n I', 1 l I' r ii t:. F . ; k atsn c c inn w; . 4 . ti "M I S.t',).. f4'V.jlKU.IMOf , v r V u f. lit(u i btti V -i ... vu .- i., ii a 'j rv " vtX w-v.1 aioaer' ) Da)iat4 I ' , xr-iaM. u a rata tt eaam W llM rv - r a rt.MivH4 ht rrur ' wr, m era stwawaa ? V !-; Ufa. 1WM4.t4. r v r H 13 " Si M t t wha rr t iaav. ass i X w.i , ya w , i zxrao, i ML Ta , hMMiiMN ' f ywoa. f aa .. L ., rut.v.iwt, Wtatut. TCttH Meet f .tM inMi,qsk M mnu fan V 4 mj vrtt hnaasti ... fuaar.nl h tnniH H . ' . , ' ! ; .. a e P itt -. " - w 1hp Vr'Wii x rw. a fur ln9iiiMtUt , r- " ! ',.,'-. r an w.ut Ilt U rrf.- --w . wt. 4ru m tiri ? W ... ' . -J If ! :,: "t-t -t T TT i -W f I MMlt C-lfYt 0T till BUai C3 Ut 414 foticjc- If ib,4rfranofeo daV ei tb FJtTAl Got ifBmeat anJr th Costittntloa ei4o prove kr bor of rir for attoot o4 cta mtrvi I porpor, lhi, ihrfore, it can tars uirrl cbri-?hr, farsUh b?k fol boil.l bool Sill b ploAisi lo rek4 u rtoirot. It will tla wbttbtioot b-o 4oor. J wbii b)ire cm ot b 4 o. VVbio w bv t it jrmfol -bill lbo dtrmtM if it U ncirj ta Utnpi rrp'. Tb 5ta ofioc dioal A( Ueth lb Jifftrrol clinic ( ib Cofttilaiin n.Jff wbitfh lb Cm r4 mil rrtO pproprili-Ju tivi t:noJ to ctfMin n-J, nJ re ' ; inio ib mt;r g.ii Ht if Lb tra'vcr b toy- Ihifti to offer Aoo oi nk gv.J h ciaa ww thhU pAUallr u n 1 MpcoiAiljr to ooJertod H ofjfoic w of tbe wlww ii jinn mm wii w w wwiwwwwww' - r - ...1 Tj " H Unnt'. 'vefiifVoTttfl ' Anf) - - - .nr. . - -rii.. xi.rti--siirt:. iinnBreana iwi. wo w"""""r-T AC Jet ja tbu Suta bo; loag atf I hfie facta are not dupatech an uie. i i jXttto Aj;iPtHHii&ot daring tbe present pastorate-of jwo years u k hft&dlMl tb bifffftfftl! It ii V -ftw of them there aro-fc wbo'wilV r;- , " r forty have been received, -of rwhom lbirtyr , . V:' v fmcr that machwronirhai been "Sone Cheap jjewepapera as a general six are resideniF; ? - . wooJr that. A paMeogW. Tr gU . ,. i,.,,. r-:t-t.x- sjw.m invMtmpnti, Get the best. , , ' throottb witb bit baggagt bortver t. 'mm m ,rV',;y if be .Tillage of Marpbxlwas f-fTTi ft jj B P i F5 AfiPf detail TraaiT aabjUntiil and coitlj . it may Tbtrt oogbt.to bo lav to prevent tbe wholeealeabaMOf trunk, wbea a cerutn amooot of dynamite sbatl bt packed in ot are came do pnTtr.rrtA v'riA fiKKns. . f to be written as ho'wrotehls -,.fhe cold snap at Charlotte PbU. Record, Dem. caused the mercury to fall to 12 degrees. It An interesting "tfuouaaion ia going got down to 14 in WilmiDgton, we believe PnnnWinin eon- I TVia nhortnt.to dhrnrLirht conies A tJ V , WW W - - JJT . . . m Mm . 41 1 A article irom ise stab buv it came from. Anoiner TFafltn(? firar. tttUMU tUO v aot of dynamite sbatl An interesting "tfuouaaion ia going got down to 14 in Win iverv traok a pistols' on in Virginia as to-Repnblioan con- "- The. Charlotte .w '-iii.Ki nivance in keeping1. Mr. Randall in- .Dr. Pritcnard's article kw, there will -b -a Congress. In replying to the Stan n- does not bint where it. w tettlement -with tbe on v:nAts -hLhhA iniinnated rcl ta. credited to TF my Stock, and baVe made MATERIAL rei, nime .' I 5 II II II' UUD U mmvm w I 4AV-.. " "nwreo. !. wi around and get prloos stnuber. and wrecker. that tbe Repnbbcana tried to, swamp Washington rrogress: Mr j. i'ar. , Randall bj adding two Republican jjnt ".."aSie;" Tbe man who own. :the NbHh J wards tovhis dittriot in the appor- Jffiiw -ShniT Wi .a wirrican vrrti9 rs a xvepaoitoan oi I uoDoiDk usscu upou tua uouou oauve oi oeauiort, xt. v. a vsry extraraa type. He vii de- 40 in 0lruurg feated ia New Yotk city for the I rm .1,. nf Ph;iir1l. - - 1 greasmen irom me ciiy uuwi- - f . - fUIf WUIVU V 1 mj IU WW . - - i Itiee mi be is rkvb.- He roccatly a msjority of over 30,000; or five te.tiie4a.su, bU ependitarw,;and "mM , the m67 Yirffinl . ., . , Cleveland. Even in the absence of r' tbe whole tbtar is verr tl 10 red i tab Is. . j . 1. a. . i a ' ;w..f. 1 v'gf UU lit 1 i 1 - - 1 1 .a.. 1 'W Ji.nf AATf rON4 - 4 V1k aHti 4 Uri ry -JtB al9 ! T 'Ml into (k'rw r''.vtf sj iflnri M filter JlU .Urti AtirtrtiMt mffjj aijui r qr 'ia H" 1 r. a: ktnr'.jf.tt, Vvtf. ao a mt m ' 4T.(W t r WOm . -irt'.,inf.. l ,i!9rju mMl oaU'f 6 ' aajtucifc-.. . -v s(Mr W Ml aaV twttav h oriyni' Itar nf I Km lftnj. ';r.;;V.r; Sta denies . .. ...11. . I Ml I nl k rtili. luta or pot office by tbe Gov ernment fr it oer ue and the ctoioj; oat of a rier or barbor for wr (f( am) to increase it om rr, parallel ce with Fe!- rri hvKl Ucbi0g. rrlivsute to t t. i are eorrtctly informed there ar- ; rnbably foor real estate owner r, aoderstood to favor a sab vn u q to the Cp Fear aod Yad kin Valley Railroad to ooe who cTp po Agaio, if we have right in furmttioo, there are five dollar paid t ' te by tbo4 who favor a eqb tt Uor to one dollar paid by thoee oppo tab'toripUoo. VVootd it. n, 1 , ""-for, tve a f;reat wroog an J ioja- It' ! Ahirilinii Shir. ' -onyifth. Legiala:.ir. tLX'f.t, 7 .V. .V 1 to l!or q eleolioa ? We cu t it, uelee small mioorilie are rul. m l that i coulriry to the I ) ft f f . : a vght fare badly in an eleotio ' 1 I f,f ' . r ! lbo who d not owo real -eta - ftooM vote aatat ubcriptioa (ao r . :i r . t "kH . in i v iff ? :& ii? : , . . ... , . j ' .. Tv '0 'J0"? bow the ot will b I'Hf-" Ju pra-M'. u,tb lar tht ,)WkM f u -I !- '. r'i,;- t,j !I puSh f P v j. H1.-' ' i '.' u-i 0 r !.hi. iij.J.r tht. teanj r'ttV -' IIyAWCart lb , 4-vf a i i ii'U tH.eii4M y jrvy i t'' p'tbUj r rt,: ?jr frj ? jrMt,ent an i rcr. ru t)emoraU4 'p.kfty t no: ay i I . . t.- rfrm. b5 ; rH;a i rioIr 11. Ic M, terert h '-tr m rwt i t pOf tbkt N'rt!i Cafoim . " n vjrau o.Kjf.i 14 ff rt of . ,tA previa A i;Uii KdQ lr tj fr-avr. t' rt.rr jihii fvl 'ntt& Ot'fee jru be b.-ewa na.i Ja5 Iwfttaf itn riHj t-a o .1 jif, t4. :t l P t IV th f4i tUii -rl .r a.lo Ht i; I 1, w were aoytUtn bjt .?rtS!- i I V Tt; e are wbiatf l f i li f lfr a. r jJc s 1 e r. 4p.' I ; rk ts ,4 J i gft 4 I t OV " TU 4I ; si.gU4y N ippon .Je A UIamu. tkxa W U J -;a .. ; p4 rtff ti- Ti rj, arha., f d Upf'!i.i wla r . tteo'.e J it 'U.tytjaf ' Oa.u .;r t., n l when e ja We ran b ftvur a ubcrrp n. tate od be) i-ti th large msjority of real etate anT faeonoj a qb-eriplioa will e blly defeated Saib i lh way i; took to tKt writer aod be will add thi. II jrouM o t favor an election IMfef fa;t a giveo above were re vera!. If there were four real atlate J!!. hSSST UWU iTK .nrfDemocr.Uc vo.e.'.r9 permitted ? H j Kes 11.000 to Irvloc Oa.1 after they bad to elect a Detnoorat by three thou- MU1 loreed SpioU aad thea withdrawn tbe sand majority while in the same county. I IsdorwsMat." Cltjt j0 j0dge Kelley's distriot, six- ceeded by . ... . . . t . J T . m. M!iAl Dn "Vallaw TfaKn? On.Thnrsiiav t i . t-it. i . r . 1 r rpLAm.a moraiug iah, wuua uuuviug, iui. inumm Bmith, near Stoneville, was accidentally shot by a companion, Mr." George Tomer. tic UIQU i iiuuj u.u.. Pittaboro Some: Six snows so f.r th?a -reintpr. Tt seems that there is the whole tbiea; i very tliaoreditible. V:.J " Tic" " ; hv wards- it a muddie about the election of Sapemten .. B 7 y diagrams and the vote by wards n deot of (he of Health . some say 1 1 Atu I vawrari A K flatMn thflt nrt II AmOCraLlO I i Ti- ThaWhmi o laxrallv 1of orl district conld bo laid out m Phila- and that Dr. Manning will hold over, it .t - a a n I m n e ei n Inrn a letffoiiir vof aiai berMveiectko. Tbeo I irava Cregaa I aeipnia mat wouia noi jmouui w ,UUiU.....u,.,k.. taoe am aad $100 tbe oifht before eiec- I gerrymander. In Randall's district, I Raleigh Jiecoader: Rev. Amos lloo 1 irVe Mr. Uackla 1300. I Cave I ih. f 1001 itrliti thatx. I WawAr of Olavton. has trone to Arkansas Mr Ifamtltoa $0 aad $100 more I .e , oto a 0rmittfld I to live For thirty-three years Rev. ,vw.-.w w r I H lfrttairA haa hpn naator of the wrcca. uiyun uuiuw, m jl wduu n - . . . ... . lie nas re&ignea ana win oe suc- Rir .T. H ' TjRmrierth of Ror- M w fS w . . . w "f I " J . 1 TV : . -V. . J : J -. . : J . - I Ln tAniiannrl nmrvrttl Arn nitted I boro. ' s auMua in mm m Diuuiuitn iiicvi tu " ' " - - r- - - i,:m.ir , ... Kn against tusenty-sevn thousand tie- Salisbury Watchman; Another boy btmsslf into the Congress but blic4u( Besides being a geo- mineral, heretofore unknown as having ex- failed. Ilia defeat was by a greatly crapnjci curiosity Mr. Randall's istenw m this Stale, has been identified by ....... i. ? r J . . Dr. fl W. Dabnev. , Jr.. State Chemist of reuocea majority, uice is toe leiiow district bas not even tne requisite North Carolina metallic arsenic. The who bad the controversy with Alicia- ratio of population to entitle it to a gpecimens came from neir Mt. Airy, in terl'belpe. Hut Rice is in-lrumental Representative in Congress, while it Surry county and weighed originally embraces but one Republican word, about three pounds, in getttog up a very lively monthly 4Q(j that RepnbliCan by only 500 Charlotte Observer: A little r . . r r : r . ;.. . . .. . . a . j i .1 r:ii t 1 i.s imcvieic 11 11 m oiien in uie mteresL maiorilv. Ana ail tnis is arrange a i coiorea uoy, iub eon ui out duiwu, living ieiih lii. iii m mm THE F nrsTTOMic etrengtUcns tbe .mnscies . , Steadies the Nerrea Enriches the Blood, Give New Vigor. Da. J. It, MTKBSjFairfiold, Iowa, wi: . - Brown's Iron Bitters is the besk Iron medicine I hare known in my 80 years practice. I have found it . gpeci&Uy beneficial in nerrona or physical exhaustion, and in all debilitating ailments that bear bo heavily on the system.-- Use it freely in my own family." Mb. W. F. Beowh, 637 Main Sfc-,-Covington. Ky., says: "I was completely broken down in health and troubled with pains in my back. Brown's Iron Bkters entirely restored me to health." Genuine has above Trade Mark and crossed red line . on wrapper. Take no other. Hade only by . BBOWK CHEMICAfc CO.. BytXTJLUOKS. MO. . N Received to day on oonslfntuent a nm i., Dressed Chickens, Geeaa and Turkey s Kokled Tripe and Pli'a Feet. Pulton Market Beef. Laguayra, Java and Hio Ccffecs iWied to day. ' ; The very best qnality of Batter and lC( s,. Earns, Strips and Beef Torgnee. Come around and ret the new prices. . JAOTESO.8TKV1JN.son, Jan8tf SO.IPEONT 8TREKT INT. H. SMIThT REAL ESTATE AGENT , FAYETTE YIL.L.E, IV. C. of bis corrupt party. by a Republican Legislature which on the farm of Capt. J. M. Davis, of this i ,u ,7 c o.of county, happened to an accident Monday no rr round the counties of Uie state ! u..l i. i . . Seoalor-eleot Hiteock, of New York, is thu Repablicin leader io tbe Hoote. He ia a man of very de cide.! abilities, and ia the tblML min I inicru itcpuuuusui. men i voted for by the Republicans of New I show an infamous gerrymand a mm a ... I I U .i J a f r m I U a DAvnk1SnArt int lork. tnkhog i abler, but proba ki. ii: , .ii . .. i ana a not jess loiaraous irerrymj bly lliscock will tnetaro with any I r .v -. e o a n u : 3 I of the city for Randall's benefit v . . wau I fc tug . v f uuw viIBb orj moor aod Tilden are dead. cuftnnT co st stirs r i ..r .u ,7 c ,.. .. j county, happened to an accident filonday so groups tbe counties of the State evening by which be lost two fingers. The twenty Republicans, when the true in the cog-wheels of a feed cutter, while ratio based on the popular vote the machine was in operation. would be thirteen Democrats and Hickory Press: On Monday fifteen Republicans. These figures I last (10th) Mrs. Kossell and a little son of n infamous izerrvmander of Mn- I:?- Norton, living in East Hickory, , .... r, D. . . .1 were onten oy a smau aog oeJoneing to th State in the Rennblir.an interest. I i n ' mu. j . . B . . -"i V I J-1" avooseii. lue uog auerwaras snowea and a not less infamous gerrymander I symptoms of madness, and on Wednesday U'Wi US bUliU UltlCU IS UU W 111 J-l c vv - ton applying the madstone beloDffing to XTr .1 H WPP-Inn Tne Latest erase. . m . oueiuy aurora; io satisry mortgages and executions amounting to noA nr E i it , VAVw. In tl. Civil aStrvictf uohcr. tut noreued br the President, a reflection ' of tbe agrcgs'.e eeotimeot of tho party that ejectrd bira ? In our judg ment it te not. lie ha jriveu a rev- otQtigrtary volitioo to tbe idea of iiM-partian administration of pab- lic affair uoi cootemplaled bv tbo act of Coogreas, wboe provitiont it was bis doty simply to execute, and has applied to the work of reform an extension of tbe dootrino of the di vorcement of politics from ofHco never dreamed of by iu extremest advocate. Thii wh have contested not lees in tbe interest of represeuta tive government than In that govern raeot than in that of tbe Democratic party. Is th silver coinage po'.ioj of tbe President uo5 a dis.ioctively Osmocratiu i .; that to uuuoiii it is to commit tr4oo to the Demo-. Boston Post ., ... , ., I mortgage uu eieijuuoDs amounung to I he Urowuintr craze herein Boston over $930. New Era Campbell press and : :. . i i . rrm ti I. j . , , . . ... it now at iin inauueai. me thrown ak T3i ing Club par excellence meets once in every month; meanwhile, tbo member, divided into crroiiDS. studv the oent, write essays and in gen eral prepare themselves to edify one another at the next stated meeting of the club. There ore, besides this, many einaller societies in town and tho suburbs which devote themselves - " www- JVVt4 1 lm3ml CeJ V type were advertised and sold at public iuuuua laab uiuuiu BIT. JOBn JjOSllC, mortgagee, bought the property for $552, snd last week he resold it to Col. Johnston, of the Massachusetts & Southern Construc tion Co. Mr. Geo. A. Frick will continue to edit and publish the New Era. Durham Recorder: This evpn. ing at 3 o'clock several of our city ssargents were notified that their presence was re quired at Duke's factory to take charge of . . Tt 1 . as? Oorrespondence solicited from parties wishing buy or sell lands. Sellable attorneys ea ployed to Investigate titles, eto. Refers t0 hn, Iness men of Fayette vUle. OFFICE AT SMITH S Dp0T Corner Munford and Donaldson Sts., , , iWhere a FULL STOCK of J BEST ICE,; COAL AND WOOD dan be found at LOWEST PRICES. BTLook.but for the sign, "Ioe. Coal, Wood " Ao. Je 19 D&wtf' HECKER'S BUCKWHEAT AND MOUNTAIN BUTTER, FOR 8AEE BY HALL & PEARSALL, de4D4Wtf ' -miiUiv FARMS AND LANDS FOE SALE, rMPROVKD LANDS, TIMBERED LNDH wWA MP T. A Tina and 1YIWHI PBODTOmn,., ' The Counties of Robeson. Bladen, Cumberland and all adjacent sections, offer fine opportunl- ii . r , i a wuuuucu uiu. a. siecoraer reporter re- wholly or in part to Browning, inacb paired at once to the scene, and found that Dnvate readin g is accomnliahprl. and I Mr. Henrv Jnncn wortrinv in ihA mchn. r r 7 j 1 - - . " . " j .uauiuw several young men and women eivd I room had his hand in a machine and was Cancer of tho Tongue. M v wire, conae three or four years ago, vas trou bled with an loer on the elde ot her tongue near ih Tha tiain-was Incessant, causing loss of sleep and prcdr in .i..Tt.i. vjna r h prim Ht ism. It had passed from t&c ehooWers aiscl centered in the eemi-public readings from time to time with varying degrees of skill and success. cratio party? If it b -o. then tho' e woald not jalify an election i . mnu rMTtei ivatrKetAuv. Tbe bill to o amend tbe State Coaptation eo a- to elect two addi i nal member of tbe Sapreme i'mrx failed io tbe House by a ma jnty of 1. Some Democrats voted aiot the bill. Why tbe Repobli Democratto tiriv h traitor to itelf. aad the Prtaidcnt and bia baker'n do ten of Democratic etipporlera in Con gre alone art loyil. We can not ew it. fsOuUoilU Courier-Journal, Dem I n lot f the employe in tbe tobacco factory of the Iohliards wa much uiur.. ule.nt than tbtt of maoy th juai U wb- toil for cjrpo- unable to pull it out. With assistance his band was extricated and found to be badly mangled. The wheels had cut the body of his hand almost in half, maki nsr nm nuta tion necessary. Hillsboro Observer: On Thurs day n!2ht. Jan. fith Rnhprt TTall rn1nrA " W aAll, WlWt,U, attempted suicide by shooting himself with a pistol He went into Kosemond's store spd. asked the clerk to show him a pistol ouu utnrjugc. i oey were nanded to him, when he turned and saying "Goodbye bos," placed the pistol to his left breast and fired He fell to tha fl it was thought he had kiiled himself, ' but when an exumination was made It was found that the ball etruck a rib and glanced with but little damage tn wn tiQ carried home, and we learn was walking wrist of one hand, she almost loamg uie u?c ui ... Between tlie suffering of the two, lire naa grown burdensome, tiy tue use oi a iuii "ZZZXl Bized bottiescf Swif:'s Specific e was entu relieved aod restoiedto teaith. Thl3 was three years azo, and tiicr- has been do return of the dis ease uS". H L. MlDDLEBBOOKS- Sparta, Qa., June 5, 1S86. Treatise on Blood and SSin Diseases rnedfree. Thb Swift Specific Co , Drawer 3, Atlanta, 8 i67 V. 23d St., N. Y. jylSly nrm chm - I a -a- - M - ''I I I KJ I tJ -I JKJ ' io eboold oppoe it ie only to be I ratioos. Attention vn a! way paid t 4 i i 1 -'ire , Wial to irt ti-e the .VJ- . ' a.i-i n ltria ., V . ."Ct .V1!'! aiiHtlfi j 'a i.'.e Jet7r . - .4 M At t ! a .X o t .14'f rnt -in- 4 i r :." .ne; If HI Biia( ! 'Uvuxorati vi::.t f.hi tH llfVtft.r ,-.:-.,l .U. 4 ' v. t-aft eliitll ewrviit rvfria M K -4ftifiy, r't4'.tttnty pqraq.. b. tilt th'wa uteibi t ttall I)m9rat s th jj"Ia oS tt i'.t Aan U ti Hwt-ak ui p ir ivt ? i av4 rtW1tt jq prJoW. i'it if i y-Asr s ti- -Wnrn IC jp: asd haoe . L' -a--raU bs fao. ib4 o cifNelIsct UWl aad TaiLhfal U a4.-coaatel for upon tbe ecoie of dem a')ri-r Tb Ktpnblicao Supreme Cort b.i l!v Jauct, and that tambr rrtlly an. I b-oiately ne eafy f.r the of jalio and U traott b buM0ee. If io 1886, rte were oeetAe.ry for a Repobli-Co-art bow It it that only lbrte r n reentry more than twenty ar after wbto tbe popolatioo bas ii?reati four h aod red aod fifty tboaaand aad baioee ie much beivier and steadily iooeaio(? The Letlatare ooght certainly to pro vije ample court facilities to that jnetie hell not be lesden footed. to complainle.and librarice and nifht schools werr otablihri for ah ep--cial beoeSt of tboe in tbo factory. Of coure it doee uot always follow that txrcauv a rot'i i- ktod t. hii.m p!oyr mi oe way he msv not to oppre ihrni in aoolber way, h- that hi left tito i mty rec-iv. whit bis right .iutnbjie. Still, to an outsider, cooaideration for lb. wants of his woik people presuppose, on Its face, the pion of :i jjent-rous natare by Irrr Lorrillar l, and on would naturally tluok thu any grievances aajoog fan employes out(ht to nave oeeo settled amicably. Per naps ne is one ot tbe men who rua' i . . on iea out not tin vii. I'iU. Jiecoi Dtm. Most of the Free-trade Dem HOST BRILLIANT, PDBE jf ERFECT LENSES IN THE W0ELD, Comtinei with Great Mmlim Pow. nay tra, If tt caooot pql two more Judgee oo ocrau are either very youn or far avavaooeo io Ml. - tuh. Hepubii can. Likely enough: and thv rnuhl w r J . OUT re nee la Taate. Ciclnoali Eoquirer. Wung Winks: "Ah! eo this is Mr. Mink; very happy to meet you; saw you on the street yesterday and 'most died with envy." Young Mtuks: "Just what I was ijoing to ity to you, but I was think ing of tbat wonderfully beautiful and lovely girl you werw with." "She, lovely and beautiful! Whv. she's the moat commonplace young 1 f""1 home. tvnm... in rmK- t ii- - ,4-l.: about next day to that angel yon had by your side " Kale,gh Visitor: A joint meet- "Angelf You must be cracked- 'f frm" ?d the Board of Agricul- whv that was tnv sister R K t0k P-aCe .1D lhe hal1 of the House of ny, tnat was my sister, bat who Representatives last night and was lareelv was that queenly creature you bad?" attended. Mr. Geo. Z. French, of Pender 'Mv sister!" count?, was called to thA a - - u UULU oer oi prominent farmers addressed the Tkruri Amiiubri. o.,m.n. . . . 'opiwo ot interest. Among I T n, im uV.,V y.xjyj"' ft. n , ., ' r J " ?a fo lr foI,owi was adop- duVtLnoe U theyeannoT be leedreMblui; Odeaia Dispatch to the London Daily News, d: "Resolved, that the Legislature be the wearer to read for hours wiut fatne. In Further evidence, if indeed fur- ll?,e? tp s8t.eps L "courage immi- faot theKCT sight PESservkrs ther evidence were necessary at the ilu,iJ'rJl?rfBln SB PQb1lication and Teoiffirom SSFSSSStm m u me circulation of mforniAtfon rplatino , t.h TTnitH stuta as.--, c.iL . present moment, of the Czar's anti- resources of that and the experiences of the I to. stockmen, men of note in all professions pathy to persons and things German Nwihwn settlers here." Another resolu- eef wuiiiii tne empire is an imperial or I Aa..v aioii8nmeni or an Agri I signt improved by their use. . . . r . r " 1 Cultural finllpcro nmrl rcnnw.A I uer oy wnion, at the commencement ferof the Tiand r.dbTthVuB tIy81 thk fit guaran of the Russian New Year, all cos- Government tn thTTn,f"' .l..' PraBDBY . ' . umiwoiir iui me pur- totns omoers of German nationality P086 at present employed along the Ger- 'Raleigh News- Observer : The man and Austrian frontiers are to be forthcoming report of the Henderson To dismissed from their posts. This bacco Board of Trade will show the sales order wilJ disastrously affect a very n&?nW'- immoron body of Russo-German of- TlF'T.l?0- il ely ficiais. ,r;r;rTr L"? -??,Tlon8Jeri . - iioapuaumg gain or receiDta this vear un tn tho ral trade is picking up. The reports v -i uuauj ITCiuv UCar af i . ways North make the SHOE HEBL section NSW AND mVITTNO FIKLD Inr TVnH lw denlng and Frolt Climate and hygiene a'c van tages unsurpassed in any eoontry. A competlne lium."" iioigiifco. naut;a nuru, BOUltl, Kast and West. Qulok transport North by scrprel routes. A grand opportunity for sate lnven ments, and a better one for practical fanners and horticulturists. "Come and see or write to O. H. BLOCKER, Keal Estate Agent, 8hoe Reel, my 25 D AWtf Robeson Co.. N. c : 1 Higtest Casl Prices Paid JpOR OTTER, MINK, FOX AND RACrOCN SKINS. 1,000 of each wanted. ConalfrETHotiis solicited. m . . tSAMTJEL BEAR r.. de 11 tf 18 Market Street ljorth Carolina House. JtJSTOPaNED AT THK NOKTH CAROLINA HuUSE, a- POOL ROOM AND OTSTER SALOON. OYSTERS served in every style. Best Wines, Beer, Liquors and Cigars O0 61J DAM'L KI.KTN. is If ARE IN NKKD OF COOK STOVES. HEAT thtag in the House FurnlBhlng line, be 6uro ani call on i iv " Jan 8 tf - W. H. ALDERMAN A CO rpHET ARB AS TRANSPARENT AND C0L0R- A, I ht flench the butae ou?bt to be irae bow rdacd e a to enable three Ju.ic to tractsct it. ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., NewspaDer Advertising Bureau, 1 IO Spruce St.. Maw Voi-U TVTblTCBISinlirevntimTm I 0000 JUK3IS- 100-PagW Pamphlet The reno t I ' " i uaa ax-x-ijiua- m A liod.;11 r.i- I tlon Will be made to lh nrannf I f1V HI 1. ROBERT Il. BEliI.AMY,' DRUGGIST, WILMINGTON, N. C. Tbeee Glasses are not supplied to peddlers at any price. se41y nrm Notice. M AH Republican Protectionists io tbe V'ngrrm probtbly favor wip. tog oat the in oa whiakey, beer, czsrs, lobacvo. A j. Wbi? (Wum . k. ... . t .... a .. . ( uey on io.i jrJ6 rij or tnt Sirplas aoi prefect aay iaierfereaoe with tbe War Tariff. They ar a mar l. Bat wbt litib saiJof Low Tariff rueo reforrasr ho fall ia'.o tbe trap aal play iat ta.ba'rt l of tbe r5tUoo worker? It re a caao of eoeoBieal blind or witboat a parallel. Tbeo why eboold tbe xtr fox on blankets abir, crockery. . ''re t ti jrrnirii. Tb Abeyi.l .1 14, lvlQ ,, ra -r s!uuij?3:t wat3 H in d.? li th f jllbwlfrj;- 'X: use :l tklti(eld(eanla)rev. "l'V ' ' f t y-i r?4 v jnpaaiai avSioia T. "t-i aabiras4U mr ilia 'I riitiLi.lt r.. ax i AWi. aa ex&et ' ie 94ixmei. rtu-tiuTial adtwate My. tiatWi. - 'i acinf a.Tua ew asie!i fl '5:',, nT v. dtr eiapiaticAi: ibn iat . w wr ao a 1 T mostly suod under one umbrella Abeolate free tra with nation i the ideal bet thing; bat it ia unat tainable as long as this ooqntry needs a large revi.ur. Tlie only tbiagtbst prac'.iotl mn lik for or bop for i i h a re Jucti-iu ,f tv viiioo of th tartll a will bj:si tbe aurpla. ri;. 1 .r, ,f f K, ebif burden ao 1 lav o cupjltet m tuu faoturers to take utro of ihoai.'lve. traah, rent, Dem. jan 14 SOd twrat Seunda frem tha North. Washington Post. uf orlgmil poetry. Now aod then a Northern asjlum havo been minie, a"d cS! " mm&SmVwffmWS&it "-v., lujiiyctnpi, euuwH & toucn oi r "uuutLMuu wim mese state dialect that makes it very good. Such Tho? t0-Bln them as being thefollow,nK-thenrverseof a KofibVi b,t of history: whereabouts are known is almosV a cer- fVroa daughter walked down to the Nile kD "TT A colored company, headed n. io o;r raades to batbc in stile .J X ,i u "S11" ana calJn themselves IsT. Ii. O. f" a, r.t r3 loog tbe shore to dhry her skin . T- ,Vance Uuards, has -been or- 1 11. r fi bit tbe basket tbat Mus.es was in f ?L , L1Q GoIdhoro and made application I Thin beautiful historic! .,-c.- M "0O.V f or ar.m3 The Governor , . luu ,FH,.wlUH unaer consideration. .1- JEW RIVER OYSTERS I Fresh Supplies Received Regularly Best Wines, Beer, Llqnors and Cigars.5 star SALOON. . -0 se21tf GEO. F. HERBERT, Prop's. eecins sjfleued and mellowed bv atre .in uiu Vremona. was ct,vrntttUH uuti.rrr Ciaclooa'.l Eaauirer ... . Mm w uve oeeo aoid. it ia Clovenns ie Jeaf at tbe hands of d that the public have paid for the tbe law. Did be, with bis own Tl;:, e1''1'0". including the annual sup bands, kill Miss Madiaon? The v, l9a ,000.000. . K ,mn n rvrrrl i . i The llamerS havn in nt-o..a. cutlery, iron, steel. Ac., coctioue aad probably four out of everv fl.o h 2'' -pUlei of Ga v7ailacs's v. ... . . i t r . -.. .. . i -o uur. me nrat aet htrinr. k Charlotte Observer I was rrnivivl Ja iUo. io .... i aeso-oetion ibv . flr rvf ar a W.", wniture factory at Morganton. - The I j tr. v?. ax. ijQery, dealer in - Of "Appleton'a American Cyclo- AtnS.,y g s war5 yMterdy filed at the loo fwvi.-.. . . J COUrt bOUSO. TffnnnU. v.. .J:'.J.d.L at the stockade, at th wrVT "c "u"' .-..uim, .it uiu iu njTS Den IO (I. It a T..J i -- uiiuusui Atkiiion & Maiiiiiiiga insurance Booing, NO. il8 NORTH WATER STREET, Wilmington, tt'. c. A DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPEIJ . Brfstat, Newsy, Cheap. Contains Latest Telerranh DlArrntchna nrid Mar ket Reports. BeDeves in Keeping up with the Times . Likes Aggressiveness in BnufnMa and in fitt. Encourages the Upbuilding of North Carolina to a Strang AoVocate of More and Bettor U uoation. .... . $7,00 per year : 12 00 for three months Editor and Propriemr oc28DAWtr Cbanptte. N, C. o-HajAifl' Fariner. 23D TOLTJUE. devo-tx. ZINB fJi G-; mMUliH anB 1 up. nnmnfln oi , i vawmtt. ' ... TV.io tr.ol7 i-r m , . iciujiuuB or i v I uu xuiu uuiuUCLluCiJi f A" ai i is, or sz pages, at rrade street, last Monday night, but th i., ,v . " I to grtmltare and kindred sub bn et vhtrh on,,. .viL. S.Uk. UQt J06 I AggltCpltlReDlntA4l ftnAiv 11 vuv.u lacm was incenrjflfi. i leiitr . '-itvw i ino; zzzrri'- ..-"""-"... ior an obstreperous individual-wbo dodged ' ' ' '" " ea calisuWeaff thelnurest. o quickly enough to escape it. The names TY r-s-a-l--U:3 laaW of tbe wounded men ra Put u.n ,r" I L.J Lfc3 fa Jl i ,rTl I standing at the head r Urmthi. Ptihiinations " - W t lUlV AUIIVIIIITIbUI ITT 1 mtmW "aa m aw . -. .- . 'a flaWA4 aV a . - and Wm, R!ark. The bullet .i m"! mTT ? I anL! -atone,; t a. I Maiamu'UlUII.n. .; V 1 -r"" waa TVUaVU WU1 B1HVKLH, a nanAtir iwkA.a.i..n . . " Zr-ttlr""111?. ulu morauy tne rarmme com- ir??vora.ine "ngirestlons In . . "c w ra, .vorceater'a JJictionarr- of th I """'io is exceedingly undig- II. f j a. - . I Rn.t;.K i... rMU.UBrJf,.w ."4 I nifled. and indeed, m nn Ar -.iYL uviuir romiR. v . . i. - i .. r uo n uiiu. i atua in innna onnu..if. i z..' 3. Hi. w-irT -...v. . . w?rr . over 20.000, the ntahUifahY'a -oa " T -wa ko oecximo I inn new edition of Wor I tentn aT.tT.MJ-i Ma"uaiJr- an in- mniha. rr. . .. . . i miter Inlrw. a uui . . . V4 " ur I erestinif Statistical rnnrt ahAmi .... . a eajfvf.aia road ctrrica with it a fearf 1 warnieg to bairxart smash ra. soao or ibes, days a sura re a motber, hour on " - wa u ovoimo I T 7 r"-"- new eaitlon Of Wor" t tenn.n of..;,j """"'"J- in- r. He was witb her at a lata l'' lod- W.500 wordi whlcb hev I thS,f ,tliUcalrtrport SQowed that.of tb.nfarhtf laiZS-lJS . -J rPioualysnnwrtdlnu: htT8. 15? -tV66 members prior to the Ttel . .... . . 1 . -.i4t.,UlHHmr i . 7 - '-.- i r. rarne j m nriin ik. OAentaz arouod I . .": "T. r."."tw!ru-wI0ra taquotecLM .s i .lu a small member- llrn.U W waUbW". fellow .;!25ici he ffifct : V1" ' T ttMolWtt ' Ptevent'tadf o Ajne'a minlstry.bf iSa Buu MivfinrT waa a -.a a , r - :r T', "r:;Fvea, jor,iwhom one X a m mmm. I ' peeiai Bargains. . aflfl GROSS SWEET 8COTCH gNTJF at. as ka t Krtf??.Oa.nL'0nLlT renew his own snbtcrlptlon OUU per gross. Bfl u" e3-60 1 &lavite hU friends andnelghbors to snb-crlbo. onn BiM"AfnMiA .n , ...... I 7 erma one dollar . ai. in .Htt.pa. a us- mustbSoVfo worthfWtolboenta.'- ' XZBA WHITMAN, . j Editor and Proprietor UUU must be soW loi Z? 5?na ailtles; slgnments. Also 60.0J0 HavanT ClgamT099 COn" The Home JTGuiaalf PFIBLISHRD EVERY ; FBIDAT MORNING At Warrenton, ur; c. ' A. T7. HICKS KDjtfOR AND PRbpRIErfOR a- tf ADVEUTI8E Hi ' Terms f L60 a TeafS a4f,"r v Bl.nO h-wm.Hh a I a JJrt. lauuu. ' - i. ap5 tf r5?" r i.?BNAL, f Wammtm. - larVi ""a V Herchant and Farmer i i IIHKPWEIHXTAT MARI0NS0 UTH CAR OLWA " Tt hua 1 - - . m 1 . .. . . 1. ha heart of tbe Pee Dee oonntrv. the best Cotton section of tho twoSfettes. a. aesiraoie raedmm of commnnicai' ltn. both the MerclauiU and Farmers of tb-i (Ctloa, and Dartlouhuiv wttb those of Marion Md MarnCtoTW)ties. It Is therefore tbe par" for the Business Men of Wilmington. J. D. MoLTJCAiy Si'Jfca Proprietor. km ' 1 f . 7-- .-J 'll " - S 1 v v . -. - s tv- ..i."5 .r.-... v: A'- '.7 -

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