. U '- tr. fac Morning Star;. -Ooa 8craare Oai'Dt...;i -i - i ; t. . V ' Two Weei ....i..-- es L c 4aAv T 1 I ! i . I 4 .lit l. .ill.. I '. t One Year,. ...... r .-.a h """je. "ty tyContraot JLdTertlmments taken at titot or r f. VOL. XXXIX.NO.;10f. Wn.MINGTON, IT. 0., THURSDAY; JANUARY; 20, 1B87,' WHOLE: N O. ' 6342: 4!?S2' Tit Ilona CilhoHc who beU U LhiI Im. , . " hew advertisements; NEWAD NEW APVERTISEMEyTS. . Rteeiptt of cotton j esUrdsj The following are the iodtestiooa Cor tie T K DITION. 0i t C0pl-l0lUtttt WW tfcOf- 6S3 U sicm 1aU !ut year 241 tweotyfcmr boara comcMDclog at 10 p. m. SP E Cil A ifT S -Very Debided Barrrainii. I oagUj Ioyl to .Doctor McGIjod, - A X 10 OtTLOCKT BHAttP. CfeODS. vEBGEIVKD For- North Carolina, Bootb Carollnaj Tha minim am Umperato.ro yea M Niw Ton atnF. ' - - - dtaisdtd hit rttoutmat. Qorxla and EaaUro - Florida, toutberly. 1 bkd Craakerr. fiO noz CWhlatn. afV..-v.i A Krdry waa 13 degreea, at 7 a. m.; tbe ablftlDg to eaaterlj winds, warmer falr 101 dos ast Tin war, eo dox Towels, so. Aiao, JO boxes florid Oranges.. ; - - - : laasait, ,-. 3 , . - s ; -r: .-49Jai!eswr . ' r o maxitauta waa 40, at 10 p. m. weather, followed by rain."- BROWN & R0DDI en, . 4 Fot Ylrclnla, ioulberly : wind,.-Bbiftlog i iak at Dacau ' .. . I Torlta bovuj fottoanata fromtba North to I to eaaterlj, rain or mow, warmer .;'t'j 1: ':;r. TZakted AT . I 1 CAT Will Dfll MfittiliOlA U ina aUD I m.-u. . i i. I n nr... in . i.i North Front i -iJ-; : " i a ) is o 'iT'. -iv i iw w x umi, ua u ua o iraTw io , xor uuo rwnai . uu. . ahwi r i v t I ' t .s, ..rv1 .- n rv rv -r II -T J'-'V. ,"r V-' 1 " ' LL 1 ..-.jr.; :K:tii Dt C. 8 I v !. i occufteii at a bail I j -trtdtf u prsftu ei aa i i mmti i , ,ori w i . v- V!V.f, ."I..: i ay aa eafoeiw e.. w n caumtlbf dj aAsnttt 1 r w bJ Tt 1 r'thttr caucus at MUCUS at At- I k 1 .-eaior MCer. :i v ho. Oai I k 1 . 1u ... yi)3-j StO-S p I ta tt-tte;aoaA- ,i f-ulj . & Aeary ! iaury 9tc; eor , , : ;aury TiQ43a: i i. ol.-Ano haa V.riois. Very n b-xak will 7 -f '.be Cbarcb , a : rtn. If Itiy, if th-f woaU V ! , . . : there is j . . i fiod for s ! Whi i h soteu . 1 to bsve 5M in .iv r of tbe the . ' I).av.Iio liUii - - r I 4,iOO v v ; i for :.'': big SO Cce. en, i It is r.'.kiai h acre v t . i f rial, ' i : i i: nt beo v ' 1 1 Vi v.:oo ac-J . v . ibot ber ' rw: will :" :!. i-iz-r ii Mr. s : i.-h r. i.jlpb ' ' . ; " ; h ' r : 3 o p ' ' ' ' 1.' .vmr. 5iX .--ii"- Lor J ei- : s ' i" !. j-f I ai waa v ::.: tr i j 14 to .-. in h.-o iccariag ' 5 I m ifter tbe : '. t;; hckvls. ''' xa mht love ll j itco pre- of are P tbe rat V; . bT be c d.J i mi.rfr 0 : V 1 v u ' ' .1.-. Hi i !...: . ua t I t--3:oa bill tbat th i" ;y t Urge majority p 1 tb Seo cjlstfd tba: oo a.h b-w political n bn removed W;i. vs prci. d and be baa mon'.b. Bat r-'1'''' il all th same. '.h ' detiltry bae 1 1 5n Francisco. i!a plxciogdy 4 ot ih tre rail v 4oervas ex- -iv. i r . . .. fi7 4 i i t: irrJ, d i ' , ... J i ( 1 V v: .;tQj demmiee. I to t the crowded ball and tha audience !! it of --ar- I wdlixhted with the ,vanty and sxcel- I. '1 - I ' i ir",rta ao-i bto- 1 for lie wretcbee .tn v ivea 11,000, 1 r v edactHtfoal in 1 d at Worcester, known, aa Clark ;M tbxt some rich 1 ' tb cJi Uoiverstty "iih a correepoo4 -it wao'd iriva aa ; a - - r " ,r tj krow tbat Mr. Jr torn.. ... k HcGIjoa la retaratd.lo tbaa. I i., 1 . . . ., j I An M?UJbmn. ot to a came oi I ivflt i Tiuafl a -iiiaMirr I cf TJoiui Suti It U o,d I - i !a: war anJ till lit dtM. !bUc to ... ' - 1 m s m ah esse i . wesasvBi tt avwussk ww vmvuw U Kortaartt nawipaera. U I tica UA- HwwJd wrU. t f-.- , v . , . t t.fl ll. I about tb war. Tbt Northern ao coaaU, with bat law exception, are I ritb bat fai abovt aa veraeioaa av cha "Life of I Tster Wilkiaa," or GaUiaer,a Trar- Jo Pa liner, tba Haogarian who I owe tbt New York WoU ia oolv I m ... i j tt:. !r I 40 j ear, old. Hu wllo aa a very I bsadsome Virgiaiio woman. Mr. J. IL Raexlall wrll&t Ia bla nittir tha rA . .t- x'- v.v I AaSasta CAronicie, from New York aa follows: Tb irtfrds aewappr a ad its phenome ai eueceaa an still topica of diacajajoa ia all cfrcJr here. The) time bad case, X sap pots, toe a new J9rtare .la New York i-TraAitaca. and at th ata best eqaipped fa that miss Km. Joaepb Pttlitssr. when the saaoAt caeae, adraatwd prempUy aad fal2;:d iVe trlos and brillUat trust. " lie U reported to be geeeroas and I liberal to bit employes. , iUa. James A. Walker, of Va..ex. Lieal. Governor oo tbe Democratto tickes u oat ia a letter advocating ljCi, Protectioo. lie denies tbat be I -rKiad bis all.giaaoe to tbe Decaocralie party. He seems to I bate Mreoouneed allegtaoee'toaDund MfAm If t nnrwMi tn I rr I , Administration and tbe majority . . . . ... i hi party la C'oogrese in their .k- T.ff VVK. I not Geo. Walker join tbe only party tbat i for Protection aad be done with it? Nioe-teotb of tbe Demo crat oppo tbe "robber" Tariff aod ntae-temh of tbe Itepabltcana fa vor it. i-v- f .k.. i tow iB.nmr. w - "v i p.pl to tbe miriee of Ireland is v i : TV. I plO iMicswoie rtu mcrcviiuiw. I acoaote of etiruoo are tbat they I tbe order of tbe day and tbat I reat and aDDaliioir misery the I . w . . ?t . I coona.ocf. uuu w New York TTorWof tbo 13tb In- I At OUabelxh. a County K.rry. the M.iMi4, . ik f. 4 tfori of tha I sheriff aad bailiff waa simply outrageous. I uiuiiu wwmmm w -j ' i Trr pereoe of all ages), f rem teedar la- I ' . k " w a. I I to allia o;a men. were wit aooietc i tha (tktioM of ThurvUy. The Mac are 1J to Im la-e taoel dUtreaaiag ever wit aMd even a Kerry. Yeeterday the raia wtt pouring drwa ia toreoU when proeeeacewereeervedatOleebeiga. la the of oo esse. t't luaraoa. ou saovocr red piteooaly that she might remain ua I tie roof over atght to aura her dylog child. The arset. however, ruddy threw tn ptf-etje aad want off to letca aosse straw foe iU bid- While the bailiff was sailing up the door a yooag girl became so s asperated by the outrage which bad been JS3 S .ff f.rf of polleemea armed with rifles. But a I ob bad aaabad aao aaa waa reacueu. polioa force heme completely over- powered. . at ABVKM1 last mtn r Mcxeox Price to pWate. Cotxxxa fc Co Aaclioa sale, xixraxxox School nook. J. P. aTaJtxaoY Board wanted.' M- 5, WuxajlD Lif tssoraoce. UkXi2X & AXXjoi HaU, muff a rarrrTAL Drooklyo Baptist church Almmiili Eaoraxav E-lentoo. N. C. I ' I A rieaeaat astt aeeearal AsTalr. The vocal aad dramatic eatertalamaat at St. JsoW acbool room last night was a BCl dccUrd suews. both artistically end S eert- aaMuf. The performers were delighted Urace of tbe programme The OolU of 8J. Agaa is to U coograt-ula-td oa the evtdeat popelat Uy of their eaUrulaoseata, which, howaver. Is not ear prislag to aay one who hae eajoj ed them. We bop they-will occur mora frtqueatly, so that we caa have the pJeaeare ef wit aieg aad chrootciloc ether sueeasea. Atfeecelai raau Iiisata hre adTascJ la price. , at the V rsenltota small booaV that began the Utter pert oi last week. .Tbt eapply la UU aad oiier msrgsU Ureprteeated aa llgbt aad'bul flule oe ruckle eqa tor. ta. QaoAAtloaiJa the WUalag'oa .market aara Botiax t wi -.-v ta-a ceista TJr . ouii.i vi i Aaiv relieve racBiauu wu t.- - . i .. - . ,...., w mn- aw - ia ta .r -At rowLSK a hukkihoni ,r anu tr- ;-r ;4-?ift:v.:T.;L; . iiuwuii. -r . . . Borreyora trv at work on the Wilmlortoa CoaatLloa Railroad from tbUcity to WrfrbtaTilla Booad and it la aaiBoruaurair. lbai wilbiq iqittt . ... . .- ... caya crad wmbcda Btlmoay at tba BejUter of Deedaofflc tctrdif: but aa be, bad not thm when. . , - ,Cu-- .v. m m tbolioeaae, tba affair waa - i Qfcjami Du lor lu nnnaL SthTn W'. of th. r r ' v i York l!oody, arrived yesterday forenoon. 8be waa delayed by etormy weather on tbe pre. bat met with ao accideat. The Carolina Central Kailroad Company haa under construction at its depot ia tbls city a large building to be us?d for tbe atsraga of fertiliiers. in bulk. wbkb will be Ukeo directly from vessels I or mans or ao eievawr. ine ouiiamg is , . , . mm . , . .... I w ...v ,v i A feattval and oyeter sapper will be given this evening at Brooklyn Hall I by uJk COflBecl4!d wlxh u,. Brooklyn Bsp- list church, ia aid ot the food for the erec tion of a bouse of worship AdmWsloa to tbe ball will be free of charge and a varie ty of fancy articles aod refreshments will be offered for sale at low prices. Twe Laa4 ef 11 ewe re. A Tar-heel, writlog from Like Weir, Fla.. to the Stab, says: w anUdpaUeg qaiiee Doom ror vms Oi'th 23odof February the Lake Weir VSV.i. beeldrt. other noted divines aod prominent "?"r ,rora oro,a "p a m .a a w .J w-. Tbe larae aod baniaoae pavilion is Bearing completioa. ilotela. atoxehouaee, coUaxes and tent are being erected to ac- ifJ cocamndau the visiters htalf dtlly The ring or batcheu and saws is to be beard from every Quarter. New . t,... i .k.txU r rani n ar lannrani l u axin in n 1 1 a waure of our beauufol lake, and old settlers , . w i L"". 'rr'T:k2:.llTK. I . k . k(l. .Inns fin. . , . .V. 1-1 caa aanjiy rrmuae uc u lu- irr" 7 .""rLV.v. 4.i r Wm r... A n v nn l orihle winter caa doabik be benefited aad much enhance i their pleasure byUkiog In Lake Weirduribr the period from Feb ruarv ti to March 13 I hardly know how 1 coukl get along without the Star Wheal receive it and wy cjri i.u u u.v- uu-u-..v...v- . .... .! ..... -. ! -i.Mi Iff fkv(Aa m a tcic t3 home aod hppT hours or ooynooti n fcirw n ..: i ;,,; .1 .-l. r. .nilnt.. t-ffMUTwa iu aa k . doll, though there has bseo no advance in , , , . I at, aod deputlos and , .... ,i, aad alert to S.rve ail I the pricj of warraa coosuWei are active h m niwd ihitir rf irj I - - T. 1 I - ".L .L f Tto oa pijHrrs . PacI Jsnkla. on a charge of assault and I bauervtand Paul Jenkins had tbe neces- : ... ..... . - I .aw mania mil fl i.ir iia irrcu ui l J ' I om n bimj, cuntia mo ... a . A a fT . . 1 I stall aoo outery. oaio rota appearca iu court, quietly aubmltled their eeies. paid thecosU aod were discharged Judgment bviog utpeaded la each case. Matilda WUkio. charged with larceny i . i I . .. Ouwill. WhltA ,kcmJ, ' was discharged without bail, there being nothing la tbe cate but tbe cost, which were paid by the complainant. Taresih Tralaa rtaaa veiimlaatoa to ftatkerraretea. . The lint through train from Wilmington lMt.l.l.tUUcU,.t ..m.Mdreb. aK Ratherfordtoa at 8 40 p. m. ; distance .. . t v. . I SMmllea. mo torougu iV weat will leave Rutherfordton at 0 a. m. and arrive ia WUmiogtoa at 8 p- m. There seems to be every prospect that the Cero- liaa Ceotral will be extended to Asheville The disuoce from Rutherfordton to tbat place U only forty "two miles. Tarpeatlaa Dtetlllera. The Naval Bioree Mannfacturer a Protec tive Association, of Georgia, have Issued jn.H t 4Utt1tra In which tbeV Ufffe a I W'Wian w w - - I a a n.A nolicv in the matter of cultiog boxes for tbe next season. . ... ik.i MnHics.tiona unfortunately . ... I are. at present, that many more boxe win k. iki. ...uui ihts thtti li aov oecee- um ' I w in nttinr We can I -i.7 vvJ I only expect aa tmprovemeni next khou over tbe terrible depress.oo of past years la a material reduction of the amount or tur- I ' . , I ixnuae ana roern poauccu. rtr en caeaaat Street. An alarm was given last nigbt about j twelve o'clock, from box No. 16, corner of Bcvcatb and Mulberry Jor a Are oa Chee. nut street between Eighth and Ninth. Tbe en jagnta anu ninva. oe 1 Fire Department responded j members of the quickly to-the alarm and- through their ef forta the fire .waa confined to tbe building la which It rigiaated. The bouse be longed to" Mr. John B. banss, and wsa occupied by Fred Fulkr, colored. ... .Tha aveauea S'S'ffi bafe'eftea-beea atopped rr- . 1 . I Cough Bjrup. .Jfocooi. 1 t Balti- n.V'J.f ..Ti-..t n.T'not I . , ' ?vS i:'--i,rortV! - -1 "--rt wvrfVr f'ARrr JPTnes Z - - KwlththoPlnmbingandGas Fittmg will cost, to- f . EAfO . L7rWL- -i .n . T x'-.;;-. 7"-"r:rr.". fi ' - 1 til ' le at Ho. wont wree, - i-. TS. YOTrlUUrMJJIwAttrlD"a- I For Mtralajlppl. aoalberlj ablXUag to I colder Bonbweaterlj wind, fair weather. .For Tennessee, eoatheaaL : abuunc to aontb westerly wind, warmer, raia or snow. ' - For the Star. U1LL WE BK CaVASXaV . I Toa wrtte I raoaoawy jot atisne one more competent io i xtre Uze anxious cttas sp reply to tola oft jcrreXBS aaxjooa otab af1 reply- to uxta oil pt'ppoupdsd log airy jg rsBSgetiosi witk tb Capo Fear ds Yadkin Valley Bailroad. i warrior. itttli tnniiiint i rjinrTtriam taritn inn gape FeAr d: Yadkin Valley. Bailroad r eannR aisaamnu results may icmiow dd endeavor feebly to reply and allay in a. mall measure the terrible strain uxtoer which your valuable daily appears to la bor. We matt proceed cautiouily in this im portant invesuffitloa, and stuay toe tare of tbe bivalve alluded to before we decide positively. The clam la not a bad character, aod In some things we mlfat wish to resemble him. in the first place. It Is worthy or note, though possessed or a - ',"- bor who happens to differ from him aa a reri winkle or other lnrenor mecies or T fJ00!"0? u! good cUy,. the clem haa a deep-rooted lqvc for real estate, and la attach to hia home.' Tbe clam endeavors to keep bis home free from barnacles, and tbe citizen wishes to bare hU home with M few 0h9 barnacles of taxatioo as is consistent with good gov ernment. Should a syndicate of crabs propose set tling a colony of barnacles on the clam without adequate compensation or Deneflt objection would be maCo The citizen dam objects seriously to increased taxation unless commensurate advantage be gained. Among tbe thousands who, it Is claimed, are so anxious to vote $160,000 to the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Kailroad how many will invest their orivato funds in the stock of that company at par? Is there one man m community not Identlfled with toe bonds of the company who will invest hia money io said stock at ten cents on the dol lar? Why ia not the sauce for tbe munici pal rooao savory for the citizen gander? Simply because be sees no dividend ma chines connected with the institution. The eulf fixed between the bondholder and stockholder ia so great tbat nothing will ever pass from thence4o these. When the tboosbtful. well regulated clam sees tbe . J rr " iTr " " ors ne meaiiaiea ueepiy. Doubtless your readers are familiar with what ate known as mud-suckers. These .V . 1 .1 -T ' w.- .. r UlTt WICO IU IU kUO tCUUI lUICBtUCIIH -UU s.,.,, -...-- .t-v. tht nffer. Ther -j . should be wsrnioM to us. From bis nat- olT. STZJZZT-ZJZ: -V7h; -r nnt them locetber. though, unfortnnstely, many of us get "bricks without straw. Clams will soon be more plentiful. In about sixty dajs tbe county of New Han over (from a tsx-payer's point practically tbe citv of Wilmington) will probably vote 1 100.000 for tbo railroad to New Kiver. U to that be added fiou.uuu ror tne uape rear A Yadkio Valley Railroad Uompany a I r,ivmth!a miliaffB on the nisne would DSV I hin w inrrj our indebtedness something we increase our laaeoieaness one quirter of a million dollars This is a .-irtlt. m,.r nr ihnn d be. I v . u....., . .... I nnt with rpTet in sc aDDitcauon Will DO Learlature for authority to put the question of this donaUon of $150.000 to the people direct, without passing through ihB ordlosrv channel of the city govern I T- a I ment Thfs is a dangerous precedent, aaa it aDPears Unnecessary, it me large mBjo- i " . . l nty or Ui payers aro in lavoroi me uob- i uon, i laem moaiu cui usm, iu- t a a at Ant t Vt al ft Via IV O meu w u The scientific man knows the clam a mercmaria rnertaininir to money). Bo named because from tbe inner lin ing of tbe shell tbe Indians made the wampum bead which constituted meir currency, ohau we oe ciams; auan a syn dicate coin monev out of us? Are we to $h4iievt f Dear 8tar, it looks so. Qaarterly Meetlax For the Wilmington District of the Me thodist E. Church, South, (first round): Smith ville station. January 22 and 23. Wilmington, First Church, at the Tem- 5.d0. . ...... Duplin circuit, at Wesley Chapel, Febru- arr 12 and 18. Qntlow circuit, at Queen's Creek, Febru- 19 d on. Bladen circuit, at Bethlehem, February ... at HetnlkDF March !t and S. vvauewwi j va - f w Clinton circuit, at Concord, March 13 and 13. . Topsail circuit, at Rocky Point, March 19 and 20. Waccamaw circuit, at Bethel, March sse inrl 27. Whiteville circuit, at Whlteville. April arid 8 . . . ii n Brunswick circnu. at cetuej, Vii and 10. T. W. Guthrie, P. E. ,.,ii,na i vrvrmnMl WfyTTTTTRS ! At " dirtabSd at nibt and broken of your rest by ith r If so. ro at onoe I i.ttn nain of cntUn t . . KnttiA nf mm. WINSLOW'8 SOUTit' KA5irSr ii irtiiiui th roor little snf- r bnmediately depend npon it: there is no '0 thatit will rejrnlat the bowels f ,tfT,lJeM the mother, and relief and health to Uie chfld, ?Pr fi " it " r",' 1 nt K. nUMt and nwt famaJa tT. iVn ne in the United States. Sold everywhere, as pent abottle. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. , . TT-n-PFa f iiavS 1 iliUUb . Boys' Polo Caps ! HARRISON A ALLEN, ....... - - ' - ITattara. -. W6iAre Wff; rn?p v . r nf fi TTT1W1.K - . - r" i -VllULLNCX SUITiri -1 ih at cannot FAIL TO PJJtASB. I br aYoa2 Maa and bU sister. Seal paxt&mf lart aooa as possible Jto, I Jry.rasOTim iaa SO li . ? Post OflBee. WflnUnfiton, U-.C Festival. pta. LABIBS 07 BEOOKLXN BAPTIST : . . . - i - . i SWPFXH Tbls Xvealnjc- at 8 o'cioeki - at BBOOK- I jutw haxu mces as osau. Koonaxw ior a i ;f,-w ,. Hfltiol Trust FEni life Associatiflii . "POLICT-HOLDKES IN THE ABOVB WAMBD organization, who will write to the undersigned, airing their axe at nearest Mrthdav, will receive a written proposition to transfer their Insurance to the Mntnal Lle Insurance Co. of New York, (assets one hundred and fifteen million dollars), on espe of ally favorable terms.' H. 8. Wir.T.ARD, ARent, Jan 0 tf 814 NORTH WATER STREET. QnTinol PaaIto School Books, School Books. JLL BOOKS USED IN PUBLIC OR PRIVATE SCHOOLS, in the City or Country. Are for sale at tHETNSBBRQKR'S, The Cheapest Place in Town to bay Jan 33 tf School Books and School Stationery. BUCKWHEAT CAKES ALMOST INSTANTANEOUSLY MADS FROM. a HKCKKRS BUCKWHEAT, By the Add ttlon of oold water or milk CHXAPEST AND BB3T. f" Jan 1 lm 6h eod nrm Albemarle Enquirer, EDETON, N. C. lfR. ALBKST H. DOW ELL, ONE OF THE OLD- 1TA est and most experienced Jonroailsts ia the .. V A.AI klnnl - 1 1. !.!. Albemarle Enqnire.', the leading Demooratio NewsDauer in the Pint District. An excellent KamUy, Literary, Political and Miscellaneous Newg Terms of 8abcriptioa 1J50 per annnmjreo for six months. DrWRIL. BHOTHBRS. PnbHshers. EH) WELL BROTHERS. Publishers. Ian 30 DA Wim Sdenton, N. C. -Rocro-QO-fi Trn.TlRfftT. dd"D" . - w vif mw a. tT VIT TTTrTTT "IT rwnri - . . bagoaqb leave your orders at t. j. buuthjsk- LAND'S LTVBRT STABLE, Nortii Second St. Orders for Carriages promptly filled." T. J. SOUTHKRLAND, Livery and SaleJStables, M tf NoalOe alio North Second St1 WTLMINGTON, N. C. A NEW HOTEL, ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. UNSURPASSED CUI8INE, AND COMPLETE COMPORT OP GUESTS ASSURED. . . Ian 24 tf w.a. caiAfl. Special Bargains. QAA GROSS SWEET SCOTCH SNUFF at $3.50 OUU per gross. Ofl 11 Boxes Tobaoco, all grades and qualities; uUU must be sold low for cash to close con- siirnments. Also 50,0 JU Havana cigars. SAMUEL BEAR, Sa., dentr 18 Market street. Groceries ! Groceries ! LOW PRICES ! LOW PRICES 1 COME ONE. COME ALL, ;And judge for- yourselves, C. H. COJNOUtX 113 South Front St., janBtf 1 Opposite New Market. At Cost For Ctish. - W E ARE GOING TO MOVE, AND IN ORDER to reduce stock, will sell at Cost for tbe next thirty days, Carriages, Bn?les, wagone. Harness. Trunks. Satchels. Traveling Bass, and all kinds of Saddlery Goods. If yon will need anything in our line this spring now is the time to buy. MrlMinHAL & LOVE. lan is u 114 North Front Street. KingV New Discovery, E LE;TRIC BITTERS. - T - MAGE&'S EMULSION. CIGARS, CIOAKS. WILLIAM H. GREEN A CO. Market St.. .3a 1ft tf Between rrcnt ana za ow. PlOWS. ; PlqWS. PlOWS. TTTB HAVE IN STORE ALL PLOWS USED IN this seotion. with their eastings and parts. Also Plowmen's Outfit. AH these goods we -offer at the lowest prioes. All letter inquiries from the ooimtry prompUv answered. - UAaAfckW W AVAVUla7Vaif Jan IS tf ' Mnrohlson Block. Coal. Wood ; andSlilngles: TBOTTOM CASH PKICES, ; f- I . : lMitamia6aBO. RfVrT'pmoVanvthlnVto oecon-.l Cash Houe, Market , Street, ' REMNANTS Dress Goods, Worsteds, Cashmeres, Prints. And Fancy Goods. REMNANTS Cambric Edgings, Cambric Insertings, Nainsook Edgings, Nainsook - Insertings Jobs in great many 'Desirable Goods, AT imi.im:. katz' 116 -liIarket St. - ai aa-"-aeeaesaa,aaa llllr .. Iff. CJROZVliY, Auctioneer. - BY CRONtY & MORRIS. - : Sale of Valuable Property. QN SATURDAY, JANUARY 2JD, 18S7, AT 12 M, on the premises, by tlrtueof a mortgage ex ecuted to P. B. Rnffin and Thomas Bnflin, Trus tees, on 10th March, 1874. by Pride Jonea, H. P. Jones and wife Olive. E A. Jones and M. C. Jones, and dnly registered in office of Register of Deads for New Hanover county, we will offer for sale the following PROPERTY, fcituate in tho City of Wilmington : Beginning at a stake on the bank of the Cape Fear River, in Orange street, running thenoe east along Eald street, two hundred and ninety-nine feet to the intersection of the 6ame with Front street, then south along 'said Front street one hundred and thirty-two feet to the corner of tbe Adam Ere pie lot, then west along the line of stid Adam Empie lot three hundred and thir teen and a half feet to a stake on said River.then north with said River to the first station, embra cing Lots Nos. 1 and 2 in Block 125 in the plan of said city. 1 The property will be sold in snb-divlalons as follows : 1st. Wharf ; 2d, Lot ; Sd, House and Lot ; 4th, Corner Lot ; St a, House and Lot. Terms of tale Oue tftird oash, and balancr at one aod two years, with Interest from day of sale at eight per cent; and right also reserved to rejeot any or all bids, if price for whole proper ty is not satisfactory. Survey made and plot of the same can be seen on application to cromy b Morris. P. B. RUFFIN. THOS. KUFFIN, Trustees. de 21 tds nao ATTENTION CASDI BUYERS. 8 WE MANUFACTURE OUR CANDIES FOR the Setail Trade, we can offer an inducement to all lovers of FRESH AND FURS CANDIES, and when in need of such goods try us. E. WARREN & SON, CANDY MANUFACTURERS. janl8tf EXCHANGE CORNER For Sale, JPLOUR, CABBAGE, MEAT. APPLES, SUGAR, SWEET POTATOES, and, in short. PILES OF GROCERIES, at D. L. GORE'S. jan7tf 129. K2, 124 North Water Street. Magazines and Papers. JEWSPAPERSr MAGAZINES, ILLUSTRATED Papers, Libraries, and Readins Matter of all kinds on band. C. M-HARRIS, Tne Only Regular Newsdealer jan 13 tf - in the City. Exchanging Pianos. TTTB ALLOW THE FULL WORTH OF AN OLD Vv Instrument in exohange for anew one. We offer the finest and most reliable Instru ments, either for Cash or on Time. Call and examine them. E. VAN LABR, 4 409 Red Cross Street, Jan 18 tf between 4tb and 5th X Handsome Goods. BRASS 3TRB SETS, 1 BRASS AOTIROBI8, Brass Coal Grabs, Brass Handled Hearth Brooms. Metal Vase Impswlth pejorated chau,. km c.nnd 1 tl nk?. wltn and without pendants; Brass Crumb Trays, and a handsome line or uangmc lamps. : Jantf ' For sale low bv , GEO. A. PECS. -South Front St. All I Ask ..it IS FOR YOH TO CALL AND SEE THE- COOK -lng Stoves and the prices they aro being sold at; and if yon want toknowwnaiaiiatau-nD, wnh.Rtiirii th TTTrfmnt. Garden Hosa. Hose- Reels, Drive Pumps, orv anything la oonneonon -I ''V-j.V,V-w,-,.vr- . l . . IU. Great Clearing ISateH.!.:! OP VTISTBR DBT GOODS, PrfiTlons io our taklrp Icventory of etcekcn;;jvj "ebruary 1st - ButuxnjsiB 10m si.ooa pairui) to su.to. A , ,,rv' .1 25 per cent. reC : .on. . :.' vti'.W' rlAVVlAnmirir y . - . a a ' about SO per ct r.. LADLES' I LANEL SKIUTg- LADIES'.FLAInNEL 3KIETS from 30o to tl.Q0;,$ eqnoea anonc u per cent. v u 1 A f 1 , We beg to direct the attention of al ' taoia "Ht wrin hnvA an a nut if EriJhr?t.rt r11 strrl nt ftfi - ..... . we have opened iv so. of bo'iks on the first of this year, and oarrynone forwat'i from',, j .V oar old ledger. v charges will be maJo till; ... ; the old aceounte hare been settled. ' v;V't jl MWe also avail ourselves of tins opportunity o 'I ;,'. . return our eince'e ' ::aath to all those who hate settled with us. ... ..1. ....i- V BROWN & RODDICm 9 NORTH FRONT STREET. ' ,7 f. Branch Store, 27 Hay street, Fayettevllle,' 0 de 5 tf , ; 51V-'ti'.. CRAM'S FAMILY ATLAS tftttY ORLff M JTS CONTENTS, 60 VALUABLE AND COM-w ; PLETE, and its prloe, so moderate, mat it tne , MOST SATISFACTORY and PRACTICAIJATLAS ,v ' - ever published. Acourate I Compact t'Com-: ;fc; preheneive l New Maps! Indexed! , Attraotlvet, . . Convenient! Economical ! Large Quarto! (is by 14 inches). Fine Paper! Handsomely Bound! 176,. -003 copies of the FAMILY ATLAS have alredy : , been sold. With a good ATLAS ot the World as a work of reference, the value of every Newspa per. Magazine and Book Is doubled. -1" CHAM'S FAMILY ATLAS contains Just'the geographical Information the people want." Ml I, an every-d ay ready reference book reltlnr to.,, -the GREAT WORLD XN WHICH. WB UV. oJi only by subscription. ... . V?'Xi ' '. Our General Agent, Mr. A. L Plummer. win-' take orders in Wilmington for future delivery of, " Cram's Family Atlas. . -. - r For further information call On er addreas. . A. L. PLUMMER, Commercial Betel, v.'- Jan 10 Sw Wilmington, M. tt.. -' Yarn, Sheeting, &c; IOK Bales RANDOLPH TA.v?''. 2 Bales RANDOLPH SBOTlHGf,;.. Lye, Potash. Soda, Soap, staron, Tobacco, Snuff, Ao., Ao., . s ?".-r t , Vrtr flaJa low bv Janietf WILLIAM a. RANKIN A CO- Bagging, Ties, Twine: 2O0() Half Bolls BAGGING,' 2500 New ARH0W T1s' Kf A Lbs. BALING TWINE, For sale low by l'.-.' WILLIAMS,' RANKIN A CO.U- Jan 18 tf Flour, Bacon, Liir V 100 80169 D8- :v , -f n A Cases LARD, AW For sale low bt jan 16 tf WILL7J JAMS RANEIN A CO. V Slolasses; Sugar, CoUco -4 n UMa ChntM Porto SlflO MOL A RT3, 1 U T,,. I . v. A HI 'II . UH ' . - . . 250 Jan 10 tf Sacks Choice RIO COFFEE, ; For sale low'byl A f WILLIAMS, RANKIN A C0' STARTLING Yoa Cannot Afford to Ignore Xbenv - The following article appears In a ntjjiria of - amlnel and reported oprm japl of ChW "- . Hrd, the other dy,wWon.ke-ld dl pound of hogs' fat, tint onrietd T V01ew,!, c. cotton seed oil,andoleostearlae.' - . , v - , F Is socb. a mixture ebeap at aarvrlce ? ; H . ' , . V ; saJt 5 k ..,,isjroiust .. EVERY FACKAOS 19 OUABANxTKEl) Try Wand yon will njneoaerJ,'.r t. C. CAS3ARD & 0rii : ' ?iassS.liBALTIMOR,nD - Jy ir ' i i i ' miii ii iAttfAiDtca FACTS niconnn utiauHiiuu 7" I With .7.1 1 W4 it t 3 tcc.ooa