The Morning S tar 4Il U1LLUM H BERNARIK iTsh DAILY EXCEPT MONDAYS. pi.-Bl.IS . .-V,k. v.ii. Postage Pa BATr ,Tm. Foatare Paid.... 17 00 .-vx a it hhi:k i riiun aa v - 'B'J e .h-T ' ' W s-sMontM, SM ftiree ISO Vveo X"""" . 75 ,3e Monta. Satj!!eri&ore, delivered In aay pan " t'u-rsss Casts per week. Our City ' tRe Iro not authorise! to collect tor more J,.-Tu,reo mouths in uyano " t u he VoA umce as uzuavou, n. j ia-"'"" ?s soooad Class Matter. 5 ) l NT IN Gr itiDL 1 1(JN . OUTLINES. Cot;a crop in sight, 6,800,452 bales.- Throe men adrift in a boat six days without f,l (ir water, were picked up at sea by tuc inline Kate C. Maguire. Cotton 3 .in rs hi Manchester are devising meas- ures pool ;,- counteract me tueuis 01 wie uiykt corner in cotton. A great de- no marip in YV1pB in hnnnT llCStrSl'-'" " " , . w -,f Mr. Gladstone. Ex-vice President u'Cr.i.T is dead. Five more of the Vun5!'-lEi coke violators have been ar reted; it is thoueht an early settlement of the strike will be affected. Antago nism of lC!l1 assemblies of the Knights of rN r to Grand Master Powderly is devel oping in many places out West. Two j n u Wt re killed in a gambling dispute at I Uk Rim, Ala. The Thittle was wen bv the Genesta and Irex in the last Eicht men were killed by an r!j;ion oi uJuai - i P. Two dcw ca9es of yellow fever I HrL.u;,,.r;cd at Key West; no dealis. Tbir ; o-j clerks in the U. S. Treasury De partaseit have lost their places. New Y,-,t!; market- Money easy at 34J per nni . ei. i-ing offered at 2 per cent. ; cotton nukt iud steady at 11 T-16llfc; southern ii'iieE and unchanged; wheat ifc livrtr and options higher, closing firm: N red June 97i979c; corn closed stead: No. 2 June 47f47c; rosin quiet at 1 2."il r.Oc; spirits turpentine quiet at r.Vl cents. S.mie Northern exchange says that both the eagle and the crow live fr KiO year.x. M3j. I'. M. Hale entered the class f I84r and was graduated in 1849 f, i!a' Universly. A report from Africa is that the ji.i:ivr-ri have attacked the British mi 1 French settlements. Madame Janauschek has brought uU for $-20,000 damages against the hotel for the breaking of her arm by ' I Primier Ronvier is said to be forced to bnmor the Monarchists in the. French Chamber of Deputies in order to secure a working majority. We find in the graduating class at Wt Point from North Carolina, Richmond P. Davis and Charles Ger hard i. From South Carolina, John M. Jenkins and Thomas Q. Donald -on, Jr., and from Virginia, John A. Hirraac, Robert G. Paxton and 'Wirt Robinson. lua.yi vania certainly owes a monument lo William Penn. lie hogged the terri tory from the Indians witnout shedding blood or spending ruoaey. William was a pescefu! man, and very clevtr at a bargain. Sev (jr'.ein Picayune W expression "hogged" s new to I'.Wtxprei.sive. With the Red Men i: ! " hog or die." liut "hog- gi ' not a parior word. I he AuUSt; dhmnifil nnintd ft I induces to Hhow how soma nsonle 1 r i . n -t be satisfied with the situa ltfas: "ivm people are Laid to please. A liie man is kicking before the Inter- State i,im mission because he was re- 'u. . ii i,r!vi!eee of ridinp in r nptrrn aoi a neero ia tiakirtjr liimnvpi hn. ev.i :(. was Dot a!.owe(l U) travej in lDe vi, (' ;-i-op:e s car" vv went to the eharminfr and raost cieditahle'entertainment on Fri (3a' night at the Tileeton School and I: l i not see oar editorial nroot. In L writing ve ,na3e a blunder that was I i i precisely the opposite of what we I purposed to say relative to the health I record of Wilmington for Mav. We meant to say the death rate was low -only 12.05 in th 1Q0Q inhahit-nta ipo a basis of 24,000 population. ' I There is talk of a new railroad rom Oxford to Clarksville, Va and "om Oxford to Danville, : Va. The utter r is to connect the RaWh and Qaat . on railroad at Henderson with anville by way of Oxford. The road from Henderson to Oxford ia behest paying road in the State for 118 length, 12 miles. The Danville agister says; A. t n I Ka 1 4 AT . -w-v Kt-w v "unci, ior me uanvuie ana strVtPh lVer and it8 western connections, it nottrt . OIarand wide lbat 1 fih" wAiry.t0. ta it in. Thev would reach Dinli f 3Usi 8 near or nearer than by the anville and Atlantic." State Gleanings. r.aiam Gleaner: From all porti f1 C0.untv. we hear good re-. look is v auunuaEl gram crops. The out- j vuwuraging. -Pittsboro Rtcordi Nntwith- Leeiau, lhe auction made by the last eag ?Iaiire la. th.e Price of marriage licen- too . " me unce oi nmrriacrA iiran. i. . ... I rmJ. ,er of them were issued in this l tnownnni tnan alD?0St eTer before I. Wck. J lwu lo WDlle ana ODe lo TarW o.t. "- "' ;.V r i "amruay witn nis wife near Mr. I ..iuioeney'8, Dt. K. H. Speight I m urn v. VOL. XL. NO. 65. received some very painful if not serious injuries by being thrown from his buggy ma wne was inrown out and bruised about e neck and face, but the buggy fell on Dr. Boeieht. Fortun&telv no hones vera broken, but his hip was badly bruised. Monday he was reported as doing very well. He is confined to his bed. Henderson Gold Leaf: We venture the assertion that Vance county now has one of the best and safest , jails in the State. It is small, it is true, but ade quate to all necessary purposes, and with the patent steel cells is absolutely safe and non-destructible. It is well ventilated and its sanitary condition as near perfect as an institution of its kind can be. The ar rangements for heating and making it com fortable in winter are also good. Dr. Rosser is at Louisburer we see from the Times. A negro boy accidently knocked a negro girl senseless with a baso ballbat the other dav. 8ha is badly hurt, we learn. We hear it rumored that a newsDaner is soon to be started at Tosinot. Company A., of the third Narth Carolina Regiment, State A.;p8, uSr Pieaaeni reunion at now Hill, on Wednesday. There was an en thusiastic gathering. Speeches were made oy uapt. wift GaUoway.Dr. W. J. Jones, Dr. W. T. Ennett and others. m - j , r-;-, ri 113 1 JL ! I tZLl V L -J JL. KVfr AUVEHXIMKin A Dollab Made. 8. H. Fishslatb Start right. M. M. Katz Special offerings. GtLKs & Mtjbchison Fruit jars. ExcuBsiON To Carolina Beach. Pkof. O. Tkusch Violin lessons. IlnrKSBKRQER Base-ball supplies. G. R. French & Sons Low shoes. L. C Linbbebt Attractive goods. J. n. Hardin Ice cold soda water. C. W. Yates Books and stationery. Lours J. Poisson Real estate agent. E. Wabhen & Son Something new. Wm. E. Wobth & Co. Solid flint ice. Fennklx. & Daniel Trunks, satchels. C. M. Harris Papers, magazines, etc. Parker & Tatlob Feather dusters, etc. Mrs. E.B. Wiggins Ladies' Emporium Harrison & AiiLEN-Dunlap mackinaws. Meeting Co. magistrates and comm'ra. Atlantic Coast Line -Excursion tickets Brown & Roddick -This week's offerings W. E. Springer & Co. Cotton planters. Rose nmann & Sternbebger Bathing suits. Williams, Rankin & Co. Bacon, flour, lard. molasses, coffee, sugar, etc. lull. Rev. 6. M. Tolson will preaoh at the first Baptist Church this morning. The Register of Deeds issued only two marriage licenses the past week. Capt. E. W. Manning shipped a crate of fine peaches to New York last night, from his place on the Sound. John Pear sail, colored, was fined $10 in the Mayor's Court yesterday for committing a nuisance on the streets. There will be no services in St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church to day, on ' account of the pastor's absence from the city. Rev. F. VV. E. Pwshau being absent from the city, no services will be held in St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church to-day. Rev. Dr. Pritchard ia absent from the city, in consequence of which there will be no services at the First Bap tist Church to nigbt. The Passport will run down to n.,Ai;nA Pdi.h tn.Han ff tho KoTipflt nf the "Can't Get Away Club." The boat will leave at 2 p. m. Interments in the cemeteries of the city the paet week were as follows: Oakdal, two adults; Bellevue, two children; Pine Forest (colored) two adults and a child. The excursion of Cape Fear Lodge, I. O. O. F.. which was to have taken place Tuesday, has been postponed, until next month, in respect to the memory of tho lata Col. Wm. L. Smith. The fire-wharf at the foot of ... v..:, v reDairs will be made to the fire wharf foot iron dp BirpfL iihh iw-hd reuuiiL. a aaib w cc& of Ann street. The Superintendent of Streets intends to have all the fire-wharves in B00 ordr before ne 6top8' Rev D. H. Tuttle will preach at Fifth Street M. E. Church this morning His subject win oe "i-esecrauon 01 me . . m m 1 A.! . At 4 1 Sabbath Day." He will sustain the en forcement of the "blue laws." At nigbt be will preach on the same subject at the Methodist Chapel in Brooklyn. JVlr. Sholar, the Superintendent M" . r"f " or Streets, nas naa nis iorce 01 annus si work the past week cleaning out the ditches in the eastern part of the city.including the large drain known aa "Macomher's ditch," extending from Castle street to Smith's Creek near Oakdale Cemetery. Altogether there are ten miles of ditches, and all are now in good order. Ladles Benevolent Society. A note from the Secretary says that there will be a meeting of the Ladies Be. nevolent Society at 5 o'clock Tuesday even ing, at Miss. Hart's school house on Third street. It is necessary that the ward visitors be present that they may have a clear under standing of the matter of distributing pro visions. The President it unable to bear the whole burden, as .she has- been com pelled to do lately. mm " The Lighthouse Board reports that in- formation has been received that a combi- nation eas whistline. buoy was placed off Cabe Ilalteras Shoals on April 20, .1887, in m.? ZMZr7.: i . - mm . mm ---. N. W. f Xi. Vs, x--.- " - --Vi tr 1 CAROLINA BEACH. lla BeanUea, Its CTsea, Its Advantaces ; Fifteen miles from this city on the banks of the ocean, is situated the above resort which is daily, rapidly, and deservedly growing in popular favor. Fifteen miles did you say? Then how is it reached? Stepping aboard the Passport at her wharf at' market dock you soon find "yourself gliding down the Cape Fear and enjoying the breeze as it fans the cheek and tumbles the hair. Place after place of interest is passed, and the sights one sees along the banks of the river are of such variety as to make the trip a charm in itself. One hour is hardly spent on the steamer when there is a cessation of the monotonous throb" bings nf the engine and the boat moves slowly to Harper's Pier, where the pleasure seekers disembark to find in readiness a train of cars awaiting to carry them to their destination. These cars are made after the manner of cars used at Coney Island, and are convenient and commodios. A ride ofjfive or six minutes through a level and interesting country, filled with flowers and green shrubbery, brings you in full view of the. ocean and lands you at what is destined to be the most popular resort on the cjaAt, Carolina Beach 1 Evidences of thrift and industry are seen on every hand. Out of the sand houses have arisen, and a spacious pavilion, with smooth floors which invite the dancer, stands ready for the reception of euests. Bathing houses, conveniently situated, are erected, and a surf which beggars descrip tion rolls and tosses at your feet The shore is hard and as level as a ball room floor, and so gentle and sloping is the in cline that the swimmer can easily and with out danger penetrate beyond the breakers, and on the slow and graceful curves of the advancing waves drive the dull cares of everyday life away. Opposite the beach are wrecks of blockaders, and he who is fortunate enough to to find a day so calm as to allow him to reach them, will find the merriest sport with hook and line and sheephead that the Atlantic coast produces; and just beyond the wrecks are the far famed blackfish gronnds, whose reputation for numberless fish has enticed many landsmen to visit them, but who have paid for their cupidity by rendering, their account to old ocean and their tribute to the fish. About a quarter of a mile from the pa- , vilion, within one hundred yards of the ocean, but in striking contrast to its roar and dash and crash, nestles a quiet little lake, asleep in the tender and surrounding arms of budding tree and bush. It is a lovely place. Quiet and peace are its com" paniona. It lives there by its little self, as if in dumb astonishment at the noise the ocean makes and seems to say, "Calm thy self, O Sea! I am happier than thou." This lake, we are told, abounds in fish, and the lazy alligator suns himself on its banks. Boats have been placed on it and a sail on an inland sea can be had at will. It is in itself well worth the time and expense it takes to visit it. Time will not permit a longer sketch of this delightful resort.- It is a place that Wilmington has needed for years. The situation was chosen, the houses built, the equipment of the road secured by home talent and home enterprise, and it is man aged and directed by men whose qualifi cations and whose determination to make it a success need no comment. As a place where men of business can find diversion of sport and diversion of thought; where children may be carried and benefitted by the salt air baths ; where men can spend a day or half a day and enjoy the pleasure of the surf; where picnic parties can have real "picnic" times; where giddy youth can whisper sweet nothings or nothing sweet to his companion, it cannot be surpassed. It is the coming place, and we say, "Let her boom," and' if that phrase . is too much of an innovation to the .carpers and croakers, we will substitute the vernacular of the young but not despondent Carolinian and say, with the honesty and sincerity of these undaunted spirits, "Let her go, Gallagher 1" Xlie Atlantic Coast Line Extension. A meeting was held in this city a day or two ago, of the President, General Manager and Superintendent of the Manchester & Augusta Railroad, when the contract for grading the road from Sumter to the Santee River, S. C, was given to Mr. Hardin of Cheiaw. ' The contractor is required to begin work by the 20th inst , and to com plete the grading of the line to the Santee River by the 1st of next ApriL The com pany was organized in Florence last No vember with $100,000 capital stock sub scribed. The officers of the road are as fol lows: R. Rr Bridgers of Wilmington, President; H., Walters of Baltimore, Gen eral Manager, and J. F. Post, Jr., of Wil mington, Secretary and Treasurer. The directors are W. F. Walters, B. F. New comer and H. Walters of Baltimore; J. F. Divine, W. A. Riactfand R. R. Bridgers of Wilmmgttm. and J. T. Brown of Colum bia, S. C. . A correspondent writing from Columbia, S. C, says: It is impossible to ascertain what will be the southern terminus of the road. The motive of the Coast Line in building it is to be in dependent of the Richmond and Danville, which controls the present line from Co lumbia to Augusta, It is declared that the line is "an unknown quantity ; and an un certain factor in the Coast Line system." and that it is doubtful if its projectors know what they will do beyond the Bantee. The trend of the line Indicates Millen instead of Augusta as; its objective point; but the townships along the two routes may be brought lo bid for the road and in that way ease the burdens of it builders.- This plan has already been tried by the Three C's with great success, and it may work as well in Western aa in Eastern Carolina. j, TO LMINGTONr N, SUNDAY JUNE 5, 1887. Good News for Fishermen. ' ' Recent arrivals of coastwise vessels at Southern ports report an immense school of mackerel coming South. Capt. Steel man of the schooner Susan B. Bay, at Savan nah from Norfolk, passed through the school a short distance south of Cape Look out on May 28th. On that day, Capt. Steel man says, about 11 o'clock in the morning, off Cape Lookout, with light southwest winds, the vessel ran into an 'immense school of sharks in seventeen fathoms of water. The sharks measured from three to eight feet in length. They were as thick as they possibly could be and could be a en as far as the eye could reach. The schooner ran through them for fully an hour, mak ing only about three miles. After leaving the sharks the vessel ran into a tremendous field of mackerel and sailed through them for four hours. The crew turned fishermen and caught 180 fine mackerel with a common cotton line over the vessel's stern. Capt, Steelman sajs it was the longest school of mackerel that he has ever seen, and all the more remarkable as he had never before seen them in Southern waters. They were never before known to go south of Body's Island. There has been' a scarcity of mackerel in the regular fishing grounds in Northern waters during the past season This school may furnish an oppor tunity for some enterprising fishermen to secure ship loads of fish. meetings nondir. The Board of Magistrates of New Hanover will meet Monday morning at 10 o'clock the Court House, in joint session with the Board of County Commissioners, to make the tax levy for 1887. The Board of Audit and Finance hold their regular meeting at S o'clock to morrow afternoon, and the Board of Al dermen will meet in the evening at 8 o'clock for the transaction of business. Musical Entertainment. The Acme Sieging Association, a col ored organization of this city, assisted by the Asaph Club, will give a musical enter tainment at the Opera House on the night of the 9th in st., for the benefit of Grace M. E. Church. The best colored musical tal ent of the city will appear, and some good music may be expected. The entertain ment will be conducted by Prof. H. M. Shepherd. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Carolina Beach. gTEAMER PASSPORT WILL LKAVK FOR Carolina Beach to-day (Sunday) at 2 o'clock. Train will leave the Eeach at 6 o'clock sharp. J. W. HABPBR, JeSlt - General Manager. Violin Lessons. rjywo LESSONS A WEEK $4 PER MONTH. NEW AUTO HARP, $5 and $6 apiece; lessons free. PROP. O. TRTJSCH, Je 5 It No. 3 S. Front St, Room 16. Annual Meeting. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF Magistrates with the County Commissioners will be held at the Court Heose, Monday, June 6th, at 10 o'clock A. M. It is earnestly requested that all Magistrates be present, as important bu siness is to be transacted, je 5 It W. W. HAKRISS, Chairman. SUMMER EXCURSIONS! VIA THE Atlantic Coast Line ! TO THE Spring and Summer Resorts OF THE CAROLINA S AND VIRGINIA. Tickets on sale Jane 1st to September 30th, good to return until October 81st, 1687. For Rates, Schedules,' Sleeping Car Accommo dations, Ac, write to or call on Ticket gents or the undersigned. T. M. EMERSON, Gea'l Passenger Agent. H. WALTERS. Gen'l Manager. je 6 St Fruit Jars. JpRUIT JARS AND FRUIT CANS All S12ES. For sale by je 5 tf GILES A MURCHISON. HEW MD. ATTRACTIVE GOODS. J HAVE JUST RECBJVED A LARGE LOT OF late designs in Queensware, China, Glass, Silver Plated, Brltanta and other wares. Also a large lot of Chamber Sets, Lamps, &o., which I shall offer at tho very lowest prices for cash. Call and see and be convinced . L.C. UNEBRBY. je 5 tf , No. 117 South Front St. Hammocks., JUST RECEIVED A LARGS ASSORTMENT OF Hammocks. Stretchers and Hooks. For sale cheap at - ' HEINSBERGER'S. Base Ball Supplies EVERY DESCRIPTION IN LABGB VARI ETY! Cash orders from the - country will be promptly attended to at ' ,s "J.'' " HEINSBERGER'S. f - , i n It NEWi ADVERTISEMENTS. Attend the Great BASE BAUL MATCH on MONDAY and TUESDAY. START RIGHT ! Citizens and Strangers VE AUE READY ! FISHBLATE Has Outdone Himself Tils Season ! We have tho Finest Stock of Boys', Youths' and Children's CLOTHING! Ever brought to this market, and the PRICES we guarantee to be from 10 TO 25 PER CENT. LOWER than you can buy them elsewhere. We are the LEADERS, and intend to remain so, for the Best Clothini at tie Lowest Prices ! FISHBLATE INVITES THE WORLD TO HIS MAMMOTH ' CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT. A Dollar Saved IS A DOLLAR MADE. DO NOT BUY YOUR Furniture before examining the stock and prices of BEHRENDS & MONROE, 16 South Front St., Wilmington, N. C. They keep the largest stock, latest styles and most durable workmanship. Je 5 It Low Shoes. Q.ENT&' LOW SHOES BEST MAKES AND latest styles, comprising Prince Alberts, Button Oxfords, Laced Oxfords and other shape3. All at very low prices at Geo. E. French & Sons, 103 NORTH FRONT STREET je 5 tf Bathing Suits. WE ARE MANUFACTURING LARGE LOTS of Bathing Suits, which we will sell low. 103 dozen Job Pants at lowest prices. Special inducements in Fine Custom Work. ROSE NMANN & STERNBERGER. Manufacturers and Merchant Tailors, . je5tf NO. 7 MARKET ST. Sweet Little Butter Cups. gOMETHING NEW AND DELICIOUS IN CANDY. Don't fail to try the Dear Little Butter Cups. JeSlt E. WARREN & SON, Exchange Corner. Dunlap Mackinaws ! JUTRIA STIFF HATS ! UMBRELLAS I HARRISON A ALLEN. Hatters. lestf Papers. Magazines, &c. pOR EVENING PAPERS, MORNING PAPERS, New York Dailies, Illustrated Papers,Magazines, Libraries, &o , call at 'CM. HARRIS je 5 tf Popular News and Cigar Store. LOUIS J. POISSON, . REAL ESTATE AGENT, NO. 113 NORTH 8EOOND ST. Parties wishing to buy or sell Real Estate, and tbfse having Estates to manage and Bents to collect, would do well to call on me. je 5 It Trunks, Satchels. EXAMINE OUR STOCK OF TRUNKS AND atcnelB before, buying and wc may save you about 10 percent: A full grain 10-inch Tourist Bagfor$l.M. That f 11-53 Nickel Harness is all the go, and our hand-made Harness can't be beat. Repairing a specialty. - - FENNEL A DANIEL, Horse Milliners, je5tf No. 10 o. Front tit Boots ant Mow. ; J IF YOU WANT ANYTHING IN THZ BLANK Book or Stationery line call on ua before buy ing elsewhere; we can give you the benefit of the lowest possible prices. All the latest Reading Matter constantly on band. -.. - - - " - Base Ball Goads, &c at raanufaorurers prices. . - Je5tJ, .. , C. W. YATES.;- r "v . i t WHOLE NO, 6459 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED Tliis "Week: I To the Following. BROWN & RODDICK, s ttortti J?riJ t Bathing Suits. We will receive per Steamer on Wednesday a large invoice of LADIES' AND GENTS' BATH ING SUITS in the Latest Styles, viz : NEWPORT and SOUTHPORT, ATLANTIC CITY and CAROLINA BEACH, CONEY ISLAND and WRIGHTSVILLE. - Corsets, We call particular attention to our ZEPHYR CORSET for Summer wear. Price 75c. For com fort this Corset cannot be surpassed. Laflies' Silt Hits. A beautiful assortment of SILK MITS, in Blks, Whites, Creams and Tans, 50o and 75c. HailnrEs ani Fancy TMiis, We have Just received a large invoice of the above per Steamer. Ladies in want of these goods will end a large line and lower crices than ever exhibited In this city. WMte Goois. Our WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT Is renlete with all the cost desirable materials suitable for the season. lace TriMinp. In Slack and White, all widths and qualities. SMrtiDS Percales. New Lot just arrived; lCc per yard, worth 15c. Colored. Scrims. A Splendid Bargain, 10 cents per yard. Linen Sheetings 10-4 wide. Real good Quality. Also a 27-inch wide LINEN SHEETING, suitable for Gents' Underwear. BROWN & RODDICK, 9 NORTH FRONT STREET. Branch Store, 27 Hay street, Fayettevllle, N. C Carolina Beach ! Summer Resort 1 J WISH TO INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT I AM now prepared to furnish meals at all hours at tho HOTEL on CAROLINA BEACH. FISH, OYSTERS AND CL1MS prepared in all styles and are a specialty. ICE CREAM and other refreshments to order. Respectfully. Je3 1w C.BA.CHE. ICE. ICE. ICE. rBS ICE FACTORY AT WILMINGTON, N. C, has been in full operation since January 15, 188T, and our facility for famishing ICE is three times as large & it was last year. AS THE SEASON IS OPEN we desire to say to all who mav order ICE from us that our ICE is made of the PUREST WATER, and that distilled. It is, therefore, Solid Flint Ice and meets all requirements, and will stand In spection by the Medioal Fraternity. We call at tention to the following article. DANGER IN ICE In an article on "The Num ber of Bacteria In Ice" in the American Journal of Pharmacy for December, 1886, the author con cludes that ,4the common 'raw' ice, till lately al most exclusively used, on account of the large number of bacteria, capable of development, which it contains, should not be taken with food, in drinks, or tor medicinal purposes. It should never be used in the treatment ef wounds. In these connections, artificial ice, made from dis tilled water, sheuld be employed. The use of raw ice In coutact with food, which la after wards to be cooked, is permissible, but artificial Ice is to be preferred. Raw ice may be freely used where it does not come into direct contact with food." ? We have both natural and manufactured Ice, and can supply which ever is preferred. We have unequaled facilities for shipping Ice by the barrel ana in car load lots. Prices criven udob application. We solicit your patronage and guarantee fair treatment. ap 17 tf su Proprietors. New Crop F.R. Molasses jflRST CARGO OF THE SEASON. 3QQ HHDS JUST ARR1VJSD), NOW LAND- ing and for sale in lots to suit by je 5tt WILLIAMS. RANKIN A CO. Bacon, Flour, Lard. 100 60X68 D- 8 C- R- SIDES. 1000 Bbls 7LOUS 1111 grades QK A Cases LARD, For sale low by WILLIAMS, RANKIN A CO. Je 5 tf Sugar, Coffee, Rice. JQA Bbls Refined SUGARS, P)Q, Sacks Choice RIO COFFEE, Kfi Bbls CAROLINA RICE, For sale low by WILLIAMS. RANKIN A CO. Je 5 tf Glue, Hoop :Iron,Nails, 2g Bois DISTILLER'S GLUE. 5QQ Bundles HOOP IRON, Kegs NAILS, , . .For sale low by je b tf ' , WILLIAMS. RANKIN A CO. Ice Cold Soda Watery ;. T17TPH PURE FRUIT JUICB&" r'y:"r-':i - X .Several New and Popular Syrups. -y 1. H. HARDIN, Druggist, I i ' " r : New Mketi- - i v l "Je5tf " One square One Day.. VllMA T.M AT m. Threa Weeks...... ( One Month,..., , 13 t " v" Tboree Month,;, ,;.,.v,).... jt i ' te?Mr....r.......t.v.....Mtf.Ba ta. tarContracfr Advertisements taken at propor tionately low rates. t ' Ten lines solid Nonpareil type make onesquar i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CASH HOUSE. 3sK. K A IZ, 116 Market Sti Set's 1 SPECIAL OFFERINGS THIS WEESS oumausu ukess goods at Co, 6o snd 8o per "i : yard. 30- lncTi Fancy Colored BATIST, 10b. 31- inch good S&TEEN, 12Xc. "I A Job In WOOL NUN'S VEILING, 12a JAVA CANVAS IN COMBINATION, lSgc. V-?V " All thnftn Rrrt vnrfh 1nnhTa tha nrlna . - ALBATROSS, BERGES, N UN'S VEILING. A t v uAjan. uuuuo, llUlUri ac. White Goods. C f EVERY STYLE AND IVARIETY VERY LOW FLOUNCINGS, ALL-OVERS, YOLK1NG, . ; EDGINGS. INSERTINGS, ROBES, At manufacturers' prices. LACES, VEILINaS, DAMASKS, TOWELS,'. , NAPKINS, LINENS, CORSETS, GLOVES, MITTS, HOSIERY, HANDKERCHIEFS. w ' - 1 4''; I.ADIES' AND GENTS' GAUSE UNDERWEAR, t Men's and Boys' Wear. aft f. Ever so many articles marked at the LOWEST' v-: . r vii.; CASH PRICES, and an inspection will certainly -V- be an inducement to my kind patrons to spend their cash at m. m . katz's 116 Market St. MAKE YOUR PURCHASES AT The Ladies' Emporium 115 market Street. AND SAVE MONEY I FANS. DRESS TRIMMJtNGSlDEPARTMENT. Mohair Braids. Onen Work Braids. Ornament . ' Braid and Passamenterie Braids in all colors. Jet-. ' Gimps, Passementeries, Panels, Fronts, Vests. . liACES. -A Oriental, Italian,7 Valenciennes, Duchess, Fe dora and all varieties. innrtr a t a w iin wwiTt I t i a. a m ful and cheap stock of LACE FLOUNCINGS and-- LACE FISCHUS, in CHANTILLY, SPANISH GUI- . -PURE. ORIENTAL and PLATE VALEC1ENNEB, in 43 inch width. Ail-Over and' Narrow Edge to -match. A SPECIAL BARGAIN in above this week . Largest assortment of Laces In the city, v , EMBROIDERIES. - -V - White Hamburg and Nainsook Flounoings; All' ' Over BmhroiderleH and Edcrinrs 'to match. The J GLOVES. , r'f An elegant assortment of Ladles' and Child- ' rnn'a and GIotar. from Rftn In S1.25 each. -t- Lislo Thread and Silk, In all shades and colors; ' best makes and all qualities. - CORSETS, , Ladies' and Children's; Bustles. Hoop Skirts, ; Thompson's celebrated Glove-Fitting A Thomp- son's Abdominal. Hall's Health Corset and other c makes, from 50c to 53 each. An elegant coreet y for5o. ( ' ' PARAMOIiS. A large aortment of Ladles' and Children's Parasols from 25c to $8, best materials, latest J":. styles. COLLARS and C0FFS. - - HOSIERY, all qualities, colors and prices. 1 " . HANDKERCHlBFii for Ladles and Children - from 3o eachand upwards. - - s a... INFANTS' CAPS and SUN BOHBKTH. 1 W1JI , call ha.a of a mrraat. Vq t tran liniHno mArtwl-::f. ' x them down to-day. i miLLINERY AND FANC1T GOODS. - The handsomest and largest assortment ever ; brought to this citv. A new lot of Children's .r and Ladies' Hats and Bonnets received to day. - - CREPE VEILING. TRIMMING CREPE, SILK -NUN'S VEILING. A NEW LOT OF DEMOREST'S RELIABLE l PATTERNS Just received. 4 -'' SPECIAL ATTENTION is directed to rcy ele- " gant line of DRESS SILKS in French Faille, Su rah, Gros Grain and Jersey Silks, elegant quality at lowest prices. r Most Respectfully, ' , " M ITIRS. E. B. WIGGINS. Conntry orders solicited and promptly filled. " my 8 tf - I v ' Feather Dusters, BIRD CAGES, TIN TOILET SETS. BATH TUBS, Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers and Re frlgerators, which we are selling low down. Full -line of the best Cooking Stoves In the market. Lightning Rods put up and Drive Well Pumps . put down at bottom figures. Call and see us. .- -PARKER A TAYLOUr i je 5 tf 28 South Front street. .JV Cotton Planters. "yyE HAVE A FEW OF THE , CELEBRATED. - Lytch Cotton Planters on hand- Send In your orders at once. We can make yon bottom t prices.' ; . 't WM. E. SPRWGEB A CO.', n - Is maklngCnevfrlends everyday. Consume, state that it goes so muck further than the adul terated lard with which the market is flooded. That it Is decidedly the most economical to use, ' and being absolutely pure, It can be substituted , for butter In nearly all classes ef cooking j . ,t . . .i , , G. CAS8ARD A- SON,' ' 1 , . .s - Baltimore, Md. - Cnrers of the celebrated "Star Brand" mild ; oared Hams and Breakfast Bocon, - v . . -1vll tyr . tp ' , r, , ft ,5