fhe Morning i5. VILLIAM n.r rn DAILY JtXCJSPT MONDAYS. . Srxlm: Poste Paid. $7 00 Mil! . ' .i . - 4 W -. 8 00 rhrtrt . "1 50 75 rlbers, delivered 1b any part Jkhts par wee, trar mty rlsed to collect for more taa. L not antborts i":",. muni lis In advance. -f '(Til I'll -Nil WiUUv C AAVt V vlORNIiN(jr HiUl 1 1UJN . I OUTLINES. r snoase to an invitation to visit the iwhcrs Assembly at Morehead,City,N.a, t U'h President Cleveland said he . H rM-siJer the matter; he would hard- , ,!,v to visit North Carolina at that but would endeavor to do. so later. jc ilolbrook was killed at Grenada,' ; by E. J. Lowenstein. Joseph rvitos killed Adrian Chapman at Roeue, A wide territory in. Mexico 4 is vanied with crevices and chasms caused by .u,ppnt earthauake; numbers of persons I billed and wounded. - JTire ia Bockinsham, Richmond county, N. C, ed several stores and dwellings loss lestroy -vr xT - . . ir easy at 4J5 per cent; cotton firm at 10J 11 1-16 con's; southern flour firm; wheat lifi. lower: No. 2 red May 96t97ic; Pvn a shade lower and dull; No.2 May 47 etiSc: rosin dull at $1 221 23; spirits tnr?entiae quiet at 35j cents. G,n. Kosser still lives and in spite of RiJioal paper pellets. here is an enormous St. Bernard dog m New lork that is insnred for 000. Tbtre fevf at is ata3l. are email pox and yellow lUvaca, but not more than Qann K3piolani, the Hawaian, nojr visiting the North, is a dark maia'.to anJ weighs 200 pounds. ADOtbtr negro lynching reported ten tunc courts ous from Texas. Really the to have some chance. RtpP-sentative Grosvenor,of Ohio, thinks u wiii be Cleveland and little Foraktr. Thai is the "Ohio idee.' Old "Curap" Sherman 'says that Ta Draw ?acceeded Lee iu commrnd of the Secona Cavalry., But he did not. In fifteen years the population of the United States was increased by the arrival of 5,421,000 foreign im migrants. ' he authorities of Brooklyn have received notice that an attempt would be made to steal the body of Henry Ward lieecher. Gov. Hill is carrying out needed reforms in New York by sweeping Republicans from office. The Gov ernor is a Democrat. There is reported a wide spread conspiracy amcng farm hands in the upyer section of South Carolina to strike about 1st June. fyeen Vic saluted Red Shirt and hefwgtt Lis manners. He said: "iieirdian heap, much dam." Qaet'j did not relish the joke. The l! nary was Union Theological Semi- t Hampden Sidney College mi. urn wiiicli p- and Rev L t Rev. Dr. Atkinson Primrose is to Mr. irntli'-i rrrandfather was Rpar Adnnral Charles Stewart, of the 0. xavy. He once captured two 7) .- , cruihb war vessels in a fair light. It was in 1815. investigations into undervalua tions of gtods are- revealing some startling frauds in New York. In T . " " one case the cheat was 895 per cent. uoc.e bam is badly robbed. 1 he Chicago Mail is fast becoming the meaneet Radical sheet in the Nc"-tb. Its flings at Mr. Davis are-a Ioig way below contempt. They have an assassin like flavor. The Republican bushwhackers are gating mad because ex President Davia is at last reconstructed. A few weeks ago they were damning him as aa '-unreconstructed rebel." The vriets are hard to please. ' Would it not be very unsafe, nay Dnwise, to pot a Southern man on lhe Deaocratic Presidential ticket in "88? What capital the Radical dickers would make. If Cleveland ' nominated put a sound, able, pure estern Democrat in the -second fee. Will not that be the proper Hing? . . , It IS a flisn nrocoMn font fit. of an y people are predatory d van allc in charrto Tn, xr,.ot.:n character. The Washington Monument is being defaced both by fining the face of the stones and "uscene f An J inscriptions whielr it is of T Very difficulorem6yeSome he rascals OUrht ti hanannh'nk - evere,y PunishedVmP . W.jl .w'fiv. I. rr-;:-t V-7iTVV'v- .f, I One Bazars One Dyw VOLvXL.-NO. 49; Thakillmg of youne Gambrell Pat "Jackson. Miga.. still r.rpftt.ps intfinAo excitement in that town:" It is be nevea and openly charged that he was assassinated. His paper, the toward and Shield, thus refers to his death;'' r- "It may well amaza'ua that a atatft Raar tor could be aa assasaia and the leader of a conspiracy to put away a man who was surely cutting down the elaborate super- ouuwuie oi wickedness, wnica for years lie uau wiia unceaaine care erected. Theindc- ment of many that would lead the bad ele ment oyer which he had so ereat an influ ence in such a business as-expressed often oy lnenua 10 uamDreii,- Has been realized . "This is MissisaiDDi'a diasrrae-. and wHt be till the stronz hand of the law shall wina cry -muruerr, nngmg oui w8 uiui OllU 1IU1U lt iipa OI VUG truthtelling editor, will eyer vibrate and reverberate throush all the hearts of the chivalrous people of Mississippi, and by it luejr win oe awasenea irom tneir slumbers to finish the work 'of their fellow-citizen who has laid down his pen forever." Miss Mary Harden, daughter of Gen. Harden, of Savannah, died re cently at Athens, Ga. John Howard Payne, author of "Home; Sweet Home," often' conrted her but she re fused him. He dedicated his heart lyric to her. ..A dispatch to the New York Times says: "Her natural talents were great and va ried . She wrote and spoke several lan guages, especially beiae proficient in French. For many years she was in the employ of well known publishing houses in tlie north, her work; being translating the works of French authors into English. 8he not only maintained herself by this work,' but was successful in laying aside each year a snug sum, which was applied to the object she ever had in view, regain ing possession of the property of her father. it is not snown how much her estate will be worth." "The richest county in the Union is that of Lancaster, in Pennsylvania. One man netted $80 per acre on his tobacco crop last year. Real estate in such a section is worth owning. Baltimore American. That has been beaten fifty times in North Carolinia. The American is nere mtormea that mere are North Carolinia tobacco growers who have made as much as ' $600 to an acre, and many have averaged $400. If it doubts let it send a correspond ent to Oxford and Henderson and it will find it all true. Spirits Turpentine. Messrs. C. U. Hill and W. B. Rodman, Jr.. have retired from the Wash ington Proqrest. Greenville Reflector: The crop prospects are now very gratifying. A correspondent at Calico tells us two small children were drowned in a well in Chicod township on the 80th ulto. Monroe Enquirer-Express ; We have it upon reliable authority that a gen tleman has said that if the new railroad taps the Carolina Central at Monroe, he willferect a cotton compress here if it costs $50,000 to do it. - - . --. .. Carthage -Blade: Strawberries are selling in town at 25 cents per quart. The Mill stone company nave just hauled up to Farkewcod two 90 corse power boilers, to be used for running ihelr machinery. Henderson Gold Leaf: The wheat crop in this section is represented to be in good condition and growing nicely. It is with regret that we learn of the death of Mr. J. li. Dunn, an excellent man and esteemed citizen of Scotland Neck. New Bern Journal: A telegram was received in this city yesterday advising that shipment of peas be stopped, aa they do not brim enoueh to pay freight.. - The potato bug, or Colorado beetle, has made ms appearance in mis vicinity ana is at work on the Irish potato crop. The Washington Progress : The Schooner Cora, Capt. David Gaskill, came into port on "Friday morning last from a long voyage to the West Indies. She brought 150 hogsheads of molasses, consigned to her owners, Messrs. R. S. -vm . . r-t . 1 JS ? l 1 n V. JTOWie x DOU, Ulb uuues ou wutvu nuivuuir- ed to $685. i Kdenton Enquirer: On Satur day, a Mr. Riddick and his son. of Eliza beth City, and Joseph Benbury, colored, of Hertford, were killed by lightning. The Lumber Co., of Washington county, bought of Mrs. R. 8. f ullen, or uaieign, a couple of weeks ago a tract of 6,000 acres of swamp Jand for $6,000. Fayetteville : News: Mrs. M. B. Gilchrist, relict of the late Rev. Adam Gilchrist, formerly of this place, died in Jacksonville, Fla., this morning. Her re mains will be brought to this town on Mon day night for interment. We are re liably informed that the brick work on the new hotel will be completed in 19 working days.. -V'- , ; Charlotte Observer: Last Thurs day evening. 8am "Grier. a "colored man who works for Mr. J: Watt Kirkpatnck, of Sharon, lost one of his thumbs by having it torn from bis hand. - Yesterday af ternoon, between three and four o'clock, Mr. 8. Barnwell Trescot, the draughtsman at the Mecklenburg Iron Works, of this city, dropped dead while at work in his of fice. - Charlotte Chronicle: Our fire men have now completed their arrange ments for the celebration in this city on the 20th and 21st. and the success of the affair is assured. Visiting fire companies will be here from Greensboro Concord Monroe and New Bern in this State, and . from Greenville, Anderson, Columbia, Spartan burg in South Carolina, and from Augusts. Georgia. " "mCI era Goldsboro -7- Messenger: r Mrs. Jonathan B Garris died yesterday rafter a protracted illness of over two months. r -We understand that a movement is on foot to enrol into a permanent ' organization all residents of .Wayne county who were in the Confederate service, i Rev Dr. Rosser came down from Fremont Friday, evening, spent the night with Rev; Dr.- Brooks, and left Ssturdsr.morning for Kinston, where be is now conducting a series of .? meetings, i - Greensboro -.Pairoi: I AmerchT- ant living in Stokes county who has : been' SSy SiSim buying WILMENGTON, J5 reporter that ninhA tha ATtenaiAn nf tn n v' Railroad to Walnut CoveAe has raided to buy goods at Greensboro. -; While attempting to get on board a car last -.uBBuay morning, a colored man fell on the cross-ties of the,- railroad breakine his leg.t-r The R. & D Railroad Compano wo uayjag steei raus iaia Detween the city ; BXoTvVdarolinian: -Usuallv large -quantities of grain ' is exported from this county,5 but owing to a short crop last year : u imponauon 01 breaastuns this past year has probably been the heaviest ever known to our section. , The Ashe viue CUuen calls' loudly for a butter fair tor- western Carolina and shows its wis dom in appealing not alone to the farmers but to the farmers' wives also. Catawba can well afford to take a part In such a fair for the Jersey butter being made in this county will compete with that made any where. Let the fair be held, Asheville Citizen: Last sum mer we mentioned the fact that Mr. Walter 8. Cushman. of this city,: was engaged upon seyerai inventions, one or which was the embostVDe. The embostvrA ia a verr cheap, quickly made, : and durable stereo type. -The only considerable element of cost in its manufacture ia the labor and thousands of addresses can be stereotyped oy one person m a day. The work can be done in any printing office. ' In one or two minutes after a chase or form of type is ready for the first step in the process the typo may be distributed. The stereotypes are made in sheets. Some little time re quired for the composition used to harden. Pittsboro Home: Raleigh has shown good sense in electing Alfred A. Thompson Mayor. Be is honest, compe tent and reliable and will make the city a good omcer. tie is a Chathamite. William Harris, a most worthy and respec table colored man, was drowned in Haw river, near Bland's mills, on last Friday nieht while seinins. Prof. C. D. Mc- Ivcr, of Peace Institute, has been elected superintendent of the State Normal School, to be held at Sparta, Alleghany county, this summer. - Davidson College has a history of which, it may well be proud . Its semi-centennial will be celebrated on June 15 and 16, 1887. The college was founded in 1837. and has continued in operation ever since. Many of her alumni are ex pected to be present and the occasion will be celebrated in a suitable way. Of the 1,868 students who have entered this col lege 571 are graduates. TIHIIH CITY. Lost Gold medal Fob Saxje Fertilizer works. Opera House Esmeralda. M ctn sox Gents' furnishings. Masonic Meeting Orient Lodge. Hethsbebgek Pianos and organs. Lawn Party Lad ies' Memo. Ass'n. E. Wasbxh 6b Boh Shakes on the boom Local Dot. Theeceipt8 of cotton yesterday were only 8 bales; receipts the same date last year 132 bales. Daniel Yates, colored, was fined five, dollars in the Mayor's Court yesterday for shooting a gun in the city limits. In St. John's Church, Thursday Ascension day there will be morning prayer and communion service at 11 o'clock. Juvenile base ball yesterday "Red Star" clnb, Capt. Charlie Evans, versus the "Blue Star," Capt. Herbert Mc- Iver. The former won. Score 10 to 7. The ranks of our home com pany should be well filled during the en' campment. This can only be done by em ployers giving their young men a full holi day . The Ladies Memorial Associa tion will give a lawn party in the City Hall Park Thursday night. Ice cream, strawberries and other refreshments will be served. The captain and other officers of the Light Infantry appeal to employers to give their young men who are members of the company full liberty during the en campment. ,": The trial of Grant Best, the colored boy WhoiUed" ,a gun at a group of colored boys on thernverside about two weeks ago and' ; killed three." of them in stantly, ha? been set for Monday next, in the Criminal Court, and a venire of eighty fiye jurors ordered. The grand iury found a true bill against Best for murder, on Mon day last. .. ' S. first Baptist CtuirebV V j- At the reguTar :. annual- business meeting of the First JBaptiat Church held Monday night, the following ofacers were elected to serve for; thejBnJruln Clerk James .W.' Collins. . TreasurerJames H. Taylor, -Finance Committee J. C Stevenson, W. I. Gore, S.. G. Hall Standing Committee Owen jrenneu, u. L. Gore, J. D. Woody, George eioan, u. F. Alderman, J. M. Chasten, J. o. mo- Ushers J. 8. Hooper. W. C. Craft, J. L. Breckenridge, C. X Terrell, J. Z Ed wsrcls Collectors A. M. Baldwin. J. H. Tay lor, H. C. Evans, R P. MeDougall, Alli son Alderman, a G.Hall. . Supervisor of Sexton Jacobs. Allen. Superintendent of Sunday'School J os. 8. Mitchell. r- Y -- m - Assistant Superintendent W. F. Wil liams. '. - ::i " ' " . - r 'r ' 3ecretary and Treasurer C. C. Brown. Assistant Secretary and Treasurer H. K. Hoiden. ' ' ; Librariaa W; C. Peterson. Assistant Librarian Frank Huggins. Superintendent of Cbapel Sunday School W. A J.French, . Assistant Superintendent J . . D. Mc Eachern. ' -- , Secretary and Treasurer J. Z: Edwards. The receipts of the Cburcn from May 1st, 1886, to May 1st, 1887r foot up $3,438 48. rMr; JbneiHaiMli;f erp yesterday ismd.paid:us a visits -; ond Regiment Cv.sVGOT?Td'I?8ter'c day, preparatory- toj going, iu w reception ceremonies wm taae piace. : N. C., WEDNESDAY; RMQATTJl. Tlie ProarsitnniQ and Course for . the h: Rte on tk9 Blver Xo-HIonrow. - I - The Regatta Committee of the Carolina Yacht Club have decided upon the pro gramme and course 'for the race to take place on the river to-morrow. . ' 'The course to" be. sailed is as follows: From the Custom House wharf to a black buoy placed in the' river below the Dram Tree; rounding the buoy from west to east. Then up the river to the stake boat anchor ed, opposite the , Champion. Cotton Com press; rounding the stake boat from east to west. Then to Market street dock. The first yacht passing the northern edge of Market dock to be the winner. The first gun, giving notice of the regat ta, will be fired at 2.80 p. m. The second and starting gun will be fired at 8 p. m., at which time the first yacht must go. The other yachts will follow, in order, -at each successive blast of the whistle from the Commodore's boat. V - ' The Commodore's steamer will take posi tion on the" west side of the river opposite the Custom' House, by 2.45 p. m., and af ter starting the yachts, will, if practicable, steam to the buoy, in order to take the time of the yachts as they round it, and will then proceed to the wharf at the foot of Market street north side; in order to take the time at the finish. . The Maria will take her position on the west side of the river behind the Commo dore's boat, followed by the Navatsa and Vertner. The Pastport will follow from her wharf at the foot of Market street (south side) and the Cape Fear will follow the procession from her wharf. All steamers and steamboats except the Commodore's boat, following the contesting yachts, are requested to keep astern of the Marie, and when passing yachts to run un der one bell. A ROWING RACE. Thursday Afternoon Open to All Foar-Oarcd snips' Yawls. Arrangements were made yesterday for a rowing race to take place on the river Thursday afternoon, to be , open to the crews of all .merchant vessels in port The prizes offered are fifteen dollara in money to the first boat and five dollars to the second. The race is open to all four-oared ships yawls. The course is about one mile. The start to be from the wharf of the Clyde Steamship Co., at the foot of Chesnut street, down the river to a point marked by a buoy, opposite Northrops' mill, and re turn. The judges are Capt. Joseph Price, Har bor Master; Capt. J. B. Moore, of the U. 8. steamer Colfax; Capt. Ingraham, of the steamer Regulator; Mr. H. C. Mc Queen, President of the Produce Exchange .The race will take place just after the yachts taking part in the regatta have cleared .the ;course.fand the boats entering are requested to meet promptly at 3.15 p. m., and report to the judges at the New York steamers' wharf. Each boat entering for the race to carry not more than five men four oars and coxswain. The judges' boat will be designated by a United States flag. It is requested by the Committee of Ar rangements that all persons desiring to en ter for this race give in their names at the office of Messrs. George Harriss & Co., on North Water street, not later than 12 m. on Thursday. Entries have already been made from the following vessels : Norwegians barque President Harwitz, barque Esra, barque Chapman, barque Lufra; brig Edith; schooners Cyrus Hall, M. V. B. Chase, W. G. Sargent, Franconia, R. S. Graham, Navarino, Apphia and Amelia, H. S. Lan- fair. Mary E. Bacon, John A. Griffin. Criminal Court. The following cases were disposed of in the Criminal Court yesterday : State vs. Richard Dixon, assault and baN tery. Guilty. Judgment, three years in County House of Correction. State vs. Dan Canaday, assault and bat tery. Guilty. Judgment, ninety days in County House of Correction. State vs. Charles Daniels, horse stealing. Guilty. Judgment, five years in State Pen itentiary. State vs. West Watson, slander. Not guilty, and defendant discharged. State vs. David Bryant, forcible tres pass. Guilty; but judgment not pro nounced. State vs. David Bryant, assault and bat tery. Not guilty. Defendant discharged.. State vs. Elijah Douglass, larceny. Case continued State vs. Hester Bradley and Dora Brad ley, affray. Guilty. Judgment, thirty days in County House of Correction. Tlie Vl si tine military A telegram received by Col. Jones yes terday evening, "from Major Campbell, commanding the Fayetteville Independent Light Infantry, stated that the company will leave Fayetteville on the steamer Cape Fear hX seven o'clock this morning, and will reach Wilmington at eight or nine o'clock this evening. The Maxton Guards will arrive by train on the Carolina Central -Railroad at five minutes past nine o'clock this evening. - The Wilmington Light Infantry and the Cornet Concert Club will meet these com panies on arrival and escort thetu up Mar ket street to Camp MacRae, where the bat talion will go into camp for the night, f ..The Bampaon Light Infantry i will arrive at ten o'clock - to-morrow morning, - and will be met at the depot on Front street by the.battalioni .vThe regiment will then be formed and march to the City Hall where the reception ceremonies will take place. MAY 18, 1887. , OPERA HOUSE, i 'i in-,, y.r --ciypy"- ; - ' Miss Cora Van Tassel with her company presented "Gyp" last night,' and the way that each one adapted himself or herself , to their parts showed, & thorough knowledge of the play ' and , most efficient training. The company one and all did well and ad ded fresh laurels to their reputation.' To-night "Esmeralda," or "Life in Old North Carolina " will be produced, j This beautiful comedy-drama, by Mrs. Burnett,' is a simple little love story: hut beautifully told and admirably, acted by. Miss Yah Tas sel and her company. The ladies especial ly will enjoy this piece, aa it appeals strong ly ; to 'the tender passion. ' ''Esmeralda" will furnish an evening of rare en joy ment ; don't miss it . A Klaslstrate ana Sheriffs ' Deputies Fined by the Mayor. Mr J. C. .Millis. a justice, of the, peace for New Hanover county, and two of She riff Mannine's colored deputies W. H. Brewington . .and Richard Holmes were each fined fifty dollars by Major Fowler, in the City Court yesterday, for resisting a policeman and attempting to rescue a pris oner. The magistrate and the sheriff's de puties were tried separately. . All appealed from the decision of the Mayor to the Cri minal Court, and gave the bonds required. The case gre w out of the arrest of three youog men who were engaged in a fight Saturday evening last in Mr. A. G. Hank ins' store on Second street. The, two de puties entered the store and commanded the peace, when one of them was attacked by one of the young men engaged in the disturbance. The other deputy went to his assistance, and while thus engaged Sergt. Pugh of the city police force entered the stora and separated the other two young men who were fighting behind the counter, and placed them under arrest. The police officer, the prisoners and the deputies then- left the store and went in the direction of the City Hall, but when the party reached Justice Millis' office, the deputies seized the prisoners and endeav ored to take them into the justice's office, claiming that they had first arrested the men. During the struggle that ensued it was charged that the magistrate seized one of the arrested men and assisted iu dra g ging him into his office, with the deputies, and despite the resistance of the police ser geant. At this juncture the Chief of Police came up and advised the policeman to desist, and he left the magistrate's office. , RIVER AND MARINE. Ger. barque Lucy and Paul arrived in below yesterday and anchored at the quar antine station. Schr. Roger Moore, Gilkey, of this city, arrived at New York on the 15th inst, from St. Domingo city. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the City Postofflce, Wed nesday, May 18: B R H Bryant, Chas Bonum. C J W Crews, Lucretia Crafford, C 8 Caswell, John E Crane, W P Church, Ranee Carjeor, Bunk Coxs. D James M Davis. Dntus Dunham, Mary Daniels, Kate E Davis. E Sumner Edwards. F Luvina Fulford, Harria Faier, Wm Foster. G Dora E Graves, Dr Gaubert. H W A Hyer. Warren, Harper & Bro, Susan Hill, Nelson Hanks,- Mr Holmes, L L Harris, J S Harris, Joseph L Hall, A M W Herbert. J Henry Johnson, H B Joyner, R W Jones. K Mrs Emma King, Mrs Jennie Kene dy. Sallio King, L J H Lindsley. M M DMcKoy, CharHon Mulbery, M A Minton, Georgians McMillan, Idella Mc Koy, J L Meadows, Owen Matthews, Har riet A McDowell. N Lucy Nilse, Joe Nathan, col. P W JPope. B F Pickett, Horace Pat terson, Deler Pontain. R N T Roberson, Jane Richardson, Mrs C A Russell, Alen Rogers. 8 Willie Sanders, 86eob Soeobson, T T Smith, R W Shelly, Mrs L W Smith. Julia Ann Swan, Cicero Smith, col; Mrs Corne lia Soutberland, Christ C 8picer, D ; G Swindell, C Schulze, Marrie Sanders. T Thos Toffer, Mrs Tome Gilbert Tel -pie ' W Ellie White, J F Walker. Derich Willis, A E White, Mrs Angelina Wil liams. Y Nelson Yoney. Persons calling for letters in the above list will please say "advertised." Letters will be sent to the Dead Letter Office, at Washington, D. C, if not called for within thirty days. . O. G. Pakslet, P. M., Wilmington, New Hanover Co.. N. C. NEW ADVEKTISEMENTS. Orient Lote Kor 395, A. F. & A. H, R EGT7LAB COMMTJSICA.TION THIS (WED - NKsnAYt iw a inn- at S o'clock Work In P. C. Degree. Visiting Brethren fraternally Invited to attend. , JOHN C. CHA8B, my 18 It Secretary. Lost, QOLD MBDAL, WITH A SMALL GOLD. Chain and Locket attached UK it, and engraved on the Medal, "Awarded to Mary Green from Academy of the Incarnation." A reasonable re ward will bo paid for Its delivery at the City HalL my 18 It. TTTALtJABLB FBHTIL12IBS WOEK8 AKDMA V TERIAL FOK SALE. . . r Stone Fhospnate Mannfactarlnir Works, with excellent site, on Ashley River, near Charleston, S. C, and Fertilizer Material on hand, for sale Buildings, Machinery, Wharf, Ac, la first elan order. . . " . - ' Apply for catalogue of properly to office of STONK PHOSPBATK COMPAWY, t myl8tf tn sat Charleston, 8. C. On the Boom. ; QH CATAWBA, CHOCKJLATB AHD.BLOOp BANGS SHAKES ARS ONTHK BOOM' No latent os em-i" - f. ""my IS it -"J-y i JBxchange Corner. . , WHOLE, NO. 6443 NEW ADVERTISEMENTa : TO-NIGHT, C0EA VAH: 1 TASSEL 'and heb bxckllent company: Will present the charmlnfis Society Drama and the greatest ox au we i&aaison oqnare snocesses, r S5IERALDA, OB LIFB IN OLD NORTH CAROLINA Complete MIse-en-Scene, Elegant Costumes and (ADDmnrintfl Dtnalrv. s People's Popular Prices 10, 0 and 30e. NO Mini. , jxu Jtufatujut. xeservea seats on sale at uemsoergers. my 18 It Lawn Party. rHEZLAPIES, MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION JL Will give a LAWN PABTY In the CITY HALL PARE, on THURSDAY NIGHT, on which occa sion Ice Cream, Strawberries and other Refresh ments will be served. Entrance fee 10 cents. Tne Befreahments will be served at lowest city prices. my 18 2t Pianos and Organs. VERY WEEK WE ABE GETTING IN : NEW Pianos and Organs from the best makers in the United States. They are bought for' spot cash, which enables ?s to sell yon a first class Piano or Organ at lower price than'anybody else in the State. Our object is to place a Piano or Organ in every family. We have not raised our prices, but we have pat prices down. Anybody want ing to buy a Piano or Organ will find it to their aa vantage 10 cau at HBINSBERGBR'S my 18 tf Book and Musio Store. NAINSOOK SHIRTS AND DBA WEBS, Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers," Gause Merino Shirts and Drawers,' Night Shirts, .. Dress Shirts, Splendid Silk Neckwear, Fancy Bordered Handkerchiefs, . Fine Hemstitch Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Halt Hose, Suspenders, &c, my lilt At MUN SON'S. BUY THE BEST! I SURE IN THE TRAVELERS, OF HARTFORD, CONN., THE LARGEST AND STRONGEST ACCIDENT COMPANY IN THE WORLD. It Issues Accident Policies for , S 1 o,o O O I GIVING $10,000 taOTentofdeatl1 10 000 fr 1033 ' two eye8, lO'OOO forlos3' two feeti -Jq'qQQ for loss of two hands q'qqQ for loss of one hand and one foot 3 333 33 for 1088 ot one foot' 3 '333 33 for 1088 of one hand' $50 00 p6PWeet for disabling injury PROPORTIONATB BENEFITS FOR POLICIES OF ANY AMOUNT. Accident Tickets issued for" 25 cents per day. Call on or address NORTHROP, HODGES & TAYLOB, Fire, Life and Accident Ins. Agents, Comer Mutt and Walnut Streets. Assets of Fire Insurance Companies alone amounting to oyer $95,000,000. my 17 St The Passport J.JAS BEEN CHARTERED BY THE CAROLINA YACHT CLUB to accompany the contesting Yachts during the race Thursday Afternoon, 19th Instant. A limited number of passengers will be carried. Tickets can be obtained from Yates', Kaspro wioz' and Begatta Committee. "Start promptly at 3 P M. myl?3t Carolina Beach. QN AND AFTER THURSDAY, 19TH INSTANT, the STEAMER PASSPOBT will begin to make regular trips to Harper's Pier, connecting with the train for Carolina Beach. On Thursday boat will leave wharf at 9 o'clock, and return at 1.30, in time for the Be gatta. On Friday and Saturday boat will leave at 9 and 3 o'clock, and returning, will leave the Ocean Beach House at 1 and 6 o'clock. Fare from city to ocean and return 50 cents. Children under fifteen 25 cents. Passengers will avoid delay by purchasing tickets before leaving the boat. J. W. HARPER, myl7 6t ; - General Manager. Excursion to WasWnitdn City. QVEJ. FIFTY NAMES HAVE ALREADY BEEN secured, and many more are promised. For the benefit of those who desire to go with me I would J state, that I will start two trains. The first will leave onlSatnrday, May 21t. 8.S0 A. M: the second on the same day, 11.40 PiM.; and will return from Washington. Saturday, the 28th, at 11A.M. I am now in a position that I can carry all who desire to go from any section, where taey cannot make up the 25, under my arrangement. S7.65 the round trip. Persons living along the Wilmington & Weldon B B. can come on the 8.E0 A M. train-at the principal stopping stations, but they must seEQ me the money, $7.65, by Saturday, so J, can In clude them In the ticket I have to buy here only. my 17 tf P. HEINSBSRGEB. Fishing Tackle. TTTB CALL ESPECIAL ATTENTION ITO IOUB line of FISHING TACKLE In Price and Quality' the Best. ' YACHT OUTFIT COMPLETE myl5tf GILES & MURCHISON. STRAW "FT A TS I HARBISON & ALLEN, my 15 tf ' v Hatters.D LET THERE BE MORE LIGHT, J OFFXB TO THE TRADE A LARGE AND beautiful assortment of Stand, Suspension, and Student's Lamps, In all the late and handsome designs, which I will sell at actual cost in order to make room for other goods coming rn store. I also have the Celebrated "Sonneider and Rochester" Lamps in Brass and Nlckle. Imperial Regulator "and other improved burners, with chimneys and other attachments, -f - If you want light these surpass any Lamp ever offered or Invented. '-." ; , ( . Call and examine my stock before buying else 'where, at 117 South Front street; - r-lirvST":;::::;:;;::::-:; s ; r. Two Weeii,.......;...... e I - Two Months. Hi, Cna Year...... ta tj. a tVContraot Adverttsements taken at propor- ' tlo&ately low tates. : -" - - J , j- Ten lines solid Nonpareil type make one sqnar- NJ)W ADVERTISEMENTS. ; 1SK. -M- TST A W, iit idarKet bt. -1 - "W-p! .'' SPECIAL OFFERINGS THIS WEEKV SUMMER DBESS GOODS at 60, 60 snd 80 per i . . snv AsIMtlMllM IM .' i t yard. ; j!a-ru- 86-lnch Fanoy Colored BATIST, 10c. i. . 31 Inch good SATEEN, 12Xe. - A Job In WOOL NUN'S VEILING, ISHo. JAVA CANVAS IN COMBINATION 12J ; f-.jv'Ts. All these are worth double the price. ALBATROSS, BEBGES, NUN'S VEILING. VJ. :vyI BLACK GOODS, TBICONTINES, AO. . Ph '.V' White Goods. EVERY STYLE AND VABIETT VERT LOW:,v.' FLOUNCINGS, ALL-OVERS, YOLKlNG,; EDGINGS. INSERTINGS, ROBES, At manursctnrers' prices. LACES, VEILINGS, DAMASKS, TOWELS, NAPKINS, LINENS, COSSETS, GLOVES, MITTS, HOSIERY, HANDKERCHIEFS. T, LADIES' AND GENTS' GAUSS UNDERWEAR,'? Men's and Boys' Wear. Ever so many articles marked at the LOWESTT': CASH PRICES, and an Inspection will certainly :; be an inducement to my kind patrons to spend ?iv their cash at KAT Z.SH. 116 Market St Bock Spring Hotel, NEWLY FURNISHED THROUGHOUT. No; i0: Chesnut, between Front and Water Streets. The traveling publio are resoeotf ully recrnest ed to call and they will be well accommodated. One of the best locations in the city. . ."- MRS. B.K. PBIDGBN, 1.5 . i - 1 . 1 " 1 ill 1 li . ; New Crop P.B. Molasses i FIRST CARGO OF THE SEASON. - 300 HHDS (JUST ARRIVED), NOW LAND- :: ing. and for sale in lots to suit by my 15 tr WILLIAMS. BANKTN CO. : i ? Bacon, Flour, Lard. JQQ Boxes D. S. C. R. SIDES. C' 1000 BblS 7LOUS aU grades, OCA Cases LARD, v 3f For sale low by " ' i1 my 15 tf Sugar, Coffee, Bice. -QQ Bbls Beflaed SUGARS, JpJQ Sacks Choice BIO COFFEE, - For sale low by -.S'U my 15 tf WILLIAMS. RANKIN A CO.' v uriue, Auup xruu,Aiu 25 Bbls DISTILLER'S GLUE, 5QQ Bundles HOOP IRON. OCA Kegs NAILS, For sale low by my 15 tf W1LL1A1HH. KAWHJfl S W"-.;' , Riier, ; 1 r ME. HE, JESS, SHE, IT. IONX STBWABT --X'fi bv Lynn Lenton. For Anotbers Sin,- by Braeme. The Rival Cousins, by Prentiss Inirra ca ham. Clarlbel's Love Story, by Braeme. A Poor Gentleman, by Oliphant. Pure Gold, by Cameron. -CT : A Woman's war, by Braeme. Hilary's Folly, by Braeme. A Haunted Life, by Braeme. -" - v i, ----- CM. HARRIS. i:lvy Latest New York Dailies, Fashioa BboksUga- "-i ?-M zlnes. c, always on band. my 15 tf Cotton Planters; "YTB HAVE A FEW OF THE CTLEBBATED v ? ; Lvtch Cotton Planters on hand. - Send In vour"" V'- orders at once. We can. make yon . bottom - Drices. . w-T;ry-,t, prices, my 15 tf WUmtSgtonTN:!; STAR 11 fitsu ri . " ... ' IsmaUngSoewfriends every day. Owisersj state that It goes so much further than the adul- .5-1 tarsAi lard with. which -the market isooded. !. c lcaiio. 1 CU10tM VI OWIUlIK ' I Baltimore, Md. -Carers of the oelebrated "Star Brand" mild cured Hams and Breakfast Boooa. V ' 1W 11 .10 '-' : ; -LADIESjfllp;:.. Do Your Own Dyelne at Hem,wltb They will dye everything. They are sold! every-j : ; where. : Price lOe. a package 40 colors. Tey . - -have no equal for 8trength,Brightness, Ametu. t la ' Packages or for Fastness of Color, or non-f ""ng vr Qualities They do not - crock- or .rnt.- or -I -s ale by J." H. HARDIN, Drugrsl?,;,and, c. W J L- - -LER. Druggist, corner 4ta and I,amt -.-ll- - mlngton, N. C. . - ... , mh27D.aW.iy That it is decidedly the most soonomic&i tojw. and being absolutely pure. It can beisubsUwea for butter in nearly all classes of eooWng.; - r-r-'-i---- '4 .,-4 :.iW"?ir.';.' ,:..'A",?,i:;'V"