Morning Star. lie One 8qw Qaa Day....:M.'.;..:...;..,i : II cg - M - , TVs iA ' . ii. t!Cn.VAiti. IteM Dam. ..-. i.. ft 1 1 it II - - a & TTiTlisrr mo oat Two Week p c -r ' r ta uiurtlii, Of - Two Month,.. (At li co .TJMonths,....ii.i.,-i4 Co IM XitTrU 'ta ur r 1M Clay ContracCAclTertiMmraU Ukea at dtooot-- ,.1tT. HQ:. Wn.MINGTON; N. 0., SUJSTDAY, MAECH 6, 188T.. NO. 638ti "lowimtoa-; . ; ; ? ; . ; i : : : V ';'.. '.'r-; :' ' ' ' ; " : '. i " -' -fl)filNlT hDI lIUiN. ol'TLtSKS. f ' wi i u a t n-.v f . i DP1 r . I ,14-1.) :.1 WHW4MVt ' , t .l ItftffUni teen ai w r, . I frff-m kAtlM KA I H3 tv;-i y i . I BjLftaa cansad t" M ;t '' I m t-.ct us a;eu troca ui7Csuoii. I J" .. I r a:ritj: Moay 3iQt I a !.. u t V I 1.1 " " ... . Ti el w-. . . . w . . I A itr AT mir m 1 ,u'. rtn j4icklT ao.l be j worit. 37 Democrats, . 1 j . tt: t in, iccm JiDg inuuiw--r i:i)UQli3 1 orpie. ..f H'fw r:.jti, of New vtv h- ; a staaacb Dmo- n ti l cv-r jaytbiej; tU. y r j.. firbof) S'4iAr4r: " That jlir. ;iv.mi bijjb." "Voa anui n av." "Did I t ft, then I f r. ' li- i'-r will t' i forab! ;h "i--,;rip'itfi f?co Home, ot ?ii ;V.. o( Libjf ai tb t tiU.U y( Oirilinil Gibbocs. .Vi uv t3("r yt rul a rato who l.i ;i.ic ihm't hra-sif cj11j qasli iti,i ,.; Jo lii.o-rJtt a news 3aer i:i i rjooijrn apoo the merits ! , dtniee '.h.i. :i i ;c',:a t 'rohUtn, and n;i.M.h:"t hi prfruc to be a citi st'ti if A'aaVi fi".hr '.hm a priest f '.a :a i.-ci sijiehsr. i O rrviTr, UcaUy's oxpi- r. I bio.riphr. L t written i -i -r ;jr-it; rfjni'.tcij of the Li . r! i).rt li- ri us of the i -r from J'. .i:.?ce I'tbiLeL Ari:aii.thp Crja itn the noo pvmntof Ui;i in IrlaaJ. This ?i;ibjrv, a.i he eiil appeal to I'oct The Utter ji: cele br:rti h,t tntb jtiT of th I'ootiS- Thd ICi!: j:t.aip t. pci;oo M ra. Lova fij.J, M i5 lo iuo. a i no ra.?r d?rvtag of a jmhia tha t icorj or to of other rloei o( Federal CeoeraU bo are u roil m he I. '-los CleveUad 14 sud to be - nit Pft,Jnt who ha been too r" U rv-pire ij.4r or to Lake hiv'-- Wuh.ostoo. Madison, Jaf f""s ia,i Jck.oo had persooal r"fn,i4 ,ao j - 4 M.-wMirjMt Msther. the aome- L I cs4 tat ae- I nfiv... ii.v.-. r th ue f.4bicn continue I auv I ot 1 tried to dim that. Ltojv.oe, educated and 1 - - .Hid so ine n Y. me ocij way to ctptare y me M to of them --'ai ppo.otmeot. ta . '""I to 4tirjr.-i- iK.t ; 1 r r it Uiiefui to tbe Pre.ident Mthol,ta of Ifcchoood met for IUndolph Macoo Ceil, 1 9T' Thv ri:.t k rum tv. 1. . 'f'sts "r'fcao wo,ooo Ustbe hiM r!"1 a fire jsara for 'ty Co;u-4. Bat contrasts are irbU 'difln.4. sad compAritons are ortof cifiUxaUoo mast that ,hu type of raAnhood th hu lb JPof nanhood t-ufor tha.undard of nobility "of character such men uln, Stanton R.,.. i,.. ton - 4 a loasi; otas- t tflitr, T r fn& i, cot trathfa M( 3h. l aeao all the way tt c iM bj t.h, fojftetaea of I Qt that of 111,000 ofSca , tome so.coo are Democrat. A,tVtihslUDatmUft a the f . i . W wnij Use other 7 T o!Tcif Rpublia par- I Imao tu tamed oat of a high offlc Ioooof Hi IHpartxaenU. By next jwwatj mbuiw odi win go. TbU .U !rform tem jon know. Uamb! 1. ' uu probftolr MioUjer faroUurato- !...-.. . . . - I Kwugn, uut tt is eooa ana quue I.W .W. .CT I m o "Til m. rt-. u . rN..t-l. -. T mmm MtKvv uun i j avm Q(..Y.-. 1 fc. - ! ... lis ontaloa opoa U. Tst old asxeof Chel I s rtnlkd thai a lh snhlaet was a Larra otx and not caoahhj of belnr tall ad out in a coapi of SBlaote. B wooid bo as wall If hr Malaaty waa aeaUd. Qataa Victoria BA(4 MTT- hfarm tmm ukid ta tsTr .t oviorv wa auaa 10 laxa a seal. wa prfacUy daiZxhUd with Iho wo- DCbttJ. 'Wllh t BAUt tit it lid 1ta i-4rrtM Dm. wrtttan tarn Iob a letters aboat Wllmlngtoo and its in te rests to the Baltimore Jkfanufac- r . - . . . strrm iucoru. kji our Climate and the dirabloeae of Wilmington as a Winter residence be says: w w & t . . II la . ww ft a I. ib irvimr nuicvwo it natation Lll I forUuamts that oanally htberaaie ta Florida U ita soft and nalai atnaosDhcre. The aaooal mean temperature of Bmiih Tli:. at the mooth of tne Ope Fear ri rer, la tie aaaae as that of ilobtle. AU.. while that of WUmlagtoa S3 decree) ta bet three Ira, aad coereepoeda wlta that of Jeraia Wa. la the Holy Lead, and of NIcolaaaL t- - - - . v r . .. . W tb. cout ud fMtt Blk. U. 5S;J5VMff! 'i.. Oolott aad UoUaiat. was wool to aay that thia country, with iU iaolated semi tropical elloaie, must bare been cot off frooa Florida aad floatad to lis present an- caorare." "p p" CJH"T. I "stae ASaVKM-viesuaaf J. IL ILajtact. Beans. Foa Saxji EacyeJopciias.. C. W. Tat To the boys. J so Pointer pepe for sale. Fowua & Mobjusoji CoeL Couisa A Co. Auction sale P. EL IIatdsui I've get them. W. IL Gaxxx A Co. Sponges. J. A. Eraxxon Coal and wood. fTaaaracgsJb Allms Doalaphats. 0L H. Cajutrs Century for March. M. M. Kat Goods snaxkad down. 8. L FrasraLAra Spring clothing BaowTr Jt RooDTCk Oreat Vargalaa Oao. A. Pxcx Wall UsmL oils. JU. Locts J. Potaecm Bead estate agent . IL C PaAarxar-'Tyee perform sree OrLse Jt Ifcacatso! Ftshlag tackle Mu LO. Eaaxax Entertainment IL R BaxLAMT Mineral waters, etc FsumaxL & DajrtaL Lees than coat. EL II. SxKxz Laleat styles fnralture. W. II. AtxSBJCA!f Jk Co. A gnarmolee. J.1L Dajuwicx Aalomaiic coffee sli 1. Baat'L Haia.Sa Seecial announcement. J. W.Tatl Horsee aad mules for sale. Has. EJXWxod Latest fptlog styles. O. IL Fxzxai t Sots Zaay SlUsg shoe. W. E. Erszvoxm i Co. CbUoa plows. J.W. Goxdox A Sjcth Fire iara ranee. J. L iLiJTtrr Admlalatrator notice. Pajlaxa A TarLO Door tnata, lamps. Aoaxax A YoLUXJ Fkrur. sugar, lard. WnxxAara, Ratox dt Co. Bacoo. flouf. lard, molsseca. coAee, sugar, etc Sa4Jeliee I TVs fotlowinx are tha iadJcatioos for the I twtaly-four hoars coctmeocla at 10 p- m. Thandaj: Fcr North Carolina aad Booth CaroHaa, rain, warmer, easterly winds shlftiog to aootkeriT. Foe Georgia, rain aad warmer, southerly I wiaij. r. , 1 j. 11. v . 1.. fou. 1 Vw'B4vr,'",,"",wr . ahtftiag u aociharly. lavir wn bir. wirmtr. mtir r wwu, i - 1 For WeeUrn Florida, fair weather, fol lowed by raia. wanner, southerly winds. Kaeasl OftfSrS. Edward Alderman, colored, was knocked ovtiboard. or fell lato the ilrrr from a wood-Cat lyisg la tho dock at the foot of PrleceM ttrvei ytatarday. Fortunately by sunders ware aaa who press pily came to I before the carrrat canlsd him uader. He I had a warrant Urned far the arrest of John Mlaas the owner of the fiat. It was shown mm. lavvwaws-ws .... ... at the trial before Jnttfcsj KCUi that Alder man had no busiaeae oa tbe flat and wss ordered to gel off. Mima made a threat- . . . i eelag damoo.traUoa towards him. and lo stepplsfc beckwaris Alderman fe 1 Into the rittt. reeve aeA. OoL . a Bdak la ia tha dry. Haj. Me Clammy. BprseeoUUre-akct to tha aeat Ooagreat, passed through the city yesterday oa his return from Tf aahiagtoa. Rer. Dr. FrUclard rtturaed to tha city yseterdsy from Chapel Hill, aad will occu py hie pulpit La tha First Baptist Church to-day as uaual At Goldaboro ysaUrday he had tha misfortune to toeo hie valise, tha coolants of which were principally books sad papers. ,,4.,.! aeetaleat. Mr. John T. French, of WUmingtoa Heck A Ladder Co. Now 1. met with a roaalaar la a ire ha burst one of tbe veins U the call of hU right k Bla phyalciaa Jt 11 wm ttIrta "P1' Injury.' aad la tha 8allma tha patient J- Wr- Frrach haa tha alncere sympathy f many frieuda la hJa mUfortune lend ta bif mlafortoaev ' - . - , ! I -r The Criminal Court met on Mood7 the llrt la.t. iomra ox Aid era en meet In I Wfal ioo Monday Teaio at Iba City RoeipU of cottop y eater day I ereooI7 baka; the same dale last Tear I oi ivtvAm.A. a j f ... . I ' T" T J 1 . . .. a ug uuiiu oi Auail ana r 1 I I u aitcrnooo. I Tr . . ' I ww"" rmWw io do ior ue I reiUtratloa of candldaiea for aldermen. I I vri- : 1: . I ,,u? uvng licenses were is- I mnvA K Kji Ait.n..l.l IV. .w. eight of tho ntas were for colored people IUt. Woa. Bishop will preach the aaana sermon before the Grand United Order cf Odd Fellows, at ML ZIon church (colored) at 10 o'clock this morning. Ur. J. M. Aebby, of Smith title, N. C. m preach at the Temple of Iirael at 11 a. m. to-day and at the Fifth RlrMl UtUkMlktiphuri h th .n n .t 71 Uolorioff for butter and cotton uu kuvuv " uuw uTtr- usea. uow many more impoaiuooa wit be practiced upon innocent and onsuspect- InrMAnUI UtW. U,. put Rk were u foUow, : O.k- ! -uiuiCu Cemetery. The "Japanese WeddioK" is . , , . reprraeoted aa being tbe finest entertain meat of its character errr given la this city. IlU Uafcted l le1 CO persons ritaeasea u on inursosy nignt. Robert Toomer, George W. McKoy aad Charles Onalow, all colored, arrested la the "Hollow" while drunk and dUordarlA were sentenced each to work twenty-five days on the streets, in tbeMsy or's court yesterday morning. An "artistic entertainment" will be given next Wednesday even log at the realdeaco of airs. E O. Barker, on South Fsoot sUret. A charming evening is pro- I mltwxt Ln .11 .tin mrimnA Thu nmrwHi mtseU to all wno attenO. ine proceeds Will be for the benefit of 8. Psol's Episco- m v m f Iter. M. v . Morns, pastor of . ,, .... , . , Saitoh Baptist church (colored) announces that hie eermon at 3 o'clock this afternoon will be oa "Rezeeeralkra." and at nisht Paul's Charge to the Corinthians." Rer. James WUliama. of Goldaboro. will assist lea awa.l4s.T t 1 M a .ft fKIs Anrrh fKIa Waalr I I U If ill sm uiiVMHt ea e WMwa v-a a w v "A reader of the Star" thinks a reflection upon our State but i.Mn.l. Kn Hrrnlatn th n- Il vtduala w Do circulate mere- it -not only upon the lndi porta, that the murderer Bingham, who stands charged with two awful Crimea, shonld be represented aa being seen in so many different places in the State and no one bare tbe courage to arrest him, not withstanding the reward offered for his ar rest, aad to make aa example of hiu in or. der lo better protect virtue and the Inno cent and h el pleas females of the Bute." rreveaUesi Better tkaa Care. The Board of Health of New ilanover county hare issued a circular for free dls- tntrutlo.. conuinlng valuable information a to the prevention and restriction of tear- Lt fever. The preventive measures re- commended are 1. Avoid the conlaglum of the disease. Especially should children be prevented irom flf ttT. " -V.V from coming in contact witn anything I ki.-s k.. bn near one alck with this di- I ease. . I 2. Be careful of books, toys. caU and A ue careiui 01 bwu. iujs, cam tuu dotfs which sy have been handled by a I aa at fa nat ani Th n iMAtvsifW naa rwn asmA sx a a v i wa amMva spread by circulating libraries; picture books having beea taken therefrom to amuse the patient, and returned without being dlatofectea A Ou recoTerlne from this disease I aboald not be per ml lied to mlnlo wlthtbe puouc. bbui ae jm cvu 1 LhnroorhlT cleaned aad disinfected. I 4. No child coining from a house con taialag a case of scarlet fever should be al lowed to attend school or otner pontic as aembly, ana snooia oe preventea irom pUyleg won otner cnuarea. at A am AASnlaa frnm aiir h sa S4 fltoiofect and change his clothing before going where there are cbil dree. 6. Beware of any one wth a sore throat; j".,,, y0ar Children to be klased by iuca a person, or to drink from tbe same cup. ' , , , , 7 When scarlet fever la present in your TOmmanlty. dnot take children to crowd aeaerabtiea In un ventilated room a Is - pee mat your noose ana premi wo perfectly dean. ioo to your ceuars, w eis. ceas-poolA, sinks and water closets, aad allow no decaying animal or vegetable matter to poison the atmosphere of your dwelling. m m m rereica Kxwarte TeeSeratay. Norwegian barque Ujtmvut cleared for rUyal. Russia, with 1,867 bales of cotton, valued at $33,873; shipped by Messrs. Alex. Bprunt A Bon. Schooner GmrffU L. Drat cleared for Banchea, Ban Domingo, with I8.2S7 crcsa tica, valued at $3,780. shipped by Messrs. James EL Chad bourn & Co. German barque Graf JkXr Ke$endnk cleared for Hsmburg. with 1.911 barrels of roain and 800 casks of spirits turpentine, alued at $7,71: shipped by Meassra E. O. Barker & Co.; and six aample sacks fertile xen. valued at $5, ahlpped by Meurs. Helde&Co.' .?! f 1 1 ea ar" " AU who wish to consult Dr. Freeman, the ex pert: specialist and orpodic sur- raon. proreasionairy, w ui uau, u u Drtoa llouae March Cth. 7th and 8th.- f v wru uouaa axarca- A By Baa' Ovra Front Straef. j . Da? id Jacob. Jr., a1 colored boy' about eight 'years of ae. and son of ex-CoroBer Jacobt, was run ovet'by 4 cart yesterday afUraoon on South Front street. .The cart was drjren by Bolirar Taylor, colored, who was hauling sawdust from Kidder's mill. I The boy Jumped Into the cart for a ride, ana aeaaeniauy zeu in iront or one or me wheels, which p&ased orer his body before the horse could be checkedJ The boy was' unconscious when taken to his home on Wooster, between Front and Second streets. :J)t. Ellis, the aAtendiog physician, said that his injurte were internal, and it l Tery snous or not DlU of Mr. Theotfort. Kllara. 1 Mr. Theodore JCiiets. only surTlTing eon I r,fi),K.rtn n PilArM w B0Mtthfl I 7 ' 1 . m.r.n., viriK.w r.Mna i . """ --- t. - - - - .. .. . . strettj J Ills death waa .anexpetted mad , ereat TLucS to bla family an friends. He was at bis place ot Duticeer tuay in nis . . . 11.... 1 T,.t!h h.,i ... iVn .IrV li.rinw thn ' - - o ereoicg of that day. Tbe cause of his death was cot stated, but it was ascertained thai he bad been suffering from srme affec tion of tu bowels. Look out far clever imitations of Salva tion Oil. Its unprecedented success pro vokes couaterfc its. Thtsc are tbe !ar wheu ibe maD with I the thjt-uo pocs out buoticg and comes Oougb Bjrup is m order. f I 0IBD I CURRIS. At 1 0ol5k. Kmroh 6th. JOHN K. CUKRIB. azel 1 years, son of ths Ute Stephen . " ' M . ?f?.V,. EXter- - noon. from toe residence, corner 7th and Market reets. XILKBa In tbU cltr. last creator, at the restdence of his Bother, WK. THKODOHX IILB&S, at ed 44 years 8 months and 90 days. Notice of f on oral haaeafter. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. By Collier & Co., nctTs and Coxnn Kerch ts, 84 & 26 W. Water 8U MONDAY. AT 10 O'CLOCK, WE WILL SELL at owr Sales Rooms, IS bbla Flour. 8S boxes Tobaooo. CO bo ie Cigars. 8 pr Counter Scales, Feather Bed, Bedsteids, Stoves, Shoes; large lot ot Crockery, Tin- and Glass-ware, Drawers. 8hlru. Clocks, Soap, Bedspreads, Trunks and Vsllsee mhSlt Artistic Entertainment. MRS. K. G. BARKER WILL GIVE ATT "AR TISTIC ENTERTAINMENT" on WEDNES DAY BVKNING, (9th instant), at her residence, The Fetut of Reason and the Flow of Soul" will be dispensed by the best Amateur Talent in Mnalc andlthetor'c. All who desire a charming evening shonld not fall to be present, mh S 8t For Sale, ' T XMON AND WHITE POINTER PUPS. j Write for prices. Address JUNO. mh 6 if Ntohols, 8. c. fl J QfQ f n'fl Wnf i0 sUUUUUiO Wl W K VI W Aw TT AVING QUALIFTXD AS ADMINISTRATOR AA. i . of the estate of Margaret Johnston, de debted'tsldecent, o male immediate payment, and all persons having .claims against 14 e., wi:i prent them for payment on or ceased, notice Is hereby given to all persons tn- before the 6th day of March. 1883, cr this notice will be plead m bar or tneir reco rery. Dated March 5th, 1887. mn It JQ. L. MaFFITT. Adm'r For Sale, ENCYCLOPAEDIAS. JAMES PARTON, THE celebrated historian and biographer, says th&t in sTArr hooae where there Is Dlaoed a set of Appleton's Cyolonaedla It is like sending the I whole family to college " This work, ail the I w w . t J Aa mm .wall I fOittuMMi Ola IJV VlTwAUICU VUUU WAX RA.SUI mnnthiv nmTmnL bv addreasinr mh S lw CYCLOPAEDIA, this Office. lie Stuns Automatic Coffee Still Tfl ON A BIG BOOM. IT SELLS ON ITS OWN rvrtTL ind free trom ."f1 den's Shop, Market St., ai4 sm u work. J. M. HARD WICK. mh s It Manager. m at, rt Tttci f IO hllV DUyO I TVTOW IS THE TIME TO LAY IN A SUPPLY OF tops varrles. bats. BALLS. Ac. fco. A 1 imM uannmunt inn raoeiraa. aibu iuiuuiiiu. large assort mentjnst received. Also Hammocks, n,muniiu A liberal discount WQ eaT."1"11'0 a w YAts7 .n.. ,nun irh etf lie Market St., Wilmington, N. C. fecial Annoeceient TUfi ot pvnrrvm tots WEEK80O PACK- """-T-JTJr JT . Art I utd Tobaeoo: various shapes. To be sold at ansi annna ninaiAAJ. m. tawaaaw vbm- willSdtt to their advantage to ex above before purchasing eisewnere. RerDectfuUr. haMUEL BEAR &r. mh 0 tf 18 Market Street rrtQERE IS NO TREASON WQY YOU SHOULD NOT USS JN YOUR HOUSE T HAT PERPECT CEREAL. 2KCKSRS JJUCKWHBAT. febSlm ch ta th sat Too Little Fire ! rpHEB SIS MORS DANGER IS HAVING TOO little than too much fire th's time cf the year. Keep a good snpply of COAL aad WOOD on band. Mreup;keep warm; avoid colds, doctors, druse, ae , o. Bh6U JT. A. RPRI90ER. Just atorived, A -CAR LOAD OT FINE HORSES AND MULES, J and' for kale cheap. t Call and examine at ., " ' " J.w.' TAYLORS BTABLB3,' :,4 mh Jt - . . North Front St. -V'-v - a KMKJ jrrs. WE pO' HdT WAHT THE ETH ! BUT WB DO TO DO TKB ClttLBflste of Wiliigtoii mi And we arecoiocrto do it, if PEICK. STYLB mu a maw u v a j .v m j v u vv c aad FIT are an object to you. We will give you I the best bargains in Men's and Boys' Tailor toe Dest Darxams in Men's ana Boys' Tailor Fit soys' Tailor Fit minrton. ! uoHUBgew onwea mwimnwMB. Onr Spring Stock arriving dally, We buy early to secure Ucrlish and Nobbv Goods. Onr Btcck is the largest ever brought to this ' city " - ; We are going to sell them at prices that other drsiers pay for thslrs. We bny snoa large qnaa titles that we can afford to RETAIL AT WHOLE SALE prices. No harm to look through onr stock before yon purchase We guarantee perfect sa tlsf aoi ion or money cheerfully refunded. Onr Custom Department in fall blast. Over oae thousand styles to choose from at a Earing To you from f 10.00 to $15.60. 8. II. FISH (IL ATE, mh 6 it KING CLOTHLSfi. ' T. C. F. H. I N. C. TO THE PEOPLE 0? WILMINGTON AND AD JOINING COUNTRY. If you or your ceighbor contemplate buying anything la the FURNITURE LINE You are cordially Invited to examine oar stock; If not, come anyhow; we will be glad to show you. Remember we mike our own goods, conse quently will save you the middleman's profit. OUR GOODS ARB ALL NEW, DIRECT FROM OUR FACTORY. Will show yon the latest styles, consisting of Walaut, Asti , C nerr y and Imitation Walnut Look at the run we are making in a WALNUT SUIT, ten pieces, with Toilet, for the small mm of $53 CO. Also an elegant line of BABY CARRIAGES, ranging In price from $10 to f 3". Call and see as. KNOXVILLE FURNITURE CO., S. E Cor. Market and 2nd Sts , Wilmington, N. C. F. H. SNEED, Manager. mh 6 It Emporium Of Art Qilld F&ShiOIl ! . . to Goods in Latest Spring Styles. LADIES WHO CONSULT THEIR INTEREST vtUl call and examine my NEW STOCK be fore purchasing elsewhere. New Styles in Ladies', Children's and Boys' STRAW UAT3 and in Ladles' BONNETS. New Assortment of COLLARS and CUFFS; all sizes from 11 to 16 In Collars; 7 to in Cuffs, inirnniei wvwr a tt tw t trmmilffa DE MORE ST RELIABLE PATTERNS in the Latest Styles lust received. I will leave for New York the last of this week to pnrohase my Spring Goods, and during this week offer my entire stock at GREATOY RE DUCED PRIUES. MRS. B. B. WIGGINS, mh 6Jtf 115 Market Street. Something to Enjoy. JOTHING IS MORE TJNC0MF0RTABLBTHAN an 111-flttlDg SHOE. It hurts your foot, makes you cross and unhappy. Nothing adds to your pleasure more than an EASY FITTING SHOE. It Is a joy as long as it last). We have the best fitting Boots and Shoes in the city. Call on us and try a pair. I (?Afl T. ITATinri RflTlft. I vw - "w 7 I 108 NORTH FRONT STRKRT. mh6 tf LOUIS J. POISSON, REAL BSTATB AGENT, NO. 113 NORTH SECOND ST. isst Parties wishing to buy or sell Real Estate, and those having Estates to manage and Bents to collect, would do well to oall on me. mh 6 It Dunlap Hats ! ILK UMBRELLAS 1 BOYS' POLO CAPS 1 HARRISON A ALLEN, Hattero. r&b S tf House Furnish Goods. A GOOD STOCK ON HAND. DOOR MATS, LAMPS, CAGES, COOK STOVES. All grades Purcps, Lightning Rods, Tinware. Toilet Sets, Biscuit Board?, Lap Boards, Ironing Boards, " ' PARKER A TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL mh g tf Century for March. I JEW YORK DAILIES 25 CENTS PER WEEK IN ADVANCE DELIVERED; Illustrated Papers, Magazines, Libraries, Fashion Books, Ac, always on hand at C M. HARRIS' mh 6 tf News and Cigar Store. No. 7 South Front St. JpBEE PERFORMANCE. The Electric Brush is now on exhibition at H.XJ. PRRMPBRT'bV No. 7 Sonth Front St. Admission tree. Children half price. Doors open at 5.3). Troupe begins at e. rah 6 tf White Leaa. uus, xc. . . v ' 4k - m - - p URB WHITE LB AD AND OILS. ALSO, CO- I rV.T " ! T- ; 1- f T. : I LOBS,' from tie oldest and most reliable mana j ;rJv- , .: 4- .- . 5M-.-..J fMtarefa hi this Country. Friees as low asthe I lowest.' ;; .t .;asu. Air rsvp, . 1 -v " i - U NKW ADVEKTIS: NEW ADyEBTISEMENTS. KI .: r,l . K A T Z ' S Cash House, 116 Market Street. -A w BARK JUST THROUGH TAKING stock, andjhaTe marked down many goods below regn- lar niees to'mak room- en:Monday. Jem, 31st, A VTTT T T Tiff W fV 1 A FULL LINK OF WHITE GOODS, WHICH WE HAVE SECURED AT VERY LOW PRICES! NAINSOOK SDGINGS AND FLOtTNCINtiSj ' J :; SPRING DRE3S GOODS, worth S5o, for 16 and 30c. Extraordinary Job, 1000 Assorted Jerseys, IMoat of them worth from $3 to 3.1 Your Choice $1.23. ALL-OVER LACES, TUCKING 8, GINGHAMS, SATEENS, COLORED NAINSOOKS, fec. An examination of Quality and Prices will Burely secure your patronage. IsL. IJL. KATZ, 116 Market St. Flour, Sugar, Lard, &c. 1200 bblB FL0UB Q Backs MEAL, on A Bhla. SUGAR. Granulated. Extra C and C, K Sacks COFFEE, RIO, JLLO LAGUYRA and JAVA, OKA Bbls. POTATOES. B. ROSB, ZDU GOODRICH and PEERLESS, 2 BblS. TUFfTIPS. 25 Tuba BUTTER, 3Q Boxes CHEESE, 150 TIeroeS aDd Cases IARD, 1 A A Hhds. and Bbls New Crop MOLASSES, 1UU 25 Q Bbls. and Half Barrels. MULLETS, 25Q Boxes CRACKERS, 250 Boxes CANNED GOODS, 200 20X68 TOBA.cco 250 Thousand CIGARS, OnAA T.ha RNTTFF. RAILROAD. O U V U LORILLARD and MRS. MILLER. For sa'e low by ADRIAN & VOLLERS. mh6 tf Fishing Tackle. XJ B CAN OFFER INDUCEMENTS TO PAR ties buying Fishing Tackle. Our stock is com plete, and we can give you an outfit on very rea sonable terms. mh6tf GILES & MURCHISON. New Arrivals. TrrnirnriimTi -txr.rmrD KUAiw ""Jt -sa-- AfvaAaAacaxio nawM Roach Paste. Garden Seed, niainfefitlnr Solutions. Ac. - ROBERT R. BELLAMY, Druggist, mh 6 tf N. W. Cor. Market and Front St. Coal. Coal. Coal. RRIVBD, ON HAND, AND FOR SALE TEN nessee and English Bituminous, and all sizes An thracite CoaL at lowest prioss. mh 6 tf FOWLER A MORRISON. Less Than Cost. TPO MA KB ROOM FOR OUR SPRING STOCK Jl the balance of Robes and Blankets will be sold for less than cost for cash only. We also have a complete stock of Hemes, Harness, Leather. Sheep Skins, Saddles, Saddlery, Hard ware, Ac Trunks repaired by the only practi cal Trunk Maker in the State. JrBnfiALL UANUHLU Old Mallard Stand, No 19 So. Front St mh 6 tf Beans. J HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF BEANS ON hand, very low for cash. Write for prices. J. H. HARDIN, Druggist A Seedsman, mh 6 tf New MarketiWilmlngton, N. C. Sponges. Sponges. Aedr? The choicest brands 01 cioabs soia in we citv for 60 and lOo. GARDEN and FLOWER 8BBD. WILLIAM H. GREEN A CO., mh6tf Druggists. Market Street. A Guarantee. WE GUARANTEE SOLID COMFORT TO ALL who will buy, either of the following Stoves: Farmer Girl. Lee Range, Woodlawn or Carolina. We call attention to onr new lot xr oil Rtnvee. eaneoiallv our tmoroTed Queen Oil Rage. - Brass and Japaned BdCagea. Drhre Wells pnt down at short notwe and at low ngures gSMaxketSt, is the plactf to get-the Tainepj your money. W. H. ALDERMAN CO. 4 . , - v' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.. Great Bargains 1 : IN - - ..V- Hamburg Edgingo and Insertions ! BROWN & RODDICK:- North Front St. 'fc:'V- V-! .if W0'" "" tng onr friends and patrons "that wa ha?a Jast-'vt '."-' received the CHEAPEST AND LARGEST V)' STOCK OF " 1' . ' ' V.fiX'n'L HAHBUR& EDGIH6S & INSEBflOH&S WE HAVE EVER OWNED, AT LEAST 30 PER CENT. BEWWIPRWWT v' MARKET VALUE. ' K; '-h:"- It will certainly belto the 'advantage of alt r-, f -who require such Goods to call early and make Tj-; their selections. PRICES FROM 6c TO 11. to PER YARD, MADE ON THE VERY BEST CLOTH AND V . 3 THOROUGHLY FINISHED. Kid Gloves. We are offering a SPECIAL JOB IN LADIES' :. ,- 4-BUTTON KIDS, SOe a pair. In Tans, Brown, Slate and Mode Colors. Sizes 5J to 8. BROWN & RODDICK, 9 NORTH FRONTI8TRBBT. Branch Store, 27 Hay street, FayettevUle, N.'.C jaa 33 tf Bacon, Flour, Lard. 250 Boxes D. S. and Smoked C. R. SIDES 1 K(( Bbls FLOUR, all grades. 2 KQ Cases LARD, Tt For aale low by v tiW.r''A WILLIAMS, RANKIN ACOw. ? i ?-... mo 6 tf Molasses, Molasses. T1 HO ICE NEW CROP CUBA, In Hhds, Tea and Bbls . -. . a For sale low by WILLIAMS. RANKIN A OO. mhStt Coffee, Sugar, Bice. 2QQ SackB Choice BJO COFTKB, 200 Bbls Refined SUGARS, ' 50 Bbls CAROLINA RICE, For salolow by ' mhCtf WILLIAMS, RANKIN a CO. Nails, Hoop Iron, Gluev 250 Kegs NAILS, 500 Bundles HOOP IRON, OK Bbls DISTILLER'S GLUE. .6 tS mhett For sale low by WIIJJtAMS,-ANZIN A CO. Over 840,000 Paid Out gY US FOB LIVERPOOL A LONDON A GLOBS ? INSURANCE CO. alone, for losses by fire, 1884, and paid WITHOUT DISCOUNT, for this Com pany nas no biaii v&id ujbuco iu iv. iwuv, ' -.v - Take onr advice and Insure in a non-dlseonnt ?..-"". Company, for you will save money in ease of fire : , j loss by so doing. ;;, ; J. W. Gordon & Smith, agents, v:; Liverpool A London A Globe Insurance Comp'y. -.' " , ; mh 6 tf ' r-"X7. ? star6 b BRAIID mm MB Is making new rnenas every oay. , state that it goes so much further than the adul-, . , , i4vi in4 with whinh th market la flooded. ' . That it is decidedly the most eoonomloal j to use, . and being absolutely pure. It can be snbetitnted -vv. , ' for butter in nearly all classes of cooking. . ' . . Baltimore. Md. .? V' OirAi Af the celebrated "Star Brand" mild- . . - cured Hams and Breakfast Booon. ";'. . lyii ly in V v Cotton Flows. . -1 t TT7B HAVE THE CELEBRATED GEM AH O TT 1 stonewall Cotton Plows: also, tbe Bess A Bay Dixie Turning Plows. These Plows we guarantee to re superior va aui omnip. w market. We are prepared to make PTwea on :-, , them. We handle first class gooos ana no w"u ' if we know it ..:.... ,,;; WJn. . Br&uiuaa o w. t., : Successor to Jno. Dawson A Co., . .v , mh 6 tf Wilmington, M. C. V I've Got Them rr . ' vV HARNESS, COLLARS, WUIiTB, UAttttiAU Aa, - . cr.' . RTTOrt-nrst carts and DRAYS, and also SkOfal J- i Workmen to do REPAIRING 1 of al lA'S-l? ' - V - - M VOOI. tOU BQQ UW, ' 4 AA. AAA A AS4 W Third. St. between frlaoesa aad Mktt. .,..; .v. i -..WC v'v t -vl 5, K, - . - v. . f : ? ' ! .' ' .: . . ''U A .. . v,- y - -..-4-V -V r - ; V 1 , " V . : ' "r

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