IT nil' BATII OW ADTBRTIIinOI f 7 00 4 00 2 00 .arve - .. - i 50 -.-xo Si'"' . .. .75 w i:,,.aC. ooera. delivered in any pait r ,.i Kir Okhts per week. Our City ; tje ti-m autsirised to collect ror more moats ta advance tie a.t Vdnlttirtoa, tf. C -:cr.j.l Oiass Matter JORNING EDITION, OUTL1 NJSS. t Inter-State. Commerce Commission '.session at Mobile yesterday ; iron nVer lnicresis pcuuuueu i u euacu- he !odj nd short haul clause. '.. nuhlic dct-t decrease for April is esti- a-:.J it twelve ftcd a half millions. jtrs jlicbatl Brown poisoned herself and her adopted child at Racine. Wis. James B Rite, bDOt and shoe dealer, Lou- iivil'.e. , failed. The Miners AEaiatnated Association in the Pennsyl vania coke regions will demand an ad vance ia wages; the alternative to be a s,r;e True bills have been found against thirteen of the Pan-Handle freight robbers. Three persons rowing in a I, lit at Putnam, Conn , were carried over ttje falls and drowned. Three ne groes were lynched at Proctor, W. Va. Edward E. Samuels, a prominent St. L:a;s merchant, committed suicide in '5shv:!:o. Term. Cincinnati iron ujou'dtrs have rebelled against the author i v ..; the National Union, and determined ;o resume work. Cotton crop in sight i, 6.194.470 bales. Great damage has bjen ci'Jie.i by floods in the lumber re- gA, of Maine. A Swiss village has brcn octroyed by fire. New York market: Muney easy at 46 per cent, c;iu$ vffeied at 5 percent.; cotton firm a: 10flO 15-16 cents; southern flour quiet acdn in; wheat higher; No. 2 red April 93iC- "ora a shade better: No. 2 May 47T 48:; rosia dull at $1 22il 27; spirits mrp.j'i-- quiet at 37i38c. New York has 24 theatreB Brookhn has seven. and Wilmington must have either a Boulevard or a Park, or both. The Nova Scotia Legislature pro tests agaicst coercion as applied to Ireland. Some lold robbers in Arizona have just stopped and robbed a railroad train. The passengers were not mo lested. They got more than $5,000 trotn the express car. Thus tar there has been very little spring in ibis section. Cold and exceedingly windy weather has marked both March and April. The farmers are suffering from the cool nights. The colored Methodists of Wash-iu-...u City say that Beecher "was all right and perfectly orthodox on the dcctrir.e of liberty." They are Wuer judgea of that than they are of Lis theology. Maj ,-r Inces .Randolph, whose Baltimore has been an was a very accomplished, KhularJy gentleman, a distinguished Vwiuaiist, an authority iu art, in the drama acd in music and was of the old Virginia Randolphs. lam n Wilberforce, a noted divine of the Established Church of Eog liiiJ, in New York, lie was the gut;t of iLe National Temperance Society Thursday night. Dr. Theo dore Cinier, cf the Presbyterian chsreb, made the reception speech. Canon Wilberforce responded with marked fluency and felicity. r. zud Mrs. Gladstone visited Buffalo Bill and his Indians. Mr. Gladstone made a ringing speech in which he eloquently described the kinship between Americans and Eng lishmen. He gpoke of the greatness of America's future and her respon sibilities. He thought the American ar ended as Englishmen preferred. The Church Messenger does the handsome thing and "begs pardon." U gays its correspondent "P" is "a sensible and distinguished Chris tian woman, who is very far from a Purpose to do an injustice or to offend." ye promge to gve aflV church news of a general interest that we may find in the Church Mes senger. that . .d makes tfae Point in a recent letter thPnni A1,n Boto and Atlinta are thP r ;r A?erican cities which have teen tr I Zf baU!enelds. " What's the mat-' Ch.ri , R'chmond and Petersburg. Va., tZer'&nd Nashville. Tenn. h eeems to us that we have heard of the battle of New Orleans. Many townhave been the scenes of bat-les- In this State New Bern and Plymouth may be named. Harper's Magazine for May has a PaP"by Charles W. Coleman, Jr., emuM "The Recent Movement in Anthem Literature." It gives twelve Portraits of Southern authors, omit- nam80me f lhe m8t DOtijworthy litn68 giving 80me of whlch but lle is known. The author is a Vir- V,r v I'ostasro Paid 1 - .......... VOL. XL, NO 36. ginian. He gives sketches of Miss Rives, Miss McClelland and M. T. N. Page three really meritorious writers.- He does not seem to have heard of Mr. Dabney. Capt. W. P. Fowler, a prominent member of the Episcopal Church at Grenada, Miss., shot and killed Rev. C. P. Stiver,the rector. A dispatch to tbeN. Y. TPorW saye: "When the vounar D&stor was told that he was likely to die very soon he asked to have his statement taken, and voluntarily told those present that CaDt. Fowler was justified in shootinr, and that it was his wish that the Captain should not be pun ished. The rector siened a statement to this effect, which was written out by a friend. Those present at the bedside of the wounded man were members of his church, and his explanation of the aggra vating causa mat iea uapt. jj owier to ore upon him is kept a profound secret, that the reputations of the parties concerned may not suffer." Capt. Fowler bad killed three men before. Fowler's wife is a daughter of Judge Gray. THE VKtV JHWBHXlKIKITttCIv Proclamation. Hxiksbbsgkb New books. R. R. Bkllamt Grape milk. Bbn Whitk Hanging again. Geo. A. Peck Refrigerators. A. A. Bboww A sad accident. 8. H. Fishblatb Dress suits. Miss E. Kabbeb Selling out. M. M. Katx Special offerings. R-KHctchths Pure pigment?. C. W. Yatks Latest in stationery. CoLUEK & Co. Horses at auction. H. C. Pbehfsbt Tonsorial parlor. E. Warekn & Bom Ice cream brick. Louis J. Poisson Real estate agent. Giles & Mubchisox Season's goods. Wm. E. Wobth & Co. Solid flint ice. G. R. French & Sons Boots and shoes Parkkb & Tatlob Refrigerators, etc R. P. McDouoaix Now is your time. Dick & Msares -Gents' furnishing bouse Mrs. H. Rehdkr Bedding plants for sale Beunhild, Smon&Co. Copartnership Mrs. H. A. Donnelly Dress-making. C. M. Harrts Rider, Haggard's latest. Fknnkll & Daniel Harness, saddles. Wil. Gas Light Co. Annual meeting. W.E.Spkingeb&Co. Cotton planters. C arolin a Y AC ht Clcb Annual meeting L. C. Ltnkbebt Let there be more light Mattttt & Cobbett King Olive soap. J.W. Gobdon & Smith Free exhibition ATTEirriON-Howard Relief F.E.Co No.l Bbown & RoDDiCK-Specialties this week Harrison & Allen -Pearl cassimere hats Williams, Rankin & Co. Bacon, flour, ard, molasses, coffee, sugar, etc. The Criminal Court convenes on the third Monday of this month. Receipts of cotton yesterday 23 bales; the same date last year 00 bales. The county register issued seven marriage licenses the past week two for White and five for colored couples. Rev. D. H. Tuttle, pastor of Fifth street M. E Church, will preach at Shiloh (colored) Baptist Church this after noon at 3 o'clock. The Cornet Concert Club have received an invitation from the Goldsboro Rifles to accompany that company to the national drill at Washington on the 23d instant. Right Rev. A. A. Watson, D. D., will preach and administer the rite of confirmation at St. Paul's Church, corner of Fourth and Orange streets, at 8 o'clock this evening. Rev. Mr. Hoge will preach the fourth of Iheserlej of 6ennons on the "Sec ond Coming of Christ" at the First Presby terian Church to-night, the subject being the "Conversion of the Nations." Interments in the city cemete ries the past week were as follows: In Oak dale two none adult and one child; in Bellevue ons child; in Pine Forest (colored) four interments three adults and one child. In the absence of the pastor, Rev. Dr. Pritchard, Rev. G. M. Tolson, of the Brooklyn Baptist Church, will preach at the First. Baptist Church this morning and Rev. Dr. Yates at night. There will be no services at the Brooklyn Baptist Church this morning, but services will be held there as usual to night. Xbe Clloton celebration. A correspondent writing from Clinton, in speaking of the railroad celebration at that place on Wednesday last, says that the handsome cane presented to Mr. A. F. Johnson was a testimonial from the citi zens of Clinton and not from the railroad authorities (as published in the Stab.) The correspondent adds: "It is conceded on all bands that the energy and business tact of Mr. Johnson secured the early com pletion of the road . The present was but a slight token of the esteem and confidence in which an appreciative public hold him." Tbe New Summer Retort. The railway across tbe peninsula from tbe Cape Fear river to the ocean beach near Camp Wyatt is completed and a loco motive will be taken down and put on the track this week . The cars have been con structed and are' in readiness for use whenever needed. Capt. Bache will have charge of the hotel to be erected at this sew summer resort. The building will be put up as soon as transportation by rail from the river to the beach is available; Weatner Indication. . The following are the indications for to day: For North Carolina, fair weather, fol lowed by local rains in the western portion, variable winds shifting to east and south, slight changes in temperature. For South Carolina, fair weather, fol lowed by local rains in the northern por tion, variable winds,; shifting to east and south, alight changes in temperature. The llonee of Beit. A lady of the city who is deeply inter ested in this worthy charity, offers the fol lowing suggestions: For the better regulation of the "House of Rest," where our old ladies have found a comfortable home for about six years past. I would suggest that a committee be formed which shall be composed of one gentleman and one or two ladies, from each of the three denominations of which our Society is composed, who shall be en trusted with the oversight of the institu tion ; look after its condition and require ments, leaving to the already constituted officers, the prescribed, duties devolving on them by the constitution of? the Society. And in making ('this arrangement it is hoped that these duties will be faithfully attended to. For many months past the President has been constrained to assume responsibilities not devolving on her office, and being unable from extreme old age to investigate personally, it is impossible to do it judiciously. Dear friends, let us be gin anew to be true to our engagements. The constitution of our society, the act of incorporation and our signatures cn the subscription list make it incumbent on us to do so, and may the good Lord strength en us for the duty. Superior Conrt. The Superior Court for New Hanover county, which adjourned last week, dis posed of seventy-eight cases. Judgment was given in twenty-three; five were carried by appeal to the Supreme Court, and fifty were continued. Judge Connor, who pre sided, will hold court in Sampson this week, and in Pender the week following: O. H. Allen, Esq., the Solicitor, at the close of the term made the following report to his Honor: "I respectfully report that I have made an inspection of the office of Clerk of the Superior Uourt at this term, and found that tbe books have been kept up according to law, and the general condition of . the office is good." Foreign Exports in April. The following is a statement of the for eign exports from this port during the past month, as taken from the books at the Cus tom House: Germany Rosin, 2,922 barrels, valued at $3,292. England and Wales Rosin, 20,733 bar rels, valued at $22,858; tar, 2,625 barrels, valued at $3,400- Russia on the Baltic Rosin, 6,717 bar rels, valued at $7,011. Hayti Lumber, ,161,000 feet, valued at $2,137; shingles, 80,000, valued at $181. Total value of exports for the month $33,882 The School Festival. The .entertainment given at the City Hall Friday night will afford nearly two hun dred dollars for the library fund of the Union Graded School. Tbe teachers of the school desire to express their thanks to all who aided them in making the festiva such a success. The fact that many ladies and gentlemen contributed so lib erally of their time and means greatly en courages them in their work, as it shows that citizens are each year taking a greater interest io the public schools. The teach ers will be glad to . have their friends visit the school at any time Harbor Manter'e Report. Capt. Price, harbor master, reports the following arrivals at this port for the month of April: AMERICAN. Steamers 4 3.380 tons Schooners 154,263 Total American 19 7,643 foreign. Barques 9 4,040 " Tbe Crown In k Event of tbe season. The ladies of the First M. E. Church contemplate giving a coronation party and festival at tbe City Hall the latter part of next week. .. Many of the younger members of the congregation are daily practicing and preparing for the event, which crown ing, it is said, will be undoubtedly the event of the season. Ladles Benevolent Society The meeting of the Ladies' Benevolent Society called for Tuesday next, at 4.80 p. m., will be held in the Lecture room of the First Presbyterian church instead of at the usual place of meeting, as it is desirable to have as large a number of ladies present as may there be accommodated. The Society has been reduced too much in numbers,- and the' object is to begin anew having been disappointed by reason of bad weather at the time the annual meeting was called. C. G. Kennedy, Prest If you want a GOOD TOUGH chew of tobacco, try OLD RIP. t MARRIED. HULLKN BSTJtf JfiS In this city, on April 20th, at tit. Paul's Jivan. Lutheran Church, by the Kev. F. W. B. PeEohaa, N. HULLKN to MB IT A H. BRUNJBS, both of this city. JAC03S-PUGH.-In thta city on April 26th, t 6t. James Chnrcn, by the Bev, W. H. Lewis, M13S MABYUQHtofjACOBS DIED, HANKIN'S. At his roaidenoe, corner 6th and Wooster street, Saturday night at 10.2) o'clock. HIRAM H. HANKINtJ, in the C5tbyear of his age Funeral will take plaoa at 10 o'clock Monday mornlDg, from St. Luke's Church. Frieads of the family are Invited to attend. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ; Mim Plants for Sale. jyRS. H. RBHDBR OFFERS FOR SALE FINE GeranlunvPlauts at 60 and 75 cents per dozen. Coleui at 50 cents per dozen; strong ever bloom-: to Rows, six for one dollar. Also No. 1 Tube Boje Bulbs at 25 cents per dozea. my 1 w : . . 1 -. 1 - ' . i I WILMINGTON, N. C., SUNDAY, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Horses at Auction. WEDNESDAY, MAY 4TH, rAT EXCHANGE CORNER, commencing at 12 M., we will sell One Extra Fine family Horse, gentle and kind In harness. Also one very fine Hare, gentle and sound; two Mules, one Buggy and Harness, one Phaeton and Harness. COLLIER & CO., my lit , Auctioneers. Annual Meeting. MEMBERS OF THE CAROLINA YACHT CLUB are notified to attend the annual meeting of the Club, to be held to-morrow (Monday) night, at 8 o'clock, at the Mayor's Office, City Hall. A full attendance is requested, as business of Importance , Including eleotion of officers, will be attended to. M. 8. WTLLAKD, my lit Purser. Annual Meeting QF THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE WILMING ton Gas Light Company will be held at the Com pany's Office, on Tuesday, May the 8rd, at 11 A. M. RICHARD J. JONES, y 1 2t Secretary and Treasurer. Dressmaking. MRS. H. A. DONNELLY IS PREPARED TO do ail kinds of Dressmaking, by the French system. Having had a large experience in Dress making sbe can insure entire satisfaction, and solicits the patronage of friends and the public generally. Residence on Walnut, between 9th and 10th Etreeta. my 1 it Howard Relief Fire Engine Co. No. l. YOUR ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THE regular monthly meeting to morrow (Monday) at 8 P. M., when business of importance will come up. Honorary members are requested to attend. By order of the President my 1 It J. Q. L. &IB3CHEN, Cor. Seo'y. Notice. "YyE, THE UNDERSIGNED MERCHANTS, agree to clcso our Stores at 7P.M., for the time beginning May 1st and ending October 1st prox. This rule ill not apply to Saturdays JAMES C. STEVENSON, JNO. L BOAT WRIGHT, WEST CO HOLMES fc WATTE ES, JAS. B. HUG GINS, A. H HOLMES, ap SO 2t P. L. BRIDGERS & CO. SUMMER OPENING! FRIDAY, APRIL, 29, OF TRIMMED BONNETS & DATS, At MRS. E. A. LCITISDEN'S. Ladies are Invited to call. ap 29 3t L. BRUNHILD AND L. SIHON "yiLL HEREAFTER CONDUCT THE WHOLE sale Liquor and Tobacco Business, at No. 115 North Front street, under the firm and style of BRUNHILD, SIMON & CO. my 1 lw Selling Out. AS OUR PHYSICIAN ADVISES A CHANGE of o imate on account of falling health, I offsr my eotlre stock of Millinery. Fancy Goods, Notions, Ac, at lowest prices. A good chance for any one desiring to go into business well established and prosperous, and known to be the largest stock of the kind in the State. Will make satisfactory terms. Respeotf ally, apSCt tm sa MISS K. KARRER. Brick! Brick! "YTATCH AND WAIT FOR OUR WAGON LOAD OF ICE CREAM BRICK in a few days. E. WARREN & SON, Ice Cream Makers, Exchange Corner. my lit Hanging Again. I AM HANGING PARLORS AND OTHER tooms after the New York style?, in Wsll Paper. If you want to patronize a Wilmington man who stood in the dark days for you, now I ask your patronage. I'll do your work better and obeaper than any one else. Send in your orders for next wees. Elbow grease will tell, you know. BSN WHITE, The Decorative Paper Hanger and Awnins Maker. my I It South Side Market Street. Now is Your Time r0 GETS YOUR BUGGY OR CARRIAGE RE paired and Painted. I can make It look as good as new, or can trade or sell you a new one. Try me. In the old Jail building, oorner of Princess and Second streets. Yonrs truly, my 1 tf B. P. McDOUGALL, A Sad Accident. VAN WHILE PASSING ALONG MARKET strezt last night slipped on a banana peel and broke his ankle. But he is happy, as he had a policy in the old reliable U. S. Mutual Accident Association, and will draw $50 a week until he is well. $10,000 Policy $26 a year. Weekly in demnity.. 850 00 5,000 Policy $13 a year. Weekly in demnity 25 00 A. A. iJltUWJN. my 1 It Agent. Free Exhibition "E INVITE YOUR ATTENTION TO THE following free exhibition of facts concerning the L & L. & G Ins. Co., which shows what a steady increase in favor this Company has made, and the losses paid by it. ASSETS, December, 1886 $8'637J. " ten years ago 3.859,901 Increase .....2 679,879 SURPLUS, December, 1886 13,077.588 " ten years ago - 1, 68,182 Increase $1,309,406 LOSSES PAID in U. 8. in 188S fg&2 up to 1887 86,676,759 All losses paid without discount my 1 tf JNO. W. GORDON fc SMITE. Agents. Refrigerators, JCB CREAM FREEZERS, ROCHESTER LAMPS and other Lamps of different grades, and that Fishing Tackle are still going. All for sale low by . GEO. A. PECK, my 1 tf 89 8onth Front St. ADMINISTR ATBIX'S NOTICE, Having qual ified as Administratrix of the Estate of J ohn C. Heyer, deceased, before the Clerk of the 8u- Serior Court of Nea Hanover County, nottoeis eroby given to all persons Indebted to said Es tate to make Immediate payment, and all per sons having claims against said Estate to pre sent them to the undersigned. only authenticated according: to law, on or before the 2nd day of ApriL 1888. cr this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. MAKGABBTHBYBB. -' apg;gw . sn - . Administratrix this ?emW$$M U. W. AVER A SON. oar suthorlzed agsnU MAY 1, 1887. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. If You Will Compare The Clothing we sell withjthat so'd by other Clothiers in the city, you will readily see that ours Is far superior in STYLE, FIT, FINISH and QUALITY. You will find our prices RE MARK ABLY LOW. We have never sold such Suits as we are now selling for so little money. We cacnet be undersold . We are never under old. GENTS' FCJRNISHING3 at Very Low Prices. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE LOW PRICES. It is an acknowledged fact that our CUSTOM SUITS caanot be surpassed in QUALITY, STYLE and FIT, and you save $10 to $15 on a Suit. HATS ! HATS ! HATS ! S. II. FISH B LATE, KING CLOTHIER, Wilmington, N. C. mv 1 It TO THE WASH WOMEN OF THE CITY OF WILMMTOH. WE WISH TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO our "KING OLIVE" SOAP, the best on the market. A full pound bar for 5 cents. We also have 2.C03 packages of "KIRK'S EXTRACT of SOAP," we iea we will five away to wash women only, at our Store on next Saturday, the 7th inst. This extract far surpasses "Pear line" or any thing of the kind, as it has no lye in it to injure the fabrio of the most delicate goods. The "Ex tract" and "King Olive" (or Moon Soap) can be bad of the following gentlemen. Ben Ahrens, B. F. Keith, Jr., H. H. Geischen: B. Rodrick, Wm. Otterson. C. Riohter, C. Schulkin, W. H. Bell, Peter Moore, Jno. G. Oidenbuttel, N. Hullen, J. D. Detacher, S. W. Doscher, J. H. Daniels, P. H. Von Kampen, Hand Bros., A. G. Hanklns, W. H. Hardy, Vollers & Vollers Will issue circulars with foil particulars to all Who calh MAFFITT & COBBETT, myl4t sututhsa 117 So. Water St. BICE & MEAEES Gents' Furnishing House. JgEST LINE O? UNDERWEAR, NECKWEAR, &o , &0-, In the city, and at the most reasonable pyices. HATS (straw, Felt) &c, AT COST. my 1 It 12 No. Front, next to Purcell House. LET THERE BE MORE LIGHT. J OFFER TO THE TRADE A LARGE AND beautiful assortment of Stand, Suspension and Student's Lamps, in all the late and handsome designs, which I will sell at actual cost in order to make room for other goods coming in store. I .also have the Celebrated "Schneider and Rochester" Lamps in Brass and Nlckle. Imperial Regulator and other improved burners, with chimneys and other attachments. If you want light these surpass any Lamp ever offered or Invented. Call and examine my stook before buying else where, at 117 South Front street. my ltf L. C. LLNBBBBY. In Great Variety. "YB OFFER TO OUR PATRONS AND THE publio Boots and Ehes in every style and finish. Ladies' Kid and Goat Button Boots, Misses' and Children's Shoes, Soft bottoms and uppers for the tender footed and sufferers of corns and bunions. Gents' and Boys' Laced and Congress. Slippers and Pumps, and almost any thing you can imagine. Best of all and sold at such reason able prices. Call on Geo. , French & Sons, ICS leOWfB FRONT 8TREET. myl tf J ; Eider, Haggard's Latest. ME, HE, JESS, SHE, IT. IONE STEWART, by Lynn Lenton. For Anothers Sin, by Braeme. The Rival Cousins, by Prentiss In era ham. Claribel's Love Story, by Braeme. A Poor Gentleman, by Oliobant. Pure Gold, by Cameron. A Woman's War. by Braeme. Hilary's Folly, by Braeme. A Haunted Life, by Braeme. C. M. HARRIS. Latest New York Dailies, Fashion Books.Maga zines. &o-. always on hand my 1 if Pearl Cassimere Hats ! JTTTRIA STIFF HATS ! LATEST STYLES ! LOW PRICES ! HARRISON & ALLEN, Batters. my 1 tf Cotton Planters. w B HAVE A FEW OF THE CELEBRATED Lyteh Cotton Planters on iand. Send In - your orders atroncs. We can , make , yon bottom PriCe8' WM. E. SPRINGER & CO., my tf Wilmington, N. C WHOLE ft O. 6429 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. S FECI ALTIE For This Week. BROWN & RODDICK, North Front St. We offer the following Specialties for This Week. Fine Embr'd Wool PIANO COVER8, $4.50. Fine Embr'd Wool TABLE COVERS, 50o. 70c, 83c, $1.42 and $1.6). Figured Tapestry TABLE COVERS, $1.50,2.25, $27 and $3.50. Extra Quality 10-4 LINEN SHEETING, $1.00 per yard. 36 in. LINEN, suitable for Gents'Drawers, 35c. BATH TOWELS, 2Cc, 25c, 35c and 50o. Ladies' and Gents' WHITE LINEN HDKFS, in all qualities and style 3. A Special Bargain In Gents' WHITE LINEN HDKFS, 15c. Silk MIts and Gloves. Ladies' Black and Colored SILK MITS from 50c up. Colgate's Finest Extracts. Kid Gloves. See our 5-Button Colored KID GLOVES, 50c a pair. New Dress Goods Just received. BROWN & RODDICK, 9 NOKTH FRONT STREET. Branch Store, 27 Hay street, Fayetteville, IN. C my 1 tf Proclamation. A GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES OF FURNI TURE at BEHRENDS & MUNROE, 16 South Front St Marble Top Chamber Suits, ten pieces, $25.00. Carpets and Mattings, a new, large stock. Their goods are lately received and surpass-all In Durability, Biesanoe of Designs and Variety of Styles. eu my 1 It "lb? rjTHE MOST POPULAR BOOK OF THE AGE. She, Jess, Down, He, It, The Witch's Head, King Solomon's Mines, by H. Rider Haggard, 23 cents each, Sprlnghaven, by B'ackmore; Pure Gold, I Have Loved and Loved, In One Town, A Wrecked Girl. The New York Papers, Magazines, and all late works, you will find on the counters at ap 30 tf HEINSBERGER'S. Our Old Lady Said WE COULD NOT WRITE AN ADVERTISE ment; we thought we could. All we have to say is that H. C. Prempert is still at his Old 8tand, No. 7 South Front street. The best equip ped, best furnished and cleanest Parlor in the State. If you do not believe it just give him a call. You will find the proprietor, Stuart or some one serve you with promptness and dispatch. H. C. PREMPERT. my ltf Notice. BEFORE BUYING HARNESS, SADDLES, Whins. Trunks. Satchels or any thing kept in a first class Harness Store, examine our stock and we guarantee to please you both in quality ana price. Trunss repaired Dy Trunk maker in the state. FENNBLL & DANIEL, No. 10 So. Front St. Review copy. my ltf LOUIS J. POISSON, REAL ESTATE AGENT, NO. 118 NORTH SECOND ST. IIM Parties wishing to bay or sell Real Estate, and those having Estates to manage and Bents to oollect, would do well to call on me. my 1 It Season's Goods. JEFRIGERATORS, ICE CREAM FRB1Z5RS, Water Coolers, Fly Fans, Fly Traps, Ac , Ac. All at the lowest prices. Call and examine the goods and the prices. . ...:L GILES 8a MTJRCHISON, my 1 tf Crockery Department. Latest in Stationery. JJOLLY WOODi MALACHITE, BULLION, Scraps of Paper, Hard Times, Seersucker, Bar tholdi, and other new styles of Fancy Writing Paper just received. Col. Waddell'a address at Richmond; by mall, Prtqgcents Grape Milk. gOMBTHTNG NEW. PURE UNFERMENTED Grape Juice non-alcoholic Try it. Moth Wax, Simmon's Liver Regulator, Hall's Lung Balsam, Henry's Carbolic Salve, &c. ROBERT R. BELLAMY, Druggist, my 1 tf N. W. Cor. Market and Front St. Pure Pigments. I AM GRINDING AND PREPARING MY Paints by hand-power.- I guarantee painting to wear longer and produce a brighter , luster, My Kalsomine Js a dtetotectant. - - , - R. L. HUTCH1KS, Sole Agent For Improved Method of House Painting, my 1 It Shop 113 North Sixth St. One square rDay....:........! Oo . Two Days,... ....,.....,...,- 1 75 8S:r:r.:::::::--:;!8, ' Five Days..... ; .-..boT Week - ' Oc ' I. Two Weeks, e c ? " Thre Weeks... . 1 00 " One Month, . 10 rwo aontna, is oo " " Three Month.... ...... moo " Six Months,.., 40 00 ' " One Year,... 80 oo - 3T Contract Advertisements taken at propor tionately low rates. i '- Ten lines solid Nonpareil type make one squar- s - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' . CASH HOUSE. JSL. f 116 Market St r st V . A. SPECIAL OFFERINGS TRTfl ilVMS SUMMER DRESS GOODS at 5c, Co and 8c per ' yard. 36-inoh Fancy Colored BATI8T, 10c. 81 inch good SATEEN, 12X0. A Job in WOOL NUN'S VEILING, 18c :. y -rtcr. 1 JAVA CANVAS IN COMBINATION, 12c. -f All these are worth double the price. s ALBATROSS, BEBGES, NUN'S VEILING. i f - v-v BTjACK GOODS, TRICONTINES, &o. x White Goods. u ? EVERY STYLE AND VARIETY VERY. LOW FLOUNnTTJGS. AT.T-mriBPfl vnnriwo ""It EDGINGS. INSERTTNGS, ROBES, At manufacturers' prices. LACES, VEILINGS, DAMASKS, TOWELS, ' tf NAPKINS, LINENS, CORSETS, GLOVES, MITTS, HOSIERY, HANDKERCHIEFS. ' " INDIES' AND GENTS' GAUSE UNDERWEAR, f," ,j.--iMa,, j. . Men's and JBdys' Wear. Ever so many articles marked at the IX) WEST CASH PRICES, and an inspection will certainlv'f be an inducement to my kind patrons to spend their cash at r.i . U. KAT Z ' s 116 Market St. . ICE. ICE. ICE. rpHE ICE FACTORY AT WILMINGTON, N. C , has been in full operation Since January 15, 1887,' and our facility for famishing ICE is three times as Large as it was last year. ' AS THE SEASON IS OPEN we desire to say to all who mav order ICE from us that our ICE Is made of the PUREST WATER, and that distilled. It is, therefore, Solid Flint Ice J; : and meets all requirements, and will stand m- -V spectlon by the Medical Fraternity. We call at- " tention to the following article. ' r DANGER IN ICE In an article on "The Nam ber of Bacteria In Ice" in the American Journal -of Pharmacy for December, 1886, the author con-". . eludes that "the common "raw ice, till lately al- most exclusively used, on aocoant of the large number of bacteria, capable of development,' " i, which it contains, should not be taken with food, In drinks, or tor medicinal purposes. It should; never be used in the treatment ef wounds. -In '.L these connections, artificial ice, made from dis - " tilled water, sbeuld be employed. The use of - -.fC- ' raw ice in contact with food, which Is after- ' j wards to be cooked, is permissible, bat artificial , r,:. ice is to be preferred. Raw ice may be freely i. used where it does not come into direct contact - . with food." ; - v We have both natural and manufactured Ice, and can suddIv which ever is nref erred. We have unequaled facilities for shipping Ioe by the barrel ana in car load lots. Prices given upon application. We solicit your , ' p atronage and guarantee fair treatment. 1 WM. E. WOBTH & CO., ap 17 tf su Proprietors. j Bacon, Flour, Sugar,i&c ' jqq Boxes D. S. and Smoked C.1R. SIDES ?. ' . -QQQ Bbls FLOUR, all grades, ' , O r Bbls Standard Granulated SUGAR, U 25 " White Extra C " 50 " QoldenC JQQ Sacks Choice BIO COFFEE. jQQQ Bush. Prime WHTTB CORN 500 VA. W. G. MEAL, 100 Bt1S Ch0lCe Porto Rlco MOA-fiSES, 50 " N 0- " - 2QQ Cases LARD, 25 Bbls CAROLINA RICE, 1 K Bbls DISTILLER'S GLUB, 5QQ Bundles HOOP IRON, 25Q Kegs NAILS, Lye, Potash, Soda, Soap, Starch, Tobacco, Snuff, 4c, Ac, For sale low by my 1 tf WILLIAMS, RANKIN A CU r Now is the Time rpo BUY YOUR WATER COOLERS AT- A-J small figure. New lot Justin. Ice Boxes vand, Refrigerators. PURE WHITE OIL. PARKER TAYLOR. my 1 tf y Is m aklnge wCfriends every day. Consumers : state that It goes so much further than the adnl--1 ? te rated lard with which the market la flooded.. That It is decidedly the most eoonomlcal to use, ; , and being absolutely pure. It can be- substituted . for butter in nearly all classes of cooking. a. maaitn i tmw i "'t.- - . i- oaitunore, m.a.-. - v. Carers of the oelebr&ted "'8tar Bnnd" mild- '?:: c.nreA Hams and Breakfast Bocnn. ly 11 ly - staro M, gmisafM' V... 'to- ; iS. 1 ir 7 1 i ft - -t " t. . v ' 1-1 V at . ft. 'I J t - - - . . 4s X '-' ... v J'-f. A-"-'- ! .