: . "' . V - - "- . . . - . . , k . - -- 11c yiui lung UILL1ASI II. BEItNAIU. Hi farooMoatbs Jg . . . w.Mir.n. ... IMP Ihaa urco montha iu advanoo. -it tat) rost VfMca ai. vy uoimswa, a. u & as socoad Ciass Matter. viORNING EDITION. OUTLINES, v vVm O'Brien, editor of United Ireland, hj.s beta elected to a seat in Parliament, Carpenters in Chicago are oat against tcn hours work per day. Boston brewers have struck for more pay The strike in the Fall River mills has been compromised. Citizens of Newnan, Ga petition against the suspension, of the fourth clause of the Inter-State Commerce .3W Smoke from forest fires -still make navigation perilous on Lake Superior. . Two colored men were drowned by the upsetting of a boat in the dyer at Rich. nund, Va The debt commission of Virginia will have another meeting for definite decision on tho debt question. r The general strike of brewery employes in Bil.iaiore proved a failure; only 19 men weutout. - The trial of Jacob Sharp, York's boodle alderman, began yes- ,pri;,v Jus'Jco Wood's funeral will tike p'icj in Newark, Ohio, Tuesday. G rcniny contemplates an extension o; iL3 border fortifications. New York market: Money easy at 85 per cent; ct ira firm at 1011 1-16 cents; southern Hour quiet and firm; wheat iJc hiir'aer and moderately active: No. 2 red jl-jy S5:K597c; corn a shade easier and quiet: options uachanged: roaia dull at 11 2Jivil '35; spirits turpentine steady at 3i sats fh ' sailing capacity of the Th iB- tie is :J to be beyond expectation. The lite Justice Woods was barn sa Ohio. lie went on the Supreme Bene', iu 1880. Potmi"ter General Vilas thinks the deficit in the Post Office De- p;r;meu; will not He above $3,- 873,09-2 i r the year lees than for n;c e irs. I. w i- discovered at Quebec that British spits sre dogging O'Brien and it has created intense excitement. Tor onto protests but O'Brien says he must 20 thereto-day. Ti e New York Southern Society will celebrate Washington's birth-1 day and erect a tablet on the Battery to mark the place- be took leave of his officers a century ago. We hive peen within a month in our exchanges accounts of tho deaths i ;.h: e--j persons thrown from mules h:ivaessod for plowing and wbo be c irnn entangled in the gear. The Savannah News says that Gen. C'jingman has "bought sn inte rest iu a new ekctric light 6clleme.,, This ir an error, if we are cot mis taken. IJe has made an invention of "carbons" used by the eltctric light Vr3 rbili University has invited the novelist Cable to deliver the lit erary aid ress in June. Cable is the mia t1 hasten the "New Sonlh" idea ai to hlab the "Old South." Cable if me very man to follow Tillett and M v-irk-p Thompson. tsve thousand speculators it-n-cu a bicycle race near London fr ire?,ty mi it?, open to the na fo. Woodside, of Philadelphia, af"i lloAtil, of England, contested, tlowfcl, beat by 15 yards. Time, 1 hour 3cd 40 seconds. The Canadians are now talking of. getting even with the Yankees by taxing their grain. Sir Charles Tap Per, in his budget speech to the Ca nadian Parliament, said that the Uni te 1 States would get the worst of the proposed con intercourse policy. ' Hilary Anderson has had a great triumph at Liverpool in Milman's famous tragedy "Fazio." A special to the New York Star says: "The t wTcicu uciecu wiiu gu'ijr 7' :,,sr?used the enthusiasm of the audience 5,e D'shest Pitch- She Was called before fri , 1 EO le8a lhai1 a dozen times and -ui um, she received a 6uperb basket Gf y e notice in onr Northern ex cbaagc8that Mr. Tucker, of Virgi y, and Mr. N. J. Hammond, of Georgia, are mentioned for the Su preme Court of the United-States. ilir iuckeris fit for the placo be yond almost any man of whom we an think. Gen. D. H. flin baa been invited l speak in Baltimore on Memorial a7 0th J une. He accepts and says his th eme will be the "Old South." IIe writes: dscoverM1iewarur ,,1te enemies' have which tT t cw oa or a new country, t. a l"ey have nsm th iow untH T this fSS? "qaaintances but no friends in be enHri 7 discoered region, -1 . wish to talk con! LSJ?"1. Md Ay in wxm me. ineme - - .-- .VOL: -XL. NO. 48; President Cleveland will be press fid to visit North Carolina aed look' in upon the Teachers Assembly to meet at Morehead. We hope he 'will find it convenient- and agreeable. North Carolinians know how to en tertain and greet the President of a great; country. We see it stated that Gov. Scales and the Supreme Court Judges join :in the invitation. Wilmington would be gratified at a visit front the Chief Executive. Rev. John W. Primrose,' of this city, has been selected to deliver the address to the graduating class at Hampden Sidney College-next year. lie v. Dr. Jos. M. Atkinson, of Ra leigh, delivered the address last week. His theme was the "Creduli ty of Unbelief." There were eleven graduates. Spirits Turpentine. Newton Enterprise: Lightning struck the college building last Friday night wnue a debate was in progress. The Goldsboro Advance re- post 18 additions to the Methodist Church at Smith's Grove, on Fanning ton circuit. Hickory Press: We were shown one day last week a nugget of gold weigh ing sixty grains, which was -found on the plantation belonging to Gilbert Holler, four miles from town. Washington Gazette: Last week Pitt county was again the scene of another shooting affray. A colored man got shot by a Mr. Wilson and now lies in a critical condition. The whole affair seema to have arisen out of some petty quarrel. Winston Republican: Master James Peterson, of Salem, occupies his leisure momants in a very profitable man ner. Last year by various methods he ex ported to a gentleman North, $35 worth of butterflies of all sizes, varieties and colors. - Durham News: Mr. R. B. Saunders is very much improved and will probably be able to come out of his room in a few days. He has been confined to his room 33 dajs There were 879,300 pounds of tobacco sold at the three ware houses combined last week. Asheville Advance: A new lock for railroad turn-tables has been patented by W. H. Enloes, of this city. The inventors are C. F. Christopher, an engineer on tho A. & S. Railroad, and W. D. Justice of this city. The patent is highly spoken of by railroad men. Greensboro Workman: Good news trom ine wneai crop continues to come in. i fie iarmers are mucn encour aged at the prospect. The new Meth odist Protestant Church at Kernersvillc will be dedicated the first Sabbath in June. Sermon by Rev. T. J. Ogburn, President of the Conference. Shelby Aurora: Mrs. John S. Wray, wife of the county treasurer, met with a sad accident on Sunday afternoon, while riding in the country. The two po nies attached to the buggy became fright ened at the fighting of two dogs under their feet, and backed the buggy from the road. To escape she leaped to the ground and in the fall she fractured two bones bslow the knee. - A correspondent of the Louis ville Courier -Journal says; "It is under stood that Gen . C. C. Augur, who is to have command of the National Drill En campment, will offer positions on his staff to Brig. Gen. James A. Carnahan, of In diana; Brig. Gen. Johnstone Jones, of North Carolina; Lr. David W. xandaii.-01 Louisville. Ky., and Capt. Sam'l T. Carnes, of Memphis, Tenn Statesville Landmark: Tho 10th of May is the Anniversary of the Iredell Blues and is always a big time with the boj3. Tuesday afternoon, after the memo rial exercises, they had their annual target practice and election of officers, and their annual banquet. The election of officers resulted as follows: Captain, J. F. Arm- field; 1st lieutenant. R. J. Mills; 2dleuten ant, J. A. Connor; 1st sergeant J. Jr. Rickert. Pittsboro Record: Mr. Thomas 8tuart was severely wounded by a bullet from a pistol fired by his brother Jasper, at Bylvan Academy, m this county, lat Satur day night. The facts connected with the unfortunate anair, as iar as we can near, are as follows: There was an entertainment at the academy that night, and Mr.JThomas Stuart was one of the marshals, and while trying to get his brother Jasper to refrain from disorderly conduct, was shot in the shoulder by him. Immediately after the" shooting Jasper Stnart mounted a mule and made his escape. ; AsbovilJe Citizen: All the grain crops are promising except wheat, which was largely winter killed. , Peaches and apples are in sufficient plenty. We learn that two men named James Loudermilk and Kincaid were plough ing in a field near Glen Alpine Station when the thunder storm of Tuesday came on. Both had mules attached to their ploughs. A bolt of lightning fell upon them and Loudermilk and his mule were killed; Kincaid and his mule were pros-. trated and stunned, but subsequently re covered . The deceased was a middle aged man with a family. - - Goldsboro Argus: The Fayette- ville State Colored Normal School, under the efficient and highly satisfactory man agement of E. K Smith. A. M., of this city, will hold its commencement exercises on June 2d. Our Baptist friends have heard from Rev. W. II. Osborne, whom they reeently called to the pastorate of their church in this city, and it is more than probable that he will be with them on the first Sunday in Juce. We learn that an affray occurred at Snow Hill on last Friday night between Mt W. R Lvnch and Mr. J. M. Aswell. in which the latter ; was dangerously cut. We did not hear .ny of the particulars. 1 Charlotte Chronicie: The Hor nets Nest Riflemen of this city have finally abandoned- their intention ; of going, to Washington City during the encampment. A passenger from Charlotte np the Western North Carolina Railroad writes the Chronicle that the crops from Charlotte to Newton were never more promising. . Joe Urr, a colored . man wor&ung on Mr. Geo. Shannonhouse's farm, yesterday cat .one of hi hands half in two With a mowing scythe. it was reponea on the streets yesterday - that - the Supreme nnnrt rtf the State has declared that the bonds issued by the counties of Cleveland ..: WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, and Rutherford in aid rf thn rhrWA Cincinnati & Chicago Railroad Company weoUegaiTby reason of - irregularities at tending their -ifniftTlftA .Tlflw Marrlmnn It is said, rendered the decision, and it is iiea mat na intimated that the commis sioners who issued the bonds are liable to muiciment. w xne Carolina Central Railroad is gradually -coming tq the front as one of . the most enterprising roads of the South, and on Monday next a new or der of things will be inaugurated along its line. A new schedule will go into effect that will be of great benefit to nhstrlnttf I and which, it is believed, will be the best ior mis section; ever ; run on the Carolina uentrair , ; Raleigh Hews- Observer: The Governor's Guard will attend the Pittsboro whowmiou next- jenaay. une mem" bers of .the Episcopal convention were ten dered a splendid reception and entertain ment oy tne young ladies of St. Mary's school yesterday. Most of the members at tended and spent a pleasant evening. The disease known as apple blight or pear blight, which did great damage to apple trees in North Carolina last year has made its reappearance this year with increased virulence. At Jones warehouse Mr. J. C. Hobgood, of Granville, sold tobacco at $32 50, f 10, $75, $90 and $125, making an average of $59 for all grades. Mr. L P. Hobgood, of Granville, sold at $18, $35 50, $39, $80, $89. average $45 50 per hundred for a large load. The fol lowing young gentlemen have been elected as competitors for the declamation medal at the final contest at Wake Forest com mencement: From Euzelian Society. Messrs. E. H. Farri's, 8pilman, Bikes, J. J Farris and Ward. From the Philomathesian So ciety, Messrs. Sholar, Thompson, Coving ton, Collins and Sprinkle. Professor Manuel Fetter, Professor of Greek at the University under the old regime, is in the city, a delegate from Ridgeway to the con- . : .1 1 . : . r veuuuu 01 me -episcopal enure a. many a Chapel Hill man of the glorious antebellum days will grasp the genial hand of his old professor with sincere and hearty pleasure. f roressor Fetter carries ma years well. TJEEID CITY. NEW ADrBUTldSnKNTH Lost Gold chain. Opera House Gyp. H. Wkhtzensen Notice. CoLiiiEB & Co Auction sale. Munson To-day's offerings. J. W. Habper Carolina Beach. HKrNSBBBQKR Pianos and organs The Passport For the yacht race. Warren's Shakes Take the cake. Port ColTuECTor Proposals wanted. D. O'Connor Administrator's notice. P. Heinsberger Washington excursion Masonic Meeting Wilmington Lodge. Tnos. F. Goons Buffalo Lithia Water. Northrop, Hodges & Taylor Acci dent insurance. Local jdou. Thero were a great many visi tors to Camp William MacRae Sunday. It is said a large number of vis- tors from the line of the Carolina Central Railway will be here this week. 7 Chicago man "Buy wheat on all soft spots." Wilmington man 'Til be condemned if I've ever been able to find a soft spot in Chicago yet." Cheap excursion rates have been arranged by all the railroads for persons at tending the military encampment this week, and a big crowd is expected.. The Aeaph Amateurs announce that they "will give their valedictory by serenading on the evenings of the 17tb, 19th and 20th insts., as their instructor and two of the members will shortly thereafter leave the city." Mr. W. A. Willson, City Clerk and Treasurer, has appointed Mr. J. W. King assistant tax collector, and also depu tized him to act as clerk of the Police De partment. Mr. King took the oath cf office yesterday and entered upon bis duties. Bishop Watson visited St. Mark's Church Sunday evening and con firmed nine persons, making a total of twenty "Six confirmed this year. In addir tion to this over fifty adults have been re ceived into membership by the present Rector: . Mistook tbe Day One of Water street's business men vouches for the following: Last Sunday afternoon be went out to Bellevue Cemetery. On Market street he met a friend from the Sound, with a mule and cart and two largo demijohns. Upon being interrogated the Sounder alleged that he thought it was Saturday, and had come to the city for molasses, and continuing on his way, went to a .store , which he found closed. The store-keeper lives in the same building, -but refused to open his "doors, consenting to the demijohns being left un til the present week.. Upon his way back the Sounder was interviewed by another friend who. suggested that it, was hard to deprive the mule of his day: of rest, and that the mule bo allowed to rest. Monday and the Sounder take the same day and walk up to the city and carry the molasses back himself. His country friend could not 6te it in that light, and the mule lost bis day of rest. Board of Audit and Finance. The Board of Audit and Finance met in regular session at the City Hall yesterday. Present, R. J. Jones, Esq., chairman; J. F Maunder, Wm. Calder and J. W. Hewitt. ; " ; . . - The Board concurred in the action of the Board of Aldermen io rescinding the tax on delivery wagons - -. The Board also concurred in the matter of the appointment of one extra Sergeant of Police, to be taken from the present force. The bond of John W- Perdew, as Stan dard Keeper; in the. sum Of $200, was ap proved, "''j -v-7 o '.-'.- r ; Bills for current expenses amounting to $1,041 59' were approved," 1 - . . v L i rTheBoard adjourned subject toJthe'all of the chairman.-.T V V-l 'w RN . i - . ... . . . . . . BOARD OF ALDERMEN. Special .Meetlnc Held Lat Nlent-BIr, Catlar Elected City Attorney Fonrfb Street Brldse The Board of Aldermen met in called session at the City Hall la3t night. Alt the Aldermen were present and Mayor Fowler presided. The Mayor stated that the object of the meeting was to hear the report - of the Bridge committee. Alderman Hall, from the committee, re ported that the bids for building a bridge over the railroad cut on Fourth street had been referred to Mr. J. C. Chase and Mr. J. F. Divine; as experts, to assist the com mittee. Mr. Chase was present and submitted a detailed report, showing the two schemes considered were for a span of 140 feet with a 24-foot roadway and two 8-foot walks, and a span of 132 feet with two 20-foot roadways and two 10-foot walks; the latter covering the full width of tho street, The lowe3t bids are $10,100 for the former and $15,200 for tho latter. The estimated eost of masonry, &c , is $4,180 for the former and $5,775 for the latter; making a total of $14,260 for the narrow bridge and $21,205 for the wide one. The lowen bidder is the Smith Bridge Co., of Toledo, Ohio. Alderman Hall favored the wide bridge. Alderman Rice advocated the narrow bridge on the score of economy. Aider man Dudley thought a biidge forty feet wide would be wide enough, and favored building a narrow one. Alderman Walker also favored the plan of a narrow bridge. Aldermen Pearsall and Sampson wanted to hear1 from Mr. Chase as to the economy of erec iag a narrow bridge; but they thought a wide bridge preferable. Alderman Fish, blate thought a narrow bridge would an swer. Alderman King agreed with Alder man Pearsall that a wide bridge would be preferable. A motion by Alderman Walker to adopt tho plan for a narrow bridge was lost, and the plan for a wide bridge was adopted. Alderman Hall offered a resolution to give the contract to tbe Smith Bridge Co., the Board of Audit and Finance concur ring, and to authorize the Bridge Commit tee to ask for proposals for material for abutments and for contracts for building the same. Also, that the Finance Commit tee be authorized to negotiate such loan of money as may be necessary to complete the work. The resolution was adopted. Alderman Fishblate offered a resolution to amend tho tax ordinanco by striking out the tax on tinners and blacksmiths, em braced in Section 8. Adopted. Amendments to city ordinance concern ing fines, recommended by the Major, were adopted. Alderman Fishblate moved thatthe Board go into an election for City Attor ney. The motion was carried, and Alderman King nominated John D. Bellamy, Jr. ; Alderman Rice, C. P. Lockey; Hall, D. B. Cutlar. On the first ballot, Bellamy received 5 votes; Lockey 2, Cutlar 3. No election. The second ballot resulted the same, when Alderman Fishblate moved to ad journ . The yeas and nays were called and the motion was lo&t only Aldermen Fish blate and King voting in the affirmative. On motion of Alderman Hall the Board proceeded to ballot for City Attorney, when Mr. Cutlar was elected, the vote be ing Cutlar 6, Bellamy 4. Petition of Edwin Borden for permission to erect a frame dwelling on Red Cross street was referred to the Fire Committee, with power to act. Committee on Fire Department recom mended that the Board go into an election for assistant chief of Fire Department, and stated that two companies had recom mended Mr. M. Newman for the position. On motion of Alderman Walker, further consideration of the matter was postponed until the next regular meeting, and the Board adjourned. Carolina Beaen. The new Bummer resort at Carolina Beach will bo opened for the excursion season Thursday, when the steamer Pass port will begin to make regular trips to Harper's Pier, connecting with the train for the ocean beach. On Thursday the steamer will make but one trip, leaving her wharf in this city at 9 o'clock a. m , and return ing at half-past one in the afternoon, in ample time for the regatta. The trip from the city to Carolina Beach can be made in an hour and a half by steamer and rail.. Visitors will find it a de lightful place," with a hard, firm beach stretching for miles on either hind, and all the broad, Atl ati tic before them. The op portunity for surf-bathing cannot anywhere be excelled, aid the field for the sports man's fancy is beyond compare. The Sound is near jit hand, and a fresh water pond of large area abounding in fish, while less than half a mile from the beach 1b one of the most famous black-flab grounds on the coast. "'" Bid for CItviBonda I Bids for city flyeper cent, bonds for re funding the eight per cent bonds due July 1st, 1887, amounting to $180,000, were opened yesterday in the presence of the Board of Audit and Finance and the Finance Committee of the Board of Alder men. The bid of Ed. L. Pangerfield, of Alexandria, Va.; made through Mr. H. M Bowden, cashier .of; the- First National Bank of this city f or : $106,000 at, pai and $24,000 at'A premium olf.'pne- per. ceati was accepted r the coupons to be'made pay able in Baltimore. v"' V MAY 17, 1887. , OPERA BOUSE. Tbe Hidden Hand. The Cora Van Tassel Company opened their . week's engagement here witfr the "Hidden Hand,"tind the large crowd which witnessed the performance were well pleased. Miss Van Taesell and her com pany are great favorites in our city, and the good reputation they made on their former vi8itwas by no means decreased by the rendition of the "Hidden Hand.'' The play ia divided in to- five acts, and is one which abounds in thrilling scenes and Incidents, all of which were represented with satisfaction by the company. ' To-night the company will play "Gyp," and they undoubtedly will have a crowded house. p 1 Criminal Court. The May term of the Criminal Court for New Hanover county convened in this city yesterday. The forenoon was mainly oc cupied with the selection of a grand jury and the Court's charge to the same. The grand jury selected for the term is as follows: W. M. Hankins, foreman; J. P Stevens, Jerry M. Hewlett, Charles J. El well, John H. Craig, L- B. Whitledge, William Blanks, Villiam Melton, George Sloan, H. L Vollers, Thos. Quinlivan, W. R. Emiih. Court took a recess about 4 o'clock in tbe afternoon until 10 o'clock this morning, having disposed of the following cases: State va. Henrietta Stone, larceny. Con tinued for defendant. Marcus Hamilton, assault and battery. Defendant submitted; judgment, one penny and costs. James Johnson, alias Ephraim Hunt larceny. Defendant submitted and was discharged. Wilson Smith, assault and battery. Ver dict, not guilty. Defendant discharged. Charles Hunter, sci fa. Judgment. Ed. Stanland, H. Brewington, L. Bryant, sci fa. Judgment. Prizes for tne Regatta. Three prizes are offered for the contesting yachts in the regatta of the Carolina Yacht Club, which will take place on the river next Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The first prize is a large gold-lined silver cup, ornamented with nautical designs and handsomely engraved. It is the joint offer ing of Mr. Pembroke Jones and Mr. E. S. Latimer. Tho two other prizes are for yachts in the second class a pair of silver vases for the first yacht, offered by Mr, Wm. Latimer, Commodore of the Club; and a silver flask, offered by Mr. Geo. W, Kidder to the second yacht. The yachts entered for the race are the following: Idler Capt. Pembroke Jones. Vixen Capt. E. S. Latimer. Rosa Capt. John J. Fowler. Phantom Capt. W. L. Parsley. Lillian Bnd Florence Capt. E. W. Man ning, Jr. Mist Capt. C. H. Conole. Sprite Capt. A. Flanner. Glide Capt. S. P. Cowan. Lettie Capt. G. H. Greene. DIED, SANDERS At the residence ef Judge D. L. Russell, on Saturday, the 14th inst., ALICE MITCHELL SANDERS, relict of the late David W. Sanders, of Onslow county, aged II years. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Auction Sale THIS DAY, COMMENCING AT 10 O'CLK A.M. at onr Sales Rooms, we will seU 1 Marble-Top Table, 1 Parlor Set, 1 fine Crib, 5 Bureaus, 10 Mattresses, 10 Bedsteads, 10 Chairs, 10 Lamps, 2 Carpets, 2 Ice Boxes, Ac. COLLIER & CO., my 17 It Auctioneers. WUminston Lodge Ho. 319, A. F. & A. M. JEGTJLAR MONTHLY COMMUNICATION THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING, at 8 o'clock. Vlsltmjr Brethren fraternally Invited to attend, DUNCAN McEACHEBN, my 17 It Secretary. Hotice. NYONB DESIRING TO PUBCHASE A WELL established builnesa will doweUto call at cor ner Tenth and Princess Streets. Please apply on or before Wednesday, 13th inst. my 17 It H. WENTZSNSEN. Lost, gUNDAY AFTERNOON, A GOLD CHAIN, with prize medal from St. Joseph's Academy at tached. A reasonable reward will be paid for its de-lvery at the City Hall. my 17 It WARREN'S SHAKES Take the Cake. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qnal fied as Administrator of the Estate of Frank H. Darby, deceased, notice Ii hereby given to all persons indebted to said decedent to make immediate payment: and ail persons having claims against said Estate wiU present them for payment on or before the 28th day of Aueust, A. D. 1837, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. Dated August 2;th, 1886. my 17 It D. O'CONNOR, Administrator. PROPOSALS FOR PURNI8HING SHIP CHAN dlery and Rations 'or Revenue Vessels. Custom House, Wilmington, h. C Collector's Office, May 16th, 1887. Sealed proposals will be received at this Office uatil 12 o'clock, noon, of Thursday, May 26th, 1887, for supplying Rations aad Ship Chandlery for the uee of crews and ves sels In the U. S. Revenue Marine Service In this Collection District, for the fiscal year ending June 89, 1888.- Schedules of articles of Ship Chan dlery to be bM for will be furntahed on applica tion at this Office. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids, and to waive defects, my 17 St ta C. H. ROBINSON, Collector. Eiier, Hajari's latest. MB. HE, JESS, SHE, IT." IONS STEWART, by Lynn Lenton. For Anothers Sin, by Braeme. The Rival Cousins, by Prentiss Inrra ham, Clarlbel's Love Story, by Braeme. A Poor Gentleman, by Oliphant. Pore Gold, by Cameron.. A Woman's War, by Braeme Hilary's Folly, by Braeme. . A Haunted Liza, by Braeme. . c Latest New York Dallies, Fashioa Bbokajfsga zines, &c, always on hand. . yJ5tf . - WHOLE KO. 6442 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOLTS E. TO-NIGHT,!- CORA YAW TASSEL And her EXCELLENT COMPANY will present the great western Bensaiaonai Drama, A. Flay taken from the same etory and very si milar to -M'LISS." . . People's Popular Prices 1 0, 20 and 30c. NO jtxTxCA. wo higher. Reserved Seats on sale at Heinsberger's. . myl7 3t BUY THE BEST? INSURE IN THE TRAVELERS, OF HARTFORD, CONN , THE LARGEST AND STRONGEST ACCIDENT COMPANY IN THE WORLD. It Isaacs Accident Policies for 1 o,o O O I s GIVING $10,000 u eventof ' death. 10 000for loss of two eye? lO'OOO for 1083 of tw feet 1 0 ' 0 0 0 1 or Ioss of two nands q'qQQ for loss of one hand and one foot 3 33'3 33 for loss of one foot' ' 3'333 33 for loss of oa9 haEd $50 00 PBr week for d'sabllDS injury. PROPORTIONATE BENEFITS FOR POLICIES OF ANY AMOUNT. Accident Tickets ksued for 25 cents per day. Call an or address NORTHROP, HODGES A TAYLOR, Fire, Life and Aceident Ins. Agents, Corner Nutt and Walnut Streets. Assets cf Fire Insurance Companies alone amounting to oyer S95.000.000. myl7 3t The Passport JJAS BEEN CHARTERED BY THE CAROLINA YaCHT CLUB to accompany tb.8 contesting Yachts during the race Thursday Afternoon, 19th instant. A limited number of passengers vlll t)Q CLlL"led Tickets can be obtained from Yates', Kaspro wioz' and Regatta Committee. r5otart promptly at 3 P M. my 17 St Carolina Beach. QN AND AFTER THURSDAY, 19TH INSTANT, the STEAMER PASSPORT will becin to maka regular trips to Harper's Pier, connecting with the train for Carolina Beach. On Thursday boat will leave wharf at 9 o'clock, and return at 1 30, in time for the Re gatta. On Friday and Saturday beat will leave at B and 3 o'clock, and returning, will leave the Ocean ueaca uouse at l ana o o'ciock. Fare from city to ocean and return 50 cents. Children under fifteen 25 cents. Passengers will avoid delay by purchasing tiCKeti oeiore leaving tee Doat. J. W. HARPER, my 17 5t General Manager. To-Day E OFFER HANDSOME Drap d'Ete Suit?, Black Corkscrew Suits, Nobby Sack and Cutaway Suits, large ttock of Neckwear Gents' Underwear, The best One Dollar Shirt sold. Collars and Cuffs at Popular Fric: s. my 17 It MUNSON. WILMINGTON. N. C May 14, 1887. yE DO HEREBY NOTIFY OUR FRIENDS and patrons, that out of appreciation of our "Soldier Bojs," and as a compliment to he Vis iting Companies, we will close our respective C fflces on the 20th inst. And we give further notice that oa the 16th instant, and until September 1st, 1887, we will close our Offices at 5 o'clock P. M. M. S. WILLARD, NORTHROP, HODGES & TAYLOR, ATKINSON & MANNING, WM. L. SMITH & CO., JNO. W. GORDON & SMITH, my 15 It Insurance Agents- Eicnrsion to f utiutai City. QVjBU FIFTY NAMES HAVE ALREADY BEEN secured, and many more are promised. For the benefit of those who desire to go with me I would state that I will start two trains. The first wUl leave on'JSaturday, May 21st. 8. CO A. M.: the second on the same day, 11.40 P. M.; and will return from Washington. Saturday, the 28th, at 11A.M. I am now in a position that I can carry all who desire to go from any section where taey cannot make up the 25, under my arrangement. $7.65 the round trip. Persons living along the Wilmington & Weldon R R. can come on the 8.50 A. M. train at the principal stopping stations, but they must send me the money, S7.S5, by Saturday, so I can in clude them In the ticket I have to buy here only. my 17 tf P. HEINSBERGER. Pianos and Organs. "P VERY WEEK WE ARE GETTING IN NEW llanos and Organs from the best makers in the Uiiited States. They are bought for spot cash, which enables va to sell you a first class Piano or Organ at lower price than anybody else in the State. Our object is to place a Piano or Organ in every family. We have not raised our prices, but ws have put prices down. Anybody want ing to buy a Piano or Organ will find It to their advantage io call at my 17 tf Book and Music Store. Fishing Tackle. TITB CALL ESPECIAL ATTENTION 7TO .OUR line of FISHING TACKLE in Price and Quality the Best. YACHT OUTFIT COMPLETE my 15 tf GILES A MUECHISON. "FT A TS I HARRISON A ALLEN, mylStf - - Hatters.!! Cotton Planters. TTTB HAVE A FEW OF THE CELEBRATED Lytch Cotton Planters on hand. Send i In your orders at once. We can make yon. bottom prices.;: -. -. .. - - my lS tf . -- . Wilmington. N. a ' . StATKf 0 AUrCKTMltfCt One souare One Day,MMim !! wo Days. .... .,..,:.... O 1 ' 2 8 I ' 4 J . inree uaya " - " . FourDava... - - " ' " Five Days, " Two Weeks,. Tore" Weeki,.,,.. " " One Month,....,..,,.., ...... '''' r Month. ...-,....", loree .ontoSv " r, Stx Month. ,u One Year. A) k Precontract Advertisements taken at propor tionately low rates. V ".'. -,r T- ,v V' . Ten lines solid Nonpareil type make one squar- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 7 CASH house; IIVC- IM:. "FT A TZ, 116 Market ; St?-- SPECIAL OFFERINGS THIS WEEK? SUMMER DRESS GOODS at 5o, 60 and So per. yard. , - 36-lnch Fanoy Colored BATTST, 10c. , " Sl lnch good SA.TEEN, 12Ko. " A Job in WOOL NUN'S VEILING, IStfe. i JAVA CANVAS IN COMBINATION 12 All these are worth double the price. ' ALBATROSS, BEEGES, NUN'S VEILING. i BLACK GOODS, TRICONTINES. Ac. " J White Goods. ; ::f EVERY STYLE AND VARIETY VERY LOW FLOUNCTNGS, ALL-OVERS, TOLK1NG' EDG1NGS. INSERTINGS, ROBES, " At manufscturers' prices. - - J . LACES, VEILINGS, DAMASKS, TOWELS, NAPKINS, LINENS, CORSETS, QLOVBS, . '1 MITTS, HOSIERY. HANDKERCHIEFS. V. IADIBS' AND GENTS' GAUSE UNDERWEAR! 4 Men's and Boys' Wear. '-: Ever so many articles marked at the LOWEST ', CASH PRICES, and an inspection will certainly ; be an inducement to my kiad patrons to spend their cash at . m . KATZ'S 116 Market St. : 1- . . Mt Buffalo Lithia Water, spring No. a. : '. " ' JpORBRIGHT'SDISEASSOF THE KIDNEYS,V Gout, Rheumatism, Gravel and Stone in the Bladder, Dyspepsia, &o. -f '."' ' Dr. Wm. A. Hammond, of New York, Surgeon- General of U. 8. Army (Retired), Professor of '.' Diseases of the Mind and Nervous System in ? the University of New York, &o. "I have for some time made use of the Bnffalo T vous System complicated with Brlght's Disease' Kianeys. or witn a Gouty Diathesis. The . results have been eminently satisfactory. Litbla" has for manv vears been a favorite remedy with me in like cases, but the Buffalo Water certainly . -acts better than any extemporaneous solution: of the Lithia Salts, and is, moreover, better - -borne by the Stomaoh. I also often prescribe It.,, . In those cases of Cerebral Hjperamla, resulting " from over-mental work in which the oonditlon called Nervous Dyspepsia exists and generally . ' with marked benefit.' tf ' . Dr. Hunter McGulre, Richmond, Virginia, late ' Professor Surgery,! Medical .College .01 Vlr-,-" ginia. r 1 "Buffalo Lithia Water, Spring No. 2, as an Al- - - kaline Diuretic, is Invaluable. In Uric-Acid ' Gravel, and indeed In diseases generally depen- ' dent upon a Uric Acid Diathesis, it Is a remedy ' ' of extraordinary potency. I have prescribed ifr : m cases of Rheum atlo Gout, which had resisted t the ordinary remedies, with wonderfully good V results. I have used It also in my own ease, be , ' ing a great sufferer from this malady, and have " '. derived more benefit from It than from any other remedy." Dr. Wm. B. Towles, Professor of Anatomy and c Materia Mediea hi the Medical Dtpartment of the University of Virgmia. - - s - "I feel no hesitancy whatever In saying that In" v . Gont, Rheumatic Gout, Rheumatism, stone in '. the Bludder. and in all Diseases of Uric Acid ".' Diathesis, I know ol no remedy at all comparable r '. to Buffalo Lithia Water, Spring No. 2. - "Its effects are marked in causing a disappear- -ance of Albumen from the urine. In a single ' . ovse of Brfgut's-Diseaso of the Kidneys, I wit-x" '., . nessed decided beneficial results from its use,." " and from its action in this case I should have , great confidence in it as a remedy in certain . stages of this disease. In Dyspepsia, especially that form of it in which there is an excessive production of Acid during the process of nutri- . tion, in some of the Peculiar Affections of ' Wo-;. ' men, notably in Suppression of the Menses-. and " . -in Chronio Malarial Poisoning, Ac, I have found ' ... ' it highly efficacious." " J -, - Season begins June 1. ' ' " Water in cases of one dozen half-gallon bottles -"--vl $5.00 per case at the Springs. Pamphlet sent to , t any address. THOS. F. GOODS, Proprietor. . Buffalo Lithia Springs, Va. , myJ7tf2aw tu t r r--f Rock Spring Hotel, fr; NEWLY FURNISHED THROUGHOUT. No. 10 Chesnut, between Front and Water Streets. The traveling public are respectfully reguest- ' ed to call and they will be well aooommodated , One of the best locations in the city. ' - - MRS. B. K. PRHJGEN, V- : my 14 lm Proorietres. STAR Is mftk1ngnewfrlflnds everv dav. Consumera state that It goes so much further than the adul terated lard with which tbe market Is flooded.' That it is decidedly ths most economical to use, and being absolutely pure, It ean be substituted tor Dutter in nearly ail classes 01 cooxing. - Baltimore, Md . - , Cufers of the oelebrated "Star Brand" mUd - cured Hams atd Breakfast Bocon. - . ' iv 11 id ' ' '- . LADIES!: Do Tour Own DyelnsT itojne, wltb , , PEERLESS iDYEtJ.: They wUl dye everything. : They are sold every -where. Price lOe. a package -40 colors. They , have no equal for Strength,Brightaess. Amount in . t raQxagesor ior jrastness 01 uotor, or. non-iaatng .. iuanuee. xney 00 nor, erocK or smut. jror sale by J. H. HARDIN, Druggist, and F.C MIL- -LER, Drngglst, corner 4th and Nun street. WiU , mlngtoni N. C. i mh27DfcWly. V