nimji i ! " 1 ' - - .. . The MorningStar. k 1 1. li ah IS) ATT KOttDAT, v ju rit... T U a ''" - ..... J I - n ' . ' ' "".,- ; ,.4 :.M.'i.-f -e,.? .: 1 is . 1 iii i - n . . 1 ' ralCoiltlii,. ..ii-Wiu ,.nf.:. Ml' lll'.l lr ... P'afi :t iIURN N i hUlllUH. .. (IdiK : . . 'ii;f . tl cci-n cruv" f .4.M.C:0 bal. iif-.C ., i:M :!! . 4- v.. v.k I si-. t u railnsaJ aai I .... .. i (r.'ii.f. biisna-aw oa a i f t aiaVf ct firrma n to b iatfciacal ia A . ( iUproUUTa to df -ti of C2iitrata aad I. lM iCUd lO : v ; t'. T-.ttr. Sew Yok. ia -t3f LtJoa 8ur; loa , ) fJCO.CttX At - ;i.-er. :a ?a Fraaciico a i.i . - i ii.-il of la text at r?: icit(Xaat but in : :ui in. l ' t:n.u- ' t.-tpt t ta pf50 wao N.. V :ci mrlM: lloax ,! Ttbruttj O90ic: I is dt Coca t binith y.i;i . .4 l- lot He i lh i'. irni .111 i! ,'fi.nnu? i i fault. i- ,r!if bill anti- . , ! i)fn woald ' n 'ii-ir rwl ji i . I.) Jndie I T iflll' :,!.t. t w very 4 i ' 1 I A r ;-U.i '-. i-'Clir rd. ; r vy lu! ter, ' t v". 1 Jo. I toward. J: I ! r: hs ta raiol ;. -r J l'. : 4 I r h eira ; n - t fu ri ted i . .- . i: :n. S'wtj w h it? H" r Mr-! the rof. ' i :. 4po4n. lt- i"orn p. ;.'. ' v v ! ; ,' O;' (- nr"'' is i i:.iu.:'. A all ooo hirir a i r' . xa 'iur''ntlmn." i"h-; llouao hu pvil bwl, by a v of jot to , r.o Pi? lit:,: is to- I'tuni'.T So ' imsri-.J I ( ;" h' re so : IVrri orv, .'J of I":: ')IT V .f, !"-ri:, :n m ji--':h in the 1 1 i; ... ' '.tuui :r? ,i,-.-Ure-l thit i"J'-n ir:i,-r: to the .J- M- I'l.-n.v. i fit. rl r. v So th- Tory '"o wx th- only .i. 1 1 1 co am in.! i 1 aa m,u L' rr ny b:r.:.. (;.-nt -. , suru h vl.-oramnded 3" -nor . sa i.n then the career i:i Jh:.t army would have ia:o-M shv hd ran n.i lu.l ia.j.-r s a: '.)?,. 2'in boatu aa 1 . . t ' 1 r.n i l.. VV h ....... ..!. -k. If, v n s & .i - . . . I . II 1 1 u i rn thoroouhlT trPP J j;1 . i n. , nra--! and now ha try;n l.Jv n ought to i .. :r,tiC parly for Lhe ?lr''- d - over where he Ml', . !l!..y b;.jn. f.,i hi- IennnyUaota hv f ' " w M V fc M v 4e .'w w J j" "gi tor o many year. 10 u t'1 'nd a a rnn r f t r.raphical Sketch -H)H j-,)r U444 t : r Lh- 4441 ion of 1397. It 'f brctier type to set important evesu io the 'ors.j U.-4 hi... " ;nic-nt Utcemeo who n.j'v i-i .iri;c. Ite JeOfflb of th - -7 v inuicaiea me ('"ir..-;(.4 "t th jbjct. Hv lamhu-t f the Savannah Kr,- ' t0f7 bmldii 10. lt. miK.'n... . i'.4:Q nrrat taaa ,c pPf-10,1 more matter Tl7 tcha?e eoatK r n.t.: lb of Balti. I ., I J. I xni eut of LoiUvilU Ky. VOL. XXXIX. NO. Sir WillUm Tbomioo, Eogluh- mm of fdtact, "taiVe a vtj alarm- logiUUtneatwUUTeXotbewn. It awDiift uir will da a com nieiB I.. - . . r DrtaXHIOVQ and lr0 oat and tha iQBfilT f will r ' "o-- o . r J " " .v i. ;.i . i . iuw tino woaia perun wnuout iae an. Thai U well nnderttood. Bat w ara oot Uft wilboot some com fort. Tba failor of the too will not txke plae until tea million of year hatra pxted Avar. That tavea the prcant generation. The pabliibera aonoanoo that the School History of North Carolina in a io the pablio ichooUtsia iU fifth edittoo, and that the thirtieth thous and are now printed, ft i a much better book than the very imperfect crude one firat sent oat bj the author of it. It haa been io the hand of Col. V. L. Saandere and ia much better. It i understood that Rer. Dr. F. M. Ilabbard has bn re writioc: it from the beginning. When the malt of hia labor will be given to the pablio we have not eeo men lionn1. The Kandallite crowd are trying in more ways than one to discredit the true Democracy. Io their reply to Speaker Carlisle they attempt to throw the responsibility of not redu cing the Tariff upon tha party. That is only cqaalled in impudence by tho iladical in North Carolina talking of Democratic extravagance after their waste. We rejoice to believe that there it not much probability that the jatt, equitable aad much needed tax on tobacco and fruit brandy will be abolished by the preaent CoogreaJ. It would be a very absurd procedure under the circumstances) to gratify the ftandall crowd. jirrm .CITY. v aorsirriiisjiwor OruA II ocas Ossulk. Haxxsaxaoxji Valentines. CoLxra Jk Co. AuctJoo sale. J. II. ITaaww leaaeplseofl. MCS.40X Slaughtering cloihiojc C at. II A.xaj Cocnk valentines. Cromlv Jfe Uorkis Sweet orn srrs 0 It Frbsch So Sprinn style?. Hall A PaaRAALL New Cuba molasaca. Wcirm Ja WoaTU New crop molscs Lattl l4 ilereipla of cotton yesterday 03 b-! . tb sause dsle iut jesr 159 bal. The sociable to be giren by the Hibernian Benevolent Socwly wit! take p!ee Wedaeslay evenles nest.atOermanla IUIt Klectric lights hare been placoti la tb New INircell House Tho new bar so.l billiard room, under the msnaitemeat ( Mr. Joa. El Herbert. wa opened yes terJy The Wilmington Fox Club will S4t a chase this afternoon. The fox for the nccuioo is ia flaw trim. It will be turnd loo- near Ortenflekl mill, at 3 o'clock. Mwr. S. V. Shotter & Co. cleared tbe QcrsDtn barque Frill ScKmidl yesterday, for Hamburg. Germany, with a csro of 3.314 barrels cf rosio. valued at A telegraphic dispatch slating that tbe County Government bill bad been ladeflnitely post posed ia tbe Heme of Representatives, was received yesterday sfterncoo. by Mr. U. A. Bzt. chairman or tbe Uoard of County Cbnunissionert . Wiar laalsauaac. Tha foUowicg are tba Indications for the twenty-four boars commencing at 10 p. m. Tbarsdsy: For North and South Carolina, Georgia, East Florida., fair weather, followed by local raise, slightly warmer, followed by slight fall ia temperature aad variable winds. . For West Florida, Alabama. UUalsslppi, local rains, southerly winds becoming va riable, and lower temperature. For Virginia, rala. alLthUy warmer, fol Iowtd by tower temperature and variable winds becccniog northerly. Tfce sicmal tUrvlea. Since tha death of Gen. Haze a. there has beca considerable talk among tbe men Io the signs! corps of the propriety of chang ing the signal service from the control of the War Department to that of the Cirll Service Corneals ke. or some other branch of the Government service. The clerks iu the o&ce of tha Chief Signal Observer at WashJogloa have prepared a petition to Congress expressing tba opinion that the 4s later eats of the Govern went would be subserved by transferrin Ike signal corps to tha Agricultural Department, Tba pti Uoo has hees forwardod for r gnat ores to the coea on aUUoaa all over the country aad ta said Io be srMetiaf with general ap- roraL The chaaga would make the men IK. " " " aerrlcsi dvUlaaa. Tfcey are May pit at U tW nvr-V. I 120. 1 WILMINGTON, N. C. FRIDAY. FEBRtJARY 11. 1887. omtA house. MlCor Vao Taaatl and her exccUent i ciprtica. me nouso wat . - I IV. 1.. J! i I uuicaca appearea thuala.licln iu enjormcnt of U eren- I Ina'a fntrtAlnmi rtu tt-. i- w coaracter or lmralda. appeared to i wnver aannuffl uian ahe did the prerioat t . . . . . . . I Dll. and wu ezceljentij supported IbroothouU Tha play abound in good polnUand the Company aeemed toappre- oato them. To-nlhl "CamUle" will be pUyed. and wUldoabUeat draw another crowded bouse. laaaalaratlata Iav1tsl. A petluon Ls in circulation and will be placed st the Produce Exchange to-day for tha signature of merchants and others, iu. terestcd In the. development of this section of the Bute by Northern Immigration. It is believed that the circulation of the pro ceedings of the Northern Settlers' Conven tion, held in Raleigh in October last, will hsve great influence io attracting a deslr able class of people. The petition is as follows: To UU HanarabU th General Autmbiy of jTiorXA uatvitna: We, the undersigned, citizens of New Hanover county. North Carolina, realizing tbe benefit the groat west has derived from immigration, and baring seen its advan tage to our own Stale, and being solicitous to secure for North Carolina a large part or tint volume of capital and population that is now flowing from the Northern Btstes southward, do hereby most respectfully and most earnestly request your honorable body to cause to be printed many thousand copies of the statements made by our fellow-cltixsns of xiorthern and forel&a birth at tho so-called Northern Bottlers' Convention which was in session at Raleigh October 26-29. 1SS6. Such full-reports to be obtained frcm the secretary of the North ern Settlers Association, and wben pub lished to be put in charge of the State Bu reau of Immigration lor distribution ia States North of the Potomac and Ohio rivers. Hawk or New Ilaaovsr. At the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Dank of New Hanover, held yesterday. Mr. A. David wss called to the Chair, and Mr. 8. D. Wallace was ap pointed Secretary. A majority of the stock being represented, either in person of by prosy, an election was held for a Hoard of Directors for tbe ensuing year, which re' suited in the unanimous re election of tbe entire old Board, as follows: O. W. Williams. W. I. Gore. J. W. At kinson. I. Bates. J. A. Leak, C. 31. Sled- man. Donald Jlaciue. tu. li. lioran. it. it. Bridgers, II. Vollers and F. Ilaeiastela. A meeting of tbe Board of Directors was then held, and the following officers were elected for the enrornsT year: President I Bstcs. Vice President O W. Williams. Cshicr S. D. Wallace. Aasiolact Cashier W. L. Smith, Jr Uoriltr. rtalaroloran. The dwelling of Mrs McDonald, cn Chunut street, between Eighth and Ninth. ras catered by a burglar at an early hour yesterday morning. Mrs. McDonald was awakened about 3 o'clock, pres jmably by the doIjc made by the burglar in leaving the house. There was an overpowcriog odor of chloroform in the room, which caused ber to get up and light a lamp. when she found everything in a bewilder leg slate of confusion, the clothing of her self and daughter in a heap on tbe floor.and closets and bureau drawers emptied of their contents . Other lomstes of tho bouse wero aroused and it was found that the whole place bad been lansacked, but nothing was missing with tbe exception of a few peo nies from the pockets of the clothing of one of Mrs. McDonald's sons. Tbe bur glar got Into the bouse by forcing a win dow. traaal. Mr. Iredell Mearea, Deputy Collector of Customs, baa been granted license to prac tlce law in the Bute courts by the Supreme Court. Capt. It II. Tom lie son has taken com mand of the steamer Cape Fear, baring been chosen for tbe position by the Bladen Steamboat Company, at the annual meeting held ia Fayetteville Tuesday. Capt. O. II. Blocker, of Maxton, is at the Orton. Mr. E. M. Dasher, representing the Gus Willisms Theatrical Company, is in the elly. They play here Fridsy, the ISth last., in George Uoey's celebrated comedy, 0h I What a Nihtr Col. Thoa. J. Honcure. Chief Eogineer of tbe Carolina Central, passed through tbe c:ty last night on bis way to Virginia. Col. Moncore supervised the construction of the fine Iron bridges recently erected west of Shelby. Tb. Seaeaast RaltroaSL A trip to Wrightsville Sound by rail this summer Ii even ooe of the probabilities. for it is staled on satisfactory assurances from parties who have tbe matter in band that the construction of the Wilmington and Saooast Railroad to- that point is an assured fact, and that the work of building the road will be commenced within the next thirty u7. FIsyor'e Gears. Alfred Goddard. a wblta tramp, was al lowed twenty-four hours in wbicb to get employment or leave the city. . J. D. Siaon. colored, charged with fail ure to pay for liquor license, was released, urea bis affidavit that be bad sold so Ii- " . . s W . - 1 a quors during themontn 01 January jast. The beat war Is to take a pain in time. and flgbt It dallj aad hourly with Salvation OiL 33 cts.f Indorsed -ht. iha Faculty. Tbe reputa tion of Dr. nun's Cough Syrup baa been Uon of Dr. BuH's Cob Btrop baa Deea I uj, MbJerred on account of IU merits, PSt ., . XII K RAILS. Th Bulla oIom and arrlTe at the City Fa Office m folio w: U. ,.k 10:00 P. M 8KX) A. M l notxn rouu.xiaiua na routes i Mn. uyi fhiMrmm 10DJ P. M. M 8:C0 A. H I ""Vf."5" I RAidxa ....aao p. u. i8;oo a. m Wfc!: Cbftdbonro. Ylr Bluff. N. C. Harlon. a. O , asa routes bupdum tnereTrom- aw r. x. Soatkarnwar mailt between wummc- toa aad Cbaiiaston. S. 0 6.-90 A. M Cbarlastoa. Sarannah and Jaokaon nile. 71a.. aad laterraediata botsts 80 P. M. A i A. M Charaw A Darluurton Railroad and polnta nppi Mltodt Herefrom..... 0:3)S9.1WF. M HAS )AILT SXCXPT SUNDAY. WeUrn mall. C a Railway. 6:20 P. M FayettaTUla, c. r. x. v. B. IL and oolnta BUDDlled therefrom 6:3) P. X Ealelcn Eamlet Ballroad and polnta npDlled therefrom.... 6:30 P. M 2S0 P. M 8mlUiTUie WrtxhUrTlUe 8 33 A. M TUaSDATs AND FRIDAYS. Onslow C H. and Intermediate offloes 6:00 A. M Little River. 8. C. ana Intermedlats offices 3.C0P.M Cape Pear Hirer malt OPXX FOB DXLJVRHTjr Horthern throoxh aad wav mails 700 A Soaltaera tro4ij-a aad way malls 6:90 A. X Southern, west or Florence a. m Carolina Central Railroad 9:30 A M Hlnt mails arrtrtna previous to 10,00 P. af. are opened aad distributed Into Lock Boxes as soon as rsoelved. MaDs collected from street boxes from busi ness portions of city at 5 A.K., 110 AM. and 6rC0 P.M.: rroTB other parts of the city at 4 A.M. and 6 P. M. General delivery open from 7 A.M. to 6.00 P.M- and on 8 an days from 8:00 to 10.-00 A. M. Carriers delivery open on Sunday from 9 to to IfctO A. M. Stamp OSes open from 7.33 A. M. to C.-OJ P. M Money Order and Register Department open 8:00 A. M. to 5 .-00 P. M. continuous. Kauroad tuna. 73tn menaian. TIIE FLORKNCK NIGHTINGALE OF THE NTJRSEBY. Tbe followim? la an extract from a letter written to the German Btformtd Messenger, atChamberebunrh. Perm.: A BwrnrrEm Just open the door for her, and Mrs. Wln&low will prove the American Florence Nlffhunfrale of the Kunery. Of this we are so sure, that we will teacn our host" to say. A blessing on airs. winslow" for helnln her to survive and escare ue mpuiir, ooucaunjc, ana teeuuns; sieee. Mrs. WutaLow'e 800THIK8 Strut relieves the child from rln. anicurea dysentery and diarrhoea. It softens the jrums,reduoea Inflammation, ourerwlnd eollc. and oarries the Infant safely through the tee thlnjr period. It performs precisely what it professes to perform, every part of it nothing leas, we nave never seen airs, winsiow Know her only through the preparation of her "Soothing Syrup for Children Teething." If we had the power we would make her. as she Is, a physical saviour to tne lnxant race. oia by au aaniggists. 89 cents a bottle. DIED. nCrCS"I T. Dl.kmn.4 7 ll XT . . rr 1, . . u ..luuiuvuu , v . . f eu. ivui i o. SOPHIA J. DAWSON, second daughter of the iste James caca'.aey, Ksq. Funeral this (Friday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock, st St, Jsmes' Chui oh, thence to Oakdale Ceme tery. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. By Collier fc Co., Anct'rs and ComnMerchts, 24 A 26 N. Water St. nPHIS DAY. COMMENCING AT 16 O'CLK A.M., a. we wul sell at our sales Rooms. 6 Bedsteads, 1 Cooking Stove, 1 Sofa, 1 Sewtog Machine, 20 boxes Tobacco, Household and Kitchen Furniture. Window Shades. Trunks, Shoes, urercoau, crockery, &o. reb 11 it ORANGES ! SWEET SRaHftES t TTTE HAVE AN ORANGE C2RTA INLY EQUAL vv to tne - Kia more. Are souna. ana win keep Jast as long as tbe children of the house hola wilt allow tbem. You ought to and will bay them II you will call at Office and ascertain I be prl'ie. VUVHUX a, MUtUUM, reo 11 it Auctioneers. The Acme Pine Oil, TRBH FROM THE FACTORY, AT CRONLY, N. C, Is for eale by J. Ii HARDIN. Druggist, New Market. feb 11 It V7e Are Slaughtering jgALARCK STOCK CLOTHING. Only halfloten CHILDREN'S SUITS on hand. Will sell them at LOW FIGURES. MUNSON. feb 11 !t Clothier and Merchant Tailor. There Is nothing to be had at this time of year that ls more dellclouf, palatable and nu tritious, for breakfast than golden brown cakes of Heckers Bu ckwheat. It Is the best breakfast cereal. Eve ry, one likes It. All gro cer. keep It. feb 8 1m cb ta lh Eat Comic Valentines. Comic Valentines, Comic Valentines. C. M. HARRIS, Only regular Newsdealer In the City. feb 11 tf New Cuba Molasses. JJOGSHBADS. TIERCE3 AND BARRELS. IN LOTS TO SUIT AT LOW PRICES. HALL & PEARS ALL. feb It DAWtf New Crop Molasses. 411 H03sIlADS ggTIKBCES. CHOICE NEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES, Jhe first cargo of the season, now landing es Cohr. Amelia P. Schmidt. ' . Wn akin h .r ' .. - r.-iV.V . ; WORTH A WORTH. I feb llltf : ; Bsvlew copy.,. - 'NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. O P E RA. H O U S E. TO-NItjrHT, COEA VAN TASSEL, AND HER SUPERB iDBAHATIC COMPANr In the Great Five Act Emotional Drama.SO . CAirHLLE, As dramatized from Dumas' Popular Novel. People's Popular Prices ot Admission 10, 20 and 30 Cents. No Extra. No Higher. SATURDAY MATINBK the Only Five Act Ver sion 01 jn.'aiiass. Prices Matinee Children 10c. Adults 20c. Re served Seats for Matinee 30c, now on sale at usual places. ieb 11 it Spring Styles. TT7B HAVE SOMETHING NEAT AND PRET- vv TY for Early Fpring Wear, for Ladies, Misses, Children and for the Gentlemen. We keep THE BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES in the City or State, and prices to suit the pockets of all our patrons. Geo. E. French & Sons, 108 NORTH FRONT STREET, febll tr Valentines. 2XTRA FINK BOX VALENTINES. SECOND LARGE LOT. The Finest and Most Beautiful Astortment over brought here and on exhibition o day. Ladies and Gentlemen your hearts can now be made happy and your wishes gratified at HEINSBERGER'S feb 10 tf Cash Book and Music Store. Carolina Baking Powder. SK YOrR GROCER FOR THIS BRAND, QUALITY GUARANTEED. Manufactured by H. R. HORKE, feb30eod2w nac Fayetteville, N. C. Mexican War Pensions J HAVE MUSTER ROLL, G. CO.', 17TH REST, U. S. Infantry, of which I was Lieut., and Roll 1st Keg't N. u. vols., coi. raine. Fee 510 ior procuring pensions. Address BDWiBD CANTWELL, feb 6 lw Oxford, Maryland. TRY WARREN'S FAMOUS n s9"V- sal BBm TP.ff BmncT.s sm n tu m?. hay 11111 UUtUUlJVI WU1JU 111 w 11 JJ U111I febiotr GREAT INDUCEMENTS! AT TUB New Crockery Store 117 SOUTH FRONT.STRSET, Call and examine tha NEW LAMP, just invent ed SCHNEIDER'S. Also, DECORATED CHAM BER and DINNER SETS. COMMON and FANCY GLASSWARE. LAMPS of all description, SIL VER PLATED WARE, and TIN-WARE, have all been selected with great care, and will be sold most reasonably. ANTON 1SBJSKT, 117 South Front St., feb 9 tf Opposite New Market. HEADQUARTERS FOR HARNESS. "DRIDLES, SADDLES, BUGGIES AND CAR RIAGES of all sorts. Repairloe of all kinds neatly and promptly done. r. a. HAiunH, Third St., between Princess and Market. Jan 80 tf TIIE NluXV AND OiLlD Purcell House Combined ! Grand Opening ! R001 for All ! AS THE NEW PURCELL HOUSE HAS BEEN nvArran ever ainee I onened. I have this day leased . the entire building, which makes the House second to none. No pains will be spared on the part of the proprietor to make the House fikst ULiAtsa in every respecc. r.w rui- TURE from bottom to top. Bus and Wagon at arrival of all trains. N. Frederick , iTopnetor. Bar. Billiard Room and Barber Shop for rent. feb 2 tf mm SEED. GARDEN SEED. EW ARRIVALS ! LOWEST PRICES ! WILLIAM H. GREEN & CO., Druggists. Market Street, bet. Front and Second. feb 8 tf Hats! Hats! A DIES' MUFFS! UMBRELLAS I HARRISON & ALLEN, L feb 6 tf Hatters. Headquarters TOR TRUNKS, HARNESS, WHIPS, SADDLES and everything usually kept in a first class Har ness Store. Blankets and Robes must be sola. We make a specialty or TrunKS ana Keparnug. feb 6 tf (Review copy) No. 19 So. Front St. Valentines. A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF VALENTINES, NEW DESIGNS. 1'UliK SBN'l'jLM.iS'l . NO COMI03 FOR SALE. febetf YATB' BOOK STOKB. Marine Insurance. QPEN POLICIES ISSUED! COVERING A.L.L shipments from New Yora or otber pons to Wil mington. Entries to. be made on Pass Book when in voices are received All Wholesalo and Retal Grocers should have a Policy of this sort to co ver their goods received by the N. Y. steamers. - Assets of Marine Co's represented $a8.4415il - a .m feb4tf y IZZ It a WTiLARD. ( WHOLE 'NO. fellW' .rv: NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 11. Cash House. 116 Market Street. TyTE ARB JUST THROUGH TAKING STOCK, and have marked down many goods below regu lar prices teTm'ace room. .. . . . Will Open Monday. Jan. 31st, A FULL LINE OF WHITE GOODS, WHICH WE HAVE SECURED AT VERY LOW PRICES I NAINSOOK SDSINGS AND FLOUNCINGS.J SPRING DRESS GOODS, worth 25c, for 15 and 20c, Extraordinary Job, 1000 Assorted Jerseys, e Most of them worth from $2 to S3. Your Choice $1.25. ALL-OVER LACES, TUCKINGS, GINGHAMS, SATEENS, COLORED NAINSOOKS, &c. An examination of Quality and Prices will surely secur9 your patronage. JUU...IVI,. -JLSi C3 1 116 Market St. I . I'ciiy 7c iVo-n-islTr Qt ne R Luther in Visitob, says the following of I cram's unr.yalea Family Atlas or tne wona : 'One of the most convenient comnendiums of information we have seen for some time is Cram's Universal Atlas. It is a useful and handy book for the masses and a ready helper to the busy student. Its maps are excellent, its illustrations good, its statistics prove vast research and are presented with striking accuracy, and its histo rical data of United States history from 986 to our present year, which every citizen of the Re public ought to know, are wisely arranged and chronologically presented. As a geography, hK torv and statistical exhibit of the world and ma ny of her industries, characteristics, etc., it is a decided success. It needs but to be seen to be appreciated. One can but wonder how so mush information can be pat in Euch space." A. L Plummer. of Nashville. TeDn.. General Agent in N. C, is now taking orders for Cram's Atlas In Wilmington. N. C. AGENTS wawtk'J. Address or cau upon A. L. PLUMMBK, commercial Hotel, jan 16 3w Wilmington, N. C. Dissolution Notice. THE FIRM OF J. It. CROOM & BROTHER, AT No. 102 North Water Street, is this day dis solved by mutual consent, J. L. Croom withdraw ing from said firm, having sold out his interest to Messrs. M. F. Croom & Co., who will pay all debts of the late firm of J. L. Croom & Brother. We bespeak for the firm of M. F. Croom & Co. a con tinuation of the liberal patronaga heretofore ex tended to us. J. L. CROOM, M. F. UKUOM. Wilmingt n, N. C. Feb. 1st, 1887. WE WILL CONTINUE THE GENERAL GRO .Arv. T.lrmor aid Tobacco Business at the old stand of J. L. Croom & Brother, 1C2 North Water Street, where we will bapleased to see our old customers. . if. UKUum a uw Wilmington. N. C, Feb. 1st, 1887. feb 1 tf Notice. IN CONNECTION WITH MY DRESS MAKING, I have decided to teach DRESS CUT JTNG by Chart one day in each week. For those who cannot come in the day I will arrange a Night Class. With this new system I teach to cut TtFARfuw And anv thin? in the wav of Ladles and Boys' Apparel. Those wishing to take lessons will please call before the rush for Spring and Easter Dresses commences. MISS MAM LB lu DAVIS, feb 9 lw 802 Princess Street. 600 Tons COAL! JUST ARRIVED, EX SCHR. JOSEPH SOUTH ER, 6OO TONS BEST GRATE & STOVE COAL, and for sale One Dollar per ton less than New York prices. iebotl a. siraurr.tjiKiM. Scales. Scales. fXyTAGON, PLAFFORM, COUNTER. Do not forget the ROCHESTER lamp. . For Bale by feb 6 tf GILES & MURCHISON. PIANOS. THE PURCHASE OF A PIANO K In quires great care, as seven-eighths of tbe Pianos now made are musically Inferior. Our long experience and thorough knowledge of In struments enable us to place before the pablio the best Pianos at the lowest prices. By exami nation it will fce found that we sell our Instru ments much lower tean others ask for Inferior goods. We invite the public to examine ror tnemseives. a. vm im in. feb 8 tf xsea cross be. Begardless of Cost. WE HAVE SOLD ALL OF ;OUK HARNESS and Saddlerv Goods, and are now selling Buggies, Carriages, Phaetons, Wagons. Drays, ana everything m ice jajcuuauj& line, regaru less of cost. McDOUGAL & LOVE, 114 North Front St. Our Workshops are in full blast. feb 2tf Wm. E. Springer & C6. TTAVE A LARGE ASpfiNE ASSORTED stock of Guns, Revolvers, Rifle?, Ammunition of Aanrlntlon. Fine Cutlerv. Plated Ware. fc. They can show you a fine line of goods? J tsndow prices. uRj1 A i f eb 6 tf 19. 21 83 Market Street. , ; Ac . Thev can show yon a fine line of goods. V I " Boiia xnoapareu type mUce oni tqny-, - NEW ADVERTISEME$JT8.f l Great Rn r&n A c .? mmw .... v. ? i J; , ' ,fj"' ?' .' s. ' , IN Hamburg Edgings nd v Insertions ! - BROWN & R( MH)ls 0 North Front St. . 1 'A' ! W""""" tag our friends and patrons that we bare Jest'--v received the CHEAPEST. STOCK OF rTAMRITPPr ETlUTlffaS TMSTOTIflVcr. uuwuuuu uiiuiliuu U 111UUUI1U11U r f, ' WE HAVE EVER OWNED, ' .-ix.-ly- ' AT LEAST 30 PER CENT. BELOW,' PRESETS "t " MARKET VALUE. who require such Goods to call early and make , t .. their selections. ivA j i , f . '. " PRICES FROM 5c TO $l.SO PER YAKD.t MADE ON THE VERY BEST CLOTH AMD - THOROUGHLY FINISHED. Kid Gloves. We are oflFertnga SPECIAL JOB IN LADIES Z. V. -4-BUTTON KIDS, SOc a pair. In Tans, Brow Slate and Mode Colors. Sizes 5i to 8. BROWN & RODDIGKV 3 NORTH FRONTF8TREET. Branch Store, 27 Hay street, Fayetteville. K. O. ' f. Jaa 83 tf - - HEW BAR AND BILLIARD ROOM; J HAVE RENTED THE BAR AND BILLIARD "t '. ! ROOMS, at tho NEW PURCELL HOUSE, and r l t Will open on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY lJu. Ro " ' pains will be spared to maVe every thing attrac tive and pleasant for my customers, and I hope to merit a fair proportion of tho trade by strict . attention to bueinof s JOSEPH E. HERBERT, feb 8 tf formerly of Star Saloon. At Cost. At omj. a. PRCKe feb 6 tf Of Course You Do THAT IS WHEN YOU BUY A COOK SVOVX von want the best for the least moneT. We've got It and mean what we say. Tin Toilet I HAVE A FEW FANCY LAMPS. ALSO. A LOT - 7 . of ANDIRONS, SHOVELS and TONG8, Which 1 ..T'' will sell AT COST. Call early and eat a bargain Sets that are perfect beauties no slop arTanre- v-- ; mont. . Door Mats,-'a good assortment; uau , . " Oil Stoves ana lots 01 nseiui anioiei ; suon wa usually keep. Old stand PARKER TAYLOR PURE WHITE Oil . ISD 0 TaT ANTED. General Agent to nanoie wu- j. r Y ; llamB CoDDer-nlate- Map of the United''. States, Mexico, etc., size 68x65 Inches. - a f - E. W. SMITH A COaVrr,.. : i- it 1an'2 2m 20 South Sixth St. Philadelphia Pa. ' X , Molasses, Sugar, ColleirvK JQQ Bbls Choice Porto Rico MOLASSES, 0 Bbls Refined suoakb, j OKA Sacks Choice RIO VUTF&&, A.JJ feb 6 tf For sale low by WILLIAMS. RAN KIN A OOjt ' ' ' 3 '; c Flour, Bacon; Lardrt ; g00 Bbls FLOUR, all grades, Vi 100 BoieBD8, BE115, ' '.''J-': ' 1O0 Cases LARD. '"V For sale low by ' feb tf WILLIAMS RANKIN CO. , ,- . ; - Tarn, Sheeting, &c. 19 K Bales RANDOLPH YARN. Bales RANDOLPH BHXET1NO, ' r Lye, Potash, Soda, soap, Btaron, ' t Tobacco, Snuff, Ac, Ac, '.!'" Vnr aala low bv feb 6 tf WILLIAMS. RANKIN CO. Bagging, Ties, Tt7ine 2000 Half Rolls BAGGING, 200 New ARROW TIES, KAA Lbs. BALING TWINE. iJUV jeb 6 tf For sale low by l"' WILXJAM8."- HANKTH A CO. ; v:. n STARTLING Yoa Cannot Afford to Ignore Tbem. FACTS! The following article appears la a Teoant lans ef the Sew York Commercial Bulletin t -A xprt z aiulnod and reported upon Mmpl of ChlcafO reflneaV , : lard, tne otner aay, wnica n ma aia imcvauu. . -pound of hogs' fat, bat eondsted ef tallow, grsaMJ " cotton seed oil, ana oieosteanae," . r? MM BUUU B lUlMluw vmspajy 9 GASSARD'S EVERY PACKAGB It GUARANTEED. , V Trrltandyoawninasnoother. J" fi- CASSARD A SON. -'. .?: - i jat ina..jiii ni 1 Tinnnr esr .. ' ' ' WJUltlmore st. Drib 1 1 UIUH i-, IlltV . ' ( f 0nm.orcaWsusBnuiuMes'juk : - ' 'T -1f'i, m , .: Jy U ly . - 'Xp' i-Ae-"'"v ' t ' .. r - J' "-I ,fi ' v.: I v t we j, tf -rr- - -S"- .7 -f -'..V " 0: ay " ' J :K- . 10 . " r 'S