f --V BATKrvF ADVERTISINGS. -j (teeSQawOneDay,......;..... II aa V . Four Days,...;. .:.. Ilea .v.' e Dare.... .;............,.., t U) . t fc:::::::::r.::':a - Three Weeks,.... ....... aeo - - One Month,. ............. 10 do.: . - ' " fjv. - ' - The Morning ouu. ; f .j7Trnsi ---:r' . -S&r 1HTTC? !W: iWilffif - r m w - a B ' a V mm ? V - - . . ' . . . J -'mm m M m i . . .. S i ' V i H " r. W, R or CUT I tutiwl for mw I lUSlNr, KDITION. ;.wutn l k K v r Abot lAfv ho- ":0 'l!,.l"',;i WniJOCIi ' . i-t. : so eacri purfc. .hi nnt: (it sote to o l.M'U ' ' !w.)irr'. Hoonr h-- jaJ rf asU :,. dA ooc pat Q 0 p- i '.ju-jffii h j'jM iao4 firm ;?!. iNi in hi taach oeeJed v til i n i work. pablihd ia th'. TifO0jr5O wo aid .. fmo-j "Ijcka- II. I . 1 H.-.J l-M 7 ! ! I . ... . r . m t it . r - . 1 r coafict.4 ia the a ia pjH.tutiary are -r'.urvil, a i the Uiala rv :r' tru bilL .V , :i '..v - -in .n- .V! sot '.".' ''io sj;t of! , . .... t Htl I.Tll. IU- 1 ! ' wm . . . .. I fc. K . . criti wroog 1NM H Kopy'.h CO30- r-! :f a broken m a w j oi ate 1 i.J jjrief Ill') ' u:.u.'r. 4 xv. :- .i'.raitoeJ r.c4 itb the l. . .lf t r. ..r f 9 k . lt l.i .1.1:1.1, ;". ,-it f.- r.trt !( . V ), f e )p '. i. I; uhifs.i ta.i; th.;r bribery n tad la.:.'jra!a I..-a re. Crook "i w)Ti of c!r ad raetabrs is .in hrcu liion, aT.i bo'.h Democrats mil R..0u';; l.i.. ir, to b im- t r ;.;., ; v.ruth;. in New '"'"Ui' t'.h putol. Suuul i'h.Mr asme are No ma n. U. ,.,.. rb-y a.k hands m.j i.-,-;ir,, -h-un-u vi-ttll af. 'hi S'jn.4r the ibuiiD Ku li l? xtx'. x rlsce W,,m 4 ,UrttIlUf o( A cabinet of pwUcaUriy bl men. UMton UiTiU aA4M a cori. Uad :.,ry comment oo Sam ',n,"- It 7 hie metiOi "are too ;yUt b rxon" Hat Sam " " l- l earned 40J o,0T ioMf ""- nil.r h;a crx.-h,n,. P".nt calle frjna Mr. heal editor of the n aad ffraa-lwea of lb. ' lvrs of the iXeea- ln.1 w )rtV q-1 a ,da. It t aa a ippliea beardiojc w:tA i::i',vti.,. r. i I -..wi(ar. u x pro ""a; .n.)oaa never heard of P'n. -th.ra ejraetbiog i.r5V, rt." Thu ajrency -htogtoa -orrepoadent of e!t ,r Qds a comma how th n.it S-tw SltVl nivU ap a to poling U b impoMthU for the -l hi ,. P'tblM fraca Indiana aad J fwi 4 H.m.j " :ry wowwatar. ru. yj a. in 'a aa.ra a . n hjpu k i. e waa six ''n rif aaJ etietra. 1U a a Zala chief. that. It r a w2too. A frirej of VOL. XX2QX.NO. oaTt viHin with; tnolher xnxn piUtXti cblef, when tho ta&n &id( "HtliV Jker ,t Sid oar fritnd, -UowtU ii yoa know him? J. hm U toy fireman," wm tbt replr. li wui bier necro la di- g4 t 110 wk who ba bo nmotaff oa iM.eogine. The moral U thai luoce'decdve tod all in a how- it Dot what it tetn. The Sra britdj ooticeJ Rooe- fWt -Life of IUotoo.w Tbe Charlee- too JVi0 ohJ Courier makea tbia poiat: "llr. RoirUa book U kae a life of tUn to thaA aa attack opoa J oh a C Cal- boos, tie atrer Ioe aa opportasilr of eaecrtar at the great Oarolialas. aad ho if C &M way to feexudaco taw ata; cahamaiea walcb craa crttxa like Yoa Heist have loa axo abaadoaed Iadeed. CaJhoaa a tardJ mtr axeatiooed by Mr. lUKMereiiesctpcrorueparpoeeoraoose.- - g " - We Doiotvl oat the abenrdltv of I nortoern itepoDUcana eaiajto to write the live of Soatbern Demo crat. TJLLi CITY. K ADVBMTtSanKN f (rjeokix McAaxa Lost doc U at xsaxaaaa School books. Jurists WtDOtsa At City HalU Mtsw5-fuiaUhlojs aad clothing. Cot una & Co Sale of horaea aad mutes Ash Wedoeedaj. Truck farmers are all very buay. with fla prcepct, s fer. for food croc . Tbe Magiatralce took bolt J ay yvaSrrday; all cam docketed were poit poocd until to-day. Tbe fox banters were oat Y re tard- y aTUraooa, aad bad flee sport, not wUhstaadlef the rale. Antbooy Drown, colored, waa sealaaotd la the Mayoc'e Court yesterday to tea days coofiectaeat for disorderly coo duct oa the streets. Tbe Howard Relief Fire- Kogine Ccxapoay poetpoaed their aeairersary cete bratioo oa accede at of the recent death of Mr. Thoeaaa. IL BeaHh. formerly eatioeer of t& coeapaay. Tba parado and iospoctioa of ih Wnsalaxtow Light lafaatry, poetpooed yrHerJay oa account -xj the disagrroabie weather. wCI Ule'pliTTVIy 'aflcrnoon. at half -pal 4 o'clock. HoriJa toariau are pushing the raJlruad Wadiag to that ScaU to Had accocaaodUoe for thaca eow. Trains oo th CoJl Line aad dsraaeah. Florida aad Weatera Raiiwajs are crowded to their utasot caoacity. The aaaaagecrveet of the laUr roJ aajs ttui tourist business Is boocaiog. Tbe Sta ick do wl edges the raceipl of a latter from Mr. 11. H. Nevhrry. of MagaoJU. N. C en cloelax a csmmualcaXioa from a postal arai. la which it ts staled, ia refer toco to the complaiot of Mr. Newbury that h failed to receire bis paper, that the package foe Magaolia was caWidirected The milter will bt inrretigated. AHhouah il waa a legal holidsy. there was only a partial oheerraoce of the day In thia cy. Tbe baaka. Custoea Uooaa, Pro duce Eieheec aad oCcee at the City 1111 wre cloaod. bet merchanu and store keepers had their placve of business open aad trade aad traJCe went oa as usual, ap parently, with the. exception that there wr ao iraeaecUoae to coUoa or oarsl stores. Tae weather was sloppy aed dis agreat!e. and oo account of this the pa rade aad inspxtioa of tho Wilmington Light lafiatry. which waa to bare taken place at 5 o c!o;k le tae afteraooo. was postponed. Parian the aftrrsooo the colored ore cocspaaie paraded through eocae of the atrecta. with Sag and auisda. Ta araatfe Barf e St aria; A coeferaace waa he!d Hoadey betsra ja . . . . I am owmii ei mw vi4a sou twv i aad rt prsaeatatrree of tbe SmtthriTle pliota aad other who picked Bp the fsrscl whea she waa abaadoaed aod brought her leto port. It is uadarsiood thai the o vacrs offered to cocapretBiae the claiai ef the salrort by Mtiaf CM hul ttiV Ihi offer waa re- hefed. anJ thli tie oaeaiLan cf the amouot . ..... ...... sailed by thacwurts. The oasra will gire the neceaaary b4 aad take tbercweloa to New York. Mallraa4 CasaaaUatea. Mseart. D.O. Worth aad J. II Carne left last eight roe Raleigh, to attend the scaaioo of the jotet cocasaiUee appelated by the Uoeae aad Senate to consider the qass tioo of a railroad commission The com calUee meets la the Senate chamber at S o'ctxk this erealag. to hear arguments from advocates aad opponents of the mea sure. JisaMM We-aeiaa. A rare estertalameat Is promised at the dry flail next Thnrtdsy night; a Japanese weddixr. with ail the cjueiat oeetamea ot lie Jspa. nrtehaGta. eerrtd la'Jspan eae atyW. wTJ be prorlded ta tbe greatest abundance and yarietjaad at - reaaoaabla price. Tbe eaterXalameat will bej glren la aid of the Ftrst Methodist Church. , s 130. Wn.MINGTON, Tba following ara the indjcUon for the tweclyfoor hour commencing it 10 p. m. For North and Bouth Carolina and Vir- fiU,-local raio. oortherlj wlnd. lower temperature. FcrCkorjU and Ewttrn Florida, local ri!M ffl?wbj f4lr WC4lher- wrtheMU erlj wiada aad alaliooarj temperature. For Weateni Florida. Alabama and MU- iatippl, local raloa. eatrly wind, ahlft- Io to aoalherly. and warmer weather. For Teoaeaeee, fair weather, followed bj local ralaa. hither temperature tod ramble wled. rmeTallj eoutherlj. Tbe EzttUior, a small steamboat pi ring betweea Wilcalagton and points on tbe norucui nTir, orejturnea ana sunk at a elaoa calid Cbvwei hrtnt t1t ihHm w - r ww - - - - I mQOTm ,BO "'T. wiween two ana tnree I o dock yesterday oorolor. Tbe boat was I on the way down and bad on board about I w mm w W w we u BUUU I fl -..f rntmim vif ,K- are tons -of fertilizers, belonging to the lleasra Frnrh Ftm ten hrrl f .r I and a bale of cotton. Tbe night being rery dark, CepL Dixie. In command of the boat, tied her up at Cowpeos, along side of a flit In chsrge of a colored man named Williams. The line with which the boat wu made fast to tbe sboro pro red to be too start for safety, for when the tide rose during the night it held tbe boat down and the water poured in orcr the side and orerturned her. The crew were all asleep, but Williams, on tbe fist, wis awake, and aroused the steamboat men in time to enable them to escape, but barely with their Urea, for they sarod nothing of their clothing but what they bad on, not erta bats or shoes. Tbereiiir belongs to Mr. R. F. Penny of this city, who bought the boat at auc tion a few weeks ago for $100. Tbe owner sent assistance yesterday afternoon to the crew of the steamer, who were on Williams fist, and will lake steps to re- corer tbe boat ana macblcery. As tbe boat I orerturned it is protable that her boiler is at the bottom of the rlrer, and at a poim where the water Is about twenty feet deep. Kaicfct er Clklern. At the annual meeting of the Knights of Giblera. a beneroleat association connected with the colored Masonic fraternity, held last night, the following officers were choeea for the ensuing year: President J is. A. Low cry. Vice President Henry Taylor. Secretary N . O. Sam peon. Treaaorer 3. Ilolllngsworth. Directors E Lane, J. II. Caxrawa;. E. Howard, T. M. fmuona. J as, li. Jaae. tsarslAf alle4. A midoiaht marauder maJe a risit Mon- dlJ nJjhl Jul lhe ot cd p. W. Foaur. No. 110 North Siath street. CoL Foster was aroused by a burgisr alarm which wsj sprung when the man opened a gate on the premises, aod got up just in time to aee the fellow pass through the front gat and Into the street. For the Stsr. Editor Star: Harlog read in your pa- per aa article from the llaleigh Chronicle, beaded "A Moat Important BUI," in which attention la called to th injustice in one or two cases in our present Stale revenue law. For instance A hss solrent credits amounting to 11.000. and Is allowed to de duct from same his debt, say $500. and therefore lists for taxation only S500; wnile D, who owns a farm rallied at $1,000 has to list the same at its full ralue of $1,000, and C. who holds the mortgage on Be property for ti.OOO baa to list it also as a soireni credit. In other words, thia same thousand dollars pays what may be called a double Ui. Is there any more injustice and inequal ity lo these two cases mentioned than In the case of our merchants, who in January and Julr nay Schedule B taxes on all pur chases made for the six months precediog. and then in April hare to again list these same foods as stock oa hand ? The mer chant has also to pay in January and July fees amounticr to 73 cents for tbe prlrilege, you may say. of listing their taxes and if under tbe same root tney sen gooas ana ao a commission business they bare to pay In each case fees to the sheriff and register, and wholesale aed retail liquor dealers pay these fees to the sheriff and register four times a year. Jcstice If you wish a rood articlo of Pluo To rn cm. ask tout dealer for "Old Un." MBTTJ!! FAVORS FAITH IS A ST. LOUIS MAN. Many paraoae are made happy br Tae Loaiaiama atata Lottery Cocopaar. Last draw- tag Fortaaa smOed upon Mr. Cornelias Becan- Boa. a pron mewt and eatsacneu euixen or. LoaU, Jix. who baa great faith la this Company For rears te ha tavavtad in every drawing, and i oat of tea ha baa drawn a prize. Last tea ttaiaa saoaia aa ' want tt alone, aad aame wtlhte one aaxabaf of tba capital. Ho thia moota porohaaed aaotaar ttekat. aad happily got one-tenth of No. at u- i wKva draw a in.000. aad at the odea of taa rosapaay waa given a cheek on the New Or laaaa National Baaav-Naw Ortaaas Picayune, Jan. . mm Txatw KrpcarENcz of an old vr-mnir. Vn wtniow'a Roothlac Swap is the prvarvlptlop of oaa of taa beat Feae Physic tans aad NarMi ta tha Unttad fitataa. aad has been oaad for thirty yoars with narer failing eaietyaad aoeaae by million of mother aod childrenfrom laa feabU taf aat of a weak old to the ad alt- It eovraata stcidlty of iba eteaaaah. rellrvea wtnd aofla, regal" bowaia. and glve raat. heajth aad eotaiovt to bmUwt and child. We beueva 11 Uta Dart aad Ptrrwrt R-mady ta the world, to all iSLTf D T P EXTE-5T and DLABJUItKA IN CHILDREN, whathar arMax frota taa thing or aar otaae eaaaa. Fall directions for nstng will acotapaay aarh bottla. None jrnalaa unleas.the faawmUa of CURTI3 M FERKaNS ts on the ont SdVwrappar. Bold br all Modictaa Dealers. aaata a botUe. NEW AD VTLRTISEMENTS. School Books. School Rooks. School Books. LL BOOKS USED IN FCBUC OB PRIVATE SCHOOLS, la the CUy or Coca try. . Are for sale at ." - rjKlN9Ua&axB9. . v . ' TbeCTaasjmt iTaee taTowa to buy 'f NbtJU Behoot Books and BohootSsailooary. N. C., WEDNESDAY; FEBRUARY . 23, 1887. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.., JAPANESE WEDDING FOX XA.CS C03TTJHE3. ,. A RARE ENTERTAINMENT. City Hall, Tinrsiay Hint; tml Tbo wood things to txt will be sorved A LA MODS U JAPANdB aad AMERICAN, and at rea'.onabie prioea. For the- benefit of ths Mew MethodUt Cboroa. Price of admlialon ONB DIMS f eb 23 it 31 Lost, I lncbee hljjh, jt black, with oarly hair, anjwr- I latonme LOYLO. Finder will bs rewarded I oy nstnrniojr to I r.K w i IREDBLL M BASIS. Horses and Mules at Auction. TX-DAY. at J2 O'CLOCK. AT BXCHANQB I Corner, we will sell I irrvoava .n if rrr.'ea end CARTS. COLLIZS & CO., Auctioneers. febSS i: For Stylish Neckwear. QOLLARS AND CUFFS. T03BTHBR WITH CLOTHINQ ht Popular Prices, eo to MTJNSOSV. Itb Zl It Herehant Tailor, c. QUICK NOTHING QUICKER TO RISK than hkckbrs BUCK Wn BAT. febS lm ch to tb eat GREAT INDUCEMENTS! at tub New Crockery Store 117 SOUTH FRONTJSTRKKT, Call and examine the NEW LAMP, just InTent ed SCHNKIDBR'8. Also, DECORATED CHAM BER and DINNER 8BTS. COMMON and FANCY euisaaai, iamii it aiL e mayUe eifc- VBK PLATED "An k, ana ti waw nave all ben aeleoted with irreat care, and wDl be oil moat reasonably. ANTOK SBSKT, 117 Boath Kroat St., feb 0 tf Oppoeito New.Market.' s. s. s. B. B. U. Brown's Iron Bittern, Pake Hart's Extract Malt, Garden Seed. WILLIAM H. GREEN A CO.. feb 2 tf DmiEtsts. Market Street. Hot Chips. 8 THE DEMAND IS SO GEEVT FOK OUK BOSTON CHIPS, we can now Rive them to yen RED HOT and as CRISP AS A WAFER. Aa we i ell tbem as fast as we can make them, they do not bare a chance to net soft and stale. E WARREN & SON, CANDY MANUFACTURERS. feb Si tf EXCHANGE CORNER. 8137,512.34. rpHE ABOVE AMOUNT HAS BEEN l AID through the lnsarnoe agency of the undersigned to cttlrens of Wilmington for losses that occur red dating the twelve months ending this date. It la bettered to be the largest amount erer paid by ono agency In Nerth Carolina In one jear. Every loss waa promptly ad lotted and as upon in is recoru a uocnu tsuare 3l!olted. of patronage is solicited. M S. WTLLARD. NORTH WATER STREET, feb 19 tf Ship Notice. All persons are hereby forewarned from harboring or trusting any one of tbe Spanish Bark MARIA, as no debts of their oootraoting win De pall by the Teasel or Consul. , F. J. LORD. tf. C. of Spain. fsb SO 3t New Crop lilolasses. 4:11 BoasIXAIs QQ TIBBCBS, CHOICE NEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES, the first cargo of tbe reaon, now landing ex Bohr. Amelia P. Schmidt. For aale by iSroilTlI St WORTH. Rerlew copy. feb 11 tf Winding Up Sale F THAT 100 PIECE LOT OF WOOUEH Ututsa GOO0S, the cheapest erer sold In the city. A few shades sal table for Spring. These roods bare been sold at half ralao. Only a few pieces left. A new lot of SATTKENd good, at 10 cents. Lightweight all-wool CASSIMERES for Men aad Boys. Ladles- super nnaroisaa aw uia v ao, u wuis, with many other bargatna. - . febttf- Corner Market and Front. New Crop Cuba Molasses, TT7L0UR. WtfA 8U0AR, ; COFFEE ASD TWO MULES and TWO WAGOKS, for sale at ; feb .11 tf J . 1M. KS. 184 KorUt Watw Street. . - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. nnTVTrriT1VTTTT?T Cf A Tf? . r ' . . .- - In Corsets, Underwear, Oloves and Laces. IMM1TNSB DISPLAY OF FINIS GOODS AT LOWPRICES. JDST RECEIVED A NEW STOCK'OF HATS & HEW SHAPES OF FRAMES, Ribbons and Trimmings, AT TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 MARKET ST.. WILMINGTON, N. C. f eb 6 tf Wilmington Candy Factory. A A A A VERY SEET W. I. ORANGES, TO BE x J j j sold for $1.75 per 1C0; 25c per dozen. WILMINGTON CHIP3. highly flavored, thin and crisp, made twl;e a day at 15c per pound. BLACK WALNUT TAFFY and CREAM BLACK WALNUT BALLS. The nicest eoodO evsr of fered to the trade. Nuts hand-picked by onr own people. 8TICK CANDY In any - quantity, warranted pore and frerh, and will keep. JAS. S. HOOPER, feb 18 tf Manager. Notice of Dissolution. JOTICE IS H&REBY GIVEN THAT THE Partnership lately existing between K. P. Mc- Donrall ana a. S. Love, of Wilmington, comity of New Hanover, and State of North Carolina, under the firm name of McDOUGALL & LOVE, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 17 tn day of February. 1857. All debts owing to the said partnership are to be received by the said C. S. Love, and all demands on the said partnership are to De presented to Dim ror payment. R. P. McDOUGALL. C. S. LOVE. ;knmeg.-j3 will cosrtUUEtttib business X at the old stand. Now Is the tlcae to get a Bargain. Repairing done with neatness and dls- paton. satisfaction guaranteea. leb 10 tf C. S. LOVE. For Bent, Several Rooms ovor Molntvre's Store and next Parcel! House. Also, Rooms in tne Journal Building, on Tinces between Front and Secono streets. Applyto O'CONNOR. feb IS tf Real Estate Agent. For Sale, A NY QUANTITY OF FIRST CLASS STOVES jrx. ana K&nui. cneap, neaper. oeapesu Good, Better. Best. Rubber Door Mats. Rubber Spittoons, Niokel Cuspadores, Bird Cages. Cal early and get Choice House Furnishing Goods generally at bottom prices. W. H. ALDERMAN & CO., feb 20 tf 25 Market Sf Prices Tell. A FEW ROBES AND BLANKETS LEFT XX. whldh must be sold. Try us for anything kept m a first class saaaiery store, ana we pro- ttiisa ta nififLso von dolu in auainv ana urioe. We mi ar an tee onr Repairing to be better and our prices the cheapest In the city. Choice lot of Trunks just received. Old Mallard Stand, No. 10 So. Front St. feb 20 tf Goal. Coal. Coal. A RR1VED. ON HAND, AND FOR SALE TEN- nessee and English Bltuminou?, and all sizes An thracite Coal, at lowest pric s feb 20 tf FOWLER & MORRISON. Coal, Wood, Shingles, N FULL SUPPLY. SHINGLES. WOOD. COAX. All Kinds and Sizes. WOOD. SHINS LES. COAL. Lowest Prices in the City. COAL, WOOD, SHINGLES, Best Quality Full Measure, feb 20 tf J. Am SPRIRGER. Airicnltural Implements. VXTE CAN SUPPLY THE" FARMER WITH ALL yr i the Tools. Plows and' Plow Gearing he can need to run n!s farm, ana at pnees lower than ever before. We can show the cotton lanter something new in tne way or a uotton 'low. Call and tee It. Do not forget the Ro chester Lamp. mmT Powers' Specific for Aitkina. JRBE SAMPLE GIVEN ON APPLICATION. Hot Water Bars. Hypodermic Tablets for Physl clans, use. Bucklen's Arnica galve. Soap Boxes ror travelling purposes. - KOBHKT K. BSUiHI, uruggifei., feb 0 tf N. W. Cor. Market and Front St. Cabinet Organs. PERSONS IN WANT OF A GOOIJ UAB1KJSX rvRafj ahnnld not fall to examine the In struments made by Wilcox & White, of Merlden, Connections. Their tone Is full, round and me lodious, and entirely free from tho hard and raspy sounds generally found in Organs. Prices are very low. B. VAN LA EE, feb 15 tf KeaAToss at. I've Got Them r TTARNESS, COLLABS. WHIPS, CAiUUAUJJSSr BUGGIES, CARTS and DRAYS, and also Skilful Workmen to do REPAIRING of all kinds. Come and see mj. tr. xi. txA-iuttm, Third St., between Princess and Market. " feb 13tf : -, Bird Cages. NEWlJOTJUSTIN30THAPANED:A BRASS; I COOK STOVES prononnoed the best In the- f viiT and- the-old-White' Horse inst hanla . . i i f 1 n.Aila.fnll Vtn In An. Hn. nllaiin I ' PURK WHITE OIL. feb 20 tf Ein! r'a'ims WHOLE NO. 18371 NEWiADYERTISEMENTS.' t r1 '? O. K A T Z'S Gash House, 116 Market Street. -YB ASBJCST THROUGH TAKING 8T0CK, ; -si fj?a;; A . and hare tnafitd down many ppods below regu- lar prices id mate room. Will Open Monday. Jan. 31st, A FULL LINE OF WHITE GOODS, WHICH WE HAVE SECURED AT VERY LOW PRICES I NAINSOOK gDGINGS AND FLOUNCINGS.I SPRING DRE3S GOOD3. worth 25c, for lJf, 15 and 20c. Extraordinary Job, 1000 Assorted Jerseys, ' ... i - . Most of them worth from 92 to S3. 3 Tour Choice $1.25. ALL-OVER LACES. TV GIVING , ttlNUUAMS, I '.SATEENS, COLORED NAINSOOKS, &c. An examination of Quality and Prices will surely secure your patronage. 11ft TiTovViif Sf i aAV sjca;favru w. Emporium Of Art and Fashion! NEW STRAW HATS, VELVETS, EMBROIDERY and WASH SILKS SATEENS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS, NOTIONS, &c. MRS. E. B. WIGGINS, feb 18 tf 115 Market Street. Not Well Dressed. JO MATTER HOW FINE YOUR GARMENTS, unless your Shors are neat and fit well you are ill dressed. BEST FITTING BOOTS AND SHOES In the city, and prices to enit all at Geo. E. French & Sons, 108 NORTH FRONT STREET. f eb 20 tf Bags. MAKE A SPECIALTY OF GROCERS' RAfifS and STRAW and MANILLA PAPERS, TWINE, WAXED BUTTER PAPER, Ac, Ac. Don't fail to see the "NEW STYLE" SQUARE BAG, and to get wholesale discount febsott u w.- xaxj. Plows, Hames, &c. rpHE DIXIE PLOWS ARE THE BEST MADE. You can fin4Jthem, with a pair of HAMES and PLOW LINES, for allttle money, At UJU a. rnvik. o, feb 20 tf 29 South Front St. Carolina Baking Powder. SK YOUR GROCER FOR THIS BRAND, QUALITY GUAKANTJS1SU. Manufactured by H. R. HORNE. febl0eod2!v nac Fayetteville, N. C. Dunlap Stiff Hats ! TROYS' POLO CAPS I UMBRSLLA3 HARRISON & ALLEN. feb 20 tf Hatters. . For Sale, A VALUABLE PLANTATION. ON SIOUKJX'S rimak. Pender Countr. containing 230 acres of Land; 35 acres cleared, with dwelling and ont ami ?nml mill-site thereon. . Aboatlsix miles from Point Caswell and seven .from Long Creek- Temaneapiorcasn- ApplytO UilAB. Al. UAUAlvrai, feb 17 lw 120 Front St , Wilmington, N. C. Snnnyslde (Floral) Nursery. 1S87. 15S7. UR :36-PAGB ILLUSTRATED. AND DJ-" cnRTPTrvR catalogue of Ornamental Plants for the Flower Garden, Park, Greenhouse and cemetery now ready. Free to all who send. Address to iiammjo. ijaaj, , Snnnyslde, Fayetteville, N- C. - feb.15 D2w&W2t ... r . . . . No Llore VALSSTlNBS BUT ALL THE NBWSPAPKRl, V " Kr ar.A Ulnstrated Papers, .Magazines, Libraries, and J. ' - any thing la the Reading Line you wish. . . feb 20 tf News Dealer.- Z - " Moaths.....w.........ece oae Year..... ,.,ao os . VOontraot Adrertlsements taken at proporw -tionately low rates. - "., . - .-i 'v', Ten lines solid Nonpareil type make one sqoar-' ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Creat Bargains ! IN Hamburg Edgings and Insertions ! BROWN & RODDICK, o orth From , W E HAVE GREAT PLEASURE IN INFORM- -. .. . lng onr friends and patrons that we bare jest recelyed the CHEAPEST AND LARGEST ' STOCK OF HAMBURG EDGINGS & INSERTIONS : WE HAVE EVER OWNED, AT LEAST 30 PER CENT. BELOW PRESENT r MARKET VALUE. It will certainly be ;to tbe advantage of all who require such Goods to call early and make their selections. PRICES FROM 5 c TO 8 1 . 5 O PER YARD. MADE ON THE VERY BEST CLOTH AND THOROUGHLY FINISHED. Kid Gloves. We are offering a SPECIAL JOB IN LADIES' 4-BUTTON KIDS, SOc a pair, in Tan, Brown. Slate and Mode Colors. Sizes 54 to 8. BROWN & RODDICK, 9 NORTH FRONTJ8TREET. Branch store, 27 Hay street, Fayetterllle, N. C Jan 33 tf Bacon, Flour, Lard. Boxes D. S. and Smoked C. R. SIDES 1500 Bfel9 FLOUR' aU f1,868 JQ Cases LARD, For sale low by feb 20 tf WILLIAMS RANKIN A CO. Molasses, Molasses. . QHOICE NEW CROP CUBA, In Hhds. Tcs and Bbls, For sale low by feb20tf WILLIAMS. RANKIN bOO. Coffee, Sugar, Bice. JQQ SaoXs Choice RIO COFFEE, -jQQ BblS Refined SUGARS, Q Bbls CAROLINA RICE, For sale lowlby ,' feb 20 tf WILLIAMS, RANKIN A 00. Nails, Hoop Iron, Glue, 2Q Kegs NAILS, 5QQ Bundles HOOP IRON, 2 Bbls DISTILLER'S GLUE, For sale low by ' feb 2J tf TyTT.T.TAWgpAWjqa AOO. , Over 840,000 Paid Out Y US FOR LIVERPOOL & LONDON A GLOBE INSURANCE CO. alone, for losses by fire, 1880, and paid WITHOUT DISCOUNT, for this Com pany has no SIXTY DAYS clause in its policy. ' . Take onr advice and insure in a non-discount Company, for yon will save money In case of fire ',1 loss by so doing. . " r "(.. J. W. Gordon & Smith.- AGENTS, ,! Liverpool A London A Globe Insnranco Comp'y. febaatt . - Pure and Reliable Seed rrVHB SEED OFFERED BY THE TJNDER8TCW-. J. ed have been purchased for. and are epeo ally adapted to, this eeotlon. They are all tha very best known to the trade. Yon may perhaps TATT 1 to select from, very low ror oasn, J. H. HARDIN. Druggist A Seedsman, feb 20 tf New MarkeMWUmlngton, V. C, Cotton Flows. WE HAVE THE CEL. KBitAT JtD Ui axhjj . .. -..r KfAtiAwall Cntton Plows; also, tbe Base A . f'.-... v Bay Dixie Turning Plows, These Plows wa. i guarantee to be superior to all others on thia ; V. ' market. We are prepared to make prtoes or u. V them. We handle first class goods and no trash . s, , if we know It. fc M ; -d i ' J '2 Successor to Jno.JDawaon A Co., -V k . feb 20 tf - Wilmington, N. C. ' - -; ., , - aaa a , - .- STARTLING rrtATO I xsmore xatm. mw m mw m ' - . Th. fnllnvtllff rpl .KMUI IB nOMlS iaRM .', ,v ' . the New York Commercial BuUetint "An expert ex- ' ; . . , ; -. aniline and reported upon a mple of ChlcaforflD(I , ( iJ lard, theotner aay.wnica ne iia oio noconuun . ; . pound of hogs' fa, bnt consisted of tallow, greaw, ' . ' cotton seed oil, and oleoatearine." . V - Ia such a mlxtnra cbeap at any price r . i , CASSARD'S aaairo ; -1 ' C " . .'. EVEBY FACKAGB IS aVAULJnXXJK j , TryltandyoowlUnseneoUiar. , 7. -.T Ua:i c.CASSARLr A 80H,';-'"t.'-i iBALTIMORE,MD:rr ;r :, 0NnariliMUbnMNfRar ataillMCaBVa .- r . . ... ...... t . , -. . y . t -r. ;?; ' jr1 ... ."'V, X. .V-w " L '- . :. : ... -u '. - , v. ' -. 1 - ' I' A rv. v - : t Tap ".V W . r v . -a' .-s . m . 14 1 s X - - . .r.v- : -.- - - ---r - ' J.

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