- - 4 ' v - . Inlljilier AnaoBTacecjcnl.' ;r. M f x M 9v r. KMtariU au, Ifju w la Boniiis sua f Jt ioBMUt i oa OfcxrtA. k n-i nMRUM DkTd ta Uf onr' jwi cm ttm U V w f aar no4 froa wa m m f - rn wxtxxt rrx it raur wrua at 1 1 M pe rar. 1 W lew iM iMttte. W , wi tut Ctf tn na ?nur, si r twtenf i nj i4jut.M iifiUy H Mi t4r14J t wet. .- , :anitBrt.7HtUMDctAAMl , nontax li as. tfr otwa ess T Art iiimimmiih INtrOa. B2S 8 nL n9 frwtecr kmuia rcul - (tw M ta rtiiM, a4 IS m Pw ra . r aay pre. trmrr r. Jbtma f 4iif r ( TV ifwft, lira t&inU 4.vUt ri. Ate ta octoy vr. taT wU b-wir M , 'atw KiMi?uim o TaaAa. .. &r4 m vt!aa7 fefwt&MswaUk ftt oa.J S-f rm " . MalU ti91UHnf B kTruum. A , f tnr!n to Mr AaM WUl fr uottattwl fo k . Mii, M Um voii9 as tA rQAUMter. ma4 Aatt4 v ia 4a Owwatifna w x AJti UAwumbAi to XIrw miPii o to : , A--AM mtmKAm quo aI OBUaftti rfruwwJ i ; (. An iIiUa sr ir (br aa3A tewrUu. . ka wrtvrMcta wU M ftATT S."t7 omaK " .. AXfwfiNMiMu toaoAtranAJ b"for UM Usm Auotrwteit fur ftaA rytrL. mhmrvl trjMtonl . . 9Mm tiJt IIOM AdAAu7 9ftU!Mtl ' if TrmmatM tat trtafltwaa fctfrtaiaawM n J am D ktmuft Kauta 9wtUm o CrAaArt ;mvc nAmwm SBAT pAF nuAtATy o i;r ' Iac!7, aaooaUm AliatXACt. uuaM offiiw. vmm ta um aa; ox . t ArnnaanalwAo or odnnfi J t Aatx4 m , - ; A4ArUwaNnAx . ' Craer4 totwrVlmtn wtU tut D r4 to At- Mil UM1T ( or fcaTWJjM as 7 uua! f trfA M . tnr rHrtiA &w!aH vttaunt itr eaAnr tfAAAlAAt ' ' aumrtfAfloiia sxaot baj ot Omi. DtaTI. ' ' fOMAi jnT Or-l-r. Kx?rMk. c ta 8aMrAtr4 '. Lmttmt. JtuT AAiia rAOUtlAiMMM WJ & ftt UM i rtaA UM ftiTar. A.MrrCiri aot ti'vin CaCf UM Mjoa ot Iam UWf 4r b iJfwUMUrtort bo to ma to rul uh 4-vrttMuaAa J 6 tswata4 Is UM CMlT- WW JX TTrUwnAtfa (& um po e Ia at ta aa UM Um kA jwiwniMn to ta. Ui QiroT'mCni U on!y bA The Morning Star- ny wumn if. Raai a hp. WILMTXGTOX, X. C. Fidat Moaxtxa Fks. 11. H$? THKeiVTKH IOtATKV. The Star hx ta nintr editcnaU ealWd atuotiot) to the iraportaac9 of dvtopic th oytr inJmtry of North Carolina. It ha. epcialty c)oit2srti th Kiver ojtcr crruund a.l their importance to Wilminsrtc. With the reaourc of Nw River fully developed aoti rail- roA.I conoictua wita tat city a great canning mdatry would b d- v!oprd hre a well a. o extectve - tiippinij ba.4to!! of frh oyier. Ta r ha copied more than 'Oocw tbe main facUbroa?ht out in the ; , report of the labor of thai eoit '. Officer. IJent. Kranct Winslow. of .tie Navy, whi hi ba eoared for many mouth in a arvey of the ; ni of the State with reference to the cultivation of tho oyster. We desire now to rfer to the very com prehensive btll now before the L- IslaCur introduced to promote the ; "cultivation of hell fiah in North Car- - olina. The bill all 24 printed r pxjy, kad it coven the cocamunica- - ttdnsof Clovernor Scales on the sab ,ce Theobjec; of the bill w to se- eursr fihing for migratory fib, to racoaraj' the development of the 'vast area now unproductive, to de- ."Haw th Ioaa to which the Stale i sahjectinj by the neglect to have . - proper law and to protect the State . against thii Ioha. 'JZ' ll moet assuredly a bill of genu - .ln importance, ta the State, and in V tUigent legislators hoald cooidr it upon its merit and push it throasb. I ' Tnbill may not be perfect, but it is 4 movement in the right direction, O&er UgvilaUoa may b ulei here- I a afte to perfect the msaure. A kit I is oecoMary before the exact law can I i '' .h frame!. The main provisions of I , the bill covar the sjroiad and meet I thdmani, and will do gJ to the I Stats. The sole object of the friends I of thbiU is to make s. far u poesi- I bU the coudiUoos operating en oyster , f arte siaollar t ihoM operating on '- any other f arta. Tbe bill U rather clasuy ia its attsapt to utilise eiit i taachLcsry but Its action will b ta secure to the fishermen and oyster mia all aa4 more than they now pos- saJ it will ad J to the taxable ; property of th Sut from ! 00,000 to t. 700,000 acres of ground. Caa there b any possible reasoo " that L aabsUatial against thu? The , ..iJais nasi very thlnsp to rain, and it fcaj nOliCS to lo by allawiag the J1 ' lb 9m ritu oJ pvtUeS that holders of other pro- perty btAia, and this is sarely both taxr ai Jat. WiLh. sacb a proUo- ilea all around it ! saraly. quite po- IbUhat a larirw Uaiaes caa bo iarted ia the satire Xastsfu sectioo. , It U to U Lopod'Uat the ltjUl. ton wilTrUe aboVe jBtra., local iatsr is W dsaUaj; wtt& Ci tery irapor. taat mauer. ' la a cstksa like this " I nora bs a very impcrUnt iadaatry Is the. reason why I am ahle. Ui randWaMe U IM opinions sboolJ allowed i vat The whole people are direct- ly interested. The , whole people tiraugWthWVfprMtoUtlfM shoald b heard, end such legislation should1 v .;ku.--:h bt aUnre tb pabltc ifitcrtsts. Tbtre 14 no ioand ruon why the bottom of oTigbIe wtr boald not cootribnu to tbe " wealth of Sut, tad at the tame time ahoold bear tU doe proportion of tbe taxes of tbe State, and thereby add to the general wealth and proeperity of tbe Commonwealth. Tbe qaeetion is an important ooe and the Stab will again refer to iU Tbepreeent Lga latare tboa Id certainly do eometbiog in deritriog benefit from the nefnl and important libor of DeoL Wine low. Connecticut bai an oyetcr io dotry of two million of dollar or mors. The oyter to form tbe beds bad to be brought from tbe Cbea- t - i i n. peae iy-u "' v' more. Tbeoyetcr industry of all North Carolina the bet watered of all State Is only ome 150,000, and 4 . .K- .V., K rl..ftt.1 j. .Ur ..v. A - A? 11 wttn prom to it cuuivaiion is iuii 600,000 acres, and posaibly twice that. KKtor rorifTIBS ABAIS. The Stateaille Landmark ha a judicious editorial on tbe movement to create eycral new counties, sod especially one out of Iredell and Rowan and Cabarrus. How many counties it i proposed to Ircct du ring the present sesion we cannot say, but some half doxen sets of men are urging tbe creating of as many counties. I be Landmark says: "It I ooe ot the accidents of fortune that oca peopie are far from tneir county town and others near It It has alwty be a to and will always bo so All of us caacot have a court house next doer any more thaa all of us can have a great maoy ether thlor that we weald very couch like to hive." As a general thing movement of thi kind originate with very few, who aro cn the make, and who aro themselves not greatly suffering from lecooveoieuce. Tho landmark shows that the proposition to erect a new county cut of the territory or the three counties named would be a monster tn shape like other counties that have been made in obedience to the manipulation of axe grinders. It lira' "But if they had a perfect equity, and if ths aaaUrr of es pease were not considered, aad If the caeca did not leave Iredell a a:sapco this, its county seat nine miles frota tke outheru border and twenty-three talks frees the northern If nooe of iheee thisr enured Into the arsumrct, there is' &1 the general objection to the multiple catioo of iniAil cocntlea. already a great eU la the Scaia The oexmAuriag arra enent. sgviost the propoAiUoo Is that It u sot mentioned la the lait campAlgo. aod ha cTtr bvco caovajsed before the peopl The evil crows, There grow, mere are now some eight or ten proposition or pe tition before tb Legislature to ere at new counties. llr all mean 1st them be made. The multi plying of countie is so inexpen- site anj cnecriui a luxury, let 1 . 1 1 . 1 thm b made as often and as manv aa tAihl Mak a new countv for Tery poiitic.an wno nas ever ngurea A . 4. m in the State. Bat we see no propo- sition to name counties Blakeley, I Petliirrew. Daniel. Kamseur. Branch or in honor ef any of the heroes and martyrs of "the lost cause." A PftAO SET. Senator Icgalls has a bill in the Senate on arrears of pensions tbat is now on the calendar bj a strict party role. If it passes it will add, it is estimated, perhape 1120,000,000 an nualir to the expenditures of tbo I GovcrnmenL Was there ever before such folly and infatuation? If tbe Republican Northern demagogues can have ibeir way tbere will be a ttandtAj army of from 800,000 to 1,000,000, to be maintained annually at a greater cot than Hussia or any European Power incurs in maintain- iog their great armies. This is true. The Blair Paternal School Teaching bill is another scheme to plunder tbe Treasury. It will take out 79,000,- I OOa Tbe people should either call ri 3 I "wu a tn uys oi me Id gall and Hlair crab bills: "Neither of tbs caa Drevai! excent as I xvp3icma rrtT ae4ares. nocioc rsvor i ou u m ot um iiocse Dccause tney or frr a means of tliox- rid of the lorplos rtrtaa. aad thus avotdinx the ceceultv of UnS redactioo, aad, la the case of the pessioa trill, oZertaf a bid for the soldier vote . In the Philadelphia 7mu of the 6tb inst. there is a long article by Mr. R. W. Knight, of Rockingham, N.C., on "One of the Industries) of the Old North State." It is an elaborate de scTipUoo of tbo pine region of the Sute, and tho procetM of making tor. penUoe, rcn and pitch. Tbo7Ime i . ... . ... lo m hea4Un, makes a mistake ia poking of iijkt MA coming prodoct of orth Carolina." Ths truth is it I a prod act that Is omewnat.cn the dechne. . Ii has for fortr Tears oi U pop! la Uie pna lection, but itiilewprodacUtenow a n was " J Jur. ivmgntn.s w. well, however, to- hpng the-maUer the readers of Northern 1a- per. as it U evident but iitlle is known of it- Sam Randall is playing . sort of bide and seek game with tax reduc tioo. It is a regular gain? of the "Little Joker" now yoa see it and now voa dont aeo it. But Randall's AT tactics aro easily discovered. His Republican allies distrust him and the regular Democrats know him to be a stupendous humbug. The New York Time of 8th inst. says "Mr. Randall did notaalonUh his freind or his .enemies yesterday when he let the day r without ixjxag o ri revenue reduction hill before the Douso. It was in all probAbldty hi laat chance, sod he knew IL Tbat I why he did not use it. Now he ran go tiefore the coanlry la the rolo of a martyr ecoootniai the role he may be said to have created and which ho i baa acua as loot as jeaenoi has acUd as loog as jeaerton oas acusa lu-Aad protcat that be baa dose all be I could to cut down taxea, but tho raacally iree iraaeri wouta oare none ut m n doatuppoe that Mr. Randall expect! a I great maay people to believe blm whea he I ..it., i in. I IU MJW W.J i thk PEnioniCALn. J SkKoia for February is of course I rood. It is alwaj good. Among the coolxibulots are Prof. Doyeaen. Mr. Bur nett, Frank Shcrmn. Wathiogloo Glad den. W. II. llajne and Mary Ma pea Dodfie, I and the alone would rcake a good num bcr. Dut there are a doxen other cootribu tors, and no doubt some of them are clever. Mrs Uurnett is the best of tho contributors. ST. McAolu U the charm of many house hold and gladdens sll the year round maoy a dear Utile girl and boy io Ibis broad land of ourr. lis price H 13 a year and it is luxuriously illustrated The Century Co , publishers. Union Square, New York. Ths Sanitarian for January has been to band for a week or so. It is a most useful publication and well merits the attention of all iotercatcd In s saltation and cognate sub JecU. Amoog the discussions in the cur rent number are: Health Insurance: or, the Finnnclal Relation of the Medical Pro fession to tho Public. Wood Hutchinson, A M.. M D.. lecturer on Hygiene, Iowa Coll. of Pbytician and Surgeons; Existing Method of Sewage and House-Refuse DUpojai In Town. Alfred Hill, M. D.. F. I C ; The Work of the Plumber and the Modes of Conveying and Disposing of Sewage. F. F. Powers. C E ; Tbe Old Roman Life Tables, and tbe Probabilities of the Duration of Life as Compared with the Prrs?at. Judge J. P. Bradley. U. S. Sapreme Court: Are Small-Pox and Cow I Pox one and the Same Diseaae ? Geo. Flenv I ' . -" .v...iw.j " ' " of the British Army ; National Adulteration B!!. Pricjla jear Published at 113 Fultoo tm-t. N. Y. URNATOtt O.V StTUATiOS. THE Por Dnrili to Ccnildrr. CocgrtAsiooal Record. REri'DUCAM sriE-s. Mr, Morgan Now let us bare tbe naked truth. That is the way to get at what is ngbl in this matter, and I aro a little surprised tbat Senators are not willing that we should have it. I have not verv much Dersonal rnnnMlinn with th Dpnartmenta of this OorcrnmenL I do not worry them verv much about business mat- tirA. NerthAlAA. I hava on fre- . 1 qaent occasions been led very strong- I If to suspect that men wbo have been in office a long time, who have Sa mJk VU U VV 9 V A V AAA V V Ui T B U S W M , d - dlfferent de pirtments, are busily, steadily, con tinuously acting as spies upon this AamiDinrsuoD. lor ino purpose oi tvutviiui: up an hue itkiio uiitkcis that they can, and tbat they com municate them to tbe Itepresenta- ttvee of the tvepubhean population in this country; and I have not any doubt tbat to-day there are gentlemen in this Senate better informed of what Kti wu m iuc ucssury lyepirmieui oi vne unuea oiiies man air. man nine can be. Take the Supennten- aeni oi mo ivaiiwsy man oervice. i There Is a man who has a very large nnmoer oi employes under mm. now :lit7?ZTl&V. says between 7,000 and 8,000. He is a pronounced, steadfast, fixed and talented Republican, a man who has more arbitrary power to control his subordinates than any other man I know of in the government of the United Statos. It would be, I think, a discredit to a Democrat to go to the 1'resideot and ask for tbe removal of that man. Thero would be no ground that could be taken in regard to it, except that stated by tho Sena- tor from Kansas, deliberately, and wilh mnch. of intelligence, that mocratic party to fill up tbe offices." Tbat would be alL The 5,000,000 voters in tbe United States who are Democrats combine. toffciner tne oesi aouuv tnat was ever assembled in the United States in its history. There is no question of lL There are more intelligent white men; thero is more intelligence to day in the Democratic party of the United Slates than ever before ex isted Io a party in this country. I am neither indicting nor excus ing the President. Ho is not on trial. The Democratio party is. It is put on trial by the accusation of the Sen ator from liansas, tbat we have not got intelligent rren enough in our numbers to fill op the offices. That it 11,0 proposiUon. The Senator -from xvanaxa u on wiai ior nisremarx, ana not President of tbe United Sutes. Ttia ntxsnK5T wabxxd. That ts the reason the Democratio C'TZt . 1 - . . ! Ibat there m; ?ra m who W beea drawn beneath the, ocrao Dinner. intotne present ly.aZv are ow: - Corn, irationof intllicenco-4nl pnnoipie hAht -tTrentoa at 60c. ner bushel; tbaa were ever found in one party the1 United - Sutea before, i nas w I lDe P"J W4 1UDS y .t "II" i .i- . . i tninr that out of that number, wnemer vuo President ooncors with me or net, la quite possiDie to get omce uuub" to till up the "quota m the city or Washington. 'I concur v with ine venerable Senator from Delaware, tbat that man mistakes bis oppor tunities and puts too much at peril who deliberately leaves the admini stration of-affairs, for -which he is responsible,.. the hands, of his" enemies. I have not any doubt at all, indeed I could point out, if oc casion required it, quite a number of men in the offices of this country to 1 . - day who are Republicans who are an wnrthv men. I will not sav that you cannot Doint out Democrats who are great from the casual observations of intel- if- hut T oav that ligent experts and occasional visits of men un worthy men, either, but 1 say tbat 0fficienc Dr. Rumple gave on Sun it is the duty of. the Administration day night aQ unuguaiy interesting dis to put the Commissioner of Pensions course on the origin and work of the 8al and the commissioners of other bu- vation Army, taking as his text Paul, be reaus and the beads of other depart- ing "all things to all men." The account , - f -,- ,t,ot ,uOTT tJll of the work done, and good accomplished menu in such position that they will by thU 3 is marvellous, working feel that they are safe in their sur- among the masses where our churches do roundiags. That is the legitimate not reach. duty of government, and without j negro man named Parrish which tbere can be no proper vigor in Ray was chot and killed by officer Paucett government, and without which there at Durham. The Recorder say : There was can be no proper inspection of the a large crowd of negro men and women , " r v X . Ac - j gathered at this place, and several of the conduct of inferior officers and ser- meQ followed lhe officers and their prison. vantB -chiefs of the divisions m the er They bad gone about 150 yards when departments and bureaus of this Parrish Ray declared tbat he would go no Government. I insist upon it that it further until he had gone home. The ofV , . , . , j T t .1 fleers refused to allow this ana then the should be done, and I hope that the heg&xi Paucett flred and Parrish Administration and tho heads of de- feli dead The officers then ran, as one of partments will take warning irom this debate this morning and will not any longer allow themselves to be put in a position of jeopardy and dis trust. C Ull RENT CO MM EN T. Hereafter the people who ad- mire consistency would like to hear less from the present Senators of k., Wb. iAix ftf jiftma min Alabama about the love of home rule and the right of a State to manage its own affairs without being meddled with by tho general government. It is a mockery to preach inch a doc- . . .. J : ; trine in theory and ignore it in prac- lice, 6imply because Alabama is sup- posed to be the gainer by a few mil- lions scooped from tbe national coffers, at the expense of a great principle that ber people have always professed to lovo. That was a bad " day's work in tbe Senate yesterday, and we believe the future will con firm the prediction that tbe endorse ment by tbat body of the Blair bill will prove a dangerous precedent. A little more legislation like this by a Democratic Legislature, and tbe party had better change its name and embrace tbe pricoiples and creed it has grown old in fighting. Mont gomery (Ala.) Dispatch, Dem. Tbe spectacle of Air. Randall appealing to tho magnanimity of the real tariff reformers in tho House to allow him to secure a consideration for his sham tariff reform bill is too grotesque to bo in the least pathetic. Mr. Randall's chief function in Con gresa for some years has been that of obstructing bills to reduce tbe war tariff taxes. If he had experienced i ,.,. r ar.A m an actual cnange ot neart ana now . e came forward professing a sincere purpose to serve the tax-payers as faithfully 3s he has served his em- ployen, the Pennsylvania protec- tionist. WO have no doubt that he would get a warm welcome from the tariff reformers and a hearing from the House. But tho reduction of the . : cr 1 j : & u:. -1. ; . 17 vatlu uurueu is uwu um oujeut. xr. - itmc, nep. THE BOMBASTIC MEMBER. Charlotte Chronicle. Ex Governor Brogden, the mem ber from Wayne county, who intro duced a bill to amend the law so as to allow cock-fighting in New Hano ver, has levelled his gun at our con temporary, tbe Wilmington Stab, and fired a bombastic shot at that journal. But the Star can stand the ex-Governors pop-gun wads; they are Darmiess wnen we consiaer mat gome vears afro ne withdrew trom the Reoublioan Dartv and endorsed the present system oi county govern ment, and that now he has changed front again and is doing all he can to defea' e present system Such a record possesses little weight or sin- I cerity. lie treats his political opin ions as he would a garment to put on and take off a leisure. He now poses before the people of North Carolina as the great cham pion of the pastime of cock-fighting, and has been appointed by the Speaker a standing committee of one to look tally into tbe bill and grap ple with this great question. Spirits Turpentine. Some of the Granville farmers recently obtained $52.50, $70, $53, $85, $58 and $65 for fine tobacco in the Raleieh market. - Nashville Courier: The resi- dence of Capt. Francis Hedgepeth. was de stroyed by Are last Tuesday night. All the contents except some feather beds were destroyed. lm XXT T A J e r - aim. , . ww. - jinniiiN. ill l t r r i vUle, was seriously in jured near Raleieh bv 1 - ..vm being thrown to the ground and his wsgoh going over him, and being struck on the head by a piece of iron. I onmuiieiu Mieraia; i ne oeni- I O . a tm C 1 J TT T " ma tntlarr la a enrae tn tha Rtato a I ping post should be established at every county seat, and persons convicted of petty offences should be thrashed and put to wore. Raleigh Visitor : A number t of ladies met at the reading room over Denmark's book store yesterday after noon and regularly organized the Woman's Auxiliary of the Toung Men's Christian Association.-Mrs. Judre Walter Clark v?n elected President. - - . Cathage Blade: Tho Carthao-e I railroad will In all Drobabilltv ha-bnnt if I i : :.' ttt l!Knr1 mhsrrintion have --de imJ:: ; 5 ' jourtCal: TbeVprices fer. 60c.- and, 60c: per cwt. bacon and I hams, 8C per pounaeggs, idc. per uosu. lira mm nu a iitue moucraicutuu I IhrA to i as house-rent is very w3l&zmorrikiXxwo it j paced at your wood-pile for one dollar and i a nan per corn.; ; Durham Mecorden Bom ot the very farmers who have mortgages their crops and stock come to Durham and carry home Western "grown corn, Cincinnati bacon and Chicago wheat. Every time this is done the poor old mortgaged mule goes and leans np against the stable and cries. - Willie Cutta, son of Mr. J. P. Cutts, was severely burned on the face and neck yesterday. There is some doubt as to how the- accident occurred. 8ome say he was building a fire with kerosene when the oil can exploded. Salisbury Watchman: The mi neral wealth of Madison county cannot be r'shtlv estimated now. It is known to be l them had been disarmed, and the odds were too great against them. The negroes fired ou the fleeing officers three times at a dis tance of fifty feet, but without effect. Sanford Express: The Sanford High School numbers about 50 pupils. The Methodists have organized their church here with 17 members, with Rev. W C niffhtnwpr na nnatnr Of.hpr rinmpfl I are exnected soon, and a handsome house of worship next. Jonesboro items: On January 31st a large and enthusiastic meeting of citizens was held at Jonesboro tg takeinlo consenuion the advisability of petitioning the Legislature to construct a new county out of portions of Moore, Harnett and Chatham, such county to be called Jefferson A committee was ap- pointed to circulate petitions The people avo gone t0 wor at ,hl8 in rcot earnest. Monroo Enquirer-Express: It -lA An indisDutable faet that duriae the Dast a ar year drunkenness and disorder have great ly diminished in Monroo. It is to be hoped that we will never get back to li censed grog shops, -t Gen. Hoke sajs: "Tho railroad will" assuredly be built." Whether Monroe will get it or not depends largely upon the enterprise will receive people. With the railroad completed from Monroe to Atlanta we would have one of the best grain markets in the South. Cabarrus and Stanly counties are among the best grain counties in the State, while a large amount is raised in Union, Meck lenburg and Anson, and all of this would fiDd market here to supply the trade on the line of the road. Charlotte Chronicle: Columbus Baker, a son of Mr. - John Eaker, a farmer of Gaston county, was killed by a falling limb" last Thursday. A vigorous war fare ia beiu waged in Charlotte against eic in all its forms. Not that our city is more wicked than other places, but because the christian feeling is becoming more active in the effort to do fellow men good. Wbea some one started in the direction of the t wo negroes (after the train on tbe c- - Railroad was wrecked) they ran off and escaped in the darkness Tracks in .uj v , . e 8c"l mud buowed wnere the two men bad made a detour and came back to the embankment overlooking the wreck. A I full description of the two men has been posset sion of other information that makes their capture almost certain. Col. L. C. Jones, Superintendent, offers a reward of $500 for tbe capture of the guilty parties. Tbe engine is badly wrecked and the box cars damaged to the extent of $ 1,500. encouragement which the burdensome. By the use ot a aii m- 7rV at the hands of our sized bottiesot swa vs pvZ Raleigh News- Observer: It is I and ta different branches of trade, bankers, me oi,i ih.t nw nrr- nf tho Atior,to I ohanios, etc., can be. given who nave had their Constitution, has been invited to deliver the address before the literary societies of Wake Forest College next June, and that he will probably accept. The military con vention met in this city yesterday at 3 o'clock p. m. A good number of the offi cers of the State Guard were present. A resolution was offered that a committee of five be appointed to meet at Raleigh or at some convenient point at some convenient time, and draft a bill to regulate and con trol tne military service of tne State. The resolution was adopted, and W. B. Bod- man. Jr., C. F. Warren, W. J. Griffin, E. ZSaS- i , th finrr,nr tn I reffimenta of the State into a hritrarlfl and appoint a brigadier-general. A substitute to the resolution was offered that the mat- tat YA wnwnl 4 a m AMMMlsaM. . A 1 pointed to memorialize the Legislature. A committee to memorialize the General Assembly was appointed, consisting of Dr. 5u,ee5e Gri880m en' Johnstone Jones, Col. John W. Cotten, Major L A. Sugg, Captain T. R. Robertson, Captain W. A. Bobbitt and W. B. Rodman, Jr. The con vention adjourned to meet this morning at 11 o'clock. Examinations of appli cants for license to practice law were con cluded yesterday, -and licenses werre grant ed to the following: John C. Slocumb, Sampson county; Hutjh K. Boyer, Allegha- cJlih teLn.l wara i; uansier, jaecaienourg county; T. XT TXT: 1 T s . - N. Winslow, Perquimans county; Joseph. C. Pinnlx, Jr., Caswell county; Charles E. McLean, Guilford county: Isaac A. Mur chison, Cumberland county; Stephen P. Graves, Surry county ; William 8. Thomp son. Sampson countv: Lillias B. Chanin. Beaufort county"; Richard C. Guiley, John- ston county: James A. Hartness. Iredell I J5? B' ?ods- Iell county; John A. Moore. Pitt countv: James I. MeareB, New Hanover county; Aaron R. Bridgers, Edgecombe county; Jos. Hutche son, Craven county. ' m - fm Am it rn- m . m 4mm. . U V6r OtU.UUU If 0.1(1 UUt VTT3, r J U3 FOR LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE insurance ca alone, for losses bv fire. issb. I and naid wrrflorrr mscoTm-p. fnr tht nnm. Danr ns no sixty days clause in its policy. Take our advice and Insure In a non-discount Company, for yon win save money In case of fire loss t y so doing. W. Gordon & Smith. AGENTS, LlTerpool & London A Globe Insnranoo Cohid't r feb S tr " Garden Seei. Best Tarieties. T3ABCTJLABATTEmoN PAID" TO THEIR i'L'- .-Ir-".' stock; guaranteed Tflar iwed?tretlf. r wlh. STei ftw n THE DCCT T PI Mil" ' rwThi maiiMiM csambinee Iron with pure TMctaWA- Women, and aU who lead est entan Uvea. It Kn r! cfam and JP b ri fl e th Blod, StimalAtes SrAppetlte, StrengrtlieBs toe Masclee and Ctearatoa complexion. andttakealhB skin smootii. It d not blacken the teeth, cause headache, or produce constipation other Ironmtdtctnetdo. Mbs. Elizabeth Baikd, Fwell Ave Mdwan- kee Wia.. saya. snder date of Deo, aetn. 1W4 : " Ihavetlsed Brown's Iron BitterS, and it has been more than a doctor to me, having cored me of the toSBladiee hare in life Also cured me of Inv ar Oomplaint, and now my complexion M cleared TOoi San also been beneficial to my children." Me Louisa O. Beagdon East Lockport N. Y., cjra- 1 have" Buffered untold misery from Female Complaints, and could obtain rebel from nothing except Brown's Iron Bitters." . nnnnine has above Trade Mark and crosEed red lines nnwranner. Take AO otner. Maaeomyt-y BKOWN CIIMIOAJLCO-BAUlMOKr:... Cancer of the Tongue. My 7.cc, some three or four years i ago vm irou- bled Willi au tileerontne 6iis i""K,""JT; adpS oVtuo hou ami centered In tte J . V. .mvr.t. insular the use ot It. Jase h. L. MIDDLKBKOWAB. Spaita, Ca., Jane 5r 1S85. Treatise on Blootl and Skin Diseases mailed rree. TheSwift Sfecific cn . Drawer s, Atlanta, BI V. 23d St., N. Y. Jy 16 ly nrm ch te MOST BRILLIANT, PURE & PERFECT LENSES Iff THE WORLD, Gombiied witli Great Refracfiiis Power. THEY ARB AS TRANSPARENT AND COLOR less as light itself, aad for softness of en durance to the eye cannot be excelled, enabling the wearer to read for hours without fatigue. In faettbeyare PERFECT SIGHT PRESERVERS. Testimonials from the leading physicians in the United States. Governors. Senators, legisla tors, stockmen, men of note in all professions sight improved by their use. ALL EYES FITTED AND THE FIT GUARAN TEED BY ROBERT R. BELLAMY, DRUGGIST, WILMINGTON, N. C. These Glasses are not supplied to peddlers at any price. se 4 ly nrm Winding Up Sale f F THAT 103 PIECE LOT OF WOOLEN DRESS GOODS, the cheapest ever sold In the citv. A 8hades snitabIe have been sold at half valoe. Only a few pieces 1 ft. I A new lot of SATTEEN3, good, at 10 cents. Light weight all-wool CASSIMERES for Men and Boys. Ladies' super undressed KID GLOVES, 75 cents, with many other bargains. JNO. J. HEDRICK, febetf Corner Market and Front. Windsor Hotel, WINTER RESORT, Jacksonville,. . . .Florida, One of the Most Comfortable and Homelike ' Hotels In the United States. . . The Windsor was enlarged and Imnroved last season, and has accommodations for four hun dred guests. Its location, facing east on the City Para-, south on Monroe Street, and north on iSiSJStSJSB witb Bath, Parlor Suites. Elevator, Steam Heat, uMi ocu. iauaiu m wjruoou ana evening. Equinox House, " SUMMER RESORT, . irxancbeier, ...... . Vermont; F. H. ORYIS. DOGS NOT TAKEN. janat: m . a. -L . AblilllBOn; OS manning S InsnrancegRooms. NO. US NORTH WATER STREET, Wilmington, N. C. . 1 Hrfi. MUnilfi flUlt T.HP llnmrlQlliM ' ' ""V, """ uuiuuiuufl. Mgregate Capital Represented Over $100,fW,e?a. ' ' ' Notice. "OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT APPLICA- I tlon wni bemade to the nrent ar,. j blr for the niwmira nf -in i n.t.Jrriir. icr "J Btvi.v'1.v. wJLJ'ne uapitat UtocK of the Cape Pear and Yadkin valley Railway Com- pany- January latn, lssi. janWSOd III U A rT '' .r ? wnt kind and of long (Uodiof i been esred. Indeed, ao Mtom ia w .h fn im r I will eend TWO BOTTLES FBKB. toeether with TAL. I D f 3Cri 18 nielH stiadetpbra'; raUFa.tist tlio Newspaper Adver- j ur J u f . thf throat, i. no na a was um""! '"": I n.tn-osn the sn!Trin2 Oi inc w, i CONTINUED 'f-i - . - . "ej in In Corsets, Underw ear, Gloves and L;u-c. IMMSB DISPLAY OF FINK Vm LOW PRI.s JUST RBCK1VED A NEW 1 TT 1 mri o MTITIT nninni r .. I Mftli N flfiff OflA ffcu M Kills ,. . . Kinnong ana 8 ritniuln", TAYLOR'S BAZAAR 118 MABKKT ST., WILMINGTON K o N. H. SMITH, REAL ESTATE AGENT I FAYETTEVILLE, . i; Correspondence solicited f roni partly I buy or sell lands. RolIaMo attdrneyiej ployed to lnyestlfrate tlUes, etc. vu-n iobl lness men of Fayettoville. FFBCE AT SmiTEl S !EI0T Corner Munford and Donaldson ku, -.Where a FULL STOCTv t.f BEST ICE, COAI. AS V0()( Can be found at LOWSST ritlCES. esrLook out for the sign, "loo. Coal, ff( FARMS AND LANDS FOR IMPROVED LANDS, TIMBERED LIU The Counties of Robeson, Biaden, Cnmborlu( and all adjacent sections, offer fine oiiportj. ties for investment. The openineof dlrwtm ways wortn mase ine ouvji; juitm, section JW AJM1J IN VlTiiNW fliuL,L JOT 1 TUCfclniCj denlng and Fruit. Climate and liycien adw tajres nnsurpassed in any country. A conn point for freights. Hallways North, South, b and West. Quick transport North lj ktq routes. A grand opportunity for na:e turn ments, and a bettor one for practical farem norticuitunst8. "Come and see or write to " O. U. BLOCKKK, Real Eetato A pent, tlio JIwL my 25 D&Wtf Robe.K m Co.. N. C Baggage Transfer, TpOK.PROMFT CALLS AN) KIOMVm BAGGAGE leave yonr orders at T. ,i. f-it;TiiB LAND'S LIVKRY STABLE, N'.vt -) t.A Hi. Orders for Carriages promptly :i T. .T. SOU T a El i LA ; Livery and ..'U'o' an 5 tf Hob. 108 &.110Nort;i tctonaK FOR THIS SOAP CALL AT E. C MILLER'S Drue Mow. jan9 tf Comer Fourth nn l wm I All I Ask To urf vnTT tv rK T T inn uirp THS COOl at; and If you want to know what a BattiTA Wash-Stand, Yard Hydrant, Garden uose,B Reels. Drl ePumns. or anvthfnir lu coudocw With theP umbingr and Gas FittmK vrill cost,"- quire at 1 1 no. uront street. , . ao is tf u. n. nun Special Bargains. QAA GROSS SWEET SCOTCH tNUFFatf OW per gross. mM qnn Boxes Tobacco, all grades and qa" OUU must be sold low for cash to clow Bignments. Also 50,0X1 Havana Clfriirs. SAMUEL UBAllf de 11 tf Markott. 1ST. IR,. O ATEW RIVER OYSTERS 1 Fresh SnDDlios Rccclvwl Tste Best Wines. Beer, Liquors and Clear. STAR SALOON. se2ltf GEO. F. HEiiiwrrjwl. Groceries ! Groceries LOW PRICES 1 LOW rHIt'SS 1 C. II. CONULKJ 113 South Front St. jail u lil ruv'"- ' North Carolina House. TTJST OPENED AT THE NOhTH CAW"4- V HOUSE, i POOL ROOM AND orfcTKK SALOON OVStTTTRS rnrvtil In nmrv fitvlo , Best Wlnej, Beer, Liquors and Cipar9 .-is , Higtest Cast Prices "7OR OTTER, MINK, FOX A'I R sirTws i nrMnrnaz-h wanted. ConsiKi' Solicited.; nR tf-. delltf AlfOi 1 SHAVE. HAIR CUT OR should call at No. 7 South Front strew PREMPERTa Pirst-Class Saloon. where i tbe alwaTs find tbo Proorietor with his c"2Ctf of welcome and No. I Assistants. rtU , 1 nffo TqYV -tlflaTlQIiTO UiUiy Ciironicle- A DEMOCRATIC NEVl'ArEl1 Ilrlglit, Newsy t licflP- .' Contains Latest Telejrraphric,"'cS ket Reports. Believes In Keeping up with ihc T.m Likes Afgressiveness in Basincsj an 1 ' incourajres tho Upbuilding of Sort n ; Is a Stronsr Advocate of Moro and ucatlon, .h. $7.00 per year ; $2.00 for throo "'j'fggBT. .i.A.i. Editor "'v-p V ji milium imm hi i i iwmwpii mill V AVER Sj SON, out autboiaBi ageata

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