABLIS SEED ever brought to this city, and will sell them Just as low as you can buy them in the Northern mar kets., buy from me and save freight. H. HARDIN, Druggist & Seedsman, j an IS tf New Market, Wilmington, N. C. LOUIS J. POISSONa REAL ESTATE AGENT, KO. 113 NORTH SECOND ST. Illli Am offrln; seme Cholee Proierty;"also thro very eHs-il Building Lots. jan 16 It Atfiest'Coat' '" : '': FOR BOTH PUBLIC AND PRIVATE BCILD mgs, Is the Paint Mixture, and applied by our improved method, which can be procured only from R. L. HUTCHIK8 Paint Shop, 113 North Sixth St. 8oh Aeent for BBYHOUSE'S GRANSOR MIAN. Jan 16 It Plows. Plows. Plows. TE HAVE IN STORE ALL PLOWS USED IN this section, with their castings and parts. Also Plowmen's outfit. All these goods we offer at the lowest prices. All letter inquiries from the oountry prompflranswered. , GILES AMURCHISON, Janl6tl' - Mnrohison Block. . SSSSl I Mi I THIS WEEK, AT Cash House, Markat Street. 116 REMNANTS Dress Goods, Worsteds, Cashmeres, Prints. And Fancy Goods. REMNANTS Cambric Edgings, -Cambric Insertings, Nainsook Edgings, Nainsook Insertings- Jobs in great many Desirable Goods, AT 3VC.-3Vn. K" A TZ' 116 Market St. M. CBONLT, Auctioneer. BY CRONLY & MORRIS. Sale of Valuable Property. QN SATURDAY, JANUARY 22D, 1887, AT 12 M., on the premises, by virtue of a morterage ex ecuted to P. B. Ruffln and Thomas Rnffln, Trus tees, on 10th March, 1874, by Pride Jonea, H. P. Jones and wife Olive. E. A. Jones and M. C. Jenes, and duly registered in office of Register of Deeds for Itfew Hanover County, we will offer for sale the following PROPERTY, situate in the City of Wilmington : Beginning at a stake on the bank of the Cape Fear River, in Orange street, running thence east along eald street two hundred and ninety-nine feet to the Intersection of the same with Front street, then south along said Front street one hundred and thirty-two feet to the corner of the Adam En-pie lot, then west along the line of s-vld Adam Empie lot three hundred and thir teen and a half feet to a stake on said Rlver.then north with said River to the first station, embra cing Lots Nos. 1 and 2 in Block 125 in the plan of said city The property will be sold in sub-divisions as follows : 1st, Wharf ; 3d, Lot ; Sd, House and Lot ; 4th, Corner Lot ; 5ta, House and Lot. Terms of tale One-third oash, and balancr at oneaod two years, with interest from day of sale at eight per cent; and right also reserved to reject any or all bids, if price for whole proper ty is not satisfactory Survey made and plot of the same caa be seen on application to Cronly & Morris. P.B. RUPFIW, THOS. RUFFIN, de 21 ids nac Trustees. Coal, Wood and Shingles, . AT BOTTOM CASH PRICES, Jan 18 tf At FOWLER & MORRISON'S. King's New Discovery, T7LECTRIC BITTERS. Hi MELLIN'S FOOD, MAGEE'S EMULSION. CIGARS, CIGARS. WILLIAM H. GREEN A CO. Market St.. Between Front and Sd Sts. jan 18 tf School Books. School Books, School Books. A LL BOOKS USED IN PUBLIC OR PRIVATE IX. SCHOOLS, in the City or Country, Are for sale at HEINSBERGER'S, The Cheapest Place in Town to buy Jan 16 tf School Boofcs and School Stationery Win. E. Springer & Co. JJAVB A LARGE ARD FINE ASSORTED stock of Guns, Revolvers, Rifle, Arnmunition of every description. Fine Cutlery, Plated Ware, &o. Tceycan show you a fine line of goods, and at low prices. Come and see. JanlStf 19. 21 A 23 Market Street. J. A. SPRINaER ACQUARTERS FOR IS HEADQUARTERS FOR COAL & WOOD. THESE HARD TIMES. North Water Street. Jan 16 tf Wanted, -rrmm .i'nRS and SKINS OF ALL. KINDS JUL WOOL and WAX. Highest cash prices paid., l if. Uaa.t&tUfcLlla, ' Dealer and Shippei '.- Raw Fnrs. Hides.' ,Na,liaNorthWaterl , Jan 18 tf -r' . .Wilmington, BROWN & R()I)! i( K rtb Front St. G-reat Cle OF WINTEH D-i 10CI: Previons to Feoraary hi . if:- P2.A.IVIt'. "a'I . BLANKETS from M.Otfa paU ; 25 per cent, r notion. CO'M'ORTAULi: C0MFORTA -j . ! f -;r ,w i i : u J . about 30 per , . 1 ' .!K!.d IaAIlES !i.A:W$iul. HtiTTt f KEi. y1 1 tiT3 from tWfl o I8.W, LADIES' FL Reduced abou'. Speciiu Aimouncement. . ! 'I We beg to r?i who have acc . :i; . we have open .. of this year, ano ;' our old ledger. the old acoonr' i f r J JWe also avai- -return our eln' settled with n me attertiou or uu tuoes A' -1 "i us to call and settle, as 'Set ' !.-nlr, nn'te fl'St.' V- WW,. -j.irry! tiorie forward from cnarre: win do inaae iui . - f ? ..i'W'vl r hl ')ppt.fi.unlly t? y,v',( B ves nkij t'. all who h 4 RODDICK, FRONTiSTRftm1. ovaeet. FAjc'--i)V. V. r Branch Store, de 5tf F JN HALF- A CO RATED B( Qlaces, ..K -POUND HA NUSOMS DK- BS8T MAR Ii :.M,I.OW.f. in Algftli-. Half-, and One-Poui P- .j! :nod T!u Bo.r. CHOCOLAT ar i VANILLA. E. WiiEEEN & SON. CANDY .MAnUFAClTTRa'itS.' 'i. V t. . JanlStf KXCHANfT'c- fiQRt-'E.g. Subscriptions Eeceived ' f$ LAR PERIOD ;CA AUD PAPERS ' V vV'tv-'i A Complete Stock rf BLANK BOOKS aul STA TIONERY at .iiv f ' t rloes. Jan 18 tf YA TE.1-' BOOK -STORS; Tarn, Skeeting, &c. x ,'2 Bal KANDOLTH YA P.? T OKBale R-'OTDOLPH SHKRTiN!, Lye, Potash. Sod, Soap, fcU.rch, Tobacco, Hnuii, c, io., Kor sale low Dy -; Jan 16 tf WILLIAMS. RANKIN A CO. , Vi, , v Bagging, Ties, Twine. Mr. 2000 Hal-Tllls BAGGING, :' 1 OK A A Nev AHROVT1ES 500 Lbs UJNG TWINE, ;. -Vri I Jan 16 tf WILLIAMS,: RANKLN AWrV':: Floui , Bacon, Lard? 100 Boras r s' SIDES- ' i A A CBaVa LARD. ".. AW For f ale low by 'VILLIAMS BANKtN A CO. Jan 16 tf Holasses, Bugar, Coffee 100 BM:: k to,ce Porto H1, ;" x1' - C A Bbl- ileLaed SUGAP, "A 250 Sac e w,lce iao wrrsi i'c r Fa!o low bv ".VILLI AM. -J, RANKIN A CO. Jan 18 tf STARTLING Vod Cannot Ai'ofil to FACTS ! : .?C.. Thn fnllnwlz v 'i' l' ! appenrs fn a rtri-ot fwae of ritu HuiiMin: "An expwt'- . the Nev York ' u !-"' -. 1. i. nmtnednndrex ;1 nrn impiorci.ir.flaorUji ' ,;i lard, the other .. huh le rnM tSiA r. i -wulrtn. , - Jf? ' pound or how tar. t t -oni.tl ul tei'ow, prtftoo, , J; eotton seed tl, aid ! so-stearins" . . Is such r.iixtui echeap at an- irlatT ..- GASSARO' Xj -Oa. XS. 2D w7k i't'Ki:. EVERY PACKAGE! IS UCAKANIfiMf. ''- try ' . 't "''" wlU et oo t .r. . v4ai, C. OASSARD A SOHw r , WSm BALTIMOREJMO.: v . . m ua..-n A M ttllJ i.tfal ' fait, .A- . , m. Ontar C)VtXOrW "Blaiuu ... ( ..j -Ira ly-'V - ". - ' alNIIII itya i W0 . .w.ri.: T uT - I. ' ror ! -; I , . iaiVriir-v vv JLf-aS-rfvca w-"-rv; . - - Ac. , I fz lUUITMnUT INIURINCAFEAl nurt1 .r- iiw 1 V 41 iff,'. i l T 1 1 .. .if J. 'it t . - at- --r -"--5.-- 'L-.-

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