he Morning Star. , vmm... , i . - ' ' - - " ...-'-"..--- . ' "" '' " " - ."" I I. Ml rajBm ,, f. y, .A. -, , IT . , .... . . - I . Oa Sanara Oo Day, 1 1 8f 4 C e t 8 f O, IS . .Km, r.wtejaar .. ft ?a . ... . a-a i,.rl a ..ljma C JOHN IN J EDITION. )k - www. I M 1 ) , -ow lauy u 3 &yl widow laJj ta t, ki. v. - i tt. Jii4f wo oaw I j ... I r i th CXd Do I .1 i'i te I ia I ) ... i. ua i4 vajrw, srr-:y.l Tao saow tfr ji..a'. th wort oftho Vtry calf factory, at ;rWlj. ion- ijco.cco 1. rtkJ:' l..t more ri .ir:tj Mjoy 3d par cent; v I , . tdrz lower. .No. 3 red u,n-r cralor .N. 3 tfarca Hi;' . ,.:, 'nr.- ..1 1,1 ui www. v. . v.wo " - i ,h. T S. S.n. vi-w- - i.4 n W otogtoo w of an Not t t . at m a a t - - w .i : :;';t, nt ice- j vi ILcjar I nr. '.ji- i f : in ; ur;;ot.ioar giiteu i !:,.,;', OW,. Mr a i Ivn;i., io mar- V i h given . uorurTied i ) p": f r yrara. oir.i T'lH I I '.ll'! lilrf .t'llD.OV b one of com i nabjected '.a '") .rr 'lU!'.. j the mails. 7'j v:t :ct n'i f:!.4 t. reicb iim it js jv; tirr.". The cvelope it !. " r.; I tirtcteil wroop, j.: ; . I. -in t t ;i m i :y. .' A". '. h'. i.-:o'i2". if ''i'i r.eo Rircr i jniy after a embers iv. l 220 to i" A 4i.- -1 Lom e (taken (Vvim Kr-n.rS. a '.a 4r of 1570) r-m..a :r-jd t.; Ffisv.v, 2 i elected -rv ncmbr cppo-1 :., jnoeiatioo Jwrntiry ofu Uj4f,l Wa no iirt :o :c 1 ti N York dinner 'ti Vn iKacaKj, bat sent a Ur :n mhiclx b ki,l i -Dprf-4iTeIj W'i monf. timnU .''72"f-r WM our huUrT ' l V IN -Til " , Q IIS tt,Cy h.,. - it U . & if j taar nai o r.i ui-r ,jr.i w va 4 UUil Sc ti Piracy ;';.-n: tnr ia Uo nrirv . . ... A !i 4J-.J with h wt 4 f b sbruiry. i.ed son. -a,! "u.l-' , ccnriar. i-TW I forty Liberal aad fiftr-wren Con- I . w . lor transportation of I amendment referred to S ,r tuu brrallroad companies operaUng Bereral persons 4 ... a ,f th. S tS TZ7-A " "8 ome Pons of foregoing statements, ' , r ill . - a oMwoja.a ia aa. cm in fa . . ri a a ... . .... k.. ...!u . tf. lirillrrnMvitH.K..M.i.i. I wiu oe nunou to this 1 stances in wnich tne iri.-u.t jfii nDrt- I appeared iroea nor aocne laarscay aigai ia i I ''.r i O iCCO. anil I r" '!. ta- 1 i i i ,i i L i n i a na i " I able r- bv I4. 1.40 & m r9 nw I.. Ir Kichard H. Comport taak- I retired togtiher about 10 o'clock that night I n. tit f iroj jU.., 4r- nxl j.tj I aad it. othr upr of inter- ho "at. the Tn,i .J-tenej the University, f. m !a . . a a ;aM total 5ta f,''11 'pprapmiM loth J fc bo D.?talae wita iKm Olktim am.. a , " I a33 "t semt of n,i .. f ,..,. .Vl I ao , - a fc. 7 . V" ia wi I had. tnJZl 1? ""a- tlh Uooaaado of . " ir'.j o ftnn mn...l..i .1 J Rhruon.i (Va) ft.tg writes- Ova mstabers jesterday af Uraooo, f or la "TfcPrwiA... k v . specUocJ by Col. Jon, commaadlng 8e- ui "rx-j, Ciwaxaaaioa thai u ia row mental band (Cornet Concert Club) was "f,;.,. w until ariorihe I also n., .JXL Ttrk. Ttautdir t t2o I A ,,.,..r TT. I W " w v a an ui- i ",r-- on ta- apr,l reapposraacw if iY . ytbie, aad Vaj- aai J! , ? y-ioc Bcnrboa .mal;' U Amorke. yMJyf1 M I of sooo . -ocgri , . - w umin c( wot i r, v:::. a iujoiph, CJ . late w w M 'Moipa. cf I cf a, U)-u, b,;ca 'a deeaaad spectator After th laspactloo General H'i .j; ftX,iUcrMW,Il Order No. 1. aanouacing the stall p irT,,? '1 o he IS. w PointmoaU pobllahod la the Sram of jee- -Twr nMRoioJpXcf leillM,cnt. Marshal sty, leD.V pUrat. . - - . '-v..,-; ; ; illliqr, lauj Jiaranoi o a. e- a. VOL?XXXp:.NO ; ;Sx Jobo.MfiDoaAld ki probably vara ioiu uji: Tfc rttaru so fax from U dLStrtnt proTiacw shw PrU Inward IsiMd-I --"v ol l scan: c'5 forrais asa uinosa CocjatTailTj 2f,w Brunswick, six Li be- rajs) ssq in UQaMrrtUn OruhM imh.. Cra Ubora aad thlrtr CooirUTeT 6n a - vnK Era rs isar.i t a ia AA - arr aaklag tht total act coaatfac Bdulh fJoi taabU, staad Mlalatsrlal UT ODDosi- I ii u andertiood in Washington I that Mr. Carlisle will not enter the I Cabtoet. We sue clad of it. for be I U noietl in thm RrvV.- m,.u I r . i hm V.. UA V . ".. " "7 terly ability. Tbe Republican of the last Coogrcsa were so well plesaed witb bim tbat tber rjrMnta I p ivawouiu inejprMentM bin with an elegant service of sliver I in iMtimnn;.l .k.i. a I ionof tb.f.imanH aKJlJt- f -w. . w ui i:wu uu u - w v a um rulioea I Ik There are nine DemrvcraLa An tfc I r ... . , n I wiuuiut wu loiuiu a eaatons in tbe House wbo veted in favor of .v rx m T, .... paMtng tbe Dependent Pension bill OTer tbe veto. Here tb.y are: Mat- on, Indiana; WInanj. Micbican; I - i Lovcriop. Maaaachoaattar Tlli. I c" 1 I sou; owope, I'ennsvivaaia; laolbee. I Kentackt; Pi J cock. New JtntrilirZ&JVZ tinoery, ucuo; tlndar, Kew l ork. I A nice lot of demagogue, not Xmo cruX. THE CITY", AovaMTisaaanra. Uauaaaaai" School book. Coxxxxa Jt Co, Aoctlon sale. Loarr Pair oXgold srte-glajoea. SI XT tax GcsU" aaderwear. etc C Wabjodt dr 009 Bostoo chip, llacxxaa BvcxmkuxT 1 the besL Major II all returned from Ral lies yesterday taamlsg. , , Several person complain of tbe depredation of flower thieve. Tbe brijrbt weather yeaterdar I brouahl a great maay people oa tao street. I r?; ),. I at laa hall whore tao Salvation Army hold accrk.to preserve order. ataoaatoe 1 The following are the Indications for the twtaly-four hours commencing at 10 p- m. Friday: For VtraJala. fair weather, followed by local raloo oe saow. winds shifting to south' erlr aad higher tamperelore. For North and 8outh Carolina, Georgia aad Eastern Florida, local rajas, easterly wiads shifUag to southerly an) higher teea poralur. For WcsX Florida. Alabama aad MUaio sippt, kal rains, higher texnperaXnre and wind generally ooatherly. coor4 Maria Moor, a colored womin. Hrlng Ur hosbaad (Robert Moore) era Daw- between Front aad Second streets, die- I ...i.. - .... . I r J I . I trrU ...nlii hrr Mboad W hm ud- oa ri r a tsomran to oUaia anv trace of her wnereeoouu. I ... .. . . I . r I MXIXjrm mmMU i.TT U.W( WUW - I munm. n aaM that hlmaelf and wlfa I tl to sleep. A few hour afterward 1 awoke aad saw bio wife in her night I clothe pasting tbrooga th back door of I hciMo.. IIo thought nothing of tt, sup- I pool eg that aho would sooa retom, as aho wa la re alght clothe. Bat after some luae had sUpacd. a ahe did not return, he became alarmed aad went la search of her. throagh hie premise, ia the neighborhood i UO 00010 Q( BIS DOiMTSDIl, UUk I tidiars of the inisainx womaa could be I ....... I Mcore sajs that hlauelf aad wife ttvod happily together and had no cause for I The Wlimiagtoo Light la fan try. Caps. fl D.&UL (nrBfti out with ahoat thlrtv- ca Ue groend. Tne inspection iook frooV' City Hall and wa. ws y a great maay ladieo and olhar Th company, precedod by th band aad th drum eorpa, tha marched down Chesent street to Front, dowa Front to Marker, aad op th taller street to Third aad to the armory. "Look her," said the lecturer to a boy who wa distorting him by constant couth lag. "aor U caau to gett a totll of Dr. Boiia Cough BjraptT j rrcxeuy cqais d4utuuo jot brttaW, cnu, bura, ircathitea aaa caiw 133. vm.WINGTON Cll' CU2LIMERCE. MJ nMB(,n, BffMl of Rot Rallra t4KiiatIa-All BlBe latOMia 8n..r -l4l-A Com. m too.- . . rKnt 4 Sok Bbb4ii BXoaro, was called Yo.H.V7fi wwog or ue Chamber 0f Commerce 'ro- i rfaM PrrTM . . .T I ... , wbiwchuoo i .. 9J VMM UC- I 7r'2 " ,"?in regulation of . I I . iransponauon or t,aai ar rm man aa r tm la a i na maai . a v a a .k ol " uuaineas men otUlecityew held at the Produce Ex- uja no prenous announce- The Preaident of the Chamber Mr. F. w- Kerchner. called the meeting to order. U)L Jo6n L- Caatwell was secretary. "e request of the Preaident CoL Wm. t n.n j,l..v. kUo vujci OI IBOBCfl. la Md read certain sections of the bill passed by the Lerislalnre. as follow Sec 1. The provision of section lWfl of , hereby repealed, and tbe fol- lowing proTUlons are inserted In lieu the Code are hereby repealed, and tbe fol- thereof: It shall bo unlawful for tsr rail rotw operaung ia uua mat to collect for iv. i . . it . 0 i i . deacrioUarrrf lrm- JuL f ft-,?! c - - w v v ia a vsa ea trmer ouni as iou or compensation ror abort dltAIUXt than fftp a lnnir.. !( In the same direction over it roads, and any railroad company violating this socUon shall forfait aad pay the sum of two hun- crea aoiiar for such violation to the party iai- Nothing la this Act shall bo taken la any manner a abridging the right of any railroad company from making ipe- contract withahipper. of large quia- thaa one car load. uuo at irugm w oe oi noi less in quantity Nothing In this act ahall be con- IUQM to mcta tht th ulrl rilrr. mv caargn as much for a shorter distance as for uig iwwT, vui kucj uaij not oe re" qoirea to cnarge a proportion rate per mile. Uut this shall not be construed to mean that more ahall be charged for equal quantities ia car loea ror a snorter than ror a longer distance. Sec 3. Nor shall the said railroads make any unjust dlscriaiiaaUoa in the rate of charge for toll or compensation for the IraZki porta lion of passenger or freights of any aeacxtpuon. Mr. Don. MacRae made the following explanation of the view of the railroad managers of the operation of the amend ment to section 1966 of the Code: The railroad law. as now enacted in this Bute, contains provisions dangerous to the commercial welfare of the State. It Is conceded on the part of all good I lawyer that the enactments of a State do I not apply to any commerce passing from I omo 6tto ioo amnner; comcuucmUt. tbo f law of North Carolina doe not apply to I shJomsnu of freight comlnr from Rich- I moad or Portsmouth, or Charleston, or I other dUtributlng centres ouUide of the SUte of North Carolina to the local terri tory inside the State of North Carolina. The law, however, doe apply to any ship ments made from Wilmington, Raleigh, Charlotte. Greensboro, or other distributing point within the State. The law reads "it shall bo unlawful for any rmrotu opcraung io diw w iiui- ,f-.K-. -..i t ..MiKf wiw MBw.vtMwwu mj any deacrtptloa a greater amount a toll or compensation for a short distance thaa for a longer dislaace la the same direc- Hon" and a penalty ia attached to such violation. And in section 3 the same re- striction is placed upon equal quantities in I carload lots, aad. unlike the Inter-State I Commerce bill, no exception is made under I any circumsiaacea. i The Inter-State Commerce bill, when it wa first proposed by Mr. Reagan, con- talned no provision for exceptions, but the aucuaaioa oi am qacsuon mu ir .... . . i mt4mI far Kaftr iVio lr!U tnra (fiuviTrrM I .1 tha absolute imDracUcabililT of any such law ana me racimam wouia won bwo i . . .. . t . - . I uiuina " J J aj v - - Under the North Carolina law. which I wa repealed by the present Legislature, exception to this long and short haul clause were made ia favor of large quantities of I freight, and unless this exception Is again I gives to the railroad companies the busi neas of Wilmington will become very much restricted In it character, For instance, under the present law the W. W. R R. bs been obltged to prepare a different tariff for every mile, and each rOOU IB XMO OUM Baa OTOB UU11DU W u "-' same. ThU rate la not made oa the basis of th same rate for every mile, tne prorate . . .... per mile decreasing as lb distance geta longer, but as a road 1 obliged to charge the same rste foi I be same distance in th same direction, when a ship- menl of freight learee one road to go on to another, the new road ha to apply it local rale; consequently all rate be tween points on different railroads within the State will be simply a combination of local. To further illustrate this: If you desire to ship frcta Wllmiogton to a point 100 mile i under tbe W. A W. R. It tariff, first das freight would coat 65c. per 100 lb. To hlp 100 mile. 50 mile of which would he oa the Weldon road and 50 oa the North Carolina, the rate woald be tc per 100 lbn although the dlstaacs travelled would bo Uk same; and the discrepancy would be tni greater If there were three roads for the freight to pas over. If th rate from Richmond and Ports mouth under the Inter-State Commerce law,wcre lea than these figures and there i nothing to prevent them from being so, th W. Jfc W. road would not be able to gifi : Wilmington a. rate lea than that. N. O., SATUREfAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1887. i ,Th rallroid companies hre desired to make their tarUfa under the preseat law as reasonable' It was poaalble, and belieTe they hare done so, without any thought or intention of making the law onerous to the people, and they greatly rrepe' that it seems impossible under the present law . to find anything but disaster to Wilmington businessv , ; - - - The legal advisers of the railroad com "v --r- I paniea aavise mem vm me coutbo wiejr.o UUlflUUlK AS Ilia UUi T U1D uua UUUVi uv Mu I " . - -.v. certainty of the meaning and scope or me I amenament rererrea m present confirmed the and cited sereta! in- tariUs had been so in- own coma: unities. I Mr. Herbert Smith called attention to I tne new tariff or i reign i cnarges aaopieo by the W. & "W. Railroad Company, and compared railroad charges, io Wilmington on cotton with those to Norfolk, Va. He instanced a customer of the past year who had withdrawn his orders because of this new tariff Increasing the -rates. Tbe law. be said, would ruia the business of the city. Mr. C. P. Mebane moved to refer the matter to tbe Railroad Commission of the Produce Exchange. Mr. R. W. Hicks moved to amend by re ferrinS il l Jolnl committee of the Pro- duce Exchange, Chamber of Commerce, merchants, and railroad officials. Mr. Calder moved that the meeting be resolved into a meeting of citizens. This motion was adopted, and the President and Becretary were requested to continue to act as such. Mr. W. Calder offered the following as a substitute for the motion of Mr. Mebane and the amendment offered by Mr. Hicks: " lUtolted.Thxl it is the cense of this meetine tnat the Legislature now in session should repeal all law now on the statute books prescribing and limiting the rights and du ties of railroad companies as to charges for carrying freight, especially the amendments to section lWoS of the Code, which seems exceedingly obscure and calculated to in jure the commercial interests of the btate, and to substitute therefor the enactment of a law establishing a Railroad Commission upon a just and equitable basis for all the interests involved. The motion was adopted. Mr. Albert Core moved that the Chair appoint a committee to present the resolu tions to the Legislature. The motion was carried unanimously. The Chair appointed the following named gentlemen as a committee to visit Raleigh in furtherance of the objects of the above Resolution : '.Messrs. Wm. Calder, W. L. DeRoaset, G. H. Smith, B. F. Hall, Clayton Giles, T. M. Emerson. On motion, the Ctirmn w. md&ad to the commiltoe. Col. DeRoaset moved that the committee as appointed havo authority to fill any va- caccj This motion was adopted, and the meet' iog adjourned. A Yon dc flcprobat. Charles Daniels, a mulatto boy about iouiteeo years or age, was commmeu to i jail yesterday Dy Justice Minis, cnargea i ... . . . .. ...... . i . . . i : ..t. a w i n tw.m I chancev Davis, a colored woman, living i . .. .. . .. xZ I over me lauroau. idq ooy eoww mo womAa-t house la her abeenoe, two days aD an(j took the articles mentioned. Yes- terday, whea an ofQcer wss sent to arrest nlm he tried to escape, but was finally run down and captured . He gave up the watch and cnain. Daniels was convicted in he Criminai Court some months ago on the j cnarge of stealing a pocket book, baton acconnt of bis youth was not punished. niVEB ANDWAR15B. n. . i i . .i f'iurwrr wkh iikuieu uu lu , tu3 marine railway ai DHUUH . .uiu jrwu . l v. KlaAa v harnrn. J"11-'"- uuu Ul l"u v a i . v. w. 1imt at Rmlf hwillo -1 ' was stopped from going to sea yesterday by a custom houso inspector, the captain of the vessel having neglected to obtain the accessary papers. Tbe barque will proba- bly sail to-day. The wreck seen to have gone ashore on the inner Diamond shoals February 4, off Cape Hatteras. is still a mystery. It la believed to have been tbe brig Garnet Air. A. K. Hawkes, the dlsunguisncu i .. . a optician, inventor and manufacturer or Ilawkea' Patent Eye Glasses and Cryttalized Lenses. I in the city, and will remsin du ring the 26th at the drug store of Robert R. Bellamy. t Mr. A. K. Hawxis, Atlanta, Ga : Dear Blr: You doubtles remember me getting a glass of you nearly three week go. I had then given up ail hope of ever being able to read again. The last three weeks, how ever, with the use of your glasses, my eyes have been wonderfully benefited and I have been enabled to do a great deal of reading the first I have done in two years. And. moreover, I have great hopes of their entire recovery. I cannot too highly recommend your glasses to my friends. Your respectfully, Etjgknr C. Caixawat. With Moore & Marsh. Atlanta. Ga. All eyes fitted with these celebrated Glasses, and the fit guaranteed, at the Drug Store of Robert R. Bellamy, Wilmington, N.C. t If you wish a good article of Pluo To bacco. auk your dealer for "Old Rip." t Ctaoreli Hotleo. -Tirat Prwbrtarlan Church, oorner of Third and Oranco streets. Rev. Peyton H. Hog. Pastor. Sorrloeo at 11 a. m. and 7.80 p.m., to-morrow. Beat free. Publio invited.;;, , . Seoond Presbyterian Church, oorner "Fourth and CamsbeU sts. Rev. Joan w. Prlmroeo, Pas tor. Sunday aarvtoea at ,-It .a. m. ndaatod br Kr. J. B. Mack X aikinl al tn. ftarrtaM IhroarhMt vA v; at 0 p. in, The public cordially Invited.. Seats : NKW ADVERTJSipiKNTg. fi. By Collier r Co., : ? Auct'rs and Com'nMerch'ts, 24 & 26 ar.ater St. npHIS DAY.'COJOTKNCING AT 16 0CLK A.M. JL wa will sell at oar Sales Booms. 20 bbla JFlonr, io pra Blankets; 6 Bedsteads, 1 Lounge, -100 prs Shoes, 5 caddies Tobacco. Crockery, Tin- aad Glass-Ware. It Lost, PAIE oF-QOLD EYE -GLASSES, ON FRONT, I - Hon," Third, Orange. Fifth or Deck Street, reward for return ot same to feb 26 it - STAR OFF1CS. GentsMTnderwear. a IfKW CHILDREN'S STT1TS. J. 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, CHEAP, OVERCOATS, seasonable weights, . POPULAR PRICKS anrasoN. feb 26 It Clothier and Merchant Tailor. K C E R H S Is TiLe U A C E K H W feb 8 lm cn to. th sat Gall and See Us To-Day SOMETHING NEW IN BOSTON CHIPS jus r out. E. WARREN & SON, CANDY MANUFACTURERS. ' feb 23 tf EXCHANGE CORNER. School Books. School Books. School Books, A LL BOOKS USED IN PUBLIC OR PRIVATE SCHOOLS, In the City or Country, Are for sale at TXEINSBERGHR'S, The Cheapest I'laoo in Town to buy . feb 26 tf Ecbool Books and School Stationery. Emporium Of Art and Fashion ! T7VANCY GOODS. ARTISTS' MATERIALS. Paints, Brushes, Pallettes, &o. A hAnntlf ol and new assortment of Rhine Stone Plm Pafmlna .nH Ear TtlnTa. anil Tlnvnltles in FmaGUJuu puatiu jkwjzlmx. NEW STYLES in Spring Millinery, Hats, Jflow- fir ann Klhhons. Kinds. All of the above at LOW PRICES. country orders solicited. MRS. E. B. WIGGINS, 115 Market Street. feb 24 tf M. F. Groom & Co. Successors to' J. L. Croom & Bro. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in GENERAL GROCERIES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO, CIGARS, Which we offer at the Cheapest Market Prices for Cash, and to the Country Trade offer Special Inducements. M. F. CROOM & CO., 102 North Water St., Wilmington, N.C. feb 24 tf Coal, Wood. Shingles. JN FULL 8UPPLY. SHINGLES. WOOD, CO aX, All Kinds and Sizes. WOOD, SHINGLES, COAL, Lowest Prices in the City. COAL, WOOD, SHINGLES, Best Quality Fall Measure. febSOtf J. A. SPRIHGEB. Low Down. -g BBLS CABBAGE, MEAT, FLOUR, HOOF- IRON, GLUE, and PILES OF OTHER GOODS, low down, at D. L. GORE'S. feb 21 tf 120. 1S2, 124 North Water Street. Prices Tell. A FEW ROBES AND BLANKETS LJfiJTr BLANK xl which mast be sold Trv as for anything kept In a first class Saddlery Store, and we pro mise to please yon Dotn in quality aoa piioo. We guarantee our Repairing to be better and our prices the cheapest in the city. Choice lot of Trunks Just received. . Old Mallard Stand, No. 10 So. Front St. feb 20 tf s. s. s. B. B B., Brown s Iron Bitters, Duke Hart's Extract Malt, Garden Seed. WILLIAM H. GREEN A CO., feb 22 tf Druggists, Market Street. For Rent, Several Rooms over Molntyre's Store and next Puroell House. Also, Rooms' in tha Journal Building, on rancess .between Front and Second streets. Apply to- D. O'CONNOR, feb 13 U Real Estate Agent. Coal, Coal. Coal. . . . - .BRiyKD, ON HAND, AND FOR pAuE . TKW-: 5mJ Uaai. l and T.sa pm. I aessee and English Bituminous, and all sizes An SaSt the week. I thraolte Coal, at lowest priced; . i v i . - , WHOLE NO. 6374 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IVI . IVl K A T Z ' S Cash House, 116 Market Street. ARB JUST THROUGH TAKING STOCK, and .have marked down many gooda below regu- lar prices to'make room. WillOpen Monday. Jan, 31st, A FULL LINE OF WHITE GOODS, WHICH WE HAVE SECURED AT VEBY LOW PRICES. I NAINSOOK EDGINGS AND PLOUNCINGS.I SPRING DRESS G00D3. worth 25c, for 12H. 15 and 20c. Extraordinary Job, 1000 Assorted Jerseys, fMost of them worth from $2 to 3.3 Your Choice 1.25. ALL-OVER LACES, TUCKINGS, GINGHAMS, SATEENS, COLORED NAINSOOKS, Ac. An examination of Quality and . Prices will surely secure your patronage. ZMZ.IMl. katz, 116 Market St. GREAT INDUCEMENTS ! AT THE New Crockery Store 117 SOUTH FRONTiSTRBET, Call and examine the NEW LAMP, just Invent ed SCHNEIDER'S. Also, DECORATED CHAM RKRund DINNER SETS. COMMON and FANCY GLASSWARE, LAMPS cf all description, SILVER-PLATED WARE, and TIN-WARE, have all been selected with great care, and will be sold most reasonably. ANTON SoSttT, 117 South Front St., feb 9 tf Opposite New Market. Cabinet Organs. PERSONS IN WANT OF A GOOD CABINET OROAN shonld not fall to examine the In struments made by Wilcox & White, of Merlden, Connecticut. Their tone is full, round and me lodious, and entirely free from the hard and raspy sounds generally found in Organs. Prices i v itiut i -co are very iuw. feb 15 tf 409 tsoa ctoss bi. New Spring Styles ! TUNLAP STIFF HATS 1 UMBRELLAS 1 HARRISON & ALLEN, Hatters. feb 24 tf Not Well Dressed. j0 MATTER HOW FINE YOUR GARMENTS, unless your Shoes are neat and fit well you are ill dressed. BEST FITTING BOOT3 AND SHOES in the city, and prices to suit all at Geo. R. French & Sons, 108 NORTH FRONT STREET. feb 20 tf , Bags. "YTE VAltTt A SPECIALTY OF GROCERS' BAGS and STRAW and MANILLA PAPERS, TWINE, WAXED BUTTER PAPER, Ac, &o. Don't fall to see the "NEW STYLE" SQUARE BAG, and to get wholesale discount feb23tf C.W.YATES. . . taf. ; Flows, Haines, &c. rpHE DIXIE PLOWS ARB THE BEST MADE. You can find them, with a pair of HAMES and PLOW LINES, for a little money. At GEO. A. PECK'S, feb 20 tf 29 South Front St. For Sale, A VALUABLE PLANTATION, ON MOORE'S Creek. Fender County, containing 230 acres of Land; 35 acres cleared, with dwelling and out houses and good mill-site i thereon. -Abougslx miles from Point Caswell and seven If rom Long Creek. Terms Cheap for cash. Apply to CHAS. M. GALLOWAY, feb 17 lw 120 Front St . Wilmington. N. C. Snnnyslde (Floral) Nursery. 188T. 1887. OUR :S&-PAGB ILLUSTRATED AND DE SCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE of Ornamental Plants for the Flower Garden, Park, Greenhouse and Cemetery now ready. Free to all who send. Address to JAMES M. LAMB, Sunnyside, FayettevUle, N. C. feb 15 D2w&W2t - No Hore TyTALENTINJSS, BUTJLL THE NEWSPAPERS Illustrated. Papers, Magazines, Libraries, and any thing tn the Reading Line you wish. . ' f i Hew Dealer, ''.T su Monthflr.. .;..t.4i 40 c j 0n er.....i. ......v--.- M fie arContr&o AdrertiMmnta taken M ptopor- aT? Ten lines solid Nonpareil type mako one sqvar- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. v LA . ' Great Bargains ! Hamburg lMgingti:anc! Insertions ! i'rf ... BROWN & RODDICK V J . North Front StV-'' "' .iv; .W-"? "40?lv mg our menus ana patrons that we nat )nst- recelyed the STOCK OP CHEAPEST AND LeR0E8T" , HAMBURG EDGINGS & INSERTIORS Ci WE HAVE EVER OWNED, AT LEAST 30 PER CENT. BELOW PRESENT. Vr - , -- " . -MARKET VALUE. v 'i'-- It will certainly be ;to the advantage of all.v5 who require such Goods to call early and make r . their selections. PRICES FROM 5c TO 1.60 PER YARD.' .If f MADE ON THE VERY BEST CLOTH ANDf THOROUGHLY FINISHED. '"-r; Vf Kid Gloves. We are offering a SPECIAL JOB IN LADHSv 4-BUTTON KIDS, SOc a pair, in Tans, Brown ' - Slate and Mode Colors. Sizes 694 to 6. ;.;:.V-.--W,:-'a. BROWN & RODDICK; 9 NORTH FRONTC8TREET, Branch Store, 27 Hay street, FayettavUIe, JK.CAir. Jaa 83 tf IV! " . Bacon, Flrmiu-Xardl, Pjj tMJAOO w. o. turn DIUUUU V.i. ou. , . j 1500 BWS rL0UR' 1111 rad68' i KA Cases LARD, For sale low by " ' - - , , WILLIAMS RANKIN A CO'S. feb 20 tf Molasses, Molasses.1 CHOICE NEW CROP CUBA, In Bhds. Tea and Bbl a C -p- : febaotf WILLIAMS. RANjaK.O0. f ; Coifee, Sugar, Rice;:: JQQ Sacks Choloe bio coptjib, -A IUU - " . .. i-j?, r 1JD1S XUUA, For salo low.br feb SO tf WILLIAMS, RANKIN W. Nails, Hoop Iron, Glue;; OKQ Kega NADLS, " ri' '.t gQQ Bundles HOOP IRON. - lr )t Bbls DISTILLER'S GLUE. . J J ' For sale low by feb 23 tf TTTTT T T A If O 'To . tfTTIO A fM Over 840,000 Paid Out g Y US FOR LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBBv ' : INSURANCE CO. alone, for losses by fire, 188V 7".' and paid WITHOUT DISCOUNT, foi this Com' pany has no SIXTY DAYS olauee in Its poltoyT;.vV. ; Take onr advice and insure In a non-discount , ... " Company, for yon will save money in case of tip ' ?:-'-loss by so doing. ' . ifX-i- f'; 1 J. W. Gordon & SinitKi K AGENTS, ... -,lt',y ' ' Liverpool fc London Globe "Insuranoo Oomny. ' f feb 29 tf . - -.- 'v.' . t; ' Pure and Reliable IHE SEED OFFERED BY THE TJNDKHSTGltf- 1 ' T ed have been purchased for. and are spect. t ally adapted to, this section. They are au the , ; very best known to the trade. You may perhaps , f get Been cheaper eisewnere, out wnen you m v, them from me you may be sure of getting the ;v very best. A large stock of all varieties on hand w - to select from, very low for oash. . ." u . - r f iB,a. . -A ISO ai Li iew avaatn uuuuivai . Cotton Plowtp ; t tt a TOT phtyvw rnrr twtt a i vt ' rlfflff . a Wf"i jji ri r. y A A Fl " T'lMirn a anaar aw sasai miav aJ. .11 at.a-aM Plaj.a. a lasa-a Ska PmM Mr Bay Dixie - Turning Plows. These Plow wo nuinnwHii ixilluu xvwd wov a.aw. t-w aa - ' . market them. KIUUOUIQOW WO euvvttvi a-v aaao - "" , Wa at nrenared to make orloos on them. We handle first class goods ananotraso is! if we know it. WM B. SPRINGER CO..- Successor to Jno. Dawson A Co,-s feb 20 tf ' Wilmington, V. C. J. STARTLING Yoa Cannot Afford to Isnore Them. The following article appears la a recent tome or the New York Commercial BuUetUH "An expert X- i aminad and reported upon BunpIofCliUaifo rflil-, , - . lard, the other day, which ha said did not contain m. pound of hogs' fat, bat consisted of tallow, &tmn, I I , cotton seed oil, and oleo steariBa." . . - - j. - xa lucuauiuHui CASSAR Is such, a mixture cheap at any pneo r ... '.w. - .aajr , . " . - EVERY FAC1KAGB IS GUAJOANTEEIV Try It and yon wHIsmso other. ;-v . . 7 G. CASSARO A '8 O II if : j i BALTIMOR,MD - 4)nMWlM(iwniN-wnM'auivmv jyniy ;ip ' t , i '&if- J i'"' FACTS . A. r.. r f - J . , - : o-1 if- i.