v HATES OV ADTBHTIIIB t .1 .T- Two Days, ....;.;.,' 1 Ts' i.' : . . IT" .......... - WU. F v tfe::::r:.::::::::r, . o:;::::::r:;;.r j8. i&'SSfc:::::::.':: m 23 i ; .irtr-.l. .. - ..: .. - - I r ..uta. .. - - 3 J?' 2! "OathS,..,... 40 0 f One Ymi.. .. M 00 VOL. XXXIX. NO. 119. . WILMINGTON, N. 0., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1887. WHOLE NO, 6360 uTlt7 ... -v : ' atvru w - . ivuvb iuuu jnonpareu type mite one oquar- v fhe Morning Star.' pq - . : . . , - .. ... , . .,--. - ----- ' - : r ' . - , ' . ,l .. lot . 4VFtlt ft ,OKNlNGlDmON. t U Upl7,3,,f 1,1 OT0 nn i,; u'f:Jf. i Milk dtr ... rtnm :ina. " itU!'11 f.i Mux . wf orlfl lo 1; . tf fkma of tidi lr'!t" . . Thf! tar a txcf. . . r . : b 4.-taki cuai r - . - ... - "'" ... ... n ,J,l: ..II ,,, , 5 j otar - A uiaiaurUJ et?ioi"i a ffoat of po- J, Hi 'X !" ,. '. , i ti. r ;f ta Crtaaia! Court ,:, l... m mlf ! tii tt-ISc; f lc towtr: .i :,; . i.4 cvj: unci a. iral .f.;i '..in I. i J Aon.r:a -Je- i. .V vni.'.ofii! i-foi'i to p- ni!:;!;'., !! ht look- i : -,) i.' m ; 411 ' I ', :urT, Note, a i i 1 w oro so 1 th -t. t PDt -OQ Vh l"t m- i4. X'a-4 -.4 f ii i. ; i '.ri'.h n h-. Mr. 'Vat- '...i: i . i . -i :' ;-ir4 :.-f i. Voa Mi 'l'l n:r iiit in '.b t". i i ju ia 1 the iv-W )(r i! ( r.-.J cm lo n.ithm;. Tb-s t;i : trt-.n to wi uu .io-, 'j'l". the 1 j cot b wi fT time. A v,)nJ:n;tJtil New York ll-crild ..) r..n .tf Aafi-i',,;n, AU, hi ba bo.i'r, by ya.i ci: of :h: city. V. i i y ai;V- :'n: ra If ramhaca ami tl 4 ') f"'1! !- An account Tin !.)! 4.1, J , ,-.;f ),) 4t.f-, ' i u - ij.i t.jtal i i V - -- V4 -W in'.'vl" o-r th rrj:t:oo of the . r r . "!:" I: raiht b 1 -he fVr-Ll.as iO-ealttU ;:i ' "'11,.,' ir.I ,n.-:i!; . .K,, yh:sft".,!r, b'n he 'nt th.ir. nr 4 n :a- the nat f p teJ the to- :.-i :m vCt i: tht roea tim. !"":n '.a prewat outlook the To r" pr-ibibiy rvcaaio io power ' wa ia health '!rf-iidlT Air on 44 viH...iHt;)Wnianl aaiot co r,H,nn,lw th.troabU is aa i 6 Tout rill Hilt. " irn-.i. maiitt, in.rtook lo show that nniuh bu mor cotamerce than ' ,,rf"U tn.i CharUntoa paj toireth umn I cocaicg, w taa.t l0P". vha Norfolk aad Wilmtogtoo .-:mi th tws zrrt co4t,Dg tiaatic cowl Thr j "3'! ar.J ,-n jM f .-w "' irv. poru betweeo IJjUi 8.l -4 n. -rv. or 4aji0g Ihie. ,r- ? i to thai oar Norlh .i.a be ttor votM agaiost con r'"'-T ih., B.,m Muthew,, the ir tnoportI by the Prs i.i Ut F CTt uu lu repaneratt "nporvaat of ilegi,t,r of m the tlvstnct of CoIatabtA, ''"a thr w I ad 7" Dao,lr failhfal l"3,J white Detaocrata reaJv I rtaocrau rtadj llaio.,eto obt,; .v. - IWf mc, I at I pUu. Tbo Democratic Section who Toud with thorn were Black- baro, Coko, EaUL, Oorhm, Morgan, ft v r t. i ago, ana oaiuoary. iney neTcr gave a txtUr trot eicept Uiooe of . inera woo TOtea again toe uisir bill. Geo. Jackson' "ghoet" ha been aain oo at Leiioctoo. Va. Mr. Jame Q. liilloo write on the 6 lb icjt.: "At 1 o'clock oa the sUht of February 3th the f ao; was sees by the tenUncl lo caerfa froo the Sute Library, pas aioag the cm stoop aad lab. claM-rooca Zto. 9 The ocr of the day aad lieutenant of the ra.rvj w.rt procapur laionned. They forthwith proceetled to Jackaoa's old cla&e rooca. where the choat had tec a tceo to eater. They ccald m it by the faist Ught a!a.U:ti throoih the wiadowa. seated open th rewtmea with book aad hat Ijlog oa (he uhU ia frtl of tt. IU aUUade wa that of a profeseov li-UoJa to a rtcilatloo. Ia few ealauu the figure proceeded Co lb bick-bord. where tt went through the masctuvre of wriuag cou oo a lectarr. thea it took from the trough a loog pointer ia iie riht htaJ. ftced toward the seals ujuallj cxcupU by lh ciaea, aad thea weot throvih a tcrtc of erst arte a though lel!Triar a Kciure . .vner haviag wit ne.rd the rtrformaac for a few ml a u tee ta 'oflcsr of the day' aad seatiael of the gurd ca-rra the room, but no sooner had they crr-d the threehoid thaa It vaaiehed KSTa mf Waiierai CrtUeta. tprcil ia LouiiTille Courkr-Jouraal.Dtco VmxiTox, Feb. 4. Mr. Wat- troQs frank and fearless criticism of the Administration baa borne good frail. Everybody here has been set talking about the Adcninistratioo,aod the talk is all one way. I have the bnt reason for knowing that the I rreideot haa read and digested Mr. Wattervoo'e criticisms, and that they have made a profound impression in l a Admiatstrauon circles M well as upon tb public at large. There ts no tU-fevling whatever oo lhe part of aay member of the Cabinet to ward Mr. attersoo, who bas daring hu4 visit hero dined with two of tho .'resident's advisers and discussed the sttaation will ail of them with perfect freedom. It is now tho uni versal belief that plain speaking is bt for the Admtnutralioo, and the Democratic party, and Mr. Watter soo bavinc; biased a way, tbo Demo cratic Senators yesterday followed sait with some mighty interesting talk with the bark on it. Wltatoat Pr4ii. New York SUr. Deta. Mr. Carlisle's letter to Mr. lUndaM places the reveoue reformers on the right groaod. After stating several plaos of ac tion, the Speaker 6oally made the following proposal: "In case none of the suggestions bervioWfore- made aro accepted by you aad the gentlemen with whom yoa are acting, we are willing at any time, apoo reasonable notice, to sap port a motion to go into the commit te of the whole on the stale of the Uotoo for the oonetderalion of Woase bill No. 9,70-2, introduced by Mr. lUndsIl at the last session of Con grr, and now on the calendar." Tbie itni to a lo cover the whole-subject. If Mr. Itaodall is not willing to go ioto committee upon reirnud matters, and to submit lo tho decmion of the Iloato as lo the manner ia wbtcb redaction shiit be made, thro it is clear eooagh that he cannot have a serioas parposo lo re da co I ai at ion. THE .CITT". I! au ta Valeotiooa. Orm Hons-Eenverald Mtsws-9iao(hlcrtOiC clothiog H Wasaxx A Sox Iktoo chip. . YAxmoe A Co. Acctf6) tale, it ft Hoava Carollea baktr-f podr. ai !. - Receipt of cotton ycsterJiy I "4 b'ce: th iui daU last year 124 bait-. The first cargo of West India m oiuM this scasce arrived yesterday from Cardenas. The bill to protect laborers em ployed by stevtdorvs (the test of which hts bru puhUhed ta the Sraa) passed its third readisg ia the House Tuesday night. It wts introduced by Rfprtsfolalive IIol toeav. -- A telfgratn received in this ct y yesterday, from Charlotte, stated that thu tita-rer Metveaheimev aad the fireman, lajured ia the receat accident oa the Cro Ua CcoirsJ lUilroad. were recovering from their iajurk. term Sicca. Caatioaary signals were ordered dis play td at the Slgaal Service statioa ia this city yretcrday at 1 a. m. for a storm oa the North Atlantic coeat. High northwesterly winds were predicted. The weather through out the day was threatening, aad a slight fall of rala occurred about sevea p. m.. but the wlad did not attain aay great velocity ia this city. The signals were ordered dowa at 6 SO p. ta. The cna t'muoa teaperature rt corded yes terday was 73 degrves at 1 p. m. Keep a rajlabte friend always oa hand," suc Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup has si ways FTV"V" oe- Doall-If a dealer offers yoa boule of cWvmtioa OU La a saoUlated or defaced proves itself lo he PTftW - UmtjU.wortbr leeacTjuaUrfdt - OTKUA HOUSE. Tfc Daaiut. TOO DlSiLf" Wia nru.r.t.J l... i i . I f iMt mini by Iho Cora Van Tauel rn.,. . fate mucli aatiafacUon. It ij Rtrono. lr i pco ana aoound la thrillin incident wmcn were preaeaUd moat forcibly. .incxe u not a "stick- io the whole troupe, and the earoatnea and Tim with which each part wa taken wa moot grati fying to au assembled. Mia Van Tauel. as uual, iuuained her elf well. Mr. Touog. a the Judge, ho.wed that he was eminently JUUd for his part and made a most pleasing impression. Mr. Starling as TFaks Wathet, created ranch laughter and made several good hilt. Mr. Earle, as the Panon was excel lent, aad showed himself thoroughly con versant with his part. To sight the cocapaoy will present "Es meralda." which U most admirably suited to a North Carolina audLsnc . a the ecene U laid ia this State. ThCtolra la naenoa ayr. From the) weekly abstract of sanitary re ports Usued by the Surgeon General of the United Slate Marine UoeDiUl Service. Feb lit, the following la Uken: The United Slates Minister, at Buenos Ay re, reports: "The cholera Is on a steady increase here and has assumed more deadly features. Thirty-six new case were reported to the uoaru or 1'uDUc Assistance of Buenos At- res yesiciaay. more man half of which died ia a very few hours. The worst of all. lies io the fact of its rapid spread throughout Ihe ouuioe province. This dreadful di tease, 'which walketh at night and wasteth at noonday, leaps the prudence of quaran tiee. and breaks down every line of mili tary cordon. It is sUll rsgioic fiercely at itoeario, aad hat recently brokea out at Cordoba. Tucuman, Zarali, Bahia. Blanco. and Asul. and. worse than that, has gained a foothold on the island of Martin Garcia, where 5.000 terrified immuranta are de tained in quarantine, without sufficient food or shelter- We have great fears of appalling results there. Folnt U given the above paragraph by the fact that two vessels from Buenoe Ay res are on the way to this port; Ibe Nor wegian barque Uetlor and the Norwegian barque TtUru. Both vessel sailed from Buenos Ayres in December last. In view of these facts the pressing neces sity for additional quarantine facilities at the station near Price's creek is apparent, and tho action of the Quarantine Board in seeking to secure a sufficient appropriation from the Slate Legislature to erect the buildiogt and wharf required should meet with tho warmest approval and commend lion Tfc A4rM t 71aale frlr- nlfv. A city reader of the Stsji. aas that he Las "rarely ICitened to an address so replete with historical and Masonic interest as the one delivered by Mr. E. S. Martin before the Masonic fraternity Tuesday night. The eager Interest, uncivtoed attention, ana hearty applause which greeted its first in troduction lo a packed audience in the hall of the House of Representative in Raleigh at the centennial celebration of Masonry in this Stale recently, caused its repetition here If Mr. Martin's consent can be ob tained to its public presentation in this city, It is to c hoped our citizens will be grati fied in the near future." Th OIbaoa Again. The Raleigh correspondent of the Rich mond JXtpateX aajt: 'It is cow said that Waller Bingham has left the aaylum where he has been hiding. and that be has made bis way to Alamance county through Virginia. Tho Durham lie ttrdtr declare that he has been at his home since the murder, and it says that, besides, he has actually visited the scene of bis crime. Thu it a strange declaration ono of the most remarkable made about the whole affair. An officer of the law aatd to your correspondent that if ever Bingham were brought to trial (and never otherwise) facts would be brought to light which would xlve such a character to the murder aa to rmke it more horrible than even the most sensational imagination could con ceive. Jlatlatrate'a Cart. Robert Brown, colored, charged with as sault and battery with a deadly weapon on Joseph Iloldee. colored, was arraigned be- fore Justice Price yettsrdsy and required to give bond ia the sum of fifty dollars fo his appearance at Ibe next term of the Criminal Court. Joseph Holder), charged with assault and battery oa Robert Brown, before the same magistrate, was discharged under a suspen sion of Judgment snd upon the payment of coals. The rials Market. Shad are coming lo more freely, flaher- mea reporting the catch at from thirty-flve lo fifty per day. Small ahipmenU bare been made so far to Northera markets, the local demand readily absorbiog each day's catch at fair prices. Roe shad aro scarce, and sell readily at $1.60 per pair, while buck thad are retailing at half the price. ft IV Kit AriDFIAHlftC. Gcr. barque Richard. Paskc, hence, arrived at Doll, Eog., Feb. 6lh. The steamer Pnuport is oa the rail way at Skinner's shipyard, for general overhauling and repairs. Another collision Is reported off Body's Island. The schooner .datsfia D. KnigM, at Charleston. 8. C. from New York, re ports thai on Fridejmonlng last, at 8 40 o'clock, when aboot twenty mllea east of Body Island, his vessel got into collision with aa unknowa rcTiooner, la - which the lib boom was carried away and the vessel - ' ' ,f prang a leak. Womtlior lndlenon. The following are the indication for the I twenty-four hours commencing at 10 p. m. I WrinMu)! I j For VIreinU. fair weather, followed by local rains, variable winda becoming aouth- I .... I tTw ,nd nigner temperature. I For North and South Carolina. Georgia, loc r&iD8' uglllIy wwer. followed Dy higher temperature and variable winds. For Florida, fair weather, stationary tem perature and winds generally southerly. For Alabama and Mississippi, fair weath er, followed by local rains, winds generally I outherly and higher temperature. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the City Postofflce, Wed nesday. Feb 10: A FB Alston. B Carrie Bryan L Edward Browne, H Urown, r l isrowno, tr u ueii, J n. liar- ton. O A D Cohen,- A E Carter. Charles B Coffin, C B Coffin. David Chatman, Daniel Gamble, Fred Carter. Ilcnry Cackran. M Campbell. Josiah Clark. D C J David. David J Deal, Charlie Driver. Charlie Dudley. C A Dunham, G W Dayton. Marian Douglas. Oliver Dud ley. E Llllie Emerson. Nedham .arp, So phia Ellison, EI Licuelberger. F Louise Flaniens, M Foiae. J Wm Jones. K II H Kelly. Ida C Kelly, James A rung, James iinoiung. J Deymour n.uniz, M Korneeav. I L James Leeesnc, Leon Levy, Miller E LooDhant. Mrs Lutberlear. M Ann McKay. Mary Ann McKinzie, D J McClammy. Duncan McPhadgen, C N Moody. Celts Meares. Catharine Mason, Ciedmion Mulkaurk, Frank Mattocks, N II Munson. July Mock. Frank B Mebane. Julia Murphy, J B McCann. N Josephine Nevels. Lectio INelSon. P John G Parrisb.Rev Jerry Patterson, Susan Pherrow. R Elizabeth Robinson. S Larkin Sadha, R F Sams. T Sicer. T Mary C Turner. U John Updike. 2. W Bettie Weaion, E G Walter, Jane Willis. May Walkins, S II Wallace. Persons cailinjr for letters in the above list will please say "advertised." Letters will be sent to the Dead Letter Office, at Waahineton, D. C, if not called for within thirty days. O. ti. 1 AJiflLEY, A'. JU., Wilmington, New Hanover Co.. N. C. Quarterly IfleetlDea For the Wilmington District of the Me thodist E. Church. South, (first round): Duplin circuit, at Wesley Chapel, Febru ary 12 and 13. Onslow circuit, at Queen a Creek, Febru ary 19 and 20. Bladen circuit, at liethlenem, February 26 and 27. Cokeabury circuit, at Bethany, March 5 and 6. Clinton circuit, at Concord, March 12 and 13. Topeail circuit, at Rocky Point, March 19 and 20. Waccaraaw circuit, at Pethcl, March 26 and 27. WhiUville circuit, at Whiteville. April 2 ted 8. Brunswick circuit, at Bethel, April 9 aud 10. T. W. Gcthrlr. P. E. THE nAlLS. Tne malls close and arrlwal the City P OlSoe as follows: VIAJOIZ. Northern through mails, fast 10:00 r. M Northern through and way malLs 80 A. M North Carolina and Atlantic and North Carolina Bauroadt ana routes taDDlled therefrom... 10 J P. M. 8:?0 A M IK u.. ...... " - " . - Southern through malls, fast 9.-00 P. M Chadbonrn. Fair Blufl, N. C, Marlon, 8. C , and routes supplied there'rom 9 KB P. M Southern way mail i between Wilming ton and Cnarleeton. 8. u oxv a. ji Charleston. Savannah and Jackeon- vllle. Fla.. and intermediate Tvr,lnt 9KX)P. M. & CKW A. M Cheraw A Darlington Railroad and points supplied ihererrom .... e:ai a s.tij tr. ai daily kickpt Sunday. Western malls, C C. Railway 6:30 P. M PayettevtUe. C. F. A Y. V. R. R. and point supplied therefrom 6:33 P. M Raleigh A Hamlet Railroad and points sapplled therefrom Smlthvllle Si'ii-S Wrightsvllle .i; 8-SJA.M TI'RKDY8 AMU FRIDAYS. Onslow C H. and intermediate offloes 6.-00 A M Little River, 3. C, ana lotenneaiais offloM 2.00P.M Cape Fear i lrer mall 1:)F.M OPEN FOR DKUVXRY.E Northern through and way malls TOO A. M Southern tnrough and way malls 6:03 A. M Honthrn. West of Florence 9 80 A. M Carolina Central Railroad 9:30 A. M Night malls arriving previous to 10,00 P. M. are opened and distributed into Lock Boxes as coon as received. Mails collected from street boxes from buel- aeea portions of city at 5 A.S., 110 AM. and 50 P.M.: from other parts of the city at 4 A.M. and 5 P. M. General delivery open from 7 A.M. to 6.00 P.M- and on Sundays from 90 to 100 A. M. Carriers delivery open on 8unday from 9.D0 to 10:3) A. M. Stamp Offloe open front 7.31 A. M. to 6:01 P. M Money Order and Register Department open 80 A. M. to 50 P. M. continuous. Railroad time. 76th meridian. tttw vrnRTrvme monrraGALB OF THE NURSERY. The following is an extract from a letter written to the Gtrman Reformed Mwtenger, at Chambersburgh, Penn.: A BaTravacTKitss. Just open the door for her, and Mrs. Wmslow will Nursery. Of this we are so sure, that we will .K n "Knw" TS Q V A H AMinV Oo JILTS. Wlnalow" for helping her to survive and escape th arlDta?. ooUoUns!. and teething siege, mbs. WatLow'i SooTHxxa Stkct relieves the child trm rin tnrf'minMi dTwmtArT and dlarrhossw It softens the gums, reduces inflammation, oureswtod eollo, and carries ue uuuu saieiy uuouku ujo teething period. It performs ms precisely wni i froresses to penorm, otci ees. We have never seen r part of it nothing Mrs. Winalowi -know her only through the preparation of her ''Soothing Syrup for Children Teething." If we had the fvw w would make her. aa she Is. a physical saviour to the infant race. Sold by all druggists. 83 cents a bottle. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Dy S. VnnAMIXLXGE & CO., AUCTTOHBSRS. Closing Ont Sale at Auction. WK WTLL 6 ELL THIS 10 A. K, AT NO. 18 NORTH FRONT 8T&K&T. first North of the Store occupied by H. EL Kasprowlcz, Boo... all tbe Merchandise contained in said Store. It Valentines. "JgXTRA FINE BOX VALENTINES. SECOND LARGE LOT. The Finest and Most Beautiful Astortment ever brought here and on exhibition to day. Ladles and Gentlemen your hearts eaa now be made asppjland yeur wishes gratified at HETNSBERGER'S r'ihifftf . CSash Book and Muslo Store.. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ope R a h o use. TO-MGUT, CORA VAN TASSEL. ANDJ3JER SUPERB DRAMATIC COMPAN V In the Beautiful Domestic Drama, ESMERALDA, or LIFE IN OLD N. C. 4- SATURDAY MATINBB. the Only Five Act Ver sion of IH'LKlSS. Prices Matinee Children 10c. Adults 30c. Re served Seats for Matinee SOo, now on sale at usual places. People's Popular Prices of Admission 10, 2 O ana so centa. ro jtxtra. no mgne-r. feb 9 It Carolina Baking Powder. SK YOrB GROCER FOR THIS BRAND. QUALITY GUARANTEED. Manufactured by H. R. HORNB febl0eod2w nao Fayetteyille, N.C We Are Slaughtering A LA NOT STOCK CLOTHING. Only half -dozen CHILDREN'S SUITS on hand. Will sell them at LOW FIGURES. MUNSON, feb 10 It Clothier and Merchant Tailor. There is nothing to be had at this time of year that Is more delicious, palatable and nu tritious for breakfast than golden brown o a k e s of Heckers Bu ckwheat. It Is the best breakfast cersal. Eve ry one likes It. All gro- cerj keep it. feb 8 lm ch ta th sat TRY WARREN'S FAMOUS BOSTON CHIPS TEH BUSHELS SOLD IN OSE DAT. feb 10 tf Have You Seen Them ? rpHOSS aANDSOMB FRENCH HEEL SLIP PERS for Ladles. Those elf eanfBUTTON BOOTS for both Ladies and Misses. Those flno HAND-SEWED SHOES for Gents. The great variety of SHOES for Children. All pretty to look at, and such pleasant fitting goods at Geo. E. French & Sons, 108 NORTH FRONT STREET. Jan 29 tf John Wan a maker, Philadelphia. We desire to locate in this city an agency for our Clothing- Order Department. A first-class, competent party can arrange for a large and profitable trade; A plea sant and convenient adjunct to any other established busi ness. No. risk to. agent. Address John Wanamaker, Philadelphia feb 8 8t $7,000 Mortgage for Sale at Par. A WELL SECURED MORTGAGE FOR S7,G0a. Interest 7? per cent., payable quarterly. Mort gage has'twolyears to run. Apply to feb 9 2t LOUIS P. DAVIS. Notice. IN CONNECTION WITH MY DRESS MAKING, I have decided to teach DRESS CUT I DXG by Chart one day in each wees, if or those wno nniinnt nnmA in thpi d&T I will arrange a Night Class. With this new system I teach to cut Dresses and any thing in the way of Ladies' and Boys' Apparel. Those wishing to take lessons will please call before the rush for Spring and Easter Cresses commences. MISS MAMIE L. DAVIS, feb 9 Iw 802 Prlnoess Street. Mexican War Pensions J HAVE MUSTER ROLL, G. CO., 17TH REG'T, U. S. Infantry, of which 'I was Lieut., and Roll 1st Reg't N. C. Vols., Col. Paine. Fee $10 for procuring Pensions. Address EDWARD CANTWELL, feb 6 lw Oxford, Maryland. Stockholders' Meeting. rjHK ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCK HOLDERS of the BANK OF NEW HANOVER wUl be held at their Banking House, in this city, on THURSDAY, the 10th inst., at 12 o'olock noon. 8. D. WALLACE, Cashier. Wilmington, N. C, Feb. 2, 1887. feb 3 8t GARDEN SEED. GARDEN SEED. JBW ARRIVALS ! LOWEST PRICES ! WILLIAM H. GREEN A CO., Druggists. Market Street, feb 8 tf - bet. Front and Second. r. Garden Seefl, Best Varieties, J3 ARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO THEIR selection, and every one in stock guaranteed fresh and of the best quality. "T? ROBERT R. BELLAMY, Druggist, ; febCtf N. W. Cor. Marsetanu jrroniBi. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GKEAT INDUCEMENTS ! ir- i i r- j bw vroujierv oxore 117 SOUTH FRONT STREET, Call and examine the NEW LAMP, just invent ed SCHNEIDER'S. Also. DECORATED CHAM BER and DINNER SETS. COMMON and FANCY L ASS WARE. LAMPS of all description, SILVER-PLATED WARE, and TIN-WARE, have au been selected with great care, ana will be soia most reasonably. . ANTON JSBJSKT, 117 South Front fit., feb 9 tf Opposite New Market. HEADQUARTERS FOR HARNESS. "DRLDLES, SADDLES, BUGGIES AND CAR- JkM - RIAGBS of aUeorts. Repairing of all kinds neatly and promptly done. f. IX. uAiUHIN, Third St., between Princess and Market, jan 30 tf ' -fTHB NEW- AKD OLD PllTCell HOUSe OOlUbilied ! Grand Opening ! Rooi for All ! AS THE NEW PURCELL HOUSE HAS BEEN overrun ever slnee I onened. I have this dav leased : the entire building, which makes the House second to none, no pains win oe spared on the part of the proprietor to make the House KXKST uixAsa in every respect, jnjsw x uhmi- TURE from bottom to top. Bus and Wagon at arrival of ail trains. N. FREDERICK, Proprietor. Bar, Billiard Room and Barber Shop for rent. feb 2 tf Dissolution Notice. THE FIRM OF J. L. CROOM & BROTHER, AT No. 102 North Water Street. Is this day dis solved by mutual consent, J. L. Croom withdraw ing from said firm, having sold ont his interest to Messrs. M.;F. Croom & Co., who will pay all debts or tne late nrm oi J . L. croom & urotner. we bespeak for the firm of M. F. Croom & Co. a con tinuation or the liberal patronage neretorore ex tended to us. J. L. CROOM, M. F. CROOM. Wilmlngt n, N. C. Feb. 1st, 1887. TJTE WILL CONTINUE THE GENERAL GRO- v V eery. Llauor aad Tobacco Business at the old stand of J. L. Croom A Brother, 102 North water street, where we will be nieaseu to see our old customers. M. F. CROOM & CO. Wilmington. N. C, Feb. 1st, 1887. feb 1 tf 600 Tons COAL! JUST ARRIVED, EX SCHR. JOSEPH SOUTH ER, 600 TONS BEST GRATE & STOVE COAL, and for sale One Dollar per ton less than New York prices. lebGtr j. a. stntiKtiiiSK. Scales. Scales. "TAGON, PLAFFORM, COUNTER. Do not forget the ROCHE 3TER LAMP. For sale by feb 6 tf GILES & MURCB3S0N. Pure and Reliable Seed THE SEED OFFERED BY THE UNDERSIGN ed have been purchased for. and are especi ally adapted to, this section. They are all the very beet Known to the traae. xou may pernaps get Seed cheaper elsewhere, but when you get them from me you may be sure of getting the very best. A large stock of ail varieties on hand to select from, very low for cash, J. H. hakiiitm, Druggist & seeusman, feb 6 tf j New Market, Wilmington, N. C. 10,000 Oranges, 8 SWEET AS EVER CAME TO THIS MAR- ket. Parties who have tried them say they are undoubtedly the finest. $1.50 per 103. 25c PER DOZEN. 2 FOR FIVE CENT,? . For sale by J. C. STEVENSON, Front Street. J. C. STEVENSON & CO., Fourth Street. J. S. HCOPER, Manager, feb 8 tf Wilmington Candy Factory. Cram's Family Atlas. REV. F. W. E. PESCHAU, A. M.. IN THE Lutheba.n Visitob, says the following of Cram's Unrlyaled Family Atlas of the World : "One of the most convenient compendiums of Information we have seen for some time Is Cram's Universal Atlas. It Is a useful and handy book for the masses and a ready helper to the busy student. Its maps are excellent, its illustrations good, its statistics prove vast research and are -presented with striking accuracy, and Its histo rical data of United States history from 986 to our present year, which every citizen of the Re public ought to snow, are wisely arranged and chronologically presented. As a geography, his tory and statistical exhibit of the world and ma ny of her industries, characteristics, etc. It is a decided success. It needs but to be seen to be appreciated. One can but wonder how so mush information can be put in such space." A. L Plummer, of Nashville, Tenn., General Agent in N. C Is now taking orders for Cram's Atlas In Wilmington, N. C. AGENTS WANTED. Address or call upon A. L. PLUMMER, Commercial Hotel, jan 16 3w ; Wilmington, N. C. For Sale, rpwo SECOND-HAND TURPENTINE STILLS, and fourjgood FARM or WAGON MULES, In ad dition to PILES OF GROCERIES, at D. L. GORE S, feb 4 tf 120. 1J2, 121 North WateriStreet. Regardless of Cost. WE HAVE SOLD ALL OF OUR HARNESS and Saddlery Goods, and are now selling Buggies, Carriages, Phaetons. Wagons. Drays, and everything in the CARRIAGE line, regard less of cost. McDOUGAL & LOVE, 114 North Front St. Our Workshops are In full blast. feb2tf Marine Insurance. QPEN POLICIES ISSUED: COVERING ALL shipments from New York or other ports to Wil mington. Entries to. te made on Pass Book when in voices are received. All Wholesale and Retal Grocers should have a Policy of this sort to co ver their goods received by the N. Y. steamers. - Assets of Marine Co's represented $28,441511. feb 4 tf " M. S. WILLARD. Hats! Hats! TOADIES' MUFFS! UMBRELLAS ! HARRISON A ALLEN, feb 6 tf Hatters. I A n A M?9 is on file in Philadelphia THIS Pflr CK a Newspaper Adves- sBSJ r2jl2 tisinff Agency of Messrs, Si. W. AYES A SON. oar authorized agent. . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. C r e at B a rga ins! in Hamburg Edgings and Insertions ! BROWN & RODDICK. 9 IV or til From Si. HAVE GREAT PLEASURE IN INFORM- , I ins our Menus and patrons that we have Jmst reoelyed the CHEAPEST AND LARGEST STOCK OF HAHBDRG EDGINGS & INSERTIONS WE HAVE EVER OWNED. AT LEAST 30 PER CENT. BELOW; PRESENT MARKET VALUE. It will certainly be Ito tbe advantage of all who require such Goods to call early and make their selections. PRICES FROM 5c TO 81. SO PER YARD. MADE ON THE VERY BEST CLOTH AND THOROUGHLY FINISHED. Kid Gloves. We are offering a SPECIAL JOB IN LADIES', 4-BUTTON KIDS; 50c a pair, in Tans, Brown, Slate and Mode Colors. Sizes 1 to 8. BROWN & RODDICK, 3 NORTH FRONTISTREET. Branch Store, 27 Hay street, Fayeltevllle, N. C 3 an 33 tr NEW BAR AND 'BILLIARD ROOI. ' J HAVE RENTED THE BAR AND BILLIARD ROOMS, at the NEW PURCELL HOUSE, and Will open on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10. No pains will be spared to make every thing attrac tive and pleasant for my customers, and I hope- . to merit a fair proportion of the trade by strlot attention to business JOSEPH E. HERBERT. feb 8 tf formerly of Star Saloon. At Cost. , j HAVE A FEW FANCY LAMPS. ALSO, A LOT of ANDIRONS, SHOVELS and TONGS, which I will sell AT COST. Call early and get a bargain At OKU. A. iMMJU-B, UJUU. A A invia 2d South Front fit. feb 6 tf Of Course You Do ! THAT IS WHEN YOU BUY A COOK 8TOVB you want the best for the least money. We've got it and mean what we say. Tin Toilet Sets that are perfect beauties no slop arrange ment. Door Mats, a good assortment; Hall" Lamps, Plated Ware, Children's Trays, Kerosine Oil Stoves and lots of useful artloler; such we usually keep. Old stand PARKER & TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL. feb 0 tf Tf WANTED. General Agent to handle Wil liams' Copper-plate Map of the United States, Mexico, etc., size 66x66 inches. rS B. W. SMITH A CO., 1anr2 2m 20 Sonth Sixth St.. Philadelphia Pa Molasses, Sugar, Coffee JQQ Bbls Choice Porto Rico 'MOLASSES, Bbls Refined SUGARS, OKA Sacks Choice RIO COFFEE, JJJ For salo lowTby ' WILLIAMS, RANKIN CO. feb C tf Flour, Bacon, Lard. 800 BWS rL0UR' Krado8' 2QQ Boxes D. 8. SIDES, 10Q Cases LARD, For salo low bv -?!U-r . feb 6 tf WILLIAMS RANKIN A CO. Yarn, Sheeting, &cVf a -. r cy Rales RANDOLPH YARN. i v, , i- 25 Bales RANDOLPH SHKKTlNO.l.t L,ye, irotaso, doub, do&i, duuvu, mw , m m j.A . rooacoo, ouuu, ., bpu., For sale low by . - feb 6 tf WILLIAMS. RANKIN A CO Bagging, Ties, Twine. 2QQQ Half Rolls BAGGING, 2500 ew ARROW TIES, KAA Lbs. BALING TWINE. Vnr aalA low tV feb 6 tf WILLIAMS.-RANKIN M CO. STARTLING Yoa Cannot Afford to Ignore Them. . FACTS! m.. .ti.,- a.MM .nnjir, In a memt lame mt ' It j. jus m - - , -, . - II.. -Kaat Vnrk Cnm.mmrt.itU BvUtttlmt MAnXOWtI- ... -Yj l i amlnedandreporteduponaswnpleofChlcagoreaiie, t: ., T. - ; lard, the other day, which h Mid did not contain . - v ' , J V ; " pound of hogs' fat, but consisted ef talloir, gresev , -cotton seed oil, and oleo stewtne. ''""i w 1- ..1.....i..-.Ju ml . GASSARD'S "STAIT H EVERY PACKAGE IS GffABjfcSTBKD. V '- f , Try it and you wUl xueno oUier. - r cassaro Jt aoiiv'w G 407.409and411 WJBalttmore St. ' Ckmn ef Um etUbnttA M BUT Bnad" IBD4 OnM ivii it . .." ip' ''".'' "1 A'-- -. ,- !. I -'.! : '-. -J -it' 1 . f '-. ' to: -. ; j. 1 - if'- : I ..." ' V'" ''A ;tfu.' - , - v - . ' . - '- s. -.- if, -aS. ,: ... ; - i - ' r ,1 .V-4.V. s A . f '. 0 4., w ft K. V . i j-- - .1