"5- V J-v' 4T- 4 (4' I IS t ) i 2 Murrxlmt uitM m. rati to Vir awat!W riVJWi-ih w r - " ;J : P-l-L! : iffrrWT- ujm i oJa sioBra irt "J .. I i Twin- W ia0rt of r- ,,,,., ..T.0T.1M .yjSKSSLuL :;r l?& oS' -.ooagb Z?ZIX ' o w., oo w-ta-i iTiZt: rfCWMttMUK A' AJrtJm-nta to foCow rJiu aast. of mKyT mi w - - - - low itulUar Pr Ml OAT p Mtcn iar ant a.J o, ?tT Kr!wnafj- WU jrwt S.tT 9 . i ammd. aojtrrx tratca ial m Jv. &juw prti-. o wta jfo ftifao. tnr pf taoati o qa AJ iinonairant At rwora wrul tttoa. i in i' "iim 1 1 will ao4 5 ttllo' m! Uat? of fjtl Ortr. Kxprs . c t . LjtttM otur mu.:ix rwoutra an wui o rftj of &A ga3i!wnv- A4-wrt!r noout Uwr totTy o o immm &av atr t atJi3wKwJ? i ta oiaaMHt U .llw wl o ranj la u Dii7- Wr aa J t0' own trcM Co rtWmnt ! ta. ta pnprc wU oaxr e rwroowrtblft e ta T.mr.rad ot ia par to a!a ad Thr Morninor Star wtlmtx tox, y. C. tWMOCi a.KAil. TI01. Tbi-ris i. ijrjdAl of hrra done bfc.a.-e popU d not coaider. The amount of anww UgiiUtion that grow out of inorince, hx.t and wntof rrt!-"ction something ta po.lotis Mormon polygamy is dts iTjtinir. is stanch and oaght to be s'.jnped oat. Tut th Mormon Church is mother thing. In tbi wuntry mn r guiriatel th right of concinc soul liberty -the pn ilv of bliving th:s or that. The Mormon rhgon is very absurd, very insuJScieot, very misleading. Bat ra-o nd wama profes to believe it, nd i- is not proper, it is not lo ac-fordtn.- with the genius of fre in stitutiors an i liberty of worvhip to -na.;t Uwe tht disfraochise n.l prs.-cut " theo. A roan in thus coantry should b fre to hoi.l whivr political and religious opinions b chxrts. If prs-cuttng for coos:tnc s.k begins there is no tlhn where it may all end. The time as on: that tno were houuded, ta aligned, pilloried, persecuted, ei pitrnted. and that .too in thl. coan try. But men now, with bat few ex caption, hold stead fa-stly to the right of coQs-iecc acd soul liberty. Th Mormons ar- not a people to b commanded. Their example is vicious, and their religion a fraad, but it not right to disfranchise Ura for what they believe or pro fM to believe. Comii them to abandon polygamous prrtice-, bat Ui aloe their church. We are promJUed to writ this byrauj of th following paragraph we find in the New York TWj, Kepublieao, which contains a correct view we think: ' Tie UvUiure of Ns.i bA-s pMd. wita ooly tan oppcma voUe. a rveola tiatx prop5ia a cuojtiiuf.iooAl ameridaieat woMt .loptioa wilt timfraacftUt ail rnem hmn ot ta Mormon Church la thsl 9U!e. TUis ameadaieat provlds UaI bo ooe shAlI b AiUawsd to vote who wtU ool wrar that & is oo a caemNir of ihafi church. &uch a Uat-OAta lw Is la force la tdA&o. A iasAT Uw aa lauttii la AiUooa two tw aa.1 ta ntspcjas to the recoca L.tLina of ta Oovsracr w rec:d or me .vaca t -,..t-ie uuib tm coaaodd. No twwaaMUJb.di.fraaehi.wd for the KJ nawii warn. wiviwj.. of becauM h hold certaia ocoioo- Bt If those opinions '.eaii him to vi.3lte the lav by practitfiaf poljzmj he hculd be prcweuted with all the vior whkh the U allow. irrreaT th raorwroni. Itev. Dr. ilangriam. whoe sweet and lovable character commend, him t all who know him, io an interest ing article to the Ilaleigh ChronicU, paU in a timely plea a to the pro r!ae th locoxae f the Uolvenity 1 oo-dollar. W woU be gtau a 13.000 appropHaUa aaaually -t ta.tkn ef not ervateet Hterarv : t-v k-. w feeHora' .Allnee at the University, tare ana luoimj 01 v.-.., Le has to pay taxea on tne si.wu. guuBWi,.uu.uvwr..u-...; Maj. John C. Winder, general manager ri. wA..,w.( '--'i-'-vss: rh"prcV,h;x. tar1siassJ!f,ss;x sLv ."wfrs: r;:;' .Vfuu:;n r:":: t:. M-iri- -ssksk aM. :,..'." . : - .i or3it and honor to forth CrHo. If 133.000 wer voted it . . i!nf r woold . -acn ... Southern UU gif K tlr auie coUtgw and UniTtwiti Do not Ik A of eriDDlinc the Unirertity by tbiok of crippling we u ' facing it. annual fund. J'" " lo m.ke U b.tt!r"!l,P. to hi2b.r - tooffecgr.Urdrowge. m. m jm. i si .K.tnd.nt - to be more tboroogn ,.,.Kr Tear. To do inn Jlen of North Car- m v ,k. it the riral of the be.t. I . .m it that orsof tbebUte,.eeto itthat olios, m Legulator OO detriment befall, an in.tituuon Ihit ha graduated more men of di- ' i tintioo aod usefuloe tban any other in the South with bat one ex- ceptioo, and that ha. been or tucn . Vortb Carolina ana tt - - i Ih. -hoi. Soulb. The pay of the io.tructora . l.ttle no.. But hear our friend Profe.or Mangum, whoee .Utement. my be relied upon. II say.: ' -.If our.mUxi. are reduced my work aot fc. kept up a. It puibt to be I v, --r- -, miniitrv. aad I U oo bat I receive here. I f U,, I t.ro what I receive a Uvtosj. To JiVmcre plal-ly than I am Uviog. here I Kit taa. Ume from mj work P"f"; uu . . x a i v . man e.crn whereicwo;-.-- cannot a-oru wDuu-' blv and .acc.iuuy iww .mi. by destroying coofldence. to AeiiKVittK-wiivr wiLnisc TOTI !IAV DO. The opinion prevails that the Car Una Central Railroad will be ex tended to A.heville. A bill has iu finl1 readiDg in 1k scrib to the capiUl .tock in or- der to insure U cod.wuc..uu. The extension of tbi. road to the growing and important town of Asbeville cannot fail to benefit Wil miogtoo. It open, op a section to our business men that offers a wider - . . . . ..i.mmi'ia ami IS I held tor Dusineea .u.a...- ure te prove beoehcial to the people I Whether the at either terminus people of Wilmington will do any thing to make the proposed extension a certainty is more than we know. At this time Wilmiogton occu pies a peculiar vantage ground. Tho eyes of more Northern business men and capitalists are directed this way than at any former period of lime. It is po-sible for Wilmington to be come the moet important tidewater town between Norfolk and New Or leans. It i. posibl to make it the gTeat coaling station oo the Atlantic coait. It i. po-.tble to make it the naval .tore market for .upplymg the Ike portion of this country. We meao ju.t what we .ay, and there are wide awake, pu.hiog North ern men who .e Wilmington, capa bilities if oar people do not see them. The Charletoo, Cincinnati and Chicago railroad will b built. There is no doubt of it. Already there ar rill open portatioo No. . i. u h,oJ.r . grt a... f the product, of the mine, from of the p coming to Wilmington. If the Car olina Central i. on good term, with the thre CY. railroad why may not TMt .toree come to this cltj? Then with the Cape Fear and Yadkin Val- lev Railroad tapping finally the richfl catalogue baa required an amount of iron mice, and coal mine, of our hfcareful and patient work which no iron ramr. u one eaTe a botanist can estimate. The Mate, wny may coi nnumiSivu come the great coaling station, and why .hall not thouaod of tons of ore b shipped here for .ea trantpor-l-atioo? In thia connection we may say we are lad lo learn that many of our wholesale merchant, are doing such a satisfactory trade. There i. an I ooentoff here for two or three lines oi I ba,ine 14 w learn, but the per- -oo to undertako it must have capi- tal, be full of enterpri.e aod under- stand how to compete with other There i. a bill before the House to abolish free scholarship, at the Uni- versity. It come, up to day. W , , . , .n,K have .aid lhat 10 our judgment .uch . r.pal wa. necery for the w.l- I to carry on the University aa a free 10 hooi.waue denying .privilege. to the deuominaUooal coUege.. we believe that all over th State the I vr..vi:..- r . ..j T.K. m a 1 . r a. 1 1 m 4 a m r ...... - ... . -v itin Uni- teriana will umw v . Tereity the equal of any Northern iTnirertity if it uke. quarter oi aooompluh it. J - " TUB PBHIODIOAt. AtUntic Monthly for February erne s.turd.j. It ba been belmted W. h... cdTl iho March .unib.r wblcb we will notice soon MOtrlbolor, to ih February cumber r i u ij u iu is QUohMt. T. B. Aldrlcb. Jobo 0 Wbltlier. Uarriel W. Preston. O 1. Miner. Lwrtoce 8ie. William Winter, Suan F. Cooper. J. M. Crawford. Jobo Fiske and Jao. R. Lowell. Tbal U really a very J.ds Lruuir Bi a . - eMrally excellent, and Contrib- pric 4 a JtAT Hougbton. Mifflin & Co., Boston. yj tor Marcb h.. a beautiful fr00tUpiece of a girl and anon. Amour, - contributor, are . u. i.v.uR. . Aldrlcb. J- V. Ubeney. Noab Brooks. E1U W. Wilcox. Margaret Jobnaoo ana a doxen or more others. The matter U va ried, attractive and often instructive. The m.irtioni are numerous and the general t up a good a. the aru will allow. Price ftayrar The Century wmipaoy. t uu luhera. N- Y. For the Star. THE n il'StllXGTOX FLORA." r VntTim: It is a source of fn the mernbcrs of the - P.... .,, . .. fin.t n thp Stab liicnen owin. - . ftl lourn The had be- .SUTt- vicmity; on ac count of the many rare and ;nrr rlnt irrowiocr in her v "b r. o-- . o Knt hr reDUtlon is due in .mall uv, I measure to the labors of botanuiU w ' . who have lived there -Ur.curtis, ur i 1.1 n. Pnrlia Fir I r 7 R Md Dr Thomas appropriation ot a s.ng.a u u, Ss bnocked unconsciou8 for several G. F. McKee, fcr., ana vr. iuu congress for the promotion of edu- hour8, but finally revived and is now get F, Wood. . lh BeVeral States. And if tine well. DUDJisueu now r.-- . . r. r .inmttiAvimmtr. -nl:- i;., Jnrlnd over a thousand n naa iuuuu - i specie. ,031) and for the first time ae botanisti a correct notion as to fhe richness of the Wilmington flora, To find and identify all of these .i.... . .Knrt t ttmR wua Drodi- r-k tb. Virt of Dr. CW (TlOUl o accomplishing it he gave evi- that capacity for continuous acnes oi iiisb vumii v , ccarate scientific work which . v, ,.min nrf vmdi oi CDirKwrwro w ""b . his life The publication oi tnis nst of plants which did so mucn io bring Wilmington into botanical prominence, at the same time served the purpose of introducing Dr. Cur tis to his fellow botanists. Dr. Mc Kee, who was a co-worker with Dr. Curtis during the latter's Btay in Wilmington and who continued to cullivato tbo study of botany for some years thereafter, did much to ward, keeping up an interest in the - . .ubject. Subsequent to lr. urns b departure ho added 34 new plants to the list. Of late years botanists desiring in- tion concerning the plants ot of the Star as have taken any in terest in these matters. One of the reaultsof hi. work is the "Wilming ton Flora." referred to above. This n mat larta amount of interesting informa- Uon g the fl-erinr and cf the I O ... !!. t da tee of flowering, and color of the flowers. The total number of species and vaneUea of flowering plants growing around Wilmington is now given at 1,219, of which 1,046 are supposed to be native to the region. The nreoaration of this valuable r ( t OI authors have done their work well. .... . .111 .,t-m ine puoiicanou ui botaov at home J. A. Holmes, University of North Carolina. A MOST IMPORTANT BILL. Raleigh Chronicle n.. .Miini 1 ur nrnvidea that a r hi 80iTent crejjU but that he shall deduct from 8ach credits his debts. This is proper; k iti .mA l&w nrovides that he .u.n 1.,, itTn'i nn the value of his T i --i enr A. '" -ur "I' of hU Und the Amount of hi. indebtedness. For (Ilop,: A has notes to the value Lf li nofl bnt ha owes 1500 be pays of 1,000, but he owes fjoo ne pay. S"". 11 . a. . vas. owes C 500, and therefore only pays - Cf Tl' finn ! worth -V7, 1. worm V' Tn A .till he ia I This .vsLm of taxation proceeds, I wa innrvu nnnn th Bible doctrine: formation concerning me piau - t - t?o """"iLirrr,! " ;Vk nnnrinir T the Wilmington region, and in large r. wrogaeo - e wound in the head: His Xv measure of the entire State, have ry 15, at the '2' J'e wTfTimmXLly thought that he had been the wearer read for hours without fatigue, in turned to Dr. Wood. Of his devo to a question of PernJ P"v llef knocked in the head and robbed but sub- 'ottl,eSbor sight preservers J? Ki- rnthnsiasm and uniform He repelled tho accusations of stu- nt inve8Ugations made by the physi- Testimonials from the kindnesi in thi. Section, I need pidily by declaring that be had been clJ ho astily ummoned i. developed SSSSTJ kindness 10 tni. wnn uu, r public life onger than any the fact that he had been stricken with gSfc branches of trada. bankers. me- not underuke to inform such readers in puunt. b ' aralv6ia iu8t a8 ne ci08ed his store and in chanlos, etc., can be. given who have had thdlr add .till more io iiiiuiiugwu.itr- ; tKo tnfal rprpinta since the 1st of limie society in mis otate, io un Ulion ,bro.J, d ,b.l i. of ,u.n e,;1BbX against VESTS" "TSSA it nol gre.ter .mporunoe, .1 . I opM t3's0 b for tho 8ame period of here yesterday afternoon announced the that it may stimulate the study oi an increa8e since fe arrival of Bishop Lvman in New "From him that hath not ahall beU i Iia hath." At U unjust, and is not making all men pay to tne support oi br - nt"m nronortion to their uiiikj. iit i-j . -oa thai XVeuic- i - r i t e are Kiu - , rr I .entatWe R P. Felton, of Tyrrell ? i.:- .tont.inn to tnis i baa bwn giring his alien gubject, and has introduce wiUJ obviate thisgreatinj "TVSi Dwn 8" PS .u, "i k;ii that ecu i ustice. CVHHBBT COllUeltT. Mr. Goldwin Smith, dtooom- posed by Senator Ingalls's juration that England bullies v?; and truckles to e trong ones, deraana , with an air of confidence, whether ne T ,i,iv ; odd in view of the does not 11 '0 characterise real permanence of racna tics that "of t wo portions of the same race that nave omy u r- . a for a ..ogle century, on . -- - , 6j rr1ifie. bullV mass 01 rumaniain, ing, insolence, and everything else that is vile, while the other has ar rived at such a pitch of virtue, civi lization, chivalry and urbanity as to produce Mr. Ingalls." While the sarcasm in this very fine the logic .J worthless, from the simpio f"-- M lDgan8 did not and we presu me alio . . I Fni uh neoDle but on those who instrument had been thrown ifrom the out English People, duj u . f gide and with this one of the prisoners as have ruled them. " "t,cl8D2 1Sher 8auited the jailor, who used his pistol and England as a government ot ner secured th altacbinf, party, who is the nlA-aea. not her masses. And it Wf. same that escaped some time ago after at- . .IJ . .1tq hm aSaUlL UU mo I Smith wishes to appear as the defend- taking and knocking down jailor ifurK. er of his native land's record toward - Durham Recorder: Oar com other countnef, he would do well to munity wa8 6tartletl to-day on learning himself in training vuv. . . . . .... ' i im7-.cu7t, kt. -T l s on the House cannot do bet- job out. The costs the coun- without equan- derine seventy or eighty millions in accordance wuu un wuik : :n..nikla trt nndprstand I W Democrats should be willing to ny uemocrawBuo u,u ,!: ;n a .v, nii.natpd sentimentalist in i aMlh.t do.l p.ted eontlmeotalist i0 hi. effort, to get the U,tod Stat into bankruptcy, xi tuoDu..-o . -, Traar n ve u - . tn 'f Qr the five hunorea mimuna j Z IVn f a sintrlecent by rom ffh 3 - v,Qm0a t.A nreato as l trt flrnatn as extravagani, wicui ----- . . j.c- nn air ana large a ueui; cu. sit on his bill.-iv. i . oun We shall support the reelec- tion of Mr. Cleveland. But wo mean to know in advance whether we are auDDortine a Democrat or a iUug- wump. It would ba in tho looj ; rno best of all if the democracy, uor rified and undefiled, should gird thei r . . faith about tbem, burn their bridges hohinri tnem ana raarcu wut, iut . . . t - O,;oli Wa ot oia, io auuiec, v. live not in the heroic days. I3rave men, good men, they only do as they can; and politics at most seems a choice between the least of evils. This choice shall not, as far as wo are concerned, bo made blindly and in the dark. Tfiuisville Courier-Journal, Dem. Greater Tln lle Greatc.t. Ilickury Frets K.r-finv. Hrozden is now a member r c. iinn.a nf Rpnrpsenta- Ol IUU Old a.vuou v 1 live- from Wayne county. The Wil- mington tar of February v caiiea Mr. Brogden dull and stupid. Ibis .kJl ran in th State and had other man in the otaie, ana nu never abused a trust, tie ciaimea that he was Comptroller ior ten years, and all the finance committees during that time had endorsed nim. . TirnPOi,pafi Vance made by Graham, Morehead, v ance, or Jarvis, or any other Governor or ex-Governor that we have heard of. COTTON. N. Y. Commercial and Financial Chronicle New York. Feb. 18. The move ment of the crop, as indicated by our telegrams from the South to-night, r I ia mvon rfilfW I . e . . c.u l o fV,., t,-. a1 I in Cf T M1K A V eillU U I A. c u. iui biio I v r , . . - . iuK yuio otc v Qficoo hales the committee recommend tnat the bill re receipta have reached 86,58- bales, al of the 8tock law in . .mnneT k.lio 1 a of nroatr lSfl.l r. r , 'X' -,nna nd I OO UaiC'tJ luo L.icTv--o " ,32 53l bales three weekssmce; mak - .. . . . . . j Sent. 1 1886. of 237,241 bales. oeuw 9 . , The exports ior tne wees: enuxng , - September 1. 1886. 29,176; same this evening reach a total ot 101,7B time la8t yearf 22,706; increase over last bales, of which 70,639 were to Great yal.f 570. An elegant banquet was Britain 7.945 to France and 23,294 given Associate Justice J. J. Davis at the nf rn PnnHnpnt Capital Club last evening. There was in to the rest of the Continent. jgg Qf reagQn and ft flQW of 8Qul Qn European advices, which were tfae occa8iont Many eloquent remarks quite peaceful early in the week,again were made by various gentlemen. assumed a warlike aspect; and the The bill for the encouragement of the situation came to be regarded as in i" .0 many ...i.ti. that all lasses of operators became rT cantious. To day there was an early advance of 45 points on the reduced receipts at interior towns and the rather better reports irom Liverpool, but the demand fell off y .rfffance -as not sustained, tton on the spot was quiet and un ani tha rs 1 raa ta naari vrifiiii treaa. let them repeal the law which allows I tr. mm m Hon nn tKoIr mn lwfnrB poor wife mUka. Itisa.bame that any p.n nf their onlv milk cow bv mortsraee. I CharloUe Democrat. i i I Spirits Turpentine -No Torchlight last week Kxnston Press: The boos in . , t. rr vishei lived was burnea last Saturday night at 6 o'clock. Thefi re io j o---- a T-r(Tfi alarm was Riven, anu vcrj owl - 'm enkl toaBd. and Jthh . . onnsnraed all tne iurni lure who o-v.. Charlotte Observer: It is sta tA that the Salvation Army, (we mean tnat port.onofitj.McU left JJJ5J aeoj win wiwiw , . . ? - Pect tb - f that t hey haw Elizabeth City -Carolinian: We oq g the wind, a fire occurred on J farm of Mr. A. H. Lindsey, at Soingle SnSS. on thi Norfolk & Southern RaiN j.ana e, & barn con - road n q( &ud tfae dwd- linjr. Greenville Reflector: .Lieut. Gov. Stedman presides over the Senate with a quiet, gentlemanly precision and grace peculiarly his own. He is a man of fine, commanding appeal ance one that at tracts attention anywhere. He ia quick in his rulings, never in error and impartial to evsry one. Oreensboro Workman: The prisoners of Forsyth county have a fashion of attempting to break jail, and another L LC 1X1 UliUt IV w.v j n,mnf ma a mnrlp some aaT8 UKU. -a- o"'i- nai .tne uouy ,"1,;rTn the rwpn inunu oeur juuicucou r"rK",,o r,,t nf th nitv. The nuuiunKiu H' " J- . 80Uthwestern part of the city is being rapid- ly improved and bunt up Dy voi. y. Blackwell. He has over izo nanus and is direcuy interesieu iu mo uun & o rnnr Ibpitp. number of houses. He is pre- narir. to erect twenty or thirty more houses in that section. I'lttsDoro xxecwrw. no inoni n loom thnt the nresent Droprietors of the Bynum factory have purchased and will soon have in operation new spinning nio"u""' k ODrit. SSTTOjF During the hifh wind on I IOC If J-' A VA WJ ' T Williams, of New Hope township, was Ja&l riuay me oiA-jcai w . ... t k on lhe head by a falUng of a tree iimg on mm : -J" , Goldsboro Argus', ine mteiii- o-pnrft rpar.hea us of the death of Vr. u. ti. W. Ward, one of Wilson county's oldest, I . i 1,1 .1 uoruuitul fiiriTong a most vaiuauie uu iwu - pr,tipman of courteous manner, rellneo i r .7 . mi tastes and great learning The annual election of officers of the Goldsboro Rifles, held in their armory Thursday mgni, re- su ted in iavor oi aii iue uiu umucio. - , tv tt t,- nnram;tfoo rf uear "liemocrauc jiyy- Craven county' : We Sena uiars anu anu Lane home to you don't do so anymore; io juu uuu k ow lmlj --- it is not in accordance wun me principles of Democracy. Graham Gleaner: Mr. Walter Trolmger was painting on the roof of Mr. Jas. H. Holt's dwelling last Friday morn ing, when, in the twinkling of an eye, he slipped and fell twenty-five feet to the ground He was badly jarred. He sus tained sirne injury to one sheulder and his back. The west-bound mail train wa9 rocked on three different evenings last week between Mebaae and Haw River, this county . Each time the missiles struck the hind coach. Fortunately no one has been hurt. Oa Saturday evening Capt. W. H. Grecn'a car wa3 struck. -- Raleigh Visitor: Dr. A. J. Blanehard. of Middle Creek townBhip. Wafep pniintv. ha9 a, store iust across the road from hie residence on tne road leading ftnm HoIIv Bonnes to Fayetteville. On I wdnpariav fivenin last he failed to come I ' J p , , .! U ia ithe hou - g f and tQ her 'urpri8e and borr0r found him lying in front of his paralysis just as he closed his store iana in llinJ head 8truck the door facing &nd wa8 cut by lhat in hi8 fan. nharlftt,fi chronicle: Ground bfoken for the erection of the new spoke aDd handle factory near the cotton lis. V e unuersianu mat tuc capital stock has been largely ring the past two aays anu amounts to about $100,000. cr of the Dhvsicians of the city yesterday afternoon, at the office ;e VV. tiraham, and an organi Charlotte Medical Society was Y- a a. XI ; t ... m AlnAtAt) effected, ur. Kooen iooou wao cVcc 5denl Thjs clo8ea tne 8econd week q the reiigioug meetings being held in our city and while only an approximate can be made of those who have heeded the claims of Christ and signified their purpose to fol low Him, it is believed that lour nunareu at least have thus far professed faith iu the Savior of sinners. Raleigh News- Observer: Quite a large delegation of citizens of Franklin county arrived in the city yesterday morn ing to appear before the committee on I PrnnnBitinna and Grievances to Drav that "uru.r,u";,w " "V fTT' I r . l. uaw, ui muuiuoi uw icwitcu - appointment as agent for the American York. The Bishop reports his passage a I -hQi-mino- nnp. Cotton receiDts to - mate uuara peu .u .u.U6 sMjaSi'A'S r u fa ikey to pa88 the House. It doubles the appropriation at present made to the several companies for ar mory rent for armory rem, e henumoe r o a J j lu meeting of railroad men in the city yesterday with the following gentle- men nresent: Col. A. B. Andrews, third - vicejreeident B. D. R R L R i , t- A five'dollar greenback ap- the other day bearing the following in- the last of fortune of $10,000. Boston I Post. onms Iron Bitters ANSWERED. 4 ' ' . nhM faaen asked thousands The question has g??TBuBrs cure every of timek"How can BJKJ! any disease hinff?"Well, it doesn't. But it ooea ""!h lUOH Physicians ""JSwdtaWr of any agent known fSSantiite Sheassertioii does not injure teeto, causa clnwOONBITTEKS iWFeelLe1DebilUyata intho BROWN'S IRON BIHERS.Mr. SinnTa "keallother thorough mttaote SowlF -When taken by the first sptomof i ; T ? hntllcolor oomes to the cheeks : nervousness SJTar? fonctional derangements become regu iFanOTSmothOTTabundant sustenance fPpVed fS hfld. Bember Brown Iron R i tti is t he O N LiY iron mediouie that is not in Stoul PhyH&n. and Vrggi recommend U. The Genuino has Trade Mark and crossed red line, on wrapper. TAKE NO OTHER. fSrinOeneralDebilitj 9 tvl Cancer of the Tongue. My wite. some three o, rfoui ;yWS bled with an ulcer on the ei Je o caullng loss tne throat.. The pain was ' "p rostratlon. of sleep an-1 producing peat nervous V of ajeet Hgg S jged from the on,,n ttoe use oi tt. i wrisioi uu - , tl)e tw0, we naa b"" I n.twppn the Buffering o l,,y Mncn email- r;nRoma. By the use oi a -- ""YrTaonf swift's Bpecinr--.iiv hi . Thottiesof Swift's upwum- ja and restored to no return of the dts- Teiieveu ou" ,Cpr hrj been no return oi m i years ag, - H l. middlbbwjub- Sparta, Ga, June 5 1S86 ase3mlledfree. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO El W. 23d St., N. Treatise on bioou , drawer 3. Atlanta, ua. 1v 16 lv nrm chm HOST BRILLIANT, PURE & PERFECT LENSES IN THE WORLD, Comliiiei witl Great Refractins Power. (HEY ARE AS TRANSPARENT AND COLOR- i chanlCs, eto., can be given Uight improved by their use. alt. eyes fitted and ALL EYES FITTED AND THE FIT GUARAN TEED BY ROBERT R. BELXrAItlY, DRUGGIST, WILMINGTON, N. C. These Glasses are not supplied to peddlers at any price. se 4 ly nrm 9 Million worn during the past six years. This marvelous success is due 1st To the superiority of Coraline over all otfcer materials, as a stiff ener for Corsets. 3d To the superior quality, shape and work manship of our Corsets, combined with their low prices. Avoid cheap imitations made of various kinds of cord. None are genuine unless "DR. WARNER'S CORALINE" Is printed on inside of steel cover, feb 20 D&W6m su we fr ntMMH nffVI TAI nil I C PEWtJVROYAL PILLS "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH." Thn oriorln&l and Onlv Genuine. SaAi and ilirsyi Reliable. Heme of wrtUeM InAtfUaaM.' Indupensaoie to i'fnili.liMli'i W A UF PAPER. GMAMterehMBlcalC. i mtmmrM in ti. nr nmrtionlmra in tetttip " jentiidiMHiiMNpuM,ni tUU by Dnwclsta everywhere Aik fbr OhlefeM. UsrBEmgL ' Feaayroyal Pffl. . Tate no other. no 27 D&Wly tu th sat II 3sr. it..o. JEW RIVER OYSTERS 1 Fresh Supplies Received Regularly Best Wines, Beer, Liquorsnd Cigars. STAR SALOON. se21 tf GEO. V. HERBERT Prop'r. Groceries ! Groceries ! LOW PRICES J LOW PRICES 1 COMB ONE, COMB ALL, And judge for yourselves. C. H. CONOLBY 113 South Front St., Opposite New Market. Jan 5 tf Wew Crop Cuba Wiolassesi 25 Hogsheads FOR SALE BY ADRIAN & VOLLEY feb 12 tf N. H. SMITH, REAL ESTATE AGElft FAYETTEVILLE. .(. Correspondence solicited from ranli I 1 1 Tl-ll. l I . Dtiy or sen lauun. luiuaimi HU.micys t4. ployed to Investigate titles, etc itefcrs m lness men of Fayettovlile. OFFICE AT SMITH'S Iot, Comer Munford and Donaldson at .Where a FULL STOCK of; BEST ICE, COAL AND WOOD Can be found at LOWEST pricks. Look;out for the s!kh. "Ico, Coal, Wood AO. ,1e 19 DAWtJ FARMS AND LANDS FOR SALL I hwamp LANDS and TOWN PROPERTIES The Counties of Hobeson. Bladen, Cnmberluj, and all adjacent sections, offer fine opporton) tiaa for investment. The opening of direct mi wars North make the 8H0E HEEL section NSW AND INVITING FIELD for Trnckta, Gv denlng and Fruit. Climate and hygiene adni f a ran nnsnroassed In any country. A connetlii point for freights. Railways North, South, tu and West. Qalok transport North by ievm A trrand ODDortunlty for sale tarat ment&, and a better one for practical funenui norticuitnrisw , Come and see or write to n Real Eftate Agent, Shoe DmI, my 26 D&Wtf Kobesoa Co., MX Basrsra&re Transfer, " TjiORIPROMPT CALLS AND dklivebtoi i j' I vmir orders at T.J.BOUTUB LAND'S LIVERY STABLB,rNorth Second 8L Orders for Carrlagos promptly flllod.: T. J. SOUTHERLAND. Livery and 8alcStablt. an 5 tf Nos. 108 &1110 North Second 81' COR THIS SOAP CALL AT F. r. MILLEI Drnj How, Corner FoujandJiL jan9 tf Special Bargains. qftn GROSS SWEET SCOTCn gNIJKKt V Son BoxfsTobacoo. all grades and I qujliUj OUU must be sold low for cash uj close signments. Also 50.0X. Haanaa" R de 11 tf 18 MaHwj. North Carolina House. XUST OPENED AT THE N0BTH CAHOUW J HOUSE, a POOL ROOM AND OYSTER SALOON OYSTERS 6erved in every style. Best Wine, Beer. Liqnors and Cigars oc 5 ly " Huteit Cask Prices "POR OTTBR, MINK. FOX AND BACOUW SKINS. l,OOOof each wanted. ConslKS"1" solicited, dell tf SAMUEL BEAR 18 MarketW. Charlotte Daily Chronicle A DKMOORA.TICNBWSPAl'EB- Bright, Newsy, C'licnp. Contoins Latest Telegraph Dlspatli awl ket Reports. Believes In Keeping np with the Tim Likes Aggressiveness In Business ana i Encourages the UpbuUdinc of ;in v. Is a Strong Advocate of More - ncation. $7.00 per year ; 82.00 for three nlv. Kd,UrWanW$ Chanotte, N. V. jA tteiod or. or th. wrtkM-JJ ln blTO bMn cured. I"d?JL?S ee toK th-r Jw piMMdr.O.l(lreti. DB.T. A. btwvv pp2l DAW6m - Albemarle Enquirer EDENTON,W.C MR. ALBERT H.DOWELL. ONKOF T est and most experienced Jo ur State, has connected Wmw" peoi the Albemarle Enquirer, the cam nj Newspaper in the First ntetria Family. Literary. PoH 8acDr pti,,,, I' -,J Newspaper. Terma of teu.scru , annum; 75c for "InKHS V. Ian 20 D&Wlm FAlETTEVIbt'' Dollar Weekly Nei 3Suooessorto tfr FAYETTEVILLE SUN. with A VBAn- TION LIST, AT ONE DOLbAH EVENING HEWS, WITU "SJ Good Advertlshnc Medium for surrounding country, Send for Copies and Rates of Advo rttoW s.a. Editor and FroP' feb 12 DAWtf -